THE STJTfDAY OREGOOTAX, POBTIND, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 3, RELATION OF COLOR TO BEAUTY OF WOMEN IS DECLARED TO BE WELL ESTABLISHED Transformation of Drab Young Creature Into Person of Charm and Radiance Is Described Complexion Is Regarded as Keynote to Solution of All Difficulties. f mfiflr ill ! . - 111 i fymfau&m I Vi.( - BY ANTOINETTE DONNELLJ. NEW TOR K. (Special corre spondence.) The relation of color to beauty is too well es tablished to need any argument here. Undoubtedly it has been within your own experience to see an unobtrusive, even drab young, creature, trans formed into a. gay and pretty Voung butterfly by the adoptipn of a dif ferent color scheme. I saw such a transformation re cently in a friend with copper-colored hair, who felt it her duty, for some deep-rooted and ridicufius prejudice, to garb herself in somber shades that she might kill the coloring which was hers by nature. A stroke of good fortune and the advice of a friend to put herself into the hands of a woman with a repu tation for a fine color sense and a designer as well, led to this particu lar girl's present reputation as a beauty and one of the best dressed women in New York. And, as she admitted herself, the cost of her pres. ent dress is no more than before the change; if anything, less, as she had always paid a fairly good price for her clothes. Play tip Your Coloring. "Don't play down your coloring, play it up," was the advice that was given her. For her street suit a dull green with mole collar was suggested. For her evening dress a purple that brought out the gold in her hair beautifully. A black with a touch of Ivory and gold was suggested for her dinner dress, and for an evening wrap a silver and black brocaded metal goods, lined in palest yellow velvet, and a dark-brown fur collar. The result for every occasion made this particular woman stand out from the crowd. "People used to tell me I could look like something if I would let a good modiste dress me,"' she confided, "but you know how we women are. We all think we know what we should wear better than any one else. It Is foolish when you know there are women whose life study has been the particular gawn for the particular type. I am convinced now that we have prejudices that are ridiculous, and we need to be talked out of them." Tn at- oa annthaii Inatotifin " aria n tinued, "being of a large build, I al ways fancied I must wear a tight fitting tailored suit, believing I was minimizing my height and girth. At the direction of the woman who has reformed me I adopted the straight line dresses, and they must be right, judging from the compliments I get now. which I never got before. One discerning male made me happy by telling me I looked ten years younger, so they must be more youthful." Complexion Is Keynote, She disclosed the name of her miracle worker as Miss Anna Scheer, whom I found to be the dress direc tor-general of particularly smart 2-d society women. So I asked for a few good tips on color and lines, am they apply to beauty. ased ner if in suggesting colors she got her cue from the color of the hair. She answered: No. It is more a matter of the complexion than thfj hair, it is a question or whether one has healthy coloring, little, coloring, or poor coloring. That is what one has to work from. Green, for ex ample, one could not adviBe for any but a healthy complexion. Pinks re quire a youthful and fresh com plexion. Tans and grays and olive green, which are to be the popular spring colors, would not go so well with an anemic or faded skin. A hard, dead white ia not becoming in anyone. Whites should always be of an ivory tone, and they are good for any coloring." For both young and old Miss Schoer recommends, ivory white as being youthful fof the miss and kind to j the older woman! But pinks, yellows, baby blues she reserves for.the young person. "Lavender is flattering to almost every type," she added. "Particularly nice for the gray-haired woman. Touches of color may be added to it, however, to please the individual need or fancy." The following table she recom mended for the different types: Red head Browns, every shade, particularly the golden and reddish browns; black; almost every shade of green if coloring is good; the new olive spring shade; jade for evening; fuchsias and purples; tans and grays. Blonde Blue, mostly every shade; pink for the young and fresh; no yel lows; lavender and lavender with touches of blue, ivory white; black. Brunette Black; tans and grays; brown; yellow; lavender; rose and pink. ' Gray hair Gray (except slate and battleship grays, which are old colors); lavender or purple for eve ning; white, black; no green unless coloring is fresh; dark purple for street "Black and Ivory white is becom ing and smart for almost every type of woman. And, of course, there are many in between shades that are popularised for a time, and they must be tried out carefully, always, with IN THE PORTLAND CHURCHES (Continued From Page 2.) itself with the "Development of the Pastor's Own Spiritual Life." In this service he will be aided by Rev. F. C. Butler, Rev. J. P. Clyde and Rev. O. P. Avery. , Atithe request of his brethren, Dr. McElveen will conduct one of his question services Thursday night. Dr. Sullens will preface this service with a hymn fest, and the service will con clude with an. informal reception to the outrof-town pastors. Friday morn ing, Dr. J. J. Staub will conduct a symposium- on "Public Worship." In the discussion of this topic he will be aided by the following men: Rev. Caradoc Morgan, Rev. P. D. Holfman, Rev. A. B. Snider, Rev. J. T. Munton, Rev. D. E. Nourse, Rev W. H. L. Mar shall, Rev. F. W. Keagy, Rev, E. E. Flint and Rev. Claton Judy. Friday afternoon under Dr. Mc Klveen's leadership, Rev. H. A. Deck, Rev. W. W. Blair, Rev. Edward Goudge, Rev. Robert Allingham and Rev. W. C. Kantner assisting, the topic "The Message of the Preacher" will be discussed. Rev. J. W. Price, of the Pilgrim church, will speak on "The Vision of a More Effective Serv ice." Dr. Sullens will conduct the concluding prayer fellowship. De votional services will be conducted prior to each of these conferences by Rev. H. G. Adams, Rev. H. S. Wiley and Rev. E. S. Bollinger. The Sunday school of the Clay, street Evangelical church will begin at 9;30 and will be In charge of the pastor, Jacob Stocker. At 10:45 the pastor will preach an expository ser mon, the theme being "The Purpose of the Ministry Gifts." The service at the Altenheim at Division street will take place at 3 o'clock. The Young People's alliance will meet at :30 followed by the evening service at 7:30. The subject win be "The Mean ing of Death.1" In the morning serv ice Mr. ' C. Matthews, of the East Side Baptist sb.urcb,wiiJ reader eli and. an eye to their effect on the skin and on the eyes. There are colors that are extremely dulling and dis astrous in effect. So . the same analytical eye should be turned on them and if one is doubtful the ad vice of one with a good color sense should be sought. It is surprising the erroneous impression people have of their own possibilities as to colors they may wear. And colors and line after all are much more important in a becoming dress than material. Recommends Straight Line. Miss Scheer strongly advocates the straight line for every type, the long and the short, the narrow and the broad, and uneven, length skirts to play a trick of lengthening or short ening height. Even the long waist, not exaggerated, however, she ad vocates for the short woman, par ticularly now that skirts are longer. "So many big women have the idea that the wearing of tight-fitting sleeves and waists and skirt bands slenderizes their silhouettes. To the contrary, the result is uneven bulges here and there which are all out of symmetry. Straight lines, looser .sleeves, and the lengthened waist are much more disposed to hide the su perfluous poundage. I have seen that demonstrated here time and again. At first women rebel, but they usually come back fully gratified after wearing the new style. With the aid of a good corset." the waist line of which should be straight, too, and a good brassiere, an infinitely neater, flatter effect is gained. in the evening service Allen Balda will give a special solo. - At the Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal church Dr. Huett, the pas tor, will speak in the morning on "Seeing Jesus" and the thought to be treated under this theme is what Christians should be and d in order to correctly represent their Lord and his cause in the world. At night the Hustlers' club will have charge of the conduct of the service and seven three-minute ad dresses will be made by different members of the congregation, statins: our neeas ana what can and should De done to meet them. This service promises largely for the future of the work of this church in Rose City jr-arK. At Sunnyside Methodist church un usual interest is manifested in the series of popular messages delivered Sunday night by Dr. Gallagher. Al ready he has spoken on the subjects wny rm JNot a Koman Catholic" and "Why I'm a Free Mason." Hundreds of people are anxious to hear the third message, "Why I'm Not a Chris tian Scientist." This morning the pastor will speak on "Elemental Christianity" and this will be tne initial sermon in prepara tion for the city-wide Methodist cam paign 60on to be conducted by Evan gelist Anderson. A special feature of the mornini service at Pilgrim Congregational church win be the presence of Dr Hinman of San Francisco, who will occupy the pulpit in the morning. He is tne representative of the Ameri can Missionary association, an or ganization that looks after the inter ests of the foreigners in the United States. Another very important phase of Its work is the mission to the negroes and mountain whites. It also has a special department Iook-ihg-after the interests of the immi grants. Dr. Hinman is an Jnterest- ing speaker, and the story he will tell in this service is one ef the most in teresting in the annals of home mis sions. The evening service will be at-7:30, at which time the returned delegates from the state convention of Chrls tlon Endeavor at Salem will give re ports. Rev. Elbert E. Flint, pastor of the Atkinson Memorial Center (Congre gational) church, East Everett and Twenty-ninth streets, will speak this morning on "The Greater Citizen ship," or "The Born and Naturalized Citisen." - By special arrangement the pic ture, "Behold the Man," in six reels, will be shown tonight,--The audience will be expected to be seated- at 7:45, when the picture will begin. Those who come later will be unable to set in, as the house was filled two weeks ago at the showing of the first half. The entire picture will be run to night. . - Thursday night the Bible study and devotional hour will be led by the pastor. - -':,' The service tonight at Highland Congregational church will be in ac cordance with the idea of Americani zation. The Ideals and spirit of American life and institutions will be set forth and emphasized by music and other exercises. The spirit of patriotism will find expression in the songs of the people and in the solo "America, the Beautiful," to be ren dered by Mrs. Van Groos. The pastor. Rev. Edward Constant will speak on "The Real George Washington." The subject of the morning sermon will be "The Uplift of Prayer." Dr. 3. J. Staub of the Sunnyside Congregational church will occupy his pulpit this morning. At night there will be a patriotic service, un der the auspices of the men's league, with special music by the chorus choir and soloists, and the Grand Army quartet. Roy Ellison of the Ellison White lyceum will deliver an ad dress. A joint meeting of the intermediate and senior Endeavorers will be held at 6:30 P. M. The postponed meeting.of the Sun day school teachers and officers will be held Monday night, with supper at 6:30, followed by an important business meeting. The. missionary circle of which Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden is leader will meet at the residence of Mrs. J. J. Staub Tuesday afternoon, February 21, at 2 o clock. Thursday night Dr.. Staub will lead in the study of Romans, the eighth chapter. . . Friday night .the. Ladies' Aid so ciety will give a. colonial entertain ment in the church parlors. Admis sion will be free and all are invited. Rev. E. O. Shepard will be the speaker at the men's resort meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Jen nie Jones will be soloist and a song service will be led by R. Desmond. At 7:30 P. M. Rev. Levi Johnson will give an illustrated Bible talk and Thursday at 8 P. M. the young people from East Side Baptist church will hold their monthly meeting at the re sort. H. Edward Mills will address the Realization league, 148 Thirteenth street, at 11 A. M. on "Meeting and Mastering Temptation." At 8 P. M. Mrs. Annie Sprague Smith will inter pret "Jean Valjean." The First Spiritualist church, East Seventh and Hassalo streets, holds meetings at 3 and 8 P. M. After the meeting circles are held. Evening lecture at 8 o'clock, given by J. Wil lard Hills, on the subject of "Whence Did We Come and Where Do We Go?" Messages are by Mr. and Mrs. Hills and others. Every Wednesday night at 8 oclock services are devoted en tirely to messages. Rev. Mrs. Ida M. Schorl, pastor of the Independent Bible Spiritualistic society and church, located at 591 Commercial street, near Stanton, will take for her lecture topic at 7:30 to night "Revealments of Divine Intel Uigence." A weekly meeting is "held every Thursday night at 7:30 for spiritualistic demonstrations and per sonal messages. At the Mystic Church of Bethesda, 409 Alder street, near Eleventh, serv ices will be conducted tonight by Rev. W. W. Aber at 8 o'clock Circles will bo formed between 6 and 7:30 P. M. A healing circle will also be formed at 10:30 A. M. at Rev. Aber's residence, 870 Belmont street, near Twenty-ninth, and a circle Wednes day at 8 P. M. The Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer is organ ized bty F. L. Rawson. His offices are at 406 Fleidner building. The office and reading room are open only from 13 to 4. The class in "life un derstood" meets Monday at 8 o'clock. What Do Tou Want?" is the theme Rev. T. M. Minard will speak on to day at 11 o'clock in the First Divine Science church, 816 East Clay street, near East Twenty-fifth. At 7:30 P. M. the subject will be "Know Thy self." Francis Richter, organist, will render appropriate music at both serv ices. Thursday night at 8 o'clock Rev. Minard will give the second les son on "Divine Science. LODGE INSURANCE TOPIC Fraternal Beneficiary System of V. S. Has 8,000,000 Members. CHICAGO, Feb. 18. More than 8,000,000 members of the fraternal beneficiary system of v this country and Canada will be represented at a meeting of the National Fraternal Congress of America when it con venes here (February 20 for a three day session. In addition, the Frater nal Society Law association will meet on February 22. Fraternal legal au thorities will be present to discUBS their phases of this work and the press section of the National Frater nal Congress of America will con vene. Most important will be the meeting of the presidential section, over which E. J. Dunn of Chicago will pre side. Insurance commissioners of Iowa and Illinois will address the' meeting and there will be addresses and talks by W. W. Bryant, Kansas City, Mo.; Henri Roy, Montreal, Can ada; W. E. Futch, Cleveland, O.; Owen West, Mrs. Frances Buell Olson, St. Paul, Minn.; Walter Basye, Roch ester, N. Y.; Miss Bina M. West, Port Huron, Mich.; A. C. McLean. Sharon, Pa., and D. A. Helpman, Toledo, O. Important addresses at the secreta ries' meeting will be made by W. E. Futch, Cleveland, O.; George Dyre Eldrige, Boston, Mass.; E. A. Myersv Toledo, O.; R. L. Blodgett, Madison, Wis.; E. L. Bali, Mason City, la.; Or rin Thompson, Neenah, Wis., and others. Salton Sea's Utfe Extended. NIIiAND, Cal. The long blue sink of the Imperial valley, California's great Salton sink, added almost a year to its life as a result of the re cent unusual event of a rainfall in the Imperial valley, according to observ ers at the sink, This lake, or salty inland sea, which now is about 45 miles long and some 12 miles wide, had been evaporating at the rate of about a foot a year. The recent rain fall, however, not only brought out rstrange flowers in the desert, but re freshed the sea, observations Indicat ing that the desert mountain water shed drained sufficient water into the sink to raise the level of the sea more than eight Onciieg, Banking and Business, by H. Parker Willis, Ph. D., and George w. Edwards, Ph. p. Harper & Brothers, New Torlc city. in 573 pages, with index, our authors, in practical, easily under stood style, present teaching of mod ern American banking in Its relation to . other business, wltn particular attention to the financing of indivi dual enterprise, the problems of which have to be met by the business man in whatever occupation he Is engaged. In connection with the transaction of the banking side of his operations. A brief outline is given of the relation of the bank to me muneuiry eyst-em ana ot its xunc- tion in the development of prices. Dr. Willis Is professor of banking, I Columbia university, and. formerly secretary of the federal reserve board; and Dr. Edwards is assistant professor of banking, school of basi ness, Columbia university. The Intention of our authors has been to prepare a university and college text that would be of service in teaching those elements of banking which are most needed in the schools of business and commerce, now in process of development at many American -universities. It Is stated that "the arrangement of topics and the general direction of the discussion- corresponds, broadly speaking, to the organization of the work in the introductionary course in banking in the school of business of Columbia university." The student- Is directed to the current organization, and busi ness practice of commercial banks. What is taught, it Is stated, embodies material which has for some years past been in nse in the school- of business of Columbia university in the form of mimeographed notes. Contents are: Exchange The ex change of goods, credit and banking, credit instruments, and the field of banking. Commercial banking: Bank organization and administration; bank operation; depositor and his bank; financing the business man; bank portfolios; reserves; the bank state ment; rates of interest and discount; banking" cost; public regulation of banking; interbank relations; foreign exchange; financing foreign trade, and, banking methods In foreign countries. Non-commercial banking: The investment bank; savings insti tutions; trust companies. The bank ing system: Types of banking sys tems; banking abroad; evolution of the American banking system; organs ization of the federal reserve system; the federal reserve system its opera tion; government and banking; prices, money and banking; and, economic significance of banking. List of appendices: Definitions of credit; operations . of commercial banks; commercial and investment banking; limitations on loans by - National banks; interbank loans; New York call money market; statements of foreign banks; questions and answers relating to membership of state in stitutions in the federal reserve sys tem; and selected list of collateral reading. Lessons on Tuberculosis and Consumption, by Charles 1, Atkinson, M. L. Funk & Wagnals Co., New York City. A book on prevention of the "white plague," and a powerful weapon in print to teach sufferers how to fight etfectively that disease. It is cheer ful and buoyant in tone and advice. It shows how to select a competent physician, with reasons for following carefully his orders or instructions; how to avoid costly mistakes in treat ment; how to detect sure signs for recovery and what to do to secure this end. . Written in common sense lan guage, the book appeals to educated and non-edjucated readers, and is a llamp along a dark rbad of fear or aouot. it instructs- now to aeiect or to ward off infection. It is stated according to official returns, that tuberculosis averages one vlcttim in each family and that roughly 90 per cent or nine out of every ten persons contract it in gome degree during life. The big ray of comfort is in the fact that so large a percentage of such cases is curable under proper treatment. It is em phatically a book for tine home, for isolated cases far out in country dis triota and away from hospitals and sanitariums. It teaches the sufferer to be the director of his own future, if he will accept wise guidance. Pages are 470 with 21 illustrations. This is one of the rare books that goea Into cpmprehensive detail on each and every phase of the subject on which the average man and wo man desires- dependable answers. Charles E. Atkinson, M. D., was re cently medical director of the Sey mour sanatorium for diseases of the throat and lungs, Banning, CaL; for merly member of the resident medical staff at the Pottenger sanatorium for diseases of the throat and lungs, Mon rovia, CaL; previously attending phy sician and instructor in the medical clinic of the Graves Memorial dis pensary, Los Angeles medical depart ment of the University of California; member of the National Tuberculosis association; fellow of the American Medical association, etc. The Mystery Girl, by Carolyn Wells. J. B. Llpplncott Co., Philadelphia. Finely constructed and written, this mystery novel of a New England col lege town will add to Carolyn Wells' large circle of appreciative readers and delight those who already know "of her. Miss Anita Austin, posing as an art student, arrives from New York at Corinth and is shy when asked as to her identity and past. When she first sees John Waring, president-elect of Corinth college, she gives a start of surprise. In chapter- five we read that Waring, who was about to marry Mrs, Emily Bates, is found murdered. Someone had stabbed him. Who is the murderer? Of course. Miss Austin is suspected, also Marsh, private secretary to Mr. Waring. The latter had made several enemies in college, as he was sup posed to be averse to athletics. Some people suggest that Waring took his own life. Fleming Stone, famous criminolo gist, and his assistant, Fibsy, arrive at Corinth and the murder investiga tion assumes a new angle. Light Weights, by Manta S. Graham. CornihiU Publishing company, Boston. Five plays that show good ability and are worth reeognitlon: "The Goose," society people; "The Trend," factory and social scenes; "Two's Company," middle class "homey" folks; "A By-Product," war scenes back of the American sector in France during 1918, and. "Allied Oc. cupations," middle western folks, with lively action from six charac ters. The Lullaby Bosk, compiled by Annie Blanehe Shelby. Duffield ft Co., New York City. "The Lullaby Book; or Mothers' Love Songs," is a charming book of poems that is a treat. . In 181 pages, Miss Shelby of this city, presents . more than 120 poems which she has selected from the works of accepted or famous poets pcem or lullabies which a mother van sing to her babies, Sueh a book Is rare. So many such books contain to mature poetry, This- one 4s just St; Joseph Macoueen. Carolyn Wells, anthor of 'The Mystery Girl," a detective story. right with lullabies that are "intt niate, tender, dainty and caressing." "A white-robed child in his mother's arms, her fair young face with the lovelight upon It shining down upon his own," writes Miss Shelby, "the flickering firelight, the fitful shadows; the stillness, broken only by the low, sweet tones of the soft lullaby and it may be the gentle purring of the kitten upon the hearth 'of all the beautiful pictures which hang on memory's hair this stands out by far as the tenderest and most beautiful." , The book is a splendid one, and Portland people especially will feel a tender interest in the love message it conveys, and wish it success. It is meant for the home with or without children. Childless homes have" to be Influenced toward the gospel of adop tion, -.i Mohawk Peter and Other Stories, by Henry ' - uorr. illustrate. Tne Cornfcill Pub lishing Co., Boston. Nineteen short stories, orieinal. strong and worth reading. They re- riect American Indians, South Africa and scenes and people in the civil war. Major Dorr is well known as a writer of stories to New England read ers or an older generation. He took the first opportunity of his youth to voyage abroad in one of the famous THE LITERARY PERISCOPE.1 BY JENNETTE ' KENNEDY. Assistant in the Circulation Department, Public Library. AM is NEW novel from the pen of Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett usually awaited with inter est by her wide circle of readers. The publication uate of her latest, "The Head of the House of Coombe," has been advanced to February 10. The publishers describe it as "the most beautiful and absorbing love story that Mrs. Burnett has ever written." Colonel. Repington's' new book, "After the War," is announced for nn-hltcarion March 3. It is described I as a picture of the world today in such centers of interest as ionaan, Paris, Rome, Athens, Prague. Vienna. Budapest, Bucharest, Berlin, Sofia, Coblenz, New York and Washington. This continuation of his famous diary is based on visits to the capitals or the world, talks with statesmen and men of affairs, and enlivened with the gossip and anecdotes which gave the human touch to his memoirs. "After the War" concludes with an account of -the. Washington confer ence; a description or tne American scene of today and of some of our representative men. Colonel Repington's American lec ture tour starts in February, so the opinions of the brilliant Englishman 'should have a very wide circulation in the next few months. A noteworthy two-volume work from the Harvard University press is Chandler Rothfon Post's "History of European and American Sculp ture." It is rather In the form of a manual dealing with the various periods from early Christian sculp ture to modern Eculpture and is fullyl illustrated. A witness in the Showditch county court said he had a "cushy job" for three months in one of the libraries of the Hackney council, an English journal relates. All he-had to do was to call "Silence!" in stentorian tones when there was any noise. He was paid four pounds a week. A romance set in a Mediterranean state, called Trinacria, Is F. Brett Young's new novel, "The Red Knight," full of stirring adventure, and written with the beauty and poetry which has characterized his other novels, "Undergrowth," "The Tragic Bride," etc. , The Autobiography ot an Indian Princess," by 'Sunity Devee, maharanl of Cooch Behar, is a record of interest for various reasons. The maharani's husband is said to have been a well known member of King Edward's set, and the maharanl herself the first wife of ' an Indian ruling chief to have an acknowledged place in Lon don. Also the fact that her girlhood In Calcutta is described adds value to the memoir. No animal In the wilds will attack a man unless It is starving or crazed, is the theory of Enos Mills, who proves his belief by walking unarmed through the mountains and forests, carrying only his camera. Mr. Mills is a nature guide and author who has written several works on mountain eering. His newest work, "Watched by Wild Animals," is a study of wild life at close range. Chipmunks, big horn rams, grizzly bears, mountain lions all have been studied, but Mr( Mills demonstrates that these crea tures are very intent on watching you when you enter the forests to "observe" wild life. Edna Ferber, author of "The Girls," the McChesney stories and other nov els of American life, recently gave a reading by wireless from one of her own stories, to a group of owners and operators of amateur wireless stations which are equipped with a radio-phone receiving apparatus. Miss Ferber is one of the first authors to address so large an audience through this novel medium. Some painstaking observer has re-, marked the imprint ef Rudyard Kip ling on American life through the discovery ef eight postoffices from Saskatchewan to Louisiana bearing his name. . Don MaHtiuis has just published a collection of songs and satires under the title p "Poema and Portraits," clipper merchant ships of Boston bound for China. Disaster at sea brought him into port in South Africa and a group of these stories relate some of the experiences of his two years sojourn there. Later the civil war offered him ad venture and a career in the Union army, with its active engagements, and finally capture and imprisonment in southern prisons. Historically these adventures form the most interesting portion of the book. In after life another form of liter ary interest occupied Major Dorr, when, on his Adirondack, N. Y., prop erty, he collected from an Indian of a famous line, Mohawk Peter, the tales of the latter's people in the days of the French and Indian wars and the revolution on the shores 'of the moun tain lake, Massawepie. An Ordeal of Honor, by Anthony Ryfle. Robert M. McBride & Co., Aew York City; Written in the best style ofNhe English mystery novel of our day, "An Ordeal of Honor" will find plenty of grateful readers who, are in search of entertainment. Sir Charles Auburn, rich, and a landed proprietor, cruel and bad, has a son named Charles Junior. The father is often drunk and his specialty is to strike and beat women. Hisson, tells Sir Charles of his desire to marry Dodo and the two men quarrel over it. Sir Charles is found murdered and his 'son is arrested as the murderer, al though he protests his innocence. The son is sentenced to Dartmoor prison and harmful prison life is described, with cruelties laid bare. Whether the son is guilty or inno cent of his father's death makes up the mystery. A bit of light: He knows who the murderer is, but loyalty to her keeps him silent. Tbe Beeinninjc of Wisdom, by Stephen Vin cent Bend. Henry Holt &. Co., New York City. Philip Sellaby Jr. is the hero of this clever, sparkling and slangy novel. The latter begins with PWillp's birth in California and pictures the humor ous surroundings of his rearing, the vitality of his years at Yale, his pic turesque adventures in Arizona, his days in the army and, above all, the tender scenes of his young love. This first novel by a young poet has had the odd good fortune of being much discussed in New York literary circles before it appeared anywhere in print. It had also the further dis tinction of appearing serially in part in The Bookman. Only in book publica tion, however, is the full story given '"The Beginning of Wisdom" will provoke criticism, discussion and amused laughter. Some phrases will be objected to. The poems are delicate, sensitive, haunting. The second halt of the book is caned "Savage Portraits,' and characterizes in ironical vein our well-known petty meannesses and the little vices which abound in this very numan world. A study of life in the Califernia picture studios has been made the theme of Harry Leon Wilson's forth coming novel, "Merton of the Movies.' The late Viscount Bryce, who bore the distinction of being one of the most foremost scholars of politics and government in the world, was honored by degrees from more than 31) universities In his lifetime. 'Back to Methuselah," George Ber nard Shaw's bulky play, is being pro duced at the Garrick theater this month under the auspices of the theater guild. This is the first pro- cuction on any stage of this drama. and it will require three nights for presentation, owing to its length and tne diinculty of "boiling it down." It is reported from Paris by the director of the American library there that in 1921 only 11 translations of American books were added to the municipal libraries. These included Woodrow Wilson's "History of the American People, Francis Grler son's "Valley of Shadows," Koch's nooks in the War," Emerson's "Es says," stories by Edgar Allen Poe, Bret Harte, O. Henry, Jack London, James Oliver Curwood and Edith Wharton's "Age of Innocence." "Munsey'sl" by some strange chance, was the only magazine in the list. Let us hope that Margaret Breun ing has produced a kindlier wife in "You Know Charles" than May Sin clair revealed in the character of "Fanny," the humorous wife of "Mr. Waddington of Wyck." Joseph Hergeshelmer'a new novel, "Cytherea," has been characterized by a "Bookman" reviewer as a novel "in somewhat the manner of Mr, Gals worthy at his worst" and a "curious combination of super-Robert W. Chambers and underdone Freud." It can hardly be worth reading. It is reported, that at a recent Grid iron dinner in Washington the toast master announced that the author of "Mirrors of Washington" was pres ent and would he please stand up. Twenty men promptly rose to their feet. Witter Bynner, the poet, has re cently returned from China., where he was engaged in translation for a year. "Three Hundred Pearls of the T'ang Dynasty" were the poems he trans lated. UllTPUIWCnM'C GREAT lIWi UHlllOUIl l NOVEL If Winter Comes 305th Thousand $2J00 LITTLE, BROWN' & CO Publishers. Standard Text Book sn Bridge AUCTION METHODS Br MILTON C. WORK ill lUMTiuiuaiiM auiuwruy Contain advice which will Improve your game. Cloth; S2 pares: Price 92.00. Juit Isiaed by Same Author AUCTION FOR TWO or THREE Bst method for ulaylnr 3 or S-hanfld ssm.a. Cloth; 2!X paces: Price S1.50. On Sale st Booksellers ssd Stationers THE JOKN C.WLNSTON CO.,PhUadelphl ftooks procured I reviewed onxms Ph GUVS E" Grows Thick, Heavy Hair 35-cent Bottle Ends all Dandruff, Stops Hair Coming Out Ten minutes after using Danderlne you cannot find a single trace oO dandruff or falling hair and your; scalp will not itch, but what wlU please you most will be after a few; weeks use, when you see new halr fine and downy at first yes .but really new hair growing all over the scalp, Danderlne is to the hair what) fresh showers of rain and sunshine, are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them, helping the hair to grow long, strong and luxuriant. One application; of Danderlne makes thin, lifeless, col orless hair look youthfully bright, lustrous and just tif ice as abundant Adv. "Gets-It" Painless Corn Remover This Corn Remedy Is Guaranteed No matter how tough or how stub-J born It may have been; the corn or callus that is touched with a few drops of "Gets-It" is doomed to a quick, easy, sure and painless eno. Never again can it pain you. Soon you are holding In your fingers its entire remains a 6ingle piece of dead, shriveled skin that you throw away forever. Hard corns, eof t corns, any corn. Costs but a trifle and guaranteed. Try it. E. Lawrence & Co., Mfr., Chi cago. Sold in Portland by Owl Druff Co.: 21 stores on the Pacific coast. iAdv. I CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Take a glass of Salts if you? Back Hurts or Bladder bothers. ' If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority Who tells us thax meat forms uric acid, which almost para lyses the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery In the kidney re gion, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatio twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To neutralize these lritating acids, to eleanse the kidneys and flush- off the body's urinous waste, get four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar macy here; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure, and makes a delightful effer vescent llthla-water drink. Adv. t OLD-TIME Ci)LD 1 QURE-DRINK TEA Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoon of this hamburg tea, put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacupful at any time. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores, relieving conges tion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It li Inexpensive and entirely vege table, therefore harmlc-. Adv. j y I M :.:-:;-.:-.'.-:-n. k v 2 W , a I Jk V ' 7 !ff 1 f3S & '. . CORNS