THE SUNDAY OREGONIAJf, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 19, 1932 sweet sultans, sometimes called' royal sweet sultans? This is one of the , centaurea and I think the most sat- ! isfactory of them all. They are hand- ) GERMAN BAPTISTS TO OPEN NEW HOME FOR OLD FOLKS Reconstruction of Building at East Eighty-second and Oregon Streets Is Completed; Furnishings Installed. some and sweet scented, the flower ! being thistle-like, or you might say an enlarged bachelor button, but it comes in various colors. Red, purple, lavender and white ar the positive colors, but many of them come in bi-colors, that is having two or more shades. For cutting purposes they are most satisfactory as they will with care last & week. The seed can be purchased at any seed store and sowed early in'the open ground and the plants thinned out to 18 inches on center, 1 as they grow three feet high. 4V i (CJ Tf TOPOF BED nr.- 1 TOO SHALLOW AND SET WRONG ."ROOTS NOT SPREAD OKJT. toodexp , Oust right with roots 5P?CAD OUT. BY A. GARDEN GROWER. TO THOSE who are about to plant roses this spring or in fact any time my first advice would be to see that you have proper drain age. Possibly no plant resents wet feet as much as the rose and I feel quite confident that if a thorough in vestigation were made it would be found tfhat a great many of the rose plots of Portland are suffering from improper drainage. Some sections of ths city, like Rose City Park, Alameda, "Westover Ter race and the heights back of the city cither have a soil that affords natural drainage or there is sufficient grade to the lot to carry off the surplus water, but in Irvington, Southeast Portland and 0th sections where the underlying soil is not sandy or gravel ly or the ground is generally level and does not have natural drainage, arrangements- should be made for taking care of the surplus water when you set out your plants. The best drainage is, of course, a regularly laid out and carefully stud led eystem of tiles, but this usually is too expensive for the average house owner, therefore the next best thing to do is to dig the trench in which you are going to plant your roses six inches deeper than you contemplated and, fill this six inches with gravel, etones or broken bricks and this will take care of the greater part of your drainage problem, probably, in fact, will solve the whole trouble. Tbu will find that every writer on the sub ject of rose culture and also all the expert growers of Portland insist that drainage probably is the greatest problem to solve. Therefore, having told how that can be done, we will proceed with the planting. Deep Trenching: Pays. For years many of the best grow ers have advocated the deep trench ing method of planting roses and it is no doubt good, for we have had ex cellent results from it, but the aver age amateur gardener, unless he is an enthusiast, will not go to the trouble and expense of deep trench ing, that is. dissina three feet riepn and building up the soil To help the I man who does not want to do all this ' work Rev. S. S. Sulliger of Kent, Wash., for several years has been conducting experiments in rose grow ing which involve less labor than the methods usually advocated. Jr. Sulliger has been a rose grower for more than a quarter of a century and when stationed at Vancouver, Wash., his rose garden was as well known to Portland growers as his present garden at Kent is to the growers of Seattle and Tacoma. For more than 15 years Dr. Sulliger has been a Judge at the Portland rose enow and annually he has been one of the judges of the new roses in the international rose test garden in Washington park since it was es tablished, therefore anything that Dr. Sulliger has to say regarding rose growing is worthy of notice. In a recent issue of "Portland Roses," which is the official magazine of the Portland Rose society. Dr. Sulliger wrote: "If you have ordinary garden soil snd will properly plant 2-year-old field-grown rose bushes, where they will have sunshine and air you will have roses galore. Every gardener should have a compost pile made by alternating layers of turiied-up sod and cow manure and if allowed to stand for two years it will give you the right kind of material in which to plant roses. , BuKhes Require Pruning. "If you are not the fortunate pos sessor of a compost heap then make a planting soil of well rotted cow manure and soil obtained from a vanant lot from near the grass roots of good sod, mixing one part of ma nure to four parts of soil. When you receive your rose bushes from the nursery if they have not been pruned by the nurseryman cut them back to three good canes, each cane not more than eight inches long with an out pointing bud at the top of each cane. Then cut out all bruised and weak roots and then cut back all the roots until they are seven to nine Inches long. "Dig out ths soil where the rose is to be planted to the depth of one foot or more and 18 inches square. Fill this hole with the soli from the compost pile or the soil you have pre pared so that the roots of the rose will be Just deep enough to bring the knob where the rose has been budded about two inches under the level of the surface of the rose bed. Spread the roots carefully so they rest on the soil well separated from each other. Put in a couple of inches of the compost soil on top of the roots, pressing it firmly with the feet. Put on top of this a liberal quantity of bone meal, a good big two handfuls, and fill up the hole with the soil to a little above the level of the sur rounding ground. Put no liquid and but llttl.e fertilizer on these bushes the first year. The next year and the succeeding year use plenty of fer tilizer. Under Fertilizing Waste." "In planting roses do not waste one ounce of manure under the roots of the rose bush. Why? Because the feeding roots of a rose do not go down for food. Then, in addition to this, the rains of the Pacific north west will soon carry the strength of manure so placed to a depth absolute ly useless to the rose. Put your fer tilizer on toD, simply digging it in and let the rains carry the properly diluted fertilizers to the feeding root3 of the rose. This I have tested out fully by first using only under fer tilizing; second using both "under and upper fertilizing, and third by using only upper fertilizing. , Without ex ception the upper fertilizing brings just as good results as both under and upper ana far ahead of under Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Montague at Hills fertilizing alone," I dale, near 'the Portland Golf club One should be careful in planting; grounds. The pictures give views or roses to see that the roots are spread out carefully and at the proper depth. A good general rule to follow Is to observe the mark to which tho soil reached when the bush was planted In the nursery and then plant it to the same depth. It is desirable that where the bud has been inserted in the root stock should be two inches below the surface of the bed. As was explained at tho meeting of the Rose society the other evening, this is desirably be cause the bud is inserted on one side of the root stock and it doe3 not for several years get tha full nourish ment from the root, the feeding being one-sided, but, if .properly planted, in a few years new roots will be thrown out by the inserted bud and It will then obtain the maximum amount of nourishment. Low Budding Preferred. If the roses , you get have been budded high you can grow them as semi-standard or dwarf tree roses, but it is preferable to select the roses which have been budded low, as they will feed better and will allow for a- shallow planting and in -this way the roots can get the air and) also the full benefit of any liquid fer tilizer. While there is danger of planting too high there is also much danger from planting too deep, which will choke the bush. If you follow the general rule of putting the knob which shows where the bud had been put in two inches down, you will get your roses planted at the proper depth. Among my garden friends is an old time gardener, now retired, but who nevertheless takes a keen interest in everything that grows. He also likes to go around the newer sections of the city and see the progress. After one of his trips, a week or so ago, he dropped into my office and unbur dened himself of some of the things he saw which he thinks means grief later on. He said: "In going about where new houses are being finished it isa wonderful contrast to 'ten years or more ago to see the spirit of the 'city beauti ful manifesting itself on every hand, but I have one regret.. Most of the places I saw today reflect a pro nounced desire to economize. Now this is most commendable and possi bly is necessary, due to the high cost of building the new home, but the at tempt to economize is not being done intelligently. 'Money Declared Waited. "The people have the spirit to make their places look nice and apparently want to fill up their grounds or those parts they intend to improve, but in doing this they are wasting more money and storing up disappointment for themselves. Everyone seems to be filled with the idea of planting shrubs and many are using stock selected on the basis of smallest cost and planting without any thorough preparation of the soil. At several places which I saw today plants were put right in the material excavated from the basement ad spread over the ground. Now such material has no plant food which is absolutely necessary to newly planted shrubs. , "The usual result of such plantings will be discouraging. They will never prove satisfactory and can be right fully classed as shameful extrava gance instead of economy, whereas if the planting were done well it would prove an investment which would add to the value of the property. "Now, Just a suggestion to the man or woman who is going to fix up a new garden this spring. If economy is essential, and I believe we all should economize Just now, the least expensive way to make a showing is to use summer flowering plants. The money that was intended for some shrubs and novelties should this spring be put iwto soil preparation and then, with the soil properly pre pared one can have a yard in con tinuous bloom by using flowef Ing plants which involve a very small outlay. The proper preparation of the ground has cost less thafi the proposed outlay for shrubbery, and then In the fall, which is the proper time to put out the shrtibbery, one can buy what he needs. Another Advantage Seen. "This plan hasanother great ad vantage for the new home-owner and his wife. They will have had an op portunity to observe all summer other homes and the various kinds of plants, ahd thus determine what they want In their garden. The main thing, however, is that their sou by fall will be in the proper condition for permanent plantings. Let me give this advice to the man who Is about to make a new garden and, while it is old, it still holds good: Do not put a 50-cent plant in a 10-cent hole, but put a 10-cent plant in a 60-cent hole." That flowers- continue to be the principal token of affection exchanged on St. Valentine's day is evident from the brisk trade which all the florists of the city reported. Some of the stores put out novel designs in the war of heart-shaped baskets and one striking piece was a cupid carrying a large arrow made of-head carna' tions. For valentine gifts aside from corsage bouquets the red tulips proved most popular, although all kinds of flowering plants were in demand. The few early azaleas In the florists' shops were most eagerly grasped, particu larly the red ones. In another week there will be plenty of azaleas but at present the flowers are largely daffo dils, carnations and roses, the latter now becoming more plentiful than they have been since Christmas, All the flower shops are taking on a more attractive appearance now that blooms are becoming more abundant. Garden Charm Is Koted. '' That Portland gardens have a chajn which appeals to many is evi dent from the last issue of. the Gar den Magazine, published at Garden City, N. Y., which devoted several pages with large illustrations to. the garden at. "Arrow-Wood," the home ot Is it too late to plant pansy seed and if I do will 1 get good flowers this year? JIT. TABOR GARDENER. Answer.- Pansy seed should be sown in the fall If you want good strong plants. ' My advice would be not to try seed this spring but pur chase plants as you will find them much more satisfactory. The best grade ef pansy seeds are grown -in Oregon andthey go to all parts of the worldand there is nothing worth knowing about pansies that E. J. Steel, the Oregon originator of the Mastodon variety, does not know. He says that while pansy seed may yet be started in flats in the house and plants secured late, the better plan for results would be to buy plants from your florist or seed house and then in the fall start your seed. Mr. Steel has promised me full growing directions for raising pansies, which I will publish when the, proper time comes for getting the seed and start ing them. the pool rimmed with campanula, for get-me-nots and Siberian Iris. Another view from the garden across the lawn ot the house features the perennial border of larkspurl pyrethrums, iris and day lilies and then fellow two views of the extensive rose gardens. Commenting on this Portland gar7 den, the magazine says: "In six short years, for years are short when we come to reckon in nature's terms, a country field and some three acres of woodland have been transformed into lovely sweeps of lawn and colorful bloom an ef fect very English in character and yet, oddly enough, equally fitting the western landscape. A species of spirea found all through the wpods gave "Arrow-Wood" its name, and had, moreover, adapted itself gracefully to garden conditions In the role of back ground for the perennial border." E. R. Pelton of Eastmoreland is one of the most enthusiastic amateur gar deners I know and a few days ago he made a suggestion to me which might be of interest to some of the readers of this department. In one section of his garden Mr. Pelton gets two crops of flowering annuals. Early in the spring he sows broadcast over a part of his annual bed all kinds of poppy seeds. He does this by first working the ground and then raking it down. He mixes poppy seed with, sand and then sows the sand and rakes it in. As ths poppies come up ha thins them out to about six inches apart. These of course come into bloom in early summer and as they finish blooming he pulls them out leaving the ground free for late flowers. In a convenient place he has put in some seeds of godetias, marigolds or zinnias and these are ready to transplant by the time the poppies have finished bloom ing. This is an easy way to prolong the blooming season of the garden as well as practical and economical. Notes From Gardens. Frank C. Rlggs of Fairfax avenue on Westover terraces has returned to make Portland his future home after five years spent largely in California. During his absence Mr.' Riggs main tained his garden but is now planning some additions. This year he proposes to make a feature of ealpiglossis and in addition to some of the standard varieties has just imported seed of a new typo, -With which he proposes to experiment in this section.. Mrs. A. N. MeCall of Silver Lake, Or., who annually has a fine display of geraniums, this year will also fea ture in her garden fuchias, a most pleasing plant ,but little used in these days. '- - Mrs. H. Ruddicks of 315 North E street, Aberdeen, Wash., has ordered from a Portland grower a most ex tensive collection of phlox, which she will specialize on for summer flowers. Mrs. Ruddick has also increased her plantings of outdoor chrysanthe mums by securing some of the newer varieties. Mrs. Hugh Graham of 1131 East Thirty-eighth street possibly - has one of the finest collections of gladioli in the city. This summer she will in crease her plantings by the addition of 900 bulbs of the newer Introduc tions, representing 17 new varieties. This will increase Mrs. Graham's col lection to more -than 40 separate named varieties of gladioli. Portland roses have been found to be perfectly hardy in Montana and during the past week C. H. Hartung of W elcome, Idaho, placed a large order witn a .Portland seed house. An other large collection also will go to Battle Creek, Mich., to M. B. Beacharn, a wealthy resident of that city, who recently visited Portland and after seeing the. superior stock grown here placed one of ths largest individual orders ever given a local concern. v W. S. Merrill of Merrill, Or., has made arrangements to renew his pansy collection, which . has been a feature of his garden Roses continue in demand and one of the dealers this week reported that Mrs. J. M. Love Of 1601 East Ninth street South, and P. Venstrand of 493 East Ninth street North, each have placed orders with him for Quite ex tensive collections of rflWs. Mrs. Philip Blampied "of 5006 Pike avenue Southeast, is enlarging her garden with one- of the most exten sive collections of roses'in that sec tion. Mrs. J. P. Hunter of 835 Killings- worth avenue is putting in this spring a large collection of roses, in which a number of the novelties will be featured, Can you tell me what is the best climb ing annual vine for a half-shady place? My garage is located on the rear of the lit under, trees, whksh throw the place into deep ehade at least b&lf of the day. I want to cover the garage with a. vine and would Vike to have a suggestion. . WESTMORELAND. Answer. Nearly all annual climb ers require a maximum amount of sun for their proper development. There fore I would recommend that you try a perennial and if this is satisfactory nothing is superior to some of the large flowering honeysuckles. How ever, if you want an annual you might experiment with the cardinal climber, sometimes called scarlet queen cy press vine. Possibly your location gets enough sun for this to thrive to the height of the garage. The foliage of the scarlet cardinal climber is a rich, glossy green and palm leaf in shape. The flowers are a brilliant scarlet In color and tubular in shape, being one to on( and one-half inches across. It will flower from July until late fall. The seeds have a very hard shell and germinate soonest if first sown under glass and then trans planted, but I have a friend who sowed some in ttt open and covered them with glass jars andthen as the plants came up gradually raised the glass jars allowing the young vines to harden in this way. The seed should be soaked for a few hours In warm water before planting. Garden . Problems. Will you please send me the number of the bulletin which the department of agri culture has issued about aunuar- flowering plants and which you, recently reviewed? I read the "Flowers for Home and Garden" each week and get much help and enjoy ment frorti it. I grow all kinda of plants in the yara as wen as m the houae. have lived 10 years In Idaho and have learned by experience what will and what will not do well in this climate. I have a Shasta daisy bed HO feet long which people come for miles to"-see and get flowers. It you would like to know what flowers do well in this section, I Bhall be pleased to let yon Know. MBS. FLORENCE ROBB, Nampa, Idaho. Answer. As you inclosed a stamped envelope I sent your name to the proper bureau with a request that a copy of the bulletin be sent you. The bulletin is No. 1171, entitled "Growing Annual Flowering Plants," and is is sued by the bureau of plant industry of the department of agriculture. thank you for your interest in this department and shall be most pleased to have you write and let me know what you have found best for your section of tho -country, as no doubt there are many who would like to profit from your years of experience and skill as a flower grower; , ROSES Varieties for Portland planting. Plant . extensively now, if ve are to retain' Portland's fame as the Kose City.' Washington's Birthday is official Rose Planting Day. . ; SKnodoaenarons, Laureis, Laurus tinas, Abelias, Veronicas, Escallonia ' and other Broad Leaf Evergreens. ill assurwiiein,. - . - Shrubs Deciduous of aft kinds and for all purposes. SHRU TREES OLD PEOrLE'8 HOME OJf EAST EIGHTY-SECOJfD STREET, BETWEEN OREGON AND PACIFIC. (Continued From Page 8.) New England Conservatory of Music Persons who have no liking for Ban- tock's "Givo a Rouse." will steer clear of Carnegie Hall March i. for that air is to be sung by each of the ten clubs, and they will be judged there by. As a relief, the singers can con tribute any other numbers they wish to the gaiety of the occasion. The competltidns, which are for the pur pose of encouraging choral singing, began in 1914, and the number of par ticipating clubs has steadily in creased. Harvard won first prize the last three years successively. . , . Modern music and moderji com posers sound; so continuously in our ears nowaways that it is sometimes pleasant to turn from them to those of an earlier era. Sir Frederick Bridge, for many years organist' of Westminister Abbey, London, is the author- of "Twelve Good Musicians," the musicians all being Englishmen of the 17th century. Among the com posers discussed in the brief lectures, making up the volume, are Orlando (Sibbons, one time organist of West minister and writer of much sacred music; John Milton, father of the poet Matthew Locke, composer of music 1 for church and stage, and Henry Purcell, writer of operas and of church music still constantly on the lists of cathedrals. Sir Frederick's style is mellow, suited to his nbject, with 'a charming sparkle of humor now and then and frequent quotations from the diary of Pepys who lent an ear to the musicians of his time. This book is new in the public library. The recitals of Vladimir Rosing, who is making his first visit to this country, have aroused much discus sion as to whether the scope of a song recitallst should be extended to in clude other mediums of interpreta tion than mere singing. Rosing be lieves that the text of a song should be the dominating impression left on the hearer, and wonders if, to gain this kffect, it is necessary to sacri fice tone or employ gesture and facial expression. The effect that Rosing gains through this method leaves suoh an impression of intellectuality and emotional poise that he is being received in this country, as he was in Europe.'as a most convincing expon ent of realism in song interpretation. - Madame Lucie Valair. dramatic so prano and director of the Valair Con servatoire de Musique et Art Draraa tlque, ha been engaged to represent France by singing the great national hymn "La Marseillase at the con gress of music-international, to be held at the Multnomah hotel at noon, Monday, February 27. A programme which featured the different phases of fundamental music training ;n class, was given by Mrs. C. E. Goetz last Tuesday night, in the Bush, & Lane building. Those attend ing were enthusiastic over the work done by the class. Vivian Howe and Marian Marty received prizes for the highest average during the course, and each one of the class was awarded a prize for excellency in scale play ing. Those receiving diplomas were: Helen Gelsler, Vivian Howe, Agatha Babcock, Marian Marty, Finley Oliver McGrew and James Armstrong. Others who did creditable work on the pro gramme were: Mary Van Buren, Hazel Sells, Laurenve Nelson. Helen Ivie, Clyde Sager, Audrey, Williams, Dorothy Hess, Richard Hess and Mary Scott. UNIVERSITT OF OREGON. Eugene, Feb. 18. -(Special.) Companies of university music students Ire to be sent through the state as a means of setting the people into relationship with the state university.' Dr. John J. Landsbury, head of the school of music, is co-operating with the ex tension - division . in arranging the tours. . The advanced students as Well as members of the music faculty will be organized into small companies com posed of three or more musicians and will be sent to the smaller towns, where tha opportunity to hear good Tmusic is limited..- These concerts will not onljbe of service to the towns, but will provide public experience for the students. The performances will be given at cost and probably will Start next term. - ANOTHER haven of rest for the aged, the German Baptist Old People's home, will be opened soon in Portland, tljus fulfilling a desire thatwas first formulated in 1912, and one that has the backing of all of the German Baptist churches of the Pacific conference. This in cludes the territory of Idaho, Wash ington, Oregon and California, within which there are 25 German Baptist churches with 2500 communicants. Reconstruction work has been com pleted on tho home on East Eighty second street, between Oregon and Pacific streets, and some of the fur nishings have been installed. As soon as this is completed and a ma tron selected, the home will receive its first members. It can accommo date 25 persons. . j Site Is Purchased. The project, which had its incep tion in 1912 began with the pur chase of a site in the St, Johns dis trict; but later it was decided that instead of waiting to accumulate a building fund, it would be wiser to select a property on which a building already was erected, and the organi zation of the German Baptist Old People's Home -association was in corporated in 1915. Because of dis turbed conditions on account of the war, and the unsettled situation thereafter, it was not until Decem ber of 1920 -that a decision was made on the present property. This property consists of the house of 15 rooms and a tract of ten lots. The house is built in'the form of a cross, with verandas on the south, east and north sides of the east projection. The rooms are lighted with electricity and steam heated; there are ample bath rooms and other facilities for an institution such as is proposed, and the reception 'room is of sufficient size to be used for chapel purposes. The kitchen, din ing room, laundry, storeroom, etc., are in the basement. , . H0.500 Is Spent. r More than tl0,500 has been ex--pended on this property. The in terior of the building has been re modeled, the grounds hava- been fenced and arrangements have been made for parking a portion of them. The bazaar given by the women of the First German Baptist church in December raised more than $800 for the furnishings; This will be the third home for Old people to be maintained by the German Baptists in the United States. The others are at Chicago and Phila delphia. Questionnaires for appli cants are now being printed, and sev eral applicants are awaiting1 the passage by the- board of directors on their requests for admission. The entrance fee scheduled has been set as follows: Persons from 65 to 70, $1700; from 70 to 75. $1300; from 75 onward, $900. These figures, however, are flexible, to be deter mined by conditions presented to the board for its consideration. : Endowment Fond Wanted. "A movement to obtain- an endow ment fund is in progress, and this, of course, will aid the amount of charitable work that can be car ried on. Officers for the year 1922 are: Daniel Frey, president; Rev. F. Hoff man, pastor of the Second German Baptist church, vice-president; Key. Frederick Bueermann; pastor of the Third German Baptist church, secre tary; James Billeter, treasurer; John Witt, financial secretary There also is a board of 21 directors rep resenting the various sections of the Pacific conference. NEW COLOMBIAN PRESIDENT HOSTILE TO UNITED STATES General Pedro del Ospina Candidate Who Made Campagin Against Panama Canal Treaty and Indemnity. VINES PERENNIALS Ornamental, Fruit, Shade and Nut Trees. All Kinds for All Needs.. Season Stock. Full assortment of the very; best obtainable. .Largest GROWER in the West of Hardy Ornamental ' Nursery Stock. Large Display at City Grounds, Cor. Second and Salmon Streets ,N Illustrated descriptive Catalog on request, -' . write 228 .Salmon street or phone Main 4219. J' B. PILKINGTON - NURSERYMAN 228 Salmon St., Cor. Second Portland, Oregon This Complete SEED- Catalog and Planter's Guide lirfts the finest seeds for th Northwest and tells how be& to grow them. Will you plpase srive me some suspp?? tiort for a summer flower, something which makes Rood cut flowers? MRS. J. B. It., Woeilstock. - Answer, Have you. ever ; tried wit has cost the British government more than half ft billion dollars to relieve the unemployed since. Novem ber 1V-1S13. -, .. : (Copyright, 1922, by The,Orenronian.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 18. (Special.) The election of General Pedro Del Ospina as president of Colombia a" few days ago recalled a bit of interesting diplomatic history. General Ospina looks on the United States in much the same manner' that one strange bulldog looks at another. He made his -campaign for presidenton the issue that Colombia should not ratify the long pending treaty with the United States without a sincere re gret in its clause for the sudden sepamtion of Panama from Colom bia a separation which made the Panama canal not only a possibility but a reality. Fortunately for Colombia that country's delegates ratified the treaty before it - proceeded ' to the election of a president, thereby making- the coffers of the republic richer by $25,000,000 bounty, or in demnity, voted by the American congress. i General Ospina yowed he would never accept the indemnity without an apology from the United States for the "arbitrary manner" in which this country gained control of the canal zone. It was this same ques tion of "sincere regrets" which long held up the treaty in the American senate, the regrets being opposed by those who felt such an expression would be a reflection upon President Roosevelt. General Ospina was Colombian minister in Washington during the Taft administration. He was presi dent when the late Senator Knox, as secretary of Btate, began hia journey of friendship and good will to the Central and South American republics. "The secretary of state would do well to omit Colombia from his itinerary," said the minister to a group of newspaper men. The story was published and im mediately there were "ructions.' But the doughty Colombian soldier and diplomat, scenting the battle from afar, beat the American gov ernment and his own to a decision by promptly and proudly resigning his Washington post and Betting sail for home. General Ospina's opponent for the presidency wae .Dr. Jose Vincente Concha, who was willing to accept th American treaty "as it is and to waive the apology," both because of his confidence in the good will of the United. States and because of the urgent need of the Colombian, gov ernment for funds. It now devolves upon President Ospina to accept some of the hated American gold. ' He may take the stand of many another politician that presidential election promises are one thing and executive responsibility quite something else. Secretary of State Hughes had a narrow escape. Some of the dele-: gates to the recent arms conference, before they left Washington, made discreet inquiries as. to whether or not there was some way by which their governments could bestow upon the distinguished chairman of the conference appropriate honors and decorations for the eminent part he has played in world history. To their regret , they discovered that the American constitution forbids gov ernment officials from accepting titles and things from foreign states and'potentates without the cqisent of congress. They further learned that under no circumstances would Secnp tary Hughes ask congress for the right to receive special honors. If they had received any sort bf encouragement the foreign govern ments were ruady to Eive Mr. Hughes a regular "medal shower." He could have received every decoration of every order from th rising sun to the midnight sun ana could have been entitled to place nearly every letter of the alphabet after his name. AH of "which recalls an aneeddte of war-time Washington in which Hugh Gibson, now minister to Poland, and James W, Gerard, lately American ambassador to Germany, were in volved. Mr. Gerard had returned to the United States via England and while there had been decorated by the king. Gibson met the returning am bassador in a corridor of the state department. "Good, morning, Saturday," he ex claimed, holding out both of his hands. Ambassador Gerard looTted puzzled. "What did you say?" he demanded. "L said, good morning, Saturday," repeated Gibson with a grin. "I don't quite 'make you," replied the ambassador. "Well," said Gibson, "aren't you now a knight of the Bath?" What happened after this the writer is not in a position to state. They are going to make Pat Sullivan governor ofyoming. What a wealth of real romance lies behind the simple announcement. It isn't so very many years ago that Pat Sullivan, a raw Irish youth, walked up to the ticket window in New York and placing his entire "bankroll" on the shelf, said: "Give me a ticket as far .west as that will take me." The ticket man counted the money and then counted the milei. They put Pat off at Laramie, Wyo. He did not know whether he liked the looks of the place or not. But that made no difference. His ticket had run out. "Fortunately for Pat he was a likely looking lad and a veritable giant in stature. The first man he encountered asked him if he wanted to go to work. "Sure," said Pat. - "How much do you think you are worth?" asked the employer. "As much as any man in Wyoming," said Pat. "You're on," eaid the man. In a year Pat o'wned1 a half inter est in the man's business the sheep business. .. In another year he bought his partrier out. From that day to this fortune has continued to smile upon himHe is'perhaps many times a millionSreind his home at Casper, Wyo., is a 'beautiful spot. - '"Why should I give up my home for the' governor's mansion?" says Pat. "To save the grand old republican ticket," say the political bosses. "Well, maybe," says Pat, "but don't count me in the race as yet." Tat sailed for Bermuda Saturday with his wife and four daughters. WHEAT MEN TO CONVENE Xation-Wide ' Conference on Mar keting to Bev Held in Denver. DENVER, Colo., . Feb. 18. A nation-wide " conference of representa tives of every state and national co operative wheat marketing organiza tion in the United States will be held at Denver February 27 to March 1, on invitation ot George C. Jewett, general manager of the Northwest Wheat Growers' association, with headquarters in Portland, Or. Denver was selected for tho con vention as being the most accessible to representatives from all over the country. The dates of the confer ence are subject to change. Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana associations have already promised MSDIAMdNq QUAIfiY.SEEDS Li Jm'i Proc-uce the finest vegetables for LjiCMfs't "A table or commercial purposes. Acclimated O seeds, laboratory tested for germination, f: Lm-'III selected strains, absolutely true-to-name. VpJfcfL Catalog lists our complete line of Nursery T-jfhJ Stock, Poultry, Bee and Garden Supplies. Ajf y s 3 VDemnnd Diamond Qanlity Seeds "ry iMa From lour Local Dealer . Now?' Sharpie ltsa3K3lg;HSB1&MJ Separators ' to send two representatives each, ac cording to Mr. Jewett. "Some sort of understanding for mutual operation is becoming more essential every day, claims Mr. Jewett. "While the Denver confer ence may result in no additional or ganization or amalgamation, it should at least develop a common pro gramme ; for air the marketing bodies." 1 Discrimination Is Denounced. HONOLULU, T. H. The chamber of commerce of Honolulu has gone on record indorsing the stand taken by the HonoluJu Housewives league against stores giving to army and navy officers and their families dis counts which they do not aljow to the general public. Member of the league stated that they opposed the discount to ' service people on the ground' that local patrons outside the army and navy cannot be expected to buy at home when discrimination is shown by some merchants, members- of- the Association of Army and Navy.Stores; in favor of one class of customers, Italians are taming their eyes toward Asiaf Minor as a source of coal supply. ' J- GARDEN TIME PLANT StkT PEAS THIS MONTH Put fertilizer 1 on the lawn around-your bushes and over the garden. Trim and pray your trees and bushes. Our IffO-pagr annual catalog and the ndvic of our salesmen will be of great help to vou. We sell only nisiiesi quality stocks- Free delivery, quick service. Everything for the Gardener, Poultrjman and Orchardint. Catalog Tell3 All 3d St., Between Morrison and Alder fvm.HM,f.iA i. '. jn n.i, "w 80 Pages on Malfind Money Out t POULTRy BOOK has been considered the poultry authority for a generation. New 1922 edition, just off the press, enlarged to 80 pages, more complete than ever. It contains invaluable information on Get ting a Start, Housing, Back-lot Rearing, Farm Poultry, Culling of Hens, Molting. Starting Chicks, Growing Birds. Feeding fur Eggs. Rid ding Chickens and Houses of Vermin, Poultry Diseases and their Successful Treatment and much other valuable information. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you need Conker's Poultry book. Ask for Free Copy. Sold by ROl'TLEDGE SEED & FI.OKAL CO., 145 Second St., Portlnnd, Or. Kunderd's New Gladiolus Catalogue For 1922 dtwribes nearly 400 varieties in Ruffled, Plain - Petaled and Primulinus TjTes, all of them originated by A. H. Kunderd. 29 varieties are shown in beauti ful oolurs, and many others are illustrated in half-tone. Most complete 'cultural mtormation is as"k given, with fpeeialdirection.s ior growing show tlowers. ftv A I? Kunderd's Gladioli -A Jlfl are now so well known as tho K1. L5 Vj BEST in the world that no -U t 3 m f garden is complete without jj aenoiee collection ot tneni. j ,; '. w No other grower has evei m . a PrdUCfid w many nor such t ' wonderful kinds, - V''t,M-rt!f colore i Vf5 'J fc! free catalot ve &T'& which shows ii these new Gladioli. X.''i.;?f 7 nuiufcn. ' " The Originator of the I ,t Ruffled Gladioli f 7 Box 55, Goshen, Ind.