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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1922)
00 9 - THE SUNDAY OREGOXIxVX, PORTLAND, MARCH 5, 1023 ; tWfW .i " " - mmm mm mmmm im m m m mi m " . . . 1 nirflTvipfia APPftPTiTVTTma 1 Kl STXKSS OPPORTUNITIES. I BrSTNF.SS OPPOHTrNITIF?. I BI SIXBSS Oi rOKTI NITira. BUSIVKSS OPPORTUNITIES. A VERY EXCEPTIONAL, OPPORTUNITS. OREGON IS THE HEIR TO "THE TOURIST TRAVEL BEFORE THE WAR," AND EVEN THE SWISS ARB COMING TO OREGON. "THE SWIT ZERLAND OP AMERICA" (5OO0 STRONG THIS YEAR) AND THE MANY NEW HIGHWAYS ARE NOW OPENING UP THE BEAUTY SPOTS OF NATURE, WHERE THE GREAT EST NUMBER OP ATTRACTIONS ARE FOUND, THERE MOST PEOPLE WILL CONGREGATE AND EXTRA PRICES WILL BE OFFERED FOR HOMESITES. FITCH A LOCATION ON THE ORE GON COAST HAS A GREAT HARBOR WITH A LARGE. BEAUTIFUL RIVER COMING THROUGH A MOUNTAIN RANGE AND CLOSE TO A PERFECT BEACH ARE A STRING OF 5 BEAU TIFUL LAKES WITH TROUT. CRABS AND CLAMS IN ABUNDANCE ON THE BEACH, PEER IN THE WOODS, FALMOX IN THE RIVER, , HALIBUT OUT AT SEA ON NEW FISHING BANKS DISCOVERED. TO THIS PLACE THERE IS NOW BUILDING wn-n 1 TTTA LI I1U1V A V 0IFJ SOUTH TO NORTH FROM SAN FRANCISCO CiOING 'irlttOUtifl lnrj UncA t jauaai WOODS ON THE WAY. AND THAT WILL BE FINISHED TO THE ORE- ..-.-AT TIVB- T-M T- Al IT KiBTT SUMMER. COMING FROM THE EAST ANOTHER HIGHWAY IS uunji aaaa RIVER TO THE BEACH AT THIS LO CATION AND MONEY WAS APPRO PRIATED FOR SAME A YEAR AGO. THIS LOCATION HAS EVERY AT TRACTION THAT NATURE CAN LAV ISH IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL THAT MONEY COULD NOT IMPROVE ON IT TWO MILES BEACH FRONT. FIVE MILES HIGHWAY FRONTAGE. A SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE AND THH ONLY THING NEEDED IS SOME TWO-ROOM COTTAGES A,JH,? NUCLEUS OF A HOTEL MAT I THE CLIMATE AND RAINFALL? ?HB REPORT OF A FEW DAYS AGO FOR THIS WINTER IS: RAMU il " INCHES AND THE LOWEST TEMPERATURE ABOVB, WHILE ANDTHE50LDEN GE IVtSPSS tivOXT HE LAKES. DO TO? WISH TO SHARE IN THE MA UN fa OF A MILLION? WOODLAWN 12S. 634 GOING STREET a VARIETY and hardware store on east Aidl Good location. Great deal of new building in nerhood. This can be worked up. About $1200 lor aock and fixtures. A new grocery. New building, fine t3Z?t? community eervice. Stock will Invoice about $2000. -This is a crackerjack for the right party. Wert tide location, grocery and con i Jectlonary. Good. ! West aide location, grocer. Apart ! J taent house district. Suburban community -S?a ?o7cef SsHoWSutto". Market In same building. Wo specialize; In merchandise stocks. PH GRAFF AND SCHOUBOE. 03 Exchange Bldg.. Second and Stark. Broadway 5996. r TOJt TE-B STAT WHO KTWWS I HOW TO RUN- A BUSINESS, i Chance for a young man to be come associated with an old-es-I tablished real estate firm, finely equipped and doing a good busl lieu good. !iv man should net $500 per month. $1000 gives you equal interest x va formation see MeCauley. HILLER BROS. REALTORS, 211 Ry. Ex. Bidg. Bdwy. 3626. ""TIRB "AND VULCANIZING SHOP. We have Just listed exclusively one of the oldest established and best-known tire and vulcanizing shops in the city. This shop has never before been on tr.e market and U now offered only because of other business demanding owners entire attention; has steady, established trade, very low rent and complete equip ment; owner will introduce buyer to old customer, and give every assistance pos sible. If you are a practical tire man, want the best buy In Portland and sat s f led to clear $300 per month, don t miss this. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce, Fourth and stark Excellent chance for practical "Bill man to take charge of a small sawmill, ready to operate. An 8.000,000 stand of timber that will cut 25 per cent clear or better. Will sell all with terms or will take in party with $3000 for work ing capital Located In Willamette val Uy. Box Jfl. Puyallup Ice Cream Co, Puyallup, Wash. FOR SALE Br owner, one of tin best east side tocatdomsv confectionery amd carar send lunch doing $oO a day or bet ter Must selL Phone iBast 2139. GOOD confectionery business, fine loca tion, good fixtures; sold at sacrifice on account of 111 health; stock at Invoice. Small hotel in fine location on high way; $8500, good terms. Both of the above located 'n . good town with a payroll of over $100,000 a, month. . RUTHERFORD REALTY COw St. Helena, Or. A 1 '1. L'fll.l One of the best cafeterias, cigar and news stand, the best location in a town of 12,000 Inhabitants,, corner of theater; doing a minimum business of $UM a month; very low rent; will sell for COLTJMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. T5TT T 1" ( 1 II iA 407 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash Income property of $90 per month. This Is a wonderful opportunity to own your own home; In good location: strictly modern; house divided in 8 apartments. 2 of them bringing in above Income, also apartment for yourself; walking distance: completely furnished; a-araga: $2500 will handle. Call Auto. 6.40-05. BARBER'S OPPORTUNITY. Combination pool hall, card room en-d fearrber shop, only 1 In live town 18 miles ' from Carvallis, Private garagev 3 living rooms Included. Large sawmill soon to reopen will double business. Good stock tobacco end confectionery; $700 cash travs it. Mr. Johnson at jOREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 2r0 Cham, of Com: bldg. Bdwy. TS&l iuc T"VTrTT7T. IiADIES' SPECIALTY SHOP, ' WALLA WALLA, WASH. SPLENDID STOCK AND UP-TO-DATE- FIXTURES, A CLASSY SHOP. WRITE M. WARFEL. CARE THE UNIQUE. GRAND HOTEL BUILDING, WALLA WALLA, wash. lYE HAVE the factory, the product, th ' organization, and an established good reputation; we need a capable business man who can invest $5000 with services as general manager; we can assure him a liberal salary with good returns from Investment and a wide field for ex pansion; no agents. H 405, Oregonlan, Offered in a growing WHOLESALE business; will satisfy any legiimate in vestor of above facts. Will pay silent partner a good monthly Income, besides usual interest on money -secured. Phone Bdwy. 2208, for appointment. F 491. f750 Downtown choice fruit store. $700 to handle ladies' lingerie store; choice location. $500 to handle manufacturing busi ness; chance of a lifetime. ED DIAMOND. 439 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FOR SALE A general hospital (the whole or one-half Interest), located in a thriv ing agricultural community on the main ' line of the Southern Pacific and Ore gon Electric railroads. AV 281, Ore gonlan GROCERY STOCK, butcher shop, confec tionery, soda fountain. Ice cream parlor, all together; best location In Portland; $.VWK will handile. Bear investigation. Gdve lease. LAWSON. em McKay B-Mg. COUNTRY merchandise store, doing a big business, a fine location; price at in voice; will give terms. A money-maker. H. W. Garland, room SIS Alisky bldg., '3d and Morrison sts. CHEAPER than you can build. Brick garage, pay S on interest; must sell. Will pay commission. Price $11,000. OwnT. Tabor 654ft. ' WILL sell $1176.53 interest In modern 7-i-nnm house for $875. accept Ford tour ing car up to $2M; also furniture very reasonaoie. Auto. re. FOR SALE OR TRADE. $5000 stock of patented electric lan tern business for $2000. with a big fu ture. Call Woodlawn 4660. - FRF.D C. ROSE, architect, designer and builder, general contracting. See de signs of moderate homes I build. Call Main 7.126. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store, corner location, low rent and In good business section. ijflwy. iristf. CLEANING, pressing shop for sale cheap; good location 207 Morrison at-, between First and Second. IF YOU can sell business chances buy an established office for $600. Must have half cash. 401 Panama bldg. BARBER shop. 3 chairs, fine location: low rent, tHi. pia unam. or plug. CIGAR stand, first time offered. 407 JpT jjcitpe at beach resort; fine busi ness; $1500 will swing it. Auto. 611-10. BCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. J BUSINESS OPPOBTTTNITIES. BVOlxlLaa MI-romuiM; .""II Roon,,n.r House: Hotels and Rooming House. Ho'cla and Rooming Houses. CONFECTIONERIES. Good confectionery on upper "Washington street; does a gross business of $30 per day right now. Price $2100. on reasonable terms. Confectionery, pool room and card room, in Vancouver, Wash., on main business street; every thing modern. Price $3000. Fine little confectionery, on paved highway, in Washington, in a good town; caters to best trade and has been making good money; $1300 cash will handle. . We have other good pool-room, card-room and confectionery buys. See Chester L. Florence, RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, , 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GAS AND SERVICE STATION. Located on busy- street, best of equip ment, large stock of oils, greases and accessories; clearing better than $300 month at present time and during busy season will clear up to $500 monthly; owner Is leaving the city and will give buyer a long lease at reasonable rent; vulcanizing and tire shop in same build ing that will bring an Increased profit large enough for two partners should they wish to handle that end of the business aLso; a money making proposi tion that will stand investigation. Price $1800. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. WE HAVE FOR 6ALT3. Two drug stores, $6a00 and $15,000. Hal Interest hardware- store, $12,080. Cafeteria for $4500. Country store for $3000. " We can get you any kind- of s store you want In the valley. KINNEY & HIDE, EUGENE, OB. CASH A.ND CAP.RY GROCERIES. $10(M- or Invoice grocery, doing good business, near large school, lease $25 month; living rooms. $1800 or invoice grocery; $oO day: low rent; living rooms; this is a sacrifice on account of sickness. $2000 or Invoice grocery; 3 beautiful living rooms; rent $20; good residential district; no competition. We are prepared to sell you a grocery or confectionery store selected by experi enced men, at attractive prices. Z. Ea k I n s. 315 Couch bldg.. 4th near Wash. si n , . I.' Q nnDfiDTTTVITICH $800 or invoice; living rooms; rent J17.50. ' $1050, corner location, near school; rent $25. Invoice about $2700. doing $60 a day; rent $25; has 1 living rooms. We have many other attractive buys. See us first. UNIVERSAL SALES CO., 602 Railway Exchange Bldg. OLD ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT. A large west side place, heart of beat rfistr-liot. Has been under same manago ment for 1 years. Doing big business, around $150 to $175 per day. Low over (head expense. Lots of equipment. A money-maker for experienced man. $4000 buys it; can arrange some terms. See Mr. Solum at GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 2,;0 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. Ta81 . trn.fl TO T VTTX-n V A RTWF-.RSTTIP An equal half Interest In first-class auto paint shop; no better location in Portland; run by an expert in this line; prefers a steady partner to hired help; you will easily clear better than $200 every month for yourself; if you want the best shop in city, see this before you buy. Price $450. Call 620 Cham ber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. Pool tables, barber shop, ice cream parlor and lunch room, living rooms in connection; $6 a month rent; on paved highway, 12 miles from Vancouver; $2G0 and invoice confectionery; take stage at 3d and Washington sts. Et. L. Smith, A HIGH-CLASS, -progressive, profitable business offers an exceptional opportunity for an investor with from $10,000 to $20,000. secured by deed to new. im proved property, a profit of 38 1-3 per cent is insured with a quick turnover; this will stand a most strict investiga tion. AC 365. Oregonlan Location in the center of the down town business district. Good reason for selling. Rent $40 per month. Good fixtures and first grade stock. Doing .good business. It sold at once, $1i00 cash. See Mr. Solum with 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. FOR SALE, reasonable, or want first-class promoter to raise- capnai to ture my machine for treating telephone or fence posts at ground line with creo sote; all farmers and telephone compa nies or power companies will use one; very liberal terms to any one handling tnis. a v zip, vjreguiutni. HARDWARE STOCK, some fixtures; im plement warenouse; gooa unmu, hbu. distance from Portland; reasonable rent; no expensive fixtures, dead or excess Btock to tie you down; must sell; the profit Is yours. Only $3250 cash; seller's contract or good mortgage. Look this up. owner, a v jit, igsmi'."- IF YOU would like to enjoy an Income of $130 or more monthly on an investment of $600, cash w-e can- place you In a neat, well furnished and equipped restaurant; doing fine business, fine location; rent $25; fine place for man and wife. Death cause of sacrifice. C. L. Beckr, 13314 f irst sr.. DDO A UU.HllVi, - - - Confectionery, cigars, magazines, lunches served; big waiting room and transfer location; fine fixtures and stock; $5000; some terms. TTVI VC!TJ H & T. RAT.RS CO.. 602 Railway Exchange Bldg. GOOD little- business, general merchandise. 13 miles SOUtn OA wuttKtr riuvc. voice $3000. fixtures $8XX Will take for quick sale 60c on the $1 for fixtures, and a suitable per ce-ntage on stock. Rent $115 per month with Living rooms. Paul O. Freeman. Landon. Oregon. SNAPPY GROCERY. $2100 grocery close in, east side dis trict, doing $50 to $60: 2 nice, very large living rooms. ' No fixtures to buy. Stock at invoice, about $2000, terms. sl.MAla. xtiv nenry diub. IF YOU are looking for a business loca tion we have one that is a rare op portunity. It is in one of the best dis tricts In Portland, on the east side. See Mr. Solum with ... GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. DAIRY LUNCH. MODERN EVERY WAY. Flmo .west side location; renit $125 mo. Long lease. . B. P. KELLY, T15 Swetlamd Bldg-. 1-TTT f VT7T!1 QHflP West side, fine location, doing good tire and accessory business; best of equipment; investigate; $3000. UNIVERSAL SALES CO., 602 Railway Exchange Bldg. A OAIVAWEi . " . . ... . One ef the best paying garages: needs active partner to attend front end; a re liable man can buy for $2200; your n-oney secured. Room 611 Railway Ex- cr. a ngc V1AJ r AA.A.A-NAA- aaaa-.. If you aire looking for a real honest to goodness buy in a filling station let us show you this one for $2750 AUSTIX-O'LEARY REALTY CO., ..ttt C---!- T-T-1-V 3:io onampeT oi miiiqiucsi-iT jj-wb. BRICK BLDG.. 4 YEARS' LEASE. " 31 rooms. Price $3500, terms. L541. 25 rooms, brick bldg. rent $75. Price $4200, half cash, the rest EZY. L535. I. E. SPENCER & CO., f17-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GARAGE located close in on highway: rent $100; long lease; has good storage and repair business; $1500 month sales; will sell for $3500; a great bargain. Room 511 Railway axennnge. WANTED A partner having some money to invest in an established growing paying business; want a live man; have too much to do; investigate. V 493. Oregonlan. BUSY CIGAR STA.NJJ. Located in lobby of large downtown office buildln-g. Doing $35 day. Low riWi.ri Priced rieih at SITOOl 2.30 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 75-81. GARAGE West side apt. district, . 60-car capacity: rent 150; long lease; very good repair -business; $3o00 handiies. - ' See- Nordstrom, H W Csborne Co., 821 Cham, of Com. CIGAR and confectionery. 5-year lease, good location, good fountain; can make big returns on investment; $1500 cash will handle, balance arranged. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. NICE, nsat i'lttle restaurant, doing $30 a day rent $12 month, with lease: new Lange range; $1000. 167614 19th. Sell- woo ii TTT TfiTT have X100 and are out of em ployment, answer this ad: it will be of interest to .vim. -aiiy. mreuuiau. . CLEANING SHOP Good business and equipment. Sacrifice 1 if sold today. Wdln. 600 ' DOWNTOWN cash and carry grocery and soft drink. First time, on sale. 420 Morrison St., corner 11th. RESTAURANT doing good business, $200 takes It, terms, lease. AO 454, Orego- FINELY equipped restaurant on Broad way, S3000; rent $123. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark sc. THE REASON BUYERS . . . COMB TO US IS BECAUSE THEY KNOW THBI WILL BE SATISFIED WITH WHAT WE SELL THEM. GROCERIES CIGAR STORES, POOL ROOMS CONFECTIONERIES, DRUGSTORES EVERYTHING. WE HAVE THE PLACE ' YOU WANT. FRANK C. ROBINSON, BUSINESS CHANCES. 60S-4 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 5S57. A OWN and offer six $1000 notes, to run for approximately 14 months, secured by carefully Investigated, verified and ap proved conditional sales contracts in the . amount of $1250 each, and yielding In vestor almost 104 per annum, interest paid in advance; perfect safety, no chance for shrinkage or loss and under ordinary banking conditions this paper Is immediately convertible into cash at current interest rates; will sell om or all. Address AR 458. Oregonlan. $3500 GARAGE $3500. Look, come prepared to buy; price reduced from $5500; owner leaving state has put this rock-bottom price for a few days only; long lease. This is one of the best equipped and stocked garages on the east side; netted big returns last year. Be the first to see and buy. Rock. 403 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6363. Sunday Tabor 3090, or 217-15. ; FOR SALE By owner, one of the best east Blue iwjafiuu wmcv j cigars and lunch, doing $50 a day or better; must sell. Phone East 2139. - DRY GOODS-GENTS FURNISHINGS. Splendid east side location; doing $1000-$1200 monthly business; , owner saves $250-300- a month! above living; serious sickness makes sale necessary; easily worth $10,000, but will sacrifice for $6200. RTTSTNESS SERVICE. ' 71 fl Dekum Bldg. Auto. 561-44. ... . .. I rTn A T BTnRE? LOOK AT THESE BE1HDRE BUYING Downtown, 3-year lease, rent business from $50 up per day; price SITOO, some terms. Next to theater, low rent, best location In town; selling account sickness; 3UO" cash will handle. 314 STUl-ft. Hi.vnA.-iu-c. i"- WILL furnish car and services for $125, gas and oil per montn. r to.. vin..-" Business Opportunities Wanted. 2UO0-ACRK Irrigated farm, 1600 acres un der ditch, 200 acres under cultivation, 00 acres in small grains; 100 head stock, farm machinery, barns, silo, etc.; $30,IKM1 dam power house, flumes, etc.; central Oregon. Want Portland or vicinity in come, or sell, terms. O. V. Jackson Co- J'U Oregon dips WE HAVE BUYERS with the cash for a cigar stana in one o-l mo buildings If the price Is right; also good grocery with living rooms. Call us on the phone for interview ' AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO.. 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. .tjroauwaj ajia. EXPERT auto trimmer and upholsterer 18 years lactory baijcu, auto painting; will buy half Interest in large auto paint shop; will install a com plete topshop with machinery, tools, mo tor and material; would consider other manufacturing proposition. Phone Wood lawn 3025. ROOMING HOUSE- FOR POOL HALL Very fine boarding house, showing $500 per mo. income, to trade for pool hall. will consider mill town location. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. IF YOU are looking for a business loca tion we nave one mai. - io. tunlty. It Is in one of the best districts in Portland, on the east side. See Mr. Solum, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 'JM unam. or t,;om. diuh, uunj. m. WE HAVE clients who are - waiting for DarDer SnopO, tuuicvuuucii a.... e eery stores, cigar stands, rooming and apartment houses. Do you want to sell? See Mr. Solum with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 231) ttiam. or -piue- auwj'. ..mi.. WANTED from owner, apartment or housekeeping that $3500 will handle; must be modern and located between Alder and Lincoln up to 12th st. Phone Marshall 2582. AM IN THE MARKET FOR AN OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED Jir-B irrvuri ANCE BUSINESS IN PORTLAND. WILL HOLD REPLIES CONFIDENTIAL. HAVE THE CASH. AN 451. OREGO- NI AN INVEST $500 to $1000 In good business; mechanically inclined, hard worker, ex perienced foreman, good at figures, ambitious and energetic No agents. AL 403. Oregonlan. WANT best paying hardware store in good live locality 'that up to $8000 cash will handle; state all details, also nationality of community and general economic con ditions there. K 4S7, Oregonian. I WILL consider a contract to finance an established business or patent of com mercial value. Through my connec tions can guarantee up to $50,000 In 90 da ys. BP 453, oregonian $1000 OR MORE and services to Invest In bona fide business in city or out. A No. 1 office man, age 35. References asked and given. Address AC 458, Ore gonian. WANTED Garage or repair shop; must deal direct witn owner ana win pay cash; would consider a partnership. Re plies confidential. Address me D 210, oregonian. a i-- a eu XJTTVtit? To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or write PIONEER BUSINESS AGENCY. INC., 401-402 Dekum mag. ESTABLISHED security underwriters will consider local stock or bond issue of going concern. No promotion schemes or agents considered. BF 463, Orego nlan. HAVE $750 to invest with services In manuiacturmg Dusmea, jv y a' rience as foreman; no agents. B 462, WILL pay cash for a cash grocery, with living rooms, in gooa aisiriuc; wine mw amount of business, rent, etc D 396. Oregonlan. ' BAKERY. West sldo. In apartment district; for cash; not over $3000; must be priced right. Bdwy. 77t). AM IN market for cash and cao-ry grocery, around $1S0 to $2500. Might consider partnership with right man. 0 AIL Ore gonlan. HAVE you $350 to Invest In crop propo sition' I have good new land, will do the work and guarantee $100 net profit next November, route 4, box 72. Htllsboro. HAVE client wishing to buy small gro cerv and meat business; give location and' price in first letter. Address S 491, Oregonian. TO BUY or lease small auto repair shop, prefer one located In garage: state full particulars in first letter. AM 467. Ore gonian. HAVE $1500 cash and $2900 mortgage and car; want beat paying apt. house or con fectionery store that one or both wili buy. Bdwy. 4140. WANT email business; nvd'll trade $1300 equity In U-aore with -room house, chicken house, 2i0 fruit trees and lots of berries. Owner. P. o. oox quo, fort.iani. auv IU .1VU aoi. ......... ...... my services in auto repair shop or auto paint shop. Address me. F 213, Orego nian. No agents. WILL BUY all or part interest in any good established business If you -can show me It is right and will make money. Glv ; fuU details. AH 448, Oregonian. W7ANT to buy outright all or controlling interest in bank; city or country. Ad drees in confidence, K 486, Oregonlan. $1000 AND SERVICES, office exp., but will consider anything legit. Young man, married, family. AP 467. Oregonlan. WILL buy good barbershop if priced right. Give locaiti-on, price and terms first let ter. O 411, Oregonian. WANT to get into some small business where can make good living; consider partnership. Y 491, oregonian. WILL BUY all or half interest in good restaurant; must be good and show prof its. Y 4N2, oregonian. PRINTING $1200 and services to invest in printing business, city or country. AR 411. vrtfBmuwii WAST to buy half interest in good little garage, not over $1500; give location first letter. AB 455, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGE single man with $1000, wants to be a partner on farm or chicken ranch. AB 463, Oregonian. WANT a cigar stand it' a good business and price is right; buy from owner only; give particulars. quo, vres"""". IF YOU have a patent or small business that needs more money see -me this week. AO 456. Oregonian. ' WANTED Contract to cut timber by M., where mill is placed. Address 2528 Cherry, Hoqula'm. Wash. ; CIGAR STAND. West side- for cash; not over $2000; must be bargain. jjqwy. tiB3. HAVE $1000 to $2000 for best paying es tablished business; from owners only. BF 465. Oregonian. ; WANT TO RENT Wood yard: state lo cation, also price: will lease. Address W 4S9. Oregonlan. i.U TO $7-50 TO INVEST where -money is secured with services of youmg man warn auto. v. -t. wiTrfiMifMii. WANT to buy a good general etore in the ctunfry. Y 413. Oregonian. I ! WOULD like to invest up to $2000 with i service; no agents- W 413 Oregonian. I Business ODnnrtuillties VVantea. I miu jvuuiaiiiik I - - - I SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY. SOLD FOR CASH. All lines of business In 5 to 10 days. Our 15 years successful selling of busi nesses, combined with our large list of cash buyers on my waiting list, ready to purchase and Invest their money through our offices, gives you the as surance of a QUICK SALE and REAL SERVICE. PARTNERSHIPS FORMED. No delays, no obligations; standard commission fee: no .charges unless sale Is consummated. Free information bu reau. LIST with SECURITY INVEST MENT CO., the largest and most pro gressive selling organization throughout the northwest. Phone Main 6562, or call suite 626 Morgan bldg.. on Wash ington, between Broadway and Park st. SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY. NEWSPAPER OR JOB SHOP .WANTED. Printer and machinist-operator wants to buy paying newspaper or Job shop. Would consider partnership with right kind of man. Have had experience In all lines of the business printer, oper ator, news and soliciting. Would con sider job if It would lead to something better. Am now employed but want to get Into business for myself. ioan man. married, and have family. Prefer Paciflo northwest. Can furnish highest trade and business references. Address AV. 231, OREGONIAN. TO WANT TO TRADE FARM LANDS FOR MERCANTILE STORES. Have several clients wanting to trade their farms for a good busi ness, most any size stock, some will put In cash with their farms on- larger stocks. KINNEY & HYDE, EUGENE, OR. SOLD IN TEN DAYS. AH lines of business sold; partners ob tained, additional capital procured, low est rates, best service. We have many buyers waiting. BUSINESS IS GOOD with us. Our selling system is perfect; nothing left to chance. Expert salesmen bring our buyefs direct to you. We can sell your business in TEN DAYS Phone Bdwy. 2651 and MAKE US PROVE IT. 12 successful years in this business GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 316 Pittock Blk.. 10th and Wrash WE WANT THE FOLLOW1N-U: Hotel that $5WC will handde Apartment house that $rv0X will handle. Boarding house that $ltMX will handl e. ' Housekeeping that $1500 will handle. We have BUYERS for the above places, and, if your prlco Is right phone 11a at once. Bdwy. 687. T,.TVX3C, H W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS, 821 Cham-ber of Commerce Bldg. your place; list it with us and it win receive individual attention of six live wire salesmen Including Mr. . Robinson who has been buying and selling busi ness chances for over 20 years. If you want to sell it QUICK call on us. FRANK O. ROBINSON, ROS-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. WANT grocery in exchange for 6-room bungalow on lOOxlOO. or new 4-room bungalow on 84x135. Owner. Wdln. 53-'a. Hotels and Rooming Houses. SEE GODDARD FOR. BARGAINS. These Can't B Beat in Portland. 12 ROOMS $1600, terms, new, clean and well furnished. Rent $45 and a lease of 3 years; In come $120 month and good home besides. 25 ROOMS- $3500, on terms or will ei change for real estate or smaller house and some cash. 22 ROOMS Apts., all private baths and steam heat; new furniture. Price $2850, some terms, a a little cash. 42 ROOMS Street lobby, automatlo ele . vator, transient hotel, all modern conveniences, terms. 100 ROOMS Modern apt. -house with best of furnishing and ev erything modern, long lease. Nets $700 month. If you have $15,000, see me about this. 130 ROOM - HOTEL with lobby, long lease. real money-maker, $15,000 will handle it. 12 ROOMS White Temple dist., $1750. Always full and it's just been furnished and clean. You'll like this splendid place. 11 ROOMS Lease and partly furnished. You can buy this place for $850 and use your own fur- niture. The above are just . few of the ex cellent buys we have to offer. Let us -show you how to get in right. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. In order to close an estate we are of fering a very fine stone hotel, steam heated, located In thriving eastern Ore gon county seat, best 100x100 corner, on main street, immense community to draw from; this hotel has been built 6 years, has restaurant, pool hall and drug store on first floor, practically only hotel dn city and can be bought abso lutely right and wlil consider some Portland income property In exchange. For further particulars call MRS SNOW. BDWY. 4664. 320 LTJMBElRMENS BLDG. i A 5-YEAR LEASE. Apartment 55 rooms. 25 apts., furni ture first class; fine corner, brick bldg. in fine condition: good location; 4-year lease; net $350; price $12,000, half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG, 526 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. A GENUINE BARGAIN. 50-room apt., good west side location, newly furnished and clean as a pin; rent $100, 4-year lease; net $300; price S5500, $3500 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG, 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. r-. rr i- i-ivrij 10 rooms, rent $00, modern and beau tifully furnished; nice home and income; net $100 a mo; price $1850, half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. B26 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. ' COUNTRY HOTEL FOR TRADE. 1 Property, furniture and all a-going place in Willamette valley town; will trade for farm, acreage, house and lot or rooming house. . T. BRUCE GODDARD, B01-2 Couch Bldg. WHOLESALE and retail fish business, good lease, cheap rent, have truck; do ing $50,000 annually, making exceptional net; must sell on account of ill health; will sell for price of fixtures and truck. 504 Buchanan Diag. r 27 ROOMS, 19 furnished, rent $50, lease; pri2e rooms! rent $40, brick, free light and water; price $1500. 7 rooms, rent $20, close in; $5o0. B ERRAND REALTY CO., 349 Salmon St. -r.Tcm Tl-U A H Vnn WiJJT 20 rooms, all h. k., good furnishing, good' location; rent $55 with lease; net $150 mo.; price $2000. half cash. SEE MRS. HAUG, 526 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 62-room hotel, brick bldg., in center of city, all new furniture; rent $300 with 4-year lease; $5000 cash handle it. 526 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1904 APARTMENT house, business district, 23 rooms, weu iunnsncu, '.'v-j handle, rent $60, income $2o2 besides owner's apartment; no vacancies; no agents. Aft uic6m'""i RITY? FROM OWNER. $2500 takes nice fur. 20-room apt house right in heart of W. S. business district; nets $150 a month; half cash, balance to suit. Main 3230. ROOMING house. 11-room brick, close in, west side, good transient place. A snap. $1500 H W. Garland, room 318 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts A COMPLETE shoe repairing outfit, in cluding stock and fixtures; must sell to clear up an estate; now running and In gOOq location. tmi Aemut on-- IF YOU want to sell your rooming houses or apartment houses, phone me. Main 3669. H. W. Garland, room 318 Alisky bldg. PRIVATE party wants furnished house keeping rooms from owner for cash ; not less than 15 rooms; no agents. F 414, O-regonian. lilOl A A ' For quick results and a square deal always. nnm i Ti.n. m liriTU fiOnn A T? T" oQI-2 coucn -CSiqg. -ouwy. op. 10 H K. ROOMS, water in all rooms, all rented; clears over $90 month. See this before buying. zJ vveBt jrarit st. W'ILL build modern concrete apt. house, 2 and 3 rooms, steam heat, corner lot. WANT a nartner In woodsaw business. plenty of work, small investment re- qulreq. out ouunaiAn hiub- 14 ROOMH one floor, rent $50; nets $85; price $1800, $1100 down. Owner. 464 Union. . ROOMING house, 7 rooms, price $550. 535 Taylor st. I WANT to lease 14 to 30 rooms, w. s. before May l. uiay. c. oumsiog. 9 H. K. ROOMS, sacrifice, easy terms. owner, tasz uo. HOTEL, 45 rooms, swell furniture, brick, steam, hot water, lease 1926; $7000 han- 82 TWO and three-room apartments; mod ern brick corner; close in on west side; long lease, at reasonable rent: income nearly $3000 per month; will stand the closest investigation ;, $25,000 will handle 46 two and three-room apartments'; close In on weft side; lease over fair; rent $750; modern fireproof building; equipped with automatic elevator, pri vate balconies, coal stoker furnace, pri vate baths,, etc.: income over $2200 per month; price $36,500; terms. 30 two, three and four-room apart ments; fine west side brick corner; rent only $500 per month: all light, airy rooms; extra well furnished and Un usually clean; always filled with desir able tenants; price $18,500; tcrma. HOTEL SPECIAL. 47 rooms; modem brick corner on west side; ground floor lobby, automatlo le vator, hot and cold water in all rooms. ' etc. : good furniture throughout and ab solutely clean: rooms are full; price $12,600; easy terms. 56 rooms; downtown brick corner; 5 year lease; entire house Is in spotlens condition and extra well furnished; 24 rooms connect with-private batha; has Northwestern heat, elevator service, large ofice with switchboard, etc. ; will stand closest inspection; price $25,000; terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 245 4th St FREEMAN-SMITH, BROKERS. 730 CHAMBER OF COM MERCE BLDG. BROADWAY 1873. 18 ROOMS. HOUSE KEEPING. 2 BLOCKS "OFF WASH INGTON STREET; EX CELLENT FURNISH INGS; RENT $50; ALL IN TWO-ROOM APART MENTS; GROSS INCOME $200 PER MONTH; WILL NET $130; FOR QUICK AND IMMEDIATE SALE ON ACCOUNT OF ILL NESS OF OWNER. TOTAL PRICE $1600; $800 CASH. BALANCE $40 PER MONTH, 7 PER CENT. THIS IS ONLY 5 MIN UTES' WALK FROM BUSI NESS DISTRICT. APARTMENT HOUSE LEASE. OVER B0 APTS. TO BE BUILT ON GOOD COR NER WEST SIDE LOCATION. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE WITH ALL BUILT-IN FEATURES; WILL LEASE LONG TIME TO RESPONSIBLE PAR TIES. $20,000 CASH REQUIRED. SEE G. C. ULRIQH & CO., 405 STOCK EX CHANGE BLDG. SO ROOMS, large lobby, west side, rent $75 per mo. with lease, clearing around $300 per mo. $4O0, good terms. 19 rooms, all housekeeping, west side, moderate rent. Making good money. $1700. terms. ; . IS rooms, all housekeeping, close in. rent $3o per mo. Making good money. $700. good terms. SEE MRS. HANNA. WITH C W. MILLE'RSHTP. 1S5. 4th St. Main 5275. $500 TO HANDLE up-to-date small apt Nob Hill district. , $750 to handle nice up-to-date board ing house; wonderful 'income. $4000 to handle 50-room new apart ment house. I.,, . $10,000 to handle 4-storjf brick apt. house downtown. $15,000 to handle downtown hotel; many others. Ed Diamond, 439 Cham ber or fommerce oius- 31 ROOMS, fine transient location; good lease; clears $200; price $4200; $2600 down. , . 12 rooms. Nob Hill, furnace heat; price $1800; $500 cash. 12 rooms, east side, swell grounds, good furniture and carpets; price $2600; good terms. -See A. E. Walter, with JOHN E. WALTER, REALTOR. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274 . tr tjoadITDTV -RARH-ATN. 1.MUOJ1U lwi .... Fwur 5-rooim cotitiaiges, tateimars newly renovated. Walking diist'aince; alwaiys remted; shows good imcome: can be boiigihit for less 'tlhan I2O0O per house; some ca-sh balance 3iike remit- : Let us AUSTIN-O-LEiARY REALTY OO. 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg;. ; 40-ROOM HOTEL. Brick building, corner; rooms all on one floor; center of city; best transient location; selling account dissolving of partnership; buy for $4000 and resell at $6000; a money-maker. Phone Main 1860 or call at 254 . Broadway for ap pointment LOOK! LOOK! Modern apartment for trade; 40 rooms, modern brick place, all in two and three-room apartments; pri vate baths, good furniture; price $800"; will take modern bungalow or equity and $1000 cash, balance easy. JOHN E. WALTER. REALTOR, 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5224. COUNTRY HOTELS. I have some splendid country hotels to offer from $6500 with furniture and lease to $100,000 with land, buildings and furniture. If you are in the market for something good, see these. Weston & CO.. lL'IIW IN. w. nautv ui. LOOK at this 50-room hotel, strictly mod ern, with extraordinary furniture and carpets; good lease, and immaculate Is the word; priced absolutely right: $o000 down and good terms on the balance. JOHN E WALTER. REALTOR 135 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. . . m,.r..Tm u nTTC H1. -TJTTV. 20-room apartment in a good location, ail newly renovated; rent only $70. lease Sets $150; nice rooms for landlady, price $2500; reasonable terms. . AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEE THIS BARGAIN. 10-room apartment wntti beaiutlful fur ' nltmre. east side tocaAIpn. very caose im. good home and nice loeema A great DaTTadn If sold alt once AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO.. 835 Ohambe.r of Commerce Blag-.- $94 PER MONTH CLEAR $94. 12 rooms. Nob Hill district. Part cash. URNUGhI- PACE REALTY CO 416 Oregon bldg.. 5th and OaJt CAN -YOU BEAT HIS ? . 8 rooms good furniture In heart or city rent $45; only $SoO, and terms, at thau -Snt BLDG. ' 26 of three rooms and" two of two rooms, bath in every apartment, beauti ful building, good lease. See owner. 112 Henry bldg. Tel. Bdwy. o954. sivv.n when you buy your rooming house from FRANK C. ROBINSON, REALTOR. a 3oii!o- Tilde. Main 2557. GOT OUMi r tl AV. A A U A.. . 17 rooms. 10 furnished: 5-year lease, good location; good buy; bring $500 and see SHEPPARD : EIGHT ROOMS $800. " T Modern furniture. Wilton rugs, piano; easy terms. SHEPPARD s-o nn.iii iJ . ' - nE..ini n i iai j . i" roo-MS best Nob Hill location; in come $155; rent $35; fine-looking house, all h k ; $1200 down. Call between 2 and 4. sunuay. -puwv qaa A n,Aiiiii iiai 1 - 1 - - - 23-room hotel, close in west sldej rent $70, lease; full price $800. NICK, 220 nenry ums. ELEGANT 43-room apartment, choice 6th st. location; high-grade Inside; about 380O down-, net- almost $300. Call ne tween 2 and 4 Sunday. Bdwy. 5112. SELL OR RENT 20-room furnished hotel, brick building; steam heat, long lease; $35 per month; bargain. Vancouver, Wash. AL 406. Oregonian. LIGHT, pleasant 2-room furnished apart ment, newly decorated; furnace heat, light, phone, bath included ; desirable location: adults only. Phone East 8826. a T A TT.fYT'TilT. 28-rooim8, at a sacrifice if sold at once ; fine lease and location. Write owner. 440 Bard St., or phone 1287. A GOOD HOME AND INCOME. " 10 rooms housekeeping, close in west side: price $975; rent $35. See NICK, ' nn. UC-XTDV Til T 'W ' DANDY 6-room house suitable for board ers, near steel bridge, fine furniture; $200 handles; total price $500. Auto. LEASE and furoitu-re of small apertmeint house: furnace heat: aM modern conveni ences: very desira bre neighborhood; . . n.n BCOfi Terms. i.ii ina.. .-m-v. HOTEL 22 rooms, steam, hot water, heart city;" $4000 handle; big Income, 3 OS tjucnanan uiua. X WANT apartment, hotel or rooming house, have good securities as first pay ment. .VliAlll HI. 11 NOB HILL 16 rooms, rent $50, good fur niture; price $2100, half cash. Sheppard, rxenry uiu-s U.r t mi i.iuiiii. lO rooms, lease, rent $40; get busy. FOR SALE by owner. 46-room hotel on best location; rent $200 month. G 475, best location; rent $200 Oregonian.' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 44 rooms, good furniture, with lease In White Temple district. Will consider small rooming house as part payment and give good terms on balance. 21 rooms close In west side, good location, clean as a pin. Pries $3000 and good easy terms. 18 rooms with lease at $50 per month. A high-class place, well furnished, including piano. Very easy terms on this. 11 rooms. swell furniture, Jn mighty good location. "D's place can't be beat for $850. with best of terms. 8 rooms, fair furniture, west side. A money maker for its size. Price $550, only $300 ' cash. 5-room horns, furnishings, for $350, or will rent for $30 per month. Move right In. See Dad Kennedy, with G. C. ULRICH & CO. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. DIRECT LEASES SCARCE AS HEN'S TEETH. Wo have several non-pyramided, di rect leases from owners. This list will ' interest you: " West side brick apt. bldg. 5 years, some furniture. West side brick hotel 5-10 years. New apt. bldg. to be constructed long lease. New garage, west side, to be con structed. Several apt. houses, leases expiring. Rooming houses, west side, partly fur nished. . . ... Furnished brick apt. house, west side, long lease. We are prepared to accept offers on each one of these. T. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC.. 4(18-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787 12 ROOMS, close in, on 1st St., housekeep ing; rent $40; price $050. 11 rooms, housekeeping, running water In 8 apts., stove heat; rent $48; net In come over $50 per month; price $1500. 8-room flat, boarding, fully equipped; unusually good furniture and lots of It, 19-ro'omrTlat, with kitchenette, every thing in the best of order; pleasant, at tractive home. White Temple district, fine net income; $1400; $800 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. - MANY FOLKS HAVE SAID that this Is. Portland's most elegant y furnished rooming house. It is really an apartment house with 22 rooms or suites. Super-class furniture; close to White Temple; beautiful corner home or massive, modern design and perfect ap pointments. Owner says: Cut this lor . quick sale at actual price of furniture. Terms, $3-00 a mo. net. Full Information except house number, by calling today. East 3100. On Monday, Bdwy. 6787. NEW OFFERING APARTMENT HOUSE, WEST SIDE. One of the snappiest close-In, White Temple locations; fine building with elegant furniture; large net; nearly 2U apartments. Will consider bungalow home in good location and small cash payment. Full particulars by personal O.'k'sKOTHEIM REALTY CO. INC., OHn i-.micn wiqk. ajvij. ,.i. WILL ACCEPT liberty bonds or State bank deposit checks on my 8-room rooming house, best west side (location. Net income about $80, besides fine 2 roa apt. for self. Best birdsey maple, solid, oak, brass beds, -leather u-pnoL-stered davenports, chairs, aluminum ware, silverware, dishes, best linen and .plenty. Everything ready to step right In Lease. O 473, Oregonlan. STANDARD HOTEL. B2 rooms, 30 private baths, steam heated brick, lease over the fair, snow ing fine income: for further particu lars and appointment call MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATLD. Beautiful 14-room house, all house keeping, fine furniture and rugs; ex ceptionally clean; rent only $56. Includ ing 2 garages, net profit $140. month. . Price $3150. , , See Mrs. Keller, -GEO T MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon'Bldg. BEAUTIFUL FLAT. 9 lovely rooms, beautifully furnished In most all blrdseye maple furniture, good rugs and fine beds; full price $lo00. cash $750. .a. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 464. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. . LITTLE BRICK- " 27 rooms. 4 2-room apts. 11 Blngle housekeeping rooms, 8 sleeping rooms, can be arranged for 3-room suites: rent $125; lease to November, 192a; Income $366 month. For quick sale price $3o00, $3000 cash. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10O7 Yeon Bldg. "APARTMENT HOUSE TRADE FOR FARM. Want an honest-to-goodness farm which is capable of utilizing the energy Weyo,Ufe? nS00ntrihwumwl!i. comeerty r CO.. INC., 4H-11 UOUCn A51UB. m. j . . mml.-n-TlV nil'P.RS We have for sale in the Nob Hill dis trict 8-room house, completely and new ly furnished, lot COxlOO, rooms all rented. Price with furniture $6950, without $6150; $2000 down. Let us show you this. Own your own home. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10O7 Yeon Bldg. Finest of furniture; rent $35; price $650. This is a real buy -11 rooms, h. k., furnace- heat; $1000 will handle; $1700 fUDoPyoCu'wan "Personal Service?" Call Mrs. Gibson, Mar. 2618, on this and others. 25' room " t7to" TeT Willamette valley; income $40 per mo. Can be dou bled. Price $5000. Will consider income or good business property in city, bee Mr. McCrosky, with I. E. SPENCER CO.. 617-21 Chamber of Commerce Blag. " NOB HILL SACRIFICE. 10 rooms, space for 3 more rooms lr needed; furnace heat, furniture first class. This is sure a bafgain for some one Only $1800, half cash. See Henry. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Bors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. LOOK AT THIS. " 14 beautiful large rooms, finely fur nished. Including lovely piano all new ly carpeted to wall; wonderful yard, rent $50; 4-year lease, Income $230; price $2800; $1700 down. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ' TRANSIENT HOTEL. . Fine west side location with lease through fair. Will net $600 per month. Price $15,000; some terms. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., QM Morrison St. , Main 5362. ...r. t 1 T-. I- gYJ-ll A 2 3 and 6-room apts.,- al! corner rms., steam heat, completely furnished. 8-rm. act for own use; net profit about $-ia month; $3500 down, balance easy terms. Bee 1VA1TS. AA.C11C1, , , GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg, 48 ROOMS, 24 apartments with private baths; strictly modern brick; 5-year lease, clears $350 monthly; $b800 han- dleS-H. M. FITZPATRICK & CO. R30 Morgan Bldg. Main 5264. TH-lMA. -EAl-.TTCir On Unlorl ave. for rent, furniture for sale First-class furniture and the price is only $750, including a $oOO piano. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 41H.5-0 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. ' CLOSE-IN WEST SIDE. 6-room flat for rent, furniture for sale. First-class and showing a good Income. "Price only $700. Terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. " ALL HOUSEKEEPING. 44 rooms, rent $125, good lease, 2. 3 and 4-room apts., net Income about $250 month; $3600 cash will handle. Spe Mrs. Keller. GKO T. MOORE CO. 10O7 Yeon Bldg. noTi-T TJi-lTtTrT. T.flNG LEASE. 42 rooms, good location, low rent $6500 will handle. This will not last L 217. Mr. Washburn, 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOVELY corner brick apartment house, 23 2-room apts., 1 3-room apt., all with nrlvate baths. 5-year lease, net profit S350- price $13,000; liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 18 h K. ROOMS, rent $60, nets $100; nice' home, $400 handles, bal. easy. T-r iw P1TZPATRICK Sc CO. 832 Morgan Bldg. Main 5264. ....... , . 77fi O , . r.rrta n.t l"'.5! HlAlT 1 iLWAlltrv lia v - -. 1 for cash or include 2 clear lots in ex change IOr iaiBi Aiuuac. A. urn- ave. in H K ROOMS, rent $50; 2-yr. lease; small payment down, or will trade today. FOR SALE by owner. 13 rooms, all rented. close m. cait u-'.ni. 10 EXTRA well turn. a. k. rms. good location; swou. at oiv i""'"11'. 8 H K ROOMS, will exchange tor ljv 1 cash, and $4oO lot. ilain 4574. $2400, ROOMING-BOARDING HOUSR 9 rooms and 2 sleeping porches; rent $65; netting $150 month; some terms. $1400 RESTAURANT. Good west side location, doing $45 day business; Al new equipment; wlfs sick, reason for selling. $2000 CONFECTIONERY. West side corner location, rent $42.50; living room; this place is well equipped; worth price asked. We have several other confectioneries for sale; also 42 groceries, ranging from ' $800 up to $45,000; with or without liv ing rooms; they are located In all dis tricts of Portland; If you want a good - grocery to fit your pocketbook see us. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 814 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. $22,000 HOTEL, over 100 rooms, modern, elevator, close to business district, net ting $900 per month: thoroughly reno vated; $15,000 will handle. $10,000, 85-room apt., west side, of 2 and 8 rooms, furnaca heat, lease; netting over $350 per month; $54)00 will handle. 4500 2S-room apartment, west side. B minutes' walk to Olds & Kings; fur nace heat: leased until after fair; rent $175; will net from $250 to $2t.O; good furniture. Where can you get such good income on investment, $4500 7; $3500 handles. BORIAjn) RBAlTOR. 223 Henrv Bldg.. 4th and Oalc. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS. Hotel. 20 rooms, restaurant In connec tion, gross receipts $1600, netting around $250; $2000 will handle. Hotel, 35 rooms, monthly business about $1500. $2500 will handle. Hotel, with possible earnings of $600 month can be handled with $3500, bal ance monthly payments. We have two confectionery shoos doing around $100 day. either one can be bought to advantage, both owners moving away. . , . , We can sell you apartment or hotel or most any size. 714 Couch Bldg. A WONDERFGUL OPPORTUNITY. I am offering at less than oost a very fine rooming house, located in one of the best locations in city: consists or 1J Immense rooms which can easily be made into 15 rooms, furnished in fine furniture and good beds: this is a verr attractive corner house with wonne.rrui possibilities; price $2200. cash $',300.. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4b-4 320 Lumbermens Bldg. , INDUSTRIAL HOTEL. 84 rooms, dining room and kitchen furnished complete. Always f uil. W ill sell or lease to responsible party. Owner has other business. This is a chance to get a paying business with a small amount of capital. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., nt Morrison St. Main 5(162. WE HAVE AN INTERESTING MONEY MAKING PROPOSITION IN AN APARTMENT house lease and furnishings. If you have $12,000 or more we will give you all particulars. RICHANBACH CO., 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. MAKE US AN OFFER. Owner leaving the city, will sacrifice his rooming house, consisting of nine rooms, arranged in 3 two-room suites; beautifully furnished, attractive house. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 464. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. . 'THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS. We have some of the best hotels and apartment houses in the city listed; full particulars to anyone Interested that wishes to Invest upwards of $ in a first-class proposition. Investigation Invited. 60-l Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. BOARDING HOUSE LESS THAN COST. $500 PER MONTH INCOME Very fine rooming and boarding house, consisting of 14 rooms, welt furnished, including piano: 111 health forces owner to sacrifice. If you want a bargain call Bdwy. 4664. WEST SIDE LOCATION. Will trade my equity in 8-room house completely furnished, rooms all rented, lot 50x100. 3 fine rooms for own use. for the furniture of larger rooming house and assume some, prefer downtown lo cation; price $6950; equity $250a See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 4-YEAR LEASE. A new, small apartment house, partly furnished. In beautiful furniture: all new, one block off Washington st. Full pries only $4000, some terms. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4664. 820 Lumbermens ants. X RARE opportunity for someone to g-et Hrrto a fine paying hotel business, fine bundling, large diin-irtg room, 21 rooms, welil furnished, 22 boarders, also trans ient business, splendid town; will find place better than described; can step In and do business for $17-50 cash. C. L. Becker, 133V4 First St. WEST SIDE CORNER BRICK. 24 lovely apts., over average furniture, 6-year lease; no vacancies; $6500 Will handle. This is a good buy. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 6448. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. RARE OPPORTUNITY. Furnishings of a 8-room boarding and rooming house can be had fpr $50 If taken at once. Very good location and place Is full. See Mr. Solum with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. MO Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. ITT TJ 1 II TlIT-. Lf t? V. f-l Vii. 10 rooms and sleeping porch, hot and cold water In kitchens, 2 bathrooms. 3 year lease, rent $50; exceptionally well furnished. Price $2000: $1200 down See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10O7 Yenn Bldg. WEST SIDE FLAT. Nine large light rooms of which seven are furnished In new furniture; walking distance; full price $750. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4064. BEST HOTEL BUY TODAY. 75 rooms, strictly modern brick, 4 year lease, nets over $600 monthly; $8000 handles. H. M. FITZPATRICK A CO. 832 Morgan Bldg. Main 5264. FOR SALE by owner, no agents, 11 large housekeeping rooms with 3 kitchenettes; furniture above the average; Income - $212, rent $75; a good buy at $2f.(x, $800 cash will handle. Call only week days. Main 1385 or 211 11th st. 1.V00O wlM handle small apartment house, over 4 rooms, 1 apts. Nets over $22.3. Rent only $140 with -lease to 192; balance $1500 on easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 5387. Room 821 Chamber of Commerce bids. A UlHlUlN.' FOR QUICK SALE. 12-room apt. house, centrally located; price $1200; $300 cash. BD 458. Orego nian. 10 ROOMS, SiuU wnri JW. Rent only $15; in N. W. side factory district; not fancy, but a money maker; and notice this rent; you can't lose. ! tr?i. hi it, "in. -. nnriMS WHITE TEMPLE. All housekeeping, running water In most; good furniture and always full; good ret income; only $3500: about half casn. r-etera. 10 i-. .mi 1 ROOMS NOB HILL. Good house, modern, and good furni ture; always full of good tenants; a dandy buy for only $1745 and good tsrms. Pe-ters. in .-v. otn. 15 ROOMS, best of furniture, housekeep ing and Bleeping rooms. You will have to Bee this to appreciate It. Buy f.-om owner, save commission. White Tem- ple. BF 461, Oregonian. 4-YEAR LEASE. 12 rooms, housekeeping; rent $20; on one floor. Rooms full. Bath and toilet. 74S. Some cash. Owner. Phone Auto. 519-13. $3O0 FOR $00 INCOME. 16 rooms, all h. k.. west side, near In; rent $50; all for $1250. $500 handles. Clears $90 month. See owner, 811 Henry bldg. 0 ROOMS, rent $!, all housekeeping. 1 and 2 rooms, net profit $175. Price $3800; $2000 down. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10O7 Yeon Bldg. n n i-.i-1-v.l Q Tl-lIA Ull.l. 'r.O cash; price $795; modern house; good furniture; this Is a bood buy to sell again or good home. Peters. 15 N. 5th. TAi-ll-lAA I.-T IT ".J1 On your own terms; or might rent fur nished; dandy transient location, near .... . T.. . a IK XT Ml, qppOtS, WtT-l Biui iiio. i-, FOR SALE by owner, lease and furnishings of modern 12-apt. house. Fine location, east side. . Price reasonable. Good reas- l.ll-- AT A-IO nn.nni.n on UTr " - APARTMENT house, 47 rooms, rent $100. 5 years' lease. A money maker: fine - furniture; $3000 handles. 818 Chamber of commerce piuk 10O-ROOM hotel and apartment, lease over the fair; would consider good flat or house as part. Owner, R 489, Orego nian. 38-ROOM apartment house. Lease. $1000. Mr. Holm-n. 432 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 2853. Res. East 853. THOMSON THOMSON. REALTORS. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTME.NX-.ft HOUSE BROKERS. 83 rooms, strictly modern brick hotel. ' , elegant lobby, Al condition: f!rt-la tenants, tlwxvs full; good lesse; rsnl j; $500; nets $800; low pries; terms. $6000 will handle modern brick hotsl of around 50 rooms, lease, rsnt $5 per room, ground floor lobby, elevator: tra well furnished. In best of condition; proposition we can recommend. 70-room modern brick hotel, leas ovr fair: rent $45; lobby, well located, will take $6000 down on. this money-uiaaer. US-room strictly modsrn brl-k holl, long lease, lots of private baths, loca tion the very best: wonderful lobby: al ways capacity business, well furnlshod. in perfect condition; pries and full par ticulars at office. Owner sick, will sserifleo sO-reom ho tel. 5-yer lease, ateam heat, central lo cation. $3000 will handls this bargain. 72 rooms, transient hotsf. 8-ysr la. rent $550. some private baths, N. W. best, best location, nets over $M0: good fur niture. In nlco condition; prk. r Ik lit; half cash. B2 rooms, all In strictly modern ST", stood lease, rent $SM. corner brick bld., clears over $400. $6000 down: will con sider good city mtge. in payment. 64 rooms, all modern apta, rent $20. nets $330 and nice apt., steam heat, pri vate baths, best location. $7500, ternia 80 rooms, all in sfrts.. It-ylsar ls. rsnt only $;O0. nets $0o. location second to none; elevator, splendid condition throughout; $16,000, terms. 60 rooms, lovely eomtr brlok bldg., lease; rent $350; nels over $450 and nics apt- We consider this the beat buy on the market today and recommend It very highly; $10,500, terms. 120 rooms, all strictly modern sots, long lease, rent $6 pr room: elevator, well located. In fine shape; nets $1000; price $37,500. best tonus. 100 rooms, all modern apts 5-yr lease, rent $.".O0, nets $rS0 and lovsly spt. furnished with good oak furniture. a.Tnd carpets. In excellent condition, $10,000 down. 28 modern apts.. corner btick bids-, long lease, rent $378. nets $550. vi y good location, some renovation required,. $15,000, part ternia 12 modern apta, partly furnish, lease over fair; rent $275 very fine loca tion, a real home with. Income, $5250. 18 rooms, all h. k.. B-yesr leas, rsrt $75; all newlv furnished, nets $130 and nice home; $3200, terms without Inter est. 19 rooms, all pta.. fease, rent tllS; clears $150 and most dnatrabls noma; really worth while, best of terms, B-year lease and new ftirnlshlnrs f 16 rooms can be handled with $1000 ail h. k , clears $130 and nice apt.; price $2500. 14 rooms, all h.' k.. o-year teass, rent $50; beautifully furnished, good income! $1700 handles. 14 rooms, all h. k., rent $70: no attlo rooms, nets over $100 and extra oics apt., $2650, best of terms. Ws have many other listlnrs. It will be to your advantage to Invr-stigata our files before investing; all prlcoa; caa locate snvone, CARS AT TOUR SERVICE-. 620-21 Hf-nry Bldg . 4th and Oak sts. 2-ROOM hotel, in brick building. iina in, strictly modern; nets $300 a mouth; for $5000 cash, 30-room transient hotel, few hlorVa from Meier Sc Frank's: 4-year lea, showing good net; for $4500, half cash down. 33-room hotet with dining room, plsrs is netting over $300 a month, 5-yi-sr lease at cheap rent, place Is filled all the time, as it is In good workhigman's locality; for $3000, only takes $1500 to handle It. An 18-room transient hotel In brick building, lease, plai-e Is fllli-d all the time; for only $1500, $1000 down. 44-room apts., nearly all 2 and $s, lease; showing a net of $215 and can be Increased; very close In; $3500 will handle same. ' Out of the best apts. In ths rlty. 00 rooms, has s waiting list all ths tlms; nets over $600 a month; 4-ysr la, everything In excellent condition: build ing one of the flneut on the wst side; $1(1. Oi'O will handle It and balance on long-time mortgage If di-nlrid. LANGLOIS & HAMEKLYNCK, 504 Buchanan HldgJ HOTET $5000 CASH HANDT.KS. Central location, absolute I y modern. Nts over $500 month. Lease to 1926. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT HOCSH. 25 apartments, consisting of 2 and 8s. Brick corner building. Fair rent. Lease to 1927. Can be handled with $6750. l.ocatlon, price and full particular sea us. $750 PER MONTH. Over 110 rooms consisting of apartments and aloeping moms. Rent less than $5 a month pr room. Can be handled with $10,000 cash. SMALL TRANSIENT HOUSE. Business district showing Isigs returns, good loase. Northwsst heat. See MTSIIKIND with DEKUM A JORDAN. 823-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. THIS CAN'T HE 1IKAT. S5-room hotel In a three-story brick building, loraK-d on a corner. In a town of about 3000 population; 27 mil's from Portland on main highway. Furnishings- and business of this pla- can be had for $1000. Thla Includes linen, dishes, ranges, stoves and every thing In the place. Place has 10 rooms. Dining room capacity 60 to 60. Plscs is doing a good business as It Is nearly full with steady rooirii-ra and boarrtwra. For particulars s- Mr. Solum with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 210 fhnm. of Com. Tlldg. H.iwy. 7BMI. 24-ROOM apartment linune. brick, clo In, west side, lease priced to sell; own ers leaving city. 20 h. k. rooms, fins location, pries $3000, terms; making $150 net. 20-room. nearly modern, lease, rltr heat, close In, west side; price $4200. ter'"S- . Alt. 12 h. k. rooms, modern, rant right: well furnished: $1200 will handle; fins place; have others, all Call lUs West Piirk St. O. V. Artdnrson. SEE THE I'ORTLANLf REALTY CO. for bargains In Hotels and Apartment Houses. 22 rooms, good location, net $200. 50 rooms, all h. k., pries $40OO, cash $2". oO. 20 rooms, good furniture, $2800 cah. Residential hotel, long lease, $500 net. $5000 cash. 527 Chamber of Commcrrs nidir HOT E L HO W N TO W N. Particularly adapted for tranlnt trade: downstairs lobby; plenty private baths; long lease; this Is well worth looking Into. RICHANBACH A CO., 207-S Cou"h Hldg. Broadway 414. 3JJ fX K. ROOMS, part transient; k'hkI furniture: all rented; will clear over 1125 month; full price 11875. ft H. K. rooms, 4 unfurnished: Whits Temple district; good furniture; full price $575; a snap. SIMM S. 223 W t'n rk St. Mar, ar! -P.OOM fiat. w.l furnished for ho tine keeping: pays all expenses and ownr has 2 rooms for own us-; one month's rent free if taken at once; prke I'loO; half cash, balance terms. Sea owiver 3,-, 4 14 Hawthorne ave. 7t M0 buys modern brick apartment n-ouse. over 80 rooms. 28 apts. lcat-d close in. showing a net over $400. with !- to 1026. Rent less than $4..v per ro-om. phone Bdwy. 5387 or call room e21 Chamber of Commerce hhlg Si-.l-l THESE BARGAINS. 4 apartment and rooming houses, west side, dandy incomes, nicely fur nished. 10 to 20 moms, from $1U0 up. Terms. W. B. Hlnkle. 318 Cham. of Com. hldg. Bdwy. H54H. LEAS1- and furniture 00 wt-st side. Ex ceptionally wMl located brick apart ment house. Returns big Income. Go.. terms will be given to ths right kind of tenant. J 42 1. Oregon Ian. 70-ROOM modern hotel with 4-year leaae. Central weat side location. $ls.M0. easy terms. Mr. Holmen. 432 Chamber of Commerce. B.lwy. 2X55 Res. K. f3. 12 ROOMS, small amount caMl, clear J'5 month; faces park. Ownr Main 45 SO Monday. 21 ROOMS, brick bldg., rent $l; $4M cash handles this. 201 14 East Fifth at.. Vancouver. Wash. 500 SQt'AKE feet space suitable for-ofie or light manufacturing. ft front, win dows. Bdwv. 4ll0 H1,K Interest in 1H roonia. h. k., sluae-ln. Call at 370 Yamhill st. , . 1 V