The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 26, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 36

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Rooms With Hoard In Private Family.
Portland's exclusive east side residen
- tUi hotel, all comforts of a home com
bined with hotel service, large grounds,
porches, shower bath, fireplaces, strictly
home-cooked meals. E. 7354.
l GENTLEMAN can secure a home
breakfast and dinner if desired with
small family living on west side; the
place is comfortable, steam heat, hot
water always, and1 meals are good. Mar.
IRVINGTON, ni'jely furnlsned front room
in mahogany, excellent table board,
home refinement, with pleasact sur
roundings. C. S 523 E. 25th. North.
East 801!
ZxiH OK two respectable young gentlemen
to room and board in refined home with
mother and daughter. Boys who appre
ciate real home life. 7U0 E. Ankeny st.
Phone East Take MV car to 22d.
MOB HILL Nicely furnished large front
room for 2 in Protestant home of re
finement; excellent table board: every
home comfort; walking distance. Bdwy.
zu. fiol Hoyt st.
liOOM and board in private home. We
have pleasant room for 2 men with 8
meals for $1 per day. Use of living
rooms with fireplace, where you can feel
at nome. ridwy. 3UT2, or oa loin st.
LINCOLN hign scnooi girl wants room and
board, some wages, for work in small
family. Phone Marshall 2558, apt. 1.
after 5 P. M.
HIVING TON family will take a young
business or professional man to room
and board; up-to-date home; excellent
table; no other boarders. Call E -n7.
liOOM with board, for married couple or
to women: home privileges; $30 Per
month; walking distance. 201 E. First
St. -V. Bast S2S3. .
BEAUTIFUL room in quiet, refined home;
warm and homelike; plenty 'of hot
water; Nob hill district. C. , S. gentle
men preferred. Margnall iviv.
WIDOW, with nice home, wul room and
board working men; home privileges,
ST. 50 per week; close in. 160 Morris SU
Mississippi car.
iv'ELL furnished rooms with board, bath,
phone, piano, very reasonable, near Ad
cox Auto School, dental college. 865 Hal-
sey. near Union ave.
has room for 2 men to room and board;
hot water heat, hardwood floors; mod-
ern and clean. 240 East Sixth N.
KOOM and breakfast in wafm and beau
tifully clean home: hot .water always;
price reusonable. Apply 584 East Broad-
way or phone East 7507.
KOOM in newly furnished home, one
f 32.50, two $60, with 2 fine meals; fur
nace heat, piano, walking distance. 185
E. 13th st bet. Yamnin ana xayior.
LADY having large home, handsomedy
furnished rooms, splendid meals, would
3ike several people to room and. board
w ooa lawn ai.n.
KOOM and board, private family, horns
privileges, furnace heat; Piedmont dis
trict, 1 block car: man and wife or
gentleman preferred. Woodlawn "8106.
BOARD and room In attractive home;
walking distance. East 6715.
KOB HILL Nicely furnished room with
board in a beautiful - home for two
gentlemen or man antf wife. $65 per
month; home privileges. Marshall 3flr,2.
2 LARGE rooms for 3 or 4 young men,
comforts of good private home, board
If desired; references exchanged. Aut.
IN BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home. 1 or 2
large rooms with board; hot water at all
times; ideal location, 1 block from
Broadway. East 1200.
liOAKO and room for girl, H. ia good
home, close in, near Kern school if pos
sible; Science family preferred. P. O.
box 1050.
NEWLY furnished room, modern flat;
attractive home, excellent meals; close
In; reasonable. Marshall 1125.
ROOM in modern home, walking distance
and close to car line. Good board if
desired. East 3753.
ROOM for two congenial young men, very
homelike and best of home cooking.
414 Market St.
WANT children to care tor by week or
month. Mrs. C. D. Scott, 6416 86th st.
S. E., city.
IRVINGTON Lovely front room, mahog
any furniture; best home cooking; re
fined home, also sleeping porch, garage.
530 E. 21st N. East 6645.
WARM, pleasant rooms suitable for 2;
home cooking, walking distance; & real
home. East 8445.
LARGE, light, clean rms. with board, ev
ery convenience, reasonable, close in.
East 7005. '
ONE SINGLK room, clean and warm, con
congenial bunch of young men. Every
home comfort. 654 Lovejoy st.
CLEAN room connecting bath, 2 meals
and laundry, 8; gentlemen only. 468
East Stark near Sth. Two adults.
ROOMS and board, first-class meals, home
cooking; walking distance; W. S., Nob
Hill. 655 Kearney.
KOOM and board in private family for
employed couple. E. 4322. 121ft E. 16th
VERY attractive room .nd board for 2
gentlemen or couple in one of Portland's
most beautiful homes. Phone East A835.
GOOD room and board in modern home,
employed people only;-, garage if desired.
East 776.
N.1CELY furnished corner room for two,
private family, meals if desired; two car
lines. Marshall 27'Sl, 774 Northrup.
iNICELY furnished room with board, on
car line; walking distance. 415 Mult
nomah. WITH or without board, home privileges,
355 East 30th near Hawthorne. Tabor
BEST board in city, witn room; man and
wife, two ladles or two gentlemen. Ask
those who have tried it. East 2050.
NICE room for 2, west side, close in; good
home cooked meals if, desired. 385
Mill. Phone Mar. 1105. '
BOARD and room In attractive home for
employed married couple. AR 451, Ore
gonian. BOARD and room In modern home, must
be seen to be appreciated, rates reason
able. 31 Harrison, Mar. 3903.
LARGE sunny room for 2; heat, two large
clothes closets; west side; walking dis-
tarcce. Marshall 6018.
GOOD room aird board, $30 month. 474
Weldler. East SS59.
GOOD room, nice home, near Multnoman
club; 2 meals; gentleman. Main 2219.
WILL care for children in my home,
mother's care. 465 Emerson. Wdln. 2835.
GOOD board and room, - phone and bath.
802 Union ave. N. Wdln. 2585.
IRVINGTON Large, light corner room
for 2; board if desired. EUst 9274.
KOOM and board in modern private home.
waiKing oisiance. niceiy iur. r;ast U144.
WARM room with breakfast, $4.50 pi
week: close tn. Marshall 3546.
WILL give mother's care to small children
in my home. 726 Everett. Aut. 529-02.
KOOM and board in modern, private home,
suitable for business man. East 4178.
YOUNG MAN, excellent board, Hawthorne
district. $35. Tabor 5667.
KOOM AND BOARD, one gentleman; prl
vate home. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333.
KOOM with board for lady; home privi
leges. Bdwy..37S0.
BUSINESS woman in exclusive boarding
house, desires room mate. Main 4878.
HOME for two girls, good cooking, use of
piano, pleasant surroundings. East 7552.
KOOM in private home near, car; we aim
tov make a pleasant home. Tabor 9379. '
GOOD furnished front room with or without-
board, reasonable. East 116.
Furnished ApartmentB.
ii-ROOM apartment, bath, light, phone,
walking distance, reasonable. 264 Jef
ferson st.
COTTAGE, 3 rooms, modern, walking dis
tance: light and clean; low rates. 3d
and College. Mar. 5555.
VeLL-FURNISHED three-room apart
ment and lots of heat. 175 Vista avenue,
near Washington. Call In afternoon.
$35 BEAUTIFUL 4-rm. apt-; ail conven
iences; walking distance. 573 3d. Main
$25 LORENZO APTS., 427 Salmon St.
Main 8678, block central library, 2-room
apt.: water, light, phone; adults.
NICE clean 8-room apartment, partly fur
nished, with water, phone and gas radio
heat. 1051 Klrby.
'iHB V ENT WORTH, 232 12th Modern 2
room apartment: married couple. $25.
l-ROOM apt., 1 room and kitchenette. 32
Mill, near Broadway.
THREE-ROOM apartment for rent. 286
nay street. Reasonable,
B-ROOM apartment, 496 Heights Ter.; ft
block west of 14th and Hail sts.
g-room modern furnished apartment
JilCELY furnished 2-room apt. in private
lamuy; rent reasonaoie. Marshall 2854,
fi-ROOM apt., completely furnished. $25
Bdwy. 1871.
B-ROOM ground floor apt., room for 4,
heat light, phone free. 388 12th.
PARK apartment, 2 rooms furnished; pri
vate bath. Adults. Tabor 2654.
S AND 3 ROOMS and bath, well rur-
Tiisherl: walking qistance. 355 Hall st
X ROOM, kitchenette and sleeping porch
R9 N. 20th. near Washington.
CUR. 2-room apt. The Jeanette apts., 471
4-ROOM APTS., lower floor, garage, all
new, adults. -.Permanent. 1111 E. iilst X.
KlCE comfortable sleeping rooms, close
In. West side. 208 17th st. Main 7628.
2ROOM completely furnished apt., private
entrance. Bdwy. 1(162: rent 130.
X LIOHT 3-room furnished apartment;
. elM la. 404. Parle .
Furnished Apartments.
APARTMENTS In the city, ideally lo
cated, within easy walking distance to
heart of business center; 5 unusually
large, light, airy rooms; in" Immaculate
condition; good furniture; music room
with disappearing bed; large living
room, dining room, white Dutch kitchen,
private bedroom, bath, steam heat, tele
phone and janitor service included; ar
ranged so that two families can easily
be accommodated. THE MEDA APTS..
Just across the Broadway bridge1, half
block north of Broadway. No. 377 Van
couver ave. Adults only.
The handsomest apartments with sip.
porches in the city.' Furnished in
blue snd ivory, pongee silk hangings, ex
ceptionally clean and lots of heat; A-l
service. Some outside front apartments
with many windows; also a two-room
with sleeping porch and a one-room and
kitchenette; available now. Reference re
quired. 166 St. Clair St., cor. Wash.
Bowy. 5830. '
Fifth and Columbia Streets.
Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank's
store; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out
side and French doors and balcony; per
manent and transient. '
LEAVING city April 1, will sacrifice fur
nishings of a modern. 8-room apartment,
accommodating four people, including
Haviland china, pictures, all complete;
step right in, $650 cash: west side, 7
minutes from heart of city. Marshall
Will be vacant March 1st. 4 large,
light rooms, closets, bath. heat, water
furnished, ground floor, private entrance,
not to exceed 3 adults.
SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. .
THREE large outside rooms, beautifully
lurmshed, large private batn. an ciean
and well lighted; electricity, heat, water
and phone furnished; tenant furnishes
own silver and linen, $40 per month.
800 Union ave. North, near Beach.
APARTMENT for rent, nicely furnished.
four large rooms, dressing room ana
bath, year's lease, first and last month
in advance, front and back yard, nice
lawn. 342 10th st, $75. Phone Mar
shall 258S.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3 and 4-room
outsida apts. Newly renovated and en
ameled throughtout. Hotel service given
to bachelors. Nob Hill district.. 189 23d
St. N.
3-room furnished, modern apartment,
large outside rooms, hot water heat
walking distance. 575 East Stark St.,
corner 14th. phone East B03U.
IRVING apartment, 3 large outside rooms,
artistically rurnlsnea. manogany. com
plete, piano; must see to appreciate;
adults, references required; March 1;
?5. Marshall 2786.
NICELY, furnished single and double H.
Jv. apts. All rooms large, airy, clean,
with plenty of light. Everything is fur
nished. Double, $6.50 per week; single,
$5 per week. Call at 552 Yamhill.
WILL sublet for a few months beautiful,
4-room furnished Portland Heights apt.;
view, fireplace, convenient, reasonable,
clean. Ma,in 2212.
2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartments,
$10 and $12 apt.; electricity, gas, baths.
704 Howa'rd st., east side university.
Phone Empire 524.
1 3-iroQm. furnished apartment.
Two rooms furnished; hardwood floors,
elevator, strictly modern; all outside;
walking distance. 3d, cor. Montgomery.
For rent, reasonable, 2-room furnished
apartments. Call East 4062.
Two-room furnished front apartment,
$19 per month; close in. Corner Rus
sell and Kerby. East 1594.
ALICE COURT Available March 1, mod
ern 3 large rooms, 2 bes. fireplace,
bath, $50, including telephone. Corner
East 8th and Burnside. East 3566.
FURNISHED APTS. Tudor Arms Apts.,
18th and couch, 2 rooms, furnished apt.,
electric stove, hardwood floors; rent
$57.50; reference required. Bdwy. 2559.
3-ROOM newly furnished, heat, light, bath,
phone; walking distance, 1 block Haw
thorne avenue car. No other roomers.
6SO East Madison, corner 19th.
2-ROOM front apartment, furnished for
light housekeeping, steam heat. Apply
elevator operator or room 502 Goodnough
bldg. .
LARGE, light, clean furnished apart
ments for housekeeping, close to Wash
ington and Benson schools. 20 E. 15th.
corner Ash. . .
3-room furnished apt., two beds, pri
vate bath, janitor service; walking dis
tance. Mar. 5566.
4-room apt., all outside roqms, nicely
fur., clean: also have basement apt.
Broadway 5151.
HADDON HALL, ll'th and Hall. 3-room
apartment, bath, balcony, hardwood
floors: walking distance. Mar. 1160.
2-ROOM furnished apt., also one 3-room
furnished apt., steam heat, modern.
Belknap apts., 187 17th street.
DOUGLAS COURT has 2 or' 3-room very
desirable furnished apartments. Call
Marshall 423. 425 W. Park.
NICELY furnished 3-room apt., suitable
for 2 or 3 people; modern; walking dis
tance. 57 Trinity Place. Bdwy. 1796.
$37.50-93 ST. CLAIR 6T. $37.50.
2 rooms and small kitchen apt.; good
heat. Main 3816. '
FURNISHED mod-em apt., steam heat,
private bath, reasonable rent, brick bldg.
44 Market at. Phone Main 26S.
E. 12TH and Stark, modern small apt.,
reasonable; desirable for girls or couple.
Bast 7SQ3.
CINCINNATI COURT, 401 10th St. Apt. E,
on two-room furnished apt. with sli'ep
lng porch: newly renovated. Main 2480.
ROOM, use kitchen, apt. near Good Sa-
maritan; suitable for nurse. R 204,
Oregon Ian. ' '
BRIGHT, cheerful, well-furnished 2-room
apt., all conviences, 228 East 20th, two
blks. north Hawthorne ave. East 7267.
Attractive 4-room apt., furnished; rea
sonable. Marshall 1881.
. 4 and 5-room furnished and unfur
nished. Marshall 3181.
DANDY 3-room apt., private phone and
bath; just refinished throughout. Tabor
ONE OR two-room apartment In private
family; good accommodations; meals if
desired. 121 ino. JiQ Bt.
3-ROOM fur. apt., private bath, hall
store room, private house, $18. 421 Skid-
THE PENROSE, Grand ave. at Belmont
choice 3-room apartment; available
Marcn 1. East 4jib.
3 rooms, large, light, modern,'
side. 381 6th st. Marshall 1378.
3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile
bath, inn ana Montgomery. Main 359
3-room apt., private bath, all outside
rooms. Main dli'o. d-.4 tiulld st.
4-ROOM apt., furnished with the best of
everything; io min. from Bdwy., east
side. -o cniiaren. tan Aiain omi.
3-room strictiy modern, elevator, tile
bath, inn ana Montgomery. Main 859.
3-ROOM fur. apt., private bath and phone
"Harrison Court. 5th and Rarrimn
LOVELY first floor apartmnet. 769 East
UNION AVE. and Killingsworth. fur. apt.,
ail wnytitr, lu.imeie Dunging
VACANT the 27th. lovely ij-room apt.,
harqwooQ iioors. private patn. IS. 476.
ONE 2-ROOM and 2 single apts., with
kttcnenettes. puwy. mm.
FlRNISHED 3 rooms and bath, rent rea
sonable. East 4847.
3-ROOM modern hjil., private bath.
727 V,
MllwauK'ie si. oeiiwooQ i i,
NICELY fur. 2-room apt., clean, modern!
wnlkinff dist. 408 Jefferson, pnr lith
CARLOIS APTS. 2-room furnished, mod
ern apartment. jtn ana Market.
AfARTilK.NTS and housekeeping rooms
Westminster. 2(12 6th st Main 55S2.
2 AND 3-ROOM modern apts.. tile bath.
Main 1!32. Buena Vina apts.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3-coom apt.,
newly decorated. 736 Hoyt.
5-ROOM. good view;
SI 26.
references. Bdwy.
LUXOR APTS., 324 13th st., 4-room apt
Main 810S.
2 AND 4-room apartment rent reasonable
242 Killingsworth ave. '
NICELY furnished 2-room apt 65Hoyu
Fnroished Apartments.
4-room, modern, completely furnished
front apartment, first floor, private bath
and telephone; all built-in features; Jan
itor service; $55 per month. 361 Falling
street. ( . - -
FURNISHED bachelor suite, very large
and elegant; large enough for two or
three refined gentlemen; hardwood
floors and many lamps, lots of heat and
hot water; piano . also single rooms $25
up. References ' required. Broadway
5830. 166 St. Clair St., cor. Washington.
NO MORE WORRY. Opening of NEW,
up-to-date single and housekeeping
suites; exclusive place for exclusive peo
ple. Beautiful!y furnished. Extra well
heated, very . reasonable rates; make
reservations now. Also unfurnished. 544
546 E. 7th Bt. N.
tial apt., 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath,
sleeping porch, well furnished and light
ed, immaculate condition, hardwood
floors, old Ivory? finish, French doors,
fireplace; 2 adults, 8 apts. in bldg. first-
ciass premises, S65. Main 8542.
$io WILL you be the first party to
occupy this beautiful 5-room apartment?
Overstuffed furniture, tapestry paper,
hardwood floors, French doors, large
porch, garage. Investigate; location un
surpassed. 714 W.astt Mnrilann
4 rooms, strictiy modern, beautifully
furnished, close in, walking distance;
will rent to responsible parties; $55.
Bdwy. 1245.
Two-room, beautifully furnished front
apartment, newly painted and kalso
mlned, 3 blocks off Washington St.; rent
$45. Bdwy. 4975.
Clean, light 4-room fur. apt., with
bath; hardwood floors,, 2 beds and
couch; located on third floor of mod
ern brick house with elevator; $55; to
adults. Mar. 2381,
has very beautiful apartments, fur
nished, for $50 and $65 per month; 3
and 4 rooms each; with all modern
conveniences; walking distance. , 424
NICELY furnished 2-room apt. on first
floor; hot and cold water, private lava
tory and outside entrance, heat, lights
and phone, $35. 607 Clay, near 15th.
Mar. 3GV2.
Elegantly furnished 1 and 2 rooms
with sleeping porches: also a 4-room
apt. for March 1. 166 St. Clair st. Cor.
Wash. Ref. required.
NICELY furnished, clean basement apt.,
o ruums, close in; pay part rent Dy
helping landlady. 474 Clay St. Mar
shall 4194.
VERY clean, steam heated 2-room apt..
witn yiee enciosea steeping porcii, easy
walking distance; $35. Call 30 E. 8th
st. N... upstairs.
Strictly first-class 2 and 8-room apart
ments; completely i furnished; $55 and
$75: 415 10th St. Main 6600.
SACRAMENTO APTS., 402 Union Ave. N.
j-raom iur. apt., steam neat, not ana
cold water.
Corner apt., steam heat, $55, Includ
ing phone. Main 553.
IDAHO APTS. 2, 3 and 4-room apts; elec-
ii -u ugma, ioi rem. jioj ULO St. Main
'iwo-room furnished apartment; very
modern; walking distance.
3-ItOOM furnished apartment in private
nome; neat, light ana water; $30; 260
E. 23d St.. corner E. Madison. East 3451.
Three-room furnished; French doors
and balcony; $55. Broadway 1179.
APARTMENT, 2 and 3 well-fur. rooms for
h. k., reasonable rent, no car fare. 496
Clay, hear 14th.
3 rooms and private bath, basement
apts.: $35. Main 6375.
$40 NEWLY furnished 2-room apart
ment; never occupied; beautiful home.
714 East Madison.
NICELY fur. 5-room . apt..
with piano.
Phone Main 7516.
Itnfnrnifihed Apartments.
4-room front corner apt., $40; hard
wood floors, private bath, steam heat,
free telephone, all modern conveniences,
gas range and kitchen linoleum janitor
service. 361 Failing st
Corner 17th and Tillamook Sts.
Beautiful 5-room apt., steam heat,
janitor service, hardwood floors, tile
bath, ivory f,lniBh. Rent $85.
F. E. ' BOWMAN & CO.,
210 C. of C. Bldg. Bdwy. 6776.
4-room. newly, painted and kalsoralned,
steam heat and telephone, close in, walk
ing distance, only 3 blocks of Washlng
ton st. Rent $45. Call Broadway 1245.
BOWMAN apartments, Irvlngton; 5 out-
siae rooms, ivory wooawork, r renith
doors, steam heat, washing machine,-
vacuum cleaner, janitor service; adults
$75. 395 East 16th St. N., corner Han
cock. East 136!).
$5O-$00 Elegant 3 and 5-room apts.,
hardwood floors. ta.pestry paper, French
doors, porches, garages; location . un
surpassable. 714 East Madison.
BOWMAN apartments, Irvington; 5 out
side rooms; ivory woodwork; French
doors, steam heat; wash, maoh., vacuum
clnr.; jan. service; adults: $75 395 E.
16th N.. cor. Hencock. East 1309.
14th and Columbia.
. 3 rooms beautifully decorated In ivory
and tapestry, good view, rent reasonable,
adults, references.
A 4-ROOM west side furnished flat, o
will rent unfurnished to parties buying
gas range and heater.
Splendid, loca-
tion. Main li.tit.
EXCELLENT NEWS Just opened, new.
up-to-date, single or housekeeping, choice
location, well , heated, reasonable rates.
546 E. 7th. North.
MORDAUNT, 586 Everett; large 4-room,
homelike, come and" inspect.
4-ROUM apartment in Laurelhurst, garage,
heat, eiectric washer, water, phone;
adults only; $65. Automatic 231-31, 1006
Holladay ave., at 33d.
FOR R &S T f ter March 1. 6-room un
furnished apartment, high grade, cen
trally located, excellent service. Broad
way 2201.
Beautiful 4-room unfurnished apart
ment, facing the park. . Marshall 423.
42 W. Park.
LIVING room, combination kitchen and
breakfast room ; dressing room, bath,
electric range. 800 E. Hoyt st. Call East
7527, or East 54oi.
Modern 4-room front corner apt., one
block off Washington ; adults. Phone
Bdwy. 2761.
FOR RENT Trinity Place apts., 2 choice
apts. available, top floor, 4 rooms, sleep
ing porch, pantry, bath and hall; ref
erences required. Phone Broadway 6860.
Elegant five-room apt. can now be
secured. Mar. 1410.
THE ALTER Six-room bungaiow apt.,
sleeping porch, hardwood floors, tile
bath, fireplace and china closet, 21st and
uverton, jHroaaway l'jyu.
LOUGLAS COLiRT has 2 or,3-room, very
desirable unfurnished apartment. ' Call
Marshn'il 423. 425 W. Park. .
VACANT soon, modern unfurnished steam-
heated 5-room apartment; free phone.
3 LARGE unfurnished rooms, newly kal--Ejumined
; heat, light and phone; also
gad stove furnished. $27.50. 109 N. ISth
3 rooms, kitchen, tile bath, elevator,
hardwood floors. Main 359.
3-room apt. and garage. 142 East 39th.
raoor mil 4.
3 UXFUKISHFD rooms, modern, elegant
nrepiace, large pantry oso Davis i
after 11 A. M.
3-ROOAI apt., dressing room and bath;
neat, classy place, vacant March 1. East
THE VICTORIAN 4-room furnished
apartment, bath, -close in; reasonable.
42S Columbia, near 11th. Marshall 2 277.
CHETOPA APTS. 4-room apartment on
second floor; gas range and refrigera
tor included. Call Broadway 4936.
Very desirable 3-room unfurnished apt.
with balcony. Mar. 1804. -
4-ROOM apartment, light, sunny porch;
Irving apartments, 21st and Irving. Main
BRUCE apartment 6 outside rooms, mod
ern, steam heated, sleeping porch, newly
decorated. West side. Eaat 1369.
& ROOMS, modern, steam heat newly
tinted, gas stove. 561 Glisan.
3-ROOM apt. toilet and. bath. 048V
ThuTrar. near 20th. Marshal 4761.
5-ROOM. unfurnished apt. The Wilmar
742 Everett st. Phone Main 5164.
THE AMERICAN Modern 4-room apart
ment. Broadway 3360. "
or unfur.
hot-water heat: partly fur.
78!) Kesrney. Mar. 3456.
5-ROOM, front, first-class, modern; ref-
erences. Bdwy. 5126. - ,
.NEW 3-room apartment In Walnut ParlZ
Woodlawn 834.
Unfurnished Apartments.
NO MORE WORRY. Opening of new. up-to-date
single and housekeeping suites.
Exclusive place for exclusive people. Ex
tra well heated. Also beautifully fur
nished apartment. 544-516 E. 7th st. N.
Furnished or CDinrniBtied Apartments. m
TJpshur apts., 406ft N. 26th. 2, 3. 4, and
5-room - apartments, steam heated, fur
nished and unfurnished; reasonable rates.
3-ROOM with bath, vacant March 2,
Durfey apts., 308 Stanton street.
VKRY attractive corner, new apartment.
Garden Court Apts.. 530 Montgomery.
THE ROOD Modern, spotless, clean. 3
and B-room flats, all newly varnished,
tinted and painted; nice, clean neigh
borhood, $25 to $30; 15 minutes' ride
Fulton car. off Pendleton. Bdwy. , 6267,
VERY desirable 5-room fiatin fine con-
uuion. west side, on car line, close to
Gordon apts., fireplace, gas range, lin
oleum In kitchen. $45. See Strong & Co.,
606. Ch. of Commerce.
5-RM. FLAT, walking distance, nice
view, fireplace, furnace, phone, water,
$3T.50. 3S4ft Wth St., south of Mont
gomery. LOWER flat, heat, hot and - cold water
furnished. Inquire 586 Everett.
UNFURNISHED lower flat, 4 rooms and
bath, desirable location; close in; west
sidle; adults only. 474 Clay st. Marshall
CONVENIENTLY situated near car tine
and golf links, 5-room flat, modern in
every respect, garage, garden, reasona
ble. AM 473, Oregonian.
FOR RENT New, modern 5-room unfur
niehed flat, first floor, good location. 2
blocks from car, in Sellwood. Tallmadge
Realty Co., 619 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 675.
LuvhLY 5-room fiat, harawood floors,
sleeping porch, fireplace, modern and
convenient. 266 E. 30th near Haw.
3 ROOMS and sleeping porch at 400 N.
25th St., $25; adults only. Inquire 75ft
Rnnnevolt Q u u...l,ail 0-71Q
5 LARGE, beautiful rooms and bath,
1060ft E. 18th st. N. Call between 1
and 4 P. M.
PARTLY fur. flat, Irvington, on 15th St.,
cor.; 4 cheery rooms; every convenience.
Heat, garage. Mar. 4194.
IRVINGTON, upper flat, 4 rooms and
bath, hot-water heat, garage If wanted;
adults only. 481 Tillamook St., cor. 9th.
FOR RENT 5-room sunny modern flat:
stoves for sale; rent $40. East 8068. 272
E. 20th St., cor. Hawthorne ave.
FIVE large, beautiful rooms, oath. Dutch
kitchen, on car line. 872 Alberta st.
CLOSE In, west side, 5-room lower flat,
i Main 250.
FOR RENT $30; 5-room modern flat. 640
-a st. Mar. lina.
OFFICE for rent, use reception room and
iiimic. on i-Nunnwestern joang Diag.
FOR RENT 4-room Bunny modern flat
j?eu. lpda, bs;: js. aoth st.
ONE LOWER and one upper modern
M-iuvMi. no. iw ym a-i i u wiison at.
3-ROOM FLAT Unfurnished, with bath
and basement. $16. Call Marshal 4441.
4-ROOM and 5-room partly furnished flat.
znn ana vaugnn. Bdwy. 7557.
6-ROOM upper well located; references;
auuus. oi aaimon. s.ill.
FOR REiT Cosy 3-room flat and sleep
4. ROOMS, 230 Dixon st., near east ap
proach Broadway bridge.
VP-TO-DATE flat, 4 rooms and den;
walking distance. Bast 2675.
5-ROOM modern flat. East 137W or call
at 321 E. I3th st. N.
FLAT of five rooms. '2G1 Clay street,
near Third.
Furnished Flats.
PARTLY furnished lower flat, walking dis
tance, across the street from Washing
ton high school. 546 E. Alder st., near
12th; Sunnyside or Mt. Tabor car, after
noons. FINE furnished 5-room upper flat, fur
nace, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, sleeping
porch; excellent neighborhood, 1 block
to Sunnyside car. Reasonable rental.
Tabor 3!00.
FURNISHED upper 6-room flat, fireplace,
furnace, finished floors, sleeping porch;
sightly; garage; Hawthorne district.
Adults only. $50. 71U East Main, also
furnished 5-rm. cottage. 7S9 E. Main.
LADY wishes to share modern 5-room flat
with 1 or 2 ladies employed; very desir
able; rent reasonable to right . party.
East 8572.
4 ROOMS, furnished, all downstairs, hot
and cold water, both wood and gas
ranges. Walking distance to downtown
Inquire 422 1st st.
5-ROOM" upper flat. walking distance;
right rent to the right people; adults
only . No. 727 East Stark st. Phone
Ean 3310.
5 LARGE rooms and bath, beautifully
furnished, close to Alberta car line,
1060i E. 18th st. N. Cail between 1
and 4 P. M.
4-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice
view, phone, water, $32.30. 3S9Vfe 16th
st.. sooth of MontiTomery.
NlCtvLY i mnlshed 5-room f 1-at, with 4
additional rooms, suitable for roomers.
"lO-Vt King
YOUNG LADY will share furnished light
housekeeping room, close in, west side,
with another. BC 456, Oregonian.
ATTRACTIVE 4-r., well-turn isned. clean
and modern flat, overlooking river; ga
rase. 349 E. Glisan st.
4 ROOMS and bath, light, heat and water
furnished. See it at 501 E. 37th, 3 to 4
o'clock today. ;
4-ROOM flat for rent and some furniture
for sale; attic, furnace and lots of
clothes room. Main 1759.
ROSE- CITY PARK Nicely furnished
4-rooin upper flat, 1 block from oar.
fmiTv! nnlv. Tnh-r IQrOQ
MODERN 5-reom upper flat, all conven-
HI Un. H .. 11 1
jm. M:,yjrit iiuici iMttUUl J, juar. OUiU,
5-ROOM lower flat; nicely furnished;
adults; walking distance. Marshall 2772
Sunday after lO.
$32.50 5-ROOM unfurnished upper flat,
separate basement and furnace; refer
ences. 567 H East Davis, near 13th.
CORNER lower fiat.- furnished; suitable
for large family. 620 6th st.
3-ROOM flat, modern; adults only. 504
E. 22d st. S.
$35 LOWER three-Boom; pantry, bath;
adults. 243 E. 17th. Hawthorne car.
6-ROOM LOWER flat, lawn and fruit, $25.
M.V. car. 611 Gasco bldg. Main 3309.
FURNISHED 5-room lower flat, near the
O.-W. R. & N. car shop. Wdln.
4-ROOM fur. flat, heat, lights and gas;
adults; $37. Auto. 516-87.
3 ROOMS furnished at 820 Vaughn; $25.
Call 745V; Roosevelt or phone Mar. 3719.
NICELY furnished lower f .at, Montavilla
district, reasonable. Tabor 1631.
A COMPLETE 4-room furnished flat, close
in. Tabor 5959.
FLAT 4 large rooms furnished, all but
dishes and bedding. East 350.
3-RROM modern, newly furnished flat;
also garage. 429 Third st. Mar. 3029.
5-ROOM nicely furnished flat, easy walk
ing aistance. 3U Marshall,
3-lUX?M flat, modern, adults only. 504
East 22d st. S.
4-ROOM furnished flat; phone, water;
adults; $37. East 3305. 200 Fargo st.
NICE 5-room modern, adult, close in; rea
sonable. 528 Flanders.
LOWER furnished flat near car and school.
Tabor 3879; nice surroundings.
LIGHT, clean, outsideapartment, 2 or 3
rooms; adults. 402 Park.
2 LIGHT upper rooms, sleeping porch,
close In, $20. East 8368.
Houwykeepin g Rooms.
2 LIGHT and clean housekeeping rooms,
close in; $23. 214 Union Ave. N.
SINGE steam ' heated Housekeeping
rooms. $4 to $6 per week. 147 13th st.
$3.50 WEEK UP Large downtown fur-
nisheq i. k. rooms. 2-ia Wash.
NICELY fur. h. k. rooms, across street
from Meier & Frank's. 201 Morrlso n.
1 ROOM and kitchenette, front; all new!
302 Tillamook, near Williams avenue.
TWO ROOMS. $26; 3 rooms $32; clea;
warning aistance. u rtoss st. E. 0025.
WELL furnished, large housekeeping rm
693 E Madison st. East 8911.
MODERN, steam-heated housekeeping
rooms. 370 6th. near Montgomery.
LARGE front room, free phone, bath, gas
range. 310 6th st.
1 H. K. APTS. fur rent. 407 Columbia st
Pbone Main 2205.
FUH.N. h. k. rooms, adults, employed. Call.
aiternoon. oao uavii
LARUE newly furnished H. K. rooms.. 350
Clay st., Marsnan i44q.
TWO rooms, to per week up: one and
sleeping. up. . 2(ffi Washington.
H. K. APT., comfortable, light. 447 Sth st
Car line.
H. K- ROOMS. 3 and up.
gomery st.
244 Mont-
C4.EAN single housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance. 103 17th st. Mar. 1344.
TWO LiAKtiE ii.rnished H. K. rooms and
ahcove. .-do lra ave. Main 7017
1 AND 2-ROOM newly furnished H. K
1Sfl Chapman, near Yamhill.
CLEAN housekeeping rooms, electric
Hght3, block off Wash. 14H Lownsdale.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms, 85 West Park,
S4 ana so a week.
LOVELY furnished housekeeping apart-
ment; very reasonable. o6 Pettygrove,
TWO H. K. rooms lor rent, 115 month. Two
LIOHT. clean h. k. rooms, furnace beat.
!4 1-)lh .t
Hoqsekeeplns; Rooms.
Artistically furnished 1 room and
kitchenette; beautiful view of city and
moun;alns; rent this and be at home.
Main 3816. -
NICELY furnished 2-room H. K. apart
ment on first floor; hot and cold water,
private lavatory and outside entrance;
free heat, light and phone, $35., 507
puccl, near loin.
1 AND 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, gas,
heat,, light, phone furnished; walking
distance; across from dental college.
423 Pacific st., corner of 6th. East
LARGE front furnished 2-room H. K.
apartment. Very clean; ' electricity.
Everything furnished except gas. No
objections to child. Walking distance.
624 Flanders. Bdwy. 2125.
TWO MOST desirable clean front-room
apts. Portland Heights, wonderful vlew,
Vacant March' 1. 768 Park avenue. Maiii
CLEAN, front, b. k. rooms, also light
basement h. k. rooms for gentmen. $2 a
weeK ana up. iw letn St.. nar Morri
ONE LARGE front room well furnished,
light and airy, first floor; 1 eide room
well furnished, second floor. 241 13th.
corner iuain.
BEAUTIFUL large room and kitchenette,
, fireplace; moderate rates, 15 min. walk
. to Bdwy. and Washington. 569 John
Bo Phone Bdwy. 508.
2 if K. APARTMENTS, first floor, hot
and cold water In rooms. Clean and
rent reasonable. Also one H. K. room.
3i uroaa way.
XJ?HT housekeeping rooms, also one
large apartment, first floor, furnace
heat, close in. 331 Montgomery mu, near
3 UNFURNISHED rooms and use of dining
room and kitchen, lovely home, on east
side. Tabor 334$, Sunday evenings; rea
sonable. LIGHT front h. k. rooms with kitchenette,
. free light, water, phone, bath and heat;
walking distance, $22.50 per month. 344
NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, beds are
new and clean; very best heat, $15, $20
and $25 per month. ' Main 6161. 40S
12th at.
2-room furnished H. K., outside and
single room, $3 up to $6 a week. 2134
First, corner Salmon st.
THE LONG apartments, 53 N. ISth. Clean
H. K. apartments, heat, light and hot
water, $3 per week up; new manage
ment. THE BEAVER,. 12tn and Marshall Fur
nistaed H, K. rooms, $15 up, Including
hot water, electric lights, laundry room.
BUSH MARK, Wash. St., corner 17th,
ciean, modern 1 and 2-room outside a.pts.
Also sleeping room. . Bdwy. 5463.
2 AND 3 FURNISHED H. K. roome, hot
and cold water; heat, light and phone
furnished. 100 X. 18th st.
LARGE room on ground floor, $4.50 .a
week,, single $3, bath, light, phone free.
327 Third street, opposite auditorium.
NICE clean housekeeping rooms, single or
double. The Buckeye Apts., 364 ast
Morrison st.
2 AiN'D 3-ROOM apts., stove heat, laun
dry, privileges, 246 Russell st., close to
Williams ave. Phone East 7-65. w
141 ELEVENTH, H. K. rooms, $4' to 8
week; 2-room flat $30 mo. Phone, bath.
. Basement room $10 mo. Oor. Alder.
HOUSEKEEPING- room, heat, light.
phone; light, clean.. 530 Jefferson. Main
ONE. COURT room, steam heat and gas
furnished, S10 month. Call at room 410
Goodnough bldg., 5th and Yamhill.
APARTMENT. 2 and 3 well-fur. rooms for
h. k., reasonable rent, no car fare. 400
Clay, near 14th.
NEWLY furnished 2-room apartment, fur
nace heat, ground floor, walking dis
tance; very reasonable. E. 3230.
2 LARGE furnished h. k. rooms; gas, light
and phone furnished, $25. Marshall
2306. 352 College st.
467 WEST BROA'DWAY, nicely furnished
room, with kitchenette and sleeping
proch. water, range, every convenience.
1171 MINNESOTA avenue, 2 rooms, fur
nished, electricity and gas included.
Wdln. 1488. '
FURNISHED H. K. room, lights, water,
gas. 4014 Bith st.; Mt. Scott car to
Kern Park, 1 block north; $10 per mo.
ROOMS-Sleeping and housekeeping, $3 to
$ weekly, star, 8th ana Main, van
couver. This ad good for $2 credit.
$3 AMD $4, SINGLE and double, well fur-
nkrhed "housekeeping. 544 Pettygrove.
Housekeeping "Rooms in Private Family.
IRVINGTON 2-room housekeeping with
hot and cold water furnace heat; every
thing nice and clean. Children welcome.
441 E. 13th st. N. E. 1441.
2 LARGE light rooms, east front, first
noor, with nrepiace, turnace neat, eiec, gas, use of bath and laundry
tubs. 141 N. 23d. Phone Main 51160.
LARGE room, facing east, 3 windows, big
clothes closet and kitchenette, electricity,
phone, bath: close in, no car fare; 228
10th Ft. Phone Main. 5758.
STEAM-HEATED bed-sitting room, also
room with sleeping porcn. exceptionally
large bright room with housekeeping
privileges. Moderate rates. Eaat 234.
WOULD like to share my home with lady
with one child. Only c. . neea an
swer. Auto. 313-02. Kindergarten privi
leges for child during day.
LARGE, light, clean turnisned apartments
for housekeeping, close to Washington
and Benson schools. 20 E. 15th. corner
DOWN8TAIRS, congenial people wanted,
nicely furnished housekeeping suite,
yard, everything furnished. 546 Glisan,
near 16th. after 4 P. M.
$12.50 2 COMPLETELY fur. basement
. H. K. rooms, elec. lights -and water free,
walking dist. 564 E. 6th st. Seh. 110M.
5-ROOM house, bath and toilet. 80 East
30th st. Key at aia. .fnone- mast ouoi.
$30 per month.
THREE furnished rooms for light H. K.
Suitable lor two. Z3S cook ave.- wain.
4122, '
KITCHENETTE and lovely light, clean
front room, suitable for two; fireplace or
stove; $6 per week. 325 S. Broadway.
TWO OR three unfurnished housekeeping
rooms and kitchenette with garage. Very
reasonable. Tabor 2.t2M
ONE housekeeping and one sleeping room;
close In; reasonable rent, good location.
' Main 45S2. .
NICELY furnished large room with kitch
enette. gas range, clean; home- for nice.;
couple: reasonable, il N. 22d,
f25 TWO NICELY turnisned housekeep
ing rooms in modern home. 321 Eugene
street. East 2305.
SL2 KITCHEN and bedroom, in a view
cottage; wist side; reliable Christian
tarty, jain 254. after 3 P. M.
VERY suitable room for one or two busi
ness girls, 410 Salmon. - Mar. 1020. Rea-
' sonable.
rriw -.rrtrtm a.nartment. twin beds. Ideal
fo-r two employed girls, close in. 321
3 WELL-FURNISHED II. K. rooms on
ground floor, near car line; 'no children.
293 B. 30th.
ONB AND TWO housekeeping rooms, ex
ceptionally clean: stove neat, ciose in.
325 Schuyler st. East 9118.
TWO LARGE, modern, newly furnished
outside housekeeping rooms; adults only.
259 13th st
ROOM for rent with kitchen, laundry and
living room privileges, for one or two
ladies. Auto, dia-uj.
COSY and newly turn. 2 h. k. basement
rooms, well heated, modern residence,
close in. 215 W. Park. '
SINGLE housekeeping 'room, light, gas,
heat and phone, furnished. 374 Vancou
ver ave.. near East -Broadway.
I OR 2 RMS., lovely furnishea h. k. rms.
Heat, gas range, laundry: spotlessly
clean. 283 N. 24th. Main 1311.
NICE, clean suite of H. K. rooms, newly
furnished, light. gas, water, nhone in
cluded. 428 Hall. Mar. 1876.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite; private
entrance, walking distance: adults. 562
East Couch
rUUNiSHED rooms, moaern conveniences.
Automatic 630-12.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished. 1000
E. Main, Portland.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly furnished.
442 East HHh st. North.'
$35 THREE h. k. rooms. 425 E. 57th St.
Adults only: no smokers: also garage,
NICE clean H. K. suite, furnace heat; also
. single H. K. room. 4o ciay st.
257 12TH BASEMENT h. k.. private en
trance. ' '
3 NICE and clean furnished housekeeping
rooms on first noor. ii lu. jt.
LIGHT housekeeping roome, 2 block
from Broadway bridge. East nS'J4.
BOARD and room, also housekeeping
room. 122 N. 18th st.
1, 2 AND 3 large modern h. k. rooms, first
floor. 249 13th.
ONE FRONT room, sunny, clean and
k'trhrnette. 721 East Ash.
TWO NICE, clean h. k. rooms, $25 month.
75 Park, cor. Oak. , :
2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, walking
distance. SIS. Eat 727. 324 E. 1st N.
MODERN private home, sleeping . and
housekeeping rooms. 6-'W Northrup.
H. K- tiUlTE with porch, guiuUl for 3
people. 154 N. 18th St.
Housekeeping Booms in Private Family.
$20 MONTH, 2 rooms and kitchenette,
bath, light and phone free. Own en
trance. Adults only. Auto. 521-47. 606
Sixth st.
LARGE pleasant front housekeeping room,
first floor, for rent. Close in, near Broad
way bridge. 376 Vancouver ave. Mrs.
NICE, clean sleeping and housekeeping
rooms; easy walking distance; board if
desired; heat, light and phone. 120 N.
18th st.
AUTOMATIC 231-28. .
5-ROOS1 house and acre of ground, in city
limits. West side, Bull Run water, only
1-0 minutes' ride' from Washington st.,
fine place for garden and chickens: will
give lease to good tenant at $12.50 per
month; take 4th St., S. P. electric to
3rd and Miles et. station; or Oregon
Electri-c to Fulton Park station, and go
west 4 blocks. Apply to Mr. Wilson. 85
4th st.. In person; do pot phone.
FOR SALE Houseboat No. 13 at Oregon
Yacht club. A comfortable and econom
ical home. Five rooms, gas, electricity,
city water, etc. Separate fuel house.
Terms if desired. See caretaker at club
or write, giving phone number. BD 469,
$25 WITH water, 645 Market t St. drive
and Vista ave. car, 4 rooms, sleeping
porch, upper flat, separate entrance,
bath, gas, electricity, tray, furnace, walk
in e distance, fine view trees, yard, fine
locality, small family. . Main 415.
7-ROOiI modern house for rent, $20 a
month, barn, chicken run, 2 big lots for
garden, some fruit; 4 blocks south from
R C car at 675 E. 82d st. North. Ad
dress owner, 508 W. 5th. St.. Vancouver.
or pnone ax u.
IRVINGTON High-class 5-room bunga
low, garage, oak floors throughout; tile
shower, bath, furnace, fireplace, electric
range, built-lns; lease one year, March
1. S5; references required. Owner, 449
Sherlock blag.
4W Hi. linn - m
f i Pnnm.' walking distance.
newly renovated, partly furnished. "See
th veimw Mian.
SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Esc.-.,
FOR RENT About March 1ft, 1822. 6-room
modern house, furnace, fireplace, all In
good order, close in on East Ankeny.
Sear 14th, on car line; rent J42.5P. Phone
Marsnau ay-io.
nnninWAT 580 FOR
Planoa moved, S and up: tornlture
moving in proportion; f et our prices
rirat: all wora euarttiuceu. - j -
. hniiB. nfLi-tlv furnished,
.amie. chicken house, garden; price
J30; 3 blocks north Broadway, Ibi
west Williams ave. 248 Page st.
two o it. vt i 'i-room . modern house,
steam heat, grounds 200x200, Srage fot
x emu. 1515 Belmont. 10O rent Wdln.
FOR R EfNT 4-room cottage, lot 100x100,
f.t. honrio. and olate for chickens,
tw'Jl. Including water.. 1401 Boston
ave. EH. Johns car.
FOR "RENT 24C Monroe st-. vniiai..
ave car, 5 rooms. J16.60 per month
Otto & Harkson, 413 Chamber of Com-
By owner, modern 5-room bungalow
f.i- nr rent. oDen today' from 11 to
5:30. 630 East atn st. in.
nAnpov furnace, electric range,
earaae. naved St., desirable home; first
time rented. 55th and E. coucn.
quire Mar.-5S33,
1. . n aVu-k-.vv CAR BARNS.
5-room house on E. 28th St.. rent only
SmttH-WAGONBR CO.. Stock Exch.
f0 EAST SIDE First and second floor,
S uites of fully fur. H. K. rooms elec.
lights free, walking distance. ob4 E. Otn.
Sell, li-oa
uau xi it-vt ii-room house on west side.
'i-ith and Colleire. easy walk to
business district, fine view, $50. Lued-
demann Co.. 913 cnam-per ui .-u......-
jit. torERN. 6 rooms and sleeping
porch, built-ins. hardwood floors, lin
oleum on bath and kitchen, $o0. 563 h
40th st. N. Tabor mil.
. n, 'tfn.n-Turs and long dis
tance hauling a iauj. v.
cia cn 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121.
. KT.D-.Jlur with sarage. Call
.W -t-rvrJ. ..e,---- ----- " . 701
K...-,en in ana SDH i- m
Commercial St.
IRVINGTON 6-room modern home or
sell cheap; easy terms. East 35D-.
5-ROOM cottage, gas. city '- "
near station. Oregon Electric. $1S per
month. Marshall 3i4.
FOR RENT 6-room moaern nit,
Halse near 19th. Open Sunday. Rent
$50. Phone Mar. 3393
5-ROOM modern bungalow at low W.
TVrrv ODen from 12 to 4 Sunday. Rea
sonable. Col. 13H..
8-ROOM apTrtment (Sunnyside). gooa
proposition for renting rooms, 3o. Au-
MODERN 6-room bungalow, 43d near
Hawthorne. Space for garage. Auto
matic 212-73.
ll'OLERX 10-room house, locatea. at to..
North 2Cd st Will eve l0",Iease to
rt.slrnhta tenant. Marshall -JH17 ,
FOR RENT OR SALE 7-room house 4
bedrooms 4n Hawthorne district; $..5.
Tabor 257
for RENT Modern 5-room bungalow.
1V4 acFes good soil. 1"8 Woodward ave..
Richmond. Bdwy.2fl2fV.
Tro5m house, suitable tor large fj-1
or boarding; close in. east side Bdwy.
r D,nt hmlEft Rt 110 BtaniOll L., u-'J
Inquire at 655
naDered ana
Borthwlck st.
6-ROOM house, now vacant, furnace heat
full basement. 1512 Boston ave. Call
Tahor 4li4.
"6-ROOM unfurnished modern hse for
rent at 710 E. Burnside Rent $3..50.
Inquire Wakelieia-r -
FOR RENT Modern 3 and 4-room apt.
hardwood floors throughout nice yard
nd heautnui view. u -
MODERN 7-room house, partly fur. or un
fur.. Mt Tabor district; references re-
aulred. vt am.
431 iztn si. .J.
., s rooms big yard, some furniture,
vy cheap west side; 5 minutes walk
7nv?n Main 2323, after 1 o'clock.
onnil cottage $18. 266 Porter St.. near
6"fth weet s' dl Call 318 Board of Trade
hldg. Bdwy. 7452. ,
6TROOM house, furnace etc "4 Kelly st
r Porter, west side: rent u. can
318 Board of Trade bldg. . aawy. no
niODERN Rose City bungalow, five rooms
Mr.t cii.nW norch. hot-water heat; rent
t5H 741 C -i- -
f ROOMS sleeping porch, newly renovated,
hardwood floors throughout garage and
ail kinds of fruit, r-ast i-.
a-HKN moving, city or country, get m
bert.t lowest prices. Green Transfer
Co.. Main I2l. amc.
FOR RENT Modern bungalow, furnace,
Replace.1 garage corner 182 Mead st.
ss ner month. Phone Main 4858.
i'rvivgtoN $60540 Tillamook, vacant,
marvelous duplex, leaseialso enroom and
H,n)Yte oarage. $u. - n"cot-
rooms and bath, rent $15.
U'.).i L-OTDeitei.
FOUR rooms, furnished or unfurnished.
13 Buchtel avenue. ,
5" ROOMS and bath, ft.M K Morrison. In
5 nuke 717 Corbett bldg. George P. Lent.
FOR RENT 6-room oouse inquire noo
Mliwauklc fit. Phone Sell. 2670L
a" VICE room modern house at 33 East
IRVINGTON rentaU, J 60-$ 75. R. T. Street,
t roctt Trvintrton house, Dasement, iur--r
are. earaee. Phone Auto. 329-42.
7 ROOMS, modern, good ne i g h-bor -
hood. Sfi" Front. Marshall 4440.
FOR RENT 3-room house. 98 California
treet. io.
B-ROOM bungalow. 100x100. chicken park,
fruit. Montavilla district. Tabor 8781.
6-ROOM house, fireplace, .furnace ana
garage. ?.'J. rnonn 'y
MODERN 8-room house, furnace, nre
n'At vard. 42. Woodlawn 1IM5.
15 3-ROOM modern cottage near Beach
and Interstate. Tabor 407!
yMLL 3-room house, partly furnished or
unfurnished. 2 lots. Phone Mar. 2r.
LARGE house and garage on Division st.
Phone East 391 0.
q r niiu house wkh 5 bedrooms. Corner of
Si-t ana ATiKeny. iauT u-wj.
FOR RENT Fine 3-room house. 4S4 E.
Clay, near i)th. ;
MODERN cozy 5-room bungalow, fireplace,
built-ins, lawn, west side. 148 Curry.
tt-ROOM house, 3Mi E. 11th tit. Main
23 ST;
5-ROOM house, 83 E. Sth X., betwee-n
jjjtv erett and Flanders. East 83fi,
IRVINGTON duplex, choice 8 rooms. 9
19th N. Furnace, fireplace. East 8015.
XO LEASE, ti-room house for 8 months.
Will take $50 for lease. Tabor 244.
Famished Houses.
BEAUTIFUL 8-room house. Wil
lamette heights, completely fur
nished .with walnut and mahog
any furniture and oriental rugs-,
including . a largo study, fully
. equipped, $125 per month.
209 Oak St Bdwy. 5355.
NECESSARY to leave town, will rent new
modern home, furnished, March 15. 7
rooms, bath, sleeping porch, furnace, -4
lots. barn, fruit garden, 12 laying hens.
Gentle folk with references, no small
children, who will room and board my
son, lo. please apply 6210 obtn ave. b.
E. Auto. 624-90.
MODERN 6-room house, nicely furnished;
newly kalsomlned; gas plate; launary
trays in basement; furnace; desirable lo
cation; walking distance; near 2 car
lines; adults only; reasonable rent; ref
erences exchanged: owner home Sunday
10:30 A. M. to 2 P. M 716 East Davis.
Tabor 1295.
FOR RENT Furnished modern home. 7
rooms, 4 bedrooms, attic, garage; one
block to car, Hawthorne district: will
lease $85 a month, or sell all, including
piano and car, for $6500. $1000 cash,
balance like rent Phone Tabor 6006.
NECESSARY to leave town, will rent new.
modern home, furnished, March 15; 7
rooms, bath, sleeping porch, furnace, 4
lots, barn, fruit, garden. 12 laying hens,
gentle folk with references: no small
children. Who will room and board my
son, 15. Please apply 6210 6Sth ave.
S. E. Auto. 624-90. '
Here you can have 2 or 3 nice board
era, thus paying the rent of a beautiful
modern home; 8 rooms, furnished; large
aouDio sleeping porch, fireplace, garage,
lawn, roses, choice diatrlct, close in. AO
4fi9. Oregonian.
OWNER of modern 7-room house, will
rent 4, o or ti rooms furnished, with acre
ground, chicken house, brooder house
for 1000 chicks; gas, electric, baths.
Gresham car, 200 feet from Wichita
station. Inquire Springwater Poultry
IRVINGTON HOME, furnished complete
with exception of China, -bedding and
silver: can give a lease to responsible
party: adults only. For appointment
call Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, Main.
17vSe. 1238 N. W. Bk. bldg.
$27.50 7-ROOM furnished house, near 4
carlines, 2 lots, garden space, fruit trees,
chicken run, front rooms recently done
over. 408 Jessup St., H block to Union
ave.. key next door. -
FOR RENT to respuonslble party ,7-room
furnished house in desirable neighbor
hood, walking distance; excellent car
service; nice yard and roses. 504 East
Main. East 5900, or Main. 5245.
5-ROOM bungalow, modern except fur
nace, garden spot, - berries, lease -with
some furnishings to responsible party.
MV car at 60th, 1569 E. Everett Tabor
524 Heights Terrace.
A dandy 4-room cottage with the fin
est view of mountains and city; rea
sonable rent.
WELL furnished 7-room bouse with
piano and garage, $60 month. Will
lease for 4 months or longer. 392 Eu
gene st. Phone Main 7817 for ap
pointment. References required.
FURNISHED 5-room house on Daved St.
and carline, 2 bedrooms, full lot; flow
ers, garden and shrubfk garage. $50 per
m.nlh ailtft 9.t-l W
IN IRVINGTON, modern 7-room house.
newlv decorated and well furnished.
with garage and basement; adults. Eas.t
NICELY furnished 2-room basement suite.
built-m conveniences, sink, range and
gas plate; fuel furnished: private en
trance; walking.aistance. tfl a. lotn St.,
corner Flanders, west side.
FOR RENT A fine 10-room, modern
house, furmshed or unfurnished, desir
able location; no objections to one child.
Park Rose. Call Tabor 3624.
ECONOMIZE on rent; will ahure up-to-date,
well furnished, bungalow with
young couple; garage. 885 E. Caruthers.
Sell 1569.
ROSE CITY- PARK, furnished 7-room
modern house. 506 East 55-th st. North,
$.V2.oO per month. Donald Woodward.
KM Second 2d. Bdwy. 7436. .
fM i AND 5 ROOMS of my 7-room
house for rent; nicely furnished, mod
am, garden spot, basement and laundry
trays. 103 E. 84th st. N. at-V Dep. car.
NEW. modern 6-room bungaiow, well fur
nished; will lease for one year; refer
ences required. Rent $55. Open Sunday
11 to 5. 1450 East Flanders.
FURNISHED modern 5-room bungaiow.
including piano, fireplace, furnace, hard
wood floor. Dutch kitchen and all built
ins. $65. Phone Auto. 237-03.
WELL fur., -,6-room home, on Alameda
drive, best part of Rose City, $45 to
small family, with references; no fur-nat-e.
fireplace or garage. Tahor 4514.
FOR RENT Furnished 8-room house. 3
baths, garage, garden; on Willamette
Heights, $150 per' month. Tel. Mrs.
Raymond. Main 2076.
BUNGALOW ani garage, paved road and
street car, 10 miles out on river. Call
at 728 Morgan b:dg.. or phone Oak
Grnvp 12BX.
COMFORTABLE, modern, 4-room home,
lawn, fruit, flowers, west side. 249 Ban
croft. FUR. bungalow, mod., lights, water, free
garage; $30. Ashdale station, Oregon City
carline and river road. Thompson.
MODERN :l-room upper flat with private
bath. 549 East 17th. W. S. car. Adults
only. ' .
MODERN furnished 8-room home. Sell
wood; plenty of garden and fruit trees.
Phone Mllwaukie 44Y.
NICELY furnished 4-room iiouse on paved
street. 1 Mi blocks from car, $45-, adults.
Inquire 74fc.. tiltn.
5-ROOM furnished cottage, near iaurei
hurst Park, to responsible party; 0 mo.
lease. AG 452. Oregonian.
FURNISHED house with 2 rooms and-sip.
porch. South Portland. Rent $15. East
MA'N AIND wife, preferably working, to
share home, with owner; references
B. .v.-." 1. :
FOR REiNT Furnished. 5-room bunga
low cottage, 1912 E. ,8th st. North. Cail
between 10 and 4 o'clock.
MODERN 0-room furnished house, with
garage, best location. 833 Halsey.
. Owner. 830 Weldler.
FURNISHED house of 6 rooms and bath.
large lot OI lrun, ueiut-o mui Biases,
month. 6R5 Harold ave.
NICE, comfortable Oswego 6-rm. home,
$40. Miss Mcintosh, Mar. 1505 1 2 noon
to 2 o'clock.
6-ROO.M furnished house, near East 28th
and Ankeny, $35 month. Tabor 3679
after 10 o'clock.
WILL rent March lj with lease for one
year, furnished or unfurnished 5-room
cottage. 4121 71h st
S. E. Call 644-3L
LEASE 2-a. fruit, berres. 3-r. turn.
house, Mr mile from end Fulton carline.
Phone E. 35W. ,
SMALL house for rent, for two people;
partly furnished. Call Monday 1283 East
Elghtn Aortn.
5-ROOM bungalow, rent $50, including
garage, Hawthorne district. BF 429. Ore
gonian. "
MODERN 5-room cottage. Just - tinted,
strictly elean; also 3 rooms, neat and
clean. 514 E. 21st st. R.M.- car.
3-ROOM new furnished house, half block
from IJ car and store. Inquire after
noons. 580 Going St. .
FOR RENT Modern -5-room bungalow
furnished. 8fl5 East Wasco, close in,
155 ner month. Phone Auto. 4784.
Modern 7-room bouse, furnished, flre
blace. garage, S5. Main 847.
PARTLY furnished house, one acre cul
tivated ground, near Lents. Phone
Milwaukee 44 Y. --
IRVINGTON home, 7 rooms, furnished,
hardwood floors, garage; JS0 a month.
E. 1274. :
6-ROOM furnished cottage with hot
and cold water, " piano, garage; bargain
at $50. 821 E. Ash.
LOVELY 8-room furnished house; west
side: $00. Main 5814.
FOR RENT 3 furnishea nouse Keeping
rooms. Wdln. 1572.
FURNISHED 3-room cottage; water paid.
Mar. 3mt3
THREE-ROOM cottage at 32S Grant St.,
rent Sl". Marshall 3X45.
5 ROOMS, near Jefferson high school. East
33W. Call '1 to .5, 138 Williams ave.
4 R'
.iMS and bayi, furnished. Wdln.
5032. .
FOrt RENT Partly furnished house, -near
Multnomah station. Main IKVil.
FL'R'M10 li-room house,
bein avrnue. .
82i Garten-
G-ROC'M. modern house, Jp4w, walking
tance. 343 E. Glisan. E. 8S3.
FOR RENT 4-room furnished house.
quire 121 wtanion si.
j b-KOUil nouse, im miliums, piuw.
: North Sixth. Woodlawn 3307.
FOR RENT 5-room furnished house. $35
month. Sellwood 3703.
A NEW up-to-date furnished home for
rent. Tabor 3178
6-ROOM cottage, furnished. 1305 Fast
14th. corn'-r Kt-nry ave. East 8575.
FOUR large rooms, modern; free phone.
ft24-tfi. 5050 85th St. S. E.
j35-,.ooni. ..ill turnisned house, near
A l Ueny c-rh"ris. 0320.
5-ROOM houue. 639 Spokane av 40.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale.
OWNER must sell furniture In a 12-room
residence. 2 baths, 4 toilets, hardwood
floors first and .second; hot-water heat;
built-in kitchen and pantry, 3 sinks;
just right for a first-class boarding
house; 7 bedroom; 15 min. walk to
business section; no agents. Y 457. Ore-
, gonian.
6-ROOM house for rent, $15 per month:
. nice lawn and garden, some fruit and
berries, to party buying household goods,
price $175; one block north of Beaverton
P. O. on the & P. electric H. L. Thoma
son. FOR SALEi for cash, five rooms furniture,
mostly oak, one room can be rented;
house cleaning done: fuel la basement.
furnace, fireplace, sleepic? porch. Rose
city car; flat for rent. $45.A)pen tf lo o.
No dealers. 6P'j E. 12th st. M.
BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton 7-room house, with
garage for rent; Gasco furnace; lovely
new furniture for sale: must be seen to'
be appreciated; no dealers. Phone East
Bill!). Call 617 East 21st N.
SACRIFICE practically new furniture.
complete, linens, etc Modern flat for
rent $20. Hardwood floors, newly tint
ed. Leaving city. Payments or cash.
R 474, Oregonian.
FURNISHINGS of a nice modern cottage '
including groceries, wood, etc., for sale
at a bargain, $400, some terms; rent $25.
Can rent 2 rooms, nice yard. See Gar
land. 201 3d, corner Taylor.
SACRIFICE furniture 4-room flat includ
ing stoves, bedding, dressers, etc.; must
be sold at once. Call between 10 and 5.
M)3 Washington st. over store.
BEAUTIFUL mahogany furniture for sale
at bargain, flat for rent: rooms pay
rent, west side. Phone Bdwy. 269S after
10 A. M.
SACRIFICE, $650, west side; compiet fur
niture of 5-room ceam-heated flat
Bdwy. 22SO. Terms. .
MODERN G-room house, close in, newly
decorated, $33; furniture for sale cheap.
346 Victoria st. East Bdwy. bridge.
WEST SIDE Modern furnished house o
6 rooms, reasonable; location. West )
8-ROOM house, nicely furnished; houss
for lease, furniture for sale. 54 3d st ,
Marshall 1195.
FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale and !
flat for rent, $35; modern. Call Sunday, ,
1 to 5: Monday. 9 to 5. 227 W-hlttaker.
FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale, flat .
for rent Rent $35. See owner, 34S !
Columbia st.
$150 FOR spring and summer, 6-room fur-
ntsnea house, garage, ocean fara, wasn.
Marshall 3613.
FURNITURE for sale cheap.
House for
rent or not. 187 Hooker st.
4-ROOM house for rent furniture for sale
cheap. 56!) 3a st.
FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale.
terms; flat for rent. Call Mar. Z04W.
7-ROOM furnished flat, $430, terms. Call
at 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. In
qulre 5009 67th st. S. E. Phone 641-04.
8-ROOM flat for rent. $22.60. Five rooms
of furniture for sale, $200. 545 4th st
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 4i25
Knott. On premises all day Sunday.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. Iln
qulre 5009 67th St. S. E. Phone 641-04.
Stores and Business Places.
Corner room, 2d and Burnside.
Also adjoining store on 2d st.
Will give lease for- term of years.
For information, call
Bdwy. 728, or Aat. 522-90.
FINS chance for live druggist and hard
ware or meat market; nice clean store
in paved section on car line several big
manufacturing plants and little or no
competition and above business needed,
J30 to 40 Corbett and Pendleton. Bdwy.
62H7. Sundays.
STORE FOR RENT Oak St.. bet. .1th and
0th, brick bldg. Choice for retail busi
ness or ground location for insurance or
financial concern, rent reasonable. Lease
if desired.
Z6 N. W. Bank Bldgi Mar. 4114.
20X35 R-OOtM. suitable for vocal or music
studio, centrally located, hardwood
floors, light, heat, water, phone in
cluded ; office room adjacent. Reason
able rent to responsible party. Owner,
Broadway 2-'t13.
yuxlOO floor, good light, elevator, steam
heat, fireproof building, suitable for
light manufacturing or other purpose.
Appl: on premises, northwest corner
Grand ave. and East Stark sts.
MODERN building centrally located, on
west side; building is 50x100. two-story
and basement; offices, elevator and
steam heat; available April 1; long lease
if wanted. J. F. Staver, Macleay bldg.
13. DOWNTOWN office; $30. downtown
store; $25-0. Morriaon-st. store; $7.". store
stone's throw from Wash, st.; 50-room
a pt. house to lease ; many others. Ed
Diamond. 43i Chamber Commerce.
SPACE suitable for anv business on sec
ond floor, new. modern building, Park
and Yamhill, opposite auto stage depot.
Donald Macleod. 534 Chamber of Com
merce bldg.
GARAGE, two stories. 30xlU0 feet; good
elevator, show room, heat; located on
west side, main thoroughfare; lease at
moderate rent. J. F. Staver. Macleay
bldg. .
VERY desirable store in new brick build
ing on Sandy blvd. at ost st., suitable
for millinery, dressmaking, electrical and
. automobile supplies, etc. Inquire -"03
Third Ft.
S'lXXRE at 125 11th st., l'.txGO. between
Washington and 41der sts., suitable for
any retail business. Will lease. Bdwy.
23 IS. .
SMALL store on Morrison st., near bridge,
suitable for jeweler, tailor, shoe shop,
etc. ; reasonable rent, lease. Main 2124.
WAREHOUSE on track, 20.000 q. ft., good
elevator, centrally located; now vacant.
J. F. Staver, Macleay bldg.
WEST SIDE Part store, space 11x33, suit
able for storage, sign writer, etc.; cheap
rent. Bdwy. 2487.
BASEMENT, central west side business
ditrclt, cheap rent, lease. Dan Kella
her. 480 Beimont. East 8433.
LARGE store on North Broadway. 25x00;
rent $125 month.
J. F. STAVER. Macleay Bldg.
NICE 6-room apartment, suitable for
store and living rooms. 2724 Williams
FOR RENT Store oom a.t 12th fl-n-d Wash'.
Mr. I. HoLmen, 432 Chamber of Com
merce, Bdwy. 2855. residence E. 953.
12 GRAND AVE. N., corner E. Burnside.
a room 50x50. suitable for any line of
buslneps. Phone East (ilOO.
FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware-
house, phone iiroaaway jjio.
STORE. 230') Washington St.
Stark St.
Apply 252
28 MORRISON, store,
lease. Mar. 4440.
stories, 3-yrar
SPACE in carpenter shop for sign painter
or transfer. March 1. P. O. Box (i3U.
FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale,
flat for rent. 12ft N. Ith st.
WILL lease for 5 years or more at a
-reasonable rental very fine office, cen
trally located.
Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. Main 505ft.
ATTORNEY wilt snare combination suite
of 3 offices, furniture of private office
for sale, consisting of desk, chairs, rug.
filing cabinet, etc, 207 Stock Exch. Bldg.
for rent, furniture for sale. Northwestern
Bank bldg. Includes nice reception
room. P 272. Oregonian.
OFFICE SPACE, with or without desk
and stenographer service. 20ft Stock
Exchange building. Marshall 2310.
MORGAN bldg., dental operating room,
share use furnished reception room, tele
phone, etc. Phone Marshall 90.
SPACE for dentist, east light, modern
office building, first-class location; ref
erence required. BC 407. Oregonian.
FURNISHED office space, suitable for
man and stenographer. 216 Alisky
PRIVATE office and well-furnished re
ception room, reasonable. B 30i, Ore
gonlan. m
NEW Uxl2 GRASS RUG, cust $10; take It
for $10. G2fl Chamber of Comme-ffr.
DESK room with telephone and stano
graphic -ervice Phone Bd-rr yia
FRONT office, modern, m Railway Ex-
I change b'dg. Apply room aig.
PLEASANT office, furnished, tree phone;
very reasonable 703 Dekum bldg.
WELL-FURNISHED office, good location,
davenport; Buchanan hldg. Bdwy. 5Sto.
PRIVATE office with use of reception
room. $10. 502 Dekum bldg. 313-01.
FOR RENT Office and desk space. In
qulre room 432 Chamber of Com.
2 4-ROOM apts., Sunnyside. suitable for
doctor, dentist. Automatic 212-73.
MUSIC studio for rent Mondays. Tuesday
and Fridays. Automatic 21i)-fiS.
DESK room, Henry blug. Phone Bwdy.
1WH or ctH fil4.
DESK space with phone and desk. 2f2
Railway Exchange hldg.
D ES KiROOM or private ofiicc. well fur-
lushed, rt5 Citamber of Con.inerce.