11 FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL GLEE CLUBS AND CHORUS OF 200 IN CONCERT AT MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM 3 P. M. TODAY ADMISSION 15c r Girl Scouts' Uniforms and Accessories We are Oregon agents for Girl Scours' uniforms and accessories.. Miss Catherine Wilkeson, Northwestern Regional Director of the Girl Scouts, is here daily from 10 to 12 and 1 to S to enroll new members. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. See Going on a Trip? Ask Mr. Foster The Ask Mr. Foster Travel Information Bureau will give FREE details concerning: trips anywhere by auto, rail or water to nearby points and remote places. Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. Rubber Balls Free to Kiddies While any remain we will give a rubber ball to every little kiddie under 7 accom panied by a grown-up who comes to the Fifth Floor tomorrow before 1 P. M. Meter & Frank's: Fifth Floor. Also Back Page of This Section . The Quality store of Portland Hp THE SUXDAT OREGOXTAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 5, 1922 4- ESTABLISHED 51857 7 A Very Special Value This Upholstered Rocker &&rk" ' - -- This beautiful rocker is shown in mulberry or beaver two-tone velour. Made with solid mahog any arms and front posts. Full size. - . A good-looking, comfort able rocker at a very moder ate cost $39.75. Meier & Frank's: Eighth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) New Plated Silverware Many new thing's in silver plated ware have just been re ceived. To mention only a few: Pie dishes, 4.95. - New casseroles, $5.95. Salt and pepper -shakers, many de signs, pair, $4.50, $3.50, $1.50. Table mats, antique designs, $4.50, $3.50, $2. , . Meat platters, well and tree pat tern, .18-inch size, $14.95. Meier Sc Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Wool Plaid Blankets $&75 Slightly imperfect blankets of a much higher priced grade. ' AH wool double plaid blankets in size 70x84 inches. 5 pounds. Comforts $5.95 Were $7. Clean white cotton filled comforter with voile or dotted mull coverings in dainty designs pink and blue with plain borders. Pillows $1.95 . Were $2.50 each. Feather filled pillows covered with fancy art ticking. Standard size, 21x27 inches. V Meier & Frank's: Secoird Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) 36c Thanks to a fortunate special purchase, we can offer these new cretonnes at this greatly-below-regular price. Exquisite tapestry effects, also pleasing bedroom designs. . Beautiful colorings 27 and 36 inches wide. New "Sunfast" Madras , New Spring showing of rich ''Sunfast" madras in beautiful effects. Ideal materials for casement curtains when trimmed with cords and fringe. Yard $3.20 to $5.50. Moier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Always Ready, Always Willing The Universal Combination 'J'K i.'iJEJlJvii'iiiiT.iiiu'.iiL'Silil 1 V" -!.,; mi ,,r - - For the cold days of win ter, the hot days of sum mer or the days in between the Universal Combina tion range meets every re quirement. For Wood and .Coal a fire at the lighting of the match no kindling required. 'Roomy oven. 4-hole top. For Gas ' a complete range oven, broiler and roomy cooking top. , 2 Ranges in 1 Compact requires . only 40 inches of floor space. A splen did baker. Graceful in design. Beautiful in finish. Your Own Terms in Reason Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) $3.50 Pure Linen Table Damask $ 2 Save $1.00 on every yard. PURE LINEN table damask in good designs. 70 inches. Linen Table Cloths $7 Heavy pure linen double damask table cloths in circular designs. 72x72-inch size. Napkins to match, 22x22 inches, doz. $9. c Hemstitched Towels 39 Large 2 0x38-inch hemstitched tow els with damask border. ' ' Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Save as. .Much as You Spend Sale 2000 Pieces English S emi-Porcelain Dinnerware Half Price Final clearaway of 2000 pieces English semi-porcelain dinnerware in the "Normandy" pattern. We are discontinuing this particular design that is the reason for this half price sale. The "Normandy" is an attractive blue-border pattern with gilt hair lines and gilt edge. Choice of the following pieces all at half price: Single Pieces 80c Oval Baking Dish. 6-inch 40 95c Oval Baking Dish, 7-inch .48 $1.45 Oval Baking Dish, 8-inch 73tf $1.45 Meat Platter, 10-inch 73 $2.40 Meat Platter, 12-inch $1.30 $3.35 Meat Platter, 14-inch $1.68 $4.75 Covered Vegetable Dish $2.38 $2.75 Covered Butter Dish $1.38 95c Pickle Dish 48 $3.15 Tea Pot . $1.58 $1.90 Sugar Bowl 95 $1.10 Creamer .....55 95c Cake Plate .48 $1.60 Sauce Bowl t 80 In Sets of 12 $8.55 Tea Cups and Saucers, set. $4.28 $10.00 Coffee Cups and Saucers, set $5.00: $11.40 Bouillon Cups and Saucers. ...... .$5.70 $4.30 Plates, 4-inch . . ." .$2.15 $4.75 Plates, 5-inch ...... .$2.38 $6.20 Plates, 6-inch ...... ..$3.10 $7.60 Plates, 7-inch .'..$3.80 $9.00 Plates, 8-inch ...$4.50 $7.60 Soup Plates .....$3.80 $2.85 Fruit Dishes, , 4-inch $1.43 $3.00 Fruit Dishes, 4&-inch ......$1.50 , . Meier & Frank's: Basement. Always the New Things First iWomen's Sandal Pumps This particular style was the most-talked-of shoe creation at the latest shoe style show in New York. Meier & Frank's, as is to be expected, is first to show this sure-to-be-popular style in wom en's footwear in Portland. Shown in soft patent leather. Me dium low heels. All sizes at $8.50. New Oxfords for Men Men and young men should come in and see our complete assort-" ment of new Spring oxfords. Tan and black calf and grain leather oxfords in English medium and French toe style. Plain and brogue effects; Pair $6.50 to $10. " ' . ' Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. eMail Orders Filled.) Just Received for Spring 3000 Yards New Cretonnes For Spring and Summer Women's Famous "Kavser" Knit Underthings We have just received a large new shipment of women's spring and summer "Kayser' un lergarments union suits, vests and bloom ers. All at the new lower prices. Union Suits Medium weight cotton union suits in" low neck, sleeveless style with built up shoulder straps. Also bodice style with tape straps. Tight and loose knee. Flesh and white. " Regular sizes 85c, extra - sizes $1. ' Bloomers Medium weight lisle bloomers with elastic at waist and knee?-. Well reinforced. Flesh and whjite. Sizes 5, 6 and 7 pair $1. Sizes 8 and 9 pair $1.25. Mainloor. (Mail Orders Filled.) New Vests Medium weight Swiss ribbed cotton vests in bodice and built-up shoulder strap style. White . only. . Regular sizes 35c, extra sizes 50c. Meier & Frank's: Beach Cloth 50 Brand new beach cloth in 30 different de signs. Attractive color combinations. 36 inches wide. Linens $2.00 New fancy handkerchief linens with colored dot and bar designs on white grounds. 36 inches wide. Ji Voiles $11.25 New Beadora voiles imitation beaded effects, in plain colors, also various designs. Navy, black, cerise,' copen and gray. , 36 inches wide. Voiles $1.25 New satin striped voiles in small and medium striped de signs. Dark and light colors. Also embroidered voiles with colored dots on white grounds. 36 inches wide. ' - Voiles 75 New voiles in dots and Persian designs. Light colors. 36 inches wide. ' Crepes 75 New imported French crepes with allover designs in navy, brown, copen, rose and pink on light grounds. 36 inches wide. Batistes 25 New printed batistes and dimi ties in small floral and conven tional designs. Light colors. 30 and 36 inches wide. Tissues 75 .New tissues in a large assort ment of checks, large and small plaids and stripes. 36 inheB wide. . i -Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Save More Than 25 Estate Electric Heaters Meier The regular price of the Estate Sunbeam Electric Heater is $10. Special now at $6.95. The Estate is fine for heating small rooms. It is a radiant type heater, orna mental and powerful. Equipped with 7 feet of cord will attach to any light socket. Edison Mazda Lamps We carry at all times full stock of Edi son Mazda lamps clear, frosted bowl, milk white and daylite blue. & Frank's: Basement. Sixth Street. (Mail Orders Filled.) New Spring Neckwear Of more than usual interest in the new spring neckwear are the tuxedo and Peggy vestees; the Bromley and Buster col lars and sets. The materials used are linen, crash and ra tine. Smart for wear with new sports suits and sweaters. Moderately priced. New Fiber Silk Sports Scarfs Specially priced at' $3.98 to $6.98 these scarfs are worth from $4.50 to $8.50. New fiber silk scarfs in Roman stripe effects and plain shades. Also wool and fiber mixed scarfs. Fringed ends. Copen, brown, jade, tan, black-and-white and other colors. . i ' Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. . (Mail Orders Filled.) Introductory Showing for Spring Gre wen's Fabric Gloves rhe new arrivals of Grew- en's fabric gloves for spring are now on display at Meier & Frank's. Beau tiful accessories of dress in shades to match the spring costumes. Prices are very moderate. VERBENA 8-button strap wrist gloves with pearl buckles. ORCHID AND A DELIA novelty satin faced gloves with flare cuffs, strap wrists and pearl buckles. J ALSO 12-BUTTON GLOVES in Sapphire, Calla, Sum-ay, Rose Bud and Lily styles. Plain, etrap wrist and buckle effects. WATER LILY fancy stitch ed novelty cuff gloVes in two tone effects. Strap wrists. Pearl buckles. Shown inwhite, bisque, mode, beaver, sand, leather, brown and sfeel. Pair $2.65, $2.75 and $2.95. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Order Filled.) Again All This Week Mrs. A. L. Craig Mrs. Craig, traveling instruc tor of the Nemo Hygienic Fashion Institute, will be in. the Corset Salons each day this week as consultant cor setiere. She is a corset spe cialist. Let her sofve your corset problem. So expert will you find her that you will enthusiastically declare you would never believe a cor set could make - you feel and look so well. Complete stocks of Nemo Corsets .Service have been provided. Your very style and size are here. Nemo prices are very moderate -they begin at $5. Meier & Frank's: Corset Salons, Third Floor. 80c Glazed Brazils 41c 1000 pounds of choice small Brazil nuts glazed in pure su gar, crystal corn syrup and Oregon honey. Pound box 44c No deliveries. -Meier & Frank's Candy Sections, New Trimmings We have just received a new shipment of novelty vestings and beaded bands from V to 6 inches wide. Also tassels, fringes, braids and girdles. All at moderate prices. Meier & Frank': Main Floor. (Mail Order Filled.) V For Dainty Wash Frocks Spring Dress Cottons Almost every express brings us more new spring dress cottons to swell our already large selections. Every kind of new wash fabric that one could wish for is here-,-in the very pattern and color desired and at new lower prices, too. ' . - v v - Ginghams "25 1 Best American ginghams in plaids, checks and plain colors more , than 250 distinct patterns to choose from. 27 inches wide. New Bloomer Dresses for little tots of ,2 to 6 years. Made of French gingham, Eng lish print soisette and cham bray. Attractive little styles with, effective trimmings. Plain colors and checks. Priced $3.95 to $8.95. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) "Eppo" Silk Bloomers New "Eppo" silk jersey bloom ers in all lengths. Kelly green,, brown, henna, navy, copen, purple and" jade. Regular sizes $4.95. Extra sizes $5.95. -jiteier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mailorders Filled.) Come in Tomorrow and See the New Sillts, Dress Goods "Always the new things first at Meier & Frank's" this time we are first to show the new silks and woolen fabrics for spring costumes. New lower prices, too. New Silks Paisley silks here in all popular pat terns and color combinations. Checked taffeta silks. Baronette sport satins. Chiffon taffeta silks. Canton crepes, crepes de chine, satins, charmeuse, pussy willows everything that is new in silks. New Dres3 Goods Lhasa cloth or Indian Kashmir soft camelshair weave in red, henna, orchid, navy and oyster. Kenwood tweed suitings in newest colorings. Homespun polo coatings orchid, tan, pastel, blue, nile, honey dew and two-tone checks in pastel shades. French challis in Paisley and Persian designs. All other fashion-favored woolen goods are here. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mailorders Filled.) Beginning Tomorrow at Meier & Franks Spring Sale of Needlework The Needlework Store has arranged these special values to start off the spring sewing season in good time. ' . Luncheon Sets 98 Several patterns, stamped on Belfast Indian Head. Sets con sist of 44-inch lunch cloth with four napkins to match. Dresses $1.79 Children's ready-made dresses, stamped in simple designs on Japanese crepe. Fine for schoo! wear. Aprons 39 Women's aprons, stamped to embroider on spft unbleached art muslin. Bib style. Novelty stitch design.. 75c values. , Gowns 89 Women's full length nightgowns stamped, to embroider on soft nainsook. Dainty designs. Reg ularly $1.25. Pillow Slips 95 Stamped to embroider on serv iceable muslin tubing. 42x36 size. Simple original designs. Regularly $1.50 pair. -- Models xi Discontinued " hand-embroidered models underwear, scarfs, pil lows, centers, etc. Were $1 to $35 now 50 to $17.50. Luncheon Sets 79 Simple, effective . designs, stamped on unbleached.art mus lin. Sets consist of 36-inch lunch cloth with 4 napkins to match. Pillows 98 Round and oval cretonne cov ered pillows for living rooms, bedrooms, etc. Excellent values at 98c, " 2 Centers 25 16-inch centerpieces stamped to embroider on white art cloth. Big selection of patterns. Rompers G9 Ready-made rompers stamped to embroider on white suiting. Easily worked designs. Sizes 1 to 3 years. 5 Tea Towels $1 Stamped to embroider in out line, cross-stitch and lazy-dazy design. Regularly 25c each. Tin Boxes 19 "Tindeco" decorated tin boxes in cretonne patterns. For lunches, cakescandy, etc. Were 39c and 49c. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mailorders Filled.)