APRIL 2, 1923 12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, REAL ESTATE. Fr Sale Farms. RICH. PEEP SOIL. W have still several thousand acres of rich land which can be bought from $15 to 950 per acre on following terms: Cash $10 or more and $5 or more month at 6 per cent. Small or large tracts; ocr land Is located 6 to 14 miles from ABERDEEN and HOQUIAM. two' very prosperous and rapidly growing cities with three transcontinental railroads and splendid deep-water harbor. Soil is rich and produces enormous crop, for which the market ia unlimited right here on GRAYS HARBOR. Land is free from rrwk and underbrush, water pure. In addition we handle partly improved farm with buildings at 5o to $ltK per acre, reasonable terms; also best dairy ranches in GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY at $10 to 3J0 per acre. In view of important developments actually under way and other projects of magnitude under consideration on GRAYS HAR BOR, an investment at this time will bring good results. Keep your eye on GRAYS HARBOR, For further infor mation write at once. tt WASHINGTON STATE SOLONIZATTON COMPANY. ABERDEEN. WASHINGTON. VERT CHOICE 45 ACRES. Practically all in high state of euitivation, fine shot soil, food comfortable house and barn, water at house, barn and pasture, about ft acres in prunes, apple, cherries, Knglish walnuts, etc.; Ilea well, high and sightly, not subject to late spring or early fall frost, and exceptionally well adapted to fruit, walnuts, berries, potatoes, dairying and chickens. Located on good road, in fine cFose-in weet side district, about 35-mioutes ride from Portland, and can make prica less than that for which much nearby land without buildings Is held. This is all real land, good location, and prica is right and terms easy. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. AtERlTORiOl-S LAND COLONIZATION PROPOSITION. Capital wanted to develop, colonize and settle rich bottom lands, suitable for iu tensive truck gardening similar to marsh lands in Puyailup valley, in the Black Lake drainage project near Olympia, Thurston county, Washington. This is a bona fide proposition, approved and built by the- state. Capital is re quired to secure settlers who under stand Intensive farming. $10,000 to $75,000 required. This is an excellent opportunity to aouoie your money ana at the panic time identify yourself with a sound, legitimate project. Get in line lor the spring business, C. L. KOTICK,' IMS E. 15th St., Olympia. Wash. FRANK KOTICK. 2901 N. 9 th St., T acorn a. Wash. YOIT CAN BUY A FARM. In western Canada you can buy low- priced farm lanaa, so rich and fertile that one crop aaa oeen known to pay or them In full. Easy terms, small cash payments. Social and living condi tions are tns same as mass you bow nlnv. Sam laneuara and climate. Send for tree booklet telling about the cboice lands for grain growing and mixed farm ing along the lines of the Canadian National Kauways. special low rates and personally conducted ex cursions. Write today. DEWITT FOS 1 ER, aiupt-. Industrial and Resources Dept., Canadian National Railways, Dept. I --. Marquette piq g.. unicago, n. CHICKEN RANCH PRODUCING CASE A DAY FOR $3500. 30 miles out. good rocked road all the way; mail route, milk route and truck line pass the door; all produce taken right from the place and anything de sired from Portland brought right back to you 14 a. well watered, 4 -room house, large barn, 2 up-to-date chicken houses, 20xl0O and IfixtSO; plnety fruit Hnd berries. PrU:e $3000 and will put in 650 hens. 3 registered sows and two lit ters of pigs, 3 cows, good team, harness, wagon, implements and feed. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 4381. 00 ACRES of land on the Oregon coast, quite a percentage of which is high class dairy land equipped with suitable buildings and stocked with dairy cows; a portion of this land is platted and is used as a seaside resort; lots are being sold at good prices, and the concessions and dairy bring in a splendid income. Will subdivide and se!l outbuildings or sell as a whole for $200.nt0- Will take some property in exchange. No fictitious values, no agents, owner has valid rea son for selling. AV 627, Oregonian. WEBER'S fruit ranch ia to be sold in , 4 and acre tracts. TJp best for country homes in the market. There are ail kinds of fruit trees and vines. Location is beautiful: tSj miles from courthouse and 4 minutes from nearest station on very good street. Bull Run water on land: also gas and eteo soon In. Terms are easy. Located on Garden Home road opposite Barstow station (Salem elec. ) Inquire of owner. Anton Weber, Port land. Or., route 5. box 132. HIGHLY improved and fully equipped 5 acre garden. Poultry, hog ranch; good buildings; six miles Yakima, on main cement and gravel street, only few steps to electric station; two packing houses, school, church, beautiful location and home. Price $50o0. Will take $1500 down, a good auto up to $1500. balance easy terms, or might trade for large ranch. C. D. Ashbaugh, R. 4, Box 42. Yakima. Wash., owner. BUY THIS FARM ON CROP PAYA1 KNTS. Non-resident owner has 42 acres of the finest land In Oregon, high im proved and near' leading town, 70 miles from Portland. Place will pay for itself in a few years; will take some clear property as first payinont and crop payments for balance. Best chance you ever had to get started. O. H. KKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 408-11 Couch BUlg. Hdwy, 6787. GOING, paying, stocked and equipped 288 acres. 200 cleared. 165 cultivated, 7-room house, hot and cold water, new modern dairy, iron stanchions, 24 head cattle, 70 2-year-old ewes, brood sows. 6 horses, registered stallion, bull and boar, truck, tractor. Owner will accept some in come trade. $35,000. Interstate Land Co.. 243 Stark st. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, bal. paature and timber, running water. 8 room house, barn, outbuildings; water In house; fully stocked and equipped ; near Canby. Or., 23 miles Portland; $10,500. good terms. R. M. GATE WQQ D & CO. 1654 4th st. FOR SALE By owner, cheap (would con sider income property or stock farm) 200 acres of fine garden, fruit or grain land, in the best part of southern Oregon; alt in cultivation. Right on Pacific highway. Like living in the city. Any siae tracts, 6 to 200 acres. Best climate on tha coast. Levi Peer, Cottage Grove. Or. SS2 ACRES near Dayton and McMinnville and paved road to Portland, improved and all cleared, orchard and berries, school house across the road; price $165 an acre, also 67 acres near other tract, will divide. Moxley Bros., owners, Day- ton. Or.. R. R. 2. FOR SALE. 16 acres of land, one mile from Clatskanle, Oregon; county road follows south line of tract; southern ex posure, excellent for fruit, chickens or small dairy; easy to clear; wilt arrange terms. Address box 136, Clatskanie, Oregon. FOR SALE 5 acres, all improved, small house, barn, other buildings, fruit, lo cated in city limits of Vancouver on hard-surface road, will make a fine chicken ranch; $3750. Apply Mrs. Craw - ford. 983 Water st.. Portland, Or. Phone Marshall 547. $1250 will handle. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc., Red mond. Or. King MurprTy's capttol. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 26 acres choice land in cultivation. 241 bearing fruit trees. H acre grapes, berries, good roads, 13 miles courthouse; $75i', anv reasona.blo terms. R. M. OA TEW OOP & CO.. IfioH 4th st. 120 ACRES on Yaquina bay, 4 miles below Toledo, 3 miles above Newport i on of the best dairy ranches below Toledo; stocked; price $t500; will take some trade, terms. G. W. Andrews, Toledo. Or.. Box 133. luo ACRES, all under cultivation, fine prune orchard, large drier, 7-room house, waterworks, lighting plant, near station and highway, Clarke county, at a bargain on very easy terms. B. S. Cook. 6Q1 Stock Exch. bldg. FOR SALE 25-acre farm, good 7-room house, all kinds of fruit; ten minutes' walk to stores, churches, high school, fine team, cows, chickens, farming tools ?o: easy terms. P. O. box liil. Ridge ield. Wash. ALBERTA FARM 4 section near Man ville. in improved district; 40 acres cropped, all fenced ; $2400, or trade for Oregon, Washington or California farm. R . C. A gee, Coq u i 1 1 e. Or. FOR SALE e7-acre larm near Portland; SO acres cultivated, rest pasture and timber; 5 lots of Hilcrest plantings, in formation, ilollie Curry. 18 Morley P'.a?e, Buffalo, n. r. FARM for sale by owner. Improved, 424 acres, near Gresham; high ground, good locality. Address G res ham. Or., route A. box 301. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $5O0 an acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all mixes, McFarlanri. realtor. 28 Kailjng bldg. 20 ACRES 2 miles from Hillshoro. all planted "and cultivated; $4000, $1000 rash. Owner will accept bonus. Inter siate Land Co.. 248 Stark st bOLDIER'S BONUS accepted. Stocked and equiprd. 55 acres, 5-room house, barn, out-buildings, 10 head young stock. Interstate- Land Co,, 24$ Stark at, REAL ESTATE, For Sale Farms. " TOUNO MAN'S .OPPORTUNITY. Deschutes county offers the best opportunities of any new partly developed country in America to day. It boasts of the cheapest irrigated lands and most healthfu climate for lung trouble or rheu matic ailments, having 300 days of sunshine- and dry winters. Its sandy loam soil, when watered by Irrigation, produces a very high quality of alfalfa, grains and root crops, and is also highly adapted to berry growing. The quality of potatoes is un excelled, having captured sweep stakes at all the important agri cultural expositions and sells on the market for a higher price than any other potato-growing country. Small farms consisting of 40 and 80 acres pay nicely when the tenant combines dairying and po tato growing. The chicken and turkey industry Is also very profit able, as the dry climate keeps th flocks very free from disease. Our compsny has some excep tionally good places for sale and will bear the closest investiga tion. To ex-service boys w can offer places in a high state of cul tivation and several that are stocked and equipped, paying dividends right from the start. Ws are glad to have you meet or write to any of the ifreat num ber of people we have sold this year, every one of whom is lgh lv pleased and more than satis fied with the representations we" have mada to them before they bought. If you are really desirous of set tins out of the old rut and coming to a country that not only offers the hunting and fishing in the west today, write or call on us at our headquarters at address below. BBNHAM FALLS REALTY CO.. 15ft Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. COMI5 TO IDAHO. Join IDAHO LETTUCE GROWERS' MARKETING ASSOCIATION and make $800 to $S0O per acre growing lettuce for fall and winter markets. 28 acres proven land for lettuce growingon in terurban trolley line. Cars stop on sig nal at front gate. Substantial, finely finished eight-room bungalow, hardwood floors, electric lights, three-right and four-light chandelier. Deep well with best of water, electric pump and pres sure system. Fine bath room, large porcelain tub and att other fixtures; hot and cold water with stationery porcelain wash bowls In bedrooms, hath and kitehen; large living room, 14xJ0; fine large fireplace: whole house heated with hot-air furnace; good dry basement, con crete finished; exceptionally fine herd of dairy cows goes with place; good dairy bam and garage: good auto roads; best water right for irrigation; no in cumbrance on the place: ell churches and beat of schools in easy distapce: this is a very good country home and eomething you would enjoy along with Boise valley's fine climate; all this goes at a price far berow adjoining land re cently sold. My business calls me else where. Address, bos 82. Boise. Tdano GOOD 81 ACRES FOR $6000. Best value for the money that you could possibly find; 81 acres, 24 miles south, 3 miles from electric station; lies good; very best soil; over 20 a. In cult., balance good timber and pasture; spring water piped to house and barn: large 5 room bungalow; hot and cold .water; bath, patent toilet, sink; root house with cement floor, milk house with ce ment floor and cream separator in stalled; 2 potato houses, work shop, good red barn. 32x48; up-to-date hog house and chicken house; garage; nice bearing orchard and berries of all kinds; nea: school and on milk and mall route. Frict only $0O0. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 N. fith St. Bdwy. 4381. IDEAL SMALL FARM. 20 acres. 5 acres cleared, balance tim ber and pasture; 3 miles of Yamhill. Or., on good ro.d. close to school; small cheap house, sheds, yards and house for 200 laying hens; city water, nice spring can be piped to house, nice creek can be dammed and have electric lights, milk route by place, phone and shars in line. R. F. D. at door; cleared land is good black soil, level land in good cultivation; fine big mare, harness, - buggy, plow, harrow, cultivator, spring-tooth, wood for year cut at house; fine big oak trees at house ; price $ 1800. terms. Owner, J. A. PLOPPER, Milwaukie. Or. Rt. 2. box 318-B. HOW TO SECURE A FARM WITHOUT MONEY. Ws have one of the finest large tracts of garden land near Portland, hundreds of acres; rice fine silt loam, worth $500 an acre. You can buy it for less than $150. If you will help us organize a bunch of gardeners or dairy men we will give you a farm for nothing. Here is the finest chance near Portland for a colony ; but you must know people and have influence with them. See us at once. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 0787. 30 ACRES. 6 MILE OUT. $65O0. No better soil anywhere: in splendid Sunnyside section; 6 miles from the city limits; good road all the way; -room house, large barn, 2 silos, an abundance of fruit and berries, spring water piped to premises; living stream) now run as a dairy. It Is a good all-purpose farm. Price $(50O: $3000 down. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 N. 6th St. Bdwy. 4381. FOR SALE; 168 acres, stock and fruit farm, rich dark loam soli, abundant water, good road, near school and mar ket; 30 acres in cultivation, the rest in good pasture and valuable timber; ail fenced, good barn, fair house, team. 5 cows, all farming machinery; would con sider small place with house as part payment; price $6500. Titus Kurtichanor, Chitwood. Or. FOR SALE 320 acres of land In Lake county, 60 acres cleared, balance heavy black sagebrush, deep rich soil, title clear. All who have seen the crops of grain produced state land worth J10, 000 as it stands. Will sell $5000 on terms. L. Brandenburg, R. JD. 1. Olym pia, Wash. 'BANK REFERENCE." 240 acres, house springs, saw-timber, big game. $4 a. Fig. olive, grape, land. Irrlg. $25 a: 32 fronts 1 mile on Sacramento river. 200 rich silt soil, good house, outbuildings, pump ing plant, 5 cows, hogs, horses, tools, etc. All for $34 a. Income ranches, all prices. Glenn Peltay, Loren Hotel bldg.. Kedflmg, canrornia. FOR SALE. 160 acres in Cowiits county, Wash ington, 8 acres cleared; all kinds of fruit; good house and several outbldgs. Everything goes with this place. Net far from camps. Fine fishing. Would make a fine bee farm ; o miles from Stella. Price $3500, some terms. ANNA A. JESSEN. STELLA. WASH. !Vi ACRES, new 3-room bungalow, barn, other buildings; 1 acre in strawberries; near car, school and church; furniture, good tools, cultivator, etc. Price $1800, without furniture, $1700. Located in Sifton Wash. Easy terms. 17 miles from Portland, 7 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Apply owner, Mrs. Greta Newerd, 803 Overton gt.. Portland. Or. NOTICE lttO acres unimproved. 8 acres in grass, road to place; 2 acres in creek bottom, rest is beneh and hill land; will make fins dairy or stock ranch; plenty of outrange ; worth $3000 cash prica only $14O0; 2 miles from Woods and 3 miles from Pacific City. Fine trout stream and plenty of wild game. Owner, J. l. Clark. McMinnville. HOMKSEEKBRS COME TO SOUTHERN OREGON. Where rain and sunshine meet to make ideal year-round climate. Al falfa, grain, stock ranches and improved acreage for sale or exchange, town and suburban homes, all at right prices. Inquiries answered. J. L. Roe. Jack sonville. Or. CLOSE-IN FARM. 96 acres, extra choice fancy land. 80 acres in cultivation, balance timber; 6 u berries, 2 a. fruit, crop In; 7-room house, large barn, windmill, outbuildings; 15 miies Portland ; $10,000. terms. R. M. GATE WOOD ft CO., lttj 4th St. FOR SALE 74 a eras, under f&nce and cross fence. 18 acres cultivated, balance pasture, plenty of water, 1 acre horns fruit ud berries. 1 acre prunes; 8 -room house, 2 barns, store, post of floe and school within 200 yards. For particulars, write J. O. Roach. Tiller. Or. LAND FOR SALE. 45 acres in Clackamas county In- sec tion 14, twp. 3 a, r. 3 eantWillametta meridian, on any reasonable terms. See MR. MILES, with E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. Suite. 428 Morgan Bidg. Main 5060. 24 ACRES, good terms, river bottom land. mue irom r-aciwc nignway on good gravel road, 15 acres clear, orchard, loganberries, rhubarb, balance in pas ture, with running water, good buildings. Box 192. Canby. Or. 160 ACRES, 21 miles from Joseph, Or.; all under cultivation ; level, fenced. 5-room house; must sell. $4500; $400 will handle wai. wiLLi.NG. 4P2-3 Panama Bldg. FOR SALE 107-acr farm, will sell farm with or without stock. For price and terms, address Miss Margaret Burke, " Carrotls. Wash. CHEAP 4D2 acres, horses, cattle, pigs. nay, gram, rarm implements, aeea to t0 acre water right from canyon. Informa tion. write J. Dunn. Tuie Lake. Or. FARMERS For bras-tack facts about the best all-around, progressive Irri gated district (IT. S. project), write to day, FARM BUREAU, Las Cruces, J. AL REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 25 ACRES, 4 mils from electrio sta tion, high and grade school; on hard surface road; all under culti vation" except acre standing tim ber; small bearing orchard ; 5 room plastered house, barn, chicken house. Included with place: 50 chickens, cow, binder, mower, drill, disc, harrow, wagon, buggy, harness, cultivator, house hold furniture, etc. Price for everything $4000. terms, or con sider soldier's loan and $500. Also 26 acres of land under cultivation, adjoining can be bought for $3000 on terms. 20 acres, V mile off a good rocked road, on county road ; 35 miles from Portland, Columbia county, Oregon ; 11 acres under plow, 4 seres cleared and ready to plow, balance in pasture, no waste land ; bearing orchard ; 6reek ; 4 room house with spring water piped in; barn; chicken house. In cluded with place; 8 cows, heifer, hogs, chickens, team, cream sep arator, complete line of machinery, crops. Price for everything $2200, easy terms, or consider house in Portland. 40 acres, on paved highway, be tween Newberg arid McMinnville, V- mil from electric station, high and grade school; 38 acres under cultivation, 2 acres timber; build ings; team and farm implements. . Price $8000, very easy terms, or will divide the land. Ranch in spected by Mr. Davis. 20 seres. 124 miles west of Portland. 14 miles from red elec tric station; rocked road; 4 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when cleared; 5 acres tim ber; good loam soil. Pries $2000. clear. $500 cash, or consider house in Portland up to $5000 in good district or good residence lots. Ask . for Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger bldg. FARMS AT A SACRIFICE. The farms listed below are all near Portland In well-settled districts and on or near good roads, and if you are in the market for a farm, you will need to look no further, for we can show you what you want and save you several thousand dollars. These places are home stead relinquishments and are owned by non -residents; who are forced to sf 11. Prices listed are prices in full, and not first payment. No taxes. Start even. 40 Acres, 3 miles from Colton, in Clack amas count v and about 30 miles from Portland. This tract practically level and the finest soil for berries, orchard or general farming in Ore gon. About half open and the bal ance fine timber with ready market. Near high school and town. Good road and water. Price $750. 160 Acres, about 2 hours drlvs from Portland. About 90 acres of first class plow land. Some creek .bottom and all fine soil, balance suitable for pasture. Must be sold this week. Fine stock ranch. Price $1250. t 120 Acres, about 15 miles south 6f Mo lalla. At least 100 acres of fine plow land and practically clear. A good part could be put in crop this spring. Fins water a,nd would bo excellent for stock or general farming. One acre in strawberries and 4 acres cleared. 16x24-foot house with up stairs. This is a gift at $1500. ANDERSONS. Rooms 303-304 Railway Exchange Bldg. ONE OF THE BEST RANCHES TN THE CANBY SECTION. 50 acres, all in cultivation, on two main graveled roads, 1 mil from Pacific highway, lies level and a rich, free, sandy silt loam, 4-room house, large barn with siio, chicken house. 2 fine wells, fam ily orchard in bearing, fall crop In. PERSONAL PROPERTY: 20 head CATTLE fll THOROUGH BRED JERSEYS), 3 HORSES. PIGS. 150 AV. L. HENS. COM PLETE SET OF MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS; tf-H. P. GAS ENGINE. Everything goes. You will find no finer soil and the place is STOCKED AND EQUIPPED . READY TO STEP ONTO AND GO. Price $14,000; $5000 cash, balance 5 years, o per cent. FREYTAG-MJEEDS CO.. Realtors. Gladstone, Or. Oregon City car line.' Phono Oregon City 209 J. LOW PRICED VALLEY FARMS 100 acres. SO In cultivation, balance good pasture, all fine level, well drained land of A-l quality; good buildings and fences; on a graveled road o miles from a good town in Marion, county. Price $100 an acre $2500 cash, balance to suit. 25 ACRES. 14 miles from Portland, 30 rods from Newberg paved highway, 18 acres in cultivation, rich bottom land; 4 acres wooded pasture with running creek, bal ance orchard and garden land around buildings; good buildings, well fenced. A real bargain at $ti500. Will accept some trade; $J0OO cash, balance to suit. SANTIAM BOTTOM FARM. 390 acres. 175 in cultivation; some good timber, balance pasture; 7-room house, fireplace, water piped in, 2 large barns, on good graveled road ; 5 miles from good town. This place Is only 60 miles from Portland and on a hard paved road to within 10 miles of plac; road to be continued. This is a real buy at $75 an acre. Will accept some trade. W. G. IDE, SIT Lewis Bldg. BEST FARM BUY IN OREGON. 10 THRIVING ACRES! TEN WONDERFUL acres, 2 miles east of Oregon City, all in cultivation, and a well constructed modern 8-room home, completely furnished with fine new furniture. THIS PLACE IS READY FOR ACTION ! Step right in! Two chicken houses, largo enough for 1000 chickens. with big runways. Fine mixed family orchard, full bearing! 2 acres of 1-year-old loganberries, 600 cedar posts to trellis berries; small barn. 2 good wells, tools in perfect con dition. THIS WILL STAND INSPEC TION. Will be SOLD UNFURNISHED for $5000; FURNISHED WITH $900 worth of new furniture for $5560. Can be handled on $3000 cash and reasonable terms on balance. Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUTRE. Abington Bldg Broadway 7171. BRITISH COLUMBIA FARM LANDS. Good land for cattle, sheep er mixed farming. Close to railroad. 60.000 ACRES AT $4, t Weekly Inspection parties from Se attle. Last big tract of "close-in land in tha Province. Further information from C. MORRISON, -312 New York Block. Seattle, Wash. 21 ACRES, NEWBERG, $6400. This 21 acres ts located only 1 mile from Spring brook; all slopes to south: 9 acres in cherries and prunes. 5 acres cherries, 1 acra strawberries. 3 acres timber. 6 room plastered house, small barn, fine road. . This should pay for It self. Price, only $6400. $200 cash. F. L. EDDY, REALTOR, RITTE-R, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. RANCH of 25 acres for sale, 15 acres cleared, balance slashed and timber; 4 acres berries, 2 live springs, fine well, gasoline engine, all fenced, nice house, new barn, hog pens and chicken houses, garage and tool house, all farm Imple ments and furniture; good road, mail route, near town and school and elec tric station, 2 Jersey cows and calves, 1 team. 2 fine hogs. 35 chickens, incu bator and brooder. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Price $60QX, reasonable cash payment, bal. at 0 per cent. Address Box 128, R. R. 4. Boring. Or. HARD UP TOO MUCH LAND. Must sell Washington coun-ty farm, any amount from 10 acres to 100; some Is all clear; 50 acres In fall wheat; some partly clear; 15 miles from Portland; rock road and) near electric deiKit; caeap for cash, or terms; no buildings of value. 1107 SPALDING BLDG.. Portland. REAL SNAP, EASY TERMS. 40 acres near Redmond, Oregon, De schutes county, 30 acres paid-up water right, all level and the best of alfalfa, grain and spud land. Easy to cultivate. Plenty of wood. Good fishing and hunt ing. Fins roads. Near school. Well settled country. Priced to sell quick, $1250, $250 cash, balance long time to responsible party. K 303, Oregonian. 45 ACRES, all in cultivation; 5 acres in garden and fine bearing fruit trees; rest bottom land: o-room houses, good dairy barn, milk house and other buildings; located 8 miles from Portland on Pacific highway; price $350 an aero, terms. For more information see or writs Joe C. Gentlemann. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 52 T Corbet t bldg,, Portland, Or. ' 16 ACRES Dandy farm, 5-room house, barn, hennery, fruit, berries, mostly cleared, $3400 takes it, on terms. Mcf ariaud. Realtor, 208 Failing idg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. DAIRY RANCH 800 ACRES. Located only 26 miles from Port land on main highway; over 200 acres under cultivation. finest sandy loam bottom land. The place Is well-fenced into several fields, improvements are 1 7- y room modern bungalow, 6 other houses all in A-l condition, used for hired help; main dairy and stock barn 75x173, 3 stories, fuliy equipped with stanchions and drinking fountains for about 250 cows: grain bins and hayloft, plenty of room for farm implements : 2 large silos; thoroughly modern milk and bottling house in connec tion, 2 other stock barns; milk will be contracted for at door at a premium over market price; all kinds of farm and dairy equip ment; 200 head cows, some young stock. 8 head horses; everything ready to step into and carry on. This ranch will carry at least 300 head of stock if desired. The place must be seen to be appreciated. Price $135,000, $35,000 ca5h, very easy terms on balance. LARGE STOCK RANCH. SOiOO ACRES, NEARLY SQUARE. A fine tract of 7OO0 acres locat ed in southern Oregon., only 4 miles from main line of S. P. rail road and shipping point: the land lies practically square, having sev eral miles of river frontage be sides having two streams and sev eral springs running through ths place. The whole plac has south ern slope giving very early spring pasture, besides on account of . mild climate feeding during winter is very seldom needed. 2 sets of buildings and about 45 acres under culti'ation ; ' whole place well fenced and cross-fenced; mostly woven wire. Anyone interested in stock should certainly investigate this ranch and only after per sonal Inspection can you appreciate its many advantages. Price, only $20 per acre ; good terms or ac cept som Portland property as pa rt. 240 ACRES. COLUMBIA RIVER. Located only 8 miles from Van couver on Columbia river; finest bottom land; all can be cultivat ed; 6-room house, large barn for 55 head of cowsA silo and all out buildings. The place is now run as dairy for which It Is especially adapted. Price, only $18,000; can be handled with $5000 cash. We have many ranches for sale and will be pleased to go over our extensive listings with you at any time. F. L. EDDY. RBATlTOR, RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. INVESTMENT AND GOOD FARM. 40 acres, mile Standifer shlp vard, Vancouver, all fine river bot tom soil, in cultivation, now used for gardens. A real place to make money; fair buildings, on good road ; price $1 5.000 ; very good terms can be arranged. 60 acres, all good land. 26 acres In cultivation, good buildings, in cluding modern chicken house; or chard and small fruit, fine run ning water, well, located on good road; 9 cows, 2 mules, 1 horse, 2 pigs, 500 chickens. 50 cords wood, all implements and tools to op erate place; $8000, only $1000 cash, balance easy terms. 80 acres. $4000 cash; less than 10 miles from 5th and Washing, ton. Portland; 15 acres in cultiva tion; 300 cords standing timber, on good road. We have a large list of farms, prices right. Try us before you buy. v. ATKINSON & PORTER. 703 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. ONE SPLENDID FARM. Must Close Estate. 60 acres. 8 miles from city limits of Portland, all in cultivation but about 3 acres. Well drained, free from any stone; portions well adapted to berry culture, onions, potatoes, celery, etc.; 2 acres bearing orchard. Fair farm house; cow barn with stanchions for 40 oows; will hold 50 tons of hay; horse barn wll! hold 35 tons of hay; wagon shed, fine granary, milk house and root cellar eon bined, cellar being of solid stone; 2 ga rages; gravity water in house, electric lights available; on good macadam road. ii mile south of Tiialattn, 2 miles off Newberg paved hiKlbway, 33 minutes' drive to center of Portland. This place ia supporting 40 head of dairy cows at this time; no ordinary farm but a big producerland to equal this Is rarely for sale you will not be disappointed it vou make a trip to see it. We are ask ing $14,000. terms one-third cash. R. T. STREET. Agent. A DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. NEWBERG, OR 267 acres on Salem highway, near Newberg. 80 acres clover, balance in grains, orchard, plow lands. This is what you call a modern farm. 6-room bunga low home, bath, electricity, barns, fee sheds. Not & few tools thrown in and called stocked equipped, but every known equipment; sheep, cows, horses, hogs, etc.: natural drain soil. This ranch is considered the best In Marion county, bar none. Never been on market be fore. Investigation will prove this. Never a mortgage on it tn 90 years. Other business demands attention, reason for selling. Pric and terms reduced to concrete level. J. BOBBINS, Ry. Exch. Bldg. Tabor 531 0. Bdwy. 59S1. OWNER SAYS SACRIFICE. Sell my 40-acre ranch. 25 miles from Portland, to the first man who makes an offer; this is a dandy place, well lo cated, highly improved with good build ing, excellent soil, in one of the best neighborhoods In Oregon: tha owner will accept a house In Portland as part payment and give frood terms on the balance; can use soldier's bonus; if you want to make some money, do not fail to investigate this. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. Realtors. 204 Morrison st Main flfrfla. BEST BUY TN THE VALLEY. 280 ACRES AT $185 AN ACRE. WORTH $200. This ranch has made th owner rich, end he ia offering you th same -privilege; 240 in cultivation, 100 in clover, fenced with woven wire; black loam and all lies well: tha buildings are all mod ern; 16 miles high school and R. R., In Linn countv. Come in and let m tell you about this ranch. Som cash. Take some property in trade, bal. 10- years at 6 per cent. BOONE-CLEARWATER, Realtors; 506 Couch 'Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. FARM BARGAIN. 150 acres, all stocked and machinery: 55 acres in growing crop, fine location in W'illametta valley; 20 cows and heif ers 25 hogs, 2 horses, 35 chickens, 1 bull, 2 full hiood O. L C. sows, harness, new wagons. hackSi mower, rake, culti vator, fanning mill, harrow, plows, disk and many more; good buildings; 6-room house, 2 barns, garage : 1 acre orchard, berries, etc. A snap, all ready t move in. $8500, terms $5000 cash. H. W. GARLAND. Room 318 AliskyBldg. 76 ACRES, all or in tracts to suit, $225 an acre; nicely plastereai house, well small outbuildings; 4 miles from Vancouver. Wash. Part lyvbeaverdam. This is a snap. a BORLAND, Realtor. 223 Henry Bidg. 4th ana Oak. FOR SALE. 40 acres, 4 miles southwest of Red mond, Or., on The Dalles-California highway;, will take soldiers bonus am allow fr equipment on th place sow. This la a fine chanca for a foal live soldier to get a start on a farm; fair buildings. If you are looking for a farm see .BROWN, THE FARM MAN. 302 Railwpv Exchange Bldg. BUY THIS FARM. 20 YEARS TO PAY. 200 acre miles from Oregon City. on main road; best of soil; &0 acres un der plow, balance easy to clear; running water, buildings; take part city prop erty; $3000 cash will handle. Come, let talk it over. T. O. BIRD. ffS6 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 100 ACRES. Best farm land, within B miles Port land on main highway ; will sacrif i ce for two-thirda original sal pric and will consider some exchange, either west or east: orice $24,000. Ad-dress or call at 525 Henry bldg. WASH. CO. BARGAIN. 424 a., all cultivated; 6-r. house, large dairy barn 48x70, silo, garage; orchard, on rock road at Soholls, 16 miles south west Portland. Price only $700. I own this place myself. R. HOARD. 50J Stock Exchange Bldg. $000 BUYS 80 acres, 55 tillable, 20 under cultivation, fenced, good well, spring, some -timber; $500 down win handle. BUSINESS SEKV-ICTE, 71S UeKum bldg. fOR SALE Fin farm, 180 acres, plowed, modern conreniences in house. Can give possession, equipped. Teams and ma chin ery. Owner. AG 54V. Oregonian. 60 ACRES of land for sale at a sacrifice. ' Located near Canby. Full particulars, call on Mrs. M. Peterson, 475 Main st. LEASE on 80-acre farm with some stock, jEor sale Box 129, Amity, Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sftle Farms. 160 ACRES, $20,000. 85 acres cleared, slightly roll ing, balance ail tillable; 7-room house, also tenant house, 2 barns, hog house, potato house, chicken house. 30-tt. water tower with gas engine, dairy house and granary. Price includes binder, disk, drill, mower, rake, harrow, 2 plows, sep arator, corn - cutter, platform scales. 2 wagons, hack, buggy, 2 sets harness, all small tools, team horses, U cows, 2 brood sows, all hay, grain and potatoes; 11 miles from Vancouver, on good road ; $5000 cash will handle, or will consider some trade, 9 ACRES, $4000. 4 miles from our office. 11 miles from the heart of Portland, high ly suitable Jor small fruits, ber ries, potatoes, in fact, will pro duce anvthlng; 5 acres in cultiva tion, balance partly cleared : new house, garage and chicken house, old barn; $1200 cash will handl or will shade price slightly for all cash. Ws also have a varied assort ment of Clarke county farms and suburban tracts priced attractively. See ALBERT MILLER, with PERCIVAL & WATTS. 108 West Sixth Street, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 236. Res. phone '8S2Y. HILLER BROS. BARGAIN WEEK. 72d Street. One fin acre on 72d st., Just Hght for a home, $1750. small payment down. GRESHAM. 4 acres, all in cultivation, in th olty limits of Gresham, new 5-room modern bungalow, sleeping porch, full basement, new garage 14x20, new chicken house 16x38, 1 acre Cuthbert raspberries. 70 prune trees, all fenced with woven wire, all outbuildings wired for lights. This is a real home and a bargain at $5000, terms. . SANTIAM. HERE IS A SNAP. 17 acres. 10 acres in cultivation, run ning water, timber for domestic use, 4 rooms downstairs, upstairs not finished. Barn and chicken house, family or chard, som onion land, near macadam road, school, church and stores, $2000, cash, balance terms. ORKNCO. 18 acres near Orenco, good 7-room house, fine barn, chicken house for 1000 capacity, plenty pf fruit, a real money maker, on macadam road to Portland. See J. S. Culbertson, . HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Rv. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 362ft. 18 ACRES WITH MODERN BUILDINGS. FACING PAVED ROAD, IfEAR THE STREET CAR LINE AND STORES, 15 MILES OUT. Modern 5-room house, hot and cold water, bath, Dutch kitchen, all white enameled, dandy home, good barn and poultry house, fam ily orchard, some berries, all fenced and cross-fenced, all in cultivation; 1 cow, hogs, chick ens, tools, rabbits. Price is only $6000, half cash will get it. STEWART A JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 52Va acres, 23 acres cultivation, bal. pasture; some timber, creek and good spring; 21-s miles from Oregon City; S room house, new barn, outbuildings; orchard, email fruit. $8500. terms $1500. bal. to suit. 2i MILES FROM" OREGON CITY. 32 acres. 22 acres cultivation, some creek bottom, bal. pasture; 6-room plas tered bungalow with basement; good barn and outbuildings, creek, 8 cows. 2 heifers, 50 chickens, farm implements, $HOOO; good terms. Consider house up to $3500. B. H. STEWART, wfth C. W. MILLERSHIP 105 4th st. Main 5275. FARM FOR SALE on contract for deed. I have 40 A. nearly all bottom Land; it overflows, but there is no wash, Va beaverdam land, J in cultivation, 1 mile from pavement, on good gravel road In a thickly settled community, R. F. D.. cream route, telephone, good ash timber, land will grow clover, timothy, corn, onlona, cabbage, tomatoes': it's a garden and dairy farm. $7400 for all or $3700 for half, as long term as you J ike; interest and taxes must be paid. New cheap buildings, spring water. This is very cheap for this kind of land. Ad dress owner. M. J. Olson. Woodburn, Or. DAIRY OPPORTUNITY CROOK COUNTY. We want real farmers to take up irri gated land near Prinevllle, Or. Wa have a large list of small farms. 40 to f0 acrea, which may be purchased from $65 to $75 Ter acre. This is a stock coun try and if necessary we will assist pros pective settlers in purchasing dairy cows. Willingness to work and a little money will get you started. Oppor tunities are many and land values far below par. .J. L. KARNOPP. 319 Rv. Exch. Bldg. Fdwy. 6755- 80 ACRES $2700. 'With about 13 In cult.. 30 acres open land about 35 acres tillable, som fine bottom land, not bard to clear, some timber; trout stream on place; 4-room plastered house, barn, 2 hen houses, wood house; cellar, hog house; fruff; Bprins water piped to house; on Molalla and Colton road. 3 miles of Colton-. 6 miles of Molalla: some fine for keys, chickens, cows and hogs; $15(0 down; most all gravel roads. B. P. wnintt & Son. 7th and Main St., Oregon Uity, ur 20 acres fine loam soil. Kentle lope; 17 acres tn cultivation, balance pasture; large assorted orchard, berries, etc.; good 7-room house, fine large Lowden type barn, outbuildings ; located In fine section on paved highway, 20 miles from Portland, 1 miles from food town. Price, If sold at once. $5000, S1800 cash, balance easy terms. Mr. Thompson, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. 80 ACRES east of Gresham. Or, l in cultivation, lays guou, B house, good barn, orchard, stock, im plements. All goes $8000. $3000 down. 40 Acres, 23 cleared, good barn, fair house. Price $3200. half cash. SO acres, 15 cleared, oldish buildings, all well fenced, orchard, lays (rood. Price $2000. half cash. .,v, 20 acres, lays good, small tlmoer. $600. Let me hear what you want I have it. . - LINCOLN COUNTY RANCH. ...n ...... .ill, nun ! nnono. rural delivery, mile from school. 5ft from railway, 7 from county seat where i rl fann 1-1 V. Bottom. benoh and hill land, almost 50 acres under cultiration; best pasture, 6-room house. 2 barns and out buildings, water piped to house; 3 creeks and fishing river on place. Good orchard, outrange; also acreage. Residential part Toledo. Kasy terma or trade Portland property. Scarth, 654 Halsey St. .East 6729. STOCK RANCH 160li acres, fertile land, unlimited outrange, 6 miles from Grants xass, X mue vll i it . . i v .1 ' r--School close. Perpetual paid-up water right, room Springs, creek, water pipeo. io o house, carpets, furniture, etc. A...v.A..aAB , .tfu.lr jHfk na. tnnla Barn, . ' . A.t.V.la n.vmlll lA.hAntA. equipment, " " power gas engine on wheels, crop, val uable timber and wood. Price $7000. Will take house In Portland and some rash. Terms. raoae 10 ACRKS. 6 MILES FROM VANCOUVER. WASH.. ON GOOD AUTO ROAD. Small 4-room house, barn, poultry house and garage; 3 acres In straw berries and some other fruit. Price Is only $2600, Half cash, balance time to suit. r. l in,. A T f B- TrtWVCrtW 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE. 80 acres, close to Portland; good buildings, living stream and springs, 42 acres under plow, mostly bottom land. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Phone owner. East 5531. . See u for Eastern Oregon Wheat Ranches. PORTLAND HOME CO.. BDWY. 1571. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. ALFALFA ranch, 12S0 e.eres, near Hepp ner. Or., fully stocked and equipped; we consider this the best buy' in the state; $10,000 cash will handle. Barrand Realty Co.. 3-M) Salmon. 1 WISH to talk business with a prac tical man who has about $15,000 cash or good securities to Invest in a mod ern, well located farm. Geo. Milan Smith, oa l rutocK oipi-n 3 ACRES, house, barn, spring, fruit, all cleared. A snap at $1600. terms. McFarland, Realtor, Falling Bldg. VERY desirable 40-acre farm at Tlgard. highly improved; $350 per acre. Wdln. 4349. 247 Taylor. 3i0 AiCR'Eti river ifront, half cleared, berry and dairy ranch; cheap; good terms. Don't misg rt. tfQT '-:. v-a-nor. r. LEASE on five acres, furniture and tools. 20 minutes from Portland, two electric lines. AL D4M, uregonian "3 ACRES on highway, 18 miles from Portland; 12 acre prune fair build ings. Price $10,300. II WS, Oregonian, REAL ESTATK. For .Sale Farms. "FINEST FARM IN OREGON." This was the verdict of appraiser for a large mortgage company, who inspects farms throughout the northwest. 273 acres. In Washington county, easy 2 hours' drive from Portland, on hard surface; soil rich black loam, fertility maintained by large quantities of stock kept. Except 20-acre grove, where buildings are, practically every acre is In cultivation. Fenced and cross-fenced Into about 13 fields with heavy woven wire. Improvements could not be replaced for $25,000; 3 large barns with every facility for handling stock; feed grind ing plant, etc. Other outbuildings. Com fortable house for help. Owner's house has all comforts and conveniences of finest city home; large living room, with fireplace, conservatory adjoining; dining room, library, den with fireplace, commodious kitchen; number of bedroome on second floor; tiled bath room: hardwood floors," hot and cold wa ter, artistic fixtures. Full cerqent base ment with heating plant. Electric light plant, water piped to all buildings; $15,000 insurance carried on buildings; buildings are on a knoll near center of farm with magnificent view of .surrounding country; all parts of farm can be seen from house. All Improve ments in best of shape. Farm Is devoted to breeding of pure bred stock and is Ideally adapted for that purpose. All large farms adjoining, most all specializing In purebred stock. No better farm than this anywhere; it combines a delightful home with a profitable investment. Only offered for sale on account of Illness in owner's family. Price is $72,000, half cash, balance long time. FRED C. PRATT. f34 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCHES. WHERE GRASS IS KING. 160 acres, 70 acres tide land. bal. pas ture, some timber; S-room bungalow, fur nished also 4-room house, furnisned; large barn, 20 eows. 8 heifers, 1 regis tered bull. 2 brood sows. 8 shoats, 3 horses, tome chickens, milking machine, 1 auto and Maxwell truck: also fishing net and boat: duck lake: plenty of fish ing and nunting. $20,000: terms. HO acres, creek bottom, 2H miles south of Tillamook on paved highway, SO acres cultivation, bal. fine pasture, large creek, 4 good wells, S-room bungalow, also 4 room house: large barn. 2 garages; o'ner outbuildings; $14,000; mtg. $4500. Con sider lots and residence. 120 acres. r5 acres creek bottom, 8'l acres finj saw timber, bal. pasture. V. mile from sawmill; 9-room house, fur nished; large barn, outbuildings, 8 cows. 1 yearling, horse, some chickens, all farm Implements; U mile to high school and grade school, V, mile to Sand lake. $5700; terms. 64 acres. 20 acres in meadow, bal. pas ture: some timber; 2 miles from Tilla- A-wnnm hoil.A. large TIIUUK Ull :ni" ' t ' ' m h.m mithulldlnes. 10 cows, team ol horses. 4 pigs. 25 chickens. 5 milk cans, farm implements; mile to cheese fac tory; $14,000; federal loan $3000. Will take a farm up to $0000, or residence up to $3500. , . . If you want Tillamook dairy ranches see me. 1 have some wonderful buys, would be pleased to show them. C. W. MILLERSHIP, IfiiiH th St. Main B27S. FAMTLY CONDITIONS FORCE OWNER TO SACRIFICE ONB OF THE BEST 200-ACRE FARMS IN WESTERN WASHINGTON. 120 acres of this is river bottom, the very best of soil, does not overflow, balance upland pasture. Joining a good gravel road, only 5 miles out from Cathlamet. close to 2-room school, with free bus to high school, choice of two ercam eries, fair 8-room house, large round-roof barn, stanchions for 27 cows, good family orchard, in a thickly settled neighborhood, and this Is the best farm In the local ity. With the place will go 11 cows, full line, of machinery and tools. There Is a federal loan of $5500, leaving the owner an equity of $8500. Will take part cash, second mortgage for the balance, or will consider small place close to Portland for part of his equity. This place stood an appraisal four years ago of $18,000, but the own er has got to sell. Is the reason why it is offered at the extremely low price of $14,000. Aot at once, for someone will get a biff bar gain in this place. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. REAL GOING. PAYING FARMS. 20S acres, 125 tinder plow, 200 acres level, no rock r gravel: 1 modern 6 room house, bath; 1 5-room house, modern dairy barn 36x72; 2 other barns and outbuildings; 85 acres in clover, most of halanee seeded. On rock road, 16 miles S. E. Portland P. O.. on R. R. Very best soil and well-stocked and equipped. $175 per acre. An up-te-date dairy farm. For modern dairy farms, diversified farms from 10 to 1000 acres, stocked and equipped, priced right, see us. We have them. R. Hoard. . 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. FOR xSALJB 202 acres of good land. 150 tillable, 45 under cultivation, good ftve room house, 2 large barns and other outbuildir.KS are good, watered by creek, spring and wells, fine young orchard, 40 head sheep, 14 head of cattle, young team, harness, wagon, hack, mower, rake, plows, harrows, cream seperator and all small tools. On good rock road mail and cream route. 6 miles east of La Center, 30 miles north of Portland. This Is a money maker worth looking into. Price $12,000. F. C. N1ELSON. IA Center. Wash.. R. K. D. 1. Box 66. FOR SALE S3 acres in fruit belt of Washington, 70 miles rrom fomana anu 6 miles from Columbia highway, at a real bargain to settle an estate. Good fences, modem house, tenant house, barn, apple house, garage and other out buildings, all tn the best of repair: 20 acres of Delicious apples in full bearing, pruned; T acres wheat. 8 acres alfalfa, 15 acres Blashed and grubbed, balance woods and pasture. Terms given. Might trade in Portland improved property. Call or write Mark W. Hearn. 1002 Spalding bldg.. Portia nrl. Bdwy. 7841. 52 ACRES $700 DOWN. With IT aores In cult., mors not hard to olear; S-room frame house, barn, all ... hnnu. fruit and eonA water: place on main road, all graveled roads and planked but mile; miles oi mo lalla, 2 railroads; fine for stock, lots of range; phone, mail and cream route; price $3000. $700 down; some buy: why pay $200 an acra for land ? Look at our bargains. rJ. tr. gauoit ac oon. "u Alain sis.,, tjregon ticy. nr. OLD FOLKS RETIRING. REAL FARM BARGAIN. SO acres, 45 A. In cultivation, al In crop: Al soil, trout stream; 1 9-room and 1 4-room plastered houses; 2 silos, large barn, family orchard ami ber ries, walnut and filbert grove; fully stocked and equipped; 18 mi. from Port land on market road. $12,500. Terms. If looking for a real farm investigate this. Li O. Gerber. 715 Swetland Bldg. FINE PLACE- NEAR NEWBERG. Nearly 50 acres, at station, 14 acres prunes, 5 3 acres pears, several acres berries, 15 acres clover; good 10-room house and other buildings, with water piped to them; will include team, cow, and all farming equipment; price $15,000; will take part trade, balance mortgage. LUEDDE'MANTf COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $10,000 BELOW ITS VALUE. 12 acres, 110 A. tn high stata of cul tivation, no rocks, crops all in, modern 8-room house, large barn, 80 ton silo, electrio lights in all buildings, water system, fully Btocked and equipped, with new machinery; fine stock; 17 miles from Portland on good road; $21,000, good terms; consider acreage or city property up to $5000. L .O. Gerber, 715 Swetland bldg. CHOICE IRRIGATED LAND UNDER NEW GOVERMENT PROJECT. LOW ALTITUDE. ABUNDANT WATER. WARM SOIL. VERY EARLY AND LONG SEASON; SPECIAL TERMS SERVICE MEN. GEORGE C. HOW ARD, 1115 N. W. BANK. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT LISTINGS I We need homes In every part of the city. LIVE BUYERS waiting; 75 energetic, ex perienced salesmen with autos to devote their attention to its sale. We inspect, ap praise and photograph It wtthin 24 hours after listing; no charge except the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale. YOUR HOUSE IS AS GOOD AS SOLD IF LISTED WITH US I We take care of the' interests of out-of-town owners. 6es FRANK L. McGLTLRE, Realtor, To Sell Your Horns. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 71 Tl. Third St., bet. Washington an StarsL WE WKITB l.'N&UK-fl.JNtJJ. WA'NTED From owner, 4 to 6-room house on tart 01 101, .oc in, guu.u .m" . . . 1 1 1 Q.Q4 REASONABLE inside lot wanted around. 25th, or 26th and Knott, facing south or WeSt. CHV, UTDSUI'lMl WANT Portland property for Vale rrl gated, owner, 10a aoi.ii pi.. YANT 5 to 6-room house; small cash pay- menu A vroymn. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ATTENTION OWNERS OF VACANT PROPERTY. We have sold five entire subdivisions and partially sold three others during the past year. in all we disposed of 1107 lots and tracts. If you own an addition of lots within the city limits or a tract of land either in or within three miles of the limits suitable for platting in small tracts ws can sel. It quickly. Get in touch with us at once. See Mr. Comte. Comte & Kohlman, 41S-20-22 Spalding bldg. Largest lot and suburban tract sellers In Portland. HAVE client wlphing from 1 to 10 acres within ten miles of city on or " close- to paved road; must bs view property end have a running" stream. ALL CASH. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. Main 1786. 421 N. W. Bank Bldg. $100,000 WANT GOOD INCOME PROP ERTY in Portland up to vslua--. tlon, in exchange for stock of dry goods located In one of the best towns In the Willamette vallev. worth from $:mi.oihi to $10.0110. Will pay cash difference. METZGER-PAHKER COMPANY. Realtors. 2R0 Oak Ft. Uroadway BASK. WE WANT modern homes In ood condi tion in any and ail sections of Portland. We have the buyers waiting. If you list your home at appraised value we can get you a quick sale. No charge except 6 per cent commission where we secure you a satisfactory sale. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. Realtors. 202 Stark Street. Hi-oartway til4. HOME WANTED. Modern bungalow or house of 6 rooms either new or in first-class condition; prefer Irvington or east side: will give Westmoreland lot near Reed college iid street car and good amount In cah nfl first payment. East U377 or BD 5. Oregonaln AUTO FOR LOT OR HOUSE. I have a high-grade Iste model touring car In Al condition, wire wheels, cord tires, etc. Sell for cash or trarle for lot in restricted district, moderate priced house or sellers' contract. O 521). OR BOON IAN. SOLDIER LOAN, balanc like rent, buys this attractive. modern home, Rose City district; large living room, dining room, Dutch kitclifn, 8 bedrooms, gaa heating system, lawn and small fruit. OWNER. TABOR 4023 WANTING to hear from parly thl has .1 or 6-room modern house for ale on west aide on or near Kearney st. ; have client waiting. See MR. MILES, with E. M. ELLIS. Realtor. Suits a Moritnn BUlg. Main MIKO. vVANT 6-rooin modern bungalow with ga rage or room for one. on paved street. Alberta district ; price about ;t5oo. Owners only. Pay $1000 down. Wiedrlrk. 049 Union avenue N. Woodlawn 5100 after Sunday. ' HAVE several clients wanting 5-room bun galows in Piedmont district. Sold two in that district during the past week. Price them right and they are sold. R. H. PUWNDER, Realtor. 406 Broadway Bidg.. Main 2717. WANTED An acre or less of good soli on interurban car Aine, with lights and Bull Run water available; will consider place with small house and Improve ments: state pric Jid location. A 574, Oregonian. j WANTED, HOUSES. We have buyers for houses that can be bought on easy terms. If you want t sell, list your house with us for re sults. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 16M4 4th at. WANT WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Will assume 50 per cent of value and exchange clear property for equity. Pre fer Income property up to $100,000. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Hank Bldg. HAVE 3 clients with $500 as first payment and 1 with $1500 to apply on 5-room bungalow In Mt. Tabor or Hawthorne districts. R. R. POWNDER, Realtor. 406 Broadway Bldg., Main 2717. I HAVE a cash buyer for 100x100 lot with a modern bungalow, or will buy lot and build. What have yu? C. M. DERR. J 215 X. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. t24. HAVE a few sellers' contracts, amounts $000 to $15o0, payable $20 and up month ly; will trade for lots in Rose Olty Park, Alameda Park, Irvington or Laurel h u rst. 3 864. Oregonisn. ALL CASH for 4 or 6-room house on Al blna, Kenton. St. Johns or Alberta cars; must be a bargain for cash: submit your proposition to A. H. Akerson, Henry Hldg.. iviar. 4Ufi or rtuwy ..;.. WANTED By private party, 2 to 6 acres unimproved: the nearest In, lowest price on highway that $100 down and 120 monthly can buv. M. S. Cross, 4127 67ih street. , HAVE parties waiting to buy small acre age near the city. See MR. MILES, with E. M. KL1JS. Realtor. Suit 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 5066. HAVE you a LOT for sale or a house for rent? For quick and satlafaotory results Just phone us. MARSH McCABB CO, 822-8-4 Falling Bldg Bdwy. 6528. HAVE 10 clients wanting west side houses, 6 to 8 rooms. $4000 to $800'). Have $im0 to all cash. Quick action if price right. R. R. POVVNDBR, Realtor, 406 Broadway Bldg., Main 2717. JUST completing beautiful 7-room bunga low, has every modern feature; will accept In part payment lot in Irvington. Alameda or Rose City Park. Bee owner. ft84 Hancock St. QUICK action for real snap In a bung alow; any good east side district; im proved street essential. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermena Bldg. WANT at onoe Alameda park lot, will pay cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 rT. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8T3T. f"yVT a good house on the west side, 7 to 9 rooms, must be in good condition and price right. Broadway 2045, eve- nlngs Main 2534. i.iiif. ........ , V'ILL trade practically new 1022 Ford coupe as part payment en er -room bungalow, prefer Rose City or Alameda. TaDorsi ANTEU .Hooern w w --...- low with olty Improvements; must be a bargain; will pay $500 cash; give loca tion, price and full description. D 644. urpfomaii LOT at Seaside or wili oonslder exohange . . Krnnv tti 11.1 be reasonable price and good locality. AM 622. Orego nian. f"CAN pay $1500 cash on a bungalow lo- eated in nawtnorne r ' . .IS A'Z be bargain; nv -. - gonlan. J SELL HOMES, have the buyers; list yours wrth, me for personal attention. -' M. DBKR, 121S NT. W. Bank Bidg. Mar. 224S. MODERN bungalow in Hawthorne, not to exceed $4000; will pay cash for a bar gain; bo agents, please. B 640, Ore- gonl-an WANTF.D FROM OWNER. FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW THAT SOLDIER BONUS CAN HANDLK. AB S47. ORE GONIAN. THE BEST vacant lot In Hawthorns or Waverly that $800 will buy. Give lot and block number r exact location. B 46. oregoman. WANTED Best modern home that $10. 000 will buy In choica district, eight or mora rooms. Address AE 674, Orego- nmn WOULD like to buy a strictly n.odern home, about rooms from 0 to $10,000. Kenneth G. Nash, P. O. box 4. City. WANTED A LOT ON LOWER PORT. WTAr- iVeTGHTS OR WESTOVER TERRACE. W 544. OREGONIAN WANT best Irvington lot. from owner that can be bought for $1000 cash. 803 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PAY cash, east or north front, close-to-oar location; price first letter; no dealers. LaUKEIHUKST lot wanted, good locality; want to buy from owner; will pay cash. HP 31. t,irFBniii.'i HAVE cash for lot in Rose City below hill. Don't call unless big sacrifice. East z'.; A HOME In Hawthorns or Mount Tabor reasonable for cash. Give location and y W A X T house In good district that can be price first letter. An "'""i.-i Dougnt iot oregonian. WANTED A 4 or 5-room house on one down: must be" good street. Wdln. 2693. SELLER'S contract for $1200; Paying $20 per month. 7 per cent Interest. Trads for lana. .hi, wigK.,.ii... WASTKD Lot from owner tn Rosa City, Irvington, or Laurelhurst. Must be T . ROO (l..nn i . parsam. " ' WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow In good district; wIl pay cash. DC 629, Orego nian. "leave INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS with the Hlbernla Commercial & Sav- Ings bank for collection. WANT QUARTER BLOCK NEAR LI BRARY. Owners only. Writs BC 641. Oregonlan. WANT lot or small acreage near elty as part payment on cozy new mnicuow. Owner Jast oni. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow in Rose Cltv or Hawthorn districts. Broadway 6528. WANTED from owner; 6-room bung; good condition: $400 cash; monthly payments $35. including interest. WoodMawn 8002. WANT from owner, 6-room modern bun galow, west slda, make substantial cash payment, 805 C. ot C. bid. WANTED HFtI, TTTB. HOMES WANTED. Client has tws deelrahls lots In Irvington Park and p.u'lbly ""e cash as down payment on $.HM home; Sunnyald preferred. Client with all cash wants real bargain In 6-room bungalow; lev l Int. slfrhtlv location, dewlrabls dl trict: Alameda or Piedmont pre ferred. Client will par $1000 rash down en neglected home needing repa'ra. In good district; must bs a bar gain and fairly does In. Best little 4 or 6-room modem home that $2 WO. with O0 down, will buy; muft hav garden apace; prefer Hawthorns. Rlohmond or Sellwood districts: do In. Client wants to assign $600 . count In state bank and. suwe caen as down payment on liaroom house In Alberta or Walnut Park; can pay balance S 50 per month. Client with $n first varment watits desirable 6 or 6-room housa not too far out. What hav youf FRANK McCRILMS. Realtor. Henry Bldg. "Bdwy. Tl. WANT A MODERN HOMD. I have a $3rxv first mortgsss in nn 1 i... , 1. , - . ki.. 1 eui i- imiiai ly. uii iirit.i i.wn,. - ..,, In Cripple Cre-k. Colo, air" finxion. 2 story vomer, that I will give as firs' payment on a modern home In a ronrl district and will itssuine up 'o $41100 on Jt mortgage to run a t"rm nf year What luv jon to offerT Give enm l'lrt rtri'r-nptlnn, S Or-gniai. HAVE client wishing romo'ltol and niotiern bungalow of 7 or 8 rmi . with two bathrooms; 100ino grounds If pnssthi. Will consider property to $15.00". M11S. HARRY rn!i-B PALMFH, Main 176. 421 N. W. Bnk Hi.lg. HAVE a party with I.-.00 for a 4 r 5-rooin bungalow, nit over l-'5o; preferably Alberts; thli Is a bona fide. 8. BORLAND. rtKor. 22.1 llrnrv Rids. Phone Hilwy. 150. . FARMS WANTHIV T have v.'ra rtit-nt who want ams'l dairy and fruit farms In the Wlliim.t' valky or n.Hr Portland: they will ecerl sniall places and gie long time en itn"'t Cumidiun wheat or mixed ferma: al-. want some larger farms r-f all slr.ea I 1 Willamette valley tn exchange for i'mhi- " dlan farms: It will pay you 10 Investi gate: have Monie exrel.-nt ntferlnrs. W. tl. U'H.8I7 LEWIS HLIoJ. Client win pay $!nno V'ii for detrh" home near Holladav Park or lrvlnaton. Close In. Must have 4 bedrooms. I downstairs preierred; large living tooiu and den. Sightly locution, near, but not on car Hue. FRAN If Mccrtf T.f.TS RKA1.TORS AND IVV. . 824 Heiirv Hldg Hrosdway 7779. KXi'llANilB FWl II1.1MK. 6H aerea near Rearerton. 2 aers Ln- Canberrtes, 1 acre aurawhsrrloa : nles ungalow houae; ftoO chlokeni. cow. a fin home; want a home in Portland, this property Is clear, open Sunday. PAOtFlU REALTY CO.. 272 Stark e't. l'hone Bdwy. IWl SUBURBAN OWNERS, NOT1TK. W want ro. buy e!M-ta uburba hOTTita and aorfam. A. K. HI M, 4L'H r,.iTnbrmTUt KM. WE 1IAVU a client who winhea to buy vacant lot on t ha wat alda la a good residential rttpfrict. !)RK I'M JcvnnAV, 323-4 CnninKr of Comnwrp BMf Fourt H nn t Stark t. H rtw 2 -M WAJNTHJI Two Jot nMir Havrthoru ha, WAtrt of 80th, valu up to -10rt, flrtt payment on modern 7-room huua, aU convanienr. J. C. CORBT?f no., Kt ..V-T JHM . WE WANT CLOHK-IN FA II M 3. ANT AHKAOK. If yon wnnt t n) It. conta nothn tn lat tin Knowr. Personal Inspection and Individ nnl attention. J. C. rorhln Co., Bi3-ft-T T,iw1 TSIjLjr WANTED Wt aid ridaca to 9Si 4-room houna tn1 X ra on Pii'-kUy ava. ; balnca eaah. 6 fa U. L 'arna- -worth. INTER JTATTS TN V KVI'MrTNT CV. B fhry, 47B1. tWItnrw , 41' Hnry Pi rt g. Til ERE Rr many whv to a honva; but to ail Irvinrtoa tomaa to fct alvMir: only ona; R. T. HTUEBTfl Irvington Headquarter. WANTKD A lot JVOxlOO on Improved t.. Hawthorna, near 41C Panlmul ar Wal nut Park, Bollwood or Rrna City r'K; reaona.hl0, caah, from imar. O Preynntan. MtKRN' 5 or 6-room iiouao in or r fiunnyeMe; must hava 'J bedroom, bath, sleeping porch. ownrtaJra. rot over $40(MJ. Caii Koat 733. Sunday Tnrnlnn WANT A PARTM KN T 8ITB. Sls'E OTT . HECK. HBXRT l'lLlMi. WM WANT h'u-a for til '"Itoma I.ou- ' tlful Bxp'ltl'.n" at the Auditorium thi week. I hone u about youra today. ( Ctutck anl admired. . A. Penxoa Co., filti Hnrv bl'lir FMwy. 4S1,. j HOT 'SIS WANTKD. KV)t ovr $;t0. Hava oo4 MtM mnA otni cash. Must bo a fcaxgaia. J Oreirontan. . WANT 4 or 6-room bua-tcalow on p.v4 a In Piedmont or Irvliwttoa dLatrkUk Wtil pay $.'(00 down, balance a tauoi par month, PJ 64. Ore gonlt n, WaNT!I iV-room buiiRaiow tn aoui di trlct, not over .Vmh; hava my bonus loan and 9 well located lota, but fur ther cah : m an buwlncaa. KeH wood. !'' WANTED From owner. a bung-aJow In rood district; must bo a baxa.Ua for D't cash; not over J30OO. Iira4ay WK Have client fur lot la tui "pjrt '"of" tha city K price U rinht. jnHNHO.V.nfUioON CO, 6P3 N. W, 1 an k Hid sr M aJ n 8TT. WANTKD r'arin near Porttand; )te Packard (travel trink and bonua loan. 11. A. Bunnctt, Kact UJlama t.. Portland. Eat 3 WAXTtl) Apartment hou lai, eioe hi west aid and good Income property io trade for earn a. Alain 44J aoxl tfcra' way l.c' HAVE buyer (or a lane wet avdo re'. deiwe: nedn mx to elgiit bed mo in a. W. M. UATHKNSTOK 4 CO.. Oraro b I f I g. Bd wy. MVS. HAVK cltonta for flatn. apt., hotel; wat Investment, have 7&u0 caah ; want tola, barfcainfl. Ivaureihurnt. . Irvlnrton. OHAS. RlNtil.KK at CO.. Br. K. WANTKD FIoum In very deairabte nelnh- V.niHnnH rh1rh mm V ha a nr"! ii kJMll for a reawnabie canh price, Al Otero- I nlan WANT 4 or 5-mom modern houaa for lot or auto anil cash. 1471 Kerby at. Wood- HI n niiii. WANT a modorn home. room no avwr two or three blocka from Irvlngtom car Hne. Main 4.174 LIST your housu with a 11 va concern: caah buvera waittn for hornem pHcei right. 370 Yamhill at. Main 45T4. LOT WANTED, Hare good note and eJh. Must be TwtryalrL AP tt. Oregonian. V'ANTKD Meuluin priced modern lm-a for cuatomera. Nele-m, Keaitar, alala 1Y12. 7't Ciae t'ciir. WILL, pay casu for dfwirable lot In Lu rnlhurat from owner ; irtva location and price. V &43. Or-ro nfun. WANT a home "in 11 awthorna not ta cned V4000; hava flUOO caah. X S34, Or-'gonlnn . ilOD.fa.KN 4 or 6-room butKaiow. Ol all particulars In flrat luiter; wcem onlv. AL P37. Oron!riTV WANT the bent bum alow for a-00 la R Irhmond dUtrlct. K 213. Ore f o n t h n. TWO lo-te. Ooodmg-. Idaho, piay caan tiif 5-ROOM bungalow; not over HrH": -'4 eaah ; owner only. AB 543 Oregoniwtv WILL awap my motor boat, for city lot Phone Kant flnJ3, ak for Hunmy. WANTED A lot In La.Uuur.iand. I .'.0, Oregonian. I V,' a X T a weU-buUt 4-roona bora tfi.VW. ? 44". Orr a-onlan. LAI;REL1U:RST bungalow from own.r, ii rooms, good locality A I. 27, Or. r"Jn WANTED for ash. lot In rood nrlulr- hood on payed .tr.sL Aut 3-'13-4o. 1'RIVATrO party Montavllla: ra.! nta lot, Jon(innor. B B32. Oreirontan. WANT cholcs butdlns; lot; hava luaO tur- Iris; car and rash. Be I. BMS. ( WaST Int. ;ilc district, cava; slats prlca. AO 138. Oregooias,