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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1922)
IS THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 2(5, 1922 Getting Ready for the New Season!- j Spring Merchandise in All Departments! f We Give S. & H. Green Stamps on Purchases Amounting io 10c or Over ' Charge Pur chases Made Tomorrow Go on March Accounts Pay able April 1. Fmorrison, alder, west park, and tenth STREETST Showing RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. C" Fashions Newest Modes In Outerwear - All that is new and correct for the current season may be seen at this store. 'Fof days for weeks great shipments have been arriving from the principal style centers and now you may view the result in this wonderful assemblage of high class apparel. New Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, etc. wearables of in dividuality and charm that are sure to find favor with discrimi nating women; marked at economy prices. Dept. Second Floor. Featuring New Suits Of Tricotine Tricotine is again in high favor as a suiting material as is evidenced by the many new models developed in this serviceable and beautiful fabric. Twill Cord is1 also a leading material. Our showing embraces a large selection of styles in tailored and novelty effects. Short box coats medium length blouse models also semi fitted and flare styles. Trimmed with bias folds, buttons, fancy braids and embroidery. New wide sleeves and tuxedo collars. Tailoring of the highest order. The prices range $37.50 to $98.50 New Tweed Suits In Sport Models Suits, that will give splendid service, yet dressy enough for almost any occasion.. Smartly tailored throughout. Made up in high-grade Tweed materials in all the newest colorings orchid, tan, gray, green, rose, fancy checks, etc. Short and medium length box coats with plaits at back; also semi-fitting styles with narrow belts. Prices range from ' $26.75 -to $52.50 Dresses for Spring Wear Charming creations for all occasions. Taffeta, Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Roshanara Crepe and! many other materials. Full selection of the, newest colors. ' Priced $17.50 to $85.00 Smart New Blouses In, Gay Colorings Second Floor The styles are fascinating in their newness the shades foretell a season of brightness, such as every woman i; looking forward to. Lovely creations in Lingerie, Crepe d Chine, Georgette, Batik and imported materials. Long and short sleeves, with or without collars, in Peter Pan and tuxedo effects, some with jabot fronts. Trimmed with beads, embroi :dery, laces, etc. Full range, of. sizes from 36 up to 52. Moderate Prices Prevail Crepe de Chine Blouses, priced at only $5.00 to $14.50 Georgette Crepe Blouses are priced at only $5.00 to" $12.50 Lingerie Blouses in dainty styles priced at $5.75 to $17.50 New Imported Blouses at prices ranging front -$15 to $42.50 5 1 ; X We Give S. & H. Green Stamps New Silk Petticoats . In the Wanted Shades Second Floor The purchase of the spring suit or dress calls for a new petticoat. Make your selection here from the largest showing in the city. Taffeta, Jersey, Pussy Willow Taffeta and Satin in all the latest colorings to go with spring ap parel. Ruffled, tucked, plaited, corded and hemstitched styles. Many of the fancy models are trimmed with ribbons, applique, facings, etc. Slip-on and back-fastenings. See these attractive new Petticoats. Moderately priced $5.00 up, to $12.50 Outsize Petticoats the woman of large proportions will find perfect-fitting Petticoats here at moderate prices. All popular styles and colors to select from at prices ranging from $0.98 to $14.50 Garment Salons, Second Floor rr Monday's Special Lunch 69c Service 11:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. CHOICE OF Chicken Gumbo Soup. Clam Chowder Fried Spring Chinook Salmon . Steak Creamed Oysters on Toast ; New England Boiled Dinner Saute Sirloin Tips with Mushrooms OWK Baked Beans and Boston Brown Bread Assorted Cold Meat, Potato " Salad with Creamed Carrots and Peas CHOICE OF Cake Ice Creai Pudding Tea Coffee -. Milk 4th Floor 71 "! v Paris Inspired Hats They' all bear a striking re semblance to their originals, but differ greatly in price, be cause they are copies of the more expensive models. : Stunning Creations each and every one. Of silk and straw, trimmed in many pretty ways in colors most be coming. These new models are not only ' appealing in their smartness, but exceedingly good values; priced $15', $20, $25 2d Floor The New Combs Are In Back Combs, Side Combs, Casque Combs, Round Combs, Spanish, Combs, Tuck Combs the very latest novelties in shell, amber, demi-blonde and pearl. Plain or set with rhinestones and other fancy stones. The prices range from 25 to $6 Main Floor r . . Portland Maid Hosiery - a new shipment just received. Perfect fitting, serviceable, rich in appearance. Full assortment of the latest Spring shades, in cluding gray, nude, (PO OP tan. Priced at, pair Di&U Presenting the Newest Spring Cottons Right now is the time to choose your new wash fab rics so as to be among the first to step out in fashion's best. Every popular weave is represented in this mas terful showing. Main Floor. Eponge Ratine A beautiful new French fabric in checks, plaids and stripes. At $1.50 a yard. Silk Mixed . Eponge in all the new sport color ings. One of the veTy dainty new tub fabrics highly favor ed for the coming season. Ideal for summer frocks. Priced at only $2.75 yard. Embroidered Pongee a silk mixed fabric for summer dresses. Many beautiful pat terns. $1.75 and $2.25 Embroidered Swisses a favor ite material for the Spring season. Shown in a variety of dainty patterns. $2.25 yd. Colored Voiles embroidered with silk coin spots. Very strik ing for Spring frocks. All wanted colors. $1.25 yard. Silk Mixed Plisse much the vogue for underwear. Soft, dainty and serviceable. Plain or figured Priced 98$ yard. Silk-Finish Suitings and beach cloths in a full assortment of the leading colors. 36 inches wide. Priced 50$ and 75$ Beaded Voile an exquisite fab ric for frocks. Dots, stripes and floral designs in light and dark colors. 68$ a yard. New Dress Ginghams 25c to $1.25 Yd. thousands of yards to select from unquestionably the largest showing of quality Ginghams and Tissues in the entire city. Plaids, stripes, checks and plain effects in all colors and combinations. Ginghams 25$ to $1.25 Sport Striped Tissues 50$ yard. Aisle of Cottons, Main Floor The Correct Corset the underlying secret of trim, stylish figures is the ' correct corset. A style that perfectly moulds the form of one woman will invariably fail in its pur pose to do the same for the next. OWK Special Corsets are designed in models 'for all types of. figures and are made from best of materials. Have your new frock fitted over an OWK Special Corset for perfect satisfaction. $2.50 to $5.75 Corset Salons 2d Floor Sale of Silk Underwear Dept. Main Floor Here is a splendid opportunity to replenish your supply of Silk Underwear at small cost. One of the best makes on the market. Vests, Chemise, Vanities, Petticoats, Bloomers flesh, rose, blue, white, green, navy and other shades. Read This List of Savings -Regular $ 4.75 Garments now $ -Regular $ 6.00 Garments now $ -Regular $ 8.00 Garments now $ -Regular $ 9.50 Garments now $ -Regular $10.00 Garments now $ -Kegular $12.50 Garments now $ 3.56 4.00 6.00 7.13 7.50 9.38 Regular $15.00 Garments now $11.25 -S. & H. Trading Stamps! Opening Sale of New, Spring Silks A GREAT 6-DAY SELLING EVENT "DEGINNING tomorrow morning and con " turning throughout the week. Thou sands ef dollars' worth of new Spring Silks are involved in this Annual Sale offering values that should command the attention of every woman within reach of this store. Silks for every purpose dresses, blouses, coats, suits, skirts, underwear, etc. And the best of it is every yard is up to high est standard in quality. Profit by this sale and supply your Spring Silks ' now. Crepe de Chine $1.89 Main Floor This is the quality that sells in the regular way at $2.25 and $2.50 a yard. 40 inches wide. Beautiful rich fin-: ish. Full selection of the new- (P-f- QQ est colors. Priced special, yard tD-I-.Ot Crepe de Chine , $2.48 Splendid heavy weight suitable for street frocks. A standard $3.00 grade at any store. 40 inches wide. Choose from a large assortment of light and (PO A Q dark colors. Priced special, yard tD.rrO Crepe de Chine $2.98 An extra fine quality and beautiful fin ish. Shown in black, white, pink, navy and brown. 40 inches wide. Regular $3.50 grade. Don't miss this splen- (PO QQ did bargain. Special per yard tD.IO II Canton Crepes Reduced the most popular of all silk fabrics. Shown in a full range of the . very newest colorings. Regular $3.50 quality (PO QQ 40 inches wide, special tD07 Regular $4.00 quality, (PO A Q 40 inches wide, special tDO.O Regular $4.50 quality, (PO '7C 40 inches wide, special $4.50 Satin Canton PO QQ Driced SDecial. vard tDO.JO $5.50 Satin Canton &A r?r priced special per pard tDrr. I tJ Satin Crepe Regular $4.00, Satin Crepe, special at $3.29 Regular $6.00 Satin Crepe, special at $4.75 -Regular $6.00 Faille Crepe, special at $5.48 Sport and Wash Silks ' V Art Satin in black, navy, white (PO A Q and brown, $3.00 quality, special tD.firO Sport Satin in most wanted QQ light and dark colors; $3.50 grade tD.0 Rhama Crepe, a new sport material, 40 inches wide; per yd. Wash Satin in white, flesh (P-f QQ and -orchid; regular $2.50 grade.. tDJ-.iO Silk Shirtings Crepe and PO 1 A ft broadcloth; regular $2.50 grade. tD.J.U Trousseau Crepe in flesh and (PO "I ft r.A white: beautiful finish: vard tD.-LU Sans Gene Crepe, $3.50 grade, yd., $2.98 S3.98 See Display of Silks in Alder-St. Windows Extra Special 2 to $3 Silks $1.79 Yd. Center Circle, Main Floor A sensational offer ing of over 3000 yards high-grade Silks for Monday's selling. In-the lot you will find Satin Charmeuse, Crepes, Shirtings, Satins and Fancy Silks in a vast assortment of desirable patterns and colors. Silks from our own regular stocks. Suitable for dresses, waists, linings, petticoats and . various other purposes. Stan- (P" F7Q dard widths; regular $2 to $3 Silks at 'to J.. I V Fancy Silks Printed Foulards, .' Radiums, etc., in a great variety of new and novel patterns. 36-inch Fancy Silks in regu- d "I f7Q lar $2.25 grade. Special at only tD-L. I U 40-inch Fancy Silks in regu- (PO AO ' j lar $3.00 grade; special at only tD.IO 'T Jn - l i' n i . - u-inca rancy oiiks in regu- ltj lar $3.50 grade; special at only 'tD.tO -40-inch Fancy Silks in regu- (PO AO lar" $4.00 1 grade; special at only tDtJ.rrO Printed Wash Crepes Printed Canton Crepe and Crepe de Chine, in many beautiful designs; reduced. Regular $3.00 Printed Crepes, (PO A Q 40 inches wide, special, per yard tD.TtO Regular $3.50 Printed Crepes, (PO QQ 40 inches wide, special per yard tDi.vO Regular $4.50 Printed Crepes, (PQ QQ 40 inches wide, special ner vard tDO.JO $5 Fancy Crepes at $4.48 Firsheen Crepe $3.48 Firsheen, the newest knitted Silk Crepe. Very fashionable for spring frocks. Shown in a full asortment of light and (PQ A Q dark colors; $3.95 vals. tDO.'iO Block pattern -and striped ef fects in Canton and other sport Crepes. Splendid heavy quality, 40 inches wide. Regu- (P AO lar selling price $5, at tDr.lO Crepe Meteors $3.48 Yd. This fabric is most desirable for gowns, frocks, etc. Beautiful soft finish. Shown in a full assortment of all the standard colors. Regular selling price (PQ AO $4.00. On sale this week; yard' tD0.4:0 $1.25 Corduroys at $1.10 Yd. Costume Corduroys! in the 36-inch width. These are of best quality and the range of colors includes those most in demand for the Spring Season. Regular (PI 1 A tij-.xvr $1.25 grade. Priced very special COLORED VELVETEENS of standard quality, selected from our regular stock. Splendid showing of all the wanted street shades. Full 36 inches wide. Regu- (PO AQ lar $3.00; priced special, a yard WKite Silks Thousands of yards of dependable White Silks in this special offering. White Pongee Imported $2.00 grade. The yard White Pongee Regular $2.50 grade; the yard Koshibo Crepe, regular $3.50 grade; the yard at White Tricolette, ' regular $1.95 grade. The yard White Art Satin, regular $3.00 grade. Special, yd. White Sport Satin, regu lar $3.50 grade, at yard White Hindu Crepe, regu lar $3.95 grade; special White sFirsheen Crepe, regular $3.95 grade; at Rhama Crepe, regular $4.50 grade. Special at White Jersey Crepe, reg ular $4.50 grade. Special White Plaid Canton in $5.00 grade. The yard White Plaid Canton, reg- PP AO ular $6.00 grade. A yard tDtJ.fiO Also many other items in white crepes and satins at special prices. $1.79 S2.10 $2.98 $1.79 $2.48 $2.98 $3.29 $3.48 $3.98 $3.98 $4.48 Black Silks Reduced 36-iri. $2.00 Taffeta at $1.69 36-in. $2.25 Taffeta at $1.89 36-in. $2.50 Taffet at $3.10 36-in. $3.50 Taffeta at $2.98 40-in. French Taffeta, reg ular $5.00 grade, special $3.48 36-in. $2.25 Satins for $1.85 36-in. $2.50 Satins for $1.98 $3.00 De Luxe Satins $2.48 -$3.50 Duchesse Satins $2.98 40-inch $4.50 Duchesse $3.98 $6 extra heavy Satin $4.95 $3.50 Canton Crepe at $2.89 $4.00 Canton Crepe at $3.48 $4.50 Canton crepe at $3.98 $5.00 Canton Crepe at $4.45 $4.00 Satin Crepe, at $3.48 $6 Faille Crepe, spetial $5.48 $2.25 Crepe de Chine $1.89 $2.50 Crepe de Chine $1.98 $3.50 Crepe de Chine $2.98 $3.00 Radium at, yd. $2.48 $5.00 heavy silk and wool Satin, priced special, yd. $4.48 $5 Brocaded Satin, yd. $4.48 Plain Silks Full selection of all the new light and dark colors for Spring wear. Chiffon Taffeta, in plain and changeables, 36-in., $2.50 (P" DQ grade. Special, per yard tD .L.O. Chiffon Taffeta, 36-in. (PO JQ $3.00 grade; special, yd. tD.TrO Radium Silk- one of the most fa vored silken fabrics for spring frocks; 40 inches wide; (PO A Q regular $3 grade; yard tDi.rrO Tricolette A beautiful soft ma terial for frocks and blouses. Good . assortment of colors; 36- P" 'TQ inch $1.95 grade; per yard tD-L. I U Charmeuse a favorite material for gowns and dresses. Full selec tion of the desirable colors. 40 inch, $3.50 quality. On (PO QQ sale, special a yard tDi.IO Moonglo Satin, rich, lustrous fin ish, an ideal silk for gowns and cos tumes. 40 inches wide, full range of desirable colors. Spe- (PO QQ cially priced at, a yard tDJ.t0 SPECIAL NOTE Every yard of the above Satins is from our regu lar stock. Quality unsurpassed. Extra Salespeople to See That You Are Served Promptly! SILK DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR Sale of Dining Tables and Chairs 4th Floor Dining room tables and chairs to match special lines priced-, for quick disposal. Homemakers will welcome this opportunity to save on furniture. William and Mary' Dining Table 5-ply mahogany veneer top, 6 ft. extension, 48-inch j?'7K KA top, 5 chairs to match; $115.00 set at D I tJ.OU Jacobean Oak Table William and Mary period, 8-ft. extension, 48nch top or 6 ft. extension with 54 inch top; 6 leather seat chairs to flJQ"! CA match; our $125.00 values priced at tDOX.OU Heavy Pillar Extension Table, 48-inch plank top, 8 ft. extension, dull golden oak finish. ti?'7C AA 5 chairs to match; reg. $91.50 value at 5 Queen Anne Dining Table, walnut veneer top, 48- inch 6 ft. extension, 5 leather seat PCQ chairs to match; $102.25 value at t0V I O Groceries 4th Floor Alpine Milk, on sale on 1 A- Monday, per -can, at Borax Soap Chips, on OQn sale at, the package Log Cabin Syrup in the (PI large size cans, special tD-L Buckwheat Flow; Pea- OQ cock brand; 35c size Flapjack Pancake Flour OQ on sale Monday at Jj Morse's Garden Seeds 4th Floor ! 1 i !