20 TIIE SUNDAY -OREGOXTATT, PORTLAND, SrARCTT Y2, 1022 FOR RENT. Rooms XS'itU Board in private Family. BACHELORS' HOME. Has room and board for business men 15-minute walk to Fifth and Washing ton 24fl EAST SIXTH NORTH. RESIDENT! A I hotel under new manage ment ; large outside rooms with privi lege of rece ption room, wit h piano, ex cel lent hom cookine : rooms without nieela or meetl s wit hou t rooms. 604 Lverett. REAL, home in private famLy for busi ness by professional man. Nicely fur. room with sleeping porch, garage, tele phone, breakfast and Mi inner. All home privileges. Auto. 227-34. LARUK front room with board for 2 peo pie. in Protestant family of adults; ex- cellent meals served ; good heat: plent y of hot water, laundry ' privileges, $65 per month. 651 Hoyt. Bdwy. 2204. ROOM MATE for young man nice part of Rose City, next block to car on Sandy, home comforts with heat, bath, board, washing and mending. For par ticulars, call Tabor 7235. RKF1XKD motherly middle-aged lady, modern home, with 2 lots, would board father and children or children or aged or convalescent people.' References- X ' 3o.r, Oregonian. LARGE sunny room, accommodate two. Prefer working people. Telephone. Every modern convenience, $ 10 per week each. References. 360 East 44 th st. Tabor 3715. DESI R A BLK weli-furnlshed front room, suitable for one or two; no other roomers; meals if desired; references. Main 006 $2o PER MONTH for breakfast, supper and room, with piano privilege; 1 nice room on first floor, suitable for man and wife. 540 E. Ankeny, near 13th. ROOM, board in private family, pleasant room tor 2 men. $3-5 ; us, of living rooms with fireplace, where you can feel at home ne. Bdwy. 3072, or 85 10th st. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, lady, or gentle man of refinement desiring home with Christian family in exclusive neighbor hood phone Main 8503. WEST SIDE, walking distance, 1 single room, clean and warm, best of meals; every home comfort, congenial bunch of young men. 654 Lovejoy. . I.OSE CITY Large corner room, 2 meals if desired, plenty of hot water, use oi home like one of family; garage; 3 in family. Taiior St76. CLEAN. light room, best home cooking; 2 men or man and wife: home privileges, good location, walking distance. Phone Main 5i27. . WILii board and room employed ladies in mv Nob Hill private home : c a. preferred; all conveniences and home privileges. 794 Glisan. Phone Main 3353. NOB HILL, nicely furnished front room with board for 2 gentlemen in a beau tiful home, $70 per month; home privi- . leges. Mar. 3052. BLOCK. N. Washington, bet. 17th and lHth. 2 steam-heated rms. for gentle men, $4 and $5 per wk. ; hot water all times, pnone. quo loucn, nat , upstairs. WIDOW will giv-e mother's care and at tention to little ones in own home; newly 'painted and tinted; near school and canine. V mn. Oregonian. , CLOSE-IN home for young people em ployed. Come and see. Home privi- . r leges. Home cooking. Piano, fireplace, Main 2533. WALKING distance, choice room, meals if desired, furnace heat. bath, phone, just like home. Reasonable rate. East WV2. MOTHER and daughter, aiono. wish two young men to room and board. 264 Stout st. YOUiNK man to room and board, e-mail, congenial family of young people; piano, modern, ciose in. Main WANTED Two gentlemen to board and room in private family, use of piano and all home privileges. Phone East 3812. ROOM and board, 2 fine meals, one $32.50 or two $60. Piano; furnace heat; walk ing distance. 185 E. 13th st. -GOOD board and room. 58.50 week; real home privileges; close in, west side. 320 Montgomery st. Main 5370. SLEEPING room, private bath, private sitting room for 2 men, modern home; board if desired. fieH. 2412. 2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, close In, gas and wood range;, private family. Main 2702. . "WARM, light room in modern home for man, $3 per week. 800 Union ave. N., near Beach. WOMAN who loves children, wants to care for child between 1 and years; will do sewing free. Wood lawn 1091. ROOM and 2 meals for 2 men or women; home comforts; walking distance. East side. East 1880. . NICE, clean, warm, furnished room in a lovely home, with or without board. Also garage. East S835. ROOM and good board, home privileges; 1 or 2 young men preferred. East 1993. 235 E. 15th St. South. 2 PLEASANT rooms, with or without board; home cooking: walking distance; a real home. East 6603 pr 386 Pacific st. FOR GENTLEMAN, attractive front room, modern private home, close in. Main 3792. ROOM and board in a lovely home, con venient location, for couple employed or 2 men. Phone East 8509. 63! E. Couch st. ROOM and board in modern private home, home privileges. 615 Marshall. Bdwy. 1219. BEAUTIFUL home with attractive rooms, excellent meals, all conveniences. Wdln. 331. LARGEs sunny room, suitable for 2, heat, home privileges, west side, walking dis tance. Marshall 618. I ROOM and board for two with private ' family, near Broadway bridge. East 650Wl NEWLY furnished attractive room, ex cellent meals, close in, $35 for 2 or $40 WAR, pleasant ro.. miitable for 2: i" ie cuuMiig, waiKing uisianc. ; a reai r.ome. East 8445. ' MOTHER with daughter wants children to board or parents with children in suburbs. Phone Tabor 2641. 1 ROOM and good home cooking, $30 per month. 121 E. 11th st. Phone East Furnished Apartments. COZY 4-room fiat, clean and neat; walk ing distance. 446 Rodney, corner Tilla- mook. CLEAN, sunny, 2-room apartment. The Estate Apts.. 60 Grand ave. N. Chil dren no objection. East 1384. FURNISHED 2-room and kitchenette, clean, walking distance. 71 Grand ave. N. E. 2939. ATTRACTIVE 2-room apartment and sleeping porch; also rooms. 6S9 Flanders sr. Marshall 2635. 3 ROOMS, private bath, steam heat, phone, very well arranged for 3 or 4 people. Tabor 546. 1027 U Belmont. CARLOT TA COURT, 17TH AND EVERETT. 3-room front mod, apt. Phone 513-25. WANTED Congenial lady to share 3 room apt., reasonable. Apt. 15. Lucille Court LA RGE 3-room furnished apt. with sleep ing porch and bath. Lois Apts., 704 Hoyt. TWO ROOMS well fur., front homey, close in, west side. Clay. Mar. 4194. Lpt., clean. $30. 474 : .M. H. K. apt. Fur. hea$, elec, bath, ?hone, gas and w. range. Private en- ranee, central. $30. 4 1 5 Broadway. THE MARLBOROUGH. A niceiy furnished 5-room aoartment. a!l outside rooms, with piano. Main 7516. ; ROOMS and sleeping porch, unfur nished, modern apt. Buck apts. 107 N, 21st st. i 2-ROOM, with sleeping porch, housekeep ing rooms, clean and reasonable. Elmer Apt s. . 95 1 X. 13th st. -VUGifi 3-room basement apt., i2tfc st. $35. 35i NICE, clean 3-room apt. for rent; partly furnished. 1051 Kerby. ' 2-itvK sunny ant. 20th and Upshur, VL5. Bdwy. 1871. MIOU.M fur. apt., private entrance. ? road way 1 662. NttVtTLY turnlBhed 2-room, with bath; ne M-4ing. East 1507. 3k'NT 2-room apartment. rushed, at 801 Front. 4 r LOVELY rooms suitable for people. 709 East Broadway. NICE apartments Reasonable. for rent. 286 Clay st. CASNAR apt.. 704 Lovejoy sL apartment. Mar. 2917. 2-room . VEIR Y desirable, modern, private bath. 414 4th. 2 and 3-room ; DtESIRABLE 3-room front-room apart ment; walking distance. 328 -Mill. 3-ROOM furnished apt. for rent. 821 Thurman. Phone Mar. 3666. NEAT, attractive 2 and 3-room apts., $10 to $20. The Vaughn. N. 19th and Vaughn. 3-ROOM, fur. cor. apt., private bath and phone. Harrison Court. 5th and Harrison. FURNISHED 3-room apt. and sleeping porch. 801 E. Washington, cor. 28th. 1 VERT large well furnished room and kitchenette. 59 N. 20th. near Wash. FOUR rooms, two bedrooms, private bath, telephone, vacant March 15. 561 Glisan. ONE FURNISHED 2-room apt., $45. Han over ft Dtp. Broad wav 200s. ROOM and board private family, reason able. walking distance. East 9144. HERMENIA. 4i0 Hail St.. cor. 10th, 2 room modern apt. Adults. . $25. 2-ROOM apartment 321 Eugene ft. East ! in modern home. THREE sniiiny windows, C! (lis anl balh. apt., in East 89 large THE HEREFORD, 735 room, tnod-rn apt., $25. HOYT Single Main 3305- FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. THE UPSHUR- APARTMENTS. 40 2ATH ST. MAIN 5497. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. This beautiful apartment house consists of 75 apt., 2, 3 and 4 rooms; has just been remodeled and beautifully furnished with brand new furniture. All of the old furniture has been taken away and everything now in the apart ments is elegantly furnished .and prices are reasonably low. We have also a few unfurnished apts. to let. Our phone is Main 5407. rLRMSHED APARTMENT An excep tionally attractive 3 -room apt., hard wood floors, radiant fire -grates, cdmmo- uious ciosets, all outside rooms witn un obstructed view of soacioua lawns: an exclusive proposition for gentleman and wife, or two gentlemen or ladies em ployed: 3 minutes to business centers D. & M. cars to Davis st.. 66 N. 19th where apt, can be st-en from 10:30 on. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. 5 minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore; good surroundings, strictly moa- ern. 2 and 3-roora furnished apt's., out side and French doors and balcony; per- manent and transient. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 3-roora furnished ant., facing the park: absolutely clean; best of location; walk ing distance. Main 1086. West Park and Columbia. SITTING room, disappearing bed. recep tion hall, tile bath, kitchen, old ivory; well furnished ; first-class apartment; steam heat, modern; walking distance; win jease; reterences; $,0. A l u. Oregonian. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 rooms, strictly modern, beautifully rurmshed, close In. walking distance : will rent to responsible parties; $55, irtawy. i24a. " 43 WEST SIDE APT. $45. NOW VACANT WILL LEASE. Four large, light rooms, closets, bath, heat, water furnished; ground floor; priate entrance; no children. SMI. -.-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. 4-ROOM FURNISHED APT., all outside rooms, private bath, nice and clean: vl vate room In basement, ground floor: walking distance; $35 per month; adults QRiy. hast i40. FOR RENT Keeier Apts., 3-room nicely lurnineo apartment, outsiae rooms, tuny i equipped for housekeeping. AJults only. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 2 rooms, furnished ; hardwood floors. elevator, strictly modern; all outside; walking distance. 3d, cor. Montgomery. CLEAN, nicely-furnished 4-room and one 2-room apts., with phone, light, water and heat; walking distance, 1 block to car; very reasonaoie. atii linn st. War. NEWLY renovated 3 and 4 rooms, beau tifully furnished, with Doreree drapes and wicker furniture; hotel service given to I pacneiors. zsa st. N. Mar: 2945. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 8-room furnished apt., all outside rms.; good furniture; walking distance; adults oniy. west 'arK ana Columbia. FRONT apartment, 3 rooms, balcony and nam, nicely rurnisnea, on lrvmgtorr car- line, rent reasonable; adults. 395 E. 15th N. ALICIA COURT Mod. 3 large rooms, two beds, fireplace, pri. bath, tel. included. ou. uor. .. eun-iJurnsiae, ast SottO. Rose City car. -ROOM apartment, fully furnished; piano. light, heat nnd use of phone; 1 block south of Multnomah club: S37 a month: adults only. 235 Chapman st., cor. Main. THE DEZENDORFF APTS. 208 16TH, NEAR TAYLOR. MAR. 128. Completely furnished 4 and 6-rm. apts. jiu ouisioe rooms. WELL furnished 3-ftom apartment with piano, neat, gas ana ugnts furnished. garage if wanted. 595 East Alder, corner of 15th st. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 44S 11TH ST. One 3-room modern, two disappearing peas, janitor service and phone. APARTMENT to sublet, furniture for sale; ready to move into; els I am leaving .own win saciriuce xor $uu. iawy. VERY desirable lower apt., including lights, heat and phone; rent very rea sonable; also partly furnished basement apt. rnu irving st. NICELY furnished 4-room apt., dressing Sat. or Sun. afternoons. Mar. 2588 week days. 512 Lewis bldg. Broadway 1364. iNDER new management, 1 13 Vi Russell, 1, 2 and 3-room apartments, clean and comfortable; moderately priced. East 8840. SMALL, completely furnished - two-room apartment, cozy and comfortable, only .rfj, including gas, neat, light and phone. t cast tn sc. Aortn, nearr Oregon. FLORENCE APTS., 3S8 11TH ST. 3-room apt., with sleeping porch, suit able for 4 adults, and 4-room apt. suit able for ft adu ts. J? OR RENT Sleeping room for business girl in an apartment; cooking privileges. 295 12th st., apartment No. 2. Call Sunday. THE KATHER1NE. A nice 3-room apt., large, light kitch en, plenty of heat and hot water. 149 IV L'gq St. Marshall 2996. ts i biiJE aesiraoie o-room apartmerrt, onance to purchase oest furniture big reduction; owner leaving city. Main FOR RENT Lady wishes to share apart ment with teacher or stenographer; west sice. Phone Main 24. 6. after 5 P. M. NICELY furr.ish-d 3-room apt., with sleep ing porch, lights, phone, steam heat. Broadway 4606. 2.i0 North 19th st. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, large, light, modern. w side. 381 6th st. Marshall 1378. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENT. 4-room furnished apartment, strictly I modern. .viarsnaii aiai. NEW YORK APTS. Two-room furn. apt.. .$27.50. including lights, heat, hot and cold water. E. 7th and Beimont eta. N1CKOLS APTS. 3 rooms, steam heated, private batn. pnone, garage if desired. WOOdlawn 4971. 8-j6 e. 6th N. JULIANA APARTMENTS 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. THREE rooms and private bath, rent $27.50. Phone East 7737 mornings and evenings. . BELKNAP APTS., 187 17th st.. near Yam hill, one 3-room fur. apt.; steam heat, teiepnone ana monern. 1WO congenial girls lo share 3-roora apt. beautifully furnished, modern apt.; wanting aistance. a j re go man. SAWYER apartments, d nished rooms for H. Broadway 19. t N. 10th. 2 fur- K., $20. Phone ZUMBRO COURT, . 20TH AND WASHINGTON. Elegantlly furnished cor. 3-room THE BENSON. 205 N. 20TH. 3-room apartment, completely fur nished, $55. LACRELH L'RST APARTMENT. 3-room apt. and garage. 142 East 39th. i ROOMS, furnished, private bath; walk ing distance, west side; ground floor, -f.."o mnntn. .-. urn St., apt. D. MUNCEY APARTMENTS. Two-room apartment, modern, walking distance. Main 4970. 390 Clay st. HADDON HALL. 11th and Hall 3-room apartment. oatn, balcony, hardwood floors; walking distance. Mar. 1160. LEONCE APTS.. 186 . HIT) Very light 3-room front apt., $50. Mar- & kuums, rurnisnea. nigh grade, cen trally locatea, excellent service. Mar. 1410. 3 ROOMS, light, heat, water, gas. $35 month. R. J. McGuire, 545 North Union. East 5407. PARKHURST APTS. 3-room apt., French doors and cony. Broadway 1179. SUBLET apartment to party buving fur niture, only 300; this is complete, im medlate possession. Bdwy. 2700. COZY housekeeping apartments, one and two-room suites. light and heat fur nished: reasonable. 410 Second street. ONE 2-RCOM furnished H. K. apartment, I close in ; rent reasonable. 4Q4 Park st. THE CHELTENHAM.- i9th and Northrup 4-room apartment. Bdwy. 3058. UNION AVE., and Klllingsworth, fur. apt. $24.50; all complete, concrete building 2 AND S-ROC'M modern apts.. tile bath Main 1C52. Buena Vista apts. FOR RENT 2 and 3-room modern apts., 3-ROOM modern furnished apt. 586 Glisan. close in. Broadway 4716. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apart- 1 iii-iii.. wi t aau'iimuu a.. ouwy. 1UIS. I ROSELYN APTS., 110 N. 21st st ; 2-room ! modern furnished apt. - SAN MARCO. E. STH - COUCH. 3-RM MOD. APTS.: WALKING DIST. E. 1990. VACANCY apt. 11 at Sunnymont apt. Call NICELY furnished apts. with bath. Weat minster apts.. 262 6th st. Main 5582. 4-ROOM apartment with bafh. nice yard $30. East 5407. BENSON APT. 1 3-ROOM APT. BROADWAY-. 4448. PHONE DRICKSTON APTS., 448 1 1 TH ST " 2- room well lighted and modern apt. 3-ROOM or 2-room apt.; prefer Protes- tants that attpnd church. 500 Market. LUXOR APTS., 13TH AND CLAY 3- room apts.. strictly modern. KXCJB clean 3 -room apt. 614 E. 21st at. FOR RENT, Furnished Apartments. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS AND ROOMS. The handsomest apartments with sip. porches in the city ; furnished in blue and ivory pongee silk hangings, ex ceptionally clean and lots of heat; A-l service; some outside front apartments with many windows: also a two-room wicfi sleeping porch and a one-room and kitchenette; available now; resident, transient and auto tourists; references required. 166 St. Clair St., corner of Washington. Broadway 5830. ; THESE ARE LOVELY APARTMENTS Furnished 3 and 4-room apts., $45 and 155 per month; beautifully clean and equipped for 2 to 5 persons. These are special rates we are making to Per mancnt tenants. You can't beat them anywhere. , . THS COLUMBIAN. 11TH & COLUMBIA. Walking distance from downtown. ' AT THE GARFIELD. S ROOMS, PRIVATE BATH, TWO LARGE CLOSETS, AND BALCOXJ; A4.L NEW FURNITURE; EVERY MOD E R N CONVENIENCE ; ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS. STEAM HEAT, HOT WATER DAY AND NIGHT, FREE PHONE AND JANITOR SERVICE. 301 FAILING ST., NEAR UNION. LA BGBJ, s una y r oom . k i ten enette. rine bathroom, furnace heat, hot water; aiso 2-room suite and cabinet kitchen, bath. 549 Yam hi 11 st-. w. s.. lO min. walk to 5th and Morrison; $30 and $40 respect- ii vely. S20 FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. f)n ftuwir tmm w. ft sn i n rtou .. tiful view of city and mountains; front room and kitchenette; aruuciiiy fin ished, heat and electric light included in rent. Main 3S18. FINE FURNISHED APT. OF 4 MODERN ROOMS FOR 3 OR 4 .UL'.Mr wiyi-, 150 MONTH: LIGHT, AIRY. WARM, n.ASsv a RPns THE COLUMBIAN. 11TH & COLUMBIA. 3-ROOM cottage (clean), running- water, kitchen sink, free phone ana oatn, large yard, room to park car, walking dis tance. 248 Harrison st. IMPERIAL ARMS APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay Sts. Sublet 2-room furnished apartment. Main 5733. NEW APT. HOUSE, beautifully mrnished. well located, moderate rates, single or double left; come early; also urifur n -ih e(L 544 E. 7th st. North. IDEAL summer boarding place In pri vate family, near Gilbert station, w per week; gentlemen preferred. V 422, Oregonian. ; NICE, nt-atly furnished 2-room apt., ex cellent view, wanting aisiance; un block from Broadway bridge. 164 Cherry St. GARDNER, corner 13lh and E. Ash At tractive basement apartment; two large rooms aJ batly clean and light; refer ences. , 4-ROOM furnished apartment, walking distance. Fine modern nomeiiKe piace. Dandy independence. Adults only. Good neighborhood. $35. East 8046. l ' THE STANFIELD. Modern 2-room corner apartment, light, heat, phone, laundry facilities; $26. Main 7392. - THE JEFFERY, furnished 2-room front apartment; 18 per montn, inciuaing light; close In; corner of Russell and Kerby sts. Phone East 1594. VERY attractive 2-room apt., walking distance, 1 block from Washington. tv Davis. 323 FOURTH ST., house thoroughly cleaned and refurnished ; 1, 2 and rf-roora apis Rpn t reasonable. ONE ROOM and kitchenette, sink, hot and cold water. Rent reasonaoie. eu Glisan. Auto. 520-12. JEFFERSONIAN apts., 3-room modern apts., reasonable rent. 16th and jerrer- son. 2-ROOM apt., private bath, light and fuel. walking distance, $JV. unapuuw st.. corner. Mill. 3-ROOM furnished apartment in private home. 234 E. Broadway. East gait. Unfurnished Apartments. 8-ROOM corner apartment, hardwood floors electric range, rent $ni.ou, un furnished; furniture and everything ready to start housekeeping for sale tor owu, terms. Inquire Imperial Arms, 14th and Clay. - , WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. "4-room. newiy painted and kalsomined. steam heat and telephone close in, walk ing distance, only 3 pIocks or w asn- Ington st. Rent $47.50. Call Bdwy. 1245. JUST opened, beautiful apt. house, looks anff feels Mice a private nome; moaeraxe rates: choice location; single and dou-J ble left; also' a swell .furnished let. Come earlv. 544 V. m. 7th st. North. FOR RENT Unfurnished, at Arbor Court, 295 14th st., 4 large room, ana oatn, finished in Ivory; fireplace; walking dis tance; adults only; references. Main 7337. EXCELLENT NEWS Just opened, new. up-to-date single or housekeeping, choic location well heated, reasonable rates. 546 E 7th North. J UST the same afe a 5-room bungalow. with all the conveniences of an apart ment house, at the new Gordon Court apartments. 530 Montgomery. MODERN four-room apt. in Laurelhurst; phone, heat, water, gas range, electric washer and garage, no children ; $65. 1006 Hnlladay ave. at 33d. THE ALTER 6-rm. bungalow apt., sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, tue batn wun shower, fireplace and china closet. 21st and Overton. Bdwv. 19S0 or Bdwy. 5263. IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND COUCH. Four-room modern front corner apart ment; 1 block from Washington St.; adults. Broadway 2761. TRINITY PLACE APTS. 2 choice apts. available, top floor, 4 rooms, sleeping porch, pantry, bath and hall; rent $87.50; re f e rences required. Bdwy. 6800. BRIGHT, clean two-room apartment in brick building, light, heat, water fur nished: rent $20 15C0 EL Glisan or Ta bor 4480. - HIGHLAND COURT. 4 and 5-room unfurnished. apartments- Marshall 3181. FOR RENT Up-to-date first-class apart ment In excellent location. Call East 02r. EXCEPTIONALLY attractive 5-room apt., all outside rooms; walking distance, boo Flanders. Broadway 3873. UNFURNISHED 4 -room apt., heat fur nished; rent $45. 565 E. Yamhill. East 3252. 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apt., steam heat, no children, $40. Waveriy Court. East 26th and Clinton st. 5-ROOM unfurnished apt., $25 per month; will tease to responsible parties. ioO Eaat Ankeny st. Call mornings. MOVING $2 PKK fiOUK AND UP. 15 DAYS' STORAtJB FRffiB. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2443. 4-ROOM light sunny apt., porch, modern. clean, Irving apts. 2 1st ana irving. Main 9239. LARGE front 4-room unfurnished apt. 704 with bath and hall. Lois Apts., Hoyt - CECELIA APTS.. 22D AND GLISAN. very desirable 3-room unrurnished aDt. with balcony. Marshall 1804. THE AMERICAN Modern -roozn apart ment. 5 ROOMS, modern, steam neat, newly tinted, gas stove. 561 Gipan st. 4 ROOMS, lower, $12.50. No. 75 E. 78th N., 1 block south Mv car. $20 t-room cottage home, close in. East sloe. Koom 4 to, iNortiiwes. uani- Dicg. FOR RENT 3 or 4-room apt.. $30. 46-h and East Sandy. LARGE 5-room unfurnished apt. The Wilmar, 742 Everett st. Main 5164. 3-ROOM apt., toilet and bath, 648 Thur man, near 1'inn, Marshall 4iOl, 3-ROOM apt., tmlet and bath. 648 Thur man. near zt'th. Marshall 5 1 61. NICE 3-room apt. hot -water heat very reasonable. Marshall j4.n. 789 Kearney. I ROSE CITY 3 roome. sleeping porch ana garage. inone l aoor aui I. ! THE ORMONDE 5-room unfurnished apartment. 656 Flanders. ; Bdwy. 3873. 5-ROOM unfurnished apartment, heat; adults only. 58 1 E. Main. MORDAL'NT, 586 Everett: large modern 4-room homelike. Inspection Invited. APARTMENT. 2 rooms unfurnished. side. $30. Wdln. 2714. Furnished or Vnfurnished Apartments. JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington, one 3- room xurn., one -room unrurn. OR 4 UN FURNISH ED or furnished sunny roomed flat apt., walking dis tance. Irvington car. off at Tillamook st. 437 East 15th st. North. 3-ROOM apt., dressing room and bath; this is iirst-ciass in every respect; rioors, white enamei woodwork. East 3782. KING S HILL APTS. rooms, furnished or unfurnished, . Broadway 5126. 5 front FOUR rooms, gas. electricity, separate entrance. 672 Mississippi avenue. East 2911. 4-ROOM flats for rent. Hot water heat east side, sleeping porch. Call Tabor 5319. 8 ROOMS, bath, renovated, $37. Main 5721. sleeping porch, newly 705 Glisan, near 22d 6 ROOMS, upper, beautifully located; ref erences; adults. 572 East Salmon. $50. $35 LOWER 5-room flat, furnace, garage. 1798 East Morrison. 4-ROOM flat for rent over store. Union ave. N. 746 3-ROOM flat only. - East In private residence; adults U319. 6-ROOM modern flat, 512 Mississippi ave., above' storeroom. Phone Sell. 2873, FOR RENT. Flats. FIVE-ROOM flat on East 12th street near Division; $32.50. Five-room flat on East 21st ' street near Hawthorne avenue, fireplace and furnace; $40." METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. Realtors. 200 Oak St. Broadway 5355. BRAND new lower flat on the blvd., just - this side of Multnomah, opposite " the school , grounds with garage ; furnace heat and hot water. For particulars see the owner on the ground or call Main 880. S-ROOM flat in excellent condition, close In on weat side; consideration will be given to desirable, long-time tenants. Strong & Co . 606 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT New modern unfurnished 5 room flat, good corner location; In Sell wood, 2 blocks from car. - Tali mad ge Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. BEAUTIFULLY situated "-room residence flat, west side, very attractive, .hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace. Rent $65. Call 906 Savier st. CLEAN, cheerful four rooms, sleeping porch, balh, front balcony, fine view; private furnace, basement; west side, close in; references. 464 Hall, near 13th. 2 PLEASANT front rooms and kitchenette first floor; fireplace, steam heat, electric, bath 056 Glisan VEt'RY nice modern 4-room flat, with garaige, rugs, linoleum and. gas rang; west side. Main ScJIl. UNFURNISHED lower flat, 4 rooms and bath, desirable location, close in, west side. 474 Clay. Mar. 4194. NICE four-room unfurnished flat for rent at 109 East 30th, near Alder; heat, water and gas range free. Phone East 3850. FOR RENT. 4-room flat, $25. 1523 East Glisan st. Bdwy. 7420. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view, furnace, fireplace, phone. w.ter; $35. 3 89 1 6t h st.. south of Montgomery. 4-ROOM flat, heat, hot and cold furnished. Inquire 586 Everett. JbnnuMhed Fiats. BEAUTIFULLY furnished three rooms, 2 inclosed sleeping porches. Universal com bination range, fireplace, Radio heat, fine yard. Price $49.50. 710 East Madi son, near 20th. Adults only. NICELY furnished modern lower 6-room fla. 23d and Irving, $00; adults. CaJl between 1 and 2 P. M. Sunday. Main 5274. - 5-ROOM flat, furnished, light and water furnished. St. Johns car; get off at Denver avenue. 76 West Sumner st. Marshall 6079. ELLA ST., near 20th and Washington, extra well-furnished 7-room flat. For information phone East 7009. Will lease. DESIRABLE furnished lower o-room flat, piano, fireplace, close in ; adults; $75. Phone Mrs. Webb, East 3114 or Bdwy. 4080. NEAT, clean, furnished 4-room flat, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath; light and water furnished; rent $35. Call at 1101 E. Morrison st. 4-ROOM flat, "walking distance, nice view. good order ; phone, water; $30. 38-9 Mt 10th st., south of Montgomery. 7-ROOM flat, can be divided so tenants could su brent 2 apartments: good neigh borhood. Wdln. 423tf. 6-ROOM flat for rent, block from Lin coln cheel, splendid location and some furniture for sale. Phone Main 2098. 4-ROOM furnished apartment, with heat, light and hot water; adults only; ret erences. 466 E. 11th st. S. 5 ROOMS, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, tiio oatn. iu uienn ave. 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished upper flat in modern home; adults only. 257 East 33d. Tabor 984. . . FURNISHED 5-room Wat tor Bale, close in, modern, 2 rooms rented; will sell cheap account sickness. Phone 532-50. 147 11th. SIX ROOMS, modern, central location, cheap rent. Reference.. Phone Tabor 8837. ( FURNISHED flat, one 2-rm., $10. one 4 roora, $14 a month; children welcome. 607 Hood street. . 5-ROOM modern lower furnished flat, in cluding piano; reasonable rent. 333 Cook ave. Shown from 2 till o P. M- WELL furnished 5-room modern flat fireplace; suitable for family; excellent ncignbornooa. raoor 4-ROOM modern, nicely furnished flat. 618 Commercial st. Phone 319-01. 5 AND 6-ROOM flats, newly furnished, Whittaker St.. S. Portland. Call E. 4854. THREE-ROOM flat, modern; adults only. 504 E. 22d St. S. t 3-ROOM modern nicely furnished flat 1210 Milwaukie at. Phone Sell. 1282. 3-ROOM furnished flat with bath. East Yamhill st. 763 FURNISHED 4-room flat, ton. Broadway 5107. 591 Washing 5-RQOM flat, $2Q. Woodlawn 5-88. 5-ROOM phone. upper flat, 447 4th st. BEAUTIFUL lower furnished flat; adults only; 204 N. 22d. Main 37U. MODERN 3-r. flat, private bath, outside rooms; couple employed. Sell. 241'2. 4-ROOM flat, furnished, $18.50 per month. Inquire 6S2 E. Taylor. WELL-FURNISHED lower flat at 759 Wiiliams ave. and phone Woodlawn 2480. 5 ROOMS, nicely furnished; walking dis tance. 509 Mill St. Marsh, 'inz. 6-ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sale. 424 Jefferson et. ' 5-ROOM fiat for rent, furniture for sale, Bdwy. 4330, 224 East 1st N. Housekeeping Rooms. 1 ROOM, kitchenette aid sleeping porch employed adults only. 454 S. Broadway. Phone Main 3793. NICE, clean housekeeping roorrrs; free light and water; $l.o0 up; industrial district. 040 Corbett st. 2-ROOM H. K. Apt. on first floor; pri vate lavatory ; hot and cold water. 507 Clay. Marshall 3602. LARGE 2-room front apt., wood or gas heat, $5 week. 271 Russell, corner t Williams. 1 AND 2-ROOM h. k. apts., steam heat, h. and c. water, elevator serylce; rates $3.50 up.- Hotel Ohio 266 Front st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 3 or 4 rooms; everything furnished; free phone. Call Woodlawn 5724, 1004 Commercial. STRICTLY first-class 4-room apartment. Completely furnished. Accommodate 6 adults. Phone Bdwy. 2327. IN OWNER'S HOME, 215 Hth St., Main 8678. one block library, large cheerful rooms; adults. . LIGHT comfortable basement H. K. rooms for gentlemen. $2.50 a week. 167 16th, near Morrison. 2 NICE, clean furnished H. K. rooms; electric light, bath and use of phone. 268 Montgomery. UPSTAIRS of modern bungalow, 3 un furnished rooms, $15 per month. Auto. 628-01. SUNN Y front room with kitchenette for neat man, everything furnished. $3.50 week. 306 12th st. 13 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished; always full ; right downtown ; price $1900 terms Marshall 4440. BVSHMAKK, Wash. St., corner 17th, clean, modern 1 and 2-room outside apta A so s eeping room. Bdwy. 5463. 2 LARGE housekeeping furnished rooms, with alcove, lights, phone; lovely loca tion; nt-nt reasonable. Main 7017. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, front parlor, kitchen, pantry ana sleeping porch. 162 North 22d. $3.50 WEAK UP Large downtown . fur nished H. K. rooms. 253 Wash. SINGLE steam - heated housekeeping rooms. $4 to $6 per week. 147 iah st. 2-ROOM furnished apt., single room with kitchenette. Phone Broadway 7559. H. K. ROOMS, phone, eiectric liirht. block from Wash. 149 Lownsdale. 15th at. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Phone Bdwy. 2804. Norris Hotel. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; ' price within reason. 163 First. GOOD, cheap h. k. rooms, completely fur nished. near Washington st. 54 N. 9th. DOWNTOWN fur. h. k. rooms., cheap rent, - 253 Wash., por. 3d. H. K. ROOMS, gas ranges, elec. light, free phone ; childrert welcome. 180 Sherman. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, light, water furnished. 381 Mh. l'AND 2 housekeeping rms.; rates reasona ble; children welcome. 416 E. Morrison. i AND 2 fine new nouseKeeping rooms. 302 Tiltamock. near Williams ave. NICE room and kitchenette, $18; hot water always. 655 Flanders. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, reasonable rent. 773 Savier st., near 23d. 3-ROOM suite phone, bath, hot and cold water. 67 North 20th. Bdwy. 4123. DOWNTOWN 2-room apartment,- well fur nished. 271 Morrison st.. Mar. 2508. ROOM and kitchenette, $4.50 per wk. 327 3d. opposite Auditorium. 2 AND 3 ROOMS housekeeping, including heat; reasonable rent. 514 Jefferson. 2-ROOM apartment, 394 Front. H. K. ROOMS $3 per week and up. Montgomery Pt. , ONE-TWO housekeeping apartment; clean. rent reasonable, close in. no 12th st. 1 SLNGiLE housekeeping roam. $3.50 per week. 341 11th st. 3 H. K. ROOMS, everything furnished, for $55. 1000 E. Main. Tabor 8769. CLEAN 2 rooms, h. k., heat, light, furnished, $26.50. East 4401. ALTA VISTA apartments. 16th and Petty grove; well furnished, single or double. NICE, clean front room for .housekeeping $12 and $15. 357 32th st. FOR SALE 7 rooms, housekeeping, well furnished. 134 N. 16th U FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. GOOD single H. K. room, comfortably furnished and warm, electric lights,, hot and cold water; easy walking distance, suitable for one emploved lady; $17 per month. Del Monte, 167 Stout st., 1 blk. of 20th and Wash. ' LARGE front furnished H. K. room, very choice ; electricity, running water, good furnace heat; everything furnished ex cept gas; reasonable. . 624 Flanders. Bdwy. 2125. . $12- AND $18, 2 and 3-room apts., gas range, separate entrance, electric lights and bath free; 1 block to two car lines. 1623 Macadam st. East 5235. Must be seen to be appreciated. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 380 East 1st, $14 and $25; electricity, gas, hot and cold water, walking distance, only 6 blocks from Broadway bridge. Phone East 9118. NEWLY furnished h. k. rooms, very best hot water heat; new and clean. $15 and $2o per month. E. 7559. 460 Holla day. SINGLE room, newly tinted and new rug, clean; suitable 1 or 2 ladies; furnace heat; $4.50 per week. - 421 Vi Sixth st. Marshall 2605. ' NE VVLY furnished h. k. rooms; best of i ' " , C. . J; V i i a ' f fn month. Phone Main 6161. 4AMJ heat; beds are new and clean, $23 and 2 LOVELY large front h. k. rooms, nicely furnished, clean, heat, light, gas and phone. Ciose in. 690 Irving st. Main .2719. CLEAN 2-room suite with kitchenette, Jst floor; one large, clean front room; quiet place, close In. 261 14th, near Jeffer son street. 2-ROOM modern furnished H. K. rooms, new and clean, heat, light, gas and phone free. 302 Tillamook, near Will iams ave. LIfG'HT h. k. rooms, with kitchenette; hot and cold water. Also single h. k. rooms, $3.50 week and up. 515 Morri son st. 1-2-3 tURNISHED h. k. rooms, heat, , light and phone furnished, hot and told water In rooms, $17. 50 per month and up; lower apts, 109 N. 18th. EXCEPTIONALLY' clean h. k. room, with kitchenette, phone, water, light, heat and bath free; easy, walking distance1. $22.50 per month. 344 Qollfge, N ICEL Y furnished, sunny, 2-room house keeping apartment, fine location, fur nace heat, walking df stance. 625 Ever ett, between 19th and 20th. CLEAiN, single h. k. rooms. $7 to $H; 2 and 3-room suites $10 to $20; free bath, commodious lobby. The Vaughn, N. 19th and Vaughn. LARGE room, alcove and kitchen, private bath ; also single room for one person. H. K. or sleeping room. 91 E. 12th. Sunday 1:30 to 5. E. 48o4. SINGLE front housekeeping room. Gas, walking distance, free lights, bath and phone. Reasonable rent. 549 & Morri son. NICELY furnished apartment. Nob Hill district; fireplace, suitable for couple or g-irl employed; adults only. 631 Hoyt, corner 20th ert. 2 OR 3 H. K ROOMS, phone, bath, hot and cold water, electric lights; between two car lines or walking distance. Call East 84-52, Sundays- or evenings. TWO ROOMS, $5 per wees up; one and sleeping, $3 up; linen, light, water, bath free. 208 Washington. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms. $15 up, including hot water, e.'ectrlc lights, laundry room. 1-ROOM house, furnished for housekeeping, one person; $9 month. 462 Flint, near Russell and Williams. E. 5571. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, hot and cold water, heat, light and phone. Ill N. 23d st. TWO or three housekeeping rooms, close in ; reasonable rent; 214 union ave. N. East 1047. ROOMS for ' light housekeeping, thing furnished including gae up per week. 193 y 2d st. Every -$3.50 TWO h. k. rooms, first floor, hot and cold water, gas range, phone and light. 407 Third st. Phone Main 2201. FOR RENT- 4 furnished H. K. rooms, 1-st floor, no children. Call 7w E. Tay lor. Reasonable. ONE 2 AND one 3-room apt. on first floor ; nicely furnished ; also single housekeeping rooms. 33 N. 17th st. 2-ROOM housekeeping apt., double bed In each room, 3d floor. 163 16th st. Phone Main 4933. 3-ROOM H. K. SUITE; front; first floor; phone; near Woodstock and Brooklyn cars; cheap rent. 587 E. 20th St. S. CLOSE IN. cheap, exceptionally clean and comfortable h. k. rooms; with kitchen ette. Mar 245. 168 13th and Morrison. THREE partly furnished clean housekeep ing rooms to rellajpie couple. 497 Mar ket st. ' Housekeeping- Rooms in Private Family. 2 SEPARATE third floor rooms, house keeping and sleeping, $6 and $10 per month; walking distance; electric lights, telephone. 632 West Flanders. ONE LARGE room with small kitchen ette, also 2-room apartment with sleep ing porch; reasonable. 60 North 22d St., cor. of Davis. " . PLEASANT furnished H. K. rooms in private family for rent; ground floor; east end of Broadway bridge. 376 Van couver ave. FOR RENT With private family. 2 large front rooms, nicely furnished for light housekeeping, suitable for 4 adults. 424 Third, corner Hall. Phone Main 8830. SINGLE H. K. rooms, light, gas, heat and phone free. 374 Vancouver ave.; 2 blks. off Broadway bridge. CLEAN, fur., sunny, homelike front 1 and 2 h. k. rooms, heated, $4-5.0. per wfi. and up. oi3 xam hi m. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 1 block to DM carlme; reasonable rent 688 Oerton. Main 5309. DESIRABLE light housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch, suitable for adults. 294 East 32d st. LIGHT front housekeeping rooms, fur nished complete, gas range, telephone, bath, $5.o0 week. 794 Thurman st. DESIRABLE housekeeping room, modern home, plenty steam heat ; reasonable. 361.11th St. Auto. 516-12. PLEASANT. large front H. K. room, bath. phone, use of piano, reasonable, walk- in distajice603 5tjist MfjiLj! 3 FURNISHED rooms and sleeping porch, heat, light, phone and water, no chil dren. Phone East 1308. LIGHT, cheerful warm front attic house keeping room for working man, modern home. $3.50 week. 2S3 N. 24th. THREE nice clean rooms, furnished for housekeeping, close in; 7o2 Alblna ave. Woodlawn 3883. 7-ROOM furnished house with large In closed yard. mu scott aistrict. oBU4 Whitman ave. t IRVINGTON Newly furnished housekeep ing room, iurnace heat. light ana gas furnished. 442 E. 19th N. TWO 2-room h. k. sultea, furnished, hot water and light free, aduitsv 44 n. Washington st. 4-ROOM furnished housekeeping apt. $8 per week; light, pnone. Data tree, ota 3d st. SPLENDID housekeeping room, modern home, walking distance; Dusiness wom en. East 3753. - 3-ROOM. well-furnished h. k. apt., modern. beautiful home; adults; blk. to Al berta car. 1067 E. 19th N. 3 CONNECTING housekeeping rooms com pletely furnished, close in ; adults oniy. 352 Ross st. $25. CLOSE IN, 2 nice light housekeeping rooms; private entrance and bath. Broadway 1662. TWO or 3 clean furnished h. k. rooms, private family, light, gas and phone In cluded; also garage. Tabor 3500. NICELY furnished, clean H. K. apart ment ; heat, phone, moderate rent; nice location. Adults. 403 12th st. SINGLE housekeeping rooms; also sleep ing rooms. 193 17th st. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, also single room, e ve r y t h i n g furnished. 63 EHa at. TWO CLEAN H. K. rooms, completely fur nished. 427 E. Ash st. East 5255. DOUBLE, single h. k. rooms. 447 Fifth St. Basement room for men; reasonable. LARGE front nicely furnished h. k. room on first floor, very close In. 128 14th. 2 H. K. month. ROOMS. 501 Clay St., Marshall 1147. $20 per NEAT steam-heated single h. k. room, $3 a week. 445 Columbia st. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, elect.; adults; close In. 13 East 7th st. East 1929. SINGLE h. k.. facing street, $15; 2 rooms - facing st. $35. Nob Hill, 629 Everett st. TWO CLEAN housekeeping rooms com- pletely furnished. i8 elmont. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished; also garage; walking distance. 11 E. 14th N. H. K. ROOMS, 314 Larrabee. also front sleeping room. 2 LARGE h. k. rooms at 504. E. Oak. East 253fl. NEWLY furnished h. k. room, s for rent. 97 Stanton Bt. CLOSE in, one room, near bath, $3.50 per week. Mar. 1455. 369 6th st. 354 CLAY H. K. rooms. No children. Call today after 1P.M. LOVELY, clean, warm room, fine home; ladies, gentlemen. 755 Hoyt. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, close in, gas, eiectric lights, bath. East 168. NICE room for light housekeeping. Margin st. 292 WANT young lady roommate studying Pit man s-horthand. AB 478. OregoniaTi. 3 CLEAN H. K. rooms, light, gas. water, $22.50. No children. 302 Sacramento. H. K. ROOMS, Williams ave., walkingi distance. 275 East 5797, Mrs. Wilcox. DESIRABLE basement apt.; also sleeping room. 263 11th St. Mar. 1716. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. 2 BEAUTIFUL completely furnished cor ner front housekeeping rooms, furnace heat, gas range, laundry, clean, walking distance, reasonable. Main 1311. 2t3 N. 24th. . TWO second-floor front room apts., pink of condition, finest location, wonderful view, walking distance, half block of Council Crest car. 768 Park ave. Main 4278. - . TWO rooms, kitchen with Blnk; newly enameled and papered; with bath. UK" and water free;, walking distance SS car; price very reasonable. Call Sun days or evenings. 64S E. Stark- m H. K. ROOM and kitchenette, single h. k., also sleeping rooms, newly furnished, reasonable. Broadway 1789. 5i5 Mar shall st. ' 2 PARLOR H. K. rooms. Everything furnished but heat. $20. Walking dis tance, near Hawthorne and. Grand. 285 East 3d. Auto 217-14. 1 HOL'SBK)QPIX room, with kitchen ette and private entrance suitable for single man or lady. Mar. 1-203. 751 Kearney. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, kitchenette and summer porch; gas, light, heat and laundry privileges. 772 Marshall, near 23d st. NICELY furnished room, light housekeep ing, running water, also lovely furnished sleeping room. Call Bdwy. 5668 or 55 N. 20th st. . BEAUTIFUL front room with kitchen; reasonable rate; completely furnished; "walking distance. SOU Johnson st. Phone Bdwy. 5926. , WARM, pleasant room, suitable for one or two people employed, In modern home, walking distance on west side; excellent home cooking. Marshall 3930. SLEEPING porch and living room, very reasonable; housekeeping privilege. 1 block from Wash. Everything new and lovely. 65 N. 22d. Main 1075. TWO NICELY furnished, olean h. k. roome, front room has 6 large windows; kitch- en 2, west side, walking distance, Mar- ; shall 1036. FOUR nice rooms, well furnished (house keeping), clean, lower floor, private home, good neighborhood ; wa Iking dis tance. Rent reasonable. 60 Ella. St. 1 OR 3 H. K. rooms, bath, use of kitchen, private home, rent reasonable. Sell wood 902. . Houses. A LAM EDA PARK. Beautiful new 7-room chalet for rent, located at 952 Regents Drive; fireptace . and furnace; oak floors; $u per mourn will lease for one year or longer. CPE A. McKENNA CO., 82 Fourth St. Broadway 7522. a str fpti.v modern, well -furnished 6 room house with garage; large grounds, $55. And a 9-room very large home, modern, with nearly a blocK or. lana rent $60. COVER & GREGORY, No. 5 Grand ave. phone E. 243. FURNISHED bungalow, 7 large cheertul rooms, sleeping pore hi, n-reaKtasr nuu, whirn ennmel hardwood floors. Radiant- fire, French doors and windows; nothing missina: : comnlete with garage. rnone Woodlawn 6578. ONE ACRE fruit and berries, 6-room house, water and gas; houses for 400 hens; 0 miles from Portland on high way, 2 blocks from Oregon electric sta tion. Phone Main 2887, or AC 500, Ore- gonlan. for bevt Modern 6-room iurnisnea house; ail conveniences inciuaing large sleeping porch and breakfast room; ga rage tr wan tea ; per ihmiuh, vn between 9 to 11 -A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. 1063 East ISth st. N. A PICKED 6-room modern nouse, near Laurelhurst park, display ouut-ms; poi isbed floors, etc.; $65; will lease. See Benedict, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henrv Bldg. Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. FOR RENT Nice home in country, 10 miiM onf-r o-arden. fruit, cow. chickens; no heavy farming. Rent in exchange for share Some work in neighborhood. G 477, Oregonian. ' FOR RENT Small 6-room cottage, bath. -r electrlcitv: in rear of owners house clean, papered rooms; nice porch; very convenient to cars; rent $20: aduit only. 533 Linn avenue, Sellwood. FOR RENT. Seven-room modern house In Irvington at 405 37th st.,. corner of Hancock; 50x100 lot. modern, furnace heat. Call or phone. Tabor 9036. TWO MODE'RiN houses, one block from carline; one 7-room, one 5-room-; $5 and $;3 per month; or will sell for leas than appraised price. owner at o-ii E. 39th st. Tabor FOR RENT Beautiful 5-room bungalow; 2 lots and garage, 1 block from car and stores; lot oi sma.ii irun. j.h immi m. S. E. Phone Auto. 643-49. Call Sunday or even-ings SUBURBAN home for the summer on Cl-ackamas river, house, 7 rooms, hot ni cold water, bath, large garden and abundance of friit. F. Robertson, 207 Northwestern Bank bldg. UNFURNISHED modern 6-room bungalow on Alameda drive, with garage, auto matic Rudd water heater, rent $75 per month with lease one or two yea. Tabor 7699. - - nrR ri.hitrst vicinit v. modern 6-room house, sleeping porch, fireplace, fur nace, basement, yard, some furniture. All or part, $50. 20 East 32d st. after 1 o'clock Sunday. CALL BROAD WAIT 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th ST. ATLAS TRANSFER. Pianos moved, $3 and up; furniture moving In proportion; get our prices first; all work guaranteed. Bdwy. 1207. MODERN 6-room house, furnace with coil, cement basement, laundry trays, gas, electricity, yard, walking distance. 620 Northrup. Broadway 2920. T.Rivrvfi MONDAY WILL RENT OR SELL SMALL BUNGALOW AND OR CHARD. SEE OWNER TODAY. 1131 E 40TH STREET. AUTO. 640-63. 9-ROOM modern house, all carpeted. 664 Wasco, near 19th st. Reasonable. Will give lease. Wakef leld-Frles Co.. East 5463. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow, $30. 388 East Everett, between Union ave. and Grand ave. Call 434 E, 42d North or phone Tabor 389. 20TH AND THURMAN, WEST SIDE. Modern 7-room home in good shape; SMITHS-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, fire place close in. yard, reference, 904 Vancouver ave., $42. Wdln. 196. FREE rent, acre of ground, 1-room shack, gas. water and phone. Parties must have car. Tabor 9410. SIX-ROOM house, 584 E. Ankeny, between 24th and 15th; rent $42.50. Phone Mar shall 3916. - S-ROOM hunal'ow near W'hitman sta tion on M,t. Scott carline. Phone Aut. 62O-80. $3-0 PER MO., new S-roorn modern house, garage and garden. Aut. 618-27. 7196 05th ave. S. E. FOR RENT Irvington home. Gas fur nace, garage, large grounds. 691 Han cock st. Open Sundays and evenings. ATTRACTIVE, modern Hawthorne bunga low, 4 large rooms; $45. Like new. 425 43d St.. after 1-. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a spee-iany. vy. oc . Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121, 5-ROOM cottage, $18. 266 Porter st., near 4th west sme. van io x ua.ru o bid g. Bdwy. 7452. . 6-ROOM house, best location on east side, reasonable; none but reliable tenants need apply. Phone East 1308. MODERN 6-room house, near 23d and Thurman Bt, $37 month. Marshall 3599 tod ay STRICTLY modern dwelling, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, wftb. garage, $55. Fred S V i-Ulams, atw Manama diub. 6-ROOM house, furnace, etc. 754 Kelly st. near Porter; west side; rent $20. Call 318 Board of T,rade. Hflwy. iwj. 6-ROOM house, furnace, etc., i54 Kelly st., near Porter, west side; rent $20. Call 31ft Board of 1 rane. anwy. to. WHEN moving, city or country, get the hMt at lowest prices. oieu ....--- Co.. Main 1261. 202 Alder st. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. Irving ton, 664 Halsey st., near 19th St.; rent S50. Tabor 7990. 7-ROOM house, 176 E. 74th North, $30 per month. Will lease. Tabor 4318. Main 5887. . SEE 1030 GRAND. N. ; 3 rooms, g-arden; adults; $20. Tabor 7053, lots; HOUSE for rent, 5 rooms, E. 54th near Lincoln. furnace, $40. FOR RENT 6-room house. E. Powell. Phone Bdwy. 5617. 5-ROOM modern house and garage, ciose in. East 4721. IRVINGTON, ing porch. modern 7 rooms and sleep Rent $62.50. East 6033. 5-ROOM house for rent, 139 Page St., close in, 1 blk. south or itu?seu. $30 SEVEN rooms, modern, yard, garaen; fine location. Marshall 4440. fSviNGTON 549 Tillamook, marvelous duplex. $60. " R. T. Street, East 4280. UNFURNISHED 5-room bungalow in Ken ton district, reasonaoie. unuin oia. j.-j. XR V ING TON , du p 1 ex, choice location, $60. lovely E. 8015. 6 rooms, FOR RENT 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, Portland Heights. Ap-ply Main 3648. FOR REN'T 6-room house, ave.. adults, $2jV 382 Grand WEST SIDE 5 or 6-room modern flat or good east-side bungalow. Bdwy. 2280. 9 ROOMS; suitable large family or board ing. 403 Railway Exchange. . ;X 4-ROOM furnished flat. C3 Wash ing ton, west nRla,. Fumtturo for sale. FOR RENT. HOUM-. WEST SIDE. 70 Thurman. Bungalow for rent, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, cement basement, fireplace, furnace, every modern conven ience; $45 per mo; will l.ase for 1 or 2 yCar WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO- 85 Fourth Street. 5-ROOM house, toilet and bath. 809 East 30th near Garfield avenue, $30 per mo. Phone East 6951. Furnished House. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE. Will lease large, modern 12-room house, beautiful mahogany furniture, ori ental rugs, attractive grounds, hot water heat, 3 fireplaces, gas range, fine billiard room, high class in all respects. Phone Broadway 7560. MODERN 8-roorn house within walking distance, excellent locality, mahogany turnlture, 4 bedrooms, den. maid's room, large basement with laundry; references required ; adults preferred. Call Mar shall S5. THE PLAE for a select boarding hou-e. near 14th and Hawthorne; a large 8-rm. house, thoroughly modern; furnished, plarfo, fireplace, double sleeping porch, garage, lawn and roses. P 302, Ore gonian. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 7-room house In Irvington, with garage, Gasoo fur nace, $125 per month, with lease for six months or year. Phone ICast 6ltf. Call 617 2l!t ft. North. I R V I NG TON R ES I D EN 1 E. For rent, April 3, modern, 5 rooms, piano, phonos raph, fireplace, full base ment, garafa?; rent $70. Call after 10 A. M. East 9H9. T.'rfi Schuyler sr. 11-ROOM house, some furniture for sale, house now brings in $55; Ideal place for roomers and boarders. 546 East Alder, near 12th. Sunnyside or Mt. Tabor car. Afternoons. 1 to 4. HOI SE 421 East 54th st. S. E.. Gioveland Park,- near Franklin high and portable school: 6 rooms, bath and sleepu porch; full" basement, furnace and fire place. Jet Waldron FURNISHED modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace and large porcnes. jo, on block to St. jouns car line, a uiu--to Portsmouth. 739 Vanderbilt. C lumbia 10.S2. IRVINGTON residence; an unusual hon of 10 rooms, w ell rurnisnea. arrangeu i tj families if desired. $150 per mont nn lease, to responsible party, or woul sell on easy terms. East 4010. ti- a v r ik ' a.nd 3-room apts., g -nne-p RPnrat entrance; electric light nnri b;ith free: 1 b!nck to 2 car line 1623 Macadam st. East 5235. Must seen to be appreciated. tvmth'X-usjh f..i house for rent, or leae If 4r..irui a fn naement. a di iu ncv a' B-arnce. at S50 per month. Call at 1123 B. Grant St., sfter 10 A. Sunday. SIX-ROOM furnished house with garag in Oswego; all modern conveniences. METZGER-PARKER COMPANi. KAnlfnra. 569 Oak St. Broadway B3ft Mfuurnv 1 R V I NO TON H OM . Tr.r.H.r.mlv fnrniHhed with best furniture: every modern convenience SMI TH-W A O ONER CO., STOCK EX. WELL-FURNISHED 8-room house, ever .,.ani,n,.a A. hprirnnmi. HO linen O .11 ,- -horrv tre.'a: with Of wlthOU garage. Corner 21st and Knst Taylor. irnw WMVT 5-room furn. cottage at i vriKaiofnni avenue. $45 per month. Cal Sunday from 1 to 5 P. M. I'hone Ea tv ui.'Ai'Tii.'i;!. hnnm in Alameda Park, Six rooms, furnished, for th time from April to October at no per inunu.. owner, 618 Worcester bldg. COMPLETE furnished, newly painted an tinted, 6-room house; lawn, ros- fruits; gaa, furnace, close to car. - E. 7:th st. N. POR. RENT Modern -5-toom bungalow, nicelv furnished, pipeless furnace. $.0 hiiH-n rofflrence. Call Sunda 2:30 to 6 P. M. W44 DivlMon. nar 62d. KTTKURBAN buniaalow, 3 rooms and bath -..-.n utrir-itv loe.Ated Ashdale sta tion, Oregon City carlme and river road Thompson, Jennings ionga. v-" x?rn r iv. vt A-ronm moaem house, base ment. piano, partly furniwhed. Inquire Sunday forenoon- or Monday, 610 Ml waukle st. BEAUTIFULLY fur. 8 - room moder i A ivaikin. distance, unper floor pay all expenses, $1500, furniture for $1000. East 7214. SMALL bungalow on river, ten miles ou -., rnu ri a nrt arrepi car. riiiiiiini Jenninics Lodge. Tel. Oak Grove 126X or Main 47S. tri' u x i fr w. 1 1 new. 3-room house bathroom, toilet, out no oawi iu. or someone with sinan baby. -iai " Madison. Milwaukie; $21 per montn rt ormv! mn.iorn well furnished residence adults; $60 per montn. win mvo it--.--. 40ih and Belmont. Owner, Mrs. Shaver. !M E. 8th st. rtnni np-ativ furnished modern bunga travs and etc. Inquire at 1094 East Harrison. ; .. CHOICE of 3 large rooms, ground floor, $25: vacant March 18. 323 Weidler an East First st. N wt pk-vt for few month a. nneiy iur- !,,-. R-ronin nouse. rsoo mil uihl Anply Strong & McNaughton, Corbett bldg. ONE 5-room cottage furnishea, a ointw t enl tiroai way imukc. imii,i-' nn.tfoinn. 230 E. Broadway. $ Key at 234 E. Broadway, cor. Wheeler. ufn.'.RM furnished 0-room House, iur mice, laundry tray, aauiia. iuio aiuuk ave. Wdln. 3602. wv.w i.'iTR'!SHKn buniralow with 2 bed roome in .Kose tiiy ram ior u- Call Marshall 2144 iuviv:tii noms. 7 rooms. lurniHiie hardwood floors, piano ana iirepmc-, garage; $80 a month. East 024. FCiaNlSHiiiD house in Irvington to ren nr lease. 433 E. 15tn cor. ot nua mook. $30, 5-ROOM bungalow, ' acres, nine hoiiRpf : paved road. Phone 620-43, x: n - v.: i .v furnished 6-room house. Adult on v. iteierences requneu. a- - sota ave. TrnA,r honee pxnenslve furniture, piano, desirable location, tau i-j . Woodlawn 3307. k C"iVf m rr urn f urn Ished COtt age. 811 E 9th St. S., Detween Liay aiiu .r . n. o u, fuu, East 5235. Close in. t-r nnf furnished house, responsible par ty only, can touay. xu --. lajr. cor. SRth. WELL -FURNISHED 7-room house at 10 Beech st. ; two diockb h um u.i-A--ji car; $50 ppr montn. T-nnnM fnmUhed house, modern, desir nh e location, between a c-rnuii, iu- ij on east side, ariuits. r.. at.i, NEW furnished bungalow, with 2 bed rooms, in Kose city i-ar. ior month. Call Marshall 2146. t u-ri.v a i i i.v house on Brooklyn carline, aeml -modern. Phone Eaat 5913. C. L, Doming 129 Grand avenue. kviR k kT Furnished 5-room houn. 9H B 15th North. Alberta car. Inquire 1073 F lth North FURNISHED house for rent for 6 months or longer: references required. 853 Wasco st FURNISHED five-room house. 1012 E. 8th str North. Call Tabor 4165 for informa tion. NOB HILL Beautifully furnished 8 rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, mahogany furniture. Main mm. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern seven -room house, furnished, fireplace, garage; $H-5. Main 847. MODERN, 9 rooms, furnished, $05; may rent out; Income from house $100. East 5516 FURNISHED house or rent for 6 months or longer; references required. 603 Was co st. ' 6-ROOM hoiihc, completely furnished, with or without piano. 334 Tillamook St.; call b. t w e e n 10 and 2, FURNISHED 7-room house with garage, 150 nfr month. 821 E. Ash. 5-ROOM newly furnished modern house for rent. Sellwood 3165. 00 FURNITURE 4-room flat. 698 W ashln gton. west side ; fist for rent. 4 ROOMS near Union Meat Co., Bridge ton station. Vancouver car. Eaat 3 350. SMALL i house partly furnished for rent. Oswego lane, auio. -t.i-i-t. FOR RENT Furnished Marshall 4495. 4-room house. FURNISHED house, C rooms, neatly fur nish e nt.t1pili FURNISHED house for rent, 5 rooms, race and garden space. Col. 946. 5-ROOM furnished house. $35. 3703. $60 ELEGANTLY furnished home. 7 rooms, sleeping porch. 347 Weidler st. FOR RENT 8-room Hawthorne district. furnished house. Call East 2.MM. FOUR-ROOM furnished house for rent. 1225 Montana ave. ; -ROOM modern house, lawn, fruit, west side. N-9 car. 24Q Pan croft. 3-ROOM tenihouse, parage, chicken house. 1 acre. 47th and Alnsworth. Wdln. 6345. FURNISHED 3-room, cottage, $23; adults. 780 East iviain. 6-ROOM HOUSE Furnished; corner lot; rent $70: 426 E. 24th gt. Broadway 7831. 5-ROOM furnished cottage. $40 per month. RummeH & Rummell. 274 Stark st. $25 4-ROOM house, plainly furnished, on Mill street. Call 820 Salmon. jjO KITCHEN, 1 room, desirable people. Main 254: no objection to child. NOB HILI4, large beautifully furnished borne. Call Mar, 10 bO tor appointment. FOR FFNT. Furnlnhed Huw. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE! Large, modern 13 rooms, billiard room, 8 bathrooms, beautiful mahogany furni ture, oriental ruga and grounds, hot wa ter furnace, 3 fiifpiaciH, gaa rars; hi cl.i-s la alt tesp-cta. i'hone liLOadwa 736K 7- FOR RENT $ .0 I'EU MO. Modern 6-room hnuce, ni-Iy fur irlshed. clan and sanitary, nwlv tinted laundry convomfn' ti in haro ment. fu nnce beat, del liable location, walking rtiai Hiim near J car hnea: adults trt- ferred: references cm lingfd. Owii'V home Sunday, lo A. M. to 2 P. M. 7l E I n v t . Th twr !'-"'- OOt'PI-E employed iii )iare nnirri horned close in. with nwin and wifr. I'i fe-r wife not employed, nn would Ima i muWe MrrMtLrrii4nt to liHt her provide evenung nun Uf and t" k a . 1 c:i r f hotfcte. Will pay i4f fvn. Rfo retires ex.-hnnce l. AC 471. 'r- gonlsn. ft. HiMi .M buntcM low f ui ti inh- d. M II iimoV except furnucn and t lr,p!- iii- y a rd with all klnda of flower- and Hhruhbrry. Wood la w n 3-040; good .". , ROSE CITY i'AKK Ow nr will aliarS houHfl with couple: electric convenient heat, light, etc. ; furnished ; nn trio.w Sandy blvd. 0JH K. HI i h at N. H for Keut rurn H ure for rtmlw. OWNER, mujft sell furiuiuro in a u-rm reidt nee, 2 hatha. 4 toilets, hardwoml floor first and t-'cnnd; liot-wai-r nat; built-in kitchen and pantry, 2 sirko; Just right f'r a f it at-cla-a bai ding houa : 7 bed rooms ; 15 min. walk business sect ion ; no a gent a. AP 4ft i. Oregonian. FURNISH KD FLAT. Piirnlt nre for hu Its and a pa rtmnt fi Tent, beautiful mahogany furhttur. Itiat like new ; every f hi rig corii'.'i for ll v rooms: will em-rifico fr uuk-H shIp. ALST1X-OXBAKY R P. A I.T V O ., I'ho n H iw I 5 7 1 LOU K C S E E K NNEDY. 5-room hounc, west aido, good furni ture for only $350. Might rent houav fur nished at $25 a month. (i. C. ULUICIl CO., 405 Stock Exchange Hidg. Ma 1 n 43;.4. SiCKNI-.S calls mo out of town, mmt sacrifictt my 3 1-room hon stven rwn fiirnlMu'd. rent $45. rah. ba:an $1oo, $- per month. M ukI ell thla wrk. tnO Jonny.nn st., nar - ' t . SIX LA KG i looms, Iuiku I'atitry, cIonMa, full basement. V ei y nnirs his o a tlou. Prove this stttf mmi by seeing 34 4 E. 7lh at. N. It road wh y car. Lea as and prh-e of furnfturo is right. FURN ITUR E a bargain; r.w.t., f 1 t f nr a I m t bedrooms; a very rtnlrMhl location; walking distune Ka.-t 9172. terms is. i all COMPLETE practically ntw furnltuie 5- roorn fiat for sale. Tt-rmi. Ls for cash. Rent $20. Modern, hardwood floors. Sacrifice. N 479, Oregonian. ALL OR PART of furniture for" a.l House for rent: 2 garages; in Una ctiy. one-half block to school. I am living city. See owner. lQJl I lUatnook at. WILL sell or exchange furnishing of 7 room light H. K, apt. 'lake flrt mort gage or am all houe; pny c diifrr ence. 376 Vancouver ave. 6-XOOM flat, sleeping porch; .king 1 tance. west aide. 4.-, aril riiriiliiirs practically new. $1100. Rumme.l A Kummell. 24 Sin rk t. FURN ITU K E of 5-room cot t a go for an is and cottage for rent ; walking dl-ta lira. Phone Grerne's I' urn. Hoapital, Lat 6744, first of work. OWING to di'iiih 5 room bungalow fo rent and furniture for sale. Key at 553 K. 21st at. S. Pb-aae call Sunday. Hours 10 to 1 2 and 2 to ft. Full HA l.K. $350 worth of furnlturs for $200; a ss 6-rooin house for rent. im i,ouimi:r- ciai st. CLOSE-IN G-room houe for rent, fur niture for sale. Price $200, Any tuns before noon. 50 K. 11th St. North 4 ROOMS furniture, including good rai tt $125; good houae with bath, rent $13. 0. "Rll alter 10 A. M ., inn A.nma vr. FOR SA UK Fur ni t lire of 5 room ; I ."; house can be rented if dealred; $22 00 a month 545 4th at. 6-ROOM, modern, except heat; $35 month to party buying high-grade furniture for $475. 1 1 12 K. ''h at. . WEST SI UK Modern liirnlahed bonis of mix rnonm or partly furniaht'd, raon- abte. Main 247s. FIVE-ROOM houe for ri furniture for aale, 101 Mi.-a. avenue car. it, $ 15 moiuhl Morris air at, , ALMOST new furniture of 7 room-f m t, good place for roomers, for rnt to ths nn r t v tm vtn r f ti r n 1 1 lire. K.t at 92:15. i 1 litiKSK. m rooms. $23: bent furnlturs ani carpet a, $.100. Leaving cuy. o i it. vm at., clowe In. HoUSE for rent, 118 per month; furnlturs for taie. $2011. 410 San llaraei at., unioa ave. or Rdwy. car. FLAT for rent, furnlturs aaie. reason- Bb!n. Call 369 12th st.. Main 6na, HOUSE fo r rnt, furniture for sai; clna ; ra h 11 in m v e . In. 355 5-ROOM cottage, 414 Harris corner 1 1 Lt st., W . S . ; w .t ; k t n g tUMutu , rent $25. 6-R4AjM flat lor rent, 424 Jefferson furnltuie for FURNITURE ot A-room hnu.-e. no reason able of fr refuaen. MdT. -'HO 8treft and Ittalneaa I'liieea. 50x100 SPACE. Fins for sorag purpose. Front and Grant. Rent cheap. Appiy SIMON'S STORE, Second and Alder. FOR RENT 100x101 In bruk snd concre-m building, one of the beat close-in slfin location; will leas to responses party; will be svailab.e April IX fs Mr. Mark ham, corner Union and East Helmnnt. . WARKHOUHE Fpace in all parts of tnS city; floors 50x100 to 10ix2h feet. Kal, road trackage and aprinkirr syatem. Soma good warehouse buildings com plete. J. F. STAVER, MncVuy Plrff. NOTICE. Havs several atora for rent on Wash ington st., euat of 12th; lonff leas. For particulars ae ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 4O4-.V0 Panama Hidg.. 3d an1 Alder OWNER will build brick building on f" 41 ntted for itrocery and meat market. snt ' will lease at a reasonable rental. All MiO. Oreynnlnn. -STORV garage, &ujlno, near 23d snd Washington. -ood salesroom, orricea, i heat and elavstor. Rent vary rraaon able. h J. F. FT AVER. MAvLKAY BI.PH. FOR SALE OR LEASE. Frame store building on H. Pi. cornsr East Morrison and Third. loox1K. with basement. Strong A Co., 60" Cham, ot Commerce). . CHOICE ot flee, 10 ; store, vloas In, store, Washington St., $I.A; corner store, $2"4i; many othein. Ed DlamonU, 4.ii) Chamber of "ommeres. NE or two floors, each Chxiuu, centra.y Iocs ted. west aide, on track ; steam neat and cood elevator service. J. F. PTAVKR. Maclvay PMg. SKCON I) floor of brick building lot h Flanders, o0HK ft., with elevator set v ice; on railroad track. Apply 100 North 10th st. OR RE NT- -Tailor estate hop, or would mH offlcs. 174 13th st. good real Main ftVS. URN EK store at lth and Washington, reasonabls rent; will irmw: Wakefield, Fries & Co., H3 4th. 1ACE to lease, auttabis for Paint or aii'S top shop, in good west aids auto stor age garage. ltd wy. 231 . ROOM houae, nut; furnlturs saae chaap. 22ft '1ay tt. 500 SQ. FT. suitable offlrea or It. infg . 5 front windows. 2401. Stnrk. Rdwy. 4T.0V 6-ROOM houe for rent, furnlturs for sale. Good location. 1 K'am. STORE for rnt. 11 1 2d at., ton at. Call Bdwy. 7143. near Washing FOR DESIUAULE ipucA in fireproof wars- house. phone Proadway 8715. fcTuRK, WaahUiKlon St. Apply Stark at. 22H MORRISON, store, 2 stories, t-ysar ' lea-. Marshall 4440 , STORE room and double basement can bs had In Clyde HotM building Rdwy. STORE with bsbemeut 4.'tbU tl. 917 Union ave. N. . STOREROOM st Knott and Union, gooi location, rent $30. Knt 7!V STORK for rent, a fa w fl&turss for saIs, 411 Union Av. N.