THE SUNDAY OREGONTAX, PORTLAND, MAY 14, 1923 9 RKAL KSTATk. LAURELHURST BRAND NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL. No. 1250 BAST OAK ST., NEAR 41ST. JUST EAST OF PARK. Just completed, on one of tho3 beau tiful 58xI60-ft. lots with a fine 110 -ft. paved alley In the rear, a very artistic 6-room home with three bedrooms, plate gla&a windows, races tub, tiled bath floor, tile drainboards, etc. Come out and look this over and select your own fixtures and furnace. The price Is eo reasonable you will b astonished. Own- o pre m lees today 2 to ft P. M. OWNER AUTOMATIC 310-78. VANCOUVER AVENUE BUNGALOW. 5 - room modern bungalow on Vancouver avenue, near Alberta street; this Is a very attractive Httle place; It will pay you to In vestigate if you are looking: for a home In this splendid district; price $3300, terms. J. F. HILL. 896 Williams Ave. East 268. STOP HERE and consider this unparalleled buy Strictly modern 6 -room house, semi bungalow type; 2 large sleeping- porches, iarg-e living: room with fireplace, massive buffet in dining room, full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays, cement fruit close:, fine garage and many other f eaturea Large airy bedrooms ; about 4 acre grounds. Nice close-in suburban district, only 15 minutes out, paved road and electric service ; close station. A $6000 home going: at $31)50, on term. See A. K. Hi::, 426 Lumbermens bldg REAL SACRIFICE. Rose City Park. Here's your chance to get 5-room modern bungalow, right In heart of this choice district, at price t hat will please you. Extra room in attic; delightful grounds, nice lawn flowers, fruit, paved streets. Sacrificing over 81000 under value for quick sale. Open today for inspection 2 to 5 P. M. 405 East 53'I su N.. near Thompson. Get off R. C. car at 52d. Week days ca.l Broadway 421. Sahnrban Homes. OSWEGO LAKE HEADQUARTERS. $ 400 Or.e level acre, water, lights, shade. $10 down, $10 monthly. $ 500 One acre, fine soil, fronting car line. $25 down. $10 monthly. $ 800 Five acres, wood soil, nine mllea out, monthly payments $10. $1450 Bungalow on wooded acre. 80 minutes out. only $100 down. $1500 Bungalow, n. w. painted, tinted. acre front, car line: $150 down. $1550 Bungalow, facing 00-foot county road. $150 will handle this. $1900 New bungalow, vatt-r, lights, gas, garden, flowers. easy terms. $2100 Bungalow, new, four large rooms, beautiful homesite. $200 down. List your property. Call for Mcl'lure, 500 Concord Blrtg. MULTNOMAH. Portland's choicest and fastest growing west side suburb. Only five hi iles from center of city. At the confluence of the hard-surfaced Capital hinh way and the double -track Oregon Electric railway. Homey sites ranging in size from a lot to an acre on terms of 10 per cent down and easy monthly payments at 6 per rent. Get away from u stuffy apartment house or a cramped city lot. If you have the will to get a home I can help you. I have started hundds in the right direction. Do you want to come along? If so. call on Bt-n Biesland. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park at. Dealer exclusively in west side suburban property. ON ORlBGON CITY CAR LLViE. Close to Willamette river and river road to Portland: beautiful view of the river and weet side; 3.18 acres with 22 acres in cultivation ; 15 young fruit trees, strawberries and rasoberries : 6-room house: garage, chicken house: fine lawn. You will have to see this place to ap preciate the location. Over 3 acres with building ciose to river and car line for only $4500. Let me show you this place. A. 620 Main HOWLAND. . Oregon City. St Or. SNAP. SNAP. SNAP. Two acres. 100 feet from Electric depot, all in cultivation; creek runs year around through place: modern 7-room house worth $3000, pressure water sys tem, electric station, gas. bath. Fox hot-air furnace, city phone, huilt-ins. all kinds fruit, berries, chicken house, brooder house: equity, want cash $l(t50. balance contract $3060. $20 month and 7 per cent Interest. STAR REAL ESTATE A TNV. CO.. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway o61S. $500 DOWN, and liberal terms on balance bujs a 4 acre and modern bungalow with liv ing room and dining room combined. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms and bath room with full plumbing. Screened -!n porch, laundry trays, etc. Lots of berries, chicken house and yard. Price $3250. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 304 Panama Bldg. Bilwy. 5477. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, five acres, 300 choice variety bearing fruit trees, also berries and currants. Beautiful 6 room modern bungalow, large living room, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, finest plumbing, laundry, basement, attic, city water, gas, electricity, horse, chickens and ImpJments go with place, 1 miles from city limit! on paved road. Price $12,000. Will divide. See owner, corner Foster and Deardorf roads. Terms. Will take some trade. GENTLEMAN'S CO I N'TRT HOME. PRICE ONLY $10,500. 2 acres with new 7-room, strictly mod ern house; has fireplace, sunroom and breakfast nook, 3 Urge bedrooms and sleeping porch. Full cement basement : also garage. A real home and the price Is RIGHT. Fart cash and liberal terms DUDREY INVESTMENT CO . BOfl-IO F:nair,:t BMr. Bdwy. 6942 GOING FAST. OSWEGO LAKE FRONTAGE Here Is a bargain for the discriminat ing buyer: SSx230. fronting on lake shore, with nice grove of trees and wonderful view: rocked road, piped water, electric lights; priced onlv $1175. easy terms. Ask for Allen. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. MULTNOMAH. H ACREJS. PRICE $1800. 4-room house with city water, gas and electricity. Only one block from Capital highway and 4 minutes' walk from sta tion. This is at least $300 below Its market value. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO, 8Q4 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. M77. EX-SERVICE MEN. H acres, heaverdnm land, new 4 room honse. never been lived in; cement basement, telephone, etc.; on Johnson creek, near Eastmoreland; soldier's loan can be applied. Call Mr. Burke, with. DRKUM JORDAN. S23-824 Chim. of Com. Bdwy. 224ft. CHOICE SUBURBAN. Will ronslrler good vacant lot and cash tfT thlw attractive 2-a ere home. Oregon Cfty line; 5 rooms, excellent condition, chicken houet. fruit, berries. A H BTRRELL-GILL CO.. 21 N. TV Bank Bid. Mar. 4114. HOMB A VO HOMESITE. FOR $lfi50. Fine new 4 room buncalcw. water and light, on county road, near Osrwego lake: homesite 132x230: small payment down rlvs ins.tpssion. Ask for Allen. S 00 Cnrcor- bldg.. 2d and Stsrk sts. NEAR BEAVERTOX ont.t ji-nn. $oo down. New 4--ooTn house and nearly 2 acres with goo.l rocked road right to door. City water and sras nvallahle. DUDRFT TWESTMENT CO.. Sft4 Punnrnft Bldg. Bdwv. M7T. H ATlFS all under cultivation: fruit tree and be-ri-'-s: modern 5-room house: hardwood floors: furnace. stationary tube: full ct-ment basement. enameld throwhotTt: near Dos.-h station, on red electric WIT? divide to suit partv. Mam 0rt4. OSTVEOO LAKE SHORE ONLY $100. Fin Tot on !ak shore, rock road, water and fght jr. r. Ice crove of trees: mail rash rayrrent. Ak for Allen. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark yon SALE JS-room hou,e in rood condi tion, electric and gas. bath and full hasemer.L. with ,-acre of ground under Vnee: harn. chicken house, garage: aom VuH tree and oerr!e near good school; ood term Ca"! 2O70 Clackamas n-r sen mv home, good O-room nup: gas. Hoc. : other bldgs. ; all kinds ref fruit . grants and berries1 Se this, nth reus- Booth o Wichita sta. Address Rt. 2. Box I rtt. MCwaukie. Or. -ROOM house ami Tot. R0 bv ICS ft. SI 300 womo terms; two blocks "west of Center at., on Oregon City highwav. E E Orit flths. Oak Crove. Tnpu'rp at garage 4-ROOM house, hath. gas. e'ectrlclty two mites east of city limits, cn raved" high way ; ns.V, eftpy terms. Shaffer. Broad wav ftAflT. flV. H AT. K cash, half acre or more 15 mln. on S. P. red electric. 100 feet from atatlon. at .Woodrow. one mile past Br'hM MarsbiC' 1032 $1000 EASY terms. New house, near Multnomah atation cn quarter acre. Ben Rlesland. 404 Piatt bldg . or Mrs. Grant at my Multnomah office. $M CASH 4 rooms and broakfast nonk 2 aCT". H acre In herrla, close In, $3000 MoFarlar.d. Rea'tor. failing Blot IVVRKROSK bargain, fl-room houso. 1 acre, naar car and hichway, $4000. $1500 down. Phone Tabor S404. -ROOM house w th S lots, terms. Trn 2500. $3o0 mt Realty rMVE': hon-.t. site, half acre. Woodrow station. This 1s good Why buy juui.7 A-", AiU.Ul jr4bMk KKAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes, 8 ACRES, 11 miles from center of Portland. 34 mile to electric sta tion, 3 blocks to school; 5 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when cleared; very at tractive 6-roora plastered bunga low with cement basement, sleep ing porch. etc; small barn, chicken house; price $4500; term; consider house in Fulton or Cap itol hill to $2500, balance easy terms. Ask for Mr. Kemp. Nearly 3 acres, 8 blocks from electric station, mile to school. 10 miles from center of Port land; woven wire fences; all under cultivation; bearing fruit trees; acre loganberries; 4-room house with pantry; Portland gas; barn; new garage; included with place, good Jersey cow, chickens, etc. ; price for everything, $3100; terms. One acre. 10 miles from center of Portland, two blocks from elec tric station ; macadamized road ; all under cultivation; lots of ber ries, 6-room plastered bungalow with white enamel plumbing and electrlo lights ; garage ; price $3S00; easy terms. Ask for Mr. Kemp. OREGON CITY LINE. 3 acres, 1-3 mile from statical, on rocked road, good fences. 2 Va acres under cultivation, no waste land, good bearing orchard, 6 years old, lots of berries, some walnut trees; price $2100; consider soldier's loan and 5150 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. $2300 MAPLBWOOD STATION ; close to Multnomah; 6-room bungalow; city water, gas. elec. about to bo Installed ; choice family orchard : of an acre; close to S. P. and Oregon Electric; cash $400, bal ance terms. S2230 B E AVE RT ON DISTRICT $2250. Two acres; 4-room celled and papered one-story cottage, almost new. built-ins. city water, gas, large new barn, screened ln chicken house, almost 2 acres In clover, fruit trees arid berries: included In price 1 cow and 10 chickens: located on good road, close to station, stores, highway and school; cash. $800, balance $20 per month. $3500 BEAVERTON DISTRICT $3500 Four choice acres ; 6-room. 1 -story bungalow; bath with white enamel plumbing, septic tank, large living room, city water, gas, some fruit trees and berries, native firs and shrubbery, barn, chicken houses, splendid view of Mt. Hood, accessible to two electric lined. S. P. and Oregon Electric, located on macadam road, close to highway, public, high and St. Mary's schools; if you have $000, don't miss this one. The above are only a ffw of our suburban homes. We have a well-chosen list. Call tor information. Office open Sundays 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. M. E. DE JOICE COMPANY. 307 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1631. WHY PAY RENT? You can buy a good 5-room suburban home with one-half acre; double garage, chicken house and about GO chickens lor $2750, easy terms. TWO MILES FROM CITY. Six acres, near Powell Valley road ; modern 5-room bungalow; electricity and Bull Run water; 50 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries; chicken houses, good barn ; 1 team horses and Fqrd truck go with place. This is a dandy buy at 8000. Terms. We have several acre tracts on Foster road near Lents at $1200 per acre. Very easy terms. FRANK McCRILLIS. REALTOR. Henry Building, Broadway 779. 73-iIILE VIEW OF VALLEY AND MOUNTAINS. On west side, close to Oswego and paved highway; four fine, level acres, all cultivated, all kinds fruit, walnuts and asparagus bed. A 7-room house with bathroom, laundry, cement basement, fireplace and abundance of water under pressure; garage, large brooder house. A real home and only 25 minutes' drive from your business in Portland. Will sell place nearly furnished, with tools and fine cow for $5500; liberal terms. Can deliver four more acres adjoining if wanted. H. At water, owner, 100 Abington Bldg., Portland. Phone Bdwy. 5033 between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. BEAUTIFUL 12 ACRES. MOST SIGHTLY TRACT. By owner, 20 min. from your office, on paved Lake road. 1 mile from Mllwau kle; house, barn, bearing fruit trees, electric light, gas and Cull Run water available; price $11,000; will consider some trade: $500 will get possession, bal ance 5 to 10 years, 6 per cent. 502 Plt tock block. Bdwy. 20H2. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOMES, MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. IVt acres, equal to 12 city lots; fine residence, electric lights, gas and phone, choice flowers and lawn, fine vineyard, and on the electric line; for only $6500. No. 2. Pretty o acres on the highway; fine 6-room bungalow, fine orchard, cherries, pears, apples, strawberries, etc.; fine up ring; all in cultivation ; a delight nil home; only $6000; I have many other beautiful suburban homes from $2500 to $7500 each. J. B. HOLBROOK. Realtor, 214-215 Panama Bldg. OVER FIVE ACRES. $700 ACRE NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. 1 PER CENT DOWN, 1 PER CENT MONTH, best of garden land, great for berries, truck garden, onion soil. You should pay for your land In what you raise on it. See this today. Salesman at branch office, which is open every day. end of Parkrose car line, take Rose City ar j.l7 hartman company, 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway 6034. $100 CASH. S10 PER MONTH AND IN TEREST $132.".. Break away from the landlord today: one acre and new 3-room house, not quite finished ; do a littlo work and double your money, besides having freo rent; close In. See Mr. McQuilkin. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 630 Chamber of Commerce. 125x290 $50 CASH. Talk about a good buy. A big piece of ground equal to 7 city lots, all in ber ries, for $925 with nearly 4 years to pay. Bull Run water, splendid rocked and graveled streets free ; just outside the city limits where you'll have no citv taxes or assessments to paj-. See Mr. Sm'.th or Mr. Wickens at 41S SpAiilding bldg MULTNOMAH. Buy from owner Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, full basement, fire place, many built-ins; 2 full lots, fine view. jus, half-block of highway; divi sion cf property compels sale at once; must nave $2000 cash, balance $1500 to auit. Main 6235. ON HIGHWAY Have a nicely located 1 H -acre piece with 4-room bungalow, large living room, porches, large chicken house. 200 elrawberry plants; everything in first class condition for $2500 with very easy trms. Le t us show it to you. HENRY W. GODDARP. REALTOR. 24o :tark Street. Bdwv. 7S31. NEAR GRESHAM AND BASE LINE ROAD. 5 acres on Beaver creok. all cleared, in fruit and berries, good buildings. 5-room house, barn, chicken house, wood ehed. Splendid soil. A very attractive home. $4500. 2500 down, bat 7. B. W. THORNE. at Bank of Gresham. OWNER 1 acre, 10 varieties berries, 26 fruit trees, chicken houses, double ga rage, shrubs, new 6-room double con structed bungalow, buffet. fireplace. French doors, sleeping porch, full base ment, bath, garden in; 1 blk. to car. Tabor 3751. 1 ACRE of land, close In, with good 2 room house and chicken house and well; 16c carfare; bargain if sold befor May 18. Write or call Huber, Or., postoffice. James Campbell. 7-ROOM house, acre of land, full bearing fruit trees, pressure water, 6 blocks from Oregon Electric at Metzger; about 1-3 cash. bal. of $2350. $25 a month, 6 per cent Interest. H. A. Cox. Metzger. Or. 5-ROOM bungalow, bath, furnace fireplace and built-ins. large glassed and screened sleeping porch; acre and fruit; one bTock from Oregon electric, Ryan. Place, Phone Main 2100 BY OWNER House and "2 acre. Mult nomah ; 10 min. from station ; terms ; cash bargain for quick saie. Main 56S7. SUBURBAN. 7 biocks from c new, modern 7-ro im house, less. Owner. Tabor 9301. SALE OR RENT acre. 1 blk from Oak Grove station ; 1 - room house , fruit and jrdtt In. Auto 641-50. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. KILLER BROS. BARGAIN COUNTER. EVERY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IS A REAL BARGAIN. ALL WELL LOCATED, PERSONALLY INSPECTED. AND NONE BETTER BEING OF FERED ON THE MARKET. SELECTED FROM OUR LARGE LIST OF ACRE AGE FOR SALE. ST. JOHNS. 1 acre Good soil, woodhouse, barn, orchard and chicken house, $3500, terms. ALOHA. 5 acres Well Improved, $2500, V cash, balance terms to suit. SNAP OF SNAPS AT FOREST GROVE. 5 acres hi miie out. all In cultivation. modern chicken ranch, modern 7-room house, excellent land, family orchard in berries, 400 hens and 300 pullets, for $7300, pxt cash, part terms to suit. YAMHILL. 10 acres Commercial apple orchard. Spitz and Newtowns. cheap at $4000. terms on part of this. TONQUIN. 10 acres 4 cleared, nearly all beaver dam ; this Is sure some land and some snap at $1500, terms on part of this. DONALD STATION. 7 acres All well improved, good build ings, fine soii, finely equipped, modern, $205Q. $1000 down, balance to suit. CANYON ROAD. 10 acres 3 miles out, super cultivated. none better in uregon. ouo, 54 down, right on highway. GRESHAM. 10 acres Fine soil, all In cultivation, new modern improvements that cost more than we ask for the entire tract. price $7000, $2500 cash, balance to suit. SEIFERT STATION. 10 acres Of fine soil, unimproved, right on car line, $600, 5150 cash, balance to suit; this cannot be beat. SEE J. S. CULBERTSON. The Land Man, With HILLER BROS.. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. "SUBURBAN HOMES." Oak Grove, 1 U acres, extra choice land; fruit, nuts, grapes, berries, flowers; 7-room modern bungalow ; garage ; 4 room tenant house; close to river and station; $8500, good, easy terms. Oak Grove, 1-3 acre, fruit, berries, garden, 5-room modern bungalow; $400. $1000 down. $25 month. Wilsonville. 6'i acres, 4U acres in berries. 1 acres garden, family or chard; 6-room modern house; piumbing, eiectric lights; $4000; good terms. Ashdale, O. C. line, 2 ajcres. fruit, grapes berries; 4-room house and out buildings; near car; $2500. good terms. 2.14 acres, extra choice land. 5-room house, garage, outbuildings, fruit, ber ries, all crops In; close to station; $36j0, terms. Clackamas, just off 82d St.. 6 acres In cultivation ; 5-room houstr, barn, wind mill; $4200, easy terms or would seTT 2 acres with house; $2500. Metzger Sta.. 1 acre choice black land; 6-room bungalow; close to station, church, school, store; $2200, terms; It's a snap. Evergreen, 1 acre cleared, acre strawberries; 5-room, new bungalow, modern ; $4500, easy terms ; also 6-room new bungalow ; 3 acres, $6700 or 1 A. $4300. Oswego, near river and lake. 6 acres in cultivation, 90 bearing fruit; 5-room bouse, barn, chicken outfit, water and lights, ga3 available; extra fine view; $uU00, easy terms ; this ie a bargain. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO. 1652 4th St. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A modern bungalow on 2 acres of fine cleared land; this beautiful bunga low, has every modern convenience, built in bookcases. Dutch kitchen, splendid bath, gas, electricity, city water and gas furnace, a lawn, dandy garage, 24 fruit trees, nearly acre in berries. 2 large chick en houses, 20x60 and 16x35 with electric lights and water; about 4 blocks from Powell Valley road on good gravel road. Will sell all buildings with 1 acre or 1 acre alone. Tabor 3432. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME OF 10 ACRES. Facing the Columbia highway, east of Parkrose, nice sandy loam soli, all in cultivation, with family orchard and lots of berries, beautiful 9-room plastered house, hot and cold water, modern bath, basement, electric lights, phone, lawn ' and flowers ; price of this is $12,000; will give terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank BUig. COZY BUNGALOW ACRE. 4 rooms w-ith neat Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, white enamel p-lumtoing, built-in buffet and fireplace; garage, chicken house; variety of fruit and ber ries; outside city limits but close to city car line; onlv $2950. See this today. Terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McG-UIRiE. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. 205 AbiTigton Bldg. Broadway 7171. $800. Right in Cornelius, 25 miles west of Portland, large corner lot, 115x150 with 4-room house and good sized barn ; this place offers wonderful possibilities for a family or for investment. Drive out today and look it over. Terms within reason. A. B. Schoonover. Cornelius. Or. AT OAK GROVE. OREGON CITY LINE Brand new 5-room bungalow with 1 i acres of ground; only 10 minutes' walk from the station; uig sacririce at -.,-. terms. Wre specialize in suburban homes and have various otner cnoice dujs this line. ERNEST "WELLS CO., 819 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Pdwy. 4485 OREGON CITY CAR. $3350 buys 4-room bungalow and four 60x100 lots on Oatfield road (paved). 3 blocks from Evergreen station; gap. electriv lights, fireplace, large attic, lawn, shrubs, garage; location and car service can't be beat.; Bull Run water in this fall. Phone Oak Grove 145-J. JUST out of city, one block to electric sta tion, G-cent carfare, 20 minutes to 2d and Alder sts., acre, lots of fruit and ber ries, good garden, chicken house and yard, 6-room house, bath, city water, gas. electric lights, telephone. Small pay ment down, balance like rent. Phone 632-63. J. F. Chapman. Errol station. EXTRA GOOD VALUE. Three acres on paved highway. 50 9-year-old assorted fruit trees, grapes and berries: 5-room cottage, cement base ment, chicken house and barn; $750 cash, balance $30 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. 4i ACRES, near the city limits, for $850. Fine place for garden and chickens: very rich loam soil, no rock or gravel, lies level, has running stream. Only 10 min utes' walk from street car. Price $850, ant reasonable terms. Ralph Ackley, owner. Phone Tabor 604. Sunday. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONT. EASY TERMS. 4 acres on river at station. 7 miles 4th and Wash., west side, 6-room bungalow, large living room, fireplace, sleeping porch, basement, furnace. $9000. terms. .1 C CORBIN CO.. 305-H-7 I-viw Bldg. SUBURBAN homesites near Shahapta station, O. E. Ry., station next to Mult nomah, 9c commutation fare. Bull Run water, gas, electricity available; from $250 to $400; will assist building house; Easy terms. Main 2182. Wm. Barsch, Maple wood. Or. $1000 BUYS this week a 4-room unfur nished cottage and 4 acre with 10 bear ing fruit trees, flowers, garden, 2 blocks to station, hard-surfaced road, electricity and gas; don't miss this. Thompson, Phone Oak Grove 16-M. 3 ACRE, cleared; 2-room cottage. $750. 8-r. cottage, acre, terms, $950. Also acre tracts. $20 down; Oswego lake. McFarland, Lake Grove sta., Sunday; week days. 208 Falling bldg. ONE ACRE ground with 4-room house, city water, gas and electric lights, fruit trees, grapes, a'l fenced, on Buckley ave.. fine road. $1750. H. H. Staub. 1027 Bel mont, week Tabor 219. NEW modern stucco bungalow, acre: fire place, basement; Oswego lake, $3T50. $2750 4-r. bungalow, acre, close to Goodin: "a snap"; terms cn these. Mc Fariand. Realtor. Failing bldg. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Five-room bungalow. Just completed, on Buckley ave. Fireplace and all built in ff-n rdn and berries all In. Ca 11 owot Auto. 646-89. Sacrifice for $375". ! PRETTY country home: water, light, gas; 5 arres rich soil: ideal for chickens and berries; lO ml!es out: ftne locality; sightlv and healthy. See owner. Sta!l 333. Yam h I'. 1 Fa rm rs Market. FINEST view acre above Oswego lake- 5-r. plastered home, an acre In bearing fruit ; lawn, flowers, furnace; best buy In dis trict; $5 750 ; te rm s. McFarland. Realtor, Failing Bldg. MT. TABOR i-acre. bungalow, garage, all kinds bearing fruit; no gravel, vlew Hawthorne car; investigate; $4650 -terms. Tabor 24T4. OWNER leaving city, must sell modern 5 room Multnomah bungalow, near station, school: 80x140 corner, macadam roade. lawn, garage: $4200. terms. East 3652. $150 CASH 2 new bungalows, each i wooded acre, near electric, $1450. McFariand. Realtor. Falling Bldg. ith 2 HOUSES. S, 2 or 1 acre, assorted fruits and berries. Fnone Oak Grove ... REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. GARDEN HOME. Modern Bungalows. Highly Improved Grounds, All City Conveniencea THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS. Real modem bungalow, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, gas, electricity. Bull Run, everything; almost new; nearly half acre ground; very sightly view location; only $4000, $1000 cash. WONLERFUL 7-room view home; half acre, with every ground improve ment you could wish; 2 chicken houses with large runs; biggest snap in this dis trict ; only $2650, $1150 cash; take soldier loan. ANOTHER magnificent view home ; half acre, well improved; 5-room house with cement basement, bath, garage, fruit and berries; guaranteed bargain at $3100, $750 cash. OVERLOOKING GOLF LINKS and nniv 1 K'oir from plfctr!c station, we have? a very modern 5-room bungalow; every city ; jiau. ir iu- j. VIEW: worth S6000: owner says for quick sale take $5250; good terms. MR. BUYER, LISTEN These are only a fw of our best buys. We HAVE MAW OTHERS- Also several unim proved acre tract- on your own terms. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 207 Falling Bldg., 3d and Wash. SUNDAY. MAIN 9318- Bdwy. 7420. GENTLEMAN'S COMPLETE SUBURBAN HOME. 24 acres at Oak Grove. 7-room modern, well-built house. barn, garage and chicken houses, elec tric light, gas, telephone; dally Portland deliveries of all kinds; 30 minute from First and Alder: over 100 full bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, plums. cherries, prunes, quinces and crabapples; also walnuts, chestnuts and fil berts. Lots of berries of all kinds, four varieties of grapes, every thing the very choicest. Cow and fancy chickens go with place. This Is one of Portland's finest subur ban homes; owner offers it at $15. 000. There is a mortgage of $5500. Might take small Incumbered place as part payment on equity of $9500. FRANK McCRILLUS. Realtor. Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 779. PRETTIEST SPOT ON RIVER ROAD AND OREGON CITY CAR LIN1B. ABOUT HALF ACRE AND 4-ROOM HOUSE, JUST THREE BLOCKS FROM ISLAND STATION, FACING WEST SIDE OF HIGHWAY; HAS SOME FINE BIG DOGWOOD SHADE TREES. APPLES. PEARS. PLUMS. CHERRIES AND ABUNDANCE OF BERRIES AND FOUR YOUNG ENGLISH WALNUTS ; BIG GARDEN ALL PLANTED ; EX CEPTIONAL VIEW OF W I N D I N T RIVER AND HILLS: NEAR SWIM MING BEACH; HOUSE NOT VERY GOOD. BUT HAS HIGH-GRADE FUR NACE, HOT AND COLD BULL RUN WATER, BATHROOM, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, GAS, TELEPHONE. GOOD CHICKEN HOUSE, TWO GOOD RUNS. FOR SALE ONE WEEK ONLY; IF NOT SOLD WILL RENT. AS I AM LEAVING TOWN; GROUND ALONE WORTH THE PRICE. $3600; TERMS. CALL RYAN. MILWAUKIE 92X. $3050 GARDEN HOME. WILL TAKE LOT AND SOME CASH. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: 1 acre. family orchard (all kinds of fruit); bal nncp. of around in cultivation: electricity pressure water and gas. also bath; it is not a modern house, but at this prlc it is a very good buy; only 1 blk. from Garden Home school and store, and for one a suburban home we ao not believe a better place for the money could be found; the present owner's in terest is only $750; balance monthly pay ments, which includes interest; there are several outbuildings. such as barn, chicken house and pens. J. L HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. A FRESH AIR SUBURBAN HOME. CLEARS ilpNTHLY $06 OX CHICKENS AS SIDE LINE. 2i ACRES. Modern house, nearly new, just outside city limits on paved street and car line ; city lights, water, gas: fine chicken run, barn, ga rage; big flock of laying chick ens; fruit and berries. This is positively the biggest value we offer In this class. It is a con vincing proposition ; see it; $5500. good terms; will consider small home clear as part. Wclfhagen. FRANK C. ROBINSON. Realtor, 415 Cham of Com. Bdwy. 3222. $2500. Lots 100x140, native trees, 5-rra. house, garage, electric lights, gas ; near good school and station; terms. $5000. Lots 66x200, with fine 6-room bunga low; has furnace,, gas, elec tric light; near station at Risley. $5500. One acre, plenty of fruit. 6-room house, full basement, fireplace, gas, elec tric light; near station. Have other beautiful homes up to $23,O0O, and va cant acreage from $500 to S200O an acre. MRS. F. M. YOUNGS', Realtor, Third. House North Risley Station, Oregon City Car Line. Oak Grove 25-J. HALF ACRES. WITH FRUIT TREES. On easy terms you can buy half acres with or without fruit trees. Just outside the city limits, with city water, gas and electric lights, close to grade and high school: walking distance to Hawthorn o car line; also one acre with bear ing fruit trees, six-room house and other improvements. Call owner. Sunday. Auto. 627-06; week days, Broadway 6755. HIGH CLASS. Close In, suburban home, going at nearly half value; 6 rooms, strictly mod ern Femi-bungalow type ; two sleeping porches, large living room, fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, fine garage, many other features; well built: about one-fourth acre ground; near by Is beau tiful stream lined with foliage, teeming with fragrance of the spring blossoms; paved road, only 15 minutes out; close car; a $6000 home going at $3950; give terms. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. COSY shingled bungalow, 3 large rooms, bath and closets, garage, corner lot lOOx 120, fruit, 2 blocks to station, Improved streets, concrete sidewalks, $2600, Vz cash, balance 3 years. Good 4-room house, lot 100x120, water, lights and gas, concrete sidewalk; a bargain; $1400; $700 ca.m. Five rooms, good house, lights and gas, fine barn, cost over $600. improved street, concrete sidewalk, 5 blocks to sta tion, price $2000. C. B. HALL. Aernl Bldg. Oswego. Phone 381. SMALL, attractive modern bungalow, sit uated on the bank of Willamette river at Rothe station, Oregon City line; ground 100x100; gas, electric -lights, water, five minutes' walk from Oregon City car, just off east side river road: terms it desired, but real bargain to cash buyer. Phone Oak Grove 141-M Sunday or see Mr. Pickard. 928 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. thereafter. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE NEW BUNGALOW. Half acre, with new 5-room bungalow: modern; bath, gas, lights; beautiful fire place, hardwood oak floors in living room, one panel door with plass hard ware, Dutch kitchen, built -Ins ; 4 blocks from stores and station ; 20O feet from pavement. This Is a snap and will sell at once. DO NOT WAIT. Covell &. Co.. Inc.. BeaveTton, Or. LAKE GROVE ACRES. One, two or three acres with modern bungalow, hardwood floors, basement, garage; $6400 for all or one acre all . clear, $1200; one acre with 7-year fruit trees, $1400. Bungalow and acre, fruit, berries, etc . $3800. Take Red Electric to Lake Grove or Bryant station. Ask for Warnock's Place. A NEAT HOME AND ACRE. In fruit and berries, city water, gas and electricity. 3-room house, garage, handy to car service and ONLY $1400. with $400 cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RIVERWOOD RESIDENCE PROPERTY. SEE IT TODAY. Attractive 75 feet improved riverfront. LEO F. THIBAN, OWNER, 225 Abington Bldg. $3700 ONE ACRE and new 4-room mod ern house, with bath, toilet, laundry trays, etc. ; cement basement, garage, city water and electric lights; near Buckley ave. on Powell Valley road. Phone East 7723. OSWEGO LAKE. Buy your camp site. $150; also acres, $350 up: give terms, so why pay rent? 616 Henry bids;. Bdwy. 8003. U. S Realtv Co, BY OWNER 1 acre, new. plastered house, bath, city water, gas, electricity, near school, car and paved street. $2000, $L'50 cash. bal. monthly. Auto 525-35. 743 Ppwaii Y&il&X. A&&r jjlTifisj. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOME. Adjoining Garth wick and Wa verley links, 5 acres of ground, mass of beautiful flowers; surely an ideal spot and only 20 minutes by motor from business center; house has extra large combination living and dining room. 4 sleeping rooms, 3 baths, 3 fireplaces, extra servant's room, full cement base ment, large inclosed living and' dining porch. Shown by appoint ment only. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER. East 3207. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. ONLY $1200. I have a wonderful view acre, over looking Oswego lake; rocked road, water, lights and gas: easy terms. Ask A'len. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. For Jsale Business Property. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE. We have a dandy warehouse or fao tory site for sale; Versteeg addition; block 4, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, right on track age and near the new freight terminal at Guilds lake; it is next to the Ameri can Can Co.'s plant and right close to Montgomery Ward plant; If sold at once will make low price. Phone owner. East 2651. , FURNISHED 13-ROO.M HOUSE. WEST SIDE. INCOME ABOUT $160 PER MONTH. BETWEEN BROADWAY AND 6TH ST. J7300 NOT LEASED $7300. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. BDWY. 5618. 512-13 WILCOX BLDG. $ll.f STORES and flats, paying 12 per cent; well located; buildings new. Terms. R, HOARD & CO.. 501 Stk. Ex. Dldg. Irrigated Land-. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sion. Interested only la getting home builders on the project. Longest grow ing seaso.i In the northwest. Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best. Junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Write for terms and folder. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT No. 4. Burbank. Washington. Homesteads. Rclinouinhmentfl. 00 -ACRE R'ELI NO. U IS HMJ2XT. This is without Question, the best claim I've seen. 10 acres In cultivation. 3-room house, completely furnished; good frostproof house and. woodshed : lO cords wood : 4 acres seeded. 40 pasture; spring and creek, on county road ; practically all farm land. In the famous Molalla coun try; everything goes for $1150. including fi!inr fees. , A. W. HELM. 422 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 3 RELINQUISHMENTS, improved, suit able for farming well watered, mil? of hignway, level and good soil, also -timber claims, cruised 3 million ft., 35 per cent, pine, good timbered helt in southern Oregon.; location fee $200. Call at Hotel Alder. J. E. Verdln, room 20.. THREE Improved relinquishments, all join $30,000 fruit ranch, at nice little town near Grants Pass; $2000 spent on one; all plow ; and easily cleared ; running water; worth $5000 each; family trouble, sacrifice, $600 each. 301 Corbett bldg. 120 ACRES, good fir timber, 14 miles from Eugene, 12 miles of road la mac adam, good cabin, 3 acres slashed; sell or trade. W. E. Ruefly, route 2, box 14, Vancouver, Wash. For Sale Acreuge. 40 ACRES $550. In Columbia county, M mile from rail road and logging camp; A-l soil, lies fine; 15 acres most ready for the plow, $15W cash, bala-nce 3 years. 6 per cent. 40 ACRIES $1250. 24 miles from Portland. 3 miles from town and electric line, joins a fine waU nut orchard, lies good, fine soil, on county road, close to school, mail route, all seeded to clover and timothy. Price $L250: $350 cash. B U ND Y. 61S Cham, of Com. Bldg. A WOODiED ACRE $350. Drive out Base Line road to Rock wood, turn left just across car tract. You will see our big sign on Rockwood. road, the acres are $400 on Villa ave. they are $350. Pick out your tract then see us for special terms; $35 cash. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 3-acre tract on paved roaa, bearing apples, pears, plums, petite and Italian prunes, gooseberries and cur rants; Bull Run water and gas, $4000. Or will divide in acre tracts. Close to car, church, school and etores. Terms. Phone 616-59. Call corner Foster and Deardorf roads. FOR SALE. $60 Per Acre. $60 Per Acre. 40 acres of good level land adjoining rock road. ?i mile from railroad and 4Va miles from last growing town. Terms. WO ODLE REALTY CO., Estacada. Or GRESHAM district 5 acres (or less), ex cellent soil, ail cultivated, level, near station, store, school. Price $300 per acre very easy terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg- Bdwy. 1058. , TUALATIN 10 ACRES. mile to electric station. 21c fare to Portland, level, ready for cultivation with only little work; $1800. terms. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Mar. 2245. PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. 3 acres strawberries.' 157 acres timber, near The Dalles; strawberries should al most pay for place this year; timber alone worth more than price asked. R. L. Yoke. 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. $6.50 PER ACRE. 80 acres, close to the XehaJem valley. 3V- miles to town a-nd R. R. ; lies good and very easy cleared; fine spring creek; A-l soil: half cash. bal. 6 per cent int B U X DY. Cham, of Com. Bldg. BUCKMAX TRACT. 47TH & PRESOOTT. acre to acres, 58 and $10 monthly. Take oar free auto at end of Beaumont car line, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. dally. Roger W. Carv, 1210 X. W. Bank bldr. LAWRENCE CO., CORBETT BLDG. Has fine ten-acre place with all neces sary buildings, especially for truck or chicken ranch; might take Portland bungalow 1 or part. 5 ACRES on Barker road. Just south ox Base Line; Bull Run water; $1975; Just a little cash down. R. H. CONFREfY. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-O-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SA.LJ3 Beautiful home altes: 18 min utes from heart of city; at corner B-eav-erton highway and Shattdck road. See owner on the ground. C 665. Ore gonian. 2 ACRES, near Barker road. Just soirth or Base -L-ine; auu uun water, sauu; just a little cash down. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER., LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GO OUT 42D STREET to Skidmore, thence east to 47th. thence 1 block north to Buckman acre tracts, $675. $8 monthly. Roger W, Cary, 1210 N. W. Bank b!dg. FREE AUTO TO BUC'KSIAN TRACT. acres, acres. $8 and $10 payments, 6 per cent. Come to end of Beaumont car line: 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Roger W. Cary. 1210 X. W. B-ik blng. S ACRES, creek bottom land, all level. 15 miles from Salem. 5 acres under cul tivation; 1 mile to town, P. O., school, highway. From owner. X 666, Orego- nian. NtEW 4-ROOM house on mam paved road, just outside city limits. $1650; only $150 cash. R, H. CONFRtEY". RITTER. LO-WTE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACRE near Woodrow station, close In; "cash buyer wanted at once. Build here, unusual opportunity ; act now. Mr. Smith, owner, 537 PIttock block. Broad way 1676 or Marshall 325d. - WANT working partner with $5000: have property and plant worth $40,000; un usually profitable enterprise. Ready to produce about July 1. AB 666, Ore gonian . 6 ACRES, near Barker road. Just south of Ease Line; Bull Run water. $100 ; Just a little cash down. R. H. COXTTtiEY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. RElALTORS. 2Q1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR LEASE OR SALE 22 acres. 1 H miles west St. Helens: spring creek and fruit. Call Mar. 35-5S. or Mr. Holt. Realty Dealer. St. Helens. Or. ACRE, house, barn, fruit, spring branch ; very close in; all fine land. $3250 ; $260 down, $20 month. Roger W. Cary. 1219 X". W. Bank bldg BUILDING SITE, half acre, Woodrow sta tion. Unusual opportunity for cash buy er. Mr. Smith, Broadway 1676 or Mar shall 3251. FOR SALE 20 acres, 12 miles north of Vancouver, t-mlle from Pacific high way; price $2200, terms. "Write oox 51L Kelso. Wash. J; 26 ACRES to close estate, snap; Beaver ton; water, gas. etc. $175 acre. N 660, Oregonlan, , 2 AND 3-ACRE tracts adjoining Port land Golf club at Raleigh station. 3. p. Red Electric. By owner. Main 1P86. HALF ACRE, Woodrow station; terms don't Interest me, but a!l cash will. Mr. Smith. 337 PIttock block. 2i ACRES; will divide in small tracts, with or without house: near Dooch sta tion on red electric. Main 6Vt. 1. 2 OR 4 VIEW acres near Multnomah. ' chea-per than surrounding property. Own er. 907 Wilcox b'.dg. fw FIVE acres between Gaston and Diiley; close to electric line and paved, highwav. MacLachlan. public library. FOR SALE '5H acres, 5 miles out. best of soli, spring water; cheap for cash. Applv 272 BurnMde et. --ACRE. Tremont station; gai 'water; $5O0 cash; lot 5, block, 7, . city Breat- REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. 10 ACRES, 10 mllea from city limits of Portland ; rocked road ; 1 hk miles to electric station; 7 acres under cultivation all can be farmed when cleared; good black loam soil; 1 acre bearing orchard; 4-room house, finished with beaver board; barn, chicken house, wood shed; price $3000, S5O0 cash, bal ance easy terms; or consider Port land house for full value or less. Inspected by Kemp. ONLY 12 MILES FROM PORT LAND. Over 6 acres on macadam road, 1 mile from Oregon City carllne, H mile to school; all under cultiva tion; 16 bearing fruit trees, rasp berries and grapes; new, attractive 4-room cottage on cement founda tion; bam 16x16; chicken house and runways; price $2800. 4 acres, 9 miles south of center of Portland; Vi mile to electric station and school; 1 block from rocked road; 1 acre under cultiva tion; all can be farmed when cleared; 3-room house, oiher build ings; $300 down, balance easy terms, 6 per cent. Ask for Mr. Kemp. ACRE TRACTS ; CITY CONVEN IENCES. On the west side; good aoll. no rock or gravel; close to electric station; Dc commutation fare ; good car service; Portland gas. electric lights and city water on the prop erty; offered far below value on easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 600 small places near Portland.. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. LOOK THESE OVER. 5 acres, 7-room house, Garden Home. 7 acres, near Portlard; lots of fruit. S lA acres, clear, near Spokane. 13 acres, Tualatin dist-: cleared. 80 acres, near Whiio Salmon. 31 acres, near HiKsboro. i good bulldlnga 40 acres. Grants Pass unimproved. 40 acres, Ridgefield, Wash. 40 acres, nea Woodland, Wash., $600. 60 acres. Stites. Idaho. 80 acres, near Portland. 10 acres cleared 320 acres, 240 cultivated. We can arrange almost any kind of a trade for you on the above property. Also have many other properties to trade. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. "CHEAP ACREAGE." 160 acres, 8 a. cleared, bal, 2d growth timber; creek, spring!;, 4-room house, barn, 10 miles Estacada, 45 Portland; $1800; your terms or take house. 10 acres, small clearing, timber and pasture, near Tualatin; It miles city; $1500; $350 cash bal. to suit. 10 acres In 2d growth timber, fine stream water at ry, station; would make Ideal summer place; 20 miles city; $700; easy terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. 3 ACRES, b,alf cleared, 3-room house, good furniture, electric lights, near car; real bargain; pretty place. A. EUSTACE. Elwood road near Barker and Base Line. Tabor 4715. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 PER ACRE UP. $10 down and $5 month buys a 5-acre tract in thle addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river ; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lying land free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vege tables. Have 5 and 10-acre tracts on the same terms in other locations. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. FINE DISTRICT. COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. Close in, a Etast 29th st. N. and Co lumbia blvd. : paved; convenient to Al berta and Woodlawn cars; Sunderland Acres; 1 to 40-acre tracts, all plowed and ready for planting; RICH SILT SOIL, no gravel; $4u0 per acre and up; easy terms. J. O. ELROD, Owner, 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. Office E. 29th St. and Columbia Blvd. FOR SALE. 200 acres, all tillable. 85 acres In crop, one -third goes with place, balance In pasture of which 85 acres la native grass without stumps or brush, ready for plow, 30 acres good oak, maple and ash timber for posts and wood along creek, place all fenced, mostly woven wire and all good, only 2Va miles from Shedd, Or., and about mile off paved road under construction: owner Is obliged to sell this place soon; might consider trade for residence in Portland or valley city; price only $45 per acre. HUGHSON & TAYLOR. 132 S. 2d St.. Corvallls. Or. LOW PRICED ACREAGE. Five acres between Mllwaukie and 82d t., one mile from the city limits, for $1850; all good land; this is almost half price. ANOTHER ONE. 24 acres on the west side Paclfio high way, south of Forest Grove, comfortable 5-room house, barn, 10 acres In cultiva tion, balance rolling with some timber. Price $3750, one-half cash. An ex-serv ice man with a little money could handle this proposition. W. G. IDE. 816-817 Lewis Bidg. Broadway 1906 BEAVERTON DISTRICT. $375 ACRE TRACTS $375. Two acres, city water, gas, all clear, only 5 minutes' walk to S. P. station, school and stores; located on macadam road, close to highway; 25 minutes drive to Portland; cash only $150, $10 monthly; investigate. M. E. DE JOICB COMPANY, S07 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1631. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Section Line Road Near 82d St. $100 down and $50 every three months buys an acre In this beautiful addition, $950 and up; all in cultivation, good soil, city water, some tracts with bear ing raspberries; loganberries, currants and strawberries; will build small houses to suit purchasers. SAYLER E. SMITH. 318 Ry. Exch. Bldg. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS MUST GO. 6 acres, all In cultivation, in fine loca tion, 2 miles from Oregon City on good hard st. ; 5-room house nicely furnished; small barn and chicken house; 1 cow, 1 horse and buggy, chickens and rabbits, small tools, fruit, berries and grapes bearing; summer's wood; near grade and high school; step right in; $2800; terms. L. O. GERBER, 715 Swetland Bldg. 9 ACRES IMPROVED $800. All good land, 2 acres cleared, good 2-room house, well, two sides fenced; some tools and. furniture; located 1 mile from station ; 30 miles from Portland ; terms only $300 down and $50 every 6 months. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or rem, 3 acres, all under cul tivation; box house, fair barn, good well, 6 blocks from car line; personal prop erty for sale. g. xsmt Oregon City car to Courtney station. 6 blocks east. BUCKMAN M ACRES, $675. Due north of Rose City. Free auto from end of Beaumont car line to tract, 10 A. M. to fi P. M.. dally, starting Sun dav. May 14. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE- 3 .acres, located on Troutdale car line, between Sandy boulevard and Base Line road; excellent for small country place; 30 minutes from center of Portland. Inquire for price .and terms. AV 5-35. Oregonlan. 2 ACRES, all clear, new 4-room house, best of soil, berries, a garden in, well and city water, light 6 automobile, good condition; outside limits, close to school and car; $3150, some cash, terms; will consider grafonola in exchange. AV 553, Oregonlan. OREGON CITY carllne. 14 and y acre tracts; also one 2-acre tract; fine soil; electricity, gas: west of station, close to main highway on Laura ave., near river; $25 down, $5 per month, Lemuel P. Endicott. Oak Grove, Or. MOST beautiful building site on Willamette river. This la high class property, lovely trees and shrubs of all kinds and sunken garden; 80 minutes from city by auto or car ; splendid road. Phone Monday. Bdwy. 115Q. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma, Wash. MULTNOMAH STATION. Half or quarter acres three blocks from station, two from highway; gas and water in. all In cultivation; prices right. F. E. PATTON. -CENT fare; over 4 acres. Harrison and 81st sts.. Mllwaukie ; paved street, ce ment sidewalk, trackage, ideal subdivi sion site ; $ 1500 hand lea. Zimmerman, 818 Cham, of Com, bldg. ACRE HEAL.MUM CAR $675. Why pay as much for an ordinary lot farther out, pay big assessments and ta-roft? $3 monthly payments. REAL ESTATE, For Sale Acreage. 4-ACRB TRACT. CORNERS OX MATS LAKE. NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. $35 DOWN. PARKROSE. all cleared, ready for plowing, beautiful building site, good view of mountains and val ley, rich garden land; you should more than make your payments from your land: $700 acre. Branch office open every day. end of Parkrose carllne. take Rose City Park car. J. L HARTMAN COMPANY. Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. CLACKAMAS RIVER FRONTAGE. One of the most picturesque spots on the river, consisting of 8 acres, planted to apples, and peaches. Power site makes big potential value. Only 12 miles from downtown. Ideal for summer home or chlckn ranch. It is a bargain at $3500. SOUTH MT. TABOR SNAP. 10 acres close to park, cornering on two streets; lies beautifully; warm, early garden land, every foot In cultiva tion. Near school and car line. Chance to double your money on this; adjoin ing land priced at $$3000 per acre. Sacri fice price fox this beautiful tract ONLY $1000 ier acr". easy terma FRED C. PRATT. 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. B roa d way 1 ""-3. PLIMPTON ACRES. $675 AXD UP. Tou'll make a mistake If yen buy be fore you see this beautiful addition: Bull Run water and graded and gravaied streets; outside the city limits, where you'll have no cky taxes or assessments to pay; rich garden koM; some tracts In strawberries; for $075 you cn buy over half an acre, near!y 5 city lots; we'll give you years to pay for a tract : stop paying your hard-earned money to the rent man; put up a small house or shack. See Plympton acres to day. Call Bdwy. 6550 and we will send sn auto to take you out. COMTE & KOHLMAX, BDWY. 6550. 416-18-20-22 Spaldlns; BJdg. LARGEST LOT AND ACREAGE RUB DIVISION SELLERS IN PORTLAND WE JUST discovered something very rare and beautiful In a clasey suburban home, delightful location, fine homes, so very close In. straight 7 cents fare, hard surfaced road. 20 minutes 5th and Wash ington. 40 rods electric depot, all city conveniences, citv water, gas, electricity 6 blocks; two stores, city deliveries; one and one-half acres. In cultivation, mar velous soil, thoroughly manured; woven wire fencing; 25 fine fruit trees, mostly bearing, abundance of berries, fine gar den planted: good neat room house, built-ins, full basement, some valuable furniture, good barn, stable, chicken houses and run. Beautiful place, noth ing riner around this city, and the price only $2500. Can purchase some fine poultrv. also flnewt Jersey cow. C. L. Becker. 18M First sr. ACREAGE Just East of 2d Bt and Shaver. $1400 to $1950 EASY TERMS. Clt f Water Graveled Streets. Call at our Branch Office. 33d and Bryce ave. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. BEAUTIFUL HOMiE FINE ACRE. OREGON CITY LINBI Attractive 8-room house with every cmvenience that could be desired; 2 room servants' house j garage, ch tcken house and other necessary buildings ; variety of fruit and berries: lust half block from Silver Springs station; this is a high-class home and well wort h the price of $lO.OO0. terms. Or will ac cept small home in city as part pay ment. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRAXK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abmgton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash find Stark IMPROVED 10 acres all cleared and culti vated near Broa&aeres. Will sac rifice for quick deal and give rea sonable terms. C R. MEYER COMPANY. 808 Couch Bldg. Broadway 1531. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. Very sightly place of OH acres only 4 miles of courthouse; paved road: Bull Run water, gas and electricity; all in cultivation except an acre in a beautiful grove; 4 blocks station, convenient bo Portland Golf club. Price $500. terma By selling In acre tracts you can double your money or have half of It for a home without cost. J. G. Rainey. 517 Abington bldg. Bdwv. H2H0. 8 ACRES OX HIGHWAY! $ acres of splendid soil. 6 acres In cultivation, IVj In timber: 40 assorted fruit trees; 4 acres of all kinds of ber ries; 5-room house with unfinished at tic ; electricity, hot and cold water; right on highway to Tigard station; only $5700. some terms. Ask for F. C. Mar shall with FRAXK L. MoGUTRiE. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. 2Q5 Abington HMg. Proa.iwav 7171. POWELL VALLEY ROAD SNAP. $400 per acre buys 20 acres Just one mile east of 82d st. Faces on the paved road, over half In cultivation, some high ground affording a magnificent view. Worth double this price, but non-resident wants to make a quick sale. A rare opportunity; Investigate. J. G. Rainey. 17 Abington bldg. Bdwy. fi2R9. PARK ROIB ACRE. Splendid aore with 22 fruit trees and all kinds of berries. 2 blks. from Park Rose car; new 4-room buna-alow with full plumbing, gas and running water; garage, barn and chicken house. You must see this to appreciate It. $4-500; terms. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRIE. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. 205 -Abl-aton Bldg. Broadway 7171. $00 LOCATES YOU. BH acres rich black soil, creek through property; faces gravel road; ) mile from station, P. O. and store; 30 miles from Portland : fine for chickens or truck ; price $575; $60 cash and $12.50 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK I ONLY $3uO. PARK ROSE. One-third acre. Ideally located: small payment down: call us at once. Ask for F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. MoGUIRtE. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. 205 AbiTigton Bldg. Broadway 7171 WEST SIDE ACREAGE!. Only 15 minutes' ride from 6th and Washington st-".; good rocked road right to property; city water, electricity and gas available; small down payment and easy terms on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 304 Panama Bldg Bdwy. M77. THREE ACRES CLOSE IN. On pavement, city water, cleared, plowed ; 20 fruit trees ; spring and few trees In one corner; only $1800, t'rma, D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 25A5. Evenings and Sunday, Main 7K44. FOR SALE By owner, 2 acres all In culti vation, new modern 4-room bungalow; electric lights, Jersey cow, chickens; St. Johns car, 2 blocks north of Fessenden. Price $4000; $1500 down. rat on time. Will consider some trade. 055 E. Polk st. ONE ACRE CLOSE IN. On pavement ; city water, cleared, plowed; $500; terms. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg., Bdwy. 2505. Sunday Main 7844. 5 ACRES near Orenco. Or., all In culti vation. Lie fine on good macadam road, across road from Oregon Nursery land ; verv cheap for part cash and terms. Main 1884. GOOD Hat of choice, well-Improved, cloee M acreage tracts, one acre uo. for aale and exchange at bargain price: let u ehow you. Tallmadge Realty Co, 61 1 Henry hi fig. CULTIVATED land. Just outsld- city, near 42d and Ainaworth ; city water. city school; $10 payment, S acre to acrea. Roger vv. cary. iiv w. nana mag anrsrr irtO acrea Implicated farm In Red mond district, to trade for property any where west of mountain: SSOOO caah required. 814 Couch bldg-. Bdwy. Qflftfl. S-5 ACRE TRACTS TO S ACRES Improved, block from atatlon and paved road, 16 minot rid red car line. Owner, Main 8380. AURB tract., close In. right on Powell Valley road, all In cultivation. SCO down and $10 per month- 814 Couoh bldg., V roacwav 14 ACRES near Grant Paaa. 10 Lincoln county. 24 acre Clackamas, 2 acre Moslen Sell any or all aheap. Nei:i, 405 Bpajain SEVEN ACRBH, CLOSE Tn! THOMAS ALLEN. 0181 ar ST B. Et ftl6-4ft ACRB for aale or trad, on car line, reasonable. Auto. 819-01. gyw, arvi M . A.P acr O- C. car, $576. term. iWi' jiftiiAWJt .rung RE A I, KSTATK. Fur Kule AcFgS. SXCLU6IVB ACRB TRACTS ON BEAVERTOK HIGHWAY. An offering of acre tlful Patron place, jus a tmm yard- we of the Multnomah county line. hre the piv.l itimi the Scholl' FVrrr road. Only 5 ot eourthouM pt Canyon road to Sylran. theoca. aVhoII 4 road to property Gently sloping land with south an4 ant exposure, very alvhtly with magnifi cent view. This place la famous for i wonderful Tve of tree; the moat boa-.i-tlful place near Portland. Some of the tracts are rn cultivation ; all face o th paved road; Bull Run water, it as and electricity. Convenient to Golf and Hunt club Just a few blocks Olaen tatlon. Only $1200 per acre, fair terms Driva out and see It today; several tract sold; won't lat Ion; make your eetaouo Dow. J. O. RAINEY $17 AMngton Bldg. Bdwv U? extra niornj M acres Practically all cleared and rcdi for cultivation; f'.na shot oll '' ins; running water and Drarthalli new. attractive 5-room house, with city water, llrbts, iraa, pbn-ne etc.; all available; located naar paved, prominent highway". an3 boun1ed on one aide by good elec tric Una with atatlon only few ateps from house, and onlv aboul io mmutea riae into ci trio line or auto. Lias ightly In rood waat el and to our mind has at thing tn It a favor and if anythln asjalnat It; alderlnc aoll. location lencea and possibilities find It hard to dupllr advertised for first tlm to own era surround in -t.-rsua .-tI1 h. nr'flt f itoh and t dUtrlet ut littlo uid con con ven vou will . It I and duo clrcum- ff 1 Will give terma and roUrtit divide. jomethlng good SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bid. OARDEN HOME ACRES. $100 Down. 115 Month. 6 Inlereot. AH City Conveniencea Only 2$ minutci from heart of city. OREGON BLECTRXC (4rt electric train dally). 9c commutation fare; gaa. elec tricity and Bu.l Run water In atrMe: within 3-mlnut' walk of atatlon. achonl and atorea ; look over thia n K8T DIS TRICT around Portland before you bu ; prlcea $00 to $IMM per acre; no retrlc ttona. STOP THAT RENT. Build a hack If neceaaary. 100x100 BUILDINO RITES. block from O. H. station, and you can nam TOUR OWN TERMS, a low aa 110 down. to month. TOR SALE HT OWNER only ; no commlsalon to pari prlcea 400 to loo for 10xl00 COME TO GARDEN HOME TODAY Phone Main P31H oefore atartlng and o w ner will meet you at atatlon. Weak days ae McCormlc. owner, at 207 FAILING BLDO. W. a. IDE. $4500 Roue C;ty district. Terms, New ft-rm. ' bungalow complete; fur nace, hardwood floo-a, fireplaca, buffet. breakfast tKtok. Iutch kitchen, laundry traa. tc. Lot Im ftOxlOO Pavemwii and all Im provement In and paid. SOSOO Laurelhurat home. Worth ooo. tSOSO Alameda home; the mot perfect 6-room cozy and complete homo on our tint. floe to car In th heart of Alameda. $TO00 Duplex in KunnyeJda. Bet rental district on th eaat ldo. Car aervlce 15 minute to heart of buaineaa. TArire lot with frolt and borrle. Space for aovoraj UtOB. J2RO0 New S-room bunjralow. Jut merit iur coupie. tructed. h ood fur-mlr-likfaat race, firepla ror, Dut- h kl room. Lot I Seo II I W. C. R1T Lewi- Hlds I IE. IMwv. 10O4. $4200 PA V EII HIGHWAY Dandy aero with 20 aaoorted rrt tree, abundance of crapes and borrl and all klnda of ahrubberv; modorn n bungalow with full plumhina. break nook, built-in, city water: cloao to OH bert atatlon and ood wchoel. t town. Terms. Aok for W 0 Marsha WUl1 FRANK L. McGUIRIE. Third Ht.. hot. Wah. and Stark. 205 Abi7iton Bid Prniidwav tlTI RIVERDALK DISTRICT I have one or two acres in thla beauti ful dlatrlct at a very low prlr-e: 't front on the Pacific highway; haa all modern facUitlen ready to connect, and only a short distance from th utr urban car. Price for quick aal I22M per acre. J. J. JjIOW A It I tl I , HMIT A"b 24 ACRES $2200! All m cultivation, barln fruit and all klnda of berrlea; :t room cotta. barn, chicken house, rarae; era! road to Huber atatlon; terma i accept Ma VaVea-at Ak for fr. C Moral FRANK L Third 6t.. bet. W 20JS Ahlnton Hide-. art pay rm. All cleared. 8 acre In beatin loran berrlea. 1000 ajooaebf rrlea. loo black cape, 000 atrawberrlea ; near Rood town on highway; house, burn, chtcken house, other buildings, all nearly new; a real bargain for 4300. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Jl'.ST OUTfllDi CITY LIMITS. 150 fruit treea, IS varieties., 2 H acroa planted In commercial garden. fry thing In producing atat. city water, gas. electricity on atreet, half of crop will make down payment: $2500. 250 caah. easy terma JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 033 N. W. Hank Hldg. Muh STST. Vi iHi'Mti HALS. Rtt aorea at Jennlng I-od. on Or City carllne; black loam aoll. nearly all cleared; fair bldgs.. electrlo lights. eloa otatlon. Owner, away, reduced pric to I32.M) for quick aale. Gkt buav W ywi want real snap See A. K. Hill- 424 Lumbermen bldg. FIVE ACRES- 135 PER AHlSl 11 mile from Portland, in Powell al ley half mil from Anderson atatlon on Etarad, line: light clearing, beat of soil, no gravaj; a real bargain at th price- very eaay terma. W. M- Umboti itock t Co.. 21 Oreron bldg. Bdwy. 1 . 2ft AC REM NEAR TIOARDV I LLH5. About 18 acrea in cultivation, balance pasture: will aell 10 or 1ft acrea without fmprovementa or 10 acrea with Improve ments, or all. If lntereated writ MS Strong at.. Portland. Or., or call 01. 2H acres, right on the highway. nly 1 i minutes from Portland hotel, with never-failing stream; a wonderful garden apot; city water, ga and electrlo light; only $8500; terms. I r. I low ml 3H f rorT. . ... rT" ,.,.-,.(, I L'U II lUIllKV KRI'IT. HKKKIES, i;!UK-X. 103x385. all In fruit and bar.-ie. gaa. electricity. Bull Run water. 11 blook out of city; an acre with an income; 1100 caah. II" monthly. JOHSSON-DODSOK CO. r.rta N. W Bank Bldg. Main BTgY. IO minute 'walk to station and aehool; V, acr fine aoll; paved hhrhwar: 4-room hack. Rte what you Ilk. Vrr terma. Bdwy. U-03. K. RANSOM CO. 4QT M? Kay Bldg. 4u ACRES, $300. or 80 acre 700; aflw bottom land, right at th Ablqua oreek; good hunting and flehing; about 10 mile from Hilverton road achool. neighbor R. R. 2 mile, all for $700; terma. LIS Vlrat st. Room 1. NHson KALE OR KXrilANOIC 20 ACRES, TH 1 A It D. $1S00. Tillable, 2 wlls, small bulldlnga; will take smaller acreage or city houaa. p aell on easy terma. T.' C CORBIN CO., 80S -T LWl Bldg. U A""RIB! S LAROTfl ROOM ROtftfB. Close In; a'.ec. Una and atatlon; g alec.: chn at S1160. Twrm. McDonell. Eaat 410. 26 ACRES, Baae Line corner. D wood ear 8 block; small house, ail nv-dorn faoiii- ,". u K?f elea'-ed. heaatlfut view. WW amuiin fV-m ah. L. Wllmot ;reshamf Oregon 7 AOREA. 4-R"OM HOUSE. 13no. Near uresjon ivy. ir- rlea. good aprlng, fenved- A. K. AKKHS'.jVJHsaiy BM. FOR KALE 7 acre, good 7n1: S clover on paTd highway. 6 m' e from courthouae; wat aid; beautiful MM Auto. 230-51. noi.LV ACRRS. urn - ......... -t . imvmI h li Tbl 1 choice acre;, so get buar gai pqwy " t,. .. JT! TABOR 4-acr, bungalow, garag. ail klnda bearing fruit; no gravel, rtaw; Hawthorn car; lnvaatlgat: $4400. farm a TaPor 2474. Uy- A ( "RE chicken ranch; rood houaa : aom fruit; all cultivated; foroad t? 1L ONE ACRE In loganberries on 4fh and, A inwworth ; trm by ownar. Woodlawa ACRE tract. E. 42d and tnmpaoav udJau JTaad. tourtawrt.