TIIE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 5, 1922 TO EXCHAyGE-REAL ESTATE. CONCENTRATE TOUR HOLDINGS INTO CHOICE INCOMiE PROPERTIES. Thi List Offers Splendid Opportunities for Advantageous Property t Exchanges. Xo. X Central re-tail district; well leased and Improved ; corner lOOxliJO; priced at S5O0.0OO: consider ex change for property to luO.Ooo; remamaer ierm. No. 2 Secured leased paying net 8 per cent on valuation or loo.ui.-u close in to business district; 8- story brick: other property value to $oO.OOO will be considered 1 a exc nan g e ; remai ml e r te r me. 3 Pr i ce d at $ 3 5, 000 ; wes t si de apartments. 3-story and base ment; under secured lease insur ing- good rental for term -of years. Will consider other property in value to $12,500 in part payment. No. 4 Will consider miscellaneous prop erties to value of fM.OOO in ex change for lGth-t. quarter block close in to "Washington; priced at $o0,000; remainder mortgage. Apartments, modern, west side, well leased, priced at $100,000; will consider other property to value of half the purchase price as part payment. No. 6 Brand-new garage building, splendid location; 30.000 feet floor space; well leased; prfced at $65,000; will consider other property to amount to equity of $3o,000. No. 7 Want west sld apartments in value to $150,000 in exchange for improved, close-in 10Oxl. foot corner on east side valued at $75,000; will assume mortgage Liiu pay casn aiiierence. F. E, TAYLOR CO, Inside Property Dealers. Yeon Bldg. IMPROVED FARM 750 ACRES. $35 AN ACRE. 525 acres valley land, balance rolling pasture with some timber. Nearly 600 acres could be plowed. 2-story, 8-room modern home. 3 large bams, fenced with woven wire, 2 good ' wells, springs and living stream. School on the place, mile from railway sta tion on good road surrounded by well improved farms. Never been overpaatured. Is not old land. Will take trade up to $10,000, bal ance easy terms. See me for trades that are right W. G. IDE, 817 Lewis Bldg. 40 ACRES. 8 miles from Vancouver, on good graveled road, near school. . Very best of sandy loam soil, 18 acres cleared, 12 a. in wheat and vetch, excellent gar den, splendid family orchard of apples, pears, cherries and berries in abundance; good team, 1 cow, a-11 kinds of tools, seed oats and potatoes. Good 4-room bungalow, good barn and chicken house, spring water, excellent trout stream on place. Cash price $$300. Will take house and lot in Portland up to $2500. See Earle C. Miller. ATKINSON A PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. INVESTMENT. APARTMENT HOUSE BUILDING. We have a strictly modern 62-room apartment In W'hlte Temple district at a price of $30,000; will take clear city or farm property as part payment; this building is only eix years old and brings good revenue. ATJSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., w ntmper or commerce Bldg. OWING to reverses am about to lose my very fine automobile, which I purchased on monthly payments. Car is just liks new and I should like to turn over my equity to someone who can keep up pay ments and give me something for my equity. Address Mrs. Heba Smith? cars of box 958. Portland, Or. 40 ACRES, all highly improved at Stier . wood. Or.. 17 miles from Portland; house, barn and good well water; family orchard, berries, stock and implements; price $16,000; take city property to JOHN E. ' WALTER, TFtealtor. r;:.3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. CALIFORNIA EXCHANGE. $125,00 income California property, all rented or leased. Will exchange for Port land income property or good ranch in Washington or Oregon. See my broker, who has list of property, at G. C. ULRICH A CO 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. "ILL trade $1840 equity, balance $1500 payment $130 or less a month, In elegant nearly new, latest model touring car, tor smaller car (not Ford), or will take a substantial equity In nice home for same. P 401. Oregonlan. CANADA FARM. He re is y our c h ance to get Albert a farm, 320 acres; improved, equipped and clear; what have you to trade. WrKe At H. Coffey Studio. McMlnnville. Ore. APARTMENT HOUSE NETS V2hb. Well located, partly furnished; nets over $200 per mo.; lOOxlOO, stores be low. Take good poultry ranch- for part. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abington Bldg CHICKEN and fruit ranch, 40 acres, stocked and equipped; price $6500; will exchange my equity of $4500 for homo in Portland. George T. Finn, Yamhill, Oregon, route 2. 20 $115 PER MONTH income . Walla Walla, Wash. Trade for improved acres close in. 814 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6536. HAVE $1500 equity in out-of-town house. - rented, will take good car. Main 506, 327 - Fifth st. WILL exchange good vally farm for eastern Oregon, Washington or Alberta. Write owner. P. O. box 214. Salem, Or. U40 ACRES grazing land, sacrifice at $2500. balance up to $2000 cash, for Portland residence. Auto 332-39. 1 TOEXCHANCE REAL KSTATE. KINNEY A HYDE RKALTY CO. OFFER THESE FOR EXCHANGE. WANT HOME! IN PORTLAND OR OREGON CITY. 40 acrvfi, all tilled; good plas tered bungalow ; no rouji waste land, good barn and outbuildings, mile to electric station, school and store; price $5000. What have you to offer? WANT HOME IN PORTLAND OR VALLEY TOWN. 25 acres, well improved; bunga low, barn, etc.; 13 acres bearing orcl ard, balance timber and pas ture 3 miles to Eugene; good road : 100 yards to school; price $5000. 32 ACRES FOR DAIRY. Located 3 miles from Eugene; good valley land, all tilled; new barn end nearly finished new bun galow: fine road, cood Dlace: oriee $50O. Wants home in any valley . town. WANTS HOME FOR STOCK AND GENERAL FARM. ISO acres of nice laying land, 40 to 50 acres tilled, balance oak and fir timber and pasture; not rough, hilly land; i mile to church, school and store, 1 mile to rail road; good barn and outbuildinrs; no house; good fences; price $5000. What have you in house or desira ble building lots to trade? IDEAL FARM HOME FOR CITY RESIDENCE. 60 acres near good town, about 45 acres of very best valley land, cultivated, balance timber and pas ture; good house, barn, etc. ; fine orchard, spring water piped to buildings; idea-i home, fine road, etc; fine upring-fed creek .back of house; price $10,000. Want city home. 5 ACRES, WELL IMPROVED. FOR LOTS OR AUTO. Located his mile to station, store and school ; 4-room bungalow, 3 large henhouses, etc.; price $1500; some trade accepted. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR - FARM LANDS. 2-story brick building, stores, offices, etc., income f 132.50 per month, can bfe increased- price $20,OO0; will accept trade to $8000 to $10,000 in farm In Oregon, Ida ho. Washington or California. INCOME PROPERTY FOR FARM. Rti.ted for $150 per month, price $20.0C0; want farm to $12,000 in Idaho, Montana, Washington, Ore gon or California; IDAHO IRRIGATED FARM FOR COAST PROPERTY. 12000 well-improved irrigated Idaho ranch to trade for coast property; will go as high as $20, 000, possibly $25,000. BIG IRRIGATED RANCH IN THE BITTER ROOT VALLEY. MONTANA 746 acres, TOO under ditch; abundance of water, big crops; buildings worth from $15,000 to $25,iO0O; one of the best ranches in this wonderful valley; price is $100 per acre. Want property, either farm or city, in Oregon, Washing ton or California. What have you to offer? WANT PROPERTY NEAR HAM ILTON, MONTANA. We have a nice small farm that we believe is priced right to trade for property in or near Hamilton, Montana; price on this property is $3200. BUILDING LOTS FOR SMALL FARM. Client has $2500 worth of build ing lots in good valley town, with pavement, etc., all in; wants small farm from $1500 to $2500. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM. 226 acres. 60 cultivation, balance pasture and timber, on the river bot-tom; 8 -room hou.se, big barn, silo, garage, etc. ; pressure water system, family orchard; 17 cows, 3 horses, 50 hens. 5 brood sows, binder, mower. wagons, plows, harness, drill, disc and everything to run the farm, crop and feed, seed, etc, included; $13,000: will accept one-half or less in city or jfarm property. WB HAVE SOME FINE STOCK RANCHES TO TRADE. WE HAVE 4 OF THE BEST GEN ERAL FARMS IN THE VALLEY TRADE. WE WANT CITY HOMES AND INCOME PROPERTY ANY WHERE TO TRADE. - KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO., EUGENE, LANE COUNTY, OR. MEAT MARKET IN GOOD COUNTRY TOWN ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. With up-to-date fixtures, slaugh ter house; lease on good building, 5 living rooms, modern, rent only $30 per month. Will exchange for lots, automobile or take land. Do 1 Ing about $3000 worth of business per month. Price $1750. See Mr. Blair, with , THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, Realtors, 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. $35,000 BRICK apt. stores below take hs city property. $6000 Irving ton home able flats. take lot suit' $6500 store bldg. and houses. 100x110 corner, tTade for southern Oregon or Call fornia improved, or stock of dry goods. West side flats, clear, and cash for apartment house or income. Acreage, Base Line road, for bunga low. Apartment house site; take half trade, Laurel hurst home, clear, and assume on apartment sue or income. Medford orchard for hotel or apart merit in Portland or vicinity. Siletz timber claim to trade. 325 acrea, $10 acre, central Oregon, trade ror -Peruana. OH AS. RINGLER & CO., 204 Ry. Ex. WANTS MODESTO OR TUR LOCK. CALIFORNIA; WILL AS SUME OR PAY CASH. Client with a dandy SO-acre farm i-mile of good town, aM culti vated; fine 6-room bungalow; dandy barn, hen house, family or chard, water system, etc. This -strictly up-to-date and the owner wants well improved place in Modesto or Turlock district up to $15,000, or consider city property to equal value. Price $6000. KINNEY & HYDE REALTY CO., Eugene, Oregon. 35 ACRES. Adjoining Ontario, Or. All In high state of cultivation, no waste; 28 acres bearing orchard of standard varieties, 12 years old, clean and thrifty; 2 acres bluegrass pasture, 5 acres farmed to hay ,and potatoes, strictly modern nouse, 'electric range and furnace, 2 barns, storage cellar for 7000 boxes fruit, water right is paid in full. Adjoining land platted and sold at $1200 per acre. Price or tms i,uuu ror quicK saie. win ex change for California property. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mairt3787. TRADING is our line, city property for farms, boats, automobiles and acreage or farms of all sizes; locations and con c'ltidns. Bring in your property and let us match it. ROLES AND WELLS. F. L. B LAN CH ARD, Realtor, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6859. UNUSUAL CHANCE BRICK APT. Trade your house in on this one; very desirable, west sine, oricK, ruiiy moa ern, well furnished, clears $325 "besides own quarters; price $10,000; take city propertv and $000 cash. JOHN E. WALTER, Realtor, 3 333 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. INCOME PROPERTY. On First st.. valued at $50,000, te trade for hotel or apartment house lease and furnishings or property. What have you ? G. C ULRICH & CO, 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. 200 ACRES, White Salmon; some timber . and improvements; for something I can use. Value $25 per acre. Will give someone a very good - trade. AH 461, Oregonian. - 5-ROOM cottage bungalow, modern ex cept heat; trimmed in old ivory; lot 50x100, on paved street; trade for acre age or stock on & good farm. By owner. Bdwy. 1571. HAVE a corner lot, 50x100. in Jamaica, Long Island, valued $3--")0; would like to trade it in for some Portland income property. Address J. G., 098 E. Wash ington st. ACRES splendid fruit land, 'ly miles from The Dalles to exchange for equity in modern Portland home. A. E. Cam bell. Selling bldg. Main 1GS2. FOR SALE or trade, 27-ruom hotel, fur nished complete, good location. Will take city property and some cash. Call Col. 1276. TO TRADE Have fine Clarke county acreage and cash for 1921-1922 automo bile. BD 496. Oregonlan. -CAN s-ell your real estate or exchang! or what you want. Phone 621-V1. TO EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE. ALBERTA FARM EXCHANGES. Wheat and cattle going- up. Exchange coming down. Trade your high-priced land for good low-priced wheat land and ranches. The demand for Cana dian land is good and improving fast. Now is the time. 640 acres, all In cultivation, 16 miles from Calgary, one mile from loading station, postoff Ice and store. Several hundred acres ready for spring crop, fully stocked and equipped, fenced, suitable buildings. Price $60. Will trade for good Oregon farm. 640 acres, stocked and equipped 40 miles northeast Calgary. Fine , buildings, all in cultivation, fully ' stocked and equipped. Will trade for Oregon property. 800 acres, good buildings, full line of equipment and stock, 450 acres in cultivation, every foot good land. $35 an acre. In cumbrance $6000. Will trade for Oregon farm and assume same incumbrance. 320 acres, 20 miles northeast Calgary, fully stocked and equipped. Practically all in culti vation. $55 an acre. Will trade for Oregon farm. 2300 acres of first-class land with hundreds of acres in culti vation, some good business prop- erty bringing a good income. Account old age owner will trade for Oregon property to have , milder climate. $110,000 takes it' all, which is about half its value. Want some cash. I have many others from 160 to 3000 acres and over. Come to headquarters for Canadian trades. W. G. IDE, 817 Lewis Bldg. $110,000 CLOSE-IN apartment building 100x100 store on grouna iioor, includes furniture, big income producer, will pay for itself by time the fair is over; mort E-aee $25,000: will accept close in apartment site 100x100 up to . $50,000, balance cash, $300.000 15.000 acres, located in Sara toga valley, Wyoming, under government irrigation project, finest. spil, grows all kinds of farm nroducts. wonaerrui op portunity for colonization; take two or three rood income prop erties In Portland; give some cash. See us for further par ticulara. $48,000 960 acres, highly improved wheat ranch, located in T. 22. R. 26 W. of 3d Meridian, Can ada. All under plow, fenced and cross-fenced, good. Duiiamgs, 3 miles to railroad. This is a real wheat farm, where crop failures are unknown, clear of incumbrance: trade for Wil lamette valley farm to full value. IMPORTANT We have some good farms, stocked and eauiooed, in the Willamette valley to ex change for Portland income property. Exchange is our "middle name." See us at once. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, Realtors 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. A MAN WITH CHARACTER" WANTED Its this way: Wealthy client has several income properties which requires ciose personal attention. Must be re lieved from cares. If you can show that your promise to pay MEANS THAT YOU WILL, we will deliver a well known income property netting about $7000 a year; either a small payment or some clear property places you in owner ship. This property consists of brick stores, hotel buildings, and other rental properties on close in business corner of 10,000 square feet. Collect rents and pay for property in a few years. Then "easy street" and the songs of paradise. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY COMPANY, INC., 408-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 67S7. FARM WITH INCOME. 80 acres all in cultivation 1 miles from Goodnoe station on S. P. & S. 20 acres in high-grade Lambert cher ries, 8 acres apricots, 2 acres in plums. All fruit in bearing and in fine condi tion. Balance of land in cultivation. Subirrigated, fine 5-room bungalow, plastered, bath, fireplace, large barn and other buildings. Owner lives i Portland and might accept Portland property to value. No inflated values considered. No incumbrance. Price $14,000. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN dwelling of 6 or 6 rooms suburban small ranch near Portland or Vancouver nref erred in trade fo my 80 acres, no buildings, 3 miles from Adair, Ukia., au unaer cultivation. Good level land free of incumberance. worth $4000. Will pay cash difference for desirable property It priced right. Owner will be in city all this week. Address Mr. Williams, care Clark . A Wheeler, Vancouver, Wash., or care Donald G. Wood ward, Portland. HAVE several good store buildings, near Portland, to trade for farms or improved acreage near Port land and might consider Portland property. Good, clean proposi tions. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 16(1 ACRES. Ten miles from Ontario, Or., 5 from Nvsaa. 114 acres irrigated. 45 acres al falfa, balance mixed crops, corn made 90 to 100 bushels per acre, airaira six tons, 10 acres potatoes yielded this year $2010.03 net profit. Buildings worth nhnnt Si 000 Fenced with woven wire. Price $12,000; terms, or will exchange for California property. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. THERE Is an opening for an ex perienced real estate salesman in our exchange department. Must be hustler. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. Realtors 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. SANATORIUM. That would cost to build now $20,000. Lot 100x145, lots of fruit, nuts and shrubbery, building modern, with hot and cold water in every room. Price $18,000. Title clear and perfect. Will exchange for farm with equipment, pre fer Hermiston district, Ontario, Or., o; Willamette valley. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 1040-ACRE wheat ranch, near Heppner, 775 acres in cultivation, well fenced, best wheat land in eastern Oregon; $50 per acre; will take city or suburban home up to $20,000 or $25,000. It will pay you to Investigate this. Land raises better than 50 bushels to the acre. Broadway 2571. - PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. CLASSY IDAHO INCOME. Beautiful fireproof brick bldg.: offices, stores, etc.; in one of the best towns of famous Weiser country ; $15,000-. Large income. Also a fine clothing store in same bldg. Will trade for good prop erty out west. uooa Portland vacant considered. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 403-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. WILL trade a 100-acre ranch at Newberg. two-thirds under cultivation, with 8 acres in prunes, all kinds of stock and implements, 5-room plastered house, the best of outbuildings and barn, one of the best places in the valley, for a 5 or 6-room house in Portland around $5000 or an apartment hous up to $10,000. 504 Buchanan oidg. . EXCHANGE OFFICE. VACANT LOTS A SPECIALTY. Your proposition can be matched Right now I have some excellent trades to oirer. A. GORDON ROSS. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. GOOD FLAT BLDG. WANTED. Will give $5000 house clear as Dart pay on flat or other good income and pay aiiierence. . . W. C BECKTELL, . 933 N. W. Bank Bldg. 15 ACRES near Pacific highway. 40 miles from Grants Pass on the Illinois river. Oak timber. Fine hunting and fishing. A sportsman's paradise. Trade for late model Ford or Dodge car. C 472, Oregonlan. - MODERN home and 2 acres, short distance from city limits; 100 fruit trees; 1V& acres in berries,' trade for home in city. 314 Couch bldg. Broad way 6536. IMPROVED FARM within 30 miles of city; 500 acres; trade for apartment or building site. AF 463, Oregonlan. WILL exchange a 7-room modern house for grocery stock up to $ooo; long terms on balance. See owner, 167 E. Glisan st. Slat N., Route 1, Box 306. EQUITY in Rose City Park bungalow for small rooming nouse or apartment house. Tabor 2418. 435 E. 46th st. N. HOUSES on one lot, 20 fruit trees, value $5500, $1700 3-year mortgage. Want clear suburban home. 46 Mason st. WHITE SALMON, 40-acre- for Portland property, a 4U0, oregoni&n. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, THIS IS BARGAIN WEEK. AT HILLER BROS. HERE IS ONE RIGHT OFF THE BAT. 5-room plastered bouse and 1 acre fine soil, .no rock or gravel. 3 blocks from car line. $1100, reasonable payment down, bal ance terms to suit, liberal dis count for cash. Would consider some trade. HERE IS A REAL ONE. 7-room bungalow, full basement, every modern feature, 100 ft. lot, 2 blocks to high school, $3500. Small payment down, balance long time, or will take a lot and. some cash as first payment. You can't beat this buy in Portland. WANT A FARM QUICK. Have $8000 up to $11,000 of in come property to trade for a farm. Prefer some egufpment and stock. Must be priced right. Not too far out. THIS IS A REAL INVESTMENT. 30 fine acres on R, R., station on place, 30 miles out, must be sold this week. Come to our office and let us tell you about this. $50 per acre, wlll'take some trade. MR. CITY MAN. HERE IS SOMETHING SWELL. I have 3 of the finest suburban homes with acreage, and every known modern convenience, fine ly located and priced right. - Will take some trade on either of these. We have over 400 tracts to select from, ranging from hi acre up to any size you want. Lots of small tracts close in for real homes. They are priced right and are right, It's the only kind we handle. See .T. S. Culbertson, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. GARDEN LAND, ONION LAND. $22,000. . What have vou in Portland. Gresham, Vancouver or other close-in suburbs in the way of modern 6 or 7-roora resi dence, income property 6r cash to equal $15,000 equity in ids -acre Dest w u lamette valley farm? Has over 700 ft. river frontage, no overflow, no rock, no gravel, all good soil, only 22 miles from Portland, -half mile from Wilsonville, hi mile from Prahl station; Wallace sta tion at S. W. corner, 4 mires to Pacific highway, all rock road, fenced with woven wire, 8-room house, barn, garage and shop, onion house, woodhouse and root cellar, chicken house and yards, tools, stock and crop included, 28 acres river bottom cleared, 12 acres finest beaverdam cleared. 3 more in brush, 10 acres first bench cleared, balance light timber and all but 5 acres level, wiht Rood serines that can be piped to buildings, 2000 cords of wood right at station, can be cut, 100 acres on both sides of railway can be subdivided; gravel road to Salem through place, electric light line,," phone, mail, cream route, etc. Two good crops of onions at present prices will pay for it. Mort gage $7000 at 4 1-3 per cent runs 20 years. Other business in town is reason. Will pay regular com., immediate pos session. Write box 77, route 3, Aurora, Oregon. INCOME AND HOME. McMinnville, Oregon. - 8-room house, old, but good condition, mostly modern, paved street paid, 1 1-3 acre ground, 4 large bedrooms second floor, with hot and cold water, separate en trance, can be rented for $40 to $50 per month, leaving four large rooms first floor for family. One block from college. Price $3500. Will trade equity of $1000. $20 per month on balance. What have you? W. G. IDE, 817 Lewis Bldg. ALBERTA LAND FOR WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 640 acres, all rood tillable land, abundance of water, splendid set of buildings ; located in wheat belt or Al berta: tnis larm is iuny stocicea ani equipped ; has feed and seed for next year, also all household furniture; rock bottom price, $20,000, clear of all in cumbrance. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 401 First National Bank Bldg., Albany, Or. 10 ACRES, near Gresham, on hard-sur faced road, A-l soil, fair buildings, horse, chickens and all equipment go with it, will make bargain price, and easy terms, or will exchange for grocery, cigar or . other business. Choice 7& acres at Beaverton, 1 acre of timber, balance of b acres in cult., best ot tiled land, lots or Iruit ana ber ries, plenty of good buildings, only $5000, easy terms, ana mignc taKe grocery cheap house, this is choice and a bar gain.- TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 619 Henry Bldg. 160 ACRES timber, good location, trade for lots equity or seller contract; will assume mortgage. Realtor, 503 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANT PIANO AND LIGHT CAA Willi gve nice large kt assessed at $300 supposed to be wort'h $750, for tthe best p la-no a 1x1 ing'h t car or f emeo tail Main 62rfX0 or evenings MqughaM 1176. LOT FOR AUTO, clear lot 50x100, on 71st street and Haisey, purchase pric $700; want even trade. Mr. Von Klein in care of the Willys-Overland Co. ORIENTAL good, value $1050. for equity i n bun ga-1 o w or lots. 4o iirwn ty i ace. Call at apartment 25 from 0O to 3 or WANT late auto to $800, trade my equity in seven rooms or beautiful furniture, Apply Sunday 712 Flanders st. Main 5115. WILL exchange soaps, coffee, tea. house hold necessities lor excavating basement. Dirt can be left on lot. East 5548. LATEST model noiseless typewriter, cost $130 new, 1 or lurniture or wnat nave your f 4Q4, oregonian. 1918 STUDEBAKER 6 Good condition value $700. t What have you ? Broad way 4140. TO TRADE. Japanese ha-nd-carved rousrh wooq tables or ptnonogirapa, type-wrKer or sewing mBicmnje. jr-non-c wmn. I HAVE oi'ty lots and acreage to trra.de for any king or office equipment. Main 9.too. AN ESTEY orgn to tnade. What have you ino-ne wooq langi am. . WANTED To exchange tailoring for Al typewriter. a4t &tn st. LA SALLE course rn higher accountancy. Aifl.resa f. c, pox j-.n. .rama-na. WANTED Trade Warrenton lot for car, Owners only. AK 467, Oregonlan. TRADE phonograph for rug, davenport or typewriter. Empire Trans ter. Bdwy. 150, WILL trade soaps, coffee, tea, household articles tor sand ana gravel. East 5548. WILL exchange piano, diamond or phono graph ror light auto. Main 2820. GOOD auto to exchange for player-piano or araraona, jwar. o-u. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. TEAM of geldings, 8 years old, weighing zuuu. wnn a gooa sec 01 narness, 9Zto. 'learn, zsuu ids., o ana 7 years. 225. good single horses, 1200 lbs., cheap, at j-ie a r ront para, uregon tJity. iSi'AJN or cnunKy-ouiit mares, tt ana 7 years 01a, weignt zwjv pounas; nearly new z inch farm harness and 3H farm wagon. Price for outfit $325. Inquire Webber's team, feed barn, 3S1 Water St., w,est side. FRESH Jersey cow, giving 15 qts. rich miiK, also Jersey uurnam, 4 gal. ; gen tle, easy milker. 78-0 Ins ley. S II wood car. TEAM of young mares, farm broke, weight aoout jaw pounas, souna ana in good shape; price $120. 381 Water st., west side. SHEEP ON THE RAISE. If interested In any breed or any num ber, wire or write Oregon Livestock Commission Co.. N. Portland, Or. REAL family Jersey cow, 5 years oid, due to iresnen xwarcn iu; miiKea 4Z lbs. tested 6-4 butterfat. If you want some thing extra call Marshall 8515. FOR SALE Fresh cow with calf; fine stoK. Keasoname. oza sr. jurroi sta., then mile southeast. Sell wood 1095. James Mason. $S5 TAKES good chunky team, 2400 lba. oottt rat, souna ana Dest woricers; har ness and farm wagon, $25. Stable. 610 Kerby. near Russeil, Mississippi ban TEAM of young horses, weight about 3400 pounds, with gooa oreecnin harness and wagon. Must-sell; no use for them. 1087 Francis ave., Woodstock car. $1400-LB. BAY gelding, lost mate, $40. for quick sale, staoie, oiv iveroy, near Rus sell. Ask for Walter Johnson, OUNG team, weight 280O lbs., .best of workers; will sell cheap. 4301 67th st. Mt. Scott car, 3 blks. north. FINE fresh Guernsey cows, with third calf, at Red Front bars, Oregon City, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. AUCTION SALE. One-eighth mile south of P. K., L & P. station at Fairview, 12 miles east of Portland on Columbia river highway. THURSDAY, MARCH 16. LIVESTOCK. Team black geldings, coming 6 years old. weight 3200; bay horse, 12 years old. weignt into; fto head of milch cows; 35 head high-grade Holsteins; 11 head Guernseys and Jerseys; 4, head brown Swiss; grade Holstein bull, 2 years old; registered Holstein bull, 15 months old SIr Bessie Hengerveld Inka) ; registered bull calf (Chief Multnomah Korndyke, born September 5. 1921); about 10 veal calves; about 25 cows, will be fresh by time of sale, with calves beside; all cows will be tuberculin tested before sale. - - ; MACHINERY. Hocking Valley No. 20 ensilage cutter. 12-horsepower gasoline engine; isprins wagon; old wagon; buggy; disc, with truck; 225 feet -inch cable: Meyers hay carrier; McCormick hay rake; 66 Low den stanchions: 30-gallon wash kettle; No. 4 Star milk cooler; 72-gaIlon milk tank ; 25-gallon milk tank ; new buggy harness; 2 sets breeching harness; grain sacks. - JOSEPH ANDEREGG, Owner. ' COL. W. S. WOOD & SONS, Vancouver. Auctioners. K. A. MILLER, " Bank of Gresham, Clerk. AUCTION SALE. I will sell at public saie the personal property or tne estate or. James sua; Crumley, deceased, at the place. Crum ley's Landing, adjoining the Morgan wancn on is au vies island, Oregon. 8! MILES FROM THE BURLING TON FERRY. TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 11 A. M. 21 cows. 6 2-vear-olds: 4 calves: 1 bull iiaese cattle will be tuberculin tested before the sale; 2 horses; J, colt; 12 chickens; lot household goods, etc.; Velie automobile; gasoline launch; boat house, scow; gas engine. B. F. MULKEY. Executor, 403 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore. COL. W. S. WOOD & SONS, Auctioneers, Vancouver, Wash. CROWN STABLES. We have a fresh lot of horse, just arrived; some well-mat ohed teams. We are in the horse and mule business and also In the hire business. We would rather hire to responsible people than to sell them, so you may know that we have got to have stock, that will do the work. These are all for sale or ex change, and you will always find from 50 to 10O head in the Crown Stables. Have a few on hand, that we will sell for feed bill. When you want a team or one horse, give us the, once over. Have any kind of harness, new and second-hand ; have some spring wagons that we want to sell, for we want to get out of the wagon business. Some we will sell for storage charges. We aim to tell you as near as we know about any horse wo sel-I from this stable. Everything guaranteed as repre sented. Phil Suetter, manager, 285 Front street. AUCTION SALE OF STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS on ThiUfrsdiay next, Marcfri IXtili. ait 1 P. M. at 1384 Montana a ve. , near Portland, boulevaj-di. We are ttiustTueted by R. Hartley, owner, to e-eU t-he fol lowing: 6 Jersey cows; 3 fresh. 2 short sprlmerst cream separator, . crates, bottles, can, 1 good mare, plow hiarn-esisv pilowa hamWB, coil ti'vaitor. 5-ihorse plow, ondon- eeedar and corn planter,. 2 farm wagons, 2 Fresno scnap-ers, 1t tools, 1O0 -younig laying h-ens, Maxwefll 14)17 aoittomobiie In -runTilng order and. otfher effects. J. T. Wilson auo tiomeer. JUST ARRIVED FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA. My second shipment of all 5 and 6-year-old horses and mares, consisting of 8 head of as good dark dappled gray Percherons as ever came to Portland ; team of Belgians, 3600, a high-class draft team; balance of load blocky, heavy-bone horses from 1200 to 1900, well broken, single and double; prices right, as they must be sold at once. Call East Side Transfer Stables, ISO East 8th street. Henry C. Hansen. U. S. STABLE. Just received, March 4, carload of horses and mares, weight 1300 to 1800 pounds. 4 to 8 years old; all well broke and ready for work; they range in price from $75 up. If in the market for good horses cheap, call and look this lot over. All horses guaranteed as repre sented. 365 Union avenue S., corner Stephens street. G. D. Williamson and Glass. - COLUMBIA STABLES. WILL ARRIVE SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1922. ' Carload of horses and mares from Grand Ronde valley. 10 head of Bel gian and Percheron draft horses from 1500 to 1800 lbs., balance of load good farm and orchard chunks from 1200 to 1400 lbs. These are all good ages and well broken and sold with a guar antee as represented. G K. HOWITT, 3UZ front ai. 1800-POUND blocky-bullt bay mare, good worker, $35; span or Diacics, o to 1 yetira old. weight 2500 lbs., $115; young span of mules; light, street sore, weight 2(00 lbs., ready for hard work, $145; 15 other very cheap horses and mules; must be sold quick to save feed expense. Call at the Sifton Feed Bairn, Sifton, Wash. Take Orchard-Sifton car, 3d and Main sts. Vancouver; 15 minutes ride. By auto take 4th plain highway; hard stir face to the door. WORK HORSES. Six teams of good, sound, young work horses, weight from 1550 to 1800 lbs. Should you be in the market for work horses and want to see them working and at a very reasonable price, come to MontavHla woodyard. E. 80th and Burnside' sts HORSES. AT VANCOUVER. WASH. 10 head of good young, sound, gentle farm horses, 1100 to 1600 lbs. each; one big horse, 7 years old. good worker, $75. Jake's Feed Barn, 5th and Columbia sts. FOR SALE Mammoth Jack, 4 years old; the big smooth kina; one jacK i-year-um, or will trade for draft horses, mules, sheep of cattle; must be good, young stock. H. D. BONES. MYRTLE POINT, OR.. GAYLORD. NICE 1150-pound sorrel, geld. Sound, gen tle, best aii-arouna worner ior 901, a good 1300-pound brown geld. Round and chunky built, fat, good all-around worker, $50;. must sell at once. Call Red Barn, 510 Kerby, Vt block south of Rus sell; Mississippi car to KUB-sen. WILL PAY COST IN YEAR. 200 crossbred western Oregon ewes, ages 2 to 5, heavy fleece and lambs by their sides; price $9. Box 317, N- Port land. Oregon. NICE 3-year-old cow, first calf; dam gave 60 lbs.; can o aays 01a; price u veiy sonable. Nice 5-year-old Jersey, just fresh, milking 5 gallons; tested 6 but terfat. For Inspection call 381 Water. -fitttt.tt. tf"R!M TAKE NOTICE! 10 head of good young work mules, weight from 1200 to 1400 lbs.; lost my job. will sacrifice for quick sale. Sifton 11 very a.nu r mnw. 1 BAY MARE, weight 1100; 1 set double harness, l set single express na.iueB3, j. heavy spring wagon. Call 392 Knott st. all day Sunday, week days 805 Union ave. rsi. TEAM and farming outfit for saie or trade, hnone or can at loiudb ucj v.- ment store, Tlgard. Oregon. WILL trade lot on E. 79th st. near Sandy blvd. lor team or norses una waguu. George Perry, Estacada, Or.. R. a. POLAND CHINA sows and boars, regis tered. Also jersey oun, steers anu heifers. T. I. Robinson, Carlton, Or. JERSEY COW, just fresh, 5 gallons: also c-cod family cow, cneap; iuo testeo. East 8th. . FOR RENT Good barn, well located, for sale staoies or ror team wont; aiao wagons for sale. Tabor 1742. FOR SALE Pedigreed Flemish Giants reasonable: gooa neaitny stoctt. xaoor 4342 or 303 E. 51st st. Call Sunday. $75 FINE saddle horse with good saddle. almost new several wuier cneap norses harnesses and wagons. 240 East 8th. DAIRY cows amd 1 family cow, 2 heavy strinigersk 1 block east of station. Oak Gro ve. SORREL gelding, 1150 lbs., ride or drive. works any piace, 00. x eea arns, air- ton, wasn. BEAUTIFUL bay horse, 7 years old, weight 1300 lbs., gooa worker in &u narness, $80, Feed Barn, Sifton. Wash. FRESH Nubian goata. fresh cow, also 1 Bitny goat. jv-'o inft en-mart e, .Portland. VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken .quickly. Call aay or nignt. Automatic ezT-e. TEAMS for hire, basements dug. Phone 98. Red Ash Transfer, Vancouver, Wash. 2800-LB. TEAM of mares, guaranteed good v orkers; 10 aays trial, -tu mast Bth. FINE milk goats, fresh March 10; also 1 buck. A. C. Stanbrough. Newberg. JSAM, harness and farm wagon. $100. vllti 04th fit.. Woodstock car. FOR SALE, Morsew, Vehicles, Livestock. KEYSTONE STABLES. Span of dark gray Percheron horses, 6 -and 7 years old, weight about 2900 pounds. Team of chunky built mares, 5 and 6 years old, weight about 3000 pounds. Pair of Shire mares, 6 and 8 years old, weight 310O pounds. Team of blocky built mares. 6 and 7 years old, one In foal, weight about 2600 pounds; 20 -head horses and mares 4 to 8 years old, weight 1200 to 1800 pounds; price $45 to $25. Harness and farm wagons can be seen and try to suit buyer. 381 Water st., corner Mont gomery. ' " HORSES HORSES. Just received carload of horses and mares," weight 1204) to 1500 pounds, 4 to 7 years old; all well broke, grain fed; ready for spring work. I have bought this lot of horse from a bank, that had to take them over. I have them bought so I can sell very cheap for cash. If in the market, call and look this lot over and get our prices. All horses guaranteed as represented. Trial allowed. 234 Froti-t, foot Main street. CROWN STABLES. For sale, pair mules, weighing 2700 pounds, 6 and 7 years; just the team for grade or ranch -work; they are for sale or exchange with or without har- ness. 285 Front street. ONE registered O. I.' C boar will be 8 years old in April; also one good brood sow, due to farrow In March. L. Schichner, Vancouver, Wash., R. 6, box 52. FOR SALE Natural hornless Tog. buck, good size and good individual, perfect markings. Geo. C, Watson, breeder and dealer in high-bred dairy goats. Warren dale, Or. . . FOR SALE On account of sickness two 5-gailon Jersey cows, just fresh with calves by side. Call Saturday and Sun day, 1 block east, 1 south of Rothe sta tion, Oregon City car line. Brown house. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FINE PIANOS REAL CHEAP- $700 Kroeger, w)nut, fine $165.00 705-Hobart H. Cable, just new.. 337.50 600 Gen. W. W. Kimball, fine... 225.00 600 Thompson, very latest, plain 225.00 700 Pease, late mahogany 280.00 525 Howard, sweet tone 150.00 8.0 Player piano, very latest... 325.00 800 Player Farrand, latest 350.00 5T5 R. S. iHow4ird, latest, plain. 250.00 kX Gaylord, plain oak Jtw.w 625 Jewett. fine mahogany 175.00 5.50 Bradford, plain, late 200.00 550 Sweetland, plain walnut... 170.00 800 Sohmer, plain IS.'j.OO 675 McPhatI, fine condition 187.f0 550 W. W. Kimball make 3 85.00 6O0 McCamon upright 310.00 500 Wisner. good 125.00 275 Columbia phonograph 323.00 67. Ivera & Pond nLfi.no. fine 225.00 675 Vose & Sons, good tone.... 375.00 1000 Checkering, fine mah 400.00 00O Gamer & Sons, mah...- 225.00 500 Leland; mahogany 3 75.0(1 5M Lion & Taylor, fine 165.00 900 Eilers player, almost new... 350.00 1400 Strict & Zeldler irrand 750.00 1600 Wm. Knabe grand, fine-... 675.00 7K) H. M. Cable, just new, wal. 360.00 750 Strick & Zeidler, mah 425.00 27.1 Kftw Columbia nhonosrraoh . 125.00 170 Just new Morton saxophone 90.00 Others, easy terms. Why pay more and be sorry? BROKERAGE CO., 312 Worcester Bldg. BEAUTIFUL Victrola. lust like new. of fered at sacrifice of even $luo ror quiCK sale. This is the regular $225 model and excellent selection of $60 worth of records will be included. Terms, cash or liberty bonds, or for $5 extra will sell on terms. $30 down and $ montn. See Dhonoeraoh department. 3d floor. Eilers Music bldg., 287 Washington st., just below 5th st USED PHONOGRAPHS. Cabinet Columbia phonographs at $100 and $85; one Edison, $60; cabinet Unola, $57.50: one Pathe. $30: VIctrola table machines at $60 and $45; Columbia ta bles, $27.50 and $30, and many others at our store. Terms. G. F. JOHNSQN PIANO CO., 149 6th St PHONOGRAPH SNAP. Latest type Bush & Lane. $235 phono graph and $300 worth fine records, all like new; purchased recently. Outfit cost $535, will sell for $300, terms if de sired. Call Mar. 2203 today, or Bdwy. 12600 tomorrow and ask for Mr.- Young. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $425 Hallett Davis, upright, cash... $185 450 Smith Piano Co., upright, cash 195 270 Board & o., upright, cash.... 75 750 Pianista player piano, cash.... 295 3 parlor organs, $18, $20 and $25. 101 10th St. at Stark St. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. GOLD NOTES WANTED. We will allow you par on above for new Victrola, Edison, grafonola or Bruns wick phonograph. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. STATE BANK checks taken as first pay ments on pianos, phonographs, saxo pones and all musical merchandise at 100 cents on the dollar up to 50 per cent of the purchase price. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. BEAUTIFUL Fischer piano, almost good as new; owner says slaughter for $210 in order to get the cash, or will sell on time- payments for only $225, $10 per month. See Eilers, second floor Eilers Music bldg NEW PHONOGRAPH RECORD FREE. To the first 3 persons next Saturday -weighing 132 pounds on our scales, in front of our store, we will give each a new, latest hit, 75c record free. Hyatt Talking Aiacmne jo., sou Aiaer bx. IS YOUR PIANO SILENT? Let us exchange fine new Victrola. Edison, Brunswick or Columbia, for your piano. Then an tne iamny can enjoy the music. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. WE HAVE some wonderful bargains in nliarhtlv used pianos and players. In vestigate before buying and save a lot of money. souie ros., J.00 iucn , near Morrison. MUST SACRIFICE STEINWAY GRAND PIANO RRPflRP, MON'DAY NOON. Call any time at room 510 Bush A Lane bldg. Phone Marshall zxa(. kvarr. steinway. Streich & Zeidler, Chickerlng, Mason A Hamlin or Sohmer piano wanted, pay casn, consiaer grana. No dealers wanted. Answer by Wednes day noon. AK 491, Oregonian ELEGANT Weser upright, fine tone, rich dark mahoeany; only $190; cost new 3 years ago $515. See Eilers Piano Dept., 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. WONDERFUL bargain in high-grade player-piano, almost new, at leas than Tirice of good piano. Soule Bros., 166 10th st., near jwornson. DECKER BROS, square piano, $60, equal of some $250 pianos at other stores. HAROLD S-tGILBERT, 107 West Park. Pianos rented, sola, repairca. SONORA phonograph with records. $160 machine; will accept $140 at $10 per month from responsinie party, jrnnce- house. Bdwy. 7001. rkatttiFUL uorlght fumed oak Thomp son piano for sale at a sacrifice or wiJl trade for Fora or otner ngnt car. wui after 6 P. ' M.. Marshall io&. $290 CASH secures a $575 new piano, left over from eastern manufacturers carload lot at Security Storage Co., 103 Tenth st. at Stark. $175 EDISON diamond disc, mahogany case, in fine shape. $125. $lo down, $7.i50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. aoo Aiaer. ALMOST new pia-no, guaranteed in every way, line tone, gooa condition. umy $190. Soule Bros., ! 10th st., near Morrison. jiSOO WM. KNABE grand, wonderful tone, only $675, late plain case terms. fctrotcerage m-, v mucoid CELLO Fine make and condition, for sale cheap; a real bargain. Room 501 Buch anan bldg. , ONLY $60. Fine oak Columbia cabinet Grafonola and 40- selections. 12W First, near Aiaer. WANTED Good practice piano i)ei wi cash or exchange for phonograph. Soule Bros., 166 lOth st. Main zg.o. CONN tenor saxophone, silver, gold bell, $150, terms. - t - B G. F. JOHNSON riAIvu -J., it'r win e"-. STEINWAY grand piano at a sacrifice: ex cellent condition, itsa-viuB wi;. lars wain. S35 VICTROLA, oak case. $20. $10 down. S5 a month? Hyatt Talking- Machine Co., 360 Alder. GENUINE Straube piano, like new, $200. Phone Auto. 218-88. WANTED GOOD f IAJJO. CALI. CO- PHONOGRAPH reepairing, springs 20c up, parts retail anu wiiuicpiq. -o am,. HAMILTON piano- in fine condition for sale cheap. Tabor FOR RENT Elegant uprteht piano. Bdwy. 4P4B. PIANO wanted; pay cash; must be a bar gain, uawy. ooio. WANTED Trap drummer outfit. Call Ta bor 6437. FOR SALE 30 new Victor records. Call East lavi, apt. a. WANTED 'Piano in good playing condi tion; pay casn. moanw.y lurxo. JlOtfO CHICKERING piano, fine mah., only 4UV, terms. oia t.vivqi. FOR SALE Good violin and new case. Can A'iro. an-i. WILL take extra sood care Of your piano for storage. i a-poi- otri i. Late model silver-plated cornet. J45, cost $110. 123 Firr, near Alder. FOR RENT Cabinet Grafonola with late records. fflmpirei ransier. eawy. i&a. PIANOS and phonographs for rent. Em- pire Transfer. 2.14 Broadway, uawy. lofl. HAVE a Brunswick phonograph, almost new, including records. $7... Bdwy. 4."2. PIANO wanted; pay cash. 2iar. 1532. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. REED-FRENCH PIAOtfO CO. USED PIANO SALE. Good upright piano, dark case. $165 Kohler & Campbell, dark, case 245 Victor player piano, dark case 378 Fairbanks player, dark case., 410 Staxck upright, like new..... 285 Autoplano player, perfect...., 415 $150 phonograph, new 7-5 $100 phonograph, new 50 $75 phonograph, new ....... .87.50 $50 phonograph, new 1750 . PATHE RECORDS, 30c. New player rolls price. "On terms ou can afford." REED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. Washington at 12th Street. NEW LOT FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS just received from eastern factories now on sale here. No need to bur old worn pianos' now when you can buy good as new reDUtit pianos at sams price. $550 Ernest Gabler upright piano... $293 $450 Bauer & Co. upright piano 265 $425 Bradford Piano Co., mahogany. 275 $450 Smith & Barnes, mahogany.... 293 $550 K.'mball upright piano 313 475 Wilmer upright piano 275 $425 Kurta Bros, upright piano 243 $800 Steinway & Sons upright piano 373 $475 H. P. Nelaoa colonial piano.... 233 $575 George Heck & Co piano 263 500 Emerson Piano Co., mahogany. 25 $525 Sevbold unrieht oak 8 $450 Hallet A Davu upright piano.. 193 Terms $10 or more cash, $6, $4 or $10 mommy. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 Tenth St.. corner Stark. SEVEN PHONOGRAPHS AT HALF PRICE. ONE ONLY Edison table style, it's in first-class shane: a 190 ma chine for $45 AlUNOLAS Brand, new cabinet machines that sold at $70, to close out the remaining ntock they're yours at, each $35 iULK OTHERS, THAT WKKlfi TAKEN IN TRADE ON LARGE BRUNSWICKS. One Columbia Grafonola.. $70 One Brunswick, with record cabinet. 50 One Columbia (table modm) Grafo nola $25 And another Brunswick at $95 EDWARDS FURNITURE, 5th and Oak. "The Home of the Brunswick." Easy Terms. No Interest On Everything. PHONOGRAPHS REDUCED. We have several od buvs In used phonographs, all in good condition at reduced prices. Terms given. $150 VictroU and 20 records $115 $150 Victrola, mahogany, and rec ords 115 $125 VIctrola,. mahogany 90 1 35 Victrola. almost new. mahoff- any case 23 Columbia Graphonols, walnut case.. 75 "Rrnnswlr lc riemnnstrator. new. oak cas 100 Rrunswirk. larare size, mahosrany. gold plated 225 SETBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder. SALE OF USED PIANOS. Pease A Co., fumed oak $265 Willlngton. large, mahogany 103 A. B. Chase, upright 295 Steinhauser, mahogany 233 Fischer Piano Co., large .... 295 Wheelock & Co.. mahogany 245 Model!, player piano 45 Pay as little as $10 cash and $6 or mora a month. LTPMAN. WOLF IS A CO.. Corner Fifth and Washington. PLAYER PIANO MUST BE SOLD! Moving back east; my like-new play er piano and about $150 of fine rolls must be sold at once; would give terms to reliable party. This player cost $950, and for Immediate sale would sell it for less than you could buy straight piano for. Call at once. 287 Wash ington st., second floor. , WILL diispose of a lot of rebuilt phono graphs, every one guarantees, evoi y a bargaln; will reproduce a good as now machines; cases in oak and. mhfoflrany; Paith. Victor, Sidvertone Columbia, and other mat ion all y k no w n mak e. $ 1 3. 50 Aihd J20l 172 Third, near Yamhill. EXCHANGE YOUR PIANO, FOR A PHONOGRAPH. W will exchange fine new Victrola, Edison, Columbia or Brunswick for your piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. STEINWAY grand piano, beautiful satin finish ebony case, meaium size; wito perfect ; bench included. Will sell at very reasonable price for cash. Call at Room 510 Bush & Lane bldg. ELECTRIC Sweeper Vac, all attachments. $42 ; cost $ ii ; a iso oargain m '"' any cabinet phonograph; both practic ally new; leaving town. 301 Franklin court, Vancouver, wasn. VIHTROLA. Beautiful mahogany Victrola X, Ilk .aw an A KfY i-Arnrrift oniV $125. $1 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking- Machine Co., 350 Alder. FINE Schiller player piano, 88-note, Just like new, ruiiy guarameea, wmw, Don't miss this. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 flth St. win. vr-anA n.w Edison. Victrola. Co lumbla or Brunswick phonograph and records for piano. uyati xa.itf.ins chine Co., 350 Alder. f PIANO tuning, repairing and reiinlshing n.r wApUmn nnhln : all work cuaran teed. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. 13d wy. w, piiTcn hAAutiful nak case, standard make, genuine ivory Keys, spiemim wu, $650: will sacrifice for $200 cash. Owner leaving city. Main 5033: CfcNN CORNET, in C, B flat and A. silver flnsh, with goia oeu, uae new, m nua case, only $rt0. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 14Q th St. C. KiT.T.O S.VAP For sal or trade, high-grade cello for R. R. pullets or nrsr growin iir woou. rn,n be seen wr a. 10m r. ai PT A MO WANTED. Will exchang-e new Edison, diamond amberola, and ow rine roooros mr pino. Hyatt Talking jviacnine o.. Amp. nfti'yn pianos at prices and terms you can afford. i - nrTrY, Plana Co.. 12th and Wash ington. BARGAIN Edison phonograph, laboratory model, costing vc. .uu.". Phone Sellwood 3091 or call any Urns Rundav. n;to jiaii st or uTfiHST aualitv ohonoeraphs alaugh' tered, Victor ana toiuiauia for the price ot one. . H AROLU P. miiBaK l, JVI w cat rrn. STUDENTS' violin outfit," includes violin, bow. case, rosin and extra strings, $18; selected by an expert In our violin aept. G. F. JUMNoUiN riAPixj wt" p-; TRITSWICK SNAP. $225 Brunswick snap and 30 fine rec ords for only $-170. $25 down, $10 a mo. Hyatt Talking Macnine 1),. 01 Aion-. RENT OR SALE, imsnTT. PHA CTTOE CLAVIER. Call at Room 510 Bush A Lane bldg nr tniPDiione aiarsnaii FOR RENT Sweet tone piano, oak case, like new ; win sew " East 52 n. PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor; work done Dy expens --- Broad wayiaii. WILL exchange new phonograph for rug ouitaoie wr Mm... - chine Co.. 50 Alder. E. GABLER piano, mah. case; a splendid nuv only .z.w, leniiB. . . Q. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 th ft. WILL, store good piano in my apt., give best of care; no children. Phone Sunday or after 8 P. M., East (t34, apt. 30. WANT to rent baby grand piano. Will furnish references. Phone Tabor 4484. Charles Gramm ALL PHONOGRAPHS H price; term, 45 down and J2 weekly. Emeraon Shop, 100 2d St.. upstairs. FOR SALE by private party, Weber play er piano In excellent condition, mahog any, rnon. main ..pot. FOR first-class piano tuning call Broad way 7001. Llpman, Wolfe A Co., piano department. WANTED To buy used piano from pri vate party for cash. No dealer,. East 6250 FOR SALE Thomas cabinet grand piano; oak finish: $200. 673 E. Couch t. Don't call Sunday PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make; work guaranteed; prompt service. ceiDerung L,u ca s Music Co.. 125 4th st. WOULD like to buy a Mason & Hamlin baby grand piano for cash. Gilbert Meaae, t. yj- pox uit-y. $260 BRUNSWICK phonograph as good as new, for sale cheap. Call 831 Alberta st. Phone 311-10. HAVE 2 pianos; will sell one choap for cash, or rent for year. Phone Wdln 1428. ' PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. 128 First, tiear Alder. Bdwy. 7161. FOR SALE Everett piano, rosewood case, in first-class condition, $300 cash. Ad dress Box 322, Eugene. Or. i Want small table Victrola. fBdwy. 7161, Auto. 627-48. 123 FirsC FOR RATE. 11 a now. Organs and Mumrttl Instrument. BIG KALE on Portable Type Phonographs. Just the thing for canoe or camping. A few of the bargains: ii.ynlHr. Hsle. 1 VIctrola IV $25,im $i.Y0 1 VIctrola VI 3'i.tMi I'O t0 1 Grafonola 3iMHI 1 . .'.0 1 Grafonola 45.mi 3J.r.o 1 Portophone 4.Y00 i'4 0l 1 Sllvertone :in.4M 1 ."V (Ml 1 HornJews type 2.vimi jo.oo 1 Lyric 22.5ti .fm AM the above Instruinntw have ben rebuilt and will give , thorough satis faction. , TERMS. VKRN U WKNGKFt. The Talking Machine Man. 1424 2d HI.. 1'pHtairs. Xr Alder. tUSED PIANO BARGAINS. STKFNWAY A SON Fine for prac tice $150 HI NZ EM AN Old style, good con dition 125 KINGSBURY Mahogany case, a snap 275 8CHILLINO & SON Plain oak case. 275 MANSFIELD A NOKTl Upright, walnut case 1"0 CAM BKIDOH Cabinet grand, ma hogany CHRP 25 XI. M HALL New, nnk case S'tA KIMHALL I-LAYKU New 52j And OI hers Terms Given. SKI TiERLI NO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4lh St.. BeU Witsh. and AMt. PIANO SNAPS. EASY TERMS. $650 Fsrrand. ma hog., very lu test $275 $H."it Hardman, rosewood. swet tone 2" $n."0 Sfhllter, walnut, a beauty ... $7."0 Kingsbury, player, .mahog. $2.i0 New concert phonograph l!" $ 75 Martin slide trombone, nit..., $ 4H Deagun oval orchestra bells.... '-') $ .V Banjo and case, tenor 15 $ 75 Fisher B flat clarinet 3 $ 75 Buescher B flu t cornet ...... "' $183 Martin O mel Sax. silver .... 1I $1H5 Buescher baritone sax ......... 110 MILLAR'S EXCH.. ,".11 Worcester bMg OCR K AL1 extraordinary of phonograph continues unabated. Never heretoiors and never again will It be posfh to obtain such great discounts as wo ar offering in this s1. Payments only $7 a month for phonographs actually re duced $51.3:1, and now actually less than half the prie of a vear or more ag. Many for only $S5, $07 and $45. actually less than half former prices, at pay ments of only $1.25 a wek. Orrgnn Eilers Musk: Hout 2d floor Eilors Mu sic bldg. Seven floors devoted to Music and nvuslrlans. PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE SALIC. $ 75 Victrola. 5 used records $ 41 S2.50 Grafonola, 5 used records.... 21 12.1 Grafonola, 10 used records. .... 7$ 140 Brunswick, 10 used records.... $ 140 Emerson. 10 used records W 175 Sonora. 15 used records 1! 350 VIctrola. 15 used records 21$ $5 or more cash. $3, $4 or mors monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 103 10th at Washington St- WANTED Sweet-toned piano lor cash. Call East 8NN2. . Fumll ure for Sale. FREE! FTREE! Genuine Inlaid linoleum for yow kitchen free of charge with any BUCK'S RANGE or combination rang sold this week. $r CASH and your'old RANG 13 places any Buck' ranre In vmie home. A year to pay. No Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CCX. 15 Flrwt fit. Near Yamhill St. DAVENPORTS. Wo are manufacturers of M-hlr davenports and chairs; highest quality Una built on the Pacific coast. Frames ars as good as Is possible to build. Watch your davenport made from naked (ram to last atltch. Our upholstering- hair and cotton ar hlfh grada and the only filling- material w us. Don't tako our word for It but com and let ua prova aM wo say. New and up-to-tne-minuta stylas, larfs lino of coverings, flna ve lours and tapestries, $100 to $176; pur Ilk and boat mohair, $ U4 to $3U. Thess prices are regular, not special. Everything; guaranteed. Sampla room open evening by app-jJntmcnt. Phona 635-27. K von Ing ana Kundaya, Tabor 6797 or ii5-a7. MICHAJfiLBON-M AYBON, INC., 54th and FoittrHnad. SPECIAL SALE OF GRASS ROCKERS AND CHAIRS. Wo have Just received a ship ment of large, comfortable grifl rockers and armchairs iu very ar tistic designs. We offer the rock ers at $H.95 and the chairs at $7.85. Come early while they laU MIST! FTmNTTURFJ CO.. 188-10 1ST BT. OUR SALifi extraordinary of phonographs continues unabated. Never heretofore and never again will It be possible la obtain such great discounts as w are ottering In this sale. Payments only T a month for phonographs, actually re duced $61.33. and now actually leu. than half the price of a year or more aKo. Many for only $(5, $!7 and $4 actuaii less than half tormer prices, at pay menu of only $1.2S a week, rioe Oregon Eilers Muslo Hou(e, 2d floor Eilers bldg Seven floors devoted to music and mu sicians. JMOGTJLAR $2ST.60. -plce Ivory bedroom suite, extra lams plats mirrors, special, complete. $1'2; xl2 Ajtmme-ter rugs. rut. $JK. our prloa 121.60. R,M Oak St. Between Broadway and Park St 1 WHITE enameled bed, complete. 1 Ivory enameled bed with steel springs sn.l tflne mattress; 8-quartef Ivory wood bed with fine steel springs and good mst treKs; 1 sectional bookcase, 1 baby high, chair, sanitary couch with new pad. Tabor 1112. WALNUT bedreom suite. S pieces, solid walnut, Tennessee marble tops, French plate glass; not a mar on It. EXTRA FINE. Cost $450, will sacrifice for $100. At Courtney station, Oregon City line, 800 ft. south of station on car line. IV-ROOM splendid oak furniture, brass beds, gas range, rtutia neater, iinoKiuin, , clean and cheap; can rent Cat. n. East 13th st. North, or Bdwy. UTS be fore noon and after ft. DINING SET of 4 chairs and taMe. In maNoicawyj svm willing to sacrifice for M6 sub, A real bargain. Kant 23S. 2 BBAUrifc'lL enamel double beds, aim- moor malLress ana sprioas. iiks new, $30 each; 1 dresser, with handsome mir ror. 122. E. 1047. 214 T'nlon ave. N. LEATHER davenport, mahogany flnlsli. suitsblo lor home, oiiice or ctuo; nair stuffing'; fine condition; cheap. Tabor 8234. 1 LARGE dressing mirror, 1 new 9x12 A X - minster rug, I manogany creasing tanis and chair, 1 mahogany parlor chair. Ta bor HII1IS. TWO Uxl2 RUGS, lU-plece dining room set; a 4-plece living room set. arap. snd curtains for sale cheap. Cal-l Main 20X0. BIG SALE eummons" bedH, springs, mat tresses, cuit'ioniers, aressers. lainie., davenport, linens, 421 Bast Morrison. Restaurant and hotel equipment. UP-TO-DATE furniture for sale: reasona ble if taken at once. rial ror rent. lr wanted. Call Tabor 4.V.H. or l2S9tt Bel mont. FOR SALE Garland combination rang.-. elevated ovens, s.o; aiso junior gae fur nace. $15. 11)4 East 7th St. N. Call Monday. "OR SALE1 HcatiT and five Joints of pipe; board ana smem usea two months, in quire Monday 1048 Union ave. N., cor ner Alberta. FOR SALE Household furniture; reason able. Tabor wjo, or a). 33a South. near Hawthorne. LIBRARY table, $10; oak rocker, leather seat. 95: 148 heating stove, good as new, lift, S30 K. Stark, Tahor 2123. VIOLIN and case, IIS. white enamel bed. complete, $10; l bed and springs, $7. AO; gas heater, $3, 3730 113d st. W. K. URN IT URE Can save you considerable money on new furniture. D 4U0, Orego nlan. CLOSING OUT Seven thousand dollar stock of furniture at sacrifice. 421 at Morrison. OR BALK Three giri rune, almost new. size hxiiz. isner i.rw. BEAUTIFUL llu Chiiwe Aleo wma.111 mg. 3xf.. rug. slx K.lu. Om.I1 22-3i FOR SALE cheap, one larre Vernl. Mlr. tin bed and springs. Call at 1Q4 R, inth. GAS RANGE, nearly new; wood healer. !l0 K. Yamhill st. BOOKOASES. French doors; special fur niture Just try Bdwy. 7 1 6. 1 GAS RANGE, kitchen stove and oak dia Ing room taMc. 101 Failing st. HARDWOOD round dining table, range, dresser; other furniture. Auto. 144-74. EDEN electric wash machine, swing ring ex. 841 Mississippi ave.