TITE SUNDAY OT1EGOXIAX, TOKTLAXD, FEBRUARY 12. 1922 OREGON CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS WILL HOLD CONVENTION Many Delegates From All Parts of State to Gather at Salem This Week for Annual Three-Day Session and Splendid Programme Has Been Arranged. MA.VT delegates. from all parts ef the stat are expected to at tend the annual state Christian Endeavor convention, which will open la Salem next Thursday night. -The wu:iu will bo held In the armory and tile convention wl'.l close Sunday Big hi. A live, interesting pro-convention rally held In Portland lst week rave vldaju.- of the spirit and e access o Turner. Pacific coast secretary ' for she United Christian Missionary so ciety, m-iil be in close touch with the mission to help in any way possible. "Whii during: my three months' stay in the northwest 1 wiil be trying- to obtain Bids to help reinstate ir. to the regular budget the special objects that bad been suspended, myl first task In OrfRun will be to help the churches underwrite the Chinese mission for the remainder of the'fis- ta var far If can ha k ( : f t,'f n unlir the coming tonnion nen by the fce:p of the Oregon churches auro-ber of young folk signified their "The First Christian church of !.i.tlnn to n. Mrs. W. fcl. Wright Portland guarantees j00 and th s.Mi...i witi id the slnKinc at I Park church Jlio. uthers will . . , upproached shortly. We have Just th convention and demonstrated r sar,.a. W. are confident all the ability to do so at the recent ra.ly ctirUli4n churches of Portland and hU la ta Suaajsiu Cou4re.al10D.il mo o them vUl,,u wlll hav hearty church here, iellun ship with the task. A number f exceptionally f-n , -.jood r.ews is coming from the of speaters are on tli. programme. Thry ficc at s. Louj, lhat th. offerings i increasing as a result of the f lort a 1 over th country to' stimulate the offerings tram our churches." In speaking of th work don by th United Christian Missionary so- n.cluue Dr. 1 A. .McAfee- of Berkeley, la:.; i'.ev. K. V. Stivers of Kugene. Dr. II. Ii Bowman of Portland and Paul C Brown of Los Angeles, pacific coast Christian todeavor seeelar. The Ulcers are as follows: LeKoy Robinson. Portland, president. Mia IS icy Walker. Haines. Or., and -Miss Llain Cooper. Eugene, vice-presidents; Miss Viola ogden. Portland, Mcrtury, and C M. Patterson. Al bany, treasurer. Th programme fur th convention sessions follows: Thursday eveninr. Howard Zlnser of Sa lm, praatuinc I.JO. sun ar.i.s ld ly ilra. v. Wrlsnt: l-wlaiins tddreuei, iajror George K. iiklverwa t( S,em end ,evernor Ua V. oleou; rr.pouae. LrHur It. Robinson, president Orrj.o Cliriun Kadeatwr unlvn. selection, convention them: address. thalamus, to the blaster." ir. L. A. J4cAt-e. , rid ay nioriuug. ram Brown pre&ioios . Bible study, i-r. 1- A- McAfee; 10. ' Foursquare'' aru airtn conteru4:ea. Paul brown; 11. group conference. "Tiaar atleruooft. Paul Brown presiding rroun conferences: 3.14. song serv ice led by lira W. K. Wnshl; Uevolionals: vM-mtnutt talks by se-ral Intermediates; address. 'Tin alaat.e of Uou." Kr. XL la Hewmaa. t-rtday eveslng. intermediate alcht. Paul Krown presiding 7:lo. song Kmcd led b Mrs. W. K. Vrio; tleirotionals; s ou aelectlon- convention chorus: auuresa. "Permaaaace ana frograeaioo. Lr. 11. L. Saturdav morning. I-eRoy p.eblnsoa pre siding :00. Ulbis study. Ir. 1 A. Alc Atee: 10. general conference. Paul Brown; 11. short talas by union presidents. Saturday afternoon 1:00. business ses sion; 1:3U. convention picture; Christian Kndeaver bail game: sight seeing and visiting-stat institutions: banquets Saturday evening. UKor Koblnaon pre siding 7:30. song servlca led by Mrs. W. t. Wright; 7:44. buaineas session, election of etflcera, budget raising. Iwlta pep seaaion. Sunday norslni :li. quiet talk. Paul Brown; 10. Sunday school and church at cnolce. . Sunday afleraoea 5:80, senior rally. Le Itoy Robinson, presiding; Junior pageant, Mrs. It. 1 Putnam tn cba.ro: 2:00. Inter mediate rally, ilr. Kffl Kltchey. state In termediate superintendent, presiding; S OO. mass meeting: convention song ieu uj v. E. Wright: conferring oegree. aei-c tlon. ronventlon chorus: address. Obeyini w ... r-mmafid Rtv. K. V. Stiver rtaloj servlc. Paul Brown; solo, (iordon llutad. KamUT evanlnr. CeRoy Boblnsonpr eldtng Bong servlc led by ilra. W. u-Hi' T:iS. devotlona-s. Installation crToars; aoio. Gordon Osstad : address, World tvide Xodeavor and World wide nr I a. MoAfee; song, "Blest Bo tba Tie." , ciety, Mr. Muckiey said: W do evanstelistic. medical, edu cational and orphanage work In ten foreign countries, trying to serv re gions with a total population of 30. vutf.vuO. ' In this country we ar con ducting a doxen educational lnstitu tions -for the negroes. mountai wh.tfs of Kentucky snd Tenness and lnd.ans of the northwest. W ar speclaikcinr among th Kuropea popu.alion in Chicago, Cleveland, New York and 1.1 th coke regions ot west em Pennsylvania. We have done suc cessful work among th Mexican within our 'border! and ths oriental along th coast. la add.rvon. wo ar pulling on fiv - vear evangelistic cam pais throughout our brotherhood with million converts as th goal, beside promoting an extensive stewarasn. uroirrimml. W also have seve homes for th aged, sir orphanages and two hospitals. e The -Rosa Citr Park Men's Com xnunlty club will hold, their monthly meeting- and dinner tn th Rose City psrk Community church Morvday. Feb ruary 1. .? :3 P. M. This is to b an cen or Joint meeting xor trie and their wives, a fin programme has been arranged and the club sends out a special invitation to all th man of this community to com and bring ihir i, to the dinner ana. meet. lug both. Dinner will served promptly at :3 P. M.. after which an illustrates lecture will be given by Kev. C. H- Johnoon entitled "My Experiences in Africa, of JROSEBURO. Or. Fob. It- (Sp rlaJ-W-Tbe local Baptist church ha: announced a erie of ovangellstic aef-rlca commencing tomorrow. Dr. S. J. Keid of Portland, head of th Honaj-tment of Tangellsm of tn Bap tist churches of Oregon, will assist th pastor. Rev. IL La Caldwell. Dr. i-nniM A. Knear. rormer sonxt leaue for Evangelist H. Wys Jones, will haw charge of th music during ths services, which ars cxpoetea to con tlnue throughout tn monto. ALBA XT, Or Feb. 11 .(Special.) A district meeting- of Methodists o this section of th stat was held In th First Methodist church her Wednesday with th centenary move ment of th church as th theme. It was an all-day meeting and was largely attended. A devotional serv ice led by Her. J. C. Spencer of Al bany opened th session, and the lead Ing speakers at th various meetlnsrs wer Rev. IL F. Pemberton ot taiem. who was In charge of th meeting Rev. Frank James of Dallas. Rev. Thomas Atcheson. pastor of the Jason t.ee church In Palem. and Rev. A. s. Mulligan of Salem. A ran-L.utb.eran Bible conference Is scheduled to be conducted In Port land for the week commencing Febru arv : J. Two noted Bible scholars and teachers, th Rer. S. M. Miller, IX D-, dean of the Lutheran Bible In stitute of Minneapolis. Minn., and the Rev. R. E. Solladay. D. P.. of Colum bus. O.. will be the chief speakers on th programme and will give a series of Bible studies and addresses. Th Bible Institute will be conduct ed tn a similar manner to th one held a year ago In Portland under the aus pices of th Portland Lutheran iiin l-rterlal association. Other cities. In eluding Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane and Hellingham. are on tho Itinerary of the-institute and are to hold similar Bible conferences of one week. Sessions wlll be held! daily, after noon and night. The place where the conference is to be held and the full outline of th programm will be an nounced later. The Lutheran pastors and congresration of Portland and vi cinity ar co-operatlnc In th mo ve in ant. It Is nearly a year sine the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago was invited to conduct the Portland union Hible c'asses. During that time Dr. H. It. Sutcliffe has been engaged in ;eturlng in various parts of th city and th clae have shown a healthy growth, until now there is a splendid attendance week; by week. The audi ence represent all of the leading de nominations and the Bible teaching has proved to be a needed supple ment to the regular preaching from the pulpits. Dr. Suu-iiffe lectures this week In the First Baptist church of Vancouver Monday night. In the Whtte Temple n Tuesday nlrht. the Westminster Presbyterian chnrch Wednesday aft ernoon. In th Vernon. Presbyterian church on ThureJay night. and Sun day afternoons he wlll continue his exposition of the Eplst! to the Ro mans ia th Calvary ' Presbyterian . hurch. At the latter service 1. R Matthews assists with the music and hearing many compliment- for his solo work. H. Edward Mills will address th realisation. League. US Thirteentn aireet at 11 o'clock, on "What Is Manr At I P. M. four speakers will discuss "Th. Working Prlnclpl in Practice." Dr. Phelps Will Preach at White Temple Today. Missis of Baptists to World" nUl Be kloralag Subject. T th First Baptist church (White r Tempi) Dr. Artnur S. Phelps will speak this morning at 11 o'clock on th subject, "The Mission of Bap tists to th World." Tonight a five reel moving; picture of the "Story of Prohibition in America" will be shown. Ther will be musio by the regular temple quartet and a chorus of young persons. Th mid-week servlc on inursaay evening at 7:45 will b led by Dr. Phelps. A young people's orchestra is being formed, with rehearsals every Frlday venlng at s:3o. e e Walter Benwell Hinson Is continu ing his Sunday morning sermon on -The Real Lord's Prayer." Dr. Hin son and his associate. Rev. David Bryant, will both speak this evening on the political crisis of the world and the hear return of Christ to the earth. Mr. Bryant will speak on "The Entrance of General Allenby Into Jerusalem, a Fulfillment of Proph ecy." Dr. Hinson will follow with a sermon on "The Carpenter King of Jerusalem." The chorus choir, or chestra and congregation w-ill again render a number of the world's most popular hymns. Special numbers from ths chorus will be given under the direction of M-s. Virginia Hutchinson. nod Kertr. assisted by ten young persons, will discuss '"Why Is Prayer so Often Unanswered?" at the 6:15 P. M- meeting. -is": , ft Hp 4 V A - V - Hkwifi&aAsaA:at auxiliaries will take part In the Lu- I Sixty-seventh street and Thirty -eec- ona avenue Southeast, Rev. E. O. Shepherd will speak this morning on "Religious Education" and in th evo niogr on "Who Pa;ld the Fare," . The Rer. B. Ross Evans, pastor of Fourth United Brethren church. Tre mont station, will apeak this morning on "Something- New" and in the eve ning on "Dangerous Bridge." He ie conducting his own special revival meetings and the following are his subjects for each evening this week: Monday. "After Death What?"; Tuesday, "Two Prodigal Sons"; Wednesday, "Sow-tag and Reaping"; Thursday, "What Does It Mean to You?"; Friday, "Short Weight"; Sat urday, "No Vision." theran Bible conference to be held In the city In the latter part of April. The evening will be devoted to song service and a congregational meeting beginning at 7:30. Special services will be held this morning- at Trinity Lutheran church, on Rodney and Ivy streets, for the benefit of the Walther league con vention, being held in Trinity Friday night to" Sunday inclusive. The WaJther league is a league of young people's, societies within the synod leal conference. The number of socie ties in the league exceeds 700. it is the Oregon district that is now as sembled In Trinity. Services will begin at 10:15 and will be held In German. . e Tho Sunday school of the Clay street Evangelical church opena at 9:30 A. M. and will be in charge of the superintendent, E. J. Keller. At 10:4.5 the pastor will preach on the subject "Sin in the Light of the Bible." There will be no night serv ice. This congregation will Join with. the Salvation Army to hear Miss Eva Booth at the auditorium - At the Lirui'ton Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Robert M. Gatke, pastor, win preach on the following subjects 11 o'clock, "When a Queen Saved- Her Nation," and at 6:45 on "Lincoln's Message for Today." The Calaese Christian mission, maintained by the Christian churches of the state, has been doins; serviae In Portland for more than 39 Tears. Dr. E. Mnekley. formerly f Portland nnd now field secretary of the United Christian Missionary society, to deeply interested in the work done here. The new board ef advisors 1st. Front rew, Mrs. Ward Swope, Bin. H. I Ganoe and Mrs. Alva Brown) back row, X F. Faust, Rev. J. D. Boyd, Dr. Muckiey nnd S. Mr'. Swander. Dr. McElveen to Preach on Lincoln Today. Congregational Paster t Tell f Kellgloma Life. (THE RELIGION X Lincoln" is th Lincoln Will Be Honored at Pro-Cathedral. Episcopal 1'onnar Folk Hear Special Talk on Martyr. LINCOLN'S birthday anniversary will be fittingly observed at St. Stephen's pro-cathedral today. Serv ices will beg-in with a celebration of th holv communion at 7:45 A. M. The Very Kev. K. T. T. Hicks will be th celebrant. Church school at 9:45 A. M.. followed at 11 o'clock with morning prayer and sermon by the dean; evensong- and address at 7:45 o'clock. The young people's society also will Join in the honors to Abr.xham Lincoln, .with a special talk by H. B. Sanford. Miss Helen Burke will lead the meeting, which, will open at 6:30 P. M. In the parish house. a What the Church Owes to the Com munity" will be the theme of the sermon at the 11 A. M. service at St. Andrew's Episcopal church. Ports mouth. At th annual parish nveet- ng the following elections were ade: Wardens. S. l. is lies ana J. u. Smith; treasurer. George A. Thomas; lerk. Robert Rittenhouee; vestrymen. Robert storm. James Hawkins. Rich ard Hayes, Victor Thomas and Earl mi til. Arms Parlev to Be Topic at Y. M. C. A. Today. , Edward ljlr Mills 1 Speak tn Aadlterinm at 3 -JO P. M. of Abraham title of Dr. McElveen's lecture at the First Congregational church tonight. The Congregational minister labored for ten years in ths stat of Illinois, and whll ther gathered up a large n.umber of facts about the religious lifeof Abraham Lincoln that are not generally known. The chorus and quartet will give a fine programme of patrlotio music This morning Dr. McElveen will preach on "Why Waste Time on Worship?" Mrs. F. B. Newton will prelude both the morn ing and night services with brief organ recitals. Monday night th men's brother hood will hold, its monthly banquet Samuel C. Lancaster, ths ena-lneer who planned the Columbia river high way, is the speaker. His theme Is "Our Highway and Its Preservation." About 100 beautiful stereoptican pictures wlll be shown. Many of these pictures-will show ths damage wrought on the hlghwav bv the De cember sJeet and ice storm. Mr. Lan- ister is a lover of nature and is; nthuslastically devoted to the oDen Ing up of the higlrVvay. Governor Olcott will also speak briefly. Miss Nina Dressel, contralto, and Fred Turney. cornetlst, are the musical ttractions. The women friends of h members of the brotherhood are invited to hear fhe lecture and to njoy the music and are asked to come at 7:10 P. M. The dinner will e served at 6:30 P. M. Tuesday afternoon a group of the younger women of the W omen s asso- lation will hold a "valentine tea" in the church parlors. All the women the church and congregation are invited. The committee having this unction in charge are Mrs. Allyn Hopkins. Mrs. D. L. Dougherty. Mrs. Kimball Kaufman. Mrs. Earl Kauf man. Mrs. W. E. MeCorkle and Mrs. E. E. Crabb. Tuesday night the ex ecutive board of the church school will meet in the pastor's study. Arthur E. Larimer, the superinten dent of the church school, is making a hurried trip to Hawaii and to southern California in the interest of the "retirement fund" of the Y. M. C. A. During his absence the leader ship of the school will be In the hands of W. K. Royal. Wednesday the Women's associa tion will hold a meeting in the morn ing In connection with which Dr. McElveen will hold his "Mission Study Class" from 11:30- to 12:15 o'clock. This class !s studying H. Paul Douglas" book "From Survey to Service." and has already enrolled a very large membership. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. Tuesday afternoon the Women's Missionary society will meet, with the home of Mrs. H. B. Girvan, 931 East Eighth street North. At the Atkinson Memorial Center, (Congregational church). East Ever ett and East Twenty-ninth street the pastor. Rev. E. E. Flint, will speak this morning upon "The Worthy Church and Worthless Man.' - Tonight ther will b a community service A Lincoln night, with mov ing pictures and a community sing. Sunday school wlll be at 9:45 A. M. Last Sunday attendance broke the record for the year. Bibla study and devotional meeting Thurs day night will be led by the pastor. Dr. J. J. Staub of the Sunnysida Congregational church will occupy h's pulpit both this morning and tonight- At the night service two troops of Boy Scouts will be present and the sermon will have 'special application to them. ilbnday night the regular monthly supper and conference of the Sunday school teachers and officers win be held. Tuesday night the men's league 111 give an excellent programme Jointly. with the Boy Scouts, who will give a demonstration of the practical workings of 'their organization. The principal address will be given by J. E. Brockway, in charge of all Boy Scouts in Portland, and a delightful musical programme will also be rendered. Wednesdayafternoon Mrs. WUbur's Missionary circle will meet at her home, 388 East Forty-seventh street. Thursday night at the prayer meeting hour Dr. Staub will lead In the study of the eighth chapter of Romans. Mrs R. C Dodge is now in charge of the kindergarten church, where mothers may leave their children during church service, and the babies will be brought up to the auditorium for the benediction. The men's league Is planning a patriotic service for-Sunday night, February 19, when Roy Ellison will deliver the address. - - The Two-in-One Sunday - school class, organized the past week with a membership of 29-young people. .' a At the Pilgrim Congregational church, "The Intolerant Disciple" will be dealt with by the pastor. In the morning service. This la th fourth sermon In a series by the pastor whose handling of the topics is attracting considerable comment end attention. The others were "The Impetuous Disciple," "Trie Pro crastinating Disciple" and "The Un reliable Disciple." Christian Endea vor group service will be held at night as usual with competent leaders. Sunday school will be at 9:45, morning worship at 11 o'clock i and Christian Endeavor at 7:30 P. M. WW Lincoln was a man who became his greatest self.. How he did this will be tn lesson for tne present day given at the morning service at th Waverly Heights Congregational church, corner East Thirty-third street and Woodward avenue, by Rev. First Presbyterian Church to Hear Rev. Mr. Tully. Associate Pastor to Preach at . Both Services Today. rjHE First Presbyterian church will A have In Its pulpit itev. rorman Kendall Tully, the associate pastor, at both services today. The theme at th mornine service is to be "The Impossible Commandment," andat night. "Self or Service" The annual meeting of the Wom an's Missionary society wiHbe held In the chapel Tuesday. Mrs. R.( W. Shepherd will be leadei-. Tne devo tional service will be conducted by Rev. N. K. Tully. Miss Kim will bring a message from Corea and Mrs. Linn will sing a group of oriental songs. The women of Circle K will be the hostesses for the social hour. "Our City's Fire Protection" is the subject of an address to be given to the Men's club by Edward Boatwr'ght Tuesday night in room H. Men are Invited to come and learn how citi zens can co-operate with the fire department. A social hour follows the programme. Friday night the young people of the church are invited to attend a party given by the San Grael Chris tian Endeavor society in room Jti of the church house. This is to be in the nature of a "General Diversion Party." Come and get acquainted with the young folks of the church. Strangers will be made welcome. a The Warren Bible and vespe classes hav increased the average attendance from 100 to 116. Young men and young -women are Invited to come today and enter the social life. Beginning Tuesday Mrs. Warren will open her home for a double class gathering, and other social affairs will follow - in rapid succession, honoring the new members who have entered recently. This rapid increase In three weeks Is due to the faithful service rendered by the official force, composed of the following members Mrs. Leota B. coats. Miss Mary &a wards. Miss Stella Phelps, Miss Nellie Witt. Miss Vivian Clodfelter and Richard Horn. An energetic employment commit tee has rendered valuable service in obtaining positions for all desiring such aid. Come today at 4 o clock and learn of th's Individual advance ment along all lines. Visitors always welccAne. Entrance 454 Alder street. The lecture room is on the second floor of the church house. Mrs. W. K. Royal in the chair. The Oliver Perry Avery. "How much did A new policy has been adopted for he Christian Chinese mission, at HH Couch street, according to Rev. E. S. Muckiey of St. Louis, field sec retary for th United Christian Mis sionary society. Rev. Mr. Muckiey was in Portland for it years, but lor two years has made his headquarters In St. Lou'ist He is sow .in the north west for three months. The mission Is now in charge ef the following local advisory board: Mrs. J. F. Faust, president; Mrs. H. L. Ganoe. secretary: Rev. C. F. swander. Rev. J. D. Boyd, Mrs. Alva Brown and Mrs. Ward Swope. -A staff of at least three teachers will be employed to have general charge of th teaching and religious services of th mission." said Mr. Muckiey. "W hop to do the most outstanding work In its history. W expect to hav everything ready for aa installation swrrlco of th new workers) by February 15. Rv. W. F. fTtHE Washington limitation of ar- X roament conference and its mis- ions will b discussed fully at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon by Dr. Edward Laird Milks, editor of the pacifio Christian Advocate, who will speak in th auditorium of th Portland Y M. C A. Dr. Mills was a representa tive of the United Methodist Episco pal press at the conference. He will interpret the significance of the ac tion taken. Special music will be furnished un der the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. department of social and religious work, of which J. W. Palmer ia secretary. Frank W. Parsali. state secretary of the New York Y. M- C. A., ad dressed the Y. M. C. A. dormitory club. He had jasl returned from the Y. M. C A. convention at Boise. Idaho. Th Wednesday evening concerts given by the Y. M. C A. orchestra la th auditorium ar proving pop. ular. principal speaker of the day is Rev. Dr. George Hinmen of San Francisco. Dr. Hinman was formerly the foreign missionary of the First church. Now he Is the secretary of the American Missionary association, which does uplifting work among the Indians, Mexicans. Japanese and Chinese. Thursday night Dr. McElveen will conduct the "question forum," an swering four timely questions. Sunday noon. February 19. a ne venture will be made. ,It is called "The Golden Rule Open Forum." and wlll be held from 12:30 to 1:15 P. M. Its leader Is Herbert Powell Lee, who has had printed a very informing booklet entitled "The Golden Rule Manifesto." This booklet has for Its object a suller understanding and more thorough application of the teachings of Jesus to the problems of today. The plan of study Is out lined In the booklet. Each Sunday Mr. Lee will make a 20-mlnute address and then wlll fol low ' discussion, questions and an swers. All ere Invited to this forum, the f'rst session of which will be held on February 19. Thursday and Friday, February 23 and 24. are the dates of the annual fellowship meeting of the Congrega tional ministers of Oregon. This meeting will be hejd In the First church. Superintendent Sullens has the fellowship meeting in charge. Dr. Staub. Dr. McElveen. Dr. Clyde of Corwallis and other Congrega tional leaders will speak. a a - Tonight a service in celebration of the birthday of Lincoln will be held at th Highland Congregational church. Tob programme will Include Instrumental and vocal selections by Mrs. W. K. Caldwell. Mrs. Van Groos and Messrs. Arnold and Morris. Lincoln's favorite poem will be read by Miss J. Magulre and the pastor. Rev. Edward Constant, will speak on "Lincoln, the Messiah of Democracy." The top'c of the morning sermon will be "Advancing the Cause of Peace and Good Will." Wednesday afternoon th Ladles' Aid society holds a tea and Valentin party at God do for Lincoln and how much did Llnooln do for himself" will be some of the questions considered. At the night service there will be a timely discussion by th pastor of "Playing Fair With Our Children and the following considerations will be treated: Responsibility for the character of one's children; don't be a "kill-Joy;" "religious suiclds," the co-operativs Idea,, guaranteeing a joy that wlll not fade At 7:30 o'clock ther will be shown some beautiful colored pictures ot Egypt- Lincoln's Test for Church Membership Forms Topic. Mr. Elliott Discus ex-President's Standards. D K. ELIOT wlll speak todarr at 10:30 A. M. at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Broadway and Yamhill, on "Abraham Lincoln's Test for. Church Membership." Lincoln said: "When any church will inscribe over Its altar, as its sol qualifica tion for membership, Thou eho.lt lov the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy sou and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor' as thyself.' that church will I Join with all my heart and all my souL" This will form the text Of th sermon. At 6 o'clock tomorrow evening th local chapter of th Unitarian- lay men's league wlll have supper, at which Dr. E. O. Sisaon of Reed col lege will speak oa "Abraham Lin coln." It is an open mew ting and res ervations should b mad by tele phone or writing. Carl B. Wethereli; field secretary for the Pacific coast, will b in Port land later in the month, having been obliged to postpone his present ap pointments on account of illness ia his household. Wednesday at i P. M., Mrs, Grace Watt Ross' class la parliamentary law win meet, 1 Todav the Mount Tabor Presbyte rian church will celebrate the fifth anniversary of the pastorate of Kev. Ward W. MacHenry with a home coming service and special pre gramme, making it a day of Jubilee. In five years the church member ship has nearly doubled, 348 new members having been received; the Sunday school has more than doubled In attendance; the benevolent gifts of th church have Increased 60 per oent: the debt of 911,000 Is entirely subscribed and nearly" paid, and the mortgage will be burned next month leaving the church free of debt. Plana are being prepared for the im provement and enlargement of the church to provide room for rapidly growing Sunday school and other etc tivities. Th pastor will preach the anni versary sermon in the morning: on the theme, "Salvation In Terms of Adventur": E. N. Strong will sing tenor solo; C. J. Johns will play a violin solo and the choir will sing a favorits anthem. In the afternoon the full choir will give a musical programme in th Mann home and the pastor will speak. Rev. Mr. MacHenry has preached her once a month nearly very month except tn tne summer for fiv years. At night a Lincoln service will be held. Moving plotures, "The Land of Opportunity," based on the life of Lincoln, and a short talk on "The Ideals of Lincoln In th Life of Amer ica Today" form th programme. Friday night there will be a gen eral reception and good-time party In honor of the 41 new members re cently welcomed Into the church and oelebrattng the pastor's fifth anniversary. a w Rev. J. Francis Morgan of Pied mont Presbyterian church will take as his mornfhg topic today, "Church Problems." with a talk to the chil dren on "The Oth'er Fellow." Tonight h will preach on "Recruits and Equipment," Tomorrow night the session and their wives will meet at a dinner to plan for th work of the next two months, ths every member canvass and th Increase of church member ship. Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 the women s auxiliary will meet in the church parlors. Thursday from 7 to 8 -P. M. the teachers' training class will hold Its meeting, to be followed by the regu-' lar prayer service. At the prayer service this week the pastor -will give all Bible students the special. treat of expounding some of the read ings from the Epistles to the Ephe sians. This is recognized s one of the hardest parts of the Bible. w ' Rev. N. K. 'Tully wil be th speaker at the men's resort, meetlag this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Solos will be sung by Josephine Knutson and there will be music by Nina Walkel ana jarsv-tj. c Tripp. There will he a song service at 7:30 P. M. Rev, Levi Johnson will continue his Bible lecture, preceded by- a song service. a a a ' . Westminster Presbyterian church will stress the patriotic spirit this entire month. The Bible school and church paper will remember the birthdays of Lincoln and Washing ton, and think seriously about the meanings and results of the great arms parley, just held in Washing ton, D. C. A special opening service is planned for the Bible school at 12:10. "Americanization" will be the theme on Sunday. February 19. Dr. Pence will preach this morning on "hire's Big Climax Is in Its Com monplaces," and will precede this with a sermonette to the children on "The Prayer at Any Time of the Day. Tonight he will speak on "A Soul Talking to Itself." This morning at Rose City Park Presbyterian church Rev. Donald W. M. MaeCluer will preach on "The Triumph of Herrodias." At night there will be a special service for the Boy Scouts of Rose City Park ana r ernwoon, three troops in all. The pastor's t6tic for the occasion will be "The Long, Long Trail." .The Men's club Bible class has Just Instituted another campaign jfor new iiiouiuora. unuer tne terms or this campaign each present member is given the name of a prospective mem ber and is to be considered in default until -this prospect is enrolled. The growth of this class has been phe nomenal. It is expected to enroll 100 men during' this year. There will be a large delegration of young folks from the Christian n,naeavor societies in attendance a the state Christian Endeavor conven tion at Salem, February 16. The, regular monthly Men's club dinner will be held Monday -at 6:45 P. M. Rev. Charles H. Johnstqn will give a most interesting lecture from nis experiences while in Africa. fccreen pictures will be used. R. H. jnapier will sing. "Bible and Life," Subject of Lutheran Sermon. Rev. Mr. Brlnkman Talks Tonight on 'Moses, the Law-Giver." (trn HE Bible and Life" will be the J. subject of the sermon today at 11 A. M. at the St. James English Lutheran church, corner of Wst Park and Jefferson streets, by Rev. Will iam E. Brinkman. pastor. The St. James vested choir will sing. "Moses, the Law Giver," will be the subject of the sermon at 7:45 this evening. The Sunday school session will be held ia the new assembly room at 9:50 A. M. Classes are organized for young and old. The pastor's Bible class extends a cordial invitation to all adults to attend. The Young People's Senior Luther league will hold its devotional meet ing this evening at 6:45. The topic for discussion will be "Better pur poses." The Intermediate Luther league will meet at 6:45; topic "The Great Emancipator." The choir wlll rehearse Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The pastor's confirmation class meets each Saturday at 10 A. M. in the chapel. The monthly business and social meeting of the Luther league -riU be held at the home of Miss Olive Abra hamson, 602 Ladd avenue, next Tues day evening. was "The Christian's Source of Strength and Comfort in His Pilgrimage" will be the subject of the sermon at 10:30 A M. in St. Paul's Lutheran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets, preached by the pastor, Rev. A. Krause. This service is held in Ger man. The topic for the English ser mon at 7:30 P. M. is "The Parable of the Flowers in the Vineyard, a Proof That We Are Saved Alone by Grace." The choir will sing both morning and evening. Devotional service and Bible study begins at 5 P. M. "The Sunday school, with classes for all ages, meets at 9:30 A. M. Confirma tion classes meet Tuesday and Friday at 4 and 6 P. M., and the choir re hearses Friday at 8 P. M. Parochial school Is held Saturday from 9 to 12 A. M. Rev. A. R. MacLean to Fill Pulpit Today. Central Methodist Episcopal Pns tor to Speak at Both Services. CENTRAL Methodist -Episcopal church w'ill hear its pastor. Rev. Alexander R. Maclean, at both, serv ices today. At 3 -o'clock the young people will join with those of Wood lawin church at the service at the Patton home. Central church, and community are rejoicing in tho gift of a motion pic ture machine and a stereopticon to the recreational equipment. The gift was made possible through a bequest of the late Mrs. Margaret Kelly, mother of Mrs. A. B. Manley. On February 22 the African Meth odist Episcopal Zion church will give a concert under the auspices of the ladies' aid society. Miss Martha Buck, director of re ligious education, is greatly improved after a month's rest in California. At Centenary Wilbur Sunday morn ing Dr. MacCaughey will speak on "The Daring of a Great Conviction," and in the evening "The Theology of the unrortunate. The Willamette University Glee club will appear under the auspices of the Epworth leagues of the church to morrow night in the annual concert. Large crowds are hearing the series of Sunday night sermons by Dr. Gal lagher at Sunmyslde Methodist church. "Why I'm a Free Mason" will be the subject discussed this evening. Ma "Lamps Without Oil," Topic of Morning Sermon. Rev. Mr. Griff ia Will Discuss Lin coln's Inner Life. "L sons and Eastern Stars are especiaUycngregation of the East side Chris' invited Dzk C. W. Huett at the Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal church will speak this morning on "The Attrac tion of the Present. In the evening the Hustlers' club will have charge of the opening s&rvioe and take a part of the usual tlnue in making a prelim inary survey of a plan which will occupy Sunday evenings' for some time. A programme of unusual fea tures in musical lines has been pro vided. Boy Scouts will attend in a body in full uniform and the pastor will speak briefly upon "Serving God With What We Have." The Hustlers' club has given much attention lately tq social problems and their relation to the Christian religion, both do mestic and foreign. At the Woodlawn Methodist church morning service the pastor will dis cuss the question, "In What Direction Is the Church of Today Looking for Deliverance? Tho Willamette Ladies' Glee club will give an evening of song, at which Dr. J. T. Abbett will speak a good word for the school. "The Regeneration" will be the sub ject of Rev. E. Sutton Mace s ser mon in the Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal church on Powell and East Fortieth streets this morn ing at 11 o'clock. Soloists will be Mrs. F. M. Jasper and Mrs. Robert Allen. Bible school will convene at 9:45 A. M. The Epworth league devo tional hour at 6:46 will be led by Miss Margaret Gtover. The League Bulletin, of which Raymond Thomp son is editor, will be issued today. Mr. Mace will preach in the West moreland chapel, on Milwaukie and South avenue, at 7:30 P. M. Services at the Lincoln. Methodist Episcopal church, corner of East Fifty-second and Lincoln streets, will be at 11 A. M. The subject will be 'Acknowledging Our Stewardship," and at 7:30 P. M., "The Burning Hearts." Rev. W. N. Byars, the pas tor, will preach at both services. i a a The Sellwood Methodist church be gan special revival services last Sun day. They will continue indefinitely. Guy Fitch Phelps is delivering the discourses. A deep interest is mani fested. Special singing and new songs are the order of the services. There will be no meeting on Saturday nights. a a a At Wilsonville Methodist Episcopal church this evening at 8 o'clock Pro fessor W. H. Hertzog of the. Kimball School of Theology will give a stere- pticon lecture on the subject "The Programme of the Methodist Epis- opal Church." The men s trio, Aden, Seely and Bates, will sing, and Mrs. C. E. Stout will accompany at the piano. a A get-together and home-coming service will be held at the Centenary- Wilbur Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday. Dr. MacCaughey will speak in the morning on "The Claims of the Church," and in the evening on "Believe in Americanization." The Epworth league members will put on a special programme at 6 o'clock and there will also be special programmes in the Sunday- schools. Automobiles will bo sent for all the older residents of the parish. AMPS WITHOUT OIL, OR DE FECTIVE DEVOTION." will be the subject of Rev. Harold H. Griffis at the First Christian church this morning at 11 o'clock. The mu sical setting for the morning worship by the quartet choir will Include the anthem, "O, for a Closer Walk With God'" (Schnecker); the communion, response, "God to Whom We Look Up Blindly" (Chadwlck), and the offer tory tenor solo, "The Earth Is th Lord's" (Williams), by Harry WhetseL In the evening at 7:45 the pastor will devote his sermon to a study of the inner life of Abraham Lincoln, having for his specific topic "Abra ham Lincoln, the Christian." This evening's worship will be preceded by a brief pipe organ recital by Miss Margaret Holden, who will give the selections "Pilgrim's Song of Hope" (Batiste), and "Idylls" (Johnston). Recently the board of officers of the church voted in tavor of a 'arger community programme by way of in creased moral and financial support of the Portland Council of Churches and the Christian Chinese mission. Last year more than one-third of the total receipts of the- congregation was given to missionary and benevo- vnt rrk- and " 13 nPed this year an even larger service for others can be performed. a At the Kern Park Christian church. Forty-sixth avenua ",.Iz street Southeast, this morning Dr. J. F. Ghormlev will ki . ...... ....... - -a-'" a. Bcrius ot pre-n,aster sermnna Th. topic will.be "Believers' Baptism and wiU s,nUerre"n" Fl0yd Ghormley Will Sine" "Rw9 ne. Tr; xt Jpriim" a Z xa -ame 13 Oddfellows anrl Tfi,' lat wmetbeWmT?ttend ' "hU w. ? a Lincoln memorial service tfreol111 ivea "-' th- wTr&K- ss xn- Idaho" win k Crcke" of Moscow, it i. j morning by the of- new pastor of the church. Grading; of Sunday Sfchools Is Advocated. Methodists Given Reasons Why Uniform System Desired. CHICAGO, Feb. 1L A plea for the grading of all Methodist Episco pal Sunday schools was made here by Rev. Roger Albright, chairman of the elementary department of the board of Sundav schools nf fha Math. odist Episcopal church, in submitting ins annual report to that board. "In many instances the whole Sun day school meets in one room," Rev. Albright said in his report. "Such a condition as this is very discouraging to graded work. Just as soon as a school sees its way clear to separate the children according to grades, it is the invariable result that graded les sons are introduced. The strongest emphasis of the elementary depart ment is upon recognition of the graded principle in Sunday schools." In speaking of the inefficiency of untrained Sunday school teachers the rejfort said: "There are many teach, ers who have not yet felt the obliga. tlon to fit themselves for their work One needs only to observe sue! teachers work to realize how f-ssen. tial a trained teacher is if we are tn get the best results from any curric ulum. We are constantly faced witi the fact of the misuse of even out graded materials because teachers have not the method by which those pupils are to be taught. In too many cases the department of superinten dents has not grasped the graded principles. . 'A Modern Use of Talents" will be Rev. M. A. Christense-n's sermon theme in ur Savior's Lutheran church at the morning service. The church uartet, consisting of the Misses An derson and Knutson, John Bakke and Ernest Vigers, will assist In the service. The congregation! and its "Christianity and Culture," Dr. Clark's Subject. t Special Mnsle Will Be Furnished at pnlted Brethren Chnrch. Science Lesson Subject to Be "Soul" Today. L Services to Be Held In All Churches at 11 This Morning. A' T THE First United Brethren church, East Fifteenth and Mor rison, Dr. B. J. Clark, pastor, will preach tfiAs morning on "Christianity and Culture," and in the evening on "Bitter Business." Special music will be presented at both services, a Rev. Ira V. Hawley, pastor of Sec ond United Brethren church. East Twenty-seventh and Summer streets. will speak this morning on "Painted j ! rmB vv limit v ii vi in Llie evening U,l "Three Good Scouts." The evening service will be attend ed by representatives from five troops of Boy Scouts. 'Special music at both service. j - I At Third United Brethren, church, OUL" will be the subject of les son sermon in churches of Christ, Scientist, today. Sunday morning services are held in all Christian Science churches at 11 o'clock, this service being repeated in the evening in all churches except Fifth and Seventh at 8 o'clock. Wednesday evening meetings are held in all churches at 8 o'clock. These meetings include testimonies of Christian Science healing. Sunday school is maintained for pupils up to the age of 20 in all churches. -The sessions convene at 9:45 and 11 o'clock in all except Third and Fifth, where the sessions are held at 9:30 and 11. Free public reading rooms are main tained at 1133 Northwestern Bank building, 133 North Third street, 33 North Sixth street (near union sta tion) and 148 Killlngsworth avenue, where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read or purchased. Christian Science churches are lo cated as follows: First Nineteenth and Everett streets. Second fiast Sixth and Hoiladay avwnue. Third East Twelfth and Salmon streets. , Fourth Vancouver avenue and ISmerson street. Fifth Sixty-second street and Forty second avenue Southeast. Sixth Pythian temple (formerly Masonic- temple). 38S Yamhill street. Seventh iOZ Smith avenue (St. Johns). The public is invited to attend the church services and use the reading rooms. Central Presbyterian church wiil hear its minister at both services to- (C&ncluded on Page 6.) Congregation Beth Israel Twelfth and Main Sts. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise Services Friday evening at 8. Sat urday morning at J.0:30. Sunday morning at 11. Religious school Sunday morning at 10.