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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1922)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 19, 1922 J. K. GILL TO BUILD SUM STRUCTURE OLD PORTLAND CONCERN TO BUILD IMMEDIATELY NEW EIGHT-STORY STRUCTURES AT FIFTH N AND STARK STREETS. T 1ST GIVE IN HOME CONSTRUCTION AND SELLING CONTINUE TO BE FACTOR IN REALTY MARKET QTICE OF 1IG Completion by November 15 Is Expected. Written Statement 20Days Ahead Is Required. PLANS ARE IN PROGRESS LAW PASSED IN 1921 CITED New l'roperty (o lie Occupied by ISook Concerns Will Itequirc Sev eral Companies to Move. Failure to Leave on Specified Date Incurs New Liability for Month's RcntN TEH ACTIVITY An eight-story reinforced concrete building, costing in the neighlwrhood of $IiOU,0(iO, is to be erected this year on property at the southeast corner of Fifth and Stark streets, by the J. K. Gill company, affording to an nouncement made last week by Will iam A. Montgomery, vice-prosident and general manager of that concern. The property, which will be occupied entirely by the bock concern,, when completed, -will represent a valine, in cluding land, building and equipment, in the neighborhood of ?600,00O. According to present plans tli work of razing the three-story and one story structures now on the 100x100 site of the proposed building will be started about the middle of next month. It is hoped to break ground for the new building within the next to days. nana Under Way. The entire building will be de signed especially to meet the needs of the J. K. Gill company's wholesale and retail business. Particular at tention will be paid to strength and light. It is expected to . have the structure completed by Novem-ier 15 of this year. Plans for the structure are being prepared by Sutton & Whitney, local architects, and the contract for construction work has been let to "W. F. Dinwiddle. In June of 1020 the J. K. Gill com pany took a long-time lease on the property at Fifth and Stark streets belonging to the King estate. How ever, recently arrangements have been made to purchase. The location was chosen after over a year of in vestigation for a site best adapted to the needs of a business of the nature of the book concern. . William A. Montgomery represented the J. K. Gill company and Alex O. Eae, secretary of the King estate, represented the owners in the nego tiations looking to the purchase. HUtory Is Increntins. Joseph K. Gill, the founder of the firm of J. K. Gill & Co., was born in Yorkshire, England, and came to the United States in 1S54. The family be came established at Worcester, Mass where "Joe" Gill was a student in the public schools, cotton mill employe, machinist and anything to help his parents and himself. , His little cap ital, hoarded by greatest diligence and economy, sufficed to furnish him an academic course in the famous old academy at Wilbraham, Mass. In 18fifj a position on the faculty of Wil lamette university at' Salem was of fered to him and accepted. Business ottered a more inviting future ad a year later, In 1S67, Mr. Gill opened a book and stationery store in Salem, giving special attention to the sup plying of educational books. In 1870, W. S. Ladd and H. WvCor bitt, while attending the state fair at Salem, suggested that Mr. Gill come to Portland and open a store there. v f In 1ST1 Mr. Gill moved to Portland and formed a partnership with George A. Steel, and began business under the name of Gill & Steel. They pur chased the business of Harris & Hol man, taking their stock and location on Front street, near Washington. Company Large Distributor. Later Mr. Steel retired from the firm and the business continued under the name of J. K. Gill & Co. The company occupied successively tlte Holmes building on First street, Between Washington and Stark streets, and the Union block, before moving to its present Jocation at Third and Alder streets. ' The company has grown until it s declared to bo the largest distributor of books in the Pacific northwest or any city of the size of Portland in the United States. . Officers are Joseph K. Gill, presi dent; William A. Montgomery, vice president and general manager, and John Gill, secretary. ' Concerns which will be compelled to move from their present location as a result of the plans for razing the buildings now located .a the south east corner of Fifth and Stark streets include: Sealy-Drsser company. Clark, Kendall & Co., Arthur Leonard, cigar dealer, the Smith McCoy Elec tric company, Harry Beckwith, real tor, and Foley & Van Dyke. The last mentioned firm has annonuced its in tention of retiring from business. The Smith-McCoy store will be moved to 264 Alder street. COLLEGE TO BECOME HOTEL Structure at Park and Yamhill Is '". Being Remodeled. One of the steps in the development of the newer business section of the city was completed last week in the remodeling of the building on the cor ner of Park and Yamhill streets for merly used by the Pacific Chiropractic college. The interior of the structure was completely changed, the building neing fitted with store rooms on the pround floor and the upper floors be ing arranged for operation as a hotel to be known as the Hotel Beverly. A portion of the ground floor will also be used as a hotel lobby. The hotel is to be operated by W. B. McN'air, recent arrival from Detroit, Mich., who has taken a lease on the entire building for a term of years from Wakefield, Fries & Co. - The hotel will have 31 rooms and will be modern in every respect. Mr. WcNair announced. He also announced that he was fitting it up with new fixtures entirely. Mr. McNair said he decided to set tle in Portland after making an in vestigation of all the cities of the Pa cific coast. He expressed the belief that this city has the biggest future of all. He was engaged in the hotel busi ness in the east for some time previ ous to coming here. , HOMES WILL BE FINANCED Bricklayers - Launch Plan to Aid and Reduce Building Costs. A scheme to raise $1,000,000 to aid In financing home builders through out the country is being worked out by the brick industry, according to an f. nnouncement made by the Common fcPrick Manufacturers' association of America, with headquarters at Cleve land, O. At the same time the, asso ciation Is pushing a new and econom ical method of bricklaying, known as the ideal wall, by means of which a lrick home can be built more cheaply. "Under the new financial scheme," -it is announced by Ralph. P, Stoddard, i ji jj J R 'jpij iy i? ABtrM i'rlSff J3L1 1' Above building to be erected by J. K. Gill company. Below First location of book concern on Front street, near Wanhinston. Insert Joseph K. Gill, founder and president of company. . secretary of the brick manufacturers' association, "any responsible, head of a family of good character who de sires to own his home will be aided from a central $1,000,000 fund sub scribed by the industry. Each loan must be approved by the' local brick manufacturer and by "a responsible local bank or fiuilding and loan asso ciation, which latter will have the actual handling of the money." Mr. Stoddard also announced that a new trowel has been introduced to further cut Ijrick work cost. - "It looks much like a grocer's old fashioned sugar scoop and is filled with mortar in the same way," he said. "Turned upside down,, it is quickly drawn along several feet of the wall, while another man rapidly lays the next course of brick.". , MILWAUKIE BUILDIXG HOMES Campaign Promises to Increase In Spring and Summer. A substantial home-biilding cam paign is now in progress in Milwau kie, with prospect of increasing, ac tivities during the spring and sum mer. About a dozen new homes are to arise on East Milwaukie and sev eral in the older part of the town. Fred pirkemeier has sold a large dwelling and one acre of land on Monroe street to the Murphy broth ers, newcomers from St. Louis, Mo., one of whom is an attorney and the other a physician, .and Mr. Birke nieier is planning, to btllld a-. new home for himself near Island 'Station. William Newman has purchased an acre tract at Monroe and Patton streets from Mrs. George Hartness, and will erect a fine, mddern home there. Plans have been prepared by John Miller, secretary of the East Side Mill company, for two new resi dence buildings at Harrison and Twenty-third streets, and . various other new buildings are beitig planned. : "V -' . EXHIBITORS BEING ' SIGNED Home Beautiful Exposition tto Be ' April S to 8. Signing up of exhibitors in the Heme BeautifulV exposition to be held in the public auditorium April 3 to 8 is going forward rapidly now, and present indications are that the space will be taken up now within the next few woeks.- John H. Mariels, chairman of the board's committee in charge of that work, announced that a -number of members of - the board are now in the field calling up various firms and giving them the opoprtunityvto sign up for space.. It was announced that practically all the firms who had exhibits last year have signified their intention of taking space ' again. In addition, many other concerns are anxious to participate. Numerous essays on "How and Why I Bought My Hoie" are being re ceived at the Realty ooard headquar ters in the contest which is being conducted in connection with the proposed exhibition. A first prize of $50 and other prizes of $25, $15, $10 and $5 are' being offered. America Takes European Honors. TORONTO, Ont. Advices received from London state that at the impe rial fruit show, British Columbia took six gold medals, Ontario four. Nova Scotia two and New Brunswick two. In addition, British Columbia captured eight silver medals and three bronze medals; N Ontario five silver medals; Nova Scotia one silver and one bronze medal, and New Brunswick two broote medals. HOTEL LEASED FIVE YEARS FOl'R- - STOK V STRUCT I KE HILLCRESI IS TAKEN. M. F. Goodwin, Portland Apart- nient House Man, Arranges j to Handle Property. Th-e four-story Hillcrest hotel buikling at the northwest corner of Lucretia and Washington streets was leased for a five-year term, begin ning in .November, by M. L. Goodwin, Fortland apartmenj, house man, ac cording to an announcement made last week by B. L. Metzger of the Metzger-Parker company, who negotiated- the deal. The property is owned by John R. Kaseburg. The building is of brick and con crete and covers a ground, floor space of 75 by 100 feet. There are five stores downstairsand the three up per -floors are dev'oted' to the hotel which has 60 modern rooms. Mr. Goodwin; who was formerly proprietor of the King Hill and Cecile court apartment houses, announced that he planned to completely reno vate and redecorate the building. The amount involved in the deal was not given ant although it is understood to be in the neighborhood of $50,000. Mr. Metzger also said the demand for small stores has kept up. He an nounced the lease of the Baltimore restaurant for a five-year period, at 259 Burnside street, the property be ing owned by Roy Marx and Cora M. Garde. The store room at 242 Washington street also has been. rented to the Shoe Repair Shop, , AMERICAN COMPANY EXPANDS Plant of Oregon Wood Distilling Concern Taken , Over. The American Box & Crate Manu facturing company which has, been operating for -a number of years at Twenty-ninth and Nicolai streets, had taken over the plant. -of the- Oregon Wood Distilling company pd four acres of ground Just south o;fUnnton and will begin operations immediate ly at the new location, it w,as an nounced last week. It was declared that arrangements had been made for buying the Linnton location, and $40,000 worth of new machinery are being installed. The deal for the Linnton property, which was owned by H. C. Campbell and C. F. Swigert, was negotiated by R. F. Bryan. - , The new location will give the box company a capacity of 40.000 feet which will be increasd later to 60,000. Approximately 75 men will be employed. It was said that a veneer plant might also be established. The company started a few years ago with a capacity of about 2000 feet. ,' ' - - The price of the Linnton property was not mad public. Housing Project Abandoned. The efforts of the British-govern ment to help the housing situation in England have resulted in failure and abandonment of the project, owing to the great cost of the undertaking, according to an article appearing in S. W. Straus & Co.'s Investment maga zine. "While the activities resulted in the construction of 70.000 houses and' wiU result, eventually - in" tie building o.f 165,000, it was found that the cost was running so high and was placing such a burden on the people in increased rents and taxation that the scheme, which originally provid ed for the constructiin of 500,000 houses, was given up," said the mag azine. ALTERATIONS AltE TO BE MADE Work to Be Started on Broadway and Morrison Corner. Work will be started immediately on alteration of the building at the southwest corner of Broadway &nd Morrison street to prepare for occu pancy by the Phil Harris & Co.'s women's apparel store, it was an nounced last week. The store, it was declared, will be one of the finest specialty shops in the country. Mr. Harris has been in New York for the last six weeks, en gaged in buying for the new store. The store will consist of three floors. On the main floor will be the women's hosiery, blouse, silk un derwear and glove departments. The second floor will be devoted to millinery and the third floor to cloaks, suits and gloves. Mr. Harris formerly was manager and buyer for the Famous of this city. . About $40,000 will be expended in the new store, it Was announced. BUILDING 3IEX TO GATHER Activities and Matters of Interest to Be Discussed Tomorrow Nigbt. Talks pertaining to biiildiner activ ities and other matters of interest to building men will feature the Feb ruary meeting of the Association of Building and Construction to be held iri the rooms of the Architectural club, 247 k Stark street, tomorrow night at 7:30. In addition to the addresses there will be a musical programme. - ' ' The state bonus law will be dis cussed by A. CS,. Spencer, and H. C. Brumbaugh, secretary of the state aid commission. H. E. Phimmer building inspector, and A. L. Barbur, commissioner of public works, will lead a discussion on building inspec- Liun ana now to promote Its efficiency.- W. G. Purcell will give , a hort illustrated talk. No lunch will, be served at this meeting. All interested In building oonstructicn are urged to attend. PORTLAND ENGINEERS WIN Doty & Dorris to Prepare Plans for New Centralia Park. - The city authorities of Centralia. Wash.; have given to the firm of Doty & Dorris, Portland landscape engineers, the job of preparing plans for the proposed .development of the new city park at that place. , The park consists of 22 acres front ing on the Pacific highway and ad joining the Junction of the ChehaMs and Skookumchuck rivers. It i3 heavily timbered. A portion of it is to be laid out for use as an auto camp site. There will also be provi sion made for recreational sports of various kinds, including swimming. The historic blockhouse at Centralia also will be moved onto a new site embraced' in the park. The Oregonian publishes practically all of the want ads printed in the other three Portland papers, in ad dition to thousands of exclusive ad vertisements not printedi in ajty other paper. BY W. B. SHIVELT, ; Ohairman Lesal Committee, Portland Realty Board. Where a tenant on a month-to-month basis removes from the -rented premises without giving written no tice to the landlord of his intention to quit and terminate the tenancy, is he liable for rent subsequently accruing? Section 2528, Oregon laws, as amend ed by 1921 session laws 353, provides that where one rents lands and prem ises of another on a month-to-month basis, no termination date having been fixed by the parties, the tenancy "may only be terminated by either the landlord or the tenant giving the no tice for a period of 20 days prioivjto the expiration of any such month." All doubts existing prior to 1921 as to whether or not a tenant on. a month-to-month basis Is required to give formal notice of any intention to quit In order to be absolved from further liability for rent have been removed by the enactment'of the stat ute above quoted. The law, being re cently enacted, has not yet been passed upon by our supreme court. Language la Plain. Its language is plain and unambig uous. It has been established by stat ute in this state for decades that a landlord can only terminate a month to-month terrancy, thp rents being paid, Dy giving a formal written no tice to the tenant for a certain num ber of days prior to the expiration of the month for which the rent is paid. Prior to 1921 no similar requirement was made by statute with reference to a tenant, should he desire to ter minate the tenancy, and the right of a tenant -to remove from premises rented on a month-to-month basis, at any time, without notice and without liability for rent accruing for subse quent months, has been unchallenged in the supreme court of this state. Section 2528, however, as amended, clearly establishes the tenant's lia bility where no notice is given of an intention to quit. The statute re quires a tenant on a' month-to-month basis, if he would escape further lia bility for rent and would terminate the tenancy, togi,ve written notice to his landlord Example Is Given. Assuming that the month for which rent is paid begins on the first day of the month, the tenant, should he desire to terminate the arrangement at the end of March, for example, will be obliged to notify the landlord of such intention 20 days before the end of that month, i. e., on or- before the expiration of March 11. or, if he should desire to terminate the ten ancy during the month of April, the notice would have to be given on or before the close of April 10. If the month for which rent is paid begins, let us say, February 20 and ends March 19. 1922, then notice to ter minate the tenancy on March 19 would have, to be given February 27, 1922. Should the rental period expire on any other day of the month, the date on or before which the notice must be given can easily be computed. The day on which the notice is given must be excluded from the calculation, though the last day may be included. (Section 531 Oregon laws.) ' , The tenant's notice of such inten tion is required to be in writing (Sec tion 2543, Oregon laws). The notice will be sufficient if it is addressed to the landlord, describes the premises with reasonable certainty for identi fication and notifies the landlord of the tenant's intention to terminate the tenancy on a certain day." McClung vs. McPherson, 47 Ore. 73. 88; 81 Pac 567; 82 Pac. 13. The following form of notice would probably be legally sufficient: , JOHN SMITH (Landlord): You are hereby notified that I Intend to remove from and vacate the premises at street, Port land, Oregon, now occupied by me as your tenant on a month-to-month basis at the end of my present month, to-wit , 1922, and to terminate the tenancy on that date. HENRY JONES (Tenant). Sated , Service Method Described. It is not absolutely necessary that the notice to quit be handed to the landlord in person. The present stat ute does not prescribe any particular mode of service. Under such circum stances it is said that the service will be sufficient if the notice is left with the husband, wife or servant of the landlord at his place of residence. and where an agent has charge of the management of the landlord's business with reference to the ten ancy, service on such agent will prob ably be sufficient. 16 R. C. L. 1176 "It has been said that any manner of service will suffice if it clearly appears that the notice reached the party for whom it was intended within the time provided by the stat ute. Hence service of a notice by mail, postage prepaid, has been held sufficient." 24 Cyc. 1334. Notice, however, if given by mail, should be given so as to reach the landlord 20 full days before the time fixed for the termination of the tenancy. xne giving or sucn a notice ap parently may be waived. Wolfer vs. Hurst, 47 Ore. 156; 80 Pac. 419; 82 Pac. 20.' And if the landlord is shown to have waived the giving of notice, the tenant will not be liable for rent for the ensuing month. Unless the notice is given or the waiver of the landlord shown, the tenant will be liable under the provisions of the statute for rent for the ensuing month and thereafter until the ten ancy is legally terminated. New Liability Poaoible. If the tenant gives the required notice and then does not vacate the premises promptly at the time fixed in the notice, but holds over for one or two days in the ensuing month, the effect of the notice is destroyed and he, Will thereupon be liable for the rent as if no notice had been given; a new notice of the intention to vicate will be required before the tenant's liability is terminated..' King vs. Durkee-Atwood Co.,-J26 Minn. 452; 148 N. W. 297; L. R. A. 1915 A. 235 Park vs. Page, 41 Ore. 5.79; 69 Pac. 822; Clifford vs. Smith Meat Co., 84 Ore. 1; 163 Pac. 808. Even though the tenant holds over toy reason of sickness, he is never theless liable. For instance, a tenant was held liable for rent subsequently accruing where he remained three days after the expiration of his ten ancy, having held over because of the Illness of a boarder. Haynes vs. Al drich. 133 'N. Y. 287; 28 A. S. R. 636; 31 N. K 4. -An illustration of the strictness with which this rule is en forced - la afforded by &Uqa xs, Above Home of H. T. Humphrey, BH Hancock street, which won third prize In nation-wide iill-sliingle Iioiikc com petition. Ilelow Hungalow at 1104 Kaxt Flanders atreet, sold by David Reid to !. F. Tyler for 10,000 cash. The deal was handled by R. H. Torrey. The residence above was designed by Lawrence & Holford of this cily. The y ixe for the best designed, all- shingle house was offered by the red which was won by the Portland architects, amounted to $150. The residence shown in the lower hurst district. Weirengo, 113 Mich. 151; 67 A. S. R. 4oi; Yi M. w. 4SS. In that case a tenant had given notice of his intention to quit and had begun to remove his goods prior to the expiration of his tenancy when he was taken sick and died five davs thereafter. His clerks completed the . removal of his goods a few days after the termination date fixed in the notice tft nilit hut- npvprthplpss thp court held that the tenant, having ie:d over, was liable for rents which subsequently accrued notwithstand ng the circumstances under which the holding over occurred. NEW COMPANIES FORMED Articles of Incorporation Filed at Olynipla. OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 18. Arti cles of incorporation filed with the secretary of state include the fol lowing: American Mortgage Company of Scot land, Limited, Edinburgh, Scotland, 250, 000. Notice of withdrawal. Gorman & Co Seattle. $15,000. John H. Gorman Rust, trustee, and W. W. Stoll to act as agent or broker. Riehl & Russell, Inc., Tacoma, $10,000. L. C. Riehl, George Russell and A. D. Gendron, to deal in lands tenements. Washington Woolen Mills company, Se attle. $250,000. . E. G. Hammer and N. O'Neill. , Silver - Hill Mining company, $130,000. Changing place of business from Spokane to Tacoma. Auburn Alaska Gold company. Auburn, tl.00O.0O0. Fir and Cedar Lumber company, Castle Rock. Cowlitz county. $10,000. F. De Wayne Sprague and Henry A. Sprague. Crosby Marine corporation. Seattle, $.-l,000. R. W, Crosby, G, A. Farris and W. E. Harned. Great Western Smelting and Refining company,. Portland, Me. $3,000,000 with drawal. Woods Tomei Paving and "Construction company, Port Angelus, Wash., $50,000. P. J. Woods. S. E. Woods and J. Tomei. North Fork White Pine company, Spo kane, $40,000. William P. Hopkins, Lloyd E. Gandy and S. W. O'Brien. Toke Point Oyster company, South Bend Wash.. $500,000. Fred Eichiier, Robert Anderson, both residents of Pacific county and F. I. Buckley of Portland, Or. John Weist, Inc., Seattle, $1000. John Welst and H. C. Huse, general real estate agency. Washington Bakeries corporation. Seat tle, $SO0,00O. Moritz Thomsen. G. E. Ras musSsen. Harry Mosler, D. E. Skinner and G. W. Skinner. State Fuel company, Seattle. $12,000. Camp Lewis Service & Garage company. Green Park, Camp Lewis, Wash. $20,000. Rogers Hunter Company, Inc., Seattle, $109,000. Amendment changing name to Hairbak Company, Inc. Snohomish Agency, Inc., Snohomish, Wrah., $15,000. Sherman W. Bushnell, Homer H. Hodge and J. A. Lundberg, to buy and sell Ford cars, trucks, tractors, parts, supplies, etc. Ruff Hardware and Implement company, Ruff, Grant county, Wash., $23,000. Roy Swlgart. C. J. Egbert and A. H. Carr. Pangborn-Llttle Shingle company. Min eral, Lewis county, Wash., $6000. Charles A. Pangborn, Elmer R. Little and Henry V. Little. The Williams Reindeer company, Seat tle. $200,000. . Alex M. Capewell and Charles Ferring, deals in reindeer, rein deer meat. r , Jordan-Lawler' company, -Spokane. In creasing capital stock from $10,000 to $i!5,noo. Milk Transportation company, Seattle, $10,000. C. B, Ruffcorn and L. G. White man. Sound Service Stations. Inc., Tacoma, $500,000. Morton Gregory. A. E. Braden, D. H. Rowan, R, P. Fulkerson, U. E. Har mon. Sound Sales company.- Tacoma, $5000. D. H. Rowan, R. P. Fulkerson and Lee P. Hill. i CrockeiVPearce Goal company. Seattle, $100,000. Roy G. Crocker, W. E. Pcarce and F. W. Dewart. . Uniontown Investment company. Union town, Wash., $30,000.' Charles A. Button Walter A. Burg, W. H. Oyler and M. S. Je-mar. Jerusalem, was once entirely de serted for a period of 70 years. A silkworm in its brief lifetime gpiaa about 1000 yards of thread. cedar shingle manufacturers of the United S-.att-s and Canada. The third prize. picture is one of the most attractive SE LOT ACQUISITION" AT XEWBKIMi CLVDES BCILDIXCS. Plant to Handle Fruit of District. Increased Tonnage Kxpecled by Association. This Year. The Oregon Growers' Co-operative association has purchased the lot and buildings in Newberg owned by the j White Sox Orchard company and for- merly owned by the Xewberg Sash & Door company. The lot is 200 by 150 feet, fronting on Main street, which is paved. There are three buildings located on the lot, two of which are constructed of cement blocks. The main building iS.40 by 80 feet, two stories high and equipped with an electric elevator. An office building is located adjacent to the main build ing. There is also a large shed of wooden construction located on the lot which is suitable for apple pack ing. The main building is favorably connected with the main line of the Southern Pacific company by a spur which will accommodate two cars. The plant will be given over to the handling of the fruit in the Xewberg district. The association has a mem bership nearly double that of Decem ber last. With this new acreage l' is expected that a great increase ii. tonnage will be handled this year. The association last season cared for 125 tons of berries mostly logans and blackcaps; 100 tons of cherries, mostly Royal Anne'; 230 tons of prunes and several tons each of pears, apples and walnuts. BAR MEETING THIS MONTH Conference on Legal Education to Be Held in AVashington Feb. 23. WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 With the main idea in view of improving edu cational standards in the profession, fhe conference on legal education, au thorized at the last meeting of the American Bar association, will be held here on February 23 and 24, and Judg ing from the character of the men in charee, of the - occasion will be of memorable importance. The conference on legal education was authorized in order to secure the co-operation of the state and local bar associations and to formulate plans for the furtherance of the plan to improve educational standards. The standards were adopted by the American Bar association at Cincin nati last summer and consist of these resolutions: 1. The American Bar association is of ARMSTRONG'S LINOLE UMS AND CORK TILINGS for Residences, Public Build ings, Offices and Churches Moderate in Cost ' Easy to Maintain WE FURNISH BOTH MA TERIAL AND LABOR. CORK FLOOR PRODUCTS CO. Broadway i at Taylor Street seven - room bungalows in the Laurel- ''.( r,p:iiion that every candidate for ad lisn to the bar should give evidence ot M,utf;on from a law- school complying 'v:i -. ihe following standards: U shall require as a condition of ad f - t . at least two years of study in a It R'.'al! require its students to pursue , ,iir: t.f thr? years" duration If they '.i t f-iihstiintially all of their working ;me u liioir studies, and a longer course. -quivur.t lo the number of working iou-s. if thpy dovole only part of their working time to their studies. e. It shall provide an adequate library available tor the use of the students. d. It shall have among its teachers a sufficient number giving their entire time to the school to insure actual personal acquaintance and influence with the whole student body. City to Danish Slingshot. ONTARIO, Cal The slingshot "must go." it has been ruled by city offi cials, who declared the ancient toy weapon in the hands of small boys, is responsible for too many broken elec tric light elnbes. IT 'S AG-REED THAT OUR SPEED- iS A FRIEND INDEED I OU'LL know that our speed is a good friend of yours when you are in need of a plumber to fix up a leaky pipe or do some other repair work. At such a time you will con sider it quite fortunate that you remember Phone East 2954. We would like to be of service to you. ALASKA PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. 363 Morrison Street FURNACE We have the Richardson-Boyn-ton Furnaces both the pipeless and the regular kind. We are ex perts on heating and ventilating. We will give you the benefit of our forty years' experience in this line. It will save you future trouble and expense by installing the right furnace in the right way. J. G. Bayer Furnace . Company 204 MARKET ST. 3E4VER BOARD! FOR BETTER WALLS AND CEILINGS RASMLSSEN & CO. N. . Cor, Second and Taylor Sta, jd : EAVUt