THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAN, PORTLAND, APR1X 9, 1923 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION TO CONDUCT LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE 'United Gospel Crusade in Portland Attracts Large Audiences; Evangelist Gets Calls for Meetings Outside Tabernacle; Crusader to Conduct Mass Meeting at 3 o'Clock Today. MUCH Interest Is shown by young people of the city In the Leader ship Training Institute, which Is being- arranged by the Christian Endeavor union of Multnomah coun- ty. The institute, which is deslgnea successful ministry in McCormick Cor training Christian Endeavor lead- and Camas, Wash. Mr. Everett's as rs, will be held Monday nights from!sistant for girls' work in the South Aorll 17 to May 22 at the First Pres- Portland community is Miss Bessie April li to aiay " Kirk wood, who had her preparation Cyterian cnurcn, iw.ulfl aim streets. Experts will speak at all the meet ings. There will be a lecture course on, social service by trained workers and, among the other subjects dis cussed, will bo Bible study, society administration, mission study, Junior work and Christian Endeavor union work. Russel Hendricks Is chairman of the committee on arrangements. G. Everett Baker will be the dean, andproved attractive to a great many experienced leaders will be in cnargs of the classes. Donald G. Nelson i president of the Multnomah county union. The meetingBwmstari prompt, w n r 7!4S P. M. Examinations will be given at the conclusion of the course and credit . i r t rr iA p.hriwian. En deavor college. The sublects are as follows First neriod. 7:45 to 8:15 P. M. General assembly, Bible study, led by Mrs. McFarlane, using the Bible and The Manhood of the Master," by SVredlck. as textbooks. Second neriod Expert endeavor, wis Viola Oe-den. leader: society ad ministration, Donald Nelson, teacher social service, lecture course Dy so ti Mrvlm workers: mission study Junior work. Miss Dulcina Brown, huir.her textbook. "New Junior Work- mrm Manual": Christian Endeavor riTinT. -work. a. Evert Baker, teach . v. fn(Amtiiig.tA Rncietv. Mrs. Bess Duncan, teacher, textbook, "The intermediate Manual," by Anaowun. ' The .popularity of the United srospel Crusade in Portland oas oeen proveu (during the past week by the large vudienoes which, have attended the ' (Various services. Dr. George Wood Undersoil, the leader, continues to Brow in favor with the church people xyt the city, many or wnom we . for a revival campaign but do not favor the sensational type or meeuns. tThe crusader's type of service and Organization appears to lhave struck lEhe popular note. ThA Avene-elist's popularity Is shown ty the number of calls he has during Itfcie coming week for meetings outside th tabernacle. He Has aureaay oeen angaged for 16 meetings. All the Methodist churches of the jdty will conduct regular services Ithis morning, but the remainder of the day's activities will be suspended Sn favor of the taoernacie mMuoga. iAt 8 P. M. the crusader will conduct av popular mass meeting and at 7:30 M l union church service. The -enrai nublic Is invited to each ser- vice. At all the meetings of the week special music will be furnished by Walter R. Jenkins, popular song lead er, accompanied at the piano by Ben ton D. Ackley, celebrated gospel song (Briter. No services are held on Monday, iat bain it rest day for the party. (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at tne :so o cwcit service members of the various Sun day schools of the Methodist churches iof the city will be guests. J. J. John eon of Centenary-Wilbur Methodist church Is chairman of the Sunday School committee. On the opening night, Tuesday, the erusader will- deliver his famous and arraDhieallv illustrated sermon, "The Empty Chair." On that night the following Sunday schools have been especially invited: Central. Wood- lawn. Patton. University Park, St. Johns, African Methodist Episcopal and First German. Wednesday night the following Sunday schools will be guests: Cen tenary-Wilbur, Rose City Park, Mount Tabor, Lincoln, South Methodist Epis copal, African Zion and First Norwe gian Danish. The Bible schools asked to attend Thursday night are: Sunnyside, Lau relwood, Lents, MontavMa, Brentwood and Carson Heights. The nday night list will be the largest, the fol lowing being Invited: First, Epworth, Caruthers-street, Sellwood, Clinton Kelly Memorial, Westmoreland, Wood stock, Linnton and Vancouver-avenue Norwegian Danish. Saturday night the evangelist will close the week with a great pre Easter rally, to which out-of-town Methodist churches have been Invited. Samuel Connell, chairman of the ex tension committee, has written let ters to all Methodist churches between Portland and Forest Grove, Estacada, Vancouver and Oregon City, Inviting them to come to Portland and occupy ja reserved section at the tabernacle. Dr. Anderson has decided since this iweek is passion week that he will bold three afternoon services, instead of two, at the tabernacle. These meetings will be held at 2:30 o'clock fm. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In addition to the tabernacle meet tugs Dr. Anderson will speak each boon from Tuesday to Friday at the Lenten services being conducted In the Pantages theater by the Portland Council of Churches. He will also address two high school assemblies wn Wednesday morning Washington tUgh school at 8:30 o'clock and Benson JPoiy technic school at 10:15 o'clock. Lieutenant-Colonel George. H. Da fvis, territorial evangelist of the Sal ivation Army from San Francisco, will Speak at the Salvation Army ball, 243 Ash street, tomorrow at 11 A. M., 3 !P. M. and 8 P. M. The colonel has been actively engaged in evangelistic fwork throughout his 30 years' con nection with the Salvation Army. His ksompalgn in Portland will last six weeks. He will be supported by the Kjity's entire force of Salvationists and music will be furnished by the local army band and songster brigade. Meetings for young people will be beld at 3 and 6 P. M. under the direc tion of Captain Lloyd Doctor, the poionel's assistant. Open seven days "week Instead of tone stands the door of the Community ohurch, at the corner of First and Gibbs street, in South Portland. The invasion of foreign-born people Hn that neighborhood has changed the character of activities from the con ventional type of Sunday school, prayer meeting and preaching to a variety of enterprises which help in making good citizens as well as good Christians. Classes in American citi zenship principles, English for the foreign born, gymnasium, sewing, millinery, moving pictures, dramatic productions, choral club, group parties. Boy Scouts, campfire girls and girl reserves have been added to the usual religious programme. A daily vacation Bible school is to be maintained for three weeks im mediately after the close of the pub lic schools, with general story telling, Bible stories, hand crafts and drama tization. No effort is made to proselytize the members of the week-day classes from whatever religious faith they may nave. Former members of the Community church who have removed from South Portland to newer residence sections of the city have Instituted an annual vent in "Home-Coming Day," held on faim sunaay, ana xoaay are gainer tovgr for renewal of friendships and for teoyrta- might, of toed- odd church's home ministry among the newly arrived foreign-born citizens. Most of these institutional fea tures have been initiated by Rev. Monroe G. Everett during his three years' pastorate here, following his ,n San Angeim0 seminary and in San Francisco missionary work. ... , Chief of Police Jenkins Will address the Baptist ministers in the church parlors, White Temple, tomorrow at 11 A. M. on the narcotic evil. Mr. Lee presents prospectus of Golden Rule at 10:30. The noon-day pre-Easter services which have been in progress daring the past week at Pantages theater people. The song service, which be gins promptly at 12:10 under the lead ership of Walter R. Jenkins, assisted by Bentley D. Ackley and aided by the use of the stereopticon, has no small part in bringing the people into a re ceptlve mood for the message, The Rev. George Wood Anderson, D. D., is delivering interesting, inspir lng, logical and convincing addresses which deal with the individual life and character. The attendance is in creasing daily and it it believed that next week, the auditorium of the thea. ter will be filled. The Rev. Ray E. Close, executive secretary of the council of churches, requests all pas tors to announce that noon-day meet ings will continue Tuesday, Wednes day, Thursday and Friday of this week, and to urge the business men and women to "come In when they can, slip out when they must," keep ing in mind that the song service continues until 12:30 'and that Dr. Anderson's message is delivered from 12:30 to 12 ."60, closing promptly. The following pastors have re ported to the council of churches that they are holding pre-Easter services in the evenings at their local houses of worship: The Rev. Joseph D. Boyd will have services each evening ex cept Saturday at 7:45 o'clock at the Christian church at Rodney avenue and Knott street, with a special speaker, the Rev. O. J. Law from Grants Pass. The Rev. E. O. Shep herd will hold services every night except Saturday at 8 o'clock at the Third United Brethren church, and Friday there will be an all-afternoon meeting of the Women's Missionary association. The Rev. Harold Leon ard Bowman has published "Studies for Three Weeks Preceding Easter, which were sent to each member of the church and meetings will be held each evening except Saturday at the First Presbyterian church, at 7:45 o'clock. The Lutheran Bible conference will be held in Portland April 23 to 28 at the Emmanuel Lutheran church, Fourth and Pine streets. Rev. R. E. Golladay of Columbus, O., author and lecturer, and Rev. George N. Ander son, president of the Lutheran Bible institute of St. Paul, Minn., will give addresses daily. The public is invited to all the meetings. The East Side Baptist church Is re joicing over the safe return of its missionaries. Rev. and Mrs. E. fct Burket, from China. Rev. and Mrs. Burket have been in China for five and a half years. They will take a year's rest at their home, McMinn ville, speaking from time to time at the East Side church and at the do nominational conventions throughout the north. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burket are grad uates of MeMinnville (now Linfield) college. They received their ap pointment under the American Bap tist Foreign Missionary society in 916, and began their work at Kaying, China. After a yearat Kaying they went to their permanent field at Chingning, China. Although still a young man and with but five years of experience on the field, Mr. Burket is a recognized authority in denominational circles on missionary policies. His opinions are sought and he writes frequently for the leading denominational period icals. He Is consulted when advances or changes are contemplated in the great China field. Rev. and Mrs. Burket have three children Elizabeth, Stanley and Dorothy. Mrs. Burket Is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. George Campbell of MeMinnville, formerly missionaries in outn umna. Mrs. Burket's sister. Louise, is a missionary at Kaying. China, under the auspices of the Co lumbia river district. Evangelist John T. Stivers, who has been conducting a revival meeting In the East Side Christian church dur ing the past week, devotes his ser mons to the fundamentals of religion. This morning he will speak at 11 clock on "The Unfolding of a Life." At 7:45 P. M. his topic will be "New Testament Baptism." During the remainder of the week is sermons will be as follows: Mon day, "Amusing Excuses." Tuesday, What Is Faith. How to Get It and What to Do With It" Wednesday. Repent or Perish." Thursday, "Can Man Be Saved Outside the Church?" Friday, "A Service in Honor of Mother." The evening services will egin at 7:45. -" Interested audiences have listened to the message of Evangelist Stivers. The chorus choir, directed by Rev. O. P. Burris, attracts a large number of young people nightly, and his solos each night are a drawing card. Noon day meetings in several industrial plants on the east side were held last week, and others will be held the coming week, stated Rev. W. S. Crockett, pastor of the church. Each vemng an informal reception is held in the church for the evangelists. The Bible class taught by Rev. Mr. Crockett numbered 80 members last Sunday, and the pastor anticipates that it'will reach more than one hun dred on Easter Sunday. Visiting pastors last week included Rev. J. C. McCallum, formerly pastor of the First Christian church at Eugene, now connected with the Americanization movement, and Rev. J. F. Ghormley, a pioneer Christian preacher of Portland. The church is located on East Twelfth and Taylor streets, and may be reached by all cars on Hawthorne and Sunnyside lines. "The Reality of Eternal Life" will be Mr. Eliot's subject this morning at 10:30 at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), corner Broadway and Yamhill. At 12 M., Dr. Edward O. Sisson will lead the men's class. The question of parochial schools will be considered. The church school meets at 12 M. The Young People's frater nity will meet at 6:30. preceded by a rally-supper at 6 P. M. Good Friday will be observed by a service in the church school room at 8 P. M., April 14. The Sunday school of the Clay Street Evangelical church will meet at 9:30 with E. J. Keller, superinten dent, presiding. At 10:45 the pastor, Jacob Stocker. will preach a sermon appropriate for Palm Sunday. "Jesus or Barrabas." The Young People's alliance meets at 6:30 P. M., and Is fellowed fcy a, sons; eervioe. The BfoItnomsJi County Christian Endeavor union baa planned a leadership training institute, which opens April 17 Prominent in this work will bei From left to right Donald O. Nrlson, president of Multnomah County union G. Evert linker, dean of the Christian Endeavor Training school, and Russell Hendricks, chairman of the educational department. "The Christ of the Palms" Is Dr. Villers' Topic. East Side Baptists to Observe Pre Easter Period. AT the First Baptist church (White Temple), Dr. Thomas J. Villers will preach at 11 o'clock on "The Christ of the Palms." Miss Phyllis Wolfe will sing "The Palms," by Faure, and the quartet "Prepare Ye the Way," by Garrett. At 7:46 Dr. Villers will speak on 'Christ's Estimate of a Lawyer." The quartet number will be God so Loved the World," by Gaul. Miss Phyllis Wolfe and Mrs. Reathe Miller will sing "Consider the Lilies," by Topliff. The temple gospel choru will sing "Look to the Cross," by Seymore. The Bible school, which will meet in the main auditorium at 9:45 A. M. will be favored with the presence o the Royal Rosarian male quartet. This Is the last Sunday of the school contest with Seattle and Tacoma. Come and help Portland keep the cup. Thursday evening the church will observe the Lord's supper at the close of the Braver service. In the Bible school last Sunday 125 mothers and fathers, young men and women, boys and girls, took an open stand for the Christian life, and ten additional persons made a similar pro fession at the services during the day. A week of pre-Easter services hai been planned at the East Side Baptist church, to begin tomorrow night The pastor, Walter Benwell Hinson, will speak each night on "This Day as Christ Spent It.' Friday afternoon waiting service for prayer and meditation, from 2 to 4, will be con ducted by the associate pastor, Daniel Bryant. Persons will be at liberty to come and go at will. Dr. Hinson will speak this morning at 11, delivering the 14th discourse on "Tha Real Lord's Prayer." At 6:15 the young people will hold a round robin on the gospel of Mark. The theme on "What Most Interested You in This Gospel" will be passed from one to another without breaking the chain. Both Dr. Hinson and Mr. Bryant will speak at 7:30. Mr. Bryant's sub Ject will be "First Words to Young Christians," and Dr. Hinson's subject "Your Mother." After an absence of five and a half rears as missionaries in Changning, China, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Burkel! and their children Elizabeth, Stanley and Dorothy returned to their home at MeMinnville for a year's rest. Mr. and Mrs. Burket are supported on the field by the East Side Baptist church, where they will speak from time to time during their furlough. Friday night, led by Curtis Beach, 25 of the young folk took a hike to Council Crest, starting at First and Alder streets. They stopped on the way at Beaumont, where they par took of the characteristic campfire lunch. From Council Crest they took the car home. The Bible school, now running be tween 500 and 600, has completed the gospels of Matthew and Mark since January 1, and Is studying Luke, which will be covered in eight les sons. Eighty have been aaaea to tne church since January. At the quarterly business meeting of the Sellwood Baptist church, held during the last week, plans were pre sented for moving and remodeling the church, in order to secure more room for the various activities which have outgrown the present building during the last few months. About $3500 will be spent this spring in the con struction of a full basement upon which the present building will be moved and an addition made, the to tal improvements giving three times the present room available for cnurcn and Sunday school purposes. During the week special evangells tic services will be held every night at the church, being the culmination of a six weeks' campaign of personal work, cottage prayer meetings, etc. The growth of the church has been steady during the last few months, new members being received nearly every Sunday. It is hoped that the .remodeled building will be ready for use within the next 60 days. Rev. Daniel Bryant, associate pastor of the East Side Baptist church, will be the speaker at the Men's resort meeting this alternoon at 4 o'clock. Savilla Denntson will be soloist. A new song has been se lected to be sung by the men, "Dally, Dally Sing His Praises," led by R. Desmond. The men living in the ho tels will please note the song serv ice begins at 4 P. M., sharp. Dr. S. J. Reid, superintendent of evangelism for the Baptist churches In Oregon, will Bpeak at the Glencoe Baptist church this morning. Tonight the pastor. will speak on "The Most Important Business in Life." Spe cial music by the choir and men's quartet. Dr. Clark Speaks Today on "The Passover." First United Brethren Chnrch to Have Special Music AT the First United Brethern church. East Fifteentih ana Mor rison streets. Dr. Byron J. Clark, the pastor, will speak at 11 A. M. on "The Passover" and in the evening on "What Is Faith " There will be special music by the choir, directed by W. i-. Moore. On Tuesday evening- the famous DeMosjs family of concert entertain er ,wUa five clajwLq and popular programme of music, readings and' novelty stunts. - The Ladies' Industrial circle Is be ginning its popular Saturday evening dinners again. From 5:30 to 7 P. M. the public wildi get chicken dinners, cafeteria style. At the Second United Brethern church (Alberta), Rev. I. V. Hawiey, the pastor, will eipeak at 11 A. M. today on "A Soul Clothed." In the evening he wild speak on "Salvation the Best Gift." Rev. E. O. Shepherd of the Third United Brethern church. Thirty-sec ond and SLx-ty-eeventth streets South east, will speak this morning on Darkmess, 1 a Hindrance to Safe Walking'." In the evening he will speak on "Cleansing by Blood con ditions." He will preach every night during the week, and on Thursday night he will observe the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Rev. B. Rose Evans will preach this morning, at Fourth United Brethren church (Tremont station) on "The Great Teacher," and in the evening on "Three Important Questions You Must Answer." "From Palms to Thorns," Lutheran Subject. St. James' Church to Receive Class of Young Folk Today. "P1 ROM PALMS TO THORNS" will be the Palm Sunday sermon at the St. James English .Lutheran church by Rev. William E. Brinkman at the morning service. The service will be conducted beginning at 10:45. The vested choir will sing "The Palms." A class of young folk will be re ceived into membership with the church by the ordinance of confirma tion, according to the usage and cus torn of the Evangelical Lutheran church. A class of adults will also be confirmed in the faith of the church at this service. Following the serv l.n nf confirmation a large number of new members will unite witn tne church by letter and transfer. Palm Sunday evening regular serv ices will be conducted by the pastor at 7:45. "Ye Are My Disciples" will ho the subiact of the sermon. The Sunday school will hold its reeular session this morning at :au Classes for all have been organized and a special welcome Is extenaea to all voune folks and adults. The pas tor's Bible class welcome all who wish, to attend as regular members or as visitors. The Young People's Luther league will hold its Sunday evening,, devo tional meeting in the assembly room of the church at 6:45. "The Master's Invitation" will be the subject of discussion. All young people are In vited to attend the Sunday evening devotional meetings. Special Lenten services will be conducted In Holy week on Thursday and on Good Friday evening at 7:45. Let This Cup Pass" will be the sub ject of the Lenten servictf Thursday evening. Members of Bethlehem Lutheran church will observe Palm Sunday with the customary confirmation services. The class will then be re ceived into full membership. "Find ing Our Lives by Losing Them" will be the theme of the morning sermon by the pastor, H. J. Thorpe. Miss Tillie Knutson will sing. Holy com munion will be celebrated Thursday evening. "The Day of Confirmation" will be observed and will also be the subject for the sermon at 10:30 A. M., when 11 children will be confirmed In the St. Paul's Lutheran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets, by the pastor. Rev. A. Krause. This service held in German. English service and confirmation of nine young Christians will take place at 7:30 P. M.. The topic of the sermon will be, " "My Son, My Daughter, Give Me Thy Heart." Special music for both services has been prepared by the choir. The church will be decorated with flowers and palms. Bible study and reunion of the young people be gins at 5 P. M. The Sunday school, with classes for all ages, meets at 9:30 A. M. Lenten service Is held Wednesday at 8 P. M. Good Friday services take place at 10:30 A. M. and confession and holy communion at 7:30 P. M. Sunday school members meet Thursday at 7:15 P. M. and the choir rehearses Thursday at 8 P. M. Rev. L. Ludwig of St. John's Lutheran church, Peninsula avenue and Kllpatrlck street, will speak on the theme, "Running the Race Set Before the Christian at the morning service (German). "It Pleased the Lord to Bruise Him" will be the topic for the service at 7 :30. The Luther league meets at 6:30 and will be ad- ressed by Gunther Krause. During Holy week special services will be conducted Wednesday, 8 P. M., and Good Friday at 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. At the Swedish tabernacle, Glisan and North Seventeenth streets, today, Rev. C. J. Lodln will preach on the following topics: At 11 A. M., "Israel in the Present Dispensation"; at 7:30 M.. -At the Threshold of Geth- semane." The week of Passover lenten services will be held1 at 7:45 P. M. Tuesday and Thursday at the Elim chapel, Skidimore and Michigan venue, and Wednesday and Good Friday at the tabernacle, Glisan and North Seventeenth streets. The pas- or will preach on the following topics: "The Man of Sorrow," "Via Dolorosa," "Behold the Lamb of Gofc "The Expiatory Saorlfioe," Dr. Parker Talks Today at First Methodist Church. "The Master of Men" to Be Topic of Pastor's Sermon. DR. PARKER will preach this morning on the theme, "The Master of Men." This being Palm Sunday, a special feature of the serv ices will be the baptism of infants and the reception o-f members from the Sunday school. As First church is one of the co-operating churches in the Anderson evangelistic cam paign, there will be no Sunday night preaching services during the six weeks' campaign. The Woman's Home Missionary so clety will meet in the Sunday school temple at 2 o'clock Thursday, Instead of Wednesday, so as not to conflict with the afternoon meetings at the tabernacle. The mornihig service at Centenary Wilbur will -be heldi In the basement of the church because of the renova tions in progress In the auditorium. The basement is a large room and will comfortably contain a large audience. Dr. MacCaughey will speak on "Main taining the Highway," and the musio will 'be of a very high order. The night service will unite with the other Methodist churches of the city at the tabernacle. East Third and East Irving streets. The Epworth leagues will meet as usual at the church and; adjourn in ample time to permit those present to get to the tabernacle in time for the service. "If I Have Audi Have Not" will be the topic on which E. Sutton Mace will preach this morning at 11 o'clock in the Clinton Kelly Memorial Meth odist Episcopal church, on Powell and East Fortieth streets. There will be orchestra music and other special features. Mrs. F. M. Jasper and Mrs. Robert Allen will be soloists. At the Vancouver-avenue Norwe gian-Danish Methodist Episcopal church, Vancouver avenue and) Skid more street, the Rev. Gustav A. Sto raker will give a Palm Sunday mes sage at 11 A. M. There will be spe cial music and singing. The night service will be united with the tabernacle crusade. The Ladies' Aid held a sale in the church parlors last night. At thev Sellwood Methodist church Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps will speak this morning at 11 from "Tragedy." This church i3 growing. The Sunday school has increased more than 100, and peo pie are uniting. The women have iust conducted a very successful eco comic school of instruction, and plans are being formed for active work along all lines. This church s planning for a splendid Easter serv ice and general ingathering. There will be a special programme before and at the Easter Sunday services. Services at the Lincoln Methodist church, corner of East Fifty-second and East Lincoln streets, will be at 11 A. M. "Jesus Triumphant" will be the sermon topic. There will be no night service at 7:30, as the congrega tion unites in the tabernacle meet ings. At the Woodlawn Methodist church the morning Eubject will be "Sowing in Tears and Reaping in Joy." Ep worth league and night services will be with union gospel crusade at the tabnernacle. Large preparations for Easter are in progress in the form of Sunday school exercises, baptism of children and adults and reception to membership. At Sunnyside Methodist church1. Dr. Gallagher will speak this morning on "Behold Your King," a Palm Sunday message. All organizations of this church are uniting their energies to make this morning's service attrac tive and inspiring. Excellent work is being done to secure 100 new mem bers for Easter Sunday, There will be no evening service. The entire congregation and friends will Join in the big crusade union meeting In the tabernacle. First Christian Church to Hear Dr. Griffis. Pastor to Discuss Individualistic Aspect of Christianity. IN his sermon this morning at the First Christian church Rev. Harold H. Griffis will discuss the individual istic aspect of Christianity, having for his specific subject, "Does the Moral Man Need Conversion?" The musical setting for this 11 o'clock worship will be provided by the church quartet and consist of the an them, "Blessed Jesus. Fount of Mercy" (Dvorak), the communion re sponse. "Have Mercy, O, Father" (Galibraith)r and the offertory solo, "I Will Extol Thee, O, Lord" (Costl), by Mrs. Ethel Wllibur Frelman. In the further promotion of the new church building enterprise upon which this congregation has been en gaged for the past two years and Which now promises to be brought to a speedy and successful close, the building committee will have ready for distribution this morning copies of the complete financial report of aUl subscriptions so that the whole church may be fully acquainted, with what the individual members have already done. At the ehurch of ' Christ, Rodney avenue and Knott street, a series of evangelistic services are being held by Rev. O. J. Law of Grants Pass, as sisted by ths pastor, Rev. Joseph D. Boy Easter, at- th evening err- lee, the choir, under the direction of Maud Springer Bowen will render the sacred cantata, "The Seven Last Words of Christ" (Dubois). Miss lGladys Welch 's the pianist. There will also be violin and cello accom paniments. At the Kern Park Christian church, Forty-sixth avenue and Sixty-ninth street Southeast, the pre-Easter evangelistic meetings will begin to day. Bible school Is at 9:45 A. M. Following the Bible school period. Dr. J F. Ghormley will speak, tak ing for his theme. "Risen With Him," Evangelist Swander will speak to night and each night through the week. " The music will be under the direction of Mrs. May Vail Billings ley, with Mrs. H. E. Hall at the piano. Special Easter music will be given by the large chorus. Cortgregationalists to Hold Palm Sunday Services. First and Other Churches Plan Elaborate Programme. (nKH PALM Sunday Prophecy 1 Fulfilled." will be Dr. Mc Elveen'e topic at the First Congrega tional church this morning. The floral committee and the choir have ar ranged a beautiful setting for the sermon. The quintet will sing Dud ley. Buck's "Darkly Rose the Guilty Morning." Mr. Robinson, the bari tone, will sing Faure's arrangement of "The Palms." At the evening serv ice the big chorus of 35 voices will sing and Dr. McElveen will answer the four following question: 1. Why does not President Harding stop the coal strike? 2. Will Gandhi's arrest create a revolution or peace In India? 3. Is Dr. Charles Sheldon's proposal of a confessional In a Protestant church worth, considering? 4. Who or what is the' holy spirit? The week will be a busy one at the First church. Tomorrow night W. L. Kuser, superintendent of the state training school for boys, and Judge Walter Evans, who is an ex pert on the reform of criminals, will address the men's brotherhood at its monthly dinner. A special musical programme will precede the speeches. Dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock. The women friends of the members of the club are invited to come at 7:16 o'clock. Tuesday night. Dr. McElveen's Christian philosophy class will meet to discuss the following questions: Where is heaven? What will we do there? How will we recognize our friends? Wednesday morning the women's association will meet to sew for the visiting nurse. At 12:30 o'clock lunoh will be served. At 2 o'clock the pre- Easter thank offering meeting of the women's missionary society will be held. An exceptionally fine pro gramme has been prepared. Mrs. W. K. Royal will preside. Rev. Dr. B. Earle Parker of the First Methodist church, will give an address on "The New World for a New America." Rev. Robert Alllngham will conduct a de votional service, and Mrs. Virginia Hutchinson will give the following programme: () "Glorl." Buzzl-Pecela; (b) "Th Cross," Ware; (c) "Allah," Chadwlck; (d) "Sheep and Lambs," Homer; (e) "Ths Lord Is Risen," Sullivan. Thursday night the Congregational churches of Portland and vicinity will hold a union communion service at the First Congregational church. Dr. McElveen will preach a brief sermon, Rev, Edward Constant will conduct the devotional exercises and Rev. E. E. Flint and Rev. Robert Allingham will conduct the communion service. Friday afternoon Dr. McElveen will lead his church membership class. A large company of new members will join the church Easter Sunday morning. The women's association has made an Easter gift of a half dozen pendent electric bowled lamps for the vestibules and stairways. Easter Sunday night the big chorus, augmented by additional voices, will sing Dr. Wilson's ora torio, "The Resurrection and the Life." William Kline will be the leader of the intermediates and Jo sephine Woolery is the leader of the seniors at the Endeavor meetings this evening. Friday evenhig Mrs. C. H. Farring ton entertained the parents of her large class at her home. Miss Esther Harris is the church school's delegate to the girls' conference at Corvallis yesterday and today. The church school executive board will meet next Thursday evening in the pas tor's study. Palm Sunday will be appropriately observed at the Sunnyside Congrega tional church both morning and eve ning. Monday evening the Sunday school teachers and officers will hold their regular monthly meeting. Tuesday evening the men's league will give Its regular monthly programme, and besides the musical numbers there will be an address by J. D. Mickle of the Oregon dairy council on the sub ject: "The value of dairy products In the human diet." Thursday evening the Bible study class at the prayer meeting hour will take the fourteenth chapter of Ro mans, Dr. Staub leading. A full chorus choir Is preparing to give the sacred cantata, "The Holy City," by Gaul, Easter Sunday morn ing. Gladys Morgan Farmer, the new organist, expects to introduce each Sunday evening service with a short organ recital. This morning at the Highland Con gregational church. Rev. Edward Constant will preach his last sermon in the series on "A Triple Aspect of the Jesus Life," the theme of morn ing being . "The People's Christ." At the evening service he gives the final address on "Bunyan and Pilgrim 8 1 Pro er ess. The woman's missionary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hal verson, 390 Going street, Wednesday afternoon. The women's aid society will hold an Easter sale Thursday on the church premises, entrance on Sixth street. The things for sale will con slst of useful articles, such as aprons and other domestic articles, also food. The sale will open at 11. A noon lunch will be served from 11:45. A Good Friday service will be held Friday evening at 7:45. Preparations are being made for a Joyful celebra tion of the Easter festival. e The programme of the Alameda Park community church for today Is as follows: Church school, at 10; worship and sermon, at 11:15; theme, "Palm Branches and Praise"; special music by Mrs. Elolss Hall Cook; eve ning with the young people, at 7:30. Dr. A. 3. Sullivan will lead the sing ing and speak. All the young people of the community are welcome. The daily kindergarten has doub led the past week. Principal North of the Alameda school Is the scout master for the young people of that district and future meetings of the scouts will be held in the community church Friday evenings. - The Atkinson Memorial center (Congregational church), fast Ever- ett and Twenty-ninth streets, will ob serve Palm Sunday today with spe cial services. At 11 o'clock. Rev. E. E. Flint will take for his theme "There Came a Voice Out of Heaven." Tonight the pastor will give an other address of the question, "When I Am a Member of a Church, What Should I Do?" The film, "The Blue Bird," will be shown at this service. Thursday night the community mid week meeting will be conducted by the pastor. Wednesday the women's association of the church will serve a cafeteria lunch in the dining room of the church from 12 o'clock. All are In vited. Today will be observed with Palm Sunday services in the Waverly Heights Congregational church, cor ner East Thirty-third street and Woodward avenue. There will be a sermon by the pastor. Rev. Olivery Perry Avery, at 11 A. M. Night serv ice is at 7:30 at which the Passion Play will be shown by stereoptlcon with beautiful colored pictures. Mrs. E. H. Barendrlck, who took training in musio at Paclfio university, and was graduated in musio from the state university has been engaged to train and lead a young people's chorus for the Sunday night serv ices. The large Sunday school at tendance is crowding the Sunday school rooms and the church audi torium nearly to capacity. At the Pilgrim Congregational church, corner Shaver street and Missouri avenue. Rev. James W. Price, pastor, this morr.lng will de liver a message suitable to Palm Sunday, taking for his subject, "The Anticipated Victory," from the text "He steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem." The Pilgrim boys' chorus of 60 voices will be on hand to lead the singing at 7:30. Bishop Sumner Preaches at St. Mark's Today. Prelate to Bless and Distribute Palms for Congregation. A' T St. Mark's, Twenty-first and Marshall streets, this morning at 11 o'clock, there will be the blessing and distribution of palms by Bishop Sumner, who will also preach Charles W. Martin will elng the so lo, "There is a Green Hill Far Away," by Gounoud. The Young People's society meets at 6:30, followed by a night service at 7:45. Good Friday services will be held in Trinity church from 12vto 8 o'clock, with addresses by Dr. Morrison. At 8 P. M. Stalner's Crucifixion will be eung by the large choir under the direction of Dr. Morrison. The soloist parts will be rendered by Harvey Hudson, tenor, and J. Er win Mutch, baritone. The Young People's society of St. Michael's church will meet at 6:30. Katharine " Asher will be leader and Roberta Wells the speaker. Other parts will be taken by Marie Taylor and Charles Cantlne. The new officers Just elected ars Lewis Rueppell, president; Marie Tay lor, vice-president; Edna Van Horn, secretary; Dorothy Taylor, treasurer, and Martha Baucom, recorder. The Young People's society of St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedrar and their thler friends will attend the 11 o'clock service at Grace Memorial (Episcopal) church at East Seven teenth and Weidler streets. Take Broadway car at Broadway and Mor rison, get off at East Seventeenth street. The young people will hold their regular weekly meeting at 6:30 P. M. in room "A" at the (central) public library. Miss Helen Burke will lead and a special speaker has been arranged for. Maundv Thursday, April 13. the archbishop will celebrate the holy communion at 7:30 A. M. in St. Rtepn en's Pro-Cathedral, Thirteenth and Clay streets. At 10 o'clock Bishop Sumner will hold a later communion service. Good Friday the three-hour service will be held from 12:00 to 3:00 with a chain of hymns and ad dresses by Archdeacon Jay Claud Black. At 8 P. M. the bishop w give a meditation and read night prayer. The brotherhood of St. Andrew will continue Lenten meetings. From 12:05 to 12:30 every day In holy week, except Saturday, Bishop Walter Tay lor Sumner will give an address at the auditorium of the hotel Port land. These messages for holy week are short and appealing, designed .to meet the needs of business people. Sunday at 7:30 P. M. Bishop Sum ner will confirm a class of candidates at St. David's church. East Twelfth and Belmont etreets. and will give a special address on the meaning of the rite. Archdeacon Black will preach spe cial sermons st the Pro-Cathedral. Services will be as follows: Holy communion, 7:45 A. M.; church school, with special address, 9:45 A. M.; holy communion and sermon, 11 A M: evening prayer and address,- 7:45 P. M. At the latter service Archdeacon Black Is preaching a special series of social service sermons. All those without church affiliations are In vited to attend these gatherings. Science Readers to Dwell on Sin, Disease, Death. Services to Be Held In All Churches in City This Horning. s re Bin. Disease, and Death Real?" is the subject of the lesson-sermon In Christian Science churches for today. Sunday morning service la held In all churches of Christ. Scientist st 11 o'clock and night service at 8. Fifth and Seventh churches omit the night service. Wednesday testimonial meet ings are held in all churches at 8 P. M. Sunday school is maintained for pupils up to the age of 20, the classes convenlnig at 9:45 and 11 in all churches except Third and Fifth, where the sessions are held at 9:30 and 11. Free public reading rooms are maintained at 1133 Northwestern Ba,nk building, 33 North Third street; 133 North Sixth street, near the Union station, and 148 KilHngsworth avenue, where the Bible and all au thorized Christian Science literature may be read or purchased. Christian Science churches are lo cated as follows: First Nineteenth and Everett streets. , Second East Sixth street and Holladay avenue. Third East Twelfth and Salmon streeta Fourth Vancouver avenue and Emer- , son street. Fifth Sixty-second street and Forty- second avenue Southeast. Sixth Pythian temple (formerly Ma- sonto temple), Sft8 Tamhill street. Seventh i03 Smith avenue, fit. Johns. The ipujbllo im io,vUe4 to attend, Che church services and use the reading rooms. see Trinity Lutheran church will ob serve Palm Sunday as follow: Jn the mom In, servtrn M 10:1 S. A class of 11 children will be confirmed. This service will be conducted In English. In the evening at 7:30 len ten Servian will be conducted In tier man. The confirmation class will take Its first communion Maundy Thursday at 7:45 P. M.. this ervl.'e also being conducted in EnKlli-h On Good Friday Lenten servli-! will be held In German at 10:15. The church Is located at Rodney and Ivy strpets "The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ," will be the sermon eubjoct for the deaf mutes' Palm Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 in Trinity Lutheran church, corner Rodney avenu and Ivy street Directly after this . r vlne the Bible claa m t s to studv "The Expulsion from Paradise " All who are deaf ace cordially Invited. The First Spiritualist church, V.:in Seventh and llassalo streets, heM services every Sunday at 1 and T:4". P. M. A short conference meetlnit In the afternoon is followed by mes sages. The night address will be given by J. Willard Hills on tha sub ject of "When Men Think." Mes sages will be given by Mr. and Mrs Hills and others. Grand circle nlpht la held every Wednesday at I P. M.. and Is devoted entirely to message work. ee At the Mystlo Church of Bethseda, 409 Alder street, near Eleventh, serv ices will be conducted tonight by Rev. w. W. Aber, who will have for his discourse. "The Immortality, of the SouL" Circles will be formed be tween C P. M. to 7:30 P. M. A heal ing clrole will also be formed at the residence of Rev. Aber, 870 Belmont street, near Twenty-ninth, at 10:10 A. M. The Personal Messnge church, C W. Shaw, pastor, will hold services In the assembly hall of the Portland hotel today at 7:45 P. M. There will be a lecture and messages. mm The Church of the Truth will hold services at 201 Central building. Tenth and Alder streets today. t 11 A. M. Nettle Taylor Kloh win peak on "The Imperishable Religion." At 8 P. M. Henri Napier Carmer will be the speaker. e Rev. H. Edward Mills will address the Realization league, 148 Thirteenth street, at 11 A. M., on "Transcen dins Limitation." At 8 P. M, "The Law of Vibration" will be explained by M. M. Reed. e In the First Divine Science' church. 816 East Clay street, near the corner of East Twenty-fifth, at 8 o'clock, "The New Influence Upon Architec ture." will be the subject of an Il lustrated talk by George Latimer. This talk will contain scenes Inci dent to a trip to the Holy Land, and will ahow the effect of the spiritual evolution upon the great temples and cathedrals of the world, culminating with views of the Maaheq Ul Azkar, the universal Bahal temple, which la now under construction In Chicago. Mrs. Charles Campbell will slno- at this service. Francis Rlchter will be the accompanist. Rev. T. M. Minard will conduct the morning service at 11 o'clock, and has taken for his theme, "God's Will." Mr. Rlchter commences hl morning organ recital at 10:65. Thursday at 8 P. M. Rev. Minard will give the ninth lecture of tha series in divine science. Presbyterians to Observe Palm Sunday Today. Pre-ICastcr Rrrvlrea to Be Held In First Churrh. PALM SUNDAY will be otsnrved at the FirstyJ'resbytcrlan church to day. Dr. Ilowman will preach at both services. His theme In the nuirninx will be "Undying Echoes." The choir director, Otto Wedemeyer. will slnt; "The Palms" (Faure) and the choir will slifg "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken" (Burdett). The night service .will begin with an organ rec ital at 7:30 liy E. , K Cotirsen: (a) "Gavotte" (Thomas), (hi "Offertory In A" (Batiste), and in "Song Without Words" (Gounod i. The theme of the sermon will be "A Pagan In Passion Week." I're-Eaater services mill he held at 7:45 P. M. in the church dally exiept ing Saturday, as follows: Monday "The Purging Flame"; Tuesday, "The Unanswerable Argument"; Wednes day, "The Eloquent Silence"; Thurs day, "The Undralned Cup," and Fri day, "The Uplifted Cross." The quar tet and chorus will sing the sacred cantata "Olivet to Calvary" (Maun der) at the Friday night service. The Woman's Missionary society will meet n the chapel Tuesday st 2:30 P. M. Mrs. Grover C. Hlrtchel. who Is a missionary In Bogota, "o lombia. South America, home on fur lough, will be the speaker, and there will be a solo by Mrs. Fletcher Linn. The women of Circle O will be host esses for the social hour. Westminster PreslJ terlan church keyed up with the spirit of Easter. Ir. Pence will close his preparatory sermons on "The Value of the Human Soul" by discussing the theme, "How Precious," and for the nlifht his toplo will be "The Woman Upon Whose Soul Grew the Blot." an old Testa ment character study. The preparatory service for Easter afternoon's communion will he oh- served the coming Thursday. Many are expected to appear before the ses sion at that time as candidates for -membership. Large classes from both the senior and Intermediate divisions of the Bible school mot with Ir. Pence last Sunday to discuss the meaning of being a Christian and s church member. At the Easter after noon service these will be received. Good Friday will be observed by a special service of mus'c at 7:45, ar ranged by Professor Hutchison and the quartet, consisting of Mrs - Jane Burns Albert, Mrs. Palmer L. Kales, Dom J, Zan and J. 1'. Mulder. This annual prolamine is a most beautiful, devotional and inspirational service. The public Is Invited. The special music for today will he: 10:30 Anthem: "The Palms." J. M. Faure; offertory, "The Little fherherrt." Clsude Debussy; recitation snt sns fr tenor, "Come, ye children end liesrUn unto me" tfrom the Prodigal Hon), Arthur Sullivan. 7:3 Anthem : "Uejolce ni.-mly, O Paujjhter of Xlor" Hury flausb. ,..'fe tory. Berceuse. . s.nnt r'nn": oiutit.-t. "Come, sll ye weary." I'bsrir t;ounn-i. see At the Central i'reshj terl.-m rhurcc tonight a cas.1 of shout 6u persons 40 adults snd ten children, will pre sent "The Dawning." a pageant of the resurrection, under the direction of Mrs. Walter Henry Nugent, direc tor of religious education. This morning's service will be ap propriate to Palm Sunday. Ir. Nii gent's subject Is "The Triumph of Jesus." At the close of the morning worshi. the session will meet to re e ve mem hers on confession of faith. It i expected that a great many will un'ta with the church and be publicly re 4Uoiua4. e ihtsm