The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 12, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 32

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6ld age compels sale. -
20 acres with a 7-room plastered
house and baaement, running wa
ter m kitchen and on back porch:
house could not be built tor less
taan $30",0; fine well and water
system, water piped to bam yard:
large barn 30x40, feed room and
room for auto and wagon, plows,
etc., hay carrier in. hay loft. A
new modern up-to-date chicken
house, 16x00 with central feed
room with automatic hoppers and
frontal water troughs to hold 6O0
chickens, 8 heavy bearing cherry
trees, 1 pear tree, 4 apple trees,
30 Italian prune trees. 20 Vroo
man Vranquette walnut trees. 4 DO
loganberry plants, 24 blackcap
raspberries bearing, strawberries
planted late last fall. 30 acres in
big body fir, also a spring, house
is on main rock road, & miles from
Oregon City and 22 miles from
Portland, has daily mail and tele
phone, has 4 cream wagons a
week. Price U $3500. $1250 down.
201-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
fOR SALE $13,000 for $13,000, 140-acre
ranch near Roseburg. Or. (35 in high
state of cultivation. 40 easy cleared, bal.
pasture and timber: 12 acres In full
bearing prunes, 20 rich black bottom
loam soil, 33 slightly rolling seeded t
winter oats and vetch, good Tamil
orchard; also pears, grapes, cherries an
berries ; good heavy team, wagon an
harness, farm machinery, 6 cows.
calves, hay and feed. 6 -room house,
barn, other buildings, 3 chicken houses
and yards, fair condition; drilled wel
and engine; also spring; near a good
general store, if. o., church and school
level graveled road to Roseburg: thick
ly settled community, high building spot,
IS laurel shade trees, tine view over
looking the valley, with the finest ell
mate in the state. If you are lookinj
for a nice, homelike place don't over'
look this. Write for particulars. Box No.
74, Dixon vi lie, Douglas Co., Oregon.
PRICE S6500.
Just 0 miles from the city limits, good
road all the way. In one of our very
best farming sections; 30 acres, no better
land anywnere, all cleared, lies perfectly;
6 -room house, barn, outbuildings; large
bearing orchard. Price $500, $20O0
down, balance o per cent. Some equip
ment. We are the oldest farm dealers
In Portland and always have the very
best to be offered and at the most
reasonable prices obtainable.
122 N. 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 43 51.
la western. Canada vou can bar low-
priced farm lands, so rich and fertile
tnat one crop has been known to pay
for them In full. Ey terms, small
cash payments, Social and living condi
tlona are the same as those you now
enjoy. Sam language and climate.
Send for free booklet telling about the
choice lands for e-raln erowmr and
mixed farming along the lines of the
Canadian National Railways. Special
low rates and personally conducted ex
cursions. Write today. DE WITT POS
TER, Supt.. Industrial and Resources
Dept., Canadian National Railways",
Dept. C24. Marouette bldg.. cnicago. ill.
S3 acres In cultivation, all good
soil, lies fine; about 1 acre in
strawberries, young orchard; good
4-room house, fair barn and chick
en house; good auto road through
place; price for a short time $4500,
about half cash.
815 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Jl FINE proposition for someone, 40 acres,
fine soil, 8 In cultivation, 15 more nearly
ready for plow, 35 tillable, fenced and
cross-fenced, good 6 -room house, well on
porch; also springs. line barn, 3d,
machine shed, 20x40, floored ; included
goes 2 good cows, 3 heifers, fine team,
harness, 2 wagons, feed cutter, harrow,
tlow. seed drill, new cream separator.
.all small tools, price, everything, $3500;
federal loan J600; half cash, time on
balance; 5 miles excellent town, good
road. C. L. Becker, I33H First st.
KO BETTER than the rest, but better
than the rest, is the bargain J can give
on 290 a.. 3 mi. R. R. and town; 100
cult., 50 a. more easily cleared, 50 a.
fall grain, 40 a. timber, bal. pasture; all
good land, creek past corner of place;
2 barns. 10-r. house, h. and cold water.
toilet and bath, tel. and R. P. IX. 15-27
Case tractor outfit for sale or trade for
city or small place as part pay. Box
36. Crabtree, Or.
41 ACRES, Improved farm; located two
miles from McMlnnville, on hard surface
road. House, -new and modern with 8
rooms, electricity, -with hot and cold
water, modern plumbing, full cement
casement, good barn, 30x36, outbuild
ings, good fences, family orchard. An
Ideal chicken and dairy ranch. Price
$14,000. Cash $7000, balance suitable
terms. By owner. Marion Palmer, R.
F. D. No. 2. McMlnnville. Or.
480 ACRES, price per acre $45: 2SO acres
under cultivation, 100 acres fall plowed,
20 acres new breaking, balance spring
plowing: new buildings, large 6-room
plastered house, barn 46x40, 2-good
wells, woren-wire fences, S miles to good
town, 4 elevators, 2 good- schools, best
wheat district in Alberta, Inquire of
C. H. Standbridge. owner. Alliance, Al
berta, Canada. .
FOR SALE SO acres, 3 miles southwest
of Philomath, Or. ; 35 acres in grain ;
family orchard, berries, 400 hens, 4
chicken houses, team, wagon, harness,
4 cows, 2 heifers, registered Jersey bull,
large barn 40xG0 ft., ti-room house; wa
ter piped to all buildings; plows, harrow,
hay rake, mower, disc; all for $6000.
Philomath. Or. Phone 9 P 3.
FOR SALE 133 .acres, good house and
barn, silo, city water and electric lights;
about 8 acres oak timber, all good soil;
mile to high school, mile from
paved highway, and on gravel road;
some good prune and walnut land;
mile to town. Price $15,000 with good
terms; around 10O acres in crop.
McMlnnville, Or.
"BANK REFERENCE," 240 acres, house
- springs, saw-timber, big game, $4 a. Pig,
olive, grape, land, Irrig. $25 a; 326 fronts
1 mile on Sacramento river, 200 rich
silt soil, good house outbuildings, pump
ing plant. 5 cows, hogs, horses, tools,
etc. All for $34 a. Income ranches, all
prices. Glenn Pettay, Loren Hotel bldg..
Redding, California.
Mostly level valley and bottom; set
tled district, roads, markets; at Ona
laska in Newaukum valley, near Che
halls; $15 to $50, 1-10 cash payment, ten
year terms; steady employment in mills
or woods. Salesman on ground or write
Graham-Pardew Land Co., 1008 Ameri
can Bank bldg.. Seattle.
FOR SALE 50 acres. 3 minutes from R.
R. station and school ; suited for all
kinds of fruit or dairy; almost new
house, poultry and outbuildings, well
And ank house; IS acres clear, rest in
timber. Inquire Ernest Hurney, Hugo,
southern Oregon.
FINE, improved farm. t$u acres. 48 acres
cleared and in crops; 1000 cords wood,
living creek, no rocks; modern house;
all good farm buildings, complete set
farm implements, team, cow, heifer.
Pigs; $SOOO will handle. Harry Jost,
owner. Sherwood, Or.
75 acres, 45 acres in crops, balance,
very easy to clear, level land; 6-room
house. 2 dairy barns; at railroad sta
tion, 11 miles Portland courthouse, $17,
'K0. good easy terms; take small hou!e.
R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 1B5 4 4lh St.
FO R S A LE 23 ac res well Improved,
farming implements, household goods;
one acre in berries, over SOO thorough
bred chickens ; near electric station ;
$3500 cash will handle.
272 Stark St. Broadway 7830.
127 ACRES land. 9 miles southwest of
The Dalles, very rich volcanic ash soil,
food for grazing; 40 acres good for
ruit; 112 cords of oak. also pine and
fir; 4Vfc-hour drive from Portkand. Lei
Miller. 1008 Hancock. Portland. Or.
.i0-ACRfi farmT half in cultivation six
acres easy to clear, plenty of water
and wood, ramny orchard, big barn and
other buildings, with stock and some
furniture; $3000. R. 1, box 30, Ridge
field. Wash.
EX-SERVICE man may secure 40-acrs
improved farm near Portland, price
$6000. including horses, wagon, cow
chickens, pigs, tools, etc; bonus loan ac
cepted, no cash needed. C 407, Orego
nian. u ACRES upland, five beaverdam, 8-rm.
bungalow, water system, Lowden barn,
sheds, equipment; near highway and
electric line, 8 miles Vancouver; will sell
alt or part acreage, terms; bargain.
B. M. Godwin, owner, Sifton, Wash
HEALTH seekers Investigate southern
Naw Mexico; U. S. weather bureau
classes our ail-year climate, "dry, mild,
sunshine, unsurpassed for healthfulness
and comfort Write Chamber of Qsm
merce. Las Cruces, N. M.
160-ACRE dairy ranch for rent; 10 cows,
1 re-, bull, 10 heifers, 1 young team,
machinery, milch cows and cooler for
sale. On Columbia highway, 1 mile
from Goble. G. Brawand, Goble, Or.
"""" $t500 VALUE $5600.
Well-equipped, stocked C5 acres; good
roads, near school. Terms. 723 Wit.
lne avenue. Auto. 315-06.
23 acres of sandy clay silt loam,
the kind you can't make into a
- lump and can plow any day of the
' year; this land produces aspara
gus and rhubarb to perfection
and is fine for melons, corn and
berries; y acres of logans, mam
moth blackberries, raspberries,
gooseberries, currants, asparagus,
rhubarb. 300 grapes. .ll of the
above in commercial quantities
and bearing; lots of fruit and nuts,
apples, cherries, pears, prunee,
almonds and English walnuts;
10 acres under irrigation, pump-
lng water from river with 15 h.
p. electric motor, water system
and electricity at house and an in
stalled electric range Is included;
new barn and silo, big hen house;
3 extra good cows, heifer calf, fine
team, hog: complete farm Imple
ments; this wonderful ranch lies
on river and fine road; one hour's
drive to Portland paved all but
1 mile) ; price $12,500; will also
sell 154 acres river bottom land
near above with 5 acres In culti
vation; fine timber and pasture.
The two tracts of- 38 acres for
only $15,000; will trade for income
property or good residence up to
$8000; balance long time at 6 per
cent; see us about this at once.
Gladstone, Oregon.
Oregon City car line.
Phone Oregon City 269J.
80 ACRES $4000 CASH.
Only $50 per acre and within 8
miles of Vancouver. 18 miles busi
ness district of Portland, nothing
can bo bought in the neighborhood,
all In stumps for less than $150
acre: 20 acres in cultivation. 5
acres good timber, balance stump
pasture, all is good soil, no rock
or gravel, level and will drain,
running water. R. F. D. cream
route; building very little value;
this is a real bargain, you can
speculate on, this: it will make
you home and make money it you
should want to sell later: this
must bo sold at once: owner Is
making this price on account of
financial needs.
705 Main st., Vancouver. Wash.
cently opened up for settlement their
last large block of fertile park lands in
the Lloydminster. and Battleford dis
tricts in Central Alberta and Saskatche
wan, where grain growing and mixed
farming conditions are ideal. These
lands can be bought on 20-year terms
at an average price of $18 per acre
10 cash with no further payments of
principal until the end of the fourth
year 6 Interest. Under certain con
ditions of occupation and development
only 2 interest first two years. Per
sonally conducted parties of landseekera
with reduced rates. For further nar-
ticulars apply or write Canadian Pacific
iy. to., .Railway exchange Bldg.,
Portland. Oregon. L, P. Thornton, dis
trlct representative.
15 acres near Reedville, on good
rock road, with milk and mall
route, 8 acres cleared, balance in
good pasture, not hard to clear. 2
room house, newly painted, barn,
fruit and berries for family use.
Place is well fenced and several
acres of good swale land. A real
bargain for $3500. Some terms.
315 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
14 acres, 4 cleared, balance timber
and pasture, two fine springs, one piped
to house and barn, other for chicken
houses; 4-room house, large barn, mod
ernand new chicken houses 20x100 and
1 6x60 ; orchard and berries ; 650 pure
bred W. L. hens, 30 breeding roosters,
team, 3 cows, 2 sows and pigs, vehicles
and machinery, etc. Everything for
$3500; 30 miles out, rocked road all the
way; truck takes all produce right from
the place and brings back whatever
you want.
122 N. th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381.
These 22 acres are located on the
maun road west of Tualatin, slop
ing back from road just enough
to drain. There are about 7 acres
of beaverdam land, all the place is
under cultivation except about 4 "
apres which ia slashed, family
orchard, .good large barn, small .
house, few fine f trs In front;
price $6000, good terms.
201-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
FOR SALE 3f acres, 3 miles from New-
berg, Or., 27 miles from Portland, 3
miles from highway on macadam road
to be paved this summer; small house
and barn, excellent drilled well, good
soil, 9 acres in fir timber, remainder
seeded to grass, partly cleared of
stumps, suitable for agriculture, dairy
ing, admirably adapted to fruit of all
kinds. Price $4800; small cash payment,
remainder on terms to suit purchaser.
Address AV 298. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE 630 acres in the Methow
Valley, wash.; vo tinea and loo more
can be ploughed ; 115-ton silo, house,
barns and other outbuildings: joins
state road and range; school within H
mile of land; price $15 per acre; will
consider smaller place as part payment;
this is 7 miles from good town -and
would be a good location for sheep or
cattle ranch; will sell stock and ma
chinery with place if buyer wants it.
J. P. Stokes, Twisp, Wash., R. F. D. 1.
We specialize on stock ranches. Have
some of the best buys In the northwest
and can assist in financing same.
PAC1 no nAt'K CO., .
320 Pittock Blk.
will sell this fruit farm for $5500
less than cost. 20 acres of 10-year-oid
apple trees in fine condition; 74 acres
in wheat. Land rolling and tile-drained.
1'i miles to large valley town; 30 miles
to Portland ; $1500 cash will handle.
The income from this place will pay
balance. Ask for Mr. Pownder, Main
2717. or call at 406 Broadway bldg.
20 acres, 14 miles to paved highway.
en good grave i roao; acres cleared,
tiled and 12 acres in clover and tim
othy; will grow onions, celery, cabbage.
potatoes etc. ; wonderful panoramic
view or coiumma rive and gorge; fair
nouse ana new Darn euxu; running wa
ter to house and barn. For price and
terms write rorciana. rcoute 3. iSox 460.
12 V ACRES, 15 miles from Portland, on
rock road; 1 mile from electric station.
near school and church; all cleared; C
acies loganoerries, z acres apples; good
5-room bungalow, good barn, good team,
1 cow, 75 chickens and all implements
included; ideal location; for sale by
owner; no agents. Address AV 805, Ore-
92 ACRES $9200.
On highway, near Forest Grove;"45 in
cultivation; house, barn, orchard; one
third cash, bal. easy. Owner, 732 Pat
tou rd.. city- Main 8380.
WE WANT to tell you more about the fa
mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon.
A dairy, potato and stockman's para
dise. A card' brings full particulars.
Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc., Red
mond. Or. (King Murphy's capltol. )
120 ACRES, 50 under cultivation, balance
ready to piow. mue to electric sta
tion, near college town. A real snap at
$70 per acre ; might consider a good
house in Portland as part payment.
Cash a nd teims. Call Auto. 620-1 2.
FOR SALE 25-acre farm, good 7-room
house, all kinds of fruit; ten minutes'
walk to stores, churches, hieh srhnni
fine team, cows, chickens, farming tools
go; easy lei-ma. sr. . dox 4.'i, Kldge
field, Wash. .
SACRIFICE SALE For short time only,
440 acres. 4 miles south of Madras; 880
acres in cultivation, good Improvements
$6000 cash. B. L. Cummings, route 3,
Hood Rivpr. Oregon.
80 ACRES or will sell less, very rich soil;
lies very ha-ndy, on good road: close to
school and IV miles from Goble. near
2 logging camps; no agents. Owner
living on place. Peter Larsen. Coble Or
FOR BALE SO-acre general farm, 65 in
grain, good buildings; orchard; $3500
down. -Mrs. Bishop, Junction City, Or.,
Rte. 1.
STOCKED, equipped, paying ranch, $6500
owner will accept bonus, remainder $500
yearl. Including 6 per cent interest.
near Portland, $50 to $o00 an acre, easy
terms, bet soil; farms for sale, ail sizes.
We Fariano remim - va r auing bldg.
BEFORE buymg a farm of any kind; Jearn
all about Kelso, Wash. Opportunities
best in. the west today. Write I. o. bo
341, Kelso. Wash.
Su ACRES hilly timbered land near Scap
poose. 3-rm. shack, spring; half tillable
Terms. J. B. Sharp, owner, 3 ft 3d at.
Foi Sale Farms.
B20O acres: free waiter to Irrigate;
over 2000 acres as It is under reservoir,
owner says. Controls on account of
water about 3tH) sections. This place
has raised and fed 22,000 sheep per
year; price $25 per acre. This is one
of the best-known and cheapest sheep
or cattle ranches in the northwest today.
Will consider exchange for Income prop
erty either in Portland or any other
northwestern large city. This is an
estate and must be settled. Located
In Harney county.
Over 5000 acres, about 500 acres can
bo irrigated; about 300 acres under ir-,
rigation now; new fences, good build
ings, about 150 head, of cattle, all the
necessary machinery, 'horses, harness to
run this place, at the ridiculously low
price of $11 per acre. This is an es
tate and the .widow and small children
are unable to run this place. Must have
at least S20.000 cash, balance 20 years,
until children become of age. Or will
take $20,000 In cash and the balance
in property which the widow can handl
Located near Prineville, Crook county
on nignway.
8000 acres on the upper Columbia.
nver; one or tne oiggest and oest com
Dinauon wneat, cattle or sheep ranctiei
in tne northwest; owns railroad spu
to load and has rail and water tran
portation, only about 4 hours to bring
livestock into the yard from this place
oy ireigni. owner nas spent over
000 the last two vears on buildlnss an
fences; lots of this land can be used
tor sub-irrigation. Price $25 per acre.
w m isks over one-naif or all in in
come Droducin Dronertv In Portland
The above ranches have been thor
oughly Investigated bv W. J. Schmauch
realtor, specializing only in. eastern and
cenirai uregon .rancnes.
806 Railway Exchange Bldg.,
Portland, Or.
Nearly all in high state of
cultivation, good soil, some fine
onion land, lasting running water
and good well, choice lot of fruit,
berries and grapes ; good house
with some modern conveniences,
wired for electric lights and
which Is available; large barn,-,
running water also In pasture.
Located in good close-in dis
trict, on fine road.- near school,
stores, etc; about 10-minute walk
to good station and 3Kmlnuta
ride from Portland over paved
highway; Ideal proposition for
cows, berries, chickens, onions, etc.
Has big frontage on macadam
road and could be divided nicely
into smaller tracts. Can make
price much lower than that for
which much nearby acreage with
out buildings is held, give terms,
might accept one or two Port
land houses or divide. This Is
one of the best places, and In my
opinion, the best- bargain I have
offered during the past 10 years.
1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
100-ACRE farm near Newberg. This farm
is one of the best in the valley; Bo acres
under cultivation, R acres in prunes,
5-room Dlastered house. rood barn.
granary and outbuildings. Can be bought
on the down payment of the price for
stock and implements. The owner is
not a farmer; if you are looking for
a good farm or dairy ranch you can
have It on your own terms. This place
is only ( minutes from town.
504 Buchanan Bldg.
47 acres cleared. A complete list
of equipment that goes with the place:
2 horses, 5 cows, 2 brood sows and
pigs, loo laying hens, 6 tons hay.
doors of feed in silo, 75 bushels of
wheat, 75 bushels or oats, 1 wagon.
sets of harness, 1 hack, 1 buggy, 1
buggy harness, l spring - tooth harrow,
2 cultivators, 1 disk harrow, 1 corri-
gated roller, 2 plows, one 3-horse drill,
1 mower. 1 hay rake. 1 shovel Blow.
All other small tools that a' farm needs
and also some shop tools. Ground is
all plowed. Nice 9-room house strictly
modern. race -$i3,ouu. seooo eash,
Complete drainage - system tiles.
E. M. ELLIS, Realtor.
Suite 428 Morgan Bldg.
Main 5000. Main 5061.
6-room modern house, hot and
cold water, bath, complete built
in kitchen; fine water system,
good barn, poultry house, hog
house, family orchard, all well
fenced and cross-fenced ; every
foot under cultivation; Holstein
cow, brood sow; 1 hog, 50 chick
ens, 35 rabbits and hutches; Buck
range, heating stove, linoleum: on
mail and milk route, stage line,
V mile to street car line; joins
good school; price for all this, onlys
$6500. Some terms.
315 Northwestern Bank Bldg..
68 ACRES, 10 MILES OUT, FOR $8500.
Rocked road all the way, 10 miles from
the city limits; 68 acres, 35 cleared, bal
ance timber and pasture; lies perfectly
and soil unexcelled around Portland; 4
room house, large barn, new granary, 2
chicken houses, orchard, team, harness,
wagon, 100 hens, cow and full set ma
chinery. Pries $8500. If in the market
for good farm land, see us the oldest
farm dealers in Portland.
122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4881.
Located near Heppner; 775 acres In
cultivation; this is some of the finest
wheat land in eastern Oregon; raised
better than 50 bushels to the acre last
year; will take house or suburban home
up to $25,000. The land is valued at
$50 per acre.
We have a number of very fins buys
In wheat ranches; some will take part
trade, some all trade; from 1000 acres
to 12,000 acres. Broadway 2571.
633 Railway Exchange Bldg.
130 acres, 75 in cult., about 10 acres of
timber, balance open pasture, fenced and
cross-fenced, well watered with living
springs and creek; good 6-room bunga
low, large barn and other outbuildings;
water piped to house and barn; all good
land ; located 30 miles out; good all
year auto road all the .way; for a quick
sale will be priced far below value, on
easy terms ; might take In some city
nrooertv. If in market for good farm.
pay you to Investigate this. Tallmadge
Realty Co.. i tienry mog.
Facing McKenzie highway, 5 miles
east of" Sisters, Crook county, Oregon
100 acres under ditch with prior water
rlfrht. 50 acres In alfalfa. 7-room house
an ideal stock, grain and onion land;
price $12,500; would consider a good
house and lot as part payment.
5 Grand Ave. North.
444 acres. 30 acres in cultivation. 144
seres timber, 6 acres hops, 2 acres
fruit; running water: 7-room house, barn,
hophouso and outbldgs. ; 18 miles Port
land; team, 5 cows. 2 heifers, 75 chick
ens, tools, Implements: complete, $9500,
good terms; take small house as part.
R. M. OATEWOOP & CO.,' 165H 4th St.
52 acres. 40 acres In cultivation, bal
ance timber, 1 miles off the hfgh-
way on rock road, 2i& miles from town;
4-room house, good barn, orchard: price
i00, part cash. beo. ii. .Hancock,
Forest Grove. Or.
FOR SALE. 16 acres of land, ona mile
from Clatskanie, Oregon; county road
follows south line of tract: southern ex
posure, excellent for fruit, chickens or
small dairy; easy to clear; will arrange
terms. Address box 136, Clatskanie,
BY OWNER 10 acres. 14, miles from Port-
land, 1 mile from pavement, school, elec
tric car line; 5-room house, barn, family
orchard; the best of land ; no rock or
gravel. Price $4200: terms. Main 5814,
A. Rovcroft. 920 Kelly.
SO ACRES, 27 cleared $4200
80 acres. 1 cleared. , $2000
20 acres, all small timber $ 650
I have the best line of places on the
Mt. Hood. loop. Call at the Sandy hotel
or write George Beers, Sandy, Or.
BARGAIN 72 acres near Beaverton; rock
roads, 22 acres cultivated, buildings,
1000 cords wood; only $8000, good terms.
Dubois, 804 Spalding bldg.
16 . ACRES timbered beaverdam land;
creek; near Jtseaverton; electric; can di
vide. J- R- Sharp, owner. 834 3d st.
FOR SALE: Fine farm, fully equipped:
terms ; immediate possession. F 479,
300 WHITE LEGHORN chickens for sale,
$1 each. 614-11.
3' ACRES, Columbia highway. $1600,
terms, J. C. Thompson, Troutdale.-
For fSah
High-class farms in well settled dls
v tricts at prices that can'.t be beat. First
party to view, will buy any farm listed
'below. They are all O. and C. home
stead relinquishments. Homestead means
no taxes for six years.
40 acres near Elwood valley, close- to
Portland; fine stream on place,
bottom land.- some good tim
ber. Relinquishment is yours
for only $800.
160 acres about 30 miles of Portland,
80 acres of rich plow land,
has over 6000 cords of wood;
near Eagle Creek. Sale of
timber should pay for and
improve place. May be bought
for only $1250.
120 acres In Clackamas county, "the
good roads county." 100 acres
of high-grade plow land, fair
two-story house, flne. spring.
Stock ranch par excellence, as
' thousands of acres outrange,
and relinquishment for sale
for only $1500.
80 acres near Junction City, 2 miles
to railroad, rock road to place;
25 acres open land, fenced on
three sides; horses, cow, wag
ons, tools, furniture; good
house; farm complete for only
All stock, tools and crops; 70 acres
In cultivation, lots more not hard to
clear, fine .soil, on good rock road 1
miles to car line, mile to good school.
Fine place to live. Some good timber;
good 6-room frame house, painted white;
- good barn, lots of room in It; good hog
house, wood house, hen house, workshop,
smokehouse; fine lot of fruit; good well
at the house; living water in the pas
ture, fine springs; 3 horses, 3 cows, 4
heifers. SO hogs. 70 hens. 2 wagons.
plows, harrow, cultivator, mower, binder,
drill disc, cultivator, hay rake, disc, all
kinds of tools, everything complete; fshk
miles of Oregon City, on graveled road
sightly place to live; price $15,000. Will
uue Portland houses and lots up to
$10,000 or clear small acreage up to the
same amount, balance at per cent.
.f lace ail ready to move on, too. If yo
want a complete place, here it is. Mail,
cream route and phone by the- house.
if. Elliott & son 7th and Mala sts.
uregon city, or.
- 50 acres in cultivation, some
seeded to grain and clover, 9 acres
in prunes; also family orchard. In
full bearing; 5-room modern house;
hot and cold water with modern
bath, extra large barn; will ac
commodate 40 head of stock and"
lot of hay room, large poultry
house, 5 cows, large team of
horses, chickerrs and turkeys,
cream separator, mower, rake,
plows, harrows, wagons, lots of
small tools, buildings all good.
Price is $12,000, $4o0 cash, bal
ance easy.
- 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
. 80 ACRES.
25 acres In cultivation, 1 aero
in orchard, balance in pasture
and timber, 3 springs, 6-room
house, barn, new henhouse 16x
32, other ' outbuildings, team,
wagon, harness, new mower and
rake, binder, harrow, 2 plows, 10
sheep, close to school ; there is a
$:000 federal loan on this place;
$60O0, part cash. Will trade in
soma acreage.
- ' A. C. HOWLAND. '
620 Main Street.
Oregon City, Or.
A 3 5-acre ranch of which 10
acres is a full bearing commercial
orchard, 2 acres in bearing straw
berries, balance fine for other
crops; this is one of the leading
tract In the neighborhood; there
is a good well of water, a fruit
warehouse and packing sheds, all
farming tools and equipment goes
with the property. Situated about
mile from town and good high
school. Price, including the per
sonal property, $8000.
White Salmon, Wash.
A fine going farm of 53 acres, 35
acres under plow and in crop, 28
acres barley, 24 grape vines, 23 ap
ple trees, blackberries, strawber
ries and currants; school mile;
5-room house, barn 16x24, gran
ary 500 bushels capacity, other
outbuildings; full set of farm ma
chinery; cow, 2 heifers, 3 brood
sows; price only $5000, $3n00 cash.
201-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
skpTthts ONrrc.
38 acres, excellent soil; 83 acres In
cultivation and crop; large assorted or
chard: new bungalow, good large oarn,
wn stream and outbuildings: fine team.
hack, harness, cow, chickens, feed, tools
and machinery; located one-half mile
from highway on rock road,, 20 miles
from Portland, three miles from good
town; price $8000; easy terms; or-will
accept residence or acreage lor pare,
Mr. Thompson, with
230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Broadway 7581
mn.Afinn farm RARGAIN.
55 acres in crop, balance pasture and
timber, running water, i-roora iiuubb,
ir Urn. 1 acra orchard, good soil.
no rocks. 20 cow and heifers, 1 Hereford
bull, 25 hogs, 2 lull-Mooo o. l. . sowo.
good team. 3 sets narness, cniuaa,
-fn rood as new. cultivator, plows.
disc, fanning mill, cream seperator, hay
forks, grain and hay and many more.
Price all complete, only $8500. Fine
location in Willamette valley. H. W.
Garland, room 318. Allsky Bldg.
rA nearly 300 acres river bot
torn land, 150 acres cultivated, 200 acres
open pasture; line stream mrousu pi,
10-room house, barn 100-cow capacity,
AnarAtar house and other buildings;
$10,000 cash will handle, easy terms on
balance. A hustler can clean, up $25,000
913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
If vou have $3000 cash, clear property
or security investigate this ad at once.
We will locate you on a highly improved
raneh on terms at which you cannot fail
to make good,
204 Morripon- St. Main 5tifl2.
14-aore ranch, every foot in cultiva
tion; 6 acres in berries. Beautiful 6
roora, white-enameled bungalow ; silo,
barn and water tower. 6 cows, 2 horses,
etc. $100 monthly income from milk
route. Price $0500; $3000 cash, or part
trade for Portland property. Owner.
H 507, OregonianT
1280 acres; 500 acres in cultivation;
all fenced and cross-fenced, 1 section
hog-tight; 250 acres irrigated. This can
be handled for $10,000 cash and soma
trade; one of best stock farms in Ore
gon, nil stocked, for $40 per acre.
349 Salmon St.
52 14 ACRES, 1 mile Oregon city, 3 acres
in cultivation, balance easily cleared ;
right at electric sta., paved road; 8-room
house, large new barn, fine poultry
houses, family orchard and berries; near
school. Price only $8500; $2500 down,
balance easy terms. This is genuine
R. HOARD, 501 Stock Exchange Bldg
FOR SALE 4 acres of rich land, a beau
tiful place with fine buildings of mod
ern nature; all cultivated with all kinds
of fruit and berries; 6 miles from cen
ter of Portland. Price $7000, terms half
cash, balance to suit. Montana-Oregon
Co.. Realtors, 1029 Cham, of Com. bldg.
Bdwv. 7S39.
100 ACRES near Banks. 30 miles west of
Portland; small plastered house; 4 acres
in cultivation, balance timber. At the
bargain price of $3000.
5 Grand Ave. North.
FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres near Marsn-
field consisting ox SO a. pasture and 80 a.
timber, 2,000,000 feet; on creek and good
country road; 4 miles to tidewater. $2000.
small payment will take. Address No.
28 Buchtel ave.
If you want to sell it costs nothing to
let us know; personal Inspection and In
dividual attention.
J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg.
FOR SALE org for rent to parties buying
block ana mipic'uni., mige utwry or
stock ranch, liO miles out of Portland. K
407. Oregonlan.
IMPROVED farm. Linn county, ciear title.
S65 acrea. aitj.uuu; also law library,
cheap. George W. Wright, Albany. Or.
For Sale Farm.
DESCHUTES county offers reat op
portunities to ex-service boys.
Millions are being spent to put wa
ter on its rich lands. Following are
a few of our propositions that may
be handled with a bonus loan and
are all irritated.
No. 1. ?
40-acre dairy and potato farm,
one mile from Bend; fine new five
room house, large barn, machine
- shed, garage, chicken houses, etc.
All machinery necessary to oper
ate, team, wagon and harness, one
fc brood sow, one good Chevrolet
automobile, some hay In barn, 25
sacks of seed potatoes, house com-
' pletely furnished. Price $4200.
No. 2.
80 acres; would divide nicely for
vro boys, 1 mites from Tumalo,
. six miles from Bend, comfortable
five-room house, large barn, ga
rage, granary, chicken house, cel
lar, etc., 60 acres in alfalfa, bal
ance grain and potato land, con
siderable alfalfa hay, wheat and
oats in. granary. Price $7500.
- . No. 3.
40 acres, five miles from Bend,
R. F. ., school V mile, 14 acres .
alfalfa, balance potato and grain
land, small house and barn, cellar,
chicken houses, garage, hay shed,
etc. Team, wagon and harness,
mower and rake, two plows, all
I furniture, between 100 and 200
sacks of potatoes. Price $4500.
No. 4.
120 acres, five miles from Bend,
school one mile, R. F. D., tele
phone; 40 acres alfalfa, balance
potato and grain land, fine dairy
proposition. Seven-room house,
large barn 40x40, all outbuildings,
fenced and cross-fenced, joins for
est reserve. Price $8000. Could be
handled by two bonus loans.
If you are interested in a coun
try that offers the young man
more opportunities than anywhere
else in the west, we would be
pleased to hear from you. We have
sold several ex-service boys from
the Willamette valley and coast
points and would be glad to refer
you to them on request.
For further particulars call on
or write
80 acres, near Base Line road, all
clear, no waste land, the very best soil,
fenced and cross-renced, lu-room nouse,
water system, 2 good wells, living water,
larsre barn, silo Inside. 24 stanchions,
large granary, milkhouse and other
buildings, lots of walhuts and other
fruit. Has electricity. $300 per acre
good terms.
' On bluff road to Sandy, 7 miles out
40 acres. 25 cleared, rest easy clearing,
good well, living water, 7-room house,
larcrn bairn, cow barn, ten stanchions ;
other buildings, fruit, good soil; $200
acre; good terms; 32 acres more un
cleared; take all $150 acre. j
On Section Line road just east of
Barker road, two 10-acre. one 17-acre,
one 20-acre tracts, all clear, berries on
some; priced for quick action at $400
an acre; terms.
Opposite Cottrell store, on Bluff road
to Sandy ; 10-room house plastered,
Very large well-built barn, chick house,
orchard 2 acres, good well; price $1900
$750 down. r
At Bank of Gresham. Gresham, Or.
The most desirable farms and
fruit ranches will not be avail
able at the present very low prices
much longer, because of the grow
ing pew crop.
For the best buys from 6 acres up
with or without stock and equip
ment, trades, terms or on a . cash
Wanted, city property and close-in
aoreage to trade for farms and
fruit ranches. See Mr, Mackenzie.
Henry Building. Bdwy. 7j9.
If you are looking for a partly im
proved farm or rich logsed-off land, in
small or large tracts, in a prosperous
community, where the market for farm
products 4s unlimited and direct from
farmer to consumer, come to GRAYS
Harbor. We are selling part 1 y im
proved farms with buildings from $50
to $100 per acre on very easy terms.
Improved farms from $100 to $3M) per
acre. Logged-off lands within a radius
of 6 to 14 miles from ABERDEEN and
HOQUIAM, two rapidly growing cities,
at $20 to $50 per acre. $10 down and
$10 or more a month buys a 20 or 40
acre tract. Only 0' per cent interest.
For dairying, poultry, berries and veg
etables our climate is ideal. Soil is
rich, free from gravel and underbrush.
Trm- further information write at once.
COMFANI, inc., - .
But in SOUTH AMERICA; eastern BO
LIVIA. The greatest opportunity for
people with small or large capital to
day. Selected for our colony. Prairie
bunch grass 3 to 4 ft. high, abundance
rainfall, elevation 8000 feet. Best climate
on earth, good market, good water; the
growth of vegetation is simply wonder
ful. You will have no taxes on land or
improvements. About time to wake up
and consider. -Call or address Bolivia
Colonization Association. 600 Chamber
of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Or.
We also have a number of places for
sale here at great sacrifice by parties
arranging to go to Bolivia.
. 8 ACRES. $2100.
AU level and all in cultivation, fine
soil, 3 miles of Oregon City, on good
graveled road, well settled community,
fine berry land or for a chicken ranch;
good well water, 4-room new box house,
barn. Place is hL mile to electric line.
Nice place to live. Looks like home. On
mail and cream route and phone line.
Come and see it. Only $2100. Would like
to have $1400 down, balance time. You
cannot beat it lor me price asaeu. x-.
Elliott & Son, 7th and Main sts.. Ore-
gon City, Or,
62 acres on main gravel road. 20 in
cultivation, 20 more easily cleared, some
timber, bal. pasture; one mue irom rt.
R., ehurch and school. Bine location.
9-room house, nearly new, with base
ment. Barn, machine shed and all out
buildings. Family orchard, spring and
well; horses, cattle, hogs, chickens and
farming Implements. Will stand inves
tigation. Or will sell without equip
ment. $8000. Some cash, bal. terms,
Ri D. 2, Scio, Or.
Ten acres, 7 miles from Vancouver,
mile to car line, all in cultivation, about
U) beaverdam. Finest of onion land,
good four-room house, barn 60x30, onion
house "24x52, double constructed, cement
floor, two chicken houses. This is a
fine place for chicken ranch. Valued at
$6500; take good house in Portland to
full value.
269 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355.
lHhv ACRES, good soil, no rock, 14 acnes
cleared., bai. pasture ; xenced and cross
fenced; 3-room house, fair barn, 2
chicken houses, 130 White Leghorn
hens, 2 cows, I heifer, some farming
machinery, 35 fruit trees; place well
watered; some cedar timber; 3 ml. to
Ridgefield high school and R. R. ; 1
mile to paved road; 14 miles to Van
cover. Price $4500 ; large cash pay
ment; bal. good terms. J. B. Sutton,
Ridgefield, Wash. Phone 106.
10 ACRE'S, fenced and cross fenced, good
soli, no rock, Q acres seeded in vetch
and wheat; bal. plowed, ready for spring
crop; 200 bearing prune trees-; small
new house, new barn 2,3x23; one mile
from Ridgefield high school and 'R. R. ;
40 rda. to paved road. Price $3200, half
cash ; good terms on bal. if desired.
J B. Sutton, Ridgefield, Wash. Phone
M;R. FARMER, are you awake to the pos
sibilities of my 154-acre irrigated - farm
in Alberta, Canada; fenced ; 10O acres
in rye, July 1 harvest; alfalfa soil;
good house, barn, team, 2 cows, enough
furniture, etc.; American, oemmunity;
$7'50 hajndles, long term on balance,
or trade for Oakland property. J. T.
Hubbard. 1428 Lafayette, Alameda, Cal.
If you have some real cash take Red
Electric to Bryant station. Look at
nicest little 3-acre farm in district ;
modern bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, hard
wood floors, all kinds of fruit and ber
ries. Price reasonable.
W ELL-EQUIPPED dairy with milk route
close to city and 70 acres of land, all
in cultivation, to rent cheap and on fiood
easy terms. P 480, Orefioaiau.
For Sale Farms.
About 8 acres of land, all tinder
cultivation; 7-room plastered house, city
water and gas, nice large barn, good
chicken house, other buildings; 1 acre
loganberries, good famtlv orchard: place
all fenced; 1 block from electric car
line 1 mile from Hillsboro. hi mile from
paved highway. This Is a nice tract of
land, wen located and under a mgn
state of cultivation. An exceptional buy
at mwv. terms.
47 acres. 40 acres in cultivation, 10
acres of which is very fine beaverdam
and will produce the best of onions,
family orchard, good 6-room plastered
house, good barn 40x80. two new chicken
houses, room for 500 hens; woodshed
and store room, bldgs. all in first-class
r condition; all fenced and cross-fenced.
On county macadam road. 3 V miles
from HULsboro. Well and spring. This
place is well equipped; 7 cows, 2 horses
hiiu Lii mnas or implements. on- ac
count of sickness in family, have re
ducedt the price $4000 for immediate
sale. Price complete, $0u0O.
80 acres. 4 miles north of Hillsboro on
a rock road; 6 acres under cultivation,
35 acres in fall wheat: 7-room house.
barn 40x70, silo, good well; this is one
of the finest lying 80s we have In the
district, all A-l black loam soil, no
overflow; with this goes a lot of per
sonal, 4 milk cows, a fine team, wagon
and harness, binder, mower, drill, rake,
cultivator, disc. sDrinsrtooth harrow, cor
rugated, roller, all small tools, growing
crops, seed and feed. EVERYTHING
GOES. Price $13,500, terms.
Hillsboro, Or. .
. 9 ACRES. $4000.
4 miles from our office. 11 miles
from the heart of Portland, highly
suitable for small fruits, berries,
potatoes, in fact will produce any
thing; 5 acres in cultivation, bal
ance partly cleared; new house,
garage and chicken house, old
barn. $1200 cash will handle or
will shade price slightly for all
160 ACRES, $20,000.
85 acres cleared, slightly rollinr.
balance ail tillable, 7-room house,
also tenant house; 2 barns, hog
house, potato house, chicken house,
30 ft. water tower with gas en
gine, dairy house and granary.
Price includes binder, disc, drill,
mower, rake, harrow, 2 plows,
separator, corn cutter, platform
scales, 2 wagons, hack, buggy. 2
sets harness, all small tools, team
horses, 8 cows, bull, 2 brood sows,
all hay, grain and potatoes. 11
miles from Vancouver on food
road. $5000 cash will handle or
will consider some trade.
We also have a varied assort
ment of Clarke county farms and
suburban tracts priced attrac
On 6th St.. Between
Main and Washington.
Vancouver, Wash.
Client has told us to sell the fol
lowing property; 35 acres with
about 25 under cultivation, good
6-room semi-bungalow, barn and
other outbuildings. This is located
on one of the main graveled roads
that will be paved half way this
summer. Our client has author
ized us to accept any reasonable
offer on this property ia the
neighborhood of $5000.
NO. 200.
40 acres, with 34 under high
state of cultivation, windmill wa
ter system ; 6-room house, good
bam, silo, garage, machine shop
and other outbuildings; good soil,
with a clay sub-soil; property well
located; close to Vancouver, on
good road. Will sell this property
stocked and equipped for $7200.
This includes close to $1500 of
stock and equipment.
See Mr. Stiger. with
3d and Main, Vancouver, Wash.
60 ACRES on county road. 60 rods
from graveled road, store and
school; very best of sandy loam
and .black soil, some real beaver
dam; lies fine for drainage; 27
acres In cultivation. 10 acres more
very easily put in; .It has no
stumps and is now in native
pasture; it Is sub-irrigated, 12
acres fine first-growth timber, ex-
cellent woodlot; 6-room house,
good barn, all necessary buildings,
large chicken house; 0 head cows.
X horse, team gentle mules, chick
ens, good family orchard, plenty
of berries, 2 dozen bearing Eng
lish walnut trees; price $8000. or
will sell 30 with buildings. Will
take good house or irrigated land
In trade.
See Earle C. Miller,
703 Main St., Vancouver. Wash.
RANCH $5500.
1,000,000 FEET TIMBER.
220 acres of good land, build
ings. Umber, stock and sawmill,
planer, donkey, 1000 feet new ca
ble, 2 boilers, 2 engines, .team, 10
head cattle, 85 ewes, chickens,
good water, 12 miles north of Ca
mas, all for $5500. It don't make
any difference why we can do this,
but we can give you a good title
and free bill of sale if you have
$5500. See
Vancouver, Wash.
62 ACRES $2000.
All good land when cleared, about 6
acres or so in cult., about 15 acres more
not hard to clear, all open land, just a
few old logs to clean off; a couple of
old buildings on the place, family fruit
on it; fine lot of timber on the place;
this will make some poor man who
wants a start a good home; on good
road, 6 miles east of Molalla, 1 mile to
unlimited stock range; 3 sawmills with
in 2Va miles of the place; get good rough
lumber for about $10 at the mill, would
not cost you scarcely anything to build
a neat little house ; in one season you
can have a farm on this place ifr you
are a worker; 2 miles of good school;
want $800 down, balance time at 6 per
cent. 'E. P. Elliott & Son. 7th and Main
sts., Oregon City, Or.
to buy 10 acre and up in eur 1400-acre
addition to Beaver Spring Farms Now
being rapidly colonized. Only 2 hours'
ride from Portland; all paved road, but
last 2 miles macadam. Best of soil, no
rock, no waste; creek and spring water.
Ideal for fruit, berries. DOtatoes, clover
or any agricultural crop; clue Ken a, dairy
ing or stock, liet a home now, reap me
benefit of advancing prices sure to come.
Positively the best opportunity of today.
Low prices. lour own terms, within
reason. See me at once and get first
621 Gasuo Bldg.
On good road ; 7-room house with
barn and outbuildings; lots of fruit and
fine water; near schools and stores,
close In; farm implements, cow, chick
ens. Crops are all in. Stop and let ua
show you this buy. $7000, $2500 down.
See Wolfhagen.
503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 357.
77 acres choice level land; 40 acres in
cultivation, 8 acres stump pasture, 5
, acres timber; running water; 5-room
house, barn, team, equipment; $12,600,
very easy terms; take nous $5000 as
part, situated near Hillsboro.
R. M. GATBWOOD & CO., 165 , 4th St.
A FINE 160-a." Montana ranch, near Bill
ings, Montana. Will accept good car as
part payment, This is an exceptional
O. ft. MEYER CO.
Bdwy. 1331. N08 Couch Bldg.
FOR SALE 15 1-3 acres, cultivated ; small
house, fine barn, chicken houses, well,
epring, English walnut, almond, choice
fruit end berries; good auto road; daily
mail; $5000; at least half cash wanted.
Gruber, 208 Russell st.
100 ACRES, near Banks, 30 miles west of
Portland; small plastered house; 4 acres
in cultivation, balance timber. At the
bargain price of $3000. Cover & Gregory,
5 Grand ave. N.
00 ACRES, SO cultivated. 000 cords stand-
ing timber, good spring, pasture; ail
fenced ; good scnools; hard surfaced
road, 2 miles from Oregon City. R. &,
Box 33, Oregon City. Phone 16 J.
A FARM of 45 acres, 32 in cultivation, irn.
provemnts good fine orchard or dairy
land; $4000. H. J, Richter, Amity, Or.
For HaJi Farm.
100 ACRES, 85 miles southwest of Port
land, 3 miles from good town. H mile
to school; 30 acres under cultivation, 50
acres can be farmed when cleared: lots
of timber; good loam soil; spring water
piped to bouse; family orchard; 2 acres
strawberries; 7-room house, barn, 2
chicken houses, machine shed. Included
with place: 4 cows, horse, 20 chickens,
plow, harrow, wagon, harness, buggy,
binder, etc Price for everything $500t;
$2000 cash. Consider small house in
Portland for part.
Over 14 acres on rocked mad, 14
miles from center of Oregon City, oue
mile to school; 11 acres under cultiva
tion, balance in timber; no waste land;
bearing orchard : 7-room house with
fireplace; electric lights can be had;
good barn, garage, ch icken house. In
cluded with place: team, 2 sets harness,
Jersey cow, yearling heifer, chickens,
brood sow. plow, harrow, cultivator.
buggy, wagon, hack, feed cutter, cream
separator, household furniture, etc. Price
for everything $rMu. Accept Oregon
City house ujto $2500. Ranch inspected
40 acres, 42 miles southwest of Port
land, on rocked road, mite from Pa
cifio highway and electric station; dark
loam soil; spring; all under cultivation;
bearing family orchard ; 7 acres young
prune trees : telephone ; ail rural con
veniences; Good 5-room bungalow with
basement, electric lights can be had;
barn, garage, chicken house, silo. In-
. eluded with place: team, 5 cows, binder,
mower, plows, cultivator, harrow, wagon,
buggy, disk, roller, hay fork, harness.
cream separator, tools, etc. ill con
elder small place near Portland and
small amount of cash, easy terms on
balance. Ask for Mr. Davis.
35 acres, 22 miles southeast of Port
land. H mile from school; 20 acres un
der cultivation, balance pasture: some
timber; mostly creek bottom land
bearing orchard- apples. pears, cher
ries, prunes, grapes, loganberries, wal
nuts, etc. 6-room house, barn, chicken
house, machine shed. granary, some
stock snd equipment. Price for every
thing $600. terms. Inspected by Hunter.
Gerllnger Bldg.
MAKER. 138 acres on pavement, 8 mltns
n. w, of Vancouver, 8 aero prunes
In full bearing, 9 acres 2-year-old
prunes, all kinds of other fruit;
30 acres seeded to clover and tim
othy, 13 acres for potatoes and
corn. 35 acres good timber, 40
acres good pasture, of- which is
bottom land. Good 7-room house,
hot and cold water, toilet, bath:
nearly new barn, 100x126, for 20
cows; 100 tons hay, equipped with
hay fork and track; 10)-ton silo,
machinery sheds, chicken house,
hog house, modern 4-tunnet dryer;
good spring water piped to build
ings; fenced and cross-fenced with
barbed wire and cedar posts; all
personal property: operate Ford
son tractor with plow, roller and
disc, binder, 2 mowers, rake, ted
der, potato digger and planter, 3
plows, cultivators, seeder. 3 wag
ons, 3 barrows, fa-nning mill, spray
outfit, gas power, harness, buggy
and car; lota of other tools; 12
good cows, 5 2-year-old heifers,
8 calves, 3 horses, 1 sow, 5 pigs,
4 turkeys, 40 chickens, all feed
and seed. Price $30,000; cash
$15,000, balance 5 years at 6 per
705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash.
ALFALFA RANCH 40 acres. Irrigated,
near Hermiston. 7-room house, good out
buildings, 15 acres alfalfa, 5 acres fine
orchard, barn, chicken house, garage,
well with gas engine, 5 horses, 1 cow,
chickens, all equipment; on milk and
mail route. Only $8000 for everything,
half cash, or will take improved place
in or near Portland at cash value.
McCORMIC CO., 27 Failing Bldg.
Bdwy. 7420. Sunday Main u3l3.
MAKE ME OFFER Must sell 380 acres.
23 miles from Portland. lttO acres culti
vated, 100 acres slashed and seeded to
pasture; balance timber. 288 17th st.
Main 1053.
Will pay cash for a building lot on
Rose City Park car line east of 62d
street. Not over $500. Phone Broad-
way 2040.
WANT close-in bungalow, will pay $3000
cash and give a second mortgage on the
property as well as other security.
633 N. W. Hank Bldg. Main 3787.
WANT to meet owner of lots In good resi
dential section. Can get you twice the
price you are asking for same. Call and
let us explain. 6-iO Chamber of Com
merce building.
List your property or business for Quick
sale with
Bdwy. 1531. H08 Couch Bldg.
1 NEED a home of & or 6 roonrn, prefer
Hawthorne; price not to exceed $3000,
with $1000 cash; no agents. C 379, Ore
WANTED West side, 0 or 8-room house,
walking distance. Price $6000 to $10,ouo.
K j. OEISER, 417 Chamber of Com-
merce. Bdwy. o-oJ.
LOTS wanted In Rose City, Laurelhurat
and Alameda; personal inspection and
individual attention.
.T. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg.
WANT 6 or 6 room modern bungalow.
Rose City Park, L.aurelhurnt or Irving
ton. Have lot and big cash payment.
Tabor 65M1.
I AM in the market for a home from
owner; don't want to pay more than
$2OO0; state terms and location. G IS,
WILL exchange most beautiful t -room
Laurelhurst home, costing over S15,00,
for .aDartment site. Give location, etc.
Wm. Reynolds, P. O. Box 4, city.
LOADS of opportunity to sell any house
anywhere now. $:ioo to $5oo cash.
U C. GOLDEN BE RG, Abington bldg.
BDWY 4003. "35 YH3. IN PORTLAND."
YOUR house equity wanted for all im
proved building lot In good district.
Value $750; evan exchange. L 470,
Oregonlan. '
HAVE client wanting small apartment or
first-class rooming house up -to $50o0
cash. Gi;'e full particulars in letter or
phone Broadway ti.itt.i.
Located on Foster road, to put iw on
small house equity.
WANTED From owner, two & or 6-room
houses in Alberta or Piedmont districts
that cau be sold small payment. Call
M utgrave, Woodlawn 'AXHi.
4JH. Oregonlan. '
WANTED -Lot handy to Alontavilla car;
must be reasonable for cash. H. L-,
1415V6 East Ullaan.
SMALL bungalow, close In; will pay $ 1 000
down,-balance in Installments. AC 407,
Oregonlan. n
WANTED Laurelhurst, lrvington or Roue
City let: must be oargam; give aeacnu
tion. BJ 4Hfl. Oregonian.
WANT 4 to 6 room bungalow, smalt cash
payment, good monthly payment.
N 4Hu. Oregonlan
WILL pay caah t $5000 for 5 or fl room
modern house. Owners ouit. N 484.
EX-SOLDIER wants 6-room house built;
substantial cash payment and bonus
loan. Y 4Vtf. oregonian.
A HOME in Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor,
reasonable for cash; give location and
nrice first letter. A.P 4S2. Orego-nian.
WANT a modern bungalow nose . ny,
Alameda or lrvington up to $.WO0. Will
pay $300 down. Call Auto. 530-05.
LIST your Hwngton or Alameda noma
with Ferguson-Raymond. These are our
anecialty. Bdwy. 4610. .
WANTED House, 6 rooms, bet. Broadway
and Morrison, Union ave, Oth at., to
$4000. AL 500. Oregonlan
WANTED 5 or (I-room bungalow; can
a p.p 1 y so I dlers' loan as f i rwt pay m e n t.
ra'i Woodlawn r."'07.
ALAMEDA PARK lot wanted at once.
V. W. Bank Bldg. Main 7S7.
WILL pay caeh tor 50x100 lot, good dis
trict; improved streets; at right price.
Woodlawn 4370 between 11 and 12 A. M.
WANTED from owner. I want the best
1 5-room house $11000 will buy; etale your
own terms. H 114. Oregonian.
WANT at once, cheap house in good cl'oe
in east side district; cah for real bar
galn: no dealers. AC 48fl. Oregonlan.
WANTBtK-Lot In Rose City Park;
cash. Tabor 8141.
lultf CADILLAC Fine condition : trade
for good residential lot. Main 247ft. '
CASH for all Improved lot. preferably
Dixon place. AC 4S2. Oregonian.
LOT Good dist. ; muft have Ud nug. priv
ilege. 78 Union N. .
WANTED Home up to $4500; soldier
b o n us. lot and cih AG 4W, Oregonian.
LOT FROM owner. Imp. In and pd.;
xnont diet. 1200 Bonn wick. . .
WHY ke"p your hnupe when we can
sell it tor $:.(Hi down and you enn
pny u coni"ilH!nn on our K W
deferred commission plT ASK.
t'S A HOUT IT. W have CI'S
TOMKK3 n-ady to HUT on lho
8 Chamber of Com Bldg.
Broadway 6aa.
We have a client mho Is desirous ef
purchasing a reanoiiN bin sis brick
apartment houe on went fld which Is
unfurnished and not undrr lens. WV
go as hitch as $100.KH, but nniHt he sold
on reasonable terms. Confer with Mr.
Florence, with
201-3-5-7 Foard of Trade Bldg.
I want to buy In a good part of Irv
lagton a 7-room modern ihhi, hot
water best, largrt corner lot, not to pu
reed $ 10,000. As prt payment I of fr
a compWe, weil-n,uinpd mimmr hnmo,
two srrep. plriurcsquH river f roni m e,
cash value $MH). At f rart i ve protoi -1
ion to one who enn tin mile ft . 1 m 1
wit h owner only. AS 4 Vi, OrcgnnI nn
We have buyer frr,wett-Uciited. mod
ern houses from $3000 to $MMM) Uiml run
bo sold on terms. If you want art ton
crII u up and we will Innpvct our prop
erty at once.
204 Morrfr-on t. Main ftf67.
tnod rn bungalow. 4
or 5 rooms with toilet
nd ph t It, on on
floor with basement, not ton far out an
not to cost more than 'AXii or vt.'-'Ht ,
can make no cah tisymenl et her t tun
bonus; anyone wll ling to accept bo hum
and to give time or a second moits;;
for balance pkeHse anawor; bent of nI-
erenres. AC 4i. Oreonln.
IF YOU have property to II In Ho lt.
Irving ton, Alkmeda Park or L u re I hut mt
get in touch with this offtre. Wo main
tain our office on th eat for tht
sale of properties In tries districts. Phone
in your llatlngs. We'll b thure quKHty.
a. g tkicpi-; co.(
Sandy Blvd.. st 4ULh Pt.
Tabor 0.n,
AVI LL. give llobart M. Cable piano, also
Vh-troJa, as first payment on noun In
lrvington. Rose City or Laurelhurst ;
prefur a bungalow of 4 or A rooms, muft
be modern and perfectly new ; culun
tlal monthly payment. For appoint
ment Kant 7.122.
WANT about 2 arres Improved chicken
ranch, not too far out, near cm r 1 1 n-:
good 4 or 5-room hou. chlk'-ni an t
om fruit; $iMuo to $;m00; $luut ru
payment ; quick action; submit Monday.
Phone Mr. Martin, Broadway To -2. Cot
A. MrKentia Ar Co.
WANTED 5-roum bungalow from i nn ,
convenient distance Koe City or lrving
ton school, thoroughly modern, saraiti ,
will give good 5-pans, Franklin rr n
first payment, with very hubntantlnl
monthly payment ; state full parum
lars and price. W 4t nrfnonlnn.
Alameda, lrvington, I.aurelhurat, Rnn
City Park and wrut aide. As build r.
we have many calls for home sties, giq
Mr. Jones.
210 Cham, of C om. Bid g.
Want to hear from owners of anin 1 1
tracts for sale near s. p. R. It. or ore.
gon electric line; give full riencrlpt imi
and term flrwt letter. I mean ham-,
nMM. J, If. Richards, 808 McKay bids,
Portland. Or.
WANT to buy one-story building IoujlUmi,
by going factory concern. rat aide, not
far from center of city. Can make down
payment and $250 a month and Interest.
Olve location and price. Address A 47 7.
PPiTWKKN Olitjan and Northrup. ?0(h
and 25lii; muni be priced right and in
good condition. lies, phone Main 2 .'34
l iff ire. Hrlwy. 2045
I HAVE toe chmIi to pay fur a Utl in 1U t K
to build Immediately ; If you have, a lot
In thotift districts, write me, giving th
lit and block number and price. AM
4!H. Orpgonlnn.
U I." t! L V " I." iJ M ft V T 17 r I
We have clients wanting residences In
Waverlelgh Hts., Hawthorn and Kom
City. If yours Is for sale call ua Monday.
LAWSON CO., 601 McKay Bldg.
Broadway 7420.
WANT to buy from owner modern 5 or It
room bungalow, Hun ny side or Haw
thorne ave., clos In; can pay half cah ;
give lowest price and location. R 471',
Oregon iHn.
WANTED by owner, a lot with ail Im
provement a In and mm caah an flrt
payment on good 6-ronm house, half
block from car, on paved street, term.
Call Auto. 641-00.
WANT attractive buy In neat littit
Fuournan pint' en noi iar out, wr-t
alo Oregon City line. See A. K. Hill.
420 Lumbermen bldg.
LIST your west-side property with the
man who makes a specialty of handling
west-side property exclusively.
420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
VV E HAVE several clients with acre
and farms, some with city convenient.-,
wanting city homos in exchange.
ri. mijA.MJ, rieanor,
223 Henry Bldg. Hdwy. 1566
WE HAVE real live buyers for lota In l
districts of Portland: Hat your lots wtui
us. Great Western Investment Co., 23d
Chamber of Com, bldg.. Bdwy. 7.h1.
liAVK client for tip-to-dato modern bun
galow up to f.MK'0. See Mr. Newman
with Dietsth. 32rt Chamber of Com
merce. IK VOL" Iiuvh a lot In Irving tun or A -mcda
I will pny rah for It. and in n
bUMin-MM. I' t fit ae give the lot and bloriV
ntimlit-r find price. AL 477, on-goni m.
SL' HI' K UAN tioin wh nted. Or. gon i liv
car lln-, 1 to 5 arren; muM have b 1
building ; cash or ternin. T. o. Hi i .1.
PJ0 t'huinhor tif 'i!'nitn'r''-
A or ti-ltOOM home, preferably iri Haw
thorne or Roae City dlatrtt t; $4000 l
$4."itiu; ran pay subntHiitia 1 rain pa -ment
; no aitenta. Tabor frNtrj
on choice of good car, priced from $100
to 11200; nnmt be wll lorated and com.
Broadway 33a. Mr. Wry,
WANTED-Krom owner, 4 or A r i
house, up to $ti0; have good buliii -lng
lot to exchange; will pay ba.anre in
fittth. '2-4 Henry bldg
4 OR 5-ftooM bungalow lu Albert a dis
trict; 1 ha v a moni hly paying nmn
tr:gu of l-'OUO to tradtf, rent ChhH. At'
4'.H. Oregonian.
CASH and quirk dt m I fur ri al ana i m
mitihM bungalow. Ruse City or Hunn nhI--cars
preferred. A. K. Hill, 4'J'I j,uiiiir
nieriH hldtr.
WE HAVE rlienta that want to buv aul
urhan homes. Jf you want to tell i m
with u a.
R. M. U ATE WOOD it CO.. 1S '4 4th K .
WANT 5 or 0-room lumi m ItoB i ". . .
1 ! u w th'-rne ; would cot. aider l,dil htl.
tion; price muat b- riht and t-rma i .
Konuhle. Hdwy. tUM I At ondH y.
WANT muder
district not
HOMO ca.h;
ni an.
In Haw thou,.-
to ruceil f.vmii; can iw
no agents. V 33, Or
WILL trade late model aparially bul.t
Chevrolet sport madater for Rone On
lot. some -asli. Phone Main 1'JMl or
Marshall i'OS. ,
LOTS WANTED Hawthorno or any rioa--ln
diatrlct; have enulty of $5imi In high
ly Improved J5 arrea; paved road ; done
in. Murphy. 403 Htm k Exi Imn g h I 1 .
W ANT mi nail inodfi n hou
City Una, or on near ri v r ;
mo, pay men I a. Oi ve full
O. Crowley. 142 E 01 h N
ti ot'rti'ii
$.(in down,
jparticulai a.
J.iUU U A aril ' r ' uwimi r
on improved one or two airM, Hoa i,
5 or 6-room bungulow. Tabor MlN. lOlil
IlviBion t.. rm t land.
WANT to buy front ow iter good D-ronui
cottage or bungalow In Hunnyaide; mut
be reasonable; give pi ire. tentta and lo
in tion. N 4SI, Oregon) an.
H AVE cUHtoiiir for good corner lt I"
Waverly height a ; al 6-oorri hou--,
come In and list your property with nr.
S K. WooFter. 817 Clinton. rrnrr 1'tlth
W1LL pay cawn for improved lvei ,',(( nut
lot in good rea. district; east front pre
ferred. Y 4i4,Orf gnn i ;i n ;
WANT a vacant lot in We si over Terraee,
not to exceed $3000, will pay cah. A I.
4 S. Oregonlan.
WANTED AOxlOO Iniiida lot In Irvtn or
must be a bargain; will pay ca0i.
417. Or.'gnlan.
WANTED Acreaae; lu to 15 acre ail''
or peara. bearing; good road, nrar towt.
write full driMiia. W 477. Orfgonii n
WILL trade good lot or ulo for equity t
5 or fl-room house. Hawthorn iltat rli i
Woodlawn Oi'w.
Iowet figure, good paved diMrlrt. r
rRenlfl. R.I 4'.4. Or-grilnn
WILL t radt; f 'udilUr louring tur in
coiiilltlon for a city )ut. AE 4H7. r
gi iiin n.
WAN T at etn a rhrap huun- In kooi!
Ill eut aidt- d let net ; i-ah f r ritl l
kh in ; no d-nrr. AC Imi. OrdniM n.
WANT 5-ioom bunsuloiv; h.tve outiiti r
sale for $1'1 no as f t rwt pa y merit. It In -terestPd.
addrev litl 0, nliit ht.
WANT bar
to $001
WANTED To ilM oine !..,. to h. r
6, J. Wooater, 617 cUniou, coinrr