TTTE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 13. 1922 o H.Kr - III! ; v.. ' 1 AtxTTT s&tirj' 2&J" Ss J Oonltnud From r&c 3. NVhll In Wsnin(rtpn Mrs. Simmons baa bn extended tha hospitality of tha CoKffj Woman'!) club and has bff n the Inspiration (or many aocial affairs. Mr. and Mrs, Vavid Campbell will be hopts tomorrow ntht for a few of the friends of Miss C'U Steeb of the Oriffea trio -ho has been much feted during her atay in tha city. Mr. and Mra. Carl Denton were hosts rn Friday niKht at an informal evening in honor of the Grtffea trio, jl few frienda of the artlets were invited for tha evenine;. A dainty upper waa aerred. Tha Society of Sona and Daughters of Oregon Pioneera will celebrate the (3d anniversary of Oregon's admission Into the Union a state with a din tr at tha Chamber of Commerea Xueatlay nlarht ,( .30l J receding tha -v. i - v - f " Y 'I l .;-! 3 ' ' 'X J 1 - j V'. a. - . . , -i r dinner an informal reception will be held in the green room of the Cham ber of Commerce, A large number of out-of-town people are expected to be here for the -celebration. Miss Louise Gray. rranddauRhter of TV. H. Gray, who came to Oregon in company with Marcus Whitman in 1S3), will cut the huge birthday cake and light the 61 candles. Mrs. Leslie M. Scott has charge of the musical programme. Tha committee of patrons and patronesses follow Chief Justice Thomas A. McBrlde. Justice George H. Burnett. Justice George M Brown. Salem. Mesera. M. C. George. Charles B. j Moorea, Woodson T. Slater. Colonel Robert A. Miller. George H. Himes. J. I. Lee. Leslie M. Scott. B. B. Beek man. William M. Ladd, Judge William N. Gatens. Judge R- S. Bean. Professor Robert Down. Joseph Carter. Abe Mler. Loring K. Adama. W. P. Old John F. Blsiay. Aibext M. Brows. T. .... ,",W' -7' T. Geer. William M. Simpson, Port land: Arthur Lane. Albany; Peter H. D Arcy, Salem; Gilbert L. Hedges, Harvey N. Cross. George A. Harding, Oregon City; Judge Fred "W. Wilson, The Dalles; Robert Adbury Booth, Eugene. Mesdames Elizabeth Failing. Con ler Brewster, Caroline Gray KLamm. Maude Pope Allyn. Phoebe Granston Breyman. Annie Sutherlin Waite, A. a. .vamey, bva tarnart AUlston, Ar seno Mathieu Burton, Joseph Nathan Teal. Ida M. Charlton, Anna Dowell Bannon. Phil Metschan, Harriet Ne smith McArthur, Joeephin Meriweth er Othus. Daisie Scott Bullock, Ilda Clacina Aldrich, Florence Watson Crawford. D. P. Thompson, Blanche Kahn Blumauer. Cully Miller Cook, Ella Geiger Huston, Kate Glbbs Muir, Alice McCully Crane, Dr. Myra Brown Tynan, all of Portland; Christine Monteith Pipe. Albany; Myra Belt Burnett, Salem; Mary Strong Kinney, Astoria; Lulu Donnell Crandall, The Dalles. Misses Henrietta Failing, Anne Shannon Monroe, Tillie Cornelius. Portland; Mary Chadwick, Salem; Madeline Nichols, Monroe, Or. Robert Gardner Jr. was host on Saturday evening at an informal sup per dance at lis home on Johnaon s"treet. The following guests' enjoyed his hospitality: Mioses Katherine Ptruplere, Katherine Short,' Eleanor V right, Helen Copelan. Margaret Spencer, Jane Fleckenstein, Helen Tyroll, Grace Gardner. Marios Pea cock: Messrs Ben Lombard, .Otto Mauphe. Stewart Shelt. Bill Hart. Bill Honeyman. Jack Wells. Rodney Keat ing, Ray Rankin and Phillip Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. William Large of this city announce the engagement of their daughter Ella to Harold Ediaon Peck, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Teck of this city. The wedding will be an event of the early spring. e The masquerade party at the home of Miss Marie Bird, at which she and Miss Irene Rush were hostesses on Friday night, was both colorful and merry. Great boughs of cedar from which hung varicolored balloons, formed a fitting setting for the gay masqueraders. Miss Georgia Stone was the recipient of the prize for the daintiest costume and Norman Davely carried. off honors for the most amus ing costume. The following guests joined in the festivities: Misses Helen Zaharrls. Peggy Pratt. Betty Mulhens, Gladys Reid. Josephine Tobin. Anna Mae McKlrnan. Queen Scott, Cather ine Mon Pere, Blanche Berland, Celes tlne McCarty, Margaret Connelly, Theresa Kellehar. Marion Goddard, Georgia Stone. Eva Bergeron, Iaa- belle Bergeron. Leona Converse, Ere- yn Rush. Dolores Rush. Theresa Jet- ters. Ernestine Hamilton, Josephine Warmuth, Mae Duffy; Messrs. Gens Fletcher. Lall Walker. Lawrence Cappa. Stanley Bell, Bill Moloney, Thomas MoMahon. Raymond Cudahy, orbert Kavanauarh. Rar DunlaD. Ladles, Have Year Spring; Suit Made fey S. WEISS THE LADIES' TAILOR, S44 MORRISOX ST. ROYAL BLDG. A BEAITIKIL COIFFTTRB Is ftenr Centre ad nay to every wom if Iter fcatr la carl for by r expert coif fmrelsta. Bawr. 3SOU. 3 Pttteck Bleeku Ladies' Beauty Doctor from Paris. I beautify in a few treatment's. Madame Picard, 901 Bdwy. Bldgr. Main 1729. Frank Savarian, Joseph Zaharriar- Ru ble Robinson, Kenneth Hoyt. Fred Collins, John Donnelly. Bill Norfell, Dail Smith. Doc Renick, Sherman Wright, Bud Horn. Tonie Dwyer, Lloyd EnwTight, Norman Davely. Howard Robertson, Charles O'Brien, Eddie Dwyer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kropp are receiving congratulations on the ar rival of a son. Edward L. Kropp Jr. Mrs. Kropp and baby are at the Port land maternity hospital. . On Tuesdfy the woman's progress ive unit of Lanrelhurst club will meet at 1:30 P. M. for luncheon. Mrs. Hugh Williamson is chairman of hostesses. . A masquerade ball will be an event on Tuesday night at the Laurelhurst club. Members and their friends are invited. The" affair will be in the form of a valentine party. The Kappa Phi sorority held Its first meeting of the month on Febru ary . at the Hazelwood. Miss Bertie Van Woert and Miss Lillian Hazlett were the hostesses. Election of offi cers took place with the result as follows: President, Jessie Schestler vice-president. Hazel Fassett; secre tary, leva ivordstrom. and treasurer. Ruby Palmer. Mrs. Grace McCauley was appointed sergeant at arms by the president. Mrs. Frank J. , Lantry (Eleanor Regmer). has returned to her home in San Diego after a month's visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Regner. Several delightful affairs were given In her honor. Accompany ing ner south is her sister. Mrs. iLaurlce P. SocJlard. who will snend Mveraj months in southern Califor nia before returning to her home in Seattle. ' Miss Irene Horn was hostess tn SO girls at tea yesterday, honoring Miss Myra McCarthy. The rooms were decorated with spring flowers and pussywillows, which formed a back ground for the guests. Servinsr and assisting In the rooms were Maybell narris, Clair McCarthy. Katherine Kubli, Francis Hare. Marlorle Ken- tenhoffen. Nellie Pillington, Jane Car ter ana June ' Thierlng. Those who called were Katherine Kubli. June Thierlng, Mamie Turner. Mare-aret Hubber, Betty Brink. Mariorle Ken- tenhoffen. Elaine Bennet. Delight En gold. Marjorie Bennet, Helen Darling. Marlon Summers. Claudia Fletcher. .Marjorie tstarrora, Helen Gripper, Gladys Norian, Marie Cature. Ruth Clark, Florence Winslow. Winifred Crothers, Lucile Maxon, Agnes Hes- ldlng, Alice Kreanick. Helen Ahearn, Janet House, Lucile Kreanick, Francis Hare. Maybell Harris, Nellie Pillkington, Frances Thatcher. Susan Davis, Nancy Thatcher, Fern Mourey, ClaJr McCarthy. Jane Carter, Marga ret Hyatt, Catherine Jane Seal, Lois La Roach, IHargareta Cooper, Helen Symes, Dorothy Taylor, Betty Sharp, Alice Smith. Vivian Eiker. Dorothy .McCleuan, jsabell Cook, Helen Man ary, Myra McCarty, Irene Horn. Mrs. Alfred Schroff, a popular young matron, in Eugene society, has returned to her home there after a visit in Portland) and a short stay in Seattle, where the Fine Arts society held an exhibition of Mr. Schroffs paintings. Mr. Schroff is at the head of the art department of the Univer sity of Oregon, and his pictures at tracted much interest and praise among art devotees during the Seattle exhibition. Mrs. Schroff is a wall known painter of miniatures. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Gage have christened- their. baby daughter Georgianna Louise, In honor of the taby's father, her grandmother. Mrs. P. K. Egbert, and the great grand mother, Mrs. Anna Morgan. Mrs. F. H. Lewis entertained for her daughter. Miss Imogene Lewis, with a luncheon Saturday, February 11. The decorations were spring flowers and greenery. Covers were placed for Misses Catherine Overbeck, Carolyn Jones, Francis Dick, Dorothy Ettin- ger, Frances Milne, Marie Shulaer mann. Grace Wells, Marion Norman, Catherine Henderson. Ardis Welch, Grace Starr. Gladys Versteeg, Marie Collinson, Nan Lounsbury, Regma GUI, Marion Bowman, Madeleine Baker and Imogene Lewis. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Sternberg an nounce the arrival of a daughter. Betty Jane, born January 27. Miss La Verne Caffee entertained with a box party at the Baker theater on Friday evening. Her guests' In cluded girls of the younger set and cadets of Hill Military academy. Mrs. Mischa Pelz entertained at luncheon on Saturday honoring Miss Frances Woodbury, popular leading woman with the Baker Stock com pany who left for New Tork on Sunday. - The rose room of the Benson hotol was the scene of a pretty wedding on Sunday when Miss Polly Silver. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Silver, became the bride of Jacob "WelL The rose room was a profusion of palms and spring flowers, a fitting sur rounding for the ceremony performed by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise in the pres- nce of about 50 relatives and inenas. The wedding march was played y Miss Martha Levitt. The bride, who is an attractive runette, wore a gown of silk lace ver ivory-toned satin 'and trimmeJ with pearls. Her veil was held in place by a band of old lace and pearls, and she carried a shower bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Miss Mary Kartlin was maid . of onor and Miss Jeane Kamusher was bridesmaid. They wre beeomine No More Red Rough Hands dishwasher Washes, sterilizes and dries dishes, pots and pans without putting hands in dishwater. Attaches to hot water faucet and does work in a jiffy. f Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute PRICE $7.75 COMPLETE Write or telephone for free illustrated folder, "Why Have Rough. Red Hands From Dish-Washing?" NORTHWEST DISTRIBUTING AGENCY B07 Henry II I da., Portland. Or. Phone Broadway 3125. Dealer and Agents Wanted for . Territory Oataide Portia. . i SOLOISTS WHO WILL APPEAR OF OREGON f. 4 - 1 A varied programme of college numbers will feature the programme Men's Glee club in concert at the Hellljr theater next Wednesday evening. The club will be special guests and will likely sing at two or three or Arthur Johnson and Glen Morrow in three or four songs. Mr. Morrow rfith the glee club rendition of "Her (Grieg)'. Ronald Reid, piano soloist, sody" (Liszt). He is also accompanist The complete programme follows: t Part ' 1 Oregon pledge, "Love Symphony," glee club; "Landsighting.1 trlee club, with incidental solo by Glen from "La Boheme," Arthur Johnson; Glen Morrow, and "Invlctus." glee club; piano solo, "Sixth Hungarian Rhap sody," Ronald Reid; "Castilla, a ballad of Spain, glee club, part 2 "The Grasshopper," tragic gTand opera with cast; Oregon songsv quartet and glee ehadies of chanmeuse. Analene Cohen waa the dainty flower girl. 1'ne Dricie was given in marriage by her- father and Morris Well attended his brother as best man. After the wedding ceremony a dinner was served in the. Tyrolean room, followed by dancing. Follow ing a wedding trip In New Tork. and other laree eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. -Weil will make their home In Hillsboro, where Mr. Weil has busi ness connections. Alpha Chi Omega AJumnae will hold their regular meeting on Saturday at 2 o'lock, with Miss Frances Kingffler of 680 East Fifteenth street North as hostess. m .. Mrs. Fred Lester entertained mem bers of the Alpha Chi Omega alumnae on Wednesday, having as her honor gftest Mrs. John Sherrlck of Seattle, Pacific province president. Mrs. Sher rick has been visiting in Eugene and Corvallls. the guest of the Alpha Chi Omega chapters. The vestry of St. Andrew's Episco pal church, Portsmouth, will toe hosts at a social in the par'sh hall on the eve of Washington's birthday, Febru ary XI. The following committees have been appointed: Entertainment Robert Storm. Richard Hayes, Vic tor Thomas, James Hawkins and Earl Smith; refreshments S. D. Nlles, G. A. Thomas, J. H. Smith andi Robert Kittenhouse. Miss Gertrude A rat a entertained a group of her friends at her home in Laurelhurst with a "hardtimes" party Saturday night. The rooms were prettily decorated and the pro gramme was devoted to games and dancing, with refreshments' served at a late hour. The guest list included the Misses Barbara Jane Averill Helen Miller, Georgia Miller, Mary Helen Carr, Ruth Ellison, Mary and Grace Ellison, Diana Glickman, Nellie and Gertrude Arata, Paul Murphy, Abe Glickman. Ford Stone, Earl Mil ler, Billie Moodie, John Brlx and Ar thur Arata. Mrs. M. U. Zeitfuchs announces the marriage of her daugher Marie Alma to Herman H. Boettner, which took place January 29. - . The engagement of Miss Alice de Veny to Jack W. Kosher was an nounced at a small tea Wednesday at the home in Linnton of Miss de Veny's sister, Mrs. F. E. Kosher. Miss de GREAT REMODELING I SALE Spring J Furs I A SMART COLLECTION now ready and until alter- ations are complete radical reductions prevail. 3 1 CLEVER CHOKERS IN Russian Sable 1 Hudson Bay Sable 1 I Brown Marten Stone Marten Kolinsky Mink and I , Squirrel j Hudson Bay I Fur Co. I West Park and Morrison 1 NOT SATISFIED With Yoar Hair, Scalp or Com plex Ioh f Try the New mm& Sure Way. Reaalta GaaxaHteed. Dr. Treinies Mala 4484. 6SO Morgan Bids;. "ARE YOU OVERWEIGHT" We can and will reduce your weight and improve yoar health. No exer cising. ISO dieting. Toe perfect flesn reducer. Madame lMaire manager Portland office. 618 Pit took Block. Bread vray ddlC, ON PROGRAMME OF UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB HERE. songs, skits, stunts, solos and quartet presented by the University of Oregon of the University club Wednesday noon the nign eonoois in tne aiternoon. are soloists for the club and will appear will fng incidental solos in connection Rose" (Coomlbs) and "Landsighting' will play the ""Sixth Hungarian Rhap for the club. Morrow; solo, ""Oho Gellda Manina,1 "Her Rose," with incidental solo by selected cast; "vice Versa," selected club. Veny is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. de Veny. Mr. Kosher is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kosher of this pity. The marriage will be an event of the spring. Alexander G. Brown, chief deputy of the royal Scotch clans of Oregon, was tendered a reception last night In the Pythian temple by the Scotch so cieties' of this city and their friends, on the occasion of Mr. Brown's de parture to assume another raflroad position at Omaha, Neb. His fellow clansmen presented Mr. Brown with a handsome pipe as a mark of the warm friendship they entertain for him. Songs were sung and several speeches made. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Mann of 234 Nineteenth street North, announce the engagement of their daughter. Irma, to Charles S. Lipechultz. m m m An" interesting and talented vouner bride-elect is Miss Marie A. Roberts. a member, of an old southern family, who has announced her betrothal to Thomas H. Hallett of Los Angeles. Miss Roberts has made her home with Mr. and-Mrs. W. H. Larkins for some I ' - f I !v. J The new season ushers in many over whelming favorites in "Sweet Six teen" Coats, Suits and Dresses. With a charming' delicacy of treat ment and a rare beauty of design so perfectly characteristic of the cre ative talent behind them, they acclaim themselves as ultra values at AS IN PARIS TODAY, SO HERE TODAY New York Los Angeles El time and they made the formal an nouncement of the engagement early last week. The wedding will be in the late spring. Miss Roberts is a member of a family of prominence in Kentucky. A Washington's birthday event will be the formal reception and ball given by the 4th degree assembly. Knights of Columbus, at their Taylor-street clubrooms. The affair is for members of the order and their invited friends. In keeping with the day a shor pa triotic programme will precede the social. The patrons and patronesses are: Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fex, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coman, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Beck man, Dr. and Mrs. Leo L. McKenna, Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dooley and Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Dunlevy. The arrangements are in charge of Robert E. Manning, John Beckman, D. Joseph Callahan, Arthur A. Murphy, Frank J. Whalen. On Tuesday, Mrs. Kate Guerin Fan- no and Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred entertained .the X. P. V. club at the home of the former, 423 Fifth street, assisted by Hiss Helen Fanno. Sixteen "girls' comprise the club s member ship, most of whom, attended Pacific university the same years. Besides the two hostesses the members present were Mrs. Nellie Woods Adams, Ella Geiger Huston, Mary Brown Lewis, Ida Thomas Capels Flora Lebo Brobst, Emma Wooley Chandler, Daisey Stott Bullock, Fannie tiolston tusseu. May Johns Jacobs, Exa Faine Robblna, Allle Denney ' Brown, Mary Capels Gardner and. Dr. Ethel Greey. The guests were: Mrs. Mary Gray, Mrs. McDonald Potts. - Mrs. Alice Bristo, Mrs. J. D. Simpson, Mrs. Frank Graham, Mrs. Samuel Laurance, Mrs. Flora Capels Calhoon, Miss Tillie Cor nelius and Miss Janette Perkins. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. The employes of Allen & Lewis, wholesale grocers, wifo maintain a social organization among the 125 persons in their employ, and who give monthly social affairs, gave a dance and card party Thursday night at the hall in the East Side Business Men's club rooms to about 75 couples. Mu sic was rendered by an orchestra composed of employes of the corn pan;. . 4 Neighbors of Woodcraft Social club met last Tuesday In the Woodmen hall. 128 Eleventh street. A very inter esting meeting was enjoyed. A num ber of fancy articles were finished and will be offered for sale at the 500" card party which will be held Tuesday in the same .hall- The pub lic is invited to the' card party, start ing at 2i:30 o'clock. A surprise uarty was given Satur day evening, February .4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fuegy, 1614 East Stephens estreet, by a number of Kirkpatrick council, 2227, BoostersJ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. King, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Blue, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Day, Mr. and Mrs. H. G- Bonney, Mr. and Mrs. William Griebe, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Blrdlno, Mr. and Mrs. Henry lWald, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter GrieseU Mr. and Mrs. Keyser, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. John Murchison, Mr. and Mrs. Henry We Tell It With Values Paris, withholding her definite Fashion vogues for spring until now, gives us the benefit of her decisions at the last moment. Acting upon this decree, "Sweet Sixteen" presents the mode absolutely correct in interpre tations day; after day. Your early visits here will reveal these Fashion delights as they arrive by almost every express. Keep your Fashion eye on our windows. m f Anticipations more than realized in the ! . charm of these new sports raiment. POLO, SPORTS, TRAVEL, DRESS COATS Full silk lined, smartly tailored DRESSES in new treatments on the word of Paris. 145-147 BROADWAY Mashman, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stahl, Mr. and Mrs. Herman S locum, Mr. and Mrs J. Gordon Smith, Emily Walker, James Chcstensen,- Muriel Venable, Clar ence Sloffum, Lettise Elliott, Herman Toelle, Pearl Rae, Arlina Keyser, George Fuegy, Zanerian Blue, Waldo Fuegy, Earl and Ralph Day. George Griebe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bourne. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Neubauer, Miss Slmkins and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fuegy. - ' Mrs. Edward L. Dim mitt of S74 East Sixty-fourth street north enter tained on Wednesday for Mrs. R. S. Shaw, who will leave the city soon to make her home at Kerry, Or. Three tables of cards were played. The honors were held by Mrs. S. K. Willitt and Mrs. Frank J. Currigan. A guest prize was awarded to Mrs. Shaw. The guests included: Mrs. William F. Mc Kenny, Mrs. George' Littleton, Mrs. C. W. Lillie, Mrs. F. J. Currigan, Mrs. James Neace, Mrs. John Holste, Mra Georgw Brandenburg, Mrs. Harry Green, Mrs. R. S. Shaw, Mrs. David Smith, Mrs. R. Tancher, Mrs. S. K. Willitt. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Duer of 74 25-Fifty-firlh avenue southeast cele brated their 60th wedding anniver sary at their home on Friday. Mr., and Mrs. Duer were married in Kaho ka. Mo., February 10. 1872, coming to Oregon in 1910. They have four daughters, Mrs. C. E. Calvert, Mrs. H. Goulty, Mrs. R. Lehr and Mrs. R. Es selstyn of Portland and Mrs. A. W. Cue of Evanston, Wyo., and two sons. Glen G. and Ward R-. wsho are in busi ness with their father at Firland, as L. L. Duer & Sons. COMING EVENTS. The women of St. Mark's Guild will hold a cake sale and silver tea at tha parish house. Twenty-first and Mar shall streets, Wednesday from 3 to 5 o'clock. All members and friends of the parish are Invited. Musical num bers will be an attraction of the af ternoon. Maroon F. club will hold a dance February 24 at the Laurelhurst plub house. - i The Wisconsin State society will hold Its next meeting February 15. at 8:30 P. M. in Turn Verein hall. Dr. P. -O. Riley will speak on "A Trip Through Europe With Mark Twain . and Marion Crawford." Music, cards and dancing will be the entertain ment. Members and friends are In vited. Acme Hive of Lady Maccabees will give a valentine card party Tuesday night. February 14, in- the W. O. W. hall. Eleventh and Aldr streets, sec ond floor. Prizes will ba given and refreshments will be served. The pub lic is invited. The Builders Exchange will give their first party of dancing, cards and music on the evening of March 4, Saturday, at the Rose City Park ' clubhouse. . v The Wisconsin State - society will i.nij : , o mMttnir VASrnarv lfi at 8:30 P. M. in Turn Verein hall. Dr. P. O. Riley will speak on "A Trip Through Europe With Mark Twain and Marion Crawford." mime, cams TWEED SUITS-full silk lined, fashioned as Paris advjses. Seattle San Francisco