f 20 TTTE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. MARCH 19, 1923 FOR REM. ItiwmN With Hoard. CAMI'BKLL HOTEU 23D AND HO YT STREETl CaMPBBL-HII,L hotbu 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rate by day or month. Meals served to transients. CHKSTEKBEKKY HOTEL, 2'1 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENT! A L TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by day, week or month. Meals served to transient a. MORTONIA HOTEL.. Portland a downtown high-class family hotel: rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for far" lies and business men and women; give you all the comfort of a home: . reasonable rates. " 223 EA?T 20TH. ' " Portland's exclusive eatt side resi dential hotel, all comforts of a home, fireplaces, sleeping porches. shower, lance grounds an-d porches, strictly home eokin;r. IVist ":;4. WHITEHALL HOTEL. 253 6TH ST. AND MADISON. American plan, with or without bath board and room, $45- and up. Meals served to transients. FOR YOUNG people employed. 1 double room. 1 single room, walking distance goovi board, pleasant surroundings; come ana see. J itn. Alain o.t.. FURNISHED room for rent, suitable foi 2, in small boarding house ; home cooked meals and home privileges. Main 4M7H. 77'. Marshal! St. MAR i HA ' for girls WASHINGTON Room, board mod. rate. 3m) 10th. Mar. 1251. .INQUIRE residential hotel, 10th st. Main 6381. close in, 332 L KtKt ins With Board in Private Family. WANTED Room and board in refined home for mother with 2 children, wher children would receive good Care while parents are employed : west side P furred. AP 516. Oregonian. IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large warm sunny room, mahogany furnish logs throughout, perpetual hot water, 1 block from Broadway; small adult family. East 1 2H). ROOM and board in private home for two young men. all conveniences of home. $.'10 per month. Take M. V. car to 2Stb and Everett, walk to 31st street, 60 E. 31st street N. Phone Woodlawn 223. REAL home in private family for busi ness or professional man. Nicely fur nished room with sleeping porch, ga- rage, telephone, breakfast and dinner. - - All hom privileges. Aut. 227-34. l REA L HOM E for a business or pro fessional man or woman ; nicely fur nished room in an attractive west sid home; excellent cooking; references eX' changed. Marshall 1397. 1CELY furnished room in- new modern home of young coupie, for a refined' gen t.eman. Breakfast and laundry. Tabor 44i lOUNG man wishes a young man to share room with him in private home, west eide. Will exchange references; board if desired. 580 Marshall st. WANTED A young man of good char acter to share room, twin bed, electric light, furnace heat, $32 per mo. Close in. west side. Aut. 519-36. CHILDREN "boarded and oared for In country home; ideal place, school near. 30 minutes from Portland. Reasonable. Inquire 264 Stout st. X WO WELL furnished sleeping rooms In modern home. Nob Hill district ; will serve two meals. Phone Main 6786. 834 Lovejoy street. NOB H 1L, ciose in, young man to room and board, small, congenial family of young people; $S week; piano. Main f51 H. NOB HI LL, nicely furnished front room with board for 2 gentlemen In a beau tiful home, $70 per month; home privi leges. Mar. 39. "2. , YOUNG business or professional man may secure room and board in a modern home, desirable residential section. Call East 4377. Sunday, or Monday forenoon. PLEASANT room m a refined family, with board if desired ; may arrange light housekeeping privilege, Gail Woo-dawn 5;m. CLEAN, light room, best nome cooking; 2 men or man and wife; home privileges, good location, walking . distance. Phone Main 5S27. CH EERFUL front room in modern house. on carline. Can accommodate 1 or 2. Excellent meals. Main 4157. 205 N. 21st st. ONE or two children will receive mother's care. References. Price reasonable ; 3 blocks from Mt. Tabor car. 2070 East Washington. REFINED lady will give room and board or room alone, very clean, homelike, walking distance, reasonable. Marshall 5536. TOL"NG man wil share room with quiet fellow in modern home, private bath; board if 2412. desired; ref . required. Sell. ATTRACTIVE, modern room for gentle man, west side, close in, private family. 411 Mill ft. Main 3792. ROOM and board in private family for man and wife or tw o ladies; $30 mo. 201 E. 1st N. East . 92S3. LARGE room, suitable for two gentlemen; prefer some one who likes music. 972 E. Taylor. "WANTED Child to care for, .by ble couple; no other children, .omatic 628-40. reponsi Call Au- P.OOM tor two men or married couple, and board, $30 each per month. 445 Hassalc st- ROOM and 2 meals a day, good home, $25 a month, to girls employed ; close in. East 2790. EXCELLENT board and room in private familv. East 3uth and Alder sts. Ta bor 5633. GOOD board and furnished room for 1 or 'Jr home privileges, in modern private home; walking distance. E. 5897. LAR'- E front room witn wonderful view, Willamette heights. $45 for one or $75 for two; two moa Is. Marshall 746. HOME with lovely trees offers room and excellent board, home-made pie and bread: walking distance. Bdwy. 4314. ROOM with good home cooking: home privileges, walking distance; prefer 1 or 2 voung men. 235 E. 15th St. East 1993. BOARD and room in private home, rea sonable rates; business people pref erred. J 664 Wasco, corner 3 9th. Broadway car. LARGE room for two, excellent meals, very attractive rates. 712 Marshall and 22d sis. FRONT room suitable for 2 gentlemen ; one single, modern, reasonable, close in. 366 12th st., near Mill. I ARTY of 4 interested in bright f imt rooms, twin beds, fireplace, every con venience. west side. Bdwy. 4633. TWO GIRLS to room and board, age 3 to 10, private home; reasonable. 243 Monroe or Woodlawn 37H. WANTED 4 young men or peopte to share two large rooms adjoining bath ; will give board. 391 E. 43d st., cor. Lincoln. WANTED Woman employed to room and board with woman and child. All home privileges. 92 5 Michigan ave. .NICE. LARGE, clean room; good board, for 2 men or man and wife ; walking distance; also sleeping porch. 741 Glisan. "SMA LL child to care for. no other children; $5 per week. Call Woodlawn ROOM and board. 1 or 2 young n.en, pri vate home. 406 Broadway. Marshal 1909. SCE WL Y furnished attractive room, excel lent meals, close in, $35 and $40. Mar ' shall 1125. TWO ATTRACTIVE rooms, in walking distance; 2 meals. 428 Mill. Mar. 1529. FIRST-CLASS room and board, good heat, "outside rooms. Main 2S64. 394 Colum bia st. WARM, pleasant rooms suitable for 2; home cooking, walking distance; a real home. 430 E. Ash. East 8445. , P.OOM and board in modern private home, home privileges. 615 Marshall. Bdwy. 1219. CLEAN, light room with .board; every convenience; close in. East 7005. ROOM and board. $35; modern: west side, ' close in. 47 14th. Mar. 1752. ROOM and board; room mates preferred; walking distance. East 586. FRONT room with 1 1 tractive home. Tabor mt'-ais in at- FURNISHED room with board, st. Main 3s34. 407 Clay BEAUTIFUL home, every privilege, ex ceilent board ; close in. East 2604. ROOM and'Uoard In private fam.iy. walk , Ing distance. Reasonable. East 9144. ROOM and board. 574- Ladd ave., near E. ' 12th and Hawthorne. East 5145. YOUNG widow wants employed girl to hare home and expenses. Sell. 3632. JRjOOM and board, one gentleman pri vate home. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. 'WILL give good care to 2 or 3 children near school. Tabor 5630. HAVE home for child 2 to 5 years. $5 per week. Call CoL 1060. Iu")OM and board. 574 Ladd avenue, near East 1 2th and Hawthorne. East 5148. ROOM and East 834. board, $30. . Close in. 355 East 11th. WOULD lik the care of a ace 2 to 5. Call 632-38. child or two. ROOM with board in pleasant home E. 14th street N. Irvington. 455 ROOM and board for two. reasonable, walking distance. 703 Hoyt. ROOM with Taylor st. board, home cooking. 373 A REAL HOM E, beautiful rooms, excel lent meals. Wdln. 3-031. M ALL child for room and boajrd, beat of car. Piaone Tabor -3. FOR RENT. Room With Board in private Family. HAVE 2 clean, pleasant rooms, good closet ; FURNISHED 3-room apt., beautiful loca and 3 windows in each; one has stove; j tion. Nob Hill, 5 minutes to business cen would make pleasant sitting room for 2 girls or youn? men employed ; good meals; price reasonable. Piano. Phone Sellwood 2203. LARGE front room for two, finely fur nished, in elegant Irving-ton home, good r home cooking:, billiard, music and card room for your pleasure, nice young folks; price for two $U0 a month. Phone East 2552. at 20 Wasco. Furnished Apartments. LARGE, LIGHT. AIRY. BEAUTIFULLY FfRNISHBi) 4-ROOM APT.. ISO PKR MONTH; ALSO ONE FOR $55. THESE ARE VERY FINE; EQUIPPED WITH PRIVATE BEDROOM AND TWO DAV ENPORTS. THESE ARE gPECT A.L RATES AND CAN'T BE BEAT IN THE CIT Y. THE COLUMBIAN. 11 TH AND COLUMBIA. $ 45 7 15 WAYNE STR EE T 45 . 4 nice large, well-lighted outside rma.; living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and two nice closets, heat and 'water furnished. Adults SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. 4 LARGE rooms, dressing room and bath. nicely rurnisnect, $75. Call Sunday after noon 342 lOth st or phone Mar. 258S; on wetk days call 612 Lewis bldg. Broadway 13t4. F U RN IT U RiE for sale, apartwi e at ma y be rented, very reasonable, beautifully up holso&red mahogany davenport. Wilton velvet rug-, dining table and chairs, other. small pieces, at a sacrifice; must sell flit once. Main 4201. ti-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. $75, west side, walking distance, all outside rooms, front and rear porch, 3 oearooms, neat, ana not water, steady tenant oniy. i nree or four adults. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. AN exceptionally attractive 2 or 3-room apt., with sleeping porch, also large front room with kitchenette, walking distance, reasonable. 60 N. 22d, cor. Davis. Main 3S31. $25 H3 ST. CLAIR ST. 525. 1 bik. from Wash., 1 large room and kitchenette apt., artistically furnished, pleasant outlook, plenty of heat and light included in rent. Main 3S10. A10NTGOA1.J5RY APARTMENTS. 2 rooms, furnished, electric washers, elec trie ei eva to r, ft ric tl y mod e rn, wa 1 k -Ing distance, hard wood floors, brick buiMIiig. Main 94iO. NICE clean 2-room apt. with pantry and sink. Phone, light, heat and cooking gas furnished. WiKiams ave. car, bet ween Williams and Rodney ave. 3-iXSVi Euyene st. FIRST-CLASS HOUSEKEEPING APT. ; HOT-WATER HEAT; NEWLY FUR NISHED; SPOTLESSLY CLEAN; CEN TRAL LOCATION. 1U5 2 1ST ST. BDWY 7S56. BASEMENT apartment, 2 rooms and bathroom, heat, hot water, electric lights and' gas Rent $25; walking dis tance. .Married couple or bachelors pre ferred. Inquire apt. 1. 427 Rodney ave. -ROOM clean, well-uim;shed apt., radiant x ; re hiea t, close in. n-ear Broadiway pnage, l Mock to car. 2v 402 Rose st. fca 9o-.i. VERY" attractive two-room apt., newly furnished, two blocks from Samaritan hospiuiL Special rates to nurses. Bdwy. 21 D O. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, cosy 1-room kitchenette and bath, modern, large piate glass window, new miuhogany fur nitures $45. Main 8542. BLALTIFULLY furnished ground floor apt., fireplace, everything furnished but silverware and coo k ing gas, $27.50. Phone Bdny. 4046. 031 Hovt. cor 20th. 2-ROOM aparmtent, niceiy furnished. better than can be had on the west side for the same price; easy walking distance. 415 E. Couch, near Grand. BONNIE BRAE. . Nicely furnished four-room apt., hard wood floors and sleeping porch. Call East 2202. CECELIA APTS., 22D AND G LI SAN. 3-room apt., newly fur. with mahog any furniture, and balcony, $57. Mar. 1 S04. NICELY furnished one large room with kitchenette; also a 2-room apt-, at 710 Lovejoy st. FURNISHED 3 and 4-room apartment, something new and different, excep tionally attractive. 189 23d st. North. SEE THESE and you will look no fur ther; very clean; bath, phone, fireplace, $24 and $30. 566 Market st. CAR LO'TT A COURT. 17TH AND EVERETT. 2-3-room front modi, apt. Phone 513-2-5. NICELY furnished 2-room apt., renovated: running water, modarn, reasonable, close in. 440 Williams ave. $26 MODERN 2-room apt., close in. Ap ply bet. 9 and 12, 226 Board of Trade bldg., Bdwy. 7572. LADY to rent apt and answer phone few hour's afternoons for part payment of same. 56 Wash, st. FURNISHED apartment. 2 nlco large, light, airy rooms, first floor, $20. Bdwy. 16(. TWO LOVELY front rooms; heat, elect, lights. ho and cold water. East Broadway. BELKNAP APTS.. 187 17TH. One 2-room apt., steam heat, phone. laundry privileges. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, private bath. hall, store room, private house, $18. 421 Skidmore. 4-ROOM furnished apartment, &nd nice yard; price $30. 726S or E:ist 5407. with bath Call East WANTED Two C. S. business girls to share W. S. apartment. Call Steno., Bdwy. 275 Monday between 9 and 5. DES1 RABLE 3-room front apartment, walking distance. 328 Mill st., near Broadway. HADDUN HALL, 11th and Hall 3-room apartment, bath, balcony. hardwood floors; walking distance. Mar. 1160. FOR RENT 2-rooin apt., heat, light and water, $25 per mo. Main 3465. 195 13th street. WANTED- Business woman to share downtown apartment. Marshall 44oO. apartment 109. WEST SIDE Desirable 5-room apt.; save money by purchasing comgplete furnish ings at big reduction. Main 3622. . DOUGLAS COURT. Nicely furnished 2-room apt., $50. Call Mar. 423. 425 W. Park. GARDNER, COR. 13TH AND E. ASH. Attractive basement apt. ; 2 large rooms and bath, clean and ligh t. LAURELHl'RST apartments,' 142 39th and East Morrison; 3 rooms and bath. Tabor 2614. MOORE APTS. New, just opened; 2 rms, with bath. 415 E. 10th. corner Grnt. Telephone East 1507. MODERN 4-room furnished apartment, walking distance. 385 Victoria st., near East Brcadway. Phone East 6612. CINCINNATI COURT. 401 10th St., 2 rooms and sleeping porch; nicely furnished and fine location. .Main 2480. 2-ROOM turnished, light, heat, hot, cold water furnished. 1092 Hawthorne ave. Apt. A. Phone Tabor 4224 FOR RENT 2 and 3-room modern apts. The Cambrian. 433 Columbia st. Mar shall 2406. NiCKOLS APTS., 5 -rooms, 2 bedrooms, steam heated, private bath, phone. 856 East 6th st. N. Woodlawn 4971. WILL SHARE with two girls beautifully furnished modern apartment ; walking distance. Main 5502. 2 AND. 3-ROOM fur. apts., $15 and $22; also garage. Close in. free lights, tele phone, etc. Sell. 2440 or Sell. 1924. IMON AVE. and K iilin gs worth, fur. apt.. $24.50; all complete, concrete building SAN MARCO. E. 8TH COUCH. 3 - R M MOD. APTS. ; WALKING DIST. E. 199U. DRICKSTON APTS., 448 11TH ST. 2-room well lighted and modern apt. 2 AN D 3 first-class t'uriiisiit-d apta. ; also 1 unf urnisned. "Main 3 052. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apart ment 697 Washington st. Bdwy. 1U98. THE CHELTENHAM, 19th and Northrup 2 and 4-room apartments. .Bdwy. 3058. THE CARLOIS APTS., 2-room furnished modern apt. 34th and Market. A RDM AY TERRACE 395 12th St. 1 large 2-room apartment. Marshall 898. BAGGAGE MO ERS LOWEST RATES ARROW TRANSFER CO. MAIN 8060. " NICELY furnished ster. Main 5582. corner apt. MI2 Sixth st. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 861 EAST WASHINGTON. COR. 2STH. " ' FOUR rooms. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, parlor, bath : telephone. 661. Glisan. $2 A MONTH for 2-room furnished, steam heated front apartment. 402 3d st. NICE furnished apartment with phone. At 1051 Kerby. NICE furnished 2-room apt., $25. 153 13th. corner Morrison. Phone Bdwy. 2267. APARTMENT for rent. Tabor 1459. llfl E. Belmont. FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment, 425 E. Couch street. TWO-ROOM apt, also basement Irving st. 696 j ROSELYN APARTMENTS, 110 21t N. Modern 2-room apartment. - i-ROOM furnirihe-d apartment t-or rent 2!si 2rh and Sandy blvd. . ONE sleeping room in an apt., cooking privileges. 295 12th st. Call apt. 2. THREE-ROOM apt- in private residence, west side ; out-side entrance. Mar. IK92! -ROOM apt, heat, elec, gas, etc., prl- ufninii, an up. uroadway. LARE living room, dressing room, kitch en and bath. 355 Hall st., cor. Park FURNISHED 2 or 3-room apartments. jenerson st. jeanette Apts. 1 i h t ?.r(lfvn H.-t, f "n -Large, .11 898, -- r ' ' ,!. ! 2 AND fi room private bath. 414 4th eu t FOR RENT.- Furnished Apartment. ter; rooms all light and airy; ovenooic ing spacious lawns ; Radiant fire grates; commodious closet and bath with abun dance of hot water. This is one of only two most exclusive ants, in private home. D. & M. cars to Davis and a step to 66 j North lftth st. OoDOfite Trinity Epis copal church. From 10 to 1 P. M. and 5 to 7 P. M. NICE, CLEAN. 3-ROOM APT. Steam-heated brick building, private bath, automatic elevator, all other con veniences necessarv for your wmiort at a very reasonable rate. GRANDEST A APTS.. 6? Grand ave.. cor. Stark. THE CROMWELL. ' Fifth and Columbia Street. 5 minutes va'k to Meier A Frank a store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta.. out side and French doors and balcony; per- manent and tra n sient.' " WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 rooms, strictly modern, beautifully furnished, close In, walking distance; wiii rent to responsible parties; $55. Bdwy. 1245. . STELWYN APARTMENTS have an at- j tractive small apartment with sleeping porch for out-of-town parties attenamg the opera at the weekly rate, isroau- way 5830. References required. CLACKAMAS APARTMENTS. Nice, clean, lieht housekeeping rooms; hot water all the time; heat and light furnished. 272 Williams. law vvnt- iams ave. car. CHETOPA APTS Nice light 4-room front anartment. hardwood floors and every thing modern. Easy walking distance to business center, 0 Nortn x&in, o. Broadway 4036. i-ROOM furnished apartment, Dutch kitchen, heat, water, telephone and ga rage, close to car, good neighborhood; adults only. a3 bKiamore. rnone warn. 2H41. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 2-room furnished apartment, new rus and draoe. newlv tinted and enam eled. Walking distance. West Park and Columbia. ' RK NED woman would like to get touch with five or six young men friends who would appreciate home comforts and a real mother to care lor tne nome. ABsOfl, Oregonian. i HANTHORN APARTMENTS. Completely furnished 4-room front apt., 3 disappearing beds and balcony, suitable for several people. 251 12th st. ALICE COURT Mod. 3 large rooms, two beds, fireplace, pri. bath, tel. lnciuaea. $50. Cor. E. 8th-Burnside. Eaat 86& ifrose city car. CLEAN, single housekeeping rooms, $7 to $10; 2 ana 3 room suites, iu 10. u; free bath, commodious lobby. The Vaughn, N. 19th and Vaughn. KATHERINE APTS. 3-room, light, cheery, plenty heat and hot water; reasonable. Nob H1U dist. Mar. 2996. MODERN 2-room apt. for rent, furniture for sale; very desirable; 10 minutes' walk from Broadway and Washington. Phone Main 3500, Marshal-! 3194. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, fine mod ern, home-like place; walking distance. Adults only. Good neighborhood. 27 East 13th. East 4135. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, furnished 3-roorii apart- : ment, all outside rooms, with sleeping ! porch; wa 1 King distance. . AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. Two rooms, private bath, front also three-room, modern,- wax floors. i, jam tor service, walking distancft. Mar. '. 5560. THE DEZENDORFF APTS. 208 16TH. NEAR TAiLOR, MAR. 128. Completely furnished 4 and 5-rm. apts. rio objection to children. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 20S 16TH. NEAR TAYLOR, MAR. 128. Completely furnished 4 and 5-room apts. ; all outside rooms. ROSE FRIEND APTS. 5 rooms, high-grade. centrally lo cated : excellent service. Marshall 1410 and Marshall 2921. THREE-ROOM apartment, newly painted, nicely furnished, lights, steam heat. Phone Broadway 4666. 250 N. 19th. FRONT 3-room apartment, nicely fur nished, all outside rooms, $25 per mo. 7oi Ta Thurman, corner 2da. WILL share pleasan-t apartment with busi ness woman ; walking distance; C. S. preferred. A r7, Oregonian. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 3-room furnished apt., all outside rms. ; good furniture; walking distance. Vv est Park and Columbia. NEW YORK APTS. Two-room furn. apt.. $27.50. including lights, heat, hot and cold water. B. 7th and Beimont sts. 3 ROOMS, light, heat, water, gas, phone. $35 month. R. J. McGuire. 645 N. Union avenue. East o40(. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. 4 ROOMS, walking distance, west side, ground floor, $47. aO a month. 454 11th st.. Apt. D. CLEAN, furnished h. k. rooms, cheap. 129 Kussen Bt. .suss. ave. car, or walking distance. East 9207. FURNITURE of 3-room modern apt for sale, party leaving town. , Apt. for rent. Hartford, 6S7 Flanders, apt. 4. OUTSIDE 3-room apartment; private bath. DeLair Apts., 519 William ave., cor. Kusseii. PARKHURST APTS. 3 rooms furnished, balcony and French. doors. Bdwy. 1179. SUNNY, clean front apartments, 1 and 2 rooms; steam heat walking distance; $25 and $30. 735 Everett. Main 7156. 3-ROOM f urnisned apartment, steam heat, phone privileges. -27th and Sandy blvd., 1 block from 2 car lines. 843 Nelson st. WELL-FURNISHED 3-room apartment to share with teacher or business woman; Park street. Main 2456, evenings. BEAUTIFUL furnistiings of 4-rooin apart ment for sale, apartment for rent to purchaser. itr 2o. oregonian. 3-ROOM furnished apartment for rent. E. 29 SI. 28 th and Sandy boulevard. Unfurnished Apartments. IN LAURELHL'RST, lower floor, duplex bouse co.nsisting of 4-room apartment, complete, on large ground, light a nd airy garage, hot water, phone, electric washer; adults; $65. Auto. 231-31. 1006 Holladay avenue, corner of 33d street. WELuiNUTuN COURT UNDER NEW . MANAGEMENT. 4-room. newly " painted and kalsomined. steam heat and .iephone close in, walk ing distance, only 3 blocks of Wash ington st. Rent $47.50. Call Bdwy. 1245 BEAUTIFUL 5-room unfurnished Irving ton apartment will be available in few days; handso'me dining room and bed room sets for sale; also curtains, refrig erator a nd miscellaneous articles. Call East 8545. 634 Tillamook St.. apt. 4. BRAND-NEW apartments, just com pleted, four rooms and bath, walking distance, near school. See owner, R. A. Rippett, on premists, East 16th and Oak sts. CHETOPA APTS. The best value In the city ; 4 large rooms and hallway and tile floor bath; kitchen fully equipped except for utensils. Call and see this $50 apartment. Broadway 4936.' EXCELLENT NEWS J ust opened, new, up-to-date single or housekeeping. choi location, well heated, reasonable rates. 546 E. 7th North HANTHORN APT. Very desirable unfurnished 3-room apt., with 2 disappearing beds; vacated April 1. 251 12th si. S-ROOM unfurnished apartment. light, heat, hot and cold water furnished. 1092 Hawthorne. Apt A. Phone Tabor 4224. ON E OF THE most attractive bungalow apartments at the new Gordon Court for rent Monday; strictly modern; 5 rooms. 53Q Montgomery. THE ALTER 6-rm. bungalow apt., sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, tile bath with shower, fireplace and china closet. 21at and Overton. Bdwy. 1980 or Bdwy. 5263. MOVING $2 ?K HoUR A N O UP. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREffi. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2443. J-ROOM apt, dressing room, bath. This is first class in every respect; hardwood floors, white enam. woodwork. East 37S2. HIGHLAND COURT. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments. Marshall 8181 ARBOR COURT. 14TH AND COLUMBIA. 3 and 4-room apartment, strictly mod ern, walking distance ; adult ; references. CECELIA APTS., 22D AND GLISAN. 3-room unfur. apt., with balcony; fine" view. Mar. 1304. UNFURNISHED 4-room apartment, heat furnished; rent $45. 555 E. Yamhill, East 3252. THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and 6-room apartments. Broadway 3300.' Muit DAUNT, 5S6 Everett Large 4-room; take children, inspection invited. 3-ROOM Kpt., toilet and bath. Thurman. near 20th. Marshall 648 4701. THE ORMONDE Five-room, unfurnished apartment. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873 LN FURNISHED 5-room apartment, the Wllmar, 742 Everett. Phone Main 3164. LOOMS, steam heated, sleeping parch, H. W. floors, breakfast nook.-Wdln. 3 96. NICE 2-room apt., hot water heat, very reasonable. Marshall 3456. 789 Kear n e y . Famished or Unfurnished Apurtment. o0 2-ROOM apartment, close In ; almost new furniture for sale. Call Marshall 5779 THE UPSHUR apartments. 2, 3 and 4- room, unfurnished or furnished room. unturnished or furnished; ail rw furnishings and painting. Main 6497 .1. FOR RENT. Famished or Untarnished Apartments. $25 NEWLY finished, 4 rooms, furnished, close in, E. 21st St., less unfurnished; also nicely finished 4-room cottage with attic, 4 beds, furnished, $35; near tour ists' camp ground, high and grade s-hool. 415 Northwestern Hank bldg. FOUR outside rooms unfur. ; one 2 rooms, light, heat, water and bath. East side; with garage i wanted. Cheap rent. Wdln. 1184. ; JAEGER APTS., 701 Wash. st. One 4- room unfurnished, one 3-room furnished. LUCILE COURT. Nob Hill district, 4-room apartment for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Bdwy. 4-KOOM apartment, furnished or unfur- nisneq. -zz iuingswortn. w crin. ds:i; Flats. FINE six-room modern 'lower flat. No. 614 joweii street. mis is- a very conven ient tiat and right on the car line. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Broadway 7150. 230 Stark St. FURNITURE for sale and steam-heated flat for rent, close in, on west side, jueit orr w ashmgton; can mate your rent, bdwy. 267. STRICTLY modern 5-room flat in Haw- thorne district, 291 14 E. 21st st. Open Sunday for inspection. $40. See Metz ger-Parker Co., 269 Oak st. CLiEa.n, cneerful four rooms. sleeping porcn. ratn, iront balcony, rino view- private furnace, basement; west side, close in; references. 464 Hall, near 13th. 3 OR 4 SUNNY-room. modern flat, unfur nished. gas range, in walking distance, at 437 East 75th st. North, leaving car at TiiiamooK st. ; garage ir aesireq. FLAT for sent., 52d St., just north of Sandy; three large rooms, fireplace hardwood floors; rent $30. Call Tabor 2580. LO W E-R f la t f or r en t a nd so me f u rn i t ut e f r sole; spdemd i d loc a ti on : M bl oc k from Lincoiln higrh schooL Addresa 325 Mill st. Main 2iS. FOR RENT 1 4-room flat and 1 6-room flat or all 10 rooms, unfurnished, at 2i3 Sheridan st. Inquire at- store downstairs. 5-ROOM flat, in excellent condition : 301 lotn st., second building soutn or Mont gomery st. ; rent $40. Strong & Co., 606 Cham., of Com. ' 5-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view; furnace, fireplace, phone, water; $3o. Bts!1. ltri st., south or Montgomery. FLAT for rent, 5 rooms and sleeping porcn; furniture for sale, $3oO; 2 rooms pay rent. Mam d2SO. LOWER flat, four large rooms and bath, $30; includes phone and water. 270 Graham ave. East 8322. HOLLADAY addition, modern 5 rooms, lower fiat, close in, $35. 264 East 2d at. N., corner Multnomah. s. MODERN 7-room upstairs flat, arranged so tenant can sub-rent 2 suites, wain. 4236. 4 ROOMS and ba-th. $30, fine locati&n. close in, west side. 414 Clay. Malr. 4194. MODERN 5-roora upper flat, 1 block north and east from Broadway bridge. East 6824. UNFURNISHED flat, 3 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, newly renovated. $37. 705 Glisan. 5-ROOM flat, 488 , E. 12th St., $32.50. Bdwy. Metzger-Parker Co., 269 Oak st. 5355. IRVINGTON, lovely -room flat, choice lo- cation. $60. East 8015. 5-ROOM LOWER flat, west side, close in. Phone Main 2;0. 6-ROOM FLAT, $25. CALL 152 RUSSELL STREET. 3 BOOAiS, some furniture, closets, pantry, private bathroom. Oil Kearney st. NICE 4-room unfurnished flat, heat, water and range free. East 3S50. 6-ROOM FLAT, $35. CALL 142 RUSSELL STREET. 5-ROOM fiat for rent. San Rafael st. P h one Wrdln. 149 9 3-ROOM unfurnished flat, $16. 826tt Vaughn, or phone Marshall 3tl9. APRIL 1. Upper 4-room flat, steam heat furnished. Inquire 5R6 Everett. Furnlwhed Flats. 4-ROOM newly furnished lower sunny flat, well furnished, new beds, electric lights, stationary tubs, bath. Adults. Sunday all day, week days after 5 P. M. Close in, 388 E. 6th st. South. WILL RENT 3 or 4 rooms of my desir able, well fuxn-ish-ed fiat, rncludan-g- s-leep-' ing porch; walkin-g distance. Refer ences. 36-01 Park. Main 301 8. MODERN large, sunny, furnished flat with sleeping porch, on canine, u. .au Saturday or Sunday, 12 to 5, at 5204 Foster road. S. E. WILL share my attractive newly furnished flat with business girls. Privilege or cooking. Close in. Marshall 11 NICELY furnished modern 4-room flat. $27. 385 Cable st Chapman car. so.-. 3476. - ' 3 OR 4-KOOM furnished upper flat in modern home; ; adults only. za aast S2d. Tabor 984. i-nnnw f la t J walking distance, nice view, good order; phone, water;, $au. dsn -ft 3 6th St., south of Montgomery. vi.a'P FURNISHED complete; garage adults only., Call alter 10. 04 d St., near .Kearney. 4 CLEAN modern rooms and bath, lower floor, well furnished tor nouseKeeping; ' . orr -w Soil 1(177 WILL sub-let, neat 4-room furnished flat; close in, good neighborhood. vent i.ou. AE i0., OTegonian WILL share 4-room flat with two business gir!s: close in; reasonable. Main at . 3-ROOM rlat; walking distance; reierencea, 360 Benton. Kat 4938. - 3-ROOM flat, modern. East 22 -i st. SouC"-- adults only. . 504 4-ROOM modern, nicely furnished flat. 616 Commercial st. Mar. JIJ. FINE, modern, 6-room well-furnished flat, west side. Main 8311. Adults. LOWER six rooms and sleeping porch; H. AV. floors, garage; adults. East 6100. $5( -5-ROOM furnished flat, close in Ml st side. No children. lEast 2908 WELL furnished 5-room flat, east side. Eaet 8440. 5 ROOMS, well located, cheap rent: ref- erences. Tabor S837. Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED apartment, . 2 nice large, light, airy rooms, first floor. $20, Bdwy. 1062. BUSHMARK, Wasn. St., corner 17th, clean, modern 1 and 2-room outside apta A-so sleeping room. Bdwy. 5463. 1 AND 2-ROOM apts., everything fur nished, furnace heat, reasonable rates. 372 Broadway. THE HEREFORD HOTEL, 735 HOYT. Large single h. k. room, light, clean and warm. $24. Also furnished rooms. SINGLE rooms. steam -"heated housekeeping $4 to per weett. 14 i itn st 3-ROOM suite, phone, bath, hot and cold water. 67 North 20th. Bdwy. 4123.. DOWNTOWN 2-room apartment, weil fur nished. 271 Morrison st. Mar. 2508. ROOM and kitchenette, $4 a week;; single. $2.50. 327 3d. opposite auditorium. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 473 Main, near 13th. TWO front rooms for H. K. and one sin gle roorn38jiPa. H. K. ROOMS, phone, electric light, a block from Wash. 149 Lownsdate, 15th st MODERN housekeeping rooms. Everything furnished. 3tO btn st. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas. water, ngnt lurnisnea. si oth st. FURNISHED housekeeping suites at your own pne e witmn reason. Jtj h 1 rs t . BAGGAGE MOVERS LOWEST RATES. ARROW TRANSFER CO. MAIN 8060. TWO ROOMS, lower floor, $3o. one sin- gle room, $15, Nob Hill, 629 Everett st. 2-ROOM apt. first floor, furnace, private entrance. 494 Taylor, r'none Main 2121 2-ROOM furnished housekeeping ment. $6 per week. 350 14th Bt. $2..;0 TO $4.50, WELL furnished single or double. 544 Pettygrove. LIGHT, clean H. K, rooms, . furnace heat. 2C4 12th st. 2 ROOMS. $3 and $5 a week. 271 Rus sell, cor. Williams. HOUS'EKEElPLVG fre- bath. rooms, ' $1.75 a week, Hood it. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in; good car service. 214 Union ave'. DESIRABLE h. k. rooms, ciose in, E. side, water in rooms. Call East 9050. LARGE H. K. room, $5 per week. 85 W Park st. ROOM and kitchenette, $18; sleeping, pch. room, $10. 655 Flanders. CLEAN basement room for bachelor. $1.50 per week. 229 13th st. FOR RENT One 2-room apt., one single h. k. room. 430 Belmont. East 378. NICE, clean h. k. room, furnished; bath and use of phone. 268 Montgomery. 2-ROOM furnished apt, single room with kitchenette. Phone Broadway 7559. PLEASANT room and kitchenette, elec, gas range, closet. 30-6 3 2th St. LIGHT, clean housekeeping room, con venient and reasonable. 327 W. Park. ONE OR TWO h. k. rooms cheap. 316 Graham ave. Phone East 9281. 3-ROOM lower flat, nicely furnished. 1261 E. Yamhill st. Call Tabor 3063. OFFICE girl wishes room" mate, prefer office girl. AB 502. Oregonian. HAWTHORNE, close to car, H. K. rooms or apartment. Phone Tabor 6696. CLEAN, comfortable h. k. room, $2 week and up. 372 Hawthorne. NICE, r:lean h. k. room, walking distance, $8: $12 a month. 357 12th st. SINGLE H. K, room. 2Si Larrabe. FOR SALE. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO AND 3-ROOM light h. k. apart ments for rent In very besx location In town ; entire house, newly papered and painted and all rooms large, cheerful and homelike. If you are looking for a cozy little home for yourself and wife without paying exorbantan rent, call at ' 546 Yamhill, near Chapman, west side. vniioren are accepted, as tenants, y NICE, CLEAN, LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM; SUITABLE FOR 1 OR 2 PERSONS. $4 WEEK, WITH FREE PHONE, BATH, ETC.; , LOVELY HOMELIKE PLACE. 660 BELMONT ST., COR. E. 18TH. UNDER now management, 530 Davis St., housekeeping, $12; nice front room, sl-eeping . porch and kitchenette. $25; walking distance. 2 blocks off Wash. near ltith. $12 AND $18, 2 and 3-room apts., gas range, separate entrance, electric lights and bath free; 1 block to two car lines. 1623 Macadam St. East 6235. Must be seen to be appreciated. TWO second-floor front room apartments, pink of condition, finest location, won derful view, walking- distance. half . block of Council Crest car. 768 Park ave. Main 4278. APT. for rent, furniture for sale cheap; rent $25 month; gas, steam heat free. Above, public market. 220 Goodnough bldg., 170 Fifth, cor. Yamhill. Caii Monday. ATTRACTIVE single furnished h. k. room, very choice; newly papered, electricity, everything furnished except cooking gas; wanting distance. 624 Flanders, uawy. 2125. THE DOLORES. Under new management. Furnished h. k. rooms and transient rooms. 482 Washington st. Bdwy. 3239. NICELY-FURNISHED 1 and 2-room H. K. suites ; very convenient, excellent heat, 5 minutes to business district. $25 and $30 mo. 408 12th st. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, hot-water heat, beds are new and clean, rent $15.40, $1Q.40, $26.40. East 7559. . 460 Holladay. $4 TO $5 WEEK, completely furnished housekeeping suites, absolutely clean, every convenience. 288 3d st,, near Jeffersi. STANTON APTS. 203 Stanton St, Furnished h. k. rooms. Rates mod erate. Children welcome. THE DOLORES. Under new management, housekeep ing and transient rooms. 482 Wash ington st. Broadway 3239. ; FURNISHED H. K. rooms from $14 to $25 per month; only about 6 blocks from Broadway bridge. 380 East First. Phone East 9118. DANDY 1 and 2 H. K. rooms, new house and new furniture; everything furnished; f summer rates; close Bdwy. bridge. 802 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clearing 1120 month, with living room for owner. Price $2300, good terms. See owner at house, 1ST 13th. No agents. YOUR choice of -3 lovely, clean, newly furnished front housekeeping rooms; heat, light and phone; walking distance. 690 Irving. Main 2710. . FURNISHED ROOMS CLOSE IN. Housekeeping rooms, near Morrison and 1st st.. gas, electric lights, etc.; very reasonable. Main 7110. NEWLY -furnished H. K. rooms, steam heat, light, water and free phone, one or both rooms, on carline.' 364 Grand ave. N., Just off Broadway. ROOMS located In quiet residential section, everything. Including piano, fur nished; reasonable rent. . 1000 East Main et. 1 ' LAWN APARTMENTS. 53 N. 18th. 1, 3-room apts., H. K., hot and cold wa ter; clean rooms. $4 and up. New man agement. FINE housekeeping rooms, everything furnished; walking distance; on east side, near Hawthorne ; $20 per month, 2S5 E. 3d Auto. 217-14. 170 CHAPMAN ST.. near 18th and Mo rison, 1 room and kitchenette, clean, heat, light and phone, $4.50 per week. roaaway oiw. LARGE, light, neatly furnished h. rooms, gas, electricity, phone, easy walking distance. Call East 4177. TWO ROOMS, sink, bath, stove, electric itr. near Morrison and Grand ave, n quire 682 E. Taylor. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fu: nished H. K. rooms. 515 up. mciudin hot water, electric lights, laundry room. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms; ne management; $2.50 week up. Taylor apt. 208 First st. si.p.KPTXfi RM.. gas mate, lig-ht h. k. rm. kitchenette, suit workingman. 194 Lounsdale. rwn t.a RCR h. k. rooms with lights an water furnished. Call at 688 Commer cial st. 170 CHAPMAN, near 18th and Morrison furnished housekeeping rooms: heat light, phone: $5.25 week. Broadway 2537, rmon rh-eao A. k. rooms, completely fur nished, for bachelors; bath, electricity. ' 5 N ct.f.an h. k. rooms, kitchenette, elect r! lights," private phone, steam heat, close in. 291 Columbia, near otn. OWNER'S home. 21-5 11th st. Main 8678. block Central library, large sunny rooms adults. LEAVING town, 2 housekeeping rooms, norch and basement, rent So month. Furniture for sale $20. 693 Hood st, 2 ROOM'S chiud'ren Morrison for H. tak-en. et K. : rent reasonable East 5516. 632 Ei. nT.Fi an 2-room suite with kitchenette, first floor, one large front room, close in. 261 14th. near jeirerson. THE ELMORE. Modern furnished housekeeping rooms, corner of Morrison and west rarK. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, ev ervtning rurnianeu, 1 , w nims uio tance. 285 E. 3d. Auto. 21 (-14. 2 LARGE housekeeping furnished room; with alcove, lights, phone; lovely loca tion; rent reasonable. Main Q17. ONE ROOM and kitchenette, hot and cold water, heat light ana pnone; convenien to bath. Ill N. 23d st. THREE furnished light h. k. rooms with bath and garage, luao m. itn st. in. Alberta car. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. across the street from Meier & Fran . 291 Morrison. r.i.R x N. lieht. housekeeping room, com pletely furnished; must De seen to oe appreciated. iaDor iyo Housekeeping ltons m Private Family. CLEAN, sunny front 2-room furnished apt Reasonable. permanent tenants oniy. 513 Yamhill. , 2. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 3 rms. on third floor; neat, ngnt, pnone iur nished. 109 N. 18th. HAWTHORNE 2 blocks south, large par lor, fireplace ana piano, sleeping rooms. Kitcnen. i aoor o aRwM well furnished H. K. am., mod ern: in a ' beautiful home; adopts; $25. block to Alberta can. 30G7 E. 19th N has K MENT room and kitchen ; comfort able, attractively furnished; light, heat, water, phone, S14.50. 368 Multnomah 2 UNFURNISHED H. K. rooms, with small kitchenette. 234 E. 20th. Phone East 2299. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms in private family; light, phone and water; also garage. Call labor NEAT, cheerful room with kitchenette and . private entrance, suitable for single man or lady. Marshall 1293. 751 Kearney. BASEMENT apartment for two men who will build nre nignts ana m .ommsa; reasonable. Mar. 1 46. 2 WELL-FURNISHED single housekeep ing rooms. phone ; walking distance. Broadway 1084. THREE largo light. rooms, furnished; light. phone, gas ana batn. oau ennton st. THREE desirabie- H. K. rooms in private home; furnace heat. 593 E. Alder, cor. Fifteenth. - SUITE, 3 rooms, light, heat, phone Hawthorne ave. Tabor 3581. - 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and garage. t9 aiiiwauKie st. sen. zoj. FRONT suite, clean h. k. rooms. Reason able LIL5L1-JJ TWO "newly furnished H. K. rooms; one wicker; reasonable. 513 Montgomery. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, elect.; adults; close in- 13 East 7th st. East 1929. 1 AND 2-ROOM apartments, everything furnished, close in. reiepnone jast 4U. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, ing distance. 70 N. 15th st 3 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms. 610 E. 26th N. -. FOR RENT, 3 or 4 furnished housekeep ing rooms. 93$ East Taylor. TWO nicely furnished h. k. rooms for rent. 315 E. John st.. St. Johns. 2 CLEAN front h. k. rooms, reasonable, at 352 College. Phone Mar. 2306. TWO OR THREE newly furnished H. K. rooms; adults only. 228 N. 19th street 3 ROOMS upstairs for rent, partly fur nished. 529 E. Lincoln st. DOUBLE h. k. rooms, .first floor front, single, second floor, reasonable. 447 5th. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished; also garage; walking distance. 11 iu. I4tn in. FURNISHED rooms for employed people, Ugh t houseKeeping privileges, war. 434i. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, elec. lights. gas, bath and pnone. 4t4 xi. Pine. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 963 WILLIAM A V J. 354 CLAY-chi-ldren. -Furnished H. K. rooms; no CaH today. FRONT H. K. suite, gas range, newly tinted, $2 per montn. i o Clay st. HOMELIKE, clean, warm rooms, fine bom 755 Hoyt U MarahaU 3840, FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. NICELY furnished h. k. room with hot and cold running water,- heat, lights, phone, gas, bath, laundry privileges; con genial surroundings; walking distance; references required. East 2143. - LOVELY housekeeping rooms with heat, phone and everything furnished ; would give mother's care to small children while parents work. Bdwy. 5965. 821 iorth inth street. FURNISHED rooms for H. K. for one lady with ba&y; take care of child while motner works: electric lights and neat, $5 per week. 772 Williams ave., near ueacn. NICE, clean, heated apartment in pri vate home, lower floor four or five rooms, fireplace, good neighborhood, walking distance. No other roomers. 60 j&iia et. ? ROOMS, kitchen with sink, newly enam eled and papered, with both light and water free. Price very reasonable. Call Saturdays, afternoon Sunday and eve nings. 643 East Stark. ON THIRD FLOOR, in private home close in, large front room, kitchen with ga range, sink, hot and. col-d water, elec tric lights, laundry and phone; $15 per month. Ad-lla only. Eaft 2Q55. FOR RENT 2 large front rooms and al cove for light h. k.( suitable for four adults. 424 3d sL, cor. Hall. Phono Main 8830. SEPARATE 1st floor rooms, housekeep ing and sleeping, at $6 and $10 a month; walking distance ; electric lights ana phone. 632 West Flanders. Bdwv. 2256. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, light, phone and hot water furnished; walking distance to west side. 474 E. Washlng ton et., corner E. 9th. LARGE nicely-furnished room, housekeep ing privileges; private family. Price rea sonable, 15 minutes to town. Tabor I2(i3. FURNISHED housekeeping room, light, phone, cooking gas furnished; $3.75 a week; 'walking distance. 449 E. Yam hill st. FURNISHED housekeeping room in pri vate, family, 2 clean, pleasant rooms. $12 per month; good car service. Tabor 1526. 2-ROOM suite, 3 blocks from east end of Broadway bridge; 2 ladies employed or married coupie preferred. AC 516, Ore gonian. THREE nicely furnished rooms and sleep ing porch, desirable location; heat, light, phone and water, no children. Phone East 1308. NICE large 2-room tu k. apts., good fur niture, private bath, enclosed back porch for slee-ping room, $30. 93, E. 12th near Stark kT Sunday 1:30 to 5. E. 4854. FOR RENT 3 turnished housekeeping rooms, more like flat, separate entrance, electricity and gas. 247 Halsey at. East 3989. CLEAN, large front H. K. room, with kitchehette, heat, light, phone, water and bath, walking distance. $22 per mo. 344 College. PUELVSANT front sleeping, housekeeping room iurnitsheo, near bath, for gentle man: with a Quiet home, reasonable, 451 1rft:h Rt. S. LARGE, comfortable room with first class board in attractive home, suitable for two ladies employed ; every home privilege: reasonable. Tabor 599. TWO ROOM Phone, electricity, gas. bath, $25; can have 3 good sleeping rooms. Phono SeMwood 1748, or call 64T Mil wfl u k I e Ft. CLEAN, nicely furnished h. k. rooms; heat, light and cooking gas furnished ; walking distance; laundry privileges. East 5255. STRICTLY first-class 4-room apartment. . Completely furnished. Accommodate 6 adults. Phone Bdwy. 2327 REDUCED rent, 2 rooms and kitchenette, completely fur., light, bath, gas, phone; all for $20. 182 East 23d. East 7074. $25 -TWO well-furnished, weil-neuted housekeeping rooms. East 23o5. 321 Eugene st. ENTIRE upper floor, 3 rooms, large hall and bath; partly furnished If desired; very moderate rent. 569 Gideon st. IRVINGTON Nice light housekeepin room, heat and light; rent very reason able. 441 East 13th N. East 1441. COSY fur. sunny room and kitchenette in modern residence, close in. 21; W. Park, LARGE, nicely furnished room, kitchen- ette. steam heat, adults. 403 12th st t oases. HOUSE for rent with garage, near Jef ferson high school. 120". Also gas range lor sale. 10211 Haight ave. can eve n fngsi 9-ROOM house, west side, bedrooms, good furnace, large veranda. 33th. near Mill Sunday and evenings. Phone Marshall 2363. EXCEPTIONALLY convenient 9-m. house, sleeping porches, garage ' if wanted. 50x100 lease. 718 E. Ash; $60. Marsh 3569. 7-ROOM house in Alberta district, two lots, fruit trees: $30 per month. See Metzger-Parker ,Co., 2G9 Oak st. Broad way 5355. EITHER first or second floor of my large, modern home ; special offer to reliable adults ; pleasant, walking distance ; ret erences. East 721 o. SMALL cottage, 5 rooms and bath, clean papered: In rear of owners nouse; ren $20; near Golf Junction, Sellwood, best car service. 033 Linn ave. WANT mpdern 4 or 5-room unfurnished house by April 1. Permanent tenants, What have you? Monroe Sanders, 315 Alfsky bldg. 8-ROOM house, 211 Stanton St., $60; across irom Emanuel nospnai ; arranged ior renting rooms profitably, Frank E. Smith. Corbett bidg. 4-ROOM ED house. large lot, city water and gas. in Collins View tract. B. H Stuart. 165 4th st. $10 1-ROOM cottage with 1 acres of ground, near Linn ton road, close to bt. John ferry. Mam o6r3. IMMEDIATE possession, close In, restricted district, beautiful home of 8 rooms, part ly furnished or unfurnished. Tabor 5333. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fir enlace, yard; reference. 954 Vancouver ave.; $42. Woodlawn 396. FOR RENT i rooms, furnace, garage, chicken house, fruit trees, corner. 893 East Everett st. 3-ROOM house with bath. 1665 Terrace st., Mt. Tabor district, J15. J. H. Mid die ton, 1225 Yeon bldg. IRVINGTON. Unfurnished or partly furnished 8-room house. East 320 1. FOR RENT- Modern 8-room house, newly decorated. 68 Clackamas st. Open from 1U to K. HOUSE and two lots, all in fruit, for rent unfurnished; is partly furnished. Auto. 642-14. FOR RENT 6-room house. modern cept heat, fruit, berries. S. E. $25. 4603 52 d st. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Srvl Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 87 MULTNOMAH ST., near 24th 5-room modern bungalow ; garage, $5o ; adults only. Key at 430 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT Two modern 5-room house together, close in on Williams ave., $25 per month eacn. pnone iast u 228. NICE 6-room cottage, close in, half block from Sunnystde car; electric lights, bath and gas. Room 511 Commonwealth bldg. CLASSY modern Hawthorne bungalow. 4 large rooms, like new, $42.50. Immedi ate possession. 425 E. 43d st. after 12. :-ROOM house to be leased on long term. Nob Hill district; good for private sani tarium. A R 518. Oregonian. " FIVE-ROOM cottage, newly painted and cleaned, close in, east side, $30 per month. Phone East 798. WHEN moving, city or country, get the test at lowest prices. tireen Transfer Co., Main 1261. 202 Alder st RENTALS collected, any size, $1 a month; Dusiness reierences, prompt service. Aiar shaH 2618. NICELY furnished 5-room bunealow. no children. 14o4 E. Madison. Phone Au tomatic 225-19. FOR RENT for 3 months, new modern bungalow, 1400 Division st, $40 per month. Auto, 630-12. ROOM cottage, near East 8th and Wash ington,, close in, $30 per month. East 1091. Inquire 15 East 32th st. EE 10-0 Grand N.; 3 rooms, 2 lots, gar- den. berries; adults; $20. Tabor 7055. 4-ROOM and a 5-room house for reni on E 9th and Clay. 641 45th. HALF of duplex house, six rooms, newly papered. 530. 525-65. -ROOM HOUSE. 328 SCHUYLER WOODLAWN 4493. SIX-ROOM bungalow. J acre. $35. Ryan, Oregon niiectric. Mar. $30, 7 ROOMS. 867 Front; yard, garden spot. Mar. 4440. ROOM house, Sunnyside district Inquire Tabor 627. -ROOM house for rent 139 Haight st, 1 block south of Russell. WO furnished h. k. rooms; gas, bath; $4 week. 692 Front st. FOR RENT or sale, 8-room house. 3 Iot, orchard and berries. H41 East 3itn st. s. FOR RENT 7-room house, Portland Heights. Call Main 3648. R VINGTON -540 Tillamook, marvelous R. T. Street. East 4280 duplex. $60. TO LEASE 10-room house for year; part ly furnished. 721 fc Asn st. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE; $20. 610 Colum- bia st. -ROOM house. 653 Kerby; open today, 11 2. Main 5305. MODERN 3-room- house, $17 west side, close to car Main 330. OR R EN T 6-room house. East 21st st Phone Broadway 5'i 7. HOUSE to rent. Five rooms and. bath. 600 Si. Morrison. FOR RENT. Houeefe. MODERN 8-room house, electric light. gas. garage, fine earden snot, fruit: fur , niture for sale; 5 rooms, practically new ntgn grade furniture, very reason able. Including Universal combination range, oak Jiving and dining room set ana ivory Deuroom set. 8123 oath ave. H. K. Tabor 8137. MODERN house- snlendid view. 597 Mont turnery Drive, between Vista ev. and lith st. 6 rooms with bath, sun porches, n replace, furnace, hardwood floor; Phone Automatic 628-18, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. FOR RENT In Alameda Park. 6-roora house and garage, all white enamel, tap estry paper, hot water, radiant -fire g-as range, Ruud heater, linoleum; lawn. snrub-bery, small, fruit: strictly modern in perfect condition; $75 month. Tabor 4. n. . STRANGERS, make your wants known to . this office; have some furnished and un furnished homes for rent. Call at 206 PANAMA BLtXJ. O. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR KING STREET home, 9 rooms, sun par- Jor, fireplace, bath, furnace; old lvorjr iinisn, cement garage: immaculate con dltion; walking distance. Rent $125. rnone juast 0U94 until 12 noon. MODERN 6-room bungalow with garage auto. Ruud water heater. hardwood floors, all conveniences, lease for 1 or 2 years. 143S Alameda drive. For ap pointment phone Tabor 7090. SALE OR RENT. Pleasant 5-room home, Al condition, near car line, on paved street, modern conveniences; vacant April 1. 4705 60th st. S. E. Call owner, 3221 62d ft. S. E VERY attractive furnished 5-room new house, all modern; rent to acceptable mall family, but reserving one sleeping apartment. union ave, vi couver car. FOR RENT Large 3-room house, Ira provements In on IMxlOO lot. 2 E. 63d st. Inquire C. A. Beyer, 2d and Jeffer- son. Meier & Frank garage. 4 ROOMS, modern, gas range, electric bath, garden space, chicken houses, reasonable rent to right party; adults on Gresham car, 30 minutes out. Wlchit Biation; Sprlngwater Poultry Yards. MY OWN HOME for rent, new last sum mer; 5 rooms, entirely modern, $23. Take SL Johns car or Willamette bvd. to Portsmouth ave., 783 Yale st. Call Sunday afternoon. MODERN six-room house. No. 124 East 18th st, easy walking distance; very nanay location. i: A WAGNER CO.. Broadway 7150. 230 Stark Ft. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th ST. 7-ROOM modern house, 349 Multnomah st. Newly tinted; $50. For further par ticulars ace Metzger-Parker Co., 269 ' Oak st. "RITNfiA LOW. Oswego lake. 2 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, lights. Acre at Lake Grove. Will rent for season $20 per month. 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark HOUSE, 5 rooms, bath and toilet. 809 30th st., near Gladstone ave, Wooflatork car. Owner. 383 E. Washington st. $30 per month. ATLAS TRANSFER. Pianos moved, J3 and up; furnltur moving In proportion; get our prices first: all work guaranteed, tsawy. 8 ROOMS and finished attic; furnace; all conveniences; good condition; near 34th and E. Madison. O. B. Rippey, 611 Mc Kay bldg. Broadway 722 9. FOR RENT or lease to responsible people, my home, 7 rooms, furnished or unfur nished, piano Included. 4920 70th st. S. E. Garage. . SEVEN-ROOM house. Will lease one or two years. Garage. $60 per month. Can rent furnished. Phone Tabor 6696. $25, $30 NEW, built-ins, sightly, near car, 82d; adults. Aut. 621-15. a Fnrnlwhed Honsm. LARGE Willamette Heights residence, beautiful mahogany furniture, oriental rugs billaird room, hot water furnace,. 10 rooms and largo attic. Will lease furnished or unfurnished. Bdwy. 750. FOR, RENT Completely furnished mod ern home, located 722 East Davis street; $65 per month. McCLURE A SCHMAUCH CO., 306 Railway Exchange Bldg. LARGE Willamette Heieghta residence, beautiful mahogany furniture, oriental rugs, billiard room, hot water furnace, 3 0 room? and large attic. Will leane furnished or unfurnished. Bdwy. 75M1. FOB RENT for few months, finely fur nished 8-room house. Nob Hill district. Apply Strong & McNaughton, Corbett bldg. TO LEASE, 7-room house, all modern con veniences, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, good lawn and garage. Call be tween 1 and 5. 606 EX 36th North. wnnRV rt-room home. Alameda Park, for the time April to October; rent $65 rter month. Adults only. Owner H:i5 East 33d st. North. Phone "Wdln. 4965. FURNISHED A n-w 5-room bungalow to lease for 5 months: rent $60 per month no children. Call Sunday before 2 P. M. 60 E. 58th at. N.. R. C. P. car. 6-ROOM modern, well turnished residence; adults. $50 per month. Will give lease, 40th and Belmont Owner, Mrs. Shaver, 90 East 8th et. .. KTR'.VTKHiEn 9-room house suutable f two families, arranged in two flata. 1ft minutes from center of downtown dis trict Sellwood 34lr2. FURNISHED or unfurnished 6-room house. Call Tabor 2042 or call at premises. 1041 E. 10th st N. Mon. or Tuesday between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. STRICTLY modern 5-room completely fur nished bunxalow : piano: possession ltn mediately. 10O3 E. 18th st. North; $15 monthly. . WILL SHARE modern bungalow with re sponsible couple. I wiil be away quite a bit during summer. Call Monday, 893 E. Franklin st. Sell. 1395. FOR RENT Furnished five-room cottage. 910 Mississippi ave.. on car line; pavta street. Call Sunday between 1 and 5. East 2256 APRIL 1 to adults only, 6-room furnished house, $45; garage, j; teiepnone. water included. Owner to retaip one room. Call after 1 P. M. Sundny. Tabor 4197. FIVE rooms, attic. Rose City Park, fur nace, washing maenme, piano, iunury trays. $45. Give phone number. BF 522, Oregonian. 5-ROOM furnished house for 6 months or longer; close- in; $45 per mo.; ngntn, water and garbage paid. 49 E. 7th, bet. Oak and Pine. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern 7-roora house, furnished ; rage; $H5. Main 847. FURNISHED house for rent at 249 Dixon st. Agent win De at noune duhu, i.w. 19 bet. 1-0 and 3 o'clock. NEW 5-room east side bungalow for rent. not far out; aouits, rcierentc. ui, Oregonian. FURNISHED 3-room new house, bathroom. toilet, no bathtub, aouita or wim vnvy. 21 m and Lake road, Mllwaukle. wk 1. 1. -FURNISH ED K-room house. 170 Beech at. 2 blocKS rrom -;ssiBppi - Phone Woodlawn 1 1 3. vmw n K.T Fur.. 6 rooms; furnace, pi ano, sleeping porcn, cement oueniem. garage. 2S-.i;t. WELL furnished 8-room houae, every con venience, 4 bedrooms, witn or witnoui garage. 712 E. Taylor St., cor. 21st. FIRST tloor, lovely private home. Irving- tnn n ce v lurnisneo. lig-ni, ueai, ieit- phone, $50; adults. 664 Wasco, cor. 19th. a uoam fi.minhpri Piedmont district; 7 room furnishea, euwooa. mhwumb 44-Y. $3.5 NICE modern 5-room cottage, oio rsortnrup near iui -.. -m-n.- w. H. Korell. 2 nan way r-xcnanK- MODERN 7-rootfn bungalow, 3 furnished. 65 E. 32a. near tiawtnorne. tsu nuer P. M. FURNISHED 7-room house, furnace, flre- nlace. gas. piano, pnone anu garage. rea sona hie. Woodlawn 102. SIX-ROOM furnished house, garage, $3-t. adults. 3330 ."4tn St. O. i. raons cum 8622. WILL RENT my new furnished bungalow with garage in Rose city raric ior w. Marsha 1 2146. . FOR SALE 8 years paid up lease, large garden and chicken bouse ana run. luu Sunday. 5631 44th ave. S. E. MODERN 4 -room bungalow 2 lots and garage, occupied by owner; no agents, $3000. 4"-i37 i2d st. S. E.. city. OR RENT- Call Bdwy. Furnished 2325. 14 -room house. URNISHED house for rent, owner reserve 1 room. 210 west rortiana pouievaru. 5-ROOM fur. bungalow. $50 month until Sept. 1. 1103 29th at. N. Wdln. 845. $25 4-room house, plainly furnished. Mill street. can e-aimon. FOR RENT Part of my furnished home, 1652 Vnn Houten. Call A. M. FURNISHEiD house, newly kalsornlned. 1022 E. 21st N. Wdln. 6734 or Mar. 3377. 4-ROOM house, furnished, $32.50 per mo. I006 E. 27th wi. N. . FURNISHED honse 6 rooms. Monroe, near Williams. $45. Call East 8657- COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house, garage. Tabor 7365. 4-ROOM furnished cottage, clean, good ' yard, close in. Call Sellwood 2604. FURNITURE for t-ale, house for rent; clo&a in. 355 Graham ave FOR RENT Furnished house, 6100 30th ave. S. E. GIRL wants a real glri pal to share fur nished house. Wdln. 15H9. . 4-ROOM house, comfortably furnished, grounds, fruit, west side. 249 Bancroft. LOWER floor, strictly modern, furnished home. 5S7 E. Alder. $3Q. East 8550. FURNISHED house. Portland Height, 10 rooms. Main 2b 62 xnorninga. TOR RKXT. VurnUtied IIoum TvTLLAMETTE IT EIGHTS. Modern, wll-furntahed horn. bedrooms, t hree b th, epmg porch, giraep ; $ 1 M pr mvt Telephone Mrs. Raymond, Mala 2076. $65 BEAUTIFULLY furnished new R room bun fining nd garsg; 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch, furnace nt f ireplare ; no oh ctton to smn II child. Near 69th and Kant Stark. Mill (- 6 monthfi to 1 yenr, 2 mont lis In ad vance. Vacant March 20 to April 1. Ta hor P29H $tiH WORTH $11100 $690. 7 rooms of flrst-rlnsa furnltur. In cluding a $450 ptnno; modern houe. rent $40; income pays rent. Owner sick; mut be 10M, and all fnr fH-H). ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Res'tors, 405- PunnmA MMir . mtM A Mt MODERN BUNGALOW APRIL 1. Seven real rooms, p;ng porch, breakfast nook, hardwood Loom, n dlantflre, French door" and wnninm, built-lne with mirrors, wh'.re enamel"!. beauty and complete; r.rage; re;r'-Ta d Strict. $.V Ph'.ne Won.i--n $49 3 Nil E L V (tii'in.-iii-d 1 hi 1 1 1 , pi l ' a bath, garage optional. Last S2). um Eant AMr. Houses for It n r I iimliwrr for I'ale. YOU CAN make your rnt and $20 addi tional; a wonderful opport unit y for newly married couple; attractive 6-roon flat, newly and a"-t!MicHny firnih-(, fireplace, ail modern con vn ien". ex ceptions lly nice neighborhood : wh aldev, walking dwtanre. price $lrt.'0. Phone owner. Marshal! 1 790, BEST buy in city. If you wmii to liv cloao in on Grand ave., 5-room hons for ront, furniture for an le. Cnml qun lit v,:j reasonable price, dnnrly place to k-p ! boarders. Good garden spot. $12.1 cash. K. 73 K9. BAROAIN Furniture of 7-room houwe, all first-claa- light oak and ivory nM; prlr $550, terms $150 cash; close In, wt-st aide. 13th; house rent $3U. Marshall 1799. 9-ROOM t.Ht. rooms all r-nt.; over- atuffed davenport and chairs; extra rM mattress, woo blanket-; verv at t rn.t ! v place. For particular peop'e; furnace het; $120: terms. Main TV COMPLETELY f urniahed 9 rooms O apta. ) for aala ; good furniture Rooma pay rent. Lovely home. Ideal location. Reasonable. No a gents. 567 EverM t FOR RENT Cheap store building. u d as a confectionery and restaurant, with hall upstairs with 1 pool and 1 billiard tabU. Call Broadway 1443 FOR RENT 4-room houftn. $20; furmtura for sale; owner leaving city. Call be tween 10 A- M nfI r- M 1 r,ytm tage place, 2d at., between Hall and Lin ro!n. FURNITURE and p'ano of 5-room house for aale cheap, might give terms; nous for rent. 414 Harrison, corner lith at West side, ensv walking rl1t;infe, ROOMS furnltura for snl. 8-roorn bou-e for rent If desired. 5009 07th at. S. IX Auto. 641-04. UPHOlSTERI0D oak furnltur. new rur two; 6-rontn bungalow lor rent. $J 370 M on me. nar Union 6- ROOM ho usa for rtit. $25 ; f urnli ur f -r !nla, all or part; walking distance. Main 2032. WEST SIDE Furniture of six-mom mod ern house, all or partly furnished; ri sonable: close In ; rent $45. Main 247. GOOD furniture, nice horn place, walk ing distance, cheap. 615 Overton street. After 12. . 6-ROO M house. good furnltura. clean reasonable rnt, good, location. (Ml Kearney at., cor. 21 t. 12 ROOMS and garage, w-st aide. 8 year lease; will take car aa part payment: in come $350. fall in pTson, 65 N. 2?-1 st. 6-ROOM FLAT, rent $30, furniture for sale. Main 1639. vrnisilli:s of n m house for sale. Mar. 2493. 2m Harrison st. COMFORT A P.LY furnished 4-room flat. piano: $35. Marshall 32. Plorea and Ttiwlnesa fMwrea. 65.000 PEOPLE every day paaa a store at 279 Hawthorne ave. now for rent. Phone owner, Broadway 6586. STOREROOM. Oak atreet, near S!nth; brlfk bMr.. a good location for broker, manufacturer agent or financial business; reasonable rent A. U. BrRTtET.L-C.TLL CO., ?! V. W. Patik Tl!de Mar. 4 114 WARKimrSK SPACK TO I.KS. 10 OO0 aq. ft, fireproof hiill.l'ng near Grand ave. on east aide; will give Ion lease, reasonable rent R tC S RACK CO . "07. a Conch P'rltr. proa-lwa 4 4" -STORY nnd basement, brick bldg, 5nt ion located at 4th and Couch; itnm heat, vault and elevntoT: available Mav I; good for wholesale or JobMnr busi ness; lease as desired. J. F. Ftaver, Miclepv Mdg. FOR RENT 100xl0t lu brick anil cn rw building, one of- the best e!o-e-ln esat sfn location: will leF to resron1b rnrty: will be available April IV P Mr. MaTkham, corner Union and Fan Belmont. .. 2-STOUY buildlttr. .VtxIOO. 1 near Washington st ; h and good elevator: good bile fnctorv or milk depot. a led at ?rM. at unlr-sroom for autoTno J. F. Stnvrr. M.iclenv bldg. PI-WIIUHI KtTYrtom in new brick hu-n-tTiir on 5rh and Snlv bld. good for mll'llnerv. hoautv pnrlnr. florWi. home bik-rv and riv'l'-nt tserw tailor, etc. He owner M '.v"7 3d at 2D F Loo ll, downtown corner mjl.d . nr. for lease; sp'endM location for rnanV lines or billiard hall. etc. AM r.nft, t r-tnl.in - BUST NESS room. lx5. at K ' 10th . between Wn-hlngtrn and Alder; a vry desirable location for high -class trad-. r!l Main 49. SPACE In Rupert warehouse at Fast ?i and Tnvlor; common iifwr track; wl'l lease ail or part of main floor. J. F. Ptnver. Maclnay Mdg. FOR RENT. Downtown bualnewi locations for ahoea. clothing, soda fountain. Tight lunch . etc. P r oa w : t v 5 OIL DESK room. ploTity of apace, phone, light, heat, large show window, outside algn, apace, corner room, ground floor. Bdwy. 123 5. WILL LEASE Lot owner will buim nric n building. 00x011 cor., cms- in on Broadway, suited for grocery and meat market. Knft 6777. STOKE room. 10(tx H'0. S. K. corner Ka( Morrison and I nir-i; win rs-- ct m term of yea-a. Siroii & Co.. 606 Cham. of Comm-rcp. STOREROOM f rent In the heart f Aider St.. bet. 3d and If 525 Orogonliin. business sect mi 5th. 23x75 fee HAVE 50x I'M) on V. for storage or shop able terms .VM'-f-" 14th St.. will biiiid on lense at reaon A X" 40 5. Oregon 1 n n. ROOM, auUable for offire or sn. all manu facturing at Second and Morriaon. for $15. Marsh a 11 2M6. FI N E an bur ban loca 1 1 in for small hard ware, paints nnd wall paper; rent $25. Broadway 0267 Sundays. ST illES Corner 1 1 ' h and Wash, for re r, t. Owner. Hdwv. 2313 ate . FOR DESIRA lil.K p-ce ;n fireproof mtr house, phirif Broadway 8715. 5-ROOM fiat for rent, furniture for aale. 224 M E. 1st. No Sundav. FINK store spice wlin ,Vn ern ant. 272 W'Klamsa' furn, K :tst STOKE. 2 stenm h 6.1 iit. , with buaeiiii-iit Ljx.V.) ftl 7 Union ave. N". A STORE with living room. 4 c 1 o se to Union; r x v t-1 lent J o EAST SIDE a!o:e building f-r Chamber of Commerce. rnt. 1H5 Office. DEN TAL office- for rout . modern building In center of business district If you at looking for apace tnat la exirn gmd tis will plenso you. S 411. Oregonian. OFFICE apuee, choi' iiitwnli-w 11 bl'U . $UJ up. Also many aior.-a. cimi' in. red cboan. Kd Diamond. 43! 'h n of lVnL. GROUND floor olr'ie--, wih van.:, in U way Etcnange oiog . on Mhtr at. Appiy room 312 P. ail wit v L'xc h .trigc OFFICES for rent, com U. mi t iuo of n, loth and 4 and 0 rooms, rlieuntr bidg, Wash st DEiKl RABLE private offic room w.t'i phone a' r vie amd w al r lng -ri.rn pri w- U'ge; p rjvnie entrant -e. 1 v. 4 1 72 FINE office apace In modern but iu ng. ground f loor. dak furnished if de aired. Call 230 S'ark st LARGE room, face t(I) o way; also storage spa 86M, Broadway. Welch. t k, nut-' r lir.n.i -o arionil f.oor. FURNISHED of ice for rent. $18 pT month. Apply Mr Frost, 311 Henry bldg., or 327 Oak St. DESK room, phon aired ; reaeonabli si-no. Mar. service Mlfl. CHI RO PR ACTOR wants anot her office. Tabor Tks. DESK ruom with tl phone ami tienu g 1 a p hie s Trice. p h m- 1 ' d w y 371 5. FRONT office. modern. In 11 itlway Ex- change nidg. Apply PRIVATE office with or without rec. pun room. $15 up. Stock Exchange bklg. ufTVc"ks foiTret." geklingkh v-!" FOR RENT Small 416 Chamber of ric- lo pri.ite teree bldg. DEMKABi-E phone gervlr f 1 on : BA RGA1 N OH ic. tor rent. Xuruuure fur al. Phone 5-ti-li,