The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 30, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 53

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    APRIL 30, 1923
McBride. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Klrsch,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith, Dr. and Mrs.
Herbert Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Murhard, Mrs. B. F. Nearer and Miss
Pollle French.
Mesdames George Curtis, Edgar
Tilton end - Albert Ledbury enter
tained Thursday afternoon in honor
of Mrs. Arthur Straubel at the home
of Mrs. Ledbury in Mt. Tabor. The
color scheme of pink and blue was
carried out in the rooms, which were
decorated with pink sweet peam and
forget-me-nots. The hostesses wore
frocks of pink with touches of blue.
An amusing feature of the afternoon
was a sewing: contest, prizes being
awarded to Mrs. Frank Austin, Mrs.
Peyton Pruitt and Mrs. Harry Mul
holland. Refreshment were served.
The guests nvere Mesdames Dan Kie-
Furs and Individual Style Shops
Broadway at Morrison
Fars and Individual Style Shops
Broadway at Morrison
May-day brings
silk underthings of a quality riot to be excelled
at any price marked less than regular in our
now. Thomas Hazlett. William Freese
Arthur Lenholm, Chester Vanderpool,
William Lovett, Dan Stokes, Frank
Austin. Peyton Pruitt, John Hersch
ler. Harry Mulholland, Gustave Kletm-
ephagen, Lorin Hoyt, William O ilal-
ley, Grace Lamson. E. Herring, f.
Comera and Warner Roberts.
- . ft
j . - aJ., 1
ABERDEEN, Wash., April 29.
(Special.) In one of the most attrac
tive and praminent social events of
the season. Miss Mary Donovan,
daughter of William Donovan, at
hign noon Wednesday became the
bride of John P. McGalloway of
Fond du Lac, Wis., in St. Mary's
Catholic church. Father Ryan of
Hotiuiam and Father Madigan of
Elma assisted Father Thomas Quam
of Aberdeen in solemnizing the nup
tial ceremony.
Beautiful music marked the wed
ding. The choir sang "Kyrie." "Sane
tus." "Benedictus" and "Agnes Die'
from Silver's mass, with solo parts by
Mrs. Maurice Klckey, formerly of Ta
coma. Gounod's "Ave Maria" was
sung by Mrs. Verle Loveland.
Tall standards of blue hydrangea
and Dorothy Perkins roses were
placed at either side of the altar,
which was decorated with Columbia
roses and tapers. Bouquets of Faster
lilies were tied at the end of the prie
dieu used by the bride and bride
groom. At the ends of the -altar rail
were great baskets of hydrangea, and
the light standards throughout the
church were surmounted with bou
quets of Columbia roses, from which
hung emilax.
The bride, beautiful In an imported
gown of bride's satin, entered the
church with her father. A court
train lined with rare lace, hung
from her shoulders, and a coronet of
duchesse and rose point lace and
orange blossoms held the long tulle
veil in place. She carried a shower
of orchids and valley lilies.
She was preceded by her sister,
Miss Florence Donovan, who was her
only attendant. She wore a geor
gette gown of jade heavily beaded,
and her hat was of jade horsehair
braid trimmed with a single pink
rose. She carried a shower of Mad
ame Butterfly roses.
The bridegroom was attended by
Gordon O'Connor of Fond du Lac.
Ushers were Gordon Tebb, Ernest Ax
land, Thomas O'Hare and Floyd Vam.
A reception at the home of the
bride's father followed the ceremony.
Assisting in the rooms were Mrs.
William Donovan Jr., Mrs. Robert
Brown of Eureka, Cal., and Miss Ruth
Waller of Aberdeen. Mrs. J. B. Eger
er and Mrs. F. J. Donovan presided
. at the coffee urn. A basket of lark
spur and Columbia roses centered the
table. Mrs. Ernest Axland, Miss Klara
Anderson and MUs Elsie Coleson as
sisted. The bride and bridegroom left dur
ing the afternoon for San Francisco
to spend several days before going: to
Wisconsin. The bride has' resided
here for the last 12 years. She was
graduated from St. Rose academy and
public schools here, later attending
the Georgetown Visitation convent in
Washington, D. C. The groom is a
prominent attorney of Fond du Lac.
The North Dakota club held its
April meeting Thursday evening at
the Turn Verein hall. A very inter
esting musical programme was given.
Vocal solos by D. J. Chapman and
Miss Marie Collins we, well received.
A Spanish dance by Miss Daphney
Sommers and dancing and 'cards with
ref reshmtnts ended the evening's en
tertainment. Mrs. Stephen F. Dow
ney was chairman for the pro
gramme. Mrs. Marie Bockenfeld entertained
the patrons of Failing school with a
silver tea Tuesday afternoon from 2
to a o'clock at her home, 189 Curry
The money taken in, which was
$18.75, is to be spent for musical rec
ords for Failing school. More than
66 patrons and friends attended.
Music for the occasion was furnished
by Miss Elsie Wank.
Those present were:
Mrs. IX Brunke, Mrs. Dillbeck. Mrs. 'Van
Kleek. Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Tarnoff. Mrs. Na-
rod, Mrs. I.. Layton, Mrs. C. Oilman, Mrs.
C Altera, Mra. Rose Wauk. Mrs. H. May
be', Mrs. I. O. Schwartz. Mrs. M. O. Colis
tro. Mra. S. Giovanetti. Mrs. Helen Res
bury, Margaret Resbury. Mrs. H. Snook,
Miss Gilbert, Miss Kiehle, Miss Mary A.
Harris, Miss Fannitt O. Porter, Miss Kate
Porter, 3d Is. Bess Segal, Mrs. A. A. Duiey,
Miss Madge O'Connor, Mrs. J. M. Michael.
Miss Florence Caughey. Miss H. Peery.
Miss Ida Stauffer. Mrs. Rose Robinson.
Mrs. SMlkoff. Miss Edith Campbell, Miss
Ktta. Osborne Bailey, Miss Madge Cramer,
Mrs. Schwertmann. Mrs. Chehak, Mia Ida
Beyer, Mrs. Lakefish. Mrs. Goldberg. Mrs.
Charles Kaufman. Mrs. Gnkeles. Miss
Florence Waldo, Mrs. A. Bader. Miss Alice
Ktggins. Mrs. Weisblatt. Miss Ruble Gou
let. Miss Emily O'Malley, Mrs. A. E.
"Wright Mrs.' Ollmansky, Mrs. Evans, Miss
Klsie Wauk, Miss Rose Wauk. Mrs. Wil
liams. Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Q. Goldman.
Miss Kirkwood. Mrs. J. Bader. Miss Edna
Lockwood, Mra Shane. Mrs. B. Goldman,
Mrs. Koessel, Mrs. Walton, Mrs. Phegiey.
Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Churchiey, Mrs. Marie
Bockenfeld and Miss Paula Bockenfeld.
Mrs. A. G. Peard and Mrs. L. Don
alsey will be hostesses Thursday
afternoon for the women of the Elks'
card party. Mrs. H. D. Green, . Mrs.
J. T. Summerville, Mrs. John C.
Holste, Mrs. W. G. Hogge, Mrs. A. S.
Benson and Mrs. Jack Laws held high
scores last week. Mrs. E. Drake and
Mrs. A. G. Peard won prizes.
The Catholic ladies' aid of Park
Rose will erive a benefit tea and
bridge-500 party Tuesday afternoon
at the Park Rose club house, on
Craig road, near Sandy. The silver
offering will be used for the purchasa
of materials to be made up for the
St. Agnes baby home. Friends of the
babies are urged to attend.
Mrs. H. C. Rinehart and Miss W'.lma
Rinehart will preside at the Tuesday
afternoon card party at' Laurelhurst
The members" fortnightly dance at
Laurelhurst club will take place next
The woman's progressive unit will
meet Tuesday. May 9. at Laurelhurst
club, for luncheon, at 1:30 o'clock.
A beautiful day favored the card
party Tuesday afternoon at Laurel
hurst club. The hostesses were grat
ified with the attendance. The prizes,
mode by members of the Women's
Progressive unit, were beautiful. The
winners were Mrs. H. G. Haney and
Mrs. Nell Roberts in bridge, Mrs. F.
Brace and Mrs Prudhomme in 590.
The Klwanis club's dance on Mon
day in christensen's hall was one of
the successful events of the season.
About 200 guests attended. A group
of prominent matrons served as
Simple, sturdy silk lingerie ; delicately fashioned of the
newer, stauncher silks. Faultlessly made. Women who
appreciate its quality will supply their nee'ds for many
months to come !
Envelope chemises,
Trillium quality silk envelopes, deli
cately bound with filet edging ; feather
stitched; hand embroidered. Crepe de
chine, habutai flesh and orchid. 8
distinct styles!
Silk nightgowns
12.00 and 13.50 is the regular price of
these exquisite silk gowns. Six styles
in moon-glo, crepe meteor; habutai,
heavy crepe de chine. Flesh only all
very delicately fashioned !
Envelope chemises,
Crepe de chine, trimmed with real
Italian filet lace and two-tone satin rib
bon. Taken from stock at excessive
reductions ; also STEPIN DRAWERS,
of pussywillow, filet edged 4.95.
Silk nightgowns,
Crepe de chine gowns, with or without
sleeves; square and V-neck styles; the
material alone is worth far more than
2.95! Each is a splendid value at a
very radical reduction!
I V-.. g'&v -J
5 styles in new
New Trillium gar
ments, exquisitely
simple, trimmed with
fine featherstitching
and tiny embroid-v
ered dots. Five
styles in flesh and
white habutai per
fect in every detail
the most amazing
values in years at
531 famous "Luxite
glovesilk garments
reduced 14
CAMISOLES from Luxite, regularly 2.50; reduced
VESTS of Luxite glovesilk at 3.75; reduced
DRAWERS of Luxite glovesilk at 4.75; reduced
VESTS from Luxite, regularly 3.95; reduced
BLOOMERS of matching quality at 4.95; reduced
VESTS from Luxite, regularly 4.75 ; reduced
BLOOMERS of matching quality at 525; reduced
VESTS of extra quality; Luxite; at 4.95; reduced
BLOOMERS of extra weight, priced 7.50; reduced Va
BLOOMERS from Luxite, regularly 5.45; reduced Va
DRAWERS from Luxite, priced 5.95; reduced J4
ENVELOPE CHEMISES, Luxite, at 5.95; reduced J4
ENVELOPE CHEMISES, Luxite, at 8.50; reduced Va
A limited quantity
Radium silk, bound
with lace, fashions
straight chemises
with matching 'step
in drawers the two
marked 6.25 a price
one might expect to
pay for either! In
flesh, French blue
and orchid a limit
ed quantity only.
Shop early .!
Such as remain of our SALE FROCKS at 39.75 are
tremendously worth investigating. Ask the woman who bought one!
last Tuesday night at Its clubrooms
at East Twenty-eighth and Alberta
streets. Denny Lowe and Joe Weiser
were the auctioneers. A large num
ber of members and friends attended.
Music and dancing followed the pie
auction. Music was rendered by the
club's orchestra, composed of Flor
ence Jones. William Jacobs and Rus
sell tevaney.
The American Legion auxiliary will
give a card party Wednesday at 2
o'clock In the rooms of the East Side
Business Men's club.
A dinner will be served at the home
of Mrs. Everett Williams. 732 Powell
street, today from 12 to 6. for the
benefit of Anchor council No. 746.
Security Benefit association, degree
staff. The public is invited.
Last Friday night employes of the
Standard Oil company honored Bea
trice Hansicke, their candidate for
queen of the coming Elks' festival.
The occasion was a "hard times" 1
dance held at Christensen's halL Mr.
Balsley, district sales manager,
claimed Miss Hansicke for the first
dance. Mr. Fairchild, assistant dis
trict sales manager, hd a moonlight
waltz with the prospective queen. The
popularity of the "Red Crown" queen
and the splendid spirit of co-operation
which all employes of the Stan
dard Oil company are demonstrating
in her campaign make Miss Hansicke
a prominent candidate for the Elks'
festival throne.
Mrs. Ida Bosier, Mrs. J. J. Krebs
and Mrs. Robert Farley were host
esses at a BOO party given at the
Elmore hotel, Rockaway, April 21.
The house was decorated in spring
folwers and potted plants. The
guests arrived at 10 A. M. Mrs. Scott
of Rockaway received the highest
score and was presented with a pic
ture of Twin Rocks. The consolation
prize fell to Mrs. Ashley of Bay City.
Guests were: Mesdames Alpha Alder
man, H. W. Conover, C. I. Clough.
Canie E. Gruber, John Groat, Amanda
Haberlach, J. C. Holden. E. T. BTalton,
Elsie M. Kuratli, E. E. Koch. J. S.
Lamar, B. C Lamb, Italia Morrison,
Homer M,ason, Maude Partridge, Lola
B. Reedy, Louise Riechers, D. Robin
son. Alma B. Schultz and A. E. Will
lams, all of Tillamook; Gertrude H.
Ashley and Helen C. Scott, Bay City;
3s '
Formerly Baby's Boudoir
May 1st to 6th Is
Baby Week
Every article in our shop reduced
for this occasion except "Baby's
Boudoir" Stamped Wearables.
Ethel E. Morgan and Carolyn C. San
ford, Garibaldi; Blanche A. Wood,
Alta N. Craig. Louise Craig, Mary
Windeler. H. C. Painton, Clara Rus
sell, Peter Schrantz, William J. Monk,
F. J. Manar, J. S. Bellinger, W. D.
Mann, R. E. Myers, Ida Bosier, Louise
Scott. R. Chamberlain, C. W. Ross, all
of Rockaway; McHugh, Portland;
S. Moulton, Plank, Baker, C. Bales,
B. Beals Jr., Lewis.
Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Ferrill. assisted
by Mrs. Estella Thompson, entertained
last Saturday at their home, 1714
Sandy boulevard. The evening was
spent in cards and dancing. Those
present were Mr and Mrs. Ray Bent-
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Pomerov.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shepherd, Mr. and
JMLrs. ta. Karl Feike, Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sins
heimer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Person
Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomson, Sam W.
itoKer, miss Rutn Archibald, Miss E.
White, Russell Hunter, Miss Pauline
Sinner, J. H. Pentlandi L. A. Perry
ana ur. ana Mrs. Ferrul.
Mrs. Ed Tormoehlen, 408 Church
street, ' was hostess for a lunoheon
Wednesday. The afternoon was
pleasantly spent at cards. Those
present were: Mesdam-es H. C. Mul-
ler, E. Thomas, G. H. Hamann. A.
(Continued on Page 6.)
Watch the Gas Co.'s announcement in tomorrow's
papers of a
$20 to $50
Cash discount.
No linoleum, pyrex or aluminum gifts but
to introduce a new article.
A Revelation in Economy.
T Tomorrow:
A gala display of
MidSummer millinery modes
After a thorough house-cleaning of late spring models,
the Hat Shop bursts forth for midsummer with new,
smart and most engagingly simple hats !
Felts lead the new mode and not alone in sports but
in suit models, trimmed with gay bunches of flowers;
ornaments of ribbon, perky small birds and em
broidery. Faille silk hats sometimes combined with straw will
be tremendously smart. Leghorns are tremendously
To see them is to know unquestionably the last word
in hats. And the price range is so sweeping!
12.50 15.00 18.00 29.50
Excessive reductions bring
to49.00? 69.00
, Garments at 49J00 were formerly to 75J00!
Garments at 69.00 were formerly to 135 DO!
At 49.00; Spring models in coats, capes anij
wraps of twill, veldyne, prettina very smartly
styled in excellent colors !
At 69.00 are coats, capes and wraps in Mar.
vella, veldyne, Gerona, Yalta and twill garments
of richness and rare distinction!
means full fur protection
Our vaults maintain an unvarying temperature of 20 degrees below
freezing. At this temperature moths cannot survive ; in any less frigid
atmosphere there is grave danger of these insidious enemies ! Fine,
costly furs demand the utmost care and attention; and in our storage
vaults at very little cost to you this is provided. Phone Marshall
785 and we will send for your furs.
Harriet Lee makes selections for out-of-town customers.
388 Morrison, Near 10th St.
The Vernon club held a pie social