TITE SUNDAY OliEGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 12, 1922 urn Dironxi n 1 1 Harems Losing Caste Among Intelligent Turks Who Are Assimilating Western Ideas. H h , ' hrhx 'I tu 1l I I! ' lM i f j ' 1 I J ' JM, fir -MClf I I i A" ' A, - -r r'- 1 ' -il . jM yHr - I yyy ' - . - l . i--r s& I : f; - -,:i. i - . m t WJ ('fA Miff 1 mVv::!! ' r ty:, a . -1- ,i t-5 a I jut . f - y 'U? '1 Greek I ' f j I t1 harem wife. ..AS vy BT MART STMOX3. CWTlht. 19? ThompMn Pvatar Serv io. Ail Rlht Resemd.) ARTICLE NO. J. netmi coodlttona. rcent!y m1 u x taadad arry of the oM Turkiah empire in order to C at th truth rvcardin th xltoc of hArcrna and of traXfto tn rtrla In Tnrkor. Br pormmanca and tat aba raada tmportant dlacovmna wliicn how Umu cab4ftd rporta of tta diaap tiHtfiac of the harema are untrue. In bar fHOTloos artlclra aha haa told of tha "liaaal of hararn lifa and of tha sala of rtrla for tha harnma. and haa outllnad tha ramaon mr inia new rorth. In tha nrra ant article aha taUa of tha faliura of tha noaarn aarean. ' ARE MS exist In Turkey today, out they are failures. A harem is based on the Idea f tha subjugation of many women nd tha elevation to godship of on Ban. frequently fat. The old harems were not failures. The first four wives, according- to stories, would gather in each other's rooms to chant the praises of their one husband. The old harem was a Treat success because the women be lieved men had a right to polygamy, and tiat women ware born to abne gate themselves. For tha more Intelligent class, tha tiarem is rapidly passing. "It was tha theory of male god ship, ornamented with Jewels, veils, se crecy, autocracy, religion and passion that made harem life satisfactory to my grandmother and mother." said a leading Turkish feminist. Madame 1 Bey. who at the aire of 31 is a grandmother. Her first marriage was with an official of the saltan's entourage, who kept a harem I daughter by him has now married and has a child. Madame L Ecy later divorced her husband and married a Turk of Intelligent and progressive Ideas. Her days are now spent in propaganda work among Turkish women and particularly among the m-omen of the harems. The women in the old harems lived in a spell. But travel and edu cation broke the spell. When thej were allowed to travel with their daughters on the trains and see the world, liraltedly. the daughters grew up with another idea of married lifa than their mothers enjoyed. That is, they did. If they were intelligent." The Retreat'' the moat brantlral at the snail aalarra of the sultans. girl a type frequently in Constantinople. Haraaltes Afraid Madams L Bey sighed. "Many Of them are stupid and afraid. They are afraid to reach out for freedom, afraid of their husband's frown, afraid of the priest's criticism. "And those who live In harems art guarded, by their husbands against conversation with fire-brands like me." And the grandmother of S3 years smiled delightfully "It makes them hard to get at. My father's having been admiral of the late sul tan's navy gives ma a social position, though, which I use as a wedge in soms cases. The husbands do not dara refuse to let the daughters of a sultan's favorite call upon wives, who are usually only beautiful peasants from Georgia!" Her smile had in it aareasm. "Tou see. our grandmothers' beauty built up harems. Now we. the grand daughters, tear the harems down with our tongues." It Is the women who proselyte against the harems. For harem In Turkey today are Impossible without the slavery of Turkish women. And the Turkish women who are intelligent fight against the subjuga tion of the less intelligent women as If their subjugation cost the intelli gent woman pain. After lil only that Is, after the young Turks got power and took over the reins of the revolting Turk ish government the Turkish women started to travel and read French discouraged from going to the mosque oftener than once a day. Their hus bands can go seven times a day and pray for their wivesxif they choose to. No wonder harems persist. There has been a conspiracy against tha Turkish woman up until the last few years. And the present war is aiding the conspiracy by keeping ive harems a few years longer. But the truth will out, sooner or later, war or no war. Harem Spirit Survives. Perhaps the keenest propaganda carried on against the harem spirit is aimed at the Turkish husband who, though he has only one wife, forces her to live a la harem. He makes her wear a veil. lie does not allow her to go shopping except with his permission. He demands an account of her every act. She Is his harem though she Is his only wife. In modern dress, and not one of fonr wives and ten odalisks In flapping trousers and chiffon scarves. One wife can make a harem. "Let me tell you an amusing story, begged Madame L. Bey. "it Is about a Turkish husband who kept his wife a la harem. "I laugh when I recall it, though it Is sad. "The Incident took placo just three years ago. "Thia pasha had a wife: we will call her Alsrre who loved him dearly; so dearly that she was willing to apolo gize for him. That is the height of domestio love. "She was willing to try and tell us modern Turkish women that ha was broad-minded and gave her free dom. This was not true. He forced 7 M i 1 IK,'. Ti 'i ' .isf ways Interesting. Find out what the women dp, and you have the keynote to the social development of a nation. "Women In a modern harem do the( things that the ordinary 18 or 20-year American flapper does. Flapper pas times prevail In the modern harem just as they did In the old. " 'Sweet idleness' Is the motto of the harem wife. "I can tell you wliat is done in the harem of the nephew of the sultan. I cannot give his name. But his not appear in public with their lord3. It was contrary to the social ruling. Taklnsc Kafe. "Sometimes the harem wives go to the cemetery for an afternoon's di version. The cemeteries take the whose governmental officer he was. place of parks in Turkey. There are Tnrkish crtris on altonping tone. These are modern sir Is in national Til Tit ian costume. Chistlan culture has made old-fash-ione harems unnecessary. The modern Turkish man of the upper classes haa had his education in the Latin quarter In Paris, while most of the modern Turkish women have got theirs by going to tha Amer ican' college for girls. This institu tion, founded and run by American missionaries, is a great achievement and has done much to advance women in the east. Halideh Edlb Hanoum, the leading Turkish feminist, is a graduate of this institution and has two eons at : Illinois university. At preoeant she Is down In Anatolia helping the Turks run the war. She has been threatened innumerable times In the past with exile If she didn't keep her tongue In her cheek. That Was before she was famous. Now the Turkish men point to her proudly. Aliah Hanoum (hanou.m means "woman"; Miss and Mrs are not used in Turkey) is a Turkish writer whose propaganda against the face veils made her famous and led to the drop ping of these unattractive features by such women as have dared in the last few years. It Is said1 that after having fought the face veil for years her head veil blew over her face In a winter wind- one day and she bor rowed a pin from the wife of an American missionary to pin it back so that no one would think she was wearing a veil. A Leading Feminist. Madame Hurshid Bey is another leading feminist whose intelligent work among women in harems and among men in politics has aided the advancement of her country. She Is a woman of charm, beauty and intel ligence. She is not afraid of the Turkish government, its institutions or the Turkish mei. One has to be afraid of nothing to be a successful feminist in a country where only very recently women were dropped down stone wells for nothing more serious than winking at a male passerby. She had her education from a father who was not afraid of the sultan. When the sultan, thinking she had achieved young womanhood told her father to have her put on a veil and quit wearing a child's hat, her father very reverently told the sultan to mind his own business. He nearly lost his head. When the sultan com- at the Sweet Waters of Europe or the Sweet Waters of Asia. These are like your Central Parl in your New York city I imagine, only more quiet. The children go to the picnics, so do the servants, the maids, the men who drive the carriages, or tatarabasl, as tho 'fortyniner' wagons are called. s - t US Gypsy fortune teller popular person with the karemites. novels. Travel ana Xavela. irue. e lorceo H lived in an apartment house, true Turkish spirit. He bought the The ahriek of the engine whistles ner lo account for-her every minute But Aishe. his wife, tried to protect chain and handed it to her and and the paper-back French novel have when he came home from the sultan's her husband from Madame H 's strolled out, she following at his emancipated them as much as any- Plac n 'was an officer in the sul- criticism by saying she would appear heels. thing else. tans imperial government and re- anyhow. The encine pulled them to new Iusa o let ner waik by his side no parks. By the tombstones the wives and servants it, talking. The Turks, by nature, are indolent. Tak ing your kafe (pronounced like waif) wives' pastimes? I can tell you of Is the national pastime for men. It them," Madame li Bey told me. means, literally, doing nothing, just plained that the woman who was to "In summer time they go .to picnics dreaming. So deep into the social be Madame Hurshl Bey should ho less with their servants and other friends usage has the word kafe gone that modern in her views about harems when you ask a person where they and women the father again told the live, you say, 'Where do you take sultan that the daughter's education your kafe?" was the father's affair, not the ruler's. "When the women go to the ceme- This time he was dismissed from the teries they take their kafe. They do sultan's cabinet. Then, the third not sew. They do not talk overly time, he refused: to give up some Ar- much. They Just sit. menlan slaves to the soldiery during "One of the features which has the Armenian massacre In Constan- Ferhaps the wagon is replaced by a broken up the modern harem is the motor car. depending on the wealth attitude of the wives toward those of the city pasha, whose wives are on women who are not wives. In the the outing- These Sweet Waters are old' days the odalisks had their stand- opinions makes fatherhood trying in located one on the European, one on ing. They were, if they were slaves, Turkey. . the Asiatic side of the Bosphorous. entitled to their freedom after seven The sultan has a palace near tho Eu- years. If virgins, they could be de- ropean side. manded in marriage. If not, they had "They take lunch. They eat to be liberated and given a definite almonds and almond paste cakes, pit- position in the pasha's establishment, aff, made of rice and kebabs, which For there were no 'extra women in are roasted with bits of mutton After the old days. The broad gates of following quotation: "The Turk's re lunch they talk. polygamy made the relation between ligion has forbidden him to drink or "They never sew. They only read the Turkish master and each one of to gamble. To dance was to lower when they are home end have noth- his women a thing established by himself to the rank of a slave. The Ing else to do. They talk about their law. There were no illegitimate chil- aters have been unknown in, Turkey Parisian clothes, which they wear dren, and few cases of violence to a until of late years. The Turkish man only In the privacy of their own young girl. Any Turkish man who has had neither the hunting of big rooms. They wear the national cos- was responsible for the maternity of same, cIuTds, tennis or golf to occupy young girl had to recognize the him. He has been forbidden to travel child and care for it and its mother, without imperial permission until the past few years. His taste for art has been nil. tinople. he was assured he would be exiled. Standing up for one's daughter's A Real Explanation. The real explanation, of the unin telligent Turkish man and his devo tion to women, as a pastime in for mer years, is best contained in the "He took her to a sweet-meat shop tume in public. Love to Gossip. "They talk scandal. "They talk of the occasional cine ma which they see. When special women matinees are given at. the local cinemas, the women can go, but land where women lived as women. wh' they went on the street to- help This is how she did It with my and bought her candy and cakes. The not when men are present, without The paper-back novel showed them wives who ruled as queen in their bom, alone, with no four other queens in the next four rooms to borbcr their power. Hngines and education, paper-back novels and visions of homes In which something other than polygamy reigaed these two factors have helped make harems a failure. For up to within the presidency of Theodore Rooaevelt. in the Amer ican woman's memory. Turkish wom en could not travel in trains, or even leave tieir country. And up almost ether. The old Turks have always made their women walk at their hecla "He also forbade her going to any apartment house. "Apartments, such as you have in "Her husband promised to take her shopping to console her for the dis appointment of not going to the tea party. I urged her to accept his in- hoax worked well. "The third corner from his villa the hoax came again into play. The wife, who had been to the tea-party in the' meantime, took the servant's sitting in the section behind lattices reserved for women. And the cinema houses that have these sections are for Turkish natives only. And the smart Tur-k prefers' his wife to go to vitation. He said he would buy her place and the servant, possessor now the Continental cinema houses. - a , ,k Z, Omo oonoons and a silver necklace of the rich silver chain and the can- orated by Armenians, French and TfT ZZ 7 . . Bne bad lonK admired. She was to dies, hurried home by a side street. Russians in Constantinople. They are 7n,T h - i?"k" Cm ?w meet hlra near the Pera Palce Hotel, and was ready to laugh with her mis- chic The others are not. another and he. would be none the t told her to keep the rendezvous, tress on her retnrn. Her husband "ontii six years ago no Turkish Oue Doer tn Old Harema. She did. waa utni in the lead. TTe lot her fnt- u ... i i i j nviiiKu muu di. wtiu uvi uusuauu 'But when she got to the door of low him In the door and up the stairs. jn a theater without the police being to within the time of President Taft call on the ladies of the harem, a iu inn oiu narems mere waa one tne jeweler s shop, a hoax was perpe- He did not hear his wife chuckling called. The law forbade it. There door at the front gate. trated on the husband. Aishe's serv- behind his broad back. i3 now one cinema In Constantinople. "It was locke on the outside. ing maid was waiting at the door. "I made the wife tell tha husband .aii th. Mno-iV whir-v. h KT,.r.ii "When a woman visitor came to Her costume had been arranged to be the truth about the shopping tour, dispensation from the sultan, allows they were not reading foreign novels. They were reading nothing, not even the Koran, which is their Bible. Turkish women are not allowed to read the Koran to cause Mohamad, th rather a feminist. Therefor the women have been identical with her mistress'. He was furious. But what could he "The mistress exchanged places do?" He had wanted a wife who fot with the maid. The mistress went to lowed at his heels. He found that a the tea. The maid followed at the woman who followed at his heels husband heel into the shop. There could be anyone even his wife's serv she spoke in a respectful whlsnet- ing maid!" "He forbade her going to a Madame when he asked her if the silver chain "What do women in modern harems H 's tea party, given for Turkish still pleased her. He was delighted do?" ladies oa a certain day. Madame at her obaeo,uieace. It was in the "Toe pastimes of woman are al- eunuch came from a side door, un locked the door from the outside, let her in, and locked the door again. "Apartment houses are nothing like ny extent be- harems in their construction. prophet, was husband and wives to sit together. But the wives who sit there are the emancipated wives, not the harem Ites. "Until a few years ago, a wife could not ride in a carriage with her hus band. Why? 'Adet!' That is the Turkish word for custom. It explains everything in the east. Women did assimilating it. And assimilating The law was just and fine. Women's Changed Attitude. "But nowadays the wives In the harem look down on the 'extra' women, if there are any, and there are few. Most pashas have a hard enough time dressing their wiyes without dressing any 'extras.' And women mean clothes. The wives have the contempt, for the odalisk that a wife has for a woman in the gutter. "This makes a sad situation. "In most harem of wealthy men you see the husband frantically try ing to keep peace by buying as many new clothes for his idle wives as he can afford. He bribes them to be nice to one another. For all of them hate their position. The Turk has been caught in his own net. His harems are mining him.' They have ruined him in the past, financially, morally. The remaining harems are worse than the old. They are a de fiance of modern progress." Christian Culture. The Turkish empire, after having tried to conquer the Christian world for several centuries, has taken to "He has been able neither to drink himself to death, gamble away his fortune or hunt for the north or south poles. He has had no aptitude for business. There has been nothing for the Turkish man to do but to marry. And he has done this to the full ex tent of his abilities." This is the best explanation of the institution called the harem. Turkish men now travel, drink, gamble, try to make money and have even been known to take up golf, wearing a fez on the links instead of a gold cap. , The modern women have taken up modern women's occupations insofar as they have been able. Those who have not been able to take them up are found in the harems. The harems are the last sign of Turkey's barbarism and lack of progress, and they, it is hoped, de spite their recent revival, will soon disappear. , Miae Symorts in her article next' Sun day will show the Inner workings of the Turkish slave-g-iri traffic, which has re ceived a new impetus from the Greoo Turkish war, and will tell of the efforts of the allies to put an end to this condition.)