8 TUB SUXDAf OKEGOXIAX. PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 12, 1922 CLEVER ARRANGING OF ROOMS GIVES SMALL HOUSE APPEARANCE OF BEING MUCH LARGER Layout Permits Inclusion of Many Interesting Features and Setting Insures Certain Amount of Privacy and Leaves Enough Ground for Fairly Spacious Front Lawn. ffd) l tnr JT f if tklH 1 -6tnloonlf mm hs BT ANITA DE CAMPI. THIS is really a small houe. but by cleverly arransinsthe rooms In the shape of a block letter T the. architect has conveyed to us the impression of a much larger home. This layout has been most fortu nate, as it has permitted the Inclu sion of many interesting features, such as the generous side porch, the side entrance, the separation of the living room from the other rooms, insuring privacy, and an attractive planning of the back yard. In locating the building on the 40x100 foot lot the main part of the building was set back 23 feet from the street line and in the other direc tion Is nearly in the middle of the lot. This scttine back insures a certain amount of privacy and leaves enough cround for a fair-Sized front lawn. A large bay with four good sized windows, each with many small panes! (architects call them 'lights"). Juts out from the front of the build'ng. A trreat plenty of sunshine floods it at all times, and we can just fancy t filled with growing plants and flow era. bringing outdoors in the year round. A walk of Irregular shaped slabs of flagstone, which 's flanked on one aide by a privet hedge and on the other by the lawn, takes us toward the house. Just to the other side of the hedce is the carriage drive, which leads to the garage in the rear. At the door, which, by the way, is at the side of the house and well towards the rear, walk and drive meet. Entrance Is effected without ascend ing stairs, although once Inside we must take two steps up to reach the first floor level. Here, from the stair hall, we can gain entrance to the living room, dining room, down a. short passage to the kitchen, and directly at our left to the rooms up stairs and also to the furnace room and laundry downstairs. doing first to the kitchen the housewife's workshop which evcu plcs a separate wing, we find it to be compactly arranged, well lighted, and with a number of built-in cupboards of great help in the tidy house. .There ts also space for a good-sized refrig erator, which is so placed that it can be iced from without. The kitchen door leads conveniently to trie vegetable patch planted be tween the garage and drive on the one 'hand and the shrubbery enclosed f ardon on the other. Through an opening in the bushes we reach a crushed stone walk and a garden seat. The garden seat faces down another walk which leads toward the house. On either side are lawns and flower beds, the whole being sur rounded, for delightful privacy, by trees and flowering shrubs. The garden walk brings us to the J tZ IVT.B 'I'.i ' -Oi 1 f-SA i i mi jnsr. Or-r:t.rr-rtes flagged terrace at the dln'ng-room entrance. Here a striking view may be had of the garden, and a door to the kitchen suggests that with an awning overhead it would be an Ideal spot to entertain the casual guest. Doors are the leading character istic of the dining room five of them leading to aa many different rooms and porches. Opening one we find ourselves in the spacious living room with the large bay windows opposite, the f're place with the unusual and sparkling concrete mantel, and the davenport opposite Two French doors open out on the large porch with Us flagged pavement, and from here steps lead down to the front lawn. Screened, the porch can be used for a host of purposes which readily suggest them selves. Upstairs the large front bedroom has French windows wh'ch let one out on the roof of the bay below. Here we note there are w'ndow blinds painted a blue green. This bedroom has ample space for more than the usual requirements for fur niture, and also its own fireplace. It and the. other bedroom have each a good-sized closet four feet by four feet. There being no other than ordinary details n the layout of the basement we bave thus completed our casual survey of the buildng. However, in judging the worth of a house we are given to understand that more than a superficial exam ination is necessary. What, for in stance, . Is behind the Ivory tinted surface of the medium rough finished stucco? Over what Is the stucco applied? Visual inspection is not sufficient unless we can get the owner's con sent to let us chisel off apiece of the stucco. However, the architect's, specifications will .give us the infor mation. On them we find that alter nate bids were asked, for stucco on lath over sheathing boards and back splatered stucco on metal lath. Both form of construction are used widely, but as It happens that the bid for backplastered stucco on metal lath was awarded the contract, perhaps It will be of Interest to have it de scribed briefly here: Metal lath which comes in sheets, is placed over the wood studs and nailed directly to them without the use of sheathing boards The plast erer applies stucco over the outside face and similarly to the inner face of the lath (from the inside of the building), so that the metal- lath Is thoroughly imbedded In the stucco. The latter Is thus strengthened, or reinforced, to use an engineering or seamstress' term, and made substan- I tially crack proof. It Is sa4d that this method of construction is less ex pensive than when sheathing .boards. whose elmination we understand gov ernment bureaus recommend. . Heat insulation is taken care of by using Building paper in the hollow places. This makes a warm form of con struction. Altogether this is nrori ably one of the most economical lorms or construction for the aver age residence. RAISULI, FAMOUS MOORISH . BANDIT, TOO FAT TO FIGHT Fleet of Eight American Warships, Stripped for Action, Sent Into Tangier Harbor When Perdicaris, American Citizen, Abducted. WASHINGTON'. I. C Feb. 11. Ralsuli. the Moorish bandit, who has just again offered to surrender to the Spanish military forces which are pushing an active campaign against him In Morocco, Is the man who once drew the United Etatea Into action In that vexed corner of the world. He figured in that celebrated Inci dent when Secretary of State John Hay demanded "Perdicaris alive or Kaisull dead." That was 17 years ago. In 1904. Ral- u!l had Captured Ion 1'crdicaris. a naturalized American citizen, and krpt him prisoner. President Roose velt sent a fleet of eight American war vessels stripped for action into Tangier harbor while John Hay sent his famous mesMco to the feeble sul tan in nominal command there. Kaisuli. who now says he is "too fat to fight." had long been a leader of the wild tribesmen who have fre quently swamped the trained bat talions of a civilized power. -Perdlearle" Capture lte-eaate. Perdiciris. a wealthy man. was president of the European commis sion administering affairs in Tangier City in 1904. He has told the story f his capture and It "was recounted orrse time ago in a National Geo graphic Society bulletin. He was snatched out of his suninr home by 2altuli'j raiders, and borne off to a mountain stronKhold. From there the chieftain proceeded to open up negotiations with the sul tan of Morocco, I'erdloari' family, and eventually in indirect fashion with the American government, con cerning the price to be paid for his captive. The L" rated Stairs cut short the chaffering In the fashion de scribed. The sultan, panic-stricken, sent T0. 00'.' in silver to Kaisull. ap pointed him governor of a district, turned loose some of his friends from Tangier jails and Incarcerated some vf Kaisull s enemies in their place. Perdicaris later returned to the Unit ed States to express his thanks. Prosperity, however, came close to ruining hla erstwhile captor, RaisulL He got into a quarrel with the sul tan about hla governorship, was thrown out. and promptly retaliated by bearing off for ransom Katd Sir Henry Mclean, British commander of the Moroccoan army. He arrayed his tribesmen for battle, and descended upon the coast, doing much damage to Kuropeisn interests, and ln1907. suc ceeded In setting all the hair-triggers in Kuropean diplomacy. Kaiser Wllbelm A reamed. The French navy bombarded one of his captive towns. Casablanca, the now practically extinct Kaiser Wil- helm came to bat sniffing undue French expansion In prospect, but the matter straightened out in a council Vhamber instead of on a bat tlefield. Kaisull was chased back to his mountain fastness, but news dis patches every few years record an other of his eruptions. "In many respects the man Inter ested and attracted me In spite of all my natural motives for dislike," Per dicaris says of Kaisull in the geo graphic society's report. "Ralsuli was gracious and dignified, not to us only, but to his own wild adherents, who evidently Idolized their chieftain, whose position among them seemed that of a head of a highland clan in olden times. He was quick to see the humorous aspect of a situation, while his repartee was as immediate and to the point as though he had been born in the County Galway. "I found myself unconsciously ac cepting his contention that he was not a mere brigand or cattle-lifter, but a patriot struggling to lift his Berber followers from the tyranny of cor rupt offiicala. His charm of voice, the natural poise and dignity of his manner, his self-control under provo cation, all feetrayed a superior char acter." Perdlcsris remarks that "Ralsuli could not Jcar to hear a child cry." but there was a fiercer background ior me triDesman s motivation. Crom well arley. stepson to Perdicaris. was cracked over the head In the raid on the American's summer home, and both men were forced to ride many ujiitra m u&ni oonas. it was in connection with the framing of the ultimatum 'Perdicaris alive or Kaisull dead' that a trusted correspondent of the Associated Press in w asmngton Is concerned." The geographic society bulletin remark "Being entrusted with nreoarine message for President Roosevelt to sign, Mr. Hay did so, and submitted it to his friend, the newspaperman, for nia opinion, -well, it may be diplo matic but the sultan will never get you In the midst of all those words," was In effect the newspaperman's ver dict. 'Why not say what you mean, and no more, Mr. Secretary? Perdi caris alive or Ralsuli dead.' "The secretary agreed. President Roosevelt approved. And the sultan so far 'got' this succint American de mand that he abandoned all usual oriental indirection." FRUIT PROTECTION AIM Weather Bureau Will Establish 8 Stations In Spokane District. SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 11. Eight subordinate weather stations will be established throughout the orchard districts near Spokane this spring by the United States weather bureau, to furnish protection to orchardists from frost damage, according to announce ment made by F. M. Keyser. in charge of the local weather bureau. "The success of this eervlce will de pend on the co-operation we receive from the orchardists," said Mr. Key ser. "The government is loaning the instruments and bearing all the heavy expense, but there will be some slight expense the fruit men will be asked to bear in return for the service." Editors to Meet In Missoula. MISSOULA. Mont.. Feb. 11. Mis soula has been named as the con vention place for the State Press asso ciation, and will meet in this city the day preceding the gathering of the National Editorial association, next July. The date of the national meeting has not yet been definitely fixed. The state meeting will take but one day, because of the national j convention. njuuinr m..n.nnnjin,n p nn.nn i" E... J & - -M K a u A remarkable credit offer that provides the thug's you want now and gives you plenty of time to pay. , . An opportunity to secure the furnishing-s you have wanted for your home with out feeling the expense of the investment. An unusual credit offer that will send home right now the pieces you have planned on buying. ,y There are scores of others not mentioned in this advertisement that you can secure on this low cash payment of one dollar. Queen Anne Dining Tables Finished Mahogany or Walnut 39.75 Just one of the many period dining tables you can buy for the low cash payment of one dollar an excellent table, well-made, and beautifully finished and offered at an extremely low price. Three-Piece Bed Outfit, Including 45-Lb. Felt Mattress $28.75 An outfit that consists oii'guaranteed Simmons bed and spring ani a 45-lb. felt mattress put up in roll edge art tick. The bed is finished in either ivory or gold bronze and the spring has high riser, which gives additional comfort. This bed outfit is extreme value at the price we have named. Comfort Rockers, Extreme Value at 15.50 Big luxurious rockers with wing back and upholstered in the highest grade of imita tion leather. The rocker you would like to have in your own home. One that will" give you absolute comfort every hour it is in use. ill I -em "Kroehler" Bed Davenports 45.50 A new number that you will like, finished in oak. and up holstered in Spanish leather ette. The Kroehler is the best davenport we know of, and is advertised in all of the lead ing magazines. $1.00 Delivers Your Cedar Chest There are many designs to choose from, those in the plain finishes as well as many in , copper trimmed. Choose the design you like best and have it sent home. One dollar is all you need to have it delivered. Oak Buffet $39.75 Large well-arranged buffets in quartered oak, fitted with plate glass mirrors, that are offered in this sale for much less than regular. There are many other patterns too, that you may choose and have delivered for the payment of one dollar. Pedestal Dining Tables $33.00 One of the best numbers in quartered oak we have been able to show. Fitted with thick plank top, massive ped estal base and broad substan tial legs. Your choice of either fumed or golden finishes. Child's Steel Cribs . S11.75 to 35.00 Our Juvenile Department of fers many excellent patterns in steel cribs and you may choose any pattern from $11.75 to $35.00 and have it delivered on the payment of one dollar. You will "find kthe styles on display very attractive, in fact you will like any one of them. Rugs Also Are Included in This One Dollar Offer v If you have an extra rug to buy for your living room or chamber, this February credit offer will help you wonderfully. We have mentioned only two numbers, but there are others equally as good. $1.00 Delivers Any Victrola "V . . . , in Our Stock Up to $75.00 Fifteen patterns of $32.50 seamless Brussels rugs, 9x12 room size for... Sixteen patterns of our regular $45.00 9x12 Axminster rugs for S24.85 S39.75 Why buy a phonograph of unknown quality when you can secure a genuine Victrola on such easy terms as this ? The Victrola is a phonograph which is guaranteed1 by both the maker and our selves. Buy the best and have no disappointments. , Tapestry Upholstered Davenports 79.50 When we say these davenports at $79.50 are the best values" in the store, we mean it. They are fitted with loose cushions, spring eats, roll arms and high backs. You- may take your choice of six different patterns of wonderful new coverings. Just think sent home for one dollar. $1.00 Sends Home Your Hoosier With a Hoosier in your kitchen the work v gets done twice as fast, and the time you do spend in the kitchen is pleasant. You sit 'down at your work. Every day you are saving miles of needless steps. Get the cabinet that frees you from kitchen drudgery. $1.00 Delivers Your 3-Way Washing Machine This machine eliminates the laborious part of washing and handles all fabrics without the extra wear of the rubbing board it does away with all the muss and fuss of wash day it washes, wrings and rinses, and all pieces come out snowy white. n II 1;