TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 23, 1923 ID ITELP WAX TEDFEMALE. ORCHARD MANAiiLR, 3.0 y-ars old. mar ried, understands best orchard practice, has operated for ten years the third largest orchard in the state of Wash ington.. Have obtained best financial re sults and can show the best of refer ences. Open for new position now. write C. O., Ilu3 EUGENE ST., HOOD RIVER. OR. KKLP VAXTEP WITH fyTESTTEKT, f SITUATIONS WAXTED MALE. A BRIGHT younff woman can make a good income on commission basis by proper application of her time. , Reed-I reach Piano Co., 12th and V; ashiiit'ton sts. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICa Office Employment fepeciaiiats. Cail on ua for office positions. Telephone for competent office help. Broadway 6iii3. 504 Spaldine Bide. COOtv Srr.ail hotel. $0, out. Waitxes. $ 40 B. . out. C oo k for fa o s p i tai. $ 50. 3 R. maids, $50 each. " Good cooks in, private oomes, $05-$70. Housekeeper. $35. SCOTT EM P. OFFICE. J Henry Bidg. JEED c:npct-nt persona to take phone calls and will either employ beginner out oi Dusintss conege at small saiary or will give free office to public stenog rapher with a guarantee for work done; good future connection. Write J 610, Oregonian, GET INTO advertising, unlimited de mand for trained women ; write for book "Increased Salaries and Promo tion." Page-Davie Corr. School. Mr. Paul. Rep., 521 Hoi lings worth bldg, Los Angles. SklAKklED women whose husbands are earning a good salary should not occupy positions which men can fill, but here is one which only intelligent, neat-appearing women un fill, h or intervis ad'lp-ns Box 2'.S, city. W'AA'T A No. I automobile repair man, hop foreman and service man. one who t is capable of assuming full charge of ( shopmen, turn out jobs that do not have to be done over run the shop and men so will show a profit. If are not ex ceptionally good man and can fill The biii don t take up my time by answer ing this. Put phone number in. It are capable enough to take position. AM 5ao. Oregonian. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. WANTED. With small investment, 1 sawyer. 1 millwright, 2 loggers with steady posi tion. We want hardwood logs and stumpage, also clear spruce and cedar. Cants, 332 Railway Exchange- bid. Broadway 4336. UNIVERSITY graduate seeks employment f of any kind. Business experience lim-j ited, but would stay with an opportn-' nity to learn and advance. Has had i experience m manufacturing and buy ing and selling. Tactful andv courteous, and capable of meeting the public; good Judge of human nature. Canvassing and soliciting will not be considered, R 53L Oresronian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ITELP WANTED MATE OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife without children to work on ranch. Man handy with tools, woman dean cook. B J 557. Oregonian WANT a teacher of advanced. English lor evenings. 581. Oregonian. STTCATTONS WANTED MALE. WANTED loucg iatly lor paint and wall paper store; some knowledge of book keeping, one familiar with paint and w all paper preferred; $15 a week; Protestant preferred. AM 500, Orego nian. ' ACT K Sri S 3 MORE YOUNG WOMEN FOR VAUDEVILLE! ACTS; MUST BE ATTRACTIVE TYPE. MISS HIGH. J LEA c E ANSWER AGAIN. PHONE MR. WAYNE. MAIN 2S0S. GRADUATE lawyer, thirty-six married) with five years commercial practice, considerable general business experience, also civil engineering experience prior to law. wants position with reliable firm. Tabor 1437. MAN and wife desire to manage clubhouse wife experienced, good cook, and man ager; man experienced in commissary and managerial positions. AV 480, Ore gonian. - ALL-AROUND mechanic, age 37. cittaen can do any kind of repair work; wil! work on anything where a handy man Is needed only. My past experience. Steam engineer, boilers, gas engines, plumbing, tinting, auto repair shop; also very bandy with carpenter tools. W. An gust. 520 Kearnev st.. Portland. Or. A-l SAWMILL bookkeeper-accountant. 33, now i Portland, wishes to form perma nent connection with iarge sawmill or logging 'company; able to assume entire charge of office; or would consider place as assistant; a personal Interview will not obligate vou. B 588. Oregonian. i.N ALERT middle-aged man of educa tion and refinement, resourceful and versatile, ' with initiative and romance enough to have a perspective, wide, up-to-the-minute business experience, accus tomed to meet leading people in Wash ington, D. C, New York: and Chicago, very much desiring to make Portland his name, seeks employment of some kind. My contact with people, broad knowledge of things and events equip me for executive work, but willing to accept subordinate position until ability is demonstrated. Is there a market for my-services-and will someone interview me? M 61 J, Oregonian EX-SERVICE man, 30 years old. badly in , need of work, has had experience ma rine officer, checking cargoes and freight shipments; also hardware line; desires position with future prospects. A 609, Oregonian. YOUNG, ambitious married man, mechani- ca.ly inclined, have worked at anto re- pairing, pain-ting and carpenter work can drive auto, would like something mechanically but will take anything as t am in need. K. 6io, Oregonian. HIGHLY recommended and wen educated . man with 7 years experience in farm ing in Oregon is open for a position as farm manager or foreman; will consider running a paying property on share basis; am a hard worker, American, and have the best of references. AC 591, Oregonian- ; SITU ATTON3 WANTED FEMALE. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL . WANTS PLACE TO ASSIST IX -gMALL . FAMILY. ROSE CITY PARK OR LATJRELHURST. TABOR 37111. SECRETARY TO CHAIRMAN of great Chicago bank available Jtrae 1st, for position offering opportunity to one of her training and enthusiasm for work. Law. real estate and supervisory experience; enviable record: best of ref erences. AV 470, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants posi tion. 12 years exp.. 8 years in city; am married man, steady and, reliable; will take anything and make good; best of references; employed at present; best of reasons for changing. Phone Tabor 1365 all day Sunrlay. after 5:30 week days. EXPERIENCED orchardist and fruit grower and farmer,' desires managerial position; steady and riable, character and ability, A-l references. AV 479. Ore- gonian. SAW FILER, 18 years' experience on cir cular and band saws, wants steady po sition ; five years on last job. mill of 125M capacity; married, 34 years of age. best of references. O 58S. Oregonian. roCNG marrie.d man energetic and hon est wants position, can handle public, some sales and office experience ; will take anything to ,start. F G-5, Oregonian. WoMEN f erred. wanted lo work, married pre 311 N. 21st. Bdwy. 2729. Wanted Domestics. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GTTNETt AL HOUSEWORK; $30 MONTH. TA BOR 3721. VanTKU Experienced girl or young woman for cooking and general house work on farm; modern conveniences, food home ; must be fond of children. Address box 40. R. 1, Hiilsboro, Or. COMPETENT girl for cooii eral housework; must be city references required; Marshall 419. ng and gen experienced ; best wages. "WANTED A woman who wishes a home with email salary for caring for baby and assisting with housework. Auto, 216-52. . W A N T E D-l I u use keeper who la a goc-d cook. Capable and neat. Pleasant sur roundings and good salary. BD Oregonian'. KKAT competent girl for cooking and general housework. Good place lor re liable person. Call mornings. Auto. 318-39. lHL to assist light housework; small apartment; must know and like children; good home; steadv position to good jriri t 2 0 mom h. Bdwy. 5 SO 8. GARDEN or iiiwn work, by day, week or job, experienced also in janitor work; would like position in office building or Dustness nouse; oest ox reierences. Phone E. 4837. GENERAL mercnandise man, 12 years' experience in furnishings, shoes, gro ceries, wants position, capable manager, buyer and salesman: best of references; a real man for a live business; can go anywhere. AB 585, Oregonian. CLASSY small home planning and building service. I have made a study of this problem and would like to explain how I can save you more than enough money 10 mane my services cost you notning. Mr. Wilson, phone E. 760. after 4 P. M. WE GUARANTEE our work. Wall paper ana tinting cleaned, floors waxed and - polished, carpets and rugs dry cleaned on tioor; let us demonstrate; tinting specialty. Mr. Post, Bdwy. 3835. DON'T try to get a position till we press your suit lor. 4o cents, .while you wait. Joy, tne tailor, 104 4th. near Stark.. JOY. THE TAILOR. 104 FOURTH STREET. POSITION wanted by young man experi enced in timekeeping, log scaling, log ging costs, bookkeeping and buying of camp supplies. V 624. Oregjnian. SHTNGLERS WHEW YOU WANT SHINGLING DONE, MAIN 6100. WELL qualified plumbers' helper wants work, 2 years' experience, able and will ing, non-union, age 27. K 606, Oregonian. PAINTER, decorator, best material and workmanship and the price will suit you, too; satisfied customers is our reference. Peairs, East 3009. YOUNG single man, 4 years' hardware ex perience, good salesman, with knowledge of bookkeeping, in or out of town. BF 59fi. Oregonian. " POSITION as truck driver or chauffeur with 7 ycars experience; can keep up machine mechanically. Phone Miner, Main 7867 or Main 925. ; I WAN T a posi Lion as truck driver or tractor operator. I can do my own re pairing ; at reasonable wages. Aut 10-S6. YOUNG man desires position as chauffeur in private family. Am at present era ployed. Can travel anywhere. Recom mendations. State conditions in first letter. BF 587, Oregonian. MARRIED man. eood education, reliable. some office and KAiiine- exnerience. best of references, wants office or other light worn ; moderate salary ; have J? oro. Phone room 1. Marshall 974. CONTRACTOR and builder, W. F. Hart, 351 E. 50th N. Phone Tabor 8250. I will draft your plans; give you esti mates; no extra charge for plans or supervision n i ao your worK. SHINGLING We specialize in reshingling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction, guaranteed; estimates tree, FARMER Married, experienced handling horses, machinery, milking; will provide tent for living quarters if necessary: want steady position. Room 7, 1062 Union avenue. CARPENTER A-l finisher, day or con tract; mo objection to repairing or small jobs. Call 300 Gantenbein. Phone Wdln. S440. YOUNG LADY to assist in housework. good pay. good home to right party. 243 "A Grant st. PROTESTANT maid for general house work ; ad ulrs; liberal time off; good wages; reierences. Main Q.S72. GOOD cook for family of 2; references re quired. o2 Kearney st., Monday er Tuesday afternoon. RELIABLE woman for general house work in plain modern home, good wages. Sellwood 1123. JBRIGHT, clean girl wanted to assist with housework; hours rrora s to o:do; wages $35 per month. 1551 East 6th N. WANTED Competent girl for general Housework, ranniy or 3; yvestover rex race. Cali mornings. Mar. 4404. - 3SKAT. reliable girl to assist with house work, inq. Princess Theater,. 6tn and Burnside sts. Phone Bdwy. 4058. WANT competent girl to come in by the nay for housework and help witn baby. Main 8375. WOMAN for general housework; good cook; no laundry; small house; refer ences required. Main 1SSS. W A N T fc. D G i r i for general housework Apply quarters 19, Vancouver barracks, Vancouver. Wash. SAWYER, circular or band, able to do millwright work; 10 years' coast expe rience; married, age 37; wants steady position; references. D 593. Oregonian. WANTED Position as pressman and all round man on daily or weekly publica tion. II. W. Lang, 553 Hoyt St.. Port land. Or. MIDDLE-AG ED man wishes to work for private party to care for lawn, flowers and main himself useful around the piace. BF B84, Oregonian, GET YOUR PAINTING. KALSOMINING AND SIGNS BEFORE THE RUSH SEA SON. 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE. BEST REFERENCE'S. TABOR 208. CHAUFFEUR, 10 years, any make of car, to drive to San Francisco or to New York or any points east; references; wages reasonable. Tel. Mar. 5074. EXPERIENCED landscape gardening; lawns leveled, seeded and rolled. Bdwy. 7ft!2. Res. Main 613. ARTISTIC LANDSCAPE GARDENER. Good work for good peopie. Wood lawn 4123. . 21 AND MARRIED A worker, office ex perience as bookkeeper and typist; work at and learn anything. E. P003, apt. 4. GIRL to h'ilp with housework and baby for room and board and some wages. East 4(19. GlKL wanted to assist with general house work. bi4 Northrup, corner 26th. Call mornings. CAPABLE woman for general housework on farm. Mar. 3220. after 3 P. M. for cooking and Call Wdln. 3205. general Gl RL for general housework, $25. GlKL for general housework. preferred. fc.asr 4.. 4. foreigner CAPABLE girl or woman for general housework. Phone East 5578. EXPKRi EXUED maid for general house- w o ru and cook: goon wages, wain. 2671. WAXTLD Experienced cook; good wages. Phong Sell. l.M. WANTED G.rl tor general housework. ,i:T,i:y of 5: all adults. Phone East 59. GlKL for general housework. $25. East I'ti'.t. 4N7 K. 24th st. North. f "GlKL to 4is.-ist with housework, $2 per month . P hone Sis-oi. RELIABLE girl for general housework; 2 adu'tN. Cull Tabor SO (5 3. YOUNG man, experienced in battery and automobile work, wants steady work. X 622. Oregonian WHAT have you for an office man with 15 years' experience? Clerical work of any kind, bookkeeping or stenography. AE 579. Oregonian. -' EXPERIENCED, competent logging and construction timekeeper and commissary cierk wants position, age do; goou. rcx- erences. a?sa. uregonian, STEWARD, storekeeper, pantry man, hotel, restaurant, club, resort, anywhere ; ex perienced,, references, moderate wages AE 589, Oregonian. CIVIL engineer, surveyor, draftsman, seeks employment anywhere and would consider a connection outside the en- gineering field. AG 576, Oregonian. 2 MUSICIANS, doubling, want theater job; would manage; trade land for theater. Portland, Vancouver. Cremona violin for sale. Geo. Hendrick, Irrigon, Or. EXPERIENCED bricklayer wants brick work, new or old ; references ; bake ovens, boilerwork. mantles or chlmneya Woodlawn 14S9. NEAT young man, 21, wants job driving after 12; careful driver; 5 years experi ence; knows city well; beat reference, Sellwood 2S36. EX-SERVICE MAN, collector, salesman and office experience, wants permanent position; will leave town., AN 590, Ore EX-SERVICE man wants work, spading, farm or mill work, phone Main 333. ask for Warlnner. EXPERIENCED man wants housecieaning or spading garden. Call all week, Broad way 3t4r. CEMENT finisher by first-class mechanic Broadway 6001. day or contract; Prices reasonable. MAN and wife desire managerial position of good apt. house; experienced, A-l ref erences. AV 4t. oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants jam tor or watchman. BD gon an. work at 594, Ore PAPER hanging, painting and kaisomin- ing, G5c per hour, guarantee good work, by reliable party. Phone East 6 tic. CARPENTER foreman with 15 years' ex perience wants position; houses or gen eral construction. AG 579. Oregonian. ADVERTISING man open for engagement moderate charges for whole or part time A 601, Oregonian. WANTED Work by middle aged single man, day or night, clerical preferred. AV 555. Oregonian. PAINTING, INTERIOR DECORATING; BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMAN SHIP. GAITHER. MARS-HALL 2703. CtH D home, $12 month. liKiit hot AH ROO, sework, 2 adults; Oreponian. W A NTEI A girl for general housework. Main 5SI3. WANTED (Jirl to assist with housework ' n rami ly. Auto. 312-38. GIRL wanted, to assist with housework. 774 Everett st. HFIP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. GARAGE AND OIL STATION. Fine opportunity for a young man to get in business fur himself In one of the ;ose suburban towns; good garage and tools. Price $4o0. For information and location us personally. O' PA KRK1.L-GRE LI.NER. rt""-4 Chain, of Com. B:dg. Bdwy 4172. SALES MA N AGEH W A N TE D By e s ; a b -iishd Portland manufacturing company producing ready sailing product, with splendid reputation and wide field. Must be abie to Invest $3iKM). Good salary and irofits from investment- P 619. Oregonian. I W ANT au t-xperitneed advertising man; one w ho ru n handle co! lections : also do some selling. Have beon established one year; Investment of $350 gives half in-tt-rest in business. Closest investigation. K 6'.'7. Oregoni;in. PAINTING. PAPERING AND KALSOMIX- ING We use lead ana oil ana save you money. Tabor 232a. PAINTING. PAPERING, KALSOMINING GET YOUR HOUSE PAINTED. PRICES THE LOWEST. AUTO. 624-30. PLASTERING BY CONTRACT. First-class workmanship guaranteed. East 2)ll. CHEF, cook, first-class, wants hotel, resort or restaurant job outside Portland. L lii 3. Oretronian. EXPERIENCED pastry cooks and baker's helper wants steady position. Call SelL 3314. WANTED Graveling g-irdening, lawn work, spading; air first-class. H. A. Runge. Broad way 4201. Portland, Or. PRINTER Ad and job man. competent, city or country, available now. X- 589, Oregonian. ESTIMATES on your spring painting and decorating. Kinder & Peterson, Mar shal 1S2S. BOY. 17. WISHES work in store or any light work ; can give references. Call bet. 4 and 8 P. M. 104 E. 67th st- N. WANT position as band or circular saw filer: will give best of references. W 624. Oregonian. - WANTED Mining mt-n from superintend ent down to muckers who can invest small sum of money in producing coafc mine on co-operative basis. BLACK BEAR COAL MINING CO. ftp 2 ( rog'nia n HHg.. Portland, Or. KLgl'; lb' services of capable office man to handle .details of automobile saies organization handling best light six on the market; Investigation and references asked and given; $.Oi0 to $10,000 re quired. V 620, Oregonian. l. KfKST-CLASS carpenter who can invest $22,"0 for one half interest in a going contracting firm; money secured; unless you are willing to hit the ball, do not rvply. V 57 7. Oregonian. HAVE several good manufacturing propo sitions; need from $."000 to $10,000 with services. Come in and let us talk it over S. BORLAND. REALTOR. Henry P-.l.g. 4th and Osk. it AM to shine shoes;"' nifi-ke $4 to $5 day. $S to $t Saturday; dandy location; must have investigate. 322 Failing bidg. Broadway 6 2 H. WKAT k VT TLR Make more than big Wages, be indenf rtiirtr : xvn iirfi 1 nnnnr. tunity; must have 53-0 cash. 322 Failing I r,.ig. ay rous. JEWELRY salesman and watchmaker wishes to connect with responsible par ties. Y 500, Oregonian. MARRIED man needs work. Painting, kalsomining, enamel work ; furpiture or floors polished. Maclin, Main' 1515. YOUNG man will tend car for room after May 15. Clean-cut, reliable,-experienced. References. Mr. Sutton, Meyer's garage, Tigard. - MAN, seasoned in salesmanship, with 15 years experience as organizer, 10 years In northwest with one national concern, wishes to change for position where traveling will be negligible; city refer ences exchanged. Address Box 293, Portland, Or. " STEWARD-CHEF having thorough com -prehenslve knowledge of catering, organ ising, handling staff, desires position; rtrst-elass references; over 20 years' ex perience. Phone Marshall 1081. McDuffie. or write 2n-s Grant st.. Portland. 4 OR 5 HOURS a day for general cham ber work in hotel preferred ; reliable colored woman wants light housework. no washing, no furnace, no children and no aogs to teea. p&one Auto oil-it. room A SITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmaker. DRESSMAKING, isdies' tailoring, 'wraps etc. ; 18 years experience. Phone Main 7444. 746 Irving st., near 23d St. Clara Housh. DOCTORS coats, nurses' uniforms, aprons, sport skirts, house dresses, made rea sonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. 333 Mohawk bidg. Main 7 M'PL'S DRESSMAKER, expert designer and fitter, $5 a day, by appointment oniy. .No phone calls ans. 3t? East ga st. ENGAGEMENTS- by day. experienced dressmaker; remodel suits, gowns. East 7MKJ. STRONG, practical nurse wishes permanent piace alter ay A, to care lor invaua, cripple, or mental case. Have sunny, cheerful disposition ; musical, optimis tic; versatile. Can maka soma one hap py. F 578. Oregonian. A LADY of few years' experience would like the managing of an apartment house or housekeeper's position in gentleman's home; no objection to one child; no triflers. Telephone East 951. Apt. . Call between 1 and 4. YOUNG lady with clerical experience de sires position: best of references. Have also had some experience in grocery store. Call Woodlawn 721. WANTED Home for girl of good ante cedents, age ,13. with educated, genteel people, where she can assist with house work before and after school for room and board. Address Q 620, Oregonian. Bnokkeeiwrs. Stenographer. Office. OFFICE assistant engineer with a thor ough knowledge of bookkeeping and cost keeping desires position in Portland; 3 years office and field experience in en gineering work, 8 years in bookkeeping; a valuable man for contracting firm or ti-rober company or any other concern desiring more than an ordinary book keeper; good references. Phone Wdln. 148. EXPERIENCED office manager and ac countant, qualified to handle accounts, correspondence, credits and collections, wishes position with wholesale or manu facturing concern that Js growing and , has a future ahead. Willing to work hard to help build a business. Would like opportunity to become financially interested if services prove satisfactory. References furnished. R 594. Oregonian. REFINED woman, past middle age, posi tion with elderly couple, care of sick, light duties or companion; moderate sal ary; references; would leaveJcity. D 60S, Oregonian. COMPETENT lady cook, middleaged. with several years' experience in hotel and cafe work, as dinner cook or pastry and salads, hot rolls, etc; reference. 60S, Oregonian. WANTED Charge of apt. -house, good class only; similar position in Long Beach, Cal., for past year; excellent ref erence. Husband works. Auman, 478 Taylor., apt. 30. SNAP for good dressmaker. Call Broad way 3143. N. A. Plummer, 201 FUed- ner b!dg. " HAVE your spring sewing done by an ex perienced modiste and designer. Broad way 9t9. THE MIGNON DRESSMAKING PARLOR will do all kinds of sewing very rea sonable. Main 6192. 381 Yamhill St. EXPERIENCED dressmaking; reference. Phone Mar. 2453. . N arses. GRADUATE nurse will give medical treat ment, massage, surgical dressing, etc., IN YOUR HOME. First hour $2. each succeeding hour 50c. Broadway 3306. EXPERIENCED middle-aged practical . nurse wishes maternity or convalescent case. Will go any piace. ireier country. Phone Aut. 325-54 or O 500. Oregonian, WANTED TO RENT. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, np-to-dat lists of dsr.rsbl rumished and unfurnished bouses, apart menu and flats, with definite Informs tion pertaining to each; steeping room a Newcomers to Portland will find thli bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WS HAVE many clients waiting for va cant bouses, fiats and stores in all parts of the city. Bring tn xour listing and get quick returns. Halt, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 23U Cham. f Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 7581. WANT TO LEASE, on or about Jun 1, for 1 year, with preference to buy, fur nished or unfurnished 5 or 8 -room mod ern home, preferably close In, west aids, Irvington, not over $50. Best references. R 57. Oregonian. WANTED To rent by May 1, furnished or unfurnished 5 or 6-room modecn heme, preferably In Irvington or Rose City Park, not over $70; best reference. Marshall 505. WANTED Bv trained nurse, one or more light mental or nervous patients to care lor m my borne; best oi care anu, uiu treatment. raoor 4iui. HO FT R I. T MlRSlNli SERVICE. drtMsine. hatha DACks. Hlbl, Irrigations, hypodermics, etc Miss A, A- Hilhar, graduate nurse. aiam uw. NURSE Electric treatments, massage all diseases; female disorders. bell OOd 2039. NURSE will be open for engagement April 26; hospital experience; saiary io i week; best references. A 54 1. Oregonian. IP TI RED of medicine, nurse will diet your stomach and nerve ills away Gresham, Or., Route A. Box 226. LADY. COOK. excelleDt on pastry and meats, logging camp, road camp or mill boarding house; can manage large crew. References if desired. Marshall 224. YOUNG man, 24, wants a bookkeeping po sition. Has a practical knowledge of the grades and the manufacture or mm- ber. Bookkeeping course In business college and 3 years accounting in Uni versity of Oregon. Good references. BD 5S0. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT having fifteen years experience is open for a position; capable of assuming entire su rArv1wirtT rrt vonf work; satisfaotoTV ref erences furnished. Call Fence. Broad way 1910. for appointment. BOOKKEEPER, typist, beginner, 26, half way through snortnana. aesires position, energetic; don't be afraid, will make good. Give me a chance. Exceptional character. Write G. M., P. O. Box 47, city. MAN havine 10 vears' exnerience "in rail road and express worK togetner witn LaSalle extension university course In traffic work, desires position as traffic manafer. u r ?".. u re gon i an . FIRST-CLASS office man and accountant wishes responsfble position; prt e years auditor and office manager of very large local con-m ; very best references P O. drawer 752. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher desires permanent position with reliable rirr n; good rereiremoes. v Oil, Ores-onlan. EXPERIENCED accountant will keep books for small concerns, make monthly statements for average of $10 month systems Installed. Hayes, PrTwy. 5913. NEEDED immediately office work of any kind oy married man; ornce manager, accountant and credit man, 12 years ex- perlence: reference. E. 579. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, several years experience, efficient general of fice man. wishes permanent position. Tabor 756R. COST accountant, 17 years, practical ex perience, age 7, open ror engagement May 1st; reasonable salary. Address M 613. Oregonian- STENOGRAPHER and general office man, lumber experience. P. O. Box 543, Portland. POSITION, chauffeur or clerk, good ref erences, thoroughly experienced. AF SOB. Oregonian. PRINTER All-around printer (married) wants permanent position; experienced m both news and job. R. N. . Raines, 1326 Polk St., Corvallis, Or. FIRST-CLASS tailor and cutter wishes employment; will go anywhere. AO 679, Oregonian. CLOTHING cutter, also oloaks and over alls; able to operate cutting machine. u uregonian. CHEF, cook, experienced in hotels, clubs or restaurants, reliable references. X 623, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED meat carver wishes Dosi tion in good cafeteria, first-class ref. a.i uregonian. ACCOUNTANT, 12 years' experience, pub lic ana private, aesires connection witn responsible firm. B 5S7. Orgonlan. EXPERIENCED hotel chef wishes posi tion in or out of city, first-class ref. Marshall 5607. X 588, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 21, wants a position as ap prentice Jn wholesale place; experienced driver. Woodlawn 30nfi. MARRIED man wants-any kind of work; can drive car, good salesman. H 585, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING, small sets; systematiz ing, auditing; low rates. Phone East 9144 evenings. WILL mix concrete, $1.25 per hour, power mixer, wheelbarrows and tools. Phone East 733. between 6 and 7 P. M. EXCAVATING contractors, plowing and general teaming; estimates free. Phone East 7569. 407 Kerby st. Portland. PAINTING, tinting, enameling, by day or contract; country work. Wilcoxon, 1814 E. Davis st.. Tabor 6588. YOUNG man wishes position in store. Can trim windows ana write cards. AF 676, Oregonian. SHINGLING, ble, work Automatic reshingling; guaranteed; 325-16. prices reasona estimates free. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position. Can drive any rmiKe car and keep it up mechanically. East 156. WANTED Work for 3-ton truck; prefer dump for lumber or log haul; go any where 11 & B.. 1071 E. 29th st. North. MIDDLE-AGED man with clean habits desires a position as janitor or night watchman. Auto. 641-17. PROMPT and accurate service. Will call and take dictation. Call Bdwy. 2157. Myrtle B. Smith. BOOKKEEPER with general office expe . rience Is open for position. G 621. Ore gonlah. ' ACCOUNTANT, experienced in all general lines, desires position in office ; young, active, speedy Phone East 3847. LUMBER invoice and. order clerk, young man, capable handling all lumber office detail. N 5SQ. Oregonian. AUDITS made, systems installed; books kpt; Income tax. vMaIn-6S. Salesmen. EXPERIENCED, capable and well-educated salesman, 36. is open for a position with a reliable firm offering a staple line to druggists, grocery and confec tionery trade. Will cover any territory; am a hard worker, reliable and will gladly furnish excellent references. AH 584, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE salesman with car. Lib era! proposition. Prospects waiting. 407 McKay bldg , YOUNG woman desires light housework In kind family of adults. This is not a matrimonial ad. 133 3d &t., Ind impend ence. Or. LADY, middle-aged, will keep house for gentleman; no objection to children; or will cook for 2 or 3 men; would leave city. AO 578. Oregonian. LADY, refined, wishes home surround ings, Protestant family, rather than large wages; references exchanged. B 618, Oregonian COUPLE, strangers in city, the woman cook and man as helper, guarantee sat isfaction; will go anywhere, road camp, logging camp or small- hoteL L 583. Oregonian, PRIMARY teacher wishes position in good family after May 20; preferably sea shore; best of references. Box 143, La t-enter, wasn. pta apticai. mi rsA wan is eneaeement gives massage; no objection leaving city. Miiwaukie lis.x. POSITION as office nurse, 2 years" train ing, typist; city references, av ooo, w gonian, GRADUATE nurse wants position, eirice or sanitarium; massage nyaroinerapy. Hast $851. . INTELLIGENT, refined, practical nurse win taite case; pnysiciau ic.'iw. Mai-shall 2B1K. YOUNG woman of refinement and ability wishes convalescent nursing by day or week. Tabor 1263. SWEDISH massage in your own home; la . dies only. Miss Poulsen. Wd'n. 978. EXP. PRACTICAL nurse will da house ork reasonable. East 74 46. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes case, $3.50 a day. Call Main apt. s. NURSB wishes position, expenencea; rei erences. East 2oda. . REFINED lady wants Phone Auto. 317-37. maternity case. FIRST-CLASS dance player and all around pianist wishes position at Bummer re sort; orchestra if desired. Tabor 4461. AP 584, Oregonian. FANCY curtains and draperies carefully handled and laundered; best of refer ences ; work reasonable. Will call and deliver. Broadway 4239. TOTINO ladv with little srirl of school age, wishes employment as waitress or cham bermaid in small town hotel; have had experience. Mrs. Hazel Gray, buyer, ur. RESPONSIBLE woman wants day work Tuesday and Thursday; especial atten tion given to light wood work: refer; ences. ftione taat ro. . . WOMAN teacher of many years' experi ence in French, Latin, pnysioiogy ana mathematics wants position for next year. AV 447. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED manicurist wishes posi tion at once In Portland. M bio, ure- gonian EXPERIENCED woman with sick wishes work during day; references. Marsnau 3033. i . - YOUNG woman must have work; pressing. clerking, waitress or aay worn. can Bdwy. 4822. , CURTAIN and drapery making, also re modeling, reasonaoie ana eipeneuwu. Auto. e44-88 EXPERIENCED couple want apt. or rooming house to care ror. rnone xsawy. 4891, apt. 8, Monday A. JM. GIRL wants hotel work or work in ex change for apartment or cleaning, .-at 8862. apt. 1. EXPERIENCED, reliable lady will care for children in noteis or nomea; niter noons and evenings. Bdwy. 6705. rm. 1. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position In hotel, cafeteria, restaurant. asi 0000, apt. 111. GOOD laundress wants worn. Auto matic OdO-M- Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. BUSINESS woman, efficient ana capaoie of meeting the puouc, aesires to von u em with an established real estate firm, with a view to learning the business. Thoroughly experienced on books and handling finances. Can also use a type writer, look after correspondence and take some dictation. A-l references. AR 585, Oregonian FURNITURE salesman, ing experience, wants Oregonian. with manufactur a position. R 689, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. RESPONSIBLE woman will care for chil dren afternoons, evenings, 25c hour. Woodlawn 6613. . EXPERIENCED maid wishes work in residential or commercial hotel work. Phone Broadway 6777. REFINED capable woman wishes position working housekeeper; good plain cook, references. AE 580, Oregonian. GIRL, 22, four months out of employ ment. wnai nave yon to orrer paying living wages? K 604, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hand laundress wishes to take work home, including curtains. Sellwood 1851. Called for and delivered. COMPETENT girl wishes position as doc tors or dentist s assistant. au osii, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman cook wants po sition out of ctiy; ranch or camp pre ferred. 395 Yamhill st. Room 6. POSITION as manager in apartment house or hotel ; no woman boss. 392 Taylor. Apt. 2. " . EXPERT landscape gardening; new lawns. liOwere, teas, pruning. tiast o:U7. ALL ROUND BAKER with 2L years' ex- penance. .'i 4n ave. a. js. Aut. 627-SQ. HOUSWCLEANING. all branches. - fine -ork P. .). Rnwe. Phone Broadway 1303. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants day work. Phone Woodlawn 2705. CARPENTER wants work. Woodlawn 1H62. Call after 1:30 P. M. LAWN, garden and odd job work at rea son able prices.- Aut. 629-70. MARRIED man must have work, odd jobs, references. Ph-me Walnut 701 S. ' EXPERIENCED billing clerk wishes posi tion. W 5 i '2. Ore g on lan- I -TON TRUCK wants hauling with reli able business concern. Tabor 3793. HANDY' man wants work with carpenter. Painter. Call Marshall 2500. LATHING. $3.50 per Phone Tabor 9471. M. Ask for Hall. WANTED Work as car washer; handy arornd garage. AJ 583. Oregonian. LOWKST prices cava ting of all on basements and ex kinds. Auto 543-03. LESSONS given in grammar grades' studies; backward pupils a specialty. Marshall 981. OUT OF STATE stenographer and book keeper; 14 years' expsnence aesires po sition; preference lumber. Will start $110 per month with prospects of ad vancement. Call - Mrs. Good, cashier, Multnomah hotel. STENOGRAPHER A-l; past several yra. with larg firm; good personality; un derstands bookkeeping and office detail; wants work of any kind, any line, by hour, who'e or half day, temporary or permanent. A 614. Oregonian. YOUNG lady, 5 years experience general office work and bookkeeping, wishes a place where can use initiative and be more than Just an office machine. C 607, Oregonian WANTED Practical nursing, by day or week; references. Marsuau tn. UNDERGRADUATE, strong, capable, any kind of cases: references, wain. o FOR a capable, experienced nurse, physi cian's reference, call Mar. 349. NURSE. 2 yrs.' hospital training, 5 yra. practical -wtirk. Mar. 875. EXPERIENCED nurse, care sick, invalid, elderly pi convalescent. Phone S2b-J4. PRIVATE maternity home, best cax to patients; price reamam . Aaa. GRADUATE nurse. Call East 7864. Housekeepers. rvrxn. woman with little boy wishes position as housekeeper for refined gen tleman with good home. Mrs. Clark, W. 690 Irving st, NEAT, middle-aged widow wishes to keep nouse tor wiaower; jwwuiww Give phone or address, BF 563, Oregon ian CAPABLE person with daughter 12 yars, desires position as housekeeper; city ref erences. Phone Auto. 614-19. or write Y 620, Oregonian, NEAT respectable housekeeper, warns job in widower's home with grown child or for two men; no truiers, uu 1809. MIDDLE-AGED lady with 3-year-old girl would like housework at Seaside; small wages; can give best references. ( V b-1. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeping by settled reli able woman for widower or single man. Address N 592, Oregonian GOOD cook wishes position in small camp or widower s nome wua uxiuuicu. 1736. Apt. 2. HOUSEKEEPING Neat woman. 38, wish es housekeeping, call aiter x r. u East 3d st. AM 538, Oregonian LADY with little girl wishes position as housekeeper for widower wiuu tmmicu. AL 588, oregonian. REFINED eastern lady wants house k e e p- er s position; gooa nome. gonian, WIDOW with schoolboy wants position as rooming house. E 584, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED Swedish lady, with child. 3, desires general nouaewui wn. WjNT position as housekeeper for one or two men; no oujecuuu t. v." ' 639, oregonian. EVENING gowns remodling, beading work guaranteed. SUi i-anam a oiu. WANTED Position as chambermaid or housekeeper in apartment noue. r" Aut. YOUNG lady wishes housework. 35c hour and oartftre. tseii. rmo. HEMSTITCHING 8c, while you wait. Panama blag., sa ana aiuh. PLAIN SEWING done, work guaranteea. Phone mornings. Aiain an x. TELEPHONE BDWY". 6053 for competent office help 01 every description. Quick service. Williams Personnel, 504 Spald ing bidg. Stenographers, bookkeepers. POSITION by business conege graduate; shorthand, typing, office training; some bookkeeping and banking experience; reasonable salar". A J 494. Oregonian. THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau furnishes all kinds of office workers. Good types of girls registered. Refer erences carefully investigated. Main 481. Domestics. Apartment. WANTED Large 8 -room apt., unfurnished as party has .piano and some furniture; must be modern, steam boat, good loca tion and reasonable; 2 ladies wnpluyed. Address Y 595, Oregon w. WANTED By young man-ar?Ul his mother, small furnished west aide apartment with sleeping porch. Must b reasonable. If suited, will keep at least a year. W 585. Oregon tan. FURNISHED apartment with kitchenette by first of month. F 584, Oregonian. KiKiniB. A REFINED middle-aged business woman (C. S.) would like a comfortable room in a Protestant home with soma priv ileges. Walking distance, west side, preferred. Reasonable rate. BF 597, Oregonian. for urn. FOUR room a Ta bo? t;:ii. I nf urcihed Kwm. 17th s&d Ka.witfO. phone ROOMS. 1 c!njw in. rest siue; gnragc Kam aid. cheap. O JS. t'rpcn.an l urnUUrd Ttoomw In Pruatw amity. OCMFORTABLE room with Sll home prr llega, with or without brahfal. fr on or two girla employe J. uciy ocvupti' , are two girls, ao mplojd; rfr-nrr ; exchanged. Broadway V-i on bund or Main 3425 during w iek. IRVINT7TOX home of refinement aa at tractive room with a'eping porch, suit able for two or three; xr-lnt borl ; home enn ventencra. C. S, Una biorJe from Broadway car; 20 minutes t city, wm- race. 523 K 2M h M.N. Phone Wan i ' WEST SIDE Near public library. Oan. light front room; 2 windows, big clothes closet; for 1 or 2 gniltmen; reason able; Only I mi a. w tc to bualnena ua trict. 228 10th st. Phone Ma in t 7 M. FRONT auilB, I urnibrd in m hominy, twin beds, te!tphon, hot and coid wtr In room, fin view. cloa to bun n center, refined private horns, 321 12th. corner of Clay. A LAKGfi room, with avary con veiilnc. for 2 girla r 2 young men who want to do their own cooking and save nirn. large enough for man and wife without childrrn. Phone Tabor 134 , NH'E. LIGHT. LAKcYtf F RUNT P 0 M. WITH ALCOVE. MJITAHLU FOR TWO; BREAKFAST IF PsIKfcD; WK.-T 8IDE; WALKING DiisXANCJfi. MAIN 76M. VERY att ractiva rooms, beautifully fur nished, pa. lor, piano, home prlvt;cra; rates S3 50 up. el N. laih at. Broad way 2721 . WILL some graduate nurse who want a sister nurse to share an apartment or room get in touch with room 01 Cor nelius notel at oncer YOUNG MAN wants room, garage, side, near car. J 620, Oregonian. east WANT a furnished room, BO 435, Oregonian. garage near by. WANTED 2 unfur. rooms downstairs, or sma.l house near caa. B 615. Gregorian. Rooms With Hoard. ROOM and board for 8-year-old boy in Couch school district; only responsible people need apply. C 507, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board for girt 10 years near unnton is.eiiy ecnooi, v. o. prefenrd. AR 50ft. Oregonian. WANTED Desirable home lady. Requires little care. 501, Oregonian. for elderly East aide. M CONGENIAL young lady wishes room and board in private family. 84U3 or M 624, Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished or partly furnished room in nice nome, ti. k, west siaa. tiive pnone. k. d., uregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. BUSINESS man and his mother wish lower floor or share In modern home of elderly couple or widow who would be of occasional help and- company to mother. Must be clean and surround ings cheerful. Sunnyslde or east side preferred ; must be reasonable; ref er- ences furnished. E. 623. Oregonian. WANT furnished housekeeping room near uist st. ana sanay Diva; state rental. R 613. Oregonian. QUIET couple wish housekeeping rooms. urntshed; private family. A tiua, ore- gonian. BuHineM Placer. LET US RENT your hou.e or store. Smell commission cnargea. our system Drings dozens of inquiries daily. For quick ac tion, see ANCHOR INVESTMENT OO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bidg., Third and Alder. BRANCH of manufacturing concern de sires to lease 4uuu to 40UO square feet of storage and office space ;Jgive par ticulars and lowest price. v7 577, Ore gonian. 1 SPACE large, enough for 2 to 4 cars to ao light repairs; concrete floor; west side. AG Oregon Ian- Miscellaneous. TO LEASE Small acreage, close In, with buildings, tor chicken ranch. Call Van Horn, Main 1035. FOR RENT. NICE small room for lady, with kitchen privileges. 23 1 Fifth st. NICE large outalda sleeping room, one or two girls, 15 minutes' walk to Broad way and Washing ton, very reasonable. 500 Market st. WALKING distance,"' nicely furnished room, all modern conveniences; une of library, piano; suitable for lady or gan tleman. 31 12th, corner Montgomery. kltclien 2;l. or iking ROOM In newly f urn tubed hom privileges, furnace hat- Kaat ' call at 185 East 10th street. V , d intanre. LOVELY large newly furnished room; strictly modern; walking distance; con necting bath; priviiegs of por i.es, par lor and yard Phona Fast 3113 ' FOR- RENT To a quiet gentleman only, one light, airy room, in a good noma, walking dlManc. Irvington, $-1 a week. Call East 8772 Monday n:ornlng. VERY pret ty. briKht, unity room, e ei convenience, very suitable for genilp man; exceptional surroundings; reut 12. Phone mornings, Esm fi'.iu. 2 FURNISH KD sleeping rooms, aiao lar 3-room flat. Call Sunday between 10 A. M. and 2. and also Monday and Tues day, Aut. 3V')-34. LARGE pU-asar.t room for two girla or room and garage for man; break feat and dinner. C &. prsferrad. V3 Everett at. COZY little room with kitchen privileges, 313.50 per month. Alao nice big at no room 1 7 per month. Phone Mar. 1727. N. 23d and Love Joy. LADY, alone, will rent room to worktt g woman cheap; housekeeping privile; will care for one or two children; good locality. 1102 4ith sva. S. K. PRIVATE siecpuig t uonw., kitchen (i tv. leges, man and wife or t wo employed girls, with mother and daughter 13 yra t45 month. 410 Harneon. A pi. 3. sIODKRX, NEWLY Fl'K.. COR. HuOMS; LIGHT. AIRY; BLOCK FROM OAK. TABOR 2211. 102: E. MAIUSi 'N. NEWLY furnished front room, a.o rear room, kitchen privileges, lady's home. 33 5th, cor. Harrison FUItNI.NHKD houaekt"iiiig and ale:pir.C rooms; neat, clean and reasonable. OiU Johnson. CLEAN furnished alt ping rooms, r-fme.i home; walking distance; 1 block iron Wash. st. 05 22d at. N M;un NICK furnuhed l'f-pi:g rooms foi a-tuli that wish a good place. 451 lutb street S. 3 per we k. CLEAN slinking rnotn for one or two gentlemen, 38 month.. buO Jefferson si., n-ar 14th. 2 NICELY fur. rooms, furnace heat, hot and cold water, free tele p none. Ail i. 23d. Bdwy. 2300. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, neat, clean and reasonable. Sv Johnson. FURNISHED room With kit' hn lt. 1 sleeping room, modern, reasonable, cioe in. 3tm 12th st , n'-ar Mill. NICELY furnished light, airy rooms, walk ing distance; break fust If desired. Oft E. T iylnr. East 0.V" 3. FurnUhed Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL 2j Washington BL clean, respectable place to live; free phones Jn each room, automatic elevator, large, comfort able lobbv. restaurant connection; near Washington park. Mult com an ciub ana hospitals; reasonaoi rates, cay. weeK or month. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST AT EAST 6TH QUIET DICiNIKIED AND REPINED $1.23 PER DAY, $3 PER WK. AND UP, CONVENIENT A LI NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL BEVERLEY. COR. PARK AND YAMHILL STS. Newly renovated snd furnished, mod ern, large, airy rooms: we cater to re spectable people; transient SI up; rates to permanent- guests. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st., at Washington; rates $5 per week and up. 31 day ; fireproof. large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements an d shopping center, THE JEANNE D'ARC at 265 14th St., fo business women: rooms, hot and col running water, with or without private bath; moderate rates; meals to .tran sients. Mam 3429. GIRL employed in office wants place in good home to worn ior rwu. fare; experienced. O 624. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wishes piace in small family wnere secuuu ueiji 62o, uregonian. NEAT, dependable woman wants a home in a plain Ajnrisiiaa h"jh , BC o 1. oregonian EXPERIENCED camp cook, can handle ira-e crew. Wdln. 4542. 411 Sumner St., Portland. - Tr.YPTT.RlEXCfiD bookkeeper and general office worker wishes position. Could handle all work in small office, Aut. 517-52, EVENING work, longhand. fast, exact copy or confidential secretary work. 89 N. 18th st. apt. 33. ' EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing and some cleaning for nice familiea Prices reasonable. AM 597, Oregonian. YOUNG woman, college graduate, wants several hours work dally. J 578, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER, cashier, switchboard hotel EXPERIENCED and competent stenog rapher with splendid references desires position. AL 587, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes general office position ; best of references. Main 7U3. YOUNG lady dTesires position, experienced in general office work; small salary to start. Woodlawn 5560. PAINTING and tinting, first-class . w ork and material. Marshall 1416. WANTEi Woik for 2-ton truck. Uast 2$S ask for Haughton. PAINTING, tinting, first-ciass work guar anteec Phone Eost 326l. WINDOW screens, mirrors and furniture repairing and cabinet work. Wdln. 1487. IF WANTED basements du or excavating done, wardens plowed, call Tabor 3739. JAPANESE labor contractor. Japanese Labor Ass'n.. 4th and Everett. 510-92. MAN wants work w-ith light delivery car; reference. O 5S5. Oregonian. PLUMBER, first-class work, guaranteed, small or large jobs. East 4SS2. WANT shingling, new and reahingiing. Hall, Phone Tabor 9471. EXCAVATING. Chas.' Cheeseman. Woodlawn 624. GARDENER, experienced by hour or con tract. Main -76.", ask for M. Spragne. Jl AN WITH furnace inst in estHhiishe kr.ii ledge of plumbing and lation to buy i- interest business; price reasonable. '.inCav P. M. WANT unmarried man as partner in good cash business, out of town; corre spondents preferred; large amount not required. M 5:7. Oregonian EX i'btvlLNCF D nurse or good business woman wanted as assistant to doctor for a rest cure sanitarium. Mast invest sma:i cspml. V .VM. Oregonian. BAK ER'S helper, 3 years' experience, wants work ; married. Wdln. 700. PAINTING, tinting, 1 est and bst. Mar. it-class work; cheap 000, room 216. CARPENTER, good finisher, buiit-lns specialty, day or contract- Main 7422. PLOWING AND EXCAVATING. General teaming reasonable. East 8873. BAKER, good second, all around wants steady position.' Main 631S. CARPENTER work and repairing. esU matos on all work. Phone East 0453. COLLECTIONS attended to on commis sion basis; references. K 608, Oregonian. or cafeteria checking. East 115. -315. Miss HalL WOMAN wants cleaning around restaurant or night janitor work; references. Ta bor 6S06. EXPERIENCED cook wishes position, nice home, city references, AN 591, Oregonian. GIRL wants position as grocery clerk, day work. Thoroughly experienced, good references. AO 509, Oregonian. COMPETENT woman desires position as mgr. of apt, house. Ref. Phone Tabor 3688. ' EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day or hour; cooking, waiting, ironing. Phone Bdwy. 2253. Call evenings. COLLEGE student desires work part or whole time in doctor's or commercial office. B 584, Oregonian. EXTRA typing or stenography wanted in evenings; satisiaciory worn an-a rates. Cail or write 203 custom house. Housecieaning. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace tininir. floors waxed, furniture pjt- ,n-Atf md tip.ri windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, las Phntiman at. .pnone aiam 11 V BRIBE ST WINDOW CLEANERS, rni.i' i hi a iuzi. Honaecleaning. floor waxing and vac uum cleaning: estimates cheerfully giv en; best of references. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. &-ROOM. modern, in good location; might ' . ...haca if satisfactory. Ke- ihu tenant, and beBt of care of v,rt,1Q Q nH arrounds guarantee. Rent must be reasonable. C COS, Orego nian STttMO.-BiCKFR.. wide exp., quick, adapt. capaDlt office management; commence May 1. JN pal, uregoiintn. EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper-ste nographer wants worK in or out or city. Main 941. INS. STENO. wants Vt day work. (3 wk. East 9050. Apt. 5. STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of book- It e epingwantsposrtioj YOUNG woman wants housework by hour. Tabor 4567. s JAPANESE woman wants housework small tamlly. R 59-3. Oyegoman. RELIABLE woman wants work by day or hour. F 5S5. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR; 10 years; careful driver; no tobacco user. Tel. East 4433. HXJr ERIENCLi driver wants steady work, ti uck or touring car. K 59. Oregonian. C ARPSNTER No 3ob small. Wdln. 309fl. too large or too LET ME figure on your house gutter. A - P. And erson. Sellwood 1Q52. GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE STOKE KEE PE R. Y 577. OREGONIAN. SEC-Av 1 N D bake to. 319-33. job. or CAN use 4 turing plant q 5 machinists in manu:'ac rttsocah; investment re .T0. Oregonian. W A. . I E D V o uns map. w k h Fo rd oa r or bug. Stea-iy pos. ;;on. Good saiary. In vos: ont lrtO. K .-!--, Oresro-iian. W U..L tJ;e ady w mo St-art I who ca i Vii p:ase a 3 ! r. ? WANTED invest i MisineFS. j u-et came in from at 7t5 Dekum biug. stenographer who is abie to substantial manufacturing AL ri.'tJ. Oregonian. PA K I N KK, estaot:5hed woodsaw business. p.enry worK. email investment required. m S w e t Lm. n d h ; 1 ' g . WANT young ma with Ford bug that can invtiit $100; permanent position, good salary. E 515. O repor.ian. 6EATTLE advertising business, half Inter- Pawn aiar. 2le YOUNG married man wishes carpenter work in city. Main 4598. Leirrits. PAINTING, tinting, paperhar.gmg; abie: guaranteed. Auto. 327-7H. reason E. 7.". wood sawing, any place in city, phone main 824. PLUMBER wants work, small jobs, re pairs, low estimates. Bdwy. 2583. EXCAVATION, dirt hauling and concreti Tt-ork. Phone 317-56. evenings. o build your Autp. 630-25. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East 230 day time on,y 240 East 8th st. CAR PENT ER-con tractor house or repair old one. EXCAVATING. GRADING, DUMP WAGON W ORK. W T LN. M;i2, YOUNG man wants any kind of work. Sellwood 33 14. PAINTING. 1 rejsonanie- good work. CEMENT WOHiv. HAVE MIXERS. TELfi PHONE TABOR 6TS1 HO US 3 painted. 3.)0-3t5; rooms tinted, rarsrir.g. "rc roll. Wdln- ROM. SYSTEM A TIC gardener and pruner; best of roferences. 42 E. Wash. East S400. : CARPENTER wi ! home. Manny, WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Auto. fi30-02, room 16. - GIRL wants morning work, half day. Call Woodlawn 3439J ANNIE HUNTER would like day work. laundry or cleaning. Phone Sellwood 142. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work or chambermaid. Sell. 2S71. YOUNG lady wishes half aay otfice posi tion. Walnffi 7033. CHAMBERMAID WANTS WORK. PHONE MAIN 877 RELIABLE woman wants any kind work; will get dinners. Tabor 33S3. EXPERIENCED, clean, economical cooki public and business places. Bdwy. 2S96. LAUNDRESS wants Prices reasonable. washing by . Aut. 325-83. day. BEAUTY shop operator wants work, in or out of town, ai pa, uregonian DAT work for Monday and Wednesday. Marshall 3S19. STENOGRAPHER desires half day or hour woric. Marsnam vo. STENOGRAPHER Beginner, desires office work. Aut. 323-cu. POSITION- by first-class stenographer, best of references. O 591, Oregonian. LADY wishes bookkeeping and office work; experienced. East 1004. WANTED Clerical position; some typing; several years' experience. Wdln, 1173. EXPERIENCED generaf office girl wishes place in lumber otrice. aul 01 i -o. LUMBER invoice clerk wants position. BP 592, Oregonian. D ressma k erg. MRS. W. W moved to , L YENS of 149, 13th St., has 681 Hoyt. Main tJ3. EMBROIDERY, linens hemmed; infants wear, men's silk shirts. Auto. 646-14. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, alterations and plain sewing; $6 and op. Tabor 6623. MILLINERY and dressmaking by day, $2.50 and carfare. Call Tabor 4151. DRESSMAKING or tailoring; references; $3.30 per day. Mar. 2194. PLAIN dressmaking done reasonable. East ' 2414. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day. Sellwood 2540. DRESSMAKING and remodeling, $2,50 day. Woodlawn 4547. MEN'S laundry done, clothes repaired, che: p. 402 4th St. Marshall 6059. EMPLOYED woman will assist for home ( DRESSMAKER, experienced make-over. DRESSMAKING by day,, guaranteed. 75 E. 30th. East 694. or alter your' evenings. C 602. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants work; good repairman. East 9050. Apt. 5. PAINTER. -;aFt 351- as helper or day work. Call between and 10 A. M. YOUNG nun who can do plain lettering or wishes instruction. 320 H 1st st. EXPERIENCED sash and door gij v.-anTs v- .r. R 'llL O'gTian PLOWING ana fearrowins. East 7&M. KALSOMINING. work done right, satis f a ct i on assured- Davis. Main GOOD carpenter, ne able. Marshall 1S"H. w and repair, reason- BOY, IS, wants s ftni small pay. place on ranch for board 1721 East 9th st. LACE CURTAINS HAXD LAUNDERED. 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196. FOR the care of invalids, convalescents, "c h ; 1 d ren . phone Mar. 349. $3.50 day. Room 20. Bdwy. 5652. DRESSMAKING, reasonable. 122 12th St., near Washington. Bdwy. 3070. FINE dressmaking at reasonable rates; a I so first-class tailoring. 403 Cook ave. EXPERIENCED woman wants nursing or i EXP DRESSMAKING by day; satisfac bousecleaning. 35c hour. Aut. 647-76. 1 tory ref.; alterations. East 7665. CARPENTER First-class finisher C i An'". 61 2-2 t evenirgs. "i WANTED LATBULNi. TABOR 70 COLORED laundress wishes, work Thura- DRESSMAKING MEN'S SHIRTS SPE days. 35c hour. Phone 525-28. t CiALTY. TABOR 3424. EXPERIENCED woman wants housework EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $3 day; r housekeeper. B. 592, Ore gonian, ' dxea a day. Woodlawn 965. ' anjt TO LEASE, Westover Terrace or Portland Heights home. We nave parries wuu responsible. Call Mr. demons. F E. BOWMAN & CO.. Bdwy. 6776, ixt v rTp.f ww tt urnished modern house. Mvni(n to university; will care for summer with privilege to rent for year, would like fruit, berries, chickens. Ad dress Mrs. T. H Zurcher, Enterprise, Or. WE HAVE many calls for houaes and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents, n A WAGNER CO., 230 Stark St. - WELL iurnianed house, not less than 3 bedrooms, in desirable neighborhood, from May 1st to Sept. IsL Pnone Main 3886. 6 OR 7 ROOMS; would wait , until June if a suitable house may be secured. Any good location acceptable if close to school and oar. A 6U7, Oregonian. WANTED Small modern house, unfur nished or furnished. Portland Heights preferred; best of references. William. A. Healy. Marshall 326 i BY MAY 1 Modern -room house, un , furnished, by responsible party. East 2707. SMALL suburban cottage. furnished or partly furnished, within 5 miles of city limits. BJ 598. Oregonian. WANT to rent house about 5 rooms, $0 or less, might buy. Janitor, 346 Yam hill st. . WANTED to rent, clean 4 or 5-room fur nished house; give rent and phone num ber. L, til, ureswnwii FAMILY of three adults want furnished five-ioom bungalow for one year. Mar- W ANTED to rent, 4 or 5-room furnished buneaiow; state location and price. W 5b3 Oregonian. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list moderate-priced rooms for young men in an parts or th city, including rooms a the S M. C. A., with phone in each room, snower baths ana .ciuo iaciimea EUCLID HOTEL. 678 Washington. Clean, cheerful rooms with or without private bath. Attractive -rates to perma nent. THE HOTEL ROWLAND. 207Vit4TH ST. The hotel for rates, service and Iocs tlon. . Rates $1 per day and up. With bath 1.50. Special monthly rates. HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates ti day ; a week $5 and up private bath, $8 ; fireproof and clean. uiose 10 business center. HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th St., cor. Stark. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths; phone; reasonable rates: $6 and up; hot and cold water, steam heat. MATTHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up; clean. light, hot and cold water; steam heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. ' Attractive rcorr.s and suites at reason able rates by we;k or month. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 632ft vvasning.on at. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate; $3.50 week up. Mdwy. 6831. WHY NOT have a furn. apt. while in town? 3 mod. rooms, private bath, $12.50 per week. San Marco, n. sin ana ioucn. bast ivw HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th st. 2 blocks north ox w aeningtoo st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suitesyat very reason a Die riu: ay a&j or ween. 2 FURNISHED rooms and kitchen, phone. bath, lights, steam neat. Adults, 234 East 18th st. 2 NICE, iight, airy bedrooms for rent; also 1 basement nouseneeping rm, 43 xam hWl, acrosw from Mallory hotel. TWO SINGLE sleeping rooms in modern apartment, nome privileges u deal red. East tt 1 0. HOTEL COLLINGE. 321 4th at. Nicely furnisnea room, .i.ou weeK up. not and cold water In every room; transient. HOTEL OCKLEY. ilrrisn st. at 10th $1 a day; m eekiy o and up; Tree pbone and baths; light and airy; eteam heat THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Aider; A RE SPECTABLE DOW.NTOW.N HOTEL; $J up. Rates by week or month. CLEAN sleeping rooms, $1.50 per week and. up; oatn; loooy; wanting aistance. 412 N. 19th at. ARTHUR Ho i EL, 170-41tn at., near Mor rison Clean ana monern rooms oy aay week or month at reasonable rates. 50c DAY $2.50 week up; large, absolutely clean rooms; oatne iree; water always h o t. Hotel Ca dillac. 3d. near Jefferson. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Sts. Specla 1 .permanent rates. SMALL, unfurnished or partly furnished house in uenton or vitum. j Oregonian. WILL buy or rent flat or house, walking distance on west W 576 Oregonian. WANTED By May L modern ti-room un furnished house or bungalow; responsi ble party. Call Tabor 328 EMPRESS hotel, 6th and Stark st. Nicely furnished rooms at mooerate prices; s pecial weekly tates; centrally located. STEAM-HEATED furnished room, all modern conveniences. dj4 Loucn. apt. 3. Between 17th and 1Mb. TRY THE COMMODORE; for room anJ board. 694 Everett. $10 UP, 54 N. ltKh, 2 blks. off Wash.; sleeping; and light h. k.; gentlemen pref. NICE, clean rooms. $3 up. 231 6th at., 3 blocks from Meier A. Frank's. LAKGL pleasant Hit h East 472. room, close 2 40 K. SLEEPING room, hot and cold water, large clothes closet. 393 West Park. WANT to lease T'-room house or 6 rooms .nrt nini Dorcn. irviiiEion ausinc:. Eat 4240. 'I SLEEPING porch with stove, garage or wiv-r t rpnt 7 or 8-room furnished housa, e-arkmg space, amo wen rark. preferably irvingionu x"iiuiiw ami. 'a LK."i.-ncu luums i-n i.n. . . or Bieep or Main 4y. ine. Aiar, ium, i.rani st CHOli'E room in 5-room aiearn-heattd apt.; walking distance; reasonable. 10 y. gu-iri Sunday, or affr ft. NICELY lurnifhed room; .tt'.iui h t, phone, walking distance. 6M Wash. U, Apt. B. NICELY furnished, large front room, down stairs, suitable for 1 or 2 gnt lamer ; renonable ralea, Cell Hrtwy. 09 2H. LARGE, light, will furn lulled front roam; private biit h. Splendid location ; 2 gen tlemen 35 N. isth. B-lwy. MM. FURNISHED room In ateam-hented apt., no other roomers; Nob H ill i t strict, walking dlwtnnre. Call Bdw y. B 1 h IRVINGTON, near 17th; comfy room la home on East Broadway car line. Lat 1276. FOR RENT Iarice p.-aaint ronrru C v in. Rent reasonable- For gentlemen. Ka-t LAU R El '11 L'HST, nirt-ly furnished b ej.lng room in lovely home, evry ronvenleuct-; block to c.-ir. Tnbor 24.17. TWO VER Y nicely f uriilnhid ruotue for reri t, with or w 1 1 ho 11 1 nrK; In bt at part of Irvington. Phone East tf'M. LOVELY room, hou' k.- p.ng privilege, steam heat, fine neighborhood. laih'-s 'only; rsnnnhle. 4T S 2f h at M 4 oj . KLKGANTLV suitable for prtVHte bnine luruiHiu (1 Iuikh lrunt roiini. 3 yi!.g m'-n, tn a awtjt , clrse in. 71 Trinity pi.x-.-. PJvIVAThi home, mod rn. cl an front ron - with or without m-al; aito garage; ne other ronmerf. Ea-t SttH. 2 BEA L TI 1- L'L ironi rooiuK. men only; walking distance, with or without buar.l, Phone Katt 4433 or rail 3:H Irrah'-e ft. tctm-lii4id room Coiuin- W E LL- F U R N 1 S H E !. for gentleman. 3u7 11th at., hta. Apt. E. Marshall 4H. NICELY furnished rouin in Ladfl Addition, all conveniences, walking distance. Kat H7.1S. HOI Ellintt ave. LARGE front room w.th twin b--da; furniture; very close in; t aide. 13th st. VERY pleasant rooms. Just renovated. $13 and up; walking niwi-tnce. ai;n 4 . 1R VI NGTON Elegant ly I urn' abed r lovely ali-fptng porrn i-u ' mt ijju FURNISHED rrom. walkins disience per month. 4I4 E Ankeny 3-ROOM com plett ly furnished KS5 En f T.imhill WELL- FURNISHED room for gentleman. " 251 10th st. LOVELY room, alden Hal d ietrlct, om- in, w alking distance. aiaisnaii jx 1. ROOM for rent, laity pref rred. 4.3 b 1 m 1 h s t. North. E i iMi . ONE LARtiE sleeping room, aultable foe two. rnn Davm st. jinwy, 1 small pore 11, nwn. ciio.t e rum r S12. 60.' E-ertl. B.lwv. a LARGE, airy roundinpf, r 1 aatlt re i! t FURNISH ED room, ba th. fr Ittdy ; walk ing distune. L'l.' Mean in u.n m. FURNISHED sunny room, $12 per month Mar. 2IH4. 47 Clay at. LAIUJ E, light sleeping roum for 1 or 1 men; walking "n. 'ranl iv. LOVELY room in Rote M' 1 V. it home privilege. t a'l Tanor '- EXTRA fine seeping room. -Crt sine. Blwy, n.Stl. VERY pleaeant room, very reasonable 71 Hoyt at. Main ?"4l. 4tt N. 21HT Room with forage., private en trance, running wntr. eler. Hiwy, i:mi, WIDOW will r-ri.t p. lit LARGE, pie.i-St.nL room fur ) uuug N. 2lt. NICELY fu-nish'-d le.pnr room. M:t!1son p.t. Mnreha .1 NICE larae airy r-om. watktiig ( lamnie. private lamity. reafunau.i1. mjiwt i . NTCH cl-in natm in autfui hi.ititi, s walking di:anr .'-i 1 " n st, BEAUTIFL'L front 'till f'J 1 or 2 s. n. ROOMS, single or In 'iite. rMMti;i rates to congenlaj pi-npi;. no w y. VERY p,tfcint larKH froi.l r.m . til hu comfortw ; refereiu i k ru t t-i NEWLY furnished, "t- am hte, r...n t;6 Couch, bet. 1 7 t n a'i1 " J' NEATLY f nrnit.tie-1 - front room floor f or r ?nt m4".4 20It 14TH. SEAR J f: mode rn cor, veri.- r. 1 FL "R.V1HM ED 171 H l'h t. ' c s i ion, ( hoi.-'- r-o i, v, t ', U tni ill "t.i n 1 t" ten;. lnja ROOM and board for n'li-ini-m rcl. ill modern convenient. wjihih n mn', $5 pe r wee k. A tit p2 : 1 1 1 E jtn Nlt,E front room for k- nOn.en mny, rn""- ern, dose in. mi atuc, Automatic 51 HO. LEAS A NT. weil-fmnUh d r-iuni. Ih t without board., hea t. r if h. phune, pr ' e hom', clone In, S04 llo t. VERY neat rooms Ttir buj.iri'" I.l.ea m r. i frntlemn; breaaiaai 11 u"i.ri-.i . v WANTED To rent 8-room house, Irving- j w tr-T SIDE. Urije furnished rwoiu, $1J. too. preie-rrea. isat 0x1 1. Ht-ufr cauie iu ju&ia MeNa, MARTHA WASH IN f,,f K.rli". rriwii rt ' - r. :t 1 HI I . iuiAUi) and rt.o.ii. ho:it pi -