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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1922)
"in THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 26, 1932 FOR MUt ACTOMOBU.ES. C. U B0S3 AUTOMOBILE CO.. - THB DISTRIBUTORS OP HUDSON AND ESSEX AUTOMOBILES. PUTTING ON A BALD OF USED CARS t very greatly reduced prices, vhich mor than correspond to the to? reduction of new automobile. We completely renew, overhaul r rebuild Hudson and Essex auto mobliea These are In the best of mechanical condition: they art also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars; in addi - tlon. we give 90 days free me cnanieaU service. otha makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit riven on- any other car of equal prise that customer may select. This gives ample time for every . purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have it In spected, and we want only satis fled customers, 1020 Maxwell ....$ 473 1019 Grant six BOO 3917 Dodge 450 1919 Olds six , 675 1920 Nash ,...r..... 750 1918 Olds eight 850 1919 Liberty -sport model 800 1920 Hupmoblle 800 1920 Chandler 875' 1918 Overland chummy ..... 425 1919 Chalmers BOO 1918 Cole. .8, sport model 1150 1916 Cadillac HWO 1919 Essex 700 1920 Essex roadster 900 1921 Essex touring 850 1916 Hudson super six 785 1917 Hudson super six 875 1918 Hudson super six 1050 1919-1920 (model O series) Hudson super six 1100 1920 Hudson speedster 1350 Largest Used-car Branch Store In the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store, Broadway 5739. Also a display at Our Salesroom. 615-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. REAL BARGAINS IN USED FORDS. Liberal Terms Open Evenings and Sundays. 3917 touring $105 1919 touring 265 3918 touring, special body 295 31121 touring . 325 1920 touring 323 1921 roadster Z. 375 3920 bug .' 395 3921 roadster 400 3921 touring . 47f 3920 sedan 575 3921 coupe 550 3922 touring, new .- 650 TRUCKS AND DELIVERY CARS. 1917 delivery ... . r 1195 1920 truck, body and cab 450 3913 truck 280 Buy your USED FORD from author ized dealers. TALBOT & CASEY, INC. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ALWAYS. CLOSED CAR. This is the light four-door Essex sedan and it has had very careful city use by present owner; has many extras and the car is first-class every way; you can come and try It; needs noth ing; all ready for delivery; we have very low price and will take late model car as part payment, balance monthly: open Sundays. 514 Alder St. Phone Automatic 513-67. AUTOMOBILE owners, garage men, me chanics, repair men. send today for free copy of this month's issue. It contains' helpful, instructive information on over hauling, ignition troubles, wiring, car buretors, storage batteries, etc. Over 120 pages, illustrated. Send for free copy today. Automobile Digest, 217 Butler bldg., Clncinnati.-O. OWING to misfortune I am lorced to sell my 1917 Cadillac touring, equipped with lots of extras, including tonneau wind shield; has two liew Silvertown cords, 3 others good. This car - used verv little - and dirt cheap at $1000; half cash and bankable paper on balance. See car at Purple Truck Garage, corner E. Davis and Burnside. STAGE LINE. One car In Al condition; bond, license and franchise; price $1200; terms lo ngnt parly. . PETERSON & YORK. 437 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8005. MY LAST DEMONSTRATORS. 1821. CHEVROLET and MODEL 4 OVER LAND. .New-car guarantee: easy terms. P. II. DUNN MOTOR CO., , 10-12 Grand Ave. North. LATE VEILE TOURING. This car is refinlshed and looks and runs fine; it will please you; cord tires and all new; open Sundays; come and try It. 10th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 1919 DODGE SEDAN Refinlshed; good tires, excellent mechanical condition; will take light car in trade and give long easy terms. ISOKTHWKST BARGAIN ANNEX, K4 Airier, s Tr..a...n. l-! Broadway 1723. PAIGE SEDAN SNAP. Late 1920; the only one ever offered for sale: only run ' 7000 miles; written guarantee: this is a wonderful buy at 1 1.150: terms. Cook & Gill Co., Broadway and Flanders. 1B21 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET touring oar, looks and runs like a new car; will sacrifice $750 or consider cheap 490 Chevrolet or Ford in trade and give terms on balance. Phone East 378. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE. WELL BUILT, DELIVERED. ERECTED. STAINED, 10x16, $55: AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 299 WETDLER. EAST SSC.fl FORD TOURING. 1920. Self-starter, demountable rims, new top. side curtains, shocks, cut-out, foot feed, etc. See car at Godbey's Garage, 5th and Hoyt st.. day or night or Sunday. DON'T MISS THIS. For sale. 3020 Paige 5-passenger coupe, Just overhauled and painted; rune and looks like new: owner leaving city; will sacrifice for $1300. Marshall 5319. ' 19 OVERLAND 90 touring, $150, this Is a bargain, look at this car and. satisfy STUDEBAKER, 10TH AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 1895. 1921 HUDSON, suner six. T.iu driven 37CO miles; looks like new, runs use new; same air; au extra equipment. 1922 license. Call H. E. King, Sunday Hotel Alder. ' NASH 5-pass., $750. A real buy for a light car; late model. In perfect me chanical shape; want $250 down, bal easy terms. Ca'l Tabor 7817. f tVE CARRY a full line of auto tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.; also Phone East 6840. 463 Hawthorne. ESSEX. Fine Condition. Lota of Power. $750. 530 ALDER ST. LIGHT 6 1920 Buick touring car, good tires, refinished, In perfect mechanical condition, w,n mag ngnt car in trade. Also extra tire. Call Tabor 3548. MAXWELL '20. A good Maxwell, all In fins looks like pew, $3fi0. See at G-odbey'i Garage. Hoyt at., cor. '5th., any time. HANDLER chummy, late model must sacrifice on account of sickness. Al oonaiuon, gooa urea, ivz license, long. wny icrinw. ihuiib oruauway 0104, X917 BUICK little 6 touring car; over hauled: nantasote ton: 1922 lin. i "good tlrea; newly painted, ,476. Phone laoor mow. A'lll.ntJJii-AH.KUVV. J.U1U-11. ;r-DMin trr rubber fine, motor A-l mechanical; will sell 550, terms if responsible. Main zau-t ounaay a. m. or alter tt:30. 1920" DODGE touring, best of condition, car is a bargain, will sell for $550, prefer ash, but will consider terms. Alain . 1917 FORD touring car. $175 cash: in good condition; all 30x3 'A wheels; fine uober, iu;a license. liassler shocks o-il .jeiierson st. io dealers. A. . , , 7z : : "-xiu aeiivery, just overnauled; also ?aK!anu Dug, mecnanlcally perfect. stast it-', r;. -tn ana rtollaaay. FASaK.NUKK chandler, in fine condi. ion mechanically; will give easy terms rr mignt taKe real estate, rhone auto matic i-o. A NO. 1, 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet road stef, trade for Ford coupe or sedan. Call last -ltt. fr- lastie ave., cor. Mason. 1919 NA.SH In excellent condition, $750. ivifv lerms. warn. Jim. WEAVEtt grt-ase gun; holds about 3 gal. iiH PAIGE. Al mechanical condition, with ,.2J nrensH. i:). Marshall 3")70. CHANDLER, roc.d phape, price 1 I'.tj Wa'-ash avp. at your own 1916 FORD touring, Hass. shocks, JH.I Vran.ju's Used Car Excbf., 1M Union. FOR SALE AI7TOMOBU.ES. BUY YOUR "USED CAR" from a Reliable Dealer, who will grant long easy terms if desired. Open every evening until 8:30 and on Sundays, 9 to 5. Chevrolet touring, Just completely overhauled; extra good rubber. .. .$125 1917 . Chalmers, touring, excellent condition throughout 250 1918 Oakland touring, motor, top and tires and all in wonderful condi tion 225 1920 big 6 Buick touring, a real buy 600 1918 Dodge touring, all good 425 1916 big 4 Bulck roadster, top. tires, paint and all In fine condition 230 1817 Buick light 6; 8 new tires and car all good - 550 1917 Franklin touring, new paint. Just overhauled, all good - 900 1917 Maxwell touring, sure Is a geod car and only 150 1818 Oldsmobile 6, touring, new paint and a dandy car "25 1919 Dixie flyer, new paint, tires nearly new, and some car 345 1917 Cadillac touring, S new Silver town cord tires, tsnneau. wind shield, car all good 1000 1918 Brisco touring, all good 26o 1918 Chalmers, tires, motor, top and all in excellent condition 47o 1916 Overland touring that has been used very little, good tires 17o Pope Hartford roadster, 4 nearly new Silvertown cord tires; this can't be beat tor servie car or the speediest bugTn Oregon 150 1919 Crow-Elkart, extra good cord tires, top, upholstering, nearly new paint 00 1918 Olds chummy, excellent eondi- tion throughout 475 H-ton Kissel truck 6 300 1918 Chevrolet delivery, new tires, body and motor extra good . . . 19o See these cars before you buy. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. "The Used Car Corner." Open Evenings and Sundays. FORDS " FORDS. FORDS. ( THE DUNNING MOTOR CO., Authorized Ford Dealers, Offer For Sale Today TEN GOOD USED FORDS. Our volume of new car business ne cessitates many trades. We must sell as many used cars as we take in each month. We have ten more to sell this month, and we are going to sell them today. The following prices ill do it: 3917 Roadster, license $165 1918 Roadster, license 185 (This car completely overhauled.) 1918 Touring, license 175 1017 Touring, license 150 1919 Touring, starter, dem. rims, li cense 320 1920 Touring, starter, license 350 Ford, coupe 450 Ford sedan 475 1019 Roadster, starter, license .....'310 1921 Touring 375 THESE PRICES APPLY TODAY ONLY. Twenty others, if you don't see it here. DUNNING MOTOR CO., Phone East 303. E.' 3d at Broadway, P. H, (PAT) DUNN OFFERS 1920 Chevrolet touring 32o 1920 Ford, starter 323 1919 Chevrolet 29.1 1919 Chevrolet, delivery 3.10 3921 Overland i K30 1921 Ford sedan 473 On easy terms and your car New Chevrolets and new Overlands on easy terms and your car accepted as part payment. - Nos. 30 and 12 Grand ave. N.. corner East Burnside. SIXTT STANDARD USED AUTOS TO BE SOLD. SEE THESE CARS BEFORE BUYING. NO BROKERAGE ON TIME SALES. C. G. BLEASDALE, 530 ALDER ST. BDWY. 1852. TRADE FORDS. If you have a Ford the type you don't want or need, come in we will trade you one - you want. See Ed Melvln, .Tete Mae. USED CAR MEN. ' -v, TALBOT & CASEY, INC. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. ' Authorized Ford Dealers. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. COLE EIGHT. 'We have dfp'ery good Cote 8 touring car wnicn is In excellent whicl mechanical condition; 5 good tires, new paint, for only $850. WrENTWORTH IRWIN, INC., Main 2892. 200 Second St., cor. Taylor. Open Sundays from 19 A. M. to 2 P. M. MORTGAGE PRICES. Best values In town: easy terms: small down payment. Dodge roadster; perfect shape. 1921 Ford coupe; lots of extras. Baby Overland 1921; like new. 5-pass. 1919 Buick; newly painted. Quick action on above cars will save you money. 7-passenger Buick. ' i 7-passenger Packard. 5-pasnger Templer. Take diamonds, lots, Email ears In good condition, in trade. Call 712 Lewis Bldg GENERAL FINANCE CO. MR WRAY HUDSON LIMOITXIMt.- Very latest model out and Is new; has some extras and Is right up to the minute in every way; no description can explain this beautiful car to anvone; oome and see it: will give terms or take late light , five-passenger car as part payment; open Sundays. Phone Automatic 513-67. Call 514 Alder st SEDAN. $490 Overland 90, 5 wire wheels, ex tra tires, spotlight. $22.50 bumper. Car In perfect mechanical shape and a real sacrifice at the above figure. Apt. 3:1, Hawthorne apts.. 251 12th St. Mar shall 2307. 1922 CHEVROLET DEMONSTRATOR Practically new car at wholesale price. Phona Col. 164. 1918 MAXWELL TOURING CAR. $200. Five good tires and this car Is In fine mechanical condition: bargain at this price. Will sell on easy terms. Phone East 1962. ' FORD ROADSTER. Ready to go and we will trade for touring and give cash difference; come and have, a look: open Sunday. 614 Aider si. MURPHY MOTOR CO. NASH BUYERS. Have a brand new Nash; Tun only 15 miles, which I will seil at a discount. fnone rropst, tfawy. 4fi;5. BUICK LIGHT SIX. If sold before Marclu 1, $550. 630 ALDER ST. '19, BIG 6 STUDEBAKER touring., will sell aB is for $095. air good corertires. bi vuists&i&ii, urtn a.u GLISAN BROADWAY 1895. FORD COUPE. 1920 car, in fine condition, good tires, speedometer; must be sold at once. Will give terms. uan japor 84. TWO 0-PASSENGER 1920 Slutz, very cheap: will trade; no real estate. Call Jvann. rtnwy. 'ny. LIBERTY 6. late model. Just overhauled painted, sold for balance due, $450, $100 down. Main ansa, apt, iu, or 434 Market FOR SALE 1921 hew Franklin automobile at less man wnoiesaie price. AV 230, uregonian. FORD touring, 191. mechanically perfect. , exua. biiui's oiiBiucjiAvma, o; terms. rnoiIB nnfflin'y .'in. H. C. STUTZ roadster, just like new, very C neap. naim, nu.j., 3921 NASH, 4-passenger. like new, $900. Call nann, ptij. 1920 COLE 8 4 -passenger, very cheap. Call jjuwj. FORD coupe from authorised dealer at $50 discount. Wdln. 4528. FORD, 1921. early, $350 cash; new tires perfect condition. East 5757. FOR SALE 1918 Bulck six, in good shape 22 license. $400. Phone Marshall 3954. 1919 BUICK, 5-passenger, A-l shape, new tires, $850. Call Kann. Bdwy. 2994. 1917 HUP, good paint and new top; very chea? Call Kann. Bdwy. 2994. ESSEX touring car, nice, snappy little buy at $700. Easy terms Wdln. 2461 4-CYL. LOCOMOBILE, good for 200,000 milts; 150. Address 732 Talbot Road. 4-PASSENGER Premier, like new, $f200. Call Kann. Bdwy. 2994. . FOB 8 A US AUTOMOBILES. SPRING Is approaching and like wise the usual spring rush for cars. Now is the time to make your selection. Here are some choice bargains in used motor cars: . 7-pass. Cadillac 55 $1000 7-pass. Cole "8".... 600 7-pass. Winton "0." like new 1000 7-pass. Klssel-Kar sedan..... 775 7-pass. Chandler "6"... 625 5-pass. "6".......... 425 5-pass. National "6". 450 5-pass. Mitchell "4" 150 5-pass. Hupmoblle 400 5-pass. Overland "4"........ 435 5-pass. Frartklln "".. 550 5-pass. Franklin "4" 200 ' 4-pass. Franklin '6" 11O0 4-trass. Chandler 1000 5- pass. Oakland sedanette. . . 600 5-pass. Franklin sedan 2&75 We charge no brokerage and offer liberal terms. Our salesroom is open Sunday mornings from 9 to 32 o'clock. A demonstration will convince you that our price are low. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. 501 Burnside 6treet -at 14th. Bdwy. 801. MR. TRUCK BUYER. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING NEW TRUCKS OF STANDARD MAKE AT 1-3 OFF THE REGULAR LIST PRICE: GARFORDS, GARYS, TCISSELS, . ATTERBURYS. DAY-ELDERS. ALSO OUR LIST OF USED TRUCKS FROM TO 5-TON CAPACITY IN CLUDES: PACKARDS. WHITES, ( - G. M. C. FAGEOLS, GARFORDS. WIXTHERS, MASTERS. FEDERALS. AND THEN SOME. OVER 100 TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM. EASY TERMS AND TAKE IN LIGHT CARS AND TRUCKS IN TRADE. INVESTIGATE. FAR WEST MOTOR EXCHANGE. 303 BURNSIDE. $100 IN GASOLINE TICKETS. WILL BE GIVEN FREE TO THREB PURCHASERS OF USED CARS THIS MONTH. See us for particulars. 50 cars to select from. I Priced from $75 up. CASH, TERMS OR TRADE. Open evenings and Sundaya OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. ' Broadway and Couch Sts. CHEVROLET 5-passenger. We believe this car to be way underpriced at $300 Ford roadster,, in excellent mechanical condition and good tires 150 Ford touring, late model hood. A fine macteine 250 WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC., Main 2802. 200 Second St., cor. Taylor. Open. Sundays from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. THE FOLLOWING cars have been left with us by owners to be sold: Ford touring car., $225 " Ford truck 325 Oakland touring ..." 325 , Oakland touring 375 Bell touring 500 Hupmoblle touring 1-50 Dodge touring 700 LOWNSDALE GARAGE, Fifteenth and Washington. '20 DODGE touring, shines like new, won't have to spend any time. Price $54. STUDEBAKER. lOlh -and Glisan. Bdwy. 1893. LATH TOURING at low price of $225. with $100 down balance easy; car is first class and has cord tires: come and try It; open Sun days, loth and Alder sts. Ask for Adams. MTtRPHY MOTOR CO. PACKARD -."30" roadster, 6 cord tires, 1922 license, electric lights, mechan ically A No. 1. One of the fastest cars In the state. To be given away Sunday at wasnington-street Garage, 23d st. and Washington, for $350. Owner.. Mar shall 2340. 1921 FORD ROADSTER 1921. By owner. late 1921 Ford roadster driven only 3000 mlies; looks like new I-n every respect; has speedometer, shock absorbers, foot accelerator, large steer ing wneel, spo-turnt. mirror and 1922 11-ce-nse. Will sacrifice for $350. East 4619. SEE THESE CARS BEFORE BUYING NEW STUDEBAKER BIG SIX. .$1450 NEW APPERSOX 7-PASS 1950 WE TRAD r. AND GIVE TERMS. OBYE-GERWIG MOTOR CO., 329 FLANDERS. NEAR BROADWAY. SPECIALLY built sport roadster body. on Ford chassis. Motor overhauled. Classiest car in town and lots of ex tras. Nothing like it in' city. Also 11121 U'ora touring, less than 4000 miles. Journal garage, ma Jefferson St. . SALESMEN. 1921 Dodge roadster. all . eauioment . ssoo, some terms. Woodlawn 1621 after ; r. M. BEAUTIFUL Cole 8 coupe. 5-pass.: guar antee mecnanicai condition perfect; must sen quick, out can give some terms.- Price $1000. Write or phone Mr. Van Dyke, 4S1 E. 38th st. N.. Auto. aai-t4. . . $300 WILL BUY my Chalmers six: I nee. tne money; engine has been thorouehlv overhauled and new pistons put in; runs like new; bumper, spotlight and 1922 li cense witn it. it you want a bargain ..11 Ta- 1 TOO 19 OLDSMOBILE S tonr'-.g. 6 cord tires, mecnamcauy A-l col.tion; price $450 '22 license. STUDEBAKER, 10TH AND GLISAN. DrtUAUW A I 139 3 1920 DORT TOURING Car runs like new tires all good; price only $500, with long oas.v tenuis. NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX, 542 Alder St. Broadway 1723. 275 BUICK X275. 4-cycle, model 87, new top, new cur tains, new license, good tires. Why waiK r n,aHy terms. nausoack. Bdwy. rui. evenings lauor on-so. HUDSON 0-54. Completely overhauled and in iirst-ciass condition, ir you can use a large car will give you a bargain. Will demonstrate to your satisfaction. Phone Marsnau 4314. NEW SEDAN SACRIFICE. Beautiful late model. Driven 747 mile. Cost $4850. $2200. Investigate. uwner. amener. mam loa, Monday. HOUSEKEEPER'S position wanted, by a refined mid-dle-aged lady, where there Is no woman overseer or young children, , city or country. f aa, oregonian 1920 CHANDLER touring, splendid condl tlon, car like new. .Will sell very cheap tOQR.v. iau uwugi, piuauwity i;jlf. A UAr.uAlA in in r ora touring; new license, good rubber, shocks, $160. Call Auto, na.-s-n. MUST sacrifice late model Ford tourln slightly used; starter, $300. Call Auto. o33- t.atit. yruidel Big 6 Studebaker. In condition. Price $1250. Will take smaller car lor pan, jjaymeat. van nth st. $350 TAKES my little 4 cylinder oar. starter, lights and everything. ,1185i Ainma ave.. apt- - 1920 HUPMOBILE, newly painted and runs like new; cord tires. 1 spare. The price is rignt. van . ma. .ipio. BUICK heavy four; runner to carry you all summer; good running order. $75. 703 Hignianq at. auuua;. WHITE touring, good condition, cheap or FORD touring, good top, good tires, lots .of Dep. S"", leaa m mail. mono a,ast 2221 1920- FORD coupe, perfect condition, good tires, extras; caai eta. CHEVROLET, 1917, starter, license; $125, Alargnau x-t FOR SAME ATJTOMOBma. , COVET MOTOR CAR CO. BARGAIN BASEMENT. This Is a real "automobile bar gain counter." Many makes of t oars are to be found ' here, not ,weck,, but cars in good condi tion, ready to go, and especially valuable for the perfbn who wants a car to "run around In." Truly wonderful buys are to be hd in this department. The stock is di minishing and changing rapidMy. Compare our prices with those SBked for similar merchandise. Usually that will mean a sale for us and a car for you. THESE CARS ARE NOT REBUILT. 1916 Hudson super-six, being painted $465 1918 Overland "6," very low mileage, license, good tires, paint and mechan ically In fine condition.. 600 1918 Overland Country Club, license, new paint 375 1914 Overland touring 95 1918 Maxwell, Just painted 385 ' 1918 Dodges from $350 to 50 1919 Dodges from $425 to..... 525 1918 Kissel Car, jiew paint, li cense 345 1916 Franklin, new paint, bat tery, license C03 1915 Cadillac 600 1915 Cadillac roadster, very fine tires, license 550 1920 Chalmers touring, license 675 1939 Chalmers 675 1920 Chandler touring 840 3918 Chandler 495 1910 Dort touring, 1922 license 825 1915 Packard toaring....- 850 1911 Pierce touring 350 1921 Ford touring, license.... 375 1815 Chalmers "6" S75 1920 Ford coupe, new paint, license 495 " 1920 Ford sedan 485 DELIVERIES. 1913 Buick "4" 215 1918 Dodge, screen side S25 3920 Ford 1-ton chassis, license 285 ALWAYS "THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." Open Sundays.. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington SL Bdwy. 6244. 28-30 N. Bdwy. SAFETY FIRST. You can't go wrong by buying from the merchant who has an established line of merchandise, a reputation for honest business methods and thousands of satis fied customers. Here your dollar Is worth face value. We give very reasonable terms. No brokerage charged. USED HUPMOBILES. Tourinc and roadster. $400. $500. $700. $750. $900. $85. OTHER MAKES. 1921 Gardner, like new $750 1919 Dodge touring, very good 600 1917 Dodge sedan, wire wheels, license .A 700 1919 Chevrolet roadster, refln- ished 275 1918 Briscoe tourin, repainted 275 Fine little Ford bug, new tires 2SO Chalmers little six, repainted. 350 Chalmers roadster, runs fine.. 300 1920 Ford touring, starter type i50 1910 Ford roadster, lots of extras 250 Baby Grand Chevrolet, refln- flnlshed 600 MANLEY AUTO CO.. 31th and Burnside. S. M. Arbuckle. Manager Used Car Department. 1921 OAKLAND DEMONSTRATOR. Has traved only a thousand miles has pistons guaranteed for 15,000 mitea against on pumping; exceptionally low price of $1000; terms; will accent car as iirst payment, calu r'KUST, ijroaa- way 3606. CADILLAC S . 7-Dfissenger Cad-illac. model 53. excep. tlonally fine mechanical condition; fine cord tires, velour seat covers. serai-Vic toria curtains, bumper, spotlight, cigar lighter, melody norn, atemi-te oiuuig sys tem. Jeavoa's spring oiler. A oar of com fort, soeed. power and flexibility. Price, only $350a $500 down. $50 a month. E B. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alde-n PORTLAND'S greatest truck bargain, Nash -ton, brand new; has pneumati cord tires, electric lights and starter. cab and curtains. Will sell for half the regular price. OBYE-GERWIG MOTOR CO. 329 Flanders, near Broadway. Open All Day Sunday. SEE AND BUY mv Hudson SuDer at your own price; mean this, for I must have the'money the tires alone are worth half the price. See it at Automotive Sales Co., or phone me at ijroaflway 39. DODGE TOURING. Has 1922 license, spot light, S tires and Is in tip-top shape; see this for bargain. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 14th and Morrison. Broadway 3606. Ad'OUNT of sickness owner must seil h almost new 6-cv inder automoone. laju model, fine condition, cost $2000. Only driven 4700 miles, new tires. Sacrifice for cash or part cash and trade in light automoone, lot or anyming 01 value. BF 451, uregoman. JUST LOOK HERE A fine Velle, in good condition, family used, at a bargain, in quire Ed Arnett. 6739 Powell Valley road, corner juast estn st. GIVING CAR AWAY. Red Seal Continental motor, aluminum body, Spanish upholstering; car has only been driven a Jittle over 13.000 miles, all for $350. This Is no- junk, but ,a real car. Broadway 23bo. room sj. 1921 CHEVROLET TOURING If you could buy a late i9i Chevrolet tnat nas run but 4090 miles at a nargain, wouldn't you like to see It? Call East 6864, now, 7 1 i 'r;ast vza rsortn. 1922 FORD sedan. This car is brand new. verv easv terms "ever licensee?: win sell at discount and give very easy terms or will take a small car as ursl pay ment. Tabor .-ilisfi. $100 DOWN and 6 equal payments, $16 each, 1910 otuueoaaer 4, u-pass., new top, tires 3ust overnauiea. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHIX.DS. 11th and Burnside. . Bdwy. 3281. 7-PASS. CHANDLER 6 good cord tires first-class mecnanicai condition; needs paint; a bargain Phone Tabor 4832 for demonstration. LATE model Essex touring. Just iike new. run 2000 miles, coru tires; can be bought at a sacrifice. Call private phone Wdln. bma. A 1920 MITCHELL light six, in A-l snap. good tires ana paint; win sen at a 10 figure; repainted; get my price. Call Williams. Bdwy. 4B7j. 19 OVERLAND county club, fine car, will sacrifice lor jiu. STUDEBAKER. 10TH AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 1895. ... NEW CHEVROLET 8NAP. 1922 sacrifice for $575 for quick sale; terms; written guarantee. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 7750. OAKLAND LITTLE SIX SNAP. Roadster $200, touring $300. Sold for balance due on notes, terms. Tabor 4980. DODGE 5-pass., new top and paint, 5 good tires, good mecnanicai snape. a snap at $350. Terms If desired. East 0259. LOCOMOBILE 6-48, 7-pass., $100; stage or touring car, sacrificed, away. Tabor 4980. ideal going CHANDLER 1917 model touring car, up holstering A-l, good tires, by owner, $550, 4,39 E. 26tih. Seihvood 712. FRANKLIN. Series 9A touring, run less than 5500 miles, cheap for cash. 710 E. 23d st. N. NEED money, will sell light roadster 1922 license, good condition; $75 takes It to day. See owner. 311 Glisan st. HAS A MOONSHINE KICK. Ford bug. new paint, victoria top, lots of speed. Carl Odgers. Bdwy. 322. MITCHELL, very substantial car, sell or trade for light car; value $125. Mar shall 1442. 1920 LIBERTY 6 touring, cord tires, one spare, spotlight and other extras, $650. Call Tabor 5603. 1583 Division. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the plecea Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 881 Alder, 17th. Broadway 6254. FORD deliver, good condition, license. shocks, $125. Call Auto. 633-68. FOR SALE or trade, Cadillac roadster. East 1365 WILL SELL Buick light 8 roadster cheap. 418 Cook ave. HERE is your chance to buy 1917 2-ton Reo truck. $450. Phone Bdwy. 2329., FORD steel-panel delivery; like new. East 471 or Tabor 1779. NEW ELGIN Sedan, a real'buy, $1600; will give some terms. Phon Sellwood 3764. 1922 FOltH" coupe, run 2 weeks; will trad for late Ford sedan. Phons East 169a TOp RALE ACTOMOBIXKS. "THB COOK & GILL COMPANY SYSTEM" Is tiha correct sY of merchan dising used cars, because itTellml nates every risk to buyers. It means: L A- written guarantee against mechanical defects. 2. A full week's trial. 8. One price to all and that Is the lowest. 4. Permanent Interest lo the pur chaser and bis car. We renew our cars and repaint them when necessary and hey lookand will serve you like new. We hare an especially fine show ing of cars this week, and suggest that you buy your vacation sar now, as they are much cheaper than they will be a little later on when our busy season begins. 490 Chevrolet, run 2000 miles. $ 575 Oakland 5-pasa. run 4000 ml 650 1919 Bulck 5-pass 750 Big 6 Studebaker 1150 (Owner of this car Is anx- , loua to sell and will con eider a cash offer.) Hup Sedan .Vrv... 750 Cole 8 Coupe 1000 1917 Hudson super six 600 1918 Paige . 500 1917 Paige light six 650 1917 Paige 7-pass 650 1920 Paige sedan light six. .. 1350 1920 Paige 5-pass. coupe big 6 1700 EASY TERMS. OLD CARS TAKEN IN EX CHANGE. OPEN SUNDAY. COOK & GILL CO. INC. BROADWAY SALESROOM, 100 N. Broadway, cor. Flanders. Phone Broadway 7750. GOING-TO-MOVE SALE. We move April 15 to Grand avenue ana asE Main, our new nome. 1915 Ford roadster t 95 1916 Ford touring, extras 115 1917 Ford touring, 1922 license.... 190 1918 Ford touring, 1IM license.... 200 1918 Ford roadster, 1922 license... 225 1919 Ford touring, repainted...... 35 1920 Ford touring, extras 235 1921 Ford touring. Ilka new 400 1920 Ford coupe, 1922 license 400 3920 Ford truck, express body 400 1920 Ford bug, fenders, starter. 350 1917 Chevrolet touring ........... 175 3918 Chevrolet roadster 225 1918 Chevrolet -baby grand S50 1917 Grant 6. touring 175 1916 Dodge touring 175 3918 Dodge touring 235 1917 Dodge touring 350 3913 Dort touring, overhauled S50 1918 Overland 90, Country Club.... 250 1916 Hup 4 touring 250 1917 Hup model N touring ........ 425 3917 Buick touring, rebuilt 375 1919 Oakland 6 touring 250 1920 Oakland 6, touring, like new.. 600 1919 Hudson super 0, rebuilt...... 1150 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, Union Ave. and Belmont St., Upstairs. AUTOMOBILES. FORECLOSURE ,' 1 j a 110.0 10 bM. I B.11 a. . iv,, . , X equivalent to the equity, because the original owners were unable to meet their payments, borne are priced as -low as '115. And consist of such popular makes as Dodges, Buicks, cnevroiets, iorts, over lands. Fords. Cadillacs. Stevens. King. Maxwells, etc. Come today for they will not last long at the prices we are asking. 430 BELMONT ST. USED CAR MARKET. Sixth and Mala Sts. FORD BARGAINS FORD. Cash or Terms. 191 Ford roadster, Btarter. ...$325 1921 Ford coupe, complete 695 1920 Ford touring, starter .' 865 1918 Ford touring, special 235 1919 Ford truck, only S25 1916 Ford touring 165 This open air car market is owned by Kooinson-smitn co. CHUMMY ROADSTER. Late model, with wire wheels and we will reflnlsh It any color you like; the tires . are nearly new and the car has been gone over and Is in fine condition all complete at low price of $325, with $150 down, balance easy; open Sundays. ltn and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 1918 STUDEBAKER big 6 sedan, top, cord tires, Bpecial gears in differential, 4 33-100 year ratio: lots other extras: perfect mechanical condition. Price $395 cash. . OBYE-GERWIO MOTOR CO. 829 Flanders, near Broadway. Open All Day Sunday. IF YOU have a good auto In good condi tion, value about HO0, we can get you possession of a very fine 8-acre tract, njalx very easiest: clearing, una son, stream fine section of country, fencing, some fine homes close by, near Orenco. A rare opportunity. Quick action neces sary. C L. Pecker, 1334 First st 1922 CHEVROLET touring, run 90O miles. Has bungalow curtains that open with doors, 1922 license, spotlight and many - other extras. Will discount and sell on easy terms; good reason for selling. Phone owner. East 178. NEW 1922 CHEVROLET Did you know you could buy a new 1922 Chevrolet for only $215 down? Why buy a used car? Ask for additional terms and demon- . stratlon of latest Chevrolet. Call East 6,fi4. 1919 STUDEBAKER LIGHT FOUR Will reflnlsh and let you choose your own paint color; excellent condition; price only $385; long easy terms. NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX, 642 Alder St. Broadway 1723. BUICK SIX TOURING. ' TRADE. For well located lot In Irvlngton, Pted mont, Laurelhurst or Rose City, worth $1000; my light 6 Bulck Is In splendid condition. J 425. Oregonian. 1921 FORD' touring car, runs and looks like new, electric starter, new tires, shock absorbers, spotlight, large steer ing wheel and many other extras. Will sacrifice for $325 and give easy terms. Phone owner. Wdln. 8625. HERE IS A BARGAIN. Hup sedan, the famous model N; runs just like new: will take $700 If sold this week; would give some terma Call Mr. Van Dyke, Auto. 321-64, or write me at 481 E. 38th St. N. ROADSTER Never run 'a mile; has big compartment for luggage or camping equipment; 2 bumpers, wind deflectors and motometer. You will be surprised at the price. Call Propst, Bdwy. 4675. BUICK Late 1920 light six touring, 6 good cord tires, spotlight, motormeter. bumpers and 1922 license. This car is In perfect condition; must sacrifice. Call AVoodiawn inia. ! CADILLAC 8, new cord tires, '22 license; car in perfect mechanical condition, quick sale ror soow. STUDEBAKER, 10TH AND OLISAN, BROADWAY 1895. ON ACCOUNT ot sickness, I need the money; $300 cash will buy Monlter Mght six engine. In good condition, bumper, 2 spotlights, clock motometer,-"tlres prac tically new, can Taoor vawt. . . 1920 FORD rdstr., '22 license, good condi tion; jizit down, nai. smau montniy pay ments, other good buys; look them over. Allen-Goodsell Motor Co., authorized Ford dealer, 12th and stark. FORD ROADSTER. Fine Mechanical Shape. Lots of Extras. $250. 530 ALDER ST. FOR SALE 14-pass. Ifmouslne buss. Cad lllao 14, Just overhauled, new rubber, . extras; will sacrifice for $1750. Terms if desired. John Schreiber, 3802 South. Cushman, Tacoma, Wash. ' 1920 HUPMOBILE TOURINQ CAR. In fine mechanical condition, looks V like new; has some extras. A bargain on easy terms. Phone East 1962. , ' 1922 CHEVROLET 490 touring: curtains open with doors, spotlight, 1922 license; very latest model;, run only a' few, hun dred miles. Phone Tabor 5935. 1920 490 CHEVROLET delivery, oversize - tires; would consider Ford touring car In trade. Call Tabor 5603. 1586 Divi sion street. FOUR speeds forward for Fords. Prices greatly reduced. Ask us for particulars. Salesmen wanted. Woodward Sales Co., Vii ViOnieii urar -Q'-i trnan. at WANT to get In touch with someone who Intends to purchase a large car. can save you some real money. Bjorn, Main 2904 Sunday A. M. BUICK 4, another good car for someone, $250. Allen-Goodsell Motor Co.. author- zed Ford dealer. lath and Stark. MUST sell my late 1918 Chevrolet touring, spiral gears. 22 rear axel; $175. Phone Broadway 2J.'U. FOB SALE ACTOMOB1XES. REBUILT AUTOMOBILES OF COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 'When -we show yen a ear which has been rebuilt, we mean RE BUILT in Its fullest sense. It Is a car we can and do guarantee to be mechanically right. We can guarantee its condition, because we have been all through the car and know what it Is. We know it has many thousands of miles of sat isfactory service In It. Our very . best advertising is the satisfied turchaserwho Is driving a car bought from this establishment. Our reputation MUST BE MAIN TAINED. The element ot chance is not present when you buy a Covey Motor Car Company guar anteed automobile. v REBUILT CADILLACS. The very best Cadillac mechan ics work on these cars. They are most carefully Inspected, and when the car finally leaves the paint shop it is a finished product with every bit of aervice in it of a new car.y We conscientiously recom mend these cars to anyone FOR YOUR COMPARISON. 1920 Cole. 7-pass., repainted, disc wheels , $1350 . 1920 Cole roadster. newly painted 1200 900 675 6S5 563 495 1921 Dodge demonstrator 1920 Dodge touring ., 3919 Dodge touring 1919 Dodge roadster 1919 Dodge touring 1918 Dodse roadster 475 1920 Haynes 7-passenger, re painted 1165 1921 Marmon speedster, like new 2750 1920 Oldsmobile 7-passenger. 895 1919 Roamer, newly painted. 1200 REBUILT CADILLACS. 1918 touring, new tires, paint, top 2000 1918 roadster, new tires and paint 1800 1017 touring, new top and paint 1600 1916 touring, new top and paint 1400' ALWAYS "THE BEST CARS AT THB LOWEST PRICES'" COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st at Washington St. Bdwy. 6244. 28-30 N. Bdwy. 100 CARS FOIl SALE AT MORTGAGE I'll ICES. MANY DIFFERENT MAKES. - , PRICED AS LOW AS $100. YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON. A SQUARE DEAL TO EVBRT PURCHASES. ASK ANY OF OUR 1921 CUSTOMERS. WE- WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU THEIR .AMES. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE tt SALES COMPANY. -416 H. ASH ST.. COR, E. 6TH. PHONES: BAST 8150, 8511. OPEN SUNDAYS, 9 TO 4. USED CATS. PRICED TO SELL. 1620 Briscoe. ivw paint. 1923 li cense, cord tlrea 8 450 1916 Colo 8, new paint, cord tires. 400 1919 Paige, original finish 700 1917 Saxon. 8, A-pasa. .. ........... 1921 Ford roadster, also Inclosed delivery 450 1913 Franklin, just the car to go camping In this summer 800 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., Tenth, and Bum-ride Bdwy. 021. HUGHSON'S FORD CORNER. Better Fords for T. Why Is our business good? Ask one of the many Hughson Ford owners of our service and business pollclea To th future Ford owner, this will be your pro tection and satisfaction, slightly used cars extra value, priced right with a true statement with each car. Terms tnat all can buy. Touring $140 Roadster $100 Touring 165 Coupe 450 Touring 200 Sedan 500 Touring 225 Sedan 550 Touring 250 .Bug 250 Touring Z70 Truck ........ Touring 825 Truck 295 louring .iu Truck 805 OPEN (SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO., Authorized Ford Dealer. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321 ROBINSON-SMITH CO. USBD CAR MARKET. SIXTH AND MADISON. 1920 Ford coupe, complete..... 1920 Ford roadster, starter ..... 1917 Ford express delivery.. ... 191T Ford touring, only Cash or Terma .$525 . 825 . 185 . 135 See our Used Car Market at 8th and Mala sts. MUST SELL AT ONCE AT A SACRIFICE. Absolutely new Chalmers speedster. K t t.a.i A.i moo must be seen 'to be appreciated. Call Main 4697. apt. 31, ON ACCOUNT of moving, we are disposing of some wonderful bargains In used automobiles; come In and look them over. 81 N. Sixth street. Jakes' Auction House. Phone Broadway 2329. PIERCE-ARKOW 38. 1918 model. five-Das. senger touring car, complete with six tires and many extras. A real auto that is priced right for cfsah or bankable pa- per. lnone Automatic diu-zo. NEW ROADSTER special, built Cole 8 maroon color, leather top, plush lined. If you have anything to trade la town call Broadway 33. DODGE TOURING. 5-pass. It has six tires. It Is a good . car. It can be bought for $350. Phone owner. Main Zlf. 1920 BUICK 6 touring with all cord tires. Including spare; car runs and looks like new, 1U22 license tnoluded; $900. Call Tabor &003. ioa uivision st. 1920 OVERLAND sedan, $625; like new. Tires all new; -wire wheels, motometer; rear vision mirror; . spare tire. Call Couch, Bdwy. 1895. , NEW 3921 Premier 7-passenger, with fac tory guarantee; 90 days' service, $2250. Call Kann, Bdwy. 2994. 1918 REO SIX, 4-passenger roadster, three cord tires, two new fabric tires, rebuilt battery. 1922 license, $350. Tabor 6603. 1588 Division st. GOING TO CALIFORNIA. 490- Chevrolet touring in good shape, good tires; best offer today takes it. Tabor 4084. ; OVERLAND 90 roadster. In good condi tion, good tires. 1922 license. Price $200, Will give terms. Call Tabor 1542. 191S DODGE touring in excellent condi tion. Looks like new. $475. 625 Alder. Phone Broadway 6231. HODES AUTO PARTS CO. Auto wseck ers, parts all makes cars for leBS. 522 Alder, corner 16th. Bdwy. 36S8. UNEMPLOYED at present, forced to sell my Buick 8 coupe, Al condition, at $875. Call Tabor 2739. Terms If desired. 1920 FORD touring In excellent condition, spotlight, speedometer, tires practically new. Must sell today. Wdln. 2j,-)9. STUDEBAKER special, used but little, cord tires; private owner's sacrifice. ' $950. East 6228. DODGE New top and paint, excellent condition and good rubber. Terma East 1962 WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel; crankshaft turning. H. B. Black Ma chine shop. 534 Alder. Bdwy. 2681. 1816 DODGE roadster, all In good shape, ready to drive away, for $150. Tabor 5603. 1853 Division st. 1920 BABY Grand Chevrolet, completely rverhau-led, good tires, will repaint to uit purchaser. $675. Bdwy. 3281. 20-PASSENGER bus, run two months, in first-class condition; reasonable, easy terms. Shlves Motor Co. Main 3516. 1921 6-PASS. Stutz, nearly new; extra wheel and good rubber. Call 288 11th st. 1920 NASH roadster, fine condition, $575. East 4216. FORD touring, late 1920, starter, license; a bargain at $325. Marshall 1442. HAVE to sell hiy Buick light I) touring. i 1400. Phono Bdwy. 6.v. FOR BALE APTOMOBILEa. THE LIST TELLS THE STORY. 1018 Mitchell 6 roadster ....$ 8 1917 Olds. 5-pass.. 8-cyl. 225 1918 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyL 25 Briscoe, 6-pass.. 4-cyL ?-." 1918 Mitchell roadster .500 1920 Chandler, 7-pass., 8-cyl. .... iw 1918 Overland. 5-pass.. 4-cyL .... 200 1917 Saxon, 6-pass., 6-cyl 200 1911 White. 5-pasa, 4-cyl. 200 1918 Olds. 7-pass., 8-cyL ........ 1917 Mitchell 6-pass., 8-cyL J 1919 Mitchell, 7-pass.. 6-cyl, 700 1918 Jordan. 4-pass.. 6-cyi. 10. 1918 Paige, 5-pass., 6-cyl 1919 Velle. 5-pass.. 6-cyl 0 1920 Jordan. 7-pass., 6-cyl 13u0 1916 Packard 7-pass.. twin-six .... low 1921 Mitchell. 5-pass., 6-cyl 1275 19-15 Cadillac, 7-pass., 8-cyL 650 1918 Studebaker, 7-pass.. 6-cyl 800 1919 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl 750 1920 Mitchell, 6-pass.. 6-cyl. .... 1100 19-21 Jordan. 5-pasa. 6-cyl 20OO 11 MltchelL, 5-pass., 6-cyL 750 1918 Mitchell. 7-pasa. 6-cyl. 600 1918 Liberty, 5-pass.. 6-cyl 650 1913 Briscoe, 5-pass., 4-cyL 375 1920 King 8, touring 1000 Brand new Nash Light S at a discount. 1918 Mitchell roadster 350 Studebaker 6, 6-pass. ' 3O0 Easy terms, or your light car accepted In trade. Buy from the house witli a reputa tion for giving value received la used cars. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. 38 Years In Northwest. Broadway at Everett. SPRING IS HERE I WHOOP TEE DEE! LOOK at these good car buys out at the MAY MOTOR CO., where Union crosses Alberta. Ford chassis ("22 license), $100. v Ford racing roadster, '22 license, $325. Ford roadster, '22 license, $200. 1919 Ford truck chassis, $225. 1920 Ford roadster. $325. 1921 Chevrolet, panel delivery. '22 li cense, $325. 1921 Ford touring. $375. 1918 Ford open delivery, $200. These are all good buys and terms are liberal. Phone us and we will come and got you. MAY MOTOR CO. Where Union Crosses Alberta. Woodlawn 4602. 1922 FORD TOURING Driven only 90 miles, with 1922 license. This car al most same as new. Same guarantee as new car. Price Including license; liberal terms; s."65. 1922 Ford roadster, driven only miles,- 1922 license. This car carries guarantee same as new car. Price, in cluding license, $5bo. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., East Ankeny Grand Ave. Open Evenings and Sundays. ROADSTER Never run a mile, has big compartment for luggage or canrpmg edulDment. two bumDers. wind deflect ors and motometers; you will be sur prised at the price, call propst, uawy. 4W5. OAKLAND 6, driven less than 2000 miles. never been out In the rain, like new. antee. Cook & GUI Co., 100 N. Broad way at Flanders. Bdwy. 7750. PHONE me about mv 1921 model Mitchell Llgiht 6. has hot gas motor ana Is in Al. shape all the way through; will make a low price for quick sale. Call Ostendorff, Bdwy 4675. ' WILL sacrifice my late model Hupmoblle, all new cord tires and 22 license. In excellent condition throughout. Will con sider Ford or Chevrolet In trade J some terms. Call Woodlawn 6625. 10Q DOWN and 6 equal payments. $16 eacn. it) is stuaeDaker, --pasa, new top, ures, just orernauiea. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD'S, 11th and Burnside. Bdwy. 3281. 1918 BUICK roadster, good tires, repaint ed, tine mecnanicai condition, so-io. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. 11th and Burnside Sts. IF YOU want a real snap, see my Saxon 67 at $173. good tires; you will get a lot of good service out of this car.. Call Propst, Bdwy. 4675. FOR $2o0 we will seil you an Overland touring, model 83, in good running con dltlon and fair tlrea Call Propst, Bdwy, 4t73. NASH BUYERS. Have a brand new Nash, run only 15 miles, which I will sell at a discount. Phone Propst, Bdwy. 4oT5, U1-.1J arui,nAvil,lt in iirst-ciass snape; good tires; will trade for anything x have use for; phone your propositloa. Maln 8816 WILL sacrifice late model Chevrolet, over. h&uled and new paint Job. Will take small payment down, balance montniy. Call Woodlawn 4S4. FOR SALE 1922 Hupmoblle demon strator; has been driven little, run 2000 miles; just line new; extra equipment. can Mr. ness, Bdwy. ziy, 1920 FORD roadster, good running con dition, good tires. 1922 license, other ex tras; terms if desired. Call Marshall 8539. OAKLAND light 0. If you want a snap come and look this car' over. 630 Alder St. I HAVE a 1922 Bulck 8 at a very attrac ' tlve price. Call T. 5297. This is a new car, driven 1400 miles, extra equipment. WILL sacrifice my 1922 Ford coupe. driven 900 miles, going east. B 467, Ore- gonian. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE: Overland touring, electric lights and starter, $uu. lnone rowy. j-ji. FOR SALE 1 Fordson tractor, $365 No. 7 Oliver plow, $70. Call Bowman, East 8118. 1918 FORD, touring body, $10 cash. N. 11th st. Broadway 453. Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR CARS. I will pay cash for late model Bulcks, Maxwells, Chevrolets, Fords; bring your car to my place, 16th and Alder sta MURPHY MOTOR CO. CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the auction house for quick sale and full value; small com mission charged; fireproof bldg., steam heated. Phone Broadway 2229. Corner Sixth and Everett sts., west side. FIVE acres of good land ft miles from Portland and a good roadster to trade for a good 5 or 7-passenger car, model not later than 1920. Phone Broadway 2339. 43 North Second st. WANTED Froin private owner late model car. Must be in perfect condition, pre ferably Dodge or light weight car: $100 down and substantial monthly payments. Call Wdln. 6343. WILL pay cash for 1921 Ford coupe, must be in first-class condition and a genu ine bargain. Call Bdwy. 6614 Bunder or Bdwy, 3287 during week, ask for Mr. Severson. PRIVATE party will pay spot cash for snap in light 5-passenger touring car. Must stand rigid Inspection and trial. No dealers need answer. Phone Auto matic 613-29. FORD that has had the finest care and in the pink of condition In every way. want to exchange for Ford or other car with starter; will pay cash difference. Oregon City. 450 R P. O. Box 267. LET US sell your car. we charge no com mission. OBYE-GERWIG MOTOR CO., 829 Flanders, near Bdwy. , WB WRECK THEM Hurhest cash price paid for old cars, condition no object, AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN. . cars wanted, to sell our plan: gets quick results. Bring your car now or call us up; we win can, gei car ana put in saleable condition. Godbey & Co., 5th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 1586. HAVE 18 model Studebaker 6, good con dition, to trade on lighter late model car of medium price. Will pay cash dif ference or may buy outright if bargain. AN 474, Oregonian. ; AUTOMOBILE wanted, 5-passenger car, In Al condition; I have choice lot 50x104, on 70th st. N-, near Glisan; will pay any difference. 253 Tutn. WANTED to trade in new auto trailer as first payment on late model car, Hud son or Paige preferred. AO 414, Ore- gonlan. AUTOMOBILE wanted 5-passenger car in Al condition. I have choice lot 50x 104 on 70th st. North, near Glisan. Will pay any difference. a3 7utn. WILL exchange good clear residence lot, value $300. for used car equal value. Call Tabor 3829 before 9 A M. or after 6 P. M. . WILL PAY cash for late model light good used cari no Fords, Chevs, or Maxles. Give full details and price. X 481, Ore gonian. TRADE Kimball player piano for Dodge car. E. 1314. WANTED Best late light car buy. 201 U. S. Dank Pidg.. saiem. nr. WANT to trade 1911 Chalmers bug for "20 or '2L Chevrolet. Auto. Bia-zu. WILL pay cash for late Ford touring CASH paid for Chevrolets, Fords and Ov erland model 4 at to urana ave. w. rwE W'ILL loan you money on your auto mobile, canning os -ireece. 04a Aider st. $320 WORTH good securities for auto; no JUTtK wantea. hk, jreigoji.ian. BUICK, Dodge, Hup touring. 1921. for cash., state fully. Ar wsa, uregonian. V ANTED Ford coupe or sedan for R. C. corner lot, value $600. L 452. Oregonian. WANTED Ford car, late model; cash; no agents. 43 uooanougn piog. CASH for 11 gilt cars; condition no object. 101 K. ilia sr. siawy. oo, FOR 8ALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. WILL trade almost new cabinet phono graph, with lots of records; cost $300: want good used oar. What have yoar Owner, 430 Glenn ave.. Auto. 233-18. LOVELY furniture of a 5-room steam- heated flat to trade for 1921 f oro se dan; must be la first-class condition. Broadway 2280. WANTED From private owner, late model medium weight car; must Be in perfect condition. Writs Harry Ker- stlng, Boring, Or. LATE model Maxweii as first payment on my 'equity in a 6-room house, plastered, double constructed, modern. Inqulrai 103 East 84th North. 1920 MODEL Ford sedan, In good condl- Itlon, lots ot extras, win traae tor real estate. Call Columbia 1112 or Colum bia 653. . WILL pay cash for used Ford touring, lata model. Must nave some extras ana d In good condition. Give full details. AL 474. Oregonian. WANT good small car, lot or diamonds on t -passenger rackard, buick or Apperson sedan. Call B. 3363 or 713 Lewis bldg. AM in the market for a used Ford one ton truck, stake body; price must be reasonable. J 145. Oregonian. HAVE electric piayer-plano to exchange lor fcord light aeiivery express, mar shal I 4520. COLUMBIA river flsh-Joat with cabin for sale or trade for light car. Sellwood 347a or 24 Holgate moorage. WILL trade my $250 talking machine and records for automobile. Give or take difference. East 9007, CARS WANTED to wreck, parts for all cars for less. S. & S. Auto wrecking Co., 1 5t h and A Id er. Broadway 636. OWN good Laurelhurst lot, clear ex cept $700. bonded; will trade for car. L 456, Oregonian. PARTY would like to buy Ford car; will pay cash. Call Broadway 3340 or call at 655 Washington. Ask Miss Johnston. WANT the best Ford that $275 cash wlil buy; give year ana particulars. au 457. Oregonian. WANT late light touring car; must be In good conditiou and cheap for cash, no dealers. East 1199. ' USED car for half interest in radiator. fender, body repair shop. Welding and brazing. Write J. M 2924 Russell st. LATE model Ford, windshield and set fenders and hood; must be cheap. Auto. 640-85. WANTED Dodge or Buick roadster; cash. luo or later; private party. w eoi, Oregonian. WANT Ford roadster or touring; have too Repuonc to traae. May assume. See at Frentzel's. Bdwy. 69T- 41 Davis. WH PAY cash for late model Fords. Dodges, Studebaker or any standard cars. Call at 329 Flanders st. WANTED A Chevrolet body; must be in good condition and cneap, state price. Box 168. Clatskanle. Or. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 Glisan at lotn. Bdwy. -as. WILL pay $300 cash for late-model Ford touring car or roaaster. ss&sz -sunt. Motorcycles. HARLET-DAVIDSOlf MOTORCYCLES and OOLTJMB1A STOLES (The World's Leading Cycles) are sold and serviced by the latest and best equipped cycle establish ments In the northwest We are offering (nil special bargains in used machines this week, suoh as: 1 10?0 sport Harley, electric ally equipped, like new.... $209 11919 elec. 61 H. D. 150 11917 rebuilt, earns gTSlran antee as new. ...... ....... 175 2 used bicycles 15 And many other good bargains, BOLD ON EAST TERMS. (We carry our osro paper.) MOTORCYCLE BTJPLY CO., HARLBY-DAVTDSON SERVICB CENTER. 200 Third Street, Corner Taylor. Mala 7889. NEW INDIAN SCOUT . MOTORCYCLES are the i-tost economical motorcycles In the country, 100 miles on a gallon of gasoline. Prices, regular $300, electric $350, while they last. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE ft BICYCLE CO.. Mala 8139. 209 Third St. BEE 6TRINH FOR BARGAINS IN USED MOTORCYCLES. Fourth aud Taylor. USED MOTORCYCLES. All Makes Liberal Terma Used Parts for All Makes. 10 to 75 Per Cent Discount. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-48 Grand Ave. Ace and Reading-Standard Agency. BRAND new high class standard make bicycle: will sacrifice, 888 Taylor st. See delivery man between 7 AM. and 5:30 P. M. 1918 HENDERSON motorcycle, new paint, new tires, everything guaranteed flrat- class. $275. P. O. Box 20. FOR SALE! Harley-Davldson motorcycle and sidecar, in perfect condition, $250. Box 143. Linnton. NEW,' LATEST model Daytonla bicysle, motorbike type. Price. $35. 254 E. 20th or calris. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 209 THIRD ST. MA1.N 6139, WANTED Late Harley In trade for 1919 light touring car. East 03W4. WHAT have you to trade for motorcycle. overnauiea r r.ast aw. Auto Tires and Accessories. FORD PARTS. For Your convenience. Our parts department will be opea svery evening until 8:30 o'clock, and all day Sundays, with a competent parts) man In charge. TALBOT & CASEY. INC Bast Ankeny and Grand Ave, USBD BUG BODY. Not so much; you can fix It npi enly $15. 1916 Ford touring body and wind shield, all .good, only $12.50. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. ATTENTION, FORD OWNER. Am, leaving city and will sell- my new Ferfecto underdrtve gear shift for Ford car; this Is a real bargain. 1159 Clin ton st. NEARLY new Ford truck, panel body, in cluding windshield; 95 new. uur spe cial price $140. TALBOT A CASEY. INC.. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. SLIGHTLY used wire wheels, size In est, at about 4 price. They improve your car $100. ' TALBOT & CASEY. INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. FOUR RUBBER INSOLES, good as new. 84x4, of far or trade. Box 255 Gresham. or phone 1431 u-resnam. FORD bug body, $55; alsS top, windshield. gas tank and motor parts. Broadway 296a. bta aiarsnan st. MECHANICS' tools, all kinds of hard ware, at removal sale. Chown Hard ware Co.. 223 Morrison St., below 2d. BOSCH high-tension, dual-type, 4-cyL magneto. Call 833 Union ave. N. Automobiles for Hire. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. Net, cars for rent without drivers! reasonaDle rates; open day and night. 325 Glisan st., between Broadway and 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 5593, $1.25 per hour. AUTOS FOR HIRE, wltn or without driv ers. Day end night aervice. COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Broadway 36961 Remember our number, Broadway 3696. H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOS FOR HIKE WITHOUT DRIVERS. CITY GARAGE. . 132 12th St. Bdwy. 849. (-CYLINDER 5-PASS. BUlCK FOR HIRli WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. For Exchange Automobiles. TO EXCHANGE A caterpillar tractor. 12 24; also a 3 -bottom gang plow; all la good order, for touring car. Address J. D. Gordon. Newberg. Or. PAINTER wants to exchange painting, tinting or papering for cheap automobile; one suitable for handling tools. East 5940. ONE-TON worm drive Ford; trade for light delivery, or what have you? Wood lawn 6374. . ONE-TON Ford truck to trade for a light touring car. Inquire at the aviation field on Linnton road, "so phone. WILL trade practically new roadster for suitable city property, AR 473, Orego nlan. . FOR SALE OR TRADE, my 1919 Case "6" touring car, for a email tractor or horses, fHf E. 28-th st South. CORNER LOT, near St Johns car line, to trad for small truck. Wdln. 8948.