THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL. 23, 1922 MODEL SINGLE FOLKS, MEET THE 1922 MODEL PACKARD SINGLE SIX. SANCTIOfsI IS GIVEN SIX PACKARD HERE 1922 Purse of $25,000 to Be ... Split in 10 Prizes. Handsome 1922 Car Makes Its Bow to Automobile Row. TWO NEW TRACKS BUILT WHEELBASE IS LONGER Open House Is Announced Today Coast Experts Hope Tommy Milton Will Be Reinstated to Compete in Fiesta on July 4. by Portland .Motor Car Com pany, Local Distributors. 3 TCOlnUTORnCE Ths Portland Motor Car company, Packard and Nash distributors. iDrane a surprise on Portland's auto mobile row last week by introducing the 1922 model Packard single-six to an unsuspecting- public The new car, or rather cars, for there were three of them, two five-passenger and one seven-passenger phaeton, ar rived early last week. They were- at once the center of Interest and throughout the week large numbers of motor fans called to look the new models over. Additional models are on the way and will be here shortly, It was announced. For the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity of seeing the new car? yet it was announced that the quarters of the Portland Motor t 'ar company will be open all day to day and the public Is invUed to call. While comparisons are sometimes dangerous, it is a pretty safe bet that most motor fans will characterize the new Packard as the most beautiful car ever produced by this pioneer company and one of the most attrac tive cars ever sprung on American motordom. The new car in its ap pearance may be said to strike an av erage about half way between the Packard twin-six and the last year's model of the jingle-six. Many of the features of the twin are incorporated in the new car, which gives the ap pearance of being a larger car than the former single, although most of the mechanical features of the 1921 single have been retained and the schedule of prices is almost identical with that which has ruled for the 1921 single-six. Bfew Car longer. Perhaps the main feature of the new Packard, over its predecessor, is the lengthening of the wheelbase from 116 to 126 inches for the five passenger car. The new model also Is built in a seven-passenger model, this being a new departure, and the wheelbase for the seven is 133-inches. About half of this additional length is taken up Between the dash and the radiator, the hood being thus lengthened and the streamline effect carried further. The radiator has been made broader and higher, while the nickel radiator and nickel barrei headlights used in the later twin-six models have been adopted. This additional length and the rais ing of the hood necessitated by the radiator and more perfect stream lines, together with a hanging of the car slightly lower than before, gives the car a rakish and flowing appear ance that is exceedingly attractive. The additional length of wheelbase is taken up In the seat construction and in the rear compartment to make the seats wider, deeper and more com fortable and to add roominess to the ntire vehicle. Mechanical Changes Described. Mechanically several changes have fceen made, the most important of which perhaps is the lengthening of the piston stroke from four and one talf to five inches. Greater power and efficiency, particularly In pulling. Is the result, it is claimed. That this result seems to be justified was shown by a demonstration with local newspaper men one day last week shortly after the cars had arrived. when a five-passenger model, with five passengers, was driven up one of the Portland Heights hills In sec ond gear at 30 miles an hour. Other mechanical changes are de scribed as follows: Lighter and more rigid connecting rod, change in water pump system to provide Increased efficiency, simplified ignition system resulting in 10 per cent greater effi ciency, frame side rails Increased in depth to seven inches on the five- passenger and eight inches on the even-passenger, quieter operation , tor exhaust system, new radiator core construction. Refinements to make the car the last word in comfort and appearance liave not been forgotten, of course, as this feature is never forgotten by the Packard engineers. The color is a rich Packard blue trimmed with To lack. The arrival here of the new . closed models is being looked forward to with interest and they are expected within a short time, being now on the way, according to the Portland Motoi Car company. If GOOD RQA05 SAVE TIME f : r.i I ' xaC 1 , '' i1 v I south as r ' , rf sZhr ' r s 4 fir : f-v - -r fg J ' 'liCf8 K flJfe''5 &4a w5 r v. -F3' f vil - A ' S-fyi -iJ S Uy v " If F. C. RIGGS TELLS OF HURRIED TRIP UP THE VALLEY. CAXADIAX ATTRACTIONS TOLD Booklet Tells Advantages of Tour Through Canadian Rockies. "The Scenic Heart of the Canadian Rockies" is the title of an interest ing and valuable booklet just issued ky the Tourist Association of South eastern British Columbia and South ern Alberta, located at Fernie, B. C. The booklet is designed to portray the advantages of that section as a '. vacationing spot for people of the northwest and, in fact, the entire country. ' The feature of the booklet is a de scription of a loop motor trip, with maps in connection, ehowing what is called "the premier motor tour" of North America. The tour embraces Nelson, Cranbrook, Lake Windermere, Banff, Calgary, MacLeod and Fernie. A complete description of the road between the various points en route, so far as travel during the coming summer is concerned, is given. The booklet is profusely illustrated with photos showing scenes in that region. A larger map is also given, showing liow this section is reached from Portland and other northwest points. The booklet is for free distribution to anyone who writes to the tourist association at Fernie, according to a letter to The Oregonian, which says In part: "Doubtless there are many who live In your vicinity to whom one of these booklets would be very welcome. It la obviously impossible for us to know who they are, but if you would be kind enough to state that if any of your readers are considering a vaca tion tour, they can obtain one of them by writing to this office, it would be very much appreciated. -We keep in close touch with all matters pertaining to motoring throughout North America, and al ways hav the latest data respecting road conditions, which is at the call if anyone requiring this information "Ve welcome inquiries, and make no charge whatever for this service. 1 How to Drive on a Flat. When It is absolutely necessary to run on a flat tire keep the tire in oft dirt if possible. If the trouble oc curs on city streets run on the trolley track, rather than on cobblestones, , Fifteen Dealers, as Far Ashland, Visited in Four Days With Willys-Knight. Just what good roads mean to west ern Oregon as an aid to the fellow that wants to cover his business ter ritory by automobile in the shortest and most efficient way was pictured last week by Frank C. Riggs, man aerer of the Portland branch of the Willys - Overland Pacific company, who re-turned from a trip as far south as Ashland, during which he visited 15 dealers. Mr. Klggs made the trip in company with Pat Blake, territory man for the Willys-Overland organ ization, and despite the fact that such a large territory was covered the en tire trip required but four days, the two men leaving Wednesday morning and returning Saturday afternoon. Roads were in splendid shape throughout the entire distance with the exception of a few short stretches almost (too negligible to mention," said Riggs, "and of course it waa this fact that enabled us to cover the ter ritory that we did. It was only a fCw months ago when such a trip would have been impossible in that short length of time. Three1 or four years ago the trip would have, been impossible entirely at this season of the year and even during the best season would have required many more days. During the trip we made 15 business calls and covered the en tire trip without difficulty of any kind, despite the fact that we encoun tered rain, snow and about everything Ise in the weather catalogue. After the bouquets have been thrown, however, there are a few of the other kind to be tossed. The cogn ition of the road through the town of Jefferson is a shame and an out rage. The road is rough, muddy and ic some places nearly impassable and is certainly a disgraceful contrast to the splendid paved road reaching to the city limits on each side of the town. The road from Albany to Cor vallis is in poor ehape in a few places, although in the main, it is easily pass able. It is to be hoped that steps will be taken shortly topave that important highway. The one other outstanding feature of the trip, aside from the splendid road conditions, was the performance of the Willys-Knight touring car in which we made the trip. We had no difficulty of any kind during the en tire journey, just putting in gas and oil, and not so very much of that. "Business conditions in the towns we visited en route are all ehowing considerable improvement, although the extremely late spring has been detrimental," Photographs of nandsome new car received last weelc by Portland Motor Car company, local Packard distributors. Above ts shown a broadside view of the car. Note the increased length over the 1921 aina-le six and the hlsher radiator and more flowing stream lines. Below Is shown a front view of the car, showing higher and wider radiator, -with nickeled radiator cover and nickeled barrel lamps. NTEREST IH RACES KEEN FIRST CAR GETS WORKOUT AT LOCAL RACE COURSE. , YOUNG SEIBERLIXG IS DEALER Son of Famous Tire-Maker Now Handling Wills Sainte Claire. C. W. Sieberling Jr., son of the ex president of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber company, who is now presi dent of the Sieberling Tire & Rubber company, will distribute Wills Sainte Claire cars in New Mexico, says a re port from the Wills factory at Marys ville, Mich. A co-partnership has been formed between Sieberling and F. P. Weaver to distribute the Wills throughout the stats of New Mexico. Head quarters will be at Santa Fe. Keep the brakes properly adjusted and equalised, and do not apply abruptly or with clutch and gears en gaged, as shocks are transmitted to the working parts. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY REPAIR MAN OUT FOR HIS1SKLF. ..- . 1 i t Joseph A. Dawson. The automobile repair shop of the City Hall garage Fourth am, Jefferson streets, has just been leased by Joseph A. Daw son, who for a number of years was associated with the North west Auto company. Dawson's experience has covered cars of all makes, his position with the Northwest Auto company being one which placed him in, charge of reconditioning all of the used cars which were taken in by the company in- the sale of new cars. Dealers Stock Car Battles Prom ise Feature of Programme at Salem on June 3. With the automobile races at Salem on June S in mind, motor fana and racers of the city are rapidly getting busy putting their speedi wagons in 1 shape, and during the next couple of weeks good weather will probably see some of the fastest of the cars being given tryouts either here or at Salem. Probably the first race car to get into high gear In Portland this year was the racer which has been built up by J. Eddie Hickey during the past winter. Hickey, who, along with Gus Duray, is managing the races at the state fair grounds on Juno 3, took his car out for an airing at the Rose City track late last week. Both Hickey and Duray have had wide experience as professional dirt-track racers, but neither will enter the competitive events at Salem, it being against the American Automobile association rules, under which the race is to be held, for any of those competing to be interested in the management of the race. Hickey, however, has his heart set on shattering the Pacific coast dirt track record for one mile on a cir cular track, and is grooming his car with that in mind. He will make an exhibition drive as a feature of the afternoon's programme at Salem in an effort to set the new record. Automobile dealers, both in Port land and Salem, continue to be keenly interested in the races and the deal era stock car races promise to be among the most keenly contested of the afternoons events. Two races, one for large andi one for small cars, will be held, with a final event for the winners of the two preliminaries. Among the latest entries in the stock car contests is the Oldsmobilt company, which, according to an nouncement.of Hickey, is planning to put in two cars and Is already get ting busy putting them into shape for the battle. A number of other dealers have already entered and representative list of cars is expected to be lined up for the start of the stock races. Entries are being re ceived by Duray at the Hoyt garage, or by Hickey at the Rainier hotel. North Bank Road Closed. STEVENSON, Wash., April 22. The North Bank highway will be closed to traffic at either side of Skamania county while repairs are in progress. THE HEW Scraps Motor Car $ TOURING CAR 521 . o. a. ciKli.nt Twin States Motor Car Co. Washington at 15th. VMS CHANDLER UOTO CA CO. CIEVEIAN0 Between Underwood and Cooks road work that will cost $53,000 will close the highway till July 1. Between Stevenson and Skamania the con struction of a new bridge will close the road from May 1 to May 10. BOOZE CARS GOOD BARGAINS Auto Dealers Liable to Lose Equity, Says California Ruling. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 22. Automobile dealers in northern Cali fornia, who happen to have equities in cars whOBe owners are convicted of transporting liquor, will lose that equity, since the confiscated automo bile Is to be sold for the credit of the government, no other claim against the car being allowed. This ruling was promulgated here by John T. Williams, United States district attor ney, following Instructions from Attorney-General Daugherty, in Wash ington, In other words, the govern ment will .take the entire proceeds from the sale of any automobile con fiscated) by prohibition enforcement agents, just as it has taken the entire proceeds from the sale of any auto mobile seized by agents working un der the Harrison narcotics law. The purchaser of such an automo bile from the government will receive a clear title to the car, and no prior claim of any kind shall stand against It. TACOMA, Wash., April 23. Sanc tion for the automobile speed fiesto to be held on the Tacoma Bpeedway on July 4 has been received from the contest board of the American Auto mobile association, according to an announcement made by Walter Bald win, manager of the races. The 1823 purse will be 125.000, to be split 10 ways. The f'rst prize is 10, 000 and the second place wins I50O0. Third place will win 3,000 and fourth place 11750. Fifth, sixth and seventh places will win I1500. m0 and J1000 respectively, and eighth place takes 750. Ninth place will receive 1600 and tenth place J 250. Two New Tracks Built. Racing 'nterest this year assumes a new interest on the Pacific coast. Since the big races of last year, two new tracks have been built on the Pacific coast. San Carlos track near San Francisco and Cotatl near Santa Rosa give California the three best tracks in .the south along with Bev erly Bowl at Los Angeles. . Tacoma lays claim to the only track in Wash ington and Oregon and the race fans of these two states turn to the fast bowl out near Lakevlew for the speed thrills of the year. The battle for 1922 speed honors is already well under way and ence more Tommy Milton takes the lead. Milton has been barred from further racing on the coast, but coast racing experts are hoping that he will be re instated on the western tracks. Pietro Bordino, a plucky lad from Italy, is doing marvelous things with his Fiat and Is giving the boys a merry chase whenever he steps on the throttle. So far his car has not been able to stand the speed. On one occasion he turned better than 117 miles an hour for three laps on Bev erly Bowl. Murphy to Drive leach. Jimmy Murphy has forsaken the Duesenberg flock and will drive a Leach this year. This makes four of these cars In the American Held tnus far. With Murphy on the Leach squad are Frank Elliott, who drove at Ta coma last year; Ira Vail and Tommy Milton. Murphy and Bordino have i Joined hands to oust Milton from his perch and the crown-capped head of King Thomas Is a bit worried, it is de clared. Joe Thomas is building a na car In the south which he expects to coax more speed from. Roscoe Sarles and Eddie Hearne have both painted rosy dreams for 1922 and are doing their best to make them come true. Entry blanks have been mailed to all these drivers and the majority of them will undoubtedly face the starter on the Tacoma track on July i 4. - FORD ATLANTA PLANT OPENS Production to Start Shortly on Ba sis of 7 6 Cars Per Day. ATLANTA, 6a., April 22. Two trainloads of material are on the way to Atlanta for the assembling of the first Ford ears to be built in the south in more than a year, according to W. W. Mitchell, manager of the Atlanta branch of the Ford Motor company. The branch on Ponce d Leon avenue will be opened April 13 with a production of 76 cars a day. There will then be seven or eight carloads of materials arriving daily, according to Mitchell, and 15 'to 20 carloads of assembled automobiles moving out. Between 300 and 350 men will be employed- at the plant, it is stated, 1 ''''iJ'm F'ltiitff'l sTs'prjrsB-' iilsi t "- I J r J if f v il. I i l SM FRANCISCO -PORTLAND, New "Boar Jfecord (elapsed time) hours Jl minutes. Record made Jty a pribfe!g ovJned,sfridbskclcPasfig& JJORT Jaurin Car j The Dort on its first at tempt cuts 3 hours and 26 minutes off the for mer long-standing but often assailed record of 29 hours 17 minutes made by a much higher priced car. Some Attractive Dealer Territory Still Open In OREGON and WASHINGTON Proves again the Power, Speed and Reliability of the Dobt Motor Car NORTHWEST AUTO CO. DISTRIBUTORS Eighteenth and Alder Streets Portlssd. Orea-os being paid the Ford minimum scale. Preference will be given to former service men. According to Mitchell, the business of the Ford Motor company in the south has increased more than 190 per cent in the last 30 days, many Ford dealers having a waiting list Pocket Auto Suggested. The Louisville Courier - Journal thinks the problem of how to avoid loss of automobiles through theft will remain unsolved until Henry Ford invents a folding pocket machine. The Detroit Free Press says that then the footpads will hold up ths motor ist and frisk him for his motor car. The total motor vehicle taxes, fed eral, state and municipal, now equals 1316,000,000 annually, or more than $34 a ear. ' Noah Leads the World in Motor Car Valum THAT leadership which Nash cars are assuming everywhere throughout the, country in their respective classes can be seen re flected nowhere more clearly and unmistakably than in the figures for the annual sale of motor cars by all manufacturers. But a scant five years ago Nash stood 24th in volume of business yearly. Now Nash is in 8 th place .and that in itself speaks weight ily as to the quality and value embodied in the fours and 6ixes that bear the Nash emblem on the radiator. FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $1175 to $2725, . o. b. Portland Portland Motor Car Co. Tenth at Burnside if si tv. ' jFrFj'fi Tlm to Ra-tlra? . Greater Value Lower Prices FISK CORD TIRES 6how extra value in size, strength and resiliency. 1 Fisk Prices are lower than on other standard Cord Tires. There is no tire of better repute none that offers mileage at so low a cost, with service of uniform continuity. Flak Premlsr Tread 30 x ! S10.85 Non-Skid Fabrie SO x 8414.85 R'x-Plr Non-Skld Clincher Cord BOX 3b 17.85 Extra -Ply Red -Top SO x 3& 417.65 B!x-Ply Non-Skid Straight Side Cord 10x8 19.85 Bix-Ply Non-Skld Cord 31x4 27.00 Non-Skld Cord 32 x 4 130.50 Non-Skld Cord 32 x 4 39.00 Non-Skid Cord 34 x 4' 41.00 Non-Skid Cord 35x5 6L50 Drive Your Car in Comfort You can aroid the strain of constantly WBtchirv? the road for bumps and ruts if your car is equipped with Gross Air Springs. They smooth out the roughest roads and absorb all shocks. Write for "Comfort, Economy and Safety folder. BURNESS AUTO WORKS 12th and Everett Streets Portland I o Grass rtolitqs m Pneumatic Cushion Co Patentees and Manufacturer, Baa 1 r.sclnco.