10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 14, 1922 RKAJL I STATE. For Sale Houses. LARGE HOME BARGAIN. $8850 Large living room, ivory finish. dining room, two bedrooms. CO feet; double garage; several choir fruit trees: I'd floor. 3 bed rooms and large porch; hardwood floors whole house ; easy terms ; suitable for I fiats; Holladay addltiun, handy to Benson school. BU N G A T.O W C 1 ass y : 710 East 22d st. N. ; open 2 to 5 today; owner goes east; Hill sacrifice for (1000, on terms. See it today. ESTATE MUST SELL. IG.'.OU or $7850 Large home on 100x100. fine shrubbery, garage, 5 large rooms on first floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement. Hoy nt on furnace, 4 large bed rooms, bath, sleeping porch, large attic; near 26tb and Thompson; will sell with one lot If desired; a fine large home or suitable for two-occupancy. R T STREET 'Homes' Realtor, Bast s!)4. Res.. East 4280. COLONIAL HOME, r entrance. large rooms, oak irepiace. furnace, beautiful lawn, prrce reduced to 16250. l.AT'H El. HURST. gar 7-room, 2-story, close to park, one block to car; a r-al home; $6100. HAWTHORNE. New 5-room bungalow, finished attic, fireplace, oak floors. 3 blocks to car; (4000. 200x100, lovely grounds, 5-room aeml niodern house. good condition. full Biumbine. every convenience. rruit, berries shrubs, nice lawn. blocks 13500. It really Is a snap C M. DBRR. W. Bank Bldg., Mar. $6300 FURNISHED. ROSE CITY PARK. A 6-rm. modern bungalow, beau tifully furnished; below the hill, in the heart of Rose City Park; everything goea ; mahogany furni ture. V.ctrola, Majeatlc range, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, large floored attic; everything complete; $1500 will handle. A genuine bargain. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. LAURELHURST ENGLISH COLONIAL. 1023 Davis St. Open for inspection Sunday, from 2 to & P. ML; 0 rooms, 2 fire- ftlacea, all hardwood floors, old vory finish, furnace, full concrete basement, sunroom. garage; owner taking Legitimate loss In pricing it low and asks that we get offer; mall payment down. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Broadway 7523. FOR SALE BY OWNER. TMa bungalow is located in Rose City Park, corner lot. built less than two years ago by owner for home; It's mod ern, up to the minute; 5 lovely rooms and breakfast nook, finished in old ivory and white, eastern oak, hardwood Tloors, even to the large closets, electric fire place, best grade shades and inlaid lino leum, screens, beautiful electrical fix tures, French doors between living and dining rooms, furnace, wash trays, ga rftge, choice rosed, beautiful shrubbery. If you are looking for a real home, see this; $1500 will handle, balance terms. Call forenoon. Auto. 313-22. FOR SALE ROSE CITT PARK RESI DENCE, BY OWNER. GOING TO LE AVE CITY; SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, HARDWOOD FLOORS, 4 BEDROOMS. .MODERN IN EVERY WAY; GASCO FURNACE; REASONABLE TERMS TO KKSt'o.WsiBI.F: PARTIES. TELEPHONE &KLLWOOD 49. ERVTNGTON BARGAIN! $cnoo $1500 CASH. New Dutch colonial, exceptionally well built; large living room with attractive colonial mantel ; beautiful dining room with French doors leading onto cement terrace; handy Dutch kitchen; fine bath room, recess tub, two large bedrooms, heavy hardwood floors, plate-glass win dow, full cement basement, furnace and garage ; fine location. ,A real bargain! R 8 O M E R VII. I.E. BDWY. 2478. H ME WITH INCOME, i $4o(0, $630 cash, $20 and InteYest per month. 6-room house near Portland boulevard. 20 fruit trees, nut trees, grapes, loganberries, blackberries, straw berries, raspberries, currants. 2 chicken houses, chicken-tight wire fence; plenty grilse for row ; garage, ground 133x270: 1 block to Portland boulevard. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bajak HIdw. Main 377. $310O SNAP! BETWEEN PIEDMONT CAR BARNS AND PENINSULA PARK. A neat. attractive 5-room cottage bungalow; looks like new; concrete basement with stationary wash tubs. 2 fine bedrooms, bath and a full Dutch kitcher- on corner lot 50x100; if you have $500 cash and can pay $35 a month Including interest, call Sell wood 1S30, ;lsK for Mr. Parrot'.. I CORNER. G-room modern home, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, g-as. hot water heater, receipt ion hall, reception room with fireplace, dining room and ki'ichen with all built -ins, 3 bedrooms, bath. $4000, cash $1200, balance $23 per month; interest 6 per cent. GOO E. tak and ISth. Open Sunday, IP to 5. "l:i0O $350 DOWN and terms to suit. A M 4-room bungalow on lot 100x100. With beautiful view; 5 blocks from car, 7 blocks from school. See this today; hair block from city limits of Mll waukle. Btia MR. BENNETT, with H W. OSBORNE CO.. Realtor. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 33 S7. " ROSE CITY BARGAINS. ' $4000 EASY TERMS. New. attractl'e, 5-room bungalow with all the built-Ins; hardwood floors, fire place, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, two nice bedrooms, floored attic, garage and furnace. K. SOMKRYILLE. BDWY. 2473. " SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2300. $570 cash, balance $20 per mo.; on n ell-traveled paved street. 80x100 corner lot, garage, chicken house and run. fruit trees, garden planted. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. fi33 . W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITT PARK. A fine home at the right price. Mod ern in every respect ; o rooms, sleeping porch. For full description and terms phone owner. Automatic 313-81. $2! 50 PRICE $21" 50 $200 DOWN $20O $25 PER MONTH $25 fti arty new 4-room bungalow. 857 Btaff.'i-d at., near Union ave. Phone and k t h" owner about this. East 4000. WEST SIDE PLATS. Modern flat building of two B-room flats; very fine location, on Jackson ajtar Park street; price $7500, half cash. JOHN SINGER. 421 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. in;ton snap near clubhouse. Uy owner. Modern 6-room bungalow Ul parage, hardwood floors, fireplace, iwn. flowers and fruit. Leaving city, ui-M sacrifice. Tabor 2416. .L AT 216 GRAHAM AVE. SUNDAY. Ownr will sacrifice 7-room modern celling. Some information may be .l by calling Auto. 647-88 or writing A N 650. Oregoni an. I NQTON, $6300 700 HANCOCK ST. TO CLOSE ESTATE. Large, old home, one of Irvtngton's b-st corners; va nt; make two-occupancy; big value. ikA offer; on terms. YV 5-room bungalow near Peninsula ark. on Kenton car line, garage, break ast nook, paved street. 50 B. I-ombard. lust 4S42 evenings. Owner. FOR SALE. Equity in six -room modern house, or i!l trade on smaller house. See owner, 2S6 East Lincoln street. KT,W( TO SETTLE ESTATE $7506. Alameda Park view home. 7 rooms, isssiitn drive. Bv appointment. HAS. R1NOLKR. 204 Ry. Ech. Bldg. OOM bungalow, full basement. 50x100 lot. 1 block from car. near Franklin lgh and Creston schools: $2900, terms, y on nor. Call Tabor 2736. $420tV-I Five-room bungalow, close In In Sun vs;,!,' district; pipe. ess furnace, fire lace : can sell on easy terms. Call Its ;,ues. Broadway rt00. HAWTHORNE, com bungalow, large every way. Owner, attic. Tabor JBUNQALOW Modern, 5 rooms, hundreds of dollars less than cost. Owner, 5i)3 Maple st.. 2 blocks south 14th and Haw ihnrtio ave. LAURELHURST. See .1 tod-ay. Modem bungalow. Just H plgtert 16 Hazel Fern ave. $6000. hone Tubor S31. KUINti little 4-room bungalow among lie trees at Multnomah. Only $2200 n easv terms. Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt Ids. 127 Park st. 1fV CASH 100x100. 447 KKAT. FSTATE. J. A. WICK MAN CO., REALTORS. 202 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK. $4650 Tou cannot beat this modern 6 room bungalow for the money ; combination living and dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms and bath down, also 2 bedrooms up ; furnace, fire place, garage, cement basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors, all bullt-lns. large plateglass win dows; ooxioo lot, sewer, sme walks and curb all in and paid and the paving will cost only about $116. Let us show this to you; terms, $75t cash. $4830 7-room, 2-story home. located on 50x100 lot. with all improvements In and paid ; absolutely modern In every respect ; newly painted and decorated inside and out; terms to suit. $4350 Brand new 5 - room California bungalow, modern throughout and located on Alameda drive. This Is one of those nifty little places that anyone is pleased to call home. Let us show you; easy terms. $ 5850 Wl 1 1 take I n good lo t as part payment on this up-to-date 2 story borne located in Irvington; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, ga rage, furnace, fireplace, built -ins and ail street improvements in ond paid; 50x100 lot; easy terms; owner building small home reason- for selling. See this today. Call Broadway 6704. $5500 Dandy 5-room and attio bunga low style home located In Ala meda Park; you will have to e&e this bungalow to appreciate the many features that go to make a real home, for it contains all of the modern conveniences and can be handled on a small cash payment, or will also take bonus loan as part payment. B. 6794. $3 ISO Owner going east and must sell at once, therefore has reduced the price on this attractive new 4-room and breakfast nook bun galow; house Is modern through out, and sewer, sidewalks in and paid; close to car; let us show you; easy terms. B. 6794. $1800 This Is not a shack but a dandy 5-room and bath cottage, located on a 50x100 lot, with sewer and sidewalks In and paid; newly painted and decorated through out, and Jnst the place for a young couple; can be handled on very easy payments. B. 6794. We have salesmen with autos at your aervice and will be glad to show you any of these places without pUcing you under any obligations J. A. WICK MAN CO., REALTORS, 262 Stark St. Phone B. 6794. Branch Office, 24th and Fremont. HEIGHTS TERRACE. $12,000. Close In, west side, and one of the best built houses in the citv; very large living room, beautiful dining room with built-in buffet. large Dutch kitchen, 3 lovely bedrooms and 2 sleeping porches on second floor, also porch full length of house on first floor; full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace and laundry trays, all kinds of fruit and flowers. If you want a real home close in with won derful view of city and mountains this Is your opportunity and we can arrange terms to suit you. EVERETT PHILPOE, Salesmanaeer, NEILAX & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 2832 $500 DOWN. Just the place for on whe wants to have chickens; 6-room house, iot ISOsxIOO ft., lota of fruit, at $4750; you will be pleased. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. BY OWNER. Classy 5-room bungalow, latest Im provements, old Ivory finish, tapestry Taper, hardwood floors, plate-glass win dow, fireplace, breakfast nook, furnace and garage; lawn, flowers and shrub bery; a snap; $1400 will handle. oi7 E. 60th, between Market and Mill. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Large grounds, over 4 lots in berries of all kinds, apples, grapes, cherries. peaches, walnuts, plums, roses and shrubbery; a fine garden planted, fine lawn. This is a landscape garden with a fine residence, on Brazee st., and only $12,000. Owner in business and must sell. Call at 14G Killingsworth ave., apt. B, or phone Woodlawn 2901 or Broadway 6859. F. L. BLANCHARD, Realtor. , 401-2 Swetiand Bldg. $6900 DUTCH COLONIAL $6900. IRVINGTON. New five-room, most attractive home, located in nice neighborhood; house con veniently arranged ; one bedroom and bath on first floor ; space for 2 addi tional rooms upstairs ; built by owner for his home by day labor; best of mate rial used; hardwood floors, plate-glass windows, full cement basement, good furnace. 439 East 27th North, near Tillamook St., or 615 Chamber of Com merco bldg. Broadway 6651. $3850 Close in, 3fil San Rafael, near Union ave., 7-room house, paved street, 0x150 lot, fruit. $3850 Weidler st. -room house. $S50 Furnished houseboat, 5 ro large porches, foot Nevada sL Fine river. CHAS. RINGLER, 204 Ry. Exch. IN IRVINGTON. Brand new bungalow, 6 large airy rooms and breakfast alcove, Dutch kitchen, tile bath and drainboards. oak floor, papered and decorated through out. Ivory and mahogany finish; attic, garage. See it today. The price Is right. Located at 730 E. 22d st. N. Owner Wdln. 6541. ATTENTION! OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Rose City Park. $4200, new up-to-the-minute colonial bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, all conveniences and Improvements; artistic and exceptionally well built: on East SSth. between Knott and Brazee. Call owner. Tabor 41S4, or East 2308. IRVINGTON COLONIALS. $8500. $9500. $10,500. $12,000. $20,000. And many beautiful new bungalows. We will be pleased to show you these. They are worth it. Phone for appoint ment. R. T. STREET. "HOMES" REALTOR. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Two blocks to Rose City car, moder B-room bungalow with sleeping porch, hardwood flors. cabinet kitchen, book cases, full basement; household furniture Included at $4500; f6M down. George Denfleld. 449 East 49th at. N. Call Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Exceptionally well built 8-room home, choice neighborhood, all floors and in terior woodwork oak, 3 fireplaces, tiled bathroom, finest plumbing, automatic furnace, inclosed sleeping porch ; snap ; $7500. Owner. Auto. 315-33. IT S A REAL BUY. B-room modern bungalow in the best part of Rose City Park: all built -Ins, fireplace and furnace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, and garage; old Ivory enamel throughout, house in first-class condition. Call Tabor 2069 or Wdln. 5.S6. ON ADAMS ST.. close to Holladay ave. Large 8-room house with beautiful lot covered with fonit and flowers. In A-l condition. Only $4500. This is a won derful buy and will stand close in spection. Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. LADD AVENUE. New strictly modern 3-room bunga low, hardwood floors, large attic. Also a new B-room bungalow near completion; reasonable term. Call owner. Tabor B4S3. Weekdays Broad wav 7959. ALAMEDA HOME. 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floora. parage, everything complete. Buy from owner, 9S9 Skidmore. FOR SALE My $250 equity in 5-room house on 100x100 iot and fruit trees: will take $100. Call at 1944 East Clay. BARGAIN?" EASY TERMS. $2S50 WALKING DISTANCE J2S50. 6-room house. 303 Cherry St. BY OWNER Irvington bungalow, all modern conveniences, garage, large lot, close to 3 car lines; $5600. East 0075. COZY home, modern, except basement, reasonably priced. Call or write the owner. 2909 H -st.. Vancouver. Wash. MUST sell . Hose alrable modern Oregonian. City Park 7-room de home. Owner, K 577, ATTRACTIVE 6-room Irvington. 5S1 East 335 8 . Owner. -ROOM house, right price, modern, lot ; 1 lne lawn, hearing fruit trees, on Wavprltv Heights. Phone Sell. 22Q5. ROSE CITY bungalow, strictly modern; garage; paved; a real bargain. Owner 659 E. 51st st. N. Tabor 697S. BEAT. ESTATE. For Sale H ROSE 'CITY. Dandy 5-room bungalow on fine corner, both streets paved, nice lawn and shrubbery, no mort gage, straight contract ; $5500 ; very liberal terms. LAURELHURST. Fine new bungalow, only one block from car. Built under di rection of architect for a home, but change of business makes it necessary to sell at a sacrifice; $4400, with $1000 cash. OWNER SAYS SELL his 7-room bungalow on paved eLreet, one-fourth block to car, for only $4000; very reasonable terms, or will discount for cash. SPECIAL BARGAIN. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, dou ble constructed, large, light rooms, abundance of fruit and shrubbery; $3200 for quick sale; only $650 cash, balance like rent. KAWTH ORNE. Fine new, thoroughly modern bungalow of 5 rooms in good dia trict, on paved street, now ready for occupancy; $750 cash, balance easy. ROSE CITT. Nice modern bungalow below the hill, south of Sandy on paved street, close to -car; $4200; $700 a R. MEYER COMPANY. 80S Couch bldg. Bdwy. 1531. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $6000. Here is what you have been looking for. strictly modern 6-room bungalew in Irvington at a price that you can afford to pay. Lare living room and library across the front with built-in bookcases, dining room with beautiful built-in buffet, extra large kitchen with all the latest built-ins. 3 large bedrooms and nice bathroom, hardwood floors, fur nace and fireplace, full cement base ment, laundry travs and garage on a beautiful 50x100 lot; all improvements In and paid. EVERETT PHILPOE, Salesmanager, NEIL AN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 2S32. ARTISTIC FLEMISH COLONIAL. Sacrifice In Irvington; owner leaving city, must sell at once; design won prize in house-beautiful contest; 6 rooms with garage, 2-story, hardwood floorB through out, 2 fireplaces, full concrete basement, all modern appoint ments ; one of the most substan tially built houses in Irvington; $1500 will handle, terms like rent. 621 East 19th st. N. Auto. 318-27. A REAL BUY. $3500 $300 down and payments to suit, beautiful 3-room bungalow Just being completed; has Mving room and dining room combined, bedroom, bath, toilet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, three-quarter cement basement, walks and driveway; garage. See MR. BENNETT, with H. W. OSBORNE CO., Realtors. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 53S7. BY OWNER. Widow must seil 5-room modern bun galow with double garage, in Kenton district; lot 50x100; consists of living room, dining room with fireplace, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 large bedrooms and cement basement; price $3300. good terms. Will take car or lot as part payment. Located at 72 East Terry st., 4 blocks north of Lombard, near Mississippi. READ THIS LAURELHURST BARGAIN. $5250. Offering this bungalow at a rock bottom price for immediate sale. Lo cated block from car. You'll appreciate the construction and finish. Modern In every way with hardwood floors, fire place, full cement basement, furnace, garage. Assessments paid. Phone me today. Tabor 3433. HOMESEEKERS' ATTENTION. I am go ins to build several small houses, 4, 5 or more rooms, on west side of Mt. Tabor. Why not see me and have your home planned and finished Just the way you like it ? Make your own terms, or what have you as a first payment ? Phone evenings, Marshall 748. Ask for builder. PENINSULA DISTRICT. New modern 4-room house on 50x100 lot, with bath, veranda, sidewalk paid, street graded, close to new city park at St. Johns. Will sacrifice at $2000, which Is itss than cost, and give terms of $200 cash, with the balance in reas onable monthly installments. Phone Columbia 100. THE CHEAPEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Must go east next month, must sell my 7-room plastered house; in first class condition; $1500, $500 down and $10 a month at 6 per cent on balance; large garage and cuicken house, apples, pears, prunes, plums, cherries, berries and garden all in; lot 75x100. I860 Drummorid st.. Kenton. IRVINGTON HOMES. $5S50 Near 23d and Knott, in Broadway loop, 6 rooms, big side porch, 2-story, garage. A buy. $5950 6 rooms and alcove, hrwd. firs.. firepl.. full basement, double ga rage, full lot, Holladay add. R. T. STREET, "HOMES" REALTOR. East 894. I" Res. East 4280. NEW, NEAR PENINSULA PARK. $4175, $750 cash, $20 and interest, new modern 5-room bungalow, old ivorv fin ish, fireplace, breakfast nook, cement basement, polished floors, 50x100 lot. paved street; a very complete home. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $4700 WOULD you pay that for a 6-room modern new home that would outlast you and your children? Convenient to 2 carlines, school, stores and walking distance to Jefferson high. Yea, it has all the built-ins, hardwood floora, ga rage and bearing assorted fruit. 327 Dekum. Walnut 4374. ROSE CITY" 6-room bungalew. breakfast nook, beautiful interior finish, oak floors, full basement, furnace; $5500, easy terms. Owner. Tabor 769. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Swell bungalow of 7 rooms and ga rage to match, interior finished in ivory and papered walls, hardwood floors, beautiful buffet and fireplace. Dutch kitchen, all built-ins; steam heat, ther mostat control ; house $6800. sell fu niture also. Owner, Tabor 2532. NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Large living room, tapestry paper, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, breakfast nook, stairs to attic, cement basement, hard wood floors throughout ; 50xl00-f t. lot, nn paved St., 1 block from car; fine view of city; $4000; terms; by owner. Call evenings or Sunday, Tabor 8551. MOST beautiful 5-room bungalow at Multnomah, with large lot. Fruit, flow era and vines. An ideal home. Only two blocks from the station. Sightly. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg.. or his representative, Mrs. Grant, at Multnomah office. ROSE CITY. Strictly modern bungalow, arranged for 2 families; only $750 down, balance monthly. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch Bid- Broadway 6735. BY OWNER. Must sacrifice my 7-room house, in fine shape. basement, lot 40x1 00, worth $4000; if sold at once will take $3100. terms. 5135 Woodstock ave., or call Main 4245. '-ROOM 2-story house, full cement base ment, gas. bath, electricity, corner lot 75x100. 2 blocks east of Union ave. 415 Wygant St., $500 down, $35 per month. Price $3500. Phone Woodlawn 2125 after 6 P. M. $100 CASH. Three -room cottage, plastered, 2 lots, all kinds of fruit and berries, chicken house and rabbit pens : located on 66: h St., near 65th ave. S. E. Call owner at Tabor 769. . FOR SALE Small bungalow, beautifully located, near Sell wood park, overlooking river; high-class neighborhood, improve ments in and paid; furnished or unfur nished ; by owner. Ca 11 Sunday or eve nings after 6:30. 494 Rex ave. IRVINGTON PARK. 5-room modern double constructed bungalow. 50x100 lot. 4 blocks to 2 car lines. 1 block to school; lots of fruit and berries ; $2650 ; small down payment, bal. easy. Wdln. 3433. IRVINGTON Big 10-room house, full lot. Tillamook near 15th; appraised $7200": mortgage $2750: this week $3000 takes it ; easily converted Into flats. J. D. Kennedy. 329 Salmon. Main 47S9. Jl'iT completed 5-room house; was built for home ; double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast room, full concrete basement and garage, for sale, by owner. East 7490. ' -ROOM Laurelhurst home, 1 block to car; H ing room In solid mahogany, dining room in l -sawed oak ; garage, two lots, pergola. Japanese garden, grape arbor; $15.000. Bv owner. Tabor 4921. - ROOM house with three lots, $2500; $300 down, balance easy terms. Tre mor.t Realty Co., Mt. Scott car to Tre- mont. GOOD 8-room house in Sunnyside. Im provements In and paid; price $2500. $900 cash, balance on contract. Inquire 1042 E. Taylor or phone Tabor 1677. A NEW modern bungalow, 5 rooms and attic. 1 block from Rose City car; price reduced. Owner. Phone 239-05. MODERN Sel 1 wood 6-room home, cheap. Phone 53 evenings. 6-ROOM Penlnsuia home, with garage, a sacrifice, 563 Weat Ruasett at. EE.IL ESTATE. For !Sale -Houses. A. G. TEEPE CO. ROSE CITY PARK LAURELHURST IRVINGTON If you are going to buy in any of these districts you owe it to yourself to inspect our listings. "We maintain two offices 40th and Sandy and the Laurelhurst tract office. Ail our time is given to the sale of residential prop erty in the best east side districts. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. We have a number of attractive bun galows for around $4500 to be sold on very easy terms. We are in touch with nearly all the best buys in Rose City. Tell us what you want and if it's to be had we'll get It for you. $5000 An exceptionally attractive 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors throughout. Full cement basement, garage, etc. Located near Sandy on 44th, facing east. $4950 New bungalow, modern every way. Double construction. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. Near car. Ye ry e asy terms. $4950 6 rooms, 50 feet from Sandy, facing east. Below the hill. Modern. Very easy terms. $0000, Positively one of the best built bungalows in Rose City. If you want a home out of the ordinary, where con struction and finish count, then Inspect this new bungalow. Near Sandy. LAURELHURST. Our office is in the center of Laurel hurst, Drive out today and see the real home at moderate prices we are show ing. $4400 An attractive bungalow mod ern, too. Oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. Terms. snOOO- 6-rcom bunealow reduced In price from $7500. Near park. Not a new bungalow but a mighty good one. $1000 cash will handle. Out-of-town owner. $0500 Colonial bungalow. Built by one of Portland's best builders. If we could just get you to inspect this to make your own comparisons we would make a sale. Come prepared to see the last word In bungalow construction. Nothing could be added. Terms. $7500- Laurelhurst bungalow. 7 rooms. Reduced in price from $9000. Located corner 41st and Ash, block from park. $1000 cash will handle. Drive by and see for yourself. Pleasure to show you. $12.500 New colonial, overlooking beautiful Laurelhurst Park. Exception ally large lot. Built by one of Port land's best builders. A description here would mean nothing. It'll be a pleasure to show you and no obliga tions are implied. A number of attractive homes In Alameda Park and Irvington are avail able at attractive prices. Drive out to either of our offices to day. Phone for an appointment. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Residential Realtors. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 95SG. Aut. 313-48. Laurelhurst Office, 39th and GUsan. Tabor 3433. A REAL HOME. Fine modern bungalow of 5 rooms; room on second floor for 3 more, which can be finished for $300; large front poroh, living room across front of house, with tw-o large plate-glass windows and plate-glasa door; fireplace, bookcases, French doors between living and dining room; dining room paneled and has very large and artistic buffet, oak floors In both rooms: two fine bedrooms, full-len-gth mirror in one: oldlvory finis-h bathroom, large and has linen cabinet and two casement windows'; complete and very convenient Dutch kItchen,jHld ivory; fine cement basement, No. 1 fur nace, laundry trays, gaa plate, 2 lots 40x 100 each ; garage ; sm all, neat house for dozen hens; 8 young fruit tress, some bearing; near high and grade schools and grocery; 1 blocks to car; all improvements in and paid. $(UMK, iha-lf cash. 1555 Division et. Tabor 2261. COMMERCIAL STREET. $4000. A very attractive bungalow-type cot tage; ft rooms on the first floor, one room finished In attic: this little home has most every modern convenience, also beautiful lawn and all kinds of fine shrubbery. If you are looking for a home that is really worth the money. don't fail to Investigate this. Price $4000, very easy terms. F. HILL. 696 Williams Ave. East 2GS. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A REAL HOME IN LAURELHURST WE HAVE IT. BRICK TO SECOND STORY. HDWD. FLOORS UPSTAIRS AND DOWN; FINISHED IN WHITE IVORY ; EVERY UP-TO-DATE FEATURE YOU COULD PUT IN A HOME INCLUDING TILE BATH AND DRAIN BOARDS. FULL PRICE S12.000. YOU MUST SEE IT TO APPRECIATE. OWNER GOING ABROAD. G. C. ULRICH CO , INC , SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG.. MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS ALAMEDA BUNGALOW, $5990. Large living room and dining room, 2 large, light bedrooms, very attractive bathroom, full Dutch kitchen and very beautiful breakfast nook, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, cement basement with laundry trays, full lot, street Improvements all In and paid. This Is a beautiful bungalow for a home and complete in every way. Everett Philpoe, Salesmanager, NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 2S32. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. BUNGALOW. 5-room modern bungalow on 36th street, large and airy rooms, splendid plumbing fixtures and many built-in features, large cor ner lot with hard paved st. in and paid, an Ideal little home; price $4500, $750 cash, balance like rent. J. F. HILL. 696 Williams Ave. East 268. WORTH $6500 TAKE 5700. LADD ADDITION 7 ROOMS. On Larch st., 1 block from car; lovely home, double construction; very best condition; large living room, re ceptfon room and den; fine built-ins; 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch; natural wood finish throughout ; fire place, buffet, furnace, full lot, east front. You should see this; $2000 cash, bal. like rent. Bdwy. 6011 or East 6503 evenings. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY. $5400 EASY TERMS. New. attractive bungalow on fine cor ner lot. large living room across the front, fireplace, plate-glass window, fine dining room, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 large, airy bedrooms, large floored attic. cement basement, furnace and garage; street imp. in and paid; fine location. R. SOMERVILLE. Broadway 2478. ATTENTION! EX-SERVICE MEN! 200x100 in fruit, assorted berries, grapes, garden. 5-room house in good condi tion, mode rn conveniences, concrete basement. 3 block to car, sidewalks, 100 feet to pavement; $3500 will buy this, and accept ynur bonus, or terms. C. M. DERR. 3215 N. W. Pank Bldg. Marshall 2245. $3500 HOME $500 DOWN. Close in, near Sandy Blvd. ; 3-room apartment bungalow with garage, hard wood floors, fireplace, cabinet kitchen and breakfast nook ; cement basement, laundry trays ; almost new; Immediate possession; rental terms. Paved st. paid. Mr. Harp. East 42S0. VACANT MUST BE SOLD. RICHMOND 6 ROOMS CHEAP. Two-story house. 3 large sleeping rcoms, natural grain finish, attic, base ment: fiflxlOO lot: close In. See and make offer. Bdwy. 601 1 or East 6503 evenings. T. O. BIRD. 526 f'ham. of Com. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 9-room house, nicely arranged for 2 families, fireplace, all built-ins. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, all Improvements in and paid; will rent for $50 per month. Convenient to all kinds of stores, schools and churches. For sale by owner. Tabor 70. ALAiME'Dt A VIEW BUNOALO W. 6-room. with billiard hall In basement, large attic, living room 1-5x24. mahogany paneled dining room, French doors, large bedrooms, newly painted inside and out, large lot. $S5O0. Wdln 620O Bdwy. 2045. $3600 BUYS these two 6-room houses, lots alone worth more than asked for houses; an estate and must be sold. Can easily rent for $25 per month. 218 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Broadway 6808 WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. BARGAIN. New English Colonial fl rooms, glassed in sleeping porch, tile bath, hardwood floors, garage, etc.. $6750. Call 1214 Hassalo or W. A. Carpenter, BOG McKay building. IRVINGTON FINE CORNER HOME. $8500. Near both car lines, extra well built, center hall, oak floors, fireplace, garage. Neuhausen & Co., Main 8078, East 304. $1650 6-ROOM house in Lents, 55x100 lot. 6 fruit trees, blackberrte and raspber ries; will knock off $200 if vou have $450 cash this week. 371 12th st. Mar. 2997 $1925 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 4-room bungalow, plumbing, electric ity, gas. Dutch kitchen. large floored at tic, garage, lawn, shrubbery, fruit. Ta bor 4803. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5-room modei-n bungalow. Look this up if you want good buy. Terms 11 A. M, to 4 P, M., 770 E. 68th St. X. REAL ESTATE. For Sale iioti-es. IRVINGTON. Mc DON ELL. EAST 419. $12,500 Fine stucco home on 24th. near Stanton, hardwood floors throughout, old ivory and solid mahogany woodwork, 2 tiled fireplaces and 2 tiled bath rooms. 2 extra la'atories, leep lng porch has dressing room with triple mirrors in lavatory. Real home for particular peo ple. Immediate possession. 12,000- tAIameda, large stucco home on 100x100, corner 2Sth and Skid more ; beaut if ully constructed, plate glass, light eastern oak woodwork, beautiful sunroom, library. 4 large bedrooms; also fine parage. $11,000 Fine home in heart of Irving ton. colonial type, hard-wood floors throughout. 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, double garage. $9500 Irvington, gray colonial, on 2GCh, near Thompson ; large artistic living room, beautiful dining room, perfect kitchen .and breakfast room, 3 loe!y bedrooms; full basement and Hess gas furnace. Built by Stokes for present owner. $7250 New bungalow on 13th. near Knott; buiit for home; has every convenience. Open to day. See this. $5300 Irvington, 5-room gray bun galow at COS Schuyler st. Smail initial payment and $60 month handle balance. We have most exclusive listings of 'Portland homes McDO:.N'EL'U EAST 419. 50CE. 14th St. N. DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST HOME. A home for "people who care." One of the "show places" over there. Eight rooms and sleeping porch, all rooms and hall on first floor finished in genuine mahog any; sightly 100x100 ground; very best environment, beautiful shrub bery and flowers. Those in the market for a grand Laurelhurst home should take a "peek" at this. Inspection by appointment For fullest particulars, see CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, "Better Types of Homes." 2S3 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. $5400 ROSE CITY $5400. $500 CASH. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND AT THE PRICE; ALL MODERN FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW; FULL CEMENT BASE MENT. FIREPLACE, FURNACE; ALL BUILT-INS EXCEPT BREAKFAST NOOK, BUT HAS LARGE KITCHEN; GLASSED-IN BACK PORCH. BAL ANCE $40 MONTH. INCLUDING IN TEREST. G. C. ULRICH CO, INC.. 405 STOCK EXCH. BLDG.. MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. IftVI'XpGTON BUNOAlXyW. BY OWNER. New, strictly modern five-room bun galow, all large rooms, entrance hall opens Into 14x19 living room, which con nects with large 13x10 dining room, with pane-led walls; large, light kitchen and breakfast nook; all finished In old ivory and mahogany, tapestry paper, hard wood floors, every built-in feature, fur nace, fireplace, full cement basement, garage. Priced to fell quickly account leaving city. Terms, Phone East 11 Sfl. Sunday or after 7 o'clock evenings. 1 OWNER. LEAVING CITY, OFFERS BUN GALOW. NO. 894 FREMONT ST.. THOROUGHLY WELL BUILT AND ARTISTIC THROUGHOUT, CORNER 30TH. IN THE ALAMEDA-IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 5 ROOMS, GLASSED-IN SL. PORCH, FULL CONCRETE BASE MENT, BEAUTIFUL SHRUBBERY AND FLOWERS, GARAGE. LOOK THROUGH THIS HOME TODAY. QUICK SALE NECESSARY. BEECH STREET. $2500. Modern 5-room cottage on Beech street, near Union ave.; strictly up to date in every way a home that anyone could be proud of; price only $2500, $400 cash, bal ance like rent. 006 Williams Ave. ' East 268. TAPESTRY BRICK BUNGALOW. Laurelhurst. 1205 East Oak st.. near park. Hollow tile and finest brick con struction, garage to match. Honduras mahogany. French, enamel interiors, vit ro! ite kitchen, throughout the superb home of all Portland. Open for inspec tion Sunday Tternoon. See it. by all means. A. E. DAVIS. 418 Board of Trade. IRVINGTON. SIX ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. FURNISHED HOUSE; ALL MODERN, FURNACE, FIREPLACE, GARAGE ; PAVED STREET; FURNI TURE ALL HARDWOOD; TAKES $2000 CASH TO HANDLE; BALANCE TERMS. G, C. ULRICH CO., INC., SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG., MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. WAVERLEY HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. PRICED FOR A QUICK SALE. J5350, six big. bright, convenient, airy room modern in every particular; full Dutch kitchen, furnace and fireplace, with an all-concrete garage; a beautiful corner location on a paved street. See this today. 1034 Tibbetts street, corner of E. 33th st. Sell. 1S30. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW DE LUXE, 710 E. 22d N. Open Today 2 to 5. Vacant. Will sacrifice $1000 from all cash cost, and sell on terms. No ordi nary home: every latest modern improve ment; double km ivory living room in tapestry, 2 or 3 bedr. on first floor, oak floors throughout. R. T. STREET. REALTOR. SEE IT $1000 DOWN. Double -construe ted duplex bungalow, downstairs has living room, dining room, kitchen, two pleasing bedrooms, hard wood floors, toilet, bath, fireplace. Up stairs has living room, sleeping porch, bedroom, kitchen, toilet, bath. Income $1050 a year. A substantial beauty. C. F. RANSOM CO. 407 McKay Bldg. Broadway 7203. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 1 seven-room house, good plumbing, plastered, corner lot, new garage, ce ment driveway, furniture, fruit. 1 bungalow otyle house, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, cement baeement, wash trays, first-class condition, fruit, fur niture. OWNER, 1092 E. Harrison St. BARGAIN! BEAUTY! $3800 EASY TERMS. Out-of-town owner says sell, very ar tistic, new rustic bungalow, massive fire place in large living room, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 airy bedrooms, full cement basement, fur nace, garage, corner lot, a snap. R. SOMKRVTLLE. Broadway 2478. MT. TABOR. STX-ROOM HOUSE, $3750; $400 CASH HANDLES: LARGE LOT. BALANCE $25 PER MONTH. G. C. ULRICH CO . INC., SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG., MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, big living room and den; paint, paper and tin tings in perfect harmony; hardwood floors, every mod ern feature; double garage ; close to school and car. The home beautiful; $7000. easy terms. Owner, 884 Hancock. WALNUT PARK BARGAIN. Near Jefferson high, 7 rooms, fine family home, furrm.ee, fireplace, garage, full basement; cut from $fi750 to $5750. Let me show you this. J. R. Halg-ht, Wdln. 62-60. BdKw. 204.'). IRVINGTON BARGAIN Valuable corner, 1-room house, 15th and Weidler. good for home or duplex, sell 50 or 100x100; $5500, $7500. $1500 cash, balance time. Main 8078, East 394. l3fl N. W. Bank. A REAL HOME 5-room modern cottage In Woodlawn. 23 fruit trees, roses and all kinds of shrubs; two chicken houses with runways; on car line; $2350, terms. Lot 100x100. No agents. East 3613. ST. JOHNS, $200 down; business property; 5-room cottage, modern; main street. $3000, easy monthly terms; also 6-room house for $TS00; $100 down. C 606, Ore gon Ian. TWO NEW homes. U50 and 134 East Hol land street; five rooms, .garret and basement; Kenton district; excellent location; one-half Mock to Mississippi car, near Albina. See them. Terms. WE HAVE some real buys in Alameda, Laurelhurst and Irvington. Come to the office. See the photos and talk It over. TRIPLEX REALTY & INV. CO. "34 Morgan Bldg. Main 5 7. 07. IRVINGTON'S BEST BUY $7700. terms, all oak floors, sunroom, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage, extras included In price; choice location. Neuhausen & Co.. Main 8078. East 304. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. 4 Choice larger home: take smaller home in exchange to apply, R. T. STREET. REALTOR. MY 5-P.OOM busagalow for sale; has ga rage, large lot, fruit trees, .berries and flowers. $500 payment down. 341 67th st. S. E. Phone 623-73 for appointment. NEW MODERN residence at 1326 E. G1I ean st. near Laurelhurst. Johnson & 1 Anderson, builders. Come and see for yourself. t REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. $12,000 Irvington corner, COLONIAL; N. E. corner 18th and Stanton; new. double garage, quaiity home ; every latest modern im provement of use and beauty. IRVINGTON BELOW $15,000. One of lrvington's admired corners (over 100x100), is this real home of beauty and dis tinction; hardwood finish, large living room, dining room, den, oak floors throughout; 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch, tile bath, garage; you haven't seen it. but should. IRVINGTON HOME BEAUTIFUL. 635 E. 17th N. ; drive past to day and admire its exterior ar chitecture and setting, then phone for appointment to see Its interior beauty; very large Ivory living room, dining room, break fast room, 4 bedrooms, tile bath on second; oak floors through out; 2 fireplaces, costly heating plant; garage; a real home; by appointment only. R. T. STREET, "Homes" Realtor, East S94. Res., East 42S0. 1925 FA I R R E'METMB ElR WHERE. KENTON AND PE3N1NSULA DISTJtlCT. 5- room modern bungalow, garage, fruit and garden. $200 cash $2300 4-room house, lot 100x200, fine fruit. $200 cash 2OO0 6- room modem house, fireplace and garage, $300 cash 2S00 6-room strictly modern house, $400, cash 370O 6-room new house, fine fruit, $1G0 cash 2600 6-room house, 75x100 feet, fine old fruit trees, $,00 cash luO 2-room new house , 100 fee t f rom car, $5 cash 130 WORLiD'S FAIR ADDITION. Lots $10 cash and $10 per month and we will get you plenty of time on lumber. a. c. Mcdonald & son, 206 W. Lombard St. Wdln. C273. Open Sundays and evenings. THE HOME BUILT FROM A DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. Mr. Renter, are you in market for audi a cheerful and compact finished home? If so, we ask you to bring your doctor along for inspection. The build ing consists of four rooms a'nd garage, open and closed sleeping porch, combin ation, with Pullman disappearing win dows, French doors, oak floors through out; built-in bookcases and seats, brick mantel, linen case in passage hall, medi cine chest in bathroom, breakfast nook and the best of plumbing and electric features, and two-part wash tray In laundry. Hall's gas furnace and mis cellaneous other built-in fixtures to make a complete, cheerful and nifty appearing home. The price Is $5500, $3250 cash, balance can be had for 3 years at 7 per cent, interest quarterly. Will be open Sunday and week-days until sold from 2 P. M. to 7 P. M.. 832 E. 13th st. K. IRVINGTON BUYS. $ 8,500 IRVINGTON, best part; 75x100; oak floors throughout; 4 bedr., sleeping porch on 2d; 2 bedr. on 3d ; garage; wonderful yard of fruit trees and flowers. $11,000 N. E. cor. 19th and Thompson. 100x100; BIG VALUE. LARGE HOME, Ivory finish and oak floors throughout, fireplace up and down. By appointment. 9.000 to $10,000 587 E. 24th N., ex traordinary construction, abso lutely modern; very large living room across end; owner leaving, offers bargain ; Justifies your seeing through, by appointment. R T. STREET, "Homes Realtor, East 894. Res. Ea?t 4280. ALAMEDA. A little gem, just finished; living room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, hard wood floors, dining room with beautiful built-in buffet, French doors between living and dining rooms, splendid kitch en, all built-in conveniences; breakfast nook; cement basement, laundry trays, set-in bath tub, best plumbing fixtures, one good-sized bedroom, built-in ward robe, good-sized attic, where two addi tional rooms could be added If neces sary. Price $4950, $1000 down. New 7-room story-and-half bungalow, 5 rooms downstairs, including sunroom ; Gasco furnace, Ruud water heater; beat district. Price $8000, easy terms. This 5-room bungalow is exceptionally well built, all modern built-ins. Price $0250. $1500 down. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1658 4250 MODERN FLAT $4250. Flat building, with two 5-room apartments, strictly modern in every respect, the best of plumb ing, full basement, furnace, laun dry trays, etc. This is one of the most modern two-flat buildings in the city. Rental value $45 per mon th. Price $4250 ; $750 cash, balance very easy. J. F. HILL. 696 Williams Ave. East 2G8. IRVINGTON. NEW DUTCH COLONIAL. Located at 460 East 2oth st. N ., near Thompson; surrounded by homes of dis tinction and character. There are six large rooms, center entrance hall; also breakfast room, finished in Ivory and mahogany. If you are in the market for a good home do not ran to see this Open from G to 8 evenings. Or by ap pointment. Owner. Wdln. 6541. $250 CASH ALBERTA DIST. $250 CASH. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE A LH LUST FIT ISHED; CAN MOVE IN NOW; LOT 70X820; SIDEWALKS AND CURB J.N AND PAID: SOME FRUIT: EASY TERMS; JUST THE PLACE FOR WORKING MAN TO MAKE A HOME AND SAVE RENT. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG.. MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. IRVINGTON BARGAIN! S09OO $1500 CASH. New Dutch colonial, exceptionally well built; largo living room with attractive colonial mantel; beautiful dining room with French doors leading onto cement terrace; handy Dutch kitchen; fine bath room, recess tuo, two large Dearooms heavv hardwood floors, plateglass win dows, full cement basement, furnace and garage; Tine location. A real nargain. R. SOMERVILLE. Broadway 2478! VACANT NEW BUNGALOW. $500 CASH BAL. LIKE RENT. Westmoreland ; beautiful, cozy home; large living room with all built-ins. fireplace, lighting fixtures, handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement, laundry tray; east front, very attractive; best construction; paved street: a bargain: must be sold. See for yourself. Bdwy. 6011 or Sell. 2706 evenings. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. $4400 ROSE CITY $4400. FOUR-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, LOT 40x123; GRADED STREET; SIDE WALKS IN: FURNACE. FIREPLACE. GARAGE. OWNER LEAVING CITY; MUST HAVE $450 CASH. BALANCE $40 MONTH INCLUDING INTEREST; FURNISHED $5100 ON TIME IF NECESSARY. G. C ULRICH CO., INC.. SUITE 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG.. MAIN 4354. OPEN SUNDAY AN" EVENING.. MUST SELL THTS WEEK $4500. $1000 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. Overlook addition; large 6-room house with attic and sleeping porch, excellent condition; fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace; near car; full lot; leaving city and losing money at this price. See this; it's good. Bdwy. 6011 or East 6503 evenings. T. O. BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST. High-class C-roora homo: this most complete new bungalow Is situated In the choice of Laurelhurst on the comer of Royal Court and 39th, finished In old Ivory, tapestry paper, hardwood floora throughout, plate-glase windows, French dcors. all the lovely bullt-lns; a most complete home on 63x100 corner. Owner and builder. Tabor 2054. POWELL ROAD PARADISE. New 4-room modern with cement basement, bungalow type, either 3 or 6 lots; 30 fruit trees, 7-mlnute walk to car. See the sun rise and set. Easy terms. Consider contracts or trade. C. F. RANSOM CO. 407 McKay Bldg. Broadway 7203. ROSE CITY BARGAINS. $4000 EASY TERMS. New, attractive 5-room bungalow with all the built-ins; hardwood floors, firp place, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, two nice bedrooms, floored attic, garage and furnace. R. SOMKRVIlvl.K. j-tronnway ::4 , x. FORECLOSURE threatened; must sell quickly; 7 rooms, newly painted and tinted inside and out. old ivory, fire place, new furnace, full size lot, dou ble garage, fruit trees; $4400 can stand: make offer for equity of $3600; will sacrifice, hurry. Call 471 E. Broadway or phone East 5548. 0TH AND AINS WORTH. Leaving city, will sell 5-room house, with garage, bookcase. laundry trays, etc.; $3150 Owner, 1275 E. 6th North. Walnut 7035. REAL ESTATE. Eur S;;le House. YE BARGAIN HUNTERS. 11-ROOll BUNGALOW. 3 GARAGES. $4500. $4500 4500. Holgate. Fine location for On shop. 9-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4000. $4000. $4000. Near Willamette Blvd. 9-ROOM BUNGALOW Strictly modern, hardwood floors. $5100. $3100. $3100. 8-ROOM HOUSE. Strictly modern, hardwood fir., bullt lns. full cement basement, etc. $4500. Needs painting. Beaumont Addition. 13-ROOM HOUSE. West side, furnished H. K. rooms, full lot. near Broaaway. $7300. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. Bdwy. 561S 512-13 Wilcox Bldg NOTHING DOWN! NOTHING DOWN? And MONTHLY TERMS just like rent you are paying for YOUR HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT. A bungalow creation that is without equal. Sunshine base ment; studio living room. Everything. You must see it. To realise Its possi bilities In ITS INFLUENCE FOR GOOD IN YOUR LIFE. Don't linger away the bright sunshine of life In an APARTMENT. Below the hill. Choicest part of beautiful Rose City; half block from Sandy. Call'K. Deeks, at Bdwy. 7171. WESTMORELAND. Here Is one of the most beautiful, best constructed bunralows in this splen did home district. If you're looking for a bargain don't go farther. Prac tically new; S rooms, fireplace, book cases, buffet ; hardwood floors, break -fast nook, white Dutch kitchen. 3 bed rooms. There's nothing against this beautiful little home; reasonable price and terms. Call Fred Morrlss at Bdwy. 7171. UNDUPLIOATED VALUE. Five-room bui.galow with large floored attic, full cemented basement, furnace, fireplace, all modern built-ins, large mir rors and every window Is of heavy plate glass; sewers are in and street will be paved this summer; now half block to pavement and cur and on a street that is destined to be one of Portland's most popular boulevards. Price $4150; about half down. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert liarala, 801 Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 1201. ' DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE In an apartment or a rented house. Come out and look at this beautiful Haw thorne home that Is being offered at a REAL SACRIFICE. Very substan tially constructed, and In best of con dition; has every modern feature, and will make a REAL HOME for a mod erate family. If Interested In a SAC RIFICE HOME SNAP call SelL 1830. OWNER LEAVING TOWN. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow, beautiful mahogany flnlah. hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, china clceet, many other desirable built-in features; this bungalow was built for a home; priced right for a quick sale; liberal terms. See it today. 1270 Garfield Ave., near AInsworth Ave. W W. SABIN. Realtor, 1032 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn Sft CREAM OF NEW HOMT5S. WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS the beautv of this lovely colonial bunga low ; you must see It to appreciate its real merit; but It lacks nothing right on Sandy blvd.; new. artistic: bullt-lns; furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. 3 light bedrooms ; garage ; near school and car ; can be handled on terms. Call Mr. Stanton i Monday at Bdwy. 7171. ANOTHER WESTOVER TERRACE IRVINGTON PARK OVERLOOKING COLUMBIA VALLEY. Building 5 and 6-room modern bunga lows at Bd street North and Highland; prices and terms to suit; everyone per fect; select yours today; drive AIns worth to 22d, north to Highland, o--Woodlawn car to 22d. East 8087. MOORE & GOODMAN. FOR SALE BY OWNER. WHY LIVE AWAY OUT WHEN YOU CAN BUY YOUR IDEAL HOME AT 724 E. EVERETT, NEAR 22D. UNDER CONSTR DC TION. SOMETHING NEW. SPLENDID LOCATION AND AT MOD ERATE PRICE? J. R. BLOWS, PRACTICAL BUILDER. MAIN 8203. ALBINA. $4500: $1000 cash, big living room, dJnimr room, hall and Dutch kitchen downstairs. 3 bedrooms and bath up stairs; full cement basement: close to car. 1 block from Beech and Williams ave. ; paved street, excellent neighbor hood, fruit, flowers. 801 Cleveland. Tel. Woodlawn 1370. Mac(Lachlan. public library WEST SIDE HOME. 9 rooms, 2 baths, double sleep ing porch, full basement with lav atory room; leased foi$100 month; real bargain. On North ru p. near 23d. East 419. ROSE CITY CAR. You'll never buy a cheaper home than this; 6 rooms and bath, cement base ment, living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath on ground floor, 2 bedrooms up; lot 75x100; fruit trees, berry bushes, grapes and roses, $300. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. See Royal. 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. Evenings. T.ibor 7174. $4250 50 FT. SANDY BLVD. New, classy 5-room bungalow, double constructed, ivory finish, tapestry pa per, hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures, buffet, breakfast nook, fireplace, cement basement, wash trays, garage, with ce ment floor and run; very homey. Tabor 6539. ALAMEDA A non-resident owner offers Alameda home at exceptional price; a large liv ing room, old ivory finish, 2 fireplaces. Gasco- furnace and full basement; all draperies, range, linoleum and carpets; garage. East 3207. Mrtr. nAll it t i Kit c rAbwn i. AINSWORTH AVE., NEAR PIEDMONT. Sewing room, '2 sleeping porches. A beautiful home. 8 rooms, fully modern, hot water heat; two lots, alley, garage; bearing fruit; paved street; $6500; can not be duplicated for $8000; $1200 cash and monthly payments. Week days. Main 0012. or 311 Mohawk bldg. $6300 MOM CASH, $40 month. 6 per cent" 2 8-room houses In good order with ground, near Broadway bridge ; suitable for 6 families; steam heat. electric lights, gas. hot and cold water, baths, 2 basements. 2 shops. 458 Vancouver Ave. East 6039. .. $3250 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Here, folks, is something thai you'll buy at first sight: Four largo rooms with breakfast room, full cement hase rnent. street Improvements In and pid. Small payment down, balance easy. Come early. Phone Eaat 8130 for appointment. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Modern B-room bungalow, largo living room. tapestry paper. pretty Oaten kitchen. fruit, berries and flowers. $3430; easy terms; will accept aoldlers' loan. 67H B. 73th N. Tgbgr 7174. NEW BUNGALOW $2500. New bungalow, 3 large rooms and bath, 2 lots, near car; best cosy bunga low ever occupied ; located at Fremont station; a real bargain on very easy frma. W. L. Erwtn, Wdln. 6714. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS. Now vacant; must be sold; fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, white Dutch kitchen, paved street; $3600: pay ment down and $40 a month j to be painted Monday. 11 07 East Market st. Tabor 87. after Sunday, Main 9012. ONLY $1800. $250 DOWN. B-room bungalow, in Woodlawn dis trict; not a new house but worth at leant $2350; we can show this today. Broad way 6536. ROSE CITY Modern 5-room bunealow complete; fine hujtement, with furnace; full lot and garage; best dl.trlct; 1m provomenta all paid; save commlr.lon. Phone owner. Aut. 321-31. for particu lar..: 37th street. THE BUNGALOW YOU ARE HUXTINO HAWTnunns-Ava uis-r. in.r. B rooms, attic, full basement, cholre lot. close to car, west of 00th. only A41O0, Esy terms. Buy now. A 023-17. $:;oo cash. 8-room house. 100x100 foot lot. In Portsmouth district; over 20 fruit trees, flowers and berries; must lell quick ; full price 51200. AR 075. Oregonlan. 100. 1 0A ON Front street, near Hooker; good 9-room house and a bargain price; USM cash, the balance mortgage ; one of the finest corners in South Portland. Weston & Co.. 1206 K. W. Bank Kldg. EASTMOnEl.AND. 1001 Rybee Ave.; love ly corner home; c ntral entrance, hsrd wood flier tfcgobTtioiit ; many unusual features. E-.st $90'. :rs. Harry Price Pal fner. iRVtvi: " ' SACRIFICE $7800, with terms, buys the best house In the city for the money or near money; located on 19th St.. between Knott and Brazee. Call Mr. demons. Bdwy. 677fl. SOOD LITTLE HOME SAVE RENT. NICE lot, 3 rooms, some plumhlng. large garden, good location, only $0S0, e asy terms. . LAURELHTTRST. Beautiful California bungalow on 77s 113-ft. corner, risht near the park; $7000, easy terms. Tabor 21KQ for appointment. PORTLAND HEICHTP Fin 6 - room bungalow, wun iiicp-ag poicn. wauu.u location; 2 lota: S b!o-k car; ""0. BROOK.E, Main 4342. REAL ESTATE. For Pair Hon---. CLOSE-IN HOUSE lUKOAt " 6-room house, hot water heat. ok floors. 746 B. Main; $6500; $150U ca;, $30 and interest monthly. 6- room house, furnnc. ideeptng porr-h, oak floora, cor. E 2itd and Salmon. $oOh. monthly payments. 7- room house, cor. E. -Ctn ana to, mon; easy terms: $500u. B-room. new. up-to-the-minute bunn low. cor. E. 16th and Yambll, about finished, terra. . . F. W. TOROUSH, 100 Sherlock Dtdg "SEEINO 18 WANTING" EVEN if you built a $10,000 horn you couldr. t linisn :i in "y.. ih.n t..-- BXOtTTSZTB ROSE CITY GOLOXlaL bungalow at $4790. Br.-, ml new. 6 rooms, the hea ci any nr.us would be completely aatlftfled wltn it to rrniiiK again. You can't avor m tTSI! its nifty bull It is, with its Ins. FTnch doom, old ivory and tapestrj cute garage w.tb rrench doors '.r., fr juat call Ttdwv. 7171 and 1L Mr. Per kins tell you the rest. My story and a half bungalow ne year; hsrdwood floors. ft f' and sewing room upatalrt.. 2Jfl4J"" ment. furnace, double ra. tl0 easy termn. Phone Tabcr T.ii. NEAR J I HIGH. New 6-room bungalow, all Tsry m ern. with furnace, full cement basement, garage. 110x100; paved street and Po Do not fAll to see inls NEAR AINSWORTH AVE $2950 $400 down; new s-reom bunsra low. cement basement. 60x100 lot ; your own terms. See It today. $14 Couch bldsr. Broadway 653a ATTRACTIVE LACREI.mjEoT MODERN BUNOAJiOW Two blocks from Laurelhuret fmmi fire rooms, larre attic; nearly new mf everything strictly first-Has. .nd mod ern. Prlca $6506; terms. 1JSS East Pins street. ALAMEDA SNAP $3500 $5500. OWNER LEAVfNO 1J!E AT?-'w Strictly modern V10 leplna porch, cement ESS complete comfortable hem near school and Bdw oar All roam are larsre, cannot be duplicated for loaou. aV8&L ESTATE IKV. Ofc. Bd wy . (V6I S 612-1S W11COT way- Modern 6-room bunrslovr ntes WjJJJ room, pretty fireplace, heavy oafc ' 2 pood hmlrooms. a real I utch ' 'lmn Unny breakfaat wash trsys. built by day label r materiel end workmenshtp. V1 wn $60 a month. See VWmU iM .nd Sandv blvd. Tabor 1M. Bvsnlnea. is bor 7174. jgii aiiiiCa jH-aeA-5 - av car. psven street, ci ess to S7w T lW ! u.l on 7 room.. rant, for tV othr win r.nt fr Horn ond income: WW Cleveland. fflNWi 15'n lan. nnMt library. , 1(1x82. TILED MATH WITH SHOWIslv KNOTT ST.. NEAR ?oH ST. OWNER. EAST 22. . WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 104S Vnuhn it. . Mott comp.t:t .mall ho t Si bli. I .ncloaad view rorrhe. an.l br-akfaat nook; Oaaco furnac: tarac. aplenrttd condliltlon ,r-n mrs. harry rRtrn PAUir.n, k a st a;n?. Old but comfortable T- .; bath :as. electricity: wived "tr.et. nice vr3 Ilit neighborhood echool and William, ave. aln nt 2000 U "ah. " rented now ?nr too. tenant want, to at. v. vi CUveland. Woodlawn l.',70. Mo-ch- lan. public library. ,500 UN-PER MARKKT VAIX'E. mVIXOTON SNAP R room, fireplace, furnace. MM b.th. ahower. vitrolire kitchen. .Ie..nt paper and electric flaturta; corner lot. a real home: may tak. In a lot a. P""n'r at houao all day Sunday. c"or. Jflth and Waaco. Tabor (IS46. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Attractive 9-reo.., residence, rirht up lo data: " city view; 2 bathroom.. 2 flreplaoaa. fin SSSa porch: 2 block, from ' the be.t cloe - In p.rt of Portland H-lht" a bargain at IS.O0O. Shown by appointment only. BROOKE. Main 48.2 By owner, modern hou.e. d mt and reception hall, double construction. a rrounda 90x100 feet; al.o vacant deslrubl- for apartm.nt alto. rhoni aOoV TILLAMOOK ST.-IIV OWNKH 5-room modern eott.lte. 2N Tilla mook, near Wm. ave .: '"'J)'n'.'C"Z dltlon; new paint and l.wn and linoleum, window .hade. '"?'",;,?',, flower.: a lare cherry tree; lot .TIilOU r.a.l o.n ... 'ONE BLOCK TO MISSISSIPPI LAK. 6-room modern; full U.in"t. . fur n.ce, laundry traya, arae, hard am face .tr-et: one blork frOtnOll. off.ee. Trice 32.'.0. on your own term.. P Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 Mlaale- - - NEW S-ronm bungalow and one aire, near KM at 2500; about 30l down News room bunarnlow BOU20 runj; full ba.emcnt; raraite: $2300: about $300 cash Do not overlook theae bartraln.. Call Broadway OSSn today. FOR SALE Is ther. f .mil y In Portl and who would appreclat" a .land y mil. hou... modern imp.. tjmWl . Want to le;ive town, will .ell wi ...irt.-e nd throw rurnnui.- if-. term. Owner. DB3J! r. u 1 1 n: l v: I . A f I ' s API 3000 $5000. I.-.00O T-room .trlctly modern home . furnace, laundry tray., paved 13000. Small down payment will hUaia. Phone Bdwy. 3gtl. PRETTY NEW Muhr.H.-: ItfViU. Cholc. corner. Improved Hreel an-l wSr.; t-ar.ee; a home you can b. proud of and make money on It To Jell t 18O0. Some .MKs. Good t. rm.. A H:-1 1 4-ROOM new bunealow. wnn in' ;. 4 kc,e. Dutch kitchen WMh of Woodlawn .nr: Ot Off J' iSS 14-1 Mors" .1. owner there tally l-VW cah. balanc. term, or b.r.,n for all esah. ' WONI.EKKtTl- UtV lNiM ON V A I.!' K:- Our list of hetftee In Irvington Is un usual from a standpoint f "be-. ration, architecture and prlre K.e litem before you buy. Mr. I.emoni. Bday. Hn F E. Bowman A Co NEAR -'"'TH AND II A W T 1 1 I : N I This well-bulli home. den. sleoplnc norrh garagS on pavd alley. injl fre"s: low prlre of $0K;.0; terms. AfUr fiunnav. Main Il.'. ALBINA DISTRICT. $30O rssh buys B-room pluterel house, water, llKht, bth; rved H!? VISK thing pal.I. TWe $IJO0. Sutler IMM boa lee. 24e K. Broaaway. mmmt w- r..nt uUI lit 5 rooms and bi ment and sewer This Is -U Erwln. Wdln. W -Rf lOll 1 ment, w tree. hr terms. " RO rdwood floors. I putrb kitchen garage, lull 8011. I.Hflement. I' MODERN 2-story 7 lot, furnace, cemei l.'.OOO. 795 Multno 'BOO" 1 A K I l $5(oo, T MP. buyi room bungalow m front, garage, un'D-ri Cam pbe 1 1 . Selling bl1 0-ROOM house in Sunn ern ; gas f urnsce t room for garsi:--. IJ.-' hoi 1401. Monday. 7-room colonial bv Inspection from 1:3" East Burnslde. Wm ' 4-ROOM HHA On full lot. pavement ind sewer. n car line; Tory easy terms. W. L. Erwln Wood lawn 0.14. BTJNNTBIDI ment bas tlon ; esiy $22 4-room hou 0 TERMS, and garage. glavs knob throughout, sroww very large living room, be.utirul flr pfac.. music room 51 UgS cabinet kitchen. attractive Jj room, nice bath, pedsstal Jvatory n.m.n! floor, three bedroema UNFINISHED house. or full to; .street paved, aewer and walk In; ell for I10M Howard, Tabor 7SM MODERN fl-rm. hungalow. garage, IwlM lot. sidewalk In. on Jgralf l lrTfA 1 bloek to pavement. $2700. I i my "2 8-ROOM house. Hawthorns district. Call Bust 2"H' 6-ROOM modern bu et. by owner, tie