THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MAY 7, 1922 the pantry or a dozen new company napkins that they really needed. A hot tear splotched the chameleon taffeta as she took it off. Too heartsick to dress again, she threw on a kimono and went out to the dark, deserted kitchen. It was a pitiful let-down from her glowing ex pectancy of the brilliant dinner at the Astor-Ritx. The ice-box was forlornly empty, only the remnants of yesterday's roast beef mostly fat, and some cold Brus sels sprouts. She cut up a tomato and some olive for a Spanish omelet, toasted some stale bread, warmed the Brussels sprouts, opened a can of peaches, and set the table. Too woe-begone to eat herself, she served Warren in aloof silence. "No soup?" scowlingly he surveyed the meager fare. "No, there wasn't any stock. And Famous Beauty Regains Health and Strength through Ironized Yeast MARGOT ASQUITH DECLARES UNITED STATES POORER AND LESS WISE AS RESULT OF INAUGURATION OF PROHIBITION ACT Ardent Advocate of Temperance Says Drink Has Increased, and That Young Men and Maidens Who Before "This Exaggerated Interference" Would Have Been Content With Lemonade, Think It Smart Now to Break Law "Every Day and Night of Their Lives." "A Wonderful Help in Keeping My Figure Perfect" Says Beautiful Elsie La Bergere, in Telling of Her Amazing Restoration to Health. we never keep canned soup you say r ' . . - -t , , -vr- .;- II V I i II I SI nyouag mam and womex share with thkir friends and admirers all the pleasures that t;o WITH DEFYING THE LAW.' BT MARGOT ASQUITH, "Wife of the ex-Prime Minister of Great Britain. Article No. 5. AN ardent temperance advocate, under prohibition, I expected to find the Americans sober and happy. They are certainly happy. Prohibition is a measure of such exaggerated interference with pri vate Ufe that no truthful person can call America a free country. For the information of any one mho may think as I did. that drink has decreased and that in conse quence everyone tn the United States la wiser and richer, I can only say the reverse is the truth. I cannot write of the poorer classes, on whom, in any case, the law is hard, but among the rich I do not suppose there was ever so much alcohol concealed and enjoyed as at the present moment. Young men and maidens, who. be fore this exaggerated interference, would have been content with lem onade, think it smart now to break the law every day and night of their lives. I confirm all that, in spite of Lord Lee's statement to the effect that in 30 years of observation in America, he has never seen harm done by pro hibition. Editor's Note The statement by Lord Lee to which Mrs. Asqulth re fers, was carried in an Associated Press cablegram from London as fol lows: "Margot Asquith'a assertion that drunkenness was prevalent among young Americans of both sexes was termed as 'ludicrous as it was cruel and untrue by Lord Lee of Fareham, first lord of the admiralty, in an ad dress before the English-Speaking union. "He said he had not planned to mention American prohibition but felt obliged to do so in view of the re ported utterances of one of his countrywomen. "His remarks, he said, were based upon 30 years of observation in America, including the pre-prohibl-tlon as well as the prohibition era." In reply, M rs. Asquith, then at Providence, said: "Lord Lee declares that in the 30 years he lived here he never observed the harm done by prohibition. Prohi bition has not been here 30 years. I've always been for it, but I find It isn't quite what I thought it was. "It does not seem to me that pro hibit ion works fairly as between the rich and the poor. Lord Lee says 1 say your young maidens are fre quently intoxicated. I did not say tha. I said they break the law t very day." I am speaking seriously and am a proh ibit ionise. Liquor control has been among other reforms a political ideal of my husband ever since he became a cabinet minister, but. since what is called "the Trade" has the votes and blessing of the conserva tive party in England, all our en deavors to control it were frustrated fcy the house of lords. We drink less than our forbears, not because we are more moral but for reasons of health. Our people are fond of sport and you neither ehoot or ride an straight if vou indulge la champagne, port. liquers and brandies and sodas over night. The first question I was asked when I landed upon American soil was whether I approved of prohibi tion. I said then that I thought it was a fine idea and an example that would ultimately be followed by the whole world. 1 presumed that light wines and beer would in time modify this somewhat exaggerated measure, but as most of the men convicted of crimes of violence had been proved to be under the influence of liquor the prisons and asylums would grad ually be emptied. I added that many of the world's famous men, and many of the young men of promise (as well as some of the best servants I had known in my life) had been ruined by drink, and that it was a subject upon which I felt deeply. 4 I could see at once that what I said was unpopular, but I repeated the same opinion in all my early lec tures, adding that gout, rheumatism, anthritis and other nervous diseases nave been, if not contracted, certainly assisted by alcoholic poisoning in herited from generations of men who drank too much. A very short visit over here has convinced me that prohibition, as at present administered, is both 'lu dicrous and cruel." The well-to-do can get the drinks they want, and young men and women, as well as adults, share with their friends and admirers all the pleasures that go with defying the law. It cannot be right for young people to see their parents and friends cheating the law every day of their lives, and which of them think of cheering up the poor, who presum ably get as tired from their work as the idle get from their pleasures. What I have said upon every plat form, and which Lord Lee, in a gen erous desire to defend the youth of this country, denies, is not "cruel, lu dicrous and untrue," but a platitude. I have no doubt from what I have been told that the power of the sa loon lobby had to b.e smashed, and that the men who accomplished it de serve the highest praise, but can any one truly say the prohibition law Is kept? Are Mr. "Volstead or Mr. Pussyfoot Johnston satisfied with the present condition of things in their country? There is a text in St. John: 'The truth shall make you free." Photo Copyright by Paul Thompson. Rt. Hon. Lord and Lady Lee of Fareham. In three of her articles Mrs. Asquith has taken exception to Lord Lee's statements. In her Inter view with Ambassador Jnaserand she called attention to Lord Lee's alleged misquotation 0 Captain Castex's arti cles on submarine warfare. In her article on "Flappers" Mrs. Asqulth declared Lord Lee would have o he In America only ten days now to change his opinion that young women here did not drink too much, and in discussing drink generally in this ar ticle refutes his statement more forcibly, saying that "young men and maidens think it smart now to break the law every day and night of their lives." There is no lack of truth over here, but there is a lack of freedom, and I think the press might do much more with its powers than it does. After the publication of Lord Lee's statement and I had made my posi tion perfectly clear, I was sent a press cutting from a paper: ( "Margot lines up witn foes of pro hibition; she has swung around to the anti-prohibition Is ts." This is characteristic of the inac curacy of the American press. Edi tors do not distinguish between half notes and full shouts; but you need not take it seriously, as new sensa tional headlines soon make their ! readers forget either what Lord Lee ; said or I controverted. Prohibition is a never-ending topic , of conversation, no less in parts of Canada than in the United States. I recall a rather humorous incident of my lecture in Toronto, where my chairman, the Rev. Byron Stauffer, made a wonderful speech. When he introduced mc I related to my au dience that Mr. Clemens (better known as Mark Twain), had taken me in to dinner at the home of a namesake of mine (Mrs. Charles Ten nant's, whose daughter Dorothy mar ried Stanley), and had told me of a great American temperance orator who, having exercised his voice too much, had asked the chairman to provide milk instead of water at his meeting. Turning to the Rev. Mr. Stauffer (Fhj is a great temperance preacher, of which I was unaware), I said: "The chairman probably a kind man, like my own put rum into the milk, and when the orator, pausing !n one of his most dramatic periods, stopped to clear his throat, he drained the glass and, putting it down, ex claimed : " -Gosh, what cows!' " I went on to tell of a lady who was letting- her house, and, after in structing the auctioneer as to the value of her chairs, furniture and china, had left him in the dining room, where the sideboard had sev eral bottles of wine and whisky on it. She waited for a long time, hoping he would return and show her the in ventory. As he did not appear she went into the dining room, where she found him unconscious upon the floor. She looked at the paper he held in his hand and read: "To one revolving carpet." (Copyright by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) (Copyright in Great Britain by Thornton Butterworth, Ltd.) THE MARRIED LIFE OF HELEN AND WARREN BY MABEL HERBERT IRXER, WARREN'S DOMINANT EGOTISM CONSIDERS ONLY HIS OWN SELFISH COMFORT. WITH flurried solicitude, she was looking over Warren's dress shirts. Which one was it that always bulged? He must not wear that tonight. Selecting one with narrow side plaits, she put in the studs and cuff buttons. "No, you can't curl up on that!" as Pussy Purr-Mew, on the bed. sniffed at Warren's dinner-coat. His clothes laid out, Helen hurried into her own room to dress. All week, she had been looking for ward to this big benefit dinner at the Astor-Ritz. The speakers were to be literary, stage and screen stars of sufficient prominence to justify the six doiiars a ; iaie. The Stevens wtfH going. and thought Warren loathed public din ners, Helen had persuaded him to take her. He should be home by now. Anx iously watching the clock, she slipped into her alluring chameleon silk. They must leave by seven for the dinner was at half-past. But he could dress in ten minutes if he did not have to shave. She was running Ml bath, a towel held up to protect her gown, when suddenly he loomed in the bathroom door. "Oh. dear, you're late:" above the deafening flow. "You've hardly ten minutes but I've laid out your clothes. Do you have to shave?1 "See here, I feel rotten I can't go that's all there's to it. "Can't go?" dropping the shielding towel. "I'm all in had a. ripping head ache all day. And that Osbora case comes up tomorrow I've got to be in shape to handle that-" "Why, Warren, we've the tickets and everything. You can't back out now! Hurry, dear, your bath'll rest you.' "Not groin, I tell you," stalking into the library. "I'm not up to it-" "Warren, you CAN'T mean that!" running after him. "Why those tickets were twelve dollars! You can't " "Don't care if they were fifty! I feel too rocky to listen to any long winded speeches tonight. Going to turn in about e'ght just want some thing light toeat." "There's not a. thing in the house! And Anna's out I gave her the after noon." "Got eggs. Won't hurt you to beat me up in an omelet, will It?" 'But Warren, I've been looking for ward to this for days!" tremulously. "I'm all dressed and everything and I " "Now. I'm not going that's final! If you can't get me something to eat I'll go out and get it." "Then why can't you go there? We needn't stay f of the dance only for the dinner and just a few of the speeches." "Nothing doing! That 'We Have W'th Us This Evening bunk always bores me stiff. Need more pep than I've got to stand for it tonight. What's the matter with you going with the Stevens? Call 'em up now." "They've gone by this time and I wouldn't go without you. Come, dear, I'll order the taxi while you dress. You needn't even shave. Oh, that TUB!'' Darting back to the bathroom, she was confronted by the overflowing tub. Her satin slippers were soaked be fore she could mop up the floor with the bath-mat and towels. Flushed and slightly disheveled, she rushed back to tne library where Warren was now comfortably settled with evening paper. "Dear, we can leave early I prom ise I won't beg to stay. Mary Grant Moore's to be there she's to tell how she wrote 'The Lure Eternal.' I've al ways wanted to see her. And Robert Hilman is to read from his own poems." "That settles it! I'm not going to listen to any slush poetry tonight." "Dear, don't be selfish! Just think what " "Selfish?" explosively. "How about you? You're so crazy to hear a bunch or near ceieDruies spout aoout tnem- selves that you don't care a hang how? bum I feel: " "But. Warren, if you've only a head ache I've often gone out with you when I've felt wretched." "Well, I'm NOT going to that din ner. Lot of - sickness around. Feel rotten and I'll not take any chances been feerish all day." "Feverish?" anxiously feeling his forehead. "Stop pawing me," elbowing her away. "I've got an inward fever. Now, cut the whining and let me alone." Through scorching tears, Helen made her way back to her own room. He was not feverish. From the first he had not wanted to go to this din ner, and now he was deliberately tak ing advantage of a headache to stay at home. Twelve dollars thrown away! That would have bought new linoleum for you don t like It. "Well, you might have a few cans on hand for an emergency." "You said you didn't want much dinner and you oughtn't to eat if you've a headache." Unable to swallow- past the lump In her throat, Helen did not touch the bit of omelet on her plate. "Sulking? Too stubborn to eat, eh?" She did not answer. Just then she almost hated him. Always irritable when he had the slightest headache. Warren was now in one of his irascible moods. Yet he ate almost all of the four-egg. omelet and some lean beef that Helen man aged to slice from the fat end of the cold roast. "Now, don't fuss with these dishes Leave 'em for her in the morning." "I'd rather do them." Helen was already clearing the table. Was his suggestion that she leave the dishes solicitude for her or merely a desire to have her with him in the library as an outlet for his ill-humor? She had just finished and was turn ing off the kitchen light when the telephone rang. As he did not deign to answer It, Helen rati in to its persistent sum mons. "Hello? Who? Mr. Merwln. . . . Why, Mr. Curtis isn't very well. We've just had to cancel a dinner engage ment. He didn't feel equal to " "That Merwln? I'll talk to him," Warren, at her elbow, took the re ceiver. "Hello! Yes, I felt pretty rocky to day. . . . How about your coming over here? . . . Do me good. . . Fine!" "Warren, you're not going to have anyone here tonight?" "Just Merwln." "But I thought you were going to bed?" "Oh, Merwln won't stay late. Where'd you put that new box of cigars?" In half an hour Mr. Merwin was In the library with Warren, laughing, talking and smoking; while Helen, a strained ache in her throat, was put ting away the evening clothes that she had laid out with such joyous an ticipation. Through a film of tears, she did not even notice the gray hairs on War ren's dinner-coat betraying evidence of Pussy Purr-Mew's nap while they were at dinner. "Ha, ha! That's great!" came War ren's hearty laugh from the library. "That's one I haven't heard," In her own room, Helen closed the door to shut out their joviality. She could have screamed with fierce rebellion at the deliberate selfishness of it all. He simply had not felt in the mood for a dinner at which there might be long speeches. So he had no scruples about ruthlessly disre garding her pleasure. "Got anything to drink?" Warren came to the door of her room. "How about that bottle of port? Well, trot It out." . With inhospitable reluctance, Helen disgorged from the top closet-shelf the choice bottle of old port that she had been saving for very special com pany. It was 11 before Mr. Merwin left She heard them go through the hall "Sulking in here, eh?" Warren was again at her door. "Why didn't you come in and see Merwin?'' "I didn't think It was necessary frigidly, meeting his hostile gaze in the mirror as she brushed her hair tor the night. "He didn't call to see me. "Now, just drop that high and mighty air. You're sore because I didn't go to that infernal dinner. Well, I'm not going to be trotted out to any of those long-winded affairs when I feel rocky." "You didn't seem to feel very rocky when Mr. Merwin was here." "No, and I feel a lot better now, but I wouldn't if I'd gone to that shindig. Now, there's one thing you want to get straight you can't drag me to any of those damn speech -making blow outs when I don't feel like going! Got a hard day tomorrow and I've got to be in good shape. Can't lie in bed half the day like you can." "I don't lie in bed!" with flaming indignation. "I'm up every morning and have breakfast with you." "Yes, and when you feel punk you flop back after I'm gone but I've got to get out and rustle." Then briskly, ' Got any sardines? Well, open a can Want something to eat before I turn in. Guess I've dieted long enough. That dinner wouldn't nourish a sick canary. Any cheese In the house? How about a welsh rarebit?" (Copyright, 1922. by Mabel Herbert Harper.) NEXT WEEK HELEN'S PERILOUS ADVENTURE. GOVERNOR IS RECALLED Post In Bermuda to Be Vacated Soon by General Willcocka. HAMUTON, Bermuda, May 6 Jen- eral Sir James Wllloocks, tha moat decorated man In the British army, Is to tie succeeded as governor of Bermuda by Lleutenant-General Sir John Asser, advices received here state. Sir James has arranged to return to England by direct steamer leav- Takes 10 Years From the AgeJ Graving hair aires a young face and makes you seem middle aged even when it is premature. Restore it to Its original natural color and look 10 years younger. This Is simple, sure and easy, no risk of the streaked, discolored, freakish hair wEicQ is worse than gray. Nothing to wash or rub off. Mall cou p o n for free trial bottle of Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer, a clear, colorless liquid, clean as water. Be pure to state exactly the natural color of your hair. Better, enclose a lock In your letter. Test as directed on single lock and abide by results. I hen get full sized bottle at druggist or direct. HHMWHMMHWMHHMSiMaBaiSiSil m r c.!.mllL eilii.w Bide. St. Paul. Minn. i Please send me your FREE trial bottle ot Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer. The natural . color of my hair is jet black black or dark brown medinm ! 1 brown. light brown, drab or sabum J I Name , - I I UHtm I I Please print yoor name and address TT was by purest accident that I picked up a X of Ironized Yeast just aa I was about to give up the stage for a long needed rest. The remits that it bcotigbt in me proved that it was just what I needed. For today I actually feel like a new born woman ! Such is the arnaamg statement of Elsie La Bergere, known to vaudeville lovers all over the continent far the beauty of her figure. Miss La Bergere, for those un acquainted with her work, presents plastic poses in porcelain and marble, with her remarkable posing dogs. "My stage work," continued Miss La Bergere, "put such a severe strain on my nervous system that every perfbraance be came a hardship. I lost my appetite, and always felt tired and worn-out. Then I discovered ironized Yeast and 1 really can not give enough praise to it. I find it keeps me absolutely fit in every way, and that it is a great help in keeping the shape of my body in wonderful condition. Ironized Yeast has a pea- place of honor in my traveling bag. Ironized Yeast Can Help Yon, Too If you need more flesh If you are pale, larking in energy or if your complexion is blemished by humiliating skin eruptions try IRONIZED YEAST atonca. Very likely you will be actually astonished at the imnrcwement shown in you even after the first 48 boon. For IRONIZED YEAST embodies a remarkable new scientific process a process which enables yeast to bring 1U splendid results often in jaat kalfkmmtnl saavV How New Process Makes Yens Doubly Effective The reason plain yeast or ordinary "iIibiiw tablets" sail to produce 100 results is because most run-down people cannot fully assimilate tbe wonderful health-building elements found in yeast. Some other agent, k is found, is necessary in order to quickly SSSMSH these vital substances into rich red blood, strength and energy. Iron, Science says, is of great value in convert ing the food we eat into living cells and tissue. So working on this process, Scientists finally dis covered the amazing process of irooizatioo. It is A this process which helps us to derive from yeast & "Worth $500" I weighed only 158 pound, ret now I weigh 147. I have had eruptions hut they have faded away leaving a clear akin. 1RONIZKD YSAST has been worth $500 to me. Mr. J. Q. "Gains 8 Pounds" "After one box of IRONIZED TEA ST I have gained 8 pound, my skin is cleared, and I now sleep soundly every night. It is the greatest tonic I ever heard ot" Mr. A. G. B. "Gains 10 Pounds I have taken only lK pack ages offlRONIZED YEAST, yet have gained 10 pounds in 15 days.' Rev. L.W.V. "Pimples Disappeared" "My pimple&and blackheads have disappeared, and my ap petite has improved wonder Dally." Miss D. B. all of the wonderful benefits it holds. The Only Yeast That Is Genuinely Ironized Bear in mind that not all combinations of yeast and iron will bring desired results. Yeast brings but and qitick&at results only when treated through -the pro cess of ironization. And this process is embodied only in IRONIZED YEAST, the one scientifically correct yeast treatment. Money Back Guarantee Get IRONIZED YEAST from your druggist today. Satisfactory results guaranteed from the first pack age or your money instantly refunded. THE ONty YEAST THAT IS GENUINELY IRONIZED FREE! While IRONIZED YEAST is sold at all druggists on oar Satisfaction Guaranteed basis, those a ho v ish may try it absolutely FREE. Simply mail the coupon. It will bring you the famous Three Day Trial Treat ment. The results, even from this short test, will very likely surprise you. Send for it now. 72 The Ironized Yeast Co. Atlanta, Ga., Dept. 261 Please send me the famous THRF.B DAT FRFK TRIAL TREATMENT of Iron lied Yeast. I I Nam I Add City Free Trial Coupon Only On Trial Package to a Family ing here June 2. The date of the arrival of the new governor has not been determined. Sir John was born in 1867, entered the British army in 1887, was at tached to the Nile expedition in 1897-98, wag present at the battles of Atbara and Khartoum and com manded the Sudan expedition, 1899. Although he had retired from the army when the world war began he rejoined and was placed as com mander of an area. In 1901 Sir John married Leila, daughter of James Wetherspoon of New- York. Dust Storms to Be Stopped. MEXICO CITY. After yeans of ex perimenting in an effort to atop the dense clouds of duet which sweep down on Mexico City at certain rea ular period., the drpartmervt of agri culture has decided to plant clover and alfalfa in the bed of Uke Tex coco. a lake near tho capital which has been dry for oeveral years. Agri cultural experts believe well culti vated verdure will Invite moisture in greater quantities and will prevent the dutft from rising in the dryest seanons, TO EVERY MAN AND V OMAN IN THIS CITY A LARGE $1.00 PACKAGE OF GENUINE YEAST VITAMINE TABLETS FREE as explained below. These are guaranteed to be THE GENUINE YEAST VITAMINE TABLETS prepared from the original formula of Dr. Catrin of the faculty of Medicine of Paris. THEY ABE ABSOLUTELY PDBE AND UNADULTERATED AND CON TAIN NO DRUGS IN ANY FORM. Three Big Meals a Day Yet Thousands are Thin, Weak, Nervous and Under-Nourished SCIENCE TELLS A REASON WHY Are you one of tho whose diet consists principally of meat-soups, white bread, meats of various kinds, fish, potatoes, tinned fruits and vegetables, pies and cakes ? Then read what science says in regard to why you may grow thin, weak and emaciated, no matter how much you eat. Arrangements have been made with local druggists to give every man and woman in this dry, who wishes increased strength, energy and vigor or to round-out face and figure with good firm flmeh, a large $1.00 package of Genuine Yeast Vitamine Tablets, absolutely free, as explained below. This offer is good for five days. Since the amazing discovery of Vitamines, science now shows why thousands may be weak. thin, nervous and undernourished on three or four big meals a day, while you may eat a much smaller quantity of exactly the same food and by adding Vitamines to it, you may often quickly put on good firm flesh and obtain greatly increased strength and energy, provided your blood contains a sufficient quantity of oxygenated organic iron to enable you to assimilate yoor food properly. Without organic iron, both food and Vitamines are absolutely useless, as your body cannot change lifeless food matter into living cells, flesh, muscle, bone and tissue unless you have plenty of organic iron In your blood. Organic iron takes up oxygen from your lungs. This oxygenated organic iron unites wren your aigesucu iwu absorbed into your blood like fire unites with eoal or wood and by so doing it creates tremendous power and energy. Without organic iron in your blood your food merely passes through your body without doing you any good. Blood examinations by physicians all over the coun try have shown that an enormous amount of people are deficient in hemoglobin or iron content in the blood stream, and this is often the real underlying cause of a thin, emaciated, weak, nervous, run-down condi tion and it is for this reason that thousands of people may take Vitamines without obtaining results, it is not the fault of the Vitamines, but it is the fault of your blood. Therefore, in practically every where Vitamines are necessary, organic iron is .si 1 For centuries scientists tried in rain to pro dnee organic iron, to supply the alarming in crease in iron deficiency in the blood caused by refined foods and improper method, of liv ing. At last the problem was solved so that you may now obtain pare organic iron from any druggist under the name of " Nuxated Iron," which is ready for immediate absorp tion and assimilation by the blood the moment it enters the system. If you merely with to gain greater strength, energy, vigor and endurance, we recommend that you take Nuxated Iron only. DO NOT TAKE VITAMINES UNLESS YOU WISH ' teetfng machine, then YOUR WEIGHT INCREASED up to what weigh yourself again a person should normally weign. we ao not claim, however, that Vitamines will put flesh on everybody. Some people are naturally too thin and will probably remain so in spite of Vitamines and everything else. Those whose meals consist principally of meat-soups, white bread, meats of various kinds, fish, potatoes, tinned fruits and vege tables, pies and calces are likely to suffer from under-nourishment and a weakened physical condition due to a deficiency of both Vita mines and Organic Iron, no matter how much they eat, and in such cases both Vitamines and Nuxated Iron should be tried. In taking Vitamines with Nuxated Iron, always take your Yeast Vitamine Tablets he fore meals and Nnxated Iron Tablets after meals. Weigh yourself before you start and test your strength on a gymnasium strength rni with 8H HP-n " f"L fZMi "Br?5seH bBhsssE Cavpssxiea i .v E l' case V v If if PaU Usfsiarjr H Watery Fifsri , Bleed after ten da rs and how much vou have increased your weight, strength and end or ance. It is often remarkable what an astoniih ing difference It makes tn a person's appear ance to round -out face and fltrure with a few pounds of good firm flesh. It 1 often equally surprising- what a tremendous amount of pep, vigor, force and energy a little more oxnren ated organic iron will give a person whose blood Is deficient in this marlc-Iike substance . Over four million people are nsins; Nuxated Iron annually, their experience Drovlnr tt it increases the strength and endurance f weak, nervous, run-down people, tn many cases in two weeks' time. SPECIAL NOTE. If, after making the above test with Nuxated Iron, or Nuxated Iron and Vitamines, you do mat otvOa. mtt sad en Which Woman In This Picture Would You Like To Be? Science says the lack of one single wonder element in your food may cause you to become weak, thin, scrawny and utterly lacking in vitality no matter how iftuch you eat. But the moment it is supplied you often quickly put on good firm flesh and become rosy cheeked, strong, vigorov even on a comparatively small amount of food. I greater benefits than you experted. the manu ! facturers will promptly refund your money. ! Cat out and use free Yeast Vitamins Coupon below, today. FREE $1.00 COUPON- This coupon, If used within FIVE DAYS, " entitles you to one regular $ 1 .00 package of Genuine Yt Vitamine Tablets. iV gj solutely fres, with each bottl of Nuxated yj Iron that you puich. If your danier does not have our Yeast Vitamine Tablets, he can easily obtain them for you frtnn V m any wholesale bouse. Cut out this coupon and present It t' your dealer today.