8 THE SUNDAY OREGONlAX, PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 19, 1022 REAL EflTATK. For Sale Lots. SEE It. L. McUREW FOR CHOICE LOTS. SUNNYSIDE. t 650 E. 5th st., new Belmont. 50x100. HAWTHORNE, f 800 E. 4tKh near Stephens, fac. eaat. I 850 E. 62d bet. Lincoln and Sherman. Groveland Park, t 900 E. 63d bet. Lincoln nd Sherman, Groveland Park. $1000 E. 4Sd, 100 feet south ot Haw thorne ave., facing west. 51050 Corner 88th and Harrison. 137570x100 corner 47th and Lincoln. 150J 80x100 corner 38th and Grant. LAUKELHURST. $1000 East Ash St., bet 41st and 43d, facing north. $1050 East Pine bet. 41st and 43d, facing south. $1900 S. E. corner B. 42d and Ollsan, 60x100. $2000 100-foot frontage on E. Flanders, 100 feet eaat of Eatt 39th, facing south. OPEN TODAY. R. L. McGREW. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Taoor 8892. A-UAiliiDA PARK AiN IHOliEDAiLE LOTS. Prices $400 Up. There are 10 of these lots that have sewers In and pd. for. Terms can be arranged. iA small deposit will hold a lot until foil can make contract. -x-servlc men, ttwertteate our build ing p-ropoettlon. Very easy terms. We wilt prepare plans to your liking at no additional expense to you. This property adjoins Irvlngton, con venient to Broadway car, In a district that Is rapidly being built up, until shortly there will be no vacant lots available. NOW IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY. Investigate today. Salesmen on (rounds. Take Broadway car to 24th and Fremont sts. J. A. WJOKJMAN CO.. 262 Bfark St. Bdwy. 8TiM 75x1715 'FEeV HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. This is Indeed a bargain and worth much more than, the price asked. The location is 4Hh St., just 100 feet south of Hawthorne, faces east; price only $10ro. Tills Is equal to OVER 2 lots; will make terms, $o0o down and lo a reliable party will consider taking back a second mortgage on the balance at G per cent. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 8034. $1000 BUYS beautiful lot ROSE CITY, . everything paid. $0"(i for a WESTMORELAND corner, everything paid. $8.10 ALAMEDA SNAP; everything in and paid. $0(to and up; we have 18 lots LAUKELHURST, all good locations. In RUM M ELL RUMMELL, 274 STARK ST. BEAUMONT VIEW LOT. This is one of the most Wonder ful view lots in the city, a birds eye view of the city is before you. This is a large lot, facing on two streets and so situated that you will always have the view; price only $2.0; also near the car. J. I.. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway (5034. WAXTSD A buyer for the southwest corner Ladclington and Gllsan, Laurel-'liu-rst; contains more than lot and half; shrubs, laurel hedge, etc. 'Thirty-five hundred takes It; have owned It 30 years and probably have actually in it nearly three times this amount; am now non resident of Oregon; oflers' are coming in close to my figure, and it will soon go tile best bargain, without a doubt, In hteh-cluss residential property In Portland today. See what it is; where It is. and phone Vancouver, No. 13F24. WESTMORELAND HOMES AND LOTS MY SPECIALTY. $ 050 Snap S. W. corner Tolman and 20th St., sightly lot, fine garage, sewer in; $400 will handle. $ 700 Another snap, beautiful lot on 18th St.. near Knann. $ toO A bargain, facing east on HHh near Tolman. $1100 Extra fine S. E. corner of Bybee and join St. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OWNER has several lots in Irvlngton, 1 and 2 blocks from Broadway car line. Will build any desirable residence from your planB and sell the same on a small payment down, so that you may own your home. We have plans of distinc tive homes in modern architecture to select from. Call from 12 to 2 P. M. at 301-2 McKay bldg. See Mr. rancher. Bdwy. 4047. IRV1NGTON Fine location for duplex house, Weid'.er, fad. N 125 ft. E. of E. 2Lst, 1 block to Broadway .oar, con crete garage goes with it. Take a look and make offer. Might consider cheaper lot. or auto as part payment. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-.1-7 yio.-trd of Trade Bldg. $0M Wwaoo. Stafrord St.. facing south. 100 feet E. of Patton; have paid out $1200 on this nice level lot. but am now anxious to sell or will consider ex change for small acreage; will deal only with owner. James H. Price, at Sterling Bakery, 251 Morrison St. Main 5G53. East 0100. ROSE CITY PARK corner, $100 down, $10 month, northwest corner E. 40th and Siskiyou. 50x100; 100 ft. side paved, eewer and other improvements paid. Take a look, it's a dandy. RITTER, LOWE ft CO., -Realtors, 01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $2350 fcuys this sightly double corner lot. Imp. pd. N. W. corner 47th and Alameda. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 5B2 Stark St. Bdwy. 6704. GROVELAND PARK, 30xlO0, 53d. fac, W, 145 ft. N. of Sherman, the last lot we have In this pretty bungalow district; all liens paid; ONLY $000. HITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY OWNER A snap, walking distance, terms If wanted; 39x120, paved alley, everything in and paid, half block of Hawthorne ave.. Poolax mt . Wnrbn 17th and ISth sts. Inquire 145 Grand ave. or 411 East Washington st. I ALAMEDA PARK $900 Let Us show you ' this beautiful east front homesite, all improvements paid, the cheapest good ' ui in mis uiserict. uon i pnone, come in. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. gQl-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. IRVINGTON KNOTT-STREET CORNER. 24TH. $19511. 25TH, $1S50. Inside adjoining lots available. See these today sure. R. -T. Street, lrving- ton agent. IRVINGTON, dandy east face, a few blks. west of 15th, all liens paid, $1000 takes It; also one on 14th St., near Stanton, same price. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HIGHLAND ADDITION $750 buys 50x100 lot, 100 ft.' south of Going, facing west on Tth st. Imp. In and pd. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 262 Stark St. Broadway 674. JUST THINK. $550, dandy lot on Ellis ave., near SeMwood oar dine, paved st , sewers, all Improvements in and paid"; the cheapest improved lot in Portland. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide. 1SOHC& to contractors: 75x52 feet, all Improvements paid. N. W. corner 33d and Brazee. Kernwood subdivision; all lot 3, block 1; worth $900; for quick sale $500 gets It. Mrs. A. W. Carher Castle Rock. Wirnti. Box 203 ALAMEDA PARK. A beautiful 50x100 building site, $900; fine -corner for $1290; easy terms W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1 05S ADJACENT to Laurelhurst, 75xlOO-foot ioi, wnn o oearing iruit trees; sewer anu siuewaiKs tn ana included In price Price $7QO. 403 Couch bldg. MICE 50x100 lots. Peninsula Park dla convenient to car and school, $:50; easy i7,,. nyyij iirj jy 1 itlllgswort n ave. PhoneWdln. 37IHI or Wdln. 5ST. $0it OR lovely Westmoreland lot; all improvements in and paid; best loca tion; 19th and Bybee. Bdwy. 4835. Mar. ROSE CITY PARK. 100x100 corner, 48th and Hancock improvements all in and paid; $2250. inuur on'. LOT ON TOP of hill 'In Rose City, within 2 blocks of car; will pay $750. K 403, Oregoniun. P.OSE CITY PARK lot. on 54th street, 3 blocks N. of Sandy; $550 cash. Owner, Ma'.n ,'ims, . $000 OVERLOOK, 50x100, Castle St., near Mason: terms. O. C. GOLD EN BERG, Ahington Bldg. . ROSE t'lt'Y a:suict $145; near car and paveu.ent; wa'ei', curb, walks; taxes paid: 25x1oll. 70S N. E. 68th ft. IBV1NBTOX BARGAIN. R. K. Co'-ner 2."it!i and Thompson sis 2-'0". Owner. Willn. 65M4. t.'ORNEl. .ot, real bafgain, .Mississippi and Mason. Make us an offer. Bdwy. 2731. REAL KSTATB. For Sale Lots. IRVLNGTON LOTS. Pick your lot today, sure. These snaps soon will be gone. Check, each site and compare values. $1750 23d. near Knott. ' $1200 Faces S. on Stanton, near IJ car. $37K lOtttlOO, N. W. cor. lttth and Stanton. $HW0 10th, just north of Knott. $2U0 lvvxlOO, X. E. cor. 14th and Stan ton; will divide: Inside 50x100 f facing south, $1200; corner $1700. 1050 7th, lio ft. S. of Stanton. $lti00 100 ft. on Tillamook by 80 deep, N. E. corner 2!th. $3900100x100, S. E. cor. 25th and Han cock. $1250 iHUh, 150 ft. S. of Thompson. $ 5715 2th. S. Klickitat (no hard surf.). $ 825 S. W. cor. 2ttth and Fremont. li0 Cor. Knott and 24th. $18: Cor. Knot and 2Sth. $1400 Inside lot adjoining. $ 75 50x142, 20th, S. of Klickitat. $ 875 asth. 50 feet south Stanton. $1400 Cor. 28th and Stanton; one IsllS. Mother ia 53xluO. th, Btazee to Knott, 40x100. 41200 Alameda Park view, 52x180. $ 85 Facing south on Broadway, 50 feet east of 31st st. $1025 Corner adjoining. $1050 4th. north of Fremont J1M0 59x100, corner, face south, block , from Fremont. $1300 27th, lo0 feet south of Thomp son, one lot or two. $2500 73x100, face east, 20th, Brazee to Thompson. $210075 feet, "14th next Knott. $ 850 18th, block north Fremont. $ SOO 40x1120, 27th. north of Brazee. $llioO 2th, Knott to Brazee. $1250 35th, next store, near Brazee. $14jO 25th, Brazee to Knott. $1950 80x100, X. E. corner Hancock and 2th. Can deliver 200x200 hers or less, at attractive prices. $150068x100, Clackamas near 23d. $ Oi7.50 50x142, cor. 2oth and Siskiyou. $ 720 50x100. 2C,th, 100 north Klickitat. $1850 Corner loth and Klickitat. $1000 50x100, 14th near Stanton. $1!.jO Corner loth and Stanton 17uU IOOxDO. facing S. on Hancock or N. on Tillamook, 100 eaat of 20th. Phone us to show you Irvlngton lots. R. T. STREET, Irvlngton Headquarters, East 804. Res. East 4280. IRVINGTON LOTS FOR SALE DIRECT BY OWNER. In city for few days. Will sacrifice. FOR QUICK SALE. Call Oregon Hotel. Broadway 600. L. T. H0LTE. AT 52D AND DIVISION" RTS. J23 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. Ope or two pieces, 60x281 ft, already to put In garden; high state of cultivation; water, sewer, i electricity, phone and gas avail able, macadam street; everything paid; two blocks car line, one block Franklin school; we will not restrict the price of your res idence. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. 1RV1NUTON CORNER PRICE CUT FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. S. W. cor. 23d and Fremont. 50x100, beautiful level lot, 1 block to Broadway car; all Improvements paid: $1050 cash takes It. WW bring $2000 in spring. HITTER.' LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAUKELHURST 37th and Hassalo sts.. $1175; free and clear, a good buy, prac tically level and even with grade; many good buys In Laurelhurst. A. G. Teepeco. 270 Stark st, Bdwy. 6003. East side office, 40th and Sandy. Ta bor 85W. IKvl.NUTUN, $1600, cash. Inside lots In block bounded by Stanton, Siskiyou. E. 22d and E. 23d. This offer holds good only a short time. Regular price $1750. See us at once. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. IRVLNGTON, $1250: the best lot left at this price. East 21st, fac. E., 80 ft. S. of Fremont; beautiful SU-ft. paved St., I blt. to Broadway car; It's a dandy. Buy before it is too late. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, a'u-z-ii-u-i nnarn or Trade Bklg. FORECLOSURE REASON FOR PRICE. Building site 10OxHW 1 block from Laurelhurst park, paving and all other BEsessments paid in full. Clear title, 11500; terms if desired. A. E. DAVIS, 418 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7154. JUST across Prescott from Alameda Park on 29th st., we have dandy building lot for $750; paved street, sewer and all Improvements paid; easy terms to right buyer. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, Jill -2-3-5-f Board of Trade B'dg. 100x100. LEVEL corner, outside city lim its east, in let block north of E. Gllsan; paved, water, gas light, phones, con crete basement and flottf built for house. 27x45; 5 oiks to MV depot car; $525 cash. Owner, H. P. McCoy. East 888. 30TH ST., NEAR KNOTT ST. 50x100. Owner in need of money, will sacrifice this beautiful building lot for $8O0. RICH AN BACH & CO.. 2117-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143 $400 CHOICE lot in Woodlawn. S140O Business lot. Union ave south of Alberta. 11250 Choice lot. E. Harrison St. $1000 Choice lot. Ladd's "addition N., F. W. TOHGLER, Kill Sherlock bldg. LET ME figure My pencil is sharp! We will put a 5-room house under roof for $750. Easy terms. Wdln. 3878. Vor Hale Houses. PIEDMONT. 100x100 CORNER. 7-room, semi-bungalow. Large, light rooms; 1 bedroom down, 3 up; best of construction. The lots are highly Im proved with all kinds of bearing fruit trees, berries, shrubbery and flowers. Garage. This Is a real home n one of Piedmont's best corners. South and east facing. This can be had for $6000, OB easy terms. x DERR & POWNDER, 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. 1808 SISKIYOU $2650. Four-room bungalow; close to car: good condition; one bedroom and den or sleeping room; basement; cement walks; fruit, shrubbery; gas, electricity, and $20 monthly and interest. Possession imme diately. Leaving city and must sell at once. 1808 Siskiyou. Take Rose City car and get off at 71st. Will be home all day. See this at once! HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 104 Fifth Street. , Bdwy. 6318. . ALAMEDA PARK. Story and half modern bungalow, one year old, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, sun room, all built-ins, Gasco furnace, Ruud water heater, garage, best district; very reasonable, With . easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 6 ROOMS REAL VALUE. $200 down and small monthly pay ments will secure this comfortable Home, full lot, berries and fruit trees. Price' $2000. "Will pay you to investigate; W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 105H. FURNISHED 5-ROO.M BUNGALOW, WESTMORELAND, $4850. Leaving city; very attractive; extra large rooms, well furnished; fireplace, bookcases, etc.; attic; all kinds of shrubbery. Come see it. Phone Bdwy. WU11 or Sell. 2706 evenings. 4-ROOM cottage, fireplace, breakfast nook, bath, built-in features, half base ment, laundry trays; corner lot, 92x100, Gtlth St., near Mt. Scott car line. Price $3250, $500 cash, $25 per month. CITY HALL REALTY CO., 287 Fifth St. Main 0420. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH, 7 RMS., SLEEPING PORCH. MODERN EXCEPT H. W. FLOORS. GARAGE; LOT 100x100 THIS WILL SELL QUICKLY.' TABOR 878. WEEKDAYS. MAIN 9012. - 5-KUO.M semi-modern home; $3000, very lib. terms; lot 50x100; schools, churches, cars, stores, 20 min. to P. O. ; a grand bargain. McKENNA. REALTOR, 1151 Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. FOR SALE My home. C rooms and large bath, hall and den: Dutch pantry, uilt-In buffet, fireplace. French gray wood work. Tiffany walla; Rose City x-aiK, j-ts uiucus to car; meal r&naily home. Call Auto. 325-21. ONLY $3300. V, ACRE, 5-ROOM MODERN bungalow, hardwood floors, bullt-ins. tn Owner, phone 527-50; might accept bulld- ing lot. ; JUST FINISHED. 4-room. strictly modern, 2 bedrooms) 4 carlines; Irvlngton; 8 min. to weal hide; owner, must sell for cash ; snap, H250. See owner, E. 9th and Knott sts. $1050 BUYS 5-room modern house, just across the Rroadway bridge. See Edw. T. Orr, 115 Grand ave; REAL ESTATE. For Kale Houses. PORTLAND 5O0.0C0 IN 1030. FRAXK h. jicGUIRE To Buy Your Home. 1200 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES . FOR SALE. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER! THE McGUIRB SYSTEM ' Is the ORIGINAL, SUPERIOR. MOD ERN METHOD OF HOME SELLING. A few minutes spent In this modern of fice will save you time and money and accomplish more than weeks of aimiesu shopping. Every Home, before being ffered for your consideration, has first been PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. Hundreds of remarkable home Bar gains in every section of the city are listed for sale with our office. If nec essary, we'll help you make your down payment. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. . Open evenings until 9. 60 Salesmen with autos. THE SAFEST INVESTMENT IN THE WORLD, "YOUR OWN HOME!"" 10,000 FEET OF WONDERLAND I WESTOVER VIEW ROME! $13,850 BEAUTIFUL FAIRFAX TER RACE HOME, embracing a magnificent view of eriow-clad mountain peaks, valley and river; BUILT OF STUCCO, de signed along lines of classic beauty every appointment of the finest ' hardwood floors throughout; hot water heating plant, etc A HOME OF TH BETTER CLASS! HEART OF LAURELHURST! 850OIN THIS ULTRA EXCLUSIVE HOME DISTRICT you'll want your Ideal home; 8-room dis tinctive, unusually clever dwell ing of massive bungalow type; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch; EVERY DESIRE you've ever anticipated is fulfilled here! Library lined with bookcase; other handsome built-in fea tures; garage. HOME OF UL TIMATE CONTENT! ON THE ALAMEDA! $5750 EXQUISITE BUNGALOW, that is what we call this beautiful place, radiant with happiness slid tne .lov ol oein? ouiit: There's bookcases and two buf fets: and all manner of built ins in the comfy kitchen; fire place, tapestry, hardwopa floors, sleeping porch, furnace, f ' garage. Present owner just put in $0 worth of perennial shrub bery; lattice and pergola. East lttth at. Terms. A WARM BREATH. $tl250 V ROM SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA la expressed in this lovely mission-type bun galow, bow, rambling, ultra artistic lines; 8 rooms; French dnors opening out on brick, pil lared porch pergola; COM PLETEST COMFORT AND BEAUTY ARE YOURS! Dec orated In tapestry and old ivory; hardWood floors; built in effects; 2 lavatories; pipeless furnace; beautiful sweep of lawn; shrubs; garage. E. 58 th. KEEP UP YOUR EFFICIENCY! $4 00 HOME Irf WHERE YOUR HEART IS, and in a Home of Your Own. you are fitted to to cope with any battle of life! Let us show vou a very charm ing HAWTHORNE bungalow, that Is complete in every de tail. All kinds of built-ins; Ra diant fireplace; hardwood all floors except kitchen; bedrooms old ivory, etc. E. 44th. (Paved ; and paid.) THE JOY OF POSSESSION! 5350 ONE OF ROSE CITY'S FINEST BUNGALOWS, brown shingled, substantial and BUtLT FOR A REAL HOME1 5 rooms, cheery living roam with fireplace, bookcases at either end, solid paneled dining room with mas sive buffet, large wnue enamel Dutch kitchen, central hall, lin en closets, 2 sunny bedrooms and nice bath, Boynton furnace, large floored attic, garage, paved at. paid. E. 41st st. COLONIAL ROSE CITY. $4590 CONVENIENT TERMS! WILL MAKE YOU OWNER of this delightful 5-room COLONIAL BUNGALOW in Portland's fa mous bungalow district! Prac tically new (built last year). French doors, fireplace, book cases, buffet, hardwood floors, cheery white Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; YOU'LL NEVER REGRET. CAN be handled on EASY TERMS. SERVICE MEN, you can have this with JU00 and your loan! E. 55th. COZY WHITE BUNGALOW. $3790 HEART OF SUNNYSIDE, at tractive substantial little bun galow of 5 rooms with every - moaern convenience, in excel lent condition, being just newly renovated and painted, 2 bed rooms, bath. large attic, near car. E. 34th et. Terms. A REGULAR BUY! THE DRUDGERY OF LIFE $3450 IN A RENTED HOUSE can all be DONE AWAY WITH! TRY THIS PLAN! Bur an atistic, comfortable Homey HOME, and see the difference! This one in ALBERTA has 7 rooms; double constructed throughout, with lots of built-ins; sleeping porch; 4 bedrooms, etc. A GENUINE SACRIFICE. Must be SOLD AT - ONCE. East a'd st. DON'T WAIT! Can arrange terms. ANOTrrER ALBERTA! $3190 SIX ROOMS in a REALLY PRACTICAL home with every modern convenience; double constructed, built-ins; nice, airy rooms; chicken house; park; 1 dlk to car. zifin st Terms. $500 DOWN! $500 DOWN! SELLWOOD SACRIFICE! $2650 ALL ABLOOM WITH ftOSES. that's how your garden will be when June comes along! And lots of strawberries and grapes. HERE'S FELLWOOD'S BIG- GEST BARGAIN TO DAT! ' 5 room cheerful, modern, warm bunaralow. verv eenvententlv ar ranged; $500 down TAKES IT! , Clatsop st. A DOUBLE STAR - BARGAIN! WAVERLY-RICHMOND BARGAIN! $600 down! $600 down! $2490 ON .PAVED STREET, close to car line, is this G-room, sub stantial, artistic, modern bun aalow. A GENUINE BARGAIN with a email down payment and rest L.1K.K; Ki-.M ! Duut-in con veniences. la rsre airy rooms. white porcelain bath ; 3 bed rooms, full cement basement E. 37th st. OUR APPRAISER SAYS THAT THIS 18 UNDU PLICATED! $30 AND YOUR LOAN! 9-2000 CLOSE IN! Just across the Bdwy. bridge; 3-roorii, com fortable cottage; bath, electric ity, jraa. BULU1BHS. YOU CAN HAVE IT FOR $30 AND YOUR 0 LOAN! Wheeler st. LITTLE PENINSULA BEAUTY! I5UO Down!' 1500 Down! $2500 $500 down, or $200 and LOAN to ex-service men! NEW! One of the prettiest, most desirable nttie oungaiows on the Pen in sula; combination living and dining room with built-in buf fet; French doors; can finish several rooms in attic, THE COSIEST EVER. Van Hough ton. VACANT! MOVE IN TODAY! $2100 $500 down! Cunning little rus tic. brown bungalow of 4 rooms; combination living and dining room with fireplace; 2 light, airy corner bedrooms with bath between; white enamel Dutch kitchrn. Inrge floored attic. S.ViO DOWN MAKES YOU THE OWNER rOF THIS LITTLE GEM! CGth st. $200 DOWN! WEST SIDE! $1790 7-ROOM. substantial HOME ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE RIVER!. No bridges to cross; electricity, 4 bedrooms. VA CANT. 12 til at. Only $200 down! ADJOINING EASTMORELAND! $150 Down! $150 Down! $1450 KOZY KOTTAGB of 3 rooms., convenient to Reed cdllege and golf links; built-in conveni; ences, enclosed sleeping porch; electricity, gas. A REAL SNAP! WHY PAY RENT T Teniho ava. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor, Abington Bldg., Bdwy.. 7171. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. $1000 CASH, full price $1600. New 4-room bungalow, up-to-date. Mount Scott car. Scott & Berry. 1038 Belmont. $400 CASH will handle modern 4-room bungalow, price $1000. Wdln. 1743. IO1O E 14th N. HOUSE. 5 rooms, bath nd toilet; full basement. Improvements all paid. 809 B. 30th st. Phone E. 60.-j. IRVINGTON. Modern 7-room house witlt garage, close ia. East 4308. REAl ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOMES. BRICK AND STUCCO 11 rooms, 2 baths, 4 fireplaces, 5 bedrooms, maid's room, mahogany, oak, natural and en amel finish, completely carpeted, double brick garage, 100x150 grounds, very choice location. Bargain price. DUTCH COLONIAL 1 rooms, break fast nook, sleeping porch. 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors throughout, desirable location. Reasonable terms. DUTCH COLONIAL T rooms, rec hall, fireplace, hardwood floors, 3 bed rooms. Only $5500. Very liberal terms. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, breakfast nook, large attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. $6000, terms. Not quite lin lahed. ENGLISH COLONIAL 7 room maid's room. 6 large bedrooms, 2 fire places, hardwood floors throughout, ga rage. Very desirable location. Reason able terms. IRVINGTON SPECIALISTS We are In touch with many choice Irvlngton homes for sale. It will pay yoa to let us help you locate your home. FERGUSON RA,TMOND, 1W1 C. of C Bldg. Bdwy. 4420. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 7-room, excep tionally well built and beautifully fin ished hduse In fine condition, vacant, clean and ready to move into: high base ment with good laundry and photo graphic dark-room, large living room with beamed ceilings, paneled dining room, den with fireplace, pass pantry, kitchen, 3 beautiful bedrooms, bath, separate toilet and screened sleeping porch. YOU can buy this bouse In a fine view location for $2000 lees than It would cost to build. It was not built to sell and ia first-class throughout Phone Main 585 and I'll be glad to show H. MUST SELL BY OWNER. -R. MODERN HOUSE. OAK FLOORS, F1REPLACSK SLEEPING PORCH. FUR NACE. FULL BASEMENT. ELECTRIC SWEEFER AND WASHER, RADIANT FIRE, NEW RUGS AND CARPETS. FULL LOT fiOxlOO. FURNISHED COM PLETE. 750O; UNFURNISHED, $0fi00. OWN EH TABOR 6704. 400 E. 44TH, NEAR BROADWAY. IRVINGTON SNAP. $16,000. Modern 12-room house, built for a home, but must be sold at once. Owner going east and willing to sacrifice, very easy terms. Owner might take some ex change here 01 In the east; near club grounds. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOWMAN & CO., :0 Cham, of Corp. Bidg. PORTLAND BOULEVARD. H rooms, new roof. nwly painted and tinted, full basement. 200x123 lot. paved street, all street and sewer improvements paid; variety or fruit trees. enicRen houses; excellent buy at $6000, easy terms, MALi-. & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St. Broadway 7436. ROSE- CITY D I ST. JUST COMPLETED, ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, HARDWOOD FLOORS. TTLE SINK. FIREPLACE. ATTIC LARGS ENOUGH FOR 2 BEDROOMS. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT, FOX FURNACE; GARAGE WITH CEMENT DRIVEWAY. !2S E. 44TH ST. N., NEAR BRAZEE. OWNER ON PREMISES SUNDAY 1 TO 5 P. M. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Lovely 8-room modern house, built for a home : lante erounds. shrubbery nf all kinds, view. Owner willing to sacrifice. Owner out of town. Come In and see photos and get particulars. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOM AN A CO.. 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. SEE THIS Cosy new bungalow, 5 rms. featuring built-ins. hardwood floors, fire place, French doors. The whole thing in a natsheli. and you 11 want It. Fur nished er unfurnished mahogany pe- timi furniture, full-size lot, hard-surface, p-lenty or fruit, lo minutes rrom city. Come on opt. The price is right. Terms. Owner. 490 Harney ave. SPECULATION. Buy an IrVington modern home. Sev eral splendid bargains within walking dlstanee. Stop paying rent. Close to Irvlngton and Broadway cars; easy terms. uan is-enaner. su jaeimont. East 8433. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist tn financing eame: 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED, L. R. Bailey contract- in garrjmect:24w:vviiaTm IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW. -- New" 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors fireDlace, furnace, larsce at tic. cement basement, garage, sightly corner, Skidmore and 17th sts., 2 blocks from Irvlngton car. . Phone owner, FINE 7-ROOM HOME in Irvinfrton, full cement basement, fur- nace, hardwood floors, linoleum, bath. toilet on first and second floors., glaes enclosed sleeping porch, attic finished gas and electricity, $7000, terms. For sale by owner. Call Campbell. East 240, LAURELHURST home, strictly modern, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, nreakfast room four bedrooms, full basement, hardwood floors, fireplace. If you are looking for a nice home at a reasonable figure you wlU be pleased with this offer. Tahor fc2i. FOR SU.E 6-robm cottage, not modem has some furniture, barn, garage, other buildings, fruit trees, flowers, shrub , r.ery. No 50 East 88th St., four blocks north of Mt. Tabor car line. See owner at 167 E T2d rs FOR SALE 6-roorn house, completely moaern, run Dasement, oeautirui lire place, built-in features, floored attic, 50x90 lot on paved street near car line Phone Tabor 6378 or apply 9 East 72a St., H. 1 $41150 ATTRACTIVE 6-room buniralow. light gray, white woodwork, stone fire place; fuil cement basement on corner, streets paved : 150 feet from Gar; im provements in and paid; terms. Owner, ""WnorMn wn 676. BARGAIN in real home; 8-rom house, modern, 100x100 corner; garage, full ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, double constructed, nicely fenced, 15 bearing fruit trees; $4500, or all cash- Wdln. 60S. 1202 E. 23d st. N. - BY OWNER, 4-room house and bath, 50x100 lot, improvements pic!. gas and lights, five fruit treea and berries half block Richmond car. $2800, $900 cash. 534 Greenwood ave. A SNAP Cozy 2 -room cottage, lot 68x100, close to car and school, 13-minute ride on Oregon Electric; water and gas in, for only $665; $225 cash. Call 389 Wash ington street. HERE IT IS Investigate my G-room modern bungalow with corner lot. dandy location, fine condition, $750 will handle asy terms; sacrifice for quick sale. Call Aut 623-13. BY OWNER, ti-room modern house: will sacrifice for $1900; also a house, 24x24, partly finished, for $800. Will take light car and some cash on either place. 2073 Eugene st.. or Tabor 0589 evenjn gs. PRETTY LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms, large attic, fully mod ern, corner lot, ideal location, one block to car. Priced right. Terms. Auto. 623-17. NEAR S. P. R. R. shops, splendid 5-room. furnished bungalow, ground 60x100, full cement basement, $3300; $300 cash, baL monthly. Owner. East 3225. ESTMORELAND By owner. $2750. 5 room bungalow, large lot, fruit and ber ries, close to Sellwood car. Some terms. Tel souifi a-ve, 1KV 1NGTON New modern tt-rbom bunga low for less; hardwood floors through out; a beauty. Inquire 459 East 13th at. North. . WELL-BUILT 5-room bungalow, full base ment, furnace firepiace, paved street, assessments in and paid; Woodstock dis trict; by ownr, no agents. Phone 642-9 1 . UOUSE PLANS. 100 designs, 110 lo $15, r specially designed at reasonable fee, L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. MODERN 5-rm. bungalow, sleeping porch, garage; hardwood floor, furnace; im proved st. ; Rose City Park. Owner, Tabor 5035. . .7 KOOMS FURNISHED FULL LOT. A splendid home, not far out, one block to car; leaving city; will sell for $3700. Terms. Auto. 623-17. 3-ROOM house, St. Johns; basement; 50x 100 lot; 1 block to car; $200 cash or Ford 18 or '19 preferred, balan.ee eaey. Price $12fr0. Owner, East 7819. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots and tracts. All locations and prices,, BROOKB. Main 4342. 5-ROOM house, lot 50x100, paved St., N. Irvlngton, $2650; $500 down. Owner, 1248 E. 17th st. N. , 0-ROOM moaern house, 3 lots-, fruit and berries close to school and car. Phone ownr. Marshall 1518. 5-ROOM house for sale, partly furnished, only $1500. See owner, 6030 46th ave. S E FIVE-ROOM cottage, Sunnysid'e. $700 will handle, balance like rent; ho agenta. D 441. Oregonian. 5-KOO-M modern bungalow; must be seen to be appreciated; buy from owner and save rrvmmission. Call Tabor 6828. 4 ROOMS and bath, cement basement, fruit, one block from pavement and Mt, Scott car.' onon 5Qth ave. S. E. $4000 IRVINGTON, 11th st. ; furnace, oak floors. 3 bedrooms upstairs; best terms. Kast 3765. . i 8-ROOM house, 50x100, 'corner lot, good location Owtipr, Bunt 353. ! NEW BUNGALOW, $4000. easy terms. 188 E 6'ith st. M. T. ear.. 3 ROOMS. S acre, Lents, Phone 633-63. 5404 100th BL REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtor. Homes Worth the Money. " $300 DOWN. $2700 Walking distance to heart of city, across Broadway bridge. S rms. Reception hall, living room, dining room, kitch en and pantry, 2 large bedrooms and bath. Full Concrete base ment. Just a cozy, clean little cottage in good repair. Only $300 down, the balance like rent. Vacant. v . $500 DOWN. $4800 Kew 5 - room bungalow, . owner leaving city and must sell at once. Hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, old Ivory finish, tapestry paper, Dutch kitchen, 1 breakfast nook, sleeping porch, . cement basement, furnace and trays. 50x100 lot, paved fits, and sewer. Rose City car. Close to school. A bargain. See us bright and early about this. ROSE CITY PARK. $3 S00 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-ins and cement basement. Not a new home, but very cozy and comfortable; located in a $5000 section. Paved sts. and sewer. 1 blocks Sandy blvd, and car. $1000 down payment ALAMEDA PARK. $5500 Ownr reduces price from $3500, must sell at once; 9 large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, massive buffet, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch 2d floor. Full cement basement furnace, trftys, 50x100 level lot, garage, con- ; crete driveway. Located 100 feet from Broadway car. If you want a real home in one of the best restricted districts In the city you can make your dollars do double duty here. $2500 handles. IRVINGTON. $7750 Reduced from $8500. Must be sold this week. Large, mod ern home of 7 rooms, 4, bed rooms and celled attic, all mod em conveniences. One of the best parts of this beautiful dis trict. An opportunity you won't have again. Some terms. IRVINGTON. $15,000-rA $20,000 home going at a song. 12 rooms, 2 fireplaces, hot water heat, large, beautiful grounds with double garage. The very best part of Irvlngton. Close to car, school and club. Absolutely unsurpassed value and must be sold. Inspected by appointment. Terms, - RITTER, LOWS A CO., Realtors. City Homes Department. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. IRVINGTON. Two new up-to-date bungalows, six large rooms and breakfast nook, hard wood floor and papered throughout, til bath and drain board, costly plumbing, plate glass windows, material and work manship very best all through. This is a very attractive home and in the best part of Irvington; 488 E: 24th st. N., near Thompson; open from 1 to 5. Wdln. 4841. Herman Nelson, owner and builder. BARGAIN WEST MOUNT TABOR. Strictly modern 6-room home, newly painted and decorated; large living room, fireplace, wood lift, built-in buffet, French doors, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen In white, 3 large bedrooms, linen closet, olothes ehutej fine bathroom, up stairs white enamel; full basement, fur nace, wash trays, large front porch, screened-in back porch, fine view, ga rage; a complete well-built home that will bear closest inspection; lawn, fruit, roses, etc. All improvements In and psid; 1 block to car; 1500 East Morri son st., near E. 55th St.; $6500, terms. L. E. STEINMETZ, 408 Gerlinger bldg. Main Guttl. or Tabor 3224. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCB. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $4975 TERMS $4975. 1009 CLACKAMAS ST.. OFF 33D ST. Just completed strictly modern 6-room, hardwood floors, flrepiacer furnace, buf fet, built-in effects. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large living room, fine plumbing and electric fixtures, all on one floor; fine locality, 2 blocks to Rose City car, paving, etc., included. See this today from 12 to 8. Take R. C. car to 33d st., then go 2 blocks north. Phone Woodlawn 1550. 3 BUNGALOWS. READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. ROSE CITY-1244 Broadway; ail-modern; $5350. IRVINGTON DIST. 730 E. 30th N.: 6 large rooms with living room and din ing room across the fronW Price $6000. CLOSE IN 707 E. Pine; 5 rooms with attic: everything to make a cneerrui home; price $6350. Look these over and call owner and builder. - GEORGE E. WILLIS, 22d Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway 5231. Auto. 317-44. MODERN 6-rm. house at 767 Wasco st is for sale at an extremely reasonable price. Good furnace, large basement, ga i rage, large kitche.., with gas stove and water heater, linoleum on floor and In bathroom. Hardwood floors dor.nstaira on paved street. Price Is absolutely right and reasonable terms may be arranged, J will be on premises today, Sunday be tween 2 and 4 P. M. or call mo at my noma before or after Broadway 340a. DIRECT trom the builder. 3 beautiful bungalows, double constructed, cement ' floors In basement, furnaces, electric range and water heatersv plate-glass windows, all the latest improvements; hard-surface street and paid for. Prices $4500 and $4600; reasonable terms; half block from Richmond car line. 532, 534, 542 84th st. Owner, 1016 Brooklyn. SelL APPLY SOLDIERS' BONUS LOAN. ' Leaving city; forced to sacrifice beau tiful Irvington bungalow; 7 rooms, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins; double plumbing, fruit, furniture, in cluding new $200 combination range; furnished, $6200; unfurnished, $5850; owner. 67S fe. 30th st N. East 9103. No agents. HOW IS THIS? . o-room plastered house adjoining a city parK, paved street, 1 block to car, 00x100 lot, 5 nice bearing fruit trees, lawn, fairly close in. $3000; $300 .down, jo mommy, including interest. xouj money is safer than in the bank. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $4350 TERMS $4350. Brand new Rose City bungalow, 5 large rooms, large living room, plate-glass windows, cement porch. and steps, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook', hardwood floors, firepiace, furnace, electric fixtures; Rose City car to 67th st., then 2 blocks north to 744; owner there from 11 to 5 dally. $2500. WAS $8000. 5-room bungalow, 50x100, 37th st., 4 blocks to car; cement basement, large attic, nice yard; E0 minutes' ride; gas, electric, bath, wash trays; a bargain. 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Sell wood 2868. . SECHREST BROS. GOOD modern 2-story 6-room house, new ly painted and decorated, full basement wash trays, wood lift, etc.; lot 50x100; some 'fruit and garden:, assessments paid; no incumbrance; $8200, terms; on carline. 1401 Glisan st. See L. E. Steln- ' metz. 406 Gerlinger bldg. Main 0001 or Tabor 3224. FOR SALS. Attractive, new, 4-room bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, and full basement; price $3600; open for inspection 2 to 6; sub stantial payment down, balance easy terms. 1268 OmJia avenue. Owner, 271 13th st., cor. JeTf erson. A SNAP A 3-room and attic shack house, shingle all over, $175, and can buy the 100x100 lot for $2 down and $2 a week terms. Take Alberta car to 30th and Alberta and walk east to Hil ton addition. Inquire H. Thompson, 1175 Welter Kt. HERE'S SOMETHING TO THINK OF. 7-room home, 50x100 lot, E, 11th st.; near Hawthorne. Some value at $4200. Terms. D. ROBNETT & McCLUEE, REALTORS, 802 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. Q574. $300 DOWN Just finished, 4-room modem bunga low, close to ear and school, lot 92x100, paved at., $3650; $300 down. baL to suit Tabor 8569. . 6-KOUM modern house, furnished ex cept piano only $4700 half block from car on 35th St., $1700 will handle. Seen by appointment only. TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spatdlng Bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern house, by owner. Price $2450, $400 down, balance on terms. 372 E. 6th st. YOU CAN buy a beautiful 7-room home at a bargain. Terms can bo arranged. Phone owner, East 5753. 7-ROOM house, with large lot, $2000; 18 minutes out. Woodstock car. Terms. Owner. Main 4416. Auto. 235-04, COLONIAL bungalow, fireplace, French doors and fruit, $2500, terms. Call at 1808 Sandy blvd. CLASSY new little modern bungalow, for price of old type; terms; would sell fur niahed, all new. Wdln. &5S4. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WE HAVE seven of the best buy In Rose City bungalows, rang ing from $5250 to $6500. If yoa are looking for a home, come ' and look at this selected list. We have worked 4 years in this district . and know the values. $4850 Suburban home, 7 - room bungalow, located on 83x100, has fireplace, furnace, cement base ment, garage. This ia a little beauty, located near the 8c car, excellent neighborhood. This house is almost new. Remem ber, no city taxes, no street as sessments, located on corner with hard-surface roads; any reasonable terms. $4500 Near Jefferson high school, 5 rooms. Here is a little beauty, has fireplace and a full cement basement, furnace, beautiful - yard with cherry trees. You will be surprised to get this bunga- low for the price. The owner is moving on a ranch. IRVINGTON. $4250 Beautiful bungalow, living room, den, wall bed, large bed room, kitchen, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, -cement basement, Gasco furnace, automatic water heater. Here is one of the most complete, up-to-date little bungalows for the money there is in Portland, and if you get it you will have to hurry. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 21t Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 8628. Branch Office 60th and Sandy. Open Sundays. Tabor 8485. $200 DOWN. $1150 total, balance $10 monthly: 4 room house, largt lot, side walks paid ; -seven fruit trees, chicken house, garaga Jdontavilla car. i2no DOWN t $1500 total, balance $15 monthly; fire rooms ana Data, two lots, im&ii iruit Mt. Scott car. J40O noww. $2500 total, balance easy; 4-room mod ern, laree floored attic, cement base ment, cement garage, sidewalks, streets ana sewers ail paid; close in, gas oven - and coal range connected hot water. goes with the house as well as two ruga. aming room set, etc. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. NEW. BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. OWNiUK AND BUILDER. Irvina-ton district. 730 Ksst 30th N. 5-rooTn, all modern, with garage. Price Rose City, 1244 E. Broadway. 5-room with attic, furnaee. hardwood floors. light fixtures and window shades. Price $5530. 707 E. Pine, near 20th, with living room and dining 'room in front, hard wood floors throughout, furnace, light uxiures ana window snaaes, garage; everything to make a complete home. Price $6350. Can be seen eveninsrs. Above places small payment down and easy monthly payments. GEORGE E. WELLER, Owner and Builder. Bdwy. 5231. Aut. 317-44, ALAMEDA HOME. On Regents drive, central en trance, 2 fireplaces (1 in library), old ivory finish, Gasco furnace, most attractive Interior, hard wood floors first floor, beautiful new carpets second floor, all hang ings, linoleum, awnings and gas range included in price; garage, MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, 1238 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1786, IRVINGTON. BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOUSH. On 100x1 0O corner, near Brazee and 16th; 8 large rooms, solid ma hogany, oak and old ivory wood work; best eastern oak floors throughout ; 2 tile bathrooms, 2 tile fireplaces, hot-water heat, in stantaneous water heater. If you are looking for a real home at a sacrifice, see this. Shown by ap pointment. Mc DO NELL, EAST 419. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 1195 East Flanders Street. Five rooms, five coats of old ivory and white throughout; hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, buffet, breakfast nook complete Dutch kitchen and bathroom, large plate glass windows, French doors, tuu-sized beveled mirrors, large base ment, floored attic, furnace, concrete porch, located on corner; exceptionally fine outlook, one block from car line. Open Sundays from 1 to 6 P. M. ; week days phone owner, room 502, Carlton hotel. $3060. SOLID VALUE. MT. TABOR DIST. Bungalow of 5 good rooms, all built- ins, neat and modern except furnace, large unnnisned attic, lull cement base ment; 50x100 level lot, berries, garden street paved; good neighborhood, close to school, stores and M.-V. car: terms. with about $650 down. Owner, 1560 East mverett. Tabor 2447. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL. Moderate priced cottaea type (34x32) with dormers and red roof; a new type to rortiana ana very, very appealing compact, convenient, economic, compiac to every detail: uniaue in many; Ka ra ge (llxlW); splendid location. 801 East 24th N. 300 ft. to Broadway car line at Regents drive. Open from 10 A. M. to o sr. m. can evenings. Auto, oij-itt. "For More and Better Homes." D. M. DRAKE, Constructor-Owner. FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW, JUST COMPLETED, IN NORTH JONESMORE. SIZE OF HOUSE 26x28 LOT 60x100, PRICE $3276. EITHER CALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEN STOCK & CO., 2D FLOOR, OREGON Lit. Liter 1U? i!i HXlUAiJ WAY 1658. PIEDMONT. 10 rooms, hardwood floors, flrenlaoe, full cement basement, furnace, 100x100 lot; all street and sewer improvements paid; fine garage. This place is located In the heart of Piedmont and is a real oargain at ttuuu; terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St. Broadway 7436. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. 7 rooms with breakfast room and sleeping porch, firepiace, buiU-ins, ce ment basement, furnace, garage, 63x100 corner lot with fruit and shrubbery, overlooking Laurelhurst park. Price $5300. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMEDA QUEEN ANNE BUNGALOW. - For sale by owner, nearly new 6 love I v light rooms, strictly modern, hot-water heat, ivory zimsh. tapestry paper, fire place, cement basement, all built-ins. Karaite. Kara en, tence, shrubs, linoleum gas range; will sacrifice for quick sale. Call East dims. BARGAIN IN OVERLOOK CHOICE LOCATION. 8 rooms, up to the minute; built for home In the minutest detail; thlti will please you, and the price is only $5500. $1000 will handle. See us. Pacific Realty, company, phone Bdwy. 7880. MODERN BUNGALOW CLOSE IN. 5 large rooms, attic, full basement, new, modern and pretty; walking die tance; low price. lerms. v. ROBNETT Hi McCLURE, REALTORS, 802 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6574. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $350 down buys a cozy and complet double-constructed bungalow; bath, fire place and garage; at Multnomah station, 15 minutes' out; cost $2750. Ned Burke, Main 11)03. BY OWNER 7-room house, finished In old Ivory and white enamel throughout, built-in bullet, large lot, bearinjt fruit, near Irvington car line ; improvements padi; part 01 line zurniture also ror Bale. rrice $3PW. wooaiawn itaz. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 6-room double-constructed home, full basement, trays. 1 block to car; pric $2600; only $600 down, bat, $30 month, including interest, rapor oootf. $350tl $5.00 DOWN, O-room, 2-t'amlly house, warning 'cnstance; win easily rent lor 4U. Vancouver, ave., up stairs. . FOR SALE At Cornelius, house, four lole. Fruit trees, garden spot, chicken irfrh with running water. $1200 cash. Address L. Moore, obi latn ave. Eugene. ARTISTIC new bungalow for sale by owner1 completely xurnisnea, beautnni shrub bery, street paved ; $4900, $800 down. Tabor" 2502. . GOOD 6-room house with bath at 1217 Borthwick st; will take Bulck light 6 first payment- C. H. ELston, owner, Os- wego, or. BY OWNER A modern 6-room house with den, beautiful grounds, shrubbery and trees; fine ga- ige; gooa aistrict, close in. Phone E. 167 8. MODERN 7-room house, 51st d Sandy, furnace, large fruit srees; cheap for quick sale. Terms. Call owner. Tabor 1207 . 4 -ROOM modern buniralow for sale bv owner. 29 W, Webster St., bet. Interstate and Concord. IRVINGTON. Modern 7-room house with close In. East 4308. garage, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. $18,500, Best stucco home In Irv lngton; 8 rooms and large Inclosed sleeping porch, beautiful tiled oath and large billiard room with mammoth fireplace. This home could not be built for double the price; 100 100 grounds. McDONELL, EAST 410. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA DRIVE. OLD ENGLISH BUNGALOW. $16,000 Planned by eastern archi tect, th Interior super vised by interior decora tor, most beautiful soft tones in walls, woodwork and fireplace ; hot-water heat, plate glass. French doors, long mirrors, sun room, breakfast room, elaborate living and din ing rooms, perfect con venience; also instanta neous Ruud water heater, two lovely bedrooms and large den. Complete tiled bath and extra plumbing; also electric bath cabinet; grounds 87x100. beautiful ly landscaped and ter raced. McDONELL. EAST 419. IRVINGTON. $11,500 Colontai on 24th and . Knott, hot-water heat, large rooms, hardwood floors throughout: two baths, two fireplaces; all plate glass windows; fine corner with double ga rage. McDONELL. EAST 419. ALAMEDA HOME. $10,000 On Hamblet ave., seven lovely, rooms and sleep ing porch ; unusual floor plan, artistic wall finish ing; has most beautiful bathroom in city. Home in perfect condition; full Iot and garage. McDONELL. EAST 410. LAURELHURST. $10,000 Beautiful white stucco bungalow on 100x100 tri angular corner, very Urge rooms, large plate glass windows, gas furnace. In stantaneous water heat er; very classy looking small home, situated at Peerless and Hassalo. McDONELL. EAST 410. $9000 IRVINGTON CORNER COLONIAL. X This Is one of the pret tiest corners in Irvington. You have admired it; six artistic rooms. 3 concrete porches, sunroom. eolid concrete garage; grounds beautifully landscaped ; wide parking with trees And roses. On Knott st.. one block from car. McDONELL. EAST 41ft. S000 NEAR ALAMEDA AND KNOTT. - Eight rooms, hardwood floors: In fact this Is one of the nicest view homes in the city. $7500 View home on Wistaria eve. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, throughout. Beau tifully terraced grounds. Real bargAin. M cD O N ELL, "EAST 413. STAR SALES SERVICE." LATTRELHTTRST. S5800. $5R0O. There !s everything new and modern in this 5-room bungalow, finished in oid Ivorv, large living room across the front, first-class fixtures, full cement basement, laundry trays and furnace, Tou cannot get more value than thli buy in Laurelhurst proper. - Reasonable terms STAR REAL ESTATE TNT. CO. Realtors. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 5618. Sun. and Eve, Wdln. 6652. 1ATTREILHTJRST. dose to park. " Sacrifice. Seven rooms; larire MvlnaSwom; real dn, dining room. Dutch kitchen, break fast room and one nice bedroom a-nd bath first floor: 2 bedrooms and bath, 2d floor; 2 fire-places; interior done In old Ivory and real mnhopany; $7500; . terms. Alvin Johnson. Realtor, 204 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 37. Sunday Eaat 2061. STRICTLY modern bungalow, 5 large rooms, living room across front, plate glass windows, French doors, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, beautiful b"ffet, fine Dutch kitchen complet. large bathroom. linen cabinet. full length mirror In one bedroom; space for 3 rooms on second floor, full cement basement, fine furnace, garage. 2 lots, 8 fruit trees, berries roaes, street Im provements in and paid. 1H blocks to car, near high school; $500i, $200ft cash, terms. 1555 Division St. Tabor 2261. $4000 $500 CASH, $25 mo., modern 7-rm, ,and garage. East Gllsan st. $4500 $50O cash, $2-5 month. Modem 7-room, 80x100 lot, near good school, Hawthorne car line. $3800 Walking distance Bdwy. bridge, 7-rm. house, 50x150, with fruit trees. $2050 Sherman St.. near Broadwuy; 6- rm. house, west side. $5000 Division st., near 40th; modem 7- rm. bungalow. CHAS. RINOLER A CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 5407. ' LEAVING CITY. Will sell my modern 8-room howe .close in in Holiday's addition, 60x100 lot, on paved streets, assessment all paid. Will accept a email cash pay ment, good vacant property or auto mobile as first payment; give attractive terms on balance. This is a bargain at $6500. . See my agent. BRUCE O. ROWAN, Realtor, 204 Morrison St. Main 5T62. ALAME.DA PARK SACRIFICE. 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors: French doors; all built-ins, fireplace and furnace; GOx 100 lot and garage. Price reduced to $6350; small down payment, balance about like rent. See this home, the number is 83-0 Glenn are. E. M. BROWN. 1133 N". W. Bank Bldg, Main 3422. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. 5-(room strictly modern colonial bunga low, brand mew, garage, breakfast nook; kitchen and bath covered with inlaid linoleum; $1500 down. GRAND LITTLE HOME. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4SSO. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room modem .bungalow, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace and all bullt-lna; fruit trees, berries and shrubbery,- 50x100 lot and garage. 494 E. 52d st North. Tabor 8037, Sunday from 11 tm 3. WHY RENT? When you can buy a neat little home for $!f00, $300 down, $15 monthly, gas, electricity, city water, bath and toilet. This is an opportunity. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $5000. N-earlv new five-room bungalow on full corner lot, Jiwt off Sandy; finished In old ivory, hardwood floors and all built-in. Verv easy termS; O' FA RRE LL-FO RDNET. 838-40- Cham, of Com. Bldg, Bdwy. 4172. CORNER IN PIEDMONT $4500. Excellent 7-room home, furnace, fire place, enamel finish, built-ins, fruit trees, berries : easy trms ; open today 3 to 5. Mr. Hart, with .T "R HAIGHT. REALTOR. 325-327 Board of Trade. Broadway 5045. BY OWNER 7-room house, lot 40x100; good neighborhood; house In good re pa'lr; basement, laundry trays. Snap at $3300. Mignt take some trade. 5135 Woodstock ave., or call Main 4245, 9 A- M. to 5 P. M. $42ao. Attractive 6-room bungalow. light gray, white woodwork, stone fireplace, full cement basement, on corner; streets paved; 150 feet from car; improvements In and paid: terms. Owner, Wdln. 676. $2200. HOUSE. $22(0. New 3-room house and almost acre land on paved street: $.100 cash handles. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. 404-5-6 Panp.ma Bldg. 3d and Alder. E. 32D ST.. NEAR FRANCIS AVE. 5-room modern bungalow, Bleeping porch, built-ins. basement, furnace, pa rage. $3600; $80" cash or soldier's loan and leys cash. Owner. Sell. 1159. SUNNYSIDE, near 39th, $4250, $1000 cash, extra well built modern 6-room house, fine garage, lot 50x100. See this for genuine bargain. H. H. Staub, 1027 Bel mo iitweekTabojrlO $2350 TERMS, double constructed 3-room bungalow; ivory enamel woodwork, fire place, Dutch kitchen, basement, garage and chicken house; A-l plumbing fix tures. 041 E. 73d st. N. Tahor 3118. $120O BUYS a 4-room house on E. 80th st., 214 blocks south of Sandy blvd.; lot 50x 14ft. Will take a Ford or Chevrolet as part payment. Wish a quick sale, hence the price. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park ft. LEAVING city, want to sell before March 1, good first-class home, 7-room, mod ern In every way; price low; easy terms. Owner East 7076. CHEAP for cash, Laurelhurst bungalow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, 1 blk. R. C. car. 1120 Senate st. -ROOM modern house, 2 lots, orchard; sacrifice, $3000. terms. 11th and Colum bia blvd. Wdln. 1763. PHONE East 5753, about the best 7-room buy in Irvlngton. , 3-ROOM house, fruit and berries, near RE All ESTATE. for Sale Houses. STAR 'SALES SERVICE. $600 DOWN $ COO DOWN. -A dandy 5-room bungalow-type, 1 bedrooms and, sleeping porch, finished In white enameft Dutch kitchen, paved St., fruit and shrubbery. A cozy home and only 2 blocks to car. Near 20th St., on A. B. car line, $3000. $3000 FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $3000. A lovely 4-room bungalow, with new furniture, Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, cement basement, gas heating system, launoiy fray. Go and see this wonder ful buy. Terms. $700 DOWN $700 DOWN. A foveiy 5-room rustic bungalow, fin ished in old ivory, garage, 60x100 lot, concrete foundation, on pavement, 1 blk. to cor, south 'of Emerson, near 21st st $3600. STAR REAL ESTATE TNT. CO. Realtors. 612-13 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 5618. Run, and Eve, Wdln. 6652. $3250 PARKROSE, If you want a cozy home and a wal little home, this la the place. 70xl00-foot corner lot, located on Richardson road and only one block from the car, eaat and south front, interlorjsof this place Is the niftiest and coziest you can pic ture, one of the features is the breakfast nook with decorated table and chairs; excellent plumb ing. The house has a living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, bathroom and bedroom, Rnd must be seen tn be appreciated. It Is Just the kind of a home that doe not cost a fortune to keep up. Terms half cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. CAN TOU appreciate a real home, built on honor, for permanent durability, or one of hasty, cheap construction, built for Sale at a profit? You cannot con struct one. In bungalow form, on a Laurelhurst lot without violating build ing restrictions or home privacy. In spect my modern 6-room Laurelhurst home, with finished attic and 3 larpe bedrooms, 1 a cottage bedroom 16x20 ft-, with fireplace and French doors to open porch. Ideal for twin beds, or In case of sickness. Hardwood floors and 7 coat enamel throughout; absolutely new and spotless. Shower bath, breakfast nook, flreless cooker, costly decorations and fixtures. Two fireplaces, exclusive privacy and excellent view. Furnace, laundry, fruit room, cement basement, garage. Many built-in features. Two tots, assessments paid. Irrigation plps, with Thompson head sprinklers In 15 foot squares in ground. $0750, with easy terms. No trades. Tahor 8234. ALAMEDA HOttB. On Regents drive, central en trance. 2 fireplaces (1 In library), eld Ivory finish, Gasco furnace, most attractive interior, hard wood floors first floor, beautiful new carpets 2d floor, all hang ings, linoleum, awnings and gas ranse included in prico; garage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, 1238 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 17S8. BRAND NEW ffr-TAfP! BRAND NEW SNAP! 4750 N. PTETOTOtNT PARK. 6-rm. Queen Ann, mm rm, brk. nook, lanre living rm.; hdw. firs, fireplace; built-in, attic, garage; blk. car; $1000 cash. Pay owner for hla labor. That's all! O. C. OOLDBNTBTmO. LATJRE LHTJRST. Modern 8-rra. douWe oonsfrncte horwet with hot water heat, hardwood floors, all built-in effects, exceptionally large living and dining rooms. Attached ga rage with cement floor and sides. Ideal ly located in Laurelhurst. Ownr haa been only tenant. Only $0000; $5000 down. Call at 61 First et., or phone Bdwy. 7717. or Sundnv Tflbor 1071. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS 7-room modem home, double garage; fruit. "1 o Or 100 comer 'TrrprovrTrneTrta in, paid; $rOOi; fronci termfl. West side 9 -room modern Iwwwe, close hi, partly furnished; fine Income; $4500 eajrv terms. Fine 7-room bungalow, lot ftOxloA; close In: Improvemfmts In. -paW; only ?425Q: terms. Dubois, 8-04 Srwldlnsr Mdg HOME" IN IRVTNOTON A beautiful brick end shingle house gara ge, f u 11 plast ered basement, con eervatory, plate glass windows, herd wood floor, secret silver closet and every modem convenience thinkable. Corner Braxee and E. 24th. Price $1330O. Easy terms. JOHN D. WTLCOX 414 FIttock Mock. WEST SIDE HOME. A lovely home on N. 24th st. TMs to a fine two-fttorv home of distinction aTd contain all modern- fpaturs. Mu-t be seen to be ap-preelated. Price $12,500 terms. Shown by aypol-nrm-ent only, O'FARR EHiL-FOR DN FY, 338-40 Chamber of Commerce Bide Broadway 4172. . ROSE CITY PARK BTJNGALOW. Nearly new, 4 rooms, cement base ment, fireplace, late built-ins, will take cheap light car' and $250 as first pay ment, bal. MlflO. BOO N E - CLEA R W A TETR, 506 Cnurh Bide. Bdwv. S317. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2800; $300 down. $30 monthly. Includ ing interest; sewer in and paid ; eleo tricitv, gas, city water, bath and toilet; one-half basement, fireplace, 60x100 lot, 4 blocks to car. This will not last long. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mnln 3787. FOR SALE A 6-room bungalow-type cot tage, less than 1 block from Hawthorne ear. has full cement basement and fur nace; hall, dining, living room and kitch en below; 3 bedrooms and bath above; only $4100; equity $075-, balance at $35 per month. Come to 1376 Hawthorn avenue. . NfEiW LAU R E LH UTt -ST BUNGALOW. $6500. Rave commission, buy from owner. Terms. Five-room bungalow on very valuable and attractive corner lot; mod ern, has hardwood floors and up-to-date In everv resnect: new kitchen llno leum Included. Phone Tabor 1400. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. CLOSE IN. 60 FT. TO C. C. CAR. GOOD VIEW. Modern hou!e, 9 larpe, pleasant rooms; newly decorated, street Improvement paid, garage; $6000 terms: $5700 cash. Immediate possession, at 606 Laurel et. Owner 624-16. , OPEN TODAY 2 TO 5. 675 Ladd ave.; new 5-room home In this beautiful district; walking distance; oak floors, fireplace, attic, alley; $5250; good terms. Mr. Church, with J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR, 325-327 Board of Trade. Broadway 2045; BEAUTIFUL VIEW BUNGALOW. Mt Tahor 5 rooms, f ! replace, book cases, buffet, cement basement, paved street ; a very cosy place : $4000, $ 1 006 cash; balance $25 and Interest monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg.- Main 3787. TWO ROSE CITY BUNGALOWS. Five rooms each. In perfect condition and absolutely modem; one 2 blocks off Sandy on 4Sth st J50OO; one on 05 th sU m blocks off S-nndy. $4250. NEIL AN & PARKHTLL, 210 I.um'bprmpns Bldg WANT TO BUILD? WE WILL BUTI-D FOR YOTJ AND HELP YOU FINANCE THE BUILDING. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. REALTORS. BROADWAY 5618. 512-13 WILCOX BLDG. DANtDY little 5-room house, with new roof; full cemfflt h3?ment; modern and on Taved street; $3"1. Will accept lot and small smoirot cash. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. 404-S-ft Panama. Bldg. Bd and Aider. LAURELHURST bungalow, ultra-modern in every way. Nothing forgotten; five larger rooms and breakfast nook; hard wood floors throughout. Everything just lovely. You will like it. Let us . show you this today. Call Main 2041. WE MUST SELL 303 E. Chicago St., In St. Johns, this week. This is a modern 4 room house with full basement on Im proved county road. Cement walks and curbs. All Improvements paid. For particulars telephone Main Htf. ROSE CITY PARK PRICE $4050. $650 cash, balance $25 and interest monthly; up-to-date 5-room . bungalow.: basement, fireplace; built-ins, ! etc. CaJi Automatic 318-16. HAWTHORNE CARLINE. Only $3150 buys a n?w modern bunga low, corner lot, one block from car. W. H. ROSS. 1100 "Northwestern Bank bldg. SUNNYSIDE, $3000, wHh $600 down, good 6-room house, on E. 30th St., extra fine location and surrounding. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, week Tabor 210, OWNER leaving city, must sell, 7 rooma, modern In every respect. Priced very low. Best part Irvington. Some termat. Phone owner. Eaat 5753. BY OWNER ROSE CITY. Modern bungalow, five rooms, sleep ing porch: hot water heating plant; on paved street. Tabor 573. 740, . 66th N.