THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. APRITj 2, 1933 IS SEVERAL HUNDRED NEW RESIDENCES ERECTED IN ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT DURING WINTER. Thousands Will See It Join Them at the Auditorium The newest, finest ways of building, arranging, decorating and furnishing your home now await you. Come. Secure ideas that otherwise would cost you heavily in time and money. The inters Pay High Tribute to Landlord for Domicile. 6 DME nrm mm ULumntu - - . INVESTMENT IF ' :mk ' r : 'I Si 1 Hm"T Mj RETURN NIL ! 1 I .3s " 3 rl x"-f?s"s NANCIAL fvorbitant Interest Is Charged on Property Valne and Tenant Wastes His Capital. &f fit xA , v ? 13 ft -S h s-. -Jl Mr-P" ' " II' r''1 BY W. M. UJIBDENSTOCK." The answer to the question whether It setter to rent or to own your own home a local builder. HOME. God'a thought. Childhood's refuse. Maidenhood's dream. Woman's heaven. Man's inspiration. Rent i3 a fixed charge levied ainst the individual or against oup of individuals', as the family. is impossible to escape rent; the st that can be done is to get all that required, or desired, for the least at one. must pay. We are treating here of the rent of a man of moderate means the pro ssional man, the mechanic and the y laborer; those to whom the out v is Important in two ways first. an expense that must be met, and, condly, to derive all they need or sire for the amount they are will ? to pay. As a rule, what must be id is what the landlord considers must have for any given premises yield him a profitable return hether, in fact, that return is ex xordinary or not upon his invest- ent in the property that is rented. which consideration he pays to nt. to proper depreciation from all usesv including, the care bestowed tenants having only a transitory terest. accounting for extraordl- ry repairs and also with regard to ose periods when the premises will vacant and yield no revenue at alL Landlord Gets) Good Retnra. This article is addressed to those to rent under these conditions; ose who occupy premises at the will a landlord. Investigation has shown that the erage annual rent derived by ndlord from a house is from 10 to per cent on the value of the land d the house; but again, whether or 20 per cent is largely contingent excluding any possible advantage king motive, mistaken or other- Ise, on the part of the landlord on the position of the land with ference to Its residential preference d th convenience and condition, of house. For instance, a house. werer good, located In an undeslr- e neighborhood will Justify a lower nt, possibly, than a poor "house in tetter neighborhood; but a good use in a good neighborhood should mmand the highest rental. It is rent that la the criterion of this scussion. By careful analysis of all costs !n last few years, great advance 3 been made in the direction of glv- S much more than formerly to a an for the rent he is willing to pay. House Rent la Fixed Charjre, This has heen accomplished by unl-ing- In one operation the functions the banker, of the builder and of e renter, and also conceived in the uth that - house rent is a fixed arge for every individual needing bouse; and furthermore, upon the ct that 7 per cent interest is a fair d profitable rate to collect on sums money actually owed at periods of terest payment. Any hindrance, all e conditions necessary being pres- t to the general acceptance of the oposition here described and ei- ained by the house renter, would justified, if at all, toy the skeptl sm that has been fostered in his ind by unscrupulous realty promot- and the fear that he is laying mself open to individual exploita- on. As a matter of fact, however. is but one of the factors in the uation necessary to its solution, as source of commercial profit to all rticipants, including himself. He a partner in the plan, from the fact at his rent is a necessary condition partnership, and the only one who i count a loss is his) previous land- rd. Combination Hut Exist. This combination of the banker ho supplied the money, the builder ho supplies the material and the bor that calls for the use of the oney, and the renter, who is indis- rnsable to the other two, who will ;e his fixed charge to pay the Inter t on the money thus employed, is & means to the end. It is found, however, that the pres et fixed charge of the renter is reater than is necessary to divert e rate of Interest that is asked, :d the difference between that rate lid the amount of the renter's fixed large may be returned to the renter the form of the property that he f cupies. One example is tetter than a thou nd arguments. Let us take for in ance that you are a renter and wish k apply your rent to the purchase of home. First your realtor or builder lects a lot in a good neighborhood fay in the vicinity of & park in a etrictea locality, a block or two om the car line, giving a direct and lequate service. Then, without cost you he prepares a sketch, of a buse for you that exactly accords itb. the desire of your family, and akea plans therefrom, and offers for -ur approval the specifications upon Above at left Bingalow erected at Tillamook and East Fiftieth afreets by W. I Sears at cost of $10,000. Above at right Home of Henry Thlele Jut completed at East Fiftieth street and Tillamook street at a cost of lo,w. ueiow at leit uuneaiow no me or v. msiminser, "K on """i Fit tletn street between Hancock street and Broadway. Below at rlgrht Harry E. Eaton's new 1P7000 home at 413 East Fiftieth street North. which it is proposed to construct a house. He then employs the capital to purchase the material and pay the labor, technical and professional skill necessary to erect the house. Now let us suppose that the house and land, has a value of J4500. Let us say that you are paying $50 a month. If this is the case you are paying to a landlord a rate equivalent to approximately 14 per cent on the valuation. Financial Feature Shown. The following table represents the financial outcome of this proposal: Original Principal, 14500. Payment $50 per month on both interest and principal. Interest first deducted, balance- applied on principal. -aia on Payments. Interest, princip'l. 1st payment 500.00 S 500.00 1st year 600.00 2d year 600.00 3d year 00.00 4th year ooo.oo 5th year eoo.oo 6th year 600.0O itnyear ...... tw.w 8th year 600.00 9th year . 600.00 10th. year 3.98 $ 269.53 245.77 220.02 J92.59 163.14 131.53 97.63 61.33 22.42 .02 3-30.47 354.23 379.98 407.41 436.86 468.47 602.37 538.67 677.58 3.96 Totals .....15903.98 $1403.98 $ 4500.00 How Interest Is Calculated. The 7 per cent is not -calculated on the J4500, wlfich represents the obli gation in the above example. It is calculated on what you actually owe from time to time on this $4500; for Instance, your first payment of $500 is deducted from the amount due on the principal, and your .first monthly payment of $50 includes one month's interest, at the yearly rate of 7 per cent on only $4000. After deducting, the interest the balance of each monthly payment is applied on pay ment of the monthly decreasing prin cipal. The renter who accepts this plan of acquiring a home should observe that while the amount of interest he pays monthly is getting ' less, his equity in the property is getting more, until eventually it is his en tirely. It is ail a means of loaning you money and furnishing you with the security for it and using a fixed and Inevitable charge against you to return the money loaned and pay the interest payment charge and then deeding you the security outright. Landlord Still Is Owner. If you live under the rent plan you must pay $50 a month rent for ten years and your landlord still owns the property at the end of that period and can rightfully ask you to vacate. But if you pay the same amount and put it to the acquiring of a home made according to your peculiar wishes at the end of that time you may have a deed to the property you occupy. Which is 'better, to rent or to own? This table shows how any sum from $10 to $50 per month, paid out for rent, amounts to in a period of from 10 to 20 years, with interest at 6 per cent per annum, compounaea annually: ROSE CITY HOMES RISE NEW STRUCTURES HAVE DE ' SIGNS OF RARE BEAUTY. Per month. 10 years. $10.00 15.oo 20.00 25.00 30.00 85.00 40.00 45.00 60.00 .$1581.68 2ST2.52 8163.36 3954.20 4745.04 5535.88 6326.72 7117.56 7908.42 15 years. $ 2.793. lO 4.189.64 6.586.19 . 6.982.7'i 8.379.27 9.775.82 11.172.38 12.562.93 13.965.46 20 years. $ 4.414.26 6.621.39 8.828.52 1 1.035.65 13.242.78 lo.449.91 17.657.04 19.864.17 22.071.30 Towel Rack Holds Umbrellas. Screw a towel rack to the side of the house about SO Inches from the floor. During rainy weather the um brellas can be placed behind the rod and will not be blown away. A shal low pan or zinc may oe piacea De- low to catch the drip. Campbell-Richards Co. 1111 SA.Dr BLYD.' (OV "VIADUCT) AUTO 315-44. 8- - i 3 late it 4 -. - x $4O0 This attractive California Dungmuw rirepii;e. targe, room liar dv t. d floors, tapestry paper. Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove -a-.Mc -a wonderful view of Laurelhurst Park. Easy- terms. This is onu' 'ie of the many honest values we have listed. We specialize in l i urelhurst. Rose City Park and Irvlngton. Call us up. Building Operations Active ; Dwell ings, Costing $7000 to $10,000 Among Most Pleasing. Building operations in Rose City Park district have been active in win ter months, the number of new homes running into the hundreds. On Fif tieth street, south of Sandy boulevard, there have risen some pleasing houses of good design, ranging in cost from $7000 to $10,000. Henry Thiele, manager of the Co lumbia Gorge hotel, has, an. eight room dwelling representing a $10,000 investment. Mr. Thiele says his idea was not to put it all on the outside. Consequently the home exhibits some of the very latest decorative effects and is a model of efficient household arrangement, with particular detail given the culinary portion. A children's playground; has been devised, with a gateway between the house -and garage, leading to a yard to be supplied with sandplle, swings and devices for keeping the young sters occupied and off the street. W. E. Sears has Just completed! a six-room dwelling with gambrel roof effect, costing complete $10,000, at Fiftieth and Tillamook streets. Mr. Sears selected the site because of the fine trees on. the lot, but the sleet storm didi much damage to the big firs. The house is north and east frontage and1 adjoins the Thiele home. Mrs. C. A. Walker and her daugh ter, Nina Marie Walker, have, at Hancock and Fifty-first streets, a five-room cottage of iplaln lines but extremely pleasing finish and deco ration, which cost $7000. It has been constructed with comfort and sim plicity of management in view a pattern for a modest home. 50 feet north, to be 1 stories, 34x50 on the ground, with eight rooms. These dwellings are all within a radius of one block, and similar activ ity is noted in other parts of the Rose City district. APARTMENTS ARE IN DEMAND Number of Leases Negotiated by E. M. Ellis, According' to Report. A heavy demand for apartment house property in Portland, is report ed by E. M. Ellis, who ha negotiated a number of apartment house leases during the present year. He considers this demand significant of the city's high standing and outlook as one of the big business-centers of the west". Mr. Ellis- reports that leases- nego tiated by him since January 1 total rentals aggregating more than a. half million dollars. Among the important apartment buildings, leases of which were han dled through Mr. Ellis' office, are: The Vol Heim apartments, leased for five years, to take effect April 1, rentalsabout $40,000; the Glenn apart ments, five-year lease, taking effect April 1, rentals about $40,000; the King Albert apartments, leased for ten-year period, rentals $22,OO0, and Bonnie Brae apartments, four-year lease and sale of furnishings. ( NEW RESIDENCE IS TO RISE Bungalow-Type House Is to Have Plastered Exterior Walls. Plans have been prepared by Sut ton & Whitney for a new residence to be erectecl for Harold Blake at East Twenty-eighth and Carlton streets in Eastmoreland. A large number or res idences are to be erected in that ad dition this spring and summer. The Blake residence will be a bungalow-type house ;ith plastered ex terior walls. Abundance of window space will be a feature. There will be a large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room and three bedrooms. The eite of the residence is 100 by 153 feet in area. It overlooks I Eastmoreland golf llnKs. TERRACES SEE ACTIVITY , . BIG VOLUME OF BUILDING IN WESTOVER REPORTED. Harry E. Eaton and wife have oc-l The cost of construction, including cupied their new five-room house at Fiftieth and: Hancock, a $7000 invest ment, and are. like other home-makers mentioned, planning lawn and shrubbery planting when weather per mits. W. Eisiminger has just completed on Fiftieth between Broadway and Han cock streets a five-room cottage with pergola effect across the entire front age. Seven piers, the last spanning the driveway to the garage, give broad lines tq the front elevation. Interior finish 'has been given special treatment, and the builder has just begrun another and larger dwelling a large garage at me house, will be $12,000. rear of the Apartment House Begun. H. J. Collings has begun building a two-story apartment house at 612 Weidler street estimated to coBt $25, 000. Frank Pagano is the owner of a story-and-a-half residence building being erected at 812 Ivon street at a cost of $5000, and Mrs. A. E. Erickson, 940 East Davis street, is having a story-and-a-half residence building erected at 974 East Davis street to cost $4500. i There Is Good Demand for Sites, Says Harold Jungck of ' Realty Associates. A big volume of building activity is predicted for Westover Terraces dur ing the coming months by Harold Jungck, local representative of . the International Realty assiciates. Al ready a. number of new residences are under construction and there is a good demand for building sites, Mr. Jungck reported. i Residences now under construction include those for F. H. Ransom, F. O. Downing, W. B. Layton, M. Simon, L. Endicott, J. Lee, I. Withycombe and H. Sprague. . The residence of Mr. Ransom has a beautiful site on Shenandoah terrace. Simplicity of design is one of the out standing features. The entrance to the built-in garage will be treated like a porch. A. E. Doyle is the archi tect for the structure and McHolland Bros, the builders. ' Among those who have purchased lots and are planning to build in the near future are: Mr. and Mrs. George T. Gerlinger on Westover road, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gadsby on Cumber land road, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Holmes on Westover road. Mr. and Mrs. M. Home Beautiful Exposition OPENS TOMORROW ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT Free chances on a building lot. Free lectures on building problems, Free prizes offered by exhibitors. And, to Admission Free Visit the exposition long and often. You will find it fascinating, instructive and profitable. PORTLAND REALTY BOARD O CXfi M. 'U"S" OPEN DAILY FROM 10 A. M. to 10:30 P, Page on Westover road,- Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Eddy on Westover road, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Prouty on Westover road, Mrs. Ward Bowles on Albemarle ter race, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Luders on Al bemarle terrace, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Davis on Cumberland road, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Stubbs on Cul pepper terrace, Mr. and, Mrs. Winthrop A. Hammond on Culpepper terrace, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Freeman oh Culpepper terrace. Dr. and Mrs. Irv ing M. Lupton on Culpepper terrace, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Brooks on Albe marle terrace, Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Prael on Cumberland . road and Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Coffen on Shenandoah terrace. 7 NEW RESIDENCES BEGUN Ground Breaking . Announced by Matot Construction Company. , The Matot Construction ocmpany, a new building concern with offices in the Henry building, announced last week that it was breaking ground for seven new residence buildings, be sides 27 which it has under construc tion. The houses all range about $6000. contract price,wand are for O. Colistro, in Ladd's addition; Mrs. Helen Miller Senn, 1291 Division street; W. P. Sartain in Laurelhurst; Robert M. Diller, 1000 East Everett street, and L. L. Daubenspeck, 351 East Twenty-sixth street, and two others. The Matot company has been build ing a few of the new duplex apart ment bungalows, a new type of double dwelling lately appearing in Portland, and now has four of these under con struction. The company has recently taken additional office space. Pan-Lifter Prevents Burns. ' Burns are largely eliminated hv th pan lifter a device with a strong; handle that slips Into place on th rim of a hot pan and hangs on until it Is conveyed to a place of safety. The corn slitter slides a perforated surface over the ear of corn and pries loose the kernels with Its saw teeth set Just beside the apertures. An other protection from burns is the percolator handle shield. It slips into place at the bottom of the coffeepot handle and absorbs the heat. When coffee is ready the shield Is slipped off and the handle Is found cool to the touch. Every Real Home Has Boos COMTE & KOHLMAN Largest Lot and Acreage Subdivision Sellers in Portland ' 2500 Lots and Acre Tracts for Sale We are exclusive selling agents f orthef ollowing additions : Marking Acres Plympton Acres Glenada Fallow Acres ' Gates Acres West Portland Park Community Acres Mentone' Sharp's Addition Meyermead Acres White City Park We specialize in the sale of lots and larger tracts" just outside of -the city limits. Bull Run water, electricity and telephone service are available in practically all of our subdivisions. Buy in any of our additions and you'll have no city taxes or assessments to pay, neither will you be required to secure building or other permits. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS We have several hundred lots to sell on payments of Five Dollars or more monthly. On large tracts pay Ten Dollars or more monthly. Over 1500 Families to whom we have sold lots and tracts during the past year are now living in their own homes and paying for them with the same amount of money paid for rent. Ten Dollars will start you toward the goal of gowning your own home. ; See us today. COMTE & KOHLMAN, 418-20-22 Spaulding Bldg. PHONE BROADWAY 6550 Tir I i The New Stratford Model in Walnut or Mahogany $310 $30 Cash, $5.00 a Week "No Interest" f This new Stratford model, which may be had in either walnut or mahogany, has all the exclusive features which have made the Brunswick one of the leading phonographs of the world. Victor Console Model at $160, $200 and $250 Easy Terms , New Victor Records for April i " bLIlllllllllllllillllllllll HI I X-H-UfcM III! 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiii These Books Will Be Found Particularly Useful i in the Home i Make Your Home Beautiful With Appropriate Silver For your inspection we have on display at The Home Beautiful Exposi tion the "Hostess" Silver Service. We will be glad to meet you there. STAPLES the Jeweler Optometrists Opticians 266 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon The Hnalnn Cook Book, by Fannie M. Farmer $2.50 The F'noyt'lopaedia of Ktl- durltr, by Kmily Holt...fl.SO Official Rules of Card (,amrn 33 Rand - MclVally's Complete Atlas S3.50 The Care and Keedlns; of Children, by Emily Holt..I.SS The Rnxy Woman's Garden Book, by Ida D. Bennett.. 2.oo Kat and Be Healthy, by Dr. Virgil MacMickle SJ.25 Oresron, Her Hlntory, Her Mtrral urr. Her (.rent Men, by John B. Horner.. 3 The Interns Dictionary lonnl SJS..OA lie Book of (ir and lirll, by Theresa li. tieister Sl.-L". U'rlaht Control, Christian by Eunrne S2.00 the w International Kn ryclopaedLa Crpe on Ap plication I. 1 THE HOME BUILDERS' PLAN BOOKS 1 5 We have a large assortment of plan books for prospective home E E builders and invite your inspection. (Balcony Floor.) E I The J. K. Gill Co. I Third and Alder Streets E imiiiiiiimiiimi in iiihii mi iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniir; UNIVERSITY BRAND (A Mark of Quality) RED CEDAR SHINGLES 52" EXTRA CLEARS 62" EXTRA STAR A 62" STANDARD "A" STAR TWO MILLS North Portland Milwaukie LB. Prompt delivery to all parts of city. PHONE MAIN 7 53 7 Menefee Lumber Company I 726 N. W. Bank Bldg., Portland, Or.