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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1922)
j TIIE SUNDAY Ol'EGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 5, 1022 21 FOR K KM. Famished Houwu. BArrnaYLT furnished T-room strictly modem home in Irvington, $125 per month- e METZGBR-PARKER COMPA.NX REALTORS. 269 Oak St Bdwy. 6353. 1'OR RENT Irvington residence, lower floor and two sleeping rooms on wcond floor, all well furnished, $150 per month. Including hot water heat, light water and phone. A rare opportunity for a beautiful home with service. To respon sible parties only. Phone East 4910. FOR RKM A iovely home In Sunnyeide. modern; a rooms, cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, fuily furnished; per month, $45; no children. See owner any day except Sunday at 11.19 E. Sal mon st.. near 37th. Tabor 7279. fit V1N0TUN HOME, furnished complete with exception of china, bedding- and stiver; can give a lease to responsible- party; adults oniy. For appointment call Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, Main inq. -m. w. Hank oiag. FOR RENT. .1S PER MONTH. , riVE-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Nice and clean,, large garden space; adults preferred, must have reference. 525 70th st.,- near 45th ave., ML Bcott car. iWBLL-FUR.'ISH.ED house of six rooms. RajdMantf are hea; wood a n1 pas ranges. Built -lnei etc. Immediate peFaion ; Solano; retut $50 per tnontJh. Prefer to tease for erix montiie or longer. Apply 4K3 RnewytaWTl ave. . S ROOMS partly furnished, kitchen com plete, gas, bath, electric, chicken houses, garden, reasonable rent; Gresham car 30 minutes out; lt0 feet from Wichita sta tion. Inquire Spring Water Poultry yard. FOR RENT Well furnished house, strict ly modern, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, full basement fireplase, piano; admits; ref- erencea. 2 block Hawthorne, ltJth at. Phone Bast 5684 after 10 Sunday. I liODRN 5-room, also 6-room furnished house, near Jefferson high; furnace, laundry trays, water, garbage removed adults. 147 Webster. Mississippi car line, wood lawn 3tiu. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 modern rooms. 2 sleeping porches. Blcely furnished, garage, all for $30 per month, win lease. Fnone xapor iwx. FOR RENT Irvington residence, suite of six rooms, furnished, all on one floor, heat, light, water and phone included. $100 per month. Choice home for right party. Phone r-ast 4niu. FOR RENT 7-room house and garage, modern and well furnished. In very desirable district. 807 E. Taylor. Open Sunday from 11 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone East 4358. XR A large family, mostly employed. beautiful, anodern home, furnished; bedrooms. tlouble sleeping porch, garage, choice district; easy walking distance. Tabor 533:1. 4 ROOMS, modern. Rose City Park, to Sent 1; furnished; references, $.. Ad dress, giving phone number. BF 406, Oregon ian. FOR RENT 7-room house, partly fur nished; $35 per month. Inquire 8;3 iu. 12th st. N., or call Bdwy. 2700 and call for Mr. Fitsch. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house. west side, have 7 boarders, but am ill; available at once; must be able to finance. East 9274. 4-ROOM house furnished. (13.50 a month must rent not less than 8 months time. Address 218 John Adams St., Oregon City, telephone 83-M. FOR RENT for few months, finely fur- nlshtu 8-room house. Nob Hill district. Apply Strong & McNaughton. Corbett mag. t-KOOM bungalow, close In, convenient owner will be there between 9 A. M and 3 P. M. Sunday. Seilwood car to 064 Ellis ave. FOR RENT or sale, my beautiful home In Irvlngton. East 8039. Houses for Kent Furniture for Sale. . FOR SALE Furniture of a 7-room mod ern house at 384 E. 8th St.. close , easy walking distance, 1 block from car line; house is suitable for roomers and hoarders, good location and Quiet. Price reasonaoie. rnone wiiju. "FIVE-ROOM, Eplendid tak furniture, brass feeds, gas ransae. Ruude -heater, lino- . leum; clean and cheap. Can rent flat 60V E. 12th st. North, or Bdwy. 1173, before noon and after 6. II ROOMS, almost completely furnished, ome housekeeping, close in, rent $45. Price, including 2 cords wood. $750; some terms. Owner going south this week. Phone Broadway 7849. 6-ROOM fiat, furniture lor saie, rent $.35; two rooms pay rent; best of furniture. carpets, beading, silverware, etc.; one block from 6th and Jefferson. Inquire at 2,4 rsroaqway. tiroaaway ino. GOOD furniture for a 5-room house for sale, reasonable as am leaving city ; house for rent. 482 East Clay. East 7730. ALMOST n-ew furniture of 7 roorn; house for rent to party buying furniture; walking distance; good place for room ers. E. 9235. FURNITURE of 6-room modern flat for sale, downtown district; a bargain for cash. If sold this week; cheap rent. 32& 16th street North. ROOMS furniture including dishes, cur tains and sewing machine for $150; house for rent, $15; modern, bath, close In, near school. 189 E. 28th N. - 4-ROOM house, close In, $33; furniture for ealet 316 Victoria, 1st and K. Williams ave.. 2d houge south Broadway. liE it'Tlb'ULLf furnished 7-room house furniture for saie; rent $75. East 42U8, Bast 1507. COMPLETE furnishings of flat for sale, terms or cash. Fiat for rent. East 321 0. . Mrs. Hosford. HOUSE for rent, $18 per month; furni ture for sale, $2o0. close in. 410 San Rafael st. .Wdln. or Alberta car. rilKMf IKk for sale at bargain, 6-room flat for rent rooms pay rent. 667 Ev erett St. THE FURNISHINGS of a 7-room house for saie, located at 266 Harrison at. Marshall 2193. 427 WHEELER ST. Dandy 5-roora house, rent $25; must sell today. $375. $250 down, all goes. fURNITURE for sale, desirable 6-room flat for rent; Immediate possession. 387 12th st. FIVE-ROOM house and sleeping porch with furnace. Large yard with fruit treea 425 Knott St., 5:30 to 7 P. M. 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. ' 2!0 East Ninth, half block from Haw thorne avenue. 4-Kwil FLAT, new furniture for sale, 2 to 5. 5!34 Wayhingtoh St. $180 TAKES furniture, 5-r. house; house for rent, $20 a mo. 173 E. 8th st. Stores and Business Places. CrOOD store room, 20x40, with fixtures, In Chiding eleotric oofiee grinder, with 5 room flat overhead for only $45 per month. Will give long lease if wanted. Located In Lir.iuon. See Mr. Johnson u GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 2.1 Cham, of Com, bidg. Bdwy. 7JiSl iiODERN building centrally located, on west side; building is 50x100. two-story and basemeula offices, elevator and steam heat; available April 1; long lease if wanted. J. F. Staver, Macleay bidg. STORE, brick bidg.: Oak at. near Sixth; nice room for small retail store, manu facturer's agent or broker; reasonable rent. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co.. 216 N. W. Bank bldk.. Mar. 4114. FINE location for small MEAT MARKET, HARDWARE or PLUMB-ER: nice clean atore, and above business needed: no competition; $30. Corbett c Pendleton. Bowy. 6J0i Sundays. $li DOWNTOWN office; $50, downtown store; $250, Morrison-st. store; $75, store stone' throw from Wash, st; 60-roem dpt. house to lease; many others. Ed Diamf r-d. 433 Chamber Commerce. SUBURBAN store with mudern fnmt; fouir partly furnished k-ing rouins in restr; poroeiaii'n bauth, toilett, eta. 184 Gibha. Kent $2i Responsible tenant only. Ap- p-.y w aM-etletnl-r r:eg coi. tej rrUTtn eu fcpLKNDiD corner store room on main, floor. 50x160 feet ami part of basement, on Front st, on thi-ee-year lease. Apply gi Front st. 1ES1 RABL.E storeroom, in heart of Rose City Park, on Sandy blvd.. at 51st.; suit able for flortst. confectionery, etc. See pnner at 2Q3 3d st. FOR Ht.NT East-side some fixtures for sale. Commerce. store building; DOS Chamber of WEST SIDE Part store space, 11x33, suitable for storage, painter, etc., $10. Bdwy. 24S7. . DOL'BLK store room, 40x50, suitable for light manufacturing. 187 Hoi-iaday ave. Inquire .IQi Hallway Exchange bidg. CLOSE-IN store for rent, 249 Columbia at., near 3d. $25, now vacant; suitable for Shop, light manufacturing, etc. WILL lease part or H of store, 15x55 ft. b-rt location in city; good lease. Apply 124 Broadway. WASH. St. store, heart of business district, unexpired portion lease. S 403, Oregonian. FOR DS1RA3l.E space in fireproof ware house. phone Broadway 8715. - STORE for rent. 17th a.iw5 R&Jxsieh. $2o; no poolroom, Tabotr 263a. STORE. 230 Washington at. Staric st. Apply 252 6 TORE, west side. 10x20, suitable for various business. lft h and Washington. CC-KXEK store, 1st and Clay; excellent iocaiion for grocery: $35. STOr.K room with four living rooms. 354 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. STOKE, 2 stories, 3-year lae. rison. Marshall 4440. 25 ilor- FOR REST. Stores and jSuaincas Places. FOR RENT. t CHOICE STORES Corner room, 2d and Burnslde. Also adjoining store on 2d at Will g-lv leas for term ot ycAra. Fcr Information, call Bdwy. T28. or Auto. 822-99. FOR RENT First-class retail location; bis show windows. For particulars ap- p y i"i -Morrison st. Offices. KfiDL'CE TOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, slngl or In suites, central office building in financial section of city; low rentals. See Donald O. Woodward, agent. 10 Second street, corner Startl. FOR RENT ShOD. 512 Mississippi ave. fine location for vulcanizing shop, with or without upstairs. Phone Seilwood 27 or cail George P. Lent, Corbett bidg. FOR LEASE Will iin lease on full bftaement, two stores, $0 per month, to party buying motor, soap, tank, tables ana sneivmg. Phone ;ast o-D4. SilALL office, phone and use of reception room to reliable party. $23. 418 Cham. or com, bidg. FURNISHINGS of real estate office with reception room for sale reasonable. Bdwy. 5387. PRIVATE office, with or without recep tion room, also weil furnished office. 207 atocK exchange bidg. DESK room with telephone and stena. grsphlc service. Phone Bdwy. 8718. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex- cnange bidg. Apply room S12. OFFICE space furnished and phone. 06 -vortnwestern Hank Dldg. DESK, phone, $12; calls attended; mall lurwaruea. stock Exchange. tl'RNISHED office for rent. Cham. Com, bidg. DESK ROOM, well furnished office. $10 per montn. 41)1 Panama bidg. DESK room, also desk, chairs, sale or rent. sju Hallway Exchange. Bdwy. 4336. ROOM with use main line phone. cnamoer com. Dldg. DESK ROOM, office, furnished, free phone. a ieitum blag. DESK room for rent. 614 Henry bidg. Phone Broadway 1831. Miscellaneous. SMALL hall, with anterooms, suitable for louge or meeting rooms. Strong & Mac LARGE hall, suitable for dances, theatri cals; balcony and spacious anterooms. ftrong & MacNaughton, Corbett bidg. DRESS SUITS, bought, sold or rented at raren s misrit Clothing store. 01 Third. business oppoRTt'XTTTr.s. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. Center of city: Hoffman press, dress ing rooms and complete equipment; runs $400 and up; no deliveries; clears $250 $300; will sell cheap; have 'other busi ness which necessitates leaving ' city. Phone Mr. McCrea, Main I860, for ap pointment. CONFECTIONERY $950 Pool halll, good location .....$30O0 Poolhall, out of town $2000 Grocery and living rooms $3000 Grocery and living rooms. ...j $2200 Grocery, central location ....$5000 AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., j.ij cnamper or commerce Bidg. aluabls 5-year lease on one of the most desirable club houses on Columbia highway, can secure lease by buying supplies and equipment amounting to less than $4000. BURN AUG H & PACE REALTY CO., 416 Oregon Bidg., 6th and Oak. Bdwy. 7264. OWING to reverses am about to hose my very line automobile, which I purchased on monthly payments. Car Is Just like new and 1 should like to turn over my equity to someone who can keep up pay ments and give me something for my equity. Address Mrs. Heba Smith, care of box SnS, Portland, Or. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. $4500 takes this well established new and second-hand hardware and fur niture store; fine location on east side. No competition; doing good business and wouia invoice over $.oo. A real op- portunity. rt cnam. or com. bidg. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. $2100 for this store with marble top xountain, enow cases, tun line of .gro- tcnes. oa pusiness street, east siae; bargain. F. L. BLANCH A RD, REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland Bidg. Bdwy. 6S59 GRAND OPENING for millinery In one of tne most up-to-date tattles . ready-to-wear shops In the livest town in Idaho rent will be very reasonable to an ex perienced party, who must be financially able to carry on same. AV 279, Ore- gonian. PATENTED NOVELTY DRINK Never sold in this territory, selling EXCLU- MVHi RllrHfB Oregon and Washington prepare for summer; BIG PROFITS small Investment. 425 Flledner bidg. 10:3rt A. M. to 3 P. M. RESTAURANT AND CONFECTIONERY. $1400 for corner consisting of fountain counters, cnairs. tables, range and cook ing utensils, doing a good business. F. L. BLANCHARD. REALTOR. 4Q1-2 Swetland Bidg, . Bdwy. 88.-W. WILL trade $1840 equity, balance $1560, payment $130 or less a month In elegant nearly new, latest model touring car. for smaller car (not Ford), or will take substantial equity in nice home for game. P 401. Oregonian. PART.VlvR wanted im busi ness; $jiWi required; wo-noeo-rul propor tion; frenuuie- business opportunity wltm a g-pea-t fu-ture. Call Sunday at faotory between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. 137 ffp-lt! St. $1500 GROCERY $1500. A dandy little east side cash and carry grocery; no competition and doing the business: rtxtures rent with store. 42.1 Cham, of Com, bidg. $975 BUYS grocery store in apartment house district. Cash and earry. Good opportunity to build up good business tin small capital. Good living rooms. BUSINESS SERVICE, T18 Dekum Bidg. EAST SIDE garage, a going concern show ing good retrrns; long lease with low rent; reason for selling, owner engaged In other line Of work. Northwest Co., 527 Gasco blag., Main 5I1H. $5oO BUYS meat market, fully equipped Including Ice machine. Rent low. lease renewable. $60 day business. Location hard to beat. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Deltum Bidg. FOR SALE Paying county seat newspa6 per. no competition, or win trade tor newspaper or farm in lower altitude. Write for particulars to Timothy Brown- hill. Beaver City. Utah. WANT partner who is willing to work; $200 gives you equal haif interest In place that will pay you from $150 per month up. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDO. RESTAURANT on Washington St.. lea. reasonable rent, fine locaiton, doing good business; be sure and see this before you buy; $doO cash will handle. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDO. WANT treasurer who controls some capital, assist in manufacture and na tional distribution of highly profitable auto attachment. AC.4V.I, Oregonian. ESTABLISHED manufacturing firm with no opposition in northwest ' wants to expand : need $1000 or more at 8. C 405, Oregonian. ' ' HARDWARE, IMPLEMENTS and PAINTS Store located in good thriving commu nity. Buy now and get the big harvest business. Write AV 288. Oregonian. LUNCH counter and card room, good busi ness; partner ill, must sell, be sure and see this. 1803 E. 11th St., Seilwood car b-irns. INTEREST in good busy real estate office for sale; paying over $150 per month each partner now; references exchanged. " X 401, Oregonian. OI,D ESTABLISHED TRUCK ROUTE. $2O0 clear per moji'tih. In PortJand ev ery night $1700 haodJesi 607 Couch b'dtr. WILL sell one-half Interest in the Doughboys' Express; now. If you want a good paying business, see me. Resi dence East 44S9. or office East 1676. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery, fur nished living rooms. Columbia 532, St Johns. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing busi ness, with four living rooms. Empire Transfer, Broadway 155. GARAGE! GARAGE' KKlxlOO corner; toog lease. 0X7 Couch bld FOR SALE Interest In auto painting shop; references as to honesty required. S 408. Oregonian. CIGAR STAND. Ofnoe bull-ding. $40 rent, dear $150 per mo-ruth. 607 Couch bidg. $900 STOCK of groceries at invoice; no fixtures; sell on easy terms or take late light auto for part. Woodlawn 1184 DANDY little cleaning, pressing parlor, $300; can make good money here. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. GROCERY, best location In 20.000 town, new fixtures, clean, up-to-minute stock, easy to handle. AV 285. Oregonian. TAILOR, cleaning, pressing shop; location. 8.1 N. 8th st CAFETERIA once; lease. T bargain if taken at Call Bdwy. 6727 Monday. BCSTNESS OPPORTUNITIES. SURET1" GROCERY .SNAP. Hpt-a til a ffnlenriid bUV If 0U want a good grocery and home'J to live in. Fresn, staple block.. no blue sky. Will Invoice more than price asked; next to school; 5-room bunealow attached to store, partly furnished; rent $i-o. i-Tlce I4irt). SURETY EXCEPTIONAL PARTNER KHiP A TTTO PilVT SHOP. Offered In Portland's largest and busiest auto painting and auto enameling shop; old es tablished, doina, work for the largest and best business firms in the city; $1000 worth of work on the floor at the present time. Wants a congenial man to take charge or the ottice ana ane-uu. to outside details, previous ex perience not necessary. Draw ing account $5 a week and profits divided equally. Inves tigate tnis. Jfrice SURETY CIGAR STAND. OFFICE TtfirT.niNO Lobby of the most prominent west side downtown office build ing, beautifully equipped, -large stapl stock in trade, no night or Sunday work, free light and janitor service. This stand never clears less than $170 to $200 per month net; $100O cash nannies SURETY MANUFACTURING PART NERSHIP. Excellent opening for a relia ble man in nousenoia neces sity manufacturing business; le gitimate proposition, profits are 200 per cent net; valuable household asset. Only $1050 for half interest. Will stand thor ough investigation. SURETY ALTO PAINT SHOP PART NERSHIP. Must be congenial man, will ing to work and learn the busi ness. I am an expert and doing business with the largest busi ness firms In the city. Cannot depend on hired help. Splendid proposition tor a reliable man Business will warrant $175 mo. each. Full price f-iOU. RTTRHTTY TT.A-RK A GARAGE. Here's your opportunity to buy one or the nest equippea ga rages in the city; battery charg ing, service station, oils, gas and accessories; fine office equip ment, excellent location, excep tionally low rent; IW car uapau- ity. .Books win snow -uu month net. S3000 handles. SURETY AUTO TOP PARTNERSHIP. Splendid opportunity for a re liable man to connect himself with an old established auto top . , and auto seat covering busi ness, west side; busy season la on now; established trade; ex perience not necessary, work is pleasant and easy to learn. Can easily clear $175 each and share orofits; nrice S750. SURETY CARD ROOM, CIGAR AND, LUINCJ. This Is one of the best pay i lng card rooms In the city; 4- year lease, very low rent, west side, splendid location, fully equipped; business has been av eraging $100 per day and up. This is a bargain at the price; 27flO. will stand strictest in vestigation. BUYERS: if you don't see what you want in our ads, call at office and look over our large list or exclusive listings. ISO obligation. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 910-311 Panama f.dg.. Third and Alder. LARGE corporation owning approximately 2OO0 acres rich land in Alberta, Canada, now devoted to wheat, dairying, poultry raising, hogs and generals-farming, wants I services or two or tnree men in live stock department who will invest $1300 I to Jluw in order to Insure greater co operation and permanency. Great In-M crease In all branches under intense scientific cultivation beginning this sea son. Splendid opportunity foremen with I ability to manage department in big I larm enterprise. Salary not to be less than $100 per month and found; 30 days' vacation each year with pay. Invest ment will earn big interest and well se cured position to be permanent. Assets of company over liabilities $44,000. 800 acres in crop this year, grain crop last J-ar liver lo.vru-- unsiiein. Aoaress tr. J. Box 200, Vermilion. Alberta, Canada. CORDWOOD AND TIMBER PARTNERSHIP. Equal Interest can be bought In 281 I acres of timber; prefer man who Is willing worker or one who understands wood cutting; located few miles from Portland; a fine proposition; need the man more than money; guaranteed sal ary; price $800; $500 cash down. Meet I owner, room 626 Morgan bid., on Wash- I ington, between Broadway and Park st. FOR SALE by owner, fully equipped ga rage, east aide, close in on main traveled street; , brick bidg., 40xlG0. with lease running to May 1, J.H26; revenues from cars In storage and space sublet I amour ts to approximately $200 a month alone; exceptional opportunity for future development; price $3500; $2000 win han dle. For further information address C 3fl9. Orep-onlan: no agents. BUSINESS OWNERS, ATTENTION. If your business is for sale, list it with SURETY INVESTMENT CO., the largest and most progressive selling I organization tnrouenout the northwest. PARTNERSHIPS FORMED. We have hundreds of clients desirous of purchasing any kind of business with I merit ' LISTING WITH US meanB quick and satisfactory sale. NO DELAYS. Expert salesmen at your service. Look In the business columns of this paper and see our aas. rnone juroadway 600O. Write, or call. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. SlO-311 Panama Bidg.. 3d and Alder. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 310-311 Panama Bidg.. Third and Alder. EXCLUSIVE STATE AGENCY AUTO ACESHORY. Have $450 in stock on hand at whole sale price. With this goes exclusive I state agency for term of years. Some thing every auto owner needs. Live nian can make Dig monev. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., aon-10 Panama Bidg. Broadway 6S42 GROCERY MISSISSIPPI CAR. LINE. . DOING FINE BUSINESS. Will ex change for acreage or first mortgage on good property. Will Invoice stock. $600 will handle, Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 206 Abington Bidg. Bdwv 71T1. Third St.. hft. Wash, and Stark. GROCERY. ROOM FOR BUTCHER SHOP. Has lars-e cash pjtirial., bU.I. t. ledo scales, fine large ice box and other gooa nxiures; ikiv tor rixtures and In voice stock: about $2400 for alt Room to make living rooms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO 50n-10 Panama Bidg. Broadwav 8042. $100,000 CORPORATION wants general state and city managers for high-class new device. Costs $2. retails $5. Every body a prospect. Big money-making possibilities for right man. $500 to $2000 necessary to rinance exclusive agency. Scott Corporation, 82 W. Washington st, t.iiii;as-i. WANTED Party With Some Money to Buy ROSE CITY CATTERY. For Sale. 4 males at service. 15 females with kittens; quick returns on Investment Kittens sell from $10 to $50. 1248 East Morrison. 7274. NOB HILL. 20 rooms, good furniture, tapestry rugs; long lease; rooms rented in 1. 2 3-room apartments. WILL SACRIFICE. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 203 Abington Bidg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bot. Wash, and Stark. MR. DAIRYMAN. Have you some money to Invest In the dairy business if it could be done in such a way that you could superintend your own investment and be paid a salary for doing it? If so, see Mr. Carlos. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO 410 Henry Bliig. Portland. Or. i-iu electric sawmill, com plete witn pianer and edger. logging donkey and truck, plenty timber, side track and pond at mill, sawdust pays for power. Slabwood $3.50 per cord at mill. A going concern, located in city of Forest Grove. Call Forest Grove Mill ft Lojtglng Co. EXCLUSIVE contract for old-established nauunauy auvertisea household spe cialty; want distributor who can Invest from $1000 to $5000 in merchandise for Portland territory. Can make $7000 to $12,000 yearly. Breuer, 609 Fulton at, Chicago. RESPONSIBLE corporation wants general sales managers lo open branch cfflce, manage salesmen; $300 to $5000 neces sary; expenses to Baltimore allowed if you qualify. Address Manager, 603 N. Eutaw st.. Baltimore. Md. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN EXPERIENCED MEN ONLY. MUST HAVB CAR AND KNOW THEIR BLTSINESS. G. C. ULRICH CO.. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG MAKE BIO MONEY as real estate spe cialist; uuiiu uiticptnneni Dusmess of your own. Free information tells how. American Business Builder, 1137 Broad way. New York. v CAUTION. BUYERS Belore closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bidg. Phone Broadway 1002. . SANITARIUM, completely equipped, on paved highway east of Portland; $3000 will handle. Wm. Willing. 401 Panama Bidg. CLEANING and pressing business, high way location in the business center. Fine opportunity for tailor. Price $300. Covell & Co., Inc., Beaverton, Oregon. CARD ROOM and soft sale, reasonable. See Kertb. Third. drlink place for owner, S3 'A" BrsiVESS OPPORTUNITIES. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. Pool hall $700. one-half interest, bal ance terms: old established. pool tables, root beer barrel, back and front bar and other fixtures. Pool hall Rent 20,'free steam heat an water, 8 pool tables, snooker table, back and front bar, other swell fixtures; $1500 will handle. Pool hall Corner brick bidg.; rent $33 good lease; 3 pool tables, snooker table, root beer barrel. showcases, etc.; $2000 will handle. Pool hall 7 tables, brink- blflir-" rent .... $&0: free heat, 1 large snooker table, billiard table, the rest pool tables, showcases, fully equippea gymnasium; 2S wilj handle. Pool hall West sids, tight down town 6 pool tables, 1 large snooker table, 2 high chairs, show cases, safe, cash register and other fixtures; $3000 will handle. Pool hall 10,000 population: factory town: clearing isoo per montn, rent $60; 8 or 5-year lease, 6 tables, no opposition: othe swell fixtures; $2500 will handle- Pool hall Out of town. 4 pool tables, back and front bar. 2 swell floor showcases. $400 cash reg ister, first-class stock, $2000 win nanaie. Dining room Large hotel, brick bidg. over 100 roomers, when ful 190; rent $25; completely fur msnea; snap f zov. Restaurant $1000 will handle, close to the bus lines. Park and Yam- oiu streets: doing S0O day business; first-class loca tion; old established. Card room And restaurant, one-half In terest: too much for one man need partner: 3-year lease: rent . $EH) per month: first-olass lo cation, doing $100 a day busi- ness; finest of fixtures; a real , bargain. Card room $4000. terms can be ar ranged; $150 a day business, first-class fixtures; partners cannot agree; best buy In Portland. Bakery and lunch 4-year lease, rent $27: Alberta district; first claBS business: on account of sickness compelled to sell; $8O0 takes It Soda works-Establlshed 25 years, same owner; wants to retire; long lease, west side; rent $15; modern machinery UP to date. Cleared last year $8000, $4000 wut handle. Grocery 2 living rooms, dandy lot, lots or iruit, stock, fixtures, fur nlture; long lease; rent $10 $450 takes It Grocery First-class location, good fix tures, fresh stock, large living room; siuoo; some terms. Grocery First-class fixtures,- rent $15; Long lease, good business. swell neighborhood; price JLUVU. Grocery Brick bidg., rent $50; 2 Dayton scales, coiree mm, casn reg ister, other first-class fixtures; price $2300, some terms. CleaninsK and pressing living roomsv first-ciasa outfit including fur niture, phonograph. records, everything goes; $600, some terms. Meat market First-class fixtures, good ousmess. clearing $30O per , month; $1000 will handle. .Meat market 5-year lease, rent $15: first-class fixtures, including Ford; price $2300 or will Invoice. Barber shop Washington street, west side, rent $50: free heat and light; swell chairs; $575 will handle. Barber shop Sixth streeet rent $40; jease, tirst-ciass rixtures. all modern; price $1200. Manufacturing business $40,000 a year Dusiness; loo per cent profit, old-established place: will in voice one-halt interest to be sold. $5000. 23 rooms Apts., and sleeping rooms. good furniture, lease, showing good Income, water in all rooms, furnace heat, brick bidg. Price $4500. Nob Hill -9 h. k. and sleeping rooms. first-class furniture, $1700. Nob Hill fi h. k. rooms, furnace, fire place, first-class furniture, $8O0 cash will handle, balance easy terms. White Temple district 14 h. k. rooms. rurnace heat, - 2-year lease, showing a good income; $1500 cash will handle.. 30 H. K. roomsClose In. west side. 3-- year lease. gool furniture, net income per month; a real buy. Let us show you this; price $4000. terms. White Temple--12 h. k. ands sleeping rooms, furnace heat, modern place and a good buy; price has been reduced for quick sale; $1200 will handle 12 rooms Close In, west Bide; Wily $110O. terms. AN'CHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4V4-0-8 Panama Bidg.. 8d and Alder. Bdwy. 6849. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCHES. IJtAL WITH OWNER. Call me at Tabor 8154 and Twill tell you about the best buy In Portland. I am the owner and have best of reasons for selling. Some terms if necessary. UNUSUAL Alaska opportunity for person of moderate means; company already formed: local people only Interested. Ad vise you to Investigate! BC 453, Ore-g-onlan. BAKERY. $6000 will buy modern bakery In One of the best small towns In the Willam ette valley; only bakery in town; good business opportunity. AC 460. Oregonian. BAKERY arid cafe, wholesale and retail, one -of the best money makers in south ern Oregon; worth $8000 to be sold for $5000 Domestic trouble demands sale. AV 430, Oregonian. ; i OR SALE Garage, filling station and store, all go for $7500; $3000 cash, bat $1000 a year. 8 interest. A bargain. . Owme and. see; 2 miles from Mo-nta-viila, east, on the Base Line road. OPPORTUNITY for man with $10,000 capital to take coast distribution of best selling line on the market; handle your own tunas: large protits. see Mr. Wuig ley, Rowland Hotel. Marshall 459. CASH BUSINESS $125 to $1000 capital with or without services. If Interested In conducting your own profitable busi ness write now for free booklet 61. Paul Kaye. 149 Broadway. New York. FOR SALE 40,000 capacity sawmill .and logging equipment complete with S3,- leet White pine timber available. A snap. For particulars addresa box 28, Klamath Falls, Or. GARAGE business, fine location, repair shop, wash rack and storage; w-ash rack pays the rent; will sell with or without equipment. Service Auto Repair Co., 89 N. 9th. Bdwy. 8140. SERVICE STATION. A real station, 2 pumps, oil tanks, air compressor; only station In live valley city: 5 highways center; cash and terms. Phone Tnhnr 47S2. BUILDING SITE WASTED. Will exchange most beautiful" T-room Laurelhurst home, costing over, for apartment site; give location. et. Harold Bye, P. O. box 4. city. BAKERY -Do-i'ng good business; estab lished in 191Xk FuiMy equi.ppeidx Lons lea-se on premises at reasonable rent P,race S5K). O 474, Oregoniaai. ONE OF THE BEST trucK jobs in Oregon, can make $40 and better a day; must have $1000. 9 to 12 A. M. F. T. Pem ' broke. 801 H 1st St.. room 83. 1 OR 2-CHAIR barber shop, in or out of city, or small confectionery or both, do ing good business and reasonable. F. W. MsRsener. 8H2 E. Burnslde. CASH By my system I can sell your prop erty, business or invention anywhere in from 10 to 90 days. Brennan, 3008 Har rison St., Chicago. $13,000 -BUYS the best business block in Centralis, Wash., 60x120; best location In the city. Particulars. Write 409 S. Wa ah. Ave.,' Centralla. Wash. CLEANING and pressing, west side town of 15,000, business $6000 year, jow rent, excellent location, new pre&s, $1300. Ad dress AV 268. Oregonian. RESTAURANT. First-class restaurant in 'good loca tion, price right A look means a buy. R 483. Oregonian. LUNCH and card room; a good oid-eestab-lished card room for sale; good business. Price very reasonable. N 465, Ore- gonlan. HALF INTEREST in wood saw for sale, $50 down, balance in easy payments. Mr. Richards, Main 6248. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO Suite 626 Morgan Bidg., on Washington. Between Broadway and Park St. Portland, Oregon. $3000 CASH GROCERY. Excellent residential district, no competi tion; old established; doing $50 to $100 day business. A clean, neat place, where yeu get 90 per cent stock for your money. In cluded with this buy Is 2 8-room apartments and 2 2-room apts. These are rented and bring you net Income of $60 month, in ad dition to your profit from the store. Just like putting your money In the bank. $200X FERTILIZER MFG. PART NERSHIP. Here's a splendid opportunity for any man to buy equal half - interest In 200 acres of the richest and best fertilizer ' deposit in state. You can con vince yourself before you make Investment Investigation In vited. $1000 CIGAR STAND. Th best equipped In Portland. Large high-class staple stock cigars, tobaccos, magazines, etc. Close to west aide, downbown theater. Just the place for lady or gentle man. No night or Sunday work; you can easily make $175 month. Owner will remain 5 days. - $ 650 MANUFACTURING ' PARTNER. - For the busiest shop of Its kind In city: doing work for the best firms In city; have plenty of work on hand; making good money. Will warrant $175 month for each. Money fully secured. $1500 EQUAL HALF INTEREST. Can ! be bought In the best equipped and largest auto painting shop in Portland. Doing enormous business with best firms In city. Previous experience not neces sary If able to attend to books and outside work. Drawing ac count of $50 Week each. Open to Investigation. $4500 'POOL HALL BARGAIN. Do ing eplendid business; 8 tables, beautiful baclt bar; brick bidg.; will convince you I am clearing $5O0 month and up. Full value for your money. $ 430 CONGENIAL PARTNER can buy equal half interest in good paying auto repair shop; always busy. Plenty of work on hand. Experience not absolutely neces sary If willing worker, as owner is mechanic. You can make $1-65 month and up to start. Be Sure and see this before you buy. $1000 VULCANIZING PARTNERSHIP. An opportunity to buy equal half interest In the most fully equipped vulcaniing, a-uto acces sory and tire shop in town. Busy season Just commencing; owner is expert and will teach Incom ing partner the business: can ar range drawing account of $2O0 month each; money fully secured. $1800 CONFECTIONERY and LUNCH STORB. Splendid west side, - downtown location. Beautifully equipped, good stock on hand; catering to fine class of trade. Man and wife can positively make $300 month and up above expenses Have " good tobacco and cigar trade. Pay you to look this over. $1000 AUTO BODY BLDG. and TOP SHOP. Equal half interest offered to man willing to work and learn the business; a aplendid invest ment. Equipped . with modern machlhery; plenty of work at all times. Previous experience not necessary If handy man. Owner Is expert in his line. Can make $250 month each. 15 YEARS in this Business. A few of our EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO.. Suite 626 Morgan Bidg., on Washington. Between Broadway and park St.. Portland. Oregon. STOREROOM for rent with 5-year lease. no better location in Portland, for any kind of business, on the side of the street where the people are always pass ing. New Highway theater building, B2d and Sandy. Ideal for flower shop, bakery, ladies' tailor or any other busi ness not already located In this bidg. The business section of Rose City. 1429 Sandy. Now occupied by tailor. Am leaving city.. Investigate this at once. Tabor 7323. EXCEPTIONAL PARTNERSHIP - OPPORTUNITY. Reliable congenial man can buy equal half interest in established business firm, catering to best business firms of this city; must be energetic; good per sonality essentia) : previous experience not absolutely necessary; business will warrant $75 to 100 week each and up; $1200 and services required. Apply room 626 Morgan bidg., on Washington, be tween Broadway and Park at. PRINTING PLANT FOR SALE. Good location, good business. - Neat little one or two-man shop. 360 Larra bee st., Portland, Or. Owner forced to sell for cash at Invoice. LONG established general merchandise store In good farming and dairying country, about 50 miles south" of Port land. Good clpan stock that will In voice about $10,000. Attractively arranged salesroom, low rent, no expensive tix tures. Stock turns 4 times a year; no other store In town. A money-making business that will stand close investiga tion. Owner Interested " in factory and wishes to dispose of store. AV 270. Ore gonian. MAKE $200 to $500 or more commission monthly owning and operating Baiba boquet perfume sales machines In your city. Guaranteed loo per cent earning exclusive territory; 17-year contract guaranteed product: retails 10 cents local and national advertising; over 800 towns already taken. Write or wire Balba Corporation of America, dept 133, Toledo. O SAVE incorporating expenses and taxes and avoid personal liability by organiz ing your company on the regulation common law plan under a declaration of trust: anyone, anywnere, can riti national standard forms (prepared by recognized attorneys), and begin doing business same day. Pamphlet B-137 free. C. S. Demaree, legal blank printer. 613 Walnut Kansas City, Mo PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception Diana; sena model of sketch and description of In vention for our free opinion oi its pai entnhle nature: highest references; prompt attention; reasonable terms. Vic tor J. Evans & Co.. Hobart bidg.. San Francisco. Cal. Main offices, 642 9th St., Washington. D. C. . OFFICE CIGAR STORE. Located in one of the leading office buildings in Portland. Doing splendid business. This is the place you are looking for. Priced for quick sale, at $1700. See Mr. Connor at GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham., of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 7581. BAKERY. BEST BUY IN CITY. Dandy little bakery In fine business district. First time offered for sale. Uses over barrel of flour per day; $1200 for equipment and invoice. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bidg. Bdwy. 6942. ROAD SHOW CONCESSION. $20. PER DAY CLEAR. $450 buys complete equipment and stock and you get exclusive soft drink concession; must leave this week, so wili have to hurry. Call Sunday. . . DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bidg. Broadway 6942. WEST SIDE BARBER SHOP. 4 chairs, very fine equipment, 6-year lease, low rent doing $200 weekly busi ness; try it a week or two if you want to; price $2500, terms or will sell in . terest to good man. SIMMS, 610 Henry BTdg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Service station In an Ideal location In Hood River, Or.; fully equipped; doing a fair business how; net last year to owner, $1800. Must sell on account of sickness. For particulars write n. iv Boone,, Hood River, Or. SELLWOOTJ GROCERY. Corner grocery, doing $85, mostly cash; rent $35. Invoice about $3000. SIMMS, 610 Henry Bidg. JEWELRY and phonograph business, es tablished SIo years, a. r. watcu inspec tor, within 25 miles of Portland, three railroads, good payroll, no dead stock, fine fixtures, good going business; wish to retire. AV 122. Oregonian. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Well established, growing business doing $20,000 a year: services required; pavs good wages: $700 cash buys equal one-third interest; good reason for sell lng. Call 453 Beech St.. or Auto. 822-65. FOR SALE Bargain, cafeteria restaurant fully equippea, now ciosea; s-ooa lo cation on Stark street near 10th; bank mortgagee and building owners will make low, satisfactory lease. Phone Broadway 1641. DOWNTOWN CIGAR STAND. In large office bidg., doing $40; rent $50; long lease; price $1700 and worth the money. SIMMS. 610 Henry BTdg. RESTAURANT and lunch counter. "15 stools, o tables, f ine location, vvooa lawn 2910. BrSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Aii-rn rkpaTh partner WANTED. Here is your opportunity to secure an equal half interest In the busiest and best auto repair business in roruana, ? have well equipped shop: fine, steady I trade,- doing only guaranteed work;1 owner prefers steady partner to hired help; previous experience not necessary If honest and reliable, as your partner is first class mechanic; will teach man who is mechanically inclined and willing : to learn the business; if you are satisfied ! with $160 per month for yourself to i Btart don't fall to see this Derore you buy. Price $550 for equal half Interest Call 620 Chamber ot Commerce, 4th and Stark. PARTNERSHIP OFFERED IN GOOD BUSINESS WHERE TOTJ HANDLE YOUR OWN MONEY TO A winK-AWAKK YOUNG MAN WHO nrtti a T-u-vvwr tTTlvrRrKT.Ii' THIS IS AN nppnRTITK ITY OF MERIT THAT Tj-rr.T aTiVll RTRItTTEST INVESTI GATION: $5000 CASH REQUIRED. APPLY - . . G. C. TJLRIC-R CO.. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. i.5A,a, slnm GROCERY, apart nient-house district, established over 20 I years, doing over $200 daily: will Invoice. $3000, cash-and-carry grocery, apart ment house district, west aide, living rooms, will Invoice. 1.Aftn .e.l.npnn4 went Bid. fln lo cation- ' good net Income, good equip ment S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 223 Henry Bidg. . Fourth andOafc whv wait for return? If you have $3000, here Is a rare opportunity to se cure a thoroughly established fire in surance, rental and Joan business In a good city not far from Portland. All office equipment included. Seller will render all necessary assistance to start. You get good returns right away, and you can become independent for life on this business. Present owner has made plenty of money and is ready to retire. Act quickly if interested. K 473, Ore gonian. TUTTCHER SHOP. PRICE ONLY $1150. Located where there Is large densely populated district all around. No other shop near this. Cheap rent Doing $35 per day and up. dudrey Investment co 509-10 Panama Bidg. Bdwy. BH42. PRINTING PLANT Will sell my half in terest in well established, high-grade printing corporation; allows steady growth and dividends of 50 on capi talization, besides salary; will give lease $20O0 cash will handle, balance out of Drofits. No dealers. BF 477, Oregonian. $0 PER DAY and up paid tire ouliaers. experience unnecessary: learn the busi ness in our new tire and rubber factory, we wilt pay you well while you learn. $1000 guaranty bond required; payable easy terms if desired: $250 cash, balance monthly. Address V 48S. Oregonian. TUALATIN RIVER PARK. Concessions" are open, stage line, luncn room, grocery store, hotel, photo studio, summer cottages, show. amusement, men's cohcessiona. 230 Chamber or Commerce bidg; ; ESTABLISHED advertising concern, rep resenting trade, other publications, wnl dispose half interest Los Angeles branch $7i50: should yield $50 to $100 week to hustler. Investigate. References ex-rtni-pfl. - Postofflce box sno, Portland. SMALL local corporation already produc ing with product sold several months ahead needs small amount additional capital; exceptional opportunity for a person of moderate means. BC 455, Oregonian. DANDY LOCATION for small meat mar ket, hardware or plumber. No com petitors In entire section and above business needed, $30. Corbett & Pen dleton, Fulton car. . Broadway 6267. Sundays. ' PRINTING OFFICE. Equipped with 2 Jobbers, motors, cut ter. 76 cases type, stones, etc. Excellent opportunity for printer to start business: I17R0. terms. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henrv bidg CAFETERIA! CAFETERIA! CAFETERIA! Fine place, $.vo rent, gooa ouuu i cheap price, $2000, cash, on terms; daily Income $45 to $55. If you have thu mnnpv come In. McFARLAND. Realtor, Failing Bidg, ON ACCOUNT of sickness must sell spe cialty shop of women's wear; well es- ' tablished and good trade. Attractive proposition for a woman. AE 4o7, Ore gonian $700,000 IS THE VALUE ol the lnaus-triai properties I own and control. I wajit to meet a REAL financial organizer or ' company which can assist me in de veloping them. E 492. Oregonian. WILL eive halif interest in auto-repairing and supply business to young man who can .get out and sell tires, disc wheels, auto-stop signals successfully. Eucene Machine a; Auto Co., Eugene, Or. SHOE shine stand. $850 for half interest: total value $3000; best location In town of 15,000 population; must go to Eu rope; rea?bn for selling: a sure money maker. BF 471. Oregonian WILL sell my exclusive money-making de vice: other business compels me to sell; covers three states.. . I. E. SPENCER CO.. - M7-21 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. , CAFETERIA. Best money maker on the east aide, sell cheap if taken Immediately. G 445, Oregon tan. ; . , FORTUNES made in box-lunch business: begin at home: spare time; small capi tal: large profits; success assured using my system. G. Rood. Sacramento. Cal. ATTENTION Haif Interest in established plumbing shop; .good locatirtn; good business: will pay you to Investigate. Price SOOQ. Call Eas-t 3230. FOR SALE 1-chair barber shop, doing good business, in the best barber town In Willamette vallev. Address W. A. Weirtenheimer, 215 R 2d,st, .OorvaUjs, Or. PARTNER in old-established employment business. Will bear the strictest inves tigated. Small capital and services re quired. Walker. 11 North Second st. PARTNER with $400 cafh to take full charge of paying manuracturing ousi ness; very profitable. AK 486. Orego nlan. ' SUBURBAN RESTAURANT. Doing $30 a day, lirrht expenses, fine for man and wife. $700 cash. -bal. easy. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Excn. AUTO accessory and vulcanizing plant one of the best locations and most up to-dat plant In the city. A 412, Orego nian. $375 NEAT lunch room. Lang range, bar, living room, good trade; owner sick. must aeil ; some terms. face arianu, . Realtor, 208 Falling Din.g, 165 WILL start you In a little business of your own on a busy corner on the west PAYING country weekly paper for sale, best part Willamette valley. AV 265. Oregonian CASH GROCERY Leaving city, must sac rifice; take auto for part, balance cash. 825 Russell St. QirRlFirK general .merchandise stock, "$45,000. Near Portland: going business. Good location. AL W, Oregonian. FOR SALE Battery service station; good location; price $1000; good reason for selling. AN 4n. oregonian GOOD paylrw restaurant, $85 to $40 day business. Price $800. AM 470. Ore gonian. REPAIRING shoe shop at moderate price; proprietor inexperienced. 113 North MALE or female, cook or waiter with $700 for oartner in first-class established road house. J 296, Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. PARTNER in established grocery, $1200 half interest; eipenem;. iut uetvaaai j. BC 461. Oregonian. GROCERY Corner location, low rent, 80- day receipts, uvins roonw, low jjnv-w lor ca?h. 421 East Burnside. niniA TOR and fender shop. $500 will take this: only shop in town, second ind Washington sts.. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Tailor, cleaning and dyeing Shop, account ot leaving uitj. wj ujuuu avenue iori n. HAVE located gold atrike after 20 years' prospecting : can locate few adjoining claims. $125 required. Woodlawn 2800. GROCERY and confectionery, close to new school, nearest competitor 7 blks. ; will erect bMg. to suit. Owner. Wdln. 5325 STORE FOR RENT. 8x20; REASONABLE RENT" ALDER. COR. 4TH. INQUIRE 1-1 SO ST. BDWY. 6H31, TAILOR shop with equipment, good lo cation; reason going to small town. B 40Q, oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale; going good busi ness: situated at 212 Madison st. CARD room, good location, just paid in voice: real bargain. F 467. Oregonian. PRINTING Write lor estimates; quality and prices right. Review. Rainier, Or, FOR SALE Restaurant, good business and goon lease, ax :sortn ,wonn. MEAT market and grocery, doing good business. H 465. Oregonian. . BUSY east side cafeteria, will sacrifice on account of sickness. H 406. Oregonian. WANTED Partner to go 50-50 on Can adian patent. AN 4f9. Oregonian. PARTNEtR $5CO ca-sh ; big money; n6 agent's. P 489. EXCELLENT dentist office for sale; lo cation best in city, AF 405 Oregonian. BE SELF-SUPPOIRTINiG. learn massage. Call 70O-T04- pekum Ding, aut. .HL'-4l J.F INTERESTED in safe investment pay- 500 BUSINESS CARDS, $1.50. Acorn Press, 286 Washington, aaar tilt. BUSINESS OPPORTrNITIES. ukiai northern hhukehaub to. Suite 318 Pittock Block. Washington at 10th. Phone Broadway 2(151. OREGON'S LIVEST BROKERS. Twelve successful years In this busl uess quality us to secure for our buyer the best possible values. All titles guar auteeu. cur cuenta protected. AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Here la absolutely the best opportunity In the city to make a email Investment ana secure equal half interest in th Dusiest and Best small auto repair aho in Portland. No better location; estab llshed trade, fullv euuinoori shon. Pre fers steady and reliable partner to hired help. Previous experience not necessary if you have some mechanical ability and are bandy with tools. Your chanc buy in with a first-clasa mechanic and learn the business. No rrnuhle for vo to clear better than $160 per month for yourself from the start. Full price only uoa i ism to aoe this before yo GROCERT. CONFECTIONERY, SCHOOL SUl'fLIKS. Here la an exceptional opportunity to vuy m. live grocery, confectionery ant achool-aupply business: Ideal location near one of Portlahd'a largest publio Bcnoois; mouern bidg., complete atapn Btock, nice living room In connection rem oniy )z a month; no competition can easily clear never less than 1200 be month: price only $1850: excellent oneti lng for a young couple who want a good , vteuuy paying Business. CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS, NEWS- BTAND AND SODA FOUNTAIN. Here Is a steady paying business In choicest location, right downtown, close to depot; leaving city; will sacrifice; equipment and stock alone worth more than price asked. Can easilv clear bet ter than $300 per month; $2250 will handle. Ideal opportunity for man and wire or two iaaies. ATJTO BODY AND TOP WORKS PARTNERSHIP. Also doing a aood buslnesa In aut painting; long-established trade; one o tne oesc equipped and largest pianta 11 city; keep 5 to 7 men constantly busy need an ambitious and reliable partner no Bpecial experience required; you can draw azuu per montn ana divide proms $2250 will handle equal halt Interest vour Investment fullv secured. Equip ment alone worth. $6000; a bona fide opening with a big future. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR rniiPi.B. Grocery, confectionery and cigars, fine - location, complete fixtures; clean Btaple stock, nicely furnished living rooms In connection; very low rent; can easily clear better than $160 monthly. Only $800 down required. Excellent opening for man and wife to make a small la- vestment with a good, steady income, u-nnn a -Mr rnir. nTTsivp-qa. One of the largest and best equipped fuel yards in Portland; trackage for 20 cars; inciumng -3 delivery irucas, ga rage, warehouse, coal bunkers, eto. Very large profits assured; full price only $2500; double the value In sight for every dollar Invested. A bona fide snap! SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR COUPLE. Grocery atore, busy location, complete fixtures, clean, staple stock, cosy xu nished living rooms in connection: Very low rent; will easily clear belter than $250 per month; all for jiiiit'O. t ine open lng for man and wile. LARGE DOWNTOWN POOL IT ALL. Established 8 years, choicest location In heart of bustnesa district; nine pool tables, card tables, etc.: valuable lease; sublet paye all rent W'lli clear better than $."oo per month. Equipment alone worth $8000; other interests force aale. $465w will handle. GENUINE RESTAURANT BARGAIN. Here Is an exceptional bargain that we nave listed exclusively. Located on main atreet of thriving town with large pay roll. In Washington, few hours from Portland. Receipts average $120 to $150 daily; always a sure and steady paying business. illness compels sacrmcw sai,-, fixtures alone cost $4000. Price only $3600; very easy terms. BEAUTY PARLOR SACRIFICE. $050 will secure Dossesslon ot an tnhllnhed and nonular beauty parlor; Ideal location; complete modern electric equipment; long lease at low rental, will easily clear $275 every month; more than value in sigttl tor your investment. A real sacrifice. I. Annul AtTTO MACHINE SHOP. Here Is one of the largest and most fiiiiv niilm,ed shoim In Portland: estab lished 8 years; handles all classes ot machine and repair work: has T pita lathes, drill presses, shapers, etc.; can keep 12 men busy; a big money-maaer; $4500 cash will handle; an exceptional opportunity tor any ainu oa iuiiuik taring plant. riOAR STAND BUSY OFFICE BLDO. Excellent location in the lobby of one of the busiest and best-known downtown office buildings: complete stock ana at tractive fixtures; no night or Sunday work; one person can conduct thle steady paying business. Any lady or man will easily clear better than $200 every month here. oniy sizou requiri-u iu ueum,-?. Knihinr ilk.- this ever offered In Port land at this price. Must be seen to be appreciated. nnHAT MORTHERV BROKERAGE CO. Suite 318 Pittock Blk. Wash, at 10th St. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT BUSINESS. On Main street, in Vancouver, Wrash. ; hardware, agricultural Im plements, fruit boxes and baskets, cream separators; agent for It. M. Wade implements. Reasonable rent on good lease. $1000 cash is all that is asked for this business, and the money Is In sight on the floor. This is a good opening for someone. See Mr. Florence, with R1TTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bidg. AUTO PAINTING PARTNER WANTED. Here la ap exceptional opportunity to buy an equal halt Interest in a busy, established and well-known auto-painting shop, no better location, have more work than .ran handle alone; prefer a reliable and steady partner to hired help; previous experience not necessary if you are willing to work and learn the business, as you will be associated with a first-class -painter. No trouble for you to clear better than $165 every month for yourself from the start; oniy $300 cash for equal half Interest; a bona fide . small Investment with a good, steady income. Don't fail to see this before you locate. Apply 318 Pittock blk., Washington at Tenth st PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. An A-l mechanic needs a partner to give him general assistance: has more work than he can handle alone; have ideal location and well established trade; doing only high-class work with plenty of work on hand: experience not necessary if congenial, handy with tools and willing to learn; can easily clear $140 or better per month for yourself; if you want the best paying amau shop In the city don't fall to see this: $250 .om! half interest. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. t i5oo GRf iC E It V ; fine iocation: $40 daily .h K,.,in.: S modern living- rooma; big sacrifice for quick saie; some .i J2450 Grocery, cash and carry; eh'se in; o oany. ruuu i, 5-year lease: will invoice. $1550 Grocery, doing good cash busi ness; fine location, busy atreet; $300 be low Invoice; Some terms; close Sundays and evenings; long lease. Morria. with O O SLETTEN, Realtor, 415 Railway fctcn. riiiK. SOUTH AMERICA RTUNl'TY Join our colony, secure RICH AGRI CULTURAL LAND at ONE DOLLAR oer acre; prairie bunch grass pasture, ample rainfall, delightful climate, good markets, but no crop failures, no tax on land- get away from Inilated values and nigh taxes, invest where little money will do big things. Call or address Bo livia Colonization association, 600 Cham ber of Commerce. Portland FACTORY making product In interna tional aemami. oig profile, established trade, is preparing to expand present facilities' to take care increasing demand; want Interested man Or lady to assist in management busi ness; an investment of $1800 now will secure attractive Interest in this busi ness which will return at conservative estimate up to $10,000 yearly. AJ 459, Oregonian BAKERY AND DOUGHNUT OUTFIT. Operated by electricity, doing good business; . east side: $50 average daily sales; rent $35: 5-year lease; $H0o0; $200o' will handle. See it. WM. WILLING. 4Q1 Panama Bidg. FOR SALE MEAT MARKET. A modern, fuHy equipped market, close In, doing' a good buslnesa. Connected with a good groeery. Owner must sell; strictly cash: $22a handles this bargain. AR 456. Oregonian. $5O0 BUYS well-paying restaurant and lunch counter; good equipment; 2 living rooms; half cash, easy on balance. Mor ris with O. O. Sletten, realtor, 415 Rall- way Exch. I.lrlg. LOOK THIS OVER. Soft drinks, lunch counter and card room, 8 tables; west side, good location; $1400; terms. See Marchins, with WM WILLING, 401 PANAMA BLDO. YOU can make clear $150 per week; very small capital required; suitable for man or woman; come In and ask about It. 6Q3 Title and Trust b!dg. CAPITAL desires substantia! Investment outside Europe. Address NORTH EU ROPE TRUST CO.. 116 Victoria street, LONDON. ENGLAND. .$300 BARBER SHOP for $150; living I loom; real $7. East H2A8. BTSINKSS OITOR flMTirS. RESTAURANTS. """Verr clean little- restaurant en N. 6th street; la doing a fine busl nesa because it is run by a family who know how to cook. On ac count of alcknesa they want to s-'l. Someone who can continue this good work ought to buy this pUti and It can be bought for $16oo. Grand Avenue restaurant i 10 Per day business; $U50 cash will buy It We have other good buy In ra tauranta and It will pay purchas ers to review our listlnga. Chester L. Florence. BITTER, LOWE C'i.. Resltora, 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade lililg. rOR SALE. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Good stock and flxturea, fine lo cation, doing good business; this place coat owner $2500 and be will sacrifice for $1400 cash. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. 407 Mala st, Vancouver, Wash, PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. $500 handiea equal half Interest In long-established and first-clasa auto rr - flair ahop: flneat location: fully equipped n every way: prefer steady and rellaljlw partner to hired help- prevtoue experi ence not necessary If you are with toola; your chance to bur I" nl'h a flrst-clnsa mechanic and learn the business; In the very best locsllon: n trouble for you to clear never lesa than $180 a month for yourself from the atarti be aure and aee thia ahop hef,u you locate. For full detaila rnll 3111 i'lt tock block. WaslilnKlun st Imh at. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Here la an opening for an ambitious, ateady and reliable man to aerure an equal tntereet In an old established bual nesa downtown; experience not essential If you are capable of meeting the. pub lic: you can easily clear better than $200 every month for yourself; no belter buy In Portland. Price $400. Call -) Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Htark. REAL, GROCERIES,. $5000 8 fine living rooma. west aid, cleara $4K per month, good lease: In voice; doing $60 per day; $140 on Sat urdays; living room; about $2200. $!75. 8 living rooms, nice heme for man and wife; doing fine bualneas; rent $15 month. 818-8181,4 CHAM. Or COM. PLTKI BLACKSMITH, heavy aprlng repair bust. ness, concrete building, ruuy equirne" and up-to-late ahop, &ox50 garage, 6i-- for storage, buslnesa returning $t0,is groaa yearly; health of owner ne-eai-tatea sale; an old-established bueinea makea thle a real gold mine. See Bren nan, with o. v. jaVkhg.n" a co : i Oregon bldr. MODERN lnOllou GARAGE. Authorized Ford aervlce; a very desir able location; full of eieaily lori good aale, gas. oils, auto pari a, etc.; fully equipped repair shop. Thle la a resl garage, busv all the year no rjuiet days), and $3000 will handle It. Room 401 Dekum hldg. WEST SIDE RESTAURANT.. Corner location, lease $100 ptr month. Cannot be beat for $1700. ST. CHARLES REALTY CO., 2r4 Morrison St. Msln pfa!. GARAGE Highway location, 6,1 atnulr atorage: rent $175, leni 1aa. Tha place dea $30Oo tiualness per fnonrh, pom- foealth 1a cause tor eeMlng; will sell At Invoice. See Nordstrom. TT. W. Os'horne On., a.21 Chum, of feti. CARD ROOM. There are only a few anod card rooma In the city and thia is one ot them, and It can be bought for less than you can equip same: good reasons for selling. UNIVERSAL SALES CO., 602 Railway Exchange Hide. A REAL HUSINhlSS BARGAIN. Brick cormer, cah and carry grocery and electric bakery; 40xs0 ground floor. 40x40 basement; room upstulr for fsm lly; elevator, 4-year lease; $75 monthlv; price $4500. Interstate 1-and Co., 24S Stark st. IF YOU HAVE $10,000 and want lo get Into the very beat saw mm nropoaiuon In the atate, where you will have abao lute control, call at 230 Chamber cf Commerce bidg. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. AUTO TOP BUSINESS. Auto topa and upholstering; a tlna lo cation; have machine, totjs and some atock; buyer can clear $1M0 month and more; duties easily learned; $',00 In quired. Room 401 Dekum lililr. VI7WASIZEKS ATTK.STKI.S : A good opportunity for the man who Is IntcmUng to get Into the ttr and re pair buslnesa thia spring. Splendid lo cation, lease, and good equipment. In va"Wy town. Owner. A V 2" 8. llre-ronlan. AUTO PARTS STO ll E. EstaM shed 8 years; la a flourishing business, but owner ia Interested in other lines; aland full investigation and prh is attractive. Room 611 Railway E crnnne. , rit-t-i ill -l-l N I T V kn i-ka hut once. quickly; equal hair interest in we-i it- . best auto repair ahop. centrally located and well equipped; $000 If token at om-e ; terms If desired. 842 W. Burnslde, near Broads ay. 1 M I'llKTANT. Read my ails today under Real F.etate for Exchange. Gnat opportunities c.r- Or7l: SKOTHKOf REALTY CO. JVC. osill Couch Bide. Bdwy .M i:iiilill- AND sflKVUK STATU iN. Located In a fine country district, on paved highway having big travel; large sale gas. oll. suto parts, etc., and s.ioil local trade; S-y-r lease ; a re I bar gain nt $ll'f0. Room 401 I'ekiim t.Mg. GROCERY MANAGER WANTED re hi.h.l.u rhntn alore; must rue nish best references and small invmt- ment la desired. SIMMS. 6 11) Henry Bldr. COUNTRY PltOlirCK BUSINESS Deal In eggs, poultry, potatoes, fte making $2,10 month clear profit: give bank references; hava good rensona for selling; $''0 will handle It. Room 4ul Dekum M'lg. a i r-ri i H P.I'AI It SHOP. Change for an active man to buy Into established auto repair and storsra bu-l-rwss with a good m r- 1i n i : e a I . r I -n . unnecessary: pay ";d ": ' "1 hnnrtle Room fill llnllwnr F.xclisnr a vi-1.- n Mun that knows the cit. Oe.llverv car ann j - In starting a huslnef-s. It has proven good in other towns. It cn-t. luitMnj t investigate. Call Sat. or Sun. 44m st. S. K. ai-t,, Iih-Pltn I'.I'MIMTSH Good location, full line equipment and tools: am making $400 month C!es,r profit: 111 health forces me to s.-ll; will give clear hill of aale for only $.i0. Room 1111 I'eKiim imiiw. WANTED Lady with hemstitching ma chine to rent apace in wen i.,.i-.i rooda store. A good business alreadr established In this line. Apply 1 Grand ave. N. F.nst HhO $250 ll EST Al'RAN T 12..0 Nitty little place, taken on debt, closed: located at 812 Burnslde at. Albert Harala. 801 . l isaiaaippl Wdln. 1201. now ave. lease, low rent doing fll'O to $l.i0 (to y business; flrat-claaa equipment : j.i .oo. ' $4000 cash. Interstate Lund Co. 218 Stark st, CIGAR STORM. Wear aide; sells clirars. confectionery and fruit; this Is a fine place, on good atree; will Invoice price asked. 611 Rnllw syKxcnanire A PARTNER WANTED. Wood and coal huainesa; enual Interest, with a good agreeable partner: profits $'oo month for each; requires $""; lny secured. Room 401 I ' l-um I'I'lg- CLASH Y CONFECTIONERY AND 1.1 N II. West aide transfer corner, anarnm-r' , district, low rent: this Is stars snd a money-maker. $'Iimio. SIMMS. 010 Henrv III. lit. A PARTNER W ANTED. To sell gns. oils, etc., and bo generally useful In auto service station: en inaha good profits; $500 will handle It. fuliy secured. Room 4nl I'-tnim I'I'lg. TO LEASE. . Will sell or leaae a good creamery In fine dairy country; plant all complete, 904 Best 2'.M at. N. Woodlawn 1 NICE, neat little restaurant, doing $.10 a riav. rent SIZ montn, sun f-s'e. Ijing range; $10u0. 167514 I3lh st. S. II. wood. FOR SALE MEAT MARKET CInse-in location, paying big re A bargain for some one. Low pric 400. (iri-Konli'H. , urns. AL PARTNER WANTED lth $ir.oo to o Into a wonderful business proposition. Should make $5000 first year. A I' 461, Oregonian. FOR SALE Card rotvtn ami soft flrrt.kB. In good location; will tnke lot or airesse in part payment: reason for selling, have other biiainess. fe North 0hst. GARAGE AND M A H 1 N K H I Mil-. Fine corner location. Mlxlou. "t side, low rent good leruia. AM 461, Oregonian. CHEAP reNt;iur;int ami Unlit Kri.oiy aale, or sell half Interest; no HS'-lit. 4H. Oregon-tan. l or I" AUTO TIRES AND AlVllSSoRIKS A fine location, est a I,' il 3 n-s; $250 to $3011 month c-lenr profit . Kill lil votce. I'oom 4l licknm hhlir. DRUG STORE, ail .uuul a bargain. Mala 5i.