THE SUNDAY OREGO-IAX, PORTLAND, APRLL 30, 1923 20 t FOB BENT. Rooms With Board m Private Family. A "CLRT;FIEI' woman teacner will take children inio country home for the sum mer. WUi tutor in grade subjects if parents desire. Supervise child at prac tice if talcing piano. Care taken at all times to inculcate high ideals. De lightful play park; wholesome food Price reasonable. Write for reservation. P 622. Oregonian. WANT children under school age to take care of in good home in country. Plain, wholesome food. $18 per month, by practical nurse. Special attention given frail, -delicate children. Can take chil dren to beach later on. Address Mrs. M. M. K., Box 14. Dayton. Or. 655 KEARNEY. 1 large, light, cool room: hot and cold water, furn. shed with single beds for 3 or 4. Very reasonable; also 1 room with sieeping porch. Bilwy. 4i.'i. i.irrr.R roarukr. 5 OR 6. FOR - THE SL'MMER OR LONGER, GO TO CASCADE LOCKS. BEST OP CARE GrAl'.ANTKED. REFERENCES. RING MRS ('HAS. LYNCH, EAST 57!0. DESIRABLE large room, hot and coid wa ter, furnace htat, walking distance, rea sonable rent; breakfast and dinner if dr-sired ; near Multnomah club. Call Main 1106. . IRVINGTON home. C. S., nice sunny room, furnished in mahogany; home of re finement; all conveniences. excellent board; 20 min. to city, Broadway car. .-2:i East 25th sfr X. Phong East S(-'T. NEW ROOM, beautifully lurnished, with bnrd tor 2 or 3 Hot and cold wa'wr: fireplace, sleeping porch, wonderful view, p.-od home cooning; references. Main fill. NICE room with good home cooking for one or two ladies, or married couple. Two blocks from Broadway or Irving ton car. Corner 17th and Hancock. E. a78. ATTRACT! VELY furnished, steam-heated room, suitable for 1 or 2 ladiea; excel lent meals; all conveniences; laundry privileges ; close in, west side. Broad way 1'43-H. Lu ELY front bedroom with large clothes t-'oset ; sui table for two people ; all mod ern con veniences ; no other roomers ; board if desired. Reasonable. Tabor 3111. Rope '"'iry Park. NICE l;irge room w ith board in private family, on first floor, close In, walking distance, $;0 per month. 201 E. 1st N. Kasi 92S3. WANTED A young man to room and board, private family, good district; ga rage ; home privileges to right- party. Wdin. 12.v,V WANT ED Comfortable home for mother and daughter that is attending school. Permanent home desired. P 580 Ore- gom; n. ON E ROOM, board, home privileges, $55 per mon t h. for 2 people employed, one block Woodiawn car. Phone Wood la wn 3552. ROOM AND BOARD, 3 meals: heat, hot water, piano, free phone; $30 a month. $55 for 2; working people preferred; 1 binck Woodiawn car. Phone Wdln. 3552. ONE OR TWO children will be given motherly care In my home ; lovely yard with fruit trees and sleeping porch: li censed home. AP 599, Oregonian. UPSTAIRS front room, fireplace, lavatory, in exclusive home I block off Washing ton at., walking distance; board if de sired ; gen t Iemn or couple. Main 1S01 COSY front room, hoard, in lovely ( i testes, rest riot ed sonable. Call Km suitable for 2, with !. S. home; home priv rict and price rea t 55 IS. FI N E f urniMied room with board, con nect in g bat h. For gentleman and wife or gentlemen. No -other roomers or hoarders. Marshall 665. K mjM and board for two Christian" girls or mother and child; attractive private home, no other hoarders. Call Sunday n i t ernooti. 4210 4s t h ave. WS car. GOOD board, room, $S week; modern con veniences, close in, west side ; real home privileges ; rooms, single or double. 320 Montgomery st. Phone Main 5370. NICELY furnished rooms with board in attractive home for 2 gentlemen or man and wife; no objections to one child. MARSHALL 3952. CORNER room, suitable for 2. twin beds, first-class table board, good hot water and shower bath; walking distance. 6fl Glipan st. LARGE front room with board for two men; walking distance; home privileges. KaFt 990. WANTED Children to care for in home; the best of reference. Mrs. Clark. Fairvit-w. Oregon. LOVELY front bedroom, new City, suitable for two; garast tjoiial ; no children. Auto. 32 time. Rose board op- LA ROE front room with hoard for two: this is a new place, close in. very de yirahle, home privileges. Mar. 1746. LARGE front room, walking distance, with or without board. Call 35S Larrabee. ,. Vf. lllonp East 4433. PRIVATE home, mother's ami nurse's care tor girls between ages nf 1 and 5 years. Talmr 949K. Ca'l between 8:30 and 12. ROOM in fine home, piano, walking riist. East 726! $32.50. or two. $tiu; rice. 1S5 E. 13th st. RooM ami breakfast for 2 gentlemen in refined private home, quiet surrounding reTTences requii ed. Call East 1752. 3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms for light house keeping, with room and board. 238 Cook ave. Woodiawn 4123. NICE I urnished front room with board, suitable for 2 gentlemen, reasonable. East 116. LARGE froi.t room, walking distance, with or without board. Call 358 Larrabee, or phone 4433. ON I- lO' LARGE room to 2 or 3. can offer rate iu attractive home, good neigh- b- rhcod i a Dor o i "!. ROOM und board for 2 girls; modern home; home privileges. 1036 Vernon ave., A iherta car. RO( a nd board, with home privileges, inoluling use of piano; three in family; eiist side, close in. Auto. 234-32. liOOM and garage, breakfast given if de sired, for business man in refined home sui-roundin gs. Phone Sell. 13i'5. WILL care for a child in private home as company; very reasonable. Call Aut. IF YOU wish t o p 1 a c f i ned home where reared, call Autom. your child in re will ,be carefully ROOM and board wirh home privileges. Would care r'ur child during da v. c. s. preferred. Phone Monday. Wdin. 2420. Ki oM and board for man and wile, two ladies or two gentlemen. 4235 4!th ave. Woodstock car. in 1 NGTON Com tort able room, excellent home cooking, all modern conveniences, for girl or woman.. East 6145. WANTED 2 children to room and board, best of care and good home; C. S. pre-ferr.-d. Call at 877 15th st.. N. 1oa R L and" room, 54 1 Beacon st. ; 1 block Sellwood car: walking distance to Brooklyn shops. So 11. 3654. ATT R ACTIVE room .and board In wid ow's home, for couple or 2 gentlemen. Seliwood 2270. Woodstock car line. LARGE front room for 1 or 2 in Protect ant home, excellent table board, walking durance. 651 Hoyt. Hdw. 2204. CHILDREN WILL RECEIVE GOOD CARE IN HOME OF MOTHERLY WOMAN. AUTOMATIC 630-25. ROOM AND BOARD FOR SMALL CHIL DREN IN FIN E HOME; BEST OF CARE. EAST 9L. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two, pru ate family ; meais if desired. Marsha: 1 2.81. 774 Nort hrup st. and room, mouern home. for lady or gentleman, near Haw-c.-.r. Ttbor 5105. 32fi E 32d st LOOM and boa piano. 593 Washington. rd. home privileges, use of Davis st.. 2 blocks from Tear 19th. Hdwv 14ft.1 LARGE sunny room. Laureihuist home, for one or two young ladies; board if de sired. Auto. 217-24. PLEASANT room homo privi-r( . and Call a xeeiient board, week. E. 362. LARG Pre., cU-fin front om and garage. d. Wdln 661 S. ROOM for rent. $l per month, oi ar.d Montgomery. Marshall 2298. NEAR Seiiu oo. t toman. 5il I carbarns, rooms ior gen Cia;sop. Wdln. 5607. NOB HILL Ee private garage. ilent Main and board; FiN E room with beard, c!o: in East 63SL hot water heat ; LARGE room. 2 . beds, near Multnomah club; crood tnbie. Main 2219. . with hoard, ;n"T diirranoe. 1 or 2 gentlemen; 3 Hoyt. y room, twin beds for two privileges. Call Tabor 6267. WOULD c:tre for one or two children. No objfctio n to p aront. Wo odlawn 6144. ROOM and board, two gentlemen, private home. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. n and board East 8TS2. working CHKI.'RE-N to care a mon tb. Tab o r5 7 or ; re-fere ucea; $18 WILL bost of cre to a child aged 2 to 5 years. Ca'l automatic 632-3?. WILL c;ire lor child while mother works. :iOTi 73d Ft. Hawrhorne car. DESIRABLE nut m with board in mod em home. Walnut park. Wdln 47iu. M and boar-d. 574 Ladd ave.. near East h and Hawthorne. East 5145. t urni!ied Apartment. l 2-UOOM furnishi-d k-piiig ; walking c o u v t-r ave. Phon1 ROO M furn .shed a apt- for liht house tiistanee. 451 Van E;irt 913. ment. firct . floor. Rod- ey. p h o:: e E fi s t ;oCM sm a 1 1 family: reas ona bl e r.. near Harrison. 4 or j s VERY ues-ira'oie apt., close in. Dished aud very ciea Max. well fur ma. . FOR ROT. Furnished Apartments. 8TELWTN APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. Front 2 and 3 rooms and Bleeping porch, elegantly and artistically fur nished, Chinese rugs, floor lamps, pongee drapes, ivory willow furniture. One large suite with bath, top floor front, with 7 windows, elegantly furnished in mahogany, for 1 or 2 refined bachelors. Single rooms $25 and up. Transient and resident by day, week or month, 188 St Clair, Corner Washington. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 4-ROOM APARTMENT. MODERN, CORNER, NONE BETTER IN" PORTLAND. Have accommodations for 2 to 6 per sons; rent $55 per month. This is very special rate. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUMBIA. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Street. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore, good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. THE GARFIELD. Modern 4-room furnished apt., pri vate bath, free phone, ail outside rooms; 2 to 4 people; no objection to children. Janitor service, 301 Failing near Union. . KINGSBURY APTS. Is6 Vista Ave. High-class apt. house, nea.r 23d and Wash, nicely furnished. 3-room apt., with two disappearing beds and outside balcony; must be seen to be appreciated. will be vacant May 1. Call Main 3883. THIS WHEEL DON ANIiEX. Corner 10th and Salmon. Close in. convenient to horary, churches, theaters and snapping district, permanent or transient, by day, week, month. Being thoroughly renovated.; under new owner ship. Main 6641. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4-room new manojany furniture, new ly papered and painted, steam heat and telephone, close in, walking distance; oniy 3 blocks of Washington at. ; rent $0. Call Bdwy. 1245. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 2-room furnished, phone. electric lights, electric washers, all outside rooms, modern brick bldg. ; electric ele vator, hurdwood floors, walking distance. Main 0466. LARGE, nicely furnished 1-room apt.; best Nob Hill location; beautiful grounds ; everything furnished; ideal for couple or girl employed; $22.50. 631 Hoyt St., cor. 20th. CUMBERLAND APTS. WEST PARK AT COLUMBIA. 3-room apt., vacant May 1st; all out side rooms, absolutely clean, well f ur nished, walking distance. BOWMAN Apts., lrvington; 5 outside rms., white enamel. Fr. doors, hdw. firs., steam heat, jan. service; wash. inch. Va cant May 1. Adults. Ref. $75. E. 1360. WANTED Two families for two 2-room a partments ; also single h. k. rooms ; clean and quiet; under new management. 121 & feussell st. DR1CKSTON APTS. 448 11TH ST. Nice clean, modern 2-room apartments. Phone, janitor service; $30 to $45. LAMBROOK APTS 430 E. YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonab:e, furnished 2-room apts. Call East 4062. JULIAN' APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISH ED 2 AND 3-ROOM APARTMENTS. BUE.NA VISTA APTS. 434 HARRISON. MAIN 1052. 2 and 3-room modern apts.; also 3-rm. unfurnished. JAEGER APTS.. furnished apt. 701 Wash. St.. 3-room IF YOU are looking for furnished 6-room apt.. an attractively s., and op- port unity purchase complete furnish ings, low figure, call Main 3-022. BEAUTJ FULLY furnished 3 and 4-room apt., everything furnished, by the week or month; Nob Hill district. 189 23d street North. LARG E rooms, furnished apt ; sink, gas and wood range; pantry, separate en trance; lights, water, phone furnished. $15. 931 Savlcr st. Mar. 309O. DESIRE respectable young lady to share my apar;ment. inquire 206 King Albert apartments. 11th and Montgomery sts. 2 FRONT rooms, 2 dost ts, bath, Yamhill. East enclosed sleeping porch, hot water heat. 551 E. 1710. PENROSE APTS.. Grand ave at 2 or 3-room apts., finished enamel. Ea.-n 454S. Belmont, in white BERKELEY APARTMENTS. 30 Trinity place, modern, turn., 2 and vroom apts. nuw aauable. Bdwy 5151, CHOICE, clean, outside front rooms, well furnished, furnace heat, electric lights, gas, reasonable, adults only. East 858. HADDON HALL. HTH AND HALL. 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath, h. w. floors, private balconies ; $35 up. Mar. 1160. N E W YOR K APTS.- Two -room turn, apt., $27.50, including lights, heat, hot and cold water E. 7tn and Belmont sts. FOR RENT Two 2-room apts. and one single housekeeping room. 4802 Bel mont st. Call Eau 378. LEON CE APTS., 186 N. 2D iST. 3-room furnished apt., with private bath. Marshall 2250. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MAN AG EM ENT. 2 roomg modern, $40. Bdwy. 1 24 5. TO RENT Basement apartment; cook ing privileges; suitable for bachelors. 65. Wasningtun st. ALICE COURT Mod. 3 large rooms, 2 beds, fireplace, priv. bath, tel Included; $50. Cor. E. 8th-Burnside. East 3566. ALTON I A APTS.. 2, 3 and 4-rm. unfurnished or 10th and Marshail sts., apta.. large, light, airy, furnished. Bdwy. 1 412. - uou.u iron; apt., oeautnuiy tur., clean, homey ; first floor, private entrance, close in, west side. 474 Clay. Mar. 4194. TWO-ROOM apt. and kitchen, furnished, outside rooms. Steam heat, bath phone lights free. 234 E. 18th. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th at Montgomery. Main 350. 3-ROOM fur. water and Ash st. apt. with private bath, light, phone free, $27.50. 8b2 East MUNCEY APARTMENTS. Two rooms and kitchenette, modern, walking distance. 390 Clay st. CLEAN front apt., 2 rooms, heat, hot and cold water; sink in room ; bath; newly tinted. 4214 Sixth st. Marshall 2605. MERE D1TH 3 rooms, front. modern, walking distance, $47.50. 22d and Washington. Bdwy. 61b4. CLEAN! Walking distance, 2 rooms and bath. 355 Hall, corner Park. FURNISHED 3-ROOM APT. AND SLEEP ING PORCH; PRIVATE BATH. S61 EAST W ASHINGT O N . CO R N E It 2STH SUNNY' 2-room apartment, newly fur nished, light, heat and phone free; near Broadway car line. 364 Grand ave. N." EVELYN APTS.. 267 N. 21st st furnished apt., reasonable rent. , 3-room Marshall THE EDELHOLM, 334 and 3-room fur. apt., $35 per month. 5th st. Modern 2 private baths, $25 HANTHORN APARTMENT. Completely furnished 3-room apart ment: 2 disappearing beds. 251 12th st MO D E K N 2- roo m rent reasonable. 'IHiC HEREFORD Sunny 2-room apt. $30' a Iso furnished rooms. 735 H o y t. THREE outside rooms, porch, private bath 7271-a Miiwauiue st. Seilwood 1719 BENSON 3 furnished. room modern apt,, completely 205 N. 20th. Bdwy. 4448. GODFREY COURT, 500 Vancouver ave., modern. 2 rooms; adults. East 841 OUTSIDE 2-room furnished apt., bath, Hanover Apts.. Broadway 2008. FURNISHED apartments. Harrison Court, 394 Fifth St., corner Harrison. 2-ROOM front apt., rent reasonable. Bel knap apts.. 1S7 I7th st. near Yamhill. THE CHELTENHAM. 19th and Northrop. 3 and 4-room apartments. Bdwy. 3658. SAN MARCO. E, STH and COUCH 3-RM. MOD. APTS.; WILKIN G PIS. E. 1990 UNION AVE. $21.50. All and Killings wort o. iur. apt. complete, concrete bldg. ELBR1DGE apts.. : apt. Reasonable -. ist; L and 3-rm. Bdwy 4730 2 AND 3-room furnished apts. 815. Front. East MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apt., 6'.7 Washington st. Bdwy. 10v8. 2 FU KN1SHED rooms with bath, 300 Russe'.l st. Phone East 4847. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. Modern, front 2-room apt. Mar. 6568. FOR RENT 2-rm. apt.; no objection to small child. East 6795. ON E or cheap. housekeeping . Marshall 982. 4-ROOMS, modern, ground floor, walking distance, west side. Phone Main 7422. FURNISHED 3-room apt.; tance. 7'6 Everett st. Ma walking dis shall 3716. FLORENCE APTS.. room apartments. 388 11th. 3 and 4- $25 2-ROOM apt., nictiy furnished, heat, l.ght. private bath. 360 Chapman st. FU RN1SH ED apt. for rent cheap. East 9580: wa'.king distance. 1 AND 2-ROOM apts , reasonable. 8 2S M . 1 i . near Broadway. ROOMS, kitchenette j hot water furnished. nd ba;h. heat and 181 E. 16th st. S. 3-ROOM apt., furnished, children wel come; $3.50 wee... CaU at 394 ! Front. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. VERY ELEGANT APT. FOR LESS. 4 rooms, beautifully furnished, mod ern, with every comfort, all outside cor ner rooms. Accommodations for up to 5 persons, $55 per month. Walking dis tance from business district. The Co- lumbian, 11th and Columbia. :HERRY BLOSSOMS AND SPACIOUS LAWN. Cosy, modern. 2-room apartment, tasty drapes, floor lamp, use. of piano, furnace heat, light, gas;- phone, everything new; emploved preferred. 721 E. Ash. near 20th. E. 8678. FURNISHED room, private; can use wall bed also; practically use of whole 4-room apt., piano, phono., sewing machine and phone; nice for man and wife or 2 ladies employed : walking distance. Knickerbocker apt.. No. 3. 11th and Har rison streets. BE A U TI FULLY furnished residence apart ment, three rooms, bath and porch, al outside; newly papered and white enam eled: verv desirable location; close it and half block to carline or garage. 663 Joiii'son. Bdwy. 20O6. PARTLY furnished, 1 large combination room, kitchen, private batn ana aress ing closet; heat; hot and cold water; Dlenty of light : crood car service ; no children. 1466 Union ave. Phone Wdln 5506. WHITEHALL HOTEL, 253 6th St. Portland's downtown hotel; excellent board and modern rooms; single and en suite; rates $45 month and up. Cater to transients. $45 "WEST SIDE APT. $45. . VERY' BEST WEST SIDE DISTRICT. Entrance hall. living room, dining room, pass -pantry, kitchen, bath and closet; heat and hot water furnished. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX ATTRACTIVE outsdie apt.. suiU-bie for 2 or 3; modern in every respect, $25 per month ; also one light outside sleeping room for $4.50 per week; Nob Hill 'dis trict. Broadway 4205. 629 Everett st. TWO-ROOM apartment, well furnished, white enameled, spotlesly clean, easy walking distance. 1' block R. C. car and Grand ave. Summer prices. 415 E. Couch st ALAMO APTS. Beautiful 3-room front apt., furnished or unfurnished, spotless, clean, private bath, disappearing bed, very reasonable summer rate. 404 Mar ket. " IIANTHORNE APARTMENTS. Very desirable front 4-room apt., three disappearing beds, arranged for several; also 3-room, 2 beds, private balconies; walking distance. 251 12th. WI LL rent lower floor in modern well furnished home, hardwood floors, fire place, good neighborhood, to business people. Walking distance; reference. 765 E. Flanders. ALL MODERN conveniences: handsomely furnished, 5-room apartment.,- easy walk ing distance; year's lease or until Sep tember 1. 342 lOth st. Phone Sunday, Marshall 25-SS. Week days Bdwy. 1364. ill c ic;Miou.i. Summer rates; 2 and 3 rooms; private phone and bath. Tabor 546. 1027 Belmont. . 3-ROOM APT., $55. Completely furnished. Will accommo date 3 or 4 people; near Central library. 229 11th st. Main 8397 m ELM WOOD APTS., 415 10TH. MAIN 6600. 2 and S-room modern apts, all outside roomy, light and cheerrul -OR HILL DISTRICT. Very attractively fur. outside front apt., very light, wicker fur. and pongee drapes. 189 23d st. N. . 3-ROOM furnished, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, heat, light and telephone; garage if wanted. Adults only. Some thing nice. 925 Haight ave. ATTRACTIVE, modern. 3-room apt., flat, gas furnace, fireplace, partly furnished, piano; Portland Heights car line, $50. Main 3553. HALSEY APT.. 300 WILLIAMS AVE. Beautifully furnished 3-room apt., pri vate bath, steam heat, phone. Price $32.50 and $3o. OA V PIN PORT APTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apts., private bath, hardwood floors. 505 Jefferson. Main 5435. THE ORDERLEIGH. 82 Grand ave.; new management, strictly respectable, well furnished, renovated apartments, pri vate baths, reasonable. NEW furniture, clean, modern, 3 rooms, bath, second floor, detached house, light, airy, $27.50, bargain for someone. 1140 Killingswortn ave., cor, aatn. Aiocrta. i-. I WILL care for children in a good' clean country home for $20 a month. Phone Hillsboro 37R9, or write Mrs. Hetta Anderson, Hillsboro, Or., R. 3, box 158. FOR RENT Newly furnished two-room apartment, steam heat, hot water, rea sonable. 162 West Park, corner West Park and Morrison. TH R STANFIELD. Modern outside two-room apt., light, heat, phone, laundry facilities, $22.50. Main 7392. - THE JEFFERY. 2-room. furnished, front apartment, $18 close in, cor. Russell ad Kerby East 1594. . . PARK HURST APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, French doors and balcony, fine view. $50 and $55 per month. Broad way 1179. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS Modern 3-room furnished apartment: walkirg distance. 575 E. Stark, corner 14th. East S36. WAR KENTON APARTMENTS. $:'. month for 2-room steam heated furnished apartment with private bath; also 3-room. 2 beds. 402 Third street BANXtER APTS. 2-room furnished apts., all conveniences, clean and cozy ; rent reasonable. 480 C!ay a HE NICKOLS Modern 3-room, ground floor apt : dining alcove ; private bath ; children taken. Wdln. 4071. 856 E. 6th N. PARK APARTMENTS. 4-room apt., fireplace, oak floors, suit able tor 4 aauus. Aiar. aax. WILL sublet my three rooms, completely furnished, corner apartment, piano, sew- ing machine, yxa beds. $(o. East 402 1. 2-ROOM H. K. apt; heat, elec. gas. bath, phone; separate entrance; sunny and de sirable ; $30up415Bjiwy. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment for light housekeeping: all conveniences. 748 Thurman. near 23d. SERENE COURT APTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apts.; all out side apts. East 1426. NEAT 4-room furnished apt., with bath, modern throughout, on car line. Call at 4610 Woodstock ave. t APT. TO SHARE. Young lady, reasonable. Call Mon. eve. No phone. Belle Court, apt. 3. . GRAY GABLES. 2-room apartment, newly renovated. Phone, heat and lights. 280 10th st. 3-ROOM tur. apt. steam beat, free phone; . , J.. L1..J 1 kTnnlr fwm O tn anu oaimj uivu., j. uiwv, v... car lines; reasonable. 843 Nelson st. - APARTMENT for rent, furnished, first floor, suitable for two, private home. 390 Vancouver ave. . TO SHARE nicely furnished apartment, centrally located, with young man of good references, u wb, uregoman. $25 MONTH, 2-room steam-heated fur nished apartment. Warrenton apart ments, 402 Third street. LARGE, clean, completely furnished -room apartment, light, water, $23. 8 Lombard, cor. 5th. Col. 617. 2 AND 3-ROOM modern, all outside rooms, 17th and Lovejoy. Airline apta. Bdwy. 1S12. , . CLARK APARTMENTS. 2-room fur., brick apt., light, heat, phone, $30 per month. 616 Pettygrove. Ut.LIAX APARTMENTS. Three rooms, large, light modern, west side. 381 Sixth st. Marshall 137S. 3 ROOMS and bath, completely furnshed; walking distance; no other roomers. 680 p4. .HatHMiH. loiin-i Jm. DI EL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny st. Modern, 3-room comp. fur. apts., clean, light and E. Madison, corner itftn. warm. r.asi -t.-tj. THREE-ROOM apartment. furnished. Phone Mar. NICELY furnished 'large front housekeep- itxr rnnm RSft HoVt St RESPECTABLE lady, girl to share nice apt. $35, board. Bdwy. 2027. WELL fur. 4-room apt; 627 Hancock. heated; adults. SH EFF1 ELD APTS., Broadway and Jef ferson; one 3 and one 4-room apactment. CAMBRIAN apartments 2 and 3 rooms furnished. 433 Columbia. Mar. 2406. PLEASANT 3-room apt, steam heat. 471 Jefferson. TWO MEALS and bed. $25 per month; men oniy. 549 E. Ankeny, near 13-th st. 3-ROOM furnished apartment on ground floor. Mar. 3181. HIGHLAND COURT. MAR. 3181. Furnished and untumisnea -rm. apts. 3 ROOMS, private bath. . adults oniy. S85 WESTMINSTER APTS. MAIN 55S2. Nicely fur, cor, apts. with bath. VERY desirable 2-room apartment; vacant today; $37.50. Windsor apartments. CARLOIS APTS. 2 and 3-room modern fur, apt., reasonable. 14th and Market. V n f u rn ished Apartments. THE WEIST. 69 North 23d. Finest 8-room apt, ra city. 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment, steam heat ; no children ; $33- Waverly court. East 26th and Clinton sts. NEW furnished and unfurnished 1-4 room suite. REASONABLE. 544 E. 7th N. NEW APTS., 4 rooms and bath. 8415. Cor. E. 16th and Oak. 3-ROOM apt., toiitt and bath, 64S Thur man, neax 20th. 4741. FOR RENT. --rn.siied Apartments. "WEST SIDE: NEAR KING. Six large outside rooms, 3 bedrooms, modern, bath, very best district. CALL AND WE WILL SHOW APT. Rent $75 Adults only. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Five rooms, beautifully decorated and enameled, steam heated, only three blks. from Washington St., rent $50. Broad- w ay 1 2 4o. GARDNER, COR. I3TH AND ASH. Attractive five-room bungalow apart ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, hot water heat, vacant May 1. Shown by ap pointment; references. East 2S71. COLLEGE HEIGHTS apartments, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, hot water heat, beau tifut view of city and mountains; walk ing distance, 13th. and College, Aut. 526-42; $45. GORDON COURT APTS., 530 Montgomery; beautiful 5-room corner apt. These are the only family apartments in the city with front and back doors. They make most charming homes. ARTISTIC 5-room duplex on heighus. oak floors, white enamel; must be seen to be appreciated. 4932 College st Rent $35. Open Sunday. JAEGER APTS., 701 Wash. st. One 4 and one 3-room, unfurnished apt. GRACE APTS. 24th and Northrup sts ; modern, 5 rooms, steam heated; large front and rear sleeping porches, janitor iervice ; will be vacant May 1. Mar. 554. APARTMENT Flat of 3 unfurnished liv ing rooms and bath, within walking dis tance on west side, $32.50; best residen tial district. Call at 320 11th et. FOR RENT Unfurnished 3-room upstairs apartment with gas range in kitchen. Inquire 29 E. 14th st., near Pine. $30 per month. References. $20:LORENZO APTS.. 427 Salmon st Main 8678. 2-room apt., water, light, phone. Adults. MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND UP. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445. b ROOMS, modern, hardwood floor, break fast nook and sleeping porch; all outside rooms. Call Wdln. d04i. THE MARLBOROUGH. Nine large 5-room unfurnished apart ment. Main 7516. TRINITY, PLACE APTS. A few desirable apts. available at reasonable rental Phone Broadway ff860. WjCKERSHAM APTS. 6-room modern, excellent service, located 18th and ""lan ders, west side. Phone Broadway 2201 CECELIA APTS.. 22d and Giisan Very attractive, 3-room front apt., all in old ivory. Mar. 1804. Kent $ou. 3 ROOMS, hardwood floors, electric range. furniture for sale at a bargain, lmpe rial Arms apts., 14th and Clay. BELMONT APTS. 5-room apt. bungalow style, $39, mod ern. 20th and Belmont. diJ4o. KINO ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th at Montgomery. Main 359. FOR RENT IRVING TON High-class six- room apartment, no ancoc.K at xst, $100. Phone East 6819. BERYL APT., 3 large rooms, all outside, newly decorated, 2 disappearing beds. Mar. 62D4. BRYN-MARR 185 E. 15th. 4-room apt., sleeping porch. v-$45. Hiast -JQ4. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 5-room apartments. Broadway 3360. THE ORMONDE Five-room unfurnished apartment, ooo r lanuem. jauwj. ooio. LIGHT, unfurnished 3-room apt., private balcony. Pain, nanover aia. jowy. -ooa. 5-ROOM modern, steam heat, front and back porcnes. wi uhpi". at.tkr ants.. 6 rms... sip. porch, modern, 2ls t-Overton. Bdwy. 1180. Bdwy. 5263. 5-ROOM .front apartment. Irving Apts., Elat and Irving. Main O.dU 3-4-ROOM unfurnished apt. Sandy. MAYO APTS., 503H Union ave. N. Three- F ! v., f ,.i ra room um m "ia"cu o-ji.. J------ - ' - Furnished or Vnfurnished Apartments. 1,-TV A API RTfF.MTS 3 rooms, dressing room and bath, hdw. floors, white enamel woodwork; free electric washer and mangle. East 3782. J CKSON APTS., 51 Union ave. Nortn. Furn. and unfur. 3-room apts. steam heat hot and cold water,, $30 to $33 per month. THE fTPSHUR APARTMENTS. 2, 3 and 4-room, unfurnished or fur nished; all new furnishings and painting. Main 5407.' KINGS HILL APARTMENT. High class, very desirable front fine view; o ana tj rooms, pruauwa ii-o- THE VICTORIAN 4-rm., fur. or unfur-. apts. ; bath ; close in ; very reasons oie. 428 Columbia, near 11th. Marshail 2277. Fiats. 5-ROOM upper with sleeping porch, fire place, gas range and water heater. Vacant May 15. Strictly modern. Adults onU ; $50. Can be shown between 3 arhd 5 P M. 267 E. 25th St., between Haw thorne and Madison, phone East 1810. NICE LOWiBR HAWTHORN FLAT. $30. 5 rooms and sleeping porcn. lurim--, wash trave and buitt-ins. full lot and large front porch; fine view and neigh borhood, all freshly tinted and decorated. ;JS3 E. 43d or phone East 5679. ' I RVINGTON. 4-room modern lower flat, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, water heater, bath, gas range, wash trays, sleeping porch, newly tinted, vacant May 1; adults only. Tabor suih. TO ADULTS, upper 6 rooms and porch, large attic, west side, walking distance, fine viw, electricity, gas, linoleum, gas stove and wash trays in kitchen. Phone 545-8-T or call 525 Montgomery st for key. MODERN flat, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, partly furnished if desired, $40; 1 block 3 carlines. Cail after 12 o'clock, 568 Rodney ave. East 6518. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. lovely S-room modern flat, city view, walking distance, lease, $50. per month. 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TWO modern unfurnished flats for rent, including heat, water and gas range. E. 30th st, nr. Alder. Phone E. 3850. Monday, Bdwy. aos. MODERN 4-room flat, good district, fur- g ro ve. Bdwy. 3548. . nioni.'tJV tl.T-nnm lnuL-r flat- rent S'.t R55 Clinton St., corner of 28th. Richmond car. Portland heights, 501 Davenport st, thoroughly ren. 4-room fur. flat, $30; no children. MODERN 4-room upper flat, 12 E. 14th, adults onlv, references. Inquire 10 E. 14th South Sunday after 1 P. M. ATTRACTIVE, desirable 6-room, upper, 572 E. Salmon ; adults; references ; in cluding garbage, water and lawn. $50 867 FRONT st., 3 unfurnished rooms, closets, stationary tubs, $17 a month. Call after 3 P. M. 666 EAST Madison street, very fine five room modern flat, $40. Donald Wood ward. Bdwy. 7436. 304 Second st. $20 MAY 6 3-room flat, 621 Qverton, west side ; water, gas for bath free; walking distance. East 1904. UNFURNISHED modern,1 6 rooms with sleeping porch. -698 and 7K) Hoyt st Cail East 3376. 4-ROOM flat with bath, fine location close in. 474 Clay. Marshall 4194. FOR RENT Unfurnished airy 4-room flat Inquire 866 union ave. in KlCE. ciean 4-room flat hot water heat porches. 789 Kearney. Mar. 3456. 5-ROOM flat. 505 Borthwick; $20. Strong- MacNaugnton, uofpett mag. $35 NICE, clean, upper flat. 298 Weidler st., near Williams avenue. MAY 1st, modern 5-room upper flat, sleep- ing porch. 166 mast lotn st. aoutn. FOR RENT 4-room modern flat; adults only. 189 Halsey st. mast UPSTAIRS 7 rooms modern flat $25 month. Wdln. 4236. 5-ROOM flat with furnace, close In, only $35 a month. Mam 001-. 4-ROOM fiat 711 East Flanders, 20th. Rose City car. Adults. UPPER 4-room unfurnished; water and heat. 826 Thurman. 5-ROOM, unfurnished, . steam-heated flat; lease. 563 Giisan st. NICE 3-room basement apt., clean, iight, modern, close in. 526 Fiander st. 5-ROOM upper flat, $30. .447 Fourih. st. Marshall 2973. FOR RENT 4-room modern flat, near car line. Tabor 1508. 8-ROOM unfurnished heated flat. 296 Tillamook: st 3-ROOM unfurnished flat light rooms, $14. 748 E. 7th st. FOUR large rooms, bath and sleeping porch, lower floor. $25. 71 E. 22d st. TWO large outside rooms, light and water furnished, $16. 71 E. 22d st 4-ROOM FLAT Private entrance, electric ity, gas. 388 Grand ave. N. Furnished Flats. 4 ROOMS and bathroom, lower flat, com pletely furnished. 937 E. 7th st. N. 5 ROOMS, first floor, newly papered. 495 Montgomery. Mar. 3023. 3-ROOM fiat, modern, adults only. 504 E. 22d st. soutn. 3 ROOMS and bath, no children, 400 4th Bireti. 165 EAST 35th. 2 rooms, $35, and bachelor room. Sunnyside car. MARRIED) couple to share flat, $20. 49T Columbia. 4 LARGE rooms, close in. well furnished. "Woodiawn 1364. 6 ROOMS ; best of everything. Temple disc. Mar. 2499 Wbite FOR RENT. Furnished Flats. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette and 2 large closets, on second floor; light and phone furnished; all outside rooms; on north side of building ; clean and attractive ; can be seen any time. 628 Williams ave. East 4193. . VERY desirable modern 6-room flat, com pletely and nicely furnished. 420 Hall, corner 11th st. Rent $75. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO- 252 Stark St. FOR RENT Partly furnished 5-room lower flat, enameled kitchen and bath, nice yard, fruit trees. $42.50, including lights, water and garbage; garage if de- sired. SelL 163. CLEAN, modern. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, front balcony, private furnace, pri vate basement, west side, close in. The Faustina, 464 Hall, near 13th. Refer ences. - 4-ROOM corner, flat, corner Fremont and Rodney ave,, new Jewel gas range, Ruud water heater, private bath, wash trays, new linoleum, electric lights, water and garbage free. $30. Mar. 3873. STRICTLY modern furnished 5-room upper riat. warning distance, outside rooms, ivory fin'sh, $55, including garbage and water. Adults. 565 H East Morrison st. Phone Tabor 1210 for appointment only. STRICTLY modern 6-room furnished flat. rent only $30. 1844 Gibbs st Respon sible tenants only. Wakefield-Fries, Apply 85 4th st. 5-ROOM nicely furnished entire lower floor; newly papered, telephone and water free ; close in, reasonable. 493 Montgomery. 6-ROOM flat newly furnished, electric flight, gas. water; two blocks from M. & S. car line. ' Main 5098. 227 Whltaker St., $3Q. COZY flat, newly furn. bedroom, living rm., kitchen, private bath, outside rms. built-in buffet, gas range ; couple em ployed preferred. Sellwood 2412. 5-R. MODERN furnished fiat, including piano, very reasonable rent. 333 Cook ave. Phone Main 2835, ask for apt. 26, for apnointment. ' COMPLETELY furnished four-room flat, large pantry, nice yard. 821 Keily st. Marshall 3256. ALL or part of well-furnished 6-room and S. P.; piaho, fireplace. Mar. 3462. 701 Hoyt. 3-ROOM lower flat, nicely furnished, fur nace heat, garage, if desired. Adults. 674 E. Stark. IRVINGTON home, suite of 5 rooms, fur nished, heat, 'light, water, phone, choice homo. Jlione East 4610. CONVENIENT, well furnished flat, close in. permanent, responsible adulta. E. 2209. MODERN 4-room flat, good district, fur niture for sale at sacrifice. 657M Petty grove. Bdwy. 3548. WELL furnished 4-room flat, strictly modern. 255 Cherry at, flat No. 4. Call Sunday. 4-ROOM modern flat for rent and furni ture for sale, or will rent flat furnished. Call 287 E. 35th st. . 3-ROOM furnished flat, modern, private bath. 10-58 E. Taylc, $22.50 per mo. Call between 11 A. M. and 6 P. M. 3-ROOM furnished flat, modern; fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, large Dutch kitchen. 766 E. Main: Hawthorne car. 3-ROOM. modern flaL with bath: 400 N. 2,5th. Adults only; for information call 745H Roosevelt st.. or phone Mar. 319, 659 PETTYGROVE Pleasant 3-room fur- nished fiat, bath, attic; adults preferred. references ; $29. Broadway 31 1 6. FURNISHED three-room flat with private bath, one bl-ck from Sunnyside car line. Tabor ois. iff. 34-tb MODERN 5-room furnisned flat, newly renovated; 1 block from 2 car lines. Call 412 Wasco st East 3805. ' 5-ROOM furnished flat for rent, $45 a month ; player piano and everything, 1099 First st., west side. SUITE of 3 rooms, fur., all mod., private bath. Marshall lObo. 5-ROOM upper flat, furnished, 6 months, $50 month: garage privileges. East 1643. 2b EAST 13TH, NEAR ASH Very desira ble, clean 4-room lower flat; adults, refs. 3-ROOM flat, nicely furnished, heat, lights. water. :- . intn st. .an ouimav. FINE, new 5-room furnished flat, E. 11th st. or call Columbia 1262. 4-ROOMS furnished and garage; good street car service; $28. o29 ill. Lincoln st. 32 ELLA st.; easy walking distance; very nicely furnished, 7-room. UPSTAIRS furnished flat, just completed, Adults. 564 6th. LOWER flat to rent 567 Prescott St. Furnished. Woodiawn 158S. $45 LOWER floor, modern, private resi dence, rlawtnorne aistrict. laoor po;-, 3 - ROOM f urnlshed flat. 100 East 18th st, Housekeeping Rooms. BLSHMARK, Wash. s, corner 17th, clean, modern 1 and 2-room outside apts. Also sleeping room. Bdwy. 54C3 170 CHAPMAN, Morrison st. at 18th, one furnished H. K. room, clean, $14 month. Marshall 3828. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable: heat. hot and cold water ; summer rates. 83 North 21st st. ANKENY COURT. 3 furnished H. K. rooms. Phone East 5523. 2-ROOM H. K. apt, private entrance, sink, hot and cold water, nice for employed co up le. 306 12th st. CLEAN, light front H. K. rooms, double and single, reasonable. 173 ht 21st st. N, Mar. 2776. ONE LIGHT housekeeping room with kitchenette, semi-bath. $5 per week. 393 West Park. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up, including hot water, electric lights, launary room, THE LAWN. 53 N. 18th. Clean, cozy 1 and 2-room apts.; hot water; close in; rea sonable rents. LARGE room and kitchenette, first floor, single rooms, hot water always, bath, laundry. 655 Flanders. TWO DESIRABLE partly-furnished house keeping rooms with bath, at 23d and Thurman. Mar. 1679. GOOD, clean housekeeping rooms, near Washington st. ; hot water, electricity. 54 N. 9th. NICELY furnished housekeeping $2.50 week up. Buckeye Apts., East Morrison st. room, 364 ROOM and kitchenette, $2.50 per week and up; 2 rooms $20; private entrance; light, bath, phone free. 573 Third st. 3 BASEMENT rooms, furnished for H. K. ; 2 beds, running water; also single H. K. room. 268 Montgomery. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms an extra bedroom, one-half block from car line. 534 Tenino ave. Seilwood 698. THREE front rooms, nicely furnished, walking distance; light, heat and water. 166 East 16th st. S. Phone East 8954. LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms, close in, $3. $4.50, $5 week. 490 Taylor. Mar. 2727. NEAT, clean 2-room housekeeping apart ment, 1 block from DM car; reasonable rent 686 Overton st. Main 5309. NICE, large, light rooms for housekeeping; good location; $15,-$20. 357 12th st. CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping rooms, $2 per week and up. 372 Hawthorne. AND 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms; heat light and phone furnished. 109 N. 18th. 141 ELEVENTH, h. k. rooms, $3-$S week. 2-rm. suite, $28; electricity, phone, bath. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, rent reasonable. 380 11th -st LIGHT housekeeping rooms, children wel come. 321 N. 19th st. Broadway 5965. LIGHT basement h. k. room, gas, light and heat, $8 a month. 167 16th st DOUBLE, eingle h. k. rooms, 447 5th st, light, well-furnished, reasonable. 5 ROOMS, first floor, newly papered. Montgomery. Mar, a 2 LARGE, clean, well-furnished H. K. rooms ; very desirable; close in. E. 6305. 415 FOURTH ST., corner Hall, 1 and 2 H. K. rooms for rent; price $t ana jo. SiNGLE steam-neatea housekeeping rooms $4 to $6 per weeK. a-if iatn at. 2 NICE H. K. rooms for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Nob Hill dist. 62tf Everett, Bdwy. 4S05. LARGE, airy H. K., roomy, steaon. -heated, $4.50 a week. 445 Columbia. MANOR Corner of 4th and Morrison. Ciean, outside apts. aiarsnaii ooa. 4 ROOMS completely furnished; garage; excellent neighborhood. j;ast -'4-. 2 OUTSIDE rooms, very reasonable, 300 4th st. Large front room, auo 4tn st THREE housekeeping rooms, private bath. built-in conveniences, uaii jqi. b.u. TWO clean housekeeping rooms, private en trance. 2 SI Larraoee st. FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, prices win surprise you. Xb3 1st. ATTIC housekeeping rooms, $2.50 per wk. Hot and cold water, ea isortn isz st. SAVE searching 2 clean rooms, gas range. electric light, $20. 448 Columbia. THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th, near Washlnj- 2 LARGE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat vn rz union ave. . $83 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, no bath. w ,h in fH t NICE, furnished basement h. k. room. W. .. rent very reason a Pie. Mam ijoc. FURNISHED single h. k. room, n car 1 me. nice yarq. .na i-ta st. aiam otig. TWO and 4 housekeeping rooms with elec tric lights. 33Q firtn street. LOWER 3-room flat and smaller H. K. rooms. 475 Main st. " COURT room ; everything furnished; $15 month. 4iu uooqnougn Dia, 2 H. K- ROOMS, running water. 2O0 14-th 8-ROOM suite. $5 per week. 633 Thurman . Kt.f IQl'n on iHt h FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. AREN'T THESE EXTREMELT REA SONABLE? TWO ROOMS $4. THREE ROOMS $5 WEEK. JUST BEEN FIN ISHED. VERY HOMELIKE, CLOSE TO RIVER ON EAST 6TH NEAR CLIN TON. YOU'LL LIKE THESE IF YOU SEE THEM. TWO WITH SLEEPING PORCHES. 582 EAST 6TH SOUTH. SELLWOOD 3816. FURNISHED H. K, rooms. Here are the cleanest and most comfortable light H. K. rooms in the city for the money. Good ventilation; must be seen to be Appreciated. Electricity, good heat, hot and cold water and laundry privilege; rooms available for two employed per sons; easy walking distance. Monte, 167 Stout st., near 2uth and Washington. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette and 2 large closets, on second floor; light and phone xurnisnea ; an outside rooms; on nortn side of building: clean and attractive: can be seen any time, 628 Williams ave. East 4193. EXCEPTIONALLY clean housekeeping and steeping room, furnished or untumisnea, love.y residence and location. Park ave., 768, c!ose to Vista ave. and Council Crest car. Main 4278. TWO-ROOM apt., light, ga3, linen, hot and cold water, steam heat, furnished, hotel lobby, tel. service; $4 50 to $6 per week, sleeping rooms. Grand Union hotel, 387 E. Burnside. DOUBLE living room, kitchenette, private bath, near Broadway bridge; furnished except linen, $27.50, Including heat and light. Bast 1512. .. LARGE single light H. K. room for rent in very best location in town. jrnone. gas, electric light and bath furnished. $4.50 a week. Call 552 Yamhill. LOVELY SUITE 2 large, weil-f urnished . H. K. rooms, running water, light, heat, phone; very reasonable. 690 Irving, near 21st st. SUNNY 2-room front apt.,- cheerful and homelike. Fine for dressmaking or . other business. Also sleeping room. Main 3230. 168 10th st. . THREE furnished housekeeping 'rooms, with bath, closet and pantry, garden space if wanted; reit $25. Call 855 Clin ton. corner. 28th. . 1 NEWLY painted and papered furnished 3-room apartment, $17 per month; also one 5-room unfurnished flat, $25 per month. Call Main 7651. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, hot and cold water in kitchen ; also large clothes closet and pantry; half block Williams-ave. car. 266 Cook ave. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms on 3d floor, hot and cold water in rooms, heat, light and phone furnished, $25 a month. 109 N. 18th st. ONE LARGE front housekeeping room, downstairs, on Sunnysid car line; $12 per month, 624 15, Morrison st. East 1532. VERY attractive, newly furnished h. k. and sleeping rooms, close in. 195 21st st., one block from Washington. Phone Bdwy. 7856. 1 SINGLE h. k. room, $16 per month; modern two-room suite, all new and clean, everything furnished, $28 per month. 33 N. 17th st ONE ground floor apartment, 3 . rooms, 2 beds, running water, private entrance and toilet, newly decorated. The Vaughn, iNortn itft and Vaughn J4.50 per week, large, cheery room, hot and cold water. 501 Harrison. 2 blocks from 14tb and Montgomery. Auto. 518-13 THREE furnished h. k. rooms for rent, heat, electricity, gas, water, care of garbage, good location, clean couple. Phone Tabor 494. 1221 E. Yamhill. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with sink, close in, Bdwy. bridge; adults. 253 Hancock, near Vancouver ave. E. 1046. LARGE front room with kitchenette, pri vate bath, nicely furnished, clean and modern; suitable for three. 361 11th sti Aut. 516-12. 2-ROOM suite with kitchenette, nicely furnished, clean and modern. 361 lltb st. Aut. 516-12. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; heat, light, water. 124 E. 15th st Call Sundav. . TWO DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms and alcove. Portland Heights. $20. in ciuding lights and phone. Main 7017. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, bath, lobby, gas; summer rates, men or women. 412 19th st North. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 1 single room, 1 3-room suite. 1000 E. Main st Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 4 ROOMS upstairs; furnished for H. K. ; bath, gas and electricity; $20 per mo. 121 Stanton st 2-ROOM furnished H. K. apt., for rent, free phone, light; water. $ weekly. 350 14th. FLATS, upstairs or down, furnished or unfurnished. 435 Williams. Phone East NICE-, clean, single h. k. room, suitable for working person, light, phone and bath included. '585 E. Main. H. K. AND sleeping room; aiso store for rent. 242 Killings worth. Woodiawn 5892. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; also two rooms, good car service. Aut. 318-42. 341 Hassalo st. 2 FURNISHED H, K. rooms; adults; ref erences exchanged. CaU after 5 P. M. 186 N. 24th st. 3 ROOMS nicely furnished, furnace heat. Garage If desired. Adults. b.4 East Stark st. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms and kitchen ette, running water, etc; reasonable. 661 Everett Bdwy. 4718. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ciose in, fine residential district. 615 East Couch st East 9242. 3 LOVELY housekeeping rooms, adults only. 622 Delay st., Mississippi car to Morris st. , CLEAN, well furnished h. k. rooms, rea sonable, free bath, phone, hot, cold water, light 821 Kelly st. Mar. 3256. LARGE, sunny room, with home privileges, in modern home, Sunday or evenings. East 4367. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor; cooking gas, lights and garbage included; $32. 6 E. 7th st S. BASEMENT H. K. room and kitchenette; close in ; clean and comfortable. 868 Multnomah st. Phone East 9186. ON IRVINGTON car line, single or light housekeeping rooms, private tamlly, rent very reasonable. 5S5 Tillamook. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms in mod ern home, suitable for two. $25. 32.1 Eugene st. East 2305. H. K. ROOMS, children, walking distance. 275 Williams ave. East 5797. Mrs. Wil cox. 2 FRONT furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 3a2 college st. Phone Mar shall 2306. LARGE, light airy H. K. room in modern home, newly tinted, all Columbia, near 16th. FOUR nice clean housekeeping rooms on carline. Sellwood 2968. 3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, porch and yard. 171 East 33a St.. near Beimont H. K. RMS., $10 mo. and $15 mo., sip. porch, H. K. priv., 3 rms., $12. T. 1526. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 501 Clay, $23 a month. Marshall liii. NICE, light rooms with kitchen privi lege; reason a Die. i w eiaier. .. $15 3 ROOMS, whole second floor. Mill st. aztf saimon. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, mod- ern house, garage., labor HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. 67 ELLA ST. ' 1 ROOM and kitchenette, hot and cold water, heat, light ana phone, ill N. 23d. 105 20TH. COR. FLANDERS Neatly fur- lished housekeeping rooms. H K., CLEAN home, walking distance. 104 K. jaroaaway. ast m t . 2 AND 3 NICELY furnished h. k. roomw walking distance. Joa Montgomery st. 2 OR 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. 214 Union ave. ortn. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms., 210 14th. 3 H. K. ROOMS. A-l condition, walking distance. 8 Kast 11th st ONE nice housekeeping room; everything incluaea. o3o m. Bumsiae. rnone ;. 3h:i. 2 NICELY furnished H. - K, rooms; children. Tabor xvn. THREE housekeeping rooms on ground floor, electricity and gas. 165 Ivy st LIGHT housekeeping apartment in refined private home tor - ladies, beiiwood Jtz. NICE ciean H. K rooms. 121 N. 23d st Marshall 1502. 2 CLEAN, well-furnished rooms, sleeping porch, MV car. 60 East 30th JN. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms near Broadway bridge. 434 Larrabee st. THREE H. K., 1st floor, walking , dis tance; use or piano. ast ai.o, THREE 8863. TWO newly furnished h. k. rooms, good location, reasonable. aia Montgomery. $16 TWO front upper h. k.. bath; two nice attic n. k., io. oa r. j.utn a. $15 LARGE front h. k., bath, elec, phone and n. k. tor 911. is. j.a. UPSTAIRS of modern bungalow. 3 rooms unfurnisnea. yiu a month. Auto 6:j-Mi. NICE, clean housekeeping and sleeping room. Mar. 36o or can at 13. N. 23d st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. lights. bath. 711 E, Ankeny. phone and heat. 467 W. BROADWAY, small cosy room suitable ior woman empioyeq, iu mo. LARGE h- k. room with kitchenette, $3.50 week. waiKing aistance. na. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 154 N. 18th. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, furnished. 404 Clay st. NICELY furnished 2 rooms with, kitchen ette at 1 Xv i-pvejoy w FOR RENT. Hou-ekeeplny Room tn Private Family. DOWNSTAIRS. One comfy H. K. suite, right party can make own terms within reason, regard ing rent. 546 Giisan or phone. Broad way 3115. after 4 P. M. WELL furnished two-room, closet and ba,th apartment in nice residential dis trict; I furnish heat, gas, light and water and use of phone free. $25 month. 493 E. 23d st. Phone Sellwood 3765. A WELL furnished, cosy, two front-room apt., all modern conveniences, furnace heat. sink, gas range, laundry privileges, walking distance, also best of car service. East S60. 145 E. 12th s ONE room and kitchenette, furnished for h. k.; very clean, heat, phone, bath and electricity; walkirvg distance. 292 Tilla mook, near Williams; employed pre ferred. East 6376. ONE furnished housekeeping room, private family, with the use of kitchen and bath, electric lights, water, phone and fuel and gas included, $20. Call 855 Clinton, corner of 2Sth st. TWO nicely furnished, light, airy front housekeeping rooms and kitchenette, near S. P. shops, on Sellwood car line; rent $20. Seil. 21S5. . LARGE, well furnished room with ac commodation for light housekeeping m modern home. 300 Vancouver, cor. Broadway. East 8998. 2 LIGHT, .clean housekeeping rooms, gas range, sink, private toilet, bath, tele phone, linen. $4.75 week. 794 Thur man st., cor. 24th. LADY living alone would rnt vry pleas ant room on first floor with housekeep ing privileges: very reasonable; garage If desired. Walnut 6223.- 2 FURNISHED si-eeping or room, free light, gas, bath and phone. Deslrabl location walking distance; summer rates. i"0 Hancock st. East tuos. TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms; separate entrance, gas. electricity, bath and phone, walking distance, rent rea sonable. 271 Montgomery ft. SEMI-BASEMENT rooms ior working peo ple. Eerything furnished; also sleep ing room. Walking distance. Reason able, 551 Madison st. FURNISHED 3 rooms, suitable for 3 or 4 adults, light and airy, iarce yard, walk ing distance to market. 4-4 3d. cor. Hall street. ' IRVINGTON. 2-room corner apt, 2 sides glsss. Ivory furniture, water, light, phone, $35. E. 8259. TO WORKING girl, 1 sleeping room with housekr eping privileges, walking dis tance; $3JS0aveekLlal TWO co" n tort able H. K. rooms, including light and heat, near bath and phone; rent $20. 1015 Williams ave. Wdln. SO. EXCEPTIONALLY clean, furnish. d room, suitable for light housekeeping. 86 N. 17th. 1 LARGE housekeeping room, neat and clean and light; good location and rea sonable. 460 Hollatlny. Phone East 7559. LIVING ROOM, dining room, alcove kitchenette, bedroom, bath, phone, water, light, references; adults. M. 47Q0. 2 LIGHT H. K. rooms, private fami ly ; free phono, elec. and bath. 254 N. 24th., cor. Northrup. NICE, clean H. K. and sleeping rooms, front rooms, rent reasonable. Phone Marshall 1344, 193 17th st. BEAUTIFULLY clean, newly furnished, 8 room. h. k. suite ; gas, electricity, run ning water. 308 6th st. Main 4SB.V 3-ROOM suite h. k., ground floor, cheap rent Phone. Near Brooklyn and Wood stock cars. 587 E. 20th st. S. CLEAN, furn, 5 rooms, bath, laundry, fine location, near S, S. car. First floor. 128 E. 34th st. LoVELY furnished room, steam heat, all conveniences, housekeeping privilege ; ladies only. 401 12th st. Main 4015. IlOUfcPfl. 7-ROOM bungalow, all modern, cor. E. 5 2d and Sherman; Hawthorne car; garage; ront $50. C. De Young, 810 Spalding bldg. 4-ROOM modern bungalow for rent; good furnace, full basement, laundry trays, etc.; good district 032 East 11th st. N. Trvjngton car. Call today alter 1Q o'clock. FOR RENT S-room house, basement, macadam street, in South Portland. $30 per month. 1043 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 3910. ALMOST new 5-room bungalow in best part of Rose City Park, would consider lease for one year; references required. Tabor 2616 before 3 P. M. WILL LUASE large 7-room house in good condition inside and out nice garden, lease unfurnished or sell good furniture; very reasonable. Sell. 3667. MODERN duplex 12-room 2-families, furn ished or unfurnished, eieeplng porch, gar age, well located, desirable; references. Mar. 3403. FOR RENT Newly furnished 4-room house with bath and garage, for sea son. 1616 S. 7th St., Seaside, Or., Box 701. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. C. W. Truck Service C(... 40 2d st. Phone BdTy. 6121. $30 COTTAjE, some furniture ; w ill sell house and furniture, $2650. Phone East 2409. ARTISTIC bungalow, fur. or unfurnished, fireplace, furnace, garage; adults; $45. Auto. 616-73. . NEW, modern 6-room house, 2 biocks from car, $35. 712 Liberty St., "Wood lawn car to 18th et. 2 blk. S., blk. E. WEST SIDE, walking distance ; modern house ; 7 rooms. $40; 9 rooms, $50. P. & M. car. 2K6 21st St. N. WHEN moving, city or country, get th best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co.. Main 1261. 202 Alder st. INSPECT 863 E. 10th t N. ; 6-room cot tage, garage, adults, $33.10, includes water. Owner, box 6S, Astoria. 5-ROOM bungalow and garage; can give first-class references. AE 631, Ore gonian NEWLY decorated six-room house, nice yard, fruit and flowers. 892 E. Salmon. Auto. 314-80. $40 MODERN 7-room house with sleep ing porch. 204 Failing st. May 10. Phone Wdln. 8K5. FOR RENT Beautiful 7-room home, rea sonable to reliable parties. 5417 69th st. S. E. S-ROOM, 4 lots, fruit, chicken house. $15. WS car. 6120 45th st. Call Sunday aft ernoon. . 6-ROOM modern house and garage, $40. 1469 Mississippi ave. Call between 10 and 3 after 3 o'clock at 117 E. Lombard st. BUNGALOW, modern, with furnace, two adults $40 per month; 4 adults $45. 245 3-ROOM bungalow, Rose City Park. $20 per month; 3 months In advance. 675 East 74th st. Owner 42 E. 27th st. South. i-ROOM house. 718 E. Morrison, arranged for 1 or 2 families, $35. F. W, Torgler, 106 Sherlock bldg. $22.50 THREE-ROOM HOUSE $22.50. Monta villa ; modern, with yard. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 5-ROOM house; clean; on Sunnyside car line; fruit; bath; electricity; gas; $30. Bdwy. 5908 or E. 4S10. 7-ROOM house, modern conveniences. 1 block to carline; price $30. 710 Second st. Marshall 53S3. FOR RENT 4-room modern house in St. Johns, centrally located, rnone Colum bia 946. BUNGALOW Four room, modern ; Ideal location; adults only, ir.t.ia iremont sta tion. M t Scott car; owner. MacLEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE. Summer cottages for rent by month or season. See caretaker on grounds. EXCEPTIONALLY convenient 9-rm. mod ern house, sleeping porches, 50x100, $60; garage, $5. E. Ash., nr. 20th. Mar 3.")69. FINE 8-room house in Rose City Park. $60. See it today at S. W. cor. of 45th and Brazee sts. 5-ROOM house for rent, 636 Salmon, East 1 7 fh . 32 . 5Q. Vlnney. 5-ROOM house, west side; close in. $30. Marshall 3561. PIANO moving. $3; furniture, $2.50 hour; 2 men, big van. Stump, East 2-'04. RENT Sanitarium, now vacant, 11 rooms. Automatic 3-4-o;v HOUSE for rent, ciose in; 5 rooms of fur nlture for sale. 91 N. 17th st. 6-ROOM modern house, good condition. 11 E. 19th N., $33. East 5733. FOR RENT 807 Wasco, 7-room house. Tabor 5538. MODERN 5-room bungalow for rent. Call Sellwood 359.1. HOUSE for rent $20. 24th st, cor. Ash. Garage. Call after 11. FOR RENT Comfortable 4 rooms and bath. 809 KHly St.. $17. Bdwy. 2187. 7-ROOM house for rent at 931 E. Flanders. Phone Col. 6-ROOM house, electric lights and gas; $30. Wdln 6320 5-ROOM bungalow for rent, $25. "215 Rus sell st. 7 ROOMS, upstairs, for rent. 228 Couch st., between First and Second. 5 ROOMS, modern, adults. 4&1 Chapman, cor. Clifton place., Portland Heights. NO 15 EAST 30TH ST., corner East Burn eide 6-room .house. $3Q. 5-ROOM house for rent. 205 Holladay ave. Call Marsnan l-:-. 8 ROOMS. Sunnyside, $50 per month. Will give lease to proper party. Main 6S69. IRVINGTON Modern 6-room bungalow; garage. 443 East 12th, nortru HAY 1st, lrvington, unfurnished bunga low apt E. 1311 after 1 P. M. 5-ROOM bungalow in Hawthorne 434 E. 37 th. ixent, 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Front and Richardson. Call 32 Salmon. RENT or lease modern 6-room near Lau- retnurst. sawy. o--. TO RENT With good lease, nine-room feouae. Phone Main 1O30 FDR RFXT. FOR RENT 8-room modern bunir low, hardwood floors, buffet, fu'I cement bnmni fur nace, sleeping porch. 10O4 Tib bets, Waver:jch Heights. Rent $."o per month; can giv le. Open for inspection. PEKVM JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Com HMr 4th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. ;J49. $35 MO:fc;iN 7-room house; Dutvh kitch en; dining room; living room: bedroom and bath on first floor; 3 Wdronms ur sia!r, full ha? ment; wash trays, 40iJ East 47th St.. S. E. L. E Stemmera. 404 Oerllncr Bldg. Main 6"1 or Tabnr 31' 24. GO BLK, r., six to is, sevn-rootji hou, 1 fruit trees, berries, enouch f v d fnr twe cows, 1 wo larg gsrn it ml elite hen yard, on block of hihUav. Coiumni river and d po t . M i s. E 111 tn N us ha u mi or. ohle or. LADY, alone, owns 7-room niudri itlry home, wishes to rent 4 -room low-r I unfurnished; gas Move, Ivrt ricit y, b(h. to rongenil couple for mall rent, hlp care of Uwn, near cur stw.. 30 piin. cut, 9r f ires. Ir.uuire '.'! Tny'.or st. MODKRN luniKalow, living room, timing room, kitchen, breakfast room, 3 bed rooms and bui h on f li t floor; ui'-.a.n- kimi iiiii-n-i, lull 'Ulfllt, J wash trays, automatic hot wtr h-ior, I JIVIephone K 747H uftt-r P A. M. j VERY large rooms, bathroom. tm-nt and attic, fireplace and (urnme. a 44 I E. 7th st. 2 doors off Broadway: a 1 newly painted and kalnnund ; k-y t grocery on Broadway; rent Wdin. 6 7S9. a-ROOM hout-c. 4:;0 M ultiiomah St., 3d. newly renovated. $.'.0. S2N E. Pth St.. $25. 5 rooms. $326 E. 9th st.. I..". 5 root. 11 car APPLY .M KTZGKH PA It K E fn R'KMTIKK AJO 1NO. Pianos moved 13 up; ) dy fr stftr C on all crnted hoUMehoM Rood-; 1ft us Htlmate your work. Alia Transfer Stor- gCo. Pnon Bdwy. 1 2"T NEW 5-r.fom strictly modern burtrnlnw, ail built-in.", cail Hfter noon. MJiiduV, Monday aud Tuesday. 031 Rillin worth ave., 1 block to Alberta car; Iur ti nut for n le h 'so. PAKTLY lurniMied coiid lioor of prlM'. home, 4 rooms, close to -hol mid ar, $3o ; (nchid liKhts and atr; good neighborhood. 046 Alblna ave., ntr Monroe. -ROOM Iuiko ehai-k, Miitrn prett. ar garden, ail in, fruit ; 10 minutrs from t ar, for rent cheap. 1 ao. M 1. Scot t car, get off Freomout to McCoy and 67th t.. ak for lMiivid. SK'DKHX 6-rooiu hou'. h a ro: w. o..d fiooi fireplace, nic neighbor bond, rm 1 1 ni flowers, one bio. k north PenmsuU-r park, otif- block cur line. $12 iO per mo, f'hnn Woodiawn 4."4. EIGIIT-Rt m M elt'HHiit cor tier mllfnKi, new" hardwood floor, new light rixtur. new linoleum, painted and d'-eorsted, per month. E. Rurnside. cor. K. IMh, E. 3399. piano moving. No mars, no trouble, our espArts In sure sat !s fact ion ; pric $2..'o fop flrwt son. Phonn or cbH Etleis delivery d p.irtraent.H d w y. fV ! 3. call rm (Tad w a t mo f or j Northwest klictkic co LIGHT VOW EH f 1 EAT. Washington st lot h St. FOR SALI-; by owner o room nous. rrn plumbing, electricity and siu-aire; ftoiol lot; cheap; $.".00 down payment; $14so. i-'iiih ri;i, i en I on. V & C A VT 1 A V R.TI1 $40 6-rooni bungalow, firepla, fur nace, garage, sleeping porch. 9C4 East -1 st st, ,ortn. uromiwi 4l"3. TAIioR II EIGHTS 0-room modet n, ga rage. rrcn spur, bountiful view of Mt. Hood; $35. hi E. 70th st H. Apply nt 1790 Helmi.nt. 7-ROOM S;; 4 hedrno-! L'til U Porter, near 4th, we-t side; will lea. ( Call .11 Hoard of Trade bldg. Uroad- way 74 ."1 2. v v iv m uuuiia, uii i urnisii'a i 1, 3 rooms, with hath. $1.1 per month; four' blocks to lrvington cur. 773 East 11th st, North. HALK of dub: nous. 6 rooms, bath newly papered, gas, electricity; $27. fitl Water nt I'hone fi:'.V.V MODERN six-room hou furnace, fire place, yard. 1:8 Vancouver ave.; $40. Wnodla wn 19. 5 ROOMS, and sleeping porch, garace. mod ern. 1710 Portsmouth st. Main 607 Bun day forenoon or M nnd ay. LEASE 8-rnoni modern, bet wer-n Irving ton and lleaumont, $02. 11 06 N. W. banlc building. 5-ROOM Iiouh for rent. No. 34 W. Jarre. t at.. $20 0. Phone Woodiawn 1201. FOR RENT 4 acres, gu and fruit, city Mm 1 1. d sil. with house East. 2.i33. UNFCRN1SH ED Ni'lSHED 4-room luodurn cottageJ n. s-u, arjii. J c;nse 1 SM ALL 4-room modern bungalow, corner. Williams and Russeji, Phon Kant 701fl. 5-ROOM hou 401 Williams ave. Phone aft"r 10 A. M., Tahnr 91.1. F O U It E N T .i - r o o 1 n house in good 1 oc ' tion. East 41.'..' or H d w y . 7 2 4 . TVV'O rooms and seeping porch, Oswego, 1 FOR SALE 2-room hou cheap. 1824 Marguerite N. I -ROOM house for rent, titi Overton Main M0!. 4-ROOM plastei. d house, $13 a month. Call 91 E. Winch'!! st. FOR rent or sale, 3-room house. Mult nomn n station. 5-itooM house Tabor 4104. loll Huston avi Kurnifehftd l'Hiti. SCENIC I.o J m ; E COTTAGES. . 024 HEIGHTS TERRACE. mm ruuniii, Bje'inn porrnes. Fin-T ( view of city, walking distance-; Hall st. predate; gas. electricity, bath and show- 4-ROOM completely f mlh(vl house. Bi-iiiiMnuuerii, none in. ou r.nmx 1 st tn. 1 North, block off Broadway, phone KmM. COMPLETELY furnished nw four- bunga low, with garagn, $4.1 p-r rnnm h. 3.14 Mason, between Williams and Lnio nves. BY THE RIVER at Jenuln ftrnalt cottage, partly furnierhed; runimf months; lower rate for winter. Oak Grovo l.WIJ. liEACTIKUL modern fi-room furnlh4 bungalow ; Runny side, near Laurel hurst park ; ndults only; references. Wood lawn 3NS.1. ENTI RE furnish In it 9 of 8-roum mod era home for rent or sale; fine home and Income; central west side; rt t ernres; answer till May 1. AH W2H. Oregonian. FIVE-ROOM furnlhd liuugalow, fruit and berries, rent $.5. 1342 Rodney ave. Wdln, S44V Call from 10 to fl. 3 ACRES plowed, new modern 4 room bungalow. Garage. Furnished or unfur nished. Auto. 6 W-0S. FI V E-ROOM cot t age, near Jefferson h ig d school. 103 Williams ave. East 4tiT. Call between 2 and ft. FOR R ENT Furnished house ; gas, ln tricity; garden plot; $27 Ml a mon in 1321 Hood st. Call 4Q94. 5-ROOM modern furnished h'iw In Ksn ton. ,12.1 W. Farragut Phone Wood- lawn M97. 3-ROOM cottage, modern, light, heat. ma Included for 2 adults. P. O. Dux 74. Oatt Grow. MOIEitN 5-room lurnished bungalow ; ga rage; $U. 672 E. at N. l'hoi.e Auto. 81' -69. 8-ROOM modern house, com pi teiy fur nished. TOoxlOO lot, garage, $5 mouth. lon c:nton. 6-R0OM house for rent, furnished or un furnished, at 1046 Llvlsion. Call Tabor, MIS ' COLi'LE to chare modern ti-room houe walking distance : no objection to one child. Ea-t .-. FOR RENT 5-room bouf-e. from May 1 . to September 1. furnished; adults only. 1 297 Ienver avemie. Fo R RENT Furn I sin d ft- house, Montavllla car. East t h N. 5-ROOM biiiigaiow; garaee. to Hi S huylcr, cor. 3"th ; adults. a 11 evenings KLHNlSiIKl) modern hunualow. piano, (- race and orchard. Tabor 21V. 'I .-ROOM furnished house with garage. Call J Sat. or Sun. 1574 Hrlmont. 6-ROOM f urnlshe. SOI Glenn avenue, mnor .-" :t f urn ishei Mi V 1 Cieai Iking ft Istnnce $2.1. 24H Harrlwnr. F CRN J s H ED house for rent, garden ai in, $lH.r.O per month. M1Q S E. tid iv. 0-ROOM furnished house. Call today frum 1 to 4. 170 Knntt st. l-KOOM furnished cottage. 102." lngg St.. St. Johns. Call Col. N. Kel- 9-RooM f urnUhed house. Wiisrnette Heights, $13 A pp ly M ejz ge r- Pa r k rC x SiiCE furnished house for rent on ast side. Call Woodiawn 1 S tljj 3-R00M furniehetl house, no objection to children. MS M;H at. NICELY furn ished 4 - room h "uso, distance. Sunday. Pdwy. 174't. 5-ROOM furnished house, phone Main 4"5. 44 a ith t LOWER floor of beautiful Lsurelliurt home; owne d privately; $' '. 0. 1 a b. f J rt. 8-ROOM furnished houan for rent. C7 3 Clackamas. Phone Main 3.1?) Sun d . y. 6-ROOM c.-ean, neat, modern furnished ho.iwe ; gnra r Wood 1 a w n 4 !V SIX rooms, clean; w"ll furnished; close la; adults. East 21a 4-ROOM furnished house, bath and g $26 montU. CaU 121 Stanton st.