The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 12, 1922, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 70

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Dr. Richard La Rue Swain Heralded as a Philosopher and Scholarly Revivalist Deep Problems of -Religious Experience to Be Discussed.
who is to conduct an evangelis
tic campaign for the Congrega
tionalists of Portland and vicinity
March 19 to 24, is said to be a new
kind of evangelist.
"He meets the old need in a new
way," say those who have heard him.
. "He is a philosopher-evangelist; he
;. is the scholarly revivalist. He has
the spirit of an evangelist, but his
work is highly specialized. His ser
. mons are specially for those who are
perplexed. His messages are for
those who are in doubt. He doesn't
ask people to hit the trail; he m--vltes
them to ask questions. And his
answers radiate light. Puzzles un
tagle as he talks in his direct, attrac-
tive fashion. It all sounds amazingly
simple, but back of the simplicity is
... years of patient, persevering study
' and the frankest, most straightfor
ward thinking."
"" Dr. Swain is doing something that
..has not been done before. Rector
Dewart of the Trinity Episcopal
church of Winchester, Mass, said:
Dr, Swain is doing the most notable
work that I know of being done
" today. Lyman Abbott says: "Dr.
Swain has the knack of putting the
"profoundest truths , in the simplest
- and most vivid language." For years
he has been the pastor of college
town churches and he has had a large
- experience in dealing with the skep
tic in the colleges. He embodied
- what he learned in tnus wresuun.
with the students' doubts in a re
markable book entitled "What and
Where Is God?" This, in the opinion
of many, was easily the most notable
religious book of last year. The
book has been translated into French
and German, and among churchmen
has been much discussed. It dis-
-cusses all the deep problems of re
ligious experience in a most popular
A." O. Whitcomb, Harry R. Wake
man, Rev. A- J. Sullens. O: B. Riddle,
J. D. Ripley and Dr. W. T. McElveen
compose the committee having the
meetings in charge.
The meetings will be held at the
First Congregational church.
Plans are going forward with dis
patch for the evangelistic meetings
to be held here by Rev. George Wood
Anderson under the auspices of the
Methodist Episcopal churches of this
city, beginning March 30. The taber
nacle for these meetings will be
erected by volunteer labor, which is
to be recruited from the co-operating
Work on the tabernacle will begin
March 20. it has Just been announced.
Meals will be served on the grounds
by the ladies' aid societies of the
Plans for the building -are in the
hands of De Young & Roald, archi
tects. The site is East Second and
Third on Irving street.
The officers of the executive com
mittee are:
Honorary chairman. Bishop ShepareL
Genera) chairman W. W. Youngson.
Vice-cnairman, A. R. Maclean.
Secretary. H. L. German.
Treasurer, C. W. DeGraff.
The. chairmen of sub-committees
responsible for crusade business de
tails are:
Prayer meeting committee, K. I Wells;
publicity, A. L. Howartn; iinance. v.narie
MacCaughey: entertainment, Isaao "Warins;
'business men's, J. R- Ellison; men's Bible
"class. O. V. Badley; women's Bible class.
- llrs. James McKenzle; young folks, Mil-
- ered Bartholomew; devotional, I. Lester
" Fields; educatiopal. Dr. Edward Laird
-Mills; crusaders, Ralph M. Spellman: j-
tension,' Sam Connell; secretaries, L. B.
. "Alexander; Sunday scnooi, ur. ueorgs o.
Pratt; shop work, James Palmer; trans-
jjortation. W. C. Foertsch: ushers. C. I.
Minton; nursery, Mrs. H. K. Miller; music.
Walter J. Gill; official board. F. M.
Phelps: building. AV. E. Kloster; Ladies'
"Aid society, Mrs. B. F. Morden; dedica
tion, B. 22. Parker.
The Congregational Brotherhood of
".Ministers of Portland and vicinity
will meet at the First Congregational
Hchurch tomorrow morning at 10:30
o'clock. It will be a book number.
Each pastor will name and report a
I book recently read. The Swain meet
ings will be arranged for.
The regular monthly meeting of
--the Home auxiliiary will be held at
" the. Deaconess' home Friday, March
17. The ladies of First church will
serve the luncheon, for which each
lady is asked to bing one article.
Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, superintendent
of the woman's protective division,
- will speak at 2:15, following the busi-
. ness meeting. AH are invited. Bring
mite boxes.
The Rose City Park Men's Com
munity club will give its monthly
dinner and entertainment at the Rose
City Park Community church Monday
-evening, March 13, at 6:45 P. M.
Dinner will be served promptly at
- the above hour, after which an ex
ceptionally good programme will be
An illustrated lecture on "My Trip
Through Scotland," by Dr. Harold
Bowman, pastor of First Presby-
- terian church: an address by W. H.
; Ross, official orator of the Portland
- Realty board, on "Love of the Home,"
1 and several vocal and violin selec-
tions by Miss Gertrude Hoeber, for-
- inerly of the Ellison-White conserva
; tory, will make up the programme.
New Baptist Pastor Speaks
at White Temple.
Dr. Villers to Preach Sermon at
Both Services.
THE First Baptist church
(White temple) Dr. Thomas J.
Villers. the new pastor, will occupy
the pulpit both this morning and to
right. In the morning at 11 o'clock
he will epeak on the subject, "Won
By One." At 7:45 P. M., his subject
will be "Christ and the Crowd."
Dr. Villers was given a great ova
tion last Sunday. Tonight Dr. Villers
will tell of some incidents of his viist
to the sea of Galilee. There will be
special music, -both by the temple
quartet and the young people's chorus.
Sunday school is at 9:45, young
noopie's meeting at 6:30. and mid
week prayer service Thursday at 7:45
P. M. Every one is welcome at all
services of the church.
At the East Side Baptist church
Rev. Walter Bonwell Hinson will re
Tlme his morning sermons today on
"The Real Lord's Prayer." These ser
mons follow verse by verse the great
prayer of our Lord in John, chapter
17. The associate pastor. Rev. Daniel
Bryant, will take the first 45 min
utes of the night service, which will
Include the musical programme and
his address on "The Psychology of
. Success." Dr. Hinson will take the
service at this point and deliver
his sermon on "The Psychology of
The general theme of this discussion
is "Men How They Succeed." These
popular meetings will be held reg
ularly, a most interesting series of
subjects being on for March. Strong
Bible truth for life's daily needs
characterise these messages.
The orchestra, chorus, and audience
will join in the world's old hymns.
The largest communion service in the
history of the church was held last
Sunday, the occasion of Dr. Hinson's
fifth anniversary. The hand of church
fellowship was given to 40 new mem
bers and at the close of the com
munion service 250 signed the tith
er's league. Fifteen came forward at
the night service. .
The women of the seven circles con
stituting the missionary force of the
church in various sections of Portland,
visited each home represented in the
church this week and left literature. ;
The standard of the church is "Every.i
member a tither," giving 50 per cent
for home and SO er cent for be
nevolent purposes. This latter fund.
which reaches into the thousands, is :
carefully designated and goes direct
to those demonlnational activities at
I home and abroad with which the
church is 'In sympathy. The major
portion goes to missionary work.
A strong Bible course of 12 lee
sons covering the two" gospels of
Mark and Luke is being followed' in
the Bible school. The associate pastor
edits these lessons weekly in advance
in the church calendar, drills the
ceaehers Wednesday night at 6:45
and delivers a brief lecture on the
course Wednesday night. A prelimi
nary to Dr. Hinsbn's mid-week ad
dress. .
The annual convention of the Chris
tian and Missionary Alliance will be
held in the Gospel tabernacle. East
Ninth and East Clay etreets, March
12 to 19, inclusive. Rev. W. W. New
berry, district superintendent and dean
of the Simpson Bible institute at be
at tie; Rev. W. W. Morrison, Everett,
Wash., and Rev. and Mrs. Feldges,
missionaries from Chile, South Amer
ica, will address the convention. To
day Rev. W. II. Feldges, missionary,
will speak at 11 A. M. and 2:30 P. M.
Meetings will be held Monday eve
ning at 7:45; Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday at 2:30 and 7:45
P. M. There will be nomeeting Sat
urday. The Society for Spreading the
Knowledge of True Prayer, as organ-I
ised by F. L. Rawson, has offices at I
405 Fliedner building. The office and j
reading room are open daily from 12
to 4. The class in "Life Understood"
meets Mondays at 8 o'clock. All in
terested persons are invited.
'Paying the Price," Topic
of Dr. McElveen Today.
durations Will Be Answered at the
Congregational Church Tonight.
i t fi AYING the Price," is Dr. ,Mc-
t Elveen's topic at the First Con
gregational church this morning. The
quartet has arranged, a fine musical
setting for this service. Tonight the
Congregational minister win answer
four questions: 1. Are revivals going
out of date? 2. Can anyone earn
1150,000 annually? 3. Do you marry
divorced people? 4. Does the New
Testament forbid women preaching in
churches. Mrs. F. B. Newton will
preface the evening service with a
brief organ recital. ,
Every day the coming week has its
own special meeting. On some days
there are two or three meetings. On
Monday .night the men's brother
hood holds its monthly banquet, and
George Earl Murphy, the new presi
dent, will preside. Thomas J. Taylor,
for 15 years the agent of the United
States government in fighting the
Srug evil, will speak. The Reed col
lege quartet will give a programme
of music. A group of the members of
the women's association, of which
Mrs. Inez Daugherty is the chairman,
will serve the dinner.
On Tuesday night the "Pilgrim
Players," a group of young people of
the First church of histrionic ability,
will repeat an operetta, "The Wind
mills of Holland," the proceeds of
which will be given to the building
fund of the Gilbert hall, which the
First church is erecting in Shaowu,
Wednesday the women's associa
tion will hold an all-day meeting with
luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. At 11:30
o'clock Wednesday Dr. McElveen will
hold his mission study class. The
women are preparing for -a pre-Easter
sale, which will be held on Friday,
April 7, and are busy at their meet
ings, sewing for that social en
deavor. Wednesday evening the church
school board of officers and teachers
will meet in the pastor's study.
On Thursday night Dr. McElveen
will give the third of his Lenten lec
tures. He.wiU compare the teachings
of the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes,
Zealots and other religious groups of
Christ's time with the teachings of
Jesus. On Friday afternoon the pas
tor's preparatory class will meet.
Miss Catherine AVilkinson, regional
director of the girl scouts, will speak
Dneiiy at the cnurcn scnooi session iHia address will treat of the prin
this morning and organize a girl ciples and aims of liberal Christianity,
scout troop after the service. George This morning at 19:30 Rev. William
Cressler and Francis Mulkey are the J q Eliot Jr. win speak on ..Th5 Innr
leaders of the two Endeavor meet- and the 0llter l.. At 12 M Nor.
ings at 30 o clock. man P. Coleman will address th.
Atkinson Memorial Center (Congre
gational church) offers a programme
of services today as follows:
At 11 A. M. the pastor. Rev. E. E.
Flint, will speak on "Repairing Bro
ken Lives." Tonight at 7:30 he will
give the second Sunday night address
on "What I Must Do if I Follow
Jesus." These Sunday night sermons
are illustrated with suitable moving
pictures with musical accompani
ments. The monthly friendship night
has been postponed for one week.
Thursday night Bible study and devo
tional meetings are led by the pastor.
The church is- located on East Everett
street between Twenty-eighth and
Twenty-ninth streets.
Dr. J. J. Staub of the Sunnyside
Congregational church will occupy
his pulpit both morning and evening.
This evening he will preach the first
in a series of sermons on heart-to-heart
talks on topics of practical in
terest, the first being, "Who Is at the
Wheel?" The following two Sunday
evenings he will speak on "The Fly in
Your Ointment," and "Are You Well?"
Appropriate musical selections by the
soloists - and choir will make these
meetings especially interesting. '
Mrs. H. B. Wilbur's missionary cir
cle will meet Tuesday noon at the
residence of Mrs. George M. Hawes,
352 East Forty-sixth street. Miss
Jeanette Gedalius, a Christian Jewess, I
perintendent of a Jewish mission in
San Francisco, -will speak and Miss
Carrie B. Adams, noted composer, will
give missionary song stories.
The regular meeting of the men's
league will occur! Tuesday evening in
the church parlors, when a " pro
gramme will be put on by the Y. W.
C. A. of this city. ,
Thursday evening at the prayer
meeting Dr. Staub will lead in the
study of the ninth chapter of Romans.
At the Pilgrim Congregational
church, corner Shaver street and Mis
souri avenue, James W. Price, pastor,
will preach this morning on "The
Secret of His Abiding" as illustrated
in the importunity of the two disci
ples in constraining their Lord to
tarry with them, following the eight
mile conversation on the road to Em
maus. The Pilgrim chorus, under the
leadership of E. S. Miller, is making
great progress ioils work. The group
meeting at 7:30 will be in, charge of
Hasel Livingstone.
. ;! ill ;ri
if- 3Y
Rev. Mr. Griffis to Preach
on Christian Missions.
Problems ef Personal Faith Are
Nlarat Dlwvinc Subject.
ALTHOUGH absent from his pulpit
t the, First Christian church
last Sunday n account ot illness.
Rev. Harold H. Griff is expects, to
preach today at both morning and
the evening services. In the morning
worship at 11 o'clock the sermon will
be a study in the successes and tri
uraphs of Christian missions, the spe
cific theme being "A Pathfinder In
the JCingdom of God."
lit the evening at 7:45 o'clock Rev,
Mr. Griffis will discuss some of the
problems of personal faith that con
front the modern thinker along re
ligious lines, the subject of the roes
sago being "Three Great rieljjjrious
The church quartet will present a
carefully prepared musical pro
gramme at these services, the spe
cial selections' including the anthem,
"The King of Love' (Bullard); the
offertory solo, "Save Me, O God"
(Randegger), by Mrs. Ethel V. Frei
man, and the soprano-contralto duet,
The .Day Is Ended" (Bartlett), by
Mrs. Freiman and Mrs. Winifred
On Tuesday in the church parlors
the March meeting of the woman's
missionary society will begin with a
missionary luncheon. "Conquering
the Jungles of Africa" will be the
theme of the study immediately fol
lowing the luncheon. Mrs. J. R. Thie
hoff, contralto, will provide appro
priate musical numbers and each
member of the society will respond
to rollcall by brief mention of some
current missionary event.
The pulpit of the East Side Chris
tian church, East Twelfth and Taylor
streets, will be occupied at both of
today's services by the Rev. Walter
Scott Crockett, newly installed pastor
of the church. At XI o'clock Rev.
Mr. Crockett's topic will be "The
Scrapping of the Super-dreadnought
South Dakota." At 7:30 he will speak
on "The Nation-wide Reputation, of
the Y. M. C. A." A reception for Rev.
Mr. Crockett and Mrs. Crockett and
their youngest daughter, Dolores, will
be held at the church Thursday night
under the auspices of all the church
organizations. The elder daughters.
Misses Joy and Lora. will not eome to
Portland until the end of the school
Noted Unitarian Minister
Will Deliver Lecture.
Samuel A. Eliot to Present
Educational Programme.
THE outstanding event of the wsek
at the Church of Our Father UnU
tarian) wi.ll be the public address by
Rev. Samuel A. Eliot, D. D., next Fri
day at 8 P. M. Dr. Eliot, from 1893
to 189S. was minister of the Church of
th kIT'000"' N" T" sinc?.
which time he has been secretary and I
for the last 23 years president of the
American Unitarian association. He
is a member of the United States
board of Indian commissioners, presi
dent of the trustees of Hackley school,
vice-president of the Massachusetts
federation of churches, and -a direc
tor in the Religious Education asso
ciation, and in the international con
gress of free Christians. He is also
on the editorial board of the Hib
bert Journal. He edited the three
volumes, "Heralds of a Liberal
Faith." He has not visited Portland
since 1915, and is now making a fly
ing visit, speaking inth principal
citiesi of the coast in the interest of
the nation-wide Unitarian camnafe-n.
I Men's class. At 6:30 P. M. the Young
People's fraternity will begin the
Epistle to the Galatians, a short
study under the leadership of Mr.
On Monday at 8 P. M. will be held
an important business meeting of the
Portland chapter of the laymen's
league. Oh Wednesday the Women's
alliance will hold an all-day meet
ing in preparation for the rummage
sale which will be held on March 16
and 17.
On Thursday evening at 8 P. M.,
Mr. Eliot will give the third of his
class talks on the subject, "At Deva
and Beyond."
"Substance," Sermon Topic
of Scientist Churches.
Regular Services Will Be Held at
Usual Honrs Today.
I '
UBSTANCE" will be the lesson-
sermon In churches of Christ,
Scientist, today. . ,
Christian Science churches hold
services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.,
Fifth and Seventh churches omitting
the evening service.
Meetings which include testimonies
i ii .h,,h wci aortas a x tl
Sunday school for pupils up to- the
age of 20 is held at 9:45 and 11 In all
churches except Third and Fifth,
where the sessions convene at 9:30
and 11 A. M.
Free public reading rooms are
maintained at 1133 Northwestern
Bank building, 33 North Third street,
133 North Sixth street, near the union
station, and 148 Killingsworth ave
nue, where the Bible and all au
thorized Christian Science literatura
may be read or purchased.
Christian Science churches are lo
cated as followst
. First Nineteenth and Everett streets
Second East Sixth and Holladay avenue
Third East Twelfth and Salmon streets.
Fourth Vancouver avenue and Emerson
Fifth Sixty-second street and Forty
second avenue Southeast
Sixth Pythian temple (formerly Ma
sonic temple). 3SS Yamhill street.
Seventh 403 Smith avenue (St. Johns.
The public is invited to attend the
church services and use the reading:
- - .iff - r7 ?yv; ffi
'-''4 I 'i 1
; ' I
i 1
Work, on the tabernnele for the evangelistic meetings to be nelel nere
beginning March 30 under the nnsplces of the Methodist Episcopal
churches of the city will be started
by DeYoung & Roald, architects,
Jenkins, vrho will lead a large choir,
Anderson, the evangelist.
Lutheran Church Services
Appropriate to Lent.
Members of Our Savior Congrega
tion to Hear Sermon in Aorwe
Klan, LENT is being -observed in. Trinity
Lutheran church with special
services both morning and evening
every Sunday as follows: 10:15 Ger
man. 7:30 English. The church is
situated on Ivy street, corner of
Rodney avenue. J. A. Rienbach is
the pastor.
Lenten communion service will be
observed at Our Savior Lutheran
church this morning. The service
Will be in compliment of the older
members of the church who worship
in the Norwegian language. The
Sunday school is preparing an elab
orate Easter program which will be
given In the church auditorium on
Easter Sunday as a prelude to the
Easter observance. O. K. Bakke and
O. Hagen will atend the . circuit
meeting of the Oregon churches.
March 14-16, as delegates from Our
Savior church.
The Sunday school of the Clay
street Evangelical church will open
at 9:30 A. M. with Superintendent
Keller in the chair. The Sunday
school contest, consisting in an auto
mobile raeefrom San Francisco to
New York is. showing Its fruit in the
addition of new scholars to the school.
Tn tha mArnlnv carvla at 1A1S ha
pastor. Rev. Jacob Stocker. will con-!1
timiA Vi .,i,.it,n. , ,h;
j.aul to the Epheaian8 an1 will speak !
The-Young People's alliance jneeig
at b:dO, followed by the evening
service at 7:30 when the pastor will
speak on "Halting Between Two
Opinions." Friday night, March 17,
at 7:45, Dr. Wherahiho Rawei, edu
cator and lecturer from the American
Samoan islands, mnder the ausp'ces
of the Young People's alliance, will
give a missionary and educational
lecture at the local church. There
will be no admission charge, but a
silver offering will be taken, .the
Hawaiian orchestra will play.
Girls of Pro-Cathedral Will
Feature Meeting.
Holy Communion to Be Observed,
Dean Hicks Officiating.
T St.- Stephen's Pro-Cathedral
(Episcopal) holy communion will
be celebrated at 7:15 A. M., church
school at 9:45 A. M., morning prayer
and sermon at 11 A. M. (Evening
prayer and address is at 7:45 P. M.
All services will be conducted by the
Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, dean of the
The Young People's society will hold
Its regular weekly meeting in the
parish house at 6:30 P. M. It will be
known as "the girls' evening," as all
three sections devotional, business
and educational will be in charge of
the girls. Miss Edna Burton will lead,
Miss Erma Rodda. will crive Kpveral vo-
I cal numbers and Miss Louise M. Hays
I will present the principal talk of the
i evening. i
I .-
During Lent Trinity's mission guild
sews on Mondays, the woman's guild
sews on Wednesdays, altar guild on
Friday morning and woman's auxil
iary on Friday afternoons in the par
ish house.
R. L. Giisan will deliver a lecture,
with views, on "Travel in Mexico and
Central America," next Friday eve
ning in the parish house.
The choir is preparing to sing
Stainer's "Crucifixion" on the night of
Good Friday.
Lenten services will be held Wednes
day and Friday at 4 P. M. in the
Dr. Morrison will preaeh as usual
this morning. Fred Gifford will con
duct the young people's meeting at
6:30 Pi' M. Subject "Immigration and
the Labor Problem."
At St. Mark's Episcopal church.
Twenty-first and Marshall streets, in
addition to the services on the Lent
card, Thursdays during Lent will be
observed as "quiet days," with special
devotions in the chapel after the eu
charists and through the day. The
other special services are Sunday eve
nings with the prayer book study and
Friday evenings with the church his
tory study.
The Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of
St. David's, will preach this morning
on "Mercy, an Attribute of God's
Character," and at night on "How We
Got Our Sacraments," the second of
a series of six Lenten sermons.
The Lenten week day services are:
w iy'-w-t r.A.
March SO. The building, as designed
is nhown nbove. At the left is Walter
and at the right, Rev. George Weed
Tuesday 4:00, evening prayer with
Wednesday 8KH A. M., Eucharist.
Thursday 9:30, communion and .jervice
in behall of the sick. 4:00, evening Prayer.
Friday -7:00, The Eucharist a time
when many business people may come.
$:00, llttany and address.
Saturday 10:00, children's service. 1:30,
confirmation instruction.
Men will meet at the clubhouse on Tues
day night at 8 o'clock for a group dis
cussion and each Tuesday during lent.
Women's - discussion group meets en
Thursday morning at 10:30 right after the
service. Mrs. B. K. Miller is the leader.
Adult confirmation instruction comes
Sunday nights at 6:30. Still time to come
into the class.
Rev. T. M. Mlnard will conduct
both morning and evening services in
the First Divine Science church, 81
East Clay street, near corner Of East
Twenty-fifth. (Hawthorne avenue
car). The topic at 11 o'clock will
be "Spiritual Hunger," at 7:30, "Mov
ing Forward.'' -
Francis Richter commences the
morning organ recital at 10:55.
Thursday at 8 P. M., Rev. Minard will
give the fifth of the series in the
course on "Divine Science."
First United Brethren Folk
Will Have Revivals,
Dr. Clark Will Direct Big
Evangelistic Series,
R. BYRON jr. CLARK will speak
this morning at First United
Brethren church. East Fifteenth and
Morrison streets, on 'This Is That "
and in the evening on "The Great
I ..
rnSaC"OD-. . lt
t The evening, service will witness
the launching of the evangelistic
tion of the pastor, assisted by Evan-
gelist- Champion and Song Leader
Wilson of Ohio. Evangelist Cham
pion will join the force as soon as he
can finish his work at Second church.
Christians of all churches are invit
ed ! to co-operate, and everybody is
invited to attend.
At Second 'United Brethren church
(Alberta), the evangelistic services
will be on at high tide. Last Sunday
was a great day in these meetings.
The morning service witnessed 75 de
cisions from the Sunday school. With
several conversions recorded at the
week night services. The meetings
today will take on peculiar interest
and a great service is expected when
many will join the church,
At Third United Brethren church,
Sixty-seventh street and "Thirty
second avenue S. the pastor. Rev.
E. O. Shepherd, has been sick but is
expected to occupy his pulpit both
morning and evening.
Rev. B. Ross Evans, pastor of
Fourth United Brethren church, at
Tremont station, will apeak this
morning on "What Do You Think?"
and in the evening on "The True Test
of Discipleship."
At the Salvation , Army No.' 4
corps, headquarters at 128H First
street, services will be conducted at
11 A. M., S and 8 P. M. by Ensign T.
Bloss, manager ' for Salvation Army
state campaigns. Sunday school at
1:30 P. M. Young People's legion at
6 P. M.
The First Spiritualist church, East
Seventh and Hassalo streets, holds
meetings every Sunday at 3 and 8 P.
M. There will be a short conference
meeting in the afternoon- followed by
messages. The evening address will
be given by J. Willard Hills on the
subject of "Is Spiritualism Humani
tarianism?" Messages will be given
by Mr. and Mrs. Hills, Mrs. Downes,
Mrs. McCully, Mrs. Anna Snyder ami
other mediums. "Grand circle night"
is held' every Wednesday evening, at
which time mediums hold message cir
cles, the proceeds of which go to the
benefit of "the church. '
Fred Lockley Will Speak
at Y. M. C. A. Today.
"Lifters and Leasers" Will Be the
Subject at 3:30 in Auditorium.
FRED LOCKLEY will be the speaker
in the Sunday afternoon meeting
in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium at 3:34
o'clock. His subject will be "Lifters
and Leaners."
Special music has been arranged
under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
department of social and religious
work, of which James W. Palmer Is
executive secretary. Vocal and in
strumental music is on the pro
gramme. The Sunday afteVnoon meetings are
popular. Large audiences of young
men hear the addresses on social and
religious problems.
ivf3 1 -
: ... . -
Dr. Bowman to Speak on
Fourth Commandment.
First Presbyterian Pastor to Pre
side at Both Services Today.
A T THE First Presbyterian church.
Xx corner of .Twelfth and Alder
streets, th pastor, Rev. Harold Leon
ard Bowman, D. D will preach morn-
Ins and evening. At the morning
service his theme will be "A Bab
bath Day's Journey: The Fourth
Commandment," and this evening
"The Bible and Literature." which is
the second sermon in the -series on
"The Dynamic Bible." The choir di
rector. Otto Wedemeyer, is to sing
the offertory solo, "Draw Near. All
Te People," from-"Eli jah" (Mendels
sohn), this morning.
Tuesday Is missionary day at the
church, beginning with the regular
meeting' of the Woman's Missionary
society in the chapel at 2:30 P. M.
Mrs. Boudinot Seeley is to conduct
the devotional service. A play writ
ten by the president, Mrs. B. A.
Thaxter, entitled "The Call." will be
given by the Irvington study "class
and others. Circle S will be hostess
for the afternoon. At 7:45 P. M. the
evening auxiliary will meet in room
A. Miss Kate Protsman has prepared
an interesting programme for this
meeting. Mrs. I. M. -Walker will con
duct the devotional service and Mrs.
W. Zimmerman will sing. Dr. J.
Hunter Wells, who was formerly a
missionary in Corea, will give an
illustrated talk on that country. All
Jhe women of the congregation are
invited to attend either or both of
these meetings.
The men's club will meet at 8 P. M.
Tuesday. Chief of Police Jenkins
and the chief of the bureau of police
records will be speakers.
Friday night at 6:30 the San Orael
Christian Endeavor society will hold
their annual banquet with installation
of officers in the banquet room of the
church house.
For the nextfew weeks preceding
tne master communion service ur.
Bowman will conduct classes for boys
and girls who should face the Chris
tian decision and those who are al
ready church members, but feel the
need of further study in the Christian
belief. The class for boys will be
held on1 Tuesday afternoons at 4:15
and the one for girls Wednesday
afternoons at 4:15.
The Central Presbyterian church
will make its every-member canvass
for subscriptions, for both current
expenses and benevolences for the
year beginning April 1 this afternoon.
About 60 men will have a part in the
work. These men will all attend the
morning worship and be consecrated
te the task with prayer by the pastor.
Dr. Nugent will occupy his pulpit
both morning and evening. His
morning topic is "Subdue It" and his
evening topic "Which Side Are You
On?" The large chorus, under the
direction of J. William Belcher, will
sing at both services.
The Sunday school will present at
Easter the pageant, "The Dawning,"
under the direction of Mrs. Nugent,
the director of religious education.
Tha second practice will be held in
the church on Monday evening at
7:30 o'clock.
The central chapter of Westminster
guild will meet on Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Anthony E.
Saul, 674 Maple street. The hostesses
are Mrs. C. V. Hersey and Mrs. E. A.
Nealond. '
Dr. Nugent is conducting a pastor's
communicants' class for all the boys
and girls of the Sunday school who
are not members of the church. The
class meets every Friday afternoon at
4 o'clock.
Westminster Presbyterian church
will have busy weeks before the close
of the fiscal year, March SI. The
every-member canvass for financial
pledges will begin March 19, but def
inite preparations will ' be made
Thursday of this week at a dinner
for the men of the church.
The sermon topic this morning is
"Who Cares for a World's Soul?"
which will be preceded by a sermon
ette to the children on ''Remember
Now Thy Creator." The evening theme
is "Jesus Amongst the Tombs."
The mid-week services Just now are
very popular and the talks by Dr.
Pence on the first chapter of Genesis
are most fascinating and instructive.
March 17 he will discuss "The Third
Creative Day."
, The Young People's society will
have a special musical programme to
nigh.t at 6:30 in the church audito
rium. Rev. J. Francis Morgan of the Pied
mont Presbyterian choir, will take as
his morning topic, "The March of the
Victorious Church" and for the eve
ning topic, "Baptism of Fire." "Today
is to be every member canvass day
and all members of the church arevre
quested to be at home so that the so
licitors may call and take their
pledges for the church year. .
Wednesday afternoon the ladies"
auxiliary will meet in the church par
lors. On Thursday evening at 8 the reg
ular prayer service will be held to
continue the study of Ephesians.
Services will be held in the Millard
avenue Presbyterian church. Seventy
third and Fifty-Fifth avenues South
east at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. The
morning discourse .will be based on
the words "And be not fashioned ac
cording to this world; but be trans
formed by the renewing of your
min-d" (Rom. xii:12). The evening
address will be from the text How
much, then, is a man'of more value
than a sheep?" (Matt. xii:13).
The Warren Bible and Vesper
classes of the First Presbyterian
church are rapidly increasing in num
bers and a proarressive- movement in
Congregation Beth Israel
Twelfth and Main Sts.
Kabbi Jonah B. Wise
Services Friday evening at 8. Sat
urday morning at 10:30. Sunday
morning at 11. Religious school
Sunday morning at 10.
the social activities was manifest Fri
day night when several hundred gath
ered around the banquet table, with
songs and yells full of the spirit of
progress. Dr. Bowman, Rev. N. K.
Tully and Mr. Thaxter encouraged the
members in the work sc well begun
and complimented the officers on the
fine showing of new members, who
were honor guests at the banquet.
Young men and women are invited
to come today to the 4 o'clock sepvlce
in room E, entrance 454 Alder street.
Today is a day of great rejoicing In
Mount Tabor Presbyterian church,
for the congregation will burn its last
mortgage, leaving the church entirely
free from debt. Five years ago the
church had a- debt of til, 000 and paid
annually for interest $549.
The church has an historio brass
urn In which two former mortgages
have burned and in which the last
mortgage will be burned at 11 A. M.
There will be ehort talks by Elder
S. W. Lawrence, W. K. Peery and the
pastor, and a special musical pro
gramme. In the evening there will be a
tereopticon lecture on "The Southern
Rev. Donald W. M. MacCluer will
preach both morning and evening
at Rose City Park Presbyterian
church today, his topic for the morn
ing sermon being "Feeding the
At night "The Temptation of Eve"
will be the first In a series of special
Sunday night sermons by Rev. Mac
Cluer on "The Critical Events of the
World's History."
At a special meeting of the men
Friday night, some 35 or more teams
were organized for the purpose of
making the annual financial canvass
today. It is expected to finish the
work in one day.
Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman of the
First church will give an illustrated
lecture, "My Trip Through Scotland"
at the Men's club dinner Monday
night. Special music will be fur
nished. A most interesting and in
structive programme is anticipated.
At 591 Commercial street, near Stan-
ton, the Independent Biblo Spiritual-
a lecture subiect at 7:4S P. M. todav:
"The Source of Life Understood and
Put to Good Use." On Thursday eve
ning each week a demonstration circle
meeting is held, conducted by the Rev.
Mrs. Ida M. Schorl, pastor.
Rev. J. A. Hultman. gospel singer,
lately of Sweden, will sing at the
Swedish tabernacle, Giisan and North
Seventeenth streets, tonight at 7:30
P. M. and hold a sacred concert at the
tabernacle Tuesday at 7:45 P. M.
There will be no admission, but m. col
lection will be taken.
Dr. Parker Preparing for
Anderson Campaign.
"Look Under the Floor" and "Br
the Skin of His Tee lb," Sermon
B. EARLE PARKER, pastor of
the first Methodist church, is giv
ing much attention these days to the
preparation of the different organiza
tions of the church for active and ef
fective participation in the Anderson
campaign. The relation of the mem
bership to these meetings has been
the key-nte of every address made
to the different organizations of the
church during the past week and
old and young are being lined up for
a share in the campaign. Looking
forward to these meetings Dr. parK-
er win preacn suuuay muiuiwe -"Look
Under the Floor" and at night
on "By the Skin of His Teeth."
Wednesday. March 13, at 2 o clock,
the entire woman membership of the
Ahnreh and others interested sre In
vited by the Woman's association to
a Saint Patrick's luncheon in the so
cial rooms of the church. A free lunch
will be served at 12:15. after which
there will be a surprise programme
!Hnd a social time. .
This Sunday ana tor tne two sunuaj
following, mere win oe an
Epworth league social hour from 5
to 8 o'clock in the Oxford parlors of
the church-to which an young people.
especially st-angers in the city, sre
cordially invited.
This morning at the Rose City Park
Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. C. W.
Huett, the pastor, will speak upon
the theme, "Autnority in nengion.
Dr. Huett will speak at nignt on
The Latest Conceotion of Jesus."
At the Woodlwan Methodist church
the pastor will be assisted by neigh
boring pastors in revival meetings
every night pTent Saturday from
Lift Right Off
Doesn't hurt a bit! A drop of
"Freezone" on a sore, touchy corn
stops that corn from hurting, then
shortly you lift that bothersome corn
right out, root and all. No pain, no
"Freezone" removes
corns, soft corns, corns be
tween the toes and painful cal
luses on bottom of feet. Truly
magic! You'll laugh 1
March li to 88. Evangelist Fred Can!
aday will be soloist and song leadr
and directing genius of this spiritual
This morning the evangelist wl
give the key note address and th I
subject of the evening will be "(Jrest
est Blessing Changed to Crea'.etl
Rev. Robert M. Gatke, pastor of th
amnion Aietnodlst EpIscoDal chnrr
will preach on the following toplrtl
joaay at ii ociock, "Breaking th
allow Ground ; 8:45 p. M., "Tii
Complete Armour."
The Sellwood Methodist chun-h
Keeping pace with all city thouijl
and interests and is planning to It
augurate a series of eperlal ervic
to be known as International
at which times different race grouiil
will be presented with their inerl
sages, air. Phelps will speak th:
"I mil iruni w nat i nunc Ye e
Christ, Whose Son Is He?" and In tl
evening irom "Js Christian Sclent
Christian or Scientific?"
"A Christian" will bn the subjetl
oi too ev. ii sutton Mace's scrino
mis morning at the II o'clock eervir
in tne (junton-Kell v Mpmnrlai mh
cdlst Episcopal church on
East Fortieth streets. Soloists and or!
onesxra win assist In making thl
eervice a most helpful one. Mi l
Merlon Thomson will lead in the drl
votionai hour of the Epworth loagu i
xne inree oivisions of the Hib
sonooi convene at 9:45 A. M. W. 11
da.wa.eiey is superintendent.
Services at the Lincoln Mrthodi-I
cnurcn. corner Last Klfty-secoud aril
Lincoln streets, will be held toda
at 11 o'clock. "Tho Wages of Sin an
me tint or God." and t 7:30 P. X
Ltoet opportunity." Both service
wiu do evangelistic. The pastor. Rex
w. J. nyars, will speak t boi
Dr. Charles MacCaughey will spca
this mornlnr on "The Need nt f i
Hour" at Centenary-Wilbur Method!;!
. uio jiikiii r I VII
iur. Wherahiko Kawel, native of Ne
...and: wlU 'vn address in "Lill
in the Saraoan Islands."
At the Vancouver avenue Norwrl
gian-oanlsh Methodist church, Vsi
couver avenue and Skldmore treH
services will be held both mornin
and night. The Rev. P. M. Prterst
of Chicago, 111., editor of tho "ISvat
seuBt iiaenue," church paper.
preacn at 3! A. M. and 3 1'. M. Tl
artcrnoon meeting will he a unli i
service with the Flrnt NnrweKiat
uanixh Methodist church. The nfitl
service will be at .the west ait!
cnurcn, eighteenth and Hoyt. at
The pulpit of the Mizpah Prcnh
terian church, corner of East Nin
tecnth and Division streets, will 1 1
occupied at both morning and ev
nlng services by the pastor. Rev. B.
Thompson. Ills morning theme w!
be "Our Worldwide Taak." His then
for the evenlnic sermon will be. "Tl
Prophesy of the Pillar of Cloud ai
Fire." The Sunday school serrm
will be given Just prior to the mon
ins sermon and will be followed 1 1
the Junior Chrixtlan Endeavor, whli
is directed by Miss Kathcrlne Walk
and Mrs. Ray Shue.
The Intermediate Society of ttl
Christian Endeavor meeta at 8:45
the lecture room of the rh'weh. Tl
topic Is "Habits. Good and Bail." Tl
leader of the meeting Is Miss All'
Bedrick. AH young people of hirl
. school age are Invited to attend th
The church prayer meeting will
held Thursday evening at 8 o'clor
The topic is "The Story of t!
The annual ronirreaational meetlrl
will be hf Id on Wednesday evrnln
April 5. The ladies of the church w.l
serve a dinner and reports wilj l
given of the year's work.
The Intermediate Society of f
Christian Endeavor held a buxlne j
meeting and social at the home of t
pastor, 450 North Twenty-sixth tre-
on Friday evening. The reports f
the year showed the society in
flourishing condition.
Rev. Guy. F. Phelps will be V,
speaker at the men's resort meetlrl
this afternoon at 4 P. M. O. V. l!a i
ley will also give a short adorers at
a solo entitled A Dream of Paradl
will be sung ty Kay Mcuuiey, fiKt'
by Alice Johnson, pianist. At 7:
Kev. Levi Johnson will continue 1 I
Bible lecture, and on Wednesd.
night at 8 P. M., the young prop
from First United Brethren rhnn
will take over the resort for th
ever inc.
with Fingers
Tiny bottles cost few
cents at any drug store
MM r,