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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1922)
16 l 1TIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 26, 1922 FOH SALE AUTOMOBILES. For KTChanjrr Automobiles. WILL, TRADE Oldsmoblle 6. cord tires, license,- like new, for Ford touring or roadster and $A50 terms: too Rood for road work. Owner, Lawrence. Broadway WANT to exchange equity o $500 In Wlllyt-Knlght coupe In good condition, elegant upholstering, five cord tires, good paint, for lot, or what have you? Bai ance due $275. K 4o8, Oregohian. OLDSMOBILE touring car for sale or trade. Would consider trade on Ford delivery or touring. Bennett, 1481 E. eth N. lOl'O CLEVELAND roadster, very good shape, for sale or trade on light 5-pas-Kenger car. Write J. H. Rlchter, Tigard, Or. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. IF TP Ton were buying a dianwmd, you would go to a reliable .tore one where you could rely upon being told the truth. Why is M not more necessary In thej purchase of a USED TRUCK T Te will tell you t REAL, condition of any USED truck we have, YOU know our reputation. We offer these as a fair example of our prices. WHITE- 5-ton Ion wheefl base, thoroughly overhauled by us; nearly new tires, re painted' and ready to gx...$2SO0 G.M.C. Hon, 1921 (latest model), electrically equipped, first-ciasj condition . 1000 TOKD. 1920. 1-ton worm drive, overhauled at a cost of $100; looks and is Just like new; the body alone Is worth $-00; our price .. 400 NASH, 1020, 2-on, orer toauled and all new tires; a real bargain at 630 OLDS, 1020, best of con dition, good tires, repainted, and a real bargain 600 WHITE. 1921, ton, on new pneumatics. This truck has seen service only since May",' 1921, and is like new. A BEAU truck. Ask the price. MACK, 6-ton dump. Just over hauled at a cost of, $1600; new cylinder blocks, pistons, Tings, pins, pump, frame, chains, etc., In fact, nearly all working parts are new. Make us an offer. MACK. 5-ton, long wheelbase. equipped with Sewell wheels (wheels alone cost J800), good cab, windshield, etc. This truck has 4een overhauled and is in first class condition. Make us an. ffer. SEVERAL OTHERS EAST TERMS AND SQUARE DEAIa. THE WHITH COMPANT, Flint and Hancock Streets. Four Blocks East of Broadway Bridge and One Block North, Phone and We Will Call for Toil. YOU WANT a good honest value for your dollar. We are endeavoring to give that and more im every truck which we sell. We believe we are as well prepared to give you your money's worth as any firm In the northwest. Do your self the justice of Inspecting our trucks before you Invest. 4-ton Packard, a big husky truck that has years of hard work in it $ 975 8'4-ton GMC, thoroughly overhauled, good tires, looks like a new truck.... 2450 2-tcn GMC. thoroughly over hauled, backed by our un qualified guarantee 1650 2-ton White, we have disas sembled every unit In this truck, have carefully re paired the motor trans mission and rear end and can recommend It to you as a first-class value 1650 2 -ton Republic, one of the biggest snaps in Portland,' thoroughly overhauled, new tires on all four wheels, only 1350 1-ton White, fair mechan ical condition 750 1-ton White, A-l shape.... 1250 1-ton" GMC, model No. 16. . . . 875 1-ton worm drive Ford truck, four new pneumatic tires, one spare, good cab, wind shield and platform body.. 425 i-ton GMC, thoroughly over hauled 600 Chevrolet light delivery 275 WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC., Main S92. 200 Second St., cor. Taylor. : Open. Sundays from - 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. CATRPILAR TRACTOR. 1700 for a 12-20 Cleveland tractor, just been overhauled and can be seen at 1004 East Grant street near East 34th street. Phone Tabor 2555 or on week days .callat 401 Swetland Wdg. Phone CATERPIT.T.A R TR ifTAR $700 for a 12-20 Cleveland tractor, just been overhauled and can be seen at 1004 East Grant street, near East 34th street. Phone Tabor 2535 or, week days call at 401 Swetland bldg. Phone TWO enclosed freight bodies for auto trucks, built of hardwood, body steel; one 6-6-14, one 6-6-15; one two-wheell pole or logging trailer, complete with bunk and fifth wheel. Apply sales man- ager. Coast Eng. Mch. Wks., foot E. Aayiur bl xorLianq, ur, 1918 INDIANA 3-ton dump truck; com- Sletely equipped with dump body and oist; has been overhauled throughout' price $1000; easy terms. NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX, B42 Alder St. Broadway 1723. FORDSON tractor, with pulley attach ments, fenders and excellent shape Iouble 7-ft disc and 2 bottom 14-lnch plow. Had 30 days' use. Private party Phone Empire 1061 or P. O. box 52. North Portland. 1919 OLDSMOBILE chassis; we spent $350 overhauling this truck: cord tires all around; will sacrifice for $500 m.u B"n Lcrma. NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX, . 542 Alder St. Broadway 1723. TRAil.RHfi I have several logging and lumber trailers, fully equipped, ready to go; will sell at bargain prices. Parsons, East 8118. 1 NEARLY new 2 -ton Denby, run only 4 months, cost $2250; will sell for $1300. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of I HAVE a 2-ton WHITE TRUCK which I .will sell or trade for city property or ciosa-m acreage. Hallway Equipment Co., 235 Stark st. FOR SALE Freight box for 2 or -4-ton truck, this box is practically new and absolutely water proof, all for $65. Phone w. .miwauKie. ur. FORD 1-ton truck, thoroughly over hauled, easy terms. Broadway 4592. Address 415 Gllsan. 2-TON White and ror Mack for sale or cr&ue ana gooa comiti?.. naming wood 394 E. 10th St. S-llwood 1270. SAAihu.N truck, in fine condition, cab anu oouy, cneap. easy terms. Knives Mo tor Co.. Main 3516. 1PUR bALt 1U-1 Fordson tractor with governor ana Beit pulley attached; only unci ix vui. --ui, .Monday. 'din. ONE second-hand 1-torTFord truck. Call at Pacific Tent & Awning Co., No. 1, North First st. ON B-TON Ford truck to trade for a light touring car. Inquire at the aviation fild on Linnton road. No phone. WANTED Any Kind of hauling for 2-ton truck. 1170 Moore st 1920 FORD trucic; will demonstrate; $175 cash, balance terms. Tabor 8511. MAXWELL ton truck for furnace installed or painting. Tabor 4980. WILL give $50 for truck hauling contract. AR 472, Oregonian. lk-TON Republic truck for sale; 694 6th St. Call Marshall 3334. NEW FORD Mi-ton truck. Inquire 385 East Washington st. FOR 8 ALE 'TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. BUSSES. BUSSES. BUSSES. We are at the present time fin ishing one of the most handsome busses ever seen In Oregon. We Invite your inspection. WENTWORTH tt IRWIN. INC., Main 2892. 200 Second St., cor. Taylor. WE REVISE our used truck list elimi nating several sold since our last ad. 1- ton International, rebuilt. 3-ton International, rebuilt. 2- ton Nash. 24-ton Bethlehem. 2-ton Jumbo. -..Xe,Jms and we handle our own paper. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. OF AMERICA. Corner Belmont and East Water St. "CHEV" DELIVERY. " Starter, demountable rims and spot i . H.J?r ln,Sd shape; will sacrifice for J350, will give some terms. Call Marshall 4400, apt. 500, any time Sunday ACTO REPAIRING. CURLY'S FORD SHOP. . : We specialize on eliminating chatter ing transmissions, over-lubrication of cylinders and leaky rear, wheels. 227 Salmon. Main 8154. YOUR CREDIT is good, pay as you drive, expert mechanicaiis; honest values. Russell Tye, 299 Weidler street. Phone East 8866. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic, will work at your garage or mine; work guaran teed; prices very reasonable. East 8628. FORD repairing at your garage; motors overhauled, $10. Other work accord lngly; work guaranteed. Main 5787. GARAGES. GARAGE for rent. 904 Colonial ave.. near Mason; large and roomy cement drive- Wav. Phnn. WnnHI., ..... Ki WANTED Private garage for my car, WPf a He- nrall-l-.-. ,1;.. -, -. "amnift uiatancB. n U. w y. :.-,, WANT TO RENT, garage, near 13th and ?OR RENT Garage. East 15th. between - ..... , y. mwt JTQ SPACE in cement garage, cor. of 31st St. and K Ttavla a.,,.. ..,- on , KWAN TED Auto renair Khnn srvtn fn, it to 6 cars, west Bide. Bdwy. 3449. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WAXT-D MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVER COATS, MACK1NAWS, SHOES. - WE CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL MAR 1229 OR 2o3 MADISON ST.. NR. THIRD ST. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS 30CGHT We pay highest prices. Ore gon Talors and Cleaners. 117 2d st. N. W corner Washington. Bdwy. 72ii. WE WILL ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 for you discarded suit in payment on a suit roade to order and you can pay us the Balance on easy monthly payments. Bring In your used suit and apply It on a new one. Joy, the Tailor, 1U4 Fourth. near Stark. WANTEDi PIANOS Will pay cash for second-hand upright pianos for shipment to another city; instrument must be free from incumbrances; will call and ap praise; no dealers. Strictly confidential. .uuress w qz-, uregonian. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 24514 BURNS1DE. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. B'OkS FUKS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing, furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co., 163 West Park Btreet. Phone Main 6529. MAIN 7714. Used furniture of any kind, tools and general household goods, bought for cash; good prices paid. West Portland oaivage to. Do not throw things away. We pay good prices for used furniture, tools, clothing, stoves, carpets and all kinds of Junk. Phone Main 2020. WANT warehouse scales. trucks, safe, vault door, 8 or 5 h. p motors, cash reg ister, office equipment; must be priced . right for cash; give full details first Wanted light 2-horse farm wagon; must be in good condition and cheap; ..... iaan. ureeonian WANTED Men's suits, shoes and hats; o pay tua irjguesi. prices; just opened. Herman the Tailor, 352 First Main WB BUY DIAMONDS. OLD, GOLD. OLD Jewelry for cash; name your price. Bring ur man, raa vasn pet. 6tn and Bdwy. POOR family, man out of work need fur- ........... uicanti, ciiiiiunier, wont or can lJJ "".an tmmuuu Ar iiv, uregonian. DIAMONDS, old gold, silver and platinum bought. Mall orders; reliable estimates. . ... viamci, ua oeiung OiQg. WILL exchange new phonograph for type writer. Hjtt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. 256 NEWTON or 250-3000 Savage rifle wanted, state price and condition. BC -til, kji eguiuail. WANTED Second-hand mixed lumber for uuvuunu.uso. aiau iuw nana Drick; must be cheaD. AP 471. ' Oreenninn IF YOU wish to sell your cast-off cloth- n . aiar. , awj. ZUtf ALaclLson st. gupic a aeconunanq store. WANTED Maps ana equipment ' for fire msminnjo mime. pj ib. uregonian. DIAMONDS bought at highest market prme. c. ueeaa, a-iv wasnington st. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot- smia. -nociueiu, oj mirq, near oak. SAFE Second-hand; will pay cash if price right. AO 422, Oregonlan. CANOE wanted, with or without outfit Call Wdln. 3941. after 6. WANT camping outfit, shot gun or rifle tent. Bdwy. 7161, 625-82. ' OIL-BURNING brooder, give make age capacity, price. AN 472, Oregonlan. ' BANJO wanted; must be reasonable. East 8396. WANTED Set golf clubs and bag 474, Oregonian. WANTED GLOBE-WERNICKE BOOK- aoc, lviAnuvjAiM ji.mkh. EAST 466. WANTED Rowboat, 14 to IS feet. Phone WANTED 100.000 second-hand brick. Ta bor 8793. BABY'S SULKY, REASONABLE. WOOD LAWN 2274. WILL someone kindly donate an invalid cuair to a wormy cause? Columbia 71 i GOOD teams to do excavating and also "ceiy ui gaim ana gravel, wain. 883. WANTED Copper coil water heater and WANTED A power-driven bench drill press; must be reasonable. Tabor 2874. Furniture ITanteq. CALL MARSHALL 2093. I pay absolutely the right price for household goods; a home full of furni ture cr one article; I need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good rugs, roll-top desks and good stools. If you are ready to sell call Marshall 2693. 1 will be there promptly with cash. WE are in need of used furniture, carpets, stoves arid ranges and household goods of all descriptions and will pay ab solutely the top prices for same. Call MarsnaM 587, and -our buyer will bo tiere et once with the cash. A. & s Gevurtz Furniture Store, 2U5 and 207 . . ' ' - w i a j iva We need used furniture, stoves, rangea etc., to ship out of town; will pay higher prices than other local dealers call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Broadway 2200, 72 North 3d St., Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. r1 A M h'lIU V1TITD1.' . .t. PAT I. I T-T.T Tia CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; WK PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALER; GIVE US A TRIAL. - . ' USED FURNITURE EXCHANGE. ALAiil 1 .if. CALL MAIN 8S78 We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. Main 8878. WE N A.ED lurniture, rugs, stoves and tools of every description in single pieces or in lots; will pay more than local dealers; prompt attention given Call East 2405. " " WE PAY as much as any aeaier can for used furniture, in cash or in exchange for what you want in up-to-date new furniture. M. H, Calef. furniture. 140 Kllllngsworth. Woodlawn 6604. VE NEED BECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. I'none touay, Main or mo f irst St. WANTED Overstaffed davenport and chair, walnut or mahogany bed, dresser, chair, stand. BF 475. Oregonlan. WANTED to purchase, office furniture- must be modern and reasonable; might rent onice. Art im, vjregonian. WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker & Co., aucu,iit"K a. iii-iui oaa WANTED ?4-size Murphy "iii a door" fn.lir h,H Aftfl ............ I COMl'LETE furnishings for 5 rooms; will , ..msiq. AU1, OWflq WANTED Typewriter desk. . V 463. Ore- gonlan. WANT roll and riat-top desk ana adding ' machine. O. N. Sabcock. Bdwy. 2738, EDUCATIONAL. PIANO PLATING TAUGHT SUCCESSFULLY IN TEN LESSONS, If you really want to play, for-, get every Idea you may have about the difficulties. Our method is scientific and sure. We have done this for 10 years in Port land. We will give you a free lesson and demonstrate with your favorite song old-time melody or late popular piece. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE given every student. We will teach you a piece like "Rubenstein's Melody in F," "Annie Laurie," "Come Back to Erin," or late popular song in 3 lessons or re fund your money. Convenient terms. For further Information -telephone ' BROADWAT 5839. PARKER PIANO SCHOOL, 513-510 Eilers Building, 4th and Washington Sta FOUR WEEKS' TRAINING FREE. We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged in the auto, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busi ness. We can assist you to a good posi ' tion, too. We give you a four weeks' FREE TRIAL. No money In advance. The trial obligates you in no way. It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up our school and test your qualifi cations to learn mechanical work. Full particulars in our new 112-page cata log. Call or write for it today. Ask for book No. 5; it's free. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE AND WASCO ST. Woodlawn or Alberta car, 3d and Alder. LARGEST' SCHOOLS In the west devoted to the training In automotive, storage battery, welding and vulcanizing trades; we teach with tools, not books, in our shops, where you learn by doing; no -time limit on our courses; stay until you are an expert for the one tuition. Our employment department as sists you to find a good position when finished. Branch schools in principal 'cities in the U. S. and Canada. Free transfers to alt Free catalogue upon request. HEMPHILL'S AUTO-TRACTOR SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne. Ave.. Portland. Or. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Ton want nothing but the best. Here It la Standardized with schools in 60 other cities, s Best laboratories, best shop equipment and Instructions. Actual shop piactice given on real repair. jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. Tha time for you to go to school Is while business Is quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few months. In quire Oregon Institute of Technology, Main st. at Sixth. ISx-aervice men get STATE AID. PORTLAND DISPLAY MEN'S SCHOOL. Window Trimming, Show Card Writing, Commercial Art. Night classes beginning March 1. School now located at 330-336 E. Mor rison st. New and complete equipment. Classes instructed by Portland's most prominent display men. For full information regarding courses, call at school or phone East 639. MEN WANTED TO BECOME DRAFTSMEN. Salary $250 to $300 commission monthly, when competent. Chief drafts man will train you at your home, also furnish FREE all tools. Training given until in position at above salary. Ad dress CHIEF DRAFTSMAN DOBE, 4001 Broadway, div. 83. Chicago. WITH more students entering every week. and more calls for our graduates tnan we can fill, why shouldn't we beiieve that "H.e profits most who serves best?" nUKln W Hie, 1 cjltiN School of Commerce (Link's Business College, expanded), Morrison at Tenth, Tilford BIdg. Broadway 5083. WE TEACH you how to. preserve your vaiuaDie teem, u tney neea repair we fill, bridge, crown, remove nerves and extract teeth without pain by the mod ern nerve-blocking method. DR. A W. KEENE, DR. E. J. KIESENDAHL, Majestic Theater BIdg.. 351 Wash. St. PAYING POSITIONS Await you the moment you graduate, big demand for comptometer operators. Take course now at Behnke-Walker Business college. Write for free cata logue, describing all business courses, or phone Main 590, or call at college, 4th, near Morrison. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Nation wide demand at high salaries; past ex perience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op portunities everywhere. Write at once for particulars. Desk 1418, Washington, D. C. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Nation-wide demand at high salaries; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once lor particulars. Desk 1418, Wash ington, D. C. , MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside. LESSONS IN LAW for busy business men; home study, complete, course, prepares for the bar In any state. A few scholar ships free in each locality. Let us ex plain. Phone Broadway 7419. or write 302 Spalding bldg.. Portland. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison st. ACTOR, director and dramatic instructor from -New York city, wisnes studio with school, music teacher or artist; part or full time on percentage basis. BF 453, Oregonian. j . MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 wka tools furnished, some pay; posi tion secured; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. 234 1st st $133 MONTH, to commence, paid govern ment railway mail clerks. Steady work. For particulars, apply immediately. AV 200, Oregonian. WANTED High school and technical graduates to train for central office testing and inspector work. N 401. Ore gonian MEN, OVER 17, become railway mall clerks, jjl33-il9a -month; list positions free. Franklin Institute, dept. 364-E, Rochester, N. Y. Y. W. C. A. business school, classes day and evening; individual attention; low tuition. Broadway and Taylor. Main 7876. CALCULATING and listing machine school railroad work a specialty. Room 416 Artisans' bldg. Main 81128. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange Plug, pay ana nignt Classes. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Wells, ex-assist, state supt mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Auto. 512-13. ' LEARN beauty culture evenings. Madam Curt Is. Bdwy. 6902. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. main too.', icavniiia ijuaiiiun, tree reg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. NIGHT SCHOOL, beauty culture. Madam Curtis. Bflwy. 6902. IGNITION COURSE for sale reasonable. Adcox scnooi. jioiiett mag. Bdwy. 3143, IF" YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing business call 158 East Broadway. BISIT Wr(TF.D MALK. WANTED Florist with ail-around green house experience; if some experience in floral designing, so much the better. The University Florist, 893 Hllyard St., Eugene, Or. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm, woman to. cook, man for general farm, work; wages $45 month. T. M. Wagner, Laurel, Or. Phone 5555, line 8, Beaverton. NEW furniture factory in Immediate need of a high-class finishing foreman, will ing to pay fine Balary to experienced man capable of handling men and get- ung prouuciipn. . yj m. uregonian. MAN dishwasher, 2 meals a day, resi dential hotel, wages, room and board good home. 253 6th St.. corner Madison. MOVING picture operator to go partn?r ship; no money required. AC 467, Ore gonlan. HIGH-SCIHOOL student wanted to work 4 hrs. a day in restaurant for 2 meals a day. Apply oi'a Washington. 1 WANTED Partner Pictures. Bdwy. for taking moving !7S or, K 450, Ore- gonlan. I3i rvmivn ivn ivtdiv ... .....u ' " I, 11.1.1U. S4th St. N. ; five rooms, day or contract. PHOTOGRAPHIC studio wishes outdoor representative.- to sen tcketa W 468, YOUNG man for sign shop, office and side. 329 First t. COUNTY representaives for new article. Mr. uonKnn. ,i, Hotel Eaton. RELIABLE man and wife for. general mini nvm. .v i. oregonian. MEN WANTED to peddle house to house. Appiy gun nawmorne ave. AMATEUR talent of all kinds; good pay. A.nLic hicalci, .ju ai. Bi vasnington. ADVERTISING solicitors, monthly farm paper, oniciai organ. Ulyae. Mar. 2310. WANTED Buckers and fallera Standard ,tpioyiueiifc service, Zjiv .tturngiae. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN! Take mis tip: The one best place In the city to assist TOU in finding a position In a clerical com mercial or technical line is the Y. M. C. A. employment department. Tou can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you will never find . through your own efforts alone. All young men and especially strang ers are cordially invited to talk with one of the aecretariea. Room 307, Y. M. C. A. WANTED by manufacturer in sheet-metal and plate lines, an office engineer thor oughly familiar with hydraulics and mechanical engineering, one who has had actual manufacturing experience and of education and address that would enable him to do some selling preferred; permanent position for right party. In answering state age and experience the last five years, with names and ad dresses of past employera G 471, Oregonlan. SEVERAL men or women to take orders for an article that they actually take awayWrom you; sells for $2.75 and guar anteed for 3 years; has been tested and ' approved by Good Housekeeping and Prlscilla magazines and Tribune institute; I want men for Washington, Oregon and California. Call betore I P. M. Sunday only at 1220 Glenn ave. North, ask for F. G. Gulbert, or write letter later. OLD LINE life insurance company wants manager for western Oregon, lie must be between 25 and 40 years of age, of good character, possess energy and in telligence and "be able to furnish bond. advantageous. Maximum con tract equivalent to $5000 first year. Splendid permanent position. Address W. I. Fraser. director of agents, Pierre, South Dakota. TRANSPORTATION. Do you understand transportation well enough to realize the possibilities in the traffic field? I want two men to handle traffic enrollments, city or out-of-town territory. - Prefer LaSalle graduates or experienced traffic men. 11. A. Jerauld. 424 nenry piag. MEN You've always wanted big money. Here It Is, lo to J2 commission a uj. New patented aluminum handle cutlery set. You simply display set and write order. We deliver and collect. Pay you daily. Experience unnecessary. Sample free. Try It out. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. set 44, Dayton, O. WOOD cutting, piling, tie hewing contracts tO let tO responSlOie p rues, eveijmin furnished, bedding excepted; surety bond equivalent to 25 per cent of face of con tract will be required to Insure faithful performance and care of equipment. Par ticulars from 8 A. M. till 12 today. 266 3d st. WANTED Experienced freight waybill revising clerk; must be laminar witn current classification and trans-continental tariffs. Give full Information as to age, previous experience, .etc. Only experienced freight-rate man need ap ply. DUN ply. -X. 4S7, uregonian YOUNG man of good education ana Christian Protestant training, tree to leave Portland and desirous of rapid advancement. ' If you have the above qualifications and are worth $2000 a year, write fully, giving phone number. AG 453. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED advertising salesman to sell advertising for local weekly puou cation. This is an opportunity for a permanent position and will enable a man to make much more than salary. Commission basis. References required. Apply Arcady bldg., 281 12th St.. Mon- day, from tf to to a. ai. WANTED Man bookkeeper, familiar with corporation accounting, woo wants to spend a few weeks on ranch, with good room and board; modern conveni ences. To write up a set of books; state age, experience and wages ex pected. Address AV 249, Oregonian. WANTED By a large corporation young man or good personality, -i to -o j" of age, for out of town position; must be able to take dictation; good salary and future to right party. Apply in own handwriting. L 409. uregonian YOUNG man of neat appearance for id- venisins Buiiuiwr a". " must be energetic and willing to work; state newspaper experience, if any, also give age and references. Address K 459, Oregonian ; WELL-KNOWN real estate firm wants man to handle leases ana rentals oi downtown properties; must be familiar with lease business and acquainted with business section and owners. G 466, Ore- gonlan. BOOKKEEPERS, accountants, make lo to $40 weekly commission extra, wnnoui interfering with regular position: legi timate, permanent; replies confidential. J. R. Browne, pres.. 7 W. Madison. Chi cago. HOMEBUILDING CO. HAS OPENING FOR SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND ESTIMATOR; MUST HAVE THOR OUGH KNOWLEDGE OF BUSINESS; STATE AGE AND EXPERIENCE. AB 366, OREGONIAN. WANTED A man in a large establishment to act as our representative; ne cjau make good money without interfering with his regular work. Phone Broadway 822. SOLICITOR WITH CAR FOR OLD ES TABLISHED ROUTE. GOOD f Ai run RIGHT MAN. . MODEL CLEANERS & DYERS.- 931 U.MU.N AV. wwtin SELL us your spare time, desire represen tatives, many email tuw no qa v,v. Positively no sales work. Positions pay salary $15 to $50 per week. AMERICAN METHODS. -4340 Ellis ave., Chicago. ' LOGGERS AND MILL MEN. When iri Central ia. Wash., Call at DELANET EMPLOTMENT SERVICH. 1U7 gOUtn lower ve. YOUNG married man, orchard work, ex perienced spraying; season b juu mo right man; Scandinavian preferred. Write D. F. Richardson, Sutherlin. Or.; state wages expected. LITHOGRAPHERS WANTED Steady po- sitlons tor eipeneuwu "'r',", and transferers. Apply the Irwin-Hod- son company. WANTED An all around butcher, married man; one who can piay in uanu preii able; good wages to right party. Guy west, LiaiannH'c, MAN and wife, no children, on poultry xarm; woman iw luu., ... e.. eral work; wages to start $40 and board. B 455, oregonian WANT married man for farm. Keep own cow. nave own garueu. uot. u worker. No milking. Care team. C 401, Oregonlan FOR HELP . PHONE STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCT, a KUAil w A I .-oo. FOLDING-BOX man, permanent position with long-established firm for compe tent man. Write Pacific Label & Car ton Co., Maritime bldg.. Seattle. WANTED Experienced operators for cloaks and suits, oniy ewn The Beaver Cloak & Suit Mfg. Co- 407 Washington street. HONEST, energetic man (part time) pref erably with nursery experience. Can use some horse work; state wages, refer ences. AE 467, Oregonlan. . RELIABLE man and contractor to build 2 houses. Main 4ou. BOY who is . interested In poultry to do chores on farm for room and board. AV 223, Oregonian. NIGHT WATCHMAN An extra good walker; give age and weight; references required, G 452. Oregonian; EXCAVATOR for small business. Call East 30th and Klickitat today, or phone Main 7528. MAN to do light , work in confectionery store for room and board. Phone Tabor 112 BAKER helper, at the Roeewelis, Front and Market streets, formerly Pacific bakery WANT ED Live real estate firm wants man to handle suburban acreage and country nomea. r tqi. vicsuumu. WANT -two neat appearing young men DdWeen ll 1U . J-znia u. aS auuuq UOWy. Amviiii WANTED First class machine ' operator on harness work. Apply John Clark UQWy. Sisu. nuunv a I. Saddlery Co.. 104 Front st. PRINTER wanted; good job and ad man. Will pay $100 per month. AV 242, Ore- gonian. HOSIERY AGENTS WANTED; LOCAL ORGANIZATION. 33 RUSSEL BLDG.. 4TH AND MORRISON STS. EXPERIENCED man In real estate and leases. Write fully. Lock box 168, Portland, Or. WANTED Non-union butcher for small market; married man preferred: call at once. Economy store, uiaqstone. Or. CARPENTER wanted to build 10-room house, carpenter work only. 1254 Inter state ave.. Portland. Phone Wdln. 6689. HAVE excellent proposition for adver tising salesmen. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED Painting and carpentering in exchange for dentistry. P 454, Ore gonian WANTED Immediately, expert dyer and cleaner. Apply at once. Idaho Cleaning YVOrna, lot) .itum a.., AAcwiaiun, AUanp. MAN TO TAKE charge of small buslnesa Call 89 Kllllngsworth. WANTED Auto mechanic, give age and experience. AP 466, Oregonlan. WANTED Boye over 16, with wheels, steady work. Apply Mr. Loop, 253 Oak. BIDS wanted on basement excavation; two jobs. East list, BIDS wanted on cement work for two basements. East 113. WILL trade my car for garage and base ment. Call Marshall 2146. - LESTER GARDNER please call Sellwood 895 Sunday. ' WANT tailor-nresser. 329 li first street. HELP WANTED MALE. MARRIED MAN without children to take charge of my farm, located in .the Wil lamette valley; want neat, -dependable couple, In good health, with experience In this locality, man to be working fore man, used . to handling pure-bred dairy stock, hogs and chickens, know how to care for and feed farm animals to get results; must be familiar with diversi fied farming and crop rotation. Wife a clean, economical housekeeper, good plain cook, accustomed to having entire charge of house; two or three men to cook for besides yourselves. If you want a permanent place and can make good, answer in own handwriting, give full particulars in regard to your experience, also your age, references and wages ex pected, where everything is furnished. ak 4a, uregonian Lumbermen's employment agency 240 ankeny st., cor. 2d. open sunday 8 a. m. One stlckerman, 55c an hour; 1 lum ber grader behind fast feed, 65c an hour; -1 bundle tyer, 40c an hour; 1 planer grader, fast feed, 55c an hour; 1 mould ing grader, 55c an hour; 1 feeder stick er, 50c an hour. - For large mill In Willamette valley, operating night and day shift; com pany furnishes room and board; chance for., advancement. ' SEE TJS TODAT. MAN AND WIFE for apartment house Janitors. Must understand work and come well recommended. Good salary to right party. Apartment furnished. Apply G. C. ULRICH & CO. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. SALESMAN Over 25; preferably one who has had newspaper experience or who has called on grocery stores and mar kets; If you haven't this experience but still feel that you have ability to make good, write, stating your qualificationa Aaaress i. svo, uregonian. WANTED by a large corporation young man of good personality, 24 to 28 years of age, for out-of-town position; must be able to take dictation; good salary and future to right party. Apply in own nanqwrltlng. L 459, Oregonlan. YOUNG man, high school education, to learn catalogue advertising and circu lation business. Some previous experi ence desirable but not essential. Must be able to make daily reports, etc. BC 457, Oregonlan. Help Wanted Salesmen. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. We sold 1107 lots, -acre tracts and larger parcels of land during 1921. We are now exclusive selling agents for. 9 subdivisions. Our salesmen are making money. They're selling property for which there is a big demand. Get ready for the spring rush. We need 5 more live wire salesmen, with cars. This Is your opportunity to form a per manent connection with a firm handling eaBy selling subdivisions. SEE MR. COMTB, COMTE & KOHLMAN. 418-20-22 Spalding Bldg. LARGEST SUBURBAN LOT AND ACREAGE SELLERS IN PORTLAND. WANTED EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WITH CAR. AN OPPORTUNITY ' FOR THE RIGHT MAN. MUST COME WELL RECOMMENDED. APPLICANT ' MUST BE OF HIGH MORAL CHARACTER AND WILLING TO " WORK. SEE MR. TEEPE. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 STARK ST. SALESMEN $200 to $500 monthly com mission easily earned demonstrating wonderful 3-pound desk adding ma chine; sells on stght' for $15; equals work of costly machines; speedy, ac curate, fully guaranteed; big demand everywhere; enormous profits; protected territory, experience unnecessary; it sells itself. Write quickly for trial offer. PANGBORN ADDING MACHINE CO.. Desk 94, Grand Rapids. Mich. SALESMEN An opportunity for men with sales ability and specialty experience to make permanent - connection, hig-hly-. rated house; introducing new "profit winning plan" on product in great de mand to retail merchants In all sized towns and cities. An exceedingly bright future for those who can qualify at once. References. Address dept. O. D 602 Baltimore bldg., Chicago. A LIVE WIRE DISTRIBUTTOR wanted In all territories in United States for TUBE-KURE, new automobile specialty, indorsed and used by the government end others; big. quick sales, unusual profits. If $300 to $300 commission monthly looks good, write DEPT. X, TUBE-KURE CHEMICAL CO.. box 86, San Diego. Cal. - THE SERVICES of a real specialty sales man is desired to call on dry goods and furnishing goods stores, with our hosiery and staple notions. Some stock Is car- . ried In Portland. Our lines the very best, strictly commission basis. An swer giving details as to experience for interview, which will be held In strict confidence. E 437. Oregonlan. SALESMEN Greatest selling proposition of the age. Two sales dally pays you $1400 commission monthly. Deal sells for $100 to merchant, easy tertps. Clears merchant $400 to $00 yearly. Tou can clean up on this. Write quickly. HOT P-NUT MACH. CO.. 350 E. Long st. dept. 1S9. Columbus, o. FASTEST selling article on the market be cause of government ruling, repeater; connection with future for those who qualify; ambitious salesmen make up ward of $50 per day: every co-operation extended; stlctly confldental. Jerome Laadtj. pres., 8 So. Dearborn St.. Chicago. SALESMAN Over 25; preferably one who has had newspaper experience or who has called on grocery stores and mar kets; if you haven't this experience but still feel that you have ability to make good, write, stating your qualifications. " Address L 395, Oregonlan. WE WANT 2 real salesmen; this is not a stock -selling proposition, but experience . in high-class stocks and bonds preferred but not necessary. You will find a very unusual proposition which will stand rigid investigation; references required. Call 235 Morgan Dia MAKE REAL MONET FAST I Novelty in great demand by all con fectioners and druggists. If you work, you make $150 commission weekly or more, 25 per cent commission. Liberal co-operation. NATHAN STONE CO.. 2000 Major ave., Chicago. SALESMEN To represent one of the most unusual fast-selling novelties. Recent ly marketed. Victory Canary Songster. Jobber and dealer territory open. Ref erences required. , Room 300, 15 Park Row, New York. SPECIALTY salesman to call on the office and- stationery throughout the eleven western states; must be of good address, real hustlers and come well recommend ed, young, single men preferred. Call Sunday between 1 and 4:30 P. M., 347 Henry bldg.. city. TRAVELING field representative wanted: Bhould net $10,000 yearly; choice of ter ritory, weekly advances. Merchants School of Adv., file 160. 22 Quincy St., Chicago. , BIG COMMISSION "Cuteesults" for chil dren, sweeping country like wildfire, nothing like 'em, no competition, every general store buys. Write today. "Cu teesuit" Factories. (16). Cincinnati. O. WANTED 2 experienced specialty sales men with some knowledge of bookkeep ing, for high-grade propositio'n ; salary, half commission. Broadway 3174. AH 839, Oregonian. SALESMEN Experienced men's leather goods, to sell extensive . fine quality of men's pocketbooks. ' also ladles' hand bags, to retail trade; commission basis. AV 247. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced farm hand. Must be able to milk six cows. Wages $35. Give particulars, telephone num ber and address in first letter. N. W. Miller. Woodburn, Or. SALESMEN -Can easily net $500 commis sion monthly, selling the Cameo Spring Suspension for Ford cars. Exclusive ter ritory. Address "Cameo." suite 1302. 27 E. Monroe, Chicago. COUNTY distributor, pocket adding ma chine; must come well recommended; wonderful opportunity for right party. Phone mornings for appointment. Broad way 4000, room 101. 57 MILES per gallon made with new patented gasoline Vaporizer. Write for particulars. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. D. ; CITY SALESMAN for established low priced office specialty; good seller; no competition; state experience. V 458, Oregonlan. SALESMEN New idea in advertising lead pencils, larger commissions: write us. Coffman .Pencil Co.. makers. 518 Mullln bldg.. Cedar Rapids. Ia. ' SALESMEN For Astoria. Salem and The Dalles, also two men for city; refer ence. Cell or write, 2 to 6, 205 Artisans bldg. North Ridge Brush Co. SALESMEN to sell a line of cigar and cigarette holders to users. TANNER SPIRAL CO., 52 Second St.. San Fran cisco, Cal.- TWO experienced advertising men for south and eastern territory: will net from $600 to $1000 per month. A 466, Oregonlan. WANTED Ten or 12 good fire proofers Immediately, two months' work. Apply to J. H. Welse. new hospital building, Walla Walla. Wash. SALESMAN to sell battery parts; salary and commission; state territory covered and lines handled. AV 2.15, Oregonlan. BRIGHT, energetic salesman wanted. Mc- Farland Realty Co.. 203 Falling bldg. CAPABLE salesmen wanted. Auto Pal Distributing Co., aaa uurnside st. WANT a live-wire business chance man with car preferred. 401 Panama bldg. SALESMAN for Oregon and Washington. SALESMAN wanted, city or territory. 212 itaiiway xcaange oiog. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN. TIRE AND RUBBER STOCK. Pacific States Rubber company, Van couver, Wash., requires services of high grade aggressive' securities salesmen; liv est kind of leads to start on, and a sell ing system which creates more "live prospects" than you can follow up per sonally, with many sales better than 50 per cent made "in advance," Good com mission end the most unusual sales co operation you have ever received. Write, wire or phone Vancouver 1141. PACIFIC STATES RUBBER CO., Sax B log..-413 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. ( Across the River from Portland.) A LARGE realty and investment corporation has a splendid opening for several high class salesmen to handle residence, business chance, acreage and farm departments. A car is desirable, but not essential. A live wire man can make a high ly profitable and satisfactory con nection with a well established firm. See Mr. Johnson at 230 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 7581. LARGE sales organization, nation wide In scope, can use 2 men 25 , to 40 years of age in Portland. Reference required. Quick ad vancement If efficient- A real opportunity for a real man who can connect with us perma nently. Call after 9:30, Bdwy. 4320 for personal interview. Ask for W. H. Coulter. DRY GOODS Now selling established trade in medium towns of northwestern states; importer's line of one grip, hand kerchiefs, laces, organdies, fancy linens. Reliable established man can add up to $2500 yearly as side line on commission, payable monthly. Give references, de- - taila Know line and trade or don't answer. Thompson-Leuchars, Inc., 210 South Franklin St.. Chicago. 111. HAVE opening for a live wire wno can sell tires, tubes and auto accessories. Will only consider a man who wants a permanent connection. Is successful salesman, and can give satisfactory ref erences. He will be permitted to Invest $1000 to $2000 in established buslnesa Give full information In your reply. R 447. Oregonlan. HIGHEST GRADE OREGON CORPORA TION DESIRES TO EMPLOY SEVERAL MEN IN THE SALE OF ITS FAST SELLING SECURITIES: EXCELLENT INCOME AND PERMANENT CONNEC TION WITH GREAT FUTURE POSSI BILITIES FOR RIGHT MEN; SELLING EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE. CALL 1401 N. W. BANK BLDG. WE NEED a couple of high-garde sales men who are accustomed to call on business executives and professional men; only those capable of taking large orders need apply. New sellers and pros pects of closing big orders. Call Mon day only. Room 204 Lumber Exchange bldg. SALESMAN wanted for Portland and sur rounding territory, to represent house making high grade popular priced boys' wash suits and children's rompera Must have good following. Commission basis. Write fully in first letter with refer- , encea The Graver Friedman Wald com pany. 1372-80 W. Sixth St.. Cleveland, O. NEED HELP. , Must have more people to sell apart ment houses, hotels and rooming houses. Big prospect list. Lots of fine listings. Must have car, furnish references and be a live one. See Mr. Skothelm Monday or Tuesday forenoons. Exceptional op portunlty. 408-11 Couch bldg. ELECTRICAL goods salesman wanted. I bave large stock of electrical wiring sup plies and fixtures and parts that I wlan to reduce Immediately; if you have the ability to move some of this material at less than market prices on a strictly commission basis, eee me at once; stock 19 In Portland. K 416, Oregonlan. SALESMAN for Portland and other Ore gon and Washington cities for an easy seller. Good repeater. Good profit. Popular merchandise line. Tact, good approach. Industry make good money at once with increase. .Give phone and address. AC 465, Oregonian. COMMISSION salesmen, experienced In selling direct to the homea Only appli- . cants with experience and a clean record will be xonsldered. Write frankly and In confidence; give age, previous ex perience and reference in first letter. i K 451, Oregonlan. WE WANT three real salesmen who have had successful sales experience, pref erably insurance, books, stocks or bonds to join a high-class, well-paid organization. If you are looking for a temporary Job or haven't ability don't apply. Bdwy. 5568 for appointment. SALESMEN A SPLENDID SIDE LINE or full time proposition. Our assort ment of advertising fans brings live wire salesman $200 to $300 monthly. Samples light; every merchant a prospect; easy to sell; liberal commissions. Write United States Calendar Co., Cincinnati, O. NEED A YOUNG MAN who wants to learn the real eatat Bams, who has a car and is able to sell farms or acreage. Hard work, but good returns, O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC, nus-i-X uoucn wqg. WANT REAI, SALESMEN WITH MACHINE. To sell the best auto accessory on the market. Can use a few good men at once. Big commission, and pleas ant work. For full details call at 509 ranama oiag. aa ana Aiaer. SALESMEN can make $5 commission a day selling our calendars, fans, pencils, elgns. advertising novelties, yard sticks. whistles, etc.; liberal terms, sells entire year, fine side line; local and traveling agencies, moaei .aianaar uo., aepu u. South Bend, Ind. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN WITH FORD CAR TO HANDLE BEST FORD STEERING ACCESSORY IN AIAUK.BT AND AFFUINT AGENTS BIG MONEY AS SIDELINE. .414 Couch yt., Portland. WANTED Reliable man who Is capable of acting as salesmanager for large tract of land subdivided into small tracts; a good proposition for the right party. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. SIDE-LINE salesmen, sell the new Crazy Ball to toy jobbers and dealers: Der- forms many peculiar stunts; cannot be controlled; liberal commissions; quick sales; good repeater; convenient pocket outfit. Willard Multitool Mfg. Co., Lan sing, Mlcfeu WANTED A lst-clas apt. house and business property salesman; If you can furnish references and can show us you are a producer, see me at once. E. M. ELLIS. Realtor. Suite 42S, Morgan bldg. Ph. Main 5059. $!5-A-VEEK men are plentiful; I want a man who thinks he is qualified to earn $5000 to J 10. 010 a year and who has not had a chance to get that position. If you believe in yourself, call 433 N. w. Bank bldg., after 10 A. M. SALESMAN WANTED If you are capable oi selling real estate, wunng to work and have a car, we have a place for you. RICHANBACH & CO.. 207-S Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 4143. REAL estate salesman with car used to earning not less than $350 per month. Must have sales experience and ref erences. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. Realtors. 612-13 Wilcox Bldg. SALESMEN Write for Hat of lines and full particulars; earn $2500 to $10,000 com miss ion yearly; big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling. National Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 274. Chicago. SALESMAN to handle exceptional factory side line toy balloons and novelties, in cluding the squealy pig and barking dog balloons. Specialty Sales Co., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Salesman with car for new patent just out; don't need much sales fbility to sell them, for they are in reat demand. Call 152 Willamette blvd. LIFE insurance salesman can secure lib eral contract, excellent territory, where -cash can be received for first premium notes. Give phone number with repiy. Address AP 453, Oregonian. -A REAL specialty salesman to sell an ar ticle urgently needed by business men; no house-to-house work; possibilities for making money unlimited. See Mr. Lee at 20 N. Park st. WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WITH CARS; must be producers. I. E, SPENCER & CO., 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HAVE an excellent opening for; salesmen who are willing to work; experience not necessary; $200 per month and good fu ture for right man. F 378, Oregonlan. SALESMAN WITH CAR for business chance office; live man can do well. Universal Sales Co., 602 Railway Ex change bldg. SALESMAN making valley or eastern Ore gon to carry good selling side line; com mission basis. M 451. Oregonlan. SALES MGR., for mfg co est. 21 yra Sell what everyone needs. W. F. A. Co., 1008 Spreckels bldg., San Franc i sco. SALESMAN with $50, selling direct from factory; good chance to make some real money. Mr. ivnaDD, aiaaras hotel WANTED Salesmen over 35 to Bell most attractive tangible investments. Should nave a car, wua gpaiaing oiag. GROCERY specialty line; state age, ex jperienee and salary expected. AP 451, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman to sell Lincoln cars. William L. Hughson Co., 60 N. Broad way. HIGH-grade territory, salesman and pro xnoter. Phone Kaia 5490, WANTED AG ENTS. AGENTS Take orders for largest line "All-Weather" raincoats In the world New materials, new styles, lower prices. Old agents write for larger sample book. Other agents writ, for particulars. Tweeds, cashmeres, serges, oxfords, girls' capes. Famous 42-in-l" Revers ibles. You display 64 samples, ten styles and write orders. We do all de livering and pay you daily. Smithy av erages six sales daily and 18 commis sion dally profit Why not you? Write Parker Mfg. Co 1116 Cover St., Dayton, Ohio. TAILORING AGENTS WANTED. Make (50 to $100 commission ami more per week selling our wonderful all-wool one-price line; suits sell for $29.50. none higher; retail stores ask at least $50 for the same quality; also strong line of featherweight fabrics to sell at $16.75 per suit; you collect your profits at once; we ship C. O. D. to customer for balance; we furnish beautiful 6x9 swatch outfit and powerful co-operation; hust lers write at once. Salesmanager J. B. Simpson, Inc., dept. A 69, t31 West Adams St., Chicago. 111. THE NEW way to shave; you need only two things, &onaz and any style razor; no brush, no soap, no cup, no rubbing; greatest money-making opportunity pre sented in years; free samples bring you profits of $15 to $25 day; big repeat orders; send for sample and plan that places you in your own permanent busi ness; no more worrying, no experience necessary. Pearson now making $200 weekly you can make that, too. Zonaz Co.. MS Jackson blvd., Chicago. , AGENTS Best seller; Jem rubber repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcani zation at a saving of over 800 per cent; put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself in two minutes and is guaranteed to last the life of the tire or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particulars how to make big money and free sample, address Amazon Rubber Co,. Philadelphia, Pa., dept. 79. AGENTS Just out. Waterproof aprons for dentists, doctors, hospitals and pa tients. Made special. No more soiled clothes for doctors or patients. Laundry bills saved. Always ready to use. $15 day easy commission. Harris, Okla., wires ship 3 gross ; 100 profit. Ex perience unnecessary, Sample free. Rallen Mfg. Co., Dept. B. B., Baltimore bldg., Chicago. MEN and women agents; easy, quick sales, $60 to $100 weekly commission; valuable free premium offer to custom ers; you write orders; we deliver and collect; we pay you . dairy; no capital or experience; wonderful new, solid aluminum handle, big cutlery set sells itself: sample outfit free; also free Ford car offer. New Era Mfg. Co., 803 Madi son st.. dept. 1S1 A. Chicago. GOOD INCOME, spare time, refinishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method, producing amazing results; experience unnecessary; simple plan of manufacturing at home starts you in a big money-making business. Write for free samples showing finishes. Gun metal Co.. 33 Ohl. Decatur. III. N. GOODYEAR MFG. CO, 5352-C, GoodyeaT bldg., Kansas City, Mo., has opening for salesmen to take orders for tailored-to-measure, ralnproofed all-weather coats. No experience needed. Big commissions In advance. We delivery and collect. Complete outfit and sales instructions free. AGENTS You've always wanted big money; here it Is; $16 to $32 commis sion a day. ' New patented aluminum handle cutlerv set. You simply display set and write order. We deliver and col lect. Pay you daily. ExDenence unneces sary. Sample free. Try- it out. Jennings Mfg. Co.. Spt 1044. Dayton. Ohio. $5000 COMMISSION every year, $2000 easy in spare time. We share profits with you besides. Sell "Weather Mon arch" Raincoats. Ask about "Duol Coat" No. 999. Get sample raincoat free. Associated Raincoat Agents, Inc., 446 N. Wells. Chicago. ' AGENTS, canvassers, solicitors, make big money Derore master selling -in-i swop ping bags, pure fancy rubber aprons, also plain waterproof gingham aprons; 20 other live items. You take orders and we deliver. Spangler, 160 N. Wells. Chicago, $15 DAILY- commission selling Cresco Newleather Shopping Bags and "Com fort" Waterproof Aprons. Our Three-In-One bag is fastest Beller on earth. Improved Mfg. Co., Dept. 251, Ashland, Ohio. AGENTS wanted Absolutely new kitchen article; used preparing every meal; sells loc: 27'5 per cent profit: costs 4c eacn; gross lots, sales guaranteed, sales helps given. Townsend Co., dept. JP, Grand Rapids. Mich. MANY making $3000 yeany selling Famous Clows-Knit Hosiery direct from mill to wearers. All styles for men, women, chil- riren Hpf frPA hsinlr "HnW to Sfart " Gives all details. George Clows Co.A Dept. 1-6, Philadelphia. Pa. YOU CAN MAKE $100 AT ONCE. Selling Magic Marvel Washing Com pound. Also bluing paddle absolutely new. Biggest sellers. Steady 300 profit business. Free samples. Mitchell Co., 1314 E. 61st St., Chicago. . AGENTS Men. women, to sell the well- advertised combination Peerless hair- cutter and -safety razor: big seller. elusive territory, good commission. 100 per cent profit. Perfection Sales Co.. 319 Heed bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa. MAKE 600 per cent profit. Free samples. Lowest priced gold window letters for stores, oil ices. Anybody can do it. Large demand: exclusive territory. Acme Let ter Co., 2804 Congress, dept. X, 149, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED Entirely new auto accessory, makes night driving safe most attractive specialty In America to day. Every auto owner is attracted; profit possibilities practically unlimited, Ray Filter Co., Marion. Ind. 1221S GREATEST sensation. 11-piece toilet article set, selling like blazes at $1.75 with $1 dressmaker's shears free to each customer. Line up now with Davis for 1922. E. M. Davis Co., Dept. 704, Chicago. MEN and women make $100 commission upwards weekly selling greatest labor and money-saving household necessity big repeater; good crew managers' prop osition. Free sample and particulars. Kouy Co., c o, Hastings, jseoraska. MAKE $15 commission daily and more selling new guaranteed household neces sity; women go wild about It. Perma nent business. W. J. Lynch Box 713, Springfield. 111. - WANTED Agents to buy the Sims Shoe Ventilator by the dozen and sell in every county; will relieve sweaty and sore feet; worn in any shoe. Descriptive circular. W. B. Sims, 815 Mason st., Portland, Or. A BUSINESS of your own. Make spark ling glass name plates, numbers, check erboards, medallions, signs. Big illus trated book mailed free. E. Palmer, 240, Wooster. O. SELL Niagara water motor, whips cream, eggs, sharpens knives, washes bottles. polishes silverware. Territory open. Sells $3.2t. Blodgett Engineering Tool Co., Roosevelt square. Detroit. Mich. AGENTS coining money selling Universal gas saver for every gas stove, wonder ful device; cuts gas bills in half, big profits; write quick. G. O. Moore, Gas . Saver Co., Topeka. Kan. AGENTS $00-$200 week commission, Fre samples, li-oid sign letters, anyone can put on store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Me tallic Letter Co., 435 Clark. Chicago. AUTOMOBILE accidents prevented by new invention; costs distributors $2.50 delivered ; retail price $7. Wonderful self-selling plan. Carl Brown, manager. Dept. 33. Columbus, O. THE RAINCOAT season is coming; make $100 commission weekly selling Cresco all-weather top coats; selling outnt tree. Improved Mfg. Co., dept. 252, Ashland, Ohio. HERE'S something new. Cresco com bination hot water bottle. Sells every ' home. $200 to $400 monthly commis . ston easily made. Improved Mfg. Co., Dept. 250t Ashland. Q.t EARN $10 commission daily silvering mir rors, plating and refinishing metalware. headlights, chandeliers, bedsteads; out fits furnished; write for information. M anton-Decie. ?80 Fifth ave., New Yor k. LADY agent wanted to travel and ap point agents in other cities. Call Sun day,. 369 & Morrison. Ring for land lady. GET your combination shopping bags from factory. Best materials and workman ship. New features. L. A. Amick, 696 E. 57th st. N., near Sandy boulevard. AGENTS Crew managers for Portland. Only 25c; sanitary milk can opener and sealer. Exclusives on Oregon counties. N. L. Houghton, 340 N. 20th. Salem, Or. WANTED Anyone with ladies trade can make big income with our line: $25 out fit free : repeat commissions. Call-State Company, Los Angeles. HEADQUARTERS for rubberized house hold aprons: all styles for every pur pose, from $4 up. Specialty Apron Mfg. Co.. 14 E. Jackson blvd.. Chicago. GAS FIRE in any cook stove from coal oil. New selling plan. No investment, experience unnecessary; get big offer. U. S. Mfg. Co., Dept. 24. Columbus, O. WANTED State agents, able, experienced handling canvassers, remarkable publi cation, phenomena seller; very profit able. Box 1624, New Orleans, La. OVER 275 PROFIT tovery aome, store, office and garage needs; easily carried, quickly sold. Free sample. CHAPMAN CO.. 824 Dwlght Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. PORTRAIT men 1922 line and prices now ready, catalog free. Portrait Agents' Supply Co.. dept. 84, La Porte, Ind. INCREASE your profits selling soap, per fumes, extracts, etc., as side line. La cassian Co.. Dept. 642, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS For sale 100 cans Johnson tire patch, 70c each, part or all. C 454, Ore- gonian. . HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. 40 TO 100 PER CENT selling goods mfg, x at 16G0 Hereford st,, St. Johns car. HELP WANTED FEMAI-E. IF YOU ARE a saleslady and hav EX PERIENCE in eelllng to homes. w have a device of UNIVERSAL DEMAND, needed in every household; PERMA NENT position; so competition; good commission. NORTHWEST DISTRIBUTING AGENCY, B07 Henry Bldg. NEED HELP. Must have more people to tell apart ment houses, hotels and rooming houses. Big prospect lists. Lots of fine listings. Must have car, furnish references and be a live one. See Mr. Skothelm Monday or Tuesday forenoon. Exceptional op portunity. 40S-11 Couch bldg. YOUNG woman cashier in large office. capable of handling bank deposits; must have had bookkeeping experience; an swer In own handwriting giving experi ence in full and salary expected. AJ 281, Oregonian. WANTED Woman of 45 or over for gen eral housework in country; also a boy of 15 for chores for room and board; state wages for woman. AV 228, Oregonian. CARPENTER JOBBING. Repairing and painting. East 636. FOR CHORUS Blondes and brunettes. must rinance self for 90 days or until signing - contract; answering state age. height, color of hair, address and phone for next 30 days; experience unnecessary. Y 4H0, Oregonian. WANTED First-class rooming house saleswoman for wide-awake real estate office; good opportunity for right party; must furnish refernces. E. M. ELLIS. Realtor. Suite 428, Morgan bldg. Ph. Main 6059. WAITED Neat single woraaji between 2- and 35 years, who is a lover of children and handy with housework; right party may acquire a. permanent home. Write P, O. Box 243, Junction City. Or. THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city u r urn mm, oners us service in au mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; interview confidential. 614 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sta. Phone Bdwv. 7422. LADY experienced bookkeeper, familiar with collections and credits for retail store. Apply, giving references, salary expected and phong number. J 424, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED operator to put sleeves in jackets and coats; good prices and steady employment. Apply at office Mt. Hood factory, 233 Couch street, cor ner Second. RESPONSIBLE firm this city wants ex perienced saleswoman for traveling position in California. Salary and ex penses. Must have $150 capital. Ref rences required. W 451. Oregonian. SALESLADY WANTED If you are capable of selling real estate, willing to work and have a car, we have a place for you. RICHANBACH & CO., 207-8 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 4143. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good home, work Itjrht, 2 In family, some wages. Call after 1 P. M. Sunday, week days after 5 P. M.. Mt. Scott car. 37-0 64th st. S. E. LARGE eastern corporation desires sales women to represent them in Portland or towns near Portland. Call Portland hotel, Monday, between 10 and 4 o'clock, ask for Barclay, state manager. REFINED, responsible woman for light housework, help with care of 2-year-old child. Good home, Gasto furnace, no heavy work, French and Flemish spok en. 732 Sherwood drive. Main 6019. WOMAN for housework, must be good .plain cook and neat; five-room bunga low, two in family, nice room, modern appliances to make work easy. Rose City Park district. M 403, Oregonlan. WANTED At once, women to do fancy work at home. Materials furnished ; good pay. Stamped envelope -brings particulars. Florence Art Goods Co., Cambridge, O. LADIES Make $25 to $60 weekly com mission, all or spare time; selling new guaranteed household necessity. No ex perience required. Dignified work. Box 718. Springfield. 111. WANTED Mature, responsible woman to cook and for part time care of children; small house, no laundry; permanent, well-paid position for the right person. Call Col. 718. Sunday only. $2.50 PER DAY commission paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for Economy Non-Alcoholic flavoring., Permanent posltton. F. E. Barr Co., Chicago. MAKE $30. $50 weekly commission, spare time; you cannot fail, experience unne- ' cessary; cleanest, most pleasant proposi tion ever offered. Areno Mfg. Co.. dept. 44 H, 4057 N. Crawford. Chicago. WANTED Experienced saleswomen for our millinery department; none other nepd apply. Emporium. 126 6th st. WANTED Saleswomen experienced in ho siery, underwear, waists and kindred lines. Emporium, 126 6th st. AT ONCE Five ladles to travel, deraon etrate and sell dealers; $40 to $75 per week, railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 101BB, Omaha, Neb. MIDDLE-AGED lady to do light house work and companion fot invalid lady. More for home and small wages. Phone Auto. 31? -26 between 2 and 7 Sunday. WANTED First-class cook in family of 3 from 4 P. M. for dinners only. Apply giving telephone number. E 440, Ore gon ain EARN $2i commission weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines; exp. unnec, details free. Press Syndicate, 139 St. Louis. Mo WANTED Two neat-appearing young la dies for circulation work either in city or with road crew. See Miss Henderson, 231 Artisans bldg. GIRL or woman for general housework and care of baby; good wages paid to capable party.' Inquire 555 Thompson, corner East 13th st.. North. WANTED Experienced operators for jer sey coats; only experienced apply. The Beaver Cloak & Suit Mfg. Co., 407 Wash ington. EXPERIENCED graduate teacher wishes to give piano and harmony lessons in exchange for laundry or housework. Call East S."56. - STENOGRAPHER Must be rapid, accu rate and experienced; $90; permanent position with re-liable, established firm. X 4.fl, Oregon lan. CAPABLE woman to take charge of fur nished dining room and kitchen In small residential hotel to open soon on west side: references.' S 41tf, Oregonian. WANTED Competent woman to care for invalid lady and do light housework, day time; references required. Phone Main 3858. ANY GIRL in need or a iriend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34.t0. DM car. HOME WORKERS Make any dainty arti cles; you price them; we sell them. In close stamp. Homeart Sales makers, 138 Rehecca. Webster Groves. Mo. REGISTER WITH US FOR HIGH-CLASS OFFICH POSITIONS. WILLIAMS PER SONNEL. 504 SPALDING BLDG. YOUNG girl to assist with housework, $15 a month. H 451, Oregonlan. EXP. MAID for general housework to go to Hood River. See Mrs, Albert Peters, Mallory hotel. Sunday afternoon. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wanted Must have shop experience. 650 Washing ton. GOOD cooks, private homes, $50-$00. Second maid 60. Scott's Employment Office, 329 Henry bldg. DEPENDABLE woman to assist with housework arid care of 3-year-old child. Tabor 6413, WANTED 3 neat appearing young ladies between 17 and 22 years of age. Phone Bdwy. 3429. Room 17. WANTED Girl between ages of 23 and S3 to do practical nursing. Prefer one who plays piano. Phone Auto. 614-60. COMPETENT laundress to do personal laundry at home; Rose City or near; will deliver and call for. Taoor 1729. WOMAN bushelman for men's and ladies' suits and dresses; must be A-l; steady work and good salary. 950 Thurman st. COOK and h. k., no children, lady and 3 men; half hour from Portland. H 468, Oregonlan i SALESWOMAN on coat, suits, must have at least 2 years' experience; no other need apply. V 4S2, Oregonlan. ELDERLY lady for housekeeper for widower with 2 children. N 457. Ore gon i an. CAPABLE woman for, general housework, family of 3; good wages. Tabor 4710. Call after 9 A. M. 2 OR 3 young women of refinement and nice appearance. Star Photo Studio, 253 Wash, st; WANTED Young lady to assist in house work; good home for right party. 243 Grant st. PUBLIC stenographer, prompt service, Harriet Lytle, Broadway 5173; 624 Henry bldg. WOULD line school girl to care for baby In exchange for room and board and small wages. Bdwy. 5151. Apt. 43. WANTED Christian girl or woman to exchange housework for piano lessons, AM 472, Oregonlan. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girl in distress. 053 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 816. PLASTERER wanted by owner of 6-room house now under construction. Apply Monday. 382 E. 54th st. N. APPRENTICES wanted for beauty parlor work. 604 Eilers bldg. GIRL dishwasher, experienced, and union preferred. J 375, Oregonlan. WANTED Woman to do light housework and care for baby. Sellwood 3641. WANTED Chambermaid, Chesterbury ho tel. 201 North 20th st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, 6th aU 67 N.