THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAV, PORTLAND. MAT 14, 1923 19 TTTTT W WHfTFTl TflCWAT lL fc"E NEED someone to represent us in Aa- toria, Medford, Roseburg, aarsn--, Pendleoi, Brad, Salem and Bbgece. To the right parties we can offer a propo sition bo that you can start a clean, profitable business of your own. No capital needed. Writ for particulars. M. A EL Sales Company, Artisans bldg., Portland. - VAN'COUVEH SOLICITOR. vat4. man or woman residing In Vancouver, Wash., to act as solicitor for large ratall Portland store. Must bare previous house-to-house selling experi ence. Full particulars first letter.. AS oo uregonian. IHB OLDS, WOPvTMAJT KINO STORE requires the services of an experienced Mies worn an for basement unoe cept Best of references required. Apply super -tandent'e office. 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED Bright, capable girl or woman to answer telephone; must have had omi experience In meeting the public, a Diesinr S--nnL?4tv rftnAble of han dling business conversation; good, steady position to the right party who wishes to taae an interest in ner worn., tja-i .aa- 3337 for appointment. IkULLINERY salesladies wanted with good following among the exclusive set; wages no object to one who can sell uch trade; those now employed wishing to make change preferred; all replies held strictly confidential. AN 048, Oregonian. VOL'LD like an elderly lady, one' that is a good clean cook, only 2 to cook for and 2 meals a day: also to answer phone In afternoons; a fine home for some lady, wages $23 a month with a front room and bath. Answer with phone number. AH 002, Oregonian. fioOD. steady woman, unencumbered, to help In concession and home during Summer. One experienced in selling over counter preferred; good home and wages to rtght party. Give age and ex perience in first letter. A J 662, Ore aronian. WANT young lady for checking stock rec- ords at large whinrsaie house: knowl edge of bookkeeping he!pful; state where employed past three years, salary re ceived, phone number, and age. S 562, Oregonian. WANTED Bright girl who has finished school, wishing to take up office work od answer telephoned; good, steady po sition, chance for advancement. Call in person. Troy Laundry Co.. East Tenth and Pine sts. TEA CHER or college student, dignified va catJon or permanent work alontr school lines; similar positions paying 150-1350 per month; minimum earning assured. Write sales manager, 515 Syndicate BMg.. Oakland. Cat. A HOUSEKEEPER by widower with ohlldren, near ocean beach, Yachata, Or., work not heavy, middls-aged iady pre ferred, good home, moderate wages and a pleasant place to live. Guy Hays. Waldnort. Or. PEMONSTRATORS WANTED OUR REP RESENTATIVES EARNING UP TO $40 COMM. PER DAY. LIGHT, PLEASANT WORK. 35 RUSSELL BLDG., 4TH AND MORRISON STS. REAL men and women who are willing to put forth BTary ounce of energy they possess for their own success; liberal commission ; ;x peri e nee and references. 820 Lumbermen bldg. Mrs. Starr. MORE young ladies to assist In my growing dancing classes ; experience not necessary if 'willing to learn. Apply Sun. 11 to 12 Muriark hall. Professor MacFarlane. HOTEL waitress, $40, room, board, out; cook, hospital, $0; 3 second maids, $50 $80; housekeeper, $23; good cooks in private homts, $(5-?70. Scott's Employ ment Offire. 329 Henry bldg. YOUNG woman with pleasing personality and good ed teat ion for permanent posi tion ; may leave city If desired ; salary according to .jualif ications. C 672. Orego nian. WE NEED several wide awake college students or teachers for summer vaca tion. Work along educational lines. Guar anteed salary; selection lo be made now. B 661. Oregonian. LADIES $10 commission daily easy; brand new; ironing board covers, selling fast; experience unnecessary; spare time only. Sample free. Ration Mfg. Co.. deDt. 7031. Baltimore bid a-.. Chicaeo. tHE PORTLAND exclusive Pants Shop requires the services if a good pants operator or section workers; also good finisher. Apply Sunday 10 to 12 A. M., A1 AlisKv i : e. W A N T woman without children for light housekeeping on a farm for a man and three girls, aged 3. 4 and J; must be a Protestant. W. S. Houck, MeMinn vllle. Or. WANTED Stenographer experienced in DanKing to be assistant to cashier Tor bank in centra! Oregon. State expe rience, beginning salary, references. BF 659, Oregonian. . LAI'IHS 550 commission weekly intro ducing exquisite Swiss embroidery. You can not fail ; furnish everything that starts you. Are-nzo Mfg. Co., dept. 44-DD. 4D57 N. (Jrawford. Chicaeo. La i Y to kt-t-p house, plain, common, sav ing, middle-aged, steady home, small wages with small child preferred; no others nt ed answer. Milwaukie, Or., route 1. box 121. WANT GIRL to work in tailor shop: would like one with some experience ; good waxes to start with. 410 E. Burn side. lapi is wanted tor Joy -J el. Jells any fruit juice like magic: no competi tion; wonderful side line. Joy-Jel Coin pany. M0 Grand. St. Joseph. Mo. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter for small laundry, who alt-o understands cleaning and pressing. Apply to W. E. Crist. Mnntesano. Wash. C,.:,. 77-. : : : : hIp with meals; night and morning, about 40 years; Scandinavian preferred. AO ft.'3. Oregon ian. LNY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Refuge Home. May- fa tr and Alexander sts. Phone Main swtu. n.M ear. WANTED -U 'ohm d i or general housework by atauTiy wman living at Lac-entseir, Wash. Phone East 26316. Imjulre' 792 E. Flanders. STENOGRAPH K Ft S BOOKKEEPERS register with Williams Personnel Serv ice for reliable positions. oU3-04 Spald Ins bide. Wanted -Two neat ladies. IS to 2 travel with manager, guaranteed s. and transportation. Mrs. Dunsmoor, Palace Hotel. t COMPETENT lady typist, one with ex perience in insurance office preferred Advise, giving salary expected. AN 664, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER m workingman's h.-me. 3 cnnaren ; state w ages wan tea. age and experience. One that knows how. AG wi. oregonian. .T ONCE Five ladies to travel, demon strate and sell dealers; S40 to $75 per wet-k. railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug i ci ur. 10 assist nn cookii-.c and general nouaeworK. 1'none i. H34. Call and phone Sunday. 645 E. 9th Rt. North WANT miili'.'.. - .Aged lady to hejp with trtm- hi'usework Apply 1&53 E. Flan- d-crs Moii. lav m rnlng. 6T H li A Vx :. Hurroujrhs nostinir ma chine; maybe can use good bookkeeper. lmK to u'arn; itiu. iv oat, oregonian. "AM EI A first-class stenographer ate fully experience and salary wanted 136 Oregonian. HIGH school girl who can remain through summer to assist with housework East WANT lady partner; good opportunity; proposition. BC 653, Ore- safe, clean gonian. good home; must be fond of children. Main 4913. RELIABLE tfirl for nn-rnl hnxMiirnrV will go to the btaeh; $40 a month. East 1 103. iik-v puitiLiou, iurn;sii reierences ana teie phone number. BJ 649, Oregonian. rtenced in chamber work, to substitute. Campbell Hill Hotel. .BRK.HT. capable woman, over 30. for oer- nianen ; position ; not office: full time requn V 666. Oregonian. WANTED 'Private- ttchr to teach Jap- society American dance. George Hn'-ia. .'41 Pelav st.. c 1 1 v. EXPE Rl ENCBD marcel wavor, hairdress er and manicurer. Rosenthal Sisters. Upman, Wolfe .t Co. WANTED Yuur.s ladies, to sail ltrb(. f.-,- patriotic organization; remuneration for aarvicea BC 646. Oregouian. WANTED A young lady for housfkpTr lor widower with one ebi.d. Pbone Mil wault ;e 84. M WANTED Experienced slng.e needle oi- rator on tents. Apply Hirsch-Weis M'c 'o.. 205 Burnslde. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTOX hom.T eady to help any girls in distress. 955 Eaat Glisan. "M V car. East 316. WANTED A Kirl nr hnv tn li ZZTZZTZ aphy. Fink Studio. uihl tor general r.ousewora. one who like- htldren. Tabor 4323 WANTED Co k for small hospital. Call 742 Overton t GIRLS to ael phonographs. Inquire 14.1W Killintswo th. YOUNG lady wanted to cook in old camp- give description AP IHL Orevoninn blt'TATlN'vj machine sienogra; hers. Reir- m er nl the K'li: hon-. 5Q2 Oregon bldg. r nan, i TfKoniHn. i STRONG g.rl wanted to wrap in part if in t houaa. c 65a, Oregonian. W.EP FEMALE- QIRL for novertty aiop, 540 per month to start; pay no ob.oot If adapted, to work; flappers and talkers not wanted. Do not apply ira-eaa unusually patlon t. pairteknr, trou with hands and not afraid to work. G-rve phono num beg. AT. 952, Oregon Ian. CO NGE NIAL lady in pretty country home will share with refined young1 or middle aged lady during summer. In exchange for assistance; duties light. Answer promptly. AY 24, Oregonian. I HAVE a dandy position for two young I sadles SO- 5 years, of age who would i care to travel; expenses and salary. Personal lntervtew only, Sunday morning. I jits, wneat, room uonrgiB note:. WANTED By a large local corporation. an expert telephone switchboard oper ator. at a good salary; those not thor ougniy experienced neea not repiy, 638. Oregonian. Wanted Domestics. EX PER LJSNCE D COOK BEST WAGES. Phone Main 47S0. GIRL for general housework and to assist m care of year-old baby. Must be com petent and dependable and furnish ref- ( erences. Phone East 6159 Sunday and Broadway 7644 Monday. GIKL to wait table, assist in cooking and general care of house; comfortable room, 1 Kood wares. Phone East 2552. 620 I Wasco st. WANTED An experienced girl to asgtst in general housework ; all modern elec tric conveniences, family of four, small house. Wood lawn 60 10. WANTED Girl to do housework in small family, German preferred, give address and state age and salary; close in. A 668. Oregonian. GOOD, reliable girl or woman, gen. house work ; good wages ; rio washing. Mrs. R H Grandy, Beaverton, Or. Phone Bdwy. 3721. WOMAN for light work In 'home and care of 6-mo.-old baby, from 8 A. M. till 5 P. M. : schooldays only; $20 per month. Call Tabor 14u. WOMAN to come in daily for cooking and general housework in small apartment. Phone Bdwy. 6877 Sunday and Monday mornings. WANTED A lady to help in a country home near Portland ; father and son to cook for; wages $30 or $35. Apply Sunday at 740 East 21st st. S. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work and cooking, to go to Hood River; no laundry. Main ggJP. gag overett. WANTED A srlrl for general housework small family and no washing. Phone Tabor 931. YOUNG girl to assist with housework; no washing; good home; wages $20. Main YOUNG girl wanted to assist with light housework, good home, small wages, -ido 6th st. EX P EfR I ENO ED girl for general house work; wilj spend summer at Victoria Call at 80 PettygTo-e st. WILL give home to middle-aged Swiss or German couple in exchange for house k eeping. suburban home. East 830G. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. 3 adults. 381 10th st., cor. Montgomery. WANTED work. 777 mornings. in experienced girl tor house Everett st. Main 4292. Call GIRL to assist with housework, wages $25. Call 628 E. 13th st. N. Irvlngton car to Stanton st. RELIABLE girl to cook and do general housework; references required. Phone Main EX IjeA ENCED maid Tor second work. Miss Flanders, 109 North 19th street. Bdwy. 4770. WANTED Woman to help care for small home and 16-months baby. Call Tabor 1879. WAN TED Young girl to do housework. Tabor 9025. NEAT, reliable girl to do housework. Phone Broadway 72C3- WANTED Girl for general housework. 410 E. llth st. N. for general . 487 East housework. $25. f4th st. North. GOOD girl wanting permanent position excellent family call Main 3827. EXPERIENCED girl work, small family. for general house Phone Aut. 318-67. WANTED A housekeeper In Hood River, AK 070. Oregonian. -. ' WOMAN housekeeper, must be neat capable. Tabor 2266. GIRL for general housework; state salary and n-fwnoes. BC 042. Oregon ian. GIRL Tor general housework, 3 in family. Main 4825. 145 N. 22d. GIfcL wanted for general housework. Kust 2331. BJS Halsey. YOUNG girl for cooking. East general 7014. housework; no HELP W ANTEp MA LE OR FEMA LE. LADIES, men $30 commission weekly guaranteed taking orders siik nosiery, private families, commission spare time experience unnecessary. We deliver. Marvel Mills, 545 Broadway, B-S8. New York. MAN OR woman wanted. 40 weekly full time. $1 an hour spare time, selllnc guaranteed hosiery to wearer; experience unnecessary, international jams, A-lul Norristown, Pa. PRINTING SOLICITOR Experienced, lady or gentleman, at once. Good oppor tunity. Apply today between 12 and 3 o'clock at 302 Pine st. SOLICITORS wanted; call Monday fore noon. 3bl East 11th street, corner Har rison. EXPERIENCED pants operator. 201 Allsky bldg. PHOTO order solicitors; easiest coupon city to sell. 471 Wash., Monday. WANTED Two good solicitors; missions. L 664, Oregonian. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Reliable man with $4000 to $6000 to take charge of office, or as active worker, and assist in manage ment of legitimate manufacturing busi ness, ' founded U years ago ; showing steady progress, making good money, plenty of orders; field for expansion wide open, no competition. For details see A. E. DAVIS. 41S Board of Trade. HAVE several good manufacturing propo sitions; need from $5000 to $lu,O0O with services. Come in aud let us talk It over. S. BORLAND, REALTOR, 223 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. EXPERIENCED NURSE OR GOOD BUSI NESS WOMAN WANTED AS ASSIST ANT TO DOCTOR FOR A REST CURE SANITARIUM. MUST INVEST SMALL CAPITAL. V 590. OREGONIAN. WANTED Lady partner in newspaper, ptioto play and short story work; expe rience not necessary; right party given free instruction. Ted. Gram. Box 42 Beaverton. Oregon. WANT partner in manufacturing busi ness. Interest in company according to amount of finance. Must have your serv ices. We are not agents. AE 601. Ore gonian. OWN half interest in a going mfg. busi ness; want man to come in with me on my interest as manager; other business compels me to leave city; $600 required. G 664. Oregonian. IF YOU ARE a salesman and can invest $150 in one of our complete radiophone receiving sets you can make some real money in this Interesting game. Y 667, Oregonlam WANTED A live man with from $300 to $t50O to invest In Radio Mfg. Co.; going concern : prospects of enormous profits. XO Radio Co,, S35 Lumbermens bldg1. WANTED Party with $10,000 cash join me In logging operations. O 4 Oregonian. to WANTED Practical plumber to buy a workniB" interest la plumbing business. East 4852. WANT a partner m adv. business; full in vestigation: $250 required, -: Interest. 30S Buchanan bldg. WANT man with some money; something good, 521 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. IF ItOJLJBS or gophers Call Eaat 1562v disturb your lawns COOK-HELPER, first-class mvat carver. wishes work. a.n Qi. oregonian. KALSOMIN1NO and painting, work done right, reasonaoie. iavis". uawy. fin. I- IX I T Remo del i rg. a 1 tera tions, repairs. Qg".k work. Wain. QOIb. CARPENTER wants to do alteration and repair by contract. cast KALSOMINiNG by day. hour on contract. hone Mam rtoom o. 7. Dp ust have work ; can drive AB 616, Oregonian. EXCAVATING AND PLOWING DONE. EAST 7820. WANTED Concrete work basement ; -56. have mixer. Fhone Aut HOUSE CLEANING and gardening wanted; permanent. K oregonian. PAINTING. Good work for less. Bdwy. ilhlH SCHOOL student. Job afternoons 1 Saturdays. woodlawn 87.3B. "WILL work mornings and eveiung-3 room. AO n5. Oregon .an. RELIABLE man, handy vrUi toola; will take any kind work. BF tV3, OrtHronian. WE DO aTi kinds of carpenta-r work, old and new. Max -.hall. 3183. HELP SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. UNIVERSITY man, 28, married, with good j foundation experience for selllnsr and : buying lumber, would like connection j with reliable wholesale or sales agency; am experienced yard and shipping fore- , man; also experienced in office end. ac counting. Durchasinc etc. : excellent ref- ! erences as to character and ability. BJ 646. Oregonian. . COLLEGE STUDENT, left on account of a very modest pocketbook, ambitious and willing worker, 24 years of age and an ex-service man, good appearance and pleasing personality. Address 428 Harri son st. Phone Bdwy. 1818. Lin T. Mc Mahon. ; ; MAN and wife with girl 10 years old want work where room and board is found ; woman to cook and do housework, man good milker and choreman: for widower; or bachelor, no other womsvn; they are middle-aged people and want permanent : p.ace. AE 653. Oregonian i ELECTRICAL and motor diploma engineer wants position as tractor driver or elec trical work; 10 years of actual experi ence with tractor, truck and electric; married; wants steady job; state wages paid. Write 813 W. Heron st., Aber dee n. Was bl Al AUTOMOBIXIST, PRIVATE FAMILY .OR COMPANY CHAUFFEUR AND AUTO MECHANCIC AND GOOD ALL AROUND MAN; GOOD REFERENCE; SIX YEARS' EXPERIENCE. J- L. WASSON, PHONE EAST 209, EAST 258 AND EAST 394S. COLORED AND SINGLE FIRST-CLASS violinist at liberty. large library of standard and popular music, prefer picture and vaudeville house; married; wish to locate: best of refer ences; all letters answered. Felix E. Lo chner. Fairmount. Mi nn , SOiiER, Industrious, neat, clean, e'derly single man wants steady position around apartment or residence; A-l gardener, poultry, stock, etc.; if you desire a good, dependanble. trusty man. answer this: win go any place. AH 651, Oregonian. LOC-UEKS. ATTENTION. Cooks want position; a couple of the best logging-camp cooks on the coast. man and wife; very bst local reiereuoes. satisfaction guaranteed ; 5:uu. rainier, Bdwy. 2098. -." " A-l ACCOUNTANT d3sires position us of fins m.rT rv.hir Of hOOKKeeDer. 6X nerienced in 'warehousing; best of refer ences. Address, Fred W. Balz. P. O box 1835, Seattle, Wash. PEA1RS & SON. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. BEST MATERIAL. SKILLED MECHANICS. PHONE EAST 3649. SHINGLING We specialize In reshingllng and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract satisfaction guaranteed East 11)28. estimates free. CARPENTER and contractor wants work by the day or contract, let me figure on your new home or repair work. For first class work and quick service phone East 6521. DON'T try to get a position til! we press your suit for 43 eenis, while you wait. Joy, the tailor, 104 4th.. near Stark. JOY. THE TAILOR. 104 FOURTH STREET. WANTED Posaion on ranch or farm for man and wife with one girl 16 years; capable of making or repairing all im plements, carpentry and general work. D 65i, Orego:a-n. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Work guaranteed ; my attention Is given to patrons in Oregon and Wash ington. Walter Norby, 874 Castle ave.. Portland, Or. Automatic 323-08. MAN and wife, cooks, desiro position in hotel; capable of full, management Phone East 4493, or address) J 032, Qrj gonla n. WANTED By competent vegetable gar dener, single, practical, with fcrm, in stitution or country estate. Jack Schaefer, New Hotel Foster. 66 N. 3d st. CHAUFFEUR 6 years' experience. Jap anese, first-class chauffeur wants posi tion in private family. AC o6i, Ore- gonian. CHAUFFEUR, 2 years' exp. L. A. and S. F. ; drive any make car, long distance preferred or floor man garage ; refer ences. AC 005, Oregonian. OCEAN LAKE, Tillamook Beach. Or. Nice new cottages, by week or season, centrally located ; near line lake ; fur nished: rent reasonable. Main 1SS4. FOR general gardening and grass cutting, new lawns made and old lawns made over, cail Marshall 3512. Piease call evenings. WA-NTiED Position as janitor or clerk in hotel or apartment; will do plumlbiug repairs In connection. S. W. R MB Woodward ave. ENGINEER-SUPERINTENDENT Office building, wants position. Employed bur reason lor cnange. BF 017. Oregonian. PAINTING, K ALSO MINING, DECORA'J 1NG; GET MY PRICES FIRST; 20 YttS. EXP.; BANK REF. 62S-4U. WILL mix concrete, $1.25 per nour, power mixer, wheelbarrows ana tools. phoue East 733 between 6 and 7 P. M. POSITION by an experienced meat cutter, go anywhere. Address A. B., 303 Com mercial st.. Roseuurg, Or. WANT to finisn learning the cabinel making trade; can do any straight woik. 12i2 Atlantic sL GROCERY man with family needs work; give me a chance; I can sure make good. jnuton, .Main aou. PAINTING AND DECORATING, ESTI MATES FURNISHED. 1NDJ-K &. PET ERSON . MARSHALL 1S2S. YOUNG man wishes to learn baker s trade. Will work very reasonable while learn ing. AR 672, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS barber wants job in Pendle ton or Walla Walla. Commercial Hotel. 49 0 Ms W ashingtun st.. room 56. YOLLNtG MAN attending wishes work from 5 to 12 O r eo n ian school B O0O. SALESMAN wants start in grocery, might buy later. Call Broadway 2705 be tore 9 A. M. EXPERIENCED man. scales strain boil ers and cleans fire boxes. By contract. S 044, Oregonian. WILL look at'Ler car for room a little later. Best qualifications, references. Mr. Sutton, Meyers' garage, Tigard. YOUNG MAN, experienced m house work, desired position. commission L oil. Ore- gonian. BAKEK Pastry cook; good cook; well experienced, all-around man, wants w oik. G 63. Oregonian. NEAT and experience 30, want work on f and gardener. A Al 1 man and wife, age ountry place as cook iQU, Oregoniap. FAlNTi.SU, INTERIOR DEPURATING; BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMAN SHIP. GAlTHEK, MARSHALL 11703. WANTED Position by ail-around laundry man, over 20 years' experience. R 620, Oregonian. ENGINEER Steam, electric refrigerating. New York City license, wishes position. Pedersen, 504 E. Clay. East 4834. HAVE Ford car; want collecting. tising or what have you .' Can g erences and bond. Tabor 2515. illlJLLK-AGED woman desires position in physicians or dentist's office; nave eac- perlence. 1 Phone Wood law n 0459. ARDENEPt. experienced, wants work by GARDENE the nour. Aut. 635-M. EXPERIENCED chauffeur will drive party to ban Francisco lor passage. Af 665, Oregonian. PAINTING, kaiso mining, paper-hanging at f.i sonaiile pric-t-. .Mar, l-ioo. WANTED Gardening, grading, first-class vork. Henry, Lroadway 4ol. IF YOU need temporary neip in your busi ness call uroaaway -. u o pbiure m. HOUSECLEANING, floor waxing, window cleaning; fine work. P. J. gowg. B. 1308. SMALL dance orchestra wishes engage ments. Phone Main 3835. PAINTING, tinting, papinng, good work. reasonable. Sellwood 1 3'ju. SINGLE man wants steady work, garage or wholesale. AG 650. Oregonian. CARPENTER waau work (.Walnut 1862). Call after 1:30 P. M. Sundays. GROCERY clerk, show card writer, wants position; references. AJ 611. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN needs work painting, kal- somining ; reasonable Maclin, Main 1515 CEMENT work by day or contract. 3302 after 6 P- M. JANITOR wants work; best of references. Aut. 635-81. GARDENER wants lawns, spading, seed- ing. etc. Call Broadway 213. Kahlield. EXC A VATINU, plowing, general teaming, contract or day work. Marshall isos. TEA AUNG, piowirug. excavating, etc. East 210 day time only. -4Q East Sth St. PAINTING, J.lnting, papering, good work, reasonable. Seliwoou 13iJtl. CHEF A good all-around man wants work. AUt. PLUMBER wants small jobs, repairs, ex pert work, low estimates. Bdwy. 2583. CEMENT WORK. llAvE MO PHONE TABOR B7S1. RE SHINGLING, patching, by exp. shin gler. city or country. Marshall 2o05. BUTCHER, experienced meat cutter, de si re sposUhjnP6j37Oregoni an . PAINTING, papering or tinting done to suit. Automatic 622-96. PAINTING, tinting, first-ciass work guar anteed. Phone East 326J. PLUMBING done very reasonable by the hour or job Automatic 235-51. LET ME figure on your house A- P. Anderson, Sellwood 1052. WIN DOW repairing creens. mirrors and furniture snd cabinet work. Wdln 1487. LAWN, garden and odd-job work sonable prices. Aut. 629-70. CARPENTER will buiid your home right. Manny. Sellwood 2421. W-A-VT -b ESS tng Taoor tfTO. " f SITUATIONS WAXTED MALE. AN EXPERIENCED collector would ap preciate a position with some good wholesale house where he could use his experience for the benefit of ail con cerned. I might consider position with a good collection agency; understand salesmanship. M 63S, Oregonlan. ENGINEER, steam, electrical and re frigerating, with hotel, hospital and restaurant experience; married, desires position at once. Best of recommenda tions. Would consider good Janitor Job in apartment house I need work. Phone Marshall 1394. ElNERGETIC college student, with car, desiree position during vacation; sales experience; will go on the road:; have had bookkeeping' and general office ex perience; logging or construction camp preferred. H. B. G. . 663 Wash in gton St., CoT-vallls, Or. CON TRACTIN G. REPAIRING AND ADDITIONS. GAR AGES A SPECIALTY. CONCRETE BASEMENTS. WALKS AND DRIVE WAYS, BRICK AND CEMENT BLOCK WORK. PHONE TABOR 3063. VE'RTERrNlAtR sturgeon, graduate, over 25 years' experience, first class, desires position with construction; wouio. con sider barn work and veterinary. Address Dr. T. J. Lloyd, general delivery. Port land, Or. STRONG, capable man with clerical ex perience and accustomed to meeting the public would like a position where his services are required about ft hours daily. 8 P. M. to 2 P. M. AM 674 OTe son Ian. , IN RETURN for board and room and small compensation will drive, make minor re pairs on your car and do chorea about the house evenings1, Saturday afternoons and Sund a y." Call room 112 Athens hotel TOTJNl Ford man. 2S, offers his services with go anywhere, do anytnmg ai most; no reasonable proposition turned down. W. H. Ross, 544 Fettygrove, apt 21. ' YOUNG married man, two children, urgently in need of work: well educated; quick and accurate at figures. Will do anything whatever except canvassing. AJ 660, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY cocmpetent and experi enced Ford man desires position in stock room, service floor or shop, in city or out of town. A real worker. K 660, Oregonian. " - YOUNG man wishes position with respon sible local firm offering opportunity for advancement ; bookkeeping, clerical or other to get started; Al references. Ad dress L 665, Oregonian. SELLING tickets on evenings and Sundays or where competent help is required; experienced and references. Phone Mar shall 1006 after 6 P. M. or 8:30 A. M. HOTEL man and wife, absolutely depend able, with exceptional references; man ex-chef, steward, also knows front end thoroughly. C 652, Oregonian. JAPANESE first-class cook, thoroughly competent, desires position, private fam ily, hotel, club or camp. AN 65S, Ore gonian. ALL-AROUND country printer-operator, 15 years' experience; capable of handling working foremanshlp Address E. V. S., 1113 E. 15th st. N., Portiand, Or. RELIABLE man wants position as janitor In apartment house ; can kalsomtne. paint and gen. repair work, Marshall 3343, room 8. COLLECTOR, experienced, energetic a,nd dependable works on commission basis. For interview address AJ 666, Orego- AN ELDERLY man wants light work where he will have good home, wages no cbjcrct; references furnished. A 662. Oregonian. SWEDISH middle-aged man, single. wants to work lor private ramuy; taKe care of lawn and fJowera. W 601. Ore gonian IF YOU are looking for an Al stenographer and general office man, please get In touch with me ; am experienced. Write AG 670. Oregonian. " YOUNG man of good character want.) situ ation; clerical, delivery man; anything honest. Fred Presgrove. room 303. Hotel Clyde. , BY M new method' I clean all dust and smoke from kalsomine, wall paper, tap estry, Without injury or streaks; nothing on floors: city references. Main 5S02. MAN, ui), experienced in all kinds of steam engines, road rollers and pile drivers, wants position. M 667. Ore- gonian. WANTED country, re fere no P o s iti o n as et e w ard, city or salary or commission ; best of s. E MB, Oregonian. MARRIED man, experienced in electrical sup-plies and fixtures, assembly in and hanging. W 6T5. Oregonian. HOUSE CLEANING, painting, furniture re finished by experienced man who guar antees his work. Phone Broadway 11. PAINTING, PAPERING AND CALClMiN ING We use lead and oil and save you money. Tabor 2328. POSITION wanted in baker shop; good all-around man- A. Baker, 199 Mill at.. Salem, Or, JANITOR'S position for a first-class apt. house; experience and first-class rets, etc. P 639. Oregonian. Main 747. EXPERT LANDSCAPING. NEW LAWNS. SPRAYING, SPADING. CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS. EAST 8917. WANTED, WORK Alan and wife. In Port land or close in; no children. Call or write 868 Union ave. Geo. H. Daniels. CANDY-MAKER, all-around retail, make ice cream and all; need work at once. G 638, Oregonian. CIRCULAR sawyer wants sawing by the M., or bonus system. AC 604, Orego- PAINTING, CALCI MINING, PAPERING. The best lead and oil; outside painting a specialty. Auto. 624-30. CEMENT iinisher, by contract, workman ship first-clangs, prices ieasonable. Bdwy, 6601. W A X T E'DP asiti on as n lgh?t wa t chim a n or caretaker; can fumLsh good ref. W 6.4. Oregonian. EN PERI ENCED man would like house cleaning and window washing. All week, Bdwy. 3-047. MAN WITH team wants work plowing, excavating, grading, etc. East 3487. Ask for Russell Henry. SAW YER wants position; 8 years' ex perience; can hammer saws and mlll wright; references. F 634. Oregonian, WANTED By experienced man. garden ing, lawn work and landscaping. A- E. Godfrey. Phone Sellwood 1662. HOTEL bookkeeper or clerk, also time keeper and form work, cost accounting. Wdin. 736. V FLOOR surfacing, finishing, waxing and polishing. W. H. Tlbbitte. 4803 32d ave. S. E. Talsor 4052. WE BUILD small houses ana garages and repair old ones; rock-bottom prices. 735 East Main. East 3550. POSITIONS wanted, first-second marker or talleymen. F. D. Webb, 11 East 12th st. N. Phone East 9554. HAULING wanted with 4-ton truck; cord wood, lumber or logging; go anywhere. Call Sundav 322-74. CONCRETE work, first-class workman ship and work guaranteed. Bdwy. 43. Louis 5c hmidt. WANTED Lawn mowing, home garden ing or odd jobs, 55c per hour. East 8427. Call Monday. SITUATION on farm by middle-aged man, good teamster; or will take charge. P. 671, Oregonian. . EXPERT bookkeeper, small business; hourly basis, contract; rapid worker. E 626, Oregonlan. CAlti'ENTER and general construction 1 foreman available after 14th; references STATIONARY gas engineer wants operat ing job on large engine. AH 607, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED metal pattern maker de sires position in or out of town. F 601, Oregoniap. EX-SERVICE man wishes a position as chauffeur, truck driving or tractor op- erating. Auto. 610-80. PLASTERING BY CONTRACT. First-class work guaranteed. East 2011. INDUSTRIOUS, single, middle-aged man desires gardening or other work; local references. Main 545L WAITER or steward, first-class, wishes position. Reference. AP 604. Oregonian. GOOD handy man, work any kind, low wages. MArshall 3535. Mowelie. JAPANESE cook, good all-around man. wants work. Call East 2347. YOUNG married man wishes carpenter Job Call Main 4598. CHAUFiFEUR, IO yrs. experience, willing and honest : will go anywhere- E. 4J3. MILL foreman will take charge of mill. AC 603. Oregonian. PAPERHANG1NG. tinting, painting; refer ences given. Alvln Ray, East 3306. GRANITE and marble monuments cleaned. Walker. 488 Flanders. RESHINGLING our specialty; prices reas onable, work guaranteed Auto. 325-16, PRINTER, executive, estimator, salesman, open for engagement. O 66fl. Oregonian. EXCAVATING. grading, dump wagon work. Woodlawn 5612. PAINTING and papering done right, $0 a day. Tabor 7828. EXPERIENCED janitor want steady po sition. M. Wanke, 164 V 1st st. Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Offl ce. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher open for position. G 661. Orego nian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER of 15 years experience, seeks charge of several small offices. AP 655. Oregonian. WANTED A small set of books to keep an hour or two a day. Main 1885. AUDITS made, systems installed, kept, income tax. Main 6ft, SITUATION? WANTED MAUfi. Bookkeepers, stenographers. Office. HIGH -CLASS office manager and auditor seeks connection with large corporation, broad experience in accounting, auditing and coEt accounting for mannfacturers. 15 years" valuable training; clean record. C. L. E. W.. Route 3. Box 769. SINGLE young man, 26, wishes position as bookkeeper, assistant bookkeeper or office work; six years' experience in lumber mill; salary secondary consid eration; will go any place. AF 643, Ore gonian. THOROUGHLY competent and experi enced Ford bookkeeper and accountant desires position in city or out. A real worker. H 657. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and general office man with seven years bank experience desires position. A-l references. AC 660. Ore gonian. $ EXPERIENCED lumber Invoice clerk and genera.! office man; young man; capable assuming responsibility. A 675, Orego nian. A-l GENERAL ledger man wishes two or three days' work at the end of each month. Excellent Portland references. H U65. Oregonian. BOOKKElEPEtR. stenographer. several years' experience, efficient areneral of fice man. wishes permanent position. Tabor 7566. lOUNG man wishes posltior n as assistant 666. Ore- bookkeeper or office work gonian. l-1 BOOKKEEPER, general office man. desires position: best references. Tabor 7116. or B 627. Oregonian. 21 AND married, general office, bookkeep ing, typing; good local references. Staples East S093. East 62 Salesman. SALESMAN with car, aggressive. Indus trious, experienced salesman wishes con nection with substantial. established concern; no schemes; ready to go. Auto matic 323-08. WANTED To sell to trade on commis sion candy, tobacco, notions, stationery and other good lines, by young man with experience ; have car; good refer ences. S 643. Oregonian. EX-BUSINESS man of 3o desires position ae salesman; salary and bonus. BJ 642, Oregonian. , SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, YOUNG woman, wilHng to work for home and small wages if she can have year old child with her. AM 667. Oregonian. HOUSE cleaning, window washing, floors polished; estimates furnished. JfValnut EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants ho usee lean ing. washing or other work ; good work done. Woodlawn 630S. YOUNG girl wishes work In small grocery or confectionery. Willing to help with housework. Automatic 640-85. CHILDREN cared for during a ay and evening, except Sat. and Snn. 671 Hoyt street. RELIABLE, middle-aged woman, cooking or nouseKeepmg in or out city, ooa. Oregonian. . MTDDLE-AGET) lad? a chambermaid i East 663. would) like position hotel; experienced. MILLINER of 8 years' experience wants I situation in Portland, either as saleslady I or trimmer. g 057. Oregonian. M1DDLEAGED woman, with dautrhter 17, wants position housekeeper or cook in camip. 206 13th et. Phone Main 7o48. RBU'AiJLE lady wishes work or care rooms in exchange for H. K. rooms. 63-6. Oregonian. AN ELLIOTT -FISHER operator desires po sition, 2 years' experience ; will beein at moderate salary. Phone Mar. 2406. A MIDDLE-AGED woman wants house work by day or month. 726 East 21st St., City. COMPETENT, experienced cook and baker, hotel, summer resort or cafeteria baker. Phone Marshall 224. BEGINNER wants office and sten. work, $10 per week to start. AB 608, Ore gonjan. WOMAN must have work, chambermaid, kitchen helper, dishwasher, waitress. In or out of town. Eaat 3862. apt. 2. SALESLADY with desires position a 7-560. room 4. ix years experience once. Phone Main DAY WORK, ho use cleaning!, washing and Ironing. Call befere 11:30 A M. Sunday. Phone E. 7051. MENDING neatly done at either my home or yours. Charges by the bundle. Call or write ivd union ave. A., evenings. EDL' C ATED voune woman as cashier dining room or clerk in office of large hotel. fciest reference s. A V . Oregonian. LADY, going to Calllornia. will care for ohiidren or semi-invalid for expenses references. Aut. 023-,5'3. BUSINESS woman, familiar apt. houses. would tike position with reliable realtor. Aut. 314-06. WOMAN wants housework 5 days a week. short hours; state address. P 672, Ore- gonian. , RELIABLE, honest woman with wide ex perience desires work in apartment house or hotel; ref. Main 4294, apt. 19. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleanlng, washing; good work done. Phone Walnut 6090. GOOD plain cook desires position in cafe teria, delicatessen or res. hotel. Main 4294, apt. 13. EXPERIENCED housecleanlng, 7237, apt. 12. woman wants work etc. Phone Broadway EXPERIENCED, reliable woman, wants general housecleaning one day In week; references given. AH 608, Oregonian. Yo UNG lady desires position as house' keeper in widower's or bachelor's home. Call 52 N. 23d st. Main 8533. WOMAN must have work, chambermaid, kitchen helper, dishwasher, waitress. In or out of town. East 3S62, apt. 2. EXPERIENCED matron and chambermaid or seams-tress at 40c per hour. D 672, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE want work in city or country home, wife as cook and man as gardener, etc. Main 4255. GIRL, 18, wants work in public market ; more for experience than wages. AF 040, Oregonian. MRS. ANNIE HUNTER would like day work, laundry or cleaning. Sellwood 3077. Phone address 018 Maiden ave. YOUNG lady desires position in doctor's or commercial office, part or whole time. Phone Automatic 325-54. COLLEGE girl with 2 years' exp. in phy sician's office desires position. Call Tabor 4683. GOOD Christian home where 12-year-old girl can work for ..board and room. AH 6o3, Oregonian. LADY WANTS HOUSECLEANING THURSDAYS. CALL AFTER SUN DAY. TABOR 1299. WANT all-round day work; fine laundress; Main 2117. Y OU N G w om an i clerk in g, press! ants 'work as waitress, g. Call Bdwy. 4822. EXPERT DARNING DONE; ALL KINDS. BY PIECE OR HOUR. CALL MAR. 459. FOR THE care of invalids, convalescent and of children phone Mar. 349. HOUSEWORK in good home for girl, 16 years old. AL G74, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. 35c per hour. Automatic 642-66. PIANO teacher, lady, wishes pupils In their home. East 9318. WIDOW woman wants washing, ironing. 30c hr. carfare. Apt. 17. Auto. 521-02. HOUSE cleaning and laundry work want ed ; first-class work done. Aut. 628-90. WOMAN and husband wish camp work. Lady good cook. AF 638. Oregonian. WILL care for children by day or week Walnut, 6984. LA'DY with car would like position where sine can make use of car. WdJn. 663 YOUNG lady wLshes housework. 35c tn hr. and carfare. Sellwood 2065. WANT plain sewing; work done right. Call Woodlawn 3822. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Aut. 539-02. Room 16. COLORED laundress wishes work Thurs- day, 3.c hour. Phone o25-25. WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. 021. LADY cares for children by the hour. References. Tabor 7444. EXP. COOK and helper for crew of men. East 8871. DAY WORK wanted by colored girl by hour or day. E. 8116. WOMAN wants washing. ironing and cleaning. Automatic 635-81. COLORED woman wants day's work. Auto. 511-32. LADY wishes work as chambermaid. Ad dress H. A., 99 Mill st.. Salem. Or. YOUNG iady desires position in doctor's or dentist's office. Auto. 325-54. COLORED woman wants chamber work or day work. East 394S. GIRL wants circular work, Wdln. 4906. GOOD laundress wants work in families: references. Broadway 1768. Sunday. EXPERIENCED woman cook, small res taurant or cafeteria. Mar. 1729. GIRL wishes children or shut-ins to care for by day or hour. D 651. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes laundry to take home. Marsh. 3038. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work. Auto. 626-';0 Sunday or evening. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Mon., Tires., Wed. Sellwood 1932. WORK WANTED. BDWY. 7559. CLEANING. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED ; 1 2 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 61 9. COLORED woman wants any kind of day work. Bdwy. 1864, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. ADV ERTT6ING PL" BLTOITY. High-grade copy writer and publicity t woman seek connection with reliable I firm. Thoroughly experienced In meeting j the pub-lie, with appreciation of the I amenities of life. Old enough to have r mature Judgment, yet young enough to possess am bit ion. L n incumbered. tux-e-uctive solllty. Experienced selling. WW go anywhere. F BgS, Oregonlaji. GOVERNESS Young Swiss, speaking French and German fluently and a Ilttl English, well educated. Is seeking post tion In good family; J60 a month: en- i trance first term. Address Betty bteni- mann. Poet. Or. NURSE Laboratory technician wants of fice or laboratory position; usual labora tory routine work. Including blood, serums, bacteriology, etc. C 656, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED hotel woman wants posi tion In hotel office as clerk or switch board, city or beach, or apartment house manager. References. D 665. Orego nian. WHEN in need of competent, reliable OF FICE HELP of any kind call Main 3730. THE CLERICAL PLACEMENT BU REAU, Miss A. G. Crossley, Mgr.. 026 Corbett Bldg. - TWO women desire position at resort hotel assuming entire responsibility in cluding clerical, cashier and bookkeep ing; best of references. AH 611. Ore gonian. WAITRESS employed between 11:30 and 2:30 wishes work of any kind in cafe teria or hotel, or will work ny the hour. Ironing preferred. Phone Woodlawn 4474, after 10 A. M. CROCHET work, lunch sets, pillow slips or scarfs, tatting, Armenian lace and all kinds of emoroidering. East 9237, between 8 A. M and 6 P. M. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position as musician in movies ; experienced ; suburb or town near Portland (organ or piano). D 674, Oregonian. EDUCATED young woman desires posi tion as companion, governess or house hold manager. Best references. Martha Kllndt. Pocatello, Idaho. MIDDLE-AGED woman, experienced cook, desires position as cook In boarding house or summer reaort ; can give city references. Phone Mala 5787, room S. NEAT young couple, with 2 smali children, would like to help lu private family for free rent; would work for widower. AH 670, Oresonian NEAT young lady wishes houaework; mall, neat, congenial family; economi cal, reliable. Interested in a good home; references. M 668. Oregonian. AN ELLIOTT-FISHER operator desires position, 2 years' experience ; will be gin at moderate salary. Phone Mar sh a 11 2406. apt. 14. MIDDLE-AGED widow, competent, would like situation as companion or house keeping for adults ; country preferred. rl bo i, Oregonian. MOST reliable and competent child's nurse wishe3 position where such services aro appreciated; finest referencea. O 665, orgon-Kin, A REPINED, middle-aged woman will care for children or semi-invalid by hour, day or evening. Tabor 651-5. MIDDLE-AGED widow lady wants -position In grocery store or bakery. Experienced. AJ 607, Oregonian. WANTED Home with '0. S. family; tho.e wishing to help answer AF 607, Orego- n ian. ' ' WORK by hour, cleaning or care of chil dren. Good reference. Marshall 1375. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone Broadway 2250. Jolw keepers, StenorapHere. Office. COMPETENT stenographer and general office wo .nan. knowledge of booaKeep ing and accustomed to meeting the pub lic, desires position; experienced in law, insurance, real estate and mercantile; capable of handling correspondence and taking full charge. D 661. Oronian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 5 years' experience. Tabor 8445. TELEPHONE BDWY. 6953 for competent office help of every description. Quick service. Williams Personnel, 504 S paid in gbldirStennfrraphersb THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau furnishes all kinds of office workers. Good types of girls registered. Refer ences carefully investigated. Main 481. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires stenographic or general office position; would consider half-day position. H 635, Qrt-gonian PROMPT and accurate service ; will call and take dictation : reasonable prices. Broadway 2157. Myrtle B. Smith, nubile stenographer, . 504 Buchanan budg. COMPTOMETER operator, four years' ex perience, can use typewriter, desires po sition; salary reasonable. Phona Walnut 1 6 5 5 . COMPETENT business woman with initia tive, knowledge of steno. and all office details, desires position of responsibility: excellent references. X 651. Oregonian. A YOUNG LADY stenographer, asst. bkkpr. and dicto. op., wishes work at once; ex perienced. Call Sunday morning or Mon day. Col. 862. BOOKKEEPER-CASH I ER A Protestant, with 7 years' general office experience, dee lies , position; not afraid of work; good references. AN 673. Oregonian. INEXPERIENCED stenographer desires position. Have some bookkeeping and banking experience. Reasonable salary. A 657, OregonlanJ ASSISTANT bookkeeper, A-l cteongrapher. experiencew, extra work eve nings, Saturday afternoons, etc. C 668, Oire gonian. COMPETEN1T, experienced stenographer, 7 years exports" and lumber; highest ref erence. A 074, Oreg-onian. EXPERIENCED stenographer wisthes po arftlon; Noiseless operator, two years' experience. E 631. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, had some experience; I can take dictation fast; good typist. Call Marshall 2400. EXPERIENCED legal stenographer of ability desires position. B 064, Orego nian, GIRL living at home wishes general office work, shorthand and typewriting expe rience; reference. Main 4214. STENOGRAPHER, some experience, de sires position; can give good references. Tabor 1S35. INEXPERIENCED, but willing, reliable girl wishes office position; stenographic training. F 64, oregonian. EXPERIENCED, efficient, reliable book keeper-stenographer, wants work In oi . out of city. Phone Main 941. OFFICE HELP of every description fur nished free to employers. Broadway 6953. Will lams Sv. 504 Spalding. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper. stenographer, temporarily employed, de sires permanent position. Tabor 1150. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants po sition; wouid accept temporary; best references. MIm King. Tabor 103. EXPERIENCED stenographer deMrcs po sition ; prefer small office at reasonable salary. Wain 3384. apartment 10. STENOGRAPHER wants work even gs. Tabor 728: EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist wishes position Bdwy. .2721. LADY wishes bookkeeping and office work, experienced. East 1004. YOUNG LADY typist wishes work, tem porary or permanent. Tabor fi562. Dmoma kern . PLAIN sewing neatly done. children's clothes specialty; prices reasonable. 1171 East Yamhill. Tabor 3425. DRESSMAKING at your home or mine: work guaranteed; alterations a specialty. Woodlawn 6715. EXPERT ladies' dressmaking, fa.-hlonable, reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Wal nut 3662 FASHIONABLE dressmaking, beading and hemstitching at reasonable prices. Cor. 11th and Columbia st. Main 3501. DRESSMAKER wishes sewing by the day in private" families; can give all kinds of references. E. 3753. PLAIN sewing, summer and children's dresses a specialty; also fine mending. Tabor 885. DRESSMAKING, children's clothing; all work guaranteed. Call 316-79. Price rea sonable. REFINED widow wants housekeeping for respectable men or widower with chil dren. References. B 671, Oregonian. DP-ESSMAKING, tailoring. alterations. Special price on al work In before June 1. Mrs. Hausb, 743 Irvln-g at. DRESSMAKING by day 3, tailoring pre f erred. Phone Tabor 4151. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; work guar anteed; prices reasonable. East 3990. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day; erences. Tabor 3120 MRS. W. W. LYENS of 149 13th st.. moved to 681 Hoyt. Main 9C3. EXPERT ladles' dressmaker, gowns, suits capes, wraps specialty. Bdwy. 1706. SEWING by skilled tailoress; to please. Tabor S219. guarantee DRESSMAKING, all kinds done reason ab 1 y. Main 2060. DRESSMAKING reasonable. 122 12th St.. cor. Washington BtreeU Broadway 9670. WANTED -MAKING. PARTNER FOR DRESS G 652. OREGONIAN. DRESSMAKING and remodeling; hiking trousers: very reasonable. Wdln. 4577. LESSON'S given In grammar grade studies; backward pupl.s a specialty. Mar. 931. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew lng by day. SelL 2519. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day, rea sonable ; ref. ; alterations. East 7665. DRESSM A KING by reliable dressmaker. 55 K fl2d st Tabor 3120. t EXPERT GOWN FINISHER. MAIN ft20 SITUATIONS WAN TED 1TKMAUL Dret-wmaltrrs. ENGAGEMENTS by the day, year's ex perience in suits, dresses, gowns, de signing, remodeling; reasonable: work guaranteed. East 7506. , BEAUTIFUL graduation dreaaesx $6 up: any style. Call Mrs. Murray at Tabor 427i Monday DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed Woodlawn 421t. GRADUATE nurse gives cabinet bath, general massage at 308 Broadway blag.. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, hvurs 1 P. M. to 6 P. M.. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Phone Broad way 33H6. or Main 5177. PRIVATE MATERNITY HOME. MERRILL ROSEGRANT R. N. 718 EAST ASH ST. PHON'B BAST T HOUSE and office dresses, doctors' coats, nurses' uniforms, sport skirts, reasonable. satisfaction guaranteed. 333 Mohak bldg. Main 734C. NURSE ready for engagament May 10, -experienced, strong; no objections to as sisting family; $14 per week; best refer- encea. P 661. Oregonian: A WANTED By trained nurse, one or more light mental or nervous patients to care for In my home; best of care and kind treatment. Tabor 417. INTELLIGENT cultured practical nurse, phys. ref. ; will take case in or out of city. Marshall 2618. A B 53, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse; would like permanent position as companion to elderly lady or invalid E 667. Oregonian. IF TIRED of medicl . nurse will diet nerve ills away your stomacn ann Gresham, Or.. Route A. Box 226 SITUATION wanted by an experience.! child's nurse, capable of taking full charge; references. AL 610. an. GOOD, practical nurse, maternity or othe c ase f . E a st oil a. PRACTICAL references. nurjrng by M a rsh a 1 1 277 PRACTICAL nurse, ready for cases, women or children. St 11. 1J1!J l.nvn vnoHonnnd nrai-tical nurse want case: excellent references. Tabor 3323. PRA-'TX.VL nurslne wanted by eidarl lady; good references. Main SMS. WILL care for an Invalid or old person in my home. W oodlawn .loo. Hoiiwekrriwrv. wi now inliMMtmherad. trustworthy, good cook, neat, clean, wishes position io gentleman where he might keep two o three emoloves; good home place, bu livine wafres; city or country, country preferred. AF 666. Oregonian. A YOl'NO widow with daughter. 10, wiahos hnusekecDinjc position in gentle o-rwiH nlaln cook and r. " fcrtii.k.enr :' best of city reference. AG 660, Qr-gonianL fnvPi,'T HVT untntvimbtred BXlddJS womn wishes Dosltlon as housekeeper T would take a real Interest in your home. Phono Main 7601. or B 654. Orego ntan RELIABLE, clean, neat, middle-aged lady wanta to keep house for gentleman or two centlemen : best references; expec cam a. P h one Tgg A WIDOW. 36 years old, wants position as housekeeper in wiaowera u yT can soe?k French and have city refer ences. B 653. Oregonian T.anv wnnM like to keep house for gentle man. working man preferred; have own apartment, close in. AL 606, Orego nan CULTURED eastern widow will look afte .t- i,iAvr'i nr bachelor s apt. o lik. fltATi.linr. citv only, or close In. X (regonian MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeping for n counle of respectanie men widower with school child. 425 Hancock Call East 8357. r A J. laHv n-lahpN S hOUpe Wcr.ncr for a wklower: references. P. O box S02. Portland. -r. EN 1'KRlENCED position ; could idy, with girl 6. wish take charge for coup! ptoye a C 662. Oregonian- YOL'.VU lady wishes housework for widower or bacneior; win ian? vnrv --- Answer at once, M 637. Oregonian POSITION as housekeeper for widower or huvholnr: out of city preferred. A 6ju, Oregonian. WIDOW. 42. English, would like position h,,i,Bf.if,.ni-r' Portland oref erred. M 670, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman, oable. wishes position strong and as housekeeper 174 K. 4!Hh. Tabor 6256. h:.a vTcn i i-hit hnuse-keeDina' by ol irlv woman, reasonable. Tabor 0012. House iv4W r annum su MinnT.. a nmn Lfv would like house keeping. P. O. Box 271. Vancouver. Wash HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged lady, lui c h a rge. AK 651. Oregon lan BY ELDERLY lady, light work In plain hom- no laundry. Mar. 2182 after 10 A. M. WOMAN cook wishes to make a change city reformers. BF 672. Oregonian. voVDiRMPffin child' nurse will rellev busy mothers day or evening, U0c hour. Wood la WD hn 1 -t. lI(i!t'i'le:ininE. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and Ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, Turnlture pen- t-v, ,.a D -not .!..;)' win down -.(: CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVlCf:. 188 Chapman st. fnone wain n.n VER I BEST WINDOW CLEANERS . Ml! A 1UJ . . House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning : estimates cheerfully given; best of references. HOCSECLEANING. floor waxing, window cleaning, i . rtowe, uroauway iao. WAKTZ I TO RENT. iUpnriM unfurnished, electric lights on E. Mill St.. 373 Vs. close In. Come and see. Moil". H. WANTED, anytime before June 15. 0 or 6-room furnished or unrurmsneu nome, best of references given. Call Auto. 639-68. Dr. Ingalls. Will take good care of nice home RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent 6 to 10-rooni furnished house, prerer irving ton. Alameda or Rose City; have chil dren but will assure property will have best of care. R PBg. oregonian. WiEILL KNOWN businesa man. 4 adulta in family, desire to rent strictly mooern C-room buneaiow, apartment or nous-, unfurnished. Permanent; S00 to 1100. P. O. Box 4. city. BY JUNE 1, 5 or 6-room bungalow; good district, near school and car. that can be purchased at expiration of lease If satisfactory; rent not over $40 to supply on purchase price. Bdwy. !..?; WANTED About May 28. modern lower flat of six rooms or more, mut be good west side dfstrlct, close in; referencea Call Main 7724 after M A. M. ELDERLY couple wants 8 or 4 nice fur nished rooms or house on east side by June 1; best of care; rnt must be rea sonable. 405 Benlon et. E. 8290. wAVTRn To ront 3 or 4-room unfur nished cottage: rent cannot exceed $13 per month. Phone Auto. 634-69. Ask for Mrs. Dyer. WE HAVE many calls for nouses and flats and can rent yours; let us nanaie your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. FAMILY of 3 adults wishes to rent for six months or longer completely fur nished home of ft or 7 rooms; references. Prefer west side. AM 655, Oregonian. WANTED By June 1, modern 10 or 12 room house, east side, near school, with yard, suitable for roomers. 504 B-acon street. WANT modern 4 or 6-room house by June 12, by responsible young married couple; must be reasonable rent. BJ 659, Orego nian. WANTED to rent, 5 or 6-room furnished house, with garage, to occupy June 15; will furnish own bedding, silver, linens, etc. AR 674. Oregonian. DOCTOR wants well furnished ft-room house or flat on east side, preferably Irvlngton. East 1616 after 9 A. M. WANT a 6-room unfurnished house or flat; must have 8 bedrooms, walking distance preferred. Main 4255. WANTED By responsible couple, a mod ern 4 or 5-room bungalow with garage. Bdwy WANTED A large house with 8 or more bedrooms to lease for long term. Call Holbrook. Main 4173. CAREFUL tenants, adults, want to leas unfurn.. modern 6-rm. house. Walnut Park district. Wdln. 5302. WANTED To rent smali furnished cot tage or house ; eaat side, walking dis tance. Palm, East 0160. WACsTEDt ur or five-room furnished bouse, close In; etata price, J. F. B., box Wj Oregon City, Or. WANTED 4 or 5-room nous on west side, on lftth st. car line or on NS car line, not over 20. AH 610, Oregon ian. PLAT or bungalow; must be modern, well furnished ; business man and wlfo anly. Tabor 741. WISH to rent 6 or 8-room modern fur nished apartment, bungalow or flat. AR 6H5. Oregonian. WANT to lease 4 or 5-room bungalow furnished. No children, bast of refer ence. 218 Henry bldg. Bdwy. B954. WANTED Small unfurnished flat, oar line passing union station. AF ft47, Orego nian. HOUSE In Irvlngton Park district. Wdln. 2500. WANT to leas 7 or 8-room house, east aide, not over $50. Tabor 2029. ft-ROOM modern bungalow near nose Egiv school. Tabor 0344 MODEHtN ft rooxosv ,. Pbone 'labor WNTKi TO RENT. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Reutal Bureau. Reliable, ap-to-date lists of desvrab'e furnished arI unfur'ilflhrd bouse, spart ments and flats, with definite Informa tion pertaining to each, sleeping room a NeT7cotr.en o Portland wti: find this bureau of great valas ta helping taura get aroperly and oUickly lo.aled. Elgbtn Floor. MUST have 5 to 7 -room unfurnished mod ern houses, with lease; clients wall lag. Mrs. Hall, with GREAT W BfiTKKS INV CO.. 3S0 Chamb m m B WANTED To rent by tne furnished or furnished, I modem. 8 or 7 - room, tit; resident, on paved ati porches, first-floor bad grounds; wilt be aPpiec Orevonlan. WANT to lea room hou.e 1 rvington or will take go MATH1S. pi residence. Ti WANT to lease lege of extei modern. fui trlotl J months, with privl eaae, 7 to to rooms; Irvlngton boma; will assure property cars. Phone Auta. have children but will nave bent of S27-5U WANT to rent 2-r.m apt. In desirable location by refined lady, alone; not ovar 25 per month. L 5."ft. Orogonlaa. W A N T L I a;ui 4-noin furatslwd apairT ment or flat for summer; adulta. Cail Brohd ws v 3389 before 2. WANTED A beat..! room, second floor and simple meals In private family, quiet by 9 P. M. and a small amount of care are needed. Bdwy. ;:. 10 to 12 A. M YOUNG Wi clean rot: preferred man employed wishes to rent m on w?at side, close In; C. ft. VANTKD Cosy room pretty private home, sele trict of Portland; away fer walking distance: i able. Write . G. Vancouver, Wash. son- . ft. WANTED Mot herly womai my 19 -months-old baby; per mo. Call 161 B. 47th i morn Inge. to rre for an pay ft!3 North. Call WISHING room and 1 or 2 In private family, by young Peninsula district. AB ftTl WANTBl Room aud noatd 1 two meals a day, with wld lady. A 668, Orrn!an. WANTED By buHn In, west side; no phone number 11 BU8IN ESS woman wants 1 or 2 h. a. rooms, or small house In rar, by June lj with middle-aged people preferred; very desirable tenant. AP ftflf. Oros;aalaa. SUNNY, modern, light housekeeping room. In a clean, homelike plare, Jefferson-st. depot; reference AM 671. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper by a very raapao table w 1 dower, one child, good ho ma AL 672. Oregonian. BY HRESSK A K R Small modern apart ment. In good residence district; perma nent If suited. Woodlawn 421ft. Flats. FLAT or bungalow; must bo modm. well furnished; buainew man and wife only. it - II., WANTED Storage space. amail room about 10x10, for aome stock and pack ing cases; several months. AF '.." Ora gonlnn. WANTED- LOFT OR ST' K E Ml M FOB LIGHT MANUFACTURING AT REA SONABLE RENT. ANSWER B ftAft, OREGONIAN. WANT space for small intnufuciunni business ; go anywhere; cheap rent Taft'of 2123 WAJN'T email furnished offloe well located desk j not c month. X 6M, OrernnIan. suite, or l2o per WANTED mirror. TO Call chat; and FOB BENT. ANGELA HOTEL, Hi Wi clean, rspecrej)ie placi phones In each room, a tor, large, com f orta ble rant In connection, park. Multnomah club reasonable rates, dy. w bin (ton st. A to live; fraa mi' nth. HOTEL PEVERELT. COR. PARK AND YAMHILL Tft Newly renovated and furnished, mod ern, large, airy rooms; we cater to re spectable people; transient ftl up; rata to permanent gursts. 1 LARGE cor suite with bath: r lfully furnished: a'so single root! without bath. fr-m 20 per 166 ST. CLAIR. COR WAMI Phone Broadway fthH HOT! PRINCIPA L VAST MORRI QUIET, DIG 11.25 PER DA CONVENI KN1 T SIDE MOTEL. ST. AT EA8T flTTTl ID AND REFINED! PER WK. AND UP ,L NIGHT OA It A OB. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 128 18th ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day; a week $5 and P( private bath, 8; fireproof and clean : clos to business centr. TWO NICE warm, sunny modern roomi. lovely view, sleeping porcn n a--ir-. Portland Heights. 2 In family, break fast optional; business men preferrad. Maln 8027. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st., at Wnshinatnn; rates per we-k and up. .1 day; nrepmor. large, attractive, spotless rooms, cloaa to amuinrnts nd chopping center. CALL AT Y M. C. A. to sar tm ? moderate-prlred rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including reomi at the Y. M. C A. with pbona In each room, shower bnths and flub faclUtlsa, ROOMS. ROOMS. R HOTEL ROWLAND. 80 4th at.; centrally located; flftft per day with bafh, $ Special ratea"4 per Wffc ia to tm m 7Bo. IL 12, $2.a up MATT HI ESS EN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up. $3 week up; clean, light; hot and cold water; steam heat; elevator service, .u loiuibbw ola-g I Ufti FURNISHED homeofflce room. Inu in trm iruT. 1 PC I r 1 . It, wi.i Inquire room 83. 10GH 4th at., beiwea Morrison and Yamhill ata. WHY NOT. m hava a fom. apt. while in town T ft irmd, room. Drivate bath. $12 50 per weela San Marco. E th and Couch. WASH I Si 12TH AND W Attractive roon able rates by week or month. EMPRESS HOTEL. ftTH AND BTAKlv. Nicely rurnisnea rooms. prices. con venlen d HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, '-7S VY amiinmun . javirrn, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate- ft.50 week up. Broadway ftftftl. HOTEL CONRADlNJ. 22 North 10tn St., 2 blOCKB norm Ul VKllllimn i. . inw proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. TWO large front room In nicely furnished flat suitable for a or 4 gn: -m-n. can after ft P. M. or Sunday. ll0 12th at., near TarVfj , HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at 10th free phone em has $1 a day; weeKiy pa ana u and baths; light and alrv. CLEAN, light front 2 or .'V-room apartment. Sleeping porcn, dmuuiui mummer iiuuiv. Main W6l Large KIRN, rm , suitahw; run n IN LA II Lit- ilU ill-, i-K-i r i if-, HTH ST. CLEAN sleeping moms, $1 50 per week and up. Free bath, large lobby. 413 lftth St. N. 1HE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Airier; A it - BPCTAHU uun iu w m "'-'in--. up. Its tes by 'k r mnnin, 50c DAY. $2.60 week up; larga. absolut:y clean rms.; baths free; water always hot. Hotel Csdlllac, 3d. near Jrfferson. MARLTN HOTEL. Cor. 17th and Couch; large, nlihd modern rooms. rasonj well fur b ratsa NEW PE Washing to Bpaela; p ARTHUR H rlson Clei week or m 70 11th at., near Mor modern rooms by day row-onahl rataa. CLEAN room for lady, with kitcnea) nrlvlleges; opporlte oourtbousa. 2ftl 5th CLEAN slee site court r 18 and up; oppo Bth st. rooms. 560 H!tk t T. or .Sundwv, FOR RENT Rooms, Ift-W Union ava. single or aa suite, last M7I. eala a day an Prafar r -gonian. 1 alert piaoe, r or sl-kftl room etc as miTt; glva nlaa. OR bUHln--. 4MJTol PRIVATE ho pr month AT 3" 1ITH Phooe IRln