SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. t-NTVERsiT Y MAN. 28. married, with good foundation experience tor selling lumber, would like connection with reliable wholesaler or sales agency; at present employed as yard and shipping foreman; eteo experienced in office end. account ing:, cost-finding, purchasing, etc.: excel lnt rcff-rencfn. AV 3lH. Qreyonlan. EXPERT lumber accountant and auditor Just arrived Portland will accept perma nent position or minor position requir ing expert knowledge of installation and operation of lumber bookkeeping and cost accounting;. AS 49L Oregonian. XON'T try to et a position till we pren Jour salt for 45 centa. while joa wait oy. the tailor. 104 4th. near Stark, JOY, THE TAILOK, 104 FOURTH STREET. WATCHMAKER wants position. 20 years experience, fine railroad and wrist watches a specla ity : can do Jewelry .work and engrave; have ail tools. Box 671, Walla WaMa. Wash. WAXTfci 1 Hy good strong young man working his way through business college at night, position of any kind during day wlim trustworthiness and reliability are an essential. Arthur Brooks. Mar. 2669 1-UMBERMAN, 12 years' experience, cap- anie to handle any position pertaining io the Operation of Ibr. nifg. and shipping in all respects; references. Aft 492. Ore gonian. ' OFFICE manager, expert accountant and credit man, executive ability, married, v;Il accept responsible position in or out or city with reliable lirm, any un. 479, Oregonian. SHINGLING We specialize m reshingling and roof repairing.: It will pay you to iret our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; estimates free. East 1928. ALL-AROUND butcher wants position as butcher for small market out of city; have had experience; married, have two email children. Box 828. Hoqulam, Wash. m ENGINEER, ex-navy, : married man, age 80; can install and operate and use all fuels; btillding, marine and stationary; references. Phone Sell 1719. Write BD 498, Oregonian. GET YOUR PAINTING. CA LCI MINING AND SIGNS BEFORE THE RUSH SEA SON; BEST REFERENCE; 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TABOR 266. SEE ME first on Income tax reports And accounting; ex-revenue officer; satisfac tion guaranteed; charges reasonable. 518 Chamber of Commerce. Broad way 6890. ' REGISTERED druggist, Oregon or Wash ington; best of references; 14 years' ex perience. Druggist. 147 East Hum bod It at., Portland. Or &XP GARDENER, fruit, flowers, vegeta felea, able to take charge and get re f suits, wanla situation; single, M 499, i Oregonian. I LlaRRIED MAN wants work: have me- chanical training and experience; will go out of town; references. i ry me. AP 477. Oreonlan. 4 OTEL. ciub,- restaurant " or resort, la or out, steward, storekeeper, cnecuer, pan try man, A-l caterer. 633 Hoy. Bdwy. 1VWS, LANDSCAPING, pruning and care of lawns In general by an expert gardener ana norticuuunst; estimates given, xa or 1316. ALL around minter. operator, with first class experience In every department. Wishes steady job; moderate wages; can come at once. X 492. Oregontan. POSITION by young man. technical and commercial education, speaks English, French, Spanish. German. X 488, Orego nian, s; EXPERIENCED motion picture operator wants position in suburban bouse mall town; wages expected reasonable. L 49a, oregonian. 1X-SERVICE MAN wants job driving truck or nrivat car: 7 years best expe rience; must have work; best of refer ence. Call Sellwood 41. EX-SERVICE .MAN wants work of any kind; 12 yrs. clerical exp., but broke and ' willing to do anything. AH 484, Orego nian. 0 FIRST-CLASS MEN want work; 6 plumbers, 4 carpenters, 6 painters, 3 pa per hang era, 2 roofing men; all price is right, woodlawn 6084. HAVE equipment to board 60 people, wouic; like contract in camp or board Ing house. Geo. A, Thomas, Mar. 1113. L'i Morrison st. A-l MILL fireman wants steady job; will go anywhere ; 4 years' experience ; age . zi; city references. G 478. Oregonian. ;,UXP. DISHWASHER wants work In res . taurant. 7 days a week. Edward Hart, f TI20 St. 8. E. , UILDING foreman, experienced in all kinds except steel; wants job, in or out of town. AM 497, Oregonian. WANTED By an ex-service man, chauf feur, job as helper in garage or on truck. Room 308 Harrison hotel. i PRUNING and spraying done by experts Dillon, 166 by contract. Fruit advice. H. Grand ave. East 9383. HOTEL STOREROOM HELPER WANTS POSITION; REFERENCES. D 480. ORE- OONIAN. "WOULD like to have work with plumbing contractor; nave lots oi pipe ittung ex perlence. Call Main 2636, apt. 1. LAWN, garden, odd job work, reasonable i prices. E. Knight. 4610 62d at. S. K. ! Phone Auto. 629-70. WILL spade your garden or clear your vacant lot for 40o an hour. Drop a post card. Larsen, Route 6. Box 210. city. CARPENTER and cabinet maker. Inside finish and built-ins. day or contract. G. W. Stout. Phone Tabor 4851. EXPERIENCED gardener, married, wants position as gardener in private family. R. Isler. 735 Qulmby. Bdwy. 2124. YOUNG man! going to school, desires i room in exchange for couple hours work per day. AG 47, frregonian. PRINTER Will work for small salary or co-operative basis, city only. Printer, 844- Front st. FLOOR surfacing and finishings, waxing and polishing. W. H. Tibbits. 4803 32d ave. S. E. Tabor 4052. I'KEE pruning, not wood' butchering: also garden making. Broadway 1656 or Bdwy. 791. EXP. GARDENER, willing to help house; want steady place. M fiOOu O gonian. JiOTEL or restaurant cook wishes posi tion as such, country preferred. Apply to Arthur Benedict, 52 N. 2d St.. city. SEE ME about your stumping; no con tract too big. O. E. Rogers, R, 3, Box 169. Portland. JANITOR and wife, experienced, courteous service, as steam engineer, keeps plumb ing expenses down. AC 488. Oregonian. MARRIED man. well educated, handy, knowledge of steam engineering, wants work of any kind. AH 493. Oregonian. JAPANESE couple want position, man first-class cook ing. wife second work. Frank Qmorl, East 5t50. ATTENTION. Pruning of trees and shrubs, first-class work. Aut. S19-39. FOR CONCRETE. BRICK OR CEMENT WORK. CALL EAST 23C3. VI RST-CLASS electrician desires position in mill or management of plant. 504 Tower ave. S.. Centralia. Wash. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. Eaat 10 day time only. 240 East 8th st. HAULING 2-ton truck, anything, where, reasonable. Sutton. Wdln. any. 3036. YOUNG MAN, 20, wants work; experienced ar.t! careful driver. Wdln. 3950. GOOD dairy. lilker wants work AG 496. Oregonian. on farm or PAINTING, tinting, reasonable;- first-class work and material. Marshall 1416. 1 WANT light job for room and board. Geo. Frankl ;n. Wabash Hotel. W ILL do spading, reasunabl or job. AG 4hl. Oregonian e rate; time BAKER wants job; ovn man or bench hand on bread. AM 499, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED baker's helper wants a position, i-iarry r armer. w oodia wn 3. CONCRETE AND ALL K INDS OF CE- CEMENT WORK. HAVE MIXERS TELE- PHONE TABOR 67B1. BRICK contractor, tUo houses, garage ROOMS papered. $4 ana up; painting a kateoniining reasonable. Auto. 214-22 f,li INGL1NG or reshingling. Phone Tabor I75S. Prices right. SHINGLING, roof repairing, prices reason" itble. work guaranteed. Aut. 325-16 PLUMBER wants worx. Go any job price; estimates. Bdwy. 2583. low PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work Sell. 1399. a wor-- PAINTER and decorator win save you 111 oney on estimates. Kinder M a r. 1 FAlis i ii. vvi . na kaJsomining-pre-war prices. c. aS3. Tabor WORK by first-class carpenter 160 Et Morrison. Phone 319-27, H. V Coomtv MARRIED man wants anythln S good; references. Mwy. 3449, apt. 3. LAP. young man wants position in men's furnishing store; references. Main 6Sfl LOTS plowed and harrowed, place orders new. East 78L'0. 6S9 East Aider st EXPERIENCED packer or shipping helper give best reference. D 47S. Oregonian S EXPERIENCED elevator operator give very best reference. BC 4;9. Oregonian. (MULTIGRAPH t operator, expert, wants Permanent worn, nu 496, Oregonian. PLOWING done and excavating. Wdln. PATNTING and tinting by the contract. Ea.-t 169, CARPENTER, practical finisher, built-ins. French doory. repairs. Broadway 716. MECHANIC chauffeur, handy man a llround .fa nit or work. Aato. 51 3-26. MAN WANTS WORK. WOODLAWN 3827 SITUATIONS U'AXTKI) MALE, , WANT POSITION as a representative for some American firm in foreign territory, either as sales man, buyer or trading: familiar with territory in South Pea islands; just re turned irom an extensive tour througn New Zealand ana Australia : can fur nigh good references. What have you j to offer? Can leave on short notice, j AH 498. Oregonian. BUILD1VG TIME. "N"S GARAGES A SPECIALTY: CONCRETE BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS QUICKLY DONE. ESTIMATES CHEER FULLY GIVEN. MORRJS A BARNETT. PHONE EAST 4961. . MARRIED man wiahes position after April 1 on large well-equipped ranch : experienced, capable of taking full charge. Have one child, must have sep arate house; fruit or dairy not consid ered; wiil go anywhere, B 500. Ore-gonia-n. FIRST-CLASS maintenance machinist and blacksmith seeks position in mill, factory or shop; 15 years' experience installing, rebuilding and maintaining of machinery and plants; able to take charge if needed; efficient, thorough, machinery, my motto. BE 495, Oregonian. DRAFTSMAN, estimator, superintendent; thorough knowledge of residenoe and general -construction and costs; ener getic young man with lota of experience and exceptional ability. D 496; Orego nian. LIME AND SULPHUR SPRAY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR ALL FRUIT TREES. WE ARE USING THAT SPRAY NOW. GILROY, FORMERLY U. S. GOV'T ORCHARDIST. BROAD WAY 1937. BUILD or repair and create a job. We are carpenters and will estimate your Job at rock-bottom prices; not a com pany and no commission ; we handle your estimate personally, the smallest and the largest job. Call Sellwood 3364. INDUSTRIOUS young man. fuil of pep, wia-hes position of responsibility where own initiative will count; experienced executve and college graduate. L 4Si. Oregon ia n. , COLLEGE student, experienced auto driver, business experience, handy, can do most anything, must have work evenings, also free Sundays and three afternoons; win consider anything. Burweil, East 8400. RITTTATin A man with a family in need of work. I can run any kind of Ktpiim ena-in. or I will take Job watch man. I can sharpen tools. 863 H First street, room 4. Marshall 9SD. MAN and wife want care of small place. small wages, or large apt. house; expe rienced; beat references. M 4 SO, Orego nlan. MAN AND WIFE want work in hotel or club; can take full charge of kitchen; wife first-class cook. Phone Main 8132 P. O. box 1096. YOUNG attorney wants position with local corporation In legal department. Sev" ral years' experience in office and court work. AV 820, Oregonian. TRAINED business man open for engage ment, free to go anywhere; eUher In an official capacity or otherwise. K 508, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS builder and general con tractor; start your new home now; al terations and general repairs promptly done, day or contract. 7593. SALESMAN with car would like to line up with reliable firm, either on com mission or salary; can furnish reference. H 60S, Oregonian. PIANO AND SAXAPHONE PLAYER wants Job at summer resort this sum mer. Can furnish other players if wanted. AV 819. Oregonian. CHEF open for engagement; do combina tion work; best reference: first-class country hotel preferred. L 484, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED builder wants partner to finance building and selling houses; good profits, good interest; can give plenty of Al references. B.T 487, Oregonian. MARRIED man, 23 years of age, wants work as experienced janitor, concrete or other labor. Phone East 1426. Ask for Mr. Ford. M 485. OVegonlan. A-l CRANE man wants work about April 1; 14 years experience; can furnish best of references; now employed. H 483, Oregonian. WE WILL contract the digging of your basements and save you money. Call Sun. and eveninga, ask for Gilbert. Main 1523. RELIABLE man wants position as janitor in apartment house; can calcimine, paint and gen. repair work ; good en gineer. Marshall 3343, room 8. 1 MARRIED man with S children and single man want general farm work; no milking. Y. Muschong, 516 Albina. Port land, or CONSTRUCTION superintendent, esti mator, residence ana general construc tion, desires connection with reliable firm. AL 499. Oregonian. HUSKY boy, 18, wishes work any kind; Benson Tech graduate; preier garage work. Marshall 584 CHINESE wants position, private faml.y. cook, boarding no use or country ooiei. AL 495. Oregonian. WOULD get in touch with parties wishing to build or carpenter woxa. 10 u.o. iinwr 8151. GENERAL gardening, landscaping, flower beds and. lawns taken care of. Tabor 7613. WANTED Gardening, landscaping and taking care cutting iawns; ngnt pricea J 4S1, Oregonian. PAINTING. PAPERING, KALSOMINING. Get our prices rirst ana save money. Tabor 2328 or Auto. 624-30i 17 YEARS' experience bookkeeping or clerical work, desires position, perman ently or temporarily. Phone Bdwy. 2944. EXPERIENCED SHINGLE R; RESHiN- GLINO, PATCHING ; C1TX OR COUN TRY. MARSHALL 20O5. CEMENT finisher and plasterer by day or contract; tirst-ciaas wora; prices rea sonable. Bdwy. 6601. EXPERIENCED tinsmith would like steady work witn naraware in smaii town. AL 492. Oregonian. FOREMAN carpenter wishes position; wili go in country. Address a iota si Phone Main 4864. POSITION in commissary or storekeeper camp; best or references, w urego nian. EXPERIENCED lumberman marker, tally man or inspector. u. vv e o d, -tsriaai Veil. Or. . HONEST and reliable man wants work as salesman; understand retailing. G 4u, Oregonian. " YOUNG man wishes work in restaurant and opportunity to learn snort oraer cook In g. East 7021. WILL do carpenter work by contract; also boat building. Prices reasonable. W. J. Anderson. 670 Borthwick st. WANTED Hauling or any work for 2-ton truck. Call East SS8, room 407, Adrian hotel. FIRST-CLASS meat cutter and maker wants steady position; marnea. Phone East 3418, room 31. GET MY estimate on the coat of furnish ing and finiwhing your hardwood tioors Phone Bdwy. 5326. IF YOU want carpenter work i r jobbing telephone done ln the right way, cheap, Columbia 1342. A MECHANIC, chauffeur and truck driver will work for any reasonable wage. Call Tabor 9036. PLUMBING, TINNING, FURNACES. Experienced workmen, prices reason able. Phone East 9253. . PHARMACIST, registered, years of ex perience, references, city or country, boi Kerby Bt.. druggist. 1 FIRST-CLASS pastry cook wishes posi tion, hotel or cafeteria. a 49o, Orego nian. KA lSOM IN ING and painting, 60c per hr. tPhone Bdwy. S458. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. OFFICE man, general experience ln lum ber, box, sash and door line, including bookkeeping, sales, order and invoicing, estimating from plans, is open for po sition. AB 482. Oregonian. MARRIED man, age 36. wishes employ ment as lumber yard manager or ac countant; will consider city or out; best of refer-nces. A V 007. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper and cashier, young and reliable man, 12 years' ex perience, capable of taking full charge. Reasonable remuneration. Tabor 8794. LUM BEK bookkeeper, mill experience ; good st e n o grap her and ge n oral o f f ice man; wants permanent work with relia ble firm. AO 477. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER Married, lumber experi ence, wholesale and mill; city refer ences; is open for poaation. AK 483. Oregonian. BOOK KEEPER, coat accountant, several years experience wholesale and con struction lines, capable office man, mod erate salary. Tabor 7.16S. YOUNG MAN, experienced 111 sn.ppmg and receiving departments, also office work, wants position; substantial references. Sell. 1523. INCOME TAX returns prepared, system. installed, books kept; reasonable. 306 Couch bldg. Broadway 2874. EXPERT BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT recently disposed of business interests- open for position. BD 4M. Oregonian. SERVICES of first-class corporation credit manager, available April 1. F 508, Ore gonian C. P. A. STUDENT desires small set of books to keep spare time. Experienced, Phone East 1383. BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER. will take position requiring high grade all around office man. A P TWH). Oregonian. OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6953. Williams Service. 504 Spalding hldg. BOOKKEEPER-stenographer. li years' ex perience lumber and man u fart 11 ring de sires position. H 494, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE I Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. , GOOD all-around reliab office man and' ccountant. competent to take full charge, but would accept assistant's po sition; could, if necessary, make myself useful in credit, sales or other depart ments; good reference; bond if re quired; moderate salary. AC 485. Orego nian. i W INSTALL and operate a special book keeping system, including mcomo iu service ( Indorsed by leading merchant associations) : work Anne bv exoert ac countants for $10 to $15 monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau, 717 Gasco blag. Mm 4538. ACCOUNTANT, C. P. A., long experience In public and private .practice, income tax matters, costing, office manager, seeks connection with corporation, man ufacturer, lumber or flour mill preferred. BC 479. Oregonian. ' ACCOUNTANT desires position with bank or other corporation; ten years varied experience; age 31. married : will con sider proposition requiring small invest ment. Address Box 88. Great Falls, Montana. ' YOUNG LUMBERMAN Billing clerk, or der clerk, familiar with traffic claims, etc.. wishes position with progressive wholesaler or manufacturer; aged 24; some mill experience. AR 480, Orego nian. ' GENERAL office work, reliable book keeper, cashier, high-grade accountant, operate Burroughs bookkeeping machine. Recommendations. Reasonable salary. Tabor 7453. EXPERT accountant wants permanent po sition ; young man, married, with good local reference-. 1 485. Oregonian. INCOME TAX returns prepared, audits made, systems installed. Main 66. salesmen. AUTOMOBILE WHOLESALE SALESMAN Is open for engagement ; 20 years ex perience, technical, selling and execu tive; personally acquainted with 90 per cent of the automotive trade in Ore gon and Washington; will consider com mission or salary. AL 497, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED salesman calling on es tablished f urn. and gen. store trade wants good stanle line of Portland job ber or mfg. Commission basis prefer able, but line must be, one possessing possibilities commensurate with steady application, energy and ambition. AN ' 494. Oregonian. SALESMAN Twelve years' experience, dry goods, kindred lines, deeirees to make change on account of wires neaitn: can give best of referencea Address Kansas City, Mo., 3501 Faseo. care Mrs. Marjorie W illiamson. HIGH-CLASS, experienced salesman, build ing material, machinery, construction; technical training; hard worker. D 600, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. KYPRRTRNrrcn -ouns- ladv wishes cleri cal position; can assist at .books. Good reference. BD 375, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED French embroidery work neatly done, can furnish samples; refer ences. Wdln. 2734. REFINED woman will care for children afternoons or evenings; referencea Mra Palmer. Phone Broadway 1 WANTED Any kind of housework by hr. or day; will care for children eyeninga 52s 4tn st. WIDOW, experienced in hotel, cafeteria or restaurant, wiahes employment, bak ing or cooking. Bdwy. 127. EXPERIENCED camp cook wants to cook for sawmill or logging crew. City Hail Apts. Main oo. apt. 4. HOUSEKEEPER wishes position In room ing house or small hotel; capable of tak ing full charge. O 500. Oregonian. WANTED A position of trust by middle aged business woman. 618 E. 64th st. N., city. RESPONSIBLE colored woman wants gen eral housework or second work; no washing. East 4555. WANTED By married woman, housework in exchange for board and room for husband and wife. A 482. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook, wants hotel, camp or institution. , AH 499, Oregonian. . TWO respectable ladies would like large apt. house to run. Call Sunday, Alar. 2541. WOMAN with 2 girls 11 and 13 must have housekeeping or day wot a. j 4tf, Oregonian. A POSITION by middle-aged lady to travel with man and wife, either in dell cate h e alth. AddTess AR 491. O regonian. CAPABLE young -woman, hospital experi ence, desires position ln physician s of- nce or a-s practical nurse. Mar. jio. AM EXPERIENCED In work of country newspaper office; would like position in good oeacn town, k 4u, uregonian. S. D. A. SCHOOL girl wishes position for room, board and. small wages. Tabor 8939. HIGH SCHOOL grad. June, '22, wants office work ; start 1 P. M. ; do typing and not afraid to work. Tabor 3565. POSITION as companion for elderly wo man or to do mending in good home; references. R 484, Oregonian.. INSTRUCTION given In scenario writing; plays criticized and revised. Marshall SSI. PRACTICAL nurse wishes care of Invalid or confinement, cases; beat references. Tabnr 7772. GIRL with some experience want wotrk in millinery shop or large factory. Call East 89, Miss Gordon. SWEDISH masseur will take care of semi Invalid; no objection to little house work. East 7173. CAPABLE colored woman wants cham ber work, housework!, good laundress, 35c hour Mar. 639. LADY unincumbered wants housework, experienced, ln or out of city, $60. BJ 492. Oregonian. LINEN-ROOM work or seamstress, ex perienced, with reference. AG 497, Ore gonian. LADY wants management of first-class apartment house on west side. For interview, write AR 479. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes laundry or day work for Mondays and Tuesdays. Call Broadway 2327. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, Mon., Wed.,. Thurs. and Friday. 40c. hr. and carfare. Mrs. Thomas. Marshall 4559. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone Woodlawn 5428, between 6 and 9 P. M. 2 CAPABLE women wish to manage a modern apartment house; best of ref erences. Aut. 627-24. WOMAN wants housework by day but no washing or ironing. Phone Tabor 5505. WANTED by experienced colored girl, general housework. Call Aut. 622-71. REFINED lady would like to care for children even in gs. Broadway 1 359. WOMAN 7648. wantu day work. Phone Main COLORED girl wants chambermaid work Auto 617-01. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wishes work in first-class hotel. AK 490, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY, experienced cashier and saleslady. waTits poaition. Aut. 623-53. LADY will care for children by hour; ref erences. Phone623-53. YOUNG lady wishes work in a dreesmak lng shop. Call Bast 861. WANTED -Telephone or exchange work. Auto. 631-94. WuMAN wants day work by hour. Wood lawn 5867. , CURTAINS very carefully and well laun dered. Mrs. Myers. Marshall 3666. HAIR dyed al rienced ladv home, reasonably, by expe Main 3879. COLORED woman wishes a few hours work. 35c hour. Phjme 525-28. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work Sellwood 2954. WOMAN exp, in general cooking and pas- try wants worn, r, &, oregonian. DRESSMAKING and alterations at re duced rates. East 471 0. apt. 7. EMPLOYLD woman wishes place to assist evenings for home. Close in. Aut. 525-55. GOOD seamstress by day, Woodlawn 6613. 25c hr. Phone LADY will evening. t:are for children afternoon or Phone Wdln. 4576. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196. GIRL wants outdoors work of any kind. X 494, Oregonian. CAMP waitress, experienced, wishes work immediately. Mrs. Richards. Main 8248 LADY would like charge of small ant house. Auto. 535-90. apt. 6. PLAIN sewing, 30c per hour. 5612. Y o ur home or mine. Woodlawn YOUNG woman wants housework by hour Tabor 4567. WANTEIV-Housework by hour, and ironing. East 4811. washing WANTED By manicurist, place in barber shop. C 484, Oregonian. WANTED Place to work for board, 15. Broadway 8753, apartment 4. girl V nousework. city or farm. R. 485. Oregonian. t SHORT-HOUR work by COmnefftnt ctr-. U- . with references. C 4.S5, Oregonian. I PIANO TEACHER, lady, wishes pupils at tneir noma. neaBonaoie. Auto. 521-59. COLORED woman wishes chamber work. Phone Aut. 517-16, room 4. APARTMENT house manager desires man agement first-class place. Bdwy. 5777. TEACHER or Gregg -horthand desires po sition; experienced. Bdwy. 5777. RELIABLE day nurse; houra to suit; drn evenings. Mar. 349. GIRL wants work; exp. in grocery and confectionery. Atit. 0L3-43. i SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. 'hit,-n tot inH.nt .hiiitv to meet t .Uj, kk -,. aflf.,itivp - , -bmtf h ' bd ten veara. bugineSa ex-i perienoe for seift desires position; would j invest. K 491, Oregonian. A COMPETENT teacher with normal training desires a position as tutor or governess in a private family or position as grade teacher in a private institution; best of references. For particulars write to AV 294. Oregonian. YOUNG lady living at home, switchboard , Tabor 4151. experience and some other experience, ENGAGEMENTS by day? remodeling desires position; will work cheap while , designing, dress making, thoroughly- ex--becomlnfr established. East 4490 before, pfrienced ln aI1 suits, East 7500. 6 P- M- ! XJ.vir. hv an WIDOW lady, owning home in country, would like care of children from si yra. up. For further information write Mm. H. G. Spencer, R. 1, Beavertoo. or ca.ll Mra Kurth, Tlgard. Or., Monday. YOUNG lady experienced stenographer j wishes position as secretary or stenog rapher; have had thorough training as t confidential secretary to , executives. Sell wood 1550. REFINED, competent, reliable American lady desires position with small family, pleasant environments. Box 71, Oregon City, Or. - ; WANT management of first-class apt. house; would like to meet partner, contemplate building; city exp. and ref. Mar. 422. .. A DEPENDABLE young lady, experienced in general office work, typewriting, j shorthand, wants position where there j is plenty or wora.. as uregomaa POSITION wanted by 2 capable and willing young women as clerk, usher, power machine operator or learn choco late dipping. Main 1515. TrVO REFINED ladies will invest $2000 in first-class apartment house and take charge at reasonable salaries. H 499, Oregonian. " ENERGETIC young laay, with Ford coupe, wisnes position with reliable real estate firm, selling real estate. X 498, Ore- gonian. KINDERGARTEN and mother's care given C. S. children In C. S. home; references exchanged ; over week-ends or by the month. Auto. 313-02. EXPERIENCED girl in beauty work, scalp treatments a specialty, will call at your home; reasonable; best of references. Miss Welch. Main 4299. EXPERIENCED hand laundress wishes work, doing it at home; please bring it and take it. 1467 E. Glisan street, near 55th. . LADY of experience and ability wishes po sition as manager of apartment or room ing houee, reference fifrnished. Phone Monday or Tuesday. Woodlawn 5431. AS SECRETARY-COMPANION to lady; have own typewriter; room and board and small cash consideration ; would leave city. AE 454, Oregonian. COMPETENT nurse wishes permanent work. 8 to 12-hr. dutr. home or hospital, or any position of trust; beat refs. .Phone Monday, Marshall 349. ' MIDDLE-AGED lady with young daughter in high school wishes to keep house for man; some wages expected.. o4a isrooa Iyn st.. city. CAPABLE housekeeper with 12-year-old daughter wouia nae situation; gooa rei e ren cps. Phone -641-11, or write P 4S1, Oregonian. POSITION wanted, stenographer, just fin ishing business college; understands of fice appliances and filing. R 500, Ore gonian. . COLORED woman. ' neat appearance, wants work as cook or house maid, ex perienced in family or boarding house. A 332-38. EXPERIENCED child nurse or traveling companion to lady or couple with child, Call Miss Taggart. Y. W . C. A. LAUNDRESS, long experience in city, do ing fine work, wishes bundles to do at home. AC 478, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, trusrwortny lady wants housecleaning. washing or other work, good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. WOULD like a place to cook for about ten men or housekeeping where there Is no woman boss. Bdwy. 3649. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes cleri cal position; can assist at dooks. uoqu reference. BD S75, Oregonian. BUSINESS woman capable of handling general office work,- including book keeping, also understands fire insurance and lumber business, desires permanent position. M "488. Oregonian. WOMAN with girl of 14 wants position as housekeeper or cook, or win care for invalid; will go on ranch if within reasonable distance of school. Mra Greenslet, 630 E. 21st N. East 6645. BOOKKEEPER - General office 657L work. typist, referencea Bdwy. CALL US FOR OFFICE HELP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. liUvv V . OUad WILL IAMS' SERVICE, 504 SPAULDING BLDG. QUICK SERVICE. REMINGTON-WAHL operator wishes bill ing or general office position, some stenography. Call East 9094 between 11 and 4. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper wants position, witn chance to work up. : First-class references. In quire -AV 256, Oregonian; REFINED, neat young lady wisnes posi tion at once; will consider most anytning worth while, if good, honest business. Main 4294, apartment 7. POSITION wanted .by bookkeeper and cashier, thorougniy experiencea in in surance and mercantile lines; good city references. 'C 480. Oregonian. ' EY STENOGRAPHER, 3 years experi ence as public stenograpner, o years private secy.; highest references; under stand bookkeeping. AR 499. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY capable bookkeeper, fa miliar with au oince aetau, creaits, col lections, etc.,, wishes position with reli able firm. Sellwood 64ft CAPABLE and experienced stenographer desires clerical position. roaaway 4997. BY COMPETENT steno. -bookkeeper, sev eral years exper.; nignesx references; perm, or temp, position. AC 487, Ore gonian. YOUNG Jady desires good bookkeeping or general office position. nave initiative and energy; five years' experience. Auto." 517-52. EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper-sten ographer wants worn; go anywnere. Phone Main 941 or AN 489, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer desires per manent position ; . excellent rererences. BJ 489, Oregonian. REFINED young lady wants clerical po sition ; 7 yearr business experience. AR 483. Oregonian EXPERIENCED young lady desires cler ical and typing position; good references. East 3302. STENOGRAPHER, with secretarial expe rience, wants position; lurnish reference. Tabor 3061 OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy, 6953 W illiams Serv i ce, 504 Spalding bldg. STENOGRAPHIC or secretarial position. broad experience, best rererences. Midwy. 5571, room 12. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer- bookkeeper, temporarily employed,' de sires permanent position. Tabor 1150. YOUNG lady wishes stenographic position, 2 yeara previous general otiice exper ience ; good references. Wdln. 5254. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer desires position, urst-ciasa references. Call Sellwood 2299. BOOKKEEPER employed mornings wishes work few hours afternoons. Broadway 2732. STENOGRAPHER wishes position, 2 years' experience; A-l references. East 257S. YOUNG woman stenographer and biller wishes position. AC 41)1, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER wishes position. AM 486, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED switchboard operator de sires position. Phone Sellwood 1073. COMPETENT steno.. knowledge of book keeping and general office. Marshall 563 DESIRE good stenographic position. Phone Main 41 EXPERIENCED stenographer nd typist d esi res position. Woodlawn 1944. EXPERIENCED biller-typist wishes posi tion. Tabor 1858 or N 477, Oregonian. LADY wishes bookkeeping and office work, experienced. East ir04. YOUNG lady wishes general office work. Phone Woodlawn 5818. GIRL wants office work; would consider anv other work. Aut. 513-46. Drens in ak e rs. DRESSMAKING; my home or yours. 13th st. Bdwy. 917. room 18. FOR GOOD SEWING call East 8683. 669 Union ave. N. HEMSTITCHING, 8c. while you wait. 308 Panama bldg. 3d and Alder sts. ; DRESSMAKING, tailoring, day, thorough ly experienced. Marshall 3685. DRESSMAKING, remodeling, relining; stout ladies work aouciteo. Tabor 4689. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $3.50 rn -h-r 8205. rnin. a day. a r ' 1 v.- i,-.,,, -oH-h-, a sneciatltv. Woort!wn rtia EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.59 a day. Call Tabor 620-5 evenings. $2.75 REMODELING, wood 3653 evenings. etc. Phone Sell- SPRING sewing, your home or mine; modeling. Tabor 302. 174 E. 35th. EXPERIENCED dressmaking by day; terations : references. East 7665. DRES$MAK ING, s-pecial prices th is week. 71 East 11th street N. East 5354. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, work, guaran teed. Tabor 436. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dretwmaken. JULE'S will make your frocks, gowns and wraps for ail occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices. 431, Artisans bldg Broadway 5600. HAND embroidered dresses and gowns, -specialty; house dresses, children's clothes men's silk ahlrts. Main 4097; can give references. MILLINERY ana dressmaking by day, 2.50 and ca.rfn.rA Mrs. Ah h worth, nhone j experienced designer. Mrs. G. F. War ' ren, modi.ste. Bdwy. 969. ' GREATER values here; spring dresses to order, $7; perfect fittings. 290 Jeffer son, opposite city hall. Main 4797. DKE-StiM AKING REASONABLE. WOOD LAWN 2146. MRS. GOOD. N urwe-W BY REFINED visiting nurse, convales cents or invalid, adults or ahildren. $1 per hr., carfare; teaches paralytics to walk; reference. Main 3499. FIRST-CLASS maternity nurse open for engagements after the :15th of March. Phone 56-186, room 208. PRIVATE, high-class, well equipped ma ternity hospital. 45 E. 16th st. S. Phone East SlOl. PRACTICAL nurse, experienced, would like cases, maternity preferred. Wood lawn 1586. NURSE wili care for invalid and do light housework very reasonable. Call 1220 Division St., corner 41st. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, ready for cases ; women or children. Sellwood 1222. GOOD practical nurse, maternity or other case East 8115. MASSAGE bathroom treatments, practical nurse. Aut. 627-98. -. NURSE Elecuic treatments, violet ray and massage. Sellwood 2939J A YOUNG mother time as wet nurse. will 100: give her entire 30th st. N. SWEDISH massage In your own home, la dies only. Miss Poulsen, W'dln. 978. MATERNITY home, price reasonable. best care to patients; East 868. PRACTICAL nurse is ready for any kind of nursing. Tabor 313. . CAPABLE nurse, all kinds of cases; $4 up. Mar. 349. PRACTICAL nurse wants cases; go home nights. Phone Main 2805, apt. 20. WILL CARE for invalid, old person or convalescent. In my home. Wdln. 3776. SCIENTIFIC body massage to women only given at your home. Call East 9267. CAPABLE female and male nurses. Calls answered day or night. Marshall 2294. Iiouse .eepers. RELIABLE young woman wishes position as housekeeper Widower or employed people preferred. No objection to one or two children school age, N 522, Oregonian. ' NEAT, refined widow, employed part time, would like position, housekeeper for re spectable gentleman; good cook and eco nomical. Auto. 236-53. AJ 484, Ore- gonian. . YOUNG lady, with 2 children, 3 and 6, wants position as housekeeper for wid ower, no objection to 1 or 2 children. 202 Occident, 2 blocks east of Steel bridge. MIDDLE-AGED lady, unincumbered, wants h. k. for respectable widower or bachelor; good home more thau high wag es ; give all particulars first letter. AJ 479. Oregonian. CAPABLE and experienced woman would like housekepeing in hotei or gentleman's home, references. Main 4226. Room 402 Hotel Arthur. NEAT, capable housekeeper with 4-year-old daughter, wishes postiion in a plain home. Call at 615 Cottage place, near Stanton st. POSITION as housekeeper for business man or couple employed by young mar ried woman with- small child. AK 479, Oregonian. WANTED Position aa housekeeper, or will take full charge of rooming house; befct of references. Mrs. Harris. Main 1723. x UNINCUMBERED lady wishes position as . housekeeper for widower that has a heme; no triflers wanted. 3o3y Yam hill st., room 15. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeping position for- widower with family. S 480, Oregonian. ' 3.EPINED young lady, alone, would like position housekeeper for widower. AR 4gi'2, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman would like H. K. for respectable widower; not over 2 chil dren. X 49, Oregonian. NEAT widow would like position, house keeper for widower or bachelor. Wood lawn 4219. or BJ. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper, hotel or apartment house. Have had ex perlence. Columbia 1149. Domestics. EXP. COOK wishes position In nice private home. AM 490. Oregonian. . jAwUbecleantng. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning, floor waxing and vac uum cleaning ; estimates cheerfully giv en : best of references EXP. WOMAN wants housecleaning, 45c per nour. tu&sz . WANTED TO RENT. Houses. LET US HANDLE your property and save you bother collecting rents. Houses, flats, apts., storea We have a waiting list. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. REFINED southern woman, small family, wants to rent furnished house, board owners ; must be heated, modern, two story, not less than 7 or 8 rooms; good residential section. Main 3409. FAMiLY or aduH desire one-year lease, at reasonable rental, of modern six or seven -room house, with 'sleeping porch; Laurelh-u-rst or Irving ton preferred. Phone Tabor 4-906. WANT 8-room house on west side; also 6-room house in Irving-ton. METZGE R-PARKER COMPANY. Realtors. 269 Oak St. Broadway 5355. W ANT small place near beaches, suitaoie for cows, chickens, garden, furnished or unfurnished; will lease; give particu- lars. 1192 High St. S. E. WE HAVE many calls tor houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WANTED To renl; about March 20. 4 or 6-room modern furnished house, respon sible couple ; no children : best of ref erences. M 477. Oregonian. WANTED To rent, lease preferred, 7 or 8-room house in good district; must be modern. References exchanged. AJ 492, Oregonian WANTED to lease, large - unfurnished house, close in on the west side; must have electric lights, furnace heat and running water. Call Main 8937. WANTED To rent about April 1, unfur nished house or flat; no children; would lease if satisfied ; give rate, phone, ad dress BD 494. Oregonian. WANED 5 or 6-room house at Seaside, Must have modern Improvements. For six months beginning April 1. G 498. Oregonian. WANTED to rent, about March 15. 4. or, ' 5-room" modern furnished house; no children; boat references. Give phone and address H 378, Oregonian. FURNISHED house, with garage, near Rose City, Sunnyside or Montavilla car linps. for about $45. C 478. Oregonian. LARGE house, 8 to 11 rooms, walking distance ; can give reference ; reasonable rent. Call 521-48. BY APRIL 1, modern six or seven-room house in Laurelhurst or Irvington. labor 634 WANTED To rent by April 1, 6-room furnished bungalow. No children Referencea. H 477, Oregonian. 3-5-ROOM house furnished; will give best of care, permanent; reasonable rent. . Wdln. 4730. $50 WITH YEAR'S lease; .-room modern house; exclusive district only; refer ences. Woodlawn 5010. WANTED to rent 8 or 9-room house in good repair. Nob Hill district. Main 4586. ' YOUNG couple would like bungalow to rent In Laurelhurst. Best of references. Phone Tabor 7231. BY APRIL 1,, partly furnished house. 4 adults: must be , good neighborhood. AG 495. Oregonian. . . WANTED Modern 5-room house in good location on east side; rent must be rea sonable. Phone East 6979. 3 OR 4-ROOM modern furnished yard, close In, reasonable rent. F 488, Oregonian WANTED By 3 adults, furnished , bunga low 5 rooms and sleeping porch; perma nent home. 316-27. WANT unfurnished house, 4 01 adults; bst references. Sell. o rooms. 3380. 5 OR 6-ROOM modern unfurnished house with yard: 3 adults. AE 489, Oregonian. $3500 7-ROOM modern house, 2 biks. car Bdwy. 7429. Bdwy. 4794. 3-ROOM furnished house, reasonable; walking distance. N 480. Oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4-room house in or neair Garden Home. Bdwy. 1676 Monday. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER ft FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lis of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses. aoart xnents and fiats, with definite informa- tion pertaining to each: sleeping room Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly locate. Eighth Floor A, MODEIRIN 4 or 5-room furnished fiat or bungalow is desired about April 1; must be in fir-t-cias condition, pleas antly situated, well furnished and rent reasonable; permanent if satisfied. If you have such a place to offer phone Bdwy. 4064, mornings between 9 and 12. References. WE CANNOT supply the -demand .for vacant houses, flats and stores; ''C1t buey," list yours' and help us both. Hall, with GREAT WESTERN INV. CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. B ro a d w a y 7581. I WANT to lease a modern 8 or 9-room house In restricted dis trict; will pay as high as $125 per month rent. F. N. Clark, Broadway 5843. ABOUT April 1, in good district, by young refined couple, 6-room bungalow and garage for one car; prefer large living room with fireplace. Will eign year's lease. Can give best of referencea. AP 495. Oregonian.. , MODERN 8-room house for rent, 4 rooma upstairs and 4 down, can he sublet If you wish; rent $20 for 8 room, house No, 746 East 20th st., at the end of Brooklyn car line, to right. Owner be there 10 to 1 P. M. WANTED 5-room house, good locality; not over $3600; can pay $400 cash; own ers only. Wood lawn 30O2. Apartments. TRINITY" PLACE APARTMENTS Two choice apartments available; top floor, four rooms, sleeping porch, pantry, bath and hall; rent $87.50; references re quired. Phone Broadway 6S6f. WANTED By 10 business and profes sional women, a boarding-house home, good wholesome food, modern rooms, home-like surroundings. AB 454, Ore gonian. WANTED by l5th, o-TOom modern apt. or flat, 2 bedroom, heated, west side; adults. Phone Broadway 27901, room 201. eveninga WANTED By reliable parties, large fur nished apartments in exchange for man ager and Janitor Phone Sell wood 484. WANTED By March 20, 8-room furnished or partly furnished flat or apartment. Phone Main 6192. Rooms. WANTED Two or three rooms furnished for light housekeeping, near East 83d and Halsey sts. ; reasonable. E. Brown, 80 Crosby st. WANTED Business woman wants room In private family; some housekeeping privileges; room must be well heated and lighted. AF 476, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. A MARRIED counle emuloyed would fur niah bedroom in private home, if party would board reasonable. Reply, giving address and phone number. .so Oregonian WANTED Room and board for mother and two children In refined home, where children will receive good care while parents are employed. West side preferred. H 4o, oregonian. LADY going maternity hospital about June first wants room and board with pri vate family, also afterwards with baby. C 4S3. Oregonian. 12-YEAR-OLD boy wants work all sum mer for board, not far from Portland, 185 Vz Grant st. PARTY wants some one to care for 3-yr.-old child, where there are no other children. Call from 10 until 11 Sunday Marshall 3421. . NICELY furni'shed room for 2; meals il desired; walkin r distance. Phone Mar shall 2781. 774 Northrup. WANTED By young man with 5-year-ol son. room and board in Protestant pri vate family, west side. J 477. Oregonian. . Housekeeping Rooms. 2 PARTLY furnished sunny h. k. rooms in orivate family. Ref. if desired. BD 482. Oregonian. LADY employed wants H. K. room In Christian family, west side, walking die tance preferred. H 493, Oregonian. Business Placet. LOCATION suitable for truck sales with shop and office connection by trucK company now located; give price, etc. BJ 499. Oregonlam WANTED Office room and phone calls taken-care of, while out. AC 483, Qre- gonlan. WANT etore building with living rooms; good location. Call Tafror 4712. Miscellaneous. CASH paid for Indian relics, old coins, stamps, antiques and curios of all kinds. WJlliam Paul, Broadway 1724. 504 Washington st. FOR RENT. LUCRET1 A COURT has a warm, well ventilated sleeping room with bath and toilet in basement, $2.50 per week for summer. References required. Mar. 1513. LIGHT, clean housekeeping and sleeping rooms, reasonable, walking distance. 535 Johnson st. Bdwy. 2016. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL ROWLAND. -907 ft Fourth St.. Mar. 459, 163 rooms, centrally located. Rates, 75c, $1, $1.50 per day; $4 per week and HP- ANSON I A HOTEL. . 124 14th st., at Washington. Rates ?5 per week and up, $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. STANDISH HOTEL. 648 WASHINGTON, AT 18TH. Nicely furnished sleeping and house keeping rooms, steam heated, $3 up per week. Broadway 2300. WANTED Young woman to share 4-roo.m apartment on west side; walking dis tance. Call or telephone Ruth Gros venor, 501 Pittock blk. Bdwy. 3846. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special ratea to permanent guests. NICELY furnished rooms, modern and reasonable, plenty heat and hot water, walking distance. 661 Kearney, st. Bdwy. 4434. . HOTEL CONRADINE, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rates by week or month. GRAND AVE. HOTEL. Under new management, good eats, alee clean rooms, all for $8.50 per week. 334 Grand ave., cor, of Mill. 1 - MATTH1 ESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up, clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia. 1 OR 2 BEAUTIFUL front rooms, first floor. Steam heat and phone. Walk ing distance. 595 Glisan st. Bdwy. 2327. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 V Washington st. Modern. ' private bathtf, free phones; reasonable rate: $3-50 week up. Bdwy. 6831. DESIRABLE furnished room for business gentlemen; plenty heat and hot water. Walking distance. 63 Glisan st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, heat -and light, walking distance. E. 22d. 1 block to Hawthorne. East 9276. WILL rent nice', clean, airy room to gen tleman. Thisk ia private family. 1064 E. Main st. CRYSTAL HOTEL. 362 Alder St.. clean strictly modern, well-heated rooms, reasonable rates: special rates by week. LARGE, lovely furnished sleeping room, twin beds; Quiet and homelike; close in. 821 6th. LARGE pleasant room, private bath, plenty . steam heat; suitable for three. 361 Hth" St. Auto. 516-12 ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th St., near Mor riBon Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. MARL N HOTEL. Cor. 17th and Ctrach; large, well fur nished modern rooms, reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKLE Y. Jflorrison st. at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; light and airy: steam heat. THE ST PAUL, Fourth and Alder. A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL; $1 up. Rates by week or month. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, Washington and Fifth Sts. Special permanent rates. 2-ROOM apt., 1st floor, private entrance, furnace. 494 Taylor st. Main 2121. FRONT room to lady employed. $10. wood 1938. FURNISHED room; lady preferred; 453 E. 18th st. N. East 4836. 50c DAY, 2.50 W EEK up; clea n. baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. FOR RENT Sleeping room, dose In, $2.50 ' to $3.00 week. Marshall 1667. COSY furnished room, Johnson. Main 3796. reasonable. 733 2 DAYS in music studio to vocalist or 1 Phone Tabor 7140. Pianist. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern ; up. Larrahee st., 2 blks. N. st $3 week el bridge. LIGHT airy sleeping room. Reasonable rates. - 470 Columbia. Phone Mar. Ib43. FOR RENT. Jrurnished Rooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH Ql iET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE. - ICALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free Hat of moderate-priced rooms for young men ln all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. IROQUOIS hotel, 103 Vi 12th. corner of, Stark. ' Under new management. Thor oughly renovated; up to date; fireproof building, centrally located. Mra A. A. Cosper, mgr. Phone Bdwy. 374. FURNISHED, spotlessly clean home ; of fice room, close in, second floor; water. . heat, electricity, gas. Inquire 33. 165H 4th st., between Morrison and YamhilL Main 3312. hotel Netherlands. 126 13th st. at washington. Rates, $1 a day, a week $5 and up; private bath $H: fireproof and clean Clone to business center. NICELY furnished large clean rooms. $3 up; gentlemen preferred. 569 Johnson at. Phone Bdwy 5926. . SPECIALLY suitable for women, modern conveniences, walking distance. Mar- . shall 1132. In furnished Rooms. NICELY, rooms. locaLt-d, newly 826 Corbett st. papered H. K. Marshall 2344. ROOMS for 2 families, upstairs apart- ments. 5S2 East 6th s t . Brooklyn car. .Mirniwhed Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished front room, furnace heat, modern convenience, use of kitch en if desired; walking distance. Main 91S5. 432 Mill st. FOR RENT One nice, large front room suitable for two ladles or two gentlemen; board if desired-, near two car lines. 61 Eat 26th st. YOUNG lady to share room and home board, laundry with use of piano mid victrola, $25.50 per month. C. S. pre ferred. E. 2427. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN IRVING TON HOME, CONVF.Nl'EiNT TO TWO C A RLIXiES. HOME PRIVILEGES. EAST 491W. WEST SIDE, newly furnished ivory enam eled room, extra nice, in modern home, to refined lady employed. S69 11th iL Main 6750. ROOM with home prlvi logos in private family for woman or girl employed, closa In on east side, walking distance. BK 500, Oregonian. PARLOR sleeping room, fireplace, furnace heat, hot and cold running water, phone, etc. Close-in west side, $5.0X per week. Call Main 7759. FOR RENT to refined business woman Large attractive room in well appointed private home. Walking distance. Ref erences required. Call Main 4SS6. WILL share 3-rm. newly fur steam-heated apartment on west side, walking dis tance with refined lady employed. Bdwy. 4546. 2 LARGE, newly furnished sleeping rooma. private home, close ln. 1 block from 2 cars; Irving ton district; must give ref erences. E. A783. LARGE well-furnished room, modern home for 1 or 2 people, $3.50 per week. 2 meals If desired. 667 Gltsan. Bdwy 2948. VERY attractive rooms, beautifully fur- uished, parlor, piano, home privileges; rates $3.50 up. 61 N. 18th st. Bdwy 2721. CLEAN, well-f urnlshed warm room with hot and cold running water; In modern home near 23d and Wash. . Gentlemen. Marshal! 36S9. - FOR 'RENT Furnished room, heated. walking distance. 554 Everett St.. corner 17th. Bath, hot and cold water; will rent to gentleman only. WEST SIDE, walking distance ; room In comfortable home ; steam heated, con venient to bath; reasonable price; gen tleman preferred. Marshall 1650. LARGE clean pleasant room, walking dis tance; private fainTIy, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Bd wy. 787. ONE ROOM and kitchenette, sink, and coid water. Rent reasonable. GHsan. Auto. 520-12. hot 671 PLEASANT room with board, home in Laurelhurst, for one or two. Garage. 1262 E. Flanders. LARGE front room, private family, mod ern house, Hawthorne. Referencea Ta bor 8745. NICELY furnished room, Hawthorne dis trict, near 2 car lines. Only 2 in family Garage. If desired. Tabor S903. ALL THE attractive features you could wish for, V block Alameda. $3.50, $4.50. Tabor 171. 601 E. 53d st. North. WELL furnished front room, suitable 1 or 2; $15. Board convenient. Weidler, East 8098. for 823 CLEAN 4-room furnl-hed upper floor in private family; walking distance. 84 E;st Eighth st FOR RENT Good warm, room in Christian home, meals if desired. 965 E. modern front $3.50 a week; Salmon. LARGE frontroom for gentleman or man and wife, good car service. Board if desired. Woodlawn 1874. LARG E nicely furnished room, family, 15 minutes to town, week. Tabor 1263. $4 per EXCEPTIONALLY nice room in well-kept modern home. Nob Hill district; Prot estants. Mar. 1019. WELL-FURNISHED STroom apartment. Nob Hill; also single housekeeping room. 666 Hoyt. NICE large front room with private bath, business men only. Use of living room downstairs. At 68 Everett, near 21st. PLEASANT sleeping room for lady; steam heat, cioe in, reasonaoie rent. eoy yt Jefferson. Main 7127. Apt. 201. JUST c.eaning some nice airy rooms; walking distance; also close to car. 14J Irving. Main 2425. ROOMS, $15 per month, next to bath; 14 block from and Washington. 173 Green ave. Mar. 34. ROOMS in good location, fine neighbor hood, piano. Phone E. 2oj.d except -to 5. ERY pleasant room in a beautiful home; working gin preierrea. no r. na. Walking distance. Reasonable. WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for one or t wo. use of living room ; close to 83d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 976. PLEASANT sleeping or housekeeping room, furnished, for one gentleman. Price right. 451 10th st. South. FURNISHED rooms In strictly private home to 2 or 3 rfrst-class men; refer ences. SHiO East 22d st. S. East 1223. WEST SIDE Stam-heated room, newly furnished to refined gentleman; garage close by. AK 405. Oregonian. NICELY furnished clean room in beautiful home, steam heat, lota or hot water; e : s y walking distance. 215 I4th street. WELL furnished warm room, bath, close in. $3.75 per week; 60 N. 2lst st. Phone Broadway 5232. PARLOR or large ro in with water. 1 or 655 Everett. Bdwy, 2 beds, reasonaoie. 3501. CLEAN, airy, nicely furnished room, phone and batn, use or jiving room ; gooa car service ; Piedmont district. Wdln. 190"-. LARGE 1 separate hi ootn in an attractive home; is If desired. Tabor N709. LARGE front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, board If desired. Woodlawn 6618. ROOM and kitchenette. 2 adults, empioyvd. East 7493. SLEEPING 9002. rooma 30 E. 15th street. E. 'iji.A Y, cozy, warm room, t en I ral, $12.50 and $14 a monUt. 415 Hroadway. LOVELY room reasonable; private fam ily. Main 606. TWO NICELY furnished - bedrooms, family. 10S0 Clinton. East 2722. LARGE room, suitanie for 1 or 2 young men. $10 month. 667 Gll-an. Bdwy. 2948. ROOM for gentleman In home, walking distance. 52 Lucretia st. ROOMS, woman employed. 302 Park, corner Columbia; women only. LARGE 160 N. piaant 21st. room for young men. ROOMS reasonable, walking distance. Call iroadway 4434. ROOM for distance. gcmleman fi'J Lucreti in home; a st. walking NICE room for gonr Jeman. All conveni ences. Reasonable. 2R0 13th st. ON E OR TWO very nice rooms, heated, bath and phone, close In. 188 17th . LA KGE t ront room for rent, suitable for two. 433 V Montgomery. Main 32S0. IRVINGTON Comfortable room for rent. Call East 9019 evenings. ACCOMMODATION for two young men. 391 HarriFnn st. Marsha II 3903. ROOM In Irvington home; breakfast if de- sln-d. Phon-rf East 4:t21 Monday. ROOM for gentleman three doors from Multnomah club. Main 5428. WANT congenial young woman to share a p t. on west side. 410 5th Et. Apt. 60. ROOM for rent, close in, west side. Phone Marshall 1402. ; ATTRACTIVE mom for woman employed. 434 10th. Main 3296. FOR RENT 2 nice clean rooms, cheap. 4 5 5 Montgomery st. Call Main 7651. 3-ROOM and water. $30. bath, large windows, East 89. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, talking distance. 25 N. 22d st. COM FOR TABLE room 1 n steam hat. walking distance. apartment. Main 2236. COMFORTABLE room lor 2 men ln pieas ant home. Bdwy. 723 FURNISHED room for rent very reason able. Call Aut. 214-22. YOUNG girl of refinement roommate; walking distance. wan ted East 7: SM ALL bed room for young man, $10 per month. 4 1 4 Salmon. W A RM room and garage, weal wide. Call Main 4732. FOR RENT JKuraUhrtl K ma it) I'nvie t ami! . PLEASANT, beautifully furnished sign ing room ; privileges, phone, etc.. iim heat, plenty hot water, e-sy walk; et side apartment with young couple; em ployed woman only. Knickerbocker Apt. No- 3. 410 Harrison st. CHOICE front room with aUepIng porch, strictly modern, private homo, beaut if ul view, west aide, v alking d at a nee; re flned people only. Marshall 23. I HAVE two well-furnlMhed front rooma with new furniture throughout and hnt and coid water In room, suitable for one or two ur four In pnate family; walk Ing di-tanre Marshall 1661. NICELY furnisiu'd rornn in loveiy apart ment; with connecting bath ; to congenial . young lady. Will give breakfast If nec essary. Home privileges ; rent rftunn able; references. Broad wa y JH 1 39 ATTRACTIVE corner room for gentleman In an exclusive home. Khnwer bath. Hot wafer heat and all con venlemea A desirable snd convenient location. Phone Tabor 207 1. W EST SIDE, near public library, clean front room, two w Indows, big clot he.i cioset; electricity, phone, bath; no car fare, only 5 minutes' walk to nualnea district. 22S 10th irt. Thone Main ftTM FINE big front room, attractive furniture, big closet, modern n-w hou, piano, good location. 10 mlnutea' H6 Haw thorne car. 804 E. 2d. near Hawthorne. Phone Raft 636. FU RMMIWI) room for g-n t lemti n : pn v a 1 home; Rose City; eery cnvenicne; garage; meal at your ron vniilence, and you pay only for w hut you get; rent reasonable. Phone Aut'V 312 13. AN ALL outside large airv room with private bath; small electric cook facili ties, very fine view, large roof garden; for single gentleman; 40 per month. nn Johnston st. CLEAN furnished room. Bath, furnace heat, electric light, walking dttaiir, $10 a month. 569 East Pine st. Phone East H567. IVUVATE garage and nit's room In mod. home for single gentleman; good neigh borhood, close ln. 196 K, Stub, Tabor 5-501, NUE front room, with large eum-t. lota of light and sun bin, suitable for 1 or 3 ladles; IS ni In u ten ride from buwlnes sCt Ion. Hh w thorne carl;ne. Ta h. :tr3. i AND 3-ROOM apts.. vteii furnisned for h. k.; bath, light and ue of phone In cluded at reasonable rent. 496 Clay, near 14th. FURNISHED room, auHabl for 2. on single, modern, reasonable, close In. 366 12th st., near Mil!. fom- With nm. THE LORRAINE. 212 NORTH 29TH STRKET. Phon Broadway 8-165. MRS. LA VI .V A PRICE. MANAGER. ROOM AND BOARD. For those who appreciate goon home cooked meats and know ths difference, we can offer you a real home. Rates $45 to $75 per month. Plenty of hot water, baths and shower. MOST ELEGANTLY KQ UIPPKD HOME. CAMPUELL HoTKU 23D AND HOYT STRRFTTS-CAMPRBSL-HILL HOTBL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the bM-known residential be tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rat-s by day or month. Meal- nerved to trnr-lents. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portlands downtown hlgh-clana fa mi I y hotel ; rooma en aufte or single, with or without board. fr far'llea and buinen men and women ; w-4 give you all the comforts of a home; r-asonnhle rntt-a . CHE ST E H B E It It Y H O TEL, 2H N' )HTH 20TH ST RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rate- by day. week or month-Meal- er ed to transients. 223 EAST 20TH ST. Portia nd's exclusive east side reshlen tlal hotel; alt comforts of a home com bined with hotel service; removed from the business section, beautiful yard, porch en. fireplaces, shower hat ha. strlct !y home-cooked meala. F.awt 73S4. NEWLY furnished room for one or t people, best food, home cooked, large cloaet. use of large living room; phon today. Broadway 8465. or call at 212 North 2fth. corner Iovejoy, west aids. WHITEHALL HOTEL. 253 6TH ST. AND MADISON. American plan, with or without bath: board and room. $45 and up. Msala pervert to tranalnts MO'I H E-K child 18 healthful eon in n. A'Hias room lor aef, care for monthn old ; must be clan, yard preferable. J 43. Oi e- W EST SIDE. big. pit-ami n t mon for two; good food, hot water, living room. Juat like home. $35 each. Also single room, $35. Mar. 416 WIDOW with home would like to have 3 mr. or man and wife; 2 rooma If de aired; people 'm ployed front room $40. haK toom f 3! Mar-nail 746 WILL give a baby or child a real home and mother's -rare rasonabte. Refer ences. Auto. 634-55. RESIDENTIAL cooking, n lea Main 63M. hotel, close In, home and quiet. 832 10th at CO M FORT A HUE room with board, suit able for 2 gentlemen, near auditorium. 307. . LOOM and board for bualn-aa girla; all moaern conveniences, walair.g distance; 15 pr wek. Auto 2174. 12 g 7th at. MAKTIIA t ir giria WASH INGTOV Room, board mod, rate 3 HQ 1fh Mar ! 25 EXCLUSIVE boarding house. nt Mar shall st. Prices res., $30 up Main 487 PLEASANT room with two E'eventh t. MnrnhflM A 7 2 mea.a. 3-0 it 00 in With Hoard in Private Family. PH ACTIO A L nurse wlsh-s con va Ir-aie tit to bonrd: an let horn, good board, kind attention. Tabnr ft6!V EXCELLENT home watking distance. cooking, wsrm A real home. room. East NK'K airv rooms, home privilege, good board. $30 per month. Irvington dia trict. 44r Has-tilo. PRIVATE home for rhildren. mothers care- 20 vears" expertem-e. 714 Evervtt st. Marshall 2102. PARTY of 4 liiierpitd in rooms, twin beds flifplstM vrlcnr". wewf 9-At. B' w v bright front ', rvnry con 43. PLEASANT room with home prlvil Laurelhurst home, garage. 1262 E. Klau ders. PLEASANT room for 1 home with beat of meals a h e W o o d ! a wn 33 .17. r 2, modern very reason - ROOM with break fact and dinner for young buaineaw girl. Ent side, horns prlvHi-ges. "m II Tabor 5M96. PLEASANT front morn modem home, on car line; accommodate 1 or 2; excellent meal. Main 4 1 57. NICE room In private home with or with out board; no other boarders. Wood lawn 47S4. , . HOME with lovely trees offers room anil excellent board, home-mad pie and bread, walking distance. Bdwy. 4314. WANTED Girl to care for, 4 o of age : good home and b-t 5 hih or other rhildren. Call Wdln. 4M2. LHJHT front room In ino.iem hon.t. in quiet neighborhood, suitable for two gen tlemen H nine rook nig. Ts bor 41 t NICE, cl an. w arm, f U-nild room in a lovely home, with or without board Also garag- East 8835. BEAUTIFUL private hr lent hofird hom waking distance. E;it 2H ROOM 1 street. ith or w it In Mar-hall 1 rJ. 767 Vaunt. ti ROOM aitd board In priate Ing d i s t a n re. Reasonable. fainil.v. w alk Main 9267. MOTHER'S care to i n m y own home. lo chlldien ROOM and vate home, boa nl. 576 La ul iemu n . pri Kant 2333. Ri )uM and board 1 or one man in pri at home. Tabor 5rt33 or 912 K. Alder M. XJCE clean .eeplng room.- u H h private family. 167 East 3d N WILL give rhi'd. C of tare to baby or imill prt furred. P h 11 n 634 - Ht ROOM and 11th. Eh bo-rl. $;10 pT month t M34. S.'5 E GOOD roo if desire for 1 or 2 pTJotm; break IhE fi.10 Marshal' Ht. CLEAN, light convenience; roo m with boa rd : e v ry lose In. haw t7j '05. WOULD l-ke to riire ag 2 to 5. Phon1 for h.l.l two; Auto. 632 -.1 - ROOM with boaid in pleasant home. E. l1b N.. Irvington. 455 ROOMS mont h. board for lady, Broadway 370. $25 pr FOR RENT Room and bard hi prlvala family. Call Sellwood 22HV WANT to rare Cn'I Wood la Tor rhtldi. n 5642 n in my horn. ROOM a 'id board for w omau einpto cd 913 Mhhigan ave. Gi OD ho Main 8 mother' care for llttla girl WILL give your a qut home baliv 107 the b' 3lth of mre in Nort h. HAVE a nice home for mll child; $20 per month. Call Col 1 mm. LA KGE front room In modern home. 770 Irving at. Marnhnll 441'. REFINED family off;r rooms with bo walkin g disTanre, 7'in Hoyt. MOT H E K'S -;r to hl d from K 1110 to IO yo-ar-. hor 4374 Hoard and koom rsonabl-. hnnifMkf. for Z I I, KNISHKD room in modern prUau- (nu 11 v ; will give hoard MHrwhaM at WANTED mot her'- -A child rar. V )om rJ. i1 n v n 2 to WANTED mother's "1 hotin 212 V LOOMS with board. If desired; h.n.t leges; U:e of piano. BUh y. 1 43.