THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 16, 1f?2 11 TtKAT ESTATE. For Sale Houses. . DEKTJM & JORDAN. SEB ITS BEFORE BUYING. 912,500 Beautiful Rose City Park home. 100x100 corner, large fir trees and wonderful imported shrub berv; exceptionally large living room with fireplace and book cases, den with fireplace and bookcases, dining room with magnificent buffet; kitchen mnH-T-n in the minute with breakfast nook., large glassed- in heated porch; 4 large loveiy HH rnim. SlPPDlntT DOTCn an cedar room on 2d floor; this place is modern in every respect, hardwood floors, full cement y,u wmcnr iaundrv trays, etc.; S3.",M cash will handle. Can give immediate possession. S 8.000 Magnificent view on brow of the hill in Rose City Park: large living room with fireplace, sun room, dining room. kitchen, breakfast room and bedroom on first floor, all hardwood floors, 2 large bedrooms on 2d floor, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc. Terms if re quired. 9 7.500 Laurelhurst home, 6 rooms, modern to the minute beautiful large room with fireplace, din ing room with built-in buffet, modern kitchen, 3 large bed rooms and bath on 2d floor; this place has hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, etc. ; SOxlOO-ft lot; garage; all improvements in and paid for; J3000 cash will handle. $ 5,S00 West side home, in walking dis tance.' 9 rooms, hardwood floors, hot air furnace, full cement basement very attractive; easy terms. 9 5,500 Hawthorne .district, 7 rooms, modern, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc., corner lot; 91500 cash will handle. $ 3.R00 Peninsula district, 5-room bun galow, new, never lived in; fire place, cement basement, laun dry trays, Dutch kitchen, mod ern, 91000 wiil handle. DEKUM & JORDAN'. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.- . 4th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 2249. RKDUCED. BEST BUY IN ALL. LAURELHURST. Brand new "-room bungalow and fin ished attic with convenient garage in basement, on sightly fSx1uO rorntr with unobstructed view of ?tt. Hood. Has Oftk floors throughout, Internationa all .-asrt furnace (g-urtranteedL fireplace, buffet. mirror doors, tapestry paper, light and roomy kitchen and breakfast room, cement porch and driveway. Price only $5tli0. Owner on premises 2 to 5 dally. N "E. corner K:td and Wasco. ny 150 feet from Sandy blvd. MONTAVTLLA SACRIFICE. 6 ROOMS, MODERN'. WixlL'5 CORNER. $Or0. rr.o Cash. Best buy in Portland : only 2 blocks from car on K. 7Sth yt.: large corner lot. 00x125. with full bearing fruit trees and iice shrubbery: house has finished cement basement, bath, etc.; faces east; firw neighborhood of good modern homes. Hurry, this won't last 4S hours. MoOOrtilTT. 2n7 Failing B!dg. Brnadwa y 74 "J ft ; Sun d a v. Main n:i 1 R. ROSK CITY. $5230 One ol" the nicest and best 5 room modern bungalows, large Rt tie. just completed. Embraces al! of the comforts you desir?. The hest buy In Rose City. .".Ox I'M) lot. n ice garage. See it to dav. Faces east on 5.'ld t., just north of Broadway. For ap pointment Main UiiS Sunday, UNION SAFE DEPOSIT &, TRUST CO. Broadway 043. K4 Oak St. ONLY $r,00 CASH. Tf you have from $."'00 to $1f00 nash and can make regular month ly payment!. we will furnish the lot and build von a home. C. R. MEYER CO M PA N Y. POS Couch Bldg. Broadway 1T.31. ALBERTA B I'NlJ ALO V. 3230. small payment down, balance like rent ; 3 rooms, 2 bedrooms, dining room and kitchen, built-in buffet- a real labor-saving kitchen, fu'l basemen f iOxIOO lot. with lots of fruit bearing trees; al! improvements in. LET'S CI FT TCH1 F TITTER cuwy, Ask fi Mr. Fisher with WILBU R JO UNO. Bldg. 224 Henry IRVING TON. ON 23I, XBAR BRAZEE JKSOO. large rooms and double sleep ing porch, also large sunroom; all draperies, stoves and manv ex pensive furnishings go with the house. McDonnell, East ROSE CITY CAR. Modern 5-room bungalow, nice living room, pretty fireplace, heavy oak floors; two good bedrooms. a real Dutch kitchen, sunny breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays; built by day labor, best of material and workman ship. Price $4430, $3io down. $30 per month. See Royal, 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 133. Evenings Tabor 7174. SrX.NYSI D E $ 2S30. Going to California. 5 rooms and bath; just newly papered and tinted; this is a good buy. owner must sell Immediately and you can make good terms if necessary. Will also sell furnished. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 213 Corbett Bldg. Main fiSoO. I-ROOM house, almost like new, cement basement, wash trays, gas and elec tricity, lots of built-ins, large sleeping porch, double garage, lot 50x100 street improvements all paid. Price $3000, small payment down, easv terms. Phone Tabor 82S1. Address 1113 East Tavlor owner. SAVE RENT AND BUY. New 2-r. and lot Mloo $430. terms. Nw 3-r. and lot, ItMixlOO $730, terms. New 2-r. and lot 100x200 $1000. terms. Acr tracts, $300 and up. terms. Near Willamette river anrl Oswego I ake WILLAMETTE REALTY CO., Cham, of Com. Bldg. PORTLAND H MIGHTS .Bungalow - at vie hoiis 3 large rooms and glassed-in ."-leaping pon-b, fine altlc and basement, hard-wood floors, ivory woodwork, beau tiful ra.le-r: worth $V0O wilt take $.ViX for nuuk wile, half u?h. B 329, Orc- gonian. BEAUTIFUL CORNER. A homo that you have all admired; 7 spacious rooms. if you appreciate a real home see. t hts HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Realtors 3ttfl and Hawthorne. Tabor 7-ttt3 Even'ngs Tabor lf7T. ROSE CITY DISTRICT; Modern 5-room bungalow. Urge living room, tapestry paper. prPttv Urrh kifrben; fruit, berries and flowers $34 .to. very easy terms. will accept soldier's loan, t7S E. 73th st. N. Tabor 7174. , "K KLH UK ST. I block from r-ark. -erv deairablo location; S rooms, full remen hwemnr, sarapp, furnace. fireplace. e!AC- ran-, wa Ler heater. Pri.- JT.'OO- or will sl fu-rvshed. Attractive term' " Tab. 4040- HKKKS YOUR CHANCE 5-room modern bungalow : 4 rooms down. 1 finished in an lot ROxlOO; garden in: chv" to school nnd car; poed sr.. $2000: $-rt down. balance $23 mom h int . included. Tabo r S5K0 -ROOM house, walking distance, npar E. 13th, pa.ved streets, fireplace, furnace. full basement, cement floor, full lt. wou'd make fm duplex or rooms to leu Price for f.-w da vs. $30o HOI STOCK KXCH. BT.PO. R.-VSE -CITY CAR. Brand new k rom huncHlw and ga rage; fiii corner lot .Vivirto, reduced from $ fo $3.'oo. a rea 1 huv. Open -to oaii. n. E. corner ,";id ana Ws jro st s. ROK iMTY r.VKK. nw . wi.,-.on.riKlH fi-ronm huural FO- HQ raragc. on pavd street. e hy TABOR u V-a-ROOM Kwni-mndern, in the heart f Snnnyide; small cash pvment and $. per month ; business s me east ; could rent for $:." por mmith. .1. P. VcKenna. 11 -M Beim--rt. Tabor fi4IS. 5KA1TIK1 U 7-roo-ii Koso Ciiv home. 4Mh near an,,j-; strictly moni, choice ror J?.i. doub' Karago; $70Ht; l-nns. East WHY NOT BUY. STE K ENT $1.V i-h: price $1230 balance easv terms; vmll h'.usc. good iot. Bdwv. 'I'liTUXD HKMHTS hnmc for sale. 0 i-oms 2-i per 1-111 1 los than value: easy ;.-'' A K 301. Ur.-yonjun -ROOM toTTA.IK. fuil lot garage all paved and raid; flSOO. $330 down. Cail Eas-t 1-7. ;i' .Si; A uO-VV snap, Mnwworfi. :il34. li (ii-E- K M. house, not ana luiiaoalali. Ciicap, ompletcd. b'd Xabor 674. KEAL ESTATE. l-'or Sale Hounes. A REAL HOME. f3500 A 6-room. modern, 2-story bouse, east front, the best grade of hard wood floors, fireplace, den, buffet, Dutch kitchen, linoleum on kitchen floor, full basement, furnace, laundry trays, fruit room, etc. ; garage. 50x100 f t. lot; ail improvements in and paid. $'250 cash, balance reasonable terms. ROSE CITY PARK SPECIAL. $51:00 5-room, modern bungalow, hardwood floors in living and dining room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, den, bath between 2 bedrooms, cement basement, pipeless furnace, laun dry trays, 50xl00-ft. lot. double garage, house oouble constructed throughout. This place must be seen to be appre ciated. A light car and a- small cash payment will handle, monthly payments very easy. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. $4800 This is a modern, y-room bun galow, hardwood floors in living and dining room, all preferable built-ins. partially finished attic, cement base ment. 50xl00-ft. lot, all improvements in and paid. Easy terms will handle. This place is an exceptionally good buy. A GOOD BUY. $2625 A five-room house, very neat and comfortable; buffet. Dutch kitchen, dug-out basement, 50xl00-ft. lot. 1 block to paved street, 1 block to car, near school, some fruit and berries. Easy terms. TREMONT PLACE. $1400 4-room cottage. Dutch kitchen, electric lights, dug-out basement. 40x120 it. lot, all fenced; garage; 1 block from Woodstock car. $250 will handle, bal ance J20 a month. HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. If you wish to buy or sail a home in any district in the city, remember we specialize in homes only. A. B. CHRISTENSON". THE HOME HEALTOR. CS3J E. 8th St. Sellwood 2fi31. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 9tw. 51000 CASH. 5 large, well-arranged rooms, floored attic, entrance hall with closet, oak firs., fireplace. bookcase, attractiva buffet, Dutch kitchen, large concrete basement, quick possession. NEAR REED COLLEGE. 200x100 Grounds. 5-room, semi-modern house in good condition,, tapestry walls, white wood work, pantry kitchen, concrete base ment, beautiful grounds, fruit, berries, grapes, garden, nice lawn and flowers. 3 b!ks to car. $4000. $500 will handle It. Move right in. COUNCIL CREST. 3-room cosy cottage, just as neat as can be. wonderful view. 60x100 lot. fru t, roses and flowers. $2000 buys this including furniture, which is of good quality and like new. LADD'S ADDITION'. KEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Right in tho heart of Ladd's Addition L 1. ave charm!ng 6-room bungalow, nuilt as you would build your home, all floors oak, very modern in every re spect, ready to move into. See me Mon day. I have a good price for quick sale. 121o N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. Today call Auto. 0.14-00. IRVING TON. New. up-to-date bungalow. 0 large rooms anrl breakfast nook, fireplace and furnace, hardwood floors and papered throughout, tile bath and drain board, costly plumbing, plate glass windows, light fixtures and window shades. This is a very attractive home, and in best part of Irvington. 4S4 E. 24TH ST. N, NEAR THOMPSON. OPEN 2-5. WOODLAWN 4S41. ROSE CITY. 5-room hungalow on 55th street. $4750, J3000 cash, balance monthly. 5-room bunsralow on 60th street. .$5000. $1000 cash, balance monthly. Will build to suit on corner 55th and Thompson for $1000 cash and balance monthly. C. R. MEYER COMPANY. 808 Couch Bldg. Broadway 1331. I RVINGTO N SNAP. Just b"ing completed, beautiful bun galow. If you're looking for a cheap shack, go elsewhere. If you are con sidering building or if you are looking for a good buy and appreciate good work and good materials with clussv finish, it will pay you to inspect this one Sunday P. M. Located on Ea.t 27th, between Knott and Stanton. Call Tabor 1184. PORTLAND H EIGHTS. 6 - room bungalow, sleeping porch, beautiful view. 2 blocks from Ainsworth school and car; owner leaving city. Mar. 9S6. IRVINGTON. BEAUTIFUL NEW SPANISH BUN GALOW. Beautiful inside decorations; tile bath, pedestal lav., base tub. 2 toilets, kitch en; all built-ins, tastefully arranged; furnace, fireplace; corner lot. 30x100: all improvements paid. Comer 26th and Wasco. Owner at house all dav. IRVINGTON. ' $8200 7-room house in the heart of Irvington. 2 baths, li fireplaces. large sleeping porch, double ga- rase, 60x100 lot. Easy terms. Now vacant. For appointment Sunday Main 102S. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. Broadway 043. 2S4 Oak St $4300 HAWTHORNE $4300. WALKING DISTANCE. Closing estate and must sell, 9 large rooms. 2 fireplaces, full basement, fur nace; 50x100 lot; this is splendid income property; small payment down and easv terms. See Mr. Young with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Lominerce. PARK ROSE BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern, all kinds of conven iences, good basement, 'A acre of ground 22 assorted fruit trees, berries and shrub bery ; beautiful surroundings ; 2 U blocks car. $4230. $1500 cash, balance "$25 per iiiviiui itmi in ce rest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. FINE CORNER LOT. 100x100, 8 ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE, LARGE ENTRANCE HALL. HOT WATER HEAT, GARAGE. MIGHT CONSIDER SMALL PLACE PART PAYMENT. POINDEXTER, 207 SELLING BLDG. IRVINGTON EASTER SPECIAL. ONLY $6500. A real good 6-room houes with all im provements; 3 bedrooms, full basement, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, fine condition ; all clear. See this today. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor, 21?t Corbett Bldg. Main 6!fl!. ONLY $450 DOWN. 6-room modern home, lot 50x100. 1 block to car: barn can be used for ga rage and chicken house; lot of berries and fruit; $3350; $430 down, bal. S30 month, including Interest. Will sell fiir niture cheap. Tabor 8569. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. Strictly modern 5-room bungaJow. lust finished, everything right up to date, ptate glass windows. large garage, un depriced at $6000, easy terms. Associated Securities Co., 712 Lewis bldg. Bdwv. 3:?tn. ROSE CITY PARK, -room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-ins. full cement basement, large attic; 50x100 lot; $70O0. t"rms. Wm. G. Beck, 215 Failing bldg. Rdwv. 7I07 ROSE CITY DISTRICT $2600. A dandy- lit tie bungalow on 73x1 on lt : blocks to caV; onlv $700 down and S30 irmnthlv. Se this tndav HARRY FECKWITH. Realtor. 213 Corbett Bldg. Main RSfifV PORTLAND H BIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. If you want to buy a hom on Port land Heights It will be to your advan tage to see Mrs. Brooke. 541 Montgom ery drive, corner Elm. Main 4342. Phone mornings. $300O SWELL 5-room bungalow, up-to-date, with a quarter acre ; Tabor dis trict. Surprise bargain; very liberal terms. My loss is your gain. J. P. Mc Kenna. 1151 Belmont. Tabor 6403. GENUINE bargain from owner: U nice 5 rooni houses on large, valuable lot. on cr line; walking distance ; near East Broadwav; total price $1500; half cash. East 622S. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, fl-room house and 3 lots, fruit trees, improvements in and paid : $2600 cash. 227 East 47th st. Wm. G. Beck, 213 Failing. - FOR SALE $250. CIora in. delightful location. 3-room tent cottage; water, electricity, some fur niture included. Mar. 1JM2. FINE 5-room modern bungalow near Penisula park, uuderpriced at $40. Easv terms. Associated Securities Co., 712 Lewis h?dg. Rd w y . 3 :i 6.1 . B V O W N E R M ori e rn 6 - ron m b u n ga 1 o w with garage. I block from Hawthorn.', viose in, $3150, terms. Call Tabor 763 after 1 P. M. 8-ROOM substantial house, built for apart ments r for home: rented ws high as $ 1 50 par month ; price $700. Tabor S9S4. UvV furnished shack on liinxllHi lot in garden "and berries; equity at a bargain. 11 Woodtnwn 3oi 4. - Kt 10 Al bungalow --t i!j)pr floor; paved $3lM down. $30 per le. with 4 rooms on street, wash tray?, month. East 127. CARKEXTES will build hous and take $:;900 ROSE CITY, 7-room modern, treat part trade. Ford or lots, J 3L3, Ore- ly underpriced, and will go to the first aoman, J baxua scckur. jbdwy. iCIS. REAL ESTATE. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, HOMES. $3700 Near Jefferson high, 5-rrcu bungalow, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, attic, basement, 50xlOO lot. -paved ats. and sewer, ga rage. A neat little place; only $700 down. $3600 Walking distance, Williams ave. and Tillamook; good, comfortable 5-room home, 50x100 lot with double ga rage. Save rent and car fare; only $SO0 down. $4250 Brand new bungalow In Westmoreland, combination living and dining room, hardwood floors, ail built ins, 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen and nook, full ce ment basement, 50x100 lot. Just a little dandy, mighty reasonable; $600 down. porch, strictly modern, beau $5250 Rose City Park, 6-rm. bun galow and sleeping porch, strictly modern, beautiful location, 50x100 lot, garage. Your money's worth here. Terms. $5750 Beautiful Hancock street home, 6 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, large liv ing room, fireplace and. every convenience that is necessary in a modern home; 3 large bedrooms, beautiful lot and more ground available if wanted. Close to school. You wiU appreciate the value; ternw. Call Broadway 7567 to inspect any of the above. One of our salesmen will call for you. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LATJRELHTJRST FURNISHED HOUSE. Modern five-room house, with attic, garage, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, located near Laurel hurst park. Elaborately furnished and everything new, including period furniture, oriental rugs and will handle, balance on terms. 1233 East Pine St. Near 41st Street. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Dandy new 5-room double con structed home with all built-in conveniences, tapestry paper, oak floors, full cement basement, fire place, shower and tub bath; all street improvements in and paid. 4 blocks to grade school and walk ing distance to Franklin high. $4600, $1100 cash, terms on bal ance. C. R. MEYER COMPANY. SOS Couch Bldg. Broadway 1331. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. You will agree when you see It; 8 rooms, absolutely modern; living room 8x30, oak floor; large dining room, ele gant bath. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace. Lot 69x100 with alley. Good garage. Linoleum in bath and kitchen. $S000. TERMS. We believe this to be $2000 below its actual cash value. Owner must sell. Sunday phone East 312. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 210 Lumbermens Bldg.. Sth and Stark. MODERN 6-raom house, with entire block of choice garden ground, all kinds of bearing ?ruit trees, berries, nice lawn and shrubbery ; a place you would be proud to own; 1 block to street car. paved streets and sewers in: close in and a good neighborhood: you can selt hundreds of dollars' worth of fruit and vegetables each year; just the place for the kiddies to exercise. Think it over and get in touch with owner. Will ac cept small cash payment, bal. 6. Some one is going to get a bargain: might consider -sood auto in deal. Owner, E. Jacobson. 346 E. 40th N. Tabor 7853. DUTCH COLONIAL. IRVINGTON. New 5-room, most attractive home, located in nice neighborhood; house con veniently arranged ; one bedroom and bath on first floor; space for two addi tional rooms upstairs; built by owner for his borne bv dav labor: best or ma terials used, hardwood floors, plate-glass -windows. full cement basement. gooa furnace. 430 East 27th North, near Til lamook street, or 6tt Chamber of Com nierce bldg. Broadway 6651. SMALL FAMILY HOME. 4-room bungalow, near Creston school and Richmond car; house is - well built, conveniently arranged and practically new; nice lawn; only $2730. easy terms. 1 C. R. MEYER COMPANY. SOS Couch Bldg. Broadway 1531. A SUNNY HOME IN SUNNYSIDE. S5000 Terms. On corner at 1163 E. Salmon. This home radiates all those good appointments and spells conve nience. good cheer, happiness and con tentment, such as downstairs bedroom, 2 toilets, fireplace, large living room, run cement basement, front and back porches, 3 bedrooms unstairs: garage; furnace. Must be sold. Make an offer. Tabor S234 or 1118. LARGE HOME AND GROUNDS. 12 rooms, modern, all built-ins, hard wood f loots, fireplace, furnace,' full ce ment basement, billiard hall and maid's rooms on 3d floor ; double garage with chauffeur's room: nice grove of trees; fruit, berries, shrubbery ; grounds 150X 200; streets paved: a regular country estate in the heart of the east side. Price $12,000: terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALL FURNISHED. MOVE RIGHT IN. NEW OAK FURNITURE. 5-room modern bungalow, large living and dining room, hardwood floors, rire place, buffet and bookcases, 2 lovely bedrooms, full cement basement, trays, furnished : $3700; $ 1000 down : unfur nished. $3200; $600 down, bal. $30 mo., interest included. Tabor 8560. WALKING DISTANCE. EAST BROAD WAY FINE CORNER, lOOxlOO, LARGE 8-ROOM RESIDENCE, MODERN EX CEPT HARDWOOD FLOORS; FINE HOME OR INVESTMENT. WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE NEXT FIVE YEARS. POINDEXTER, 207 SELLING BLDG. GLISAN ST. UNDERPRICKD. FOR QUICK SALE 17 ROOMS. 3-story house with good income. Fine arrangement of rooms for renting: finest rental dist. west side; in excellent con dition; large high basement, 2 furnaces, 3 sots of plumbing; 50x100 lot: garage. Investigate this and make offer. Bdwy. T. O. BIRD. 526 Chamber of Commerce. SUNNYSIDE ONLY $5750. A real home. 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms, music room, furnace, fireplace laundry trays, fruit, shrubbery; only 2 blocks to car"; 4 to rchool; fine condition; all clear. Terms can be arranged. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 213 Corbett Bldg. Main 6 860. IRVINGTON CLOSE IN. New tj-rooni bungalow, east front, full lot and garage: 3 bedrooms, nice attic, hardwood floors, full basement: $6500; good terms. This is hard to beat. B A.RNEY JOHNSON & CO.. Realtors, 170 10th St! Main 3160. ONLY $300 DOWN. 6-room modern home; 4 rooms and bath; pantry down. 2 up; full basement, trays, new gn& range and stove; 1 block from car: all goes for $2700, balance $30 month including Interest. Tabor J1500. . COZY 4-room bungalow. 2 years old; Haw thorne oar une; z Dearooms. uutcn kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, ce ment basement, fine corner, 300x02, on hard street, all for $3250; terms. Owner, East 6228 ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Modern three-room Pullman bungalow, a clever looking little home, $2350. Very ea sy term;. See Roy a 1 . 7 2d and Sandv blvd. Tabor 135. Evenings Ta bor 7174. ' $16,000. Large residence at 523 East 39th. cor. Clinton sts.. 300x100 lot; house will be shown bv appointment. 215 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 7407. or Tabor 2050. COMPLETELY furnished house on paved street: everytnmg paia, ouw: ;hi down, balance 550 monthly, t per cent 1 interest. 73 Kast "tn st. NICE HOME. LOW PRICE. 5 rooms and sleeping porch one floor; lot 40x1 14; dout e garage, 2 blocks to car. $3250: $600 Jown. Tabor 8369. $50O CASH, 6-room house on East Madi son street. A-l in gooa conaition, L',"(.o. Discount for more cash down. Call Broadwav 53ft today. -ROOM Woodstock bungalow. $2530; equity $170. for few suburban .acres, clear. Thomson. Mohawk bldg. REAL ESTATE. .For Sale Houses. TOO BUSY TO WRITS ADS. of any length, but we have the listings anyway. Come out and look them over. A few are: 5-room. modern, plumbing, elec tric lights $1300 5- room, modern, hard surface IUoO 6- room, modern, corner, hard sur face 2S50 5-room, modern, hard surface 2100 5-room, modern bungalow, hard surface 3000 5- room, modern, furnished, hard surface - 3200 6- room, modern, 2-story, hard sur face 3G50 7- room, modern, 2-story, hard sur face 4000 Many others: also brand new 4-room. modern, all imaginable built-ins, 2 bed rooms, at $3250. Terms on any of above, from $300 down, up. These are close-in, vicinity of Mississippi car and Jefferson high. George F. Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 Mississippi ave., Wdln. 1201. IRVINGTON. $5500 i $5500 JUST THINK! Five-room, lovely little gray bungalow with floored attic, all A-l condition; American hot-water heat; $150 gas range., $75 refrigerator, Ruud water heat er; block to U and 1 block to Broadway cars; $1500 cash, $00 per month, including interest, handles this. EAST 419. IRVINGTON. $12,500. See 593 E. 24th st. N., beautiful cream colored stucco home, large rooms, polid mahogany and old ivory; 2 beautiful tiled fireplaces and 2 tiled bathrooms, also lavatory room and dressing room with plumbing and triple mirrors. See this if you want something out of the ordinary. MDONELL, EAST 419. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Built for a home; owner leaving city, must sell; worth $10,000; splendidly con structed; corner; five rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout; fireplace. . furnace. living room has Egyptian tile fireplace, gold-bronze fin ish on wall, hand-painted shades on lights, tile bath, garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. At the sacrifice price of $8850. Easy terms. Phone Tabor 8i for appointment. After Sunday cail Main 9012. ' . IRVINGTON DISTRICT. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. $5500 New, attractive' 5-room bunga low, 50x100; hardwood floors through out; fireplace, long living room, artistic buffet, 2 lovely bedrooms, tile floors in bath room, pedestal lavatory, Dutcn kitchen, with breakfast nook, floored attic, garage (piped), furnace, improve ments in and paid; will sell on very easy terms. This is a bargain. R. SOMBRVILLE. BDWY. 2478. FOR SALE by owner, five rooms and breakfast nook. Hawthorne district. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, hot water heat-er. Linoleum in kitchen and bath. Nice fixtures, tapestry paper, ivory and enamel woodwork, baseboard plugs in each room. AH built-in con - ' venienoes. Cement basement. $4S'U. Terms. 1369 East Grant st. One block to car. Evenings and Sundays. . TRVTNGTON DISTRICT. SACRIFICE FORCED SALE. $4S00 Attractive 6-room and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, fine cement ga rage, fine condition, now vacant. Move right in on your own terms. At o Weidler st. R. SOMERVILLE, Broadway 2478. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. This attractive 5-room bungalow is finished in ivory, tapestry paper, all built-ins; immediate occupancy of this pretty hbme can be given; terms; price SS550. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Realtors, 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 74G3. Evenings. Tabor 1977. IJ CP PITV Pi V Artistic new 5-room bungalow with $75 gas furnace, thermostat, hardwood floors, fireplace and large living rooms. Dutch kitchen, attractive breakfast nook; improvements all in and paid; price $5500; very easy terms. 678 E. - 60th N. ' R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. IRVINGTON. TrviTigton rambling bungalow on lOOx TOO corner; English true: hardwood f 1 o o rs through out ; 2 b ath ro om s and 3 fireplace, maid's room, has plumbing; new gas furnace; grounds beautifully 'landscaped. See this if looking for a bargain. McDOXBLL. EAST 419. PENINSULA DISTRICT. 5-room house near Peninsula park.$42"H. 4- room house, Ainsworth ave $2800 5- room house on Atlantic st $2800 5-room house with 3 lots on corner of Ainsworth $3750 New 4-room bUTigalow. St. Johns. .$2850 Call W. L. ERWIN. Woodlawn 6714, for particulars and terms. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow; large living room across the front, 2 large, airy bedrooms, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, cement basement, hard wood floors, tapestry paper, ivory and white enamel finish, fireplace, furnace and garage: Vs acre or more ground. 2504 67th St. S. E. Tabor 5087. HAWTHORNE bungalow, nearly new; 5 rooms with exceptionally large living room ; large plate glass window, fire place, etc., everything most complete. Lovely 'built-ins, breakfast nook, garage Nice district. $5250. Term's or bonus and small payment down. O. A- Pearce Co.. 610 Henry tol-dg. Bdwy. 4833. $3100, with small payment down; 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, full plumbing, 5 Ox 100 lot; desirable location close to Mis sissippi car. Bdwy. 4837. Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. JOfNO, 224 Henry Bldg. IN LAURELHURST. Beautiful home on siglatly lot over looking park; 8 spacious rooms and sewing room, double plumbing, 2 fire places, finest workmanship throughout; owner on premises Sunday afternoon. 1166 E. Oak. near 49th. Tabor 7463. Evenings. Tabor 1977. MODERN BUNGALOW. $800 WILL HANDLE IT. 5 rooms, white enamel finish, fire place, full cement basement, wash trays. Fox furnace, hard-surface street; all as sessments paid; 2 blks. from the Broad way car. Open today. 751 East 27th street North. IRVINGTON $5500; .iust think. 5-room, lovely little gray bungalow with floored attic, all in A-l condition, American hot water heat; $150 gas range, $75 refrigerator, Ruud water heat; k blk. to TJ and 1 blk. to Broadway car; $1300 cash, $60 per month, including interest, handles this. East 410. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Completely furnished, mahogany and oak furniture, 6 rooms, fireplace, fur nace, hardwood 'floors, garage, $1000 down, price only $5500. Open 3 to 6 today. Tabor 878 or Main 9012. Im mediate possession. SNAP COMPLETELY FURNISHED from a hatpin to a doormat : 5-room bungalow; large, airy rooms, newly tint ed and painted throughout ; $lO0 has ben paid upon this property and purchaser forfeited opion, thus reduc ing price to $3150. Tabor 3090. Broad way 6363. Rock. 403 Couch bldg. HAWTHORNE DIST. Must sell today. 1204 Caruthers St., $2650. $800 cash. Five rooms, fireplace; cement basement, laundry trays. Full plumbing, built-in bookcases and cupboards. Imps, in and paid. Open for inspection, 2 to 5 Sun days. Come today if you want a sna p. 23 minutes on Richmond car. East 7842. SEE J. W. McFADDEN BUILDING CO. ROOM 2, RAILWAY EXCHANGE? BLDG. Phon Broadway 7959 -when you want a home built. Home building has been m y bu siness continuously for 12 years. ONLY $2500 ROSE CITY PARK DIST. Good modern 7-room. la-story bunga low, double constructed, large living room, buffet. Dutch kitchen. bath, toilet, full basement, assessments paid; terms. Tabor 6559- IRVINGTON HOME. SAVE COMMISSION. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors everywhere. garage, 2-oarline service, very small payments, $7500, East 0431. HONEST CONSTRUCTION. New 5-room modern bungalow, com bination living and di ning room, hard wood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, attic, cemt-nt basement. 50x100 lot. east facing. 3H00 terms. Call Wdln. S05. ATTENTION HOME BUILDERS! Experienced architectural designer will help you plan your home, prepare building plans and furnish specifications for reasonable fee. Woodlawn 6388. MR. INVESTOR. If yon will call at our office Monday wf will show you 3 places that we just listed, that will show you an income of 14 to 15 per cent. 5A3 Se-lling bldg. FORCED SALE. Small unfinished house on p?ved st., sewer and sidewalks, all for $1250. How- ard 1115 N. W. BanR. Tabor 784. IRVINGTON, on 23th. near Thompson' 6-room charming colonial; in - perfect condition and about 1-year-old; $9500; easv terms. McDonell, East 419. YOUR LOAN ALONE will handle this neat 5-room bungalow. Pipeless furnace, 1 block to car, $4000. Howard. 1115 N. W. Bank. Tabor 7S84. ROSE CITY DISTRICT 5 rooms and bath. 2 blocks south of Sandy on the hill, block from pavement; $2S50, some terms; no agents. Tabor 7490. MODERN S-rooni house. 2 lots, Portland Heights, at great bargain, 300 Henry building. REAL ESTATE. PTl OTECTrON FOiR -THE HOME OWNER. Licensing and "bond ing of firro and Individuals engaged in contracting for the erection of homes, for the protection of the public against loss through in efficiency or dishonesty. Is urged by the following firms, recently organized under th ame of the PORTLA'ND ITOME- BUTLDERS" A"D C OiXTRACT O'R-S' ASSOCIATION. Kom buildera and property owners are urged to get behind th movement and assist in securing the passage of a city ordinance which would insure pro tection for the home owner. Further information relative to the purposes of the association, together with advice to prospective home builders, will be fur nished free of charge by any member. hese firms are engaged exclusively in building operations and make a spe cially of residence construction: P.obt. B. Beat, 434 E. 15th st. N.' Eiast 18T5. Rice Construction Co. (A. R. Rice), WO E. l'5th st. N. Aut. 320-S5. F. B. Turner, 661 Frainxrat st. Wood lawn 0541. J. W. Mc'Fadden, 300 EX. 34th st. S. Tabor 54 S3. T B. Winship, 461 E. 4Sth st. 1ST. Aut. 312-24. Geo. A. Ross. Gerlinger bldg. Mar. 85S. R. S. McFarland, 320 E. SOth st, S. Tabor 2740. A P-ajunen. 697 E. 45th st. N. Tabor 6004. P L. Read. 501 E. 37th st. S. Tabor 1C.A. St ever, 1034 EX Stevens st. Tabor 270;. Frank A. Read, 201 Imperial ave. Tabor 5233- M L. McMinn, 405 E. 47th st. X. Tabor 7SS2. X. O. E k 1 und , 611 E, 61st s t. N. Tabor 6S0. H. R. Kibler. 870 E. 30th St. !N. Woodlawn 2042. H E. Doherty. 1335 E. Ystmhiu St. Tabor 7992. Cleland & Hubbell, 1007 Division St. Tabor S703. . T. A. Sutherland, 2O0 E. 47th st. S. Tabor 65. John E. Ness, 900 Preseott st. Pacific Bldg. Co. (C. E. Weller), 12-52 Broadway. Aut. 317-44. Elmer E. .Eatinger, 292 E. 35th et. Tibor 8543. J. Bryeon Moore, 12S2 Alameda. Tabor 3S2tf. H. H. Harris, 1016 Brooklyn. Sellwood 2608. X. R. Caples. 680 E. 16th st. N. Aut 326-21. Bmil Johnson. 541 E. 25th st- N. E-mil Kelson, 6S1 E. Morrison st. East OS 34. O. O. Westland, 1270 Haight ave. Woodlawn 6o62. ' A C. Malmqulst, 690 E. 25tth. 6t. N. Eat 22. Herman Nelson, 10-76 E. 27th et. N. Woodlawn 4841. M. Ness, 12U7 E. 16th St. N. Wood lawn 4442. G. B. Maxwell, Lennox and Holgate ave. Aut. 640-43. R. Christman, 1150 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 7837. Herman Prouty, 5416 37th ave. S. E, Aut. 63S-26. Wm. Hildebrandt, 410 E. 40th mt. N. Tabor 24til. PORTLAiND HOME BUILDERS' ANI CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. A. R. Rice, President. T. B. Winsfrip, Vice-President. P. L. Read, Secy, and Trea-s. IRVTNGTO'N BARGAIN. Brand new, 6-room bungalow, finished in ivorv. oak floors, papered and deco rated throughout, tile bath and drain boards, best of plumbing, fireplace, fur nace, beautiful lighting fixtures. Dutch kitchen, attic, garage; this house is strictly modern and up to the minute; come out and see it today; terms. Lo cated at 730 East 22d st. N. Owner, Woodlawn. 6541. YOU ARE LOOKING for a real nice modern bungalow on, rea sonable terms, in a good location and neighborhood; here it is. absolutely; on Woodstock ave. ; better than 6 nice rooms and a beautiful bath; well built and of the best material; cement base ment with 2 entrances; lots of light; cement sidewalks, and not too far to car; garage on big alley ; 2 big lots with oodles of fruit, nice shade, etc.; $3150; $500 down, balance like rent; there is no incumbrance; you can't beat it. In quire Cable Realty Co.. 5829 72d St. S. E. Phone Auto. 613-33. NEJW IRVINGTON BUGAOW. $500 $600 CASH. 5 rooms, ivory finish, breakfast alcove, oak floors, tapestry paper, tile bath, best of plumbing, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, lighting fix tures, window shades, attic: good loca tion. Located at 757 E. 18th fit, N. Own er. Wood law n 654 1 . LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Brand new 5 rooms, large floored attic, double constructed throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace, large living and dining rooms, 2 bedrooms and kitch en. This type of house sells for $6000 or more, but if sold at once the price is $5150; will give very liberal terms with small payment down. Bdwy. 4.S37. Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. JOUNO, 224 Henry Bldg. ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK. ON YOUR OWN TERMS. $4200 buys this desirable 5-room bun galow with garage, plate glass window, large fireplace in nice living room, two airy bedrooms, large closets, cabinet kitchen, floored attic, full cement base ment with (piped) furnace; no mort gage; can use soldier's bonus. Can't beat this. R. SOMERVILLE, Broadway 2478. LAURELHURST. East 33d and Holladay. 1 block from Sandy; just east of Mann home; new. modern six-room nouse ; iirst class throughout ; garage. PRICE $7SOO. Duplicate of above at E. 30th and Schuyler.. PRICE $7200. Good terms given. East ISTo. -QfWNiER. ROvBKRT B. LEiET. BUILDE'R. WILL TAKE VACANT LOT. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE BUNG. Six rooms, one floor, strictly modem except, furnace: new hardwood floors and all built-ins; garage; assessments paid; one block from car; now vacant; price $4050; will take one or two vacant lots and Little cash. Call OWNER, Sun da yIMa.r 5463jTveekdav FOR SMALL FAMILY. $850 buys this dandy little home of better than 3 rooms; has electric light, gas, inside toilet, etc.; cement sidewalk and only 2 blocks to car, stores, etc.; fine neighborhood, fine location; about $325 down, balance very easy. Cable Realty Co., '5829 72d st. S. E. Phone Auto. 613-33. HOME SACRIFICED. To settle an estate I am offering a modern home situated on a beautiful corner 66 2-3x100, 2 blocks from Laurel hurst Park; streets, paved and all im provements paid ; price $5000, with terms; don't fail to see it. . Phone Tabor 3:91 for particulars. I HAVE a 6-room modern bungalow in Hawthorne for $4000 with $500 down. All improvements in. fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Bdwy. 4S37. Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. JOUNO, 224 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS. A U modern con venien ces. hardwood floor. French windows, built-in buffet end bookcases; artistic fireplace, hot water beating system, garage. fuM con crete basement: a real buy direct from owner; save the commission. 741 E. 70th St. North. CHEAPEST place ever offered in Port land; positively going to sell this week; make me an offer; 8 large rooms; 4 ;i-room housekeeping suites, newly fur nished and cleaned, everything good; Nob Hill, walking distance; furnace heat, light and gas; all full. Main 2711. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP, $4250. Furnished or unfurnished 5-room bungalow, every modem convenience, furnace, fireplace, garage, full cement basement, harmonious walls, woodwork, all improvements in and paid. Tab. 890. WANT Bungalow, good location, not too high in price : expect some terms. Bdwy. 4P37. Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. JOUNO, ,'U4 Henry liiag. ALL FOR $2000. 6-room houseboat partly furnished and two motor boats; will sell with or without boats. Cleveland. 306 Bd, of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. MULTNOMAH Modern. 5-room bungalow, garage, near .station, school, corner SOx 140; macadam roads; $4200. terms. Fur niture ii qesirea. casx .to.' 5-ROOM modern cottage in Woodlawn; fruit and lawn-; lot 50x100. Price $10. Less for good cash payment. 1413 Vul can street- AR 570, Oregonian. $250O 6-ROOM house and garage, on paved street, near cariine: $5O0 down, bal. favorable mo n Lilly payments. A $80. OrcsoBiaa REAL ESTATE. For male Houses. ROSE CITY BARGALN'. Modern five-room bungalow and bstb. full basement on paved street, one-half block off Sandy blvd., east front; will give you a good deal if you are- looking for a dandy Rose City home. Have many other bargains In Rose City, both large and small homes, to suit most any purse. Let us show you wiia we have to offer F. J. D I ETSflT. 326 Cham, of Com, or phone Tabor 7S57. BUNGALOW adjoining Alameda; just completed ; double constructed, hard wood floors, fireplace, tapestry paper, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. This is a good buy for $3300 with small payment down. Bdwy. 4837. Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. JOUNO, : Henry Bldg. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT. 7 ROOMS. ROSE CITY PARK. Attractive home, beautiful grounds. 300x100, just north of Sandy blvd.; E. 61st N. ; has 6 rooms and den with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fur nace and garage; will sell at $7000; easy terms, or rent furnished for $05. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 247S. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, all hardwood floors down stairs, every modern feature you can ask for; double garage; see today; $7000, terms. Owner, 8S4 Hancock st. SACRIFICE. New 7-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, built-ins. Full cement base ment. $4500. terms. 156 E. S t afford. $1200 BUYS four-room house on large lot; one-half cash, balance three years. Ed ward T. Orr, 115 Grand ave S-KOOM modern house, $3Suu, terms; oc car line, near park; a fine buy, Ownei in town until Tuesday. Columbia 73. IRVINGTON corner home; $12,000; brand new colonial; double garage; a real home. McDonell, East 41!). IRVINGTON Modern six-room corner house, g.irage. 415 Tillamook. Owner, East 4070. NEW 4-ROOM California bungalow; small payment do w n. 28 East t5th North. Suburban Homes. OSW1EGO LAKE SNAP. OWNiEK WILL SACRIFICE. $2000. Nifty little bungalow (almost new), with gas, electricity, water; large lot, 5wxl20; about 5 or 6 minutes' walk to car and lake; worth easily $-500: owner leaving state; will sacrifice for SJ00U, $000 cash, balance easy. Another, only 1 block from the lake. 1 block from station; half acre, with 4 rooms and bath; cement basement; fro-nts on good auto road ; big snap; $2000. $900 cash. For nifty, modern suburban homes see G. G. MCOORMIC CO.. 207 Falling Bldg. Broadway 7420. VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW AND ACRE. 5 rooms," 2 fireplaces, nice bath and kitchen, city water and gas. garage, fine barn and chicken house with runs; all well fenced with high woven wire: bear ing fruit trees and berries; lots of flow ers, exceptionally rich soil; no gravel; 4 blocks station, 8c fare, on rocked road, 2 blocks paved highway. Snap for $3250; reasonable terms. Immediate possession. J. G. RA1NEY. B17-1S Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 6260. 5 ACRES NEAR REEDVILLE. ON MACADAM ROAD FOR $.'4050! A good 5-room house, barn, 2 poultry houses and woodshed; with this place goes household goods, cow, hay, wood and all Implements; soil is Al, 4 acres of loganberries, 12,000 strawberries, rasp berries, etc. WE DEFY anyone to du plicate this at above price. If you want to be shown we stand ready to prove our statement. Terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. NIFTY, MODERN HALF -ACRE HOME, Completely Furnished. $3O0 DOWN SOLDIER. LOAN. Beautiful corner view location, pretty bungalow with bath, gas. electric lights, water; attractive grounds, fine neigh borhood of modern homes. Furniture, dishes, tools and everything you need. For sale by owner; no commission. Lo cated at Garden Home, on the Oregon IKlectric- 46 electric trains daily. fc commutation fare. Sunday and eve nings phone Main 0318 ; weekdays Broadway 742Q. or call 2u7 Failing bid g . SMALL HOUSE AND ACRE. One acre of choice land, all In culti vation and ready for crops; house 14x24, on Dekuin ave., four blocks from Wood lawn and Alberta cars; price $1550; $150 cash, balance $25 per month. H. A. DRYER, "THE ACREAGE MAN, Broadway 1188. 283 Stark St., 2d Floor Gordon Bldg. NATURE'S BEAUTY SPOT. 9 acres on Buckley ave., south of Fos ter road. Fine creek, beautiful land scape; 4-room plastered house. Bull Run water. Must be seen to be appreciated. Exceptional good value. $6000, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. JOHNSOX-DODSON CO.. 633 IN". W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. LAKE VIEW VILLAS, Oswego Lake New tract; here's a sample; large homesite, 190x210 feet, with clear running brook, fine soil, no rock, piped water, lights ; only $575; $10 per month; price includes rocking? of roads; get in on the ground floor. Call Allen, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. MUST SELL. 83 acres on Powell Valley road; beau tiful land, both sides paved road; water, gas, electricity, city phones; 3 miles east of 82d st.; acre tracts selling from $700 to $1000 per acre; must sell at $265 per acre. Inquire 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Reasons given confidentially. RAISE CHICKENS. Almost six acres, with new 4-room bungalow, located c'ose to Pacific high way, only 40 minutes from center of Portland ; price only $2100; easy terms. Ask for Allen, 500 Concord bldg., 2d ana btarK sts., tor particulars. ' 1 ACRE, right at Courtney station, on Ore gon City Une; has 7-room house, modern conveniences; also garage and other out buildings; family orchard and all kinds of berries and grapes. Price $3800. Terms. Inquire 210 Exchange bldg., 2d ana staric. OSWEGO LAKE FRONT ONLY $1300. 104-foot frontage, magnificent view. gentle slope; a bargain for the discrim inating buyer; a small payment down gives possession. Ask for Allen, 500 Con- cord bidg.. 2a ana startc. 6 ACRES, IMiPROVED, NEAR O. A. C. This place is well located wltMn &y miles of O. A. C. : good, fair buildings. Price only $4000. Will take mortgage or house and lot in exchange. KYLER '& BiLAKEfLY, CorvalUs. Or. 3J3 ACRES on -rock road, city water, gas. 7 -or 00m house with modern bath, lots of f ru 1 1, new g ara ge and bar n; beautnul location and the best buy we have had in this season. Price $3-S0O; $rt00 ca-wh, bal. easy terms. Covell & Co., Inc., Beaverton, Or. OREGON CITY CAR LINK. Choice two-thirds acre, improved; live able four-room house, garage, fireplace, light, gas and water: close to station and highway; only $1500: $500 will han dle. C. E. Apple, phone 113-W, Oak Grove. A DANDY LAKE GROVE HOME -for $2200. Extra good 5-room plastered house and one acre of land; good terms; .raspberries and strawberries. See this. Electric lights and city water. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. FOR SALE $600. $50 cash, easy trms, ' two lots, 50x100 feet each; 7 apple, 5 prune. 1 cherry, 1 walnut tree, all bear ing, electricity, gas and water in St., l1 blocks off Capitol highway on Hoff man road, Dosch station. N. Nelson. SMALL 2-room cottage and sleeping porch; one-half acre, fine soil, one-half block Oswego lake, $1000; $350 cash, balance like rent. McFarland, Realtor, Failing Mdg. BEAUTIFUL acre of bearing orchard, city water and gas; on rock road, two blocks from Aloha, station : new 2-room garage house. Price $1100; $.1O0 cash. Co veil & Qo., Inc.. Beaverton, Or. OREGON CITY CAR ,LINE. 1 acre, with comfortable little home; convenient to Silver Spring station; pri-e $2200, terms. Inquire 202 AMsky bldg. Auto. 527-60. ACRE, new 5-room house, near car, $300 down, balance of $700 at $15 a month, interest included. Call on owner, 527 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 3 ACRES best land on Johnson creek, large orchard, good buildings, on paved road and cariine, $4000 cash; 2 miles east Lents. Box 645. Foster road. Dorig. $50 CASH A dandy well-built 4-room house, one-fourth acre, near Milwaukie, $2100. McFarland, Realtor, Failing bldg. $500 CASH. A dandy, well-built, , 4-room house ; hi acre ; near M il waukle : $iot. MoFariand. Realtor. ai l-ing bldg. SACRIFICE! Park Roue acre, modern bun galow, family orchard; terms. Tabor 2676. $150 CASH Three-room " new bungalow, $1450; pretty acre, good soil, near elec tric. McFarland. Realtor. Failing bldg. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Suburban homes, lots and acregae. r. E. Apple, phone 113-W, Oak Grove. 3-ROOM house, barn, hen house, fruit, ber ries. I3, acres, on 92d St.. $2SOO. Mc Farland Realty Co.. Failing bldg. 3-ROOM HOUSE, barn, hen hous-, fruit, berries. 1 acres, on 02d st.. $l!800. Mc Farland Realty Co., Failing bldg . 8-ROOM Seaside cottage for rent. Main 0534. iHJ.X SELL 5-room modern bungalow, yac&at, cheap Aut. &&-7. REAL ESTATE So Durban Homrs. ONE acre, lu miles from center of Port land, two blocks from electric station; macadamized road: all under cultivation, lots of bearing fruit, berries ; fi-roora plastered bungalow with whits enamel plumbing, electric lights, garage. Prica $3&0u. easy terms. Ask lor Mr. Kemp. ONLY 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Over 6 acres, on macadam road. 1 mile from Oregon City car line; W mile to school; all under 'cultivation ; 16 bear ing fruit trees, raspberries and grappa. New, attractive. 4-room cottage on ce ment foundation; burn 16x16. chicken house and runways. I rice $2S0O, easy k terms. OREGON CITY LINE. 3 acres. 1-3 mile from station, on rocked road; good fences, 2Si acres under cultivation, no waste land; good bearing orchard 6 years old, lots of berries, some walnut trees. Price $2100. Consider soldier's loan and $150 cash. ACRE TRACTS ALBERTA DISTRICT. On paved street with paving and walks tn and paid; all under cultivation; all in variety of bearing fruit trees in best con dition; fine loam soil. Easy terms. MULTNOMAH ON HIGHWAY. 8 blocks to station; acre; good T room bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, etc $75tt down and soldier's loan. Offered at real bargain. Ask ior Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. C.erlinger Bldg. MONEY GROWS ON TREES. Two acres, highly improved, right at Rupert station. Oregon City trolley 10c fare). 8 miles out; fine auto road all way; over 50 big bearing fruit trees (owner sold over 15i0 lbs. cherries and 1500 Ins. grapes hist year), 4 bear ing English walnut trees; all kinds berries, finest garden. chicken house and run ; beautiful shrub bery and shade trees; good house 6 rooms and bath: electric lightx, gas. priva te water system, bet home environment; beautiful view. This Is an ideal suburban home W I TH A N 1 .NTO M E ; price only $500, worth $70i)0. T, W. CROSSLEY, 283 Stark St.. Bdwy. 11S8. "SrUUP. Fiji. N HOMES." 1 4 acres extra choice -rden land, fruit, English walnuts, grapes, berries, assorted shrubbery, flower. 7-room mod ern bungalow, S. P., 2 h locks river. 1 block pavement, 4 blocks Oak Grov station. $8500, $1'500 down, bal. 3 to 5 years. 1 acre fruit, berries, grapes. 7-room modern house, garage, outbuildings, close to station, Oregon City line. $:j,su0, good terms. 1 acre, fruit, berries. 6-room bungalow, close to station, church, ston. sihool, at Metzger, O. E. Ry. $00. t-rm. 2 acres, fruit, grapes, berries, 4-room house, barn, outbuildings. 3 blocks Ore gon City line. $-500, terms. 6 acres' choice, high, view land In cul tivation, close to river and Lake Os wego. Lots of fruit, berries. 5-room house, electric lights, water, gas avail able; walking distance to tar. $0000. good terms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165U 4th St. MULTNOMAH SUBURB, acre, new 6-rm. bung., strictly modern, all city conveniences, city de liveries; on fine auto rd. $4500; easy terms. Stop paying rent. 14 acre, with modern bung.; lots of small fruit. $2u50. Easy terms. 2 view acres. 1 acre loganberries. 6OO currant. 4O0 ra-spb. ; fine assortment of fruit and nut trees. This place can bring In $1000 a year; mall bung, and large chick house ; near Multnomah and 1 blk from Capital highway. $4500; terms. Beautiful lots, cIose to station, only fjuu: flown, $10 mo. and Int. 1 acre near Capital Hill, only $000; avoicining acreage jon to i.Ml 2 acres near Capital Hill on Taylor i-erry rd.. onlv sr.w: terms. We have anything you want. Our car wiu meet you at sta. N!KD BURKE. Multnomah Fta. Main 1003 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $350 DOWN. About one-third acre of good soil; just 2 blks. from Dosch Sta tion; neat plastered bungalow of 3 roefms with bath, Dutch kitchen, electricity, gas and city water; nestled in beautiful grove of trees; running stream through one end of place; $2475. Ask for Jj C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., bet. Washington and Stark. WEST IDB BARGAIN. Beautiful acre fronting on hard- sur face; exceMent soil, fruit, berries,, gar den, poultry', etc; o-roorn bungalow; city conveniences: close church. chool stores, station. $2600. Easy terms. See tne pnotos. See us for clo-e-in suburban home. Have many choice buys, all desirable districts. trices Ikuu to WUU. A. K Hill. 426 Lumbermen bld;. RELIABLE PERSONAL SEfRVKE. 3 ACRES POWELL VALLEY ROAD 1 acres in cultivation, cosy 4-room co tt aire with electricity, ras and run ning water: garage, chicken house, also smaller house, which is rented for $10 per month. THIS IS ON THE MAIN PAVED HIGHWAY TO GRERH A M. ONLY $5000, some terms. Ask for F, C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 05 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. $3750 S1000 CASH. V. acre. 5-room mod ern house, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, light fixtures, gara ge, full basement, gas, electricity. Bull Rutt water, telephone; 105 feet frontage on Powell Valley road at Buckley ave.: also 4 niqe level acres for sale in full bearing rasptoerrles. f none .i 1 a ay time, oi 638-65 evenings, or call at .store on cor ner of Powell Valley road and Buckley ave. 5-ROOM house with attic. full cement basement, water, gas and electric lights, hardwood floors, storage building, barn, chicken house and garage. 8.57 acres, young orchard, all kinds of berries, acre loganberries, flowers, shrubbery, creek. nark with natural trees, water right lr rigatlon. Drive on Scholia Ferry road to Whitford station, Oregon Electric. B. " Sobolewskl. Beaverton. Oregon. 1, 3 OR 6 ACRES, 5-room modern bun galow, built-ina, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, full size cement base ment, laimdrv travs. rarare. rood barn. chicken houses. brooder house and stove; two Incubators; ail kinds of ber ries, Shi miles from $1 500 will handle, balance easy payments. 4 blocks couth on Gates road of Powell valley. .1. D. Hen don. LOOK! WHAT $550 WILL BUY! 3-rox.m house on 58x1 00 lot. 6 as sorted fruit trees, gas and running" wn ter; five blocks from city cariine; 1O0 feet off th paved S2d St.. Oregon City highway. THIS WILL NOT LAST! Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadwav 7171. rnira x.. net. vasn, ana MnrK WHY pay rent when ynu can buy a honi" wtead from $250 to $400 with $25 cash. $10 a month ? May help build tt small house: 2 to 6 blocks from Oregon E-Iertrlr railway, Shahapta station, next to Mult nomah; 9c commutation fare; Bull Run water, gas. electricity available; very easy terms. Phono Main 212. Wm. Borpch, owner. Ma pie wood, Oregon . 1 ACRE. IMPROVED. New 4-room bungalow, fruit, berries, chicken house, garage, paved road. Just outside city limits. If you want a sub urban home don't fail to e this. $3500. $1000 ca?h. Broadway 571. PORTLAND HOME CO, 633 Railway Exchange B'dg. EAST SIDE. HERE'S A DANDY. Nifty new 5-room bungalow, large liv ing room, cement porches, ere.; all city conveniences; scre'land fronting on hard road; nice district: bright and cheerful surroundings: $3500. terms, A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. SEC THIS ON.E. Home ike II t r p lace, rl gh t on paved highway and only 2 city blocks of elec tric siatjon; about 94 sere; idal for poultry and benrie. All city conven iences available. Owner leaving, will jnacriflce. Photos at of f-. Se A. K. HIM. 4 2 Lnmhrrm'n9 bln(r. FINK CHICKEN RANCH $2500. 1 acres with p-a-tically new 4-room bungalow, bath, pantry and sink; large living room; largo chicken house, 2"0 strawberry plan's: for the balance of the month only $l'5i0, with terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 731. HOME AND HOMESITE FOR $1650. Fine new 4-room bungalow, wafr and lights, on county road, near Oswego Lake; homesite 132x230; .small payment down gives pOi"sesion. Ask for Allen, 500 Concord bidg., 2d gnd Stark sts. BEST acreagf on the Oregon City line, fine surrounding residences, clear, sightly, pavement, all citv conveniences, prac tically city car fare, walk to station lighted; 1 acres for price of good lot. Ownr. 353 Stark. NICE home In college town on paved highway. 4 fr acres. -room nouse, fam ily orchard, 6O0 Italian prune trees, canh or term. will take som property in trade. Write P. O. box No. 62, Hllls- boro. O-. FOR your suburban home come to Mil- wauKi". zelasko tt Mccormick. Bank iJuildin. MUwaukle. Or. RKAf, FST TF Suburban Honw. $16uu -HATTl'CK STATION. 4 - ro burealow with bath room, c water, t well -bu 'It (arac ; of an icr of ctty carfare bv purr h aptt-.g month, ticket; fine nil: 13A-MO; local on stone rosd close to H. P mn Oroii Klctric; cah t0. balam $15 por month. $'J30O MA PI. E WOOD PTATIOV t?"0. Close to Mu.tnomih: 6-foom burnt low. ctty w,if. r. gni end treet; com munity elect ru it y annul to be in it al )-d : ' garjge, ch'ckn hnu', sp!etdid lamliv or. hard ; c hoic cherry t rf and mtnir other varieties of fruit and berri-, with of an acre, a com-r p'at 2-o; located on Rood (travel ruad. ei to S." P. and Orison K.tvtru; cash only $ 100, ba'am e $-0 per month. 13306 HfBKR STATION I3,VM Nar R'?averton; :i icrcn; S-room. ceiled and papered hou. almot new; Iutch kitcht-n, built mm rcmcnt base ment. aas fine wiiT stem, larea weatherbnar-ied barn, Harf. chU' hen house, woodshed, f .imlly orchard, f u.l bariiiR: tine wood can bo obtained by cheap; all wire ff n-e.t ; about t minutes drive to rurtiannd; 12 mlnut- walk 10 utailon; ca fioou, balance per month. We consider I hi a o-o4 buy. $11000 13 ACHES fimon. !TazeM;ile, rear H-e-ivil.a atatfon: t rooin art 1st lea lly ceiled and r-a pred h on se, bath, pantry, b a nem "lit. gum, a -r;iK; prood Weil on porch; t ern h'uw ; 2 chicken nous-a, capacity 12to chtek en; commercial orehrit. ful-bearina; more than an acre in berrW'a ; bau' ! f ul nhade trees ; located on a Rood road ; rloe to school; caKh 1 1500. balance, terms. 16000 25-ACRK SACRIFICE trtoOO A ho.rt distance noh of Hfdvl11 station, on a Rood utinie road: 1M irn-i r the plow; irtil brick w!f; (J acra in ft rat atnnd of clover; tmnlly ore-haM ; 5 acres of the very best rnnihrui land; JltliH) taken of - acren m a-p f i ciose by last year; ex eel lent huiiulnc site, hitih itiul dry; owner result tit of Alberta, Cunada. an'1 wlshe to re turn at once; taih IJOitO. balance $-0 per mouth. Office open Sunday U A. M. (o 1 P. M. M. f:, iv.ioipb roM pa xt HOT HKNRY lid T.I 1 NO. HI V Y. Ml' I.TNOM II HAHMAINS. $1000 Sinall, new houe. Healed and painted innide. on ch"t- quarter a- re In Lunul'lo. $1250 Two very aiKht ly lota in Hurk- f riKliam liciius with unfinished ht use. $1 400 Near Ryan at at Inn. four-room lmiite with some furniture; choice fruit. $1500 Two niirhtly tract with new. In complete! houMo; wonderful view, $1850 Thoroughly modern, f hree-roorft bunijulfiw clone to station. $J200 Just beinic built; completed In about two weeka: thoroughly in oil ern. t hree-rooin bunir low v 1 th sleeping porch on a woo, led lot. -luitt ' o a t 1 inn. $.650 (juartr are with ni'idfrn t (iii'-rouiii homo and sleeping- porh; etjint baem-nf. $3000 Modern fonr-toom buniw wmi KHiHRe. on choice iimirter acre, lacjiiK Improved county road. $:1200 Whole rr with tive-rooni house, in desirable resldenra section. $;1600 Lat'KO. new, imxlorn bunmlnw wtth concrete bi semen t ; ai lit! v. $1250 La-jri. modern home wit h thre fluently tract a. In Hucktnhain Hemhta; fruit, flow-era. $4500 Facing the boulevard, 100-ft, front; modern five-room bunga low. $7700 Most beautiful home In the dis trict ; large five-room bunealow immense living room, lHS$x.'tii; every convenience; nearly half acre of ground, In curve of (he blvd.; $l(Miii down will handle. Theae stid many other good bus we offer In the Multnomah district, I op erate in thia section exclusively ; -can gie you anything you want in vacant prop, erty In Blzes of a t"l to an are. on tern. a of in per cent down and ensv innn'h'v payment.- thereat ler. 1 have f art-d hundreds along the safe mad to a per manent home; I can atari you. Khali bat glad to take you out over the blvd. In my machine at your con venfenre. r you can call on Mrs. tlrant. my local agent, at the office on the blvd. at MuUnoinaU. Mie will show you over the ground. Hi-;n rikhi.anp, 404 rintt Hldg., 1.7 Iark Pt. Telephone V,ln kso. HAV1-; ftii; Ai Tt riAVrt 475 nrner, t h ree-f otirt lis arre. rocked road, water, light, shade.: down. fHOO One acre fronting ear Una, $5 minute) out; only 10 down. $700 Capitol HI a, b-Huf ifnl half arre -Hter. lights: $: down. f 1.100 Kive cultivated a-r.-s, front elec tric line; $150 down 100 Three h'tph with hulMfnr. fur n nlture. Honita stMtlon: terms. $1150 Ltungiilow 1 new i. three- Court he acre on Boone's Kerry road; $150 down. $150O Full acre, fronting ear line, new cottage; $100 will handle-. $1800 New bungalow. br kf ast nook. bath room, one-fourth acre; $10 down. List your propertv. Mcrr.TTR r:. mto roxconn n r . r rj , TMPROVKD V. ACHV. WITTT BUNGALOW. AT Ml'LTVOM A H. Half acre. ii under cultivation, straw berries, other arniill fruit. assorted bearing fruit treea, na tural shade trees, flowers, shrubbery, lawn, garage, wood shed. Three-room plaster"!, shin a; led houae with Hx'2 modern bathroom with built-in wardrobe, built-in kitchen. IttiT Run water, gas, phone, el-cir''ltv; t :ne view Mt. Hood and Council Crest : one block off Capitol highway; $.1450. Phone juam .11,10. l-'or Sale Itn-ineww I'roiwrty. WHOI.KSAI.K Olt V A M KIlnl .SM In First st.; 4 floors and ti-isrment; brick; (10x100, with standard and narrow gauge tr:i ! In ijtreet; would make Ideal amall w hob-sn nmnuf.'cturlng or Ware house; prle $.".. )f(0; Irilf cmsIi. K. M. KLL1S. K1CALTOR. Suite 4S Morten n Hldtr. M;-in nn0. FOR 8ALK West side brick hotel and atore, modern building on Washington, at., pays 6 per cent on price, $li'2.i TtOO; cash J12.0OO, bal. mtg.; when the world gets adjUKted there will be a big boom In real estate; this la the time to buy. Owner, P 5 so. Orejroman. MY CLIBVT owns hlf block, very close In, west side; will sell to builder and take second mortgage, FIDE LIT V I .VVKSTMEMT CO ItEALT '1(8. 1333 X. W Rank Ttidg. Main n3T4 BUSINESS property on Itroadway, fine lo cation, corner lot, frame bldg. lias 2 stores rented at $70 per month. rlce JtiOOO, $4000 cash, bal. long time, r K. D Ai iKTT, 12 RATLWAV EX' 'HAS'l PT. TT, flT, PRINTING office, equipped with two lob be rs, 7o i-asf-B of type, cutter, stones, stock of stationery, etc.; $ iftoo. Bdwy. 437 Ack for Mr Visiter with WILRI R V. .lOr'NO, 2'2i H-niv Fltdg 2 1IOUSKS and 4-room flat, close- In, easrt aide; rents tor $ 1 2.V I'nce $12.A0O. Thia will nt 1- per cent. TmORAKFS - scirounoTC 43 Kit chans Wdg. 2 A and ttrlr FOR SALK HV hWNKR. 2 corner business properties, at a f'ne location and busy strent In Oregon Cl'v Inquire In letter or personally at 80 Rt., Oregon City; no SRenfa. FOR SALK or leaae, apartment hnuse site; o7rlf0. splendid east aide location, cloa In; will give long trm lesse. reasonable. f'n'1 owit'T. wnfk davs. Vast A4'2 lln 1 iF;r.N brick apart n; en ts on Washing ton street; rentals bring ll.oo a year Kurt her parfl.:u!ars by a np-'ini ment. Ad dress All ."7'1. 'rernntnti Irrlgarrd f an'ls 20 AfHKS, 1, arras lrrlKtd. 8 aerae in a)fa.lfii, orchard and small fruit, new huiihft, baentcnt, hot anrl cold water, amall barn; cood well, law and shade; on the hi tinny; 1 mll good town ; 3 hors , S cows, $ heifers, 4 calves. Pr!-- 4ttiin. 1 rash, balance terms to suit pur chaser, Karliest roiintrv tn the north west. They are rutting sspragus now; strawberries are thr-e tMki uhetd of us here Kal money being made tn these eariy vege tables and fruits. We operate In TnVlmt vT!v and eas'ern Oregon u htva ;ra lint of IrriKited farms In the land of unph!ne. Try us for real bargains. ATKINSON PORTFR, 70S Main HL Vancouver, Wash. Phone MUXJi I I'A L I. AS UA FOR f-ALifl. A real opportunity to get IrrigatM land. Kltuatd along the Ovumbi rlvr with, the b'-st railroad faculties and longest growing season In th jtnr 1 b wet. Soil and climate especially adap ted to gardening, chicken raising. be culture, daloing. to arowlng grapae. strawberrus and fruit in general. The main state highway paaacs th rot) ti the project. Our achoola at tha boat. One act red! -ed high' school and tt grade schno.S Write for our most attractive trme and fold.-r. The district, inj not agents la e: img thia land; there wi,l b ns comml.lon to pay. We are interrat4 Jn gvttius homo builders on tha project Address BUitiiAXK IRRIGATION DIPT. Na 4. Jiarbault, y, aaiiiuguja, M