V- 'i. :- - . 7 ,v ' ..- " 1 S ' , TTTE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARClt 5, 1923 . ' jjnuijMrninii H.I In mm . ' , - ' ' , WVS0W&frtoq . . fill Sf in,,'l",nT' " "kv. ' " t 'j ' ' I! ill t f S l I .- -MjyomeM fir r ? ! & f - r '' ' U r- I - ! lr.; I -S''; ' 'A J''- ' jj ! '-Un- - j ; S. f is:. ; i fill : mx mmm$f i1 u'Mmm ife sipriSv. ? iit n M iffip. mm ymm i . 4 5 : . mmmmMm r f 1 trf -X . ?s - ' ' , i- 1 r: I - - , A " ' - . S ll i - - - ' 1 ' ' . - i A 1 J ' ; I-.., , - . ,; t - t - v - - Kv K - 4-'- , v i '- .v . :5SA ' C V '- r- ' - VVfcVC I , . . - f, ' f I :? it - .-.mm. i . ' m ailllllllllllil it. , r : crv -1 St ? : -' -f . ' "w ! ' iiWi"i,.Wii'.ni!lMl,ii!)l..lMi.iiliJI.J' .- ";. ' J . : ' 41 akB,,WWta ' ..... f ' f : v s I - C' " v w iimniiir timififciaat&ev, w fefaapcy xacyt-Vuiwia imwwuimniii'fli .1 wdw mi mnaaft -t I - '"T, - ' , j i " j Harry Goldstein of Spokane. Thfl Miss Carlotta Heed, Mn, Bruere and ' , - !S ' 4 - ' - f s A -' " ' naw8 was made known at a luncheon thV bride-alect. Corsage bouquets i . ?V 1 " jj I ' rf i ' 1 ' I x ' at which Hra Bruere entertained with the betrothal cards marked each ' ( I I -i I Piivf J&m;&Jm'-i,-?;MJz4 m-v ;."(.- j s-s Covers we plaoed for Mrs. Albert place. The bride-elect is a popular -It 1 - 1 I I i ,.-:s.i-iii:?;-B..E: , i v I i I Bern!. Mrs. Howard Oaklaaf. Minalancietv srirl. Dr. Goldstein is an Am- I sas l , I i f S y" X I 1 I Walker, Mrs. Nelsoq flatten, Mrs I ferson Medical school at Philadelph ;;l ; - t ) I - i ""ly" - 4 ' i Addison Knapp, Mrs Jewell Paeet, He is a member of a prominent fam-1 ly admired In a gown of pale gray ';' ! " h: h.-jY-- )V H j- , , . 1 ' W fir! I ' " "w i $ ; V t : I V ' - . - A rrV i r I 7 J iiy of Spokane and has many friends t lacs and relatives In Philadelphia. He U I of tangerine heavy silk rlbben. riends ( He Ul the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gold stein. Shrove Tuesday evening was cele brated with a dance riven by the association of the army of the United States in the armory. The officers of the regular army, the reserve corps and the national guard ami their wives and guests enjoyed the event. Many of the army set from Van couver barracks were present. Mrs. Blatchford, wife of General Blatch ford, was one of the handsome and interesting women present. She wore a smart gown of black lace with h of silver and tulle. Mrs. Frank C. Baker, who, with Colonel Baker, ferson Medical school at Philadelphia. I will leave soon for Texas, was great- prominent fam-1 ly admired tn a gown georgette with aids sashes The many friends of Colonel and Mrs. Baker are regretting that they are leaving the poet, for they are popular socially here and in Vancouver in scciety and army sets. Miss Adeline Kendall, niece of Colonel XV. H. Jordan, wore a gown of bright emerald gresn net elabo rated with sequins. Mrs. Arthur Bradbury, wife of Colonel Bradbury, wore orchid taffeta and stiver lace. Mrs. William McChapman was gowned in gold colored taffeta and tulle, self toned. Mrs. Channing Drlaplane wore black and gold brocade. Mrs. William O. Collins was gowned in coral taffeta. Mrs. Everett S. Prouty was attired in silver lace over satin. Miss Whedon wore psle green taf feta. Mrs. J. Francis TraUe was I ftoro -Co'lap(l From First 2Uirrson officiated. Mr.. Gurrier at tended Culver Military academy' and the. 'Cniversity bt Washington'' and is-arrnember of Sigma No fraternity. He-has many friends here and in "Washington. Mr. Gaerrier is a prom luntr; lumberman. He is .a brother or Airs. Robin H. - Nelson of River- trcodLIThe bride has been visiting her sister; Mrs. E. H. Downard. A break fast party at Riverwood,- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer A. Nelson, " f ol lowed the ceremony and the couple left afterward for Vancouver, B. C- They will live at Guerrier; Wash., at Sir. Gurrier's mill site. Among those who have made reser vations for several of the perfornv anoes of grand opera for the ap proaching; season are Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mai pas. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mi- nott, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCulloch, Mr. JtTid Mrs. Harry McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MaeFherson, William MacfhaJl. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nelson, I-Aidwig Pokorney. the Albert Luttons cfTscoma, Mrs. Skene, C. W. Thomp BORr-Mrs. Gordon Voorhies of Med- ford,.Mrs. waiter Beebe, Mrs. John H. Burgard, Eric V. Hauser, Jocelyu Koulkes, Mortimer Hartwell, Ludwig Hirsch, K. Jacobs, W. W. Kerns, Mr. nd Mrs. Dan Malarkey. Miss Mac kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. J. B. Tucker, Mrs. Erskine Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilcox, Aubrey Vv'atsek,- R. W. Wilbur. Mrs. Lillian Lines, Mrs. Napier, Miss Humason, Mrs. Alfred GHe. Cliff lumping and Irene Collins. . ... The engagement of George Alson Krlbs, son of Frederick A. Krtbs of this city, to Miss Grace Fischer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher of Seattle, has been announced.. Jtdr. Kribs is now: in the lumber busi ness In Seattle and makes his homo at the University club in, that city. He is well known" here, having many friends in Portland. He attended HiU Military academy, Portland academy; iawrenceviiie . and Yale. The.. aa nouncement was made at a largt te in Seattle, where . the bride-elect - is socially prominent. .. j -- The Misses Marshall will entertain this, week for Mrs.- Folger Johnson, who. with Mr. Johnson, will leave soon tor .Europe. . . -. ' . - Mrs. Margaret Biddle was hostess on Friday at a luncheon at Waverley country ciub. Honoring Mrs. Richard Frederick Scholz and her guest, Mrs. Aiirea iimmern. Mrs. Mary H, Scarborough and Miss Cornelia Cook aro being extensively enierutinea in Honolulu. ' - . ' Among the prominent Portland peo ple visiting in southern California are Mr. and Mrs. "Frank Jay Cobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman O'Gorman. Mrs. Frank Kerr will entertain in formally on Monday for a few friends of Mrs. Carlos Close, who will leave on March 8 for New York, whence sho will sail for Italy. Mrs. Close plans to visit her mother, Mrs. Rich ard Northcott. Mrs. Cloao will spend the spring and early summer travel ing: on the, continent with Mr. and Mrs. Northcott. She will return late In the summer to Portland. . , ".' - . ' jars. Donald vBatea is enjoying a Visit in San Francisco. Mrs. Edward Valentine is being entertained in the ij .. , - . . . - ' . . - Many of the society women of Portland, who are golf enthusiasts, ars enjoying the special luncheons nd Vlnung Cards """ W. G. SBIITH & CO.- Ill Morgaa SuUdioc The Spring Modes calling fvr new thoughts in embroideries, scallops, bound - and otherwise, lattice work in bias folds, etc., are all car ried out at ..-' Pittock Block HrmfHrhimr, pleaflnga, batten and all kinds of ilresa finishing. and goif at the Waverley Countm club each 'Tuesday. An Interesting announcement of yes terday was that of the engagement of Miss Elisabeth Bruere, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Bruere, to Dr. Buds and Blossoms of Fashion The fiVil creations, art non appearing shoving pleasing novelties in style. If Jou Would go forth with all the conscious ness of tvear'mg the smartest in . spring apparel, let Norman Bros, do your tailoring. NORMAN BROS. Tailors to Men and Women 101-106 Mezzanine Floor Northwestern Bajik Bldg. 1VT T ATT LADIES' V M. M. TAILOK Suite 512-13 Bosh & Lane Bldg.. BROADWX HID XLDSB. A Garden of That is no figurative term when applied to the new season's mil linery, for flowers bloom in refreshing1 array and fruits are one of fashion's happiest mediums of radiating the new spirit. v "Bonfire, Canna, Periwinkle, Henna, Navy" are foremost among the favorites, but there are other tones equally intriguing and likable. You'll find here, at $13.50 and $15 several score models that will delight you beyond belief. Come, see them! ats Mgt i ... t Taffeta and Canton Crepe frocks $'5'7150 that yon will want instantly . . J 1 that are much the cleverest you have seen anywhere. Here is just a hint of their quaint loveliness: Canton crepe with irregular bead fringes; crisp taffetas with lattices revealing brilliant color tones; taffetas that flaunt gay lit tle nosegays; Canton crepes that blouse over elastic waist lines and that have odd sleeve "and neck treatments. and Fashion said: "Topcoats shall be of English tweed " and they're quite worthy of their popularity. Polo cloth and camelshair run a close second and are equally smart in styling. We are showing twenty five models at $37.50 that 'will sell, in all probability, to the first women who see them. They're exceptional values. Washington at Tenth St. The Grey- Tile Corner" Buy Your New Things Now If you are not already a member of our "Credit- Gladly" family, open an account with us tomorrow and pay at your convenience. V in