V TOE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 2G, 1922 1 V REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. WHY PAT RENT, MR. WORKING MAN? $ n 177 cash, $17 monthly, buys neat 8-roora little cottage, city water, electric lights and gas; lot 50x 100. Stop that rent. $1000 $350 cash, $15 monthly, buys neat little 3 -room cottage, electric lights and gas; ground 80x100; block to car; young fruit tree and berries. $1000 $200 cash. $20 monthly, buys large 2-room shack; ground 120x 128; city water and sink; a small farm in the city. $1200 $350 cash, $20 monthly, buys 4-room ceiled and papered cot tage in Woodlawnt. ground lOOx 100; 4 blocks to car; several fruit trees. $1250 $300 cash, $15 monthly, buys 4 1 room ceiled and papered cottage, concrete foundation, basement ; lot 50x100; 1 block from Wood stock car. A remarkable little buy. $1475 $100 cash, $15 monthly, buys a ; 4-room 2-story house, has patent toilet, sink, fireplace, concrete floor all over downstairs, house needs painting and a little work I bv Mr. Handyman; 1 block from Woodstock car. Don't hesitate on this, as it is a dandy. We have photographs of all of these laces and dozens of others. Bee Mr. acy, with FRED W. GERMAN, Co., Realtor, 733 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME- SNAP, t SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE. ' Beautiful 7-room colonial type, prac- ,'tlcally new, owner leaving for the farm 'and does not want to rent this fine home iand for quick sale is offering this ele gant layout for $0500. If you will come with me and let me show you tnis hnm with all its fine features, you will not be disappointed in looking at this one If you want a good, modern, up-to-date Irvington home. We only show this home by appointment. For inspection and terms do not hesitate to see B..W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bid. Main 2858. BRAND-NEW LAURELHURST. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL DESIGN. A TYPE FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. Colonial bungalow, the classiest and inoHt distinctive design in Laurelhurst; contains finest materials, beautiful spa cious rooms. 3 large plate-glass windows, built-in bathtub, tile bath floor, tile , drainboards, ivory woodwork, tapestry i papor. Fox furnace, 13-16 oak floors. PHONE OWNER, AUTO. 310-73. ' PREMISES 1084 MULTNOMAH ST. ' Near Imperial Ave. (35th St.), 2 blocks south of Sandy Blvd. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. , 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. This excellent bungalow is located in Groveland Park. Living and dining '.inom across the front, fireplace. Dutch 'kitchen, furnace, cement basement, ga rage and 1'uM lot. Ail ''ery large rooms. French plate glass and beautiful buffet in front rooms. Price S50OO; term See . this bungalow and stop your house '. hunting. -TV. IJ. flRUaei , IPSO Hawthorne Ave. Tabor SSQ2. i .iu nre is me uesi uuy in aiiucuo Park, new. modern, 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all bu! It-ins; breakfast nook, cement baae i rticint, laundry trays, ail street improve 1 nients in and paid. This is a real ba to our office .Sunday and we will show' . you. uinee open bunuay at tn ana Fremont Pts. ; J. A. WICK MAN CO.. Bdwy. 6794. s Two offices: jCt2 Stark and 24th and Fremont Sts. V $4750 25TH. NEAR HAWTHORNE. Vnnrs on easv navment on an S1800 JJot; modern Dutch k., - fire p., h. w. ( floors, furnace, built-ins, full basement: ; you can select your lot from our large list; select your design from over 100 ' plans. We furnish the money on monthly payments and build your house. Call for O. W. Tarr, architectural dept. Bdwy. 7203 E. Ml 8. O. W. Tarr Co.. 407 Mo- Kay bldar. NORTH MT. TABOR. NAME YOUR OWN TERMS. $3650 Bungalow of 5 good rooms. Dutch kitchen, all built-ins. fireplace, large unfinished attic, fine cement base ment, paved street; nice colony homes, close to school, stores and MV car; sell or lease with some furnishings. In few days. Owner, 1569 East Everett. Tabor 2447. FOR SALE, by owner, home 1204 East Salman street, midway hunnyside ana j Hawthorne cars. Hardwood floors, hall, living room, fireplace, den, dining room, I built-in buffet, kitchen, pantry, three bedrooms, four large closets, glassed-in sveeping porch , and bath, large cement basement, furnace, laundry tubs. wood It f t. $ 2500 w i 1 Ihan d ' e. Investigate. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Small 3-room home, plastered, city water, gas, electricity, good yard, half block to car, three blocks to school ; 40x100 lot. This Is exceptional. $1375, some terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. .Bank Bl d g. Main 3787. BRAND NEW $3700. ' 5 rooms and bath, halt basement, ftre ; place, good plumbing, built-ins, hard '; wood, floors, pavement paid. 709 Ellis ave., corner E. 2UtH, 2 blocks east, S. W. I car ' SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 411 AMngton Bldg. i NEAR 22 ST., WEST SIDE. ) 7 rooms, $6,100, $1000 cash. Comfortable home, excellent condi tion; good living room, cosy den, dining ' room, pantry built-ins, fine kitchen, first floor; 3 bedrooms up. Good basement, lnundry. furnace. Lot 50x100, garage. Bdwy. 6011. or Mar. 2103. evenin gs. $500 CASH. A cozy, modern bungalow In West- moreland, just being completed. AH : improvements in and paid for. Total . price $4-250. 1 ZIMMEIRMAN-WALLER BLDG. CO., , "Builders of Substantial Homes." ' 415-416 AMngton Bldg. Bdwy. S34S. LADD ADDITION. "WITH OR WITHOUT FURNITURE. ) One of Portland'? fine homes in this V desirable close-in district is offered by ( owner at much below present value, on most favorable terms. 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors and plate- glass windows throughout. Terms. Phone East 0073. BUY FROM OWNER. ROSE CITY PARK. One of the niftiest, up-to-the-minute. 6-room bungalows, complete In every de tail, fine garage, full lot, street paved; south of the Sandy. below the hill. Owner on premises from 10 to 4. Sunday. Tabor 50. $0600 IRVINGTON bargain, 7-room abso lutely modern bungalow; when we say absolutely modern, we have covered everything that you could desire In a home. Terms, $2250. balance monthly. J. A. WICKMAN CO., Two offices: ! 262 Stark St. 24th and Fremont Sta $3000 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Fine modern 4-room bungalow, good condition; large living room, 2 light, airy bedrooms. A-l plumbing, nice elec. fixtures, dandy Dutch kitchen, good basement, laundrV trays: 50x100 lot. lawn, shrubbery, fruit; terms. Tabor . fin. BONUS MEN. ATTENTION T own 2 lots in Piedmont on which I , will build according to your own design ( and sell them to you on easy terms. The 1 price will be just what they will -cost plus the value of the lot. AR 462, Ore- gonian. BY OWNER Most attractive corner. ' room bungalow in Hawthorne district, finished in ivory, tapestry paper, flre- place, hardwood noors throughout, built ins, attic, furnace, fine garage. 1260 i K-nst Harrison, cor. 4.id. I RVTNGTON CHARMING BUNGALOW. $7250 Choice location, near car: lovely rooms, artistic finish, tile bath. oak TioorP, earage. ;seunausen & Co. 1036 N. W. Bnnk bldg. Main 8078. VACANT. 6 ROOMS. $4200. Burnside street, walking distance: fireplaces, furnace; some terms. Bdwy win or i R Dor K4. eveninga t. u. 5ird, 526 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE $xno. easy terms; houtte and 1 lot, gocd location. Capitol Hill: barsrain. Phone Marshall 460.1 or see Geo. Smith I Brown, minister Carson Heights Com mtinitv church 7 ALAMEDA PARK CHARMING HOME. ,' Beautiful, larse liviner room, artistic . finish, oak floor?, firenlace, ear ape. near car. sackikicw 573io. Xeuhauwn & To.. 103fi X. W. Rank hH. Main S07S. AN EXCEPTIONAL bargain in Irvington, a 7-room house, garage, sun parlor. sfeeping porcn, wonderful bunt-ins. t many attractive features, on 75x100 lot. For further information call East 3431. KNAP $1450, modern 3-room and bath i bungalow, on 50x105; east front, corner lot, jonesmore; spwer. sidewalks, etc. . in and paid; terms. J. G. Gay, Kelso, ' Wash. SPECIAL price for Sunday and Monday, ; 8-room, nearly new bungalow, modern. ( near school, 1 block to car: restricted ; district. 3T Jarretr st.. cor 3lst. $1087 CASH $2450. 5-room cottage. Sun- nvsioe: do not overlook this one. SCOTT & BERRY. 1038 Belmont 30 Years in Portland. -ROOM house, hath, electric lights. Ras. Improvements In and paid for: price and t-rms reasonable. Call or advUe 318 TinamooK st. i;-ROO-l house on East 25th St., near car, nnved street, garage; a good buy at . $2150: easy terms. 601 Stock Exchange i biil'ding. (RVIN'GTON'S bet homes. See Street's , column same 1n "New Today." FOR SALE 6-room house on easy terms. Woodlawn 2488. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. $5500 ROSE CITV $5500. 6 rooms, attic, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, modern In every way; solid built-ins, fancy Dutch kitch en and bathroom, ON PAVED STREET. Close in, near 50th st. Terms. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. $5000 BELOW HILL $5000. This is a new, 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch; has ail the modern built ins, including fireplace; finished in old ivory throughout, hardwood floors, full cement basement, laundry trays on paved street and all liens paid. Terms. $5800 LAURELHURST $5800. A corner lot, A BRAND NEW, MOD ERN BUNGALOW, old ivory finish, all modern built-ins, large' Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays and furnace. Now is your chance. Our car will be ready Monday to show you this out-and-out bargain. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! Hurry! STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., Bdwy. 5618. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. REALTORS. DARLING LITTLE BUNGALOW. JUST RIGHT FOR NEWLYWEDS. New. just completed, it has two sleep ing rooms, living room, Dutch kitchen, modern bath, electric lights and gas, paved street, city Bewer, all in and paid; handy to street cars, school and stores, ffne location in the Hiland ad dition and is a fine little home for $3250. Pay down $750, move right in, pay out balance like rent. Do not hesitate to come In and let me show you this. E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. HOME BARGAINS. $0500 Modern new bungalow, garage, paved sts. $5500 Irvington, 7 rooms, modern house. $5000 Bungalow, 7 rooms, modern. Di vision st.. near 40th. $4000 East Glisan st.. 7 rooms and gar age; easy terms. $4500 $500 cash. $25 month, modern. 7 room bungalow ; Hawthorne car. $3800 San Rafael st.. near Union, 7 room house, 50x150. fruit. $2950 Sherman St., near Broadway, 6 rooms, good horn. CHARLES RINGLER & CO.. 204 Ry Ex-ch. bldg. Bdwy. 5407. ROSE CITY BARGAINS. New ti-room f u rn ish ed bu nga low. by owner; finished only 2 months; large living' room 13x24, fireplace, bookcases. buffet, Dutch kitchen, large breakfast room, screened back porch, elegant light fixtures, latest Tiffany paper, cove ceil ings, platej beveled mirrors, finished in oid Ivory, H. W. floor, large floored attic, with sleeping porch, furnace, wash tray, garage. Furniture fine overstuffed solid wal nut, oriental rugs. This house Is double constructed, throughout, with excellent worttmaiuhip. in fact, a lovely home, $0000; $4000 cash; balance to suit. 1W2 HANCOCK. SOME REAL BARGAINS. $3000 $250 down, for new 5-room bun (Tailow. 2 blks ta Miss." car. $2100 $200 down, for 6-room house, 2 lots. Alberta dist. $1700 $450 down; cozy 4-room bunga low. $1800 150 down, for 5-room semi-modern. $1400 $150 down, for 4-room semi-modern. $1700 $300 down, for 5-room furnished; . streets paved and paid. Phone Broadway 0536 or East 3592. ' . 314 Couch Bldg. IRVINGTON. Two new, classy, up-to-date bunga lows, 7 and 8 rooms; 2 bathrooms, tiled floors, recess tubs and shower, . hard wood floors throughout, tapestry paper, expensive lighting fixtures, shades and linoleum, everything the very best. Now, if looking for a good first-class home, do not fail to see this today. Knott St., between 25th and 26th sts. A. C. MALMQUIST, OWNER AND BUILDER. POSITIVE BARGAIN. MT. TABOR. H ere is a beau tif u 1 bun galo w of 5 rooms and sleeping porch; well located; has living room across front, oak floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement,- furnace and attic. Price only $4500; $1000 cash. Do your self justice by looking at this one. R. L. MoGfREW, 1OS0 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S02. IRVINGTON BRICK BUNGALOW. One of the best built and attractive homes in the city on fine corner with garage to match home; American radia tor hot-water heat, 2 fireplaces, hard wood floors, white enamel finish, full cement basement, etc.. etc.; never before on market, bungalow could not be re placed for $15,000; price $10,000. terms. Owner, 515 Tillamook st. ' $4750 li5TH, NEAR HAWTHORNE $4750 Yes, everything, o-r., h. w. floors, built-lns, D. kitchen, fireplace, furnace, full basement, improved streets, on" a $1800 lot. We build this for you on small monthly payments. Live in a restricted district. Call for O. W. Tarr, architect ural dept. O. W. TARR CO.. Bdwy. 7208. 407 McKay Bldg. PIEDMONT. 10 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. full cement basement, furnace. 1-00x100 lot;all street and sewer improvements paid; fine garage. This place is located in the heart of Piedmont and is a real Dargaln at jUo; terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second st. Broadway 7436, IF YOU appreciate a real home, at less than cost, built tor a home and not to sell, look at my 7-room" modern Laur elhurst home, with built-in buffet, fire-less-cooker, full cement basement, large, airy bed rooms, furnace, two fireplaces, finished attic, irrigation system in ground; 2 lots; garage; terms. Tabor L"34. BRAND X'EW S3S00. Vary modern and complete, 4 rooms fiiul oath, big cement basement, fire place, dlntner alcove. 2 bedrooms with closeta. Immediate possession. $500 to namiie. est) as. pine st.. bet E. lsth and 2UUi sta. SIDNEY G. L.ATSHROP, 411 AMngton Bldg, 12700 IRVINGTON PARK $2700. 6-room cottage, finished in white enamel, three bedrooms, larre Dutch kitchen, buffet, garage, 75x100 lot with iruit ana snruooery, sidewalk In, traded street, one blrfck to pavement. Call Mon day, uawy. otus. 5-ROOM HOUSE. Fairly close in. paved street, all as sessments paid; this is an opportunity for a man with a family. Adjoining a park; terms less than rent. $:j000, $o00 aown, .- montniy, including interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. LET US BUILD YOUR HOME. Consult our engineer regarding your home-planning problems. This service la free. We can furnish a lot and assist you in financing. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BLDG. CO., Builders of Substantial Homes, 415-41fl Ablngton Bldg. DEATH KORCES SALE. Must Close Estate. Hawthorne, 30th: 2 five-room flats. separate furnaces, 2 six -room modern houses, dandy location: will sell all or part at low prices, with terms. T. O. riird. r Chamber or com. BY OWNER ROSE CITY PARK. p,ew 4-room California bungalow, gas furnace, fireplace. Dutch .kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement, laundry trays and good garage, price $47oO, $id(J casn; including new gas range. 7X is. notn St., a oiocKS nortn .sandy oivd. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, 100x100 CORNER. Double garage, oak floors, plate glass, nreplace, elegantly lurnlshed, sell com plete. with grand piano. Neuhausen i Co.. 1036 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8078. EX-SERVICE MEN. If you can pay $400 cash down, will build lor you on lot In Rose City Park monthly payments to suit. Model Build ing Co., 64J) Chamber of Commerce jjdwy. 713. HERE IT IS: Investigate inv 5-room mod ern bungalow with corner lot, dandy location, fine condition, $750 will handle, easy terms. Sacrifice for quick Bale. Call AUtO. ti;i!t-0U. LOOKING FOR A GOOD INVESTMENT? DOYT KAIL TO SEE 11-ROOM MOD ERN HOUSE. 72o E. MADISON. MAHSHAbl. H. MRS. BE3RRY 2 -STORY house. 5117 East Taylor street make fine rooming house or duplex; full lot, paved st., near high school, and waiKing aisiance. Address owner; agents. Elvira Cook. Sherwood. Or. ROSE CITY S'aOO. $500 cash, 4 rooms. Cal. bungalow very cozy; garage; like rent. Bdwy. O'f . I . law" n-.ii. evrnillKS. IN BEAUTIFUL Alameda district, our n-w 6-room Colonial cottage: neighbor 1 ocd, locality, environments, perfect; $6750, terms. Wdln. 6313. $3000 DANDY 5-room modern house, all built-in wash trays, cement foundation, large porch; terms. Just off 82d. Auto. 621-15, OR SALE By owner, modern. 5-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished. Soldier's bonus will apply. 4122 66th S. E. FINE new bungalow, 355 E. 48th, near Hawthorne ave.; great bargain. Owner's left. Tabor-3001. . 6-ROOM modern house, close in, east side, $3500; terms Call Sunday, 542 Ganten bein ave. IRVINGTON'S best homes. See Street's column same in "New Today. " 6-ROOM housd for sate, S. E. corner 32d and Market St.; price $5500, East 110, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A HOME WITH AN INCOME. $5250 ROOMS $5250. HERE IS TOUR CHANCE! A 9-room semi-bungalow, double garage, built-ins, a solid buffet, large Dutch kitchen, hard wood floors, doable constructed, DOU BLE PLUMBING, including a tub and shower bath down stairs; full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace: all large rooms, beamed ceilings; a won derfully well constructed home. Vernon -Addition, on paved street; reasonable terms. STAR REAL ESTATE A INV. CO.. Bdwy. 5618. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. REALTORS. ALAMEDA HOME. 1 On Regents drive, central en trance. 2 fireplaces (1 in library), old ivory finish, Gasco furnace, most attractive interior, hard wood floors, first floor, beautiful new carpets second floor, all hang ings, linoleum, awnings and gas range included in price; garage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, 1238 N. W..Bank Bldg. Main 1786. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. 7 rooms, 2-story, old ivory and white enamel finish throughout, large living room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, etc.. large dining room, hardwood floors downstairs, Dutch kitchen with break fast nook.f gas range, linoleum, 4 large bed rooms with large closets and waa robes, hot water heating plant, with thermostatic regulation. Automatic hot water heater, modern garage; owner wilt consider lot in Irvington or Laurel hurst as part of first payment. See WM. F. BUNGE, with OSCAR J. CLOSSETT & CO.. 511 Lewis bldg. Bdwy. 4030. WHILE NERO FIDDLED. ROME BURNED. Have recently perfected the title to 6-room modern home In Alberta, on 1 7th st.. by foreclosure of -mortgage, This place was sold for $6500 and the mortgage of $3750 took It while the title owners litigated about it: tuuu insur ance now on the place. Full basement, full lot, breakfast nook, large rooms; $4250 takes it. You can borrow nearly all of that sum from reputable loaning company. Terms. Tabor 8234. l-KOOM MODERN BUNXJALOW. $4500 TERMS $500. -Just the place that you have been looking for, with 5 rooms down and I room up. Such conveniences as hard wood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, cement basement and furnace. Substantial cash payment. See it to day; you will not be obligated. R. L. MoGtW, Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S02. LAURELHURST New 5-room bungalow modern, paved st.. 1 block Sandy. Sac rificed at $4000. Terms. Alberta, just completed, 4-fronm bun galow,, garage, modem In every par ticular, $3150. Terms. completely xurmsnea s-room Dungaiow, '2 blks. Sandy, garage, fruit. Only $1800. 4 rooms, Mt. Scott, near car, $1200; smalt payment down. R. HOARD, 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. $1575. -Four-room bungalow, bath, toilet, all built-ins in kitchen, breakfast room, full basement, gas and electricity, paving and sidewalk in, two blocks from car. House built this spring. $500 cash, bal ance easv terms. PACIFIC REALTY COMPANY, 272 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 7830. SICKNESS COMPELS SALE. My furnished 6-room bungalow in Rose City Park, 1 block north of Sandy, mod ern In every respect, completely fur nished with high-grade furniture; will accept a. high-grade closed auto as part payment; this is. a bargain; price $8000 complete: some terms. BRUCE O. ROWAN. REALTOR. 204 Morrison St. Main 5!t62. LAURELHURST. New home, juat completed. Como out today (Sunday), 1257 Glisan at 43d. It will be open if it suits. You will surely want it at the price I -will make you. Hardwocd floors throughout, tile bath, liuge basement, splendid furnace; ga rage: lot 50x124. Yes, six rooms, large unfinished . room second floor; open 10 to 5 P. M. TABOR 7404, OWNER. GOING TO BUILD 1 Your home will be built and financed on small monthly payments by our home building drpt; plans, 100 designs for your inspection. Your choice and price on the many lots we own in different parts of the city. Call for O. W. Tarr, architectural dept. Bdwy. 7203. E. 6918. O. W. TARR CO 407 McKay Bldg" PORTLAND BOULEVARD. 8 rooms, new roof, newly painted and tinted, full basement, 200x123 lot, paved street, all street and sewer improvements paid; variety of feuit trees, chicken houses; excellent buy at $6000, easy terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St. Broadway 7436. BRAND NEW $1600. Rose City bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, bui-lt-ins, electric fixtures, nicely cinted, h-ardwood floors, 50x100 lot, paved street. 3&4 E. 4'5th st. N., near Hancock. Terms arranged. t SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 411 AMngton Bldg. SWISS CHALET. 1 rooms, servants' quarters, large veranda, rooms, servant's quarters, large veranda, beautiful grounds and shrubbery, up to the minute in all ways, wonderful view? $13,000; terms. Call Wdln. 6260. A FINE HOME ON WILLAMETTE BLVD. 4-room bungalow, lot 67x100, full cement basement, all improvements in and paid, $3400, $00 cash, balance $25 per month. This won't be on the market long. Hurry! ST. CHARLES REALTY CO.. 204 Morrison St. Main 5962. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY. Extra good value in this attractive bungt-low, on E, 53d St., near Hancock. 5 rooms, modern, in excellent condition; owner has reduced price to $4500. Look this over. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 216 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Mar. 4114. 6 ROOMS $3500. 50 ft. north of Ankeny on E. 24th at. 3 fine bedrooms with big closets, good plumbing, cement -basement, eloctric llg-hts, H. W. heat, good condition. Terms arranged. SIDNEY G. LATHROP, ' 411 Abington Bldg. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. 7 ' rooms with breakfast room, fire place, built-ins, furnace, garage, 63x100 corner lot, overlooking park; choice shrubbery. Price $o300, terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 12 ROOMS, MARSHALL ST. West Side $7000. $1500 Cash. Well arranged rooms; good income. In fine rental district large basement, new rurnace. see it. Bdwy un or Mar. 2103. eveniings. T. O. BIRD. R2fl Cham, of Com. WESTMORELAND, FURNISHED. $4350. Leaving city, must fiell, 17th. St., 5 large rooms, cement basement, wash trays, attic, fireplace, bookcases, well furnished: paved street; beautiful shrub bery: some terms. Phone Bdwy. 6011, or sell. 2m. evenings. iKVINGTON COLONIAL, NEW. Center hall, artistic living room, sun room, dining room, breakfast room, all oak floors, extra fine plumbing, garage, THE BEST BUY FOR THE MONEY. Neuhausen & Co.. Main 8078. East 394. 6-ROOMS, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Vacant $3500. Walking distance, 30th street, all large rooms, furnace; some terms. Bdwy. 6011 or Mar, lud evenings. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace and wash trays, $5000; cost $1000, bal ance on terms. 3 jsast 4sm st. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. . $1000 cash, $60 monthly, old ivory, oak floors, gas iurnace, Drand new. $o00. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 6-KOOM plastered house, all on one floor; 12 fruit trees, flowers and shrubbery; sewers in find paid; lot 75x100; $2250, $600 will handle. McGee Sc. Dennis. 69 Union ave. worn ati4. IRVINGTON SURPRISE. $6250. TERMS. Well-built home, seven rooms, large sleeping porch, fireplace, garage: 23d near Knott. Neuhausen & Co.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 394. SHERIDAN ST.. WEST SIDE. Vacant $2500 $400 Cash. 9 rrcms can be arranged for 2 fam ilies. See it. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham: of Com. IRVINGTON NEW LISTINGS. COLONIALS. DUTCH COLONIALS, NEW ENGLAND COLONIALS. NEUHAUSEN & CO.. N. W. BANK BDG. ALAMEDA BROADWAY CAR. Very fine steam-heated. 6-room home, large fireplace, garage, excellent district, $5750. terms. Wdln. 6260. 4,-ROOM furnished home, with good ga rage. A dandy buy for $2750; $350 will handle. McGee & Dennis. 969 Union ave. Wdln. 5684. FOR SALE In Vernon 4-room bungalow on 50xlO4-ft. lot; east front, paved st. Price $2500 and bonded improvements. $800 cash. See owner. 1101 Vernon ave. LAURELHURST $1000 buys this lot, 50x100, Ash st Inquire Monday, 249 First st. OVERLOOK 7-room modern, mostlv fur nished, $5300; unfurnished, 85000, terms. Wain. 050. a. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. MUST BE SOLD BEFORE MARCH 15. Priced to Sell Term Like Rent I Plans are NOVEL in arrangement! THE DESIGN IS ORIGINAL! A STUDIO living room! A SUNSHINE basement! This new home, half a block from Sandy in ROSE CITY PARK, has five rooms with sleeping porch and can answer "yes to all that you expect to find in a bungalow that it out of the ordinary. See this charming dwelling as a measure of value, E. 49th at. See . FRANK L. McGTJTRB - ( To Buy Your Home, i Largest Home Seller in America. Aftngton Bldg. Broadway 7171, Open Sundays for Your Convenience. $5850 $750 DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK. 48th Bt., near Sandy blvd. S rooms, large attic, garage, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace. This Is being built by day labor and will be finished about March 15. This place is clear of encum brances and will sell on straight contract and you will say it is truly worth the money. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. LAURELHURST SNAP NEW BEAUTIFUL HOME JUST OFF 3DTH ON DAVIS, 2 BLOCKS FROM PARK. LARGE LIVING ROOM, DEN, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN, BREAK k FAST ROOM AND LAVATORY ON 1ST FLOOR AND 4 LARGE BEDROOMS, ANd TILE BATH WITH SHOWER ON 2ND FLOOR. ENTIRE HOUSE EN k MR7.F1TI TN WHITE. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT, LAUNDRY TRAYS, FUR NACE. FIREPLACE, GARAGE AND EV ERY MODERN CONVENIENCE A REAL ' HOME HAS. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. PRICED CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE. NOMINAL PAYMENT, REASONABLE TERMS, 1185 DAVIS ST.. AUT. 231-28. wrt.l.A t tt.tt ST TiflTTT-K VARD Dandy 4-room bungalow with all kinds of built-ins, big living room, sanitary and sunny; this is a penecx uiue uum nicely situated; corner lot; garage; easy terms; i4uuu. CHAUTAUQUA BOULEVARD. Klaat n.riYnm hlinsraloW With Oak flOOrS, concrete basemen t. Dutch kitchen ; big lot, garage; near Columbia park; will accept bonus.; $5000. KRAR WILLAMETTE BLVD. rirtflri ft-ronm house located near car- line with some view of river; this is a dandy buy at $2800 and can be bought on- the easiest terms. COE A. McKENNA & CO-nn 82 Fourth St. Broadway 7522. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. WWW. FULLY MOiDiirtN. Really a very high-las8 and most cosv and complete 5-room bungalow, with floored and plastered attic; pol ished hardwood floors; all the olever hnUt--i.ns old tvorv and tapestry paper, pl-ate glass windows, French doors, fire place, furnace, garage. By all ..means see this. $.W50. D. W ALTON, Aut.' 329-18. 6 ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR. Lot 70x102 feet; bath, toilet, gas.velec-i-it.v rtne block "-to school: garage. Why iuot enjoy your own garden and .mail frntt? U'a have pictures a.nd can give you an accurate description of this and other properties at our ultimo. t-vu, $500 down, 3U, including miereau Tnitvfinw.nonsflM CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. BflSR CITY. 3250. Fine 5-room modern bungalow with sleeping porch, all built-ins, fireplace, full basement, hardwood floors, laundry trays, etc. Right near car; very easj terms. Open Sunday. O'FARRELL-FORDNEY, S38-40 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4172. fRrfsM fTTY PARK- S3d st. 5-room bun eialfvw. lOOxlOO corner: nice nruDoery, fruit and nut trees; view of mountains and Columbia river; 5 blocks north of Sandy. Suburban advantages in nice district. Oak floors living and dining rooms. Cobblestone nreplace, ouiit-ina, gas furnace. $4250 1 terms. Phone Tabor 202T. $500 DOWN $500. 7-room modern home with furnace, fireplace, sidewalks In and paid for, lots of built-ins, 4 blocks to car and school. You are the loser if you miss this. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. ALAMEDA SACRIFICE. Am leaving the city, must sell new modern bungalow, has been occupied but six months, 6 rooms, garage, this is exceptionaJly fine, built by day labor; must be seen to be appreciated. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon building. Broadway 1658. WEST SIDE, Modern five-room bungalow and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, close In, opposite . the Failing school; price $4750. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. COZ: LITTLE BUNGALOW $3000. This beautiful little home is only a few months old, has large living room, nice light bedroom, complete bath, handy kitchen and breakfast nook; full lot with fruit and flowers. , Substantial pavment down, balance easy. Call Mr. Erwln, Wdln. 6714. NEW, COZY 4-room bunga.ow in Ala meda district, ivory unisn uuvusuh fireplace, furnace, nook, big bedrooms, plenty windows. House at 957 E. 34th st N. Open 2-5 Sunday. Call Pilking ton, Broadway 5433. Price $3600; small payment down. JUST LOOK AT THIS, Mr. and Mrs. Homeseeker. pretty utile o-ruuni uun galow, 55x125 ft. lot, garage, nice lawn, hard-surface road, and only $1800. J. B. HOLBROOK, REALTOR. 214-215 Panama Bld ROSE CITY $4300. $650 down for this Colonial bungalow. 5 rooms and floored attic, Hi blocks to Sandy. This house has a dream of a kitchen. Let us srove it. Bdwy. 7519, or Aut. 214-17. $3500 PENINSULA DIST. $500 CASH. (JOSy O-rOOm OUCgaiow, j.uu piumuiu,, complete kitchen, furna.ee, 50xl00-foot lot; roses and berries. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 878T. RYAN station, on the Oregon Electric, 4 room hoUBe with choice tract of ground covered with fruit, grapes and berriea Just the place for your home: will sell on easy terms. For particulars call 404 Piatt bldg. PIEDMONT NEW. Beautiful 7-room new stucco dwelling, one of the finest in this district, per fectly built, all modern built-ins, easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1658. SUNNYS1DE snap, $1850; $000 down; good 4-room cottage on paved street, close In, house partly furnished and will go with the place. See this and stop pay ing rent. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. , Tabor 219. FOUR rooms and sleeping porch, paved St., fairly close in; a. nice clean property: lot 50x149. This Is a good district and is a. splendid buy. $3000. terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 V. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE Direct from owner, 6-room cottage In good condition and newly painted, good view, lot 50x100, close In, om east side, $3500 wiih $1000 first pay ment, bailance like rent . Main 6650t A BEAUTIFUL 8-room home, modern, with all city conveniences and with SVi acres of land, barn and chicken house at Oak Grove. Tljis Is a real home. Sold by owner. Phoie Oak Grove 164M. 4-ROOM BARGAIN $1550. Near car and pavement, in a growing district; good home cheap or a dandy investment. You can make some money on this. Call Mr. Erwln. Wdln. 6714. $1200 5-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. Large lot on Foster road, paved street; a real buy; some terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. FOR SALE or trade, must sacrifice my $2000 equity on 7-room Overlook bunga low, garage, modern to the smallest de tail, for city lot or how much cash am I offered? Phone Wdln. 50. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 5 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, modern. Call owner,- Tabor 959S, 1640 The Alameda, corner 63d. NEW, MODERN bungalow, cIobo to th business section of St. Johns, now empty. Will sell for $2000 on easy payment! For particulars call Main 880. SUNNYS1DE snap, $3000, with $600 down, good 6-room house, finest location and neighborhood. -See this at once. H. H. Stanb. 1024 Belmont, week Tabor 219. $4000 EX-SERVICE MEN $4000. 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace; Piedmont district: excellent value. Only $400O. Wdln. 5535. . VERY cheery, indeed, is this warm, cozy little 5-room house, furnished complete throughout: very reasonable. Near 28th and Everett. Mam LAURELHURST 8-room home, sleeping porcn, tile batn, papered throughout, . beautiful location, near car. Price $10. 0(10. Tabor 2669 for appointment. BY OWNER Cosiest new modern 4-room butigalew in Westmoreland, all assess nients paid. Terms. Soldier's bonus ac- cepted. 1307 K. I9tn. HEART of Laurelhurst, Dutch colonial. 7 rooms, all built-ins, right up to the best. Swimming pool, new, furnished. Call Tabor 5319. NEW 5-room modern buntraiow. bv owner. lens than cost. 503 Maple St., two blocks south 14th and Hawthorne ave. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. AN EXCEPTIONALLY attractive 5-room bungalow and H acre land near Jen nings Lodge; only 1 block to fine school; on macadam road. Onlv a. few minutes from heart of the city, yet has all the attractions and conveniences of country life. This is a read home and the price is only $2050. A reasonable payment down, and the balance only $30 per month. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.i 230 Cham, of Commerce. Bdwy. 7581. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Here is a case where the owner has (rone to California and can use his money for investment to advantage: It Is one of the nicest houses on Portland Heights; 8 rooms, large lot. 3 blocks to car, garage, 3 bedrooms and maid's quarters, imp. tapestry paper. 2 fire places, furnace, fruit trees and shrub bery; a real home: might consider ex change for San Fra-ncisco property. HARRY EECKWITH. 104 5th St. Realtor. Bdwy. 6318. WEST SIDE. SPLENDID VIEW. - 6-room bungalow in best of condition; large rooms, fireplace, oak floors, 4 rooms, including a breakfast room, first floor; 2 wonderful bedrooms and sleep ing porch, bath, second floor, full base ment, furnace, must be sold at once. Price $4750, $1250 cash. . DERR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. IRVINGTON. NEW ONLY $6760. 5-room bungalow, large attic, beauti ful location, modern In every respect. Including furnace, breakfast nook, hard wood floors, fireplace, garage; finished in old ivory and mahogany; very beau tiful home: will take lot. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. Evenings Tabor 436. $2500 $2500 $2500. 5-room comfortable cottage, A-l plumbing, hardwood floors, 50x100 lot, 8 nice fruit trees, imps, in and paid; 100 feet of S9th St. You'll have to hurry, $500 cash will handle. See ns for real buys in this district. ' HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Realtors. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. I AM OWNER OF BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW, VACANT, MODERN AND NIFTY. 6 rooms, one floor, cement basement, 1. trays, fireplace, every kind of built in, breakfast nook, tapestry paper, new hardwood firs., garage, h.-s. street, all assessments paid, 1 blk. to car and price is only $4750, on terms. Sunday, Tabor eigii; weettoays ijflwy. 67 79. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Splendidly built 6-room house, almost new: hardwood floors, large living room, wonderful built-in kitchen, large clos ets, bedrooms like sleeping porches, fine urepiace. xnis was ouut lor a home by day laoor. $1000, some terms. ' BROOKE, MAIN 4342. $4000 $1000 OR LESS down. 6-room, 2 story home, sun room, extra good, econ omical heating system; laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, full lot, fine shrubbery, fruit and berries, garage, hard surfaced street paid, near cars and schools, near 0th and Alnsworth. East 894. Wdln. WMMJ. MISS. CAR 10 MIN. OUT. 6-room house, full basement, modern conveniences, newly shingled and paint ed, on 60x100 corner lot, built facing side street, room for another house on corner. Price is only $2850, with $850 casn. isetter see this. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 Mississippi ave. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Five classy rooms, oak floors through, out every conceivable built-in conven ience; pedestal lavatory, attractive lieht fixtures, fireplace, furnace, garage, new ana ready to move into; price $58-50. DERR & POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. A REAL bungalow of 5 rooms and fine attic; noneatly built. The best of ma terials and labor. All kinds of built-ins. hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement and furnace. The best buy In Rose City. Price $4750, $1000 down, bal ance easy payments. For appointments write rt m, uregonian. S5S50 LAURELHURST $5850. Just completed new 6-room, modern Dungaiow, plate glass windows, oak floors,- tapestry paper, French doors, fire place, costly plumbing, nifty fixtures, shades, cement porch. Fox furnace and garage. 982 Wasco st., 1 block north 6Sd and Sandy. Owner on property. DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN ? If you can use a largo home, here Is your opportunity; 8 rooms. East 31st st. Modern, select workmanship and ma terial throughout. Oak floors, built Ins tun cement Dasement, iurnace, improve ments in and paid; $4800, $1500 down. J. o. CORB1N CO., 300-6-7 Lewis bldg IRVINGTON 761 CLACKAMAS. Vacant, unlocked today. Six rooms, beautiful condition, modern, garage. Be low $6000. Make an offer. East terms. Must and will sell. '. R. T. STREET. Irvington Realtor. 606 E. Broadway. East 894. Res. E. 4280. $5950 ALAMEDA PARK $5950. New 6-room, bungalow with pretty breakfast nooK, oak floors, tapestry pa per, pedestal lavatory, floor tub, French doors, beautiful fixtures, shades, fire place, cement porch. Fox furnace and garage. 932 E. 32d st. N. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, $10,500. Simply charming; original design, artistic finish; two bathrooms, all oak floors, two fireplaces, garage; near 23d and Brazee. Neuhausen & Co.. 1036 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 394. ROSE CITY PARK $5500. Five-room bungalow, oak floors, built ins, tapestry paper, plate glass, French doors, large basement, furnace, electric fixtures to suit buyer, terms. Auto. 317-55. $480 ANNUAL INCOME $430. Close-in east side, facing park. 7-rm. house, arranged for two families. Only $3400; lot 45x125. worth two-thirds of total price. Special reason for selling, hence low price. Wdln. 5535. ' WEST SIDE. 13th near Mill St.. 9-room house. 5 bedrooms, furnace, 50x90-ft. lot; can be converted into flats with little money; price $7500. 506 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7336. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Almost new bungalow, 4 rooms, bath room and sleeping porch, cement base ment, fine furnace, close-in, paved street; $3400, about half cash. Brooke, Main 4342. ROSE CITY WONDER, BUNGALOW. If you wish to buy the most modern bungalow home with every convenience, dn excellent location, call today between 12 and 4. Owner. 449 E. 49th N. ROSE CITY PARK $5350. Almost completed, move right In. A dandy new 5-room, right up to the min ute. Look it over today, 1244 E. Broad way, near 43d. Owner and builder. Aut, 317-14. Bdwy. 5231. BY OWNER, SAVE COMMISSION. Alameda Park, unusually well built, new 5-room bungalow; latest Improve ments, attic, garage; really worth while to Investigate, $5800; $1000 down, bal ance easy. For particulars Wdln, 5745. FOR SALE. A good little home, $2000, $800 cash; 4 rooms and sleeping porch; 100x90 lot; fruit trees and berries; immediate pos session. JOHNSON BROS, 445 Washington Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $5500. New 5-room bungalow, oak floors, built-ins .tapestry paper, plate glass, French doors, large basement, furnace, electric fixtures to suit buyer. Terms. Auto. 317-55. 0 ROOMS. 50x100 lot, $2750. $1750 cash. 2 blocks from car line. 3 from school, 10 from Jefferson high, substantial and nice neighborhood. 864 Gantenbeln ave. . Auto. 310-80. 2-ROOM shack, lot 50x100, $550; $250 cash. 3-room cottage on acre; $1075, terms. EDWARD T. ORR, 115 Grand Ave. $2275 A SNAP. 5-room house, garage, ch-icken house, lot 75x185, bearing fruit trees, grapes, berries. Vz block from car: easy terms J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. MUST sacrifice my modern 6-room house near Franklin high school, on double, corner lot. Price dropped from $6000 to $4SIK). AUto. 610-24. MONTA VILLA. 4-room modern house, 3 blocks from Mt. Tabor car, $2500, $500-cash, balance $25 per month. Phone 227-16. FOR SALE 5-room house and one lot, basement, furnace, fireplace and paved street; $3000. Some cash. Phone Aut. 627-25. Call Monday. MODERN west side home, 8 rooms, hard wood floors, walking distance. Marshall 3400. : $1850 BUY'S 6-room modern house, close in on east side. Edward T. Orr, . 115 Grand Ave. DANDY 5-room cottage, Sunnyside, $2600, $700 will handle. AP 409. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON'S best homes. ee Street's column same in .ew loaay. IRVINGTON 6-room home; $4500, terms. East 3592. owner"; SPLENDID 6-room house $33SO; cash. Call Wdln. 3469. $1400 IRVINGTON'S best homes. See Street's column same m -New -today." ROSE CITY PARK 5-room modern bun galow. 666 E. 45th St. N. $2500 BARGAIN, 6-room semi-modern house. Sellwood 603. $3200 $500 DOWN, 3 lots, 7-room house. Owner, Automatic 310-17. SUNNYSIDE. 5-room house, some butlt-lns. 1000 E. Salmon: FOR SALE) 8-room house, 2 lots, lawn 2382. Wood- i IRVINGTON'S beet homes. Se Street's colima umi la "New Today." REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HIGH-CLASS LOTS, Will build to suit on any of these lots: 68x102, N. E. cor. of E. 80th and (Shaver St., in best part of Alameda Park. Fine view and surrounded by some of Portland's best homes. LAURELHURST. 56x100 on Burnside st., near Floral ave., facing south, near Park. Sur rounded by fine homes. Corner 75x75, N. E. cor. of B. 42d and Hoyt. See three of my recently, com pleted homes there. Easy terms if de sired. N. O. EKLTTND. Owner and Builder, 611 E. 61st St. N., cor. of Sandy, Blvd. Tabor 680. R, a P., NEW 5-room bungalow with very large and light attic Most attractive floor plan, tile fireplace, all built-ins large living and dining room across front, H. W. floors, large windows, French doors, ivory and tapestry decora tions, select your own electrlo fixtures, pretty kitchen with tile drain board; good basement, furnace; full lot at tractive garage with cement drive, nice ly located, below the hill. Only $5600, very easy terms or bonus. O. A. Pearce, 616 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4835. Mar. 1788. IRVINGTON HOME BY OWNER. I offer my modern home on fine, lot In heart of Irvington. at a greatly re auced price for quick saier 7 rooms, in cluding three bedrooms, also den, new tapestry paper and enamel paint; ga rage; fine furnace; full basement; built ins; really a wonderful home bargain. Carpets: ready to move in: cannot use it. Refuse to rent; small cash payment; full price JfiOOO. Call Main 8397 today or Monday; ino agents. - WELL FURNISHED HOME. $1500' CASH $500. This complete furnished home Includes a good lot, lawn, large cherry tree, berries, finest of roses, 3-room house with extra good furnishings, including piano. Near school, 2 blocks from car and Laurelwood station. Phone Sunday or evenings, Aut. 618-83. 4850 62d St. S. E. ' OWNER'S SACRIFICE. YOUR GAIN. 5-room bungalow in Irvington, large airy rooms and closets, plenty of built-in features, full cement basement, sleeping porch, lot 75x100 on street level, 2 blocks to can. A convenient homelike place in best neighborhood. Owner's business elsewhere compels sacrifice. See It this week. 575 E. 13th St. N. Phone East 8542. HERE. FOLKSi. IS A BARGAIN! Owner leaving city, will sell one acre and '6-room house, gas, water, lights. bath, some fruit and berriea in the lim its, improvements all In. the owner's equity is $1090. Will take $550 for equity, making the price only $3960 on easy payments. 7 STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSE- CITY PARK DISTRICT. $4000. Brand new 6-room Dutch colonial, every convenience, old Ivory finish, tap estry paper, glassed-in breakfast nook, tile bath and sink drain boards, view of mountains, near school and car. HARRY BECKWITH, 104 5th St. Realtor. Bdwy. 6318. WEST MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. 6 of the dandiest rooms and a choice corner lot. This is not a new bungalow, but in good condition and a real pick-up at (3250. Stop the leak by owning your own home. DERR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2248, ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 4-room modern bungalow, double con structed, hardwood floors, all bullt-ln features, breakfast nook, full cement basement, price only $4750, $500 will handle. AUSTIN-CLEARY REALTY CO., aa; unamper commerce Bldg. MUST SELL at once, bonus or easv terms. pretty 5-room bungalow with hardwood! tloors, red Drlck fireplace, all butlt-lns, white enamel Dutch kitchen, cement basement, big corner lot, assessments paid, close in, good district; price $3900. Go see this today. Phone Bdwy. 4835 or Marshall 1788. BARGAIN. 85700 $5700 $5700. Close in. near Laurelhurst park, mod ern. 8 rooms, corner, fine condition throughout; garage; no reasonable offer refused, call .East 4991 or Mala 714L CLOSE-IN BUNGALOW. See this beautiful new bungalow built for a home; but unable to occupy it, so must sell. Every convenience, complete in every way, with garage. Can be seen evenings Dy appointment. 707 ii. Pine. Aut. 317-44. Bdwy. 5231. BEAUMONT district, exceptionally well built 6-room modern homo, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork ano good garage in rear. Price in eludes automatic hot water heater, drap eries, etc Terms if desired. 534 E. 4Lst street worth. BEFORE YOU BUILD. Experienced architectural designer fnot a real estate man or contractor), will prepare your plans and specifications and xurnisn estimated cost and bill of material for reasonable fee. Wdln. 5-ROOM neat cottage, cement basement. two 40x125 lots, nice lawn, bearing fruit , trees, garden, etc., garage and wood shed, $3250, $750 cash, no more payment for 15 months, balance easy terms, Owner. 5525 67th gt. S. E. 4-ROOM plastered house, cement founda tion. electric liEhts. bath and toilet, lot 50x210, lots of fruit and berries, wood shed, barn: $1950, $350 down, balance per momn. 002 ocnoco ave., sen ' wood Gardens. $6850 IRVINGTON corner home, a valu able oversize corner, near 23d and Tilla mook; modern Boynton furnace, ivory finish, hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, garage. By appointment oniy. nig value. R. T. STREET, IRVINGTON HOMES. ALBERTA DISTRICT $500 DOWN. 7-room modern home, first-class con dition; lot 100x100; fruit trees, garage; $3000. SUTTER & MAUBOULES, 246 E. Broadway. East 9213 5-ROOM bungalow with nice fireplace, good size living and dining room. Dutch kitchen, full basement, garage, paved street, good district. See this today, 878 Brooklyn street, Richmond district. near ovtn St. trice 30W. JiW cash. WHO WANTS THIS HOME. 7 rooms, double earatre: lot 78x395. Fine garden and orchard. Paved streets, sewers all In, paid; must sell at $6000. Terms. Phone today. Auto. 623-17. Bdwy. 6574. LAURELHURST VICINITY. HOME BARGAIN. Corner lot. See it today. 1440 East Everett st. Very attractive Interior in white enamel. Only $3250. Down pay ment and $35 month. Tabor 878. IRVINGTON HOUSES AND LOTS. OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SRB NEUHAUSEN & CO.. Main 8078. 1036 N. W. BANK BLDG. IRVINGTON ten-room home, situated on choice corner; hardwood floors through out house; two fireplaces, sleeping porch and garage; quarter block: liberal terms. 1029 Northwestern Bank bldg. $4S00 WELL-BUILT 5-room bungalow, full basement, garaire. fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-in features: terms. J. H. McMahon, 2606 E. 43d st. Ta bor 5361. AVOID speculation, buy in Irvington. Within walking distance, close to Irv ington and Broadway car. Have sev eral splendid bargains. Dan Kellaher. 480 Belmont, Bast 8433. IF YOU HAVE a few hundred dollars we can finance you In building that new home. 505 ARTISANS BLDG. $100 DOWN and $40 per month. Including interest, will buy 6-room house, bath, gas, acre grdund, lots of fruit, garage, etc.: Investigate. AG 461. Oregonlan. $250 CASH Balance $1208, 75x100 lot, modern 4-room house ,hen house for 75 or 80 hens. See this at once. 1626 Mls sissippl avenue. CORNER lot. 55x73. with 6-room house at rear, leaving room for flat or house on corner, near Laurelhurst. 30th and East Burnside. $,'iS00. East 2871. .. HOT WATER HEAT. MUST MOVE, sacrifice price on 8-rm. and s, p., near Alameda drive, great view, great value. Tabor 7884. WANTED $1500 on a new 5-room bunga low; Piedmont district, DERR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. BUY FROM owner, my Irvington bunga low home, 7 rooms, modern, all hard wood floors, 2 lavatories, full basement $2000 will handle. Main 7098. FOR SALE! New house, 6 rooms. 5 closets, fireplace, two porches, near Kenton car line; call any time. 143 E. Holland at. Owner. 5-ROOM cozy Hawthorne bungalow, cor ner lot. 434 E. 87th; price $3600. Owner. Box W 4 464. Oregonlan. FOR SALE by owner on easy terms, mod ern house and large lot in. normal school town. Phone East 2373. 174 East 6th st. WHO WANTS a nice home? For sale or rent in good district, close to school. Woodlawn 5a33. IRVINGTON. Kw 7-room bungalow be in finished. Phone owner and builder. East 7090. 9-ROOM house, 2 baths, suitable for flat; good value; close- in. Half caBh. East 5-R. COTTAGE and barn, 3 E. 89th St.; reasonable terms; car part payment. Owner, 510 Roselawn. I WILL convince you that I have the best value in Portland in new 5-room bunga low. Geo. C. Howard, Tabor 7884. $4500 ATTRACTIVE 6-room residence, all improvements; near Division; terms. East 6329. ' REAL ESTATE. Fop Sale Houses. FRANK C. ROBINSON, . 603-04 Selling Bldg., 6th and Alder. ROSE CITY. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, modern, op to the minute; large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; 2 large bedrooms, bath between; lflps- ttlor in basement- laundry trays; furnace; lawn; garage; 2 blocks car; street improvements in and paid. $1500 cash will handle. Will exchange for 4-room modern bungalow. - $3000. Hawthorne cottage, 4 rooms, base ment, Dreamast nooK, rrenca uuu, terms. wnnnsTfirar FTOMTCa. Several good buys, (1900 up; small payments oown, HAWTHORNE HOME. A rooms, modern, nearly new: hard wood floors; all built-ins; $3S00; $800 handles. WILLAMETTE BLVD. Exceptional snap, $3000; large living room, Kltcnen, oearoom, oreaaiast uwj&i bath, sleeping porch; nearly new: dou ble constructed: full lot: pretty bunga low; room for garage; 2 blocks car line; easy terms. WILLAMETTE BUNGALOW. New 5-room modern home; living room across front; all built-ins; beau tiful grounds; large attic; 2 blocks car line; good buy at ooou; tuuxtuu 101; terms. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503-04 Selling Bldg.. 6th and Alder. THE WONDER BUNGALOW. LAURELHURST. Six rooms, on ground floor. Sunroom. exceptionally large living : and dining rooms, with ornamental massive fireplace; Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, three large bedrooms, with large closets, tile bath with built-in chests, etc. ' Full cement basement. Corner lot and lies beautifully. Rightfully called the wonder bungalow. See it. THE LAWRENCE CO., Realtors. 212 Corbett Bldg Main 6915. LAURELHURST. $5900. Mlnrht. take a good car ud to $1000. a ' small cash payment and only $50 monthly, against this a-story i-room house, well located, 50x100, garage. 3 bedrooms upstairs, one room down that can be used as bedroom or den, sleep ing porch, cement basement, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and all conven iences, eood condition. This is an op portunity for a Laurelhurst home. See it today. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 Bth St. Realtor: Bdwy. 6318. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Very desirable location. 100x100 cor ner: house consists of 7 rooms, sleeping nnn-h and sun oarlor: has hardwood floors and furnace; this is practically a new, very attractive place and can De bought with 50xl00-ft. frontage; full price $7500. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. 320 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. IRVINGTON sacrifice; owner leaving state in four days, family gone, must act ouickiy: center entrance, large living room on one side, four bedrooms on second, large ceiled attic, garage, best part of Irvington; will be sold sure, at best offer, if you will ever own an Irv ington home of this size and type, see this today. No phone information, will be pleased to show you the house any time. K. 1. street, irvington nomes. East 894. Res. East 4280. $3100 FRANKLIN HIGH district. 7 ran., modern; terms like rent; possession tomorrow. $4250 EAST BURNSIDE, near 22d 6 rooms, modern. Immediate pos session, terms to suit. 5500 IRVINGTON, Clackamas and 17th, 6 rooms, modern, $500 cash, balance easy. WAKBFI'ELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 4th St. Broadway 2980. A COSY HOME. $2200 $500 CASH $2200. Located In Richmond district on fuU lot. Very neatly decorated and In good condition. Full plum-blng set, gas, elec tricity, sidewalks, sewers, curb and city water In and paid; basement. Buy this anc beat the landlord. R. L. MoQREW, 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. BY OWNER $5500. New 5-room up-to-date bungalow, nreplace. hardwood floors, bullet, kltcn en cabinet, breakfast nook, furnace, extra nice electric fixtures, cement base ment and wash trays, ivory woodwork, modern in everv respect, lot 50x100. with alley, cash $1500. balance terms. Open for inspection after 7 P. M. and all day Sunday. 11 SO K. :wth N. EASTMOREljAND. EAST MORELAND. I have one of the best bungalow bays in this beautiful addition; NEW and modern; owner is In the east and wants an offer: it must be sold; if you know value and want a good home at the right price 1 want to meet you. MR. DERR, DERR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245l ROSE CITY PARK DIST.. $2650. 4-room bungalow, close to car, good condition, one bedroom and den or sleep ing room, basement, cement walks, fruit, shrubbery, gas. electricity, terms, $20 monthly and interest, possession imme diately. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 5th St. Realtor. Bdwy. 6318. MODERN 7-room house in fine condition on 80x100 lot, full cement basement, modern bath, some fruit and berries, poultry bouse. This Is something good Price is only $3000, $500 cash, balance $25 per month at 6 per cent interest. Owner is a non-resident. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FURNISHED ONLY $5000. HAWTHORNE 7 fine rooms, full ce ment basement, furnace, built-ins. dandy garage; sewer and paved street; will take small home in exchange; or will sell unrurnlshed, MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. Evenings Tabor 43a EX-SERVICE MEN! New 4-room bungalow, modern, fin ished in old ivory throughout. 2 bed rooms. Dutch kitchen and nook, fire place, built-in bookcase, dandy fixtures, cement basement and sanitary trays corner lot 50x100; $500 down, balance easy. 41.- Morgan St., corner -E. 6th St. LAURELHURST. Going away, must sacrifice new bungalow just finished; living room 16x30, fireplace. French doors, hard wood floors, built-lns, tile bath, tapes try paper, garage, drives, walks; an Ideal place. Far below cost, $7950. Owner. Broadway 42.U or East 4216, IRVINGTON DIST. Just completed, strictly modern bungalow, hardwood floor throughout, furnace, breakfast nook, large living r. and dining room in front; a dandy kitchen. 730 E. 30th st. N-, near Fremont. With or without garage. Owner and builder, Bdwy. 5231, Aut. 317-44. S22.-2o MONTHLY. Low price of $2250. $500 down and $25 per month for this 4-room bungalow on a 75x300 lot, all kinds of bearing fruit and berries, good condition, gaa, electricity, white enamel mumbing. HARRY BECKWITH. 104 Bth St. Realtor. Bdwy. 6318, A BARGAIN Most sielitly home location In Mt. Tabor; large variety of fruit trees, beautiful shrubbery and unob structed view; large barn, suitable for double garage and eight-room housi with building-over possi bill tie. Phone Tabor 2847. SEE THIS BUNGALOW TODAY. YOU'LL SAY ITS A DREAM. S ROOMS, NEW WELL BUILT. 1222 E. 26TH ST. N. ONLY $3350, ON TERMS. NO COMMISSION TO PAY. OWNER AND BUILDER, EAST 6799. $51)50 ROSE CITY SNAP $5950. Owner must leave city, will sacrifice mv beautiful 6-room Dungaiow. hard wood floors, sleeping porch, breakfast nook, garage. Must oe seen to be ap predated. Terms to suit. 475 E. 50th st. N. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 6-room modern house, hardwood floor ODfn fireplace, furnace, garage, full lot. SosVOO, easy terms, trad for smaller house, c w. mmerenip, nsoj tn st. Main 5270. COTTAGE BUNGALOW. 6-room cottage-bungalow, full-sized cement basement, garage, nice location, bargain price, J .500 will handle. JJJSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., ;S35 Chamber Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON. Just completed and ready to occupy. If you are In market for good home drive out to 4M and 4. rJast 24tb st. N. and see those beautiful homes. Price and terms are right. Open 2 to 5. HOME FOR SOME ONE.., A 2-story 5-room house with lot BOx 100 on , Minnesota ave., 2 blocks from car; $500 will handle; houses going up aw arouna. E. H. HOSNER. 608 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE, at Seaside, lot with 3-room cottage and 4&u worm or furniture, all for $750? Also other good bargains. AV 24H. oregonian. $3200 NIFTY new 4-room house, Dutch colonial, cement porcn. an Duiit-ins, bre&kfa-t nook; terms; paved, highway. 82a. AUt. ozi-.o. S2250 BARGAIN; terms; 6-room house. 100x100. fruit, block from car and naved st., cheap building lots, at 173 E. 75th st. jvortn. OWN YOUR OWN HOME We build real homes at reasonable prices, on easy terms. 505 ARTISANS BXJDQ, REAL ESTATE. For "saie Houiws. $500 CASH or , Vacant Lot Will Buy This Equity. LATTRELHURST 7 rooms, modern to the minute; large living room with fire place, dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch, kitchen, breakfast room on first floor. 3 large, light bedrooms and bath on second floor; full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trava, hardwood floors, corner lot. This is A REAL BARGAIN. DBKUM & JORDAN. Realtors. 323-4 Chamber of Conm"ce Bldg.. Fourth and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 2240. IRVINGTON. PTXB CORNER LOT. 100x100. ONH BLOCK BROADWAY CAR: MODERN RESIDiENOE, 8 ROOMS. ENTRANCH HALL, HOT-WATER HEAT: GARAGE. POINDEXTER. 207 SELLING BLDG. Suburban Homes. . OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 30-mtnute service. Too can set your watch by the cara. 3 acres all in cultivation and fenced, overlooking the river on graveled, road near paved highway and car line; 4-room plastered bungalow (3 more can be finished upstairs) full basement; good bricked-in well ; gas ; telephone, chicken houe; garage, 15 fruit trees, all for $4000. terms. Nearly S acres with 6-room mod ern bungalow; full cemented base ment with fruit room; gas, bath; water system (gas engine), attrac tive fireplace; wired for electrloity; large porch overlooking the river; barn and workshop; 100 full bear ing fruit trees, 18 are peach trees and balance apples, prune and, nears, grapeat, berrtes. This Is on graveled road near highway and car. Price $5500, terms. Would consider exchange for Rose City. Laurelhurst or Irvington. residence at cash value. One acre with 6-room plastered house; full basement; gas; elec tricity; good deep well; garage; chicken house ; alt kinds berries and fruit; 2 blocks to car line; sa m e to p a ve d ri ve r r oa 6 Price $3800, very good terms on this. One acre with an exceptionally fine 7-room modern bungalow, right on the paved river road. In high-class district; full basement; electricity; gas; water pressure system; bath; large fireplace,, ga rage; ' fruit, berriea Thia is an especially good place and priced at $.250, terms. lVs acres with modern 5-room bungalow on good graveled street 2 blocks to car line; 1 block to paved highway; all In high state of cultivation with grapes; fruit; nut trees and berriea, all' in bear ing. House has basement, gas. electricity, bath, water pressure system; large fireplace; In fact, very complete country home in a high-class district. Price $5000, terms. 3 acres, rich swale land, on im proved street 2 blocks to car line; city water; gas; electricity is avail able. Good 6-room plastered house, barn, chicken house, bearing fruit treea, berries; building up rapidly In thia district. This would make a fine tract to subdivide and build oa to selh price J42UO. term. Be sure to see us If figuring on a suburban home. No silver thaw out this way. FREYTAG-MEEDS CO., Gladstone, Or. Oregon City Car Line. Pftone Oregon City 6-J. MODERN HOME. HARDWOOD FLOORS. S acres 10 miles from oeintwr of Portland, 2 blocks to electric sta tion ; macadamized road. All un der ou 1 ti v,tion. Lo ts of bearing trult and berries. Good now 5 room plastered bungalow, best of plumbing, basement, eleotrlc lights, running water, garage, large chicken house 20x50, woodshed-. Nice siffhtly ground. $000 caah. and, soldiers' loan; terms m bai- , once. 1 Vi acres1 001. paved street 6 mblea from center of Portland, nolle to electric station, high and grade eohool; ail under cultivation; d room modern bungaJow, city water, gaa, electric lights, garage, woodj shiedi, etc. ; good car service, low commutation fa-re. Offered on eaey terms, or consider residence la Portland for less value. SH acres at Greeh&m 4 blocks from station; 4 acre raspberries, acre strawberries, orchard 3 years old; 5-room house with sleeping porch; plumbing, Portland, gas, city waiter, chicken house ca pacity 500, rocked rood, Prdce $3500, including 50 White Leghorn chickens. Large cash pay meat, ALBERTA DISTRICT. 1 acres on paved etreet, pav ing and walks paid for; nearly mM in berries and fruit in A-l condi tion. Good 5-room plastered house with baeme-nt. $1500 cash, bal ance long time, 6, or will sell acre with buildings for $1000 caeh, balance $25 per month 6. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Ge-rlinger Bldg. LOTS OF GROUND. Five rooms, not quite finished, gas and city water, concrete foundation; .1200 strawberry plants. 12 assorted fruit trees. all kinds of berries; 1 acre of ground. Price $2000. $500 cash. $5 monthly. Woodstock district. This is a splendid buy. Very neat little 4-room bungalow with bath, toilet, electric lights, gas, con crete foundation, ground 100x100; near Evergreen Station on the Oregon City line; natural shrubbery. Price $2350, $750 cash, $25 monthly. Three acres, all In cultivation, all kinds of fruit and berries; 4-room celled and papered cottage, chicken house, small barn; 1 miles from Ore gon City; everything rn flrst-elass" con dition. A very decided snap, $3150, $800 cash, balance to suit. Photos at office. See Mr. Griffith, with FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $5000. 1 acre en paved road, beautiful 6 room bungalow, all modern, fine loca tion. OAK GROVB. Lot 100x140, natural trees, 5-room plastered house, gas, electric lights and garage, near school and station ; $2500, terms. Have other places and vacant acreage. MRS. F. M. YOUNGS, REALTOR. Third house north Risley Station, Oregon City car line. Phone Oak Grove 25J. OSWEGO BARGAIN. PRICE ONLY 13000. About -acre, with 5-room modern bungalow; has all built-ins, bath and toilet, laundry trays, full basement, gas. water and electricity. Some bear ing fruit, 2 large walnut trees and shrubbery; $1200 cash and mortgage for balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., BOfl-10 Panama Bldg. Broadway 6943. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. Very sightly 1-acre tract, with 6-room bungalow, not quite finished; 4 blocks from Garden Home: 18 assorted fruit trees, running water In tho house, electric lightB; on good hard road; $1000 caah, $20 monthly. Photos at office. See Mr. Griffith, with FRED W. GERMAN CO.. ReaMors, 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SUBURBAN. Comfortable 4-room house. 2 acres, 100 fruit trees just coming Into bear ing; other acre under plow, wonderful view; garage; located on pavement and cross road; electric station very close; $4650. Terms. HARRY BECKWITH, 104 Bth st. Realtor. Bdwy. 631S. NEW, MODERN home, just north of Mult nomah station on the Oregon Electric. 80x105 ground: 4 rooms on the first floor, large upstairs all sealed ; only $3250; might take a light car as Initial payment. For particulars telephone owner. Main 8S0. SUBURBAN HOME $4000. Multnomah station, new 5-room mod ern bungalow and garage; 75 feet from Newberg highway; one dandy home; terms. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 255T. $150 CASH. Cute, new bungalow, wooded acre, near Oswego " lake, $1450, can get 2 acres. McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. QUICK SALE -$900 CASH. Acre and one-room house, bullt-ln pantry and closet, near electric station. Owner, 1128 Hawthorne ave. $500 CASH, 4-r. cottage, 9c fare; acre bearing fruit trees, berries, creek, near Multnomah sta., hennery, barn : $ 2500. McFarland, realtor, 208 Falling bldg. ACRE, bearing trees, corner on mac adam road; gas, city water available; close in, Oregon Electric; $1050. term. Marshall 1874. GOOD suburban home, modern, suitable for large family, small cash payment, bal ance easy; take some trade. Phone E. 1085. 1 ACRES. 8-room house, city water, gas. electricity smd telephone, between Ber tha,, and Multnomah station. Main 0G4. 4 I