The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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Furnished Rooms.
CALL AT V. II. C. A. to sea free list ot
moderate-priced rooms for young; men in
!! parts of the city, including rooms at
the Y. M. C. A., wi-.h phone in each
room, shower baths and cluh facilities.
Rates, $1 a day, week to and up:
private bath s; fireproof and clean.
ciofe to business center.
6EVERAL nice rooms, warm, sunny, new
ly decorated. Ivory woodwork; sleeping
porch, lovely view, Portland Heights;
free phone; 2 In family; breakfast op
tional; bus. men preferred. Main &027.
Rooms with and without bath, $25
and up; for refined gentlemen or
iadies employed: references required. HS6
i? . Clair St.. corner v asnington.
VI TR n: IXH W.n Mnm for reni. verv desir
able; neat, clean. Auto. 520-12. 671
C"nf nrniKhed Booms.
NEWLY papered, nicely located,
bett t. Marshall 2344.
Furnished Koomtf in Private Family.
LARGE, i.leatant room, adjoining bath, 2
large ciosets, walking distance, private
family, suitable for 1 or 2. Broad
way 78".
UEALT1FI L room in quiet, refined home,
warm and homelike, plenty of hot
water. Nob Hill district; C. S. gentle-
' men preferred. Marshall 1019.
DELIGHTFUL room for gentleman, best
location, west side, easy walking dis
tance, every convenience; reasonable
rem 1 urosnway oiii
1, 2 OR 3- FURNISHED or uniurmsnea
rooms in modern home, kitchen privi
leges if desired. References exchanged.
East 7216. .
VERY attractive rooms, beautifullj fur
nished, parlor, piano, home privileges;
rates J3.S0 up. 61 N. ISth st. Bdwy
NOB HILL district. Newly furnished room
in steam-heated apartment house to
gentleman furnishing reference. Garage
close by. Broadway 4.M6.
4 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping
or s)fenlner in modern home, close in.
Hot water and bath. 325 Weedier. East
7 i r su.
BEAUTIFUL front room, with sleeping
porch; private ho-me walking dis-tanoe,
re-f e rem ces. 521 Heights Tenraoe. Mar.
FRONT room, suitable for 2 ladies, in
modern home: 30 minutes on 3 carllnes
breakfast and dinner if desired. Wdin.
PRIVATE garage and nice room in modern
home for sin-gle gentleman; nice neigh
borhood, dose in. 196 E. 30th. Tabor
A very clever, warm, lower front
sleeping room, suitable for two. 6-87
Glisan St.. bet. 21st and 22d st.
FURNISHED room for rent, to young lady
who appreciates home privileges; use of
piano, sewing macnine; icucnen priv
ileges if desired. Tabor 9124.
PLEASE, somebody nice, come rent my
room; it's so pretty and clean; near 23d
and Johnson. Main 2330.
CAN MAKE two employed young people
comfortable in modern home; walking
distance. 120 East 12th.
PLEASANT room, suitable for
gentlemen, east side, close in.
East 7404.
1 or 2
FRONT sutUe close to busines center; hot
and coki water; exclusive. 32tl 12th at.,
corner Clay.
IRVINGTON. 2 front sunny rooms, first
floor, light housekeeping, everything
furnished; $30. East 5232.
' - NICELY furn. room for young man, $13
month, walking distance. 461 6th st
cor. Jackson.
LARGE room and sleeping porch; can ac
commodate 4 young men; home privi
leges. 5S4 E. Broadway.
2 LARGE h. k. rooms, suitable for 3; fur
nace n?at, walking distance. 632 Flan
ders. Bdwy. 22.i6. -
LARGE sunny room, in modern home,
walking distance. E. 8473. 8 East 6th
st. N.
1 OR 2 WELL furnished rooms for em
ployed people, near 33d and Sandy; $15
' per month. Tabor 978.
feOuM, large south windows, dressing
room, running water, heated apt. Broad
way car. East 5'.6S.
NICE, large furnished room suitable for
two; rent reasonable. 622 East Burn
Bide. Phone East 727.
SLEEPING rooms, private family, rea
sonable rent; 10 minutes from town on
carllne. East 4401.
PLEASANT furnished front room, bath,
electric lght furnace heat, walking dis
tance. Phone East 6567. 560 E. Pine st.
PLEASANT room, near library, suitable
for one or two. 410 Salmon. Marshall
W-ELL-FURNISHED sleeping rooms in
eneaan heated apartment; kitchen privi
Hres, Call Bdwy. 6400.
ONE LARGE furnished room suitable for
1 or 2 working girls; with piano. Call
Sunday at 273 Fargo st.. apt. 12.
FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen, nicely furnished,
heated room, private family; 2 blocks
to street car. Phone Tabor 1263.
S UN N Y low w in-do w room an d dr essi n g
room, kntehen privilege; no other room
er a. 35-1 Sixfth st. Phone Maun 704O.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room and dress
ing room with hot and cold water, steam
heat, easy walking distance. 215 14th.
2 PLEASANT sleeping rooms; free pnune.
homelike; reasonable. . Bdwy. 2782. 657
STEAM-HE ATED sleeping room in modern
flat for gentlemen. 307 11th St., apt. E.
Marshall 481.
ROOMS $1.50 week, for young ladies to
care for their own rooms. Mrs. E.
Krinschke. 273 U Columbia.
ATTRACTIVE furnished room, strictly
modern, reasonable, close- in. Phone
Broad w a y 3 55 7. 1 5 N . King s t .
NICELY furnished room, private family,
home conveniences. Woodlawn 6262.
NICELY furnished large front room, walk
ing distance. Phone Bdwy. 592t.
NICELY fur. rm., Kitchen privilege, also
nice attic rm. 84 N. 21st St.. cor. Everett.
LARGE room, suitable for 1 or 2 young
men, $10 month. 667 Glisan. Bdwy. 294S.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room for rent. 10
minutes' walk from town. 430'; Bdwy.
WALKING distance, comfortable stean
heated apt, house room. Main 3622.
. , CLEAN, light front room, reasonable. 2
blocks Broadway bridge. 3.X2 Ross.
WANTED 2 gentleman, east side.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in
private home, close in. 307 West Park.
FRONT room suitable for 1 or 2 gentle
men. 747 Everett st. Main 7829.
3-ROOM suite, cheap rent, neaj 3 oar lines.
Phone Seli-wood 2057. 587 E. 2Qth South.
ROOM for gentleman, west side. 729 GU
san; reference. Marshall 3613.
ROOM with dressing room and sleeping
porch, west side, gents. Bdwy. 4329.
ROOM with breakiast for oung ladies
employed. East 8th st. N. East 7998.
EXCEPTIONALLY clean sleeping room
reasonable. 86 N. 17th. Bdwy. 915.
BRIGHT, pleasant room for young men.
160 N. 21st.
FRONT room on second floor tor woman
employed. 434 lOth St. Main 3296.
NICELY furnished front room; furnish
heat. 590 E. Salmon. East 8363.
LIGHT, cheerf ui warm attic room, $3.25
week. Main 1311. 283 North 24th.
FURNISHED room for one or two. reason
able 194 13th street. Main 6S29.
LARGE, light front room, home privi
leges, rent reasonable. East 5814.
30 East 15th st. East
$2. 50 WEEK Light, clean bedroom, easy
wanting distance. 44i tiroadway.
$7 MONTH Sleeping room, walking uis
tance. phone, bath.. 498 Columbia.
FOR RENT Furnished bedroom. Call 1131
East 20th st. North.
I26r 16TH ST. NORTH. Large front room,
suitable for two. Call Sunday.
LOVELY sunny furnished front room
cheap. Mar. 3462. 701 Hoyt.
ROOM and garage, west side, $17- per mo.
Call Mam 4732.
TODAY Com f o-rtabl e, w arm rooms. $ 1 2. 50
and $14 month; central. 4 15 B road wa y .
DES I R A B L E & e epi n-g room, w ai kin-g d ist 256 1 2t h st. .
NIC-ELY furnished front room for rena;
with kitchen privtleg. 548 Walnut.
W A RM f ro nt room, hot and coJd wa er,
reasonable; references. " East 6537.
NICE light, well-heated, clean, comfortable
rooms ; west side. Main 1859.
LARGE pieaant room for gentleman. 733
Glisan st.. Main 1224.
269 14TH, NEAR Jefferson, choice room,
walking ditance Main 3893.
LA RGE furnished room. 572 Ladd ave.
East 887. ;
ROOM, suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen; reason -able.
29 13th.
ROOM with or without breakfast for one
or two girls, reasonable. Bdwy. 723.
LARGE ro--m with water, 1, or 2 o.ds.
655 Everett. Bdwy. 3501. Reasonable,
257 12TH NICELY furnished, hot and cold
water in room: men only.
CLEAN FRO N T roo m .
board, also a garage.
with or without
Ea?t 8469.
COMFORTABLE room in apartment; Nob
Hill district. Alain 2236. I
Furnished Rooms in Private Family. Rooms With Board to Private Family.
2 LARGE, newly furnisiiofl sleeping rums ROOM MATE for young man, nice part
for gentlemen, private home, close in. 1 of Rose City, next block to car on
block from 2 cars; Irvingfpn district: Sandy, home comforts with heat, bath,
must give references. Call afternoon. E. board, washing and mending. For par-
... ticulars. call Tabor 7233.
sreomaXt'e' be OR 3 CONGENIAL young to
and dresser. Hot water, home privileges, fora and board in pleasant home, where
walking distance: references; reason- there are other young people, live as
able. 129 East 12th. near Morrison. Part of family, with home privileges.
WELL-FURNISHED front room. $15; west 730 E. Ankeny. East 1431.
side. Main 635. 21)2 16th St.. between NICELY furnished corner room with fire-
Oolumhia and Jefferson. . place, furnace heat, in a Nob H 11 home.
Rooms With Umrg. REFINED woman, good home, will board
THE LORRAINE. two working girls; every home privilege;
212 NORTH 20TH STREET. large room and best food; SO minutes
Phone Broadway 3465. ride from business center, Woodlawn
A nice place to live with all modern car. 1329 East lath t. N.
conveniences. New furniture and fur- nirHP! rmK HOME
Sl55Sf IW te En sTinT. "'when" J5S
orT" rooam,eW mVT X aood home, board and room
manager. at to su. ot-n orui .
rAVPBFr T tifiTEi GERMAN lady, 67 yeara old, would like
23D AND HOYT STREKTS to have a German Protestant woman
CAMPRffll hitt 5n5i between 60 and 70. share homo for a
Two of the best-known residsotlal h- Main 4208. 2,4 North 23d st.
tels on the Pacific coast. BEAUTIFUL,, clean, airy room for 2 men
American plan, or without bath. rooming: together; $7.50 board and
$2.50 a day up: rates by day or moata room or $4 per week for room alone;
Meals served fo transients. walking distance, 389 Grand ave. S.
223 EAST 20TH.
Portland's exclusive east side reslden
tlal hotel, all comforts of a home com
Dined with hotel service, laree erounds.
porches, shower bath, fireplace, strictly
nnme-CDOKeq meaiS. iUast 73N4.
MiKTOMA HCTKU Portland's downtown
njgu-c.asa ramiiy notei: rooms en suit
or single, with or without board, for
famines and ousiness nien and women.
We give you all the comforts of a home.
He son a Die rates.
WEST SIDE Big comfortable room for
two. also small single room. GOOD
FOOD. Living room, laundry, real
home privileges; congenial young peo
pie. v ery reasonable rate. Mar. 416.
PARK VIEW residential hotel. 3H6 Mont
eomery: 2 larjre front rooms with Dri
vate baths, sulta ble for two ; reasonable
rates; waiKing distance.
WIDOW with home would like to httve two
men or man and wife: - rooms if de
sired; people employed ; front room $ 10,
oacK room Marsnaii 4.
ROOM and board for business girls; al
modern conveniences, walking distance
ga per wpck. auio ai74. la E. 7tn
328 10TH ST. Well-f urnisned room witH
board; home cooking: hot and cold water
in rooms; sleeping porch. Auto. 541-37
for giris. mod, rare, aso 10th. Mar. 1251
LARGE front room, suitable for 2;
private bath. Main 4878.
NICE room and board, walking distance.
6b4 Jb. Broadway. Reasonable.
ATTRACT! V E room for two, with two
meals. 320 11th St., Marshall 672.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
WIDOW with nice home wili room and
board working men : home privileges,
$8 per week; also garage for rent; close
in. ic Morris st. Mississippi car.
WELL furnished large front room for two,
in Protestant home; excellent table
board, every convenience, walking dis-
tancev poi Hoyt. Broadway 22U4.
vMCE, large room with board, turnace
neat, hot and cold water, room for 2 at
$35 each, or single, $42; 2 meals, at 348
miii st. Fhone Main 749.
NIC E large, clean, well -furnished room
with board ; good home cooking; room
large enough for 2 or 3. Large closet.
ah nome privileges. 741 Glisan st.
WELL-FURNISHED room with board, $8
per week; also table board, near Adcox
Auto School and Dental College. 365
Haisey, near Union ave.
ROOM and board, 2
or 3 employed people,
quiet home, no
walking distance.
children ; reasonable ;
681 Kearney. Main
vv a KM, pleasant room, suitable for one
or two people employed, in modern
home, walking distance on west side; ex
cellent home cooking. Marshall 3930.
DESI RABLE well-f urnisned front room.
suitable for one or two; no other
roomers; meals If desired; reference.
Main 606.
ROOM, board in private family, pleasant
rm. for 2 men, $55. Use of living rms.
with fireplace, where you can feel at
home. Bdwy 3072. or 85 lOtn st.
WOULD you like a real home: have a
clean, pleasant room for 1 or 2 ; big
closets; will serve meals. lt.:3 Haw
thorne ave.. near 34th st Phone 2-0-47.
N ICE, warm room, 3 windows and large
closet; excellent board, very reasonable.
Man and wife or two employed men.
Also single room. 191 11th St.
IRVINGTON Lovely front room,- mahog
any furniture ; home cooking; refined
home ; sleeping porch, garage. East
PARTY of 4 Interested In bright front
rooms, twin beds, fireplace, every con
venience, west side. Bdwy. 4633.
IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington home. 1 or 2
large rooms, with board ; hot water at
all times; ideal location, 1 block from
Broadway. East 1200.
WILL give mother's care, room and board
to children over 2 years old. No objec
tion to parents. 684 Commercial st.
Woodlawn 6144.
ROOM and boa'pd. lig'h-t. heat, hot water,
wa 1 k iT3.g d it, nwdenn con ve nien ces ;
good table board; price reasonable. 1224
Xort h 1 8th St., west sid e.
YOUNG MAN, excellent board, home privl
. leges, piano. Victrola. Hawthorne dis
trict; good car service; share my room. 2
beds. Taylor 5607.
WALKING distance for 2 people employed
lare room, with separate bed; attractive
residence Must 5,15.
ROSE CITY Private home, well furnished
front room; plenty heat and hot water.
breakfast and dinner if desired, 3 In
family. 1 blk. to car. Tabor M7.
LADY living alone has large, handsomely
furnished home; all conveniences ; would
like two people to room and board,
Woodlawn 3031.
PARLOR oedroom, suitable for either man
or woman ; breakfast if desired. Phone
Sell wood 3064.
TWO people desiring home surroundings
and good meals, call Marshall llUu.
est side, close in. 385 Mill st.
WARM, pleasant rooms suitable for 2;
home cooking, walking distance; a real
home. East S445.
ELDERLY LADY wants child to board
and also light front room for parents, if
wan ted. Sell wood 3.HX.
HOM E for y-oung man employed, home
privileges, twse in ; tome ana see it. zoo
14th st. Main 2533.
1 LARGE room, suitable for 2 men or man
and wife, in an attractive home. Tabor
WANTED To room and board small
child; will give good home and motherly
care, call .Bdwy. 444 i. .
NICE oleain rooimis, suitable for two gen
tlemen; waiKang ais-tajnce. lot bust
Tiird st. Nort4u
YOUNG couple without children wiah to
take caire of girl 2 to 4. W'iM give very
best care as If ow-Th. AH 468, OregonaaJi.
NEWLY furnished attractive room, suita
ble for 2 persons; $35 per month; excel
lent meals ; close in. Marshall 1125.
INVINGTON Large light corner room for
2, meals if desired. Strictly private fam
ily. East 9274.
TWO-ROOM apartment, neatly furnished.
271 MacMullens st., 4 blocks from
Broadway bridge. Phone- East 5086.
ROOM with board, good home cooking.
373 Taylor st. A. Brittain. Phone Mar
shall 1255.
A- NICE, clean, warm, furnished room in
a lovely home, with or without board
Also garage. East SS35.
LARGE, attractive room in modern horn
for 1 or 2; close in ; very reasonable;
rj-rst - ci aa m ea is. w ooo i a wn a .s .i 7 .
LARGE room tor two, htat, two ciothes
closets, west side, watKmg distanet
Marshall 6018.
TWO LOVELY rooms, cood board, husi
ness people only; home privileges. Main
LARGE, light, clean rms. with board, ev
ery convenience, reasonable, close in.
East 7005. ;
CHILD, 3 to 5 years old, in private home.
Woodlawn 6442.
FOR BUSINESS man in modern private
home, west side, close In. Main 3792. .
A LARGE front room with lovely twin
beds. In attractive home. Tabor 8709.
CHILDREN will receive good care in
home of motherly woman. Auto. 630-25.
N ICiE L Y f urn i sthed room a nd board for
t wo gen tl em e.n. ivt ti oyt.
LARGE front room in modern home.
Irving st. Marshall 4410.
ROOM in private family with or without
board. Main 7651. 455 Montgomery st.
MODERN, quiet home for gentlemen, near
Union ave. Phone East 846.
LIGHT, comfortable front room on car
line; well -cooked meals. Main 4157.
WOULD like to care for child or two
age 2 to 5. Automatic 632-3S.
LAD wishes children to board; mother's
care. Auto. 613-91.
NICELY furnished
Nob Hill district.
rooms with meals;
633 Kearney st.
quiet home. 45-5 E.
with board.
14th N.
ROOM and board for small child; close In;
reasonable. East 7296.
rCJOD' rooms wiith board or kitchen privi
leges. 414 Weid'Iee. East 3850.
ELEGANT single room, close in, excellent
board; private home. E. 2604.
WARM room with breakfast, $4 per week;
close in. 513 Montgomery.
LADY TO BOARD and share room; home
privileges, Bdwy. 3780.
East 920.
HAVE 3 large rooms, with or without
board, on Broadway line; aiso garage
room for 1 car. 797 Tillamook st. F. M.
2-roomr furnished apartment, $27.50;
employed couple preferred. b7 o-iisan
st., oet. itis anq zz'i.
NICE room and good board in private
home. No other boarders. Home priv
ileges. Near Piedmont car barn. Wdln.
REFINED woman, very nice home, 2
minutes' ride from business district, will
board small child, $20 per month; care
guaranteed. AL 46. uregonian.
LIGHT iront room in modern home, in
quiet neighborhood, suitable for two gen
tlemen, nome cquk ins. a-uur jji.
ROOM AND BOARD, one gentleman; pri
vate home. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333.
Fum in had Apartments.
Three large, modern rooms, furnished
fine and all conveniences, such as bath,
garbage lift, hot water, built-in re
f ritrfrtnr and first-class janitor serv-
ies. One for $45 a month, one for $50;
also a beautiful large 4-room apartment
for 55. We are making special rates
to permanent tenants
ipith nnrt r'ninmhia Streets.
5 minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's
store; good surroundings, strictly moa
rn 2 and 3-room furnished apts,, out
side and French doors and balcony; per- j
manent and transient.
Will have 3-room furnished apartment ,
available March 8 to tnose desiring ciean.
auiet. ant., combined with courteous
service; not over three adults; refer
ences required.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, cozy three rooms.
kitchenette and bath, Duut-m conven
iences; 11 windows, French doors, hard
wood floora, open fireplace; combination
sun room and sleeping porcn wun Dis
appearing beds; also mahogany day bed;
clean, like new; jK. Mam sou.
opened; single and & to 4-room house
keeping suites, BEAUTIFULLY FUR-
vtsh hii"- ai.iri unf nrnished : choice loca
tion; well heated; reasonable rates. 544 j
E. 7th st. N.
Has 1 3 and 1 4-room furnished apart
ment vacant.
NICELY furnished, privately owned 3-room
front apartment, inciuaing oatn ana
dressing room, west side, walking dis
tance: will rent to aesiraoie coupie.
Mar. 2649.
$35 MAIN 3816 $35.
Can be inspected today; 2 rooms and
email kitchen apartment, artistically i
furnished, good heat, pleasant outlook;
permanent tenants only. aiam aaio.
448 11TH ST.
One 3-room modern, twx disappearing
beds. Janatoir service ajid pnone.
ROOMS, completely furnished, with pi-
. aoo, $65 per month: also 3 rooms with
furniture ior sale, imperial Mma Apt.,
14th and Clay.
ROOM aoartmerit. nicely furnished.
cheaper than be had on the west side
for same price. Easy walking distance.
415 E. couch, near urana ave.
Beautifully furnished 3 and 4 rooms,
newlv renovated . throughout; all out
side rooms. Mar. 2945. 189 23d st. N.
MEREDITH 4 rooms, front, modern,
walking distance; heat and hot water;
low rates. 22d and Washington. Bdwy.
6184. -
S'EiT 4-mnm flnl.. furnace heat. iiKht.
n-tr. ohone a-nd urarbaee turnisnea,
west side. 10 minutes' waile, $30. .361
ruth. Phone Main 6630.
FOR RENT turnibhed apartment, one room
with kitchenette and steeping porcn.
heat, hot and cold water. Ill N. 23d
st., Main 3649.
THREE rooms. 2 closets, bath, heat, light.
ohone. new.y furntoheoL waiKing dis
tance, private phone., 680 E. Madison,
corner 19th.
FOR RiENT 3-room unfurnished apart
ment; light, heat, hot ana coia water
furnished. ,Tabor 4224 or call at-lOUZft
Hawthorne ave.. Apt. A.
FRONT apartment, 3 rooms, balcony and
bath, nicely furnished, on Irvington car-
line, rent reasonable; adults. yo n
15th North. ' ;
A nice 3-room apt., outside rooms,
private bath and phone. Tabor 6065.
ONE 3-ROOM - furnished apt., also one j
sleeping room; steam heat, modern. ,
BelKnap Apts., 187 17th street.
WELL-FURNISHED 3-room apt., with
piano; adults only ; $50 rent. 545 East
Alder. Heat, gas and light included.
Na-vvlY furnished lower flat for rent; also
1, 2 and 3 housekeeping. 2il N. 21st st
or Phone Main 1982.
Two rooms, steam heat, private bath.
Tabor 546. 1U27H Belmont.
THE W EN T W OUT H 232 12th; 3-room
apt., modern; married couple; suitable
fur 3 adults.
NICELY fur., spotlessly clean apt., 3 rms.;
pay part by helping landlady. 474 Clay.
Mar. 414.
MEREDITH. 4-room front,, modern, walk
ing distance, light and clean.- 22d and i
Washington, tfawy.- tia.
TWO 4-ROOM unfurnished apartments;
lots of carpet room, private bath ;
adults only, ooa E. lamhlll. East 3252.
A LARGE 2-room apartment on the first
f.oor; everything furnished except gaa.
324 Jackson st
VER Y attractively furnished , rooms in
west side home, exclusive residence dis
trict. Mar. 1397.
2-ROOM furnished apartment house, just
opened. Rent $37. oo. 4la E. 10th st.
East 150T.
Two-room apt., modern, walking dis
tance. Main 4070. 39Q Clay street.
4-KOOM apt., hardwood floors, private
oatn, wanting distance; zour adults.
Bdwy. 2Uo6. or iast 4i'7tf.
THE CHELTENHAM, 19th and Northrup.
' and 4-roorf apis. xjuwy.
FOR RENT 2-room apartment,
B roa d w ay 1584.
3-ROOM fur. cor. apt., private bath and
phone Harrison court, o-tn and Harrison
3-ROOM front apt., 2-room apt. 328 Mill,
near moaoway.
ONE AND three-room apts., 113 V Russell
street, or phone jast s46v
NEWLY furnished, modern 2 or 3-room
apts.. also garage. 4tf 3d. Mar. 3029.
FURNISHED two-room apartment. 3a6
t,. Aiornson.
3-ROOM, very modern, all outside rooms.
Arhne apts. tsroaaway ii:.
TWO and three-room apts., close in.
Park st.
FOR RENT One 1-room and one 2-room
apt. 410 2d st.
4-ROOM furnished apt.,- with bath.
yard. East 726.
A 3-RCOM apartment for rent; stove heat;
must be neat, eiiwood 3-Ow.
$15 H. K. ROOMS, heat, light, basement.
4U7 tiau st. Man or woman.
-1 3-room apt. Phone
Bdwy. 4448.
$30 CLEAN 3-room furnfshed apt.,
within waiKing distance. 84 E. th st.
FURNISHED apartment for rent.
520-12. 671 Giisan.
2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apt.; light, sun-
ny rprms. mw p. proaaway. ,
TO SUBLET, furnished 2-room apartment
for or d montns. j. 4U.
89 EAST 12th, corner Stark; 3-room apart-
ment, steam neat, ugnt. rree pnone. $30.
FOR RENT Furnished, two-room apart-
ment,- $3-.a. jast witf.
395 12th; large 2-room apt. Mar. 898.
3-ROOM furnished apartment, private bath.
steam neat, -itf Aiarnet st.
JEFFERSON APTS. 2 front-room apart
ments. 3Qi Jerrerapn st.
WILL share apartment with lady.
463, oregonian.
SHEFFIELD 272 Broadway;
double apt; a wail beds.
FLORENCE APTS., 388 11th t. 3 and -
room apartments.
5-ROOM fur, apt., with piano. Main 7516.
$30 3 -ROOM, light, close la. ast 89.
Furnished Apartments.
Furnished very nicely and clean, mod
ern, classy, roomy. We are making spe
cial rates to permanent tenants. Three
room apt., with disappearing bed and
davenport, for $45 month; south side,
one three rooms in front, $50; one four
room apartment, equipped for as high as
.persons: oo month. xou can i uo
them In Portland.
THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia.
Walking distance from downtown.
The handsomest apartments with s-lp
porches in ' the city; furnished in blue
and ivory, pongee silk hangings, ex
ceptionally clean and lots of heat; Al
service; . some outside front apartments
with many windows; also a two-room
with steepintr Dorch and a one-room and
kitchenette; available now; references
required. 166 St. Clair st., corner of
Washington. Broadway 5S30.
"Port it and fJv rooms. FtrrrLi-sthed and
unfurnished, r&rictLy first-chasa, JS-veiry
room what enameled, tH bath; best of
service and close to businee eseavter, west
aide; very reasonable: none better in
city. Main 20S6, '
between King and St. Clair, one vacan.
4-room furnished apartment; all larg j
outside rooms, ground, floor, privatfe en
trance, adults only.
4 rooms, strictiy modern, beautifully
furnished, close in, walking distance;
will rent to responsible parties; $5.
BdwJ-. 1245. .
ATTRACTIVE furnished apartment of 3
room and bath for couple who will serve
dinner to owner occupying adjoining
apartment. Desirable location and pleas
ant home to right people. 1054 Cleve
land ave. -
Completely furnished modern 4-room
apt.; also modern unfurnished 3-room
apt., with nice, large sleeping porch, for
$40 and $45. 361 Failing, near Union.
FL'RNl SHED, aitTnacti ve 3-room apt. , all
ouUKraie, ligiht and airy rootms. narawwo
floors, Radiant fire grate, eorruntxlious
eboset-s and bath. D. & M. cars to 66
NfcTPth 19th st. Opposite Trinity ohaircth,
fro-rn 11 to 2.
YOU MUST not overlook this beautiful
3-room suite, never occupiea uerure,
hardwood floors, tapestry paper, porch,
firernace. overstuffed furniture; garage
location unsurpassed. 714 East Madison,
Living room, dining room, bath bed
room, kitchen, private entrance: all
light outside rooms; best district.
S.M ITH-WAGOX E R CO. . Stock Exch.
WEST SIDE desirable 5-room apt., chance
to purchase best furniture at big reauc
tion. Owner leaving city. Must sell.
Main 3622.
FRONT apartment, 2 rooms and kitchen
ette, lovely new furniture throughout
modern, 10 minutes to Washington st.
Mar. 3058.
LARGE, light, front 2-room apartment
Lombard st. at Albina ave. Adults
$22.50. Kenton car, 20 minutes to town,
f none Alain 0225.
Elegantly furnished cor. 3-room apt.
with piano.
, 430 E. YAMHILL ST.
For rent, reasonable, 2-room furnished
apartments. Gall East 4P6a.
170 CHAPMAN Half block from I8ah and
Morrison, 1 large front room and kitch
enette; laundry convenience, light, heat
and phone; $28 month. Broadway m '
3-room furnished art., all outside rms.;
good furniture; walking distance; adults
only. vv est ark ana toiumpia.
WILL let to responsible party entire lower
floor. .4 rooms, newly furnished; furnace
ilea. i , naruwoou iiuors, uiuac tu. - juuuc
East 9186. 368 Multnomah st.
2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartments,
S10 and $12 aot.: electricity, gas. baths,
704 Howard st., east side university.
Phone Empire 524. ;
NICELY furnished 4-room apt., dressing
room and bath, nice lawn. $75. 342 10th,
Sat. or Sun., Marshall 2o88, week days,
51 Lewis bing. inroad way latn.
YOUNG business woman wishes to share
apartimenrt wttih another business giffu;
plta-se furnish the best of refereaiicea.
LaizitrLine apts.. Third and Hadk Apt. 14.
Furnished 3-room apt., first floor;
newly tinted; private bath. $45. Marsh-all
2250. .
2 ooms, furnished; hardwood floors,
elevator, strictly modern; all outside;
walking distance. 3d, cor. Montgomery
3 ROOMS. 2 closets, bata, heat, light.
phone, newly furnished, walking ais
tance, private phone. 680 E. Madison,
corner 19th.
4 ROOMS, furnished, private bath, walk
ing distance, west side, ground tioor,
$T7.50 mo. 454 11th st.. apt. P.
3-room furnished, all outside rooms
very sunny, private bath, janitor service,
walking distance. Marshall 5566.
ALICE COURT Mod. 3 large rooms, two
beds, fireplace, pri. bath, tel. inciuaeo,
$50. Cor. E. Sth-Burnside. East 3566.
Rose City car.
Furnished 3-room apt., first floor;
newly tinted; private bath. $45. Mar.
2-room furnished apartment, very mod
ern; walking distance.
TWO 4-room unfurnished apartments. Jots
of carpet room, private batn; ad'uits
only. 55-5 E. Yamhill. East 3252.
4-ROOM nicely furnished apartment, out
side rooms. BerKeiey Apts., a Trinity
Place. r
TWO APTS. and sleeping rooms, clean and
warm, hot water. Williams Apts., 557
Williams avenue. East 3487.
j HADDON HALL, lltli and Hall 3-room
apartment, bath, balcony, hardwood
floors; wralking distance. Mar. 1160.
2- R OO M f mrn isUied . private batilH umny
apt., private home, $45 per month. 493
Y'0.m:hiM ss.
3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile
bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359.
110 N. 21st, 2-room modern furnfshed
8-room apt., private bath, all outside
rooms. Main 3705. 394 Guild st.
NEiWiLY furnished 2-room apt., first floor.
furnace heat, hot ana cold water. East
3236. ,
BEST heated furnished apartments in the
city. 861 East Washington, corner of
3 rooms, large, light, modern,
side. 381 6th st. Marshall 1378.
3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile
bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359.
LARGE. light, ciean, weii-i urnisned
housekeeping apt., close to Washington,
Benson schools. 20 East 15th, cor. Ash.
CLEAN, completely furnished 2-room apt.,
$23. 680 Lombard, corner Fiske st.
St. Johns car.
BEAUTfFUL parlor, hardwood floor, piano
and kitchenette, $35 per mo.
393 West
NEW YORK APTS. 2-rm. fur. apt.,
$27.50, including lights, heat, hot and
cold water. E. 7th and Belmont sts.
4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments.
Marshall 318L
Very desirable 3-room unfurnished apt.
with balcony. Marshall 1804.
JEFFERSON IAN APTS.. under new man
agement. 3-room modern apt., reasonable
rent. 514 Jefferson st.
CARLOIS APTS. 2-room furnished, mod
ern apartment. 14th and Market.
NICELY furnished apts. with bath. West
minster apts., 262 6th st. Main 5582.
6-ROOM apt., suitable for store and liv
ing room- 272 Williams ave.
2-ROOM nicely fur. sunny apt., 1st floor.
625 Everett, bet. 19th-20th, west side.
1-ROoM apt., private bath, $40. Chetopa
Apartments. Broadway 4936.
TWO AND 3-room apts., Clackamas apts.
272 Williams ave.
ALCO APTS.. E. Couch and Union ave
mod e-rg 2-room apts; reasonable.
MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apart
ment 697 Washington st. Bdwy. 1098.
UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur. apt.,
tZ.iW; . 1 1 yuuvicic "UllQlng.
APTS. W A in 1-VJ 1'iai- -iAfcVT 1999.
2 AND 3-ROCM modern apts., tile bach,
Main lU-oa. "uena v lata apts.
2 AND 3-ROOM lurmsned apt. ;
sunny rooms. tog m. omaaway.
APT. WITH 3 rooms ana oatn. 308 Stan
ton st. casi o'ui.
2-room modern furnished apartment.
2-ROOM apt. pnva-te bath. $40. Bdwy.
4 036. C n etopa.
NICELY furni
bath. Wfat.
minster apts-
262 6th st,
mam 5582.
WANTED Someone to share apt. with
: i loriv Afar fi"a ofu. a n
$25 NEWLY nnisnea moaern 4-room cot
tage, close in. 415 Northwest Bank bldg.
Unfurnished Apartments.
THE ORMO.'13 5-room anfuirniis&ied
apairtment. 6u6 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873.
MORDATJNT, 586 Everett Large 4-room,
iom6ilkoi take chil dxen; loapect this.
Unfurnished Apartment.
ONE of the most attractive 5-room apart
menta at Garden Court will be vacated
this coming week, hardwood floors,
white enameled woodwork, French doors
and outside kitchen door. 530 Mont-
4-room, newly painted and kalsomined.
steam heat and telephone, close tl, walk
ing distance, only 3 blocks of Wash
ington st. Rent $47.50. Call Bdwv. 1245.
E LA NOR APARTMENTS, just new-ly
opened; single and 2 to 4-room house
keeping suites; also BEAUTIFULLY
FURNISHED; choice location; well heat
ed; reasonable rates. 544 E. 7th st. N.
Beautiful 3-room apartment, hard
wood floors, tapestry paper, fireplace,
porch, white enamel ; garage ; location
unsurpassed. 734 E. Madison.
choice apartments available; top floor,
four rooms, sleeping porch, pantry, bath
and hall: rent $87.50: references re
qulred. Tel. Broadway 6S60.
STRICTLY modern 4-room apu,- bath, nw
duplex oumeraiow. -close an, Missusf-upm
caJt W-dvrh. 303O any time Sumdiay. AXtex
5 P. M. week: days. AdtLitfi.
THE ALTER 6-rm. bungalow apt., sleep
ing porch, hardwood floors, tile bath with
shower, fireplace and china closet. 21st
and Overton. Bdwy. 1980 or Bdwy. 5263.
3-ROOM apt., dressing room and bath.
Tjhis Is first class in every respect;
, hardwood floors, white enamel wood-
work. East 3782.
TWO CLEAN, modern, 2-room apartments
in nreproor Duiiaing on car line ; neat,
light, water furnished ; rent reasonable.
Tabor 4480 or 1566 E. Glisan st.
4-ROOM apartment In Laureinurst, garage.
neat, electric washer, water, pnone;
adu!ts only; $65. Automatic 231-31. 10O0
Holladay ave.. at 33d.
3 and 4 rooms, beautifully decorated
In ivory and tapestry ; rent reasonable ;
adults, references.
Four-room modern front corner apart
ment ; 1 block from Washington st. ;
adults. Broadway 2761.
EXCELLENT NEWS Just opened, new.
up-to-date, single or housekeeping, choice
location, well heated, reasonable rates.
546 E. 7th North.
Four and five-room unfurnished apart
ments, first-class. Marshal! 779.
4-ROOM modern unfurnished apt., steam
heat, $40; garage if desired; no children,
Waverly Court, E. 26th and Clinton.
CHETOPA APTS. i-room apartment on
second floor; gas range and refrigera-
. tors included, can jaroaaway 4cio.
3 rooms, kitchen, tile bath, elevator,
hardwood floors. Main 359.
3-room apt. and garage, 142 East 39th.
Tabor 2614.
FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished apart
ment, high grade, centrally located, ex
cellent service. Broadway 2201.
5-ROOM unfurnished apartment. The
Wilmar. 742 Everett st. Phone Main 5114.
3-ROOM modern apartment, with sleeping
porch. Buck apts.. 107 N. 21st st.
3-ROOM apt., toilet and bath. 648 Thur-
rnan, near zutn. iviar. tioi.
THE AMERICAN Modern o-room apart
ment. Broadway 3360.
5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat, newly
tinted; gas stove, obi Glisan st.
UNFURNISHED 5-room apartment, steam
heat: adults. 587 East Main.
5-ROOM unfurnished apt., The Wilmar.
742 Everett st. Phone Main olB4.
Fornilied or Cninrninnea Apartments.
THE VICTORIAN 4-room furnished apt.,
bath : close in ; very reasonaoie.
Columbia, near 11th. Marshall 2277,
SHEFFIELD Broadway and Jefferson,
nice 4-room cor. apt., furnished or un
furnished. Klatfe.
CLEANS cheerful four rooms, sleeping
porch, bath, iront Daicony, une view;
private furnace, basement, west side.
close in. For appointment phone Mar
shall 420.
4-room fla-lis for rent, reasonable, h-ot
tx-o tfir jhwimt ft pride.
4-room flats, rernt r ea sonab le , wal king
distance. Catil Bdwy. o931 Monday.
4 TtOHMS and bath, furnace, newly pa
Dered and cleaned, walking distance.
12th and College. Mrs. Singer. Mai
FOR RENT New modern unfurnished 5-
rnnm r at. srood corner location in csen
wood, 2 blocks from car. Tallmadge
Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg.
iTJuiw.Tfiv nnnpr flat. 4 rooms and bath,
hot-water heat lurnisneo: xttraKa n.
wanted; adults only. 481 Tillamook st.
corner 9th.
5-ROOM flat In excellent condition, close
in on west side; consideration win oe
Riven to desirab-ie, long-time tenants.
Strong & Co.
006 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT Flat, 5 rooms and bath, all
mnflprn conveniences. lncmire jvirs. i,
Mininerer. 321 E. 13th North. Phone
East 1370.
wf.kt SIDE. N. E. corner 12th and Col
lege, a very cheerrui 4-room nat wun
attic, basement and furnace; rent $35
per month. Call Main 1759.
MOTVFyRN 5-room flat, newly tinted, var
nished and panned, spotlessly clean, gooa
neighborhood, $2o. corDett & irenaieton,
Fulton car. bdwy. SL'tt i aunaays.
lovely 5-roorm fl.t hardwood floors.
sleeping porch, fireplace, mo-aern ana
converuenit. uwo k. autn, near naiwumorne,
UNFURNISHED lower flat, 4 rooms and
bath, $30; close in, west side; aauits oniy.
474 Clay. Mar. 4ii4.
MODERN 5-room upper flat, ail conven
iences. 488Mi E. lth st., near jjivisicm.
M. Myer. Hotel jvianory. war, uuiu.
ROOMS and sleenin- porch at 400 N
25th st., $25; adults only. Inquire 745
Roosevelt or call Marshall 3tl9.
FLAT for rent. Rose City Park, near
Sandy blvd.; 3 large rooms, reasonaoie
rent. Call Tabor 4Utc.
4-ROOM flat, west side, walking distance,
, gas range, rugs on noor,
month. 222 Morrison st.
NICE 4-room unfurnished flat for rent,
heat and water furnished. Phone East
FLAT for rent in Rose City. Heat fur
nihed. 373 Bt 49th at, N.. corner
Broadway. .
5-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view.
furnace, fireplace, pnone, water; jlou.
389H 16th st., south of Montgomery.
4-ROOM flat, gas range, ouiit-m bed,' fur
nace. 1040 Albina ave., g3U
FIVE large, beautiful rooms, bath, Dutch
FOR RENT 4-room
Cherry st., flat 3.
flat. Apply 255
5 ROOMS, unfurnished, suitable for busi
ness. 254 Broadway st. Broadway 155.
$32.50 5-ROOM upper flat, close In on
i u. -'nil : o-rn
pasi clue , i cici van Jinui oiui.
6-ROOM flat, modern conveniences. Call
Broadway 3670 or Inquire 315 N. 19th st.
5-ROOM fiat, reasonable rent, at 698
Union ave. N. !"
UNFURNISHED 5-room flat, 10 minutes
to business center. Key at 310 3d.
6-ROOM modern flat; furnace,, electricity ;
walking distance, west side. ' Mar. 1289
FOR REN'T 3-room, flat with sleeping
porch and fireplace. East 2319.
Furnished Flats.
FURNISHED 4-room lower flat. Rent $30.
Call Sunday between 1 P. M. and 3
P. M. 354 San Rafael st.. between Union
and Williams avenues.
2 ROOMS and kiit-oheneitte ; aid outside
rooms; aire olean and at bratrMve; . electric
Mghts and p-hone fuimishei, $25. 62S
Witni'a-ms ave.. E-aM 4193.
COSY 3-room flat, bedroom, living room.
kitchen, nuiit-in Dunet, gas range, out
side rooms, private bath ; couple em
ployed only. Sellwood 2412. "
FURNISHED 2-room flat, fuel, phone and
water included, $27.50, adults. 10 E.
9tih N.
4-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view,
good order; phone, water; $32.50. 389
16th st., south of Montgomery.
COZY 4-room flat, newly papered walking
distance, $32.50. 442 Rodney ave., cor
ner Tillamook.
MODERN 5-room furnished flat, sleeping
porcn; very aesiraoie neignuornooa. .rtea.
sonable rent. Tabor 3900.
LOWER flat partly furnished; walking
distance; also single rooms. " 546 East
Alder near 12th.
$35 4-ROOM furnished flat, complete,
fireplace, walking distance. Phone East
FIVE nicely furnished rooms, walking
distance. Mar. 2772. .
8-ROOM flat, modern, adults only.
22d st. South.
141 ELEVENTH, for sale 5-room flat; can
rent h. k. rooms, $400 cash. Alder.
4-ROOM flat for rent furnished;
en ces. Tabor 277.
jj5 4-ROOM furnished upper flat, suit
able for couple. 940 -MaHory ave.
FOR RENT 4-room flat partly furnished.
3 blks. to St. Johns car. Tel. Col. 1152.
LOWER 4-room, heat, hot and cold water
furnished. Inquire 5S6 Everett st.
4-ROOM furnished flat, furnish the heat
and water. 304 Fargo, near Union ave.
FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms and bath, $35.
Call at 1101 E. Morrison, corner 37th.
6-ROOM furnished lower flat, adults,
Phon Sell. 2'20. 503 Bybee.
4-ROOM furnished flat, phone, water,
adults: $37. East 3305. 200 Fargo st.
2 LIGHT, upper rooms sleeping parch,
close in. East 83-63.
Fur ui-hod Fiats.
DESIRABLE furnished flat of 8 rooms
with bath. Situated in Walnut Park
Modern, kitchen has laundry tray, gas
range and built-in features. Will con
sider only, adult family. Williams ave.
car to Alberta st., one block east. 1054
Cleveland ave.
DESIRABLE flat of 5 rooms and bath,
very attractively furnished. Conveniently
located near G carlines. Modern kitchen
with laundry tray, gas range and built
in features. Situated in Walnut park.
Williams Ave. car to Alberta, one blk.
east. 1054 Cleveland.
5 AND 6-ROOIM flats, just furnished, neat
and clean: lower flat has furnace; if
you want a Tiice place, good neighbor
hood, look at these. $33 and $45; South
Portland car. 227 Whittaker. Sunday,
1 to fi: after that. E-ast 4K54.
COMFORTABLY furnished 5-room modern
upper flat, with sleeping porch and fire
place, close in, adults only. $65 per
month; references required; will be
shown Sunday. Sast 4910.
All the requirements of a bright and
cheerful home; clean, light and acces
sible to street cars, stores, etc. ; $40.
768 East Davis st.
FURNISHED upper 6-room flat, fireplace,
furnace, finished floors, sleeping porch,
sightly . garage; ' Hawthorne district;
adults only; $45. 791 E. Main; also fur
nished 3-room cottage. 789 E. Main.
$49.oO MODERN 5-room, furnished flat,
with bath and bullt-ins. Including piano.
333 Cook ave., Williams and Union ave.
cars. Call from 1 to5:30 P. M Auto.
ONLY $25 4-room, well-furnished flat,
large bauhroom, wood heater, gas stove,
gas water heater, elec. ; near Laureinurst
park and Sunnyside school ; best car
service. 15Q& E. 33d. East a 2 60.
A NICELY furnished lower four-room fiat,
bath, to responsible couple; rent 140.
Call after 2:30 o"clock. "o. 125 E. 20th
FURNISHED, modern 5-room upper flat;
has a fireplace, piano, nice porch and
walking distance; rent J47.50 month.
Call 441 nth at.
3 OR 4 LARGE IiKht rooms in modern
flat, including sleeping porch, well fur
nished, reasonable; walking distance;
references. Main. 3018.
FOR RENT Laree sunny 6-room flat
with hnth and nuntrv. rents for $30.
Furniture for sale cheap. Marshall 2298.
371 12th st.
5-ROOM upper fla-t, modeirn, 31-5 Alberta,
corneir R odn e y ave., $35. Tabor 83 52,
511 EX fortth N.
4-ROOM furn i shed flat; gas. Hgh t . and
heia-t; west side; adults. Aut. 516-87.
Housekeeping Rooms.
BASEMENT H. K. suite, attractively fur
nished,, lleht. heat and phone; $16.50;
no objection to child. 363 Multnomah
street. .
VIT.WT.V aa onH rpnvated hOUSe
Ircn1nff t-rwimi nHr 4. flft and $5 fOT
2 rooms, 1 block from Hawthorne bridgei
FINELY furnished 2-room front apts.,
heat, light, gas. phone and laundry in
cluded In rent. $30 and $35; adults only.
802 Tillamook, near Williams ave.
NICELY furnished 2-room H. K. apart
ment on first floor; private lavatory,
every convenience. $35. 507 Clay st near
15th. Marshall 3602. .
NICEST housekeeping rooms in city: every
thing furnished, beds are new and clean;
best hot-water heat. $15-$20-$2o per
month. East 7559. 460 HoLiaday.
5 ROOMS and kitchenette: all outside
rooms; are clean and attractive; ltr.J
ligth'ta and phone funnis-hed ?25. 6-
"WM Warns ave.. Eat 4193.
EXCB;PTlONALLY clean fromt H. K. room
with kitchenette, bath,, phont lights and
good heat furnished. Easy wailkimg dis --
ta-nce, $22.50" mo-nt'n. 344 Omllege st.
2-room apt.; 1-room apt., sleeping
rooms; newly calcimined; lovely new fur.
652H Thur ian, Bdwy. 1SS2. .
2 AND 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping
rooms, heat, light and phone, furnished;
4 blocks north of Washington; $25 a
month and up. 109 N. 18th.
2-ROOM apartment, $5.20 week; hat.
light and phone, laundry conveniences.
170 Chapman St., near ISth, and Mor-
rison. Broadway 2i7.
2 ROOMS with kitchen, water in kitchen,
free heat and light, suitable for three
girls. 331 Montgomery St., near
Broadway. '
NEWLY FURNISHED houseKeeping rooms,
$25 and $30 per morth; excellent heat,
verv convenient, close in, 408 12th st.
Main 6161.
WE HAVE what you want, 1, 2, 3-rooro
H. K. apts., steam, hot water, clean;
under new management. Lawn Apts.,
F3 North 18th.
THREE nicely furnished H. K. rooms on
third floor, heat, light ana pnone, iur
nished, suitable for-3 adults, $25 month;
also 1-room apartment, lis a monin
$4 TO $5 WEEK, completely furnished
housekeeping suites, every convenience,
right down town. 288 3d St., near Jef
ferson. 1 LARGE room and kitchenette, light.
h-t. water, bed linens and phone lur
nished; suitable for twb clean bachelors
or man and wife. 347 Market st.
I AND 2 NICELY furnished H. K. apts..
$20 to $30; gas, heat, light and pnone
included in rent, 423 Pacific sL, across
trotn Dental college.
NEWLY furnished 1, 2 or 3 light house
keeping rooms, also garage. 429 3d st.
Mar. 3020.
SITVYT lponinr norch. warm dressing
room, closet, light housekeeping, $10
month. 3J6 12th st.
THE BEAVER, 12tn and Marshall Fur
nished H. K. rooms, $15 up. including
hot water, electric lights, laundry roo m .
NICE, liirht two or three furnished house
keeping rooms. Jjignt, pnone ana ks
included, also garage, can ranor s-nnt.
ROOMS and kitchenette. $7 week; light,
bath, phone free. 327 3d St., opp. Audi
NEW 3-ROOM H. K., just completed ;
furnace heat, running water in apt.
East 8934.
SLEEPING rooms and H. K. brick, hot-
water, clean, respectable, low rates.
Miller apts.. 264 ist st.
2 LIGHT furnished H. K. rooms, 2 gen
tlemen or couple employed prererrea.
1071 East Washington. Tabor 4.107.
3-ROOM APT., furnished;
walking dis
$30. El 1047.
tance; also on 3 car lines;
214 Union ave. N.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, clean. Sunday
1:30 to 5. 1 E. 12th, near star. i.
BUSHMARK, Wash. St., corner 17th,
clean, modern 1 and 2-room outyme apts.
Also sieeping room. Bdwy. 5463.
CLEAN h. k. rooms with kitchenette.
light, private pnone. steam neat, ciose
In. 2!)1 Columbia. Marshall S108.
LARGE cozy room with kitchen, wall bed.
waLer, range, oveij tuiuciuoH.o,
W. Broadway.
OLEAN h. k. rooms with kitchenette.
light, private pnone, steam neat, ciose
in. 291 Columbia. Marshall 5198.
ROOM and kitchenette. $4 a week: 2 ;n-
f?Les. $2.M; gas, light, phone rree. f
3d st.. opposite auditorium.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms ior rent, single
and double, with kitchenette. Broadway
1779. 101 North 16th st.
THE COLUMBIAN, 11th and Columbia.
GOOD cheap h. k. rooms for bachelors;
close in; elec. 64 N. Otn. -
AT 5-4) COUCH ST., large front room for
sleeping or Housekeeping, rnone .Broad
way 33S8.
ONE ROOM and :kitchenette heat, hot and
cold water, j m r. asa St., .viam .
$3.50 WEEK UP Large downtown fur-
nisnea . ss.. rooms, --a w
LIGHT, clean
k. rooms, furnace heat.
:t4 itn st.
SINGLE steam - heated housekeeping
rooms, M to B per ween. J4i ijm st.
CLEAN, warm h. k. room, with'in walking
distance, very reasonaoie. joj in lutn.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 1094 E. Morri
son; aiso a garage it desire.
LARGE front room and kitchen.
11th st
H. K. APT., comfortable, light. 447 ith st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent cheap.
515 Vancouver ave., near Russell.
L. ROOMS, hot-water heat, partly fur. or
unfur. 789 Kearney. Marshall 3456.
2 VERY neat h. k. rooms; rent $4.50 per
week; adults only. 341 Harrison.
2-ROOM furnished apt., single room with
kitchenette. Phone Broad way .'550.
LIGHT, clean H. K, rooms, furnace heat.
264 Ilitm
LARGE well furnished housekeeping rm.
603 E. Maaison. Kast awn.
MODE RN h-ousekee pi ng roo m& reason a b J e
rates. 3v S'lxt-n t. .near Mioi.tgonej-y
3-ROOM suite, telephone, bath, hot, cold
waiter. ' 67 North 2-OtJh. Bdwyt .4123.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, electricity, hot
water, phone. 371 6th st.
CLEAN H. K. rooms, $0 a month and up.
372H Hawthorne. '
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single
and double. 384 Park.
CHEAPER rent, single or double, $2.50 to
$4. 544 Pettygrove at.
NEWLY papered 2-room h. k.
and cold water. 469 Taylor.
apt., hot
HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $2.76. $3; single
rooms, $2. 321 Vz W. Water gt.
THE MELUIN HOTEL, 353 & YamblH at..
apartments ro-r rent 34. per weeic ana up.
H. K. ROOMS with kitchenettes, light,
bath. Phone 321 West Park and Clay.
2 ROOMS on lower first floor, close In
r mAa Main "ni
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
475 Main St.
iiOUSEKELFINU rooms. 2u0 1-iLh sL,
Housekeeping Rooms.
FOR RENT Housekeeping room with
kitchenette, nicely furnished and mod
ern, with hot and cold running water
and heated. This is a very desirable
apartment, suitable for man and wife.
walking distance. 431 West Park. Main
One block from Washington St.. with
beautiful view of city and mountains,
front room and kitchenette, tastefully
furnished, heat and electric light In-
. ciuaed in rent. Main 3M6.
FURNISHED and unfurnished hooiwekeep
tng apartments at tiie new Argyle a-part-menta.
Known as the St. Johna hotel.
E-verything new and clean as a pin. 25
corner Turlington and ivanlioe ta., tot.
FOR RENT Two H. KL. rooms, furnished
except bedding and silverware; lower
floor; separate entrance; electricity, gas
range and heater; running water; de
sirable for two adults. East side. Mar.
$30 1 FURNISHED rooms, electric lights,
bath, 634 Sandy blvd., near E. 16th. In
quire J. J. Oeder, 54 E. 16th N near
Sandy blvd., or 4 Grand ave. N. East
61 and East 6S94. '
LARGE 2-room apt., furnace; small room
with kitchenette, $3 a week. 494 Taylor.
Main 2121.
Hons ke ping ltooiu In Private Family.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms In private
family, 1 large clean H. K. room, free
electric lights, phone, hot and cold
water, cooking gas, close in, close to
car line, stores, etc; $16.50. 445
Rodney avenue, corner of Tillamook. E.
2 BEAUTIFUL completely furnished, cor
ner, front housekeeping rooms ; furnace
heat, gas range ; laundry, clean ; walk
ing distance; reasonable. Main 131L
23 North 24th.
LOVELY housekeeping rooms with heat,
phone and everything furnished ; would
give mother's care to email children
while parents work. Bdwy. 5965. 321
North 19th street.
TWO FURNISHED room and kitchenette,
prtivate bath, 2 closets, eJleotnicityw -gwst
laundry trays, phone, new home, light
awl sunny; one block from Sunnwide
ajid Mt Tnlwr cars. 1256 Eatt Mnrrieon
THREE furnished, nice clean rooms with
sink, bath and pantry; also one fur
nished housekeeping room with heat,
$2.50 per week. 772 William ave., near
TWO ATTRACTIVE h. k. rooms in stri.-t-ly
modern house for employed couple ;
walking distance, 566 E. Yamhill, near
13th. E. 4843.
2 N'ICELY furnished housekeeping rooms
with kitchenette and summer porch,
gas, light and heat, laundry privileges.
772 Marshall, near 23d.
BEAUTIFUL furnished Irvington 7-room
house, with garage, for rent; Gasco fur
nace; must be seen to be appreciated.
Phone East 6019. Call 617 E. 21st N.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private
family, 3 large, light outside, connecting
rooms, completely rurninea, close in,
3o Ron street. East bOH4.
VERY desirable houseKeeping rooms in
private residence; 15 minutes' wialk from
postoffice; working people preierrea,
East 7279.
$20 NICE 3-room suite of threa'fully fur,
H. K. rooms: lights and water free; nice
location; walking distance. D64 otn
en wooa i iir.i.
IRVINGTON housekeeping rooms, newly
furnished ; furnace heat ; light and gaa
furnished, at r.ght prices. 442 E. lbth
street North.
FOR RENT With private family. 2 large
front rooms, nicely furnished for llgh
housekeeping, suitable for 4 adults. 424
3d, corner Hall. Phone Main 830.
1 AND 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ex
ceptionally clean, stove heat, close in
3.1 Hcnu.vier st. Kast wns.
2 WELL-FURNISHED h. k. rooms: eras,
light and heat, with fireplace. 772 Mar
sha H. nea r 2.d.
HOUSEKEEPING suite, close in, ground
iioor; also 'single Hi i, ott cay st.
Marshall 3H61.
2 ROOMS, housekeeping, 10 minute from
town; private family; heat, light, gas
$26.50. Eas-t 4401.
FOR R E N T O n e
single housekeeping
465 East Ash, corner
room, $10 month.
East 8th st.
4 SEMI-MODERN, clean, sunny upstairs
rooms, iignts included., $17.5U per mo.
tau siapies. t. .tn.
FURNISHED H. K. room and kitchenette,
clean, reasonable. 60-0 Lovejoy. Marshall
WANTED Office girl share large fur
nished housekeeping room with kitchen
ette. $14 month. Aut. M7-52.
NEW 2 OR 3-ROOM apt., ciose in, warm,
everything furnished; nice home. 148 N,
24th. Main 2091.
THREE furnished houseKeeping rooms,
lights, gas, water; $22.50. 3v2 Sacra
mento. .
BEDROOM. sittlne room. kitchenette.
light, water, phone, bath; adults, ref. ;
.5ti. Aia in (uw.
3 WELL furnished H.
floor, near car line,
E. 3Dth street.
K, rooms grou n d
No children, 2U3
$11 TWO comfortable furnished H. K.
basement rooms ; nice location; walking
aisiance. n rost otn.
CLEAN,, desirable housekeeping rooms;
gooa accommodations; business tele
phone. 121 North 23d st.
FRONT housekeeping rooms, nicely fur-
msnea and clean, block from Wash
ington. 42 N. 21st st.
3 UPSTAIRS rooms for housekeeping, bath,
phone, electric lights, water. $2300 mo.
Phone Wdln 30(H).
2-ROOM housekeeping apartment, clean,
sunny, walking distance; $15 per month.
3!3 Grand ave. East 020.
TWO congenial people to share room. h. k.
and privileges of a real home with 2
adults; walking distance. Eait 4107.
467 VV. BROADWAY Nicely furnished
room with sieeping porch, wall bed,
kitchen range, water, very convenient.
2 LOVELY large front housekeeping rms.,
newly furnished, light, gaa, heat, walk-
lng distance 600 Irving.
2 H. K. ROOMS, furnished; walking dis
tance; reasonable. 352 College. Phone
Marshall 2"6.
FURNISHED rooms for light H. K. o
sleeping rooms; walking distance. 12
E. ISth st. Phone E. 6S27.
H. K. rooms; bath, sink,
503 E. Market.
3 FURNISH ED h. k. rooms. 143 E. 72d N..
near i v line.
SINGLE h. k., facing street, $lo; 2 front
rooms. $25, Nob Hill. 620 Everett st.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite, walking
uisLanc ; bquiih. in cast COUcn.
NICELY furnished h. k. apts, newly dec-
orated, modern, reasonable. 736 Hoyt.
NEAT single, steam heated, h.
440 coiumnia.
4 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
anuits on:y. .- Monroe. wim. 22.
SUNN Y, cle-an H, K. rooms, $14 month
and up. l2 17th st. So.
NICE 3-room apartment, 2 closets, 2 beds;
aauits. 4 1 n t lay st.
H. K. ROOMS, walking distance:
$4 per
week. Eh st 5707. Mrs. Wilcox.
$20 KI'l CHEN and room, all comforts
or nome. nonoranie people. Main 254
SINGLE housekeeping rooms,
Ing rooms, walking distance.
also sleep
ing i7tn st.
TWO furnished H, K. rooms, elect.; adults;
vm.)B 111. i o r. itt 1 l it st. r-as t 1 if y .
3 CLEAN, nicely furnished rooms, modern.
prnaie enirani-w. ii LoiumDia.
TWO NEWLY furnished h. k. rooms,
heated, reasonable. 513 Mon ttromerv.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
Larrabee st. East 2!25.
2 FURNISHED H, K., newly kalao-m-inod.
Q4 E. llfhu Call Ewt 1346.
LOVELY front room with small kltchen
ette; reasonabTe. Main 3831. CO N, 224.
FOR RENT -Small furnished house with
half acre. Auto. 644-74.
LARGE, clean, furnished room, kitchen,
steam heat; adults. 4i31 12th st.
MOVING Pianos, fuicutur and long dis
tance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck
Service Co., 40 2d st Phone Bdwy. 5121.
WHEN moving, city or country, ftet the
best at lowest prices. Green Transfer
Co., Main 1261. 202S Alder street.
$25 4-ROOM bungalow. South Portland;
garden, fruit. Marshall 3H13.
FR RENT or sale My beautiful horns in
Irving t
on. Bdwy. 2036.
6-ROOM house, acre, small payment,
your rent money. 4614 E. 41st St.
FOR RENT 6-room house. Inquire 1365
Mllwaukie st. Phone Sellwood 2670.
IRVINGTON . rooms.
East 8015.
choice location.
FINE large Irvington home for rent; open
Sunday and evenings. 601 Hancock st.
5-ROOM lower tenament on Williams ave.
Phone East 3604.
7-ROOM modern house, $37. Vacant March
17. West side. Phone Mars. 8."00 today.
LARGE house, quiet home, on Division st.
Phone East 3030.
6-RCH)M houe on 4 lots,
$22rX Woodilawn 3706.
K on, ton cax,
MCDERN 6-room house, furnace fLrepIac,
tfird: reference;; ckyse to; $43. Wdlnu, 196.
UNFURNISHED 5-room bungalow at 150
Terry St.; reasonable. Columbia 133.
NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, $.10; Ryan, Ore
gon electric. Sellwood 2633 afternoon.
$30 7 ROOMS, modern; fin location 867
Front. Marshall 4440.
7-RM. HOUSE and garage, $45, close In,
625 Hawthorne ave.
5-ROOM hou.e, $25. Hawthorne Realty
Co.. cor. 3t!th and Hawthorne.
6-ROOM house for rent, clean; corner Gar
field and Shaver. Call Wdln. 317fl.
6-ROOM corner house, 840 E. Ash; ga
rage, garden; $40. East 1301,-
II on hen.
$75 BEAUTIFUL 5-room bur.Kniow,
Irvington district, all modem bul M -inm,
oak floon throughout, t Ireplac. toil r t,
tile bathroom, porcelain hath snd ahowcr,
full cement basement, furnsre, lnun-Jry
trays, wa tor heater, eleri rlo ran ire. en
rage; immediate posatHNion; rffrm
required : Inspection by appointment.
Owner. 449 Sherlock Mdg.
MOUKH X h oue f r rpnt, 8 roo i im, u n -t
um.hd, 4 rom uptaim 4 dn
ntnira, 'hotttw No 716 E. 2mh rnt
$25 per month. Y"U can ub-rpnt 4
roomn If you wlh. Thin hu h
of Brooklyn carline. to the rirht. owrwr
be there at house 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.,
blx-k from cm rlfr-.
A real snap. A five-room apartment
for rent reasonable and very ItcHUttful
nw furniture for sale; alao f Ive-pM-mn-gr
automobile, ctrmo in, wt s:d. If
interested, writ Hi' 4"i'. O re p on I n .
FOR RENT 5-roorn nw, modern bumra
4w, faring on D k urn n v.. Just t
of Denver ave., rent $35 per month;
can give lease. &e
32;t-4 Chamber of Cominr' Pi'lir.
4th n-id Stark Mis U"wy 2241
ROSE CITY PARK tri t!y iiumU ru 0
room bungalow for rent March 27 ; fin
ished In old Ivory anil ( tu peatry p.-iper,
all .hardwood floors. lir'epSm.e, furn,
garage, neat and clean, $75, A V -,
NICE home m 56 th it., 2 bM'ka fr
HawtUiorne oar; fireplmt, fun. lird
w od r.oor a jraiu itr; will i n r r
$C.O per nivn4.ii. Key at 1376 Hawthorn
a ventie.
FIVE-Rt luM flat, new i r-nvud, 4V
E. 12th st. K, $35 pur month.
2f Oak Pt. Bdwv. PIT.5
THJHilAN, NEAR 2l h.
T nice large rooms, modern.
$."0 3 t Iff bedrooili 4l.
gVT T H - W A G o. K H c .. r'( k Ff h.
MARCH 16, six-room k ovine, modern, .t
neighborhood, clone In, on car line.
Kast Ankeny, near Fourteenth ; rent
i-j0: Phone Mirnhall ainq.
FURNISHEI 6-room residenc; in A1hth-
Park A p ill to Oclobt-r, to reapunsi h
party und adults only. Inquire 6lt
orreyter ning.
Pianos moved, f 3 and up; fumltur
moving in proportion ; get our or
first; alt work KUarw n tef d Hd wv. 1 2d7
IliV'l610., TiiiatiiOitk. hiiU nut
vloiM duplex, also 6 rooms and ilnnn
garage, $7. It, T. bLreet, lrvhitfto
Washington st 10th HT.
ON ZtD ST., 4-roim lioune. V arm k.mI
ground, bearing1 fruit trees, berri'. omr
car lines. $15 a month. Call Mam 0
or 31 'O .lefferwon.
B-ronm completely furnlt-nM bun ru
in w with garage. Auto. 314-18. 0'I7
East filwt st.1 N .
6 ROOMS s nd sleeping porch, ext ra at
tractive, all modern, hitn woodwork
hardwood floors, all bullt-ins, $30. f.63
K. 40th N. Tabor 7317.
6- ROOM bmira low, furnace f.lrep!e;
hardwood floors, c'o-e f wr Call b
tween lO A. M. and 3 P. M. S.U HuM
Forty-ere-Mh m.
$400- ATTRACT I K m.lern Haw ihortis
bungalow; 4 lare rooms bnldes huh;
like new; Immediate possesHion. 42. E.
4:td st., after 12.
5-.ROOM iiouwx nn,rae ajid epln.g po-r-h,
nfir Lau-rv ihumt, $.M) per month. bUit
T."l 4.
-H'OM iotie, bath and toileL b'tl Ktt
3th en ., tyewr Gladntone ave. Phons
East 6r.l.
INSPECT JO30 Grand North. 8 room. S
lots; garden, berries; adults, $20. Tabor
FOR RENT Modern house, with furn..
No. 8.-I2 E. 0th 8t. N. 6 rnnms. $3ft. A.
H. nirre11-.lll Co.. 216 N, W. Hunk bMg
A MODERN 10-room house, open 2 to 5
Sunday. 6.T N. 22d street. Will leas
to desirable tenant.
5-ROOM house at 175 Stanton ; newly
cleaned; rent reasonable. Inquire 6;.$
5-ROOM unfurnished houne In rer; bath,
fas. electric lights; adults only. 033
.Inn nvenun.
FOR Rl'.NT Modvrn 6-ronm huui.., IrUi -
ton, 614 Haisey st., near lth st.: rent
$."Q. Call Marfia!l 8313 or Tabor "WMi,
SMALL houne, garden pot, trult tr'-- ,
near Kennedy school, $10. Call 12S0
Stmpnon st.
6-ROOM houe for rent, k and ec: rin-
ity, $25 per month. 711 2d st. S. fail
Kunt h34..
0-R(.MJM pl.te.rel huuw hm
s, eierfricif y,
M'2 fi4 st.
Tiawement, laundry tra.
SiX-HuOM furnmhed, close In, fMm si.U.
$4. Phone East 8657, or key st 2;3
M on roe.
SEMI-MODEUN U-rooiii tou IrK fiun-
n v Doara mg : close in, east side. 403
Railway Kxchnngn 11 lg.
. 4-IWJOM modern oottag. newly paiiitci
and papered. HSi E. Uth sx. N. CiiiJ
Tabor 602.
MODERN 5 -room couuk for rt-nt,
view. 270 West Killingsworth.
Iflwn R701,
FOR RENT Ily outJile ownnr, Kix-roorn
tioiw en East Gllwan St., f'l Call
Urocidiway 4:2 Mnmlnv. Mr. E. k'n-.
f nrnllirl IIhim.
BEAUTIFUL f urnih-l irvington 7 -room
house with garage for ren t ; -co fur
nace; mut be seen to ba appreciated.
Phons East 6010. C.ili fll 7 E. 21st N
BUNGALOW with g ' r ;i v o on p a v v l J 1 1 v r
road, facing WlliHriwt t rlvir ; verv t
t.acMve. Call ilain 478. or 728 Morgan
bui Id in sr.
FIKST-CLASS modern bungalow, fl rooms
For particulars call St-1 1. ti6. Wall.erg
& Frtnch.
FURNISH KD 5-room modt-rn huuM. be-
ment, fruit trees and flowers. 6336 44tft
st. .S. K.
$26 FuU R rms., ml1 11 m porch, r hlcken
park, some fruit. 0.(04 tiMth mi. 8. I, Iti
nulre Phoenix PhRrrnnry, Fonter Huml.
MoDE RN 6-room f urnisned house I 1
Portsmouth ave., reasonable. Columbia
Modern 7-room hnusn furnished; flrs-plar-e.
gnrflg, $sf,i. Main H47.
FOR KENT FurnlMh.-H n-w fl r 00m ho'iix;
bathroom and toilet, no bafhtuh; 21H
and Madison. Mliywukl", Jh n St u k .
2 ACRES, chick tui houe, k ratre. ft -room
bungalow, for rent; $30; furniture for
; $:.W CnM 620-4.1.
NOB HILL Beautifully furnlnbcd
rooms and sleejilng porch ; hard w ood
floors, mahognny furniture. Main Wofl
MtJiUKKN funtUhfd Iuhiih in r-etarl f4
district. Went side, fi Iwdrnftmi, 2 baths:
refrenfes . Addrei- W 411, r-r-'n in n
7-ROOM furnished Iiuuha, hot arid r.V.J
water and garage. 821 E. Ash. $( a
TO LEASE Modern 5-room bungalow,
nicely furnished or unfurnished. T t k s
Mt, Scott car. 4121 67th St. Auto. 614 Rl.
FURNISHED houxe to rent, 6 rmtn
furnished. Apply 401 E. Oak.
East 4671.
7-HUCM furnished h(ue, Maruite, $:,(). iWi
K. Alder st., between E. 10th and 2"th-
E 7820.
6-KOOM bungalow, 5 furnlslied com ple(; y.
references required, $45 per month; wl'ii
lae. fl74 Clinton snd 334 sts
WILL rent, sW or trail' 4-ruoTii fur. nu;
-acre of gwrdn ground. I'lmnn K. 2725
after P:?tO Sunday, apartment 21.
PIKlMOXT district, modern. imrt fur
nished, 8 rooms; Sellwood, H rooms fjr
nished. F'hnne Mllwnukle 4.
FU RN ISUKO 5-room bun(ainw coitiin
oi2 East 8th st. North. Call betw.m
10 and 6
FOR R E N T 7 - roo in hou-. furnish". I
block to carline; price $50. 710 Second
st. Call Marshall
IRVINGTON home, 7- rooms, furnished,
hardwood floors, piano and fireplace
yarsge: $0 s mnth. K. 1274,.
FURNISHED 3-rsom bung-ilow ith
Preaktast hook; rcrcreiro required. Catl
Woodlawn 146H Siin1y.
FURNISHED 8 -room butiKMiow, $2i pr
month; no garage, no children. HiW
thorn" car 1o 6Qth. ItiOS mphens st.
CONGENIAL couple to utiare nuMltm ho
In good dirtru't ; must ba neat and
liable. A J 23', Ore yon Is n.
FOR RENT 4-n.HUti wd-ra furri.i.e
house; ma; wmiif duiuuic &J1
1rk-t wL
FLRNlSil ED buriKalow, wattr, lights, k-
rasre included : will lease ; Or-Kon City
carline, Ah1ale fl' s t Ion, Thoir pon
6-ROOM houH, $45. 343 K. Glisan;
ing distance
FURNISHKD 5-room houss fur rent cht-sp.
IOI G rover St.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished house;
$40; coup le only. Inn uire 74 2 E 1 nth t M.
F O K R K XT Fu r n i ih ed bo use, 6 roiws".
826 ;antenben sve.
6-Rok.M furn istied hiusa
Rarfltre, $22.50 a mnnrh
fur r nt. u ii h
CniJ Mnln 7 -'t -!.
ft-KCMjM furnished houne, $J5; no oblec
tlons to hahlcs. 1 I !M J t ;i w1 home vs.
NEW 6-ROOM furnished bungaluw, wt
side. Call Wdln. H!4.
FOR RENT Furnished huuss.
ave. S. K.
4 ROOMS, plaMered, modern, full bass
ment. 4nfi 84th st. S. E.
TO LEASE, for one y-iir, s wll furnUhsd,
ft-room houee. R67 E 7th st.
$3J 4-KM. mod. hot
west si d o : yrouruN
ie, walking d.frtaiirst
FURNISHED houss lor rsiiL,
laad bouisv&rd.
21 i'orv-