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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1922)
4, THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 26, 1923 ' A 0 W iS ' 1 r.) lliiis s i 4 r sS? 2f?i--Wcnr& lndernvod 9 an - f 4 ; V i c V r wxr x t y oodfi.Y 51 -f Underwood & lnderwoodfiy 4 ?Ti 5 mmm S8SE Mm- V f,f: mmM 1 hi- v CONGRESSMAN A LANS ON B. to southern states in the winter and HOUGHTON of Corning, N. T., there they are kept in training, as in- has been appointed ambassador dicated in an accompanyig picture, to Germany by President Harding taken at Jacksonville, Fla. and confirmation of his appointment ' . is expected The new Grace . Dodge hotel re- '.- . cently opened in Washington by the While Pacific coast shipping men J- c; A- is, th fst hostelry in that city exclusively for women, were in Washington recently. Chair- practicay all women who came for man A. D. Lasker of the shipping the disarmament conference regls- board took a group of them to the tered there. White House to meet the president. . Portland representatives seem not to M1Ie Eeanora, noted English wire .have been on hand at the time. The walker has her mind set on duplicat- picture shows the group, left to right, lng. Blondin's famous feat of walking as follows: Paul Shoup, Seattle; K. R. across Xiasrra Falls. - She has Kingsbury, Seattle; Herbert Fleish- been practicing for this undertaking i. '"'"i v-..-...... but has adopted a safety nrst protec- Lasker; H. F. Alexander, Seattle; tion in the (orm C a rope which Robert Dollar, San Francisco; George wouid save her life if she fell. T. Baldwin, New, York. . i , . ' , When the "largest family" contest The largest, ice cream freezer in was heId recently ln Franclsco the world, guaranteed large enough the prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Sil- to supply any of the country s largest veTio Riveri0i who have lfi livlng families, was recently made and put children. Four chi!dren born to them on exhibition at an eastern factory. are dea(j..' The contests revealed four ' ,.tt- , r. i. T.t L iu San .Francisco families having 14 High School" horses of the stage and three hav)n and circus are very generally taken t 0 . Brigadier-General Fred W. Sladen, formerly commandant at . Vancouver Barracks and widely known in the northwest, has been appointed com mandant of West Point Military academy. - At the time of his appoint ment General Sladen was command ing, Fort Sheridan, in Illinois. 'King Alexander of Serbia and his financee. Princess Mane of Rumania, were recently photographed together as a pair of royal sweethearts. 1 -f.c' I'V 4 4 if ::-:::v::.;v 6, ,'l 9 A x is' 7 fttf If 3 4 wm Ss-v V,, iV, X A- v x,. V3v y y "ft Undertvood S Undernrood.N.Y 1 bhaerwooct & VhdffrwoodNY 3 V i V UrderiYood A 4; 5- xV Underwood & lndcrwoodMY Underwood & I It 1 v. lllillllll 4- 4 4- - 3. if r ,4 - j