THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. APRIL 16, 1923 12 REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. BUYS ON OREGO.V CITY IINE. EVERGREEN. On paved river road, fliffhtly 3 acres Willi fruit in bearing, fine spring. 6-room bouse. nev garage and chicken house. This is a location much admired and the owner lias just consented to selL You i. ...-v.. n k,i H r er thla ulace away under value at 6500; J2000 will 3aa.ii die Tour opportunity to buy in this choice location. Sites 100x140 lyn. corner of Pacific highway and Courtney road- Choice sites at uv. . beautiful tracts before they are i all gone. OAK GROVE-PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 2hi acres right on the highway, now In pasture, if you are looking for a garden spot with rich dark soil. A won derful Fpot for nursery or home. Large never-failing spring. For quick saie owner is offering for $3250, terms. KIVKR ROAD AT CONCORD. We are placing on sale a number or igbtly home nests facing on the high way, which can be purchased In "-cre tracts for $S50 on easy terms. Land all cleared. In this tract are some that face right on the river with prices that will appeal to you. TOUR HOMF CONCORD STATION. Right on the hard surface highway, a beautiful 9-acre tract. All in cultiva tion with a large orchard consisting of pears and prunes, other fruit and ber ries in bearing. Woven wire fences; 7 room house with fireplace and electric lights and gas; 3 bedrooms and bath. Water system, new garage and small barn. A lovely location. Owner would accept a Portland home in good loca tion as part payment. Price only $1400, balance on terms at 6 interest. JENNINGS LODGE ACREAGE. Five 1-acre tracts, each facing on Jennings ave.. -within short distance of electric line. This is choice acreage, rich, dark soil and good drainage. Own er is nonresident and will sell for $500 per tract; terms. MKLDRCM. 4 acre in this beautiful district, on good paved road, lies between Pacific highway and river; in bearing or chard, balance cleared. Price only $650; $325 will handle. 1 acre joining above, a sightly loca tion for your home. Some bearing fruit. Fine view of the river and surrounding country. Oniv $1000. terms. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONT AG EL Neany 6 lots right on the river. A very pretty location, lies high, above all freshets. Fine native trees. A beauti ful building spot. On good road short distance to Pacific highway and electric line. Price only $1200. Terms. PACIFIC HIGHWAY, MELDRUM. 1 Vj acres right on the highway with moVlern 7-room bungalow, family or chard in bearing, beautiful shrubbery and native trees, garage, large, modern chicken house, gas, electric lights, water , system, complete in every detail. Price i only $7500. Terms. VIEW PROPERTT. tVz serea located at Park place, splen did location for country home. Partly w oonea, nne spring, rich sou, wonder ful for grapes or an ideal location for chicken ranch. Owner will sell on easy terms or will accept a Portland home snd assume. Price only $2500. JOHN E. HOWARD, viho makes close-in acreage on leading highways his specialty. 318 Chamber of Commerce. CANBT GARDEN LAND. Nine seres wonderful loam soil, new land just cleared, 7 acres in cultivation, balance timber and stump pasture; all fenced with woven wire. 4 ACRES IN AMBR K'AN WOrER POTATO KS ; 1 ACRE STRAWBERRIES; balance fop garden truck and corn. Wood cut to last f years: standing timber for another 5 years' sup ply; 2-room house, garage; good well and pump ; 1 m ilea from Canby. Wonderful place for straw berries find chickens. PRICE $3200. $300 CASH will handle. Six full acres Canby Garden Land: sandy silt soil; 3 ACRES IN STRAWBERRIES. ONE IN RHUBARB. ACRE IN AS PARAGUS; 50 pounds peas planted and up; fruit: 2O0 White Leghorn lions; 100 Wyandottes; 220-egg incubator. BEAl'TI FUL BUNGA LOW WITH FIREPLACE; good barn; fine henhouse ; water sys tem. This handsome country home on maiu road, l? mile of paved highway; h:gh school. Price $6500, half cash. If interested in some thing guod, see this at once. Owner going east. We also have a number of other improved places in the Canby sec tion and some places of from 4 to 10 acres in cult i vat ion but with out buddings, which we can sell at very reasonable prices and on easy terms. FRETT AG-MEEDS CO.. Realtors, Gladstone, Or. Oregon City Carline. Phone Oregon City 269-J. c OAHTENT HOME ACRE TRACTS. TOTTR OWN" TERMS. Only 7 mites from courthouse on Ore gon Electric- 40 electric trains daily; fc commuter's fare: gas. electricity. Bull Rim water; close to station, school and stores. Name your own terms. Biggest bargain on market today. Will be sell ing for double tlie, price in less than 3 years. Prices $60o'per acre up. lOOxlOO building sf tes, 3 blocks from G. II. station, and you can name your own terms as low as $10 down. $.1 month. For sale by owner only; no commission. Prices $400 to $600 for 100x100. lO-ACRK. SACRIFICE. $.1300. A wonderful bargain is this 10 acres Tooated on D-d st. and only half mile from electric station ; high and sightly with magnificent view; 5 acres in culti vation : a i re of full barring fruit trees; 5 acres beautiful fir arove: Bull Run water in street ; gs and electricity close. Worth double risrht now. Half cash will handle. No buildings. Trade price $5000. and we'll take rooming house or residence. MfCORMK1. 207 Failing Bidg. Broadway 74 'JO; Sunday. Alain 931ft. Listen Garden Home is much closer to the center of Portland than many districts m the city limits. livery city convenience, minus city taxes. Pay $10 or $20 down, build a shack to start with, s,nd kiss the landlord good-bye. Come to Garden Home today. Sunday. Owner on ground all day S'uaiday to how this proper ty . P hone owner. Mai n 93 IS be fore starting and we'll meet you at Gar den Horns station. WEEKDAYS. JOT TAIT-.TNG BTPG. L POULTRY FARM. Four acres, 7-room house, barn, chick en house, cherries, pears, apples, black berries and strawberries; near school, store and highway, on gravel road; $3200; terms. WILLAMETTE REALTY CO., 433 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. So ""ACRES. Clarke county, 9 acres under cultivation, on good gravel road, fair house and barn, chicken house, nice water power, rich land, 32 full bearing Lamport and May Duke cherry trees; all for $3001. lift! STOCK EXCTL BLDG. B- ACRES, all in cultivation. 3 acres old orchard, f acres rich bottom: barn- and rarage: well of water: city water soon; on good highway. 4 miles from center of cltv; 20 minutes' drive to public mar ket. Price $4,200. oa terms. H 620. Ore gon! an. E. 01ST, NEAR G LI SAN. One or more acres: cheap as farm property; one block from city car line; Bull Run water; electric lights and gas; very easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. ItiSH. fcXTRA good 10-acre tract for chickens or fruit: 4 acres cleared, I acre slashed, balance easy to put in crop; on highway 2-3 miles from town. Will sell cheap and give terms or trade for late model ngnt car. kciso rteaity co., tve:so, vvasn. &1-ACU E tract ; also one-acre tract at Rockwood, 8 miles from city limits, in high state of cultivation. $450 and up. Terms. Wdln. 6603. Consider trade for city income. GRESHAM 100x370. nearly one acre, fine soil, level, cultivated, beautiful view, $350 takes it; your terms. W. M. Vmb denstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. ir:s. TEN" ACRES, close in, east of city, near Base Line road; will sell for small cash, balance easy terms 7 per cent. This place Is partly improved and will sell as is or under cultivation. Auto, 626-19. ACRES acres. S acres, inside or out side city. Electricity, city water, city school. $tn payments. ROGER W. CARET. 1211 N. W. Bank Bldg. "INK acreage tracts, improved, some with bulidings in and near Beaverton; drive out Sit nd a v. stop at Beaver ton office. C. H. Fry. 015 Stock Exch auto. 527-57. WILL se'l rich cranberry acreage reason able; also 4rt acres, containing choice spruce and cedar timber. Owjier. 1330 E. Tav'or st. 13 AORluS. 1 mile west of Tuaiatin : 1 1 under cu'tivation. 2 in timber: will sell all or any nart : $350 per acre: terms. o 14 stock Exchange io ACRES. Buckley ave., near Base Line; partly cleared, with oM house; some trade, easy terms. Phone East 3219. PRICE $600. I acre block from Metzger. CSC A R A LD KH TON, lirs E. Yamhill. 4i ACRES. Mi. Scott. 1 a miles from Ients, 11 seres cleared: small house, bam: S'l.'HMl. X .":S. Ore-iron Ian. l'Ol"Il ACRES, house, barn, near Multno mah station; $3oH. Owner, 907 Wil co bltig. BCAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage TEN ACRES, 2& miles from Oregon City, 6 blocks from electric station and grade school; gdod fences; rocked road; loam soil ; 8 acres under cultivation ; spring and creek: 2 acres pears and apples. 1 acre raspberries, 1 acre strawberries, grapes, etc. 6-room. house, barn 30x4o; garage, large ch icken house and other buildings. Included with place: Jersey cow. horse, 15 chickens, piow. harrow, cultivator, harness." buggy, tools, etc. Price for everything $4o00; $20O0 cash, or will consider House in Portland up to $2500. Ask for Mr. Kemp. Ten acres. 14 miles from good town with high school; in Lewis county. Wash. 7 acres under cultivation. 3 acres pas ture, no waste land; good spring, well; 1 acre oearing orchard, house, barnv large chicken house, other buildings. Included with place: 270 laying pullets, 1 cow, horse, 2 stands bees, 4 tons bay, kale, potatoes, very complete line of imple ments, feed, 24 cords wood. Price for everything $2000; $1300 cash. Ten acres, 12 miles from center of Portland ; good macadamized road in front snd on side of property; 4 mile to school; good loam soil; 2 acres under cultivation, balance in brush pasture; all can be farmed when cleared ; over 100 cords first growth fir wood. 2-roora house with water piped in. Price $2100; $500 cash, easy terms. Inspected by Nel son. SMALL PRUNE RANCH. Ten acres, 15 miles from center of Portland, on good rocked road. 1 mile from pavement, mile to school. 1 mile to electric station; black loam soil, all under cultivation; over 3 acres bearing pruns orchard, 100 pear trees, 15 petite prune trees; d-room house, barn, garage, 8 chicken houses, 14x30 storehouse, wood shed, etc. Price $2500, large cash pay ment. Inspected by Davis. Ten acres, 2 miles from Oregon City, 1 mile to school; wire fences; 4 acres un der cultivation, 3 acres more can be cul tivated, balance in timber; creek; rocked road; bearing orchard; 5-room house, barn, chicken house, cement cellar, wood shed. Included with place cow, calf, chickens, tools, etc. Price for everything $1975, good terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. NEW LAND OPENING. In the Newaukum valley at Onalaska, Washington 15 miles southeast Che halis), the Carlisle-Penneil lands are of fered In small tracts at unusual prices and long terms. Regular land buyers at our usual terms can obtain steady and immediate employment. Mills or woods. Mostly level valley aid bottom land of the finest type and auality for intensive and general farming; unusually produc tive; none better in the northwest. Set tled district. Fine creeks Ideal cli mate. Pure water. Markets. Near schools, roads and railroads. Call upon our representative at Onalaska, or write GRAHAM LAND COMPANY, 100S American Bank Bldg.. Seattle. GET A START ON THIS! 3 lots with 16 assorted fruit trees; all kinds of berries; 3-room plastered cottage with cement walled basement; electricity, gas and Bull Run water; 2 large chicken houses; this is an inex pensive home which can be made income bearing; city carline; oniv $2000; best of terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGFTRK, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., bet. Washington aud Stark. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 PER ACRE UP. $10 down and $5.00 month, buvs a 5 acre tract in this addition of SOU acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, ciose to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lay ing land free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. Have 5 and 10-acre tracts on the same terms in otner lo cations. CHARLES DELFEL. 338 Railway Exchange B'dg. LIVE IN BBAVERTOX DISTRICT. $375 acre tracts. Huber station, just off the highway on a good stone road, with schools and stores close by; city water and gas. all clear, about 5 min utes' walk to S. P. station; cash $200, balance $10 monthly. $3300 10 ACRES. ALOHA $3300. Aloha station, close to Beaverton; 10 acres; 7 acres in orchard, city water and gas. located on good road, close to school and stores; also S. P. station and highway; cash $900; don't miss this one. M. K. DeJOlCE COMPANY. 307 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. ISLAND STATION SPECIAL. Comfortable 5-room house with electricity, gas and running water, full plumbing; right on the paved river road and only 3 blks. to. Oregon City carline ; owner must sell and is sacrificing for $1SO0. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGCIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., bet. Washington and Stark. FOUR ACRES. RUNNING WATER. (ood soil, nearly all in cultiva tion, some good garden and onion land, lasting running water, might include small house of about 3 rooms. Near good station, paved highway ; about 30 minutes out from Portland ; electric lights available; price $1730. easy terms. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EACH AMERICAN needs at least 2 acres, where you can grow your own garden, berries and flowers, where vou can keep chickens and a cow. Here is the land all in high state of cultivation, just been plowed ready for seeding, fac ing on hard road ; Bull Run water; $1300; good terms. R. H. t'ON'FKKT, REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NO MORE LAND Being made but world's population Is constantly increasing; therefore land is sure to rise In value; get a small ranch now; we have them from 10 acres up, within 2 hours' drive of Portland, close to. Columbia river and highway, schooj and high school; cheap, too, and at your own terms within reason; come in and let us tell vou about it. JOHN A. MEISSNER, 821 Gasco Bldg. NEVER again will you have the oppor- iuilj ui uiuae in ncreage rigni at the very door of Portland at the price and terms we are selling Ritlow acres. There are only a few tracts left. Just think, A acres with Bull Run water for $1550 and on very easv terms R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIrlg. 8-ACRE BERRY PLACE All cleared; 3 acres in bearing logan berries, 1000 gooseberries, 1000 blackcaps, 600 strawberries; near good own, on high way; house, barn, chicken house, other buildings; all nearly new; a real bar gain for $4.VK) LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL TO EX-SERVICE MEN I have several small tracts of land near city limits on paved and graveled streets, gas and water. Why pay rent hen small payment will take one of these special concessions to ex-service men. Call Aut. 320-46 or Bdwy. t&50. Ask for Mr. Stanton. SIX ACRES, $1375. Out from Vancouver. right on the Pacific highway; all . paved and paid for; 1 H acres all incultivation, balance only small brush; 5-room ceiled house; small barn; fine soil, no rock or gravel; $500 cash, balance to suit. See owner, 61 S Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE ACRE SIOOO TERMS On a rock road. 10 minutes' walk from Lents; many neighbors; gas, water and electric lights. Also one-q.uarter acre tract. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. Realtors, 404 East Alder, corner Grand Ave. 40 ACRErf goood farm land In Cotton, Or: AH tillable; 15 acres bottom land, easily cleared, near school and store; $30 an acre; half cash, balance 2 years, 6 per cent. Further Information, write Gustaf Vikberg. Box 51 Colton, Or. 2 ACRES, all clear, new 4-room house, best of soil, berries; a garden in. well and city water; light 6 automobile, good condition; outside limits, close to school and car; $3150, some cash, terms; will consider yrafanola in exchange. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easv terms offered to settlersN. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma. Wash. ' 4! ACRES unimproved. 5 blocks from Portland city limits. 2 U miles west of St. Johns, value $S00, want city property, pay or take difference. Phone Columbia 2 or Columbia 1112. 8 ACRES Equipped, 5 miles from city limits, on E. S2d st, highway; house, outbuildings, electric lights; c'ose to carline; bearing orchard, fruit ; price $5200; terms. AV 634, Oregonian. FIVE acres, $900. ciose in. i 100 down; wil! take phonograph or trade as first payment. What have you? McCIure. 500 Concord- bld,tr. BY OWNEK 1 1-6 acree, 12 minutes from the Oregon Electric station. Concord, on hard surface road, near school; good soil and cred Y .".59, Oregon:an. ONE FINIS ACRE ON A1XSWORTH AVE., BELOW VALUE FOR HALF CASH. WUODLAWN 375. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Acreage. TWENTY ACRES. Just off Newberg highway, 16 miles out. and good gravel road from highway to place; 15 acres in cultivation, about acres of timber and some rich creek bot tom land; thi3 is a home site of great possibilities: only $4000. on good terms, i MILS FROM SHERWOOD. Nine beautiful acres, high, sightly and level ; all in cultivation ; fine grove on adjoining land, ten minutes'- walk to electric station; this price has been cut $100 an acre; yours for $350 an acre. AT BEAVERTON. 5 acres, mile from station, on a good road, all in cultivaUon, finest qual ity land, nice homes adjoining ; price $2750 and worth It: good terms. ON FOSTER ROAD. 6.3 acres, good 4-room house, berries, fruit, running creek, one block to elec tric station, nice shade trees; a dandy country place just outside city limits; only $5600. on good terms. SECTION LINE ROAD. 2.74 acres, partly cleared and partly covered with beautiful woods: an ideal home site; will take light car in part payment and, easy terms on the balance. There is gas and water in the street: taxes only $14. W. G. IDE. 817 LEWIS BLDG. Sunderland Acres Close-in on COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. 3 to 20-acre -tracts; rich silt soil, all plowed and ready for planting. Several excellent opportunities for small dairies, fruit and vegetable gardens and general intensive diversified farming. Several good buys left at from $400 to $0rt per acre, 10 per cent down, balance an nually. C H. Naylor, agent, office Etast 29th st. North and Columbia blvd. J. O. EL ROB, Owner. 2S3 Stark st. Bdwy. 118S. MUST BE SOLD. 5 acres very fine soil, practically all in cultivation, large bearing orchard, 2 acres strawberries ; good 6-room bungalow; barn; well; chicken house; tools and implements; located in fine district 30 miles from Portland; this is a positive snap: price $2950; $950 cash, balance easy. Mr. Thompson.with GREAT WESTERN INVEST. CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 75S1. 5 ACRES WITH BULL RUN WATER. If you have not seen Ritlow Acres vou have missed one of the beauty spots in acreage. Make up your mind to see them today-r-drive out the Base Line road to Barker road, turn right, look over the tract; examine the soil. Priced from $1550 for 5-acre tract and up. Then see us for special terms. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. ftlTTER, LOWE &. CO., "01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $50 AND $75 AN ACRE IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. A COUNTY OF ROCK ROADS AND HIGHLY-IMPROVED FARMS. Any sized tracts, on a dirt road, but 50 rods from a rock road. 17 miles from Portland, near an electric Station; frequent service ; 30c fare ; fertile soil; no rocks or gravel. FRED F. HUNTRESS. Exclusive Agent. 404 East Alder, corner Grand ave. TWO MILES FROM NEWBERG. 26 ACRES. $2600. NO CASH PAYMENT IF YOU BUILD. . Can hold down a job in Newberg or deliver milk from the place: a most splendid chance for prunes or walnuts for which the district is famous; on a county road; small creek. Many neigh bors. A W. LAMBERT & SON. Realtors, 4A4 East Alder, corner Grand Ave. MR. ACREAGE BUYER. Whether you are a bargain hunter or a home seeker, here's your opportunity almost 5 acres out Base Line road with Bull Run water, for $1550; only $150 cash. Act now and get your choice in Ritlow Acres, as we have only a few tracts to choose from. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $10O CASH 125X360. A big piece of ground, larger than 8 city lots: some fruit trees; rich garden so H : sm all 2 -roo m house, almost n ew barn, the lumber of which you could use to build a house. Bull Run water and fine graveled street in front. Located, just outside the city limits, where you'll have no city taxes to pay. The Drice is only 517-00. It's a bargain.. See Mr. Kills. 361 v Monroe st.. or phone E. SS6S. 10 ACRES FOR $60 DOWN. Located 30 miles from Portland. 1 mile from station; good soil, very easy clearing; fine opportunity for person of limited means- to get a start; chance to : get work in sawmill; price $600; terms, $60 ca?h, bal. easy monthly payments. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A C RE AG E II OM E. EXCELLENT VIEW. , Nearly 6 acres, highly improved, three acres fine orchard, choice shrubbery; 5 room bungalow,, garage, barn and chick en house, gas and city water; 4 blocks to hard surface and electric station, and only 15 minutes from 6th and Wash. sts. E. R. P.. 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 67S5. 27 1-2 ACRES, $0200. WILL SUBDIVIDE. 1 1 miles from Portland, 1 mile from LInneman Junction. 16c fare; 1 mile from a pavement and on a splendid crushed rock, road; land is level and without any rock. Terms. A. W. LAMBERT & SON, Realtors, 404 East Alder, corner Grand ave. ONE ACRE IN STRAWBERRIES. Joining city limits on east at 92d st. arid Section Line road; lies level, pro ductive soil, city water, good macadam road price $950, $100 cash, balance easy terms. RAYLER E. SMITH. ' Bdwy. 2fl7. 318 Ry. Ex. Bldg. ACREAGE SNAP. 6 acres, A-l soil, no rocks, partly In cultivation, bal. very easy cleared; about 60 cords of wood; fenced, fair house, govl barn, well and live spring: 10 miles from Portlan-d, on paved road, $llAi0: terms. Will consider trade. L, O. GE1R BEiR. 715 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE SO acres of land in Slocan district, West Kootenay. B. C; beet bottom land in B. C. by test; near good markets; Canadian Pacific railway runs through part of property; mild climate; sacrifice sale price $25 per acre. For further particulars write AC 577, Ore gon i a n A GREAT BIG ACRE $SO0. Only 30rT feet from Powell Valley road ; about one mile east of 82d st.-; level; only $80 cash. Don't buy an acre until you see this. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Boardof Trade Bldg. HALF ACRE TRACTS. These tracts face E. 82d st. on hard surface road; priced right and on your own terms; all city conveniences: can assist you to finance the building of your home. 735 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES ON PAVEMENT. Close in, with city water; all cleared and piowed; easy working soil, no rock or gravel ; has fine view; only $2000, terms. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Broad wav 2505. Sunday and evenings, Main 7P44. ' COLUMBIA HIGH WW AT ACREAGE. 40 acres, close to Corbett, overlooking Sandy river. 28 acres clear, balance in pasture, beautiful homesite. sacrifice at $150 an acre. Investigate this snap. Mr. Webster, Woodlawn 4220. 1061 E. 15th st. N. WEST SIDE, 12 MILES OUT. 23 ACRES. $5000. TERMS. Hard road, 13 under plow, good or chard. 5-room house with fireplace; best of soil, some timber; soldiers can use their bonus. J. C. CORBIN. CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 16(j ACRES of improved irrigated land under the Ochoco irrigation district, near Prineville, central Oregon; 20 acres of this land is in alfalfa and the land is one of the best pieces in district. This is a real buy. Inquire 503 Couch b 1 d g., Portland. Or. $3200 FOR SALE. 40 acres. Oregon, mile from Roseburg, spring and creek, can cultivate 20 acres, balance oak timber: will accept late light touring car or se dan: terms. $500 down. A. B., 3920 11th West. Seattle. Wash. $2330. 15 ACRES, VERY CLOSE IN. $250 Five acres, 1 miles south from electric line of Deardorf road, just east of Mt. Scott cemetery. Phone owner. evenings, riw-o.. 1 ACRES, ali i cultivation, 5 miles from city limits on East 82d st. highway; bearing orchard, electricity; beautiful place for suburban home. Price $4500i T erms. AV 635, Oregonaln. WTLLsell half Interest in Montana ranch for $3.50 acre to save foreclosure: close to big oil field with good chance for oil on this land. B 596. Oregonian. 100 BEAUTIFUL acres, 4 miles from Meier A Frank's. $125 per a"cre; specu late or subdivide and double your money. Owner. East 6228. 9 ACRES. BARE ROAD. SSTft. PitiA soil. 135 down. $10 ner month. Strong & Co.. 606 Cham, pf Com, bldg. acreage, see Geo. Milan Smith at 537 Ptttoek block. Broadway 1676. IMPROVED, close-In 14 acres, 4 acres orchard and berries; creek; good build ings. Tabor 336S. FOR SALE Good unimproved land. 17 miles of Vancouver. M 599. Oregonian. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E. 616-45. 61 ACRES for sale, east of town; all cleared. Tabor 7505. REAL K ST ATE. FOSTER ROAD. FINE FOR SUBDIVIDING. Close to city limits: a place for a real home; 6 acres of fine soil, with no rock or gravel; right on paved, highway and close to car line; has good 3 -room house, dandy fine barn, 2 good chicken houses, good root house, one small cabin that rents; all kinds of fruit and berries; running water across the place. This is cheap at $6000; small payment down will handle this. GRESHAM. Four acres in G re sham city lim its; fine, new, modern house and other buildings; lots of berries and yAung orchard, all in cultiva tion. This is on a good hard surface street and half block from - car line. Hhi3 is a real home, at the sacrifice price of less than the improvements cost; $5000; long time on part of this. WASHINGTON COX7NTT. A real farm of 40 acres, 35 in cultivation and in crop; good 6 room house, 2 large barns, 1 large poultry house, family orchard, live water on place, timber for domestic use, grazing privilege for 100 head of cattle goes with this place; is on a good road; can go to it any day wit h the car from Portland ; all lies nice and smooth; no rock or gravel in this soil. If you want a real farm we will sell you this for $6000 and take terms on part of it. See J. S. Culbertson. H1LLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 3626. 6 AG RES, on pavement; beautiful home site, on nice elevation above pavement; good 6-room house, bath, spring water piped In house; fine yard; large bearing apple, prune, pear and cherry trees, all kinds of berries, excellent garden; a lot of chickens and tools with place; everything goes for $2650, $1750 cash. See Earle C. Miller. A fine o-acre tract just outside city limits of Vancouver; on good graveled road, near car line; par tially cleared, some timber; the very best of soil. It is half price compared with anything in its vicinity. See Earle C. Miller. 4i& acres in high state of culti vation; lots of mixed fruit; good buildings; 1 mile school and store; on paved Pacific highway; 4 miles Vancouver, on stage line and mail route, telephone and electric lights; $5250, cash. Try us for acreage with good buildings and well located. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 338. FOR SALE ACREAGE. 18 acres, 1 mile from Eugene on street car line, several acres cultivated, new 4-room cottage, chicken houses. Widow compelled to sell; $1500. 17 acres, onion and celery land, highly improved. Store and warehouse build ings; building alone rent for $35 per month, 11 miles from Portland on paved highway. alongside railroad station ; $3500 first payment, balance 20 years. 10 acres, just out of Portland city limits. 5 cultivated, fine for berries and chickens; $3500, cash . $500, balance 9 years. A. E. CAMPBE LL. Sel ling bldg., Main 12. $45 DOWN. ASCOT ACRE TRACTS. "Water, Gas, Electricity and Phone. This tract is rapidly building up and increasing in value, few acres all cleared, others have some fir trees; $900 per acre; terms, $45 down. bal. $9 monthly and interest 6 per cent. BOONE & CLEARWATER, Bdwy. 5317. 606 Couch Bldg. 7 H - ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. Will handle 3000 chickens; close in; all in cultivation; 2 acres in loganberries and blackcaps. 60 fruit trees; 7-room house, 3 fine chicken houses, each 21 x 30O, with runs, brooder house for 2000 chicks, incubator house, 2 large incu bators, double garage; water in all hen houses: 500 laying hens; all feed and implements. A real bargain at $5000. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE just found a most beautiful and rare suburban home, very, very close in, just outside city limits, mar velous soil, 3 beautiful acres, in high state of cultivation, 1 acre fine orchard, ciover; fine 6-room house, full basement; barn, garage; city water, gas, electricity; most delightful location; 35 or 20 min utes walk city carline;, nothing like this around city, so close in and beautiful; price $5500, $2000 cash. C. L. Becker. 183 Ms 1st st. 26 ACRES CREEK BOTTOM LAND. Beautiful creek through place, lies level, near Columbia river. Convenient to market, stage, postoffice; may be cleared without cash expense. Priced for quick ' sale at $30 per acre, very am,all cash payment, balance easy in stallment d. See Dodson JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 1ST. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. A RECREATION PARK. Buy an acre facing on Rockwood road, just north of Base Line road, and near car line. A place for a country home; a good place to camp or spend week ends; lots of shade and firewood; $300 per acre and up; $30 cash. R. H CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 3 ACRES 7-ROOM HOUSE $3150. Located this Bide of Hillsboro, just off of paved highway; plastered house, new garage, barn, etc.;. city water; 2 acres strawberries, all cleared: creek on place, cow and 30 chickens; price $3150; terms, $1150, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A LITTLE over a acre, facing directly en Powell valley road, about a mile east of the city limits, covered with a beautiful grove of native trees, for only $650. There Is 86 feet frontage; Bull Run water; very easy terms. R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE 10 ACRES. ON PAVEMENT CLOSE IN. Real soli, all highly cultivated, 2 miles outside -iy ; has Bull Run water, two acres loganberries, 1 strawberries; lies level with the pavement. An ideal home site. Only $4500, liberal terms. D. M. McChesney, 626 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Sundays and evenings Main 7844. "l3 ACRES LEVEL CRBBK BOTTOM LAND. Nice creek through place, good soil, convenient to postoffice, store, etc. May be cleared without cash expense. Price only $30 per acre; H cash, balance easy yearly payments. See Dodson JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ANOTHER SNAP. 18 1-3 acres on Sunnyside road, 5 miles east of 82d st., mile to school, 24 miles to Sycamore station. Best of soil, good building site and fine spring. $200 per acre, half cash", balance easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. R33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Three-quarters of an acre, just a short distance from Council Crest car. $1200; $250 cash, $15 per month, on imp. st.. no Hens ; about all level, unobstructed view. Big snap, J. G. RAINEY, 617-18 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 6269. $800 20 ACRES. 5 acres almost open land, no rock or gravel, good spring water, balance timber, cordwood and pulp hemlock, enough to pay for land several times; V mile Columbia river; school, store, P. O. and docks; price $800, terms. 133s First St.. room 1. Nelson, owner. O.NS ACRE CLOSE IN. On pavement, city water; all cleared and plowed; fine view and real produc ing soil; anly $500, terms. D. M. MoChes ney, 626 Henry bldg., Bdwy. 2505. Sun- qay ana evenings Jiaiti 1 o. 5-ROOM modern house, almost W acre, berries, fruit, chicken house. $1700, terms. G. B. Perkins. Dean & McCoy. Write box 401, route 2, Milwaukie, Or. Mt Scott car to Tremont. , 81 ACRES, creek bottom land, all level, 5 under cultivation, small house, 15 miea from Salem, 1 mile from town, school, postoffice, on highway. R 585, Oregonian. 96 ACRES NEAR WARREN. Columbia highway, rich soil, smooth ground, beautiful view, $300 acre, only $150 cash, balance yearly. J. L. FARLEY, Board of Trade Bldg. GRESHAM DISTRICT 5 acres, excellent soil, all cultivated, level, near station, store, school. Price $1500 ; very easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 O r eg o n "bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 10 ACRES, small house; 12 miles Portland: 1 mile electric station; $150 per acre, 1-3 down, balance long time. Address 912 Woodward ave. Phone Seliwood 1551. 131. ACRES, Sherwood, creek, near high way, electric line, school and town, cheap. Owner. 4219 48th ave. S. B. CULTIVATED acres, E. 42d, block north Of KiUingsworth, Fred Southwards. EEAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. FOR SALE. TEiN ACRES. Jest north of Prescott st. at East 7Kth st., outside at city limits: 4 blocks north of Sandy blvd. Price right. For par ticulars see Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Bids', Homesteads. Relinquishments. 160 ACRES. 35 miles from Portland. 12C acres, easily cleared for plow. 4 miles to electric station, rocked road, school, thousands of acres range elose. rural route, deep soil, close neighbors, tele- fhone through place, land near worth 100 to $250 per acre; other interests force party to sell at $3200; some terms Owner, P 591, Oregonian. I HAVE most any kind of a homestead relinquishment that you are looking for; some well improved. It would require too much space to try to describe them. Come to my office so I can show you and explain in detail. E. W. Helm, 422 Chamber of Commerce bldg RELINQUISHMENT on homestead near Wilhoit Springs, 3 acres under cultiva tion; all usual buildings, fruit trees, good outrange, plenty water, good soil, seasonable crops in; quick sale $700 cash. Ciaude J. Perret, Molalla, Or. Route i. 3 IMPROVED relinquishments, all join $30,000 fruit ranch, at nice little town near Grants Pass. $2000 spent on one; all plow land, easy cleared ; running water. Worth $5000 each. Family trouble sacrifice. $600 each. 301 Cor bett bldg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT. SEE E. W. HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. A FEW good homesteads to bona fide set tlers: salaried buyers agents. R. HOARD & CO., 501 Stock Ex. Uldg. RELINQUISHMENT, $75, 43 miles out. lBfife Kast 2th st. For Sale Farms. 40 ACRES, 9 miles from Vancouver, on good graveled road near pave ment and school; 18 acres in crop: clover, oats and wheat. Fine fam ily orchard, bearing filberts, strawberries, blackberries, red and black raspberries; splendid pas ture, trout, stream near house; comrotable 4-room house, spring water, barn and all kinds of out buildings; good team and all kinds of tools, chickens. Price $5500; will accept house in Portland as part payment. See Earle C. Miller. FARM HOME. On paved Pacific highway, IS miles from Portland. 80 acres, 65 acres in high state of cultivation, 20 acres seeded to clover and tim othy; all good soil: nearly level, no rock or gravel,, all well drained, over 800Q feet tile. Fine small stream runs year round. Orchard mixed fruit; good 7-room house, barn, chicken house and other outbuildings, good team, 30 sheep, 300 chickens, all fam tools; 1 mile school, church and store; on stage line, cream route, mail route, electric light line. Price $16,000, $5000 cash, balance terms. We have large list of real farms. Try us before you buy. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main S.. Vanrouver, Wash. Phono 338. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! You cannot beat a homestead relin quishment for a cheap farm. NO MORTGAGE, NO TAXES for six years; everything in your favor. Your title comes direct from the government. SO acres of deep rich soil, about one half creek bottom: 20 acres could be made ready for plow in one week; two hours' drive of Port land; well settled district, schools and churches. The farm goes to first party that sees it for only $750. 40 acres near Colton. 35 miles of Port land, good roads, fine spring, sev eral acres open land, balance easy clearing and nearly all plow land. BEST BUY IN WEST as price In full for relinquishment is only $550. 160 acres near Estacada, the coming or chard country of the world; over 3 00 acres of plow land when cleared; some bottom land. Drive in auto to the place, and the price is only $1250 for the relinquish ment. ANDERSON'S, Rooms 303 and 304 Railway Exch. B 1 d g. . 7 ACRES CARLTON. This is all level and under cul tivation and in clover, only 5 blocks from depot; 5-roora bun galow with large attic, city water and electricity; small woodshed ; plenty of berries for family use; an ideal home place; price only $4250 $2000 cash. FARM AND EXCHANGE DEPT.! RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PRUNES PRUNES PRUNES. Here is a dandy little fruit farm of 23 acres, locatod in Clackamas county. In one of the very best fruit districts in the state; nice 6-room bungalow, -bam 22x42; 8 acres of 7-year-old Italian prunes, 6 acres 1-year-old, 6 acres 1 1 y ear-old. Spitz apples, one-half acre fam ily orchard, three-fourths acre timber, fine spring, beautiful lawn and flowers, four miles from good high school town, on good crushed rock road, just the place to retire on and be assured of a good Income; price, including imple ments, S8000; terms. See S. E. Wooster, with Wooster Realty Co., 817 Clinton, corner 26. Phone Seliwood 3192. FULLY EQUIPPED GEIXBRAL FARM. 331 acres. S miles from Corvallis, on paved h i gh way ; fair b ud Id I n gs, n early all can be faran-e-d. Wfcth the place go a tractor, big band of sheep and other st o c k and ei u i p m en t. Price only $ 90 per acre. Want smaller place or town property. KYLER & B'LAKELY, Corvallis, Or. DAIRY AND GRAIN RANCH. OWNER'S HEALTH COMPELS SACRIFICE." 280 acres, fine dark loam, 100 in clov er; modern 9-room house; 3-story barn, 2-story dairy barn, bottle shed, big hog house, other outbuildings; 1 mile good town and high school ; 20 miles south Salem. Owner said for quick action cut to $135 an acre, some trade. 506 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 5317. ' 17 -ACRE poultry farm, fully equipped and wtih plenty fruit also.; more than 1000 chickens. 4 fine cows, team and all equipment and some furniture. Good income from first day. Long time on most of purchase price. If you are look ing for a good home at low price see this. Kelsy Realty Co., Kelso. Wash. 19-ACRji improved farm, ail fenced, 12 acres in cultivation, most all tillable, has 2-room house, little barn, 12 bearing fruit trees; lot of small fruit; some green timber, on good road. 6 miles from Ranier; price $2000; terras, Reynolds, Rainier, Or. . WE HAVE several fine wheat and grain ranches in Wash, and Or., which we can price at a. figure well below their actual value owing to owners having to retire account of sickness. Write for Informa tion as to these. Kelso Realty Co., Kelso, Wash. 120-ACRE ranch, well improved, 5 acres fruit, on rock road and handy to best markets; priced right and an Ideal home. Would consider dwelling in St. Johns district up to $2000 on this. All stock and implements go with It. Kelso Realty Co., Kelso, Wash. ONE OF Clarke county's best 110 acres, 14 acres prunes, large drier, 8-room house, other buildings, land all under cultiva tion, near school, electric station, near highway, on gravel road, price $15,000, $3000 down, balance long time. 601 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. BARGAIN IN 20 ACRES LAND Buyers, don't miss this; it's a chance to get good land at reasonable price and terms; on rock road to highway; gas main near; between two car lines. Owner, Box 27, Reedville, Or. WILL sell or trade for Portland property 1-5 acres, 6 acres under cultivation, nice 5-room bungalow, on good road, 2 miles east of interstate bridge, on" Mill Plain road. Route 4, box 61, Vancouver, Wash. EX-SOLDIER I have a 220-acre ranch which I will sell and take second mort gage; also house and lot In Portland. Write Realtor, 503 McKay bid. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, 158 acres, improved ; two miles of Cottage Grove, Or. Write J. J. Wonders, 905 W. 3d st.. Long Beach, Cal. 640-ACRE tract, unimproved; a fine stock ranch with minimum of work to make it ready to use. Very cheap. Kelso Realty Co.. Kelso, Wash. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. FARM near The Dalles; has 7 acres Irri gated strawberries coming into full bearing; bal. land in the rough. R. I Yoke, ins Jv. w. mnK p;qg. FOR RENT 300 acres, oh the Columbia ri ver ; stock and fixtures for sale, 40 milch cows Included ; terms. Address ..- n- T3nf "t VonfiniiVAr Wash 40 ACRES Stocked and equipped, for Bale on bonus loan, no cash required ; good road; near r'ortiana. a db;j. uregonian, STOCK RANCH for sale; six miles this side Grants Pass; will consider trade. Particulars, phone "Woodlawn 5887. FARM for saie or trade ror Portland prop arty. Owner, call Automatic 331-20. REA1 ESTATE. TOUNG MAN'S OPPORTUNITY. Deschutes county offers the best opportunities of any new partly developed country in America to dav. It boasts of the cheapest irrigated lands and most healthful climate for lung trouble or rheu matic ailments, having 300 days of sunshine and. dry winters. Its sandy loam soil, when watered by irrigation, produces a very high quality of alfalfa, grains and root crops, and is also highly adapted to berry growing. 1 ne quality ot poiuiuco i exceiiea, uaving capiuieu stakes at all the important agri cultural expositions and sells on the market for a higher price than any other potato-growing country. Small farms consisting of 40 and SO acres pay nicely when the tenant combines dairying and po tato growing. The chicken and turkey industry is also very profit able, as the dry climate keeps the flocks very free from disease. Our company has some excep tionally good places for sale and will bear the oiosest investiga tion. To ex-service boys we can offer places in a high state of cul tivation and several that are stocked and equipped, paying dividends right from the start. We are glad to have you meet or write to any of the great num ber of people wc have soid this year, every one of whom is high ly pleased and more than satis fied with the representations we have made to the 111 before they bought. If you are really desirous of get ting out of the old rut and coming to a country that not only offers the hunting and fishing In the west today, write or call cn us at our headquarters at address below. BENHAM FALLS REALTY CO., 156 Oregon Street, Bend. Oregon. "STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." 35 acres, choice black, level land In cultivation, 4-room house, barn, 18 miles Portland, $6500, easy terms; take house as part. "STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." 26 acres in cultivation, fruit, grapes, berries, 12 miles out good road, $7500; very easy terms; take house to $300 as first payment. . , 126 acres, 25 acres in cultivation, bal. timber, large creek, outrange, 5-room house, barn, 3S miles Portland. $4500, terms, take house, $2000, as first pay ment. 96 acres, extra choice land. 80 acres in crops. 16 acres timber, 7-room house, windmill, barn and outbuildings, 13 miles Portland. $16,u00; good terms, ex tra good value. Dairy farm, 75 acres choice level land, 11 miles Portland, good road, at railway station, 50 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, little timber; 2 barns, 6-room house, running water, $17,000, $5000 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. MERITORIOUS LAND COLONIZATION PROPOSITION. Capital wanted to develop, colonize and settle rich bottom lands, suitable for Intensive truck gardening similar to marsh lands in Puyallup valley, in the Black Lake drainage project near Olympia, Thurston county, Washington. This is a bona fide proposition, approved and built by the state. Capital is re quired to secure settlers who under stand intensive farming. $10,000 to $75,000 required. This is an excellent opportunity to double your money and at the same time identify yourself with a sound, legitimate project. Get in line for the spring business. C. L. KOTTCK, 216 E. 15th St., Olympia. Wash. FRANK KOTICK. 2901 N. 9th St.. Tacoma. Wash. 10-ACRE HOME FURNTSHED. NEAR THE STREET CAR LINE FOR $3350. - New 4-room plastered house and outbuildings; this house is well furnished with beds, dishes, cook range, rockers, rugs, 4 acres in crop, pome ready for garden. In fine neighborhood. Will give terms. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. YOU CAN BUY A FARM. In western Canada you can buy low priced farm lands, so rich and fertile that one crop has been known to pay for them in full. Easy terms, small cash payments. Social and Jiving condi tions are the same as those you now enjoy. Same language and climate. Send for free booklet telling about the choice lands for grain growing and mixed fanning along the lines of the Canadian National Railways. Special low rates and personally conducted ex cursions. Write todiy. DEW ITT FOS TER, Supt. Industrial and Resources Dept., Canadian National Railways, Dept. C24. Marquette bldg., Chicago. 111. CHANCE FOR FARMER. 1040-acre wheat ranch, only 10 acres of waste land on place, good rich, deep soil, easily farmed with trartor or teams, 630 acres in crop, house, barn, chicken houses, plenty of water, reservoirs to hold 7000 gallons of water. This whole place can bo bought for $30 per acre wit h $9000 cash as first pay men t, ba l ance on one-third crop payment with interest payable annually at 6 per cent beginning with this coming fall, one third of this year's crop. Broadway 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange bldg. WEBER'S fruit ranch is to be sold in , and acre tracts. The best for country homes in the market. There are all kinds of fruit trees and vines. Location is beautiful : 6 miles from courthouse and 4 minutes from nearest station on very good street. Bull Run water on land; also gas and elec soon in. Terms are easy. Located on Garden Home road opposite Barstow station (Salem elec.) Inquire of owner, Anton Weber, Port land, Or., route 5. box 132. DAIRY RANCH. A MONEY-MAKER. NEVER BEFORE OFFERED TO PUBLIC. 725 ACRES GOOD BOTTOM LAND, ALL IM PROVED AND WELL DRAINED. ELECTRIC PLANT AND POWER SYSTEM. ADD MODERN FARM IM PLEMENTS. DIRT CHEAP. FOR IN FORMATION CALL AT PACIFIC FINANCE CO., 810 PITTTOCK BLOCK. FINE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 612 acres, located in Clarke county. Wash., 150 acres cultivated, 200 acres open sod pasture, over 300 acres Is rich river bottom land; fine stream through pasture and barayard ; 10-room house, large barn with silo, separator housi and several other buildings. Price $40, 000; will consider some trade. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 80 ACRES 35 IN CROP $8fi00. On a rock road, 13 miles from Port land. 1 mile from Damascus; spring; gasoline pump furnishing water to build ings; fair 6-room house, 2 bams, bear ing orchard, grapes, berries, full equip ment of implements and tools and team go with place; might consider Portland. A W. LAMBERT & SON, Realtors. 404 Kast Aiaer, uorner j-ranu avb, KOTICE 160 acres unimproved, 8 acres In grass, road to place; 20 acres in creek bottom, rest is bench and hill land; will make fine dairy or stock ranch; plenty of outrange : worth $3000, cash price only $1400 ; 2 miles from Woods and 3 miles from Pacific City. Fine trout etream and plenty of wild game. Owner. POULTRY, hog and dairy; 18.68 acres; 5-room house, electric lights, phone ; barn, large chicken house, beautiful view, good creek, spring, young team, harness, 2 wagons, 2 cows. 2 heifers, 3 brood sows, some pigs and shotes, chickens, seed spuds, farm implements; good terms. By owner, box 7, Ridgefieid, Wash. 'BANK REFERENCE." 240 acres, house, springs, saw timber, big game, $4 a. Fig, olive, grape land irrig. $25 a.; 320 fronts 1 mile On Sacramento river. 2U0 rich gilt soil, good house, outbuildings, pump ing plant, a cows, hogs, horses, tools, etc. All for $34 a. Income ranches, all prices. Glenn Pettay, Loren hotel bldg.. Keaning. tamornia, TWO BLOCKS from the new Pacific high way; 6 lots, including 2 corner lots; six room house, water, electric lights: good large barn, chicken coop, woodshed, etc. Will sell with place good cow, pig, 40 chickens. Across street from schoolhouse. Price $1300, cash $400. Apply to M. Su- moski. bariow, ir. IF YOU desire a farm, ranch or acreage for a home or an investment write us and tell us what you wifh. We have the - best list in the northwest, all sizes, all prices and for ail purposes. We can please you. . . , Kelso Re-Uty Co.. Box 76i, Kelso, M nsh. WE WANT to teil you more aoout the ia xnous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dalrv, potato and stockman'a rara dlse. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Lt-nd & Loan Co., Inc., Red- mono, ur. (ft-ing jyiuriJiiy -pnui. ; 24 ACRES, good terms, river bottom land, it. mile from Pacific highway on good gravel road; 15 acres clear, orchard, loganberries, rhubarb, balance in pasture, with running water, good buildings. Box 2 ho, Canby, or. SMALL FARMS, 5 acres up, level, clear, fenced, houses, near Wiiiamina; small BARGAIN Berry ranch of 10 acres, finest soil; heavy-producing . variety of fruit; 111 health. A. H. Smith, bilverton. Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sate Farms. 6 ACRES, on good road. mile from Pa cific highway and good town with high school: 25 miles south of the center of Portland; 35 acres under cultivation, bal ance In pasture ; no waste land: good loam soil: woven-wire fences; ont acre bearing orchard; attractive 7-room bun galow with bathroom, large barn, large chicken house, other buildings; included with place, 4 cows, teun. hoics, chicken, turkeys, been and marhinery ; price for everything $850v: Ituis; consider Port land house to $3000 and some cah ; property inspected by Dvis, 25 acrs, U mile from electric sta tion, high and grade school; on hard surface road; all under cultivation ex cept sere standing timber: small bearing orchard; 5-room plastered house, bam, chick-n house: included with place. 50 chickens, cow, binder, mower, drill, disc, harrow, wagun, bugey, harness, cultivator, household furniture, etc : price for everything. $4KRt; terms, or consider soldier's loan and $500; ala 2t acres of land under cultivation; adjoin ing can be bought for $3000, on terms. 20 acres, on rocked road, joining good town with high school; 15 aires under cultivation, balance In standing timber; 10 acres bottom land ; 4U prune trees, some apples, pears and plum. 500 straw berry plants : good 6-room house, bw rn. garage, chit ken hou', capacity 500 chickens, fruit house and woodshed; crop and garden in; Inciuded with plare, team of mares, cow. piow. harrow, cultivator, harness, household furniture, etc.; price for e very t h i n s $4 000 ; very easy t e rma : consider soldier's loan and $51) caah. 40 acres, 27 milas east of Portland 1 miles from electric station and school; mile of dirt road; H acre under cultivation: 30 acres can bo farmed when cleared ; nice, level land ; bearing orchard; good 7-room house, painted: barn -20x48, garage, new chicken house, woodshed, tool house; included with place, team, hack, 2 cowa. 24 chick ens, harrow, tools, etc.; price for every thing, $2500; $1500 cash, or will consider small phi re of 5 acre of same value near Portland or some good town. See Davis. 12 acres, 17 miles from renter of Port land, on rocked road ; good loam foil . all under cultivation; ni waste land; water piped to house, good spring; 45 bearing fruit trees, utraw berries, rasp berries, etc. ; good S-room house with attic: dairy barn 24x36. with lots of stanchions, chicken houwe. etc. ; 7 acre seeded to clover; barn cost over $1000, place offered at big bargain; $1000 cash; easy terms on balance. Inspected by Neison. John Ferguson, Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 450-acre grain and alfalfa farm, about 150 miles from Portland on R. R. and highway, one mile to ah cool and good town; creek running water all year along one side of place; 70 acres bottom tan be irrigated. 45 acres now in alfalfa, irrigated and producing about six tons per acre each year, balance of farm is upland pasture except 200 acres of wheat or grain land. 80 acres in crop ; all improvements, equipment and JMock Is good; large house, hot and cold wa ter, cne small house, barns, sheds and other buildings; excellent outfit of ma chinery. Ford delivery truck lnrludt-1 ; 5 good horses 3 to 8 years ol. weight I30rt to 1500 Dounds. harness for all; 18 cows in dairy paying about $300 per month ; two a-year-na anu uni mlf.r rptrinlprnfl bull. 6 Calvea; BP hav and araln in barn Included ; 2O0 chickens. 7 geese. 7 hogs, 4 stands bees. Will consider trade for. WIHamu val ley acreage or farm improved to $S00O-; price $20,000. HUGH SON & TATLOH, 132 South Second St.. Corvallis. Or. WE SPECIALIZE ON STOCK RANCHES. Have large money-making atork runoh for sale: 4500 acres: 3 miles Fossil, Or.; 375 acres grain land In cultivation: 150 more can be; 20 acres timber; plenty of water to irrigate; 400o acres fine bunch grass pasture; modern house, out buildings, iruit, Dernet. equtpnifin. 7i! acrcM in eastern Washington; fcur hours' drive from Portland. A mllf from forest reserve, with permit: 100 acres timothy, l'iu acres who grai. water sufficient to Irrigate whole place; fully equipped. 315 acres, mile Glenwood, Wash.; Q:i nrrAM in cultivation, balance can be; plenty of water for irrigation: cut 200 tons hay and oou ousneis oats lasi year, rights in forest reserve; 3 sets fair btdga., stock and equipment. PACIFIC FINANCE COMPANY, 320 Plttock Block. ACRES. SANDY LOAM. TAKE SOLDIER'S LOAN. All ia cultivation; sandy loam poll; 1 mile from Canby, Or.; fine berry, clover, potato garden land or a real chicken ranch; new 4-room plastered bungalow, a real coay house; good well watur; 1 out house: place on main graveled road, 500 feet of paved high way, all paved to Portland ; you can have electric lights from this plac like in town : 300 feet of the Southern Pa cific railroad main line; can sit in the house and see everyone on the trains that pass; price $3500; will take soldier's loan If vou have a little cash on hand. E. P Elliott & Son, 7th and Main U., Oregon City, or. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. CO. has recently opened up ror seitmmeni xneir last large block of fertile park lands la the Llcydminster and Battleford dis tricts in central Alberta and Saskatche wan, where grain growing and mixed farming conditions are Ideal. These lands can be bought on '20-year terms, at an average price of $18 per acre 10 cash .with no further payments of principal until the end of the fourth year. Bi interest. LTnder certain conditions of oc cupation and development only 24J In terest first two years. Personally con ducted parties of Ian rt seekers with re duced rates. For further particulars applv or write Canadian Pacific Ry. Co., 208 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. L. P. Thornton, District Represen tative. . 362 ACRES. 25 MILES S. E. PORTLAND. Fenced and cross-fenced, county road runs through place, school and church on place. 165 acres in cultivation, 100 acres slashed, balance timber, 6-room house. 2 barns, 135-ton silo. 120 tons of hay, granary, water pumped lo barn; ' this place is assessed at N1 per aore and can be bought for $100 per acre clear except a $5000 school mortgage. This farm is located 9 miles from Ore gon City and 1 mile from the Carver railroad. Owner wants to clean up hold ings and will make good deal with re sponsible party. Broadway 257L PORTLAND HOME CO.. 63 3 Ral 1 w a y Exch an ge bid g CELERY AND ONION LAND. Three miles from city llmlta on paved road. The finest land for cery and onion raising near Portland. 26 acre, cleared and plowed last year. Think of the crop that such land will produce for you. On sale at $600 per acre. Can be sold off in smaller tracts if desired. Very liberal terms will be given. If you understand truck farming, get In touch with us at once. It is your chance to get the best possible producing, land at a low figure. OTTO HARKSON. 413 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 630. FOR SALE CHtfAP. 807 acres botom land, about 25 screw cleared, balance brutn and timber; good pasture; small house and barn, etc. Creek on place and several springs; fine water at house and barn. North line of place follows Santiam river. One-half mile from postoffice, depot and good school. This Is one of the best buys in the state at $35 an acre. This place must go and will not last long at this price. JAS. H. CURRAN, Lyons, Or. 40 ACRES, $3500. 81 miles from Portland; all stocked and equipped; 4-room houae, barn, w ater piped to house and barn ; creek : 14 acres in cultivation. 5 acres mostly cleared; 2 acres of fine, young prune orchard : family orchard ; 1 team, har ness, wagon, buggy, i cow, 1 heifer, lot ofhay, oats, eetd potatoes, 30 chickens, some furniture, all farm tools; $liiHMJ cash, balar.oe, terms. Bundy, 618 Cham ber of Commerce. FINE Improved farm, 40 acres, good soli, 35 acres cleared and in crops, well fenced, good gravel road, R. F. D., drilled well, modern house, full cement basement, water system, barn, garage, chicken house, machine shed, hog house; all buildings new; $12,000, terma See Harry Jost, owner. Sherwood, Or. FOR SALE. 16 acrea of land, one mile from Ciatskanie, Oregon ; county road follows south line of tract; southern ex posure, excellent for fruit, chickens or small dairy; easy to clear; will arranga terms. Addreas box 136, Ciatskanie, Oregon. FOR SALE 74 acres, unaer fence and cross fence, 16 acres cultivated, balance pasture plenty of water, 1 acre home fruit and berries, 1 acre prunes: s-room house ' 2 barns, store, postoffice and schooi within 2oO yards. For particulars, write J. O Roach. Tiller, Ok. PROPERTIES valued at from $20,000 to $100 000 in Tillamook county, Oregon, including one of the best daliy farms in the state, offered in exchange for city property up to 50 per cent of purchase price; t!me on balance. You will deal with owner. AV 627. Oregonian. FOR SA LE 15 acres at Reedville, $ in cultivation, balance easily cleared; alo rent 20 acres; 16 in cultivation; rood houfte, bam, garage, chicken boune, orchard, farm machinery, for one year, all for $2200. C. Borenson, Beaverton. Or.. R. 4, box h.-v FQR SALE 25-acrs farm, good 7-room house, ail kinds of fruit; ten minutes' walk to stores, churches, high school, fine team, cows, chickens, farming tools go; easy terms. P. O. box 121, Ridge- iiein. vva-pm, FARMERS- For brass tack facts about the best all-round progressive Irrigated district, U. S. Project, write today FARM BUREAU, Las Cruces, N. M. REAL EST TF j'or sale Y arm n. A HOME FULL OF CHARM. On Oregon City Carline. At Mrldrum station, four-fif'h acr of ground, all In cultivation with a c nonce selection of irv.. nh rubbery and flowers, voting bftirina orchard. A ery j 1 1 r.r 1 1 modHfn 1-Btory, 7-room bmif,low, Urge chserrul living room wtth fireplace. library, dtntng room, breakfast roo in, kitchen. 3 bed rooms and bath room, nun porch, hardwood floors, French door, modern lighting. Basement with f urnara, summer house, srir U blocks from carline. 3 bio. hm from river road on hard lurfnrt road. Immediate posse h Ion. 1'r.ce $5000, pttrt cash. A. C. irOWLANP. 620 Main at., Oregon City, Or. UP-TO-DATE GOING FARM. 72 acres, ft miles center Portland. In Washington cenntv; absolutely the bt equipped, most modern buildings; r-g-Istered stork and most beautllui frni In Oregon: priced at a great sacrifice, as own-r wih-s to retire; farm clear of Incumbrances. Hrt acres. 15 miles out: 18 acrea 1n cul tivation, balance nearly cleared; 1ft acres genuine beaverdam : 2 head fin Holstein cattle. horses, tractor, full line practically rew machinery, modern buildings; price JJ7.7:o: terms. 25 seres, nsttr Witch Hasel etatlott as highway; 23 acres cultivated; 6-reom bouse, barn, poultry house rhanl, berries; on good road; only $5SOO; term a . . , Fine 80-arre farm, stocked, and equipped, price $UV5M. to trade In on large farm near Portland, stocked and quipped, and iiftn up to $12 000 i holes rolng farms, all slsea and loca tions, sale or t rade. jx. hoard v ro . Rflt Stock Exchange Bldg. M AfRKfl VBB -MOLVLT.. STOCKED AND BQL'IPl'KD. 65 nrrew In high taro of cultivation-, most all In crop. acres set to voting prunes, also a-ood faml'y orchard, 9 head of stock. g"d team, hrood sow. 1M ehlcken, full line of machinery and toot a. uli In good condition; T-room house, burn and outbutidmr. ol a good gravel rourt and mall route. Price lor ever vthintf Included, $11,000. Half cash. STKWART A JfWrNWV, 315 Northwestern Bank Bid. 624 AORR9 4flo. Thia tract of n24 arrss Is lo cated about 6 mile from Oregon City out the MoUlla rod; It l practically all level, between H and 12 acrea cleared and ready for the plow; about 20oo mriii of standing timber; the owner needs money, for thut reaon hsa rut his price to $C00 $1.V0 cash. FARM AND EXrHAVOW TKPT., HITTKIt. LOWK CO., 201-2 3 5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. WELL LOCATED. JO acrea fine loam land. IT acres In cultivation, hulam easy cleared; Urs aborted orchard; 7-room house; fine large Lowden barn, out bulldtnas ; locale. I on paved highway nesr good town. VI mites from Portland; price $.VVo $iroo rash, Hm lance, easy terms. Mr, Thomp son, with ORKAT WFSTKRV TWKST. C , 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 73111. FOR SALE -One. of the bt stock riH i" In Benton count v. Oregon, known an the R. P. McClelland ranch; 60O ers, 40 tn cultivation, balance nurture and tim ber. There are ino seres of fin tim ber; right on Mary's river; a fine bun galow house of K rooms. hII modem con veniences; hanement; plate glns win dows; 2 fins bsrns; garage; hoc pen; scales and corrals. An idsnl etoek ranch; located 1 mile wmi of PhMn. math; price $32 per acre ; good firms. Fu rt h er pa rtf mi I a ra. HENRY AMHLKR. Kxcluslva Agt., Philomath, Or FOR PAI-K 130 acres, 10 miles east nf Roseburg. Or , on a gd road; 10 acres are In full -bearing prunes. 6 acre in young prunes. 14 acres more that ran be act this fall, 16 seres alfalfa and grain land, balanra im good psstura and timber land; good house with watsr pipe In; burn, silo, prune dryer and several outbuildings; 8 horses. 6 .erey cows, 2 heifers, one ateer, 2 wagons, hack. ' sets harness, power sprayer, plow. Kimball harrow, corrurated roller, cream sepa rator and numerous other thing"; pries $20,000, one-half cwh. balance sasy terms. A ridrens box 6 TVxonvllle. Or. HAVE YOU S-oO or .oo7 If wa on place you on a rioe-in farm, or acre age; start this spring. 40 acres Improved; great value; 9300 handles. Also rich garden land near ft. Varye; $23 an are cash down; any else traet. Fine acre-traot on Oregon Else trie , only $2O0 csh. Garden land to rent near Beavsrten. Small tracts to trade for city prop arty. Mr. Oreen. O. H. SKOTHFJTM HFIAT.TT CO. 40H-411 Couch bids', Bdwy. 67hT FOR SALE A splendid first-class dairy farm. 80A acres, 110 or mora acres nr Improved creek bottom, large burn, fully equipped, 7-room house, lot of ofhsr out buildings; 21 cows, 6 hlfers and calves, horses, hogs and poultry; milk ing machine, cultivators, plewa, potate digger, corn plantar, hay raits and mower and all other nscesssry equip ment; 8 miles from Vised port, Or., a splendid market ; price $1:2.000, $4OO0 will handle, baUma can run ta suit. Address H. W. Tuber. Reedsport. Or BEST PART OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 441 acres, wall Improved aMtH firs -clss building, a fina trult sad dairy farm. This Is our beat bargain. Owner will accept Portland propsrty up $.W0 and gW per cDt a balance, price $3000. ST. CHAHLTS HrVAXTT OO. REALTOR. 204 Morrison St. Msln ff4ra THIH VAKU If tHWMl . .i crlflct; 111) acres. 110 4 In high atate of cultivation; irentl op. no rocka, crops all in; mol rn i-rooiu house, large barn, 0-ton silo, eleotrlc lights In all buildings, Watsr avatam. plikmbing. b heavy horses, thoroughbred stock; all Pw farm maohtnry; 1 . from R. R. and good tnwn, 17 nit, trrm Poitland on good toad; $'Jrt.00 terms; conoider trado up to $.1000. L. O. Berber, TV". HwetUnd bldg u v., " I i"Vi I " If K KACI: I FICE. 270 acres nn Yamhill river and TtlU mook highway, near Wlllamina: loo acres In cultivation, balance pasfut and some timber; all tillable whei cleared. Ordinary farm building. PleasH nt surrounding. Price $13 fiGo; soma 4 arm. Mr. Carlos, O. H. HKOTHBl M CO., 40S.-11 Couch Bid.. Portland. ?T. Z ACKBS. 85 acres under cult., good house (T rooms), barn and other building all In fair condition, well and running water; located on good road. Prlca $600, d terms. RICHANBACH CO 603-T Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4H. " 12 MILEH FK"M PORTLAND. $ acres; 2 acre, cultivation, ' arfr strawberries, other small fruit, ba!arwr brush; fine soil, no rock; small creak; small house, furnished ; lumber on ground for barn; 1 dosea -h-ken. 1 chicks. 10 sacks potatoes; fll-'Ht; terms. C W. Mlllarnhlp. 1Q'H 'h st. Main 327.'- FOR SALE 2HU seres, loO tlllsbit. 40 In alfalfa, rinse to government ranrs. email buildings, grawa eicreilent alfaifs. corn grain, pen, ste. ; price 4tnft, 1501 will handls. T'ls ha th rnsltin of good farm. Address bux 607, Council, Idaho. tr a u r K A LE 170 acres In Willam ette valley 100 acres In cultivation. HI acres in ff!l grain and clover, ro.! house snd barn, good wlr fences, run ning water in house and barn. Call ' quTnbia 34 or ma at KM A Hear em t ; $.',i04 down, b-H 1 n n c e eo a y twrm. IJjEXL FOR -HlCKKNS AND JtERAtLrf. 10 acres. 11 miles from Aldc treat, V, mile electric station; lies level; ideaJ for chickens and berries; $ift- per or, t;i00 ea-h. S M I T H-VVAC,rrvFTl Pp.. Stock Rrch. 10 ACHEH on good road, ail fenced, film aoil, $ plowed, 3-room house, new chicken houVe, outbuildings. 3 rows. 1 ho. 2. hens, household f urn IshirtK and toels; lots of good wood: price 1 700, $.f0 eaati. 1 1 a.rry It nnnron. .on e, it REAL ESTATE LAND. Southern Oregon. If th climate. High-class farms, ranches, stocJC ranch sa, orchards, etc.. writ FOUR-HITE "ALF$ AOPTNCT, Medford Bldg, Mz-dford, Or. go ACRES, south of The Ia;sr f3 tall- able, -V unitr ounivanoit, auapiea rait-In finest non-Irrigated fruit and ves tah1 ; fenced, rood well, spring, nri- $!ioo. $300 wltt handls. BUSINESS SERVICE, 71H Dekum b'd Ft t K JA L E re, we; 1 -inipm e J fnn. ntocneo ana pq u irjsrn, 'v" born. Mnls'l. n ll. It 1. ben 3? 13 A-'Kl-S. good aoil. DeiaL vaU at 7ttW aftsr I.SU f, M.