THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 5, 192S 13 RKATj fstatel For Sale Farms. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. 90 acres south of Portland; 7Vt mllea from good town with high and grade school : traveled road; 40 acres under cultivation, 10 acres timber, 4 Vi acres pasture; creek, bearing orchard, 4 acre berries, school on place; good 4 rooni house with fireplace, barn, chicken house, hog house, granary, machine shed. Included wfth the place, team, 4 cows, 6 heifers, 60 chickens, wagon, plow, barrow, buirgy, cream separator, h in terest in mower. Price for every thing including feed $7000. Con alder house in Portland up to $3300. Inspected by Mr. Kemp. CONSIDER GARAGE BUILDING. 50 Acres. 17 miles from center of Portland, near Oregon City; close to rock road; 82 acres under cultivation, no waste land, some timber, rood bearing orchard: 7 room painted bouse, barn 40x50, chicken house, other buildings. In cluded with place: team, 3 cows, calf, brood sow, very complete line of machinery, cream separator, 15 tone hay, feed. etc. Price for everything, $10,000. $3000 cash. Conaider gartf building or other Income property in Portland; will assume. 50 acres adjoining good town with high and grade school, banks, stores, etc.; under cul tivation, balance In pasture; all can be farmed when cleared; nice, level land; family orchard, buildings; Included with place: 5 good Jer sey cows, Jersey heifer, bull. 3 good mares, rake, buggy, harrow, harness, wagon, cream separator, feed, etc. Price for everything $6000, $3000 cash: or will sell land for $5200 with $1000 cash. SO acres, 23 miles southeast of Portland. 1 miles to electric sta tion and school; on Boring rocked road; wire fences, spring and creek; 10 acres under cultivation. 10 acres more can be farmed, bal ance pasture; 4 -room house, two barns; price $1600, $1100 cash, or discount for ail cash. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Orer 500 small places near Portland. . IDEAL DAIRY RANCH. WHY? Location, living stream, best of soil, extra, large barn, pasture with shade: 60 acres under cultivation. This place is stocKea ana equipped ana is only 13 miles from the courthouse. Priced right and terms reasonable. Might take small er piace as part payment. TEN ACRES. ON PAVEMENT. All plowed ready for croo. No bldsrs. 9250 per acre, $500 cash, balance $300 per year at 6 per cent. JTtn Iiioert and true gardening land. SNAP! 40 acres, 25 acres under cultivation, 8 more reaay to balance stumns and second-growth fir; good harn, fair house ana pienty oi outounaings. xnis place is on the pavement and 18 miles from Portland. $8000. $3000 cash. 2 years with out payments, then $500 per year at 6 lcr tt-uu ae Air. v-Ainpoeii, who FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD EQUIPPED DAIRY R0 acres, fino soil, over In cultivation, balance pasture and timber, running water, complete set good buildings, with many modern conveniences. Including private water and light systems, plenty of fruit, grapes, etc.; about 20 milch cows showing good re turns, team, hogs and farm equip ment. About 45 minutes ride from Portland, fine district. Price $18, 000, and will accept Portland resi dence or close in Improved acre age and some cash and balance at rate of $1000 per year with low Interest. This Is extra good, going propo . adtion, capable of carrying and. paying Itself out. SAMUEL DOAK 1902 Northwestern Bank Bldg. COMJD to Vancouver, the city of opportunities. Big new mu . nioipal docks; w can ship direct to any PORT IN THE WORLD. Three big companies have in vested $572,000 in sites and prop erty. Get in on the ground floor. See us for bargains' in prune, dairy, acreage and chick en ranches. 11 acres In city limits, all cleared, lies perfect, city water and lights, on pavement, owned by non-res! dent and must be sold. Price $3750, terms. See Earle C Miller. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE. 70 acres. 35 in high state of culti vation, large fine modern farm residence, 2 extra (fine dairy barns, milk house, family orchard, and the following personal property: 12 cows, 2 horses, chickens and all kinds of farm tools, place on good gravel road, and on cream and milk route. This is extra fine soil and in a fine farming locality. Price only 411.000. Owner will take good house as part payment. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 407 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. ATTENTION, STOCK RAISERS. 7000 ACRES ONE BODY. SOUTHERN OREGON. This ranch is located on Umpqua river, eniy 4 miles from shipping point on S. P. main line; It lies practically square, hav ing eevoral miles of river frontage; also extxa well watered with springs and creeks; land slopes mostly to south, giving early spring feed; about 45 a. are under plow; two complete seta of buildings fences are gopd wire. In fact for stock ranch thia is hard to beat. Price only $20 per acre. K. U EDDY, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade- Bldg. 55 ACRES BETWEEN PORTLAND AND HILLS BO RO, OWNER MUST SACRIFICE. About 50 acres in cultivation, all lies fine to cultivate, new 4-room house with attic; has f rame of new barn up and moat of material to finish same: 5 acres in fall wheat, about 30 more plowed. On account of financial conditions owner will trade his equity of $4000 for smaller place, might consider city property if priced right. Will sell equipment if wanted. Full price of the place, $U000. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 100-ACRJS FARM NEAR NEW BERG. This farm is one of the finest in thia section, 65 acres under cultivation, acres in prunes, good 6-room plastered house, good barn and outbuildings, all kinds of stock and implements. The place can be bought at the down pay . ment of the pnice of the stock and im plements; it is only 7 minutes from town. If you are looking for a good stock and dairy place, this is the one, as the man on it is no farmer. LANGLOIS & HAMERLYNCK, fl4 Buchanan Bldg FINE 20-AC RE TRACT WITH PERMA NENT INCOME. Only one-half mile off paved road at Woodburn, paved road will continue past the place this summer; all in cultivation. 10 acres wheat, 3 in loganberries, 3 rasp berries, 1 strawberries, all full bearing, good healthy vines; other fruit for home use; good 5-room house, barn and out buildings; one cannot make a mistake in buying this place at $7000. Will take $-000 cash, give good time on balance, STBWART & JOHNSON. 515 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MAKING OK A GOOD FARM 80 acres, Clackamas Co., near Spring water, 10 acres In cultivation, . orchard, house, barn, spring, stream, best of soil, no rock, no rough land, fine tim ber. Remember, aoil is A-l. Price $3800. Might consider small house, easy terms. Phone Tabor 4514. FOR SALE or exchange, highly improved fruit farm of '20 acres, -near town; will accept a garage business up to $3500 as part of the consideration on the deal. If interested and you mean business, will give full description and price. W. E. WHITE A CO.. Realtors, Newbrg. Oregon. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, 5 acres pasture, running water; 7-room house, barn, outbuildings; water In house, stocked and equipped; 3 miles Portland. 2Vi miles Canhy; J 10,000. good terms R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. FOR SAL or lease, 80-acre farm in Clarke county. 45 acres cleared. 20 acres beaver dam, 10 cows, two horses, machinery; H mile from paved road, price complete S1.VHO0; rent $65 per month. W 404, Ore ginian. 1MPROVJSD farm. Linn county, clear title, SR5 acrea $16,000; also law library, cheap. George W. Wright. Albany. Or. 181 ACRES timbered beaverdam and; creek; near Beaverton; electric; can di vide, J. R. Sharp, owner. 3d at. BEAT ESTATE. F'or Sale Farms. DO YOU WANT A REAL BARGAIN? Modern 4-room home, 2 acres; city water and gas; orohard and poultry . farm; water piped through orchard; on pavement; close in. $4150. TROUT STREAM ON THIS FARM. 140 acres. 50 cultivated, good soil. 60 miles from Portland; fine fruit; $2500 barn ; chicken houses: 6-room house creeks: 1 well: teleDhone: cream route 10 cows. 3 heifers, bier team. 5 hogs, flock of chickens, cream separator; all implements. A fine dairy farm, an ideal spot. Owner will accept city property as part, or will assume some, or exchange even, or win sell at si,mh; nis equity is seouo. we will snow you. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM. Foster road, outside city limits: acres; good orchard; a never-f aillni spring; 8 cows, 4 heifers. S horses, pi and chickens: all kinds implements good homes and modern farm buildings $15,000, terms. A real good buy. 5 ACRES; GARDEN HOME. 75 fruit trees: 1400 strawberries: clocks school; near church; chocolate soil; fine 7-room 2-etory home, "full basement and furnace; 'bath; gas. elec tricity; barn ; garage; chicken nouses a fine chicken ranch and home. Inca bators and implements; $3000 will han dle. See Wolrhagen. We will show you what we have. FRANK C. ROBINSON. REALTOR. 503-4-Selling Bldg. Main 2557. 120 ACRES, TRADE. 70 acres in cult. lots more not hard to clear, practically all good land when cleared, some timber, fine living water mat never rails; so acres m wneat; most of the bal. in oats, about iy acre of bearing fruit; 6-room frame nouse, Dalnted white: aood cellar, wood house. hog house, hen house, good barn with sheds, fine well of water at the house; the place Is 14 miles to electric line - and shipping point; mile to scnooi: y mile of Oregon City on good rock road; this place Is well located, signtiy, fine neighborhood: faces on good road; 8 horses, 2 calves, 3 cows, 1 bull, 2 hogs. 70 hens 2 wagons, plows, harrow, cult., disc, binder, drill, disc. cult., mower, rake, separator, hay fork, all grain and barn for feed and seed : on phone line. cream route, daily mail ; we will take good houses and lots in Portland up to $10,000, the bal. can run at 6 per cent; on the place everything ready to go right onto, or will take a good small farm up to $10,000. some place in the Willamette valley. What have you to offer? E. P. Elliott & Son, 7th and Main sts., Oregon jtty. ur. RICH. DEEP SOIL. Partly improved farms with buildings, efeert distance from Aberdeen and Ho qulam, 2 very prosperous cities, can be bought from $50 to $100 an acre and very easy terms. The soil is rl c h and produces enormous crops, for which the market is unlimited right here on Grays Harbor. In addition to the partly lm proved farms we handle the best dairy ranches in the county. We are selling unimproved land within 12 miles of Aberdeen at $20 to $60 per acre on fol lowing terms; $10 down and $10 month at 6 per cent, buys a 20 or 40-acre tract. You can buy a small or large tract. No gravel, no rocks, no underbrush, good roads and schools; most of the land is level. For further Information apply or write at once. WASHINGTON STATE, COLONIZATION CO Aberdeen, Wash. 52 ACRES $2000. All good, land when cleared, about 6 acres or eo In cult., about 15 acres more not hard to olear, all open land, just a few old logs to clean on; a couple or old buildings on the place, family fruit on it; fine lot of timber on the place; this will make some poor man who wants a start a good home: on good road, 6 miles east of Molalla, 1 mile to unlimited stock range; 3 sawmills with in 2 miles of the place; get good rough lumber for about $10 at the mill, would not cost you scarcely anything to build a neat little house; in one season you can have a farm on this place if you are a worker; 1 miles of good school want $800 down, balance time at 6 E. P. Elliott & Son, 7th and Main sts. Oregon City. Or. - ONE OF YAMHILL COUNTY'S BEST DAIRY FARMS. Containing 220 acres of extra good soil, about of which Is in cultivation, balance river bottom land, pasture and timber; well fenced and cross-fenced ; lO-room modern house with bath and sanitary plumbing, fine water system, electric power line at the door, large dairy barn with room for 82 cows and four horses; one of the best silos In the state, composed of reinforced concrete 12x46; on good graveled auto road and 2 miles to paved road; daily rural mall and milk route; price $100 per acre; terms; must sell. "WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 401 First National Bank Bldg., Albany, Or. MR. RANCHER, here is one of the choic est 40-acre ranches in Washington coun ty; 35 acres in high state of cultivation, 2',-b acres fine orchard, prunes, apples, cherries and pears; fine 9-room resi dence, fine barn and outbuildings; the soil is rich shot end loam; half mile from railroad station, 2 miles from good town, bank and stores; this fine ranch, with some stock and Implements for only $250 an acre. I have other ranches from 40 to 80 acres. Improved, from $50 to $250 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK. Realtor, 214-215 Panama Bldg. HIGHEST TPE FARM LANDS. Mostly levei valley and bottom; set tled district, roads. markets;1 at Ona laska in Newaukum valley, near Che halls; $15 to -$50, 1-10 cash payment, ten year terms; steady employment in mills or woods. Salesman on ground or write Graham-Pardew Land Co., 1008 Ameri can Bafik bldg., Seattle. WANTEDREAL "ESTATE. WANTS CITY HOME. WILL ASSUME MORTGAGE. Have 6 acres near Reed vi lie, all In cultivation, and clear of debt. Quick deal if suited, DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 500-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. WANT TO BUY EX-SERVICE MAN WANTS TO RENT MODERN BUNGA LOW WITH GARAGE PRIVILEGE OF BUYING; WTLL PAY $40 MONTH; HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. L. C. HOL BROOK. PHONE AUT. 63S-76. WILL trade $1840 equity, balance $1560, payment .u or less a montn in. elegant nearly new, latest model touring car, for smaller car not Ford), or will take substantial equity In nice home for same. P 491, Oregonian. HAVE A CLIENT WITH ALL CASH FOR BUNGALOW UP TO $5000. IN GOOD DISTRACT. MARSHALL 1684, MRS. BERRY. WANTED FOR ALL CASH. Four or five-room house, close to city car, two lots; $1500 to $1200 for ali; best proposition gets quick action. I am the buyer. Deal with owner. AL 461, Ore gonian. List your housea and lots with J.. J. OBDER, EAST SIDE RtEALTOR, 4 GRAND AVE. N.. COR. E. ANKENY. "Mlw.Ni3 KAsT 01 AND EAST ff.S1'4. WILL give Maxwell car, excellent condi tion, value $275, as first payment on small house, not over $2500; substantial monthly payments on balance. Owners only. Y 480. Oregonlan. y HAVE calls daily for medium-priced houses lo aauu on easy terms, it you want to sell and your price is right, see us for results. WE SELL THEM. WM. WILLING, BDWY. 7763. WILL Curnd&h iNeutle permanent wave ma onane aaid work on coirumisi son to party 4eamnlng the work from xne; nice work and big money for either man to wioman, Broadway 615AL LOT FOR TOUR EQUITY. Wo haVA A nlM I sj rtra Inf nr, Hna-& road to put in on your house equity , and SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. WANT A BUNGALOW UP TO $4500, SOLDIER'S LOAN CAN APPLY. MRS. BERRY, MARSHALL 1684. I 'WANT, direct from owner, real snap 5 room bungalow; prefer Sunnyside. Rose City or Mt. Tabor; cash deal: $2500 to $3800. HOME WANTED. Must be modern and good view over looking city; will go as high as $15,000. o i n Lnmaper oi commerce Diag. N1SW TRUCK or used touring car as first payment on 5 or 6-room house in good district. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-ft-T Lewis Bldir. WANTED Direct from owner, 7 or 6-room modern house. Arlington or Westover. Give price and location. Answer, AJ 450. Oregonlan. WANTED Direct from owner, good view lot. Arlington heights; give location and beet cash offer. Answer, BD 405, Ore gonian. HAVE several clients for good suburban homes; please see us at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. B33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3 787. WANT house and full lot ; walking dis tance on east side; quick deal for real bargain : no dealers. WANTED Small acreage, close to Port land. near car line. B 48ft. Oregonian. IIU'O BUICK. good a? new. trade for small hotise or acreage. 774 Michigan ave. WAjNT small bung.; have $500 caah; no agents. AO 44, Oregonlan. WANTED Lot, Row City Park. bet. 57th aad 6Vth d mart ga ire. Tabor 2 pi. WANTED REAL ESTATE. UNDISPUTED national record for home selling. Your home is as good as sold If listed with us. We spend thousands of dollar advertising, and are in touch wun tne majority of earnest nome uuy ers. We insoect. aDDralse and photo graph your property within 24 hours after listing. 60 energetic, experienced salesmen -BACK OF ITS SALE. We will take care of the interests of out-of-town ownera. see FRANK L. McGUTRE, To Sell Your Home. Realtor. Ahington Bldg. Bdwy.TlTL IRVING TON, LAURELHURST I1H H MS f. I'l'l'Y. Wflnt rnnd hnm in Irvinerton. Laurel hurst or Rose City; have fine modern hnm nn K Acroi In outskirts Of City, clear of debt; good garage, chicken house and yards, barn, etc.; au lncuiuvauuii, assorted variety bearing fruit, berries, grapes; lawn and snruDoery; a bum- man s country nome in tne cny. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL. ' TRADE OR ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT, SEE FRANK C. ROBINSON, B03-4 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 2557, "WE SELL ANYTHING GOOD." "WE LIST ANYTHING GOOD." TC "VOIT hova dnv nrfttlftrV fflT Sle iU IrV- in g ton, Alameda, jureiui. City? We are confining our entire ef forts to the sale of property in these districts, and now conduct our business from our east -side office at 40th and Sandy. Phone us for an lmraeamio pralsaL A. G. TEEPB CO., Insurance Realtors. ,M 1170 Sandy Blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9588. CLIENT wants house on wt side to $4000 or lot to $100O. , Another client wants house in Bunny- adle, 6 or 6 room. Want house for fine lots. Want cheap acreage for lota. Want 20-acre chlen, berry ranch. R. HOARD, 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. - Tt ff'rw HTVsr BROADWAY A "NT 14TH, HARRISON AND YAMHILL TR. 9 to 12-roo l nous iwiu oonmaer buwu ww. Have threo buyers for thl class of prop erty and if price Is right wo can, move it. isawr. oaot. H. W. OSBORNB CO., REALTORS, 01 iUnm.k.. rtt Cnmm-TrJt bldfiT. I RVIfiliTON. Alameda. Laureinurst llj you would sea your noma or it, For ten years we have handled sucn business satisfactorily for others and can yours, too. Many buyers. We advertise heavily and they come, or are sent, to this gooa-nomes ni-n uij ui 1 -; R. T. STREET, Realtor. Bast 894. Res. East 4280. Have client with J4000 cash who wants small house; neea not consider small lot; must .be west side. 820 Lumbermens Bldg. rv-k von WANT TO SELL.? We have a buyer for five or siM-ooim m.Hj.n. .iiti 11 low. gocateo. in 1 -'u" D 1, IT.thnrn. Or ROM. City dlSfcriOtS price not over JS00O; will pay $500 cash. balance two per moniii. CLIENT who can make good first payment wants 12 to 15-room house on w '.side Bet. 4th and Jefferson and the foothills. -rxce it right and i can sen iu HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St; HAVE $400 as first payment for -room bungalow tnis weeji, V V i ' " Rose City, ML Tabor, Richmond or Ore gon City fine; not over $2500; give .exact watlon and description. Q 487, Oreso- nian WE WANT CLOSE-IN FARMS A Vll Al .H KAIim. If you want to sell it coeta nothing to let us Know. i-r-u uiotcuiiwu Individual attention. - . J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-0-7 Lewis Bldg. tt c HAvir. n.TRVTS for homes in Rose City ana nawinoroe uin i.. us and we will have a man call on you. GREAT WMllun iniio.i!i.. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. I HAVE many buyers for west side prop erty; quick results wnen wu right. -rriTTN srvfiKR. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED 6-room house, one bedroom main floor, oaiance upstair., r.- rrtw V.rlr rflsfrlct. not over $4000; will pay J1000 cash, balance by the montn. n. '-t. iwrj. wmh WBJ HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR 5 AND 6 ROOM BUNGALOWS ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. RICHANBACH & CO.. 507-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. WANTED An Improved lot in good dls- ldeal for quick Bale; your cash within 6 months; price must be right. L 411, Ore gonlan. OWNERS only. If you have a modern home which you wisn to sen jr please write, giving location, lowest nrli-. and very best terms in first let ter. Aqqreas p . WANTED West-Side 8 or 8-room house. wanting aistance; win iinluL. lot Price $5000 to $10,000. E. J- GEI- SER, 417 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5252. WE HAVE plans waiting for homes in this district from iiwu to evuyu. uu. erty is sold if listed with TClin Tabor 7463. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 6th and Hawthorne SUBURBAN home wanted One or two acres improved or part.. ... house or accessible. Give Price, de scription and location. O 489, Orego- nian. I WILL pay cash for a good building lot in . t iu ....- 4-w i lo mAiin not too high above grade; give lot and block number and price, Including assts. paid. N 320. Oregoman WANT moderately-priced home in good district, ii. siae, not 100 lar uw av have full lot; can make good payments. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 543 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. 'WANT to buy from owner a strictly modern 6 or 6-room bungalow; Rose City; prefer below the hill; substantial casn payment. Am WANTED A five-room modern bungalow price and location. Address AB 458, Ore- gonian WANT to get in toucn witn tne owner ui a 6 or 7-room house at a price not ex ceeding $7000 cash; must be located In Irvington. j o, vigtswo". WANT to buy a suburban, noma, a io u acres, auw to iuvu; . , o,, tion and location; I am no agent. L 3S, Oregoman. to 6-ROOM house, Kenton, Woodlawn or Alberta, that can be bought for $75 down and $15 per month; not over $la00. X 4H0. oregoman. WANTED Modern 9-room house, lower r'onmna u". - - Ann bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. JPrice $15,000. WANT ilO acres or more; no fancy, bulld- ine' SOlQler loan, buhw .o.o, ,7 jnA1 within 40 miles city; no agents. BC 460, Oregonlan WE HAVE real live buyers for lota In all districts of Portland; list your lota with o nrfat Western Investment Co., 230 st mm it v t., Bdwy. 7581. Chamber of com, bldg PRIVATE party wants close-in east-suae lot Tor casn, n5i T M 7 preferred; must be a good buy. Main WANT Montana property, nave equity Laurernursi, biv 'tbjvx tion and full particulars. AP 480, Ore- gonian. I HAVE the cash to pay for a 6 or fi- room nungaiow in xvubo '. " v Laurelhurst; must be worth the money. Y 398. Oregonian. . WANTED Lot or more Just out of city limits, close to car. on west side, for cash. Broadway 44t3. WANTED One or two acres, water ac cessible. Give price and location. AM 4ft4. uregoniau. WANT 4 or 5 -room bungalow Aimna or Alberta preferred. Not over $2500. Call Bdwy. 3400 UNIMPROVED, between Milwaukle and Concord, with water. Can pay cash. BD 457. Oregonian. ' WANT small suburban place, not over $2500; west side preferred. Call Bdwy. 84 oo. WANTED About My 15, bungaitaw, $3000 to $ 4(MX pre f e rabl y new , b y pan vfeute WE WANT to list houses that can be sold on easv terms; have buyers waiting. s R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. 5 ROOMS, garage, close in, moderate price; $500 cash and $40 per mo. Owners only. Give full particulars. AB 44Q, Oregonian. WANT lot or small acreage near city as part payment on pretty new bungalow. Owner, r.asi pip. A HOME in Hawthorne or Mount Tabor, reasonable, for cash. Give location mad price first letter. r 47-B, Oregonlan. first ED L WANTED Lot from owner. Rose City Park : cash. W 472, Oregonian. LOT. GOOD district, not over $500 caah. Auto, hzjwu. WANTED A lot din R. C.-not over $450; mo egems. AS 482, Ore-go nria-Ti. ONE-TON truck for good lot. Owner, East 4oi. WANT home, $6O0O-$OU00, Irvington, Ala meda. LaurelhurHt. AM 428, Oregonlan. WANT lot Irvington, Alameda, Laurel hurst. AL 435, Oregonian. HOUSES wanted for sale. Nelson, Realtor, 706 Gasco bldg. Main 2072. 9-12-R. HOUSE for cash and lot first pay lucut Marshall 1450, mornings. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BUILDERS ANT) OWNERS. If you have a late-model house tell us about it at once and we will sell It for you. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. HAVE two clients wishing West over homes; must have at least 4 sleeping rooms; other rooms in proportion. MRS. HARRT PRICE PALMER, 421 N. W. Bank Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY WANTED. Client has ten thousand cash and will assume some; wants good Portland property up to $1,000. What have you? W. G. IDE, 817 Lewis Bldg. LOTS WANTED. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-7 Board of Trade bldg., will get you the highest price for your lot that the market will bring; we have many cash buyers now for homesltea in Irvington, "Alameda Park, Laurelhurst or Haw thorne. Most of the buyers see us be fore buying. Come In and talk it over. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ""CASH QASH and! clear properties for your equity. Can handle most any deal from $5000 up to $200,000. Will trade for either Improved or unimproved real estate. OTIS C. BECK, C25 Henry Building. WANT VALLEY FARM. ABOUT $6500. ; Have 640-acre stock ranch, alt fenced and c roes -fenced. Good set of build ings, well and cement cistern. Price $10 per acre. Clear of debt. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., BO9-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. ft042 OWING to reverses am about to lose ray very fine automobile, which I purchased on monthly payments. Car Is just like new and I should like to turn over my equity to someone who can keep up pay ments and give me something for my equity Address Mrs. Heba 'Smith, care of box 958. Portland. Or URGENT. Must have apartment site thle week. We prefer west side, south. CASH ONLY. OTIS X BECK. fi25 HeTrry Blflg. Farms W an tea . SMALL places wanted, close to Port land, or good valley town, with buildings and small amount of equipment; owner to accept sol dier's loan and small payment down; farms ranging from $4000 to $5500, with some equipment; will be given immediate attention. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. IF- YOU have an IMPROVE FARM of any kind for sale, exchange or rent In any part or Oregon write or see FERGUSON -RAYMOND, 1011 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED To hear from winer having farm or unimproved feumd tor aaJie. John J. Blajck, Chippewa Fajlls Witacemgrfrn! WANTED Snappy buys in farms - and acreage, jl ooie. 420 lumbermeTis ciog. Wanted to Kent f arms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lota of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. ' WANTED To rent, a email improved iwm near .f ortiana. xenced nog tignt. IF YOU have a farm to rent, lease to transfer send description to Wilbur F. jouno, enry Diag. TIMBER LANDS. WAITED TIMBER AND SAWMILL. For exchange, 20,000-acre stock ranch; about 4O0 acres under Irrigation; good ltnproMements; equipped with over 16O0 head of beef cattle, 3O0 horses, etc. Price $175,000, clear; owner also lum berman, wants timber In exchange and will pay cash difference: either timber with or without mill. Write P. O. box 115, Eugene, Oregon. TIMBER J-iAXDS. One billion feet of yellow fir, upper Willamette, good level country, for sale outright; this .will op-en up over 3 billion feet of tlmben G. C ULRICjH & CO.. 40 Stock Eocchamge Bldg. SAWMILLS AjND TIMIBEHR. Have 3 small pine operating prop erties. 10,000 fir mill property, operating. 16,0ui0 fir mill property, operating. R. B. HENRY, Woodlawn 3116. 131'5 Wllhur St WANTED 'Have buyer for large body of tinuoer as investment; must be cheap. Also have lumberman with plenty of cash, f i nance 1 ar ge lumb er plant, on J easing proposition, or pay as out. Write D. 3. R. Walker, Eugene, Oregon. BY OiWXER 3,5.00,000 feet fir, 00 min utes by auto over paved Highway to Portland. Near two electric stations, good mill site; small payment down, pay-as -you -cut proposition to responsi h!e party. AV 84, Oregonlan. WANTlEID Sawmill man to move dnto tract of -timber 6 to 8 million ft., fine old growth fir, opened up and on rail road. logs put to mill on 50-50 basis. 1 umber con tr a c ts secured. S 492, Ore - .gonfan. HAVE neafly million feet second-growth nr. hair million or flown cedar, one mile haul to railroad; sell stumpage cheap or will go partners with mill mail. .Write 75 Ni Summer St.. Salem. Or. A GRAND opportunity to get Into a prof- ltaoie iumoer business witn little or much capital. This will be worth your while Let us supply you with, par ticu lars. AV 32, Oregonlan. - WANTED Sawmill with planer, on rail roaa; operate on percentage basis; have back of me large sales organization to handle output to best advantage. AV 06, Oregonian. WANTED Have good three thousand mortgage note, make first payment on small sawmill and timiber; pay as cut. What have you? Write P. O. box 115, Eugene. Oregon. FOR SALE SO aoree of (timber flam-d 3 miutes fwxm Tigaard eCaitilom on Bultl moun tain), one mtile amd a tiaif ftroau peved rocitd. Y 4 80s Owgwniian. EXPERIENCED -Columbia, river Logger open tor position as foreman or eupt, salary or contract. Best of local refer -ences. A 463, Oregonlan, FINE fir and pine tracts, both holding ana 'Operating; also mm proposition. Zimmerman, 18 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE 10,000 capacity mill: will coo- siaer partnersnip witn timber owner that has accessible timber. Have working capital. H 490. Oregonlan. SMALL sawmill on Willamette river and, R. R.. suitable for hardwood; good local trade. Snap. $1000 will handle. Town send. 332 Railway Bxch. Bdwy. 4330. TIMBER CLAIM, $2000; 160 a., cruise. 5,000,000 It. fir; 5 miles from Riddle and on paved highway. Address F. Kennedy 3737 East F st., Tacoma. WANT old-growth stumpage for cordwood cutting; must be within 3 miles rrom railroad; give details. V. Dopplew, R. 1, Aurora, Or. WANT good sawmill to locate in 10O mil lion ieet yellow ilr near 1 ortian-a ; 41.50 Btumpage; easy terms. J 403, Oregonian BRITISH COLUMBIA timber limits, large or small, on salt water; exportable: AJ 4H3, Oregonlan. OR SALE 8,000,000 feet fir timber, mue irom a. r. railroad in jsenton Co. R. L. Glass. Corvallis, Or. 2500 OOtRD-S of fire wood Umber near electric line-; sell on easy terms or take lot or equity In residence. BXR SALifcJ About 77.000,000 ft. fir tim- her. Owner. 1421 13- 21st. Sellwood 2021. FOR SALE Half section of timber near Grants Pass. Main 1040. FOR RENT FARMS. REAL BARGAIN. (3 years rent free; 25 acres, IT mile from (Portland; 6-room. house, barn, lviO ft. chicken house, brooder houses; stoc'r consists of 600 laying hens. 3 horses, 2 cows, yearlings, 600-egg Incubator, 2 small incubators, spraying outfit, all farm Implements. Sell stock and imple ments $2C0O, C. W. MiHership, 160 4th M. 'Main 5CT5. FOR LEASE for term of years, farm suit able tor general farm or dairy; gooa buildings and well fenced; 155 acres under " plow beside some pasture and timber land. Cash rent. Seven miles from Portland, fine roads. Strong & MacNaughton. Main 815. TWO tracts of lan-d; for aent, either on a rental basis or on. shares. For further In formaitio-h' call at 343 Washington St., Mr. Berman, FOR RENT A dairy ranch on shares or cash. For particulars apply to J. S. Tal bot, Jefferson, Oregon, FOR RENT FARMS. WE- LTST below a few of the many farms and acreage tracts we have for lease : WASHINGTON. OOUNTT. 120 acres, about 40 miles from Portland, between Forest Grove a-nd Timber. 3 miles from railway station, mile, from school and H mile .from, macadam roaL about 35 acres cultivated, balance tim ber and pasture, well and creek, fair buildings, span of mules, wagon, harness plow, harrow and rent of ranch one year all for $2-75. , PARJC ROSEX 10 to 60 acres on macadam street, about 7 Vs miles from cen ter of Portland; 5 -room plastered house, 2 barns, family orchard and berries, ciiy water, free bus'to and from school; splendid location for . retailing dairy; personal property for sale; 9 good cows. 2 horses, wagon, furniture - and sundry equipment; quantity of hay and kale; price $12oO. OLAJtffCB OOT2NTT. 40 acres, about 17 miles from Portland; all cultivated except o acres, best of soil, no rock or gravel. 3 miles to two railroad points, graveled road, good. 7-room house, lar&e barn and famdly or chard, personal property for sale, team. 5 oowe. 1 belfer, 2 ho?s. 16 ch ickens. wapon, harness. 10 ton hay. cream separator, spray outfit, farm implements: price $950. rent $350. 3-year lease. CATHLA3PET. 120 acres, about 75 miles from . For tla?i d ; 40 acres cul ti vated. 60 acres fenced with woven wire, best ea-n-dy loam soil, bearing orchard, 3 -room house, barn 36x4 mil to school, abundant outranse; in cluded wdth place, plow, harrow, cultivator, seeder, harness; rent $20 per year; 8-year lease with option to purchase. ORfESHAM, 10 acres, about mile from Greeham ; 6 acres cultivated ; 3-room plastered house, barn ga rage, poultry house, some berries, graveled road ; use of horse and garden tools; rent $20 per month; 3-year 3 ease. TAMtHTLL COUNTY. 80 acres,- about 70 miles from (Portland. miles from railroad and one mile to echool. lo acres cultivated, bearing orchard of about 60 trees, -3-room log house. fa4r barn, graveled road, abundant ' outrange ; rent 75 per year; 3 -year lease. WAStHTNTGTON OOtTNTT. 70 acres, about 22 miles from Portland; about SO acres in culti vation, balance timoer and pas ture, fair buildings, abundant fruit, well and. creek, graveled, road, best of soil, rent 9325 per year. t CAN-BY. 40 acres, about 24 miles from Portland, on pavement. near school and station, splendfid soil, all in cultivation, $300 per year. See Mr. Hunter. JOHN FiBRiGU'SON. Gerlinger Bldg. No. 645135 ACRES. 135 acres, 60 under cultivation. 6 in Italian prunes, nice orchard assorted fruits, large farm house, bath, water system, dairy barn, with silo, granary and hay house. Rent $500 per year. Personal property for sale 4 cows, 1 horse, chickens, 2 sets harness, 2 wagons, binder, mower, rake, set light har ness, 2 brood sows, . registered boar, 2 pigs, 2 plows; disc, buggy, riding cultivator, grain drill, spring tooth harrow, ton potatoes 2 tons oats, 10 tons hay, milk cans, cream separator, all kinds small tools. 29 acres in hay, 7 acres fal grain, 5 acres oats and vetch. Price personal property $1130. No. 808300 ACRES. 800 acres, large dairy barn, 6 room house, good milk house, wa ter piped to all buildings; rent $75 per month. Personal property for sale 30 cows, 5 heifers, team horses, full line farm machinery. Price $4250, $1000 cash, balance monthly payments. No. 141. 20 ACRES ON PAVED HIGHWAY. Fair 6-room house, good barn, 17 acres under cultivation, 2 miles from Ridgetield; fronts on paved highway with all rural conven iences; rent $250 per year. We have other places to rent, some stocked and equipped, on shares and some cash rent. See Mr. Blair, with THOMPSON, SWAN LEE, Realtors, Sundays and Evenings call Aut. 233-09. 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. RIVER BOTTOM DAIRY TO LEASE. '. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. Ei'gJvt mailee from Vsjncouver, all but last mils hard surface, good, slx-rorxm house, barn 300x00. ex celLeait spring water. SO cows aill t et ed G- uern s ay s , Durham s and HoilH'telns; 5 heifers, team and harness; Cajrm machinery and milk equipment. Lease runs two years aiil c an be ren ewed Re nit $75 per month first year, $S5 per month second year. Price $450O; $ 15O0 cash will handle, balance monthly. See ALBERT MILLER with PBRCIVAL & WATTS, 108 West 6th, Vancouver. Wash. Phons 23& RENT WHEAT RANCH. 490 acres, 400 under cultiva tion, 140 summer fallowed; 80 a. fine bunch grass pasture, fair buildings, well and springs; y -mile from R. R. town on main highway. Ample implements and horses to run ranch. Sell personal property and rent ranch on share basis. Pictures and full informa-: tion at office Ranch located 9 miles from Condon, Or. ' THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, Realtors, 8d and Main St., Vancouver, Wash. TO RENT OR SALE. 17S aeres river bottom farm near the Salem electric car, about an hour's ride from Portland. This Is very fine rich soil, lies level, has bearing orchard of 20 acres, cherries, peaches and apples Good water. 5-room house, barn and out bldgs. Owner will sell for $75 per acre or rent for $000 per year. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg. See Mr. Gennemann. DAIRY tock and equipment. !etas on 1 75 acres Colutmoia rl v er b o t tom, $11000. Terms cam be ar ranged. Invetlate. Worth the money. ATKINSON A PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash, 10 CLEARED acres, good fi-room house, barn, and outbuildings, good orohard, berries, rich soil, 1 mile from electric station and highway, In Beaverton-Reed-vtlle acreage, 11 miles from Portland. Call or write for terms. THH SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, .102 Fourth St. DAIRY AND MILK ROUTE. 44 acres, 20 in cultivation, good bldg., close In on good road. Cows and equip ment, $3500, terms, reasonable rent. WILBUR F. JOUNO. HENRY BLDG. - 13 ACRES, under cultivation, orchard, 7 room plastered house, two barns, well and spring; close to school; cheap rent by the year; seven miles frm court house Call 1091 E. 20th St. North be fore 1 P. M. FOR SALE OR RENT. Our eastern Oregon wheat ranch, ce n tra 11 y 1 ocafed, cm goo d roads, near school and town, with or without equip ment; will give good terms to the right party. r uregonmn 63 ACRES on Boones Ferry road. 2V miles from end of Fulton car; only red barn on road; plenty water; fine for dairy or truck garden; $800 per year. Ownar, box 123, R. R. I.. Oswego, Or. 320 ACRES, 8 miles from Cathlamet, Wash., on rock road; 50 under cultiva tion; small house; a good place for dairy; low rent. J. J. Oahalm. 635 Ohamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 10 acres, Haley station, Es taeada line, known as the Baker place. Owner. 663 Thurman et.. Rftrtlsnd. 40 ACRES near Oregon City, good bldgs., rent $160. Terms. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg TO RENT 10 acres, close in. some or chard and grapes, city water and gas. Phone own-ex. Auto. 632-53. 35 ACRES for dairy, partly equipped. Phone Milwaukle 41-7. FOR RENT FARMS. RANCH FOR RENT. 820 acres, about 180 under cul tivation; good farm buildings, wa tered by well, spring and two creeks. About 75 acres now plowed. Suitable for any kind of crops Rent $1200 per year. Lo cated 4 miles from rail and boat transportation. All rural advan tages at door. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEB, 8d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. FOR RENT, 17 acres of good land, close to city limits, about 10 acres in cul tivation, plowed and ready for crop. About 6 acres of prunes in full bearing. Good 4-room house with city water. Will lease until November for $225 terms. Mcdonald & emmons, 313 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. PHONE Main 127 if you want to rent 40 acre ranch., close town. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WANT ALBERTA WHEAT FARM for 1104-acre stock and grain ranch In Willamette valley; 450 acres m cuixiva tion; 360 acres Al saw timber, mostly red ur, balance pasture; au gooa sou no white land: cood improvements. fenced and cross-fenced, watered by tLuckiamute river, 2 all-year creeks and numerous snrine-s. B wells at buiiaings store, grist mill, church and school on tne ranch: mile to rail roaa station on market road near Corvallis; price, Including one-third of crop, $60 per acre, WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 401 First National Bank Bldg., "Albany, Oi 75-ACRE RANCH. One mile from Dallas, Or.; 42 acres fruit. 32 acres lull bearing is years oia new modern 9-room house, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, snecial hot-air fur nace, full basement, new barn 28x32, machine shed 20x40, large granary, pack ing house, hoghouse, poultry house cost $500. A complete ranch, with every tree smooth and clean. Money-maker. Price $20,000: worth more. Will exchange fo good Portland income property of equal value. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. STOCKED FARM. 120 acres mile from Shelburn, 18 miles S. E. of Salem. 110 acres in cultivation, balance pasture. Woven wire fences, is on main county road 6-room painted house, garage, large barn, family orcnara, 3 fine norses. caws. bull. 43 chickens, cream separator, part now In fall grain, complete line or rarm macninery. rice oniy iu,uuu, No incumbrance. MlKht exchange xoi a smaller place up to 50 acres or, a hotel to value in Willamette vauey town. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamber of Commerce. SUNNY ALBERTA. 304 acres irrie-ated alfalfa land, all rich, deep, sandy loam soil, specially adapted to alfalfa, etock, dairying, all vegetables and. small fruits, highly lm Tipovd. abundance of water and unlim ited outside range, close to town and best of schooL The homeland of op portunity and sunshine. I will sell or trade for farm In Oreeon or Washing ton. Give full description In first letter. A, Hatland. Lenver Apta.. room zi, First and Washington sts. VALLEY FARM FOR HOUSE AND LOT. 70 acres, all under cultivation ; 30 acres of clover; right at Oregon EJectrio railroa-d station, near Albany; nouse barn, eilo and garage; o miicn cows. vouncr cattle. 2 horses, harness, w air on Ford, plenty of feed, all for $125 per acre. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 401 First National Bank Bldg., Albany, Or. 86 ACRES IRRIGATED LAND. 50 acres under ditch and In alfalfa, over 100 tons of hay last year, some stock, all implements, wagon, mower, buggy, cream separator, , hay derrick, harrow, plows and seeder, on good road, 3-room house, barn and chicken house $8500; will take part trade 5 or 10 acres near Portland, balance mortgage. Bdwy. 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. EXCHANGE OFFICE. TOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. GET YOUR REAL ESTATE TROUBLES WORKED OUT PERFECTLY. TRADE SPECIALIST. A GORDON ROSS. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. BDWY. 7581. WANT A WHEAT FARM FOR CLEAR TRADE. Must he a real wheat farm, and will pay cash, put in some vacant subdivision property near Tacoma and assume on a deal up to $125,000. You can sub-divide tract ana maKe a mint or money at once. vvnere is your wneat rarm 7 O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC., 4-08-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. HAVE 100 acres near Newberg in best orchard district in western Oregon; 100 acres in 10 and 12-year-old apple trees in fine condition, all necessary build lngs and equipments On account of poor health will exchange for Income prop erty along tne coast. Prefer California. Price $60,000. Must have as good value as am offering. L 440. oregonian. WEST SIDE HOUSE TO TRADE. 9-room house on lot 80x100, corner 14th and College. Well constructed house, electric lights, gas, etc. Ex cellent view. Will take lot up to $4500 or Improved acreage to full value, $uuu. JjU tUJJOHiAlArN IN CUMfAM, 813 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES of choice land on Buckley ave. all cleared, orchard, old nouse, lies hlgn and sightly; value $9000; want building suitable, for rooming nouse; will assume. See Mr. Dodson. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 40 ACRES, best of land, 10 In cult., balance tillable when cleared, small buildings, on good rock road, 4 miles from Oregon City; $3500, easy terms and would take raw acre close in or cheap house as first payment. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. $6250. . Central east side, doing $140 cash business daily, rent only $55, with good lease, will trade for clear residence or residence ana weu-iocatea iox. JOHN E. WALTER. REALTOR. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. fii ACRES. 25 acres cultivation, bal. pas ture and timber, u miles irora ir'ortiana; fi-room house, new barn, outbuiiutnirs. Fordson tractor and equipment, farm machinery, trade for house - or unim proved land. B. H. Stewart. 165 4th st. Main 52 1 6. INCOME WANTED. A bunch of fine cheap lots just ripe for building. Clear. Will trade for Income and assume heavy. W. C. BECKTELL. 933 N. W. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON OWNER. Very choice home, 2 stories, nearly n w.' b est d ist rl ct . will t a ke a er ood auto for my equity, balance $100 per month. Including interest. Auto. Bu-gz. 8-ROOM modern house on OOth ave. S. E garage, fruit trees, pavement: take lot as iirst payment; prerer west or Dtn. JOHN E. WALTER, REALTOR. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. $3000 EQUITY in $7500 home, 6 rooms, full basement, acre of ground, one block from car. Paved streets, fruit and berries. Will trade. What have you? Bdwy. WILL -trade our nearly new $3500 touring car for a good home unincumbered or for a substantial equity in same. Aa dres P 402. Oregonlan. HAVE home equity as part payment on first-class building lot or car. i Wdln. 5200. TRADE! 80 acres timber in Clarke county, Washington, for city residence valued to $5000. Will give some cash. Sell. 3039. WILL TAKE mortgage or good contract paper as first payment on new 2-ton truck. Columbia 1025. JHWELEJRW Tools, materials, ring stock value $15O0, no fix. ; take house, lots, acreage, cheap latid. AV 280, Oregonlan. 20 ACRES, Cowlita county, Washington, for improved property or good machine. 614 Dekum bldg. TO EXCHANGE Beautiful Portland lot, walking distance, for Los Angeles. P. O. lock box 1546, Station C. Los Angeles. PORTLAND for Spokane, 36 acres timber near Portland for equal value in or near Spokane. AG 48. oregonlan. 240 ACRES. Montana oil belt, drilling within six miles. Exchange for timber. AG 476. Oregonian. WILL 'trade i acre just outside of city limits for lot in Rose City Park, pay cash difference. BP 406. Oregonian. I HAVE a late car ($450) to trade for $600 or $700 acreage or mortgage. Cash equity. Main 4574. IF an exchange on property you want. I generally have it. C O'Donovan. 427 Worcester bldg. EXCHANGR Good house, liberty bonds, automobile and cash for west side property. Owner. R 435. Oregonian. HOUSE? equity for lot or what have you? O wner. H 447. Oregonian. IRRIGATED laud to $15,000; will trade it on apartment or hotel. Main 0451. EXCHANGE Fine Clarke county acreage for Burfield; lots. BD 497, Oregonlan. TO FX CHANGE REAL ESTATB. LEAVING CITY. Will saII mv modern 8-room house, close In in Holladay's addition. 50x100 lot. on paved etreets, assessments all paid. WiH accept a small casn pay ment. srood vacant property or automo bile as first payment; give attractive terms on balance. rnis is a oargain at $0500. See my agent. BRUCE O. ROWAN. Realtor, 204 Morrison St. Main Pi63. A. B. C. EXCHANGES. 18 acres, highly improved, nine miles from Portland, on west side highway, to exchange for Portland property. A bargain at $10,500. 47 acres, 23 miles from Portland, high ly Improved with good buildings, to ex change for Portland property. Price $8500, 25 acres at Sclo, Or.; highly improved with good buildings, to exchange for im proved Portland property. Price $650Ov 4 acres, air in fruit, with a strictly modern residence, with all city con veniences, located near Roathe station, on Oregon City paved highway. Will ac accept part Portland property in ex change. This is the toeat buy In this vicinity. Price la $9000. A modern 6-room house, double ga rage, Holladay's addition; will accept clear lots or acreage as first payment; good, attractive terms on balance. A bargain at $6500. 820-acrs highly Improved dairy, close to Vancouver, Wash. Owner will accept Income property located In any good city for the full value. Do not fall to In vestigate. This la the beat buy itf Wash ington at $40,000. . The above are Just . ffw of ur mmny attractive exchanges. We can trade anything, anywhere, any time. List your exchanges with us for quick results. ST. CHARLES REALTT CO, 204 Morrison Street. Main 59621 CHICKENS AND ONTONB. Ten acres. 7 miles from Van couver, H mile to car line, all In cultivation, about H beaverdam. finest of onion land, good 4-room house, barn 36x50. onion house 24x52, double constructed, cement floor, two chicken houses; this is a fine place for chicken ranch: valued at $ttS00; take good house In Portland to full value. MTETZER-P ARiKTRR COMPANY, REALTORS. 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 63Go. 28 ACRES, 6 miles from Santa Rosa. Sonoma county, California ; new 8-room modern bungalow, completely furnislfed, large barn, chicken house for 8M0 hens, brooder house, garage, enclosed windmill tower and tank, acres in 8-year-old prunes, 11-acre full-bearing vineyard, all stock and farm implements. Including tractor; price $20,000; Incumbrance. $3500; will exchange for Portland city property or property within radius of 5 miles of Portland up to $25,000. Ad dress Frelslnn St, Co.. 213 4th sL. Santa Rosa. Cal. IT'S SURPRISING HOW CLEVER MEN today are gripping the lever of oppor tunity by snapping up choice city In come bargains. Here is a rich offering: Over double corner, business street, with several income properties, stores, flats and furnished apartments all for $23,000. Income close to $4O00 a year. $5000 cash and a good house gives you deed to property, balance from net earn ings. Income easily Increased. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC., 448-ll Cnurh Bldg. WANT modem 5 or 6-rooin home in good location. I have to offer for same 40 acres Willamette river bottom, close to Newberg, ideal for potatoes, hope, ber ries, gardening or grain I alo have 320 acre wheat land, all in cultivation 3 miles from railroad between Walla Walla and Walula, Wash. Write or call H. A. Calef, owner, at Calef Bros., home furnishers. 68-70 Fifth et., Portland, Or TWO EIGHTIES, fair improvements, hlph scnooi aistnct; incumbrance siroo, equity $13,000; government Irrigation; possession now; consider Income any where or small farm Paciflo coast, pref erably Corvallis or Eugene; give details first letter; don't write unless meaning business; I'm ready to glv someone good trade; prefer owner. H. A Bush by, Parma, Idaho. A CLEAR RESIDENCE WANTED 1 as first payment on an ldal apartment house corner near Washington st. Old improvements now paying a substantial income. If you will build we have s client who will rent property at big rental and advance a substantial sum to finance building. Can you beat it? O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC., 4QS-11 Courh Bldg. Bdwy. 677. FARM TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOT. 1 60 aces n ear WiH kumin a. Oregnrni. Price $350A TSMis is a bxintn. Muwt seftl at once. Su bmi t your houe for trade to . It. Mo itgom etry. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. B(fryt 4 7f5 4-1 0 HEN'iRiT Bldjf. FOR SALE 4-room bungalow. 020 E. 3Hth st., modern, full basement, full plumbing, fireplace with Radiant fire gas burner ; $800 will handle this with easy terms on balance, or will trade for home or acre age, ciose-ln suburb. See W. F. Bunce. OSCAR J. CLOSSET & CO.. Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 4030. WANT larger valley farm, not over $3O,0H) value, within eo miles Portland, near highway; equity In 117 acres, joins city limits of Cornelius, 2 miles we.-t HilU boro, on highway, all under cultivation, modern house, gas. city water, electric lights. W. C. Menold. Cornelius. Or. EJCCHANG H for apartment or rooming house, 60 acres, half In alfalfa, re mainder to grain; cuts 115 to 120 tons hay. 8 miles from town Mai In ; equity $1550. A 6-room plastered houe, 3 lots in Klamath Falls; valuation $2250; clear. O. B. Hunt, owner. Merrill, Or. WANT A LARGE APARTMENT HOUrK and will pay casn, assume and also ap ply a $50,000 clear brick apartment house on west side as part pavment. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTT CO.. INC., 4Q8-11 Couch B1dg Bdwy. 67S7. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? 200 acres on McKenzle river, 17 miles from Eugene. Sell or trade for Portland property. Unincumbered, good machin ery, good buildings, good highway. AG 471. Oregonlan. YOUR choice of three very finest dairy larms on coast, win sen on easy terms or exchange for mortgages or part de sirable city property. In answering furnish full particulars. AV 82, Orego nlan. "AN AMAZING DISCOVERY." Read ad with above headline In to day's "Farms for Sale." It Is startling. 'O. H. SKOTHD1 M REALT Y COMPANY. INC.. 4Q8-11 Couch "Bldg. .FIRST-GROWTH stumpage on 40 acre. good road, miles from courthouse; alfo Federal truck. $1000 will handle or will take bouse or business lot up $.XHM. Will eell stumpage or truck sep- I arately. 403 Railway Exchange. I WILL exchange fine farm, southern Ore- I gon, for something In or near Portland or Newberg. Give terms on balance iff any. What have you? T. I. Robinson, 520 B. Kth N. I HHl'HI.V .1 ninrnuo,! Rft.Br farm nn I v 1 miles out on electric, line; will accept as pat payment improved or vacant city property or amau acreage ciose in A. K. Hill. 420 Lumbermens bldg. H3-ACRK improved Irrigated Yakima val ley I arm, house, Darn, garage, wen ; team, cow and farm tool, weed corn and potatoes; exchange for residence or im proved acreage, 31 ft Piatt hidg. TRADE YOUR FORD. 6 lota near Montavttla. Will take Ford car and email amount of cash. W. B. H inkle, 318 Cham, of Com. Bldg. B dwy. 3549. t& ACRES, eaat of A Ibany, partly under cultivation; gooo nouse ana outouiiaingK; will exchange for small Improved prop erty In city. See Mrs. Harris. oi West Park st. 100-ACRE irrigated ranch, close to Bend, Or.; well improved. ior acreage, city property or some kind of business fur niture preferred. C. M. Mlnden 1313 E. I1)th st., Portland. Or. Ph one .sell. J'.ftt 3 . FO R EXCH A NO B, or lese, on h ar s. -bea7livg pear ani appie or c-rxara ; amo JOOO-sxto dsuiry ranch. Adti-Peav AV 24, Oregoniain -ROOM house, bailment, sleeping porch. breakfast room, oa in room, seu lor ,(mm( with terms or exchange for smaller hous. Owner, phone Tabor 2"fl. :000 CASH value, 75x140, all strrst work done, paid ; gooa location, oh k land, i. t. Want Portland houwe and lot or apta. Will assume pome. N 410, Oregonlan. HAVE! $2035 paid on sec. Alberta wheat land, unable to met payments, will sacrific for $140O or trad for any thing of value. M 4B1. Orgoniflo. GOOD, profitable Boise, Idaho, property lor rornann, fHini, riutienu or vauey property to $13,oOU G. W. Gould. Meri dian. LAURKLXJH URST. Kqulty In r-room. 1 Vb bungalow; com plete In every detail, iiale or trade. Ta bor 8ri2. HAVE 5 -room houje, Sunnyaide ; nt more modern nome, cast siue a 4', Oregonlan. 247 ACRES for cJope in acrengi or clear city properly; wiu rem., ocu. ouj. TO FXCH A NO F Kf A f. F-TJlTK. MAKING MONKY 11 registered Uuemaey cows, 1 ri. bull, 18 full-blood rg. ewes, 1 rr. buck, 400 trap-nested White thi n hens selected for breedem. big team hors.-, fun line of farming tools 1 Implements. SO acr of Iflnd. si! In cultivation, fenced snd cros fenced wiLb wo vm wire, 40 acres in clover, 12 acre in grain sown to clover, 1 7 cre i'lowl for spring sowing, family orchard. aU kinds- of berriea 9-room noune bungalow type, runnlnf water, bath and toil.'t. barn 4iuV), feed ing shelrt, silo, poultry hu 24xsO. r-e-ment door and trap nst: brel'"sr house. 20x20. cement floor, trap nt; brooder hous for IftOO chick, distillate heater. Incubator to handle is0 eeirs at one time; have specialized on day .old chicks. Located between Albany and Corvall. on two good roads. mile to station on O. E.. 6 miles to Corvallis, grade school li mile: good social surrounding. This fine property belongs to a bul ntM man who cannot glvti It his per sonal attention, mo will sil at the low price of $15,000 for svryt hln : will nc cept Income to $10,000 or residence to $50O0 and some c!-h. MacJNNKS. EXCHANGE DEPT RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-O-7 Board of Trad Bldg. Where Trades Are ,Mn.. NEW AND second -hand furniture ml hardware store, Wlliamette valley town; $3Htu; trade for acreage. IflO acres timber near Medford. ff million feet yellow pine, cedar and fir; $2300; trade for Portland home or va cant lota 43 acres, 2 mlTes fmtn Hlllwhnrn. nr house, garnge, barn, chicken ho up. $Hto, with $1500 cash or trade fur Portland property. 7-room house and B lots. sM 50100; good place; $7000; trade for acreage. Two good city lots In Vsncouver, $T50; trade for car. WESTDRN BROKERAGE) COMPANY. s17 Northwestern Hank Bldg. 000 ACHES. SALEM. $;UI,(mui. This farm Is worth tnvestlrs-tlr.g. i o acres of level rich sandv loam noil. 4 seres cult. The soil t very productive, borders on the Willamette rivr and ex tends back to within one mile of turn paved highway and Oregon EiectHc Pt tlon, good mad from station to ths land, the place Is fenced, has good set ft buildings and orchard, very thickly set tled neighborhood. This place Is sur rounded by hundreds of small farms worth from $200 per sere up and Is cer tainly a bargain at $H0 per acre. Wrl take small payment down or trade f r Income property. RAL&'H AC K LET T,ANT OO B27 Cnrhett Bldg. EXCHANGE modern 9 rooms, which includes billiard; room, on one of choicest 100x150 com?, clone In on the east side, elegant vlw, two fireplaces, two sts plumbing, h-t air and steam heat, large conservator , double garage with living rooms cr head; some fine fruit, nlee roe and shrubbery; house and Improvements c-t over $22,000. lot easily worth $12Mmi, mortgage $.VK; want a farm or buiii-s property. For quick pale will cut prion $10,000 and assume If suited. H 4";, Oregonlan 4 ACRES. Near car line, 80 minates fretn city; nw 3-room hntim, nw woodnhed and chicken hnti: some cleared: $2350. Will trade for city propert y. PETERSON sj YORK. 437 N. W. Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8005. WrTEAT RANCH FOR UOTTFT. POO a 700 in cuHivation, 14 fenced. Pretty good building. Lots good water. Located 12 miles from ArlinrOm. Or , and 2 miles from 8hutler KIt station. Price $1ATV0 per acre. Dirt cheap. 'I'eke good house in Portlnnd. HAitGKOVE KKALTT CO.. 122 North OTh st. rhnne Pdwv. 41 DOUBLE CORNER WITH APARTMENT BUILDING, offered in eTchense for other propertl-s up to $130,000 with easy morigas t assume. Farms or umaller pro purlins wanted. Realtors, please notice. Co operation wanted. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTT CO.. INC., 4W-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. ATM RAIN be!t, mJld win1-rs. 1U a-.r cult vated, 20 pasture, balance timber, srprintc wa-ter, houw and bairn, ruj Uk mi. ifrtirmiLntf Vk!S horwes. ctw, oee, ha v, J potatoes s-nxl houwhald irdt. True I'-i.VH. May trawls for hnfuce and lot" in Portlwrn-d ilf sruWiedL Henry LuHn, Myr tle Point. trgvn. K 1 ' O KA N K ATTKVTIO N ! Beautiful 8-room, modern home lu Spokane; hardwood floors throughout ; breakfaHt room, sleeping porch, fn l banement, laundry, garage and loo-g.t 1. ganollne tank underground. Will trad for "modern home, west side. Portland. V 401. PregonUp. BROADWAY APT HOUSE SITE TRADE. Fine apt. house and hulne site on Broadway, offered as first rvmen vn a larger property up to $.10,(MMfc. O - H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC., 40-ll Couch Bldg Bdwy. fl'I. I OWN a 2-tory concrete bulldinir in deep-water Washington town; h-tlldtnir cost $3rt.000. incumbrance $12 500 trade end asnume or cirar ir -(-. What have you. farm, nmoer, vmcu r ah t lots or what 7 Would like big cheap land. A Ft 4H, Oree;on!an. TUADKS OF EVKKY KIND. CITY FOR ( ni TK r , FA RMS FOR CTTY I'KmPKRTT, EASTRRN FOR W FPTKllV. WESTERN FOR EASTERN I'ROfP. Give me full detail first lttr. B. F. KFll.IiY, 716 ."WETLAND rU,Q; CANADIAN FARMS. Well Improved, all sizes, wheat ami mixed farms, $30 to $M pes srrs, en chains for farm-, acreage and ntv property here. C Cole, 421 Lumberman bldg 6-ROOM houae on good gravel Hi-.-: . rent $30 a month: price $30m, to ex change for or 7-room house. HunnypM district preferred up to $.VMM; will p' cash difference. O. O. Skettnn. t Rwv Fxnli. BMir. Realtor. IMw.v. Slo. WILL T HAD lb. We srs prepared to arrar; a trs-t for you; bring in your proposition ml we wilt much you on snything of tnar.t Lots, houses, acre Bite, farms or tocka ff merchandise K. K. P.. 712 Couch b..U lt0 ACRES untmproved land In wmim i South Dakota, fins sot!, nsr itood rs i ruad town, $40M. Will consider equita ble trade. .1. D. Ratner, 472 Wetdler st , Portland, Or. WANT CA LI FOR N I A property ; exrhensi 11,00,000 stnding timber In Ofui , easily acoeslbls; also close-In residen tial lot, Portland. W. It. llnyuis, uy.l Market. San Francisco. J0 ACRES Block Hid dairy furm, .U-l ln Clarke county. Vh., stocked km I equipped ; price $34,600; will fx"hniiw part or si! for income property. AV :;. f r gonian. FuK fA LK or t rni SjT aci'fu k . 1 on In Jit, fuur-ronni Iioum', K'TrtK" and (-htcfcf pnrk. jtnundnrc of fruit. bTrls sit shrubbery ; $.'."0 cuhm. b.t n. monthly payments. Aut. fits t4 ltiu AUHS. about h' uf idrr hoi ton balance ww timber; down ccdnr tll i. pout and pay for th Prt. $'HMM. Write i.'iS N. fivrnimrr st., Hal.-it - . . , - bcsinkwm iu n.iM.N't r i n i i: NKR. OROCKRY HTOOk A M MKVr MARKKT. DOINO Jiooo Ht S!NK-. ONLY $1-n0M, FU R FARM. Hui bPAI.J- IN J H LI I. TRADE H R EXt'IlANCE 2 W .m hum c! h -- lotH, free of k!1 IncumtifMnce. What liny you in Ohio? Prefer CU-velnd. ( VI u 'ii bu SELL OR TUAll-;-F"r l-M . $: fi"i"::'l! 4-rovmi bunnalow; batli, iMfiM -im, lu.wnu IftK tlMK'ount for rush. Au ii. On;pmfi bfrfTi & BARNES iUyr plana w.ih o'r 100 roils to exctan for l"t. a ! k or house equity on pved .ireet- II 4... Orironian. 2JU-A;RE farm !i bt t inlxi il f.rrmiig trict In A ll rtH for I'urt 'hi i nt -Imnettc vailey property. Owmci. 1 If'4 K. Uth sr. , WHAT hrv' yon tf trd- for .s M.Tm t Hi Mid River, fairly Improved, miu-tn $.".M. some m tiKt be pnid ; price $1 I o'm. A H -I.VJ. Qri tnnn HAVE 4-"u0 Ht-res gr'Min nd liny lur.! eastern Oregon, ml ciea r ; win t rie t l en'ilt'P'1 1" Portland In com prntrty in I pa v nm' cash. A K 4ti i. irr eonlnn WIT. I. trade -oulty in S.aiti h., good district, for equity put t ind Hit it t-r. in trovea or vacant prnpiriy. v. . i 2U7-12 N.. SttW. Wun fiUO ACRES, fine utork ran. h ?uU m r i IrrlifHted. all level, fine ttttih"-. have you to offcrT (iir, 471, "! -gnnhn. i FOR KA1.K or trlml-. U1U -m-ie t" . ranch, good sprinen, plenty f r-tit i h n k i nar Cnmle Pock. Wnh. 'u)l Wtlln. '-1- W A NTL" I - Lot mil tul'lf fr mitu II p.i i -nipn t h'm-e : will exhn nir- l"it( 3 k perfect din tnond L 4M rr-not) In n 2 IfT!4 t Uonriiart, mi" l trjdc f-.- ' i In r aroii-nd Anifi-Uw, .1. il-Uyi,, 1 ;o!iy I Urn ok, "i-l . i ;'ti. d-i i''V rt'R SALlTXR KXCH'aN' f..r i;.V:'..m . 2." a:rrn, !!- in, muImIj i ,i yropoHitlon. C 47.'1. frf" i,,J- $2H,0trtl WORTH r.i m.-lir rut limt.-i .:. tnxftt paid; witnt hitslnss bldg. to $:nt -MMl. L 4!Ct. ( ircCinln, 1M PlttiV KlTvil i ot i h.i for f i li lty ownrr. AN or 1 1 ,, IM. l for hach gonian. SK SIDK l't m lUiti d Ut Portland luL oti puvtU fcl. - h. !!.