TTTE SUNDAY OREGOXIANV." PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 19, 1922 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper. -' MIDDLE-AGED farm woman, German; have a boy 12 years old and would like j to keep house for widower, or family help in country or city. B 422, Ore- ' gonian. MIDDLE-AGED LADY wishes housekeep ing on ranch or ooking for few men; well recommended; corny any time after " March 1; prefer place where no women or children. AV 210, Oregonian. It E FINED, middle-aged woman with girl 10 years, wishes to cook for two or four men; strictly first class, country pre ferred. Housekeeper, 7113 42d ave S. E., City. Phone Aut. 639-92. WANTED Lady housekeeper under 40 years of age for family of four on a ranch near The Dalles, Or.; wages $30 per month; fare paid. East 2594 Sunday afternoon. WANTED, by a conscientious and refined middle-aged woman, position as iious keeper where there is no fomun over seer; 'no objection to more than one. AL 42i, Oregonian. POSITION in or near city, where boy 9 years not objected to; must be clean and permanent; reasonable wage. Col umbia 5J2. WANTED Position as nousekeeper by re fined, capable widow with son 5 years old; good home more than high wages. W 450, Oregonian. WOMAN, 2H, with girl 7 years, wishes work as houseKeeper, near school, for man with child. 272 Sixth at. Main 8401). Mrs. Brown. " WANTED Position as housekeeper or . maid, in or out of town, preferably in milling camp; middle-aged, thoroughly competent. Address 6215 84th St., S. E. POSITION as housekeeper. Have a girl 11. Call phone Tabor 1843 Sunday. Domestics. A PH ACTIO AL, experienced cook wishes to contract boarding house for mill or camp; can give very best references; Can handle any size crew. AB 417, Oregonian. RELIABLE Christian woman wants a plain, clean home and work; reasonable salary; permanent; references. BJ 425, Oregonian. WANTED Gen. housework or day work. 020 Mallory ave. lluubec leaning. ' HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and , Ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 108 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. . VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning, floor waxing- and vac uum cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv en; best of references. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 0196. WANTED TO RENT. 21ARCH 1. 3 or 4-room furnished or un . furnished flat. Main 6311. . MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apart ments and liats, with definite informa tion pertaining to each: sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly locate. Eighth Floor. BUSINESS man, 43, and his mother, 74, wish about four furnished rooms on lower floor of house occupied by middle-aged or elderly people, so that moth er may not be entirely alone during the day; must be clean and comfortable and '"will be kept so; rent must be reasonable. East side desired. References given. AG 412. Oregonian. WANTED To rent by reliable party April 1, a modern 5 or 6-room furnished sub urban home with 1 or 2 acres. Rent must be reasonable. Call at 4121 67th st. S. E. or phone. Automatic 644-31. MAN and wife want 3 to 5-room furnished or partly furnished cottage on Tilla mook beach for 1 year. M 435. Ore- gonlan, - - WANTED A house for man and wife on east side. Irvington district preferred, by or before March 1; reference given. East 4781. WE HAVE many calls tor houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property andcollect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. RESPONSIBLE family,. 3 adults, desires four or five-room house, suburban pre ferred ; must be reasonable ; best refer ences. Sellwood 3380. 1 WILL lease 1 or 2 years, modern 6 to 8- room house. Restricted district. Reason able rental. Phone Tabor 8597. Best of references. WANTED to lease, 1 or 2 years, 5 or 6 room modern cottage. Alameda or Fern wood schools. Will give referencea Wdln. n28fi. W A N T &1 B y March T modern 6 or 7 room house; east side; references. Wood lawn 6054. -i.5 OR ti-ROOM furnished house, walking 1a'na hi - tJA Ui'l -i Room 302, between 12 and 5 P. M. - 5, 6 OR 7-ROOM unfurnished house, ga rage, east side, $25; or store with rooms. AE 425, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party wants strictiy mod ern 5 or 6-room home in good location. Tabor 6021. WANTED 5-room, modern, furnished house. Good location, reasonable rent References. Bdwy. 4162. WANTED To rent small house, furnished, permanently ; references furnished. AP 432. Oregonian. -WANTED to rent, by responsible adults, a 6 or 7-room furnished house, east side. East 55S0. MAN AND WIFE want to rent house with barn, ch.icK.en house, garden. AH 418. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house at Seaside by March 1st. Marshall 1510. 5-6-RGOM bungalow, furnace, garage, by responsible couple. Wood fawn 2104. M" MODERN home, 6 or 7 rms.. Irvington ' preferred. Responsible. East 7673. WANTED Furnished bungalow on east siae. w ij oregonian. WANTED To rent, 5, 6 or 7-room unfur nlshed house, good location. East 6634. WANTED 5, 0 or 7-room house and ga rage, east side. $25. or store wtih rooms. 12 TO 15-ROOM unfurnished house, close in. al 4it, oregonian .-'WANTED 3 or 4-room house, west side or - close in east side. Bdwy. 1411. Apartments. YOUNG man wants dinner, or lunch and dinner, with private family. A 418, i Oregonian. WANTED By young married couple, 3 room unfurnished apt. Phone Monday between 9 and 12. Auto 526-75. Rooms. QUIET, orderly business man wants at tractive room reasonably close in. Room ing house accommodations not desired. Could use private garage. Give details. AO 401, Oregonian. TWO or three furnished rooms or apart ment where children will be taken care of day. Elderly Masonic family pre ;rrtd. AM 411), Oregonian. ; BY REFINED elderly couple furnished , .housekeeping rooms In Quiet place; rent reasonable. Must be neat and clean Woodlawn 4822. WANTED -A room furnished or unfur nished, within 5 blocks of Crystal Laun dry; also garage. AF 403. Oregonian. I WANT sleeping ruom and garage; state price and phone number M 444. Ore gonian. i'URNlsHED room, with or without kitchenette and bath, state location and price, west siae. .iw awetiand b I u g. CONGENIAL gentleman wishes room, close in. L 409. Oregonian. Rooms M'ith Board. 5N GROUND floor by refined and cul tured gentleman convalescing from broken limb. Special attention may be necessary at timea room clean and comfortable with well cooked meais datntily prepared. Fair price will be paid for such accommodations as are required. Address A. H. W., 496 E. lUth r. N.. City. WOMAN wants room for self und 8-year-old boy where boy wilt be boarded and cared for: mother employed. Must be nesr school and close in, west side. Pri vate lamily preferred. AG 418, Orego nian. AN E1DEkLY man, retired, wanLs good win n room and board in private family at reasonable rates; a quiet home. Y 4'-0. Orogonian. DY wishes room where baby 2 years old can be cared for; mother emploved day time; west side. R 406. Oregonian. BOARD and two rooms In private farnilv for young man with mother, who want a good home. AK 4:Q, Orpgonlan. REFINED young married couple desire . . room and board with congenial private family In irood location. Main fiisn LADY with boy 4, wishes board and rom. - sleeping porch, with home privileges, jr. country or suburban district. Biwy. &'jZ2. "ROOM and board for gentleman in vicinity of E. 24th and Stanton sts. Bdwy. D17 Sunday morning. ' - Stores and Business Places. WANTED To lease about 10,000 sq ft of (puce for liijht manufacturing on one or more fioois; water, gas, electricity connections. Publlo Welfare Induatrv for MorrMl. WANT ground floor or loft space for light manufacturing, desire west side business center, give uata replying. AP 433. Ore gonian. . t I, WANTED TO KENT. Stores and Business Places. WANT to rent a shop for horseshoeing most any kind or place would do. on west side, prefer north end, as most of my work is in that part of Portland. F. C. Peterson, 309 Ankeny. Broadway 1849. "eg. n;ast WAITED To rent a window or email store room In main business district of x-oruana ior novelty jewelry ana notion stand. C. R. Griffin, 816 Allegheny St., Portland. Or. OPEN aLorage space; near tracks, street or water. L 410, Oregonian. Apartments. WANTED By or before March L unfur nished apartment or flat on east side, by man and wife; reference given. East 4781. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED By or before March 1 on east side, three or four unfurnished house keeping rooms by man and wife; ref- erence given. East 4781. WANTED To rent, a small front space, about 8x12. selling high-grade sand wiches; no cooking; muet be in business district and reasonable. Bdwy. 7763. WANTED Partly furnished room with very small kitchenette in nice private home: no big rent, west side, electricity. gas, pnone, neat. J 437, Oregonian, COUPLE wnt clean H. K. rooms or suite March 1st; Nob Hilt district, $20 or $25. Call N. Main 4081 evenings. . WANTED To rent, H. K room ground floor, reasonable, or exchange light services. AN 416, Oregonian. TWO or three partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, west side. R 411, Oregonian. WANTED 3 i unfurnished rooms for housekeeping by 2 ladies employed. AF 405, Oregonian. Fiats. WANTED Partly lurnished 3 or 4-room flat, apt. or house by March 1; refer ences AK 401, Oregoni,n. FURNISHED 3 to 5-room flat at once, close In, modern. AC 402, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SMALL greenhouse. Call S. J. Peat. Main 109, bet. 1 and 2 P. M. FOR RENT. Furninhed Rooms. TWO LOVELY LIGHT ROOMS. Two nice, light, airy rooms in Sunny side district, one block trom best car service in city; will rent as sleeping or H. K... CaU Tabor 5117. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 1.25 PER DAI', $6 PER WK. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in ail pans of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower hatha and cluu facilities. ANSON 1A HOTEL. 124 14th at., at Washington Rates S3 per week and up, 1 day ; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close ta amusements ana shopping center. 1 llOTEij NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates, $1 a day, a week $5 and up, private bath $t ; fireproof and clean. close to business center. WASHINGTON HOTEL, , 12TB. AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive room and suites at reason able ratea by weeg or moutlL Angela hotel. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1850. Large, attractive- lobby with fireplace. Special rates to permanent guesia. STAND1SH HALL. 548 & WASHiN CiToN SI. AT 17TH.' Nicely turnisned rooms, steam heated, reasonaole rates; $3,50 week up. UOTfltU BuCiviiNGHAM, uuutr new man agement, ti5zfe Wasningion st. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rates. $3.50 week up. Main 31. ONE-ROOM house, furnisned for house keeping, one man only ; near Williams ave and Russell. Call 462 Flint st. East 5571. jR1 nice, light, sunny outside room, bath adjoining ; plenty hot water and heat. West siue apartment house, close in. Broadway 260. MILTON hotel, -ufa Madison st. Steam heat, hot ami cola water in all rooms, rates $4.50 per week and up, transient $1 per day and up. ' EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington St. Cheerful, clean ruums, witn or without private hatha; transients ana permanent. NICELY lurnislied sleeping room with cooking privileges. Three-room apt. with fireplaces, rent reasonable. 792 Marshall st. Phone Main 2301). hotel Broadway. Broadway and Burnside St. Rates: day, $1 and up; week, $5 and up; private oath 9 and up. Free phone. HOTEL CONRAD1NE, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks norm of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms anu Buites at very reasonable rates by day or wecic. . NICELY furnished room, hot and cold water in room, close to bath, in large home: very close in. 243 11th. LARG-E, modern sleeping room with pri vate bath, 'suitable for 2 or 3 people; rent reasonable. 301 11th. NICELY furnished room, hot and cold water in room, close to bath,, in large home, very close in. 243 11th. ARTHUR HOTEL, 10 eventn at., near Morrison Clean and uiouem rooms by day, week or montn at ieasonable ratea LIGHT, comfortable sleeping rooms, close in, west side, quiet place. 20b ltth si. Main 7628. LARGE front, sleeping room, suitable for 2; walking distance. 500 Johnson. Phone lidwy. 1UU3. HOTEL OCivLEi'i Morrison at., at 10th $1 day, weeaiy $5 and up. Free pnone ana uauia, aim airy, steam neat THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder. A iiE- SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. )1 up. Rates by week or month. ONE large room near Gooa Samaritan hospital, suitable for two; furnace heat 253 N. 21st st. Main 4078. NEW PERivuno HOTEL. Washington and Fifth sue eta. Special permanent rates. 60c DAY, $i:.&0 WEEK, up, clean, bath free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferso n. LARGE desirable rooms, modern, street. 327 6th FRONT room, well furnished, modern, use piano. 327 Otn st. 4 ROOMS, lower, 1 block school and car only $13. Searle, 1928 E. Glisan. ' THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th near Wash. Fur- iii a neu run tit a, iu inonin up. NloE clean sleeping rooms, one attic rm $8 a month. Phone Main 1030. BRIGHT, warm room, west side $10 per mo. Call Main 4732. IN PLEASANT apt., walking distance. C S. preferred. Marshall 1132. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. LARGE, weil-furmsned room, steam heat close in. 307 11th near Columbia Marshall 481. 1 NICELY 'FURNISHED sleeping room convenient and modern. 309 11th Marshall 2003. a FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences. Automatic C30-12. es 2 NICE front rooms,, walking distance 34S Clay st. Main 3459. 7 a ROOM with dressing room and sleeping IF lOU want a steam-heated, comfortable close in room, call Main 3022. NICELY' furnisned room in Irvington, one u""-ft va-" " Q-y tr. n,ast I7S0. 269 14TH, near Jefierson Choice room modern conveniences, walking distance.' VERY pleasant room in Nob Hiil tii.-iiii.-t 7ft! Hoyt. Main 2041. - l" ROOM t, women employed. 302 1& Pars? corner Columbia ; women only. ' SLEEPING rooms with all conveniences, walking distance. Bdwy. 4434 DESIRABLE lor gentlemen, bath, phone furnace: reasonable. 289 13th st. DELIGHTFUL room. R. C. Park 601 E 53d st. No. Tabor 171. SLEEPING rooms, 30 E. 15th st. East 90U2. NICELY furnished sunny front room close in. $8. Mar. 3462. 701 Hoyt st. DELIGHTFUL siteping rooms, home prlv ileges. prefer lady. 3i'0 I nth st. STEAM-HEATED furnished room. all modern conveniences. 564 Couch, apt. 3. WELL furnished room for rent; men only Call 613-91. HANDSOMELY furnished front room for woman employed. 434 10th. Main 3296. FURNISHED bedroom, $7.50 per month 605; E Sixth st. S. -5-RUOMED modern flat. 540 Second Minqay jaar. 11.1.1 ROOM and board, close in. 553 E. Couch st. East 80W. LARGE, airy sleeping room with bath. Bdwy. 7S7. IRVINGTON Room with board in quiet home. 4.5 E. 14th st. N. . j NEWLY furnished room, furnace heat. pan uroaqway, aiaing distance. FURNlsHED room and sleeping porch in nice home. 144 23d N., Mar. 1 $40. LARGE tront room, newly furnished, suit- auic mr vii e or i wu. iv oaimon. 2 WARM, well furnished rooms. 742 Love jny st. MMn 5616 FURNISHED 01 unfurnished rooms, steam , heat. 308 Grand Ave. N. ; ROOM Dressing room attached, heated : apt.. 10 minutes Broadway car. E. 506$, SMALL mom tor young man, $10 per month. 414 Salmon i. LOVELY front rounu. 1 1 .sonable, con venient, good location. 381 5th. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. HAVE nice, large, clean, warm room, near public library, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; 3 windows facing east, big clothes closet, bath close to room; pri vate entrance; very reasonable to per manent tenant; twin beds if desired. 22 Tenth st. Phone Main 5758. TWENTY minutes' walk to downtown; best car service in city. Fine large room in refined home; located between 20th and 21 at on East Madison; excellent environment; suitable for two young men. East 4893. $20 per month. 3 SLEEPING rooms, each suitable for 2 occupants: hot-water heat and board if desired; 1 block from Woodlawn car. Woofilawn 5(S. SNAP Heated lovely furnished room and private garage for rent, breakfast, in widow's home. Good locality, close in. East 9070, $35. CHEERFUL iront room, suitable for two, nice east side home; furnace heat, elec tricity, use of bath, phone; gentlemen. 4UU East Broadway or East 8000. N ICii-1 furnished corner room for two gentlemen, private family, breakfast if uesired; two car lines. Phone Marshall. 27ai. 774 Northrup st. " COMFORTABLE room for gentlemen. 7 minutes to Meier & Frank's. Bath ad joining, furnace, modern. 322 Vi S. Broad way. Mum 3201. NICELY furnished front room, private bath, furnace heat, suitable for 1 or 2 refined gentlemen. East 2005. 760 E. Main. LARGE front room and kitchen well fur nished; child taken; Nob Hill district; walking distance; reasonable. 024 Flan ders. Proad'.vay 2125. DESIRABLE front room, suitable for two; also sleeping porch with large dressing room;, walking distance, near hospital; breakfast if desired. Main 606. WILL, share modern, elegant home with gentlemen and wife; hot water heat, breakfast, garage, etc., 00. References required. Call Tabor 6046. ONE LARGE beautifully furnished front room with private bath and hardwood floors, desirable location. 627 Kearney. Broadway 2626. DELIGHTFUL room, suitable gentleman. Best location, west side, easy walking distance, every convenience; rent rea sonable. Bdwy. 6111. LOVELY, large, front room with alcove, fireplace, nice furniture, close in, pri ate family, for couple or singly.. East S.v.14. CHEERFUL sleeping room on the west side, steam-heated apt. house, suitable for 2 ladies or couple employed. Broad way 4.40. STEAM-HEATED room in modern flat, suitable for gentlemen. 305 11th- Mar shall 34MT. : 4 CLEAN, light, nicely furnished front room. liusk in, very reisouduie; 0.40 vteen.. 40S Main St. NICE room in private family; home privi leges; no other boarders; 15-minute car ride. References required. Wdln. 4784. NICE front room with furnace heat, walking distance. 590 E. Salmon St. East S3C3. 257 12TH ST. Single, hot, cold water in room; walking distance ; men only ; nome privileges. DOUBLE or single room, steam heat; walking distance; kitchen privileges, Broadway 640'J. FOR RENT Pleasant - room, close in; home comforts for a gentleman; rent 5iu per montn. Kast muz. MAHOGANY furnished front room for gentieman ; quiet, modern place. Mar- snau j.iau. jdj rarn St., cor, miii. LADY can have room with home privi leges in W. S. home, reasonable. AM 400, Oregonian. EXTRA nice front room in modern west side home, only two in family. $15 mo. Ref, required. Main 304S. ' MY NEW HOME, just completed; one nice bedroom to rent to gentleman; garage close. Tabor 7700. LARGE room for 1 or 2 young men, mod ern home, $10 per month. 667 Glisan. Broadway 2U48. GOOD home and mother's care for child; rwm for mother, walking distance. 203 Crosby st. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate, twin beds, al! conveniences, piano, etc.. rate $3.50. 61 N. '18th st. Bdwy. 2721. THIRD-FLOOR sleeping room. $6 per me. Walking distance; suitable for working man. At 632 Flanders st. CHEERFUL front room in nice east side home, close in, walking distance, with or without garage. Phone 222-05. IK V IN G TON Large, nicely furnished front room with private lavatory; near two car lines. East 5150. ROOM for gentieman, near Washington street; steam-heated, well furnished, in private home. Marshall 1650. LARGE, nicely furnished sleeping room. 400 Park st., corner Harrison. Phone Marshal 3322. LARGE front room nicely furnished, with garage; suitable for. gentleman with car, $20. 614 E. Oak. or call East 315. BOARD and room for two young gentle ment together in modern home. 391 Har rison. Mar. 300:1. ATTRACTIVE furnished room, well lo cated walking distance. For informa tion call Marshall 3042. NICELY furnished room, steam heat, phone; walking distance. 551 Wash ington street. - LOVELY warm, sunny room- phone, bath: meals if preferred; close in, west siue. j NICELY furnished room in private home, I block from Williams car line. Wdin, 4593. C. S. preferred. IN NICE apt., very exclusive room, fur nished in ivory; home privileges; close in. Bdwy. 571S. WEST SIDE, extra nice room in modern home, heat, light, phone, to refined lady employed. Sh9 11th. Main 6750. WELL lurnished rooms with bath, near carline. Call inortf ngs or evenings. . 206 N. 21et, west side. NICELY furnished room, H. K. privileges if desired; nice home, close in, west side. 294 16ih st. Mar. 3305. Room With boa ru. CAMPBELL HOTEL, -23D AND HOl'T STREETS, ' CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. . 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. ' American plan, with or withu'U bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day oc month. Mfcals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-ciass family hotel; rooms en suite or siDgle, wit a or without board, for families and business men and w jmen. We g've you all the comforts of a home He aso r. a b 1 e rates. KOoM and board tor business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance, $5 per week. Auto. 21-74. 12 E. 7th it. NEAR Good Samaritan, big, cheerful room for 2 : excellent meals, livine room. 1 Shome privileges; table board. Mar. 416. 328 lOTH'ST. Well furnished second floor meals. Auto. 541-37. GOOD rcom with or without board for business peopie; warm; ciean; homelike; close In. 205 W. Park MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, rates. 380 10th. Mar. 1251. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. Choice rooms, board, modei n conveniences, walk disL KftumH Witn Boaid in Private Family. FU.tvAiSi.iED room with board for one or two. gentlemen, reasonable, walkina dis tance. 703 Koyt. NICELY furnished, warm, cosy rooms, with two meais, very reasonable. 428 Mill street. GOOiJ room. nice. home, near Multnomah ciud, - meais; gentleman. Alain JJ19. CLEAN, attractive room, suitable for two young men. with board. East 8813. NiLniui lui nisned room, breakfast if de pjrtyi. fiito I.ovpjoy st. Reasonable. , U AKju. ciieertui room, walking distance. niouern nome, gentlemen, izv is, K'th st ROOM and board, $30 a month. 1"1 E 11th st. cor. Alder. Call East 2522. ' WOMAN will give mother love and care to smaii cniiu; ju per mo. Tabor 916. ROOMS in Irvington home, close In, board if desired. 445 Hassalo. ROOM with board, home privileges; lady WANTED Cniid to board and room; hav PLEASANT room with 2 meais. 30 Ilth Mar 672. BEST of care given child; refined home 1186 Mixter st. LIuiiT, warm room, suitable for two; nome privileges; ciose in. East 8445 ONE ROOM for young men or girls. $S per week. 513 Montgomery. TWO ROOMS, well furnished, hot and cold water, fireplace. Bdwy. 4633. WOULD like refined gentlemen to room and board. Modern home. 5S0 Marshall. TO BOARD little s-hool girl. $15 month" srnod home. Tabor 8792. LAuV wishes 2 cnildren to board, best of care. 613-91. CAN care for 1 or 2 children in my home Call Tabor 2724. COMFORTABLY furnished room in private home; bnn"d' if desired. Broadway 1219. WILL GIVE muiiier's cai e lj ch'M 0 iv 0 years old. $18 month. Tabor 6260. CLEAN, warm room, with board every convenience: close in. Phone E-i t 70O5 LARGE front room In modern home. Irving st. Marshall 4410. IRVINGTON Desirable room, reasonable rent; also garage: Ea?t 5814. NICELY-FURNISHED room with board, pear Broadway bridge. 408 Benton. LIGHT front room aud good wholesome mea Is. Main 41 -7. ROOM and board ior young man or married coupie employed. Main 1981. FOR RENT. Rooms With P.omd in Private Family. LARGE front room, suitable for employed people; also single room Ior lady or gen tleman in rerined Protestant family of adults ; excellent meals served ; every convenience, witn home comforts; walk- '"S Qistance. Bdwy. 204. 1 OR a RESPECTABLE young gentlemen, room and board in refined home' with mother and daughters. Boys who ap preciate real home life. Montavilla car to 2d st. 730 E. Ankeny. Phone East LARGE, light, warm front room, two meals, pnone and bath, 15 minutes to west Bide. Hawthorne or Sunnyside cars. $32 for one or $55 for two; man and wife who work, or men preferred. Phone Ta bor 5631 Sunday after 2 P. M. NICE room, suitable for one or two, splen did bed, hot and cold water, furnace heat, piano, all home comfort: walking distance to business center, kitchen and laundry privileges if desired. 703 North rup st. Main 6003. BACHELOR'S HOME. Really, men, why will you stay in hotels, eat at restaurants when you can have a good home, board and room at 246 E. th st. North? BUSINESS girls' club, refined home and good district; steam heated, exception ally large, bright rooms; home priv ileges, moderate rate. 254 E. 16th st. East 234. CONGENIAL home in Willamette Hts., for gentlemen or couple employed; large front room with porch; wonderful view; fine, nearly new. modern house. $45 for one or fio ior two persons, aiar. i4u. PLEASANT rooms for two men with three meals for $1 per day; have privi lege of living room with fireplace; you feei like home. Call Broadway 3072, or 85 10th st. CHEERFUL sleeping room in the west side, steam-heated apartment house, suitable for 1 ladies or couple employed. Broadway 454 'J. BEAUTIFULLY, lurnished room with ex cellent meals in modern flat; every thing new and clean, cozy home; reason able; close in. Marshall 1125. LA RUE, attractive room, with board, in modern home,- 1 or 2 gentlemen. $9 a week for 1 or $S apiece for 2. Wldn. 3337. ONE LARGE front room in lovely home, one or. two meals; plenty of heat and hoi water. 1 block from Hawthorne ' car. labor 8703. LAxtUi!, iront room, ivory furniture, steam heat, hot and cold water, bath, tele phone. Board If desired, walking dis tance. 501 Glisan St., cor. 17th. FL KN 1SH ED bedroom, board if desired, or kitchen privileges for one or two young persons employed; good locality. - Phone Woodlawn 3170. N OB HILL, nicely-furnished room with board in beautiful home, for two gentle men ; $65 per month ; home privileges. Mar. 3052. WILL take good care of one or more chil dren in Christian Science home. 1004 E. Lincoln st. BOARD and room in private home for working couple or 2 working girls. 17 W. Jesseup st. St. Johns or Mississippi avenue car. Woodlawn 5403. LADY living alone, having a large, com fortable home, would like two or three people to room and board. Woodlawn 3031. ROOM and board in private home, close in; walking distance; 1 block from car; 4 blocks so. of Hawthorne ave. 304 E. 0th. East 0220. WILL board schoolgirl, more for com pany, no other children; good home advantages; can give references. 343 " Fremont. Wdln. 434. COUPJ-.E desires room, light breakfast, din ner, in private lamiiy; walking distance to Dental college. East 3240 before 6 P. M. NICE, warm room, 3 windows and a large c.oset; excellent board; very reasonable to- man and wife 2 employed men, 101 11th st. WELL lurnished double rooms in modern home, board if desired; fireplace, fur nace heat, single or double beds; refer ences. Main 3353. WANTED Cnild to care for by woman in southern Oregon. Get particulars at 444 Ross and Dupont st. LrAHGHI sunny room for two. heat, two . large closets, west side, walking dis tance Marsha! 6018. COMFORTABLE room ana Doard ; for gentleman; Rose City Park. 1426 Ala meda Drive. WELL-FURNISHED 7-room house in Irvington. Has garage and basement. Adults. East 3557. V 1TH or without board, home privileges. 355 E. 3oth, near Hawthorne. Tabor 3328. WARM room for couple or 2 gentlemen. Reasonable. Can arrange for board. 47 E. 12th N. East 4786. ' ROOM WITH BOARD inciuueu; lady pre lerred; within walking distance. : Auto matic 518-32. HOME for young people employed; home cooking, home privileges, piano, furnace; close in; come and see. Main 2533. NICE, lai'tfe ironl room with board, suit able for 2, in Hawthorne district. Phone Tabor 5667. FURNISHED rooms, J2.50 per week, with board, $7 per week. 202 Occident, cor. Pacific, 1 block west of E. 1st st. CH1L.DR.EN cared tor, good home, good care; 12 years' experience; near good school; references. Automatic 329-99. in w i best districts, suitable for 2 .ladies em ployed; $7 per week. Tabor 590. NICE warm room, opening on porch ; two ladies employed; two meals, $50 per month. 393 W. Park. vAliNu distance, lai ge room, suitable for two; breakfast and dinner; comfort aole, homelike. East 5715. COME to a REAL home, pienty to eat, hot and cold water, warm bed and room. East 3862. Furnished Apartments. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Single and double light housekeeping apt., furnished, in very best location in town; all rooms large, airy and plenty of light, overlooking corner of Yamhill and rhunman: out of noisv district, but 15 min. walk from Broadway. If you are looking lor a nice clean cozy little home for yourself and wife without pay ing exorbitant rent see Mrs. F. C. Falton, 652 V Yamhill. LARGE, WARM. CLASSY FUR. 4-RM. MOD. APTS.. $55 AND $60 PER MO. EQUIPPED TO ACCOMMODATE 2 TO 5 PERSONS. GOOD JANITOR SERVICE AND BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th and Columbia. Walking distance from business district UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 3 and 4-room outside front apartments, newly tinted and painted, ivory wood work, new rugs and pongee drapes. 180 N. 23d st. Marshall 2945. ONE 2-ROOM apt., also 1 large single room for light housekeeping; clean and new. West side, between 21st and 22d. 700't Irving st. FURNISHED apartments for rent at 669 Savier St., one and two rooms, very reasonable; newly renovated. Phone Broadw-ay 3075. NICE apartment, private home, two out side, rooms, pantry and large clothes closet, light, heat, water, phone free. Price $30. Tabor 504. FOR RENT A furnished two-room and bath apt. over garage; hot and cold water, gas and electricity. One block from Sandy on 48th st. Tabor 1729. ' ELMWOOD APARTMENTS. Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room apts. Completely furnished. $55 and $75 415 10th st. Mam 6600. 2-ROOM apartment, nice and light, just tinted; light, phone, furnace heat, $30. 5S4 E. Madison, corner 13th. THREE rooms and bath, corner apt., well furnished; clean; walking distance. 355 Hall st.. corner Park. LOVELY 3 rooms, newly decorated, large enameled kitchen. Adults preferred. Mar. 2996. NEW 2-ROOM apt., Nob Hill, nice home and warm; everything fur.; also sleep in groornjadjiUs:lJN;2 COLLEGE. 3 rooms, modern, walking dis tance, newly tinted. low rates. Third and C o 1 lege. Marshall 5555. 3-ROOM H K apart., nicely furnished; also 2-room apt. i45 Hoyt Phone Mar shall 2541 3-ROOM furnished apartment In private - home, heat, ngnt and water, $30. 260 East St., cor, tu. aaauison. East 3451. TWO AND three-room furnished apt walking distance, il Grand ave. N. East 2939. S AND 3-ROOM modern apts.. tile bato. ' Mam 1".V- Buena Vista apts. UNION AVE. and Kiliingsworth, fur apt $24.50; ali complete, concrete ouridlng. " SAN MARCO ATTRACTIVE, MOD3Tr' APTS. WALKING DIST. EAST 6-ROOM furnished apt. on ground floor vacant Feb 21. East 2376. ' FURNITURE for sale and apt. for ren: .212 Broadway, apt. 5. Call bet. 2 n n d FUHDhAa Attractive -l-aooui apartment for rent. .Marshall 1080. " Dl WALKING distance, modern 2-room, reasonable rent. 414 Fourth st. -tvOOM modern apt.; reasonable rent. Jeffeisonlan. 16th and Jefferson sts. LUZERNE APARTMENTS 2-room modern furnished apartment. KOSELYN AfAKiaifcATS, J10 N. 21st St. 2-room modern furnished apartment. 3-ROOM nicely furnished apt.. ' 388 lltn" st. Walking distance. Mar. 4174 SMALL moderii apU desirable for two girls or couple. East 7S3. NICELY -furnished apartment, price rea sonable. 710 Lovejoy. TODD APTS., S9 E. 12th st. Modern; one vacancy. East 7803. WANTED Giri or woman to share apt For particulars call Main 5432. apt. 32. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. ONE OF THE - MOST ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS in the city, ideally lo cated, within easy walking distance to heart of business center; 5 unusually large, light, airy rooms; in immaculate condition ; good furniture ; music room with disappearing bed ; large living room, dining room, white Dutch kitchen, private bedroom, bath, steam heat, tele phone and janitor service included; ar ranged so that two families can easily be accommodated. THE MEDA APTS-, just across the Broadway bridge; half block north of Broadway. No. 37? Vancouver ave. Adults only. ' STELWTN APARTMENTS. HIGH-CLASS. The handsomest furnished apts. In city. Outside rooms and sleeping porches. Also lovely suite on corner, top floor, 6 windows, very choice; will rent to re fined gentleman; also single rooms for bachelors or ladies employed. Refer ences required. Broadway 5;30. loi SL Clair st.. corner W ashington. BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT TO SUBLET. Four outside rooms, with hardwood floors, white enamel woodwork, glassed in sleeping porch, close in ; artistically furnished with mahogany furniture,, ori ental rugs, silver, china and linens. ' 200 East 13tn St. East 4276. SPIC AND SPAN. Nicely furnished lower apartment with sleeping porch, telephone, garage, bath and use of an electric washer and laun dry; newly papered walis and steam cleaned rugs. Auto. 610-54. 4028 71st st. S. E. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier fc Frank store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3 -room furnished apts., out aide and French aoors and balcony; per manent ana transient. DESIRABLE west side fi-room apt., rental of two rooms pays rent. Mahogany and walnut furniture, floor lamp, filet curtains, silk drapes, Marlboro rugs, dishes, bedding for saie by owner. AB 414, Oregonian. ' - CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 3-roum furnished apartment, newly tinted and enameled; well furnished; walking distance; adults only. Wedt Park and Columbia. , CARMEl1TA apartments. Elegant 4 and a rooms, lurnished or unfurnished; large, spacious; white enam eled throughout; tile baths; free phones. First-class service. Close in. Main 2086. NEWLY FUR. 2-ROOM APT. WITH PRIVATE BATH AND -ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES AT $35 AND $37.50. APPLY 415 E. TENTH ST., CORNER GRANT. . AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 2 rooms, private bath, outside; 3 rooms, private bath, all outside rooms; janitor service, hardwood floors, walking distance. Mar. 5566. THE ELMORE WEST PARK AND MORRISON. NEWLY FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APTS.; HOT AND COLD WATER AND STEAM HEAT. PRICES REASONABLE. VERY nice apartment, suitable for a club of six gentlemen; will consider giving dinner; modern. Walking distance; also small 2-room apt. 57 Trinity place. Bdwy. 1706. EARGE 4-ROOM APARTMENT. BEAUTI FULLY FURNISHED; SUITABLE -FOR 3 OR 4 YOUNG WOMEN: VERY NICE AND MODERN. THE COLUMBIAN. 4-"4 COLUMBIA ST. GOOD NEWS Just opened up-to-date single and 2 to 6-room apartments. Reasonable rates. Well heated, fine Jo cation. Also unfurnished. 644 E. 7th st. N. APARTMENTS. FURNISHED. I have in my private home two apts., 2 and 3 rooms, very nicely arranged; all bay windows,, overlooking entire Portland. Large yard. 625. Main St. NOB HILL 701 DAVIS. Nicely furnished new 2-room apart ment, walking distance. SPECIAL 2-room newly painted and fur nished, downstairs private entrance, run ning water; suitable for 3 or 4 adults $25. 412 10th st. N-. cof Vaughn. DOUGLAS COURT, naonrlfiil l.rnnm noartment. conr pletely furnished, facing the park. 425 V est rarK. .viarsimu WELLINGTON COURT. TTnrfor npur management. tWO TOOmS, modern, all new furniture; rent $40. Broadway 1245. ; JAEGER APTS., 701 Wash!ngton--One 3 room furnished apartment. PARK APARTMENT. Clean 4-room front- apt., new rugs, hardwood floors, fireplace, bay windows; will accommodate 4 adults. Mar. 2381. GOOD NEWS Just opened up-to-date 2 to 5-room apartments. Choice location, rosnnable rates. Also furnished. 544 E. 7th st. N. u u pa't KKMiitifnllv furnisned four i-s-rvi inartment: close in. very modern; furniture and phonograph all new; no phi dren. rnone ouw y. COMFORTABLE 2-room apartment, white kitchen, tasty drapes, new rugs, piano lamp, light, furnace heat, gas, phone; .$30. 5J0 e;. Asn s i pniiRT Available March 1. mod prn 3 large rooms. 2 beds, fireplace. bath, $50, Including telephone. 8th nnd Burnside. East 3u6b. Corner 4-ROOM apartment, lower floor, garage, all new; adults; permanent. 1111 L 21st st. N l-ivi: il.RRRT APARTME N TS. 3 rooms, kitchen, tile bath, elevator. hardwood floors. .Main ouj. FURNISHED modern 4-room lower apt. with basement. 265 Blandena st. Will- iams-ave. car. NEW YORK APTS. 2-room fur. apt.. $27.50, including nsm-a. iL. cold water. E. 7th and Belmont sts. 6E FRONT steam-heated, two-room Apt., cosily furnished, center of city. $3o a montn. u vs"""1" LARGE light, clean, weii-f urnished house keeping apts., close to Benson and Wash ington schools. 20 B. 15th. cor. Ash. KOZY PT., 586 Glisan. 3-room modern apt nicely furnished, close in; rent rea- sunable. Phone Bdwy. 4716. " JULIANA AP A RTMENTS, 45 TRINITY PLACE. ffrRN'ISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS vt'RNISHED 2-room apartments, 3 rooms unturnished. 1578tt E. Glisan. Tabor 7025 KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile barn, 11 and Montgomery. Main 359. HIGHLAND court apartments. Beautiful 5-room corner apartment, with porch. Also 4-room furnished. Mar. 8181. , TWO-ROOM apartment, light, heat, "bath and phone furnished; adults. 562 CLEAN, sunny, 2-room apartment, close in," west side, quiet place. 208 17th st. Main 7628. , 4-ROOM modern, nicely-furnished apart ments; private bath and furnace. 19th and Davis, west side. Bdwy. 3761. HADDON HALL, 11th and Hall. 3-room aoartment; bath, balcony, hardwood floors, walking distance. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. Completely furnished three-room apt t'vm disappearing beds. 25T 12th st. irT TANA APT., 45 TRINITY PLACE 3 ROOM FURNISHED APT., ALL OUT- S I DE ROOMS; two ijma. THE PENROSE, Grand ave. at Belmont; choice 3-room apartment; available March 1. East 4548. DON'T forget Williams apts. and sleeping rooms, warm and cosy. 557 Williams ave. Kast a-tai. r aituEI.HURST APARTMENTS. Three rooms and bath, furnished apartment. 142 39th St. Tabor 2614. vi TtiH LAND COURT APTS 4 and 5-room furnished and unfur. apts. jiarsnaiio 4-ROOM apartment, nicely furnished, pri vate bath, walking distance. No objec- jion to cnunren. a. im. " AT.TAMUNT APARTMENTS. Basement apartment, 3 rooms and hath. $35 Main 6375. -ROOM fur. apt. with kitcnenette. in pri vate family, neat, clean, with good ac commodations. 121 N. 23d St. TARGE clean, completely lurnisned two room apartment. $23. 680 Lombard st. St. Johns car, ou qi. u-ivi; ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile hath. Hth and Montgomery. Main 359. THREE-ROOM apartment, with bath; adults. 980 Belmont st. Sunnyside and Mt. Tabor cars. COLLEGE, 3 rooms, modern, walking dis tance, newly tinted, low rates. 3d and College. Marshall 5555. BERKELEY APTS.. 30 Trinity Placed T room basement apt., with bath; phone tnc'uded In rent. Bdwy. 5151. Call apt. 6. DR1CKSTON APARTMENTS. 49 iim ai. Modern 2-room apartment. Mar. Kft FOR RENT Will sublet lovely furnished apartment iur uii ume, a real snap no children. Bdwy. lo4i, f " CHETOPA APTS. Large four-room apart ment on . second floor; gas range and refrigerator. Call Bdwy. 4936. 3-ROOM apt. walking distance, west side, for 3 mos. Marshall 1892. U n furnished Apartments. BRUCE apartment 0 uuuide rooms, mod ern, steam heated, sleeping porch, newly decorated. West side. East 1369. 5-ROOM unfurnished apartment. The Wil mnr. 742 Everett. Main 5164. 3 ROOMS, toilet and bath. 648 Thur man, near 20th. Marshall 4761. 2 L. ROOMS, hot-water heat; partly fur. or onfur. 789 Kearney. Alar. 3456. HARTFORD apts., 21st and Flanders at., .3-rooro and bath; modern. FOR BENT. I'nfu rniHhert Apartments. CECELIA APTS.. 22D AND GLISAN. 3-room apt., In ivory, 2 disappearing beds, all outside, on second floor, $55. 3-room, 4th floor, balcony, nice view, $47.50. Both very desirable. Available the 21st. Can be seen anytime. Mar shall 1S04. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW -MANAGEMENT. 4-room, newly painted and kalsomined, steam heat and telephone, oiose In, walk ing distance, only 3 blocks of Washing- ton at. Rent $45. Call Broadway i-to. FINE 5-ROOM apartment, 632 Tillamook st., newly decorated, steam neat, janitor- service, no children, references. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of oommerce btdg. Bdwy. ciio. ELEGANT brand new 5-room heated bun- kiiuw npu naruwouu liuui a, i cuvu doors, white enamel, fireplace, station ary tub, built-ins, beautiful location, large porch. Aut. 219-09. ARBOR COURT, 14tn and Columbia, 3- luuiu a ii.., excellent cuumuuu. .v, woodwork, tapestry walls; adults; refer ences. lOlAN COURT, 18 COUCH. Modern 4-room front corner apt., one block off Washington; adults. Phone Bdwy. 2761. FOR RENT after March 1, 6-room un furnished apartment, high grade, cen trally located, excellent service. Broad way 2201. BOWMAN apartments, Irvington 5 out side rooms; hdw. floors; French doors; steam heat; washing mach.; vacuum clnr. ; jan. service; adults: $75. E. 1369. MODERN apartment in Laurelhurst, four , rooms and bath, heat, phone, electric washer and garage, rent $65. 1006 Hol- ladav at 33d st. ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern apartment, garage and garden, corner E. lth and Lambert ave. Residence, Sellwood 20 1, or Main 4835. MOVING $2 PER HOUR AND UP. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445. MORDAUNT, 586 EVERETT ST. Large, modern, 4-room, homelike; come and inspect. . VERY attractive new 5-room apartment. wnite enamel woodwork, Frencn aoors. cordon oourt ayts., oau Montgomery. BRUCE apartment, 0 outside rooms, mod- cm, BLcaiii ueaieu, Bleeping yuiuii, uetviy flimrP.. t aA it.oo, cirla IT,.f 1')fl(l 059 PETTIGRO V'E Unfurnished lower flat. Very desirable. Adults preferred. Reference. ' Bdwy. 894 or Bdwy. 3176. CHETOPA APTS. Nice 3-room apartment on second floor; regular bedroom, with upright bed. Call Bdwy. 4936. SUNNY corner apt., 3 rooms and bath; new furniture and clean; reasonable rent. 592 Hancock. 5-ROOM unfurnished apartment. The Wllmar. 742 Everett. Main 5164. FIVE-ROOM apartment, $33. Morgan bldg. Main 4566. APPly 304 THE AMERICAN Modern o-room, apart ment. Broadway 3360. 6 ROOMS, steam heat, newly tinted and painted. 501 Glisan. ENTIRE floor, 3 rooms unfurnished, very reasonable. 101 E. 17th. East 8033. Furnished or t'piurnisnea Apartments, LOVELY 4-room corner apt., Sheffield Apts., Broadway and Jefferson. Flats. FOR RENT 5-room new flat with large den, sleeping porch, all modern built-in effects and garage, a desirable location near 40U. Convenient to two street car lines. Hawthorne and Sunnyside, large lawn, trees and flowers. An ideal place, for home lovers. The rent is only $50, " but by paying a year in advance will rent for $40. For information call R. M. Gatewood & Co., lOo1 4th st. IRVINGTON, 4 rooms and bath, upper flat, partly furnished if desired ; hot water heat and water included; garage if wanted; adults only. 481 Tillamook St., corner 9th. NEW MODERN 5-room unturnished flat, good location, 2 blocks from car, in Sell wood. Tallmadge Realty Co.,- 619 Henry bldg. Phone Broadway 675. MODERN flats, 3-5 and 6 rooms, for one or more families. Clean, newly tinted, $20 up. Fulton car, off Pendleton. Bdwy. 6267 Sundays. LOVELY FLAT, hardwood floors, fire place, sleeping porch, modern and con venient. 208V- E. 30th, near Hawthorne, after 8:30. 5-ROOM upper flat, 2U2 East 10th St., 1 block from Hawthorne; newly .cleaned and In good -order; walking distance; rent $30 Phone Marshall 3016V VERY attractive 4-room upper flat, newly tinted, iine view, good neighborhood, $32.50 with heat, water and gas range. , 961 Front, corner Lowell ave. Mar. 3078. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view, good orders fireplace, fhrnace, $37.50. 389 loth st., south of Montgomery. 5-ROOM upper flat. walking distance, newly tinted, modern. 27 E. 12th st. N.. near East Couch. Adults only. $25 MODERN 4-room lower flat;' walk ing distance. 62S E. Main st. Hawthorne car. FoUK flats, 5 rms. and bath each. One furn. 100 ft. to Alberta car. 1060 E. ISth N. Call bet. 10 and 3. FOUR-ROOM modern flat; gas range, built-in bed. 1038 Albina ave.. $30. Inquire at 1040 Albina ave. FOUR-ROOM modern unfurnished fiat, $20. 4-room modern furnished flat, $35. 831 Garfield ave. Bdwy. 2071, apt. 6. MODERN five-room flat; all conveniences. 488 E. 12th st. S. Call M. Meyer, Hotei Mallory. Marshal! 6070. $32.50 5-ROOM unfurnished upper flat. . separate basement and furnace; refer ences. 567 M East Davis, near 13th. UNFURNISHED tt rooms and bath, upper flat, elec. and gas. Walking distance. Adults only. Call East 872. SIX LARGE, beautiful rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, on car line. 672 Alberta st. FOR RENT 4-room flat in best part of city. I 'hone Mar. 4420. ' FLAT of 5 rooms, 375 Cable St., $20 per month. Main 5412. 6-ROOM upper flat, close in, $30. Eugene st. East C3S2. MODERN 5-room flat, newly cleaned. 300 Graham avenue. i-Houil flat. -50 Dixon st., near Broad way bridge. 6-ROOM flat, 731 Hoyt near 22d. Inquire 101 i V. VI ., i fl'lTO 5-ROOM flat, walking distance, $35. Tabor 2477. MODERN upper flat, 3 large light rooms, rent $20.60. Phone East 4266. 4-ROOM modern flat, $25. Call at 842 E. 30th st.. Woodstock car. Furnished Flats. 4-ROOM urnished flat, all outside rooms, private bath, private room in basement, 2 bedrooms, nice and clean; walking distance: $35 per mo.; adults only. East 8046. WEST SIDE' 4-room flat, garage, partly furnished ; includes gas range, rugs on floor; $35 per month. Inquire 222 Mor rison. -ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale, $125, if taken at once. Furnace heat, well arranged. Snap. 224A E. 1st N. Bdwy. 4336. IRVINGTON On carline, ground floor, 3 large rooms, completely furnished, play er piano, fireplace; $45 includes phone, heat, lights, water; 2 adults only. R. 4384. LADY wishes one or .two ladies employed to share modern 5-room beautifully fur nished flat; close in. East 8572. MODERN 3-room lower flat, nicely fur nished; water, garbage service; walking distance: $30. 550 Mill at.- MODERN 5-room flat, up to date, nicely furnished: private. 1157 12th, corner Greeley st. Woodlawn 5701. UPPER CLEAN neatly furnished 4-room flat and bath, modern; rent reasonable. 800 4 E. 6th st. N. union ave. car. COUPLE to share flat, bedroom, use of kitchen, living room; desirable; walking distance. C. S. preferred. Main 3018. 6-ROOM modern lower flat, furnace, $45; also 4-room upper flat with garage, $35. 737 East 22d. Sellwood 3147. DESIRABLE, clean, sunny fiat for 4, private bath, fireplace, choice location. '71 Be'mrnt. East 5520. ROSE C1T1T PAKlv Nicely furnished 4 room upper flat, suitable for couple. Tabor 7933. 4-KOOM flat, walking distance, nice view, good order, $32.50. 389A 16th St., south of Montgomery, vinney. A 4-ROOM upper west side flat; attic, furnace and wealth of closet room; fur niture ior saie. jib in j (. MARCH 1 Five or 6room house or flat; walking distance; good care given; per manent. Sellwood S66. 4-ROOM, modern, nicely furnished flat. 616 Commercial st Phone 310-01. 4-ROOM furnished fiat, vest side; adults only. Auto. 516-87. 3-ROOM flat, modern, adults only. 504 E. 22d a t-S. 6 ROOMS, partly furnished, $35; refer ences Key 200 Stout st.. cor. Madison 141 ELEVENTH 2-room flat. $33 mo.; front H. K. room, $6 week: phone, bath. FOUR NICE, light rooms; close in; adults; $2i. 00 Union N. FURNISHED flat, 3 rooms and bath. 400 Fourth st. Call afternoons and evenings. 6-ROOM upper flat, desirable location, ref erence, adaHs572ESalrn(mst., $50. NEWLY done flats, very nice, fireplaces. Couple. 568 East Main, walking distance. 5-ROOM furnished flat, clean, reasonable rent. Inquire 711 Union ave. N. 1 $18 ELEGANTLY furnished 3 rooms, pri vate oatn; anuits oniy. ai SKiamore. 4-ROOM furnished flat; ' phone, water. Adults. $37. East 3305. 290 Fargo st. FIVE large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished. 672 Alberta St. $18 3-ROOM furnished, including light, water and garbage. 1034 East Morrison. 7-ROOM furnished flat. $550. $150 down, $30 a month, Bdwy. 3719. . . FOR RENT. Furnisned flat. TO ADULTo Five rooms and bath, porch, fine view, attractively furnished; abso lutely clean; west side, walking dis tance. Phone Auto. 545-89 or call 5254 Montgomery st. Housekeeping Room. COMFORTABLE large furnished light h. k. room, well ventilated, clean ana in gooa condition, stove heat, fuel furnished, electricity, hot and cold water. J ust the place for a working man or woman; walking distance; $16 a month. Del monte, 167 Stout, one block south, of Joth and Washington. FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping; large closet, bed, electric light, bath, gas, use of basement ; private entrance ; rent $12.50 per month. 5Q8 E. Davis. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2-room apt.; 1-room apt., sleeping rooms; newly calcimined; lovely new furniture. 052 Thurman st. Bdwy. 1882. ATTRACTIVE large room and kitchen ette, newly papered; phone, lights, steam heat included; hot and cold water in apt.; gas range; very desirable. Nob Hill district; walking distance. 654 Gli san. Bdwy. 2125. WELL furnished h. k. room and large kitchen, first floor, private entrance, gas range, hot and cold water in room, elec, steam heat, phone free; walking distance. 658 Glisan. Bdwy. 2125. TWO LARGE H. K. room with stove heat, gas range; also 1 single H. K. room with running water. 305 Grand avenue South. ' 2 FRONT rooms, furnished, h. k. apart ment, clean, sink, hot and cold water, furnace or stove heat. 421 6th st. Marshall 2605. 3-ROOM turnisbed apart rue nt, first floor; heat, light, phone furnished, hot and cold water In rooms; $32-50 per month. 109 North 38th. 1 ROOM and kitchenette, front; new house, new furniture; electricity, heat, gas and phone included in rent; adults only. 302 Tillamook, near Williams ave. NEAT and clean furnished b, k. apt., heat, light, laundry privileges, walking dis tance; 2 rms., $16 a month; single, $10 a month. 406 Vancouver ave LARGE, light front 2-room h. k. apt., lights, phone, furnace heat fqee; no ob jection to child; walking distance. 624 Flanders. Broadway 2125. Reasonable. FOR RENT Light, airy, single h. k. rooms, stove heat, $4 week; also small Bleeping room, $2.50 week; working men preferred. 271V. Third st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas; walking distance; free lights, bath and phone. Reasonable rent. 549 Mor rison st. . NEAT, clean, furnished H. K. rooma with hot and cold water, heat, light and phone furnished. 161 N. 22d st. Mar. 2288. SINGLE H. K. rooms, $7 to $12; 2 and 3 room suites. $12 to $22; free bath, dandy lobby. The Vaughn. N. 19th and Vaughn. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale cheap. For rent, fur. or unfurnished rooms in flat. Phone Mar. 1457 THE BEAVER, lzx.tx and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms, $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. LARGE, clean 1-room front apt., light, kitchenette, porch, closet, for 2 adults employed. Call 11 to 5 at 530 Davis. NICELY lurnished room with kitchenette clothes closets, outside porch, 00 21st st.. Just olf Washington, $23; furnace heat. Broadway 5232. HOUSEKEEPING apartment, ciose in; clean, sunny; rent week, month; rent right. 170 12th st. SUNNY 2-room apt., new and, completely furnished, $25. 20th and Cr-shur. Broad. way 1871. 3-ROOM apartment, two beds; gas, bath and phone; close in. 183 Holliday ave, East 7741. LARGE room, ground floor, suitable for 2 working men or women, $4.50 week. 3U7 3d. opposite auditorium. NICELY furnished single h. k. rooms, mod, conveniences, walking distance. 266 12th st. , NICELY furnished h. k. room with kitch enette and large closet ; walking dis tance; $17 monthly. 492 Market. 2 LARGE well furnished front house keeping rooms; reasonable rent. 544 Pet- t y grove. ATTRACTIVE basement housekeeping suite, $10,50. Phone East 0186. 368 Multnomah st. THREE or four furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, very desirable ; walking distance; adults. 95 N. 17th street. BEAUTIFUL 3-room tront apt. Single housekeeping room, $3 week. All conven iences. 341 1 1 th. $25 UP 2, 3, OR I and heat; close in. Alder. H. K. APTS; light 147 Lownsdale, near MILLER APTS. 264 1st St., H. K.. sleeping by week, 2 up; brick; hot water; clean, respectable. FURNISHED h. k. rooms reasonable. 124 N. 18th. Broadway 3951 between 2 and 4, or evenings. . BUSHMARK, Wash. St., cor. 17th CleanJ modern, 1 and 2-room outsioe apts.; aiao sleeping rooms. Broadway 5463. NICELY furnished H. K. room, $15 per month; Nob Hill, one block off Wash ington st. 629 Everett st. SMALL, cozy housekeeping room, $j week. Everything included. 26T 13th. The Manitou. NICELV furnished 2-room H. K. suite, range, running water, first floor, suit able for a family. 307 Market st. NICELY furnished housekeeping room across from Meier & Frank's, 291 Mor rison , CLEAN, cosy H. K. room, reasonable, walking distance. 365 Williams, corner Broadway. LIGHT H. K. rooms. $17.50; stove heat 448 Columbia. Marshall 1301. SINGE steam heated housekeeping , rooms. $4 to $6 per week. 147 13th st. $3 50 WEEK UP Large downtown fur nished H. K. rooms. 253 Wash. HOUSEKEEPING apartment ior rent. 6th st. Adult?. TWO UNFURNISHED II. K. rooms, walk- ,g distance. -.w-'Mi 'n 2-ROOM furnished housekeeping apts.. $16, $lo and $-4 per montn. -iw nay si. CLEAN, comfortable h. k. room, $2.25 wk. and up. 372 Hawthorne. 1 TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. gas. lignt, water iurnisneu. qui r inn si. SEVERAL 1 and 2-room apartments. $2.50 to $0 weekly. 168 Tenth st. ONE 3-ROOM H, K. apt. for rent; light, heat, water furnished. 404Park st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ior rent, 20 Grand ave. N. Phone East 2312. ONE room, housekeeping. Phone, bath. 67 North 20th st. Broadway 413. LARGE, clean, we'll furnished h. k. room, 093 East. Madison. East 8911. SLEEPING porch, room for 1 person, $12 monthly. 055 Flanders. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. Grand ave. N. Phone East 2312. 20 MODERN steam-heated housekeeping rms. 370 6th st-. near Montgomery. ONE room, very desirable, suitable for 2 adults; rent very reasonable. 671 Glisan. THE .MAPLE 30 N. 17th, near Wash. Best H. K. rooms for the money. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, Kinney st.; reasonable. LARGE front room, housekeeping, 1 1-1 -phone, bath. 67 N. 20th st. Bdwy. 4! 23. 2 LARGE outside rooms. East 765. quire 240 Russell st. 2-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart ment. $6.50 per week. 350 14th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 793 Belmont. East 6175. LARGE sunny front H. K. room, very close in. 128 14th. nf ar Washington. LARGE 2-room apartment, Everett. NICE south room and kitchenette; $4.50 per week. Main 3465. 9 ROOMS, housekeeping, clears $50. $800, $350 down. Bdwy. 3719. MODERN housekeeping room In clean home, walking distance. 361 11th. UNFURNISHED rooms, modern, private home, all conveniences, close in. E. 8893. Housekeeping Hoomw in Private Family. iLARGE front room and alcove, kitchen privileges, phone, light, gas furnished. 5!) North 2'Hh. near Washington. FURNISH ED 11. K. rooms for rent: one block from Courh school. Main 7925. NICE, H. K. rooms, $16 per ino. st. Main 4933. 163 16th UNFURNISHED rooms and suite. Mar. xn lotoett street, near t urry. FURNISHED room, some kitchen privi leges. 449 East Yamhill, near 8th. $35 THREE h. k. rooms. 425 E. 57th st. j AQUlts oniy, no simmers; aiso garage. 1 jIAj n i , tirnii iui inourw u. n. rooms. fifl K. 22d. near Oak. East 6020. 57 12TH ST. Basement h. k., walking distance; private entrance: men oniy. 2 NICE, clean rooms, all .modern, $7. 509 Montgomery. 2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 386 Park st., nfar Montgomery. 2 FURNISHED H. rooma 500 Haw thorne a ve. TWO large clean H. K. " E. Market street. rooms, $20. 503 SEMI-BASEMENT apartment, very de sirable. 532 Davis. Bdwy. 3443. NEAT, steam heated single h. $3-50 up. 445 Columbia st. k. room, LARGE, sunny, 2-room housekeeping. East 8078. LOVELY room with use of kitchen, for working people. 381 5th. THREE large, modern h. k. rooms, first floor. 249 13th. NICELY furnished, very neat 2, 3 or 4-rm, apta.. close in, reasonable. 569 Hoyt st. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. IRVINGTON, 2-room apt., hot and cold water; gas range and furnace heat, free light, phone and water. Rent $27. 441 E. 13th St. W. East 1441. 2 NICE furnished, clean housekeeping rooms, sleeping porch, phone, water, walking distance, 367 Vancouver ave. East. 6S43. NICE, light, clean housekeeping apart ments. 1 and 2-rooms. suitable for 3 or 4 .people; nice yard, free light and phone. 040 Corbett st. 1 OR 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas range heat, plenty hot water, laundry ; also furnished front room, third floor, $4 weekly. 283 N. 24th st. WILL give part of room rent to middle aged couple to look after small H. K. place, easy place for right party. 365 Williams ave. APARTMENT 2 first-floor. light and sunny rooms, bath connecting, furnished for housekeeping; working girl or couple desired. Main 4436. TWO CLEAN furnished housekeeping rms. Also 2 front sleeping rooms, walking distance. Reasonable, 352 College st. Phone Mar. 2306. 3 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, suitable for 2; light and water fur nished, $18. 23S Cook ave. Wdln. 4123. LARGE, clean H. K. room for gentlemen, with 2 single beds; $12 a month, 500 Jefferson, near 14th. 3 LARGE, well furnished J. K- rooms; private residence; good neighborhood; besf car service. Wdin. 1051. LARGE, light, clean houseKeeplng rooms, close to Washington and Benson schools. 20. E. 15th. cor. Ash St. 2 LARGE newly furnished housekeeping rooms, heat and lights; walking distance. $2i a month 5so Third st. ONE OR TWO clean rooms with kitchen ette, nicely furnished, bath, closet: close In. 30S Knott street. LARGE h. k. rooms, lower floor, modern, use of piano, walking distance. 469 E. Oak st. ONE LARUE room, with kitchen pnvi- irfcea, cvcryiiiing iurmsneo; walking distance. 272 Park st. TWO ROOMS, nicely furnished, down stairs, $i(j per month. 507 Mississippi PLF.ASANT room, furnished for sleeping U1 near oatn; ior one gentielian; price right. 451 10th st. S. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms; fireplace; c:ean; reasonaoie rates. 509 Johnson. Phone Bdwy. 1 963. ONE-ROOM, kitchen privileges, use of parlor and piano; walking distance. $12. East 2163. 100 East llith st. 4 CONNECTING rooms, partly furnished, $16 per month; gas, electricity and bath. 1199 Delaware. NICE, LIGHT, CLEAN H. K APT. LARGE HOME. VERY CLOSE IN. 11TH ST. IN 243 TWO LARGE, modern, newly furnished outside housekeeping rooms; adults only. 2.'-9 13th st. . FOUR mod. unfurnished housekeeping rooms; water and light, gas and phone free. Sellwood 3201. ONE VERY attractive housekeeping room or sleeping room. 442 E. 19th North. NICE. CLEAN H. K. room Ior bu-l-e.or M2 per month. 163 16th st. Main 4933. UNFURNISHED rooms and suite. Corbett street near Curry. 3 OR MORE clean furnished h. k. rooms. 540 E. Stark. Adults only. 3 WELL furnished rooms with light and heat, $35. 875 E. Madison. Tabor 1836. 2 FUR. H. K. rooms and kitchen. 661 Everett st. Bdwy. 4718. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, lth st. N. Call afternoons. Wdln. 1572. SINGLE and double h. k. rooms, across from Y. M. C. A., reasonable. Mar. 1675. 1Ioukn. 6-ROOM bungalow, modern, full basement, furnace and fireplace. 245 E. 51st St., ntar Hawthorne. Rent $50. Phone Knnt 68. 5U4 E. 7TH, BROOKLYN car; 7 roomT gas, electricity, newly tinted; space tt.x auto. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. FOR RENT Beautiful 7-room Irvington bungalow, practically new and modern to the minute. Shrubbery, lawn; garage. Bdwy. par. Adults. Phone E. 8423. MODERN 6-room house on paved st. ; ga rage, chicken house and run; fruit and garden. Inquire 4230 05th st., or call Auto. 645-03. ri 5-ROOM modern bungalow, splendid loca tion, paved st.; handy to school. Rich mond car line. 498 Marguerite ave. Tabor 3704. NICELY refinished, 7-room house, gas. electricity, bath, good basement; prime condition, $35. Open for inspection. 561 Belmont, corner 13th. ROSE CITY PARK 6 rooms, garage, lur nace, all modern; immediate possession; $50; one block from car. Apply Sunday after 10:30 A. M. 420 E. 45lh N. 84 ACRES, 7-room house; electric lights. gas; oarn, poultry nouse; goou orchard; 25 minutes' ride to center of city. Tabor 734H. BEAUTIFUL modern home. il37 E. Davis st., Laurelhurst; 7 rooms; fine liAn, garage; rent $80. Donaid Woodward, 104 2d st. Hroadwav 7436. UNFURNISHED house at 70 Lucre I la i.t.; 8 rooms; modern; rent 5-10. Gear in & Newland, 412 Railway Exchange tldg. Bdwy. 6870. $10 PER MONTH, 4-room cottage and 1 acres; city water. mile from St. Johns ferry, near Linton road. Phone Main 5653. 8-ROOM modern house, large, light rooms, garage, easy walking distance ; fur nished or unfurnished : will lease. 240 King st. Phone East 5094. FOR RENT .March 1, 5-room bungalow, 1 room reserved by owner. $5. E. 44th st. N. 5-ROOM modern house. 3830 64ih st. S. E. Rent $30. No objection to small child. Call after 5 P. M. Sunday. FOUR-ROOM house; large garden spot. 73 W. Jarrett st. $16. Vacant Feb 25. Main 5472. 5 OR 6-ROOM house, close to oarilne; electricity, gas and garden spot. 5929 52 d E. FOR RENT Feb. 1, Irvington; very choice modern 7-room house; 585 E. Broadway. Phone East 1145. 6-ROOM modern colonial house, just re- tinted and painted inside; $40. 1041 Vernon ave. Alberta car. CLASSY 5-room bungalow, fireplace. built-ins; W. side, walking distance. 14S Curry. A LITTLE houso for rent; just $10 a month. See it today from 8 to 4. 719 Harvard st. MODERN 6-room house, garage. nlc yard, adults only. Phone East 6006. 112 East 1 1 th. corner East Alder. IRVINGTON, $ki 540 Tillamook, vacant, marvelous duplex, lease; also 6-room and double garage, $75. R. T. Street. IRVINGTON 8-room modern house, newly decoiattd, double garage. 702 Hancock. Call Marshall 6070, room 710. HIGH-CLASS new 7-room bungalow, ivory finish, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, built-ins, fireplace, garage. Tabor 7950. HOUSE 5 rooms, bath, toilet and closets, 809 E 30th st., near Gladstone ave. Phone East 6951. FIVE rooms and bath. 650 E. Morrison, inquire of George P. Lent, 717 Corbett building. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, acre ground fruit; Capital Hill, 2 blocks west of school. Straban tract, on Dement st. BEAUTIFUL, cement, modern, 7-rm. bun galow, 41st; 100x100 corner on car line; fine grounds. Inquire 75 Park st. $45 9-ROOM house, adapted for boarding house; east side, close in. 403 Railway Exchange. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co., Main 1261. 202 Alder street. FURNISHED, modern. 4-room cottage with bath. 1154 Raymond ave., near 39th st. 5-ROOM cottage, $18. 266 Porter st., near 4th, west -side. Call 318 Board of Trada bldg. Bdwy. 7452. MODERN 6-room, walking distance. 703 First st. Phone 319-01. 7-ROOM house, four bedrooms in Haw thorne district. $55. Tabor 257. 8-ROOM house, close to Sunnyside car. 110 East 14th. near Alder. IRVINGTON duplex S largt nace. fireplace. East S015 rooms; fur- tt-ROOM HOUSE. NORTH. 213 GRAND AVENUE 8 ROOMS, walking distanct; fruit; will lease. 511 E. Grant. 5-ROOM HOUSE. 393 Graaam ave. Metz ger Parker Co., 209 Oak. B. 5355. GOOD 6-ROOM house; walking distance; I rvlncton; $36. Marshal! 1204. WAVERLE1GH Hts., $30. 642 E- 28th. 5-room bungalow, W Car. 6-ROOM house for rent. 711 2d st. CaU East S345. Sunday. 5-ROOM house, 71 E. 19th N., near Ever ett. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 627S. 8-ROOM house for rent, west side. 163 N . 1.1th st. East 7: t."i5. LARGE 6-room house, during thr week. CaH Tabor 85S4 FOR KENT mon. 5-room house. 790 E. Sai- MODERN 6-room bungalow, garage space. East 43d. near Hawthorne. Auto. 212-73. 6-nOOM Main , house 357. for rent; modern. FOR RENT Unfurnished 5-room house. 6S8 E. Washington. 5-ROOM house; adulls. 88 E. 8th st. N., bt. Everett and Flanders. East 836. 4 OR 5-ROOM house ; plastered ; double constructed. 5007 55th ave. S. E. 5-ROOM modern house. 5220 45th st. S. S Call Sunday. Woodstock car. 7-ROOM mod. bungalow; all imp.; garage t 100x100, & blk. car. Bdwy. itiyo.