THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND,. MAY 7. 1922 REAL ESTATE. .Suburban Home 100 SHATTl'CK STATION". 4-room bun galow with bathroom, city water, ga? garage. , of an acre, almost city car fare by monthly ticket; lo cated on stone road, close to S. P. and Oregon Electric; cash $400, bal ance $15 per month. V3M0 MAPLE WOOD STATION $2300. Close to Multnomah; 6-room bunga low, city water, ga, electricity about to be installed: choice family orchard, full bearing; i of an acre, close to S. P. and Oregon Electric; .cash $400; $2250 BEAVEP.TON" DISTRICT $2250. Two acres, 4-room celled and papered eottag". almost new. buiit-ins, city water and gas, large new barn, screened-in chicken hous. almost 2 acres In clover, fruit trees and berries; included in price, 1 cow and 10 chickens; located on good road, close to station, stores, highway and school; cash $S00. balance $20 monthly; investigate this one. $3800 BEAVERTON DISTRICT $3800. Four choice acres, 6-room. lH-tory bungalow. bath with white enamel plumbing, septic tank, large living room, city water, gas. some fruit trees and twrriea, native firs and shrubbery- barn, chicken houses ; splendid view of Mount Hood; accessible to two electric lines. S. P. and Oregon Electric ; located on macadam road, close to highway; public, high and St. Mary's schools. If you have $1200. don't miss this one; $30 monthly. $4200 HTTBER STATION" $4200. Near Beaverton, 5 acres, 5-room, celled and papered house, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, gas, fine water sys tem, large red barn, chicken house, ga rage, woodshed, family orchard, full bearing; all wire fenced; ab,ove price Includes 2 cows and 90 chickens; cash S3500, balance $30 monthly. The above are only a few of our su burban homes. We have a well-chosen list Call for Information. Office open fiunday 11 A. M.-l P. M. It E. DE JOICE COMPANY. 07 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1631. STOP RENT. $100 DOWN puts you in a new 4-room house. $10 PER MO. AND INT. Makes All Monthly Payments. $1325 TOTAL PRICE. On hard-surfaced highway, 20 mln tites from center of town ; only 3 min ute' walk from car and school ; gas, electric, phone and city water all avail able. County taxes. Ideal suburban lo cation with wonderful view. See Mr. McQuilkln. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 30 Chamber of Com. Bldg. No Phone. OSWEGO- ON-THE-RIVER. Six-room residence and surpassingly beautiful surroundings; comprising 1 Vi acres on paved highway with fine view; shown by appointment. Information gladly furnished. COE A. McKENNA, & CO., S2 Fourth St. Bdwy. 7322. SIGHTLY ACRE SNAP. See It today. Faces on paved Beaver ton road at Intersection of Scholl's ferry road, just a few yards beyond Multno mah county line. All in cultivation, wal nut trees over 30 years old. Bull Run water, gas. electricity ; big value for $1200. terms. J. G. Ralney, 517 Ablng- ton bldg.. Bdwy. 626'J. I H - ACRE CHICKEN FARM. Do you want a real suburban home? 80 minutes from oourthouse, on Gresham line; 500 feet north of Kendaii station on 82d st.; hard-surface road; y acre orchard; 8-room house, modern and un usually attractive ; plpeless furnace, ivory woodwork. garage, 2 chicken houses, capacity 500 chickens; 300 White Leghorn laying hens to be included. I'hon-' Auto. H -17-77. FINE SUBURBAN HOME ON HIGHWAY AT MULTNOMAH. Quarter acre of fruit and shrubbery, beaut If ul view, 5-room bungalow with fireplace, gas, electricity and Bull Run water; $4500. $500 will handle. Look this exceptional buy now. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK I McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. BEAUTIFUL ACRE GROVE. On Daved Beaverton road, just over the line In Washington county. Sign f on it; you can't miss It. Bull Run water, j gas, electricity. rum most oeaumui trees, near the city. Only $1200, terms. J. G, Rainey, 517 Ablngton bldg. Bdwy. 6269. GENTLEMAN' S COUNTRY HOME. PRICE ONLY $10,500. 2 acres with new 7-room, strictly mod ern house; has fireplace, sunroom and breakfast nook, 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch.- Full cement basement; lso garage. A real home and the price U RIGHT. Part cash and liberal terms. IX'DREY INVESTMENT CO., 109-10 Panama Bldg.' Bdwy. 6942. """" 1 -3 ACRE $45007 New house with full plumbing, elec tricity, gas and city water; all bullt-lns, garage, fruit, berries and beautiful shrub bery ; close to school and Oregon City line, at Milwaukie; only $4500. terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third st.. bet. Wash, and Stark. IN PAVED HIGHWAY. Three acres, 75 well assorted fruit trees; 5-room house, cement basement; good barn, chicken houses; on paved highway; -mIie to Gladstone station ; $750 cash, balance first mortgage 6 per cent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N W. Bunk Bjldg. Main 3737. WILLAMETTE RIVER, FRONT. EASY TERMS. 4 acres, on river, at station, 7 miles 4th and Washington, west side, 6-room bungalow.- large living room, stone fire- flace, si. porch, basement, furnace, 9000. terms. J. C. CORBIN. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg ANOTHER GOOD ONE. Five acres, 3-room shack; Bull Run water; 75 prune trees; four miles from center of city, north of Canyon Road; $2650; $500 cash, balance $30 month, in terest Included. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SH ACRES, all under cultivation, fruit trees and berries, modern 5-room house, hardwood floors, furnace, stationery tubs, full cement .basement, enameled throughout: -.ear Doach station on Red Electric; will divide to suit party. Main 6n4. MULTNOMAH BARGAIN. $2800. A dandy 5-room bungalow, modern, except basement, fireplace, white Dutch kitchen. with built-in features; 1 blocks from O. E. station :graded street. See Thompson. 3d house south of Station. ( OREGON CITY LINE. 2 ACRES PRICE $2000. 2 acres near Courtney station; has -room house, barn and chicken house; $500 rash and easy monthly payments. J PUUKKY INVESTMENT CO.. 50i-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942- 7 A BARGAIN. New 6-room, double-constructed bun galow, Dutch kitchen, buffet, fireplace, French doors, sleeping porch, full base ment, bath. 1 acre, 10 varieties berries, 26 fruit trees, chicken house, double ga rage, shrubs. Call Tabor 3751. St'NNYSIDE RANCH. IS 1-3 acres. 5 miles east of 82d st. Best of soil ; free from gravel ; fine spring; good building site on graveled road; $200 per acre; half cash JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. $1650 NEW 4-ROOM house and half acre, 1 mile outside city limits on Powell Val ley road : interior partly finished; citv water, etc Easy terms. like rent. See owner. 743 Powell Vallev road, near Buck'ey ave.. or phone Broadway 6957. PARKROSE One acre, well improved, 40 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, grapes, a modern bungalow. full basement, chicken house, and barn. Marx ave.. se,: ond houst '-ast of Richardson St. Xl APLBW O O D acre on O E! small house, fruit trees, berries, electric lights, gas. phone. Bull Run water; easv terms. Call between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Main 129ti XfODEKN suburban home of 5 rooms, bun galow; on Powell Valley road, near Buckley ave., 1 acre of ground, berries and garden. Will consider lot or acre as p-jft p.iymen:. Ca..', ow-ier, f-46-S9.s $150O FULL acre facing electric line; new double constructed bungalow; $150 down. Call for McCIure. 500 Concord bui'dlng ffWO LOTS on Os .-ego lake, near atation : would consider good building sits jn city rft part payment. Tabor S602. fl,yvl RT'NG ALOW, new. water. lights, nearly one acre, on county road, $150 waa, McCiure. 500 Concord bids. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Hornet. SUBURBAN HOMES. 14 acres, extra choice garden land, in fruit, walnutE, garden, berries: 7-room modern bungalow, S. P., garage, tenant house 4 rooms, close to river, pavement, railway station. Oregon City line. $S500, $2500 cash, balance 3 to 5 years. 1 acre in cultivation, fruit, grapes, ber ries, 7-room modern house, barn, chick en house, Oregon City line, $3800, good terms. 2.14 acres in cultivation, extra choice garden land, fruit, berries, garden in, 5-room house, chicken house, close to tation, Oregon City line, $3650, terms. Take cheap house as part. 1 acre in cultivation, 'new 5-room bun galow, near Evergreen station, Oregon City line, $4500. good terms. - acres in cultivation, fruit, grapes, berries, 4-room house, barn, chicken house, Oregon City line. $2500, good terms. 6 acres in cultivation, 90 bearing fruit j trees, high and sightly; 5-room house and outbuildings, near river, close to j railway station, school and stores; 20 minutes by auto. $6000; good terms. This Is choice. 3 acres, lots of fruit, 5-room house, close to river and lake Oswego, $4000, terms. 6 acres in cultivation. 75 bearing fruit trees, 4-room house and outbuildings, large creek, on pavement at railway station; 9 miles courthouse, $5300; good terms. R. M. GATE WO OP & CO-. 165 4th St. A HOME WITH AN INCOME. Two acres, highly Improved, over 50 bearing fruit trees, 4 bearing English walnut trees, 4 varieties grapes (owner sold over 1 tons grapes and cherries last year), great variety of fruits and berries, finest garden, best soil, grand view, good 6-room house, electric lights, gas, private water system, located right at Rupert station. Or. City car line, 8 miles out; paved road all the way. most beautiful shrubbery and flowers. It's an ideal suburban home. Price only $5900. It's worth $7500. A great opportunity to acquire a dandy suburban home with an income. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, 2S3 Stark St. Broadway 1188. SUBURBAN HOME. Adjoining Garthwick and Wa verley links, 5 acres of ground, mass of beautiful flowers ; surely an Ideal spot and only 20 minutes by motor from business center ; house has extra large combination living and dining room. 4 sleeping rooms. 3 baths, 3 fireplaces, extra servant's room, full cement base ment, large inclosed living and dining porch. Shown by appoint ment only. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 3207. MULTNOMAH. $2650 buys classy little bungalow, bath, sleeping porch, fireplace, cement base ment, chicken house, acre with fine strawberry patch; other assorted fruits. Easy terms. Two acres loganberries, raspberries, ' currants, etc. A $1000 income; nice lit- ! tie bungalow; large chicken house, $4500; 15 minutes to your office. New 7-room bungalow; bath, fur.; ex- ' cellent view, situated on Capitol high way; $750 will give you immediate pos session. -acre on highway and near station, $1400. Beautiful view lots, 1 block off high way. $300; $50rdown. Why pay rent. NED BURKE, Multnomah Sta. Main 1903. RENTERS, isn't it about time you were stopping up the rent leak? Why pay out this good, hard-earned money every month, with nothing coming back to you except a worthless rent receipt? If you want to get a start, and have thewill. I can help you out of the rut. There are hundreds of people living at Multno mah who commenced with little or noth ing and now own their homes. I shall be glad to talk this matter over with you. You can't tell what you can do until you try. Ben Riesland, specialist in west side suburban property. Main of fice 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. Branch office at Multnomah. Mrs. Grant in charge. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOMES. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. tA acres, equal to 12 city lots; fine residence, electric lights, gas and phone, choice flowers and lawn, fine vineyard and on the electric line, for only $6500. Pretty 5 acres on the highway, fine 5 room bungalow, fine orchard, cherries, pears, apples, strawberries, etc. ; fine spring, all In cultivation; a delightful home; only $6000; I have many other beautiful suburban homes from $2500 to $7500 each. J. B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR, 214-215 Panama Bldg. 10 ACRES OSWEGO. Stafford road, south of Oswego ; choice 10-acre home, all cultivated land; 6-room house, barn, good well, fruit Owner will sell complete with 2 horses," cows. 2 pigs, chickens, buggy, wagon, plow, harrow, mower, rake, cream sep arator," good outfit of tools. This is a place ready to use now; cash payment required only $1000; balance terms A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. SPECIAL OFFER ' 10.1 acres, 3 miles from Gable on crushed rock road, 2 acres In cultiva tion, balance stump pasture, very easy to clear, 500 strawberries; $1200- house chicken house, 1 mile to school, rear large logging camp operating contin ually. A wonderful bargain at $1500. Easy terms 20 acres adioinine verv n LSee RPPey or Wflliams. 610-11 irjva n;qy.. jq and Stark. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Choice acre fronting hard surface, loam soil, fruit, berries, garden, poultry 5-room bungalow, city utilities, water gas, electricity, etc.; close school, store station; only $2600; easy terms; let us show you this; photos at office; we have other buys both east and west side, A K. till,, 426 Lumbermens bids-. SUBURBAV ftminil r-n- Located at Parkrose, Buckley ave . f-ra-ls Bas Line Road. Powell aLey Road and Foster Road; all mod ern with haif to 5 acres ground, rang ing from $3000 to $7500; reasonable down Payments, balance easy terms. M JOHNSON-DODSON CO. o- . mnit Bldg. Main 8787. OKEOO.V OTTV -at t T--tr -fcre ??th. eooa suitable for sma.l family; fruit trees, natural shru-b- 7,,'' "wis-MSHy, nice views v.v tV in oesi district on the mL V minutes rrom town Price vw ".er-in. VSM Auto 5 ggjrg mom 202 iflsfcj b:dg 7-69, or In- OSWEGO LAKE FRONT ONLT $1300. 104-foot frontage, magnificent view, gentle slope; a bargain for the discrim inating buyer; a small nnvmf gives possession. Ask for Allen, 500 Con-i nrd hM v -i nA e. W $3lK"t0 MULTNO-U - M isno.! Come out today and see the niftiest 5 rom Puna:w In the district. Lot 100 ft.; 200 strawberry plants in full bearing; other small fruit; flowers and lawn. On Capitol highway, across from Multnomah school. A. E Shurr owmm UtaJAEGO LAKE FOR TOUR HOME! $Io0 cash; 3 rooms, acre, close to sta- n: flne soiI: Pretty trees SI450 5-00 cash, neat new bungalow. 100x120 lot; light, water, gas 00 .tff J0!8 station Sundays. McFARLAND. Realtor. 20 S Failing Bldg. A YOUNG MAN'S CHANCE" Half acre, fine soil, Capitol hill Ore gol Electric, highway, 4-room shack, e.ectrlclty. etc. Way not raise chickens? A neglected place. Make it pretty Ran som, 407 McKay bldg. Broadwav 72fVi OREGON CITY car line; 5-room bunga low, with bath and plumbing complete 100x145 lot. good soil; 600 ft. to sta tion; $1000 cash will handle, balance easy monthly payments. H. G. Stark weather. 602 Broadwav bMg. CHOICE ACRE TRACTS OSWEGO LAKE Come to the lake today and pick out a beautiful acre; 520 down. $10 month See me at store. Lake Grove station Sunday. McFarland, Realtor, Failing building. CAN YOU DECIDE QUICKLY J Half acre, Capitol hill. Oregon Elec tric, highway; 4-room shack, e'ectricltv, etc A neglected place. Sacrifice sale. Make it pretty yourself. $950, terms. Ransom. 407 McKay bldg. Bdwy 72Q3. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE ONLY $1200. I have a wonderful view acre, over looking Oswego lake; rock road, water, lights and gr.s: easy terms Ask Allen, 5tW Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. 5 ACRES SANDY LOAM. 4 mile from Canby, very best soil for vegetables of all kinds; good road, handv to school, lies perfect, $1500: terms. See Williams or RIppey, 610-11 McKav bfclg , Third and Stark. OSWEGO LAKE SHORE. ONLY $60O. Fine lot on lake shore, rock road, water and lights, nice grove of trees: small cash payment. Ask for Allen, 500 Co neord bldg.. 2d and Stark. UNFINISHED new 5-room bungalow on choice corner in Queensland. Only $2000. easv terms. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg. or Mrs. Grant at Multnomah off icr. 210( BUNGALOW, a new one; 4 rooms, quarter acre, water, lights. $200 down. Call for McCIure. 500 Concord bldg. CAMP SIT ES OSV EC O LA K E. TciUL3 to suit. Edwj. SO 03. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. ON OREGON CITY CARL IN E. At Mel drum station, four-fifths acre of ground, all in cultivation, with a choice selection of trees, shrubbery and flowers, young bearing orchard. A very attractive modern 1-story 7-room bun galow, large cheerful living room with lire place, library, dining room, break fast room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms and bath room, sun porch, hardwood floors, French doors, modern lighting; base ment with furnace, summer house, ga rage. 2 blocks from car line, 2 blocks from river road on hard surface road; immediate possession. Price $8000, part cash. .A. C. HOWL AND, 620 Main St.. Oregon City. Or. For sale Business Property. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE. We have a dandy warehouse or fac tory site for sale; Versteeg addition; block 4. lots 7. 8, 9, 10, right on truck age and near the new freight terminal at Guilds lake; it is next to the Ameri can Can Co.'s plant and right close to Montgomery Ward plant; If sold at once will make low price. Phone owner. East 2651. INCOME PROPERTY. 100x128 corner. Improvements all in and paid; produces 17 per cent on val uation of $22,000; will sell or trade for residence property, farm lands, etc See Benedict. INTERSTATE INVESTM3ENT CO.. Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. BUSINESS property, 2-story brick, 50x100. east of 3d and north of Oak sts. First payment $7500; price $25,000, easy terms on balance. Geo. H. Elkerton. 834 Mor gan bldg. Main 6737. FURNISHED 13-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE. Income $160 per month. Between Broadway and 6th. $7300. Some terms. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV CO... Bdwy. 5U1S. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. BUSINESS property, 50x100, 3-story brick, east of 4th and north of Stark sts.. $10. 000 will handle; price $35,000, balance easy terms. Geo. H. Elkerton, 834 Mor gan bldg. Main 6737. BLOCK WEST SIDE For less than appraised value; 1 block off Washington, splendid location. Star Real Estate & Inv. Co., 513 Wilcox bldg S. E. CORNER East Morrison and East 3d, 100x100, improved with two-story frame. Can be bought at a low price and on easy terms. Might take some trade. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE A good business corner, 6th and Ej. Burnsiae, on good terms. Phone owner. E. 2704. irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. By the district, no agents, no commis sion. Interested only in getting home builders on the project. Longest grow ing season in the northwest. Gardens and fruits thrive. Highways, schools and railroads the best. Junction Snake and Columbia rivers. Write for terms and folder. Address BUR BANK IRRIGATION DISTRICT No. 4, Burbank, Washington. Homesteads. Relinmiisiiment. 94 ACRES, relinquishment. Some cleared. balance good wood, ana siiW timoer, 5-room house, barn, chicken house and well. Cow and heifer and household goods. This is a fine place located close to Grants Pass. Only 1 mile from store and railroad. Price $1000. Will take part trade. Prefer good auto. For information phone Auto. 638-83 or write 5420 69th st. S. E., Portland. RELINQUISHMENT on homestead near WUhoit Springs; a acres unaer cultiva tion; all usual buildings; fruit trees and good outrange, plenty water, good soil, crops in; quick sale. $700 cash. Claude J. Perrett, Molalla, Or. Route 1. , thbrr imnrnvAd rel liifl ulshm en ts, all Join S3U.U00 truit ranch, at nice little town near Grants Pass; $2000 spent on one; all plow land, easily cleared, running water; worth $5000 ea. ; family trouble, sacrifice. $600 ea. 301 Corbett bldg. 160-ACRE relinquishment for stock or farming; spring and creek; buildings. This is a good one. AE 645, Oregonian. GOOD homestead location, 20th st. $50. 166 Va East Fruit Lajids for Sale or Rent. FIVE -ACRE fruit and chicken ranch at Hlllsboro. Sacrifice for cash or will trade for 6-room house in Portland. Pre Exposltion Realty Office, 200 Henry bldg. For Sale- - Acreage. FREE WOOD, ETC. Ten full acres, all tillable and level, half cleared; 20 young fruit ti eos. also grapes and berries, 4 room house, barn, poultry house 110x20. brooder house ItixUO in four compartments, feed and store house 20x40, including 000 laying hens good cow, 2 heifers, calf, half -ton auto truck, garage, free fiiewood and cow pasture; grav eled road to door; 100 yards to school; price $4000; mortgage $S00 ; $3200 cash. Owner leaving tor Europe. $200 DOWN. Thirty acres unimproved land. aH tillable except two acres, part creek bottom 'and second bench, with 60U cords of standing timber; located on main auto road and in walking distance of two sawmills; ample work the whole year; price $25 per acre; $200 down, balance as you can pay. Twenty acres of extra choice land four acres creek bottom; 600 cords timber, handsome 7-room bungalow, barn; on main road and close to work; price $1500 cash. 35H acres creek bottom, all till able land, with a splendid fishing stream through the place ; fronts on main road ; new 4-room house and good barn and other outbuild ings; also fine team, harness and wagon ; this land has about 800 cords wood and is in walking distance of five sawmills; plenty of work here; only $3000 or the whole place ; terms. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO.. Realtors. Gladstone, Or. Oregon City Carline. Phone Oregon City 269-J. 36 ACRES, just off the highway; 5-room house, city water and gas; barn, chicken house, 180 hens, fine orchard, good milk cow and, some equipment; price $3850. terms. 5 acres, all cultivated, orchard, new 4-room plastered house, city water; on the highway; some personal; $1500 cash, balance terms; price $5300. 6 acres, 4-room bungalow, bathroom and fireplace, barn 40x44, chicken house and runs for 500 chickens; mile from school; cow ana chickens; price $4500, terms. 6 acres, mile from electric station. 7-room house, good barn, nice family orchard, H acre strawberries, cow, horse, buggy, cultivator, 50 hens; price $450U, terms. 10 acres, 5 acres under cultivation, 4 room house, barn, chicken house, or chard, on rock road; price $2600, terms. 10 acres, 6 acres cultivated, 3-room house, strawberries, loganberries, some tools and implements; H mile from highway; price $3000, terms. 10 acres, all cultivated, 4-room house, good barn, orchard, strawberries, chicken house; price $3500, terms. 10 acres, 9 house. barn, houses, orcharc acres cultivated, 6-room woodshed, 3 chicken ; price $4250, terms. 10 acres, all cultivated, loganberries, strawberries. fine 7-room bungalow, barn, chickenhouse ; price $4800, terms. HILLSBORO LAND & REALTY CO., ENGLAND & MELLAR, Hlllsboro. Oregon. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. Eight acres of as fine sandy loam as there is in the state of Oregon, only a 11ttle more than ten miles out on a flue macadam road less than & quarter mile from Base Line paved highwnay. No touildiings to pay for Good water with in 20 feet. Adjoining property selling at from $75-0 to $1OO0 per acre. In order to turn this quickly I am offer ing this for $4,0l00, cash. Might consider small well located house and lot In town as first payment. J 62S. Oregonian. SNAP. OREGON CITY CARLINE. In this choice Portland suburban dis trict we have a beautiful 5-acre place, all in cultivation, fine soil, no rock, nice view, on surfaced road close to station; $2750; terms to suit. See A. K- Hill, j 426 Lumbermen's bldg. IMPROVED 10 located; only Bdwy 7264. acres $16S0. at bargain : well 416 Oregon bldg. 5 ACRES, cleared, 104 miles east of court house. Phone Sundays. Tabor 1792. week days Main 1284. V-AC'Ril tracts to 3 acres; improvements; 1 block from Shattuck sta. and paved roa d Cheap. Owner, Main 838U. WHY NOT buy from owner; an acre on Oregon City car line at Silver Springs station. Call Mr. Fricker, Bdwy. 7066. FIVE acres, easily cleared, near Base Line road and carline: water, light, gas available, $500 per acre. Tabor 8457. ITI VP ACRES, close in. $800; $50 down. C&U for McCLUHtt. 600 Concord bids. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. S ACRES of nice Iand on macad amized road, 6 blocks from elec tric station, 9 miles from center of Portland, south; good car serv ice, low commutation fare; good surroundings; offered at real bar gain, only $1300, very easy terms. Ask for Mr. Kemp. 4 acres, 9 miles south, of center of Portland, half mile to electric station and school, 1 block from rocked road; 1 acre under culti vation ; all can be farmed when cleared; 3 - room house, other buildings; $3O0 down, balance easy terms, 6 per cent. Ask for Mr. Kemp. IN MAltlOK COUNTY, OREGON. 10 acres, half mile from railroad and good town, with high and grade school; woven wire- fences, sandy loam soil; 2 acres under cultivation, balance seeded to grass and has some smal I stumps ; 4 room cottage, chicken house, 8 large fir trees for wood; good rocked road; price S160O. $500 cash, bal. 3 years, 6 per cent. Id acres, miles from Ore gon City, 1 mile to school ; wire, fences; 4 acres under culitvation, 3 acres more can be cultivated, balance in timber; creek, rocked road. bearing orchard ; 5-room house, barn, chicken house, ce ment cellar, woodshed. Included with place; Cow, calf, chickens, tools, etc.; price for everything $1975. good terms- Inspected, by Mr. Hunter. 5 acres, 10 miles from center of Portland; 2 blocks to electric, sta tion and school; half under culti- "vation, balance in pasture; nice building site; $200 down, balance easy terms. ACRE TRACTS, CITY CONVEN IENCES. On west side; good soil, no rock or gravel; close to electric station, 9c commutation fare, good car service; Portland gas, electric lights and city water on the prop erty; offered far below value on easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. FINE DISTRICT. NOW PLANTED TO POTATOES, where the purchaser gets one-third of the crop atr the time of harvest, all sacked and ready for delivery, with no additional costs. That's not bad, is It? A way to pay for your land without turning a hand. Other tracts all plowed and ready for planting; SUNDERLAND ACRES, at E. 29th st. N. and Colum bia blvd. (paved), convenient to Alberta and Woodlawn cars; 1 to 40-acre tracts, $400 per acre and up; easy terms. J. O. ELROD. OWNER, 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. Office at E. 29th St. N. and Colum bia Blvd. BARGAIN. 8 acres on the corner of Columbia blvd and Buckley ave. A beautiful build ing site, wonderful view of the moun tains; no better garden soil in the state. This tract la now offered for the (almost unbelievable) low price of $1250 per acre; $500 down. bal. monthly. If you want the best, buy this today. BOONE & CLEARWATER, 506 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 PER ACRE UP. $10 down and $5.00 month, buys a 5 acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lay ing land free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of rl"er; there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. Have 5 and 10-acre tracts on the same terms in other ;o cations. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. " FOR SALE. 200 acres, all tillable, 85 acres In crop, one-third goes with place, balance in pasture of which 85 acres is native grass wit hout stumps or brush, ready for plow, 30 acres good oak, maple and ash timber for posts and wood along creek, place all fenced, mostly woven wire and all good, only 2 miles from Shedd, Or., and about mile off paved road under construction; owner is obliged to sell this place soon; might consider trade for residence in Portland or valley city; price only $45 per acre. HUGHSON & TAYLOR, 132 S. 2d St.. Corvallls. Or. $45 DOWN. $10 PER MO. The very best berry soil, ideal for chickens, one acre all cleared, close to car and pavement. City water, gas and lights; price only $900. BOONE & CLEARWATER, 506 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Section Line Road Near S2d St. S100 down and $50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition. $950 and up; all In cultivation, good soil, city water, some tracts with bear ing raspberries; loganberries, currants and, strawberries: will build small houses to suit purchasers. SAYLER E. SMTTH. 31S Ry. Exch. Bldg. HOOD RIVER RANCH. 140 acres for $2600. Here Is your chance to make some money. Owner forced to sell; 15 acres cleared, over 100 apple trees; 24 miles from O'Dell; log house, good barn, 2 chicken houses, spring and creek; $6000 federal loan, 6 per tent, balance of $2000 cash. Will show Sunday to anybody really Inter ested. Room for 5 in machine. Bdwy. 7519. room 1 Ry. Exch. bldg. 10 ACRES, on good road; 14 miles from center of Portland, Clarke county. Wash. All under cultivation; three acres in bearing prunes; the 1922 crop should bring $600. also pears and other fruit ; one mile from electric staUon and paved road; 3-room house and other necessary buildings; three large chicken houses. Price $2500; terms. Inspected bv Davis, JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. STOCKED DAIRY FARM. 180 acres. 50 acres cleared, 7-room house, dairy barn almost new, good school and high school, crushed rock road, excellent soil. lower Columbia dis trict; will accept city property, Portland or other good valley city, balance easy, terms, 6 per cent. ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 Couch bldg;. Bdwy. 6785. FOR SALE or rent. 3 acres, all under cul tivation; box house, fair barn, good well, 6 blocks from car line; personal prop erty for sale. G. Mililll. Oregon City car to Courtney station. 6 blocks east. 1-3 ACRES, on Hillsboro highway, 11 miles west of Portland, 3-room house, gas. water, phone, 1500 strawberry plants. $1200, $600 down, balance $10 month at 7 per cent. G. H. LATHAM, BEAVERTON. Phone 551. Line 19. 127 ACRES land, OYs miles southwest of The Dalles, very rich volcanic ash soil, good for grazing; 40 acres good for fruit; 112 cords of oak. also pine and fir; 4 H-hour drive from Portland. Lela Miller, 1008 Hancock. Portland. Or. ' A t TT) J fPfl 1 " T n PPfl 20 miles from Portland on Estacada line. Best of deep, clear soil. Can sell in 5 or 10 acre tracts. Short distance from station. A very good value in acreage. Very reasonable terms; $200 per acre. Otto & Harkson, 413 Chamber of Com merce. Broadway 6380. $50 DOWN and $10 per month buys 10 acres, small house and well: some stand ing timber: lies level, no rocks, 20 miles from Portland, near highway; price $1100; also have other small houses and acres in other locations on the same terms as above. Chas. Delfell, 318 Rall way Exchange bldg. NEAR REED COLLEGE. One and one-third acres fine land, house, barn, fruit, spring branch; you can earn your living on this place; $3250, $250 cash. $20 month. Roger W. Cary, 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. 7Xi ACRES for sale cheap! 5-room house, on a good hard gravel road. 1 mile from good high school and town; 4 or 5 min utes' walk to car line. For further in formation call at 111 East 85th st., 3d door north of Gllsan. S L'BL'KBAN HOME. 6 acres, unimproved, 4 mile north intersection German town road and Sky line blvd. Overlook Portland. Van couver and snow caps ! small stream. south slope. Marsha'.'. 3613. FOR SALE 4.14 acres 3 miles out ol ciry limit, $800. $200 down, balance $10 monthly; only 5 minutes' walk to car station. Take Gresham car, get oft at Jennie gtation and see G. Loder. SIX-CENT fare ; over 4 acres, Harrison and 31st sts., Milwaukie ; paved street ; cement sidewalk, trackage, ideal sub division site; $2000 handles. Zramerman, 818 Chamoer 01 commerce WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Taeoma. Wash. it, ACRES, all under cultivation, fruit trees and berries, with or without house. Near Dosch station on Red Electric; will divide to suit patty. Main REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. S50 1 ACRE, all In cultivation. 4 blocks from carline. just outside the city limits; place for fine home. Only $150 down. $1750 lO acre, e-11 in cultivation; In bearing commercial orchard; fair buildings, good roads, 18 miles out; reasonable payment down, oalance terms. $4500 99&w 5-room modern bungalow , new garage, new poultry house, new orchard, bearing berries: 4 acres of fine soil and all in cul tivation; in the city of Gresham; liberal terms on this, with rea sonable payment down. IDEAL POULTRY RANCH. $5300 flS-lO1 acres, all In cultivation: 93 beari-ng fruit trees. Hi years old; acre assorted berries and grapes. 4-room house. 2 large poultry houses and other out buildings; Just outside the cits limits, on a paved road and car line. This is al! good bottom land, real garden soil; live creek across the place. See J. S. Culbertson. HTLLETR BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry Ex. Bldg. Broadway MM. OREGON CITY CAR. 1 aore at Jennings Lodge; new S-room bungalow. 2 blocks from station; 13 pear. 26 aptple, 34 cherry trees: 2 chicken houses. 1 brooder house and barn. Price $5500. 5 4-5 acres on Capitol highway. i mile from Tigard; 5-room modern house, 2 chicken houses, good family orchard and small fruit. Price $0300. 4 acres. 3 acres in cultivation, small house and outbuildings: some fruit; on good road, 1 miiefrom Oregon City; a bargain. Price $1800; cash $700. balance $10 ner month. B. H. STEWART. 19 Fourth St. Mai-,i 5275. 4-ACRE TRACT. CORNERS ON MAYS' LAKE. NEW TRACT JUST OPENED. $35 DOWN. Parkrose. all cleared, ready for plow ing, beautiful building site, good view of mountains and valley.- rich zarden land; you should more than make your navments trom your iana. tiuu acre. branch office open every day, end of Parkrose car line, take Rose City Park car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Bdwy. 6034. FIVE-ACRE SNAfP. All in high state of cultivation: large young bearing orchard; IV acres of loganberries : 2 acres of clover: neat 6 room bungalow; barn. 2 fine poultry houses, brooder house : close to Sewell star nn. on the Oretron lE-lectrl-c: .vrx.hi terms can be arranged to suit. If you want a good buv you will have to hurry. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. MoGUrRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WE JUST discovered this extra fine piece of land to offer someone who means business and has the money; 1.0 acres. all level a-fid pretty, fine soil, well fenced; 12 acres in cultivation, balance easy to clear; fuel timber, new .build ings, orchard: on main county road; only one mile from town, bank, creamery, etc.; close to most important highway into Portland, and -price on'.y 5-J." SI 250 cash; long" time on balance. 6 per cent. C L. Becker. 1KT F.rstst BEAVERTON DISTRICT. $375 ACRE TRACTS $375. Two acres, city water, gas, all clear, only 5 minutes walk to S. P. station, school and stores, located on macadam road, close to highway; 25 minutes' drive to Portland; cash only $150, $10 monthly; investigate. M. E. DE JOrCE COMPANY. 307 Henry Bldg Bdwy. 1631. RIVERDALE DISTRICT. T hsfft nnA nr two Rcres In thin beaut! fnl district at a very low price; It fronts on the Pacific highway; has all modern facilities ready to connect, and only a short distance from the Inter urban car. Price for quick sale $2250 per acre. J. J. MCCARTHY, Exclusive Agent. Abington Bldg $1250 SPECIAL $1250. 10 acres very best land, small house on two roads, only ml Oregon Elec trip fine neighborhood, all nice leve land. This is the very best proposition 1 have, but must be sold by the 25th of this month. I will accept $150 cash and bal. $20 month. Call at once. j. tt RICHARDS. 30S McKay bldg. ElOHT-ACRE BERRY PLACE. All cleared: 3 acres In bearing logan berries. TOOO erooseberrles. 1O0O black caps, 0X strawberries: near good town on nigri'wav; nouse. Darn. uiui;K.eii iiuubc, other buildings, all nearly new. A real bargain for $4.:00. Lt'EDIlEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of -rommerce. VTVF, Vimv FOUR ACRES! 20 bearing fruit trees: rock road to Ovwego; S mfiea to center of Portland; black shot soil. ONLY $1750: EASY TBBMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK I.. McC-UIRE. 205 Ablngon Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. nH'IC KL EN R A'NOH $3800. Nearlv 7 acres, all in cultivation and crop ; about S miles from Portland, on good road: close to school and store: fair building's; -100 fine laying hens. Price $3S0O; easy terms. LUEiD DE MANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE or trade, 16 acres, 16 miles out, 2 miles from Sherwood, 26 acres cleared; 1 acre seeded to clover, some berries and fruit, good 2-room house and sleeping porch, small barn, large hen house and woodshed, w.iter In houf Will sell on easy terms or trade for lots r rooming house. i4.. KB gj CLOSE-IN 10 acres, all Iti cult., over half of It beaverdam: lies nice; small house, good outbuildings: $4000: lots of others, all sizes and prices: also farms as :arge as vou want, with and without stock and equipment, both for sale and exchange. Taiimaage Keaity 1.0.. "i" nen;- mu. &Va. ACRES creek bottom land; o acres under cultivation, 2-room house 18x20, some tools and furniture go with the place; located 15 miles from Salem, 1 mile to town, dandy place for chick ens and truck garden. From owner. AO 615, Oregonian. 20 ACRES BARR ROAD. Just west of Buckley Ave., easily cleared. Bull Run water. 4 water shares. I"rlce $350 per acre. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark SL Bdwy. 7831. A. CLOSE -IN 10-ACRE BARGAIN. Off Craig ave.. near Park Rose; best soil, light clearing, easy walk 2 car lines, gas, electricity. Bull Run avail able. $4500. J. C. CORBIN. 305-6-7 Lewis Bids. FOR SALE') acres, located on Troutdale car line, between Sandy boulevard and Base Line road ; excellent for small country place ; 30 minutes from center of Portland. Inquire for price and terms, AV 535. Oreironlan. FOR SALE 14 acres unimproved berry and fruit land, eome timber on, $100 per acre. Near Salem, Or., near R. R. station, $600 will handle, mortgage for balance or good bonds accepted. Ad dress L. M. L. R. 3. Box 212. Salem. Or. TEN ACRES FOR SALE. Just outside of city limits, at East and Prescott Sts. Prices right. See Mr. Jones. F. iB. BOWMAN A CO.. 2TIO Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 5th SACRIFICE SALE. 0 "i acres, 6 seeded, balance pasture, running water, new 5 room house, electric lights, berrle.s chicken houses. Call Main 6710 or Main 4435. owner. NATURAL TUE, ACRES, $8 monthly payments ; $675 ; just outside eity north of Rose City, water to each tract. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg -AC FARM NEAR GRESHAM. Cleared, acre logans, other berries, new 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-ins, near hlghwav and school. $4450. j. C. CORBIN, 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. ALL CULTIVATED, beautiful tracts, just outride city; city water, gas. electricity. Alberta car, Kennedy school, $10 pay ments. Let me show you. Roger W. Cary. 1 Jl v oarm mug. 110 ACRES, all good level upland, on county and milk road, near Chehallls; 2 miles south of Adna R. R. station and high school, $35 per acre. Terms. John H. Gardner, R. 1, Chehalis, Wash. SACRIFICE; 3 beautiful acres, half cleared; 3-room house, nicely furnished; electric lights, near car. Eustace. Tabor 7415. Elwood road near Baseline and Barker. FOR SALE 18 acres, 2hi miles south of Milwaukie on Oatfleld road: 2 acres cleared; small house and fine spring. Call Tabor D462. 40 ACRES of land in Marion county, road, neighbors and school. 2 miles to R. R. Price $300, or 80 acres for $700, terms. 133 1 First st., room 1. Nelson. FOR SALE Three, two or one acre; grapes aT.d assorted fruits. Courtney -Sta., Oregon City carline. Phone Oak Grove 18 K. ACRES with store and warehouse build ing. 11 mi les from Portland on paved highwav ; rich soil : $350O will handle. A. E. Campbell. Selling bldg- Main 1682. FOR SALE 4 acres, near highway in Fair view, all clear; owner. AK 584. Oregon ian. MOST beautiful building site on Willam ette river; lovely grove and beautiful t shrubs; phone Monday, Bdwy. 1156. REAL EST ATK. For Sale Acreage. GARDEN HOME. Modern Bungalows, Highly Improved Grounds; All City Conveniences. THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS. Real modern bungalow, 4 rooms and sleeping porch; furnace, fireplace, cement-basement, gas. electricity. Bull .Run, everything. Almost new. Nearly half acre ground; very sightly view lc- cation; only $4000; 1000 cash. WONDERFUL 7-room view home: half acre with every ground Improve ment you could wish; 2 chicken houses with large runs. Biggest snap In this district. Only $2650. $1150 cash. Take soldier loan. ANOTHER magnificent view home: half acre well improved; 5-room house with cement basement, bath, garage, fruit and berries. Guaranteed bargain at $3100. $750 cash. OVERLOOKING GOLF LINKS and only 1 block from electric station-, we have a very modern 5-room bungalow; every city convenience. MAGNIFICENT VIEW. Worth $6000; owner says for quick sale take $5250. Good terms. MR. BUYER, LISTEN These are onlv a few of our best buys. We HAVE MANY OTHERS. Also several unim proved acre tracts on your own terms. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 207 Falling Bldg.. od and Wash. SUNDAY MAIN 318. Bdwy. 7420. GARDEN HOME ACRES. $100 Down, $15 Month, 6& Interest. All Qity Conveniences. Only 25 minutes from heart of city, on OREGON ELECTRIC (46 electric trains daily) 0c commutation fare: gas. electricity and Bull Run water In streets Withln-5-mlnute walk of station, school and stores. Look over this BBbT DIS TRICT around Portland before you buy. Prices $S00 to $1500 per acre No re strictions. STOP THAT RENT. Build a shack If necessary. 100x100 BUILDING SITES. 3 blocks from G. H. station, and you can name YOUR OWN TERMS, as low as $10 down, $5 month. FOR SALE B OWNER only, no com mission to pay. Prices $400 to -$600 for 100x100. COME TO GARDEN HOME TODAY Phone Main 9318 before starting and owner will meet you at station. Week days see McCormic, owner, at 207 FAILING BLDG. JUST OPENED. NEW PARKROSE TRACT. $15 down, nearly 2 acres, all cleared except just the front part where you would build; this is some of the finest garden soil in the state and land like this, close to Portland, will bring a much greater price in the near future; easy walking distance to school (both grade and high school stores and car line; go out the Columbia highway (Sandy blvd.) to our branch office at end of Parkrose car line; open every day; take Rose City car; salesman will show you the property, monthly payments only $15 mo., including interest at 6 per X L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg., Bdwy. 6034. WITHOUT DOUBT THESE ARE BETTER BUYS. 64 ecres, $800 cash down; close in on good road; splendid 5-room house, barn and chicken house; house well furnished, fine piano; fine chicken and berry ranch; 300 feet of pipe, gs engine, all implements. Everything for $2600. Don't wait. 3 a.; 5-room house; $2100. half cash. CAR LINE AND PAVEMENT. 2V acres. 20 minutes out; city water, gas "and electricity; Iota of chickens, fruit berries; chickens cleared $:0 dur ing April. The house is a splendid place for retiring couple or newlyweds. There is enormotis value here. $5500, terms. Call for appointment. Bdwy. 3222, Wolf hagen. FRANK C. ROBINSON, Realtor, 415 Chamber of Commerce. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS! Located 3 blks. S. of Wooddrow sta tion on S. P. electric, only 20 min. from town; 14 acres A-l soil with comforta ble bungalow; family orchard of assort ed fruit - trees Just coming Into good bearing; also all kinds of cane fruits as well as strawberries ; splendid view ; Bull Run water and dandy fire grove; the commutation fare to this place is about the same as city streetcar fare, $2000; $000 will handle. Ak for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. HOLLY ACRES. Unit A of the big new addition now being offered, contains some of the most beautiful acres on the Willamette river, with bathing beach, on Pacific highway, west side, below Oswego. Some of the acres are covered with natural lawns and most beautiful shade trees and shrubbery of all varieties too nu merous to mention. Must be seen to be appreciated. For prices and terms, see W. S. REALTY CO.. Bdwy. S003. 610 Henry Bldg. w u C- C TP ITT T Two acres of splendid bearing fruit trees, every kind; "fc acre of berries; modern 6-room bungalow with fuil plumbing, gas and running water; -chicken houses: on good road to Huber station, west of Portland. AN" EXCEP TIONAL BITY FOR $4500: some terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRA-NK L McOUIR:E. 203 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. pnwm.r, valley ROAD A wooded tract as large as six city lots; 8 feet frontage on pavement, sit uated about one mile east of S2d st. in fast-growing community; J0S5; just a little cash down. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHY BUY ORDINARY LOTS? Short distance north otRose City. I am laying off half-acre and acre-tracte. including 50 and 60-foot roads; water, gas and electricity soon available; $875 to $1300, 10 per cent down, $S and $10 monthly. ROGER W. CARY. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. POWELL VALLEY ROAD. 1.13 acres, covered with beautiful grove of trees; 135 feet on pavement; about one mile east of 82d st. ; $1130: lust a little cash down. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COLONIZERS. ATTENTION: We own 125 acres at Tonquln station. 17 miles out Oregon Electric, easy com muting distance, platted 5-acre tracts. For quick sale we offer this at $200 per acre. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 819 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4485. RITLOW ACRES. 4.04 acres, facing east on Baker road, just south of Base Line: Bull Run water. The last tract at J1975; just a little cash down. R. II. CONFREY, RTTTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUCK MAN TRACT, just north Rose City, short distance. half acres, $675, $8 monthly pavments. If you like, you can help clear streets at 50 cents per hour and let part of your salary apply orr vour payments. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. BUCKLEY AVE. 300 feet south of Powell Valley road, facing west; covered with beautiful grove of native trees; $1000. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 ACRE and 7-room house on Capital hlghVay, near Multnomah station : wit! sell cheap for cash : will accept team, wagon and harness on first payment. Also 4-room house with 1 M acres near St. Johns ferry'. $"50. Main 5653. Mrs. Ruedy. TWO ACRES, CITY WATER. Close in, 2 blocks from pavement; real producing land; has gentle south slope, no rock or gravel and is plowed, ready to plant; only $9'50; $200 cash. D. McChes ney, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Sun- day Main iph WANTED A B L" Y E R ; 40 acree, 9 miles OUl al vvnue aumiuii, - ....- wco-icu in the very best orchard country: good roads : property in neighborhood selling for IIOO per acre ; for quick sale will sacrifice this for $2000; terms if desired TEN ACRES CREEK BOTTOM LA.NOJ Beautiful stream through place; near Columbia river. Price J30 per acre on easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7 GOV. HART of wasnmgton aavocates a free toll bridge; buy now in Bella Vista, that fine subdivision located on the North Bank highway, a few minutes' drive east of Vancouver. Ernest Wells Co.. 01I Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 4485. DANDY TRACT about half sere, unfin ished 4-room nouse. cxtv waici , itru, $50 down. $20 monthly. On good gravel road. Just outside city. Roger W. Cary, llO N. W. Bank bldg SUBURBAN HOME SITE 50x200 on rock road. 3 b rrhool; water, gas. electricity: ' SIDNEY fi. LATHROP. 411 Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE! 20 acres land, LaltevlW, $2o cash; L.:iKe countj , jr. wi, vie- gonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. PLYMPTON ACRES. $675 AND UP. You'll make a mistake If you buy be fore you ee this addition Bull Run water and graded and graveled streets; ouiside the city limits, where you'll have no city taxes or assessments to py: rich garden soil; some tracts in strawberries; for $67.5 you can buy over a half acre, nearly 5 city lots; we'll give you 3!,j year to pay for a tract; stop paying your hard-earned money to the rsnt man; put up a small house or shack. See Plympton acres today; drive out Powel. Valley road to 86th at.', salesmen on the ground to show you, or call Bdwy. 6550 and we will send an auto to take you out. COMTE & KOHLMAN, BDWY. tM 416-18-20-22 Spalding Bldg. LARGEST LOT AND ACREAGE SUB DIVISION SELLERS IN PORTLAND. ACRES, on pavement, beautiful view. near Vancouver; best 01 sandy loam soil; good 6-room house bath, running spring water; big fine apple, oherry. pear and peach trees bearing; lots of ber ries; good barn; all kinds of toots; 2 doz. chickens, a lot of canned fruit. House will be left com pletely furnished: everything goea Price $2650; $1750 cash balance tarms Earle C. Miller. 705 Main St., Vancouver. Phone 338. TIGARD. . 2 acres, short distanoe from tM new school fine road on 3 side. 3-room house with water piped Into same under pressure; electric lights and telephone, good garden and all kinds ot . wonderful view and rich deep soil. Price only $1950, terms. 3.45 acres. Just off the highway new school and stores close by. This Is beau tiful acreage with fine view mountain and surrounding country. Price only $1750. easy terms JOHN E. HOWARD. 818 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID FIVE-ACRE HOMOS 1 PAVED HIGHWAY. 4ti acres of bearing fruit trees, aw kinds cf berries: beautiful 6-room bun galow with breakfast nook, fireplace, city water, buiit-lns. cement basement, close to school and electric car. and right on the paved Foster road. bri. chicken house, horse, wagon. "f and all implements go with the place $1 2.000. BEST OF TERMS. Aek for F. C. Marshall, with FRA.VK U MoG-UIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway .lil. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WHY PAY EXORBITANT TAXES on h-igh-prleed acreage, when you cn buy an entire section of richer and more productive land. In a more agreao.e cli mate and accessible to a mnro profitab.e market for all of your Products than Iuls been your lot before? Our Bo. 1 via (South America) land offers you these advantages, and on most unusually easy terms at ' this time, but you must act now. The opportunity will soon be gone It can't wait and will never return. For particulars call or address Botivwa Col onization association. 600 chamber of Commerce, Portxana, ur 10 orggon err i uak. JBNINJXGS LODGE. These 10 acres are located fachig Oat field road, an Ideal location: 8 Vr' level and 2 acres which are rolling makes a beautiful building alte. About 25 fruit trees and large spring on the upper comer make It ideal. sandy loam soil will grow any kind or croDS. Price $-5000: some terms. FARM -AND EXCH ANO-B D-ETPT.. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -2 -8 -B -7 Bo ard of Trade BUIg. int.' i 1 HOMR. Joining the city limits of Estacada. 1H acres, ail In high state of cultiva tion, best of soil, all kinds of fruit and garden stuff. N'ce 6-room , nouse with citv water and electric lights, large chicken house and run; stood barn garage, large greenhouse filled Wttn plants of H kinds, party looking for a nice home and a good money-maker: it would pay to look this up. Price $750 and some terms. CARY REAL ESTATE CO., Estacada, Or. TERWILLIGER BLVD. Why go way out when you can buy right on tho highway, only 14 minutes from 5th and Morrison, sightly tracts from half acre up with view, city water, electric light and gas available. Re stricted district with attractive prices. To start we will sell a very attractive acre with a never-failing brooklet. Price only $2500, easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD (Realtor). rtlS Chamber of Commerce. rtna ,-ia.irori T more easily clearea, gooa son, wuw.i - dar timber, spring branch, berries, fruit trees, small house, also well, good barn and chicken house, all implements, mall tools, bugcy. harness, horse, chickens. 1U miles trom the cannery at Estacada. All for $2000. half cash, balance 6 per Cent CARY REAL ESTATE CO., Estacada, Or. A WOODED ACRE $350. Drive out Base Line road to Rock-wood, turn left Just across car track; you will see our big sign on Rock wood road: the acres are $40O; on Villa ave. they arc $350; pick, out your tract, then see u--for special terms; $35 cash. R H. CONFREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. DOTTWW ORCHARD. 5 acres, within the city limits of Van couver, Wash., near car; four acres in bearing prunes. balance in garden. Dandy 7-room house, barn and fruit bouse; city water and electric lights. Will make a fine subdivision. Price only $5000. terms, Mr. Angel with JOHN E. HOWARD, HIS Chamber of Commerce. e 1 - 11 ni.-D 1"' T 1." 1 500 per acre net profit annually In cranberries; a few 6 and 10-acre tracts of undeveloped bog for sale, close to de veloped bearing bogs; also choice beach lots cheap. Address Alfred A. Smith, box 117 Long Beach, Wash., or Hoae t'ran Beach Imp. Co.. 529 Exch. bldg . Portland, or " iviu-v ir.O PKR MONTH Nine-room house, 5 down and 4 up; close In. This is an excellent proposi tion for boarders. Just fixed over; nice grounds with fruit trees and shrubbery: corner lot; all conveniences. The price is only $5000. . l, HARRY BECKWITH. Rr 21S Corbett Bldg. Main 0869. nirri nw A J U VG Out the Base Line road, near Barker; 4 63 acres, with Bull Run water; $lb00; or wilt sell one-half for J800; just a lit tle caeh down. R. H. CONFREY, RITTER LOWE A CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RAISE POTATOES OR ONION:-. We of'er a ten-acre tract, rich river loam soil, all cleared, on Columbia river, which will pay for itself in two years, only $4500, with complete buiidinga, also other acreage bargains. Mr Green. O H SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. ina.1t com-h Bid it. Broadway 9797. Only 15 minutes ride from 6th snd Washington sts.; good rocked road right to property: city water, electricity and gas available; small down payment and easy terms on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 804 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 54.7. LET ME SHOW YOU THIS. 8 acres, all in cultivation, black loam soil good 6-room house, barn and chicken house, on Eetacada car line, sta., stores, church, school, etc.: across st. from place, will trade for house and lot in Portland. L. O. Gerber, 715 Swetland bldg 300 FEET OFF POWELL VALLEY ROAD and about one mile east of 82d st. ; Ul acres level, covered with small bruen. easy 'to clear; SO0; just a little cash flWn' R. H. CONFREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' " OVER 5 A.- $'173. Just outside city. min. walk from S P 10c fare; right on rock road: city water, gas. electricity; 4 cash, balance CaS" SIDNEY G. LATH R OP. 411 AQingi"ii r "-i l- ACRES, 2 improved, some good wood timber also berries, fruit trees, grape vines- small 4-rm. house, chicken house, one and one-half miles from Ltacada. Price $000, half cash. CARY REAL ESTATE CO.. Estacada. Oi 10 ACRES, all in fruit. 2 acres bearing nuts balance in prunee. apples, peaches, pears good building, fine spring, hen house for 500 layers, on Newberg high way at. station. Price and terms are right Will take Portland home as part payment. 001 Stock Exchange bldg, A i'V. KAllE SNAP Mi acres, partly in cultivation. Al soli no rocks or gravel; lies level, small house, chicken house, good well with numo: near small town. 21 miles from Portland. $000. L O. Gerber. 715 Swet- land bTrig. oVK ACRK. CLOSE IN. on pavement; city water; cleared, plowed; fine soil: only $500; terms. D. McChoaney. 026 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Sunday call Main 7844. WE STILL have some 5 and lo-ecre tracts left that you can buy at a good figure and make your own terms. CARY REAL ESTATE CO.. Estacada. Or. ONE acre of ground suitable for truck gardening or- greenhouse; city water, gas and electric light. Pre-Ejtposltlon F alty Office, ggg Henry b:dg. FIVE ACRES, between Gsston and Dllley. close to paved road and elect ric line; good soil: no buildings; $$00. MacLach- lan. pupiic .litrary. 0 ACRES for rent, suitable for late pota- i toes or beans. Tabor 4131. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. G.U1 92 al. S. K. 616-45. I HEAL ESTATE. For Heir Acreage. ACRSAQE BARGAIN'S. a acres, all level, all elearefl ; small house, barn, etc: located In Lents. A snap at $2.50. easy terms. 5 acres. 4 In euItWatlea; or chard; 3 acres strawberries; a roorn bungalow, barn, etc.; mliM from Portland. A snap at $25o. $050 cash. 2H acres, all Id cultivation: or ohard. beiT'.es. extra good 5 -room house, fine barn, etc ; some per sonal property; located nr Beav erton. Price $3300; essy terms. 10 acrs very fine land ; acres practically cleared, balance easy to clear; exceptionally well lo cated; 1H miles from city limits. A real bargain t 30ou. but owner Is forced to sell; very essy term, er might accept good suto for part. Mr. Thompson, with OR EAT WESTERN INVEST. CO. 280 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 7581. CHOICE ACREAGE. Just off New bars; highway, l miles out and good gravel rosd from highway to place; 1ft aeres In cultivation, shout -acres of timber and somn rich creek bottom land. This Is a home of great possibilities Only $4OO0. on good trma. H MILE FROM SHERWOOD. Nine beautiful acres, high, sightly and level, all In cultivation, fine ro un adjoining land, 10 minutes walk to elec tric station. This price has been cut $100 an arr. Yours for $350 an acre. AT BEAVERTON. ft acres 4 mile from station on good road, all In cultivation, finest qunllty Isnd, nice homes adjoining. Price $-7.V. and worth It. Good termn ON FOSTER ROAD. AS acres, good 4-room house, berries, fruit, running creek, one block to elec tric station, nlco shsde trees, a dandy country place jut outside city limits. Only 9S600. on good terms. SECTION LINE ROAD 2.T4 acres, partly cleared and partly covered with beautiful woods; an Idv-al homeslte. Will take light car In part payment and easy terms on the balance. Thers t gas and water In the street. Taxes only $14. W. O. IDE. S17 Iewts Bldg IO ACRES, all In hirh state of cultivation, 3 acres stra wbsriias. 14 acre loganberries, 2'i acres prunes. 1 acre mixed orcnsrdh 1 sere potatoes and corn. 1, acre pasture; good buildings; fine well water; good road. 4 miles Van couver: telephone, R. F. D. ; bores, cow, aM tools and machinery. Price J6ys, $3O0O cash, balance terms. 1 aore on paved street. Van couver; $750, $? cssh. ba'ance monthly. We have acreage homes ehsv that will make the average family a good living. Try us. ATKINSON PORTER. 703 Main St. Phone 338. Vancouver, Wfh I AM SACRIFICING. I HAVE TO GET AW AT! TEN FINE ACRES MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 2 miles east of Oreron CHy. all In cultivation; modern, substantial, well constructed 8-room home, co.npiets! v furnished with fine new furnltue. THIS PLACE IS READY FOR ACTION. STEP RIGHT IN. Two chicken houses large enough for 100 chickens, good bl runways; family orchard. acre or one-year-old loganberries ; small barn. -good wells, tools in perfect condition. THIS WILL STAND INSPECTION. Wilt sell unfurnished for only $4750. or fur nished with $1)00 worth of new furnluir for $5250 Can handle on reaaonabls terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abinirton Bldt. Broadway 7171 GOOD FERTILE LAND $50 AN ACRI ANY SIZE TRACTS. 18 miles from Portland on a dirt road 50 rods from a a raveled road. Near An electric Mutton. Sc fare. Fre quent service. Across tb. fence from a highly improved farm. Iltilf ,,n from a school hnuw, Why psy high prices? My land will b" worth as much in a few years umi ts now as acces sible; roads are now paved within 1J miles of it and k good nuu-adani road the remainder of the way; It will giv you a home and surely make you moniy. East 40. ,,. Fred F. Huntress. Exclusive Agent. 404 East Alder St.. cor. Grsnd ave. II ACRES $3000. 111-5 ares. m-res cultivated, bal ance pasture, young nrrhard Just In bearing; all kinds of berries and small f ull; lies fine: 1 ' miles Tualatin. M fine read; fenced and rroaa-fepced, -wells. 3-ionm house, fair barn, new large ChlOfcn house; 2 cowh. 1 eif;T. 30 chickens, some geese. 1 hog. all smati tools. A real buy at price quoted. Terms B AST IIT'M MELL RUM M ELL. S74 Stark St. Hdwy. HTa. jo Am i:s c t jr. o 24 miles from Portland. SH miles from town and electric line. Joins a fine wal nut orchard, lies good, ftpe soil, on county road, close to school, mat! route, nil seeded to clover snd timothy. Price $1250: $550 cash. H j NDY. filfi ("ham, of Com . Bldg. " FIVE $135 PER ACRK. 16 miles from Portland. In Powell val ley mlf mile from Anderson station on Kstst-H'la Hne; light clearing, beat of soil. l.o gravel ; a res I ha ran in at the price; verv eaay terms. W. M. L'nibden tock A- Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Hdw. 1 5K. IDEAL location for chicken ranch, will sacrifice on account of sickness, a acre, all under cultivation. 110 fruit trees. 40 bearing, berries, grspes. 5-room housr. garage, chicken house, outbuildings: all fenced in; right on Cornell mud at .. r Mill 7 miles west from center of city. Price $2300. Csll Main 104. Tubor 3. Id. $'J50 DOWN. $2(1 PER MONTH A nice little home and acres M rich soil, part plowed snd ready for pUntlng. This is looated In Durbar!-, addition, on the Barr road, mile west of Barker rosd. STRONG A CO.. 101 Cham of Com. 2 ACRES, alt clear, new 4-room house, best of soil, berries, a garden In, well And city water, light 0 automobile, good condition; outside limits, close to school snd cur; 13150. some cash, terms; will consider grnfonola In exchange. AV 53. Oregonian. 40 ACRES $65". In Columbia county. '4 Mile from rail road snd logging camp; A 1 aoll. lies fine; 15 acres most resdy for the plow, $150 canh balance 3 years. (I per cent. rtlft Ch umber of Commerc bldg. 24 ACRES- HARR ROAD. A timber tract of very rich soil, located In Burbank addition. M mils west of Barker road. Price $1100; $5o cash. $13 per month. STRONC A CO., ftOfl rham. of Com. IN CITY LIMITS FARM One or more acres at ftlst one block from city carline verv small payment down ; isy terma on balance. W. M. t'mbdenstock A Co.. 210 Oiegon bldg. Bdwy. FOR FARMS AND ACRE AO 1 1 SEE STAR REAL ESTATE INV Op Bdwy. 518. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. S47 ACRES 2-11 bottom, bal. upland. room houie, 2 slloa, large burn. ClOSS Is) Portland ; only IrtO per aci IMwv 724. Rurnuuirh I'm Co.. 4 ! ll Oregon bldg. 6 ACRES, short distance east villa, city water In front. Pr acre. A chance for anyone w in acreage; easy terms. Owr Kxch. bldg. Bdwy. 505. llfl Ry GRESHAM DISTRICT 5 acres, excellent soil, all cultivated, level, near station, store school. Price 1M0; Vr easv terms. W. M. I'mbdenMocU Co.. 2!' Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1H5S. ROCKWOOD 4 mt. from city limits, right st station, one or mor H'-res. level, un der cultivation. $500 p-r sere, Jin month ly payments. W. M. I'mbdenstock AV Co., 210 Oreaon bldg. Bdwy. 1 0.iS. MOUNT TABOR. acre, large assorted beating orchard, no gr rel. good view ; bungalow, garage. Hawthorne car. 450. Tabor 2474. FULL block, nearly 3 srrea. Just ouUMe of city limits of Milwaukie. all In culti vation, lots of fruit snd berries. Phone Walnut 702ft 1. 2 OR 3-A"RE tracts for al adjoin. n( Portland Golf club at Ralelah station, on S. P. Red Electric. By owner Man 1fiM. $20O DOWN buys 32 acr-a. W- land, balance easy terms; i:o-.d oil; run n'ng aster. Price 1104)0. t Heukle A Hfirrison. 512 nerHnger bldtf. ACREAGE for sal-?; 2 acres on Oregeu City car line, near Courtney station . all under cultivation; small hue; good spring; fruit trees, etc. Bast 5Pg, 11 ACRES. MM In, room house, barn terms. Fine pr 326 Chamber of 4 TRACTS. WW 200. on paved si good district for terms that you; price $1500. Dletcb, J ef Commerce 7 AC ACS near Oregon City, fruit and b-rrle : cioa- t ststion. Price $1350 Ake rso n 4 'JO Henry HI 1 c 4- 10 ACKr down. S at Tag 2t Chaia.