12 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 9, 1923 ItEAL ESTATE. 'nr Sale Farm . TOUNQ MAX'S OPPORTUNITY. Deschutes county offers the bet oppurt unities of any new partly developed country in America to day. It boasts of the cheapest . irrigated lands and moet healthful climate for lung trouble or rheu matic ailments, having 300 days of unnhln and dry winter. lis aandy loam soil, when watered by irrigation, produces a very hlph quality of alfalfa, grains and root crops, and is also highly adapted to berry growing. The quality of potatoes fa un excelled, having captured sweep stakes' at all the Important agri cultural expositions and veils on the market for a higher price than any other potato-growing country. Small farms consisting of 40 and 80 acres pay nicely when tha tenant combines dairying and po tato growing. The chicken and turkey industry is also very profit able, as the dry climate keeps the flocks very free from disease. Our eompany has some excep tionally good places for sale and , will bear the closest Investiga tion. To ex-service boys we can offer places in a high atate of cul tivation and several that are stocked and equipped, paying dividend right from the etart. We are glad to have you meet or write to any of the great num ber of people we have sold this year, every one of whom is high ly pleased and more than satis fied with tha representations we have made to them before they bought. If you are really desirous of get ting out of the old rut and coming to a country that not only offers the hunting and fishing In the west today, write or call on us at our headquarters at address below. BENHAM FALLS REALTT CO., 156 Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. DAIRY FARM, 23 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 18-5 acres, all in cultivation, about 75 acree now in crop; large dairy barn, full cement floor; running water in barn and equipped with all modern conveniences; room for 60 cows and 1O0 tons of hay; one horse barn and shed for young cat tie, creamery with full equipment for making butter, with good, "cooler room; fine ice plant and milk bottling machine; one 4-room' house and one 7-room house, machinery shed and other outbuildings; 40 head of good cows, 6 good horses, some hogs and a few heifers; this place is located on the lower Columbia river highway; good live stream of water all year round; this dairy is considered one of the finest in Oregon. For price and further particulars call at 210 Lewis bl eg.. Port! and. Or. ilKRITOKlUL'S LAND COLONIZATION PROPOSITION. Capital wanted to develop, colonize and settle rich bottom lands, suitable for intensive truck gardening similar to marsh lands in Puyallup valley, in the jBiactc iaice drainage project near Oiympia. ihurston countv. Washington This is a bona fide proposition, approved ana Dunt oy tne state. capital is re quired to secure settlers who under stand intensive farming. $10,000 to $75,000 required. This is an excellent opportunity to double your money and at the same time identify yourself with a eouna, jegium-aie project, uet in line lor the sprmg business. C. L, KOTICK, 16 E. loth St., Olympla, Wash. FRANK KOTICK, 2901 X: 9th St., Tacoroa, Wash. 1 ACRES. NEWKBRQ J 64 00. This 21 acres is located obUt- 1 mile from Spring1rook; all slopes to south; 9 acres in cherries and. pnHies, 5 acres cherries. 1 acre strawberries. 3 acres timber. 6 room plastered house, small barn, fine road. Price only $0400 $-2000 cash. T. Tj ETDY. JteALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bide YOU CAN BUT A FARM. In western Canada you can buy low- priced farm lands, so rich and fertile that one crop has been known to pay for them in full. Easy terms, small cash payments. Social and Jiving- condi tions are the same as those you now enjoy. Mrae language and climate. iSend for free booklet telling about the cnoice isnas xor grain growing and mixed farming along the fines of the Canadian National Railways. Special low rates and personally conducted ex cursions, write today. DEW ITT FOS TfclR, Supt. Industrial and Resources Jjepr.., Canadian National Railways, ut'pt. aiarquetTe Ding.. Chicago, Hi. i'KBER'S fruit ranch is to be sold in ht, and acre tracts. The best for country homes in the market. There are all kinds of fruit trees and vines. Location is beautiful; 6 i miles from courthouse and 4 minutes from nearest station on very good street. Bull Run water on land: also gas and cJc soon In. Terms are easy. Located on Harden Home road . opposite Barstow station (Salm elec.) Inquire of owner, Anton Weber, Port land. Or., route fl. box 132. EIGHTY-FIVE ACRES CLACKAMAS CO. Good land, en main trawled road, telephone, house, barn, several sheds, eight acres cleared, running oprins; water, plenty of fruit, outside range, lot cf wood on tract ; plenty of work in community; opportunity for bonus man ; will sell cheaply on easy terms. Will rit to right party and. under cer tain conditions. Owner. A. MKYERs:. Fox tVS. Ore-sham. Or 10 ACRES alfalfa ranch in the Umatilla irrigation project; 10 minutes walk from railroad town, with high school, on highway, overlooking Columbia river; now four-room bungalow, small bam, one cow, some chickens, fine fur niture; have just been granted $1000 federal land loan If I choose to tako it. Ail will go for J2S50. Box 13, Irrigon, Oregon. FOR SALE 320 acre of land In Lake county, 60 acres cleared, balance heavy "black sagebrush, deep rich soil, title clear. All who have seen tho crops of grain produced state land worth $10, 000 as it stands. Will sell 15000 on trms. L. Brandenburg; R. D. 1, Olym pia. Wash. t"OR SALE SO acres, extra good fruit land, 2i miles from Th e Dal les. 1 2 acres cleared, 4 acres In fruit of dif ferent varieties, 150 cords of standing timber, fair Improvements, lots of wa ter: 100 laying hens, some stock and equipment; price $4200, wlthv liberal terra, Columbia Realty & Loan Co., The DaTles, Or. 10 ACRES, all ImprovM, 4-room house, barn, west side, paved high way, 80 minutes from heart of city, city gas, water; must sell, owner, 2S9 East 33d. Tabor 7979. FERTILE farm land in western Canada, raw and improved, 18 to $33 per acre; small cash payment, best grain and mixed farming district in the prov ince; no crop failures; fare refunded to purchasers. For particulars write to Northwest Realty Co., North Battleford. Saskatchewan. i'OH SALE by owner, about 40 acres of land on Columbia River highway near Crown Point, 23 miles from Portland, 14 acres in cultivatfou. balance timber and brush. 2 small houses and barn 42x64 feet on property; good soil; all land can be cleared anff cultivated; $&0u0 cash. Daiance easy terms, two McKay bidg. tUK bA jk acres ol land, one mile from Clatskanle. Oregon; county road follows south line of tract: southern ex posure, excellent for fruit, chickens or small dairy; easy to clear; will arrange terms. Address box 130, Clatskanle. Oronon. FOR SALE i.Vacre farm, good 7-room house, all kinds of fruit; ten minutes' waik to stores, churches, high school, fine team, cows, chickens, farming toois go; easy terms. P. O. box 121, Ridge field. Wash. i-w n-' J uuo a.suui lilt 1H- d mous Deschutes valley in central OregonI a Qury, puiaio ana stocuman s para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Lend & -Loan Co., Inc., Red lr.ond, Or. (King Murphy's capltol. ) WHEAT RANCH. 700 acres, near Condon, Oregon, will produce 2. bus hols or more per acre, ftO acres in cultivation, all equipped, $45 per are: Eood terms. BARK AND REALTY" CO.. Salmon. "FOR SAfd 3-0-acve stock ranch, includ ing ft. 000. 000 ft. saw timber; good loca tion for local sawmill; price $4700; 14 miles from Rose burg, Or. H, C. Mc Oraw, Brock way. Or. " FUR SALE OK TRADE. 85 acre land, all In cultivation, on Oregon Electric; depot and w -ehuse on corner of land. For sale by owrer. Sllwood 2205. FOR SALE 160-acrs irrigated ranch. 3 miles from Fruita, Colo.; all in culti vation, SO acres alfalfa, good buildings; a bargain at $lO0 per acre; terms. Ad dress owner, box 3 23, Eugene. Or. 60 ACRES 17 acres cultivated, building, 4 cows, 1 heifer, 2 horses, 1 pony, or chard, creek, $2750. take $1000. 601 McKay. Broadway 742ft. 122 ACRES near Tillamook; $4500. terms; nan trade; bargain AH C62 Oregoaiao. REAL ESTATE. YAMHILL COUXTY, OREGON. 40 acres. 9 miles from town; good fences; 23 acres under cul tivation, 7 acres more can be cul tivated when cleared, balance In timber: good black loam soil : or chard of apples, pears, prunes, cher ries, strawberries. blackberries. etc. ; 4-room box house, barn 40 x60, chicken house 12x26, smoke house, hog house; included with place: milch cows, 17 head of young stock. 3 horses, brood sow. ou chickens, turkeys, etc.; also wagon, hack, disc, grain drill, hay rake, harrow, harness, feed, crop, etc.: price for everything 4ii0, J2250 cash, or consider house in Portland up to $2500 and $1500 cash. 40 acre?, 14 miles south of cen ter of Portland, one mile from electric station; mile to school; rocked road; woven wire fences and cross fences; IS acres under cultivation : 30 aores can be farmed when cleared: 5 acres of beaverdam land, under cultiva tion; lots of fruit; 6-room house, barn 42x54, chicken house, other buildings; Included with place: team, cow, 35 chickens, hog. very complete line of machinery, cream separator, grain drill, weeder, furniture, etc. Price for everything $7500. Consider soldier's loan and some cash or trade for 10 to 0 acres berry ranch in a good loca tion. 20 acres. 1 mile from good town with high school; Columbia county, Oregon; 7 acres under cul tivation, 15 acres can be farmed when cleared: balance timber; good sandy loam soil; creek and spring, bearing orchard, 6-room house, good barn, chicken house, other buildings; included with place: 2 cows, 8 heifers, chickens, horse, plow, harrow, disc, culti vator, hack, cream separator, etc Price, for everything, $3500. Con sider soldier's loan and $300. 10 ACRES LOGANBERRIES. 25 acres, south of Portland, H mile from electric station and school; woven wire fences; good loam soil ; all under cultivation-: rocked road; 10 acres loganberries; 3 -room house, barn, chicken house. Included with place: team and tools; price for everything, $5000, $2000 cash, or will consider sol dier's loan or store building in Portland. Ask for Mr. Davis. 40 acres, on paved highway be tween , Newberg and McMInn ville, mile from electric sta tion, high and grade school; 3S acres under cultivation, 2 acres timber; buildings, team and farm implements. ' Price $8000, very easy terms; or will divide the land, or consider house in Port land for part. Ranch inspected by Mr. Davis. JOBTN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerlinger Bidg. akjw Xor investors or homn seeker. with wonderful future and priced below present values by about one-fifth of asKea price for adjoining land. If you want a farm, you will buy. 80 acres of deep rich soil, about one half Is creek bottom, 20 acres could be made ready for plow la one week, only two hours' drive of Portland, well settled district, schools and churches: party's wife has ill health and said sell homestead relinquishment for only.) t uu. 40 acres near Colton, tho coming metropolis of the valley. 30 miles of .Portland, good roads, fine spring on place, several acres open land, balance I easy clearing, umoer wortn aoout 53000; It sounds too good but true, as home stead relinquishment la yours for only J 9 1 rtU. 120 acres about 15 miles from Mollala. over 300 acres plow land and nearly all open land, fair house, five miles to j saw mill, would make a first-class stock ranch, as near the reserve for range; the homestead relinquishment may be J bought for only $2000. "4 ash. balance at o per cent, rive years or less. ANDERSON'S. Rooms 303 and 304. Railway Exch. Bids. RICH. DEEP SOIL. We have still several thousand acres of rich land which can be bought from id to do per acre on following terms: Cash $10 or more and $5 Or more month at t per cent. Small or large tracts; our land is located 6 to 14 miles from ABERDEEN and HOQUIAM, two very prosperous and rapidly growing cities with . three transcontinental railroads and splendid deep-water harbor. Soil Is rich and produces enormous crops, for which the market is unlimited right here on GRAYS HARBOR. Land Is free from rocks and underbrush, water pure. In addition we handle partly improved farms with buildings at $50 to $100 per acre, reasonable tprms; also best dairy ranches in GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY at $100 to $300 per acre. In view of Important developments actually under way and other projects of magnitude under consideration on (j.KA.xs nAit BOR, an investment at this time will bring good results. Keep your eye on GRAYS HARBOR. For lurtner inrorma- 1 tion write at once. WASHINGTON STATIC COLONIZATION COMPANY, ABERDEEN, WASHINGTON. FINE VALLEY FARM CHEAP TO CLOSET ESTATE. 150 acres In cultivation 60 acres good fir timber, partly first growth, 30 miles south of Port land, electric line runs through one end of place; station A mile, level, tile drained land of best quality; $123 an acre; $5000 in trade, $5000 cash and balance to suit reliable purchaser. This is a real bargain. W. G. Ide, 817 Lewis building. BEAVER SPRING FARMS ADDITION. Sold out 1O00 acres In No. 1. Now I opening addition of 1400 acres. Will fell 10 acres or more or whole tract- Close to Rainier. Or. All naved hierh- way but -last three miles macadam. Take I you out in two hours. All good soil, no I rock, no waste; running streams, spring. Not alone but in community. Adapted to berries, fruit, nuts, potatoes, olover or I any agricultural crop, one tract small house, barn, orchard and some cleared. Price $23.50 to $45 per acre; one-fifth down, balance 5 years : no more nay- ments but taxes and Interest to actual settler. Buy now, reap the benefit of I advancing prices sure to come. JOHN A. MEISSNER, 821 Gasco bidg. BE A TTTIFTTL COUNTRY HOME. EIGHT ACRES RIGHT NEAR THE CAR LINE. Beautiful six-room plastered bungalow, large living and dining room across the front, fireplace, built-Ins, basement, sleeping porch, barn, 2 poultry houses, family or chard, berries wonderful soil; owner sacrifices thia for only $4400. $1000 cash. STEWART A JOHNSON. ' 815 Northwestern Bank Bldjf. CLOSING UP AN ESTATE. 827-acro dairy and stock ranch, 12 miles from Vancouver and near Port land ; fine graveled road, 4 miles from paved highway; right on the beautiful La Camas river, with elegant grounds ior pleasure resorx; gooa o-room nouse. large barn for 100 cows, stone milk house, modern chicken and hoj? houses. fine weU and springs; 175 acres In cul tivation. Including some fine beaverdam land ; balance timber and pasture ; all fenced and cross-fenced. To close up this estate immediately tne property win be offered way under value. For further Information see W. B. HINKLE, 817-lft Chamber of Commerce Bidg. OWNER SAYS SACRIFICE. Soil my 45-acre ranch, 25 miles from Portland, to the first man who makes an offer. This Is a dandy place, well located, highly improved with good buildings, excellent soiI, in one of the best neighborhoods In Oregon. The own er will accept a house in Portland as part payment and give good terms on , the balance. If you want to make some j money, 00 not lau to investigate thl ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., REALTORS. ?04 Morrison St. Main Rt62. TRUCK GARDENERS. ATTENTION. 4." acres highly Improved truck gar dens, located 12 miles from Portland. on paved highway, about SO acres under excellent private water system, land leased from this tract last year for $70 per acre; this property is to be sacrificed to close a bankrupt estate. See Air. uong, iv iittock block. $125 AN -ACRE, Right at station, on Salem line hour's ride from Portland; - splendid land, under cultivation some in berries; tracts, any sixe, or 100 acres In body with buildings, warehouse, etc. Phone owner, Woodlawn 539 or call Claxk'a Store, Fargo, Or. I POULTRY AND FRUIT o00. 7 acre. 8 miles out: hard-surfa. road; 400 laying hens. 1000 chicks, cow and fruit; sickness forces us out. "Will sen or rent on snares, iiox y. route 2. Portland. Wdln. 6628. TRTO each, B. turkeys, T. Geese, ikying. RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. DAIRY RANCH. 800 Acres. Located only 26 miles from Port land on main highway: over 200 acres under cultivation: finest sandy loam bottom land. The place la well fenced Into several ifieltLs; improvements are one 7 roora modern bungalow; 6 other houses: all Al condition, used, for hired help; main dairy and stock barn 75xlT5, 3 stories. fully equfcpwd with stanchions and drinking fountains for about 250 cows; grain bins and hay loft; plenty of room for farm Imple ment 9; 2 large e Ho, thorough ly modern milk and bottling house in , connection ; 2 other stock barms: milk will be contracted for at door at a premium over market price; all kinds of farm and dairy equip ment; 200 lwed cows, some young stock, 8 head horses, everything: ready to- step- Into and. carry on. . This ranch will carry at least 300 head of atook if desired. The place must be ee-en to be evp-pred-ated. Price $ J 85.000: $36,000 cah; very easy terms on fealaaceL LARGE STOCK RANCH. 7000 AORES, NiEARLlf SQUARE. A fine tract of 7000 "acres lo cated in southern Or&goTi, only 4 miles from main line of S. P. R. R. and shipping- point. The land 1 iea pra ctically squ are, havvi ng several miles of river frontage, besides ha vine two streams and several springs rim nine throutrh th place. The whole place has southern slope, givinsr very early spring pasture, besides, on ac count of mild climate, feeding in winter is very seldom needed. 2 sets of buftdirigs and abcut 46 acre under cultivation: wfcole place well fenced and cross-fenced, mostly woven wire. Anyone In terested in stock should certainly investigate this ranch, and only evf ter personal InsTectIon oen you appreciate Its many advantages. Price only $20 per a-cre. Good terms or accept some Fortlan-d property as part. 240 ACRES. COLitTMBTA .RJVER. Located only 8 mMe from Van . oouver on Columbia river: finest bottom land; all can be cultivat ed; 6-room ho use. la r e b a rn f o r 55 he-ad of cows, silo and all out bTJildinjra. The plaoe is now run as dairy, for which it is especially , ada-pted. Price onlv $18,000; caai be handled wilii $5000 cash. We have many ranches for sale and. will be pleased, to go over our extensive listings with you mt any time. F. Is KIDDY. REALTOR. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA RIVER PRUNE ORCHARD. No. 143. 30 acres: with 28 acrea highly improved, 9 acres of prune orchard, 00 foil bearing walnut trees and other assorted fruits: new road being built en one side; dandy farm house, water pressure system and bath; good barn, chicken house and other outbuild ings; fine team, harness, wagon, implements, cow, hog, chickens. This property located along Colum bia river, that haa wonderful view both east and west. This is a money-maker in every sense; two good crops should pay for this property. Price $9000; will give very reasonable terma or exchange for Portland property. No. 200. 40 acres, 34 acres under high, state of cultivation, excellent soil; balance In pasture and very easily cleared ; possibly one acre in or chayd of assorted fruits and nuts; about 20 acres in fall grain; wind mill water pressure system piped to house and outbuildings, hot end cold water and bath in house ; good up-to-date barn, garage, machine shop and other outbuild ing 3 cows, team, hog, chickens, mower, rake, binder, harrow, cul tivator, bean thraeher, automobile truck, hay fork, scales; as a matter of fact, all equipment necessary for an up-to-date ranch. 9 miles from Vancouver and on good graveled automobile road, 14 mile to church and school house; price $7500, very easy terms. . . See Mr. Stiger, with THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. REALTORS. Third and Main Streets. Vancouver, Wash. TUALATIN VALLEY. 63 acres, 42 under cultivation, fins sT barn, good old house, excellent family orchard, small natural lake, only six miles from Portland on excellent hard surface road. A real bargain. MALL & VAN BORSTEU 104 2d St. Broadway 7436. FARMS FARMS FARMS. If VOU Want n e-nnrt foirn iiomesteaa reunquisnment, not many 1 left: homestead menu Nr AfOR Tfz a ti w I NO TAXES for six years: nvprvthino- i I b't acres near juncnon rTirv a e m-a, i ciearea, gooa nouse. aai.iy mall service, I 60 acres of plow land when cleared: the! reunquisnmen-t is yours roc only J700. I 160 acres In wonderful Wills mptt a val ley, over 100 acres nlow lanH wK.n cieare-a, several acres Planted, farm im plements, wagons, team, complete house furnishings, everything ready to start right In farming: it'a all yours for only ViJV. ill mil. ANDERSON'S. Rooms soy end 304. Railway Exch. Bidg. OWNER "WILL SHOW YOU this 140-acre farm, 60 miles out. well fenced on good roads, 60 trees, fine eon, ow acres cultivated, ao acres level- balance and sloping and timber; good 6-room farm house with a nw non barn, chicken houses, plenty of cows, ana implements, teiepnone, fine springs. creetts, a trout stream; uw mortgage on place; wants $6500 for equity, cash. terms or trade city property. What nave you xo oner lint's talk business. oP3 selling Bidg. Main 2557. ROP PAYMENTS. 105 acres. 82 miles sonth of Portland near paved road and electric station; 60 acres now in croo. naianen fitiA m running water, some valuable hardwood timber, gooa buildings with nil con. venlences; $2000 cash will handle, bal ance one-hair crop payments, five years ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., REALTORS 204 Morrison St. Main 5062. c v rt oAijOi oy owner, an old lady, no heirs; deed from homestead; 47 acres iana. acres cultivated, balanca nur ture and timber; orchard, 100 trees win- ler appies, pears ana cherries; acre strawDemes ana pieplant ; big o-room house on concrete piers, very lare-e double windows; barn 40x30: frame of large timbers, well made: fl butldinc-n on piace; 2 creeKs ana spring Detween house ami barn; price 135,000; graveled road through place; 1 miles from fstevenson, wash. h. Turner; COZY RETREAT. This little place fronts riffht on navrt highway and only 3 city blocks from etectric station ; fractional acre with comfortable bldjfs.. set anions: the trees. inviting grounds, surrounded with low mesh-wir fence; all city conveniences; price $2725; easy terms. A. K. HILL. 426 Lumbrmens Bidg. FOR SALE By owner, 80-acre stock ranch. Malheur county. Oregon: 100 acres cleared., all tumble iana, creeKs. serines. 160 acres rencea, aajointng iana to be homesteaded, 45 miles from railroad. 15 miles Jordan Valley, Or. East 5418. B04 E. Ankeny st. FOR SALE 74 acres, unoer fence and cross fence, if acres cultivated, balance pasture, plenty or water, 1 acre home iruit and berries, 1 acre prunes: s-room house. 2 barns, storew post office and school witnin zoo yaras. 'or particulars, write J. Q. Roach. Ttner, Or. WILLAMETTE VALLEY, 38 acres, 85 in frujt, 24 bearing; 20 acres In prunes, 2 acres wainuis, x acres enerries; good 6 room house, concrete prune dryer, two bus; S1H.UUU. ttis tnaniber or Com- mercn bidg. DAIRY 25" acres with all stock and equipment, paying more than $500 a month ; have 2 farms and must dispose of one of them ; a good proposition on your own tprms. F 557. Oregonlan. 24 ACRES good fruit and berry land; nice 6-room house with water piped; barn and outbuildings; clos& to schools and store; 3 miles from St. Helena. 6. Lam pa, Yankton. Or, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 82 ACRES. Near Yamhill, Or., and tist over a mile from electric station and paved highway, and a hard gravel road within 200 yards of place; there Is a dally mail service, cream route and a telephone; seven acres In oats and also seeded down to clover and about five acres more ready for spring planting; about 12 acres in cultivation and about 12 acres rough land. This place is fenced and cross-fenced with 4-foot hog wire fencing; there are several springs on the farm ; water at the door of the house; there is also a beautiful grove of timber; there are a number of bear ing fruit trees and lots of berries; the buildings consist of two excellent houses, one of six rooms with a porch all the way round and one of 5 rooms with front and back porch; there is a very good barn, chicken house for about 100 hens and sheds, etc; the larger house Is nicely furnished and among other things there are good phonograph, two brass beds, mahogany dressers, tables, chairs, stoves, fine silverware and plenty of good bedding and table linen, etc. ; one fine family cow, two hogs, flock of pure bred Wyandotte chickens, some guinea fowls and there Is hay, straw and feed on hand; all small tools such as shovels, spades, forks, rakes, saws, axes and In fact everything goes . with the place; vthe price on this place , Is $4200 as a eroinsr concern for quick I aale; terms, $2000 cash, balance $300 a year at 6 per cent. W. G. Ide, 617 Lewis bidg. OWINfETt WILL SHOW YOU This 140-acre farm, 60 miles out. well fenced, on good roaxis; 60 trees, fine soil: 50 acres culti vated ; 90 acres level : balance sloping and timber; good 6-room farm house, with a new $ 2500 barn; chicken houses, plenty of cows, horses, pigs, chickens, cream (Peparator and imp-lements; tale phone; fine spring, 2 creeks. 1 trout stream ; $tMO0 mortgra.se on plec-e. Want $e&00 for equity; cash, terms or trade city property. What hav you to offer? Let'a talk business. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 603 Selling Bid. Main 2&57. DAIRY AND FRUIT FARM. 28 acres, with about IS acres cult! vated, numerous springs, making it ideal for stock; rich upland soil, easily worked, for growing all kinds of fruit. lofran berries. strawberries. raspberries, grapes, prunes, apples, cherries and pears, all bearing: timber for wood, wa ter piped into house, barn and other outbuildings ; personal property goes with this place, including team, har ness and wagon, buggy, 3 cows, heifer, 2 yearlings, farm Implements, chickens, stoves and some other household fur niture. This is one of the best small xarms near jNewDerg ana must oe seei to be appreciated. The people are get ting along In years and want to retire See Kainh Ackley Land Co.. OL'7 uoroet bidg., phone Main 7141, or W. E. White, in ew oerg. ur. 20 ACRES WITH PERMANENT INCOME. On goo2 gravel road, half mile off pavement, 7 acres in berries full bearing, 3 in loganberries, 3 acres Cuthbert raspberries. 1 in strawberries. 10 acres wheat, good 5-room house and barn. In fine neighborhood, close to cannery and 3u1ce factory; price $7000, on good terms, STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Blflg. 25-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH, fin n t?mj4 And Chickens. 12 acres in cultivation, 1 acre of family orchard some timber. 5-room house, barn, chicken house 12x130, brooder house 20x30, wood shed, otner outbuild ings; the following personal property. 1 Chevrolet truck, 575 - White Leghorn hens 1 and 2 years old, 30 chick 1 Jer spv ecwa hpifer. 2 brooder stoves. incubators, spraying outfit, tools and imnlements. 54 miles from Oregon City. This is a paying chicken ranch. See it for yourself. In sightly location. $5000, part cash. A. C. HOWLA.MJ, 620 Main St., Oregon City, Or. $8000 40 ACHES of bottom land, 2 miles from Canby; 8 cows. Holstein and Jersey, pure breeds. 4 hogs, b-unch of chickens: 30 seres under crop. Includwu? over an acre in rhubarb and arara gus ; crop all in; 5-room house, good barn and chicken house. "Will exchange for Portland reei deuce up to $4000 or $5000. S. BORLAND. REALTOR, 223 Henry B:id., Fourth and Oak. THIS FARM IS GOING at grea t sacri f ice. IliO acres. 110 acres In high state cultivation, gentle slope, no rocks, crops ail in; modern 8- room house, laree Darn, w-toa euo. electric lights in all buildings, water system, 5 heavy horses, thoroughbred stock; all new machinery; 1 mile from R. R. and trood town. 17 miles irom Portland on good road ; $20,000, good terms. Consider trade up to ?o00O. L. O. OERBER. 715 Hwetland Bidg. so acres ;w I N C ROP sr.oo. On a rock road. 13 miles from Port land. 1 mile from Damascus; spring easoline numo furnrshinK water to build inrs; fair 6-room house, 2 bams, bear ing orchard, cranes, berries, rull equip ment of imnlements and toole and team go wibh pjace; might consider Portland property. 1 A. W. LAMBERT & SON. Rea.Ttors. 120 Grand Ave.. Comer East Alder. EQUIPPED FARM. 80 acres, river bottom, 60 acres In cultivation and crop: new bungalow, large barn, silo, poultry house, spring water and creek on niace: all neces sary farm Implements, team, cows and chlx; tlnest ot son, oniy iour mnes nign school and railroad, 19 miles Portland; some trade. E. R. S., 712 Couch bidg. FOR SALE or trade, 33 acres, 2 miles west Corvallie; new bam, silo, chicken houses, city water, orchard, berries; 8 acres clover, creek, some timber, walk ing distance of college. Might be platted nr? mn-A In acre tracts: adioinina: farm land for rent. $5000, terms. Want small poultry -farm near Portland. aai Obi, Oregonian 40-ACRE RANCH 1000 DOWN! -Nw 6-room house, stieetplhjr porch, full wHimbing. new barn and garage; 20 aores in cultivation-: 40 apple trees and assorted young- trees: 1 miles from Reedville, on hard-surface road; $S000. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U MoGUIRH. 205 Ahington Bidg. Broadway 7171. I FARM at very low price. 80 acres, 13 acres cleared, balance easy clearing, cir cumstances force aged gentileman to sell place for only $1250; must be all cash, as Chat Is reason for sellimg; 28 miles from Portland, about five miles of Esta cada. See Mr. Lewis at room 303 Rail way Exchange bidg,' 6-ACRE farm for sale, opposite Qulncy R. R. depot, 2-hour drive trom Port land; nest garden land, all cultivated, family orchard. 7-room house, big barn, etc. I have to move; quick sale S15O0 handles. For particulars owner. A,. J. Partan. Qulncy. Or. WEST SIDE 12 MILES OUT. 23 ACRES TERMS. Hard road, 13 under plow, good or chard, 6-room house basement and fire place. Best of soil, some timber. $5000. Can use bonus. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bidg. 80 ACRES weil improved northern Idaho ranch for sale, 531.25 an acre, or win trade for eaft side home not exceeding a value of $2000; for information write or see Carl Johnson, '635 Thurman St., city. 5 ACRES, all in cultivation, good house and well, good pump, close to Base Line road; fine soil; will give possession at once; 5 miles from city limits, half mile from carline. O. P. Potts, 1980 E. Stark st. Phone Tabor 3QQ. 10 AORES on good road, all fenced, fine soil, plowed, o-room house new chick en house, outbuildings, 2 cows. 1 hog, 25 hens, household furnishings and tools; lots of good wood; price $7000. $.50 cash. Harry Handron. Gohlft, Or. SO ACRES, 10 cleared, more partly cleared, some fruit: good 4-room house, good water, and outbuildings; 3 miles from The Dalles, Or. Fine fruit dis trict. All equipment. $55 per acre. AV 632, Oregonlan. 170 ACRES of fine land, 20 in cultivation, lies fine, splendid house and barn, lot good timber, plenty water, good road, close to school; price $4500; good terms. Reynolds, Rainier. Or. 118 ACRES on Clackamas river, 40 acres cultivated; good pasture- and timber. A dandy place. $150 an acre. Small dowu pavment, balance long time. 503 Sell Ing bids-. Main 2557. FOR SALE 2 valley farms, 100 acres and 145 acres, good land, fully equipped, equipment and growing crops with farms. Owner. AK 506, Orrgonian. WILL the man from Montana who talked with ladies about stock ranch near Mt. Adams cU again T REAL ESTATE. . "FINEST FARM IN OREGON." This was the verdict of appraiser for a large mortgage company, who inspects farms throughout the northwest. 273 acres, in Washington county, easy 2 hours' drive from Portland, on hard surface; soil rich black loam, fertility maintained by large quantities of stock kept. Except 20-acre grove, where buildings are, practically every acre is in cultivation. Fenced and cross-fenced into about 12 fields with heavy woven wire. Improvements could not be replaced for $25.000 ; 3 large barns with every facility for handling stock; feed grind ing plant, etc. Other outbuildings. Com fortable house for help. Owner's house has all" comforts and conveniences of finest city home; large living room, with fireplace, conservatory adjoining; dining room, library, den with fireplace, commodious kitchen; number of bedrooms on second floor; tiled bath room; hardwood floors, hot and cola water, artistic fixtures. Full cement basement with heating plant. Electric light plant, water piped to all buildings; $15,000 insurance carried on huildiners: build in era are on a knoll near center of farm with magnificent view of surrounding country; all parts or larm can be seen from house. All Improve ments In best of shape. Farm Is devoted to breeding of pure bred stock and is ideally adapted for that purpose. All large farms adjoining, most all specializing in purebred stock. No better farm than thiB anywhere; it combines a delightful home with a profitable investment. Only offered for sale on account of Illness In owner's family. Price is $72,000, half cash, balance long time, FRED C. PRATT. 534 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. BERT mixed farm In the northwest, making money; is a fine home; within 15 miles Portland, pave ment all the way; 138 acres, 17 In prunes, balance in cultivation, pasture and timber; good build ings, including 100-ton eilo and drver; all tools and machinery of the very best, including tractor; good team, 12 cows, 5 2-year-old heifers, 7 calves, 1 sow and 5 pigs, 4 turkevs, 40 chickens; price $30,000; one-half cash; this is well worth the money. 20 acres on paved Pacific highway; good house, fair barn and other buildings ; 30 cows, 2 bulls, 6 heifers, all farm tools, team and harness ; $13.000 ; ne half cash, balance 5 years at 0 per cent; this is good mixed farm, fine for dairy;, over 100 acres river bottom. f"W have large Hat of good farms In Washington and Oregon. Try us before buying. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. WE ST-ECTALJZB ON STOCK RANCHES. H-ave lree, money-makin-g stock ranch for sale: 4-500 acres: 3 miles Fos sil Or ; 375 acres grain land In cufltrvia tiom 150 more can be; 20 crp-s timber; -plenty of water to Irrigate: 4O0O acres fine bimchgrajfts pasture: modern house, outbuildl-ng-s. fruit, berries, equipment. 7 flcree in eastern Washington, four honr drive from Portland, five m11 from forest reserve, with .permit; 100 acres t imoth'V, 1 60 acres wild grass, water sufficient to irrigate whole place. Fully equipped. 315 acres, mile Glenwood. Wasfi.; 00 acres in cultivation, balance can be: p-Ienty of water for irrigation: cut 200 tone hay and 8O00 tm. oats lest year. RUrht in forest reserve, three ets fair buildings, stock and equipment. PACIFIC FINANCE COMPANY. 320 Plttock Block. 120-ACRE FARM. ALL EQUIPPED. 50 acres in cultivation, some seeded to grain and clover. 9 acres in prunes; also family orchard, in full bearine; 5-rm. modern house; hot and cold water with modern bath, extra large barn; will ac commodate 40 head of stock and lots of hav room, large poultry house. 5 cows. large team of horses, chickens and turkeys, cream separator. mower, rake, plow, harrows, wagons, lots of small too-ls. hull dinars all good. Price Is $12,000. $4500 cash, bal ance easy. i STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. PC AHFJS NEAR MOL.Afr.T-A-STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. fin aores In hterh state of cwltl vatlcwi. good team. 3 brood sows. 1C sh-o-ats. 10O chickens. 2R firef I n fall grain . bal ance plowed : 0 seres in young prunes, otner ; inni In bearing, for home tme: full line af macninfTV ana iwa all in irood condition; 7-room house. good barn, cash. Price $11,000; half STEWART & JOHNiSON. 315 .NortnTvestem Bank Bidg. 100 ACRES. and wood lot. Immedlat Possession. On rock mad 14 miles from Portland. rp, in cultivation. 55 acres In 75 rnn. otner reauy, - and wood lot. 2 good houses, 2 silos, large barn. Make good dairy ranch. $18,000. $2500 handle. AUSTIN AGENCY, Hiilsboro, Oregon .-nr r VTVn 1A TA GENT NET cre. an unaer cuii.. pluwivcu equipped; all In cropi 5 aores aswt. ap ples 2 aores prunes, all bearing. In line condition: 20 acres clover. 40 acres win ter oats. 30 acres timothy and hay. baU t "k a fipd,: 3 acres OTii-on land, 7-room semi -modern house, bath and laundry tub. 2 wells. pressufW water system, . v, o ir Tin r-n nrinn house, granary. hog house, other bulldlmcw: 4 miles hard rock road to Newher highway: 14 miles from Portland. Price $3.0OO. Terms easv See Mr. Campbell, with Fred trnmrt Go.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Commerce. -in apres. 37iA cultivation, acres tmV.a- x.rnATn nnusft. uarn turn uui' buildings, 32 milee from Portland on highway, Vz mile to high school, elec tric station ; fine - location; $8000; will consider city property 10 twu, ko ncr 17 acres in crop, balance pasture, 4-room house, barn, outbuild- 1 nnnv 4 cows. 2 vearlings, 1 2-year-old heifer. 25 chickens, large orchard, farm Implements; $3500; good terms, B. H. STEWART, 165 H 4th St. Main 5275. NEWBERG BARGAIN. n fi-tn close to Newberc 18 acres In cultivation; 14 In orchard consisting of prunes, apples, some cherries and pears; 6-room modern bungalow, barn. 12-tunnel nrun drier, fruit house. 6 hen houses. brooder and incubator houses, 2 stands of bees, fine Jersey cow, 200 White Leghorn hens: all farm machinery, gas engine, spray pump ; fine creek. All goes for $8500; might accept a Portland home or ciose-in acreage as part payment. JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Commerce. BOLIVIA, SOUTH AMERICA. The opportunity of today will never he equaled; $200 cash secures 04O acres of rich, loam sou, prairie ouncngrass, 8 to 4 feet high; good home markets; best climate on earth, abundance rain fall, but no crop failures and no tax; unless you can get the cash in 30 days, please don't answer as it only makis vnu more discontented here aftr read- dnr our literature and you can't be bnfitf.d unless vou can buy. Bolivia Colonization association. 600 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, or. BEST BUY IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 60 aores, 45 acres high state of culti vation, all In crop; Al soil, trout stream, new buildings, 2 houses, both plastered, 2 silos, large barn, family orchard, wal nut and filbert grove; 1 team. 3 cows. 8 heifers. 23 ewes and their lambs. 3 sows, 1 boar, SO hens; all good machin ery; -18 miles from Portland on state market road: $i2,"00. terms. j, o. GERBER. 715 Swetland Bidg. ACREAGE AND FARMS. 10, 20 and 40 acres, all under cultiva tion, partly set out to bearing fruit; has running water, rolling and heavy black eandv bottom land; only 35 miles from highway. Can sell this land from $175 to $350 per acre. If you wish something fine, come in and we will talk it over. F. L. BLANCH ARD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bidg. Bdwy. 6Sr.Q. 80 ACBKS south of The Dalles: 55 tilla ble, 20 under cultivation, adapted to raising finest of non-irrigated fruit, fenced, good well, spring; price $100; 500 down. B V S IN ES3 SERVICE, 718 Dekum bidg. FlN 15 stock farm for sale or exchange; lies beautiful; part irrigated, all can.be; will make 2 nice farms. Owner, M 575. REAL ESTATE. For Nale Farm. 20 ACRES, most all In cult, and some beaverdam ; located 2 ml. Cornelius, near rock road leading to highway; 6- room house, large barn and other out blags. ; with the place co 5 cows, heifers. 1 calf. 2 horses, some chickens, 3-- wagons, hack, harness and all farm machinery; $5500. terms. A fine 10-acre tract, about 9 in cult, bal. In fuel Umber, near main traveled road, x4 ml. Miusboro, M mi. elec sta tion; o-room nouse, small nam an other outbldgs. ; young orchard, lots o berries, 2 cows, 1 horse, 4 doz. chickens, some hogs, wagons, buggies, all farm Implements, all go for $5000, and wil tatte a fort iana residence as part pay men 1. 10 acres, some can be t lowed, bal. i stumps and some brush; all A-l soil and every toot can be farmed; small house, good cniciten house, well at back door zy mi. Hiilsboro on main traveled road $1700, with terms and possession at once. WASHINGTON CO. REALTY CO.. P. 1. Madden. L. O. McCoy. Hiilsboro, Or. BASE LINE ROAD 25 ACRES. Just outside city limits: great coun try home, small farm or subdivision foreclosure forces sale ; wonderful bar gain, $ tu-ou; rair term?. A. E. DAVIS. 418 Board of Trade Bidg. Broadway 7154. $20 PER ACRE $20. 3 20 acres of good farm land, small house, on crushed rock road, 2 miles to electric station. 1 mile to school and miles to good town; will sell 40 or 80 acres, cash, balance terms to suit. x nis is a snap. B. E. Wooster, 817 Clin mil, cor, nin. sell wood 319. FOR SALE 30 acres. 2 miles from The j-e,iies, xo acres tillable, 13 acres cleared. acres Deanng rruit, balance fall wheat -room house, barn, good well 1 team, all equipment; price $2200: small nay. ment, balance terms. Kargl & Hurley, x ne uanea. kit. 6 ACRES on paved road and electric line, part in cultivation, shack; price $650 u uuvyii, fiu per monia, DRAPER, 408 Board of Trade. FARM for trade or sale. Hague, Sellwood 1131. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE ol iem t who wa nts Port land Heights home; must be ua to the minute; wLM pay as higih as $16. 000 and several clients who want smaller homes on Heights. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 7631 1664. ALL CASH PirRPHiw Want th best 5-room modern house that $3000 will buy. I expect to eet it ior less than It is worth and kindly umi juu niuuiy Keep i nis in mind 1n quoting price. Would like to have 2 or more lots with house. Please rivs full and complete data, by mail inly, realtors or owners. J. J. McCarthy, Ab- ums., agent ior o u ye r. WE HAVE a client who wishes to buy a wv wm nuu uivision streets. DEKUM & JORDAN, S23-4 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. 4th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 2249. uouu o-roora house, modern, not too i'ar out, near car and school, improvements m and paid, to cost not more than $3000. First payment from $500 to $1000, bal- mun Liny, description ana price in your answer. If you haven't a bargain don't waste your time and paper. AK ov. uregonian. WANTED. SUBURBAN HOME. Have buyer for 8 or lo-room house witn some acreage, not over 10 miles out. Some trees and a small stream ail the Detter. will go $0.0,000. Phone Broad way 7522. WE HAVE clients waiting for homes, also improved and unimproved proper ties. Give us your listings for quick re sults. TRIPLEX REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., 534 Morgan Blag. Main 5567. WANT a nice honie in good district or on suburban line; would like to put in small irrigated farm, or partly improved ciose-in acreage, clear or in cumb ranee, as part, but would buy outright if suited in piace at bargain. AG fcOH, Orego nian. SOME small good business property in Hawthorne or Sunnyside; brick pre ferred; not over $7500; must be rightly priced; can pay ail cash. Y 503, Ore gonlan. WANTED. Income property to $16,000 or $20,000 from owner; must be good; mean busi ness; cash ready; will close Immediately for good, sound proposition. A. E. Davis, irig jatiarq ol j ra ne oia g. WANTED By responsible people, strictly modern 5-room and sleeping porch or 6-room bungulow, near carline ; owner only; around $5000; terms, part cash. AM 567, Oregon ian. WE HAVE clients now waiting for well Jocated homes, priced right, which can be handled with $H0 cash payment. C. K, MEYEK COMPANY,. SOS Couch Bidg. Broadway 1531. WANTED i or 7-room modern bungalow, with hardwood floors, bubilt-lns and garage; must have large living room. Will go to $7000. Broadway 6787 Mon- day and Tuesday. BEST 4 or4 5-room modern house with some land, near car line, that $1200 will buy. or $1400, with street improvements paid, in or around Portland; all cash; no agents. AH 573, Oregonian. WE HAVE a client with $2!0( in cai. Wants 0 room bungalow in Hawthorne district; mut be a garage or room for one ; not over $45-00. Call up at once. Hawthorne Realty Co., Tabor 74C3. WANTED from owner, large lot, near Oregon City or Estacada car line, with in 15-cent limit; no rock or gravel; wive location and cash price. E 5 til, Orego nian. WANTED 2 or 2J4 acres, facing Base Line road, between Rockwood and city limits, something- that is not cleared and no improvements except water. Address Acreapre, 103 Front street. WANTKD Before noon today, address of new bungalow around $utw. I win drive out this afternoon: good cash pay ment. Marshall 17S. Bdwy. 4835. WANTKD Large tract of land suitable for platting into lots or small acreage, adjacent to Portland. Oharleg Rlngler, 201 Railway Exchange bidg. WANT lots or improved property, assume If income; lor clear bu acres, half mlla station. ST R ATT ON". 217 ABTNTON' BT.D-O. BEST lot in Rose City Park that $1000 caj?h will Duy; must ne beiow tne mil ail not over two blocks from car. Call East 773S. WANT to buy good home on terma not exceeding $70 a month, with substantial cash payment; all communications con fid e n t i aLAddressI55 ;Oregomjir WANT 2-flat bidg., strictly modern, close in. State location and cash price. v 542. Oregonian. . WANT flats, east or west, side; cash buyer; no traaes. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7631. WANTED TO BUY 5 or 6-room modern house in Rose City, Alameda or Laurel hurst; possession wanted not later than M ay 1st. w rl!. Oregonian NEW 4-PAiSri. COUPK. Classy car, value $3500; give as first payment on modern bungalow or well located lots. AP 5fiT. Oreffoninn. MODERN home, $l3.tK0 to $30,000. West- over Terrace or 1'ortiand neignta; pre fer to exchange small Irvington home. AG 567. Oregonian. ' WANTKD To purchase buntfalow, 5 or 6 rooms, that can tte altered or repairea for a home. Give price and location. AJ 574, Orearoniam WANTKD Apartment, hotel or any other good paying business property, $::;, uuu or up; I have $10,000 cash and acreage, city property. AK o9, Oregonian. WANT few acres partly Improved along some ill Kn way and cross road in wen Hett led district with water on It. Box 84. Bridal Veil. Or. TO PURCHASE From owner, a 3 or 4- room modern house. Full particulars in replying. W 575. Oregonian. BU1CK, good as new; will trade for amaii nouse or acreage. t Aiicmsan avenue. WANTKD Lo-t near Miss. av. car and park; improved streets preferred. L 5(3, Oregonian. WANTED To buy lot on west side within walking distance, utvo location ana price. I1' S74. Oregonian. WANTKD, for cash, 5-room bungalow not over $:mju; must do a nargain. a. ii Akorson, 420 Henry hlrig. Broadway 5.t4i). 1IAVK cash for lot in Ros t'ity above hill. Water ana sewer in. ai oi. orego nian. WANT to 6-room house in Alberta dia- t ri ct. Q a Oreo n i an . WANT 4 to 6-room bouse in Hawthorne district. AJj 561. Oregonian. WANTED S-room modern house, not over $4060. AC Oregonian. WANTKD To buy 4 or 5-room house. Term. BC f7.:. ttrgoninn. WANTED Lot, Waverly - Richmond dis trict; must be a bargain, hell wood ;Si. LATE model Kin 8 to trad in on house and lot. ttayt tn y. SOLDIER wants hom-e; has $300) cash ban as and 4 lots, coou aiatrlct. tell. WAXTFI) R K A T, ESTATE. LlT YOL'A HOME WITH US FOR IT"S AS GOOD AS' SOLD IE L7STBD WITH US. We have hundreds of bona fide buyers watting for homes in every part of tho city. We inspect, appraise and photograph your house within 24 hours after luting. No charge except the standard commission of 6 per cent in the event of a fatipfactory sal a. 75 LIVE WIRE SALESMEN to work en it. We take care of the interests of out-of-town owners. See FRANK L. McGTJTRB To Sell Your Home, Realtor, Ablnglon BMg. Broadway T1T1. HOUSE WANTED. Modern bungalow or house of 6 rooms, either new or in first-class condition; prefer Irvlngton, Rose City or east side; will give Wetmoreland lot near R"ed college and street car and good amount In cash as first payment. Last 7877 or H 60 ti, Oregonian. SO ACHES to trade or sell. $3750. Located in Willamette valley. All level, rh-h loam soil, 26 acres cult, orchard. 2 acres loganberries, strawberries and other small fruits: fine stream; 7-room house, barn and outbuildings: good team, 3 cows, 65 chickens, farm tools, all for J3750. Terms or trade. Ralph Ackley. fi?7 CorbPtt bidg. GOOD HOUSES WANTED. Mr. W. V. Young has been placed In charge of our nw "Better Homes De partment." He has constant inquiries for homes, particularly located in the Rose City district, that are pricea rignu Let us demonstrate. See Mr. Young irith with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, Cham, of Cora. HAVE 6-ACRK tract Improved: 6-room house worth $3500. Wanted, 7 or 8-room house In Irvlngton, Ladd's addition or Laurelhurst. Will assume or pay cash difference. Pee me at once. T. O. BIRD, R26 Chamber of Commerce. WANT EAST SIDE HOME. CHEAP WEST SIDE AS PART. ft -room cottage on heights, near medi cal school. 100x100. corner, f ru It. Cash value $2500, clear. Want modern house ID to $4000. J. C. COR BIN CO., S05-0-7 Lewis Bidg. WANTED to buy from owner, modern or 7-room bungalow with 1 or 2 large bedrooms first floor, garage, between Belmont, Hawthorne or Uroveland Park and 50th and 60th sts. Give price and terms. Address a ooJ. Oregonian. WANT TO BU FROM OWNER 5 or 6 room modern house on west aide close in. See Mr. Miles. E. M. ELLIS. Realtor. Suite 423 Morgan bidg. Main CKM0 or Aut. 3-5-65. WE HAVE clients desiring small subur ban homes; ir price is right, we can sell it, See Mr. Price, Mgr., acreage oepartment. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. ft33 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 87B7. HAVE client with cash, also several whe want to exchange smaller home for larger home and will assume or pay cash difference. If your value Is right will Inspect properties. Rock, 403 Couch WANTED AT ONCE. 3 to 5 acres with fruit and berries, S or 6-room modern house, near school and car, up to $4500: $2000 cash. See Mr. Campbell with Fred W. Uerman Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. WANTED West side apartment house. price S50,0uo; client will pay 130. mm cash and city property valued at $20,000. E. J, UE13EK, 417 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 8232. LET US bulid for you and secure satis factory tenants for your vacant property. jvir. Huzza wi t n O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO, 408-11 Couch Pldg. SUBURBAN OWNERS. NOTICE. We want good buys in small plsvoea with fruit and poultry convenient to car service. See us if you want to sell. A. K. HILL. 420 Lumhermnn Bidg. WANTED Two lots near Hawthorne ave. west of 60th, value up to $2100, as first payment on modern 7-ruoin house; all conveniences. J. C. COKBI.V CO., 305-A-7 Lewis Bidg. THBRJ3 are many ways to sell a. home: but to sell Irvlngton homes to best advantage, there's only one R. T. STREET'S Trvlngton Headquarters. WANT 7-room residence with 4 bedrooms; within easy walking distance of Jvern school on E. 28th st. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark st. Bdwy. "831. HAVE clients wanting wt.it side homes. Must be in good condition ana wen lo cated; $1500 to a!! cawh :p to $8500. R, R. POWXDER, Realtor, 40fl Broadway Bidg. Main 2717. TO SELL west side property see the man who makes a specialty of handling west side property exclusively. JOHN SINGER. 420 ChnnibT of ('omniTCf hMff. CUSTOM ER For west side corner brick apartment house,- prlre not to exceed $30,00u; will pay $5.onn cash. E. J. GE1SER. 417 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. B2.r2. LOT FROM OWNER Hawthorne, Lau relhurst. Irvington or Rose City Park helow the hill, north of Sandy, pre ferred; not over 3 blocks to car. Eawt 8!t 1 9. WANT houye with (caraRH and basomfnt on goon btroei ; win iraae ior nouse ana lot in city at low value of $3600; s"tvo ur take dtffrenre. Tahnr H. WANT at once, ft-room bungalow, any good district; value $.1000 to $-4000; w mean business. See A. K. Hill, 4'tf Lumbermen's bldir. WANT 4 to B-rooiu house near Jeffernon hiffh school that down and $J3 per month will handle. F 6flfl, OreKo nian. LAURKLHIJRST Must be first-claas frontage preferred ; ra n snap. Phone Mam 1 3:t4. LOT. location ; south pay cash if a WILL TRAD K Chandler coupe and pay cash difference for modern fi or 7-room house in Irvinston or (food west side district. Phono Hdwy. 4U18. WHAT have you in a cheap hou or phack to sen that small pavment will handle ? Prefer on ha rd a tree t. Olve location: no agent. RD .v0. Oregonian. WILL PAY $.VW and lot at Annabel as flrpt payment on a modern ft-roorn bun galow, Hawthorne district preferred. Alain R212. WANT apartment house, west aid, up to $75,000. IIKNRT W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark St. Pdwy. TM1. 5 OR 6 ROOMS, MODERN, ON LARG K LOT. WKST SIDK PREPERRKT). NOT OVKR $:MW. HAVE $1000 CASH, G O R PXiO N I A N. WILL buy Hawthorne bunjtalow to $4-MM) with substantial payment down: not over 1 block car. 214 titark u Broad way (i721. WANT equity Portland buniralow. Will assume. Can exchange modern home Idaho university town. 924-V0. Ad dress KM fth av. S. K. MODERN bungalow in Hawthorne, not to exceed $4000; will pay cash for a bar gain; no agents, please. K 571, Ore gonian. I CAN pay Sl.i00 cash on a bungalow lo cated in Hawthorne or Roee Cltv; mtisl be a bargain; no agents. Y 671, Ore ponlan. THE BKST vacant lot in Hawthorne or Waverly that $00 will buy. ;iv lot and block number or exact location. J fiftl, Oregonian. WILL PAY $100 down on small house; no objections to one needing repairs; mut have modern conveniences and about 100 xlOO ground ;. X ,r33. Oregonian. SUBURBAN KOilB WANTKD. 1 or - acres; muM have modern house. 4 or o rooms: not over $4500 cash. Phons Brood way 001 ! . WANT 7-room residence, Westo vor, up to $20,000. HK.NRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. WANT a houf with large basement with garage In basement, on good street; $00 equity In house and lot In city as first payment. Tabor fS. WILL trade my Buick touring car as part payment on small house or lot; mtiMt have fruit and berries and be near a car line. K 5H4, Oregonian. Buildup, wants lot, pricfkrably (N PAVED STRKET, liOOO DISTRICT, (JOOD LOCATION AND PRICE. G. C. HOWARD. 1115 S. W. BANK'. W1IT WORRTT -T can sell or trade anything, any where, a W. Millership, 166 tt 4th, Main 527J WANTED o to fi-room bungalow on th cat side to $4000. JOHN STVOBR. 4J0 rhamber of Ofmtner Bide. WANT 7-room residence. Nob Bill dlst.. $10,000 to $1,000; must be modem. HKN'RY W. UODDARD, Realtor. 213 Stark fft. Bdwy. 731. WILL TRADK closed 'hndler and r ta-ih difference for wt side lot be tween Johnson and Fettyjrrove, west of :id. Phone Broadway 4Q1. W A NT & rooms in any Rood district that $500 cash will handle; monthly payments on balance. Ask. for J. O. Fisher, Bdwy. 437. I WANT the best bungalow that I en n pet for $300 down payment, ran make jtood monthly payments. Prefer to deal with owners. D !if,2, Orepnnian. WANT modern bungalow, jrnod district, near car; must be a harjtain ; substan tial oanh payment and Rt.od lot, clear, t - npnly. JR.I Oregonian. A HUMK in Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor, rea sonable for cash; give location and price first letter. .1 .V73. Orpgon ian. LEAVJfi IN ST A I - LMKNT CONTRACTS with the HlbarrfT, Commercial & bay-infi-a bank for collection. WANTED RA I USTATH, I have several c Hants whe wnt amalt dairy and fruit farms in the Willamette valley or nr Portland. Thy will ac cent small places and give long time on good Canadian wht ur mlxi4 farms, also want some lrr frm of ill !ss in Willamette vsliey in exchange for Canadian farms. It will par you to In vestigate, liavt some eioellent offr1ns. W. a. IDE. 617 Lswls Bidg. W1NTBD. or 7mm honss must te trafftlve and up-to-dat; prefer something around $VX0; mirht pay $7000, but must be a bars id BEHJ DTDKTJM JORDAW, S23-4 Chamber of Coxnmeros Bldf 4th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 2-.'. CLIENT wants desirable $40O0 to 45 hp) home, BunnysM preferred : will tui u In two weiI-iocA4d but id I mr lots snl possibly some canh as down pavment. balance satisfactory monthly e"nfrn Client will pay $l0to nh down on neglected home needing repairs. !n rd dtstrict; must be a bargain and fa'.r.y close in. Robinson. w:tn FRANK McCKILLTS, Reliable Realtr. 824 Henry Bidg. Phone Monday Browdwsy TTf HAVE cash fr good iot in lrvlmctoa or Laurel h u rut ; g 1 ve f u il par Uou 1 a re, It 670. Oregonian. ' Furin m W an id. BMALL places wanted elos ts ps--land er good valley town, with bulld!n and imi.l amount of equipment ; owner to accept sol- ' dler's loan and small payment down; farms ranRing from $4m to $3,100, with some equipment ; will be given lrammltate attftntloa, John Ferguson, Garlln$er .bidg. BUYER3 WAITING, w hsvs a number of r waiting for small Improved ranches lo cated near Portland on good roads. If your property la priced nht we wl.l guarantee a quick sale. hnd tor Hat ing blanks and walrh r-"ita ST. CHAULKfl UPALTf CO., RK ALT UK 3. 2f4 Morrison Mln ftHl WANT frm near I'ortiand and have i highly developed suburban tracts as) first paymen t. o. h. 5kothp:im nwuTT CO., 40K-11 Couh iVflg. FARM WANTED. Hart Income property, clear ef $. will trada and aume on e-iulpi 1 ranoh up to $U.0OO. B. K. . "12 Couch bl'Jg. Want d o Kent Ya rm . Wanted to rent b w a l l placlh. Have several pepols wanting ts rnt acreage or small farms, oloa to Port land preferred. Homa people will buy tha place after leaalna: ftrr year or mra. Ws make lots of sals this way. Will buy squlpment if price rtitht. JOHN FEUCl'SU.V, (it rilmrT PMC Largest Farm Dealer on I'aolflo Cout TIMBER T Arn. SAvi i Li.M and T i mpt:r PROPOSITIONS OF ALL MZK. L1 M mill with inct-'nn rallroai ami timber, southern WawMnrton, fl.V ,,',t. conrrols ftO million add 1 1 tonal timhar. Also 2 M mill. 17,uot.m umb-r. Irs plni? equipment, on rallroa'l, w-rn Orcpnn; orders head, satu factory pri. Alo 2," M mill with ilrub'T snd f" I equipment, on rnllmsd. N. W. oreon. Controla U.!HK.0" tirn ber. Also M mill with 000,00 tim ber, near 1'ortJaud ; output con tract ! ahead, $17 M at mill. Ai-o 30 M mill, eastern Orsgon. 4 million pine, eay lnrtfin. AIko billion lo-t choice, pfns, caatern Orepon. adjoin fort reserve. Alfo 700 million yellow Mr, near Tr land : rinnk") a. railroa I and equipment; no mill: choir prop"! t Ion. SA Tl KKAf'TOU V term nn all above. TIMUKH LA X I UI'UKAf Hoard of Trude Hid, I'ort.and. Or PRACTICAL luinhfrnmn iit-fl with Mnntlal nnanrmi naKin m n.-iwi operate manufaeturliiir plant in 1ar body of rood quality red and y lo- ' r that run he ioK.-d very rti-a ply. Tim ber can he ptir-listed an Ted. d Trans portation to raliroai already provider The advantage in rata and n n 1.t w n i will ahow a pro: It on -n lowt-r fii-Un that will Juwiify operation row. e are the principals and ran ahow mi a n- Ket for entire output now. i n;a if a verv exerpi lunal opportun 't y for rig i. t party (live perinre, amount of fi nancial ha. klhfi and rvf rrnce. L M". Orr'in is , TlilHEK AND MILLtf. W hare coupta of buys In m1V 20 000 to 100.0i capacity, plenty of good timber available, both ftr and pin-, $1 lo $: Kt u in page, pny as cut; a o h u aootl flrt inorigngn for I.".,oim and :i i-iear fiirm worth 10.i' to efhur for mill und timber. b-a J. O. HAN TH' WIN. .KT. CH A ni.KS RTTALTT CO. JOi MorHrm M I I.LH N Fl ii-rr I I H TIM H! !t in TU-n ton cimni v. nrar r" ' ... r r fct.?bn: v ' d f r owner will ncf-pt P''4 T;t r ft pnnient; nmcht tk In r""'J propt-rtv as flr.-i p; men t. a .r a n ItU'" ti prr c-t. t'JMi he dt-l'td. $l.r.o p.t M. Kylor ll ak l. Cra' i irogoTi. , , i - - Trr"HA l.K -KtMv to it 0 m.:nri fr a- '1 tpru.-e. pood quality, dtre.-tly on t.d. . un't r nit raMr tad. untr and rail "'" portal I"" : h" w ) Iml'tT, pii"n '"Fr " :. f lit ITllI line irnprmiuun, , - ii.rms. M-'iter lnv t i-H liennett Lumber Co. 1I1MI. Ktu:ene, t t. Diona rLt iiv'ii In m ln-r rniii hi tied Of Inrreasen rniMini. n oi - from $3.1 Odd t hm) to lnet nr. This concern hiif the h.--.t hif lnfi f- r itn si.e in the went, with Jarte huM ' -tinuous proiits afurd. L .'..'(', uregn nta n. - aInOPPOKTIINITY to buy fto rwio npu--tty HswmiH. located In pine muntrv -h"it 10 miles from Portland. Tha deMrald. ity of the proposition run onlv 1-e ljiri" d by getting lull particulars. Y f..:7, m irnnlnn: m roR SALK Tl mill with 4 inlllloo f t timber, located nn railroad timr 1'"" land; loga coat $ at mill. F ittl. r go n lan. H A V K t.evral Urie sud fir inlli ftlti tlmber rtadv to oi-'m' h. P. H h;n h T. 131-5 Wl'bur 5 48t At:itKS. ow-r 10 i.MiJi.n feet o'd - -v timber, can w be hnd -lir .!. f"r -or trde. Ju.Id t(uuirr, 611 Jeff i . wt., lipone, r, r . THA OK any part "r 1 rapacity 1 mill for autnrnoh.le; hnilrr ! 4 hi 14 ft. 2'M Ka-t 4Vlh M . Portland. T - ephon Ant'MiiwMc -'0-1 1 . 160 ACIUOST mostly cchir. rei.- Ore, it lty, aiisssed valij:iMi-n $l7tnf. r.-. Johnson. K. 1. bo 1 ;1" Ai!l.'i"11r-v " " : 1NI2 Kilt AND PINK iru 1. m'.f .n propnltiotm. rcaonaMe. .iminei irun, N I fhnniW of I'miiiii'T'1' iMfT 30 M 1I.I.K N red anu yi li w I .r on r , - wav V rnili tott .il l iv' - ' - WANTKD Timh-r T r .i.r-..d pV-n--nit h:.t-lt AH 0-r..tM" K MILLION rt-d fir nil I'.if "i i.lsv V TLMBLWt Id l-M.l cine In. 10 MILLION fd r ir o i ut'i'1 !wav. V FIR PILINH. Cfctfur p"e c!iiihIM O. V. iamtv,s iToucn niog. DA flC V M K N .A TT 1 : TP' N : bound ' r R0 - -room house, hrn i Ion. alerii i'-lty. w nmr acres lti fultivati.il, I n-ftur": 1"i hntrinif fr t.'tu with j-tifM h vM ni, A brnt '.' la tire pi ti mM . i 1 : i Aut. HI7 4'. 4'.t. K. 4"th N tilX MILKS fi "in r nler f I'nU.mnl acre. -room hoijue, orchard, nii'ah.e for dairy or truck carin, on lt""ti' perry road. iMfc inllct from end of Puiti car. JSf-o larire. red brn. uwnrr, t1 wren, Or., mtjto t. h'x 1 ?t FOR RKNT 2 m r- . 1 I M t 1 1 11 , r, 'J l.i.. room houie. koo1 wvi i t do from Phm l.ln rotid; b , p.il':i. for $ln o. ! poti fit. Phone Tlibor 1 H LK ASK and emu I- 0-roiii tn I dairy bnrn w ii ddi ' y- P1 P( ill ii KN t' Id itrr- e. Iripn, or'hnrd; It tuih Phone Wdin. intra. ir.o a v i;a h - sn . i . l giod l(MIIe K. nth mt. n. 27"- A'.'UK.S on pi f'hnne bet. 10 A. nd I M , b4 i FOR RKNT Hu I - . Portland. 3d hvt f in orrhnid. V din ' '. ACIiKH, liind.-.n I ins;, w t r . a n : ; c 1 u : M rb ;i i ! MM 1 3 AfRKS in tM--rj. hOUSv, 11. r lit-I.lowe k ' arson, -I-u liiiny