TITE 'StfrUAir OKEUOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 12. 1923 X W r i ; 5 i 1 -ry - -f. ' ' rOrt'md frfin f!rt rage oltlier" at Wahins.ton. 11a is a Graduate ot the University of Oregon and a member of Beta Theta 11 fra tcrnltr. lie has been making: his home at the University club in Seattle, but is a frequent visitor In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgarrt. ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. William Norman Bursard. left oil Saturday for the. Kay city to attend the llurgard AUrstou wedding. The coif tournaments at Del Monte on Lincoln's and Washington's birth days are attracting Portland society folk. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Corbett .. . , .1 T - .1 alter an extended stay In Santa llar bara and Pasadena, will be visitors at Jjel Monte. Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Corbett are Port land aucsts at the Hotel Ambassador at Los Anffele. They were enter tained at dinner recently by friends in the Cocoanut Urove. Mr. and Mrs. fameron Squires are visiting- in Los Angeles at the Hotel Ambassador. They were fruests at n dinner in the t'neonnut Urove on Saturday when Maurice and Miss Unnora Hughes gave their dancing performance. Mrs. William I.ytle of Salem hue come to Portland to visit with her ,.i"r. Mrs. It. N Stnnfielil, who is a guest at the Brniion hotel. Mrs. Joseph Nathan Ter.l returned to Portland on Tuesday after upending- several weeks in Ituffalo. X. Y .. as the guest of her daughter snd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carleton W. JJetts. e The annual masquerade of the Tort land Hunt club will be one of the many delightful social affairs to be celebrated on St. Valentine's day. The hucre tanbark ring of the Portland KMiins; academy on Johnson street wilt be decoratel extravagantly all w-eek for this and two other special rides, and the usual concentration on horsemanship shown by members of the hunt will be lifted for the space of tho week for the festivities. The masquerade Is expected to be one of tho best-attended events for the winter season' of the Hunt club. J.ike all masque balls, the costumes are arranged secretly, but unlike thrr masques they will be worn on horseback, and many of them will be representative of equestrian costumes of all ages and countriea The ride, which Is the principal feature of the evening of festivity, will begin at S:15 Tuesday nifrht and will last for an hour and a quarter. The riding will be done to music a Jull-strinpred orchestra being engaged. At 9:30 the revelers will unmask and tho prizes will be awarded by If. M. Kerron, ringmaster and master of fox hounds of the hunt. Four prizes will be awarded. They are for the best-sustained character, tho most artistic costume, the best pair and the most comical character: AS soon aa the ride is over the en tire party will go by automobile to the clubhouse of the hunt at Garden Home for supper and a dance after ward. The committee In charge of arrangements consists of Mrs. Natt McDougall, Mrs, C. Edward tlrelle. Miss Martia liabb and Kiohard V. Heller. The other tw. rides of the week, which are more of a festive nature than equestrian, are a musical ride by the members of the Intermediate section of the hunt and the Junior masquerade. The Intermediate sec tion is composed of juniors of the ces of 16. 17 and IS years, and is one r . k& nnat .. t 1 i il uitifl of the Hunt club. They will have their ride to music tomorrow night at the riding m-dmy. The inior masquerade is is ' 4 V P ftp TV I pjfryz-sfjveg: iff 1 JFafcfyjJPiSrze mittee of 100 on February 24 im ere ating Wide interest. The chairman of the committee fof this affair la Mrs. T. O. Williams and patronesses are Mewames Fred Spoerl, William H. Barton.. John Uolph, Frank Woodard and Alfred J. O'Brien. T. O. WilUams Is chairman for the fiance. e Mrs. Stella Cirove Is a Portland vi itor at Hotel Del Coronaao, Coronado Beach, California. Miss Sally Hart, popular society maid, has accepted the secretaryship of the local Ked Cross bureau in Med ford. Sho la at present the guest of Colonel and Mrs. Gordon voorhles. Mrs. Stephen Applebv entertained Informally on Friday with two tables of bridge. A few additional guests called at the tea hour. Honoring Mrs. 'Arthur Minott, who has lately returned from Europe, Mrs. Frank Hart entertained on Friday afternoon with three tables of bridge. at her home on the Riviera. . Several additional guests dropped In for tea. see One of the largest events of the comin? week will be the benefit dance and card firiven hv party on Tuesday to be he Brltleh Benevolent so ciety in B'nal B'rlth hall. The society has dotla extensive work among the needy British residents of Portland and provides) this occasion to carry on further work in these lines. The pat rons and patronesses for the affair are: John Trant, British consul; Chappell Br6wne, president of the so ciety, and MesdameH Walter J. Burns. F. C Malpas, Peter Kerr, Thomas Kerr. 13. T. CI. Stevens. William Mao Master, D. W. Ij. MacGregor, James Laidlaw, Roger Hastings, Victor Johnson, Richard Wilder. R. Lea Barnes, S. B. Lmthicum, A. Mac Rae, J. J. Panton and the MiKse( Caroline and' Louis-e Flanders. The committee Includes: Mrs. John Trant, Mr. Brown, Mies Madge Mac kenzie, Mrs. Malpse, Mrs. Hastings, Mrs. MacGre-gor, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Wilder, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. J. G. Rob ertson, Mrs. Panton, Mrs. M. Blakely, Mrs. K. K. Baxter and Mrs. E. Wyld. The committee In charge of dancing includes: Mr. and Mrs. Richard participated In by all members under is years or age, and the preparations for it Indicate that It will vie with the seniors in point of uniqueness and merriment. It will be held on Friday night, February 17. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Dant are visitors at the Itits-Carlton hotel In N'ew York. Sirs. Frank A. Spencer of niverdale is planning to leave in a few days for Santa Barbara and other California resorts for a two months' visit. Her son Frank will accompany her. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman O'Gorman are at the Ambassador, Los Angeles, and are among those who are en joying many pleasant hours on the Ambassador links. Xrvington club waa the scene of formal dancing party on Friday flight when the senior members entertained. Mrs. Garrett N. Versteeg Is chairman of the icommlttee for February and Mesdames A. K. Koblson. V. C. Felter, Thomas Wynn Watts and J. N. Mat chek are assisting. e e Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Cobb will leave during the wt.k for Caiifornl They will go to Los Angeles, whene they will be guests at the Am bait sador. They will be gone about six weeks. The subscription dance at Waverly club last night waa a most successful affair when about l"" younger seel ety folk took part. The plan for the future Is to have a rtsno of this tia ULDCINVJ aad Visiting Cards W. G. SMITH & CO. Ill Uorzie Pulldloc F. W. Patt & Co. LADICS T.II(1R A.U DIIKSS MtKKRS. XfW Style u Materials for trla. KM t BrMtiwar F nil dim. I MaraaaU aa. Announcement! We take pleasure In announcing the opening of our New Store at 410 K Washington st 4 Neat ( Blae Meaae Theater) VVITII A MDOwB STOCK Or IKtVKJT FASHIONS IX LADIES' APPAREL MILLINERY rmrFs frdi cfd ox nrrotc- MIK M'KISII WKIR IV Ot H TAII.OHIXi t-:T..BI.IHYKVr AT 447 AI.IIKH !THElrf J. K. STERN I. HIPS' IA1UOK M. PATT Suite 512-13 Bush & Lane Bids. BBOAUW. .V AAD A1AJHU. tare once a month. Decorations for the first one of the series have been eliminated. Supper was served at o'clock. Mrs. Henry I Corbett was hostess recently to a number of children from the Dunthorpe neighborhood. Miss Henrlette Mlchaelson gave a pro gramme of children's selections on the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Coo are guests at the Hotel Del Coronado Coronado Beach, California. see Mr. and Mrs. Roderick L. Macleay were hosts for a small dinner party at their home on Wednesday evening. see Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Honeymah were hosts at a small dinner on Thursday evening. They have re cently returned froth a trip through California cities which covers month's period. The euppef dance at the Chamber of Commerce to be given bv the corn Ei wi mm Lot d V.J If Lotting Service and Satisfaction are assured if the Coat, Suit or onepiece Dress is tailored in the Norman Bros, es tablishment. Let VaSmrveYou Taller Me aaa Nertajveetera Rnk Bill. 1S1-10S Meaaaatae Floor (A) U ii rfe6-ifegfc 'ii nil i i' ill' ii i: i ii t natin ii mi gfl!CTircareiaB3mir.iiTnTntimT o One-Thirty Tenth Street JUST ARRIVED Ne vt Spring Wraps and Sport Coats Lovely ttttit In tiHlom, Orlando aad Marvellas. deaigaeel after Dante Faakloa'a latest aaedels. Tae aew Ssort Coat Tor aaoter aad street wear Is last the gar- meat for Immediate) Y-r I. wear. Alt In aprinea X S 3 latest aoaterlala aad F-f i lL shades. .1 . New Spring r4s VjtA Merchandise S. arriving daily JffP Mrs. FARRELL KLECTIICAL HPK l.I.IT. faafarflsMBaat fl (. M nlaM . M K aaaai sk si 01 BKOAIiWAV B1AK FHO.NJbMAIN Diplomas from Boston. Chtcaro and titat Fancy and plain hemstiVchinj and embroidering, both hand and machine. Beading a specialty. Pleating- in all styles. Buttons, buttonholes and all kinds of dress trimmings and finishing. PITTOCK BLOCK. Broadway 1099 Room 354 iresh every day. 'Morrison st, bet. 4th anH Rth Tel LQY&& Main 7709. 0 AJ9 OlflP As each day's express packages are opened, containing the very newest in women's clothes, we exclaim with delight for never have the styles been prettier, the fab rics more lovely. If it's a suit you wish, the tweeds will probably be your choke. In dresses your fancy will turn toward taffeta or Canton Crepe. In coats the polo coat is pleasing many. Regardless of your preference, it's here awaiting you, fresh from its tissue wrapping. See them tomorrow. Yotir (New Spring Suits Choice J New Spring Dresses of - (.New Spring Coats All of these $39.50 gar ments are from our new Spring stock. The same excellent quality su perior workmanship and materials " which you have always expected and received here at The Eastern, will be found in every one of these new Spring ar rivals at $39.50. ? Arrange Terms to Meet Your Individual Needs We have no ironclad terms of payment. Our plan is rather to suit the payments to the re quirements of our cus tomers. If you want special arrangements, come' into our store and arrange terms to suit your individual needs. Thus does "Credit" Gladly serve you. Washington at Tenth St. ' A 1 sa1 utfittingXp "The Gray Tile Corner" You'll Fitid Splendid Values and New Spring Shades in Our Hosiery Department