T1TE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 12, 1923 DON'T RUSH ABOUT WILDLY AND LOSE BEAUTY, IS EXPFRT S ADVICE TO WOMEN Why the Hurry? Why the Worry? Why the Pained and Strained Expression? Faces Were Not Designed to Look Like That, Is What Antoinette Donnelly Has to Say. - ' ' Everybody's doing it. Doing -what? rturryinp! Scurrying! Rushing madly somewhere! Rushing madly nowhere! But rushing, rushing, rushing right along! "Haven't time! Haven't time!" '8 the chorus they're all singing. Haven't tune to go to bed! Haven't time to rest my head! Haven't time for any play. No. Not today! No. Not today! Have an offul lot to do. . Keep me going the whole day, too. Haven't time to read or write. Hardly time to take a bite. I've got so terribly much to do Ton't know how I'll ever get through. Every day it's the same old story, BY ANTOINETTE DONELLT. AND every day it's the same to morry! But what's all the hurry about? Why the hurry? Why the worry? Why the strained and pained expressions? Faces were not designed to look- like that. Bodies were not intended to run on high every day and all day. How about turning this into inven tory day? Taking stock of energy ex pended, energy saved, and the debit a system you naturally do what you can that day and let the rest go over until the next, eliminating the unnec- efisaries as you go along. It's All In the System. Into this systematic day you must inject the observance of health and beauty rules. ,Just take the morning bath, as an example. This habit alone will do wonders toward getting you into a perfect frame of mind and body for the day ahead. At the same time it is beautifiying and. after all., this whole system idea of mine is more healthy and beauty success for you than financial. Brushiing the teeth after each meal, brushiing the hair at night before retiring nothing will keep it more beautiful and healthy getting some form of exercise daily these things all belong in the day of the woman who is systematic. The woman who is always rushing and hurying never has time to cold cream her face at night; more often than not she slides into bed without washing her face, much less taking a bath: she brushes her hair just before it is shampooed to get the snarls out. and credit, after these days and days, She hasn't time for any of the nice de- of rushing madly hither and yon? How about talking business etraighrt, , hardheaded ' business -to yourself? Make out a report for your own benefit as to just what you have lost in this scatter brained, unsystem atic process of life of yours, what you have gained, if anything. Figure it out like a sane business man, sub tracting fully for deterioration. Fig uro further what the end of one year five or ten years will be at this rapid rate of deterioration. Striking; a Balance. And then add it all up and face yov.reelf in the mirror as you are or as you will be at the end of a given time. - Put dowii on the debit side: Wrin kles due to the unrelenting hurry dentin; irritation over trifling inci dents en route; loss of temper, ac- count insufficient sleep; worries over ridiculously petty things; set, tense expression due to lack of play in your life; gradually lowering vitality, due to the entire combination- of foolish ness and what have you got? If a business man had as many deficits as that he'd shut up shop and walk out. Well, suppose you do that today. Walk a couple of miles and walk back In again, willing to start this -health and beauty business of yours all over again, from an entirely dif ferent standpoint. Early to Bed. First, you must let yourself down. How to do that? Sleep more. Get to bed earlier at night. Force yourself to do it, if necessary. If you've been a tinger in the "hurry u,f" chorus you'll need a whole lot of sleep. Take one whole day off a month for no other purpose than to lie abed. Make It Sunday, if no other day is available. Go to church, if that is your most ex cellent habit. Come home, and the rest of the day is yours. Use it for sleep and rest. The whole trouble with the hurrier Is lack of system in her life. The dif ference between the people who really occomplish big things, and hold to their youth and beauty is in the sys tem in their lives. Here's where we women fail; why more of us are not done in oils for the halls of fame. Every big woman who has attained uccess has done it by conserving her energy for the big things and wast ing nothing on fruitless, footless rush ing about. Not that she excludes play! No, indeed. She provides for that as a necessary part of her upkeep. When you seek an interview with her, she has the time to give it and give it leisurely. She does not greet you with: "O, I haven't time!" Why? And Early to Rise. She begins her day in the morning. Not at 10:30. nor at 12. She begins it the night before, in fact, by getting a full quota of sleep. And I'm not epeaking of the woman out in the business world alone. The successful nome woman applies the same bust-1 1 ness tactics to her life. She is the i woman with a whole brood of chil- j dren, perhaps, with time for their care and outside interests as well who mayhap lives next door to the mother of one cir none and who never I has time for anything. "It's all in getting up in the morn ing." said one of these lovely women. ' "It's planning your day and beginning ' it right. Then there's no need for hurry or worry. It's the only way to keep up with yourself. Then you have time for your friends, and what ' would life be without them? You have I time to read. You have time for pleas- ; tire. If it is true you get out of life j what you put into it, you must put i system into it to get success back." The whole thing boils itself down to j taking life more easily. Only by sys-! tematiziing the day can this be done. J The hurried, tense, nervous, irritable woman with a face to match has no 1 11 system. The placid, well poised, ami- ! If tails that distinguish her prettier sister, she hasn't time to improve her mind by reading, she hasn't time to cultivate interests that give her a fresh outlook a'hd' keep youth in her heart. It's all in the system, I repeat, all in the system. You have the same 24 hours to establish as fine a living system as the next woman, And you have no more reason to be time tied than she has. BEAUTY ANSWERS. Mede: Think I will have to start a hairbrushing coitest one of these day to inspire the more general use of the ' hairbrush and -incidentally patch up a whdle lot of differences between departing hairs and careless scalps. The brushing is exercise for the scalp, and at the same time it cleanses.it of dust and grime and dirt from which Springs all manner of hair troubles. So get out the hair brush tonight and apply it for five good round full minutes, and again in the morning,- and keep that up for one solid month.. Mrs. P. B. : I will give you two waist exercises right away quickly, so you won't have the excuse of not knowing what to do another minute. Stand with right foot forward about a yard, hands raised above head; take a deep breath; then slowly bring hands to toes of extended foot, exhaling as 'you- go down. Keep left leg straight. and bend right slightly. Do this three times: then reverse, extending left foot; repeat three times. Gradually in crease to ten times each. Then do this movement: Keep feet firmly on floor about 20 inches apart, hands over head; take a deep breath; then turn to right from hips up. Swing hands down with vim, and touch the floor with left hand as near the right heel as you can make it. Reverse, trying to touch right hand to left heel. Gradually increase from day to day until you can do this 10,- 15 or by the t end of the month 20 times, j C. K. : I am sorry, but I cannot rec- ommend any proprietary article in these columns nor in my personal mail. However, I have some informa tion on care of fhe scalp and hair which I feel sure will be of invalui able assistance to you, and which you are quite welcome to in return for a stamped addressed envelope. j K. R. T.: The shape of one's lips cannot be changed much after one has I attained full growth, unless their un-j shapeliness is due" to irregularities of 'I the teeth which dental surgery may correct, or to the practice of keeping the corners of the mouth up in a smile ' in place of the downward drooping; effect worn on so many unhappy' looking faces.' Editha: Lime water is a good mouth . rinse; in fact, one of the best. Pour I a little of it into a glass and, taking j some in me inuuiu, luiue miuuga luc i teeth. . Distressed. The juice of a raw to mato will remove fruit stains from the nails. A solution of acetic acid and j rose water, one part of the former and 16 parts of the latter, is a good thing to remove stains fromvthe nails, ! too, or powdered pumice stone and peroxide will do it. Anxious. Why are some folks so nice and plump and you so painfully angular? Why are some folks blonde and some branette and some red headed? Just born to curves or angles, as a rule. Some avoid the curves by an eye on the diet, and some encour age angles by avoiding the foods they should partake heartily of. To fatten the arms and legs you have to fatten all over. First thing, get ten hours' sleep. Then remember thin people re quire a'n abundant supply of energy food or fuel foods, fats, sugars, starches. Butter and oil are the best fats, as they are less likely to dis turb the digestion. Your problem is to secure the largest number of cal ories in the most digestible form. Wouldn't you like me to send you a little pamphlet giving -a couple of diets for skinny folks, from which you can get ideas for other menus? It contains a list of the fattening foods and other information. Too long to print here. Send s. a. e. Inquirer. A certain amount of pro tein is absolutely necessary. It may be reduced for a few days to little or nothing without harm, yet deprived of protein for long the body will waste away. On the other hand, a common error of diet consists in us ing too much protein. This excessive proportion is due to the extensive use of eggs and meat, which are high in protein. Most ordinary foods contain more or less of it. Milk' should not be taken between meals merely to quench thirst, because it induces over weight, unless, of course, you want to fill out. Sufferer. Just have a letter on my desk from a woman who tried this corn remedy after trying everything else (read like a patent medicine ad, eh?) and she vouches for its corn chasing ability. Extract of cannabis indica, 15 grains; salicylic acid, 1 dram; flexible collodion, 1 ounce. Mix well and apply -with a tiny brush. Repeat every night until "there ain't any more corn." Worried. If your hair is not natu rally inclined to curl, trying to retain a marcel in hot weather is discour aging. It just has to be done oftener. There must be a natural curl in the hair to take the water wave well at nil. It's just one of the weather dis comforts we have to put up with. Be thankful it isn't a worse one. Aida. To apply the egg astringent does not' require outside acid. Cleanse the face with a good cold cream; wipe off, and when the skin is dry apply the white of the egg with a dry bristle brush. ' Let the white dry, and then apply a coating of the yolk of the egg. When dried thoroughly, rinse with cold water. Send s. a. e. for the shampoo directions and the dandruff remedy. KroeMer DAVEN-O In-visible Bed Room Two Carloads air iiroenier ed-uaveiiDorts Go on Sale Tomorrow Special Prices Special Terms The most extraordinary sale of "Kroehler" bed davenports starts at Powers tomorrow morning when two carloads of these famous davenport beds will be offered for selec tion a,t low prices and on special terms of credit. This will be bed-davenport week, with scores of beautiful styles to select from. An Added Room and Subtracted Rent That is what the "Kroehler" bed davenport means a beautiful piece of furniture by day and a wonderfully comfortable full-sized bed by night. This is one of the most remarkable sales we have announced, and with the . low prices and excep tionally attractive terms it is well worth the attention of every Portland housewife. It Is a Double-Purpose Davenport By day it is a luxurious, beautiful piece of living room furniture. By night it is a wonderfully comfortable full-sized bed. It gives all the cam fort that a spacious, airy sleeping room can af ford in the same floor space that .by day is a living room. The "Kroehler" takes the place of an added room and subtracts from the family budget the extra rental which that room would cost. $1.00 Delivers Your "Kroehler" $1.00 Delivers Your "Kroehler" f quality! r V $1.00 Delivers Your "Kroehler" The Girls' Polytechnic School Chorus of 125 in Concert Today at Public Auditorium at 3 P .M. ' ; ; i ill Jitx mgssmkQSJniStrzf or n iGcer To meet the demand of the modern American home for furnishings that are most colorful that provide greater comfort and that make possible the most unusual degree of harmony in home furnishings, we are featuring a wonderful showing of all the new things in wicker furniture. Wicker furniture is especially attractive in the living room or sunroom, where its soft, restful colors seem to bring a breath of the great out-of-doors into the home itself. Come in and see this special exhibit note the beautiful finishes in fibre, reed and willow the coverings in cretonnes and tapestries are wonderful. - $14.75 willow chairs in old ivory flQ Qf finish at ........... DO.IU $30.50 ivory arm rockers cov- flJOl QK ered in cretonne at Di-iX.OeJ $19.75 reed chairs in ivory and (PI OIK cretonne for... . . . iDXfci.At) Extra Special Numbers for the Week $39.50 willow chairs in frosted (PO? rrr brown, covered in cretonne, at Di0.4 O $59.75 reed davenport table in (IMO KA ivory for DiU0j $38.75 fibre chairs, ' rockers, frosted brown, tapestry seats $41.50 oval-top tables in low, finished in ivory, at.. $37.25 chairs or rockers frosted copper at $29.75 $24.15. in $24.60 $84.75 fibre davenport, frosted CJCQ Krt brown with cretonne cushions. DOttiU A Large Showing of Odd Size Rugs in Brussels Axminsters This big carpet department of ours not only carries a complete stock of rugs in the regu lar room sizes, but also shows a big assort ment of rugs in the odd sizes for folks who have large rooms to cover. We show at pres ent exceptionally good numbers in Brussels and Axminster in the following sizes: 9x9, 9x15, 10.6x13.6, 11.3x12, 11.3x15, 12x15. $1.75 Inlaid Linoleum $ 1 .4-3 Your choice of four good patterns in this extra heavy grade. Powers Will Deliver I ' . r i 3 Any Phonograph Up to $150 for $5.00 Cash BRUNSWICK VICTROLA Why buy a phonograph of unknown make when you can take your choice of two of the world's best machines and buy them on such easy terms of credit? The Brunswick and VictJoIa are guaranteed by both the maker and ourselves, then you take no chance whatever when either is purchased at this store. Our special personal service means a lot to you, too. Leopold Godowsky, Master Pianist, Plays Exclusively for the Brunswick Hear Him at the Heilig Wednesday Here are a few of his records you can buy at Powers: Rustle of Spring Marche Militairc Kamennoi 0trdw Waltz in C Sharp Minor Witch's Dance Impromptu in A Flat Splendid Queen Anne Dining Chairs $8.90 If vou have planned on buying a new set of. dining chairs to match up with vour table, here is an offer that is extraordinary. Dining chairs almost ' identical to illustration in either th walnut or mahoaranv fin ish, with your choice of either brown or blue leather, can be had at this low price. Our dining-chair showing at this time is very complete and many other late patterns are offered. New Pattern Queen Anne Dining Tables $39.75 Desirable because of the. unusual shape of the top and the curve of the gracefully designed legs. This table is suitable alike for the apart ment or home for the reason that it is just the right size for either of them. We offer it in both the walnut and mahogany finishes at a price a great deal less than you would ordinarily have to pay. Scores of other period tables on show up to $150. i Mb t IflfTi lTTf1t"fc;J1ll Wit It'll JMMB Three Excellent Patterns in Davenport Tables for Less Good tables you will like because they are rightly constructed and rightly priced. $33.50 mahogany davenport (COyl table, Queen Anne design.... I O .$49.75 72-inch davenport table COI K A in mahogany at... tDO.tJl $86.50 Queen Anne davenport flJKQ table, a splendid number, at. . DOUmOJ A Real Felt Mattress for $13.40 Ordinarily this mattress would sell for $18.75. It is put up in a splen did art tick with imperial four-row stitched edge and De Luxe hand tufting. It contains 50 pounds of layer felt cotton, making a mat tress which is both durable and comfortable. Come in tomorrow and make your selection. We will gladly extend terms if desired. Easy Credit Terms on Reed Carriages Baby's new carriage must be a good one just the best that you can buy.. We are helping materially this week in a new showing and with special prices. Corduroy-lined reed carriage with roll hood, choice of grey or ivory enamels, special at. Grey or ivory enamel reed sulkies with reed hood and reclining backr choice of the newest finishes. Spe- flJOQ (ifZ cial at DdOJO Folding sulkies with reclining backs fit ted with hood and comfort- (PQ QfT able springs, special at...... ti50.7tl Seamless Brussels Rugs $28.75 Values Up to $37.50 48 new patterns of heavy seamless 9x12 Brus sels rugs have just reached us and have been marked' at a special price for this six days' sale. These new rugs are shown in patterns suitable for almost any room in a home and are really unusual values at the special price asked. ' IMS The Very Newest Curtain Materials $39.50 hoc iscrims ana voues in wnae, cream and ecru, width 3b inches. Spe cial,' yard at 23c 65c Cream madras with blue, yel'ovr, pink and green designs suitable CO for chamber use. Special, yard. OoC $2.50 Sundour cloth in six colors, suit able for living or dining-room Q1 f( drapes, 50 inches wide; yard. wll)J oi.l attractive woman has. Tf vnn i&t ' re