2f TTTE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. .TMYfDmiT.T 8 Bt VKst OPPORTUNITIES. AC I REPAIR PARTNfc-R WANTED. $iX will buy an ej ua 1 one-half ix.ter- wt in tti baalest mid bet srr.ail rhop 10 fort t ; no rettr ica tmn ; rui.y quipped; steady established trade. Need man who ia mechanically inc. toed and w;iiinc worker. Your chance to learn the bu:ni and clear better than T'T nronth for yourself from the start. Don't faii to ace thta before you buy. Ap ply 31$ Fit toe it b:-, Washington at JiKh REfTACRAXTS. Wwt aide location, doing $44 dal'y; real H0 a month. Here La a good one for $i70O cash. Lunch counter. Theater district, rent $75; doing $.m to $W a day; one of the beat equipped place In the city. A snap at $1'i. PIMM?. 10 Henry Bldg. CAN VOL" KtJ'AIR AUTOMOBILES? WE JIAVB A FULLY EQUIPPED A I TO KKPAIR STATION OS ONE Of VERT BEST CORNER LOCATIONS IV TBH "ITY. BUILDING OVER SOxl Art . A ' JOOO B f S I N E S-S ALREADY ESTAB LISHED WITH REASONABLE RENT AND GOOD TERMS TO THE RIUHT PARTY. G. C TJLRTCH A CO.. s 45 PT-x: K EX'.'HANOE BLDT WANT a .ur.g man to take full charge and operate a store, gas and oil station, d acres excel. nt campinf g round on irrvrd fishing river, on, two highways, 2 hours from Portland; also Juney route ir rummer resort at pi ace. About f ooo ruuired; handle your own money. Ad-rtr..-jt A. p. Han ley. New Foster hotel, 1 V. 3d st. WEEK-END SPECIALS. BARGAINS. SNAPS. PICKUPS. 'f'Hfry with living room. xr stand, food location. ''tnfr.'iionery oo Broadway. K!iiurntJi. a.i ixes. Farms, houw. rwmir? houses. -ft-", ARilSA N S B I.DG. -p:to Demon Hnte:. P.ESTAL R WT. C A R - B A R N I OC A T ION. Well equipped smail restaurant bus! r, near or.e f the larctl car barn it e cfv: ch'-in rent and lease. Pri : Trf mih and frrna. I ! I R E Y N V ESTM KM ' O.. .".iyi - in Panama rn.i; bdwy. v42 M r. .-(-. tii'iriif m-e t tin r.ess. grow ing neighborhood, bright fulur. i llwng mmw, -urni-nri. in connection with If iH.ktrr for nice home with xwt fune-,. tbt in the place for you. l-i i?h owner. Prie for furniture. W ' 1 "'"f S'JCWMI. WrtW. .-... 1 llWK ahmi! -mo ktov-k of good ued eara of dlf'er-m makes that I will trade ir tok ot men hand fse and pay cah difference up (0 himm, Tnis is a ic- gt'mate trade. I have to offer and ii cnterra n none tut legitimate dca A' 4"4. T'jfnln MONKT MAKER. S.ift drink, light luoch and card room In center of city A REAL SNAP. Look at tnis n--w $3t0u takes tt. PRANK L McUIIRK. 3ftS Abinieton B.dc Bdwy. 7171. Th:-.l jt . br U t m c f o n and St a r . tiKU'tKY AND IRY GOODS. $27i for ,i'ur and invoice stock t.ut INiH) ThU place has pot been 'ti lb marHet since opened 8 years ago; side rorner ioca! ion. rent $25: no r.ojt. competition. 42i Cham or Com. b.-1. CAR Avi E equipment and ato k. Will aclt fur rah or take emaJl fruit farm or r-idcn.e; wouid aro con?-idr wheat f rm in Canada. iarace, tHix t0: Mtor e cover ail overhad. iood location. r-od repair ehop. fully equipped. .vw;i-t A V 43'. triron-an. BUTTER Vl) E.J4;s. CHICKENS. MILK AM' SMALL LIVE OK ilHOt'lKs IV IMHI.1C MARKET. MTA.NU AT LESS THAN COST. PRICE IJfioO. UoOD T K KA1S. 'i c. i r.Rini a rx . 4' STfu'K KXHUNGR BT.DO A TTENTIO V, LA DIES. 4-chalr barber shop. est side. Shop a'a buv. tioott fixtures, cheap rent. Here in a rtap at $13mi ca.-h SIMMS. 1Q Henry Bldg. A SPKflAL PARTNERSHIP. Kqua! Intre.-t In a growing bustnes mauu:a tunng auto and truck bodies," auto t.pii, Profits are good re- '.re j-malt InvestmenL Room 401 D-k-.irn hn ,il ne. gai (il;,KKV STORE o4. Inriudtng furniture of 2 rooms, good fpot. dandy orchard. Fine for inin ann ire. A NH"ft INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. !-$- Panama Bldg, 3d and Alder. A R Avi K PARTNERSHIP. Own-r of a large garage want a part ner to ei gas. oils., etc.. and look i ;r the Moras-. can draw $o wk, a:o pr.!it. )ul Interest oniy $1T30 ..m 41 Dekurn h'.dg. A I To S E K H E STATION Owner rel a partnt-r to sell the mm?. e:. etc.. a he I busy in vulcanixing hop; a so carrv ut. part and tires; K"f proilt and $."m w hi handle it Rftom 41 lykim b.dg THE fnl'XTV light f. the Mnrtictic a r tanr are now for a!e. nutglv or n hloc. Fifty machine InMa i:d will hring in a monthly Income of $2o. tail or wrlt Mgnettc Sign Kla.oher Co 4 rrw.tn h'-tg Phono Rrnaiiwiy 4tr. S-n) MONTH t'UAR PROFIT. Hoe a truck and a good contract for hauling htintr: am clearing month aiut -l-a.ly hauling; m.Ihk on account of . kn.-w. pri.-o fr all only . Room "l I'rKinn hidK A PARTNER WANTED. A -no buirc.; in! merest wit h a g.M.d mechanic, need avitance of afadv ii bandy If h tooia; can each cU-ar Jm innmh: rtuir a ma t investment. a I rr.Mii 4H I kiiTii hhic ,M A M F ACTCRI Nii I'Ri POSITION Uani to gt i in tmich with a bumn- Mian financially Nbl to inv-M $15.(mmi an.! can uk.' over I h mnag'iint of a n5 con'-rn UK 4tr Orego man. Ki.r.l i:NT (J.o. crtroer locution, rent ml including ;,.ping room; this a dandy li It t ie pia.-c for two; price f.r Mondav. $17..; $... down. Bar rand V NTKI' Automobile tr..-chini.- to i i-n- in bu ing Urge storage and repair grMc: mr ;UTM-nt $22."( each: r-,,ual -,. mm ni ah imock t;xcn rtititge cr i n.n.- Min 7.. tor rntnr LOTS. I bio. k. Bond, Or . business re:ienr,, al. '.hM Will trade for r-- cmt- or piiinc in or near Port ami. owner. 1 15 Union ave. North. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. $1,150. Fre living room. Will Invoice: 2t monin rm. i year lc.e. tkMO Foster I A i ;oin Europe. i. t v. i m v - - . m if focji t ion. west :ri Inhmi . Uil. of $Vm.i. months-. This i,u mine, owner. Ail 44:;. Ore- FOL SALE Restaurant. fullr equipped wit.i new Unc hotel range, lunch coun ter, tah and di-h-, at a very low rr:--e. ; rsiiW. Aj, Rw-e!l nt O V N K H ca ;ng cwr recti tow n : n. ry n'l ogr xiHiW ai-nfico for quiI -a rd or poo I room. WOOD AND COAL. A cah husitiess. clearing $2V to $VH) month. fMab.tshfJ m ears : a real bar ga:n Hoc-ii 401 Dek-.::n b'dr w A nt-ei -a:nter or hen.ittch:ng tna ch ne operator with machine to occupy ia. e ia tr. ;,od location; rent ra- 'Zj v"- Aider. ltdwy. -Jl H. GKo i:u- nh 5 Iitng rooms, rent only mo. a nice stock, welt located Price on!y laia A snap. K. W Ca'-gd. 3d. cor. Tk'op K e.ST U R A N-f uelic-te.sen: wet doing $25 to $3 rta ; ."7il caj! hand.es ini.n. or Com. , . Lu e w tr t, take haif in;erest tn bustle required. Sundav. 10 to or after 8 A. M Mondav. 314 ' rh.m FAKTY w th tOO to Partner on d.ir ri ge Mi miia awuth of Portland; good -TJ ace f -r nmev. HF 4H. Ore r o : : a n . i. T MDE h.uwefp.i. arts" -e in. ia eve- fair: t neitina- frnm $H sh will -V 1 M-!. rf Ct-i K li r. T A ( KANT -Jum the -iao a-l w-f-; doing $25 per day Prw $-:: tertM. for r-.Aii rent $.0; A LTNTON - WELCH. 4t Ratlwav Ki A IANiY r-liurnt cleao t $2h Ja..v a ?:ne lovat'on, A. E B-V r..!g MarsT-i at a rrca;n. d.-ing "r; prtc $-ii Wa t-r. 13.U N. W. 1: ST 1 Ol; SALE K"taur e-wncr l-ving city, w v StWVV nt mrnl card room 6H N. 3d wl. -.Broad KETAt KAN T, 4th aa-i Washington. ,,. d-e hx-atiort; lea o-f fir. at f r ct U el v rr'c-d : ee owner. R- v E i-h O N UK ra.d e!t niut --r.f.t - a; on-- at low pr.ee. f.i.ing stf.orj and vulcan- 'I'rg equ-pm-!. 3tt E 1 T t h I OH frAl.E mine tnd astern Oregon. W. Va . For sal Ture. f ValS M n t i-c 1 1 or -1 . f i r-. t - c . a 1 1 - untam. i.ir and t.Paccos $' EST SIDE but, h r s.n, eod bu.c Th.s n ( Taat !? r c? ("i'-iii'i-f bi-?c. L'.MV luiivh rou.-I-r. do tf r nr. only $IM: $s;t ch LINTON A WEf.cn 4 1n ' I IA KTNEtC w it ft car and .-iu intere-t in bu ne- iin-e r.f? T-e -nce re? tie -v. 4o! P ,rt buy l..,ifj Ev- m it- : t'A.'H tk ST r . K ivs;: a t 1 3'i r. buy i Bl MK-M OPPORTIMTTM. CONFBCTIOVERT AND POOL HALL OUT OF TOWN. Nicest confectionery and pool hall in smalt town on paved bbh ay in Wa hirurton ; 2 pool tabs. ten card tab.ea and S cleepins; r-orr.s over tor: f 1O0 per month inrorre from rental of rooms; $-.HXN cash, balance terms. Kurni tur ia nice and place does good business. CONFECTIONERY. In small town on paved fcieh way In Washing-ton. next door to moving picture show; jrood clean equ: pnient. Red Cross fountain ; Cater to best trade; 1 1 5O0 cash will handle. POOL. ROOM AND RESTAURANT. 4 pool tables, restaurant, clear cb; rent t" per month on e-ood !-!.-. Does .10 per day business. 1hjO down will handle. RESTAURANTS. Coed restaurant on Hawthorne avenue: does a $33 per dav bui nets. good equipment; flOO cash. ."iO cash will buy a-ood restaa ract on east aid, doinc hu sic ess of $33 per day. Good location. Busy restaurant on Sixth street; feeds 17 to L'OO people -pr day. New equipment: t-QQ Cash will handle. One of t h highest -c'asa cafe teria in Portland. Uood business location: all modern equipment. This will bear investigating. GROCERT STORES. On Williams avenue. S living room in back of store, all fur nished; brick building-, nice and neat. Kf(l business, cheap rent on leaac; $9ti0 is ail that is asked. Mount Scott district on Foster road; rent only $o per month, whwh includes four living rooms in rear of store; price $2000. HARDWARB AND IMPLEMENT BUSINESS. In ' good town In Washington, dala in hardware, agricultural implements, fruit boxes and baa- ' kt, cream separators, etc; good business) and will sell for $2300. W' faave grocery stores, ga rages, con feet lona riea and miscel laneous business opportunities for sale. Chester L. Florence. R1TTER, LOWE CO.. Realtors. 2u I -2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT A PRACTICAL MILLER to investigate one of the best water power flour and feed mills in a rich section' of the Willamette valley, doing a steady bustneas and making money now. 7 acres of land, a fine water power S-story mill equipped with good ma chinery to turn out 23 barrels of flour per day and 1 tons of feed per hour, a barn and storage shed. At a low cost the surplus of water power could be ued to develop electric light and power for the nearby town and surrounding farms. A big chance for a younger maq. A good business man could emplov a miller and make good money from this proposition, with possibilities of expan sion, i Price (s $00 with reasonable terms or wi:i ian amau improved acreage to $4iW as part payment. If you mean buSTness see Mac I N N ES. EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER. LOWE Ar CO.. -ftl. ?. 3. y 7 Board of Trnrie Bid ir. WILL GIVE TOlT i INTEREST IN THE BEST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ON THE PACIFIC COAST TODAY (MONEY ABSOLUTELY SECURED . L CANNOT LOSE AND WE STAND TO MAKE MILLIONS IN THE NEXT rt Tt W DAY S. STRINGS NCY O F MONEY MARKET COMPELS THIS SACRIFICE INTERVIEWS STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. CURIOSITY SEEKERS WILL RECEIVE NO AT TENTiON AC 441. OR BOO N I A N . IC.OOo BLDG. AND STOCK. General merchandise, doing now $:;nn to -hhw a mo. bus.ncss; bid jr. 2-stor "(ix70. on 30xt2 lot. large room a ,id" tat h. furnished complete, with 1 -ge ii-ti. im map e iioor; wui invoice stock and !ee bldg. Owner wishes to retire: wiTI cost about I10.f" for stork and fixtures. This ; new bldg.; 23.h0 cash will handle deal. KKIPPER & CROSBY. "II Ttal'way Keh. RMg Bdwy. trt.".A. PARTNER W A N TED. $.-.0 secures an eoual half Interest In clean, interesting business ahowing a proiit of better than $400 month; this business has be-en etab ithed for years and books are open fur inspection. If you are looking for a business and want to connect yourself with a live wire, in vestigate this proposition. You will draw a weekly salary of $.'0 a week and divide th profits For full Information call at 20 Cham of Com, btilg.. 4th and Stark. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. An equal half interest in first-class auto paint shop, no better location in Port land, run by an expert in this line1: pre ter a steady partner to hired help: ex perience not required if you are willing . irH ana team: you win easily clear better than $J0O every month for your- -. n juu whim ine pest snop m city. y this before you buv: price $O0. Call ' nam, or om. p. dr., 4th and Stark. TIRE AND VLU'AXI7,l.ti SNAP. An equal ha'f interest is offered tc meauy ana reiinoie man In busy west Mi tire and vulcanising business where you are aannciated with first-class tlrS man; experience not necessary if will Ing lo work and learn and be satisfied with $154) month to start: a genuine oargain; price only 4;.. Call 620 Cham. of Coin, bidg.. 4th and Stark. EAST SIDE GROCERY. grocery aning fine business, owner must ieve tne cltv bv the f rst ; stork invoice $ii0. fixtures $iooo: price $2650 FKED W. DU RBI V. BDWY t4ti4 20 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. FOR LAR(.;E RETURNS. We are sending a cirjto to the Arctic for fur trading purposes. Some- space available for additional cargo. We will buy, insure, transport and trade for you on a ftf t v-fif t v basis. ARCTIC TRADING COMPANY, INC. 1211 Yeon B!dtr 5'mi RESTAURANT, good west side lo cation, low rent, clean place. 7 tables, :i" stools, steam table, good equipment : 2" cash, bu lance on terms, or wlil take stnaii car nu part pavment. KE1PPKR A CROSBY. Ml Rfw.o- Ex. h. RMg. Bdwy fiC. hi GiloCERY and con f or iioncry, do ing $:. to $i.i day. a-year lease, rent $:tn. books open for Inspection, stay around store and convince yourself. Inghiy recommended by wholesale house, living rooms wth bath. X. Eakins JI5 Couch P dt . 1m 4th street Tio COMPLETE OUTFIT- $750. In good saw mill town on tne main s:rct. good doub range, register, stools, counter, table linen, etc. Owner must facrifice Some terms if wanted. A real snap. MVFARLANP. Realtor. 28 Failing bldg. 11 A K 1 W A R K and piL.mb.ng; bus. ness in l.vest town near Portland; active build ing operation past war and splendid out'.ooK for same coming year: $5uOU handles: terms tt good security. no trades. O. V. Jackson A Co., 21 Oregon bidg BIG INTEREST ON YOUR INVESTMENT A rai n-p in a 3-famtly flat. In good location value about $750. but will take $t.2-.H. $3rtin cash or other property a part payrr.nt. phone Sunday or eve n-nr Vrhll 2P CIGAR. CuNF. AND t-OFT DRINK. East side, corner location, doing $25 day business: rent $10 month: w ill ei at Invoice. About fsort total price. KEIPPER A CROSBY. 51 4 R : : w .i r Ex oh Bl g. Bd wy. V.rt lOyPANY forming to bui.d home of rrtooeraie pice, to trei! on payments. There is big demand for this class of home. If you have $KOo or more to Invest, let us tell you more- R 434. Or-f ".Isn TOWN of Aurora, on Pacific htrhway, mid way between Salem and Portland, offer opp-trtunit if for greenhouse, creamery, luicber ard. cannery. ral estate agent, va ret v uto-e r-d n-.o-e -n terpri n-. CREAMERY in go-v. diry country. i'n be b.ug'nt by g-od butter maker on very ea term--. First -c las man with money enough to operate can get possession without in) do an pa merit. A R 437. oregonian i ' iKK''TIO. rl R Y AND LIGHT U H, Am leaving cit and mu.t se'l at once Pr-ce $:mm. otne lrm. Call at t ."-." E-at V-th st . or phone Broadway v or Mpdiv iiK'K'KK nvi -ivuig rooms. tt."n: rentj -p ;- iiirnimrf. i.Kurtfs; siOi'K ol al in. prTi-.- frtr cash. CNIVEUSAL SILKS CO. Ri!n'v Evch. Bldg. 1 Jtt-NH..i;Ki.'K10 nd coiifcci ionery. c-or-n r lo-rtiori. doing good bus. ness, rent W large ;ivrg r - m. KKIITKC A CROSBY I p. , -v .v i:ch. r.-? Bw-v. .-. t ' K In - :t Si . hod auto i ompany. cat es. !:! it f n i n ax office man. bwk . - per and stenographer; gftvd salary I take uninoimNTut ral estate and 47. Oregonian. FoK SAl.K - M, casn buinea. i market doing 1564 E- Stark. ood BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO, Suite 316. Pittock Block. Washington at Tenth SL Phone Broadway 2631. OREGON'S LIVEST BROKERS. 12 Successful Tears ia This Business. Our long record of satisfactory sales made proves the value of our service and the merit of our propositions to both buyer and seller. AUTO PAINTING. PARTNER WANTED. Here is an exceptional opportunity tot buy an equal half interest in a busy long J esta b.iehed and weil known auto paint ing chop; no better location, r.ght down town; west side ; have more work than can handle alone: need a reliable and steady partner; previous experience not necessary if you are wiiiing to work and to car better than $180 every month for ' yourself from tne start. Only si- lor equal half interest. A bona fide small investment witn a good steady income. Don't fail to see this before you locate. CIGAR STAND REAL BARGAIN. We have Just listed exclusively the best cigar stand opportunity ever off-red in city. Ideal location in lobby of one of Portland's bet known and busiest office buildings, 'downtown; complete staple stock and attractive fixtures. No night or Sunday work. One person can conduct this business. Any lady or man will easily clear better than tJ5 every month here. Oniy -"0 cash required This is positively a real bargain that is Hard to fina. AUTO REPAIR PARTNERS-HIP. We all know the good money that Is made In the auto repair business. Here is the best opportunity In this city to buy sn equal half interest in an tabHsaed, well known busy auto repair shop. Finest location, completely eoumneo in verv wav : orefers an hon est and steady partner to hired help. If you are handy with tnois and willing to learn and work ud with the Dunne th.s is your chance to make never less than 117a ner month for yourself from the start and also learn the best paying trade today; $.it0 cash will secure eoual half Interest. The busiest and best shop you can secure. Don't fail to see this before you buy. CIGAR STAND HOTEL LOBBY. Choice location in lobby of large com mercial and tourist hotel downtown; fin staple stock: elegant mahogany fixtures any live lady or man can clear never leas than $HrU per month here. Price oniy $1273; best buy in city at the price. BATTERY AND ELECTRICAL REPAIR BUSINESS. Here la an exceptional opportunity to secure a rapidly growing ana sieaay saving business. Flnt-st west side, down town location. Complete and modern Kiuinment. Good stock of parts and accessories; official" service station for leading batterv and also two well known ignition svstems; business wilt positively clear never lss than $4O0 per month. Only $2tM cash required. Other inter eats cause sacrifice. Value in sight for every dollar invested. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. Choice downtown location, w est side, fully equ4pped. A clean attractive place. Seats 25 people: vary low rent. Man and wife can easily clear over $200 per mo. here. PrUe only $830. A real snap. FIRST-CLASS MACHINE SHOP. Here is one of the largest and most fully equipped shops in Portland ; es tablished S years: handles all classes of machine and repair work; has 7 pits, lathes, drill presses, ahapers. etc.. can keep 12 men busy; a big money-maker; $4300 cash will handle; an exceptional opportunity for any kind of manufactur ing plant GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE COM PANT. Suite 3T Pittock B!k . Wash, at 1Qth Ft. MOVIE THEATERS. $3300 for a splendid country town, over 300 seats, good equipment, fine business. Selling on account of health. $12,000 for a city house, good equip ment, long lease, organ and an up-to-date place. ii you want to get into a good showhouse. look at this. $16,000 The third best shipping city In Oregon. About hki seats, organ, piano, phonograph, targe stage. foyer, hot water heat, good bus iness and the price Is low. WESTON & CO.. 120H N. W. Bank Bldg. Manufacturing plant- Has an established 1 wholesale business In 10 western states; do ing a very fine busine, fully equipped and In flourishing con dition. Owner has other interests and desires to sell. Will stand strict inspection. $7000. Some terms. PETERSON st YORK, 437 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Phone MAIN 8005. BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY IN PORT LA NT, liusiest corner on Washington, right in conrested district: stock, fixtures and lease, all for $7.VK. It takes a live wire to handle this. No phone information PORTLAND REALTY CO.. 527 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WHOLESALERS. PRODUCERS, M A N V V ACTU R ERS. Going cast permanently; desire to rep resent In New York or other eastern markets wholesale dealers in fruit, lum ber, general merchandise lines and spe cialty manufacturers. Well known and connected there especially in export tratV. R 4 III. Oregonian NOB H I LL, quarter blocK. ten-minute walk to Broadway, hub of Portland; price is a spectacular bargain. Don't delay if you want to seize a money -making op portunity. DAVIS BUH'DI NG CO.. 411 Board of Trade. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. Furnished cleaning and pressing shop for lease. Brick bldg., 5-year lease; $2Ut will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors 40-4-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. MoLDEKS, attention Foundry for hale; part cash, balance ea- terms; 35 saw- Tuiils in 16-mile radius with capacity . l.tM0.( feet per day. Only foundry In 25 mi.es; selling out account health. Write for detail. James Feeney. Cot .tsce Grove, or. EXPORTERS AND IMPORTERS. Do you need a representative in New York city? Young man well known and familiar with export business, ten years' experience In port of New York, highest references, dowirea agency of responsible western company. O 426. Oregonian. CLEAN I NG AND PRESSING SHOP. Only plant in "college tow n of $25O0: splendid opening for practical man; $:tH) month clear: $1300, with terms. BUSINESS SERVICE. 71K Pt-kum Bldg. $-toni GROCERY A literal gold mine: has cleared !7.u in past six months; owner leaving state; books open for invest! gatlon. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 LVkum Bldg. GARAGE SNAP. West side, dow utow n. 100x100, con crets building. long lease, fully equipped, old established place: lots of busim-ss; owner retiring; price $P5u; some terms. AK 435. Oregonian. WELL-ESTABLISHED grocery; west side apartment hou-e district; strictly cash busine-s: two comfortaole living rooms; only $73 BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum Bldg. WANTED Man or woman to invest from $3(HHj to $5KW. Interest in business and money guaranteed back within twelve months. Prefer one who can take part in management. N 415. Oregonian. WCt't.l' l.K- to Ul.--t g'i.t.vman or ltdy w ho care to Invest 4'MK in a bonafied business which will n-t require your service: this will stand any investiga tion. Wooi'hwn (I6ti2. BE 1 N DEPEN D--.N f. Eastern Dusintss de mands my giving up Portland agency; artie'e bst :n class und steady demand; small capital required. 357 Ankeny st. Phone pMiwv. 7o''.." Monday morning. $15tK) CASH bandies this grocery stock and building: fine location, near school. balance as rent. $18 Chamber of Cora merre bidg. $ltiuo IS A FINE buy for this cash and carry grocery, doing fine business, rent with living rooms. 3 years lease, $25. MS Chamber of Commerce bldg. W ANTED C.eaning and pressing s-hop with steam-prss machine. Price $800- $I0K: for Japanese client. Call Main 42 Ba R ti-rv .-MUl', 3 chair?, t'-n? fixtures ard equtpm-nt. low rent. lejs. $1050 fr tbii fine p sce. 8I8-M8', Chamber of (" m fn i,Ti1e. CLEANIN'i and pressing buMness for sale. Fine opporlunrty for tailor. Price $3M), including kae. Coveli & Co., Inc., Hea v-rtftn. Oregon. FoR sa LE Go.d ptj .ng ni.k route in Irv-nrion. pavir? $17 income a month; prce S3Q. Mam 3TWt. . Jii'V- StiitO buys equal half interest In west, side tranfrr buinM.. (k7 Couch bldg. f A N T ED Smali erv, west side St T(tA-$ T .-,o, C:i grocery and preferred : I! Main 6420. conection Valued at FOR SVLE A complete vtilcanix ng shop and filling station: must sell. S3- Union s vprfif North. RESTAURANT for sale, doing good n. See o wrer. "J N 2d s: . Bu-I ire OpportunltieH Wanted. H'E ginnu aa luii or p. rt nunnmi ror tf'wd going business; no agenta 4-6, Orvgomaa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. BUSINESS OWNERS. ATTENTION! If your business is for sale list it with SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. the largest and most progressive selling organization throughout toe northwest. PARTNERSHIPS FORMED. We have hundreds of clients desirous ot purchasing any kind of business with merit. A LISTING WITH US means a quick and satisfactory sale. NO DELAYS. Expert salesmen at vour service. LOOK in the business columns of this paper and see our ads. Phone J3dwy. WW, write or call. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 310-ll-UH Panama Bidg.. ' 3d and Aider Sts. Portland. Oregon F. ROBINSON WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE . BUYING AND SELLING BUSINESS CHANCES. Have you a cigar store, poolroom. general store, bar her shop, tailor snop, drugstore, garage, manufacturing, soda fountain, hoarding House, rooming houe or anything eiee that you want to sen If you do not wish to lose tiihe and really want to sell don't hesitate in list ing what you have with a man known throughout the northwest for his skill and integrity. See Mr. F. Robin-son. FRAN'K C. ROBINSON. 303-4 SELLING -BLDG. MAIN 2537. A CASH RITYKR We have cash, buyers inquiring daily ror an lines or business openings, aucti as w rages, repair shops, radiator and fender shops, tire vulcanizing and auto top and auto painting shops, saw miljs, cigar stores, restaurants, groceiy stores, in ract any legitimate business, large or small, and if price is right, can make quick private sa. To sell your business quickly, quietly and 1 without publicity, see or write PIONEER BUSINESS AGENCY, INC. 4HT-402 Dekum Bldg. GARAGE WANTED. We have a client who wishes to pur chase a good garage bu&ines in a live town in Oregon. Will Invest up to $4(KH cau .or will trade new Packard special type twin tlx. Client wants something good. t Sec Mr. Florence, with RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 20T-l'-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg- BEFORE YOV BUY A HOTEL. . -APARTMENT HOUSE. ROOMING HOUSE. SEE US. We have exceptionally good bargains to offer you. RICHANBACH CO. 207-S Couch Bldg. Broadway 4145. THE GODS APPROVE of this w est fide 3 1, 2 and 3-room apartment house; hot and cold water in .ail apartments, bath on both floors; long leave; nets $210 per month; bring $3500 and look at this one. O. W. TARR CO.. 40" McKay Bldg. WE HAVE clients waiting fur in and out oi town movise, smail towns Irom 3uw to 5OO0, without competition, also out or town barber snop. THOMSON A THOMSON. Realtors, 2ii-2i Henry ulliling. HAVE buyers waiting for 15 to 25 rooms, housekeeping apartments, also $:ou0 to pay down on good transient place. If you want to sell immediately, call Mrs. AiDaugh, yoH.N r E K(it son. Berlin ger B!d-.fc WIDE A WAKE, middle-aged man with considerable shop experience would In vest 5uu or 5tM with services in going manufacturing business; must be In corporated or willing to Incorporate; no agents. git oregonian HAVE jubL linisliea Lnancing a 5u,0l0 company; my clients are wt-ll satisfied: I am open fur a new contract: if your bus. news needs money, arrange to see me tnis wecK. kj 4 n. oregonian. HIGHWAY STORE WANTED. I have a buyer for a good store highway with gas station, up to $4000 or $5000. W. Q. TPE. 817 LEWIS BLDG. WANT to buy first-class rooming house. 15 to 25 rooms; can pay cash. White Temple or Nob Hill district preferred State price, rent and conditions; no agents. M 4fX. Oregon ian. BLACKS.M ITH S business or location wanted to rent or buy in or near good town and schools. Full particulars: no agents. "H," Box 74, Sedro-Woolley, Wash. BUSINESS WANTED. I want a small business or partner ship where my services can be used at a fair sa.'ary; have up to $1200 to in vest 1 HAVE S1UOU t 12IK1 to p.y for the best little grocery or confectionery with Uv irrg rooms;, must be clean; have lease and in good neighborhood; no agents. C 421, Orcgonlnn. t APT. HOUSE WANTED. "UP TO $30,000. I mean business and want lea furnishings of strictly modern merits. T'hone Broadway t42. se and apart- WANT to lease 20 to 30-room house, un furnished or partly furnished; prefer west side; would consider anything suit table for H. K. rooms or apts. B 431, Oregonian. WANT to buy light grocery and confec. on close-in corner, around $2000. Must be A f location and at right price. G 447. Oregonian. WANT barber shop, 1 or 2 chairs with liv ing rooms, suburban or out of town i cation: afso want 3-"hair downtown. R. HOARD. 5"! Stock Exchange Bldg. I WANT lo buy half of a good auto rena: shop or painting shop; am a mechanic. Owner give particulars first letter. Have rne casn. ak m.i. oregonian. fcArh Kl fci.M.. & U man with garaae an shop equipment, lathes, motors, etc., de i-ires location. feii or consider an business proposition. W 447. Oregonian i : x tt x im xv a YTirn ( Out-of-town partnership preferred one that $104)0 cash will handle. V 428, m Oregon ia n. WA NT going grocery in exchange for 6 room oungaiow on UMixitKi. or new- room bungalow on 84x135. Owner, Wdln DO IOC WANT TO SELL your roomin house, large or small? I have buyers ior d waiting, uau in or call up Kran C. Robinson. 503 Selling bldg.. Main 255 1 A.M6U At once, trom owner, grocer or meat market w ith well established paying business. -Will pay cash if priced r'-nt. m ii. orei-oman. I AM in the market tor a tfood smal business, something that $300 to $500 win nanaie: win assume up to $3000. o 9i t. oregonian. W ANTED A good grocery store buildm with living rooms, in a good residentiai district, city. AB 444. Oregonian. WANTED From owner. 15 or more h. k rooms, no junk. Lease and close in. 442. Oregonian. W ANTED To .ease a newspaper with option to DU. Aaaress AV HTJ, Orego WANT modern apartment house. have $35,000 firat payment; owners only. BD -i. oregonian. W ANT a duw n-town cigar store from owner; preter office building if priced rmni. an pay casn. J -ia. Oregonian. WANT to buy f rom owner sma 1 1 grocery - ana mncn counter, goo a aistricu Must ne oargain a net tow rent. East 5335. "ill invest up to ? itM-too in good pay ing gitragp, lease ana good loca tion. AO 447. Oregonian. Al OFFER. Have y.u a good patent or smau Business mat noean money? If so. we can neip you, c 41'7. Oregonian WANT small cleaning and pressing busi ness, city or country; wi'I consider part m-rship. 7 Allyn Apts.. S n Jose. Cat. ill excriangt Tciear aliaiia rancu tor gooa ousmess or mdse. Address AV 126, Oregonian. $ HAVE $20U0 to invest in small store, with 3 or 4 living rooms. Hotel. 128 N. Hth St.. room 43 $; TO $900 TO INVEST in good reliable business, by young man, w ith services. h 4ii. oregonian. HAVE $2.0, want to buy 7 to 10-rooms prerer nouseaeeping; can make large iimnini; ytty nirins. a r' oregonian. WANT to hear from owner having hotel or restaurant for sale. John J. Black, . nippywa raws. Wisconsin. LEE DAVENPORT cau seil your business. aroaawa WANTED 3-chair barber' outfit. Call - - 1 asn. st. ttnwy. , ask for M 1 k e. i HAVE up to $250 ca ness: no agents AH - h fur going busi 21. Oregonian. HAVE $250 to inv t !. Oregonian. st with services. AK WANTFO From owner, grocery store, not over 1(WQ cash. King-tley. Sell. WANT lO or r'l es'ate. No agents. W A N T E D S ma 1 1 g roce r y with living ronm : must invoice; no agents. East 871!. Hotel and Rooming M uses. 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. c.o.-e in. west side, first tim on market, extra clean, good Income, pood furniture, price $1500. OwnT. 14J 412. Ore eon i a n. TO SELL YOUR HOUSE List wTth WfCK He Sells "Em Quick. 2'- Henrv Bldg. FOR SALE- 27-rooni hotel, furnished com plete, in a good location: will take citv property ff.r part payment. Call Col. 1276. GOING out of buyints. contents ol fiT room hotel at $550 if taken Monday. East s::.o. IF YOU want a place to fix up. sfe this! 11 rooii'J", h. k.. west side, for $050, $275 cash. Bdwy. 4'3? Owner. HoTEL. doing good business, good loca- tion. good terms. AK 434. Oreponian. WANT rooming., huusc ; have ht.-t of ie-. curity as first payment Main 045L I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. THOMSON A THOMSON, REALTORS. 16 apartments, ail have hot and cold water, 5-year lease, rent $--5; well-located west side; some very good furni ture; makes a lovely borne with, a good Income; only $3500 down. 85 rooms, all in 2 and 3-room apts., with private baths, lease until 1926; rent $4.1' 3 per room, clears $550 and nice apt. (corner brick, bidg), $15,000; terms. 5 years lease and beautiful furnish ings of strw.tly modern brick a part men t houe; rent $350; nets $450 and lovely apartment, completely furnished; $7000 will handle. 15,KM) will handle. 5 years lease and furniture of over 100-rooin ant. house: extra well located; clears around $650 and a very elegant apartment for your self. We have several larger ones that we do not wlsti to advertise in detail, tout wouid be glad to talk- over with, you if you are Interested. 6-'ft-2I HENRY BLDG. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS. ROOMING- HOUSES AND APARTMENT HOUSES. 70-room. modern, brick hotel. $15,000 will handle. Rent right. Lease. 52-room, modern, brick, lease, $10,000 will handle. 44-room. modern, brick, lease. $6000 will handle. 4 9-room rooming house, lease, $5500 will handle. 'Jl-room apartment house, lease. $2000 will handle. "O-room rooming house, lease. $2500 will handle. 1 4 -room H. K. house. $1000 will handle. l! 7-room apartment house, lease, $2500 will handle. These are close-In west side locations and good buys. I have others, alt sizes. If in the market call and let me show you. 15 years in the business enables me to place you right. Call 163 West ram sc. see O. F. ANDERSON. A FEW SMALL ONES. Little Beauty 7-rooms. rent $40, all first-class f umjture, 5 rooms rented: Sfi.0 will handle. -rooms Rent $32.50, housekeeping, Morrison st. location, all on one floor, tenants furnish own heat. Price $700. all cash. 8 rooms Rent $33. furnished for house keeping, clears $50 month, $650 oown. 9 rooms Corner flat, beautifully fur- nisnea. rent s.iU, net profit $70, "w'u win nanaie. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. "MOORE CO., 3007 Yeon Bldg. APARTMENT, S two rooms, one sleeping room, wen iurnisnea, rurniture new; walking distance, east side: want to sell building with furniture. Shows good in come. DOWNTOWN HOTEL. 42 rooms. 42 rooms, GOOD FURNITURE, HAS LEASE. Apartment, 42 rooms, west side, walk ing distance; has lease. Poindexter, 207 Selling Bidg. BARNEY JOHNSON CO.. REALTORS, 170 10TH ST. MAIN 31C0. 18 h. k. rooms, west side, rent $60; $1650. best of terms: can be made a good-paying proposition: also a 17 h. k. rooms, also west side, rent $65, clearing $125, $2000. good terms; also 17 h. k. rooms. $1750, easy terms, rent $55, clear ing $100 easy; we have also 10 h. k. rooms, rent $40. $1400. good terms, best of f urnit ure ; have others. We serve to please. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. lO rooms and sleeping porch, hot and cold water in kitchens, 2 bathrooms, 3 year lease; rent only $50, clearing good net profit. This place is exceptionally well furnished. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon bldff. EXTRA FINE. 11 rooms, and sleeping porch, all brand new furniture, in housekeeping apart .ments. wil give four-year lease to re sponsible parties. This place will net $150 month. Price $2200, $1500 down. SEE MRS, KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1 007 Yeon Bldg. HERE IS A DANDT. 36 rooms in H. K. suites: 3 baths, steam heat ; income over $6S; 5-year lease: house well furnished; located in White Temple district. MRS SNOW, Bdwy. 4664. NO OTHER LIKE IT. Beautiful 14 -room house, all hov.se keeping. fine furniture and rugs: excep tionally clean, rent only $56. including 2 garages; net profit $140 month. Price $3150. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORS CO. K07 Yeon bldg. CLOSE-IN NOB HILL. Choice 1 3-room house. Exceptional bargains, mostly H. K. Good lease. Furniture of the very best. Clean. Net ting over $100 per month; $1800 cash handles. O. H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO.. INC., 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6TS7. 14 ROOMS, well furnished for housekeep ing, o sleeping rooms, atl newly car peted to wall, 3-year tease. Income $23 Price $2S0O: liberal terms. See Mrs. Keller, r.EO. T. AIOORE CO. 1007 Teon rldg. OWNER leaving city by Fel. 15th. must sacrifice Nob Hlil rooming house of 9 rooms, beautifully furnished : if sold In next few days will accept $1100; must ne cash. labor till. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 34 2-room apts., always full, well fur nished ; rent 'only $350 month; 5-year lease ; not on market before; money maker. If interested See Mrs. Keller, GEO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon B!dg. FOR SALE. Apartment and rooming house. 26 rms., 3 years lease or longer, rent $50 a mo.; Income $260 a month; $2800. direct from owner. Mr. Shallaberger, 454 First st., Raymond. Wash., or call Broadway 2489. $1000 STEP LIVELY. 7 rooms EXCELLENT FURNITURE. A-t transient location: netting $75 per. Can make more. And own apt. REE GEORGE, i T. E. SPENCER & CO., 517-21 Cham, of Com. Bldg. L-4f3 ATTENTION. Before buying consult our list of first r'ass apartment houses and hotels. We handle the best in the city. At your service for a square deal. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1407 Yeon b'dg. ARE . YOU interested in a LEASE? Do you prefer furnishing a bldg., yourself? Have you $7000 cash? , If so, see us Monday A. M. E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. 72S-31 Morgan Bldg. Main 20S1-47.S. CLIENT must sell this week, 21 rooms. nice furniture, net $200. best west side locatidn; price reduced from $5000 to $3,510, We have other good buys. W. B. Henkle. "IS Cham, of Com. Bdwv. 354i). WANTED to buy an apartment house of 2. i or 30 rooms: have about $3000 to. pay down: must ne worth the money. Call in person at No. 2 Union ave, or phone East 7.2. Ask for Mr. Stayton 52-ROOM brick apt. house, close m. we: aide location, rens R-w. 'vitn long lease can be fad for Sti.iOO. $4000 cash. TRY US REALTY CO.. 169 AV. Park. Auto. 513-48. WILL sell cheap, the furnishings of my - room room ing h ou se. n i ce place for marneo. coupie. can iionaay ith street North. WILL BUILD APARTMENT. Will build modern apartment on close- in corner, goed district, reasonable. Grif. fiths. 401 Gerlinger bldg. 35 ROOMS, all sleeping, cheap rent and good money maker, fairly well furnished. wet side, priced to sell quick at $2300, with terms. -ROOM flat at ISth and Morrison, west side: clears $40 and a room for self; good rurniture; ror sale bv owner at sacrifice price, $700. 5494 Morrison. H. K. ROOMS, extra well furnished. close in. west swe, rent jo. income i0. nd two rooms for self; for quick sale. STinti. witn terms 2-YEAR LEASE. 1 S rooms, part H. K., White Temple good furn., $100 handles. 71 Yamhill St. Main 4574. BUY FROM OWNER. 9 rooms. H. K., clean, fine furniture; rent -o; wanting aistance; garage: good income: price right. feaat 4.s.-4 FOR SALE 10-room apt. house, nicely furnished : rent .io; wen located, west side; $ 1200 cash takes It; must leave city. AC 422. Oregonian. 8 ROOMS Downtown corner; . transient trade; leased to 12; rurniture and lease $5S00: favorable terms. B. Simonson, Sin Stock Exch. bldg. "CRN I TURE 5-room flat, arranged for apts., nice nome, gooa income, cneap ror tah. owner. ,u v seimont. .f none Enst 0247. WANTED Close-in. of owner. 10 to 15 h. k. rooms, priced right; no agents. AH 422. Oregonian. SI HOUSEKEEPING rooms: low rent. good location. good protit; buy of owner. Mi p4rL LEAVING CITY What's your offer on 9- rootn elegantly furnished? White Tem ple district. Main 4960. ROOMS, brick b.dg.. rent $30; $450 cash handles this. 2014 East Fifth St., Vancouver. Wash Y EAR lease and furniture I3-room, modern brick hotel, west side. Terras 3! Piatt bldg. LIENTS wanting hotels, rooming housei and various investments. W hat have you? "all 433 Chamber of Com. 0 ROOMS. 2 and 3-room apts., rent X65; gross income $l'3.; $li.0 will put you in this. Mar. 218. 15 ROOMS, $1250, $350 down, balance $35 month; win taae car as iirst payment. o& Hoyt street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Booming Houses. MARY E. LENT COMPANY, 423-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 856u. If you are in" the market to buy or sell a HOTEL, ROOMING OR APART MENT HOUSE, come in and talk it over. Id years in this business in Portland en ables us to give you satisfactory service. APArtTMENT HOUSES. 31 APARTMENTS. One of the boat furnisJied and equipped houses in the city, each apartment has bath, large porch, dressing room, two wall beds, rent only $tou, now clearing $b'5u per month and manager's apart ment. Kequirts $20,0u0. 25 APARTMENTS. All three and four rooms, with bath, automatic elevator, large, airy halls, ail outside rooms, rent only $375, long lease, clearing $t00 per month. Requires only $12,000 cash to handle. OVER 40 APARTMENTS. White pressed brick, corner building, ail light apartments, oil burner, 5-year lease, clearing easily $1000 per mo. at reasonable rentals. Requires $20,000 cash to handle. 16-APARTMENTS. All apartments have private baths, lo- : cated rinsA in. west side corner building, : a nice'home and $300 net every month;, a lady alone can operate tnis. n juu have $5500 cash, ask to see this bargaia. 96 ROOMS. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. This is a chance of a lifetime to get into a real money-maker, close in, west side location, half unfurnished, twelve baths, rent averages $360 per month for 5-year lease. lour opportunity uu $10,000 CASH. 80-ROOM HOTEL. One of the best-located in the city for permanent and transient, large lob by, automatic elevator, 30 private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms, income averages $2200 per month, rent only $650. Can buj at a bargain price. A chance to sell again at a large profit. 40-ROOM HOTEL. 10 private baths, hot and cold water in rooms. The classiest furnished house in the city of its size; shows over $600 per month net for the last year; about $10,000 cash required. 30-ROOM HOTEL. Best transient location in the city, near Washington street, rent $275. clear ing" $5K) per month; you can buy this with $6000 down, balance as you make it. SMALL FAMILY HOTEL. 16 ROOMS. Exclusive location for high-class place, completelv fitted for ROOMERS AND BOARDERS; piano. Vlctrola. Bundhar Wilton rugs, combination range, high grade bedding- furniture, all mahogany and old ivory furniture, nothing left out to make a high-class place. Owner can not handle this; will sell reasonable price and give terms and 5-year lease. Must have at least $4000 .cash. 12-ROOM BEAUTY. Just the -place for a couple desiring a beautiful home with a good income: lease for three years at $75 per month. This is one of the finest corner homei in the city, large grounds, fruit trees, etc. If you have $2800 cash, let show vou this: balance easy terms. 12-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE. Close in on west side; nice home, wonderful location for transients: lease: if vou have $1400 cash, we will be pleased to show yu, balance easy terms Turn this and make $1000. 10-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE. An exclusive place, showing a good profit with a fine home for owner. Lease, close In on west side. This can be handled with $2500 cash, balance easy terms. 21-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. RENT ONLY $60. Close In location, steam heat, with lease, showing a profit of $140 outside of owner's apartment. You can buy this at a bargain. $2800 down, balance easv montni" payments. ifi.T?nnT APARTMENT HOUSE. This is located on west side, good dis trlct, lease for four years, two and 3 fnnm anartmonfs: mftst.lV new furniture showing a profit of $200. If you have $.1500 cash, let us talk this over, balance easy terms. . i 14 ROOMS. An attractive place on the east srde affording a good nome ior owners; ua: ii hnnspiiPpniTiB- rooms lease at rea sonable figure; nets $80 per month. Can be handled with $2200 cash, easy terms on balance. . NOTICE. Mrs. Zemp. with this office. In charge of small and medium, houses. If you hve any bargains. list them for quick sale. . TWO GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS, i ftOirnm modern brick hotel live Wash ington town ; 10-year lease; $5-500 handles. List 146. 25-room, modern, brick hotel, Willam cttA vaUc-v on 'oon hiehwav. newly and beautifullv furnished, o-year 1-iase. pool room in connection. Buy now while the price Is right and get ready for the big spring business. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. 817 Northwestern Bank Bldg. vflTHTVfi I.IKR IT T THIS TOWN Among apt. house .investments this hlnoQ with th. radiance of the north star. Elegantly furnished, about SO rooms divided into absolutely modern suites. """-Automatic elevator, hardwooa floors: corner. "W. S., brick. A few min utes .from Broadway. Lease past fair. Less than $15,000 handles. Your money back from net earnings in 14 months. For- unusual bargains call Bdwy. 67S7. O H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO., INC. 40S-11 Couch Bids., Fourth St., nr. fftark. WANTED. PARTNER. Will sell all or half interest in one of the best nav ne hotels in the city: all .beautifully furnished; plenty private baths. Northwest heat, hot and cold water all rooms, white pressed brick buildnifir. cream of downtown locations: $5000 will handle half interest; net pro-fit over $7W. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Yeon bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. IN A VERY DESIRABLE LOCATION. Four-story brick building, long lease; consisting of 2 and 3-room apartments, nice furniture, electric elevator; clear ing $S0O a month; you can easily in crease this income.. Let us tell you all about it. RICHANBACH & CO. -207-8 Couch Bldg. a Broadway 41 43. "AN ANCHOR TO THE WINDWARD. If you own this little place the loss of a job needn't trouble you. It is an "in come Insurance." Close in, W. S.. near Washington st. We offer as owners, a profitable rooming house at $61 a room. All H. K., convenient, and adequately furnished. You may keep your job. House runs itself. $350 cash handles. O H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO., INC., 40R-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6787. ' THIS IS TOUR CHANCE. We have for sale the finest confec tionery store In Corvallis, making clear profit $1270 month; rent $70; long lease, 3 living rooms in back. This place is fullv equipped with most modern fix ture's, $6000 cash will handle. For fur ther details See Mrs. Keller, GEO. t;. MOORE CO. 1O07 Yeon bldg. BRICK BUILDING HOTEL FOR LEASE. First time offered by owner, ready f retire. Good location, west side. About 100 rooms. Furniture can be bought at second-hand prices. A real opportunity for a clean-up. O H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO., INC., 408-11 Couch Bldg, Broadway 67S7. GIVE THIS HOTEL YOUR NAME. $600 a mo. net earnings and only $5000 cash. About $200 a room. Full price. Modern bldg., near Washington, W. S. Clean, well furnished. Graduated lease. Fit for any family. A superior note: bargain. O H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO., INC., 401-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6787. NIFTY LITTLE PLACE 20 -room apartment house, 2. 3 and 5 room apts., completely furnished ; all corner rooms, steam heat, 3-room apt. for own use; net profit $200; splendid terms. . - See Mrs. Keller, & GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1107 Yeon bldffl' READY TO BUILD YOUR APT. HOUSE I ! ! NOW! ! I Just sold a close-in W. S. corner to a capitalist who will build for responsible tenant. neip pian me nouse. r-urnisu it yourself. The location is a peach. O H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO., INC., "40S-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway 67S7. CLASSY HOTEL. 54 rooms, private baths, hot and cold, water all rooms, white pressed brick building; splendid carpets, fine furni ture ; absolutely clean, net profit $750 month. Look at this before buying. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1QQ7 Yeon Kjd. SOME STARTLING TRADES READ! Read my ads under Real Estate for Exchange today! My personal specialty Exchanges and Business Property. O. H. Skotheim. O H. SKOTHETM REALTY CO., INC., 40S-11 Couch Bldg Broadway 67S7. BUSINESS LOCATION. 22 rooms, all furnished for housekeep ing, tenants furnish own heat, rent $40; lease: net profit $186 month; price $2800; $1750 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10Q7 Yeon bldg. CLEARS $85 AND APARTMENT. Only $50O down, balance at $35 per month: total price $1250, 11 rooms, stove hat, good furniture. F. H. McCrea. 230 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 75S1. 7 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. Rent $33 ; furniture excellent : only $750. with terms; good net income. F. H. McCrea. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. 9 H. K. ROOMS, west side, extra good fur niture. Rent only $.. mo. ihis is extra good at $725. 223 West Park at. Mar. 33 S3. 9 ROOMS, part H. K. and sleeping rooms: good furniture. This place will clear vou $100 mo. Full frice $1S50. Good "terms. 223 West Park st. Mar. 33SS. UMBRELLA, on Vancouver car; taupe , silk, round amber handle. Wdln. bill, j Mrs. Crowley. J BUSINESS OPPORTUNrTTKS. Hotels Hnd Rooming Houses. WM. A. HUGHES CO. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. . Corner Third and Stark Sts. Broadway 6S0S. . ' SNAP. Ten rooms, housekeeping. 9 rooms of good furniture, can make two mora rooms; be sure and see this; owner going in other business; price only $850, terms. NOB HILL. Ten-room apartment, beautiful new furniture, nice location, all 2-room fepts.; make beautiful home and income; $1000 cash, small baiance. WHITE TEMPLE. 14 rooms, housekeeping, good location all on one floor, five-minute walk from business district: netting $125 per mo.; price juu, your terms. A BARGAIN. 20 rooms, located In White Temple district, average furniture, hot and cold water in most of rooms, stove heat. snap buy; netting $125; price $200u. si-tH casn. TRANSIENT HOTEL. 22-room hotel, brick ouilding, location can't be beat, hot and cold water in aU rooms, some private baths. N. v. heat, beautifully furnished. if you want something good, see this. Price $6500, terms. NOR HILL. 45-roonr- apartment, walking distance, good furniture, always, full, steam het; netting $275 per month: rent $150 with lease; $3500 cash will handle. NOB HILL. It rooms, housekeeping good furni ture, needs cleaning up. close in; netting sou per montn; sicttness iorces saie. $575 to handle, small balance. WM. A. HUGHES CO. 218 Railway Exchange Bidg. Broadway 6SOS. STRICTLY HIGH-CLASS PLACE. 22 rooms, beautifully furnished ; one of the finest locations in the city; u very beautiful corner in easy walking dis tance, this is without a doubt the loveli est place in the city, an ideal location for boarders. Priced for a quick sale, $3600. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. 320 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. BRICK APT. HOUSE. . AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY to obtain a fine apt. house lease and furnishings for a very small initial pay ment, 24 lovely well furnished 2-room aptsi, west side, corner location. FULL PRICE $12,500, CASH $6350. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. BEAUTIFUL NOB HILL HOME. 14 lovely rooms! and 2 sleeping porches, some oak floors, 4 fireplaces. 3 baths, tilprtr immense living room several suites. This is a beautiful home and elegantly. furnished in mahogany, -inlaid ivory, birdseye maple; has a lovely yard and fine garage and is In an ideal location. MRS. SNOW. BDWT. 4664. HOTEL DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. LONG-TERM LEASE. Corner brick building, has more than 50 rooms, 20 baths. 22 more rooms can be added if you should desire: furnished in mahogany and oak, automatic elec tric elevator; netting fine income; the price, -first payment and, terms will sur prise you. RICHANBACH & CO. 207-S Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. FINE roadhouse with one acre of land, right on main highway between Eugene and Bend: skiing parties in winter, hiking parties in summer; lots of tourists; place well equipped, 19 beds, water, electric lights can be had; priced at only $6000 for building, grounds and furniture; $4500 cash, balance easy. Mrs. Albaugh. JOH"N FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. MODERN HOME WITH INCOME. 14 lovely rooms, large, light and airy; exceptionally well furnished; rent only $50, 3-year lease, beautiful grounds and loLS of fruit; price $2800. MRS. SXOW. BDWY. 4664. 320 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. BOARDING HOUSE. INCOME $50O PER MONTH. 14 rooms, business section location, walking distance, for sale, less than cost price. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. APARTMENT HOUSE. VERY DESIRABLE PLACE. A MONEY MAKER. Twelve 3 and 4-room apartments, modern and up-to-date, brick building, close in on east side; $3500 will handle U" RICHANBACH & CO. 207-S Couch Bldg; Broadway 4143. SOMETHING UNUSUAL. AN" ATTRACTIVE ROOMING HOUSE. 10 lovely light rooms, exceptionally well furnished, clean as a pin with one lovely 5-room apt., beautifully furnished, good lease; rent only $101; attractive house; walking distance; west side. MRS. SNOW, B.DWT. 4664. NICK FOUND ANOTHER ONE. 10-room brick on a prominent corner, with a 5-year lease at $65. Building in fine shape. Price $1250, terms $800 down. Change this into housekeeping apts. and make some berries for your self. NICK Finds 'Em Quick. 226 Henry Bidg. WHITE PRESSED BRICK. Apartment house, 80 rooms all in 2 and 3-room apts., private baths, auto matic elevator, well furnished, long lease, fine money-maker; let us show you this; $15,000 will handle. See M rd. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1107 Yeon bldg. $15,000 BUILDING and rurnisneu rooms, la-room nouse ana o-ruom vin tage, furnished camplete, on 50x150 lot, all street improvements in and pcid; buildings are in A-l condition; will take small house up to $oOOO in trade, Bal ance half cash. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6050. YKRY CLASSY. 28 apts., 2, 3 and 4 rooms, all with private baths, beautifulry furnished; 5 year lease; Sine brick building; net pro fit $750 month. Must be seen to be appreciated. For full particulars See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. HOTELS AND APARTMENTS. WE CAN ADVISE1 YOU AS TO THE BEST BUYS TN HOTELS AND APART MENT HOUSES- THAT'S WHY WE GET RESULTS. G. C. ULRICH & CO., 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. GOOD BUY. 3 8 rooms, part housekeeping, part transient, good corner location, every thing clean' and in good shape, rent reasonable, lease; nets $125; $1500 handles. See Mrs. Albflugh. JOHN FERGUSON, fyerlinger Bldg. THIS POSITIVELY WON'T LAST. 11 rooms h. k., White Temple dist., clearing over $85, $625 down, bal. easy. Full price only $1250. This is real good looking and a bargain. - NICK Found This. 226 Henry Bldg. GOOD rooming house, a-partnents and housekeeping rooms pro-position, con sisting of 3G rooms with 18 rooms fur nished; all unfurnished rooms and apts. rented at a good profit ; walking dis tance of downtown. Inquire 422 First street. . . 17 ROOMS AND DINING ROOM. Large lobby, cafeteria style dining room, free wood. Location cannot be beat. Cheap rent, clean and neat; all for $695. Your own terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. ' 48 ROOMS. Housekeeping apts., 15 2-room apts., S 3-room apts., 3 sleeping rooms, 4-year lease: net profit over $300 month; $3500 will handle. See Mrs. Keller, a GEO. T. MOORE CO. 100T1 Yeon bldg. 17 ROOMS H. K. Location cannot be beat, close to new postoffice, on corner, on one floor; al ways full, turns away 10 people a day. If sold at once $1495, your own terms. Owner in hospital. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. PLAY PUT AND TAKE WITH NICK. Put $600 down as first payment and take 11 rooms h. k. close, in, w. s., that will net you -$90. (You Know) NICK 226 Henry Bldg. FURNITURE of 12-room strictly modern house, close in. White Temple district. Any on wishing a beautiful home and income, phone Main 4210. Price $3500. No agents. 10 ROOMS, veryfine house, 7 lovely bed rooms, very good 'furniture, good loca tion for renting; price $1 750. Bdwy. 4G64. WANTED 10 to. 16 H. K. rooms; will trade in 5 acres, near Coquelle, Or. ; - some cash to pay. AF 429, Oregonian $22O0 22 H. K. rooms, west side. good Net $ good furniture: steam heat. Rent $100. Lease. Auto. 514-39. $2000 CASH handles best little apart ment house in the city; clear $150 per m on t h. L 417, Oregonian. FIVE-ROOM flat, furnished, for sale. $100 will handle rest in payments. 70 2. t 8th street. Broadway 2507. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Room ing H oum. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. Clean up some quick profits. Many are seizing the opportunity to buy hotels and rooming houses at their present price and are holding their buys at a much higher figure, meantime clearing good money on their purchase. There is no better opportunity for you to makt money at this time than by purchasing hotels and rooming houses. The demand grows daily and the prices advance. Get in the swim. Buy a hotel or rooming house from ua with a good long tease past the faiiv nd lt "the other fellow" pay for your foresight. We sell and re sell. It's au "endless chain." and the money to be cleaned up in the rooming house and hotel business by running and re-selling would astonish the con servative business man. Money talks. Get in touch with us and let us show you how our clients have cleaned up on hotels and rooming houses we've sold them. We still have a few real bargains to show you that have not been sold and re-sold. Our listing is large. Phone us at Broadway 55S6 and we will show vou some of the best buys in hotels and rooming houses in Portland. Our auto mobile Is at your disposal. HOTETS. 50 rooms, real (classy. Can't be fceat. Best hotel district, long lease, rent right. Up to anyone's requirements who knows a real buy. 'Plenty of private baths. Northwestern heat, bright rooms with good furnishings. $1 0.OOO handles. Se us about this at once, for It is going to sell. 65 rooms, located just right to do busi ness. Good long lease. Clean and in good shape. Full all the time. First cash pay ment $5000. bal. monthly. To a reliable party. SO rooms, transient, business district. Lease past fair; Northwestern heat. For special reasons this will bo sold at ones for $6O00. Terms. APARTMENTS. 40 apts. 4-year lease. Good location Price $15,000. Cash. $10,000. 20 apts. Fifteen minutes walk to business. Long lease. $S00O handles this. 10 apts. Short distance from center of city. 4-year lease, reasonable rent. Pries $3500. Terms. ROOMING HOUSES. 31 rooms, business district, 4-year lease. Big opportunity to make soms quick money. Price $4750. $2oOO cash. 2 rooms, fine location. First payment on this real buy $1000. 12 rooms, all 'full. Price $S00. Cash, $500. ALEXANDER REALTY CO.. 702 Title & Trust Co. Bidg. Broadway '5586. DAD KENNEDY'S BARGAINS. OO rooms, H. K. hot and cold water, steam heat;, furnishings good, clean. Gross income from JSO0 to $1000 month; $4-500 will give you key, balance ar ranged on easy terms: west side. 55 H. K. rooms. Brick. Rent H0 month; lease. Net Income over $2.M. Will take small house as p&rt. $5040. Terms arranged. Don't miss this. H. K. 81. 26 H. K. rooms, one floor; lease. Rent 1 $125. This is good and big Income with it. You can't go wrong here. H. K. 78. 8 H. K. rooms!, swell furniture, $1000; lease on house at $50 month. Right downtown. H. K. 127. Wonderful buy, 8 rooms, close-in : in good condition. $500 only ; $300 cash. Rent $20. This is a rush order. H. K. 125. "See Dad, with G. C. ULRICH & CO., 4Q5 Stock Exchange Bldg. LESSEE WANTED. - "We will build to suit and give long time lease to a financially responsible tenant on equitable terms, A Modern ' APARTMENT HOUSE. . (.16 to S0 Apartments) Ard a HOTEL BUTLDTNG (100 to 350 Rooms.) 'CHOICE WEST SIDE CORNERS. OTIS C. BECK, Income Property Specialist. 525 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE, APARTMENT HOUSB. 21 rooms, well furnished, brick . building; good lease; downtown lo cation. Price only $2200. Rent $50 per month. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 407 Main Street, Vancouver, Washington. WHY PAY RENT? 1 5 rooms, 2 large sleeping porch rs, choicest location, Ideal place for resi dential hotel or rooming house, includes lot 75x110; this is not only a beautiful home, but a money making proposition; price for quick sale $10,000, $2000 down, balance $50 a month. If you really want a nice place, don't fail to oail on us for full particulars; an opportunity worth while. FITZ PATRICK BROS. &. CO., 832 Morgan Bldg. LOVELY HOME WITH AN INCOME. 9 lovely rooms, beautifully furnished in overstuffed mahogany living room furniture, walnut dining room and beau tiful bedroom suites; net Income $100. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. 320 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. APARTMENT HOUSE. LONG LEASE REASONABLE RENT. $31150 $2301 CASH. 7 2 and 3-room apts., 2 sleeping rms., new furniture. Simmons beds, furnacs heat. Must be seen to appreciate ths value. RICHANBACH &. CO. 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. HOTEL. DOWNTOWN" LOCATION, CLEAN AS WAX. HAS GOOD TRANSIENT LO CATION; LONG LEASE. THIS IS WORTH LOOKING INTO. GOOD TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY. G. C. ULRICH" & CO., 4-05 STOCK EXCHANGE BLTJQ. WILL TRADE FOR RANCH. 70-room hotel, cor. brick bldg., steam heat, several private ba ths, wonderful downtown location; 5-year lease; not profit about $551 month. For particu lars see Mrs. Keller, with GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1.007 Yeon Bldg. 5 ;; . orw 2 2 . 5O0 CASH HANDLES. West side, strictly modern apt. house, fireproof bldg., 48 apts. Long lease at less than $6 per room. This house NETS $1000 per month. See this Monday. E. M. ELLIS, Realtor. 7 2 8-31 Morgan Bldg. Main 2181. HOTEL- 50 rooms with good 5-year lease, rent iO0. very best location, good fur niture, rugs, absolutely clean, steam heat, clearing $00 monthly. Price for quick sale $7511, $4101 down, easy terms on balance. Fltzpatrick Bros & Co., 832 Morgan bldg. 35 ROOMS, brick building, best transient location. Mostly outside rooms. This place can be bought right and it's a money-maker. Price $5500. about half H. W.'OSBORN CO., 821 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FIVE-YEAR LEASE. About 40-rm. apt. house, close In, rent Is about $5 per room.' One will need about $4590. See MR. MAGOON. 226 Henry Bldg. HOTEL EQUITY FOR APARTMENT. HAVE NICE 32-ROOM HOTEL; WILL TRADE FOR APARTMENT HOUSE AND ASSUME. G C. ULRICH & CO.. 405 STOCK EX CH A NG B Jfi.lr. 18 ROOMS WASHINGTON ST. All full, good furniture, location can not be beat. Am leaving city, so will sacrifice for $2195. Your own terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. 16 3 AND 4-ROOM apartments: west sids brick building in fine neighborhood : 6 year lease at reasonable rent; completely furnished ; very clean throughout; price $14,010; easy terms. Yates. 245 4th st. CORNER brick, 5 years' lease, clear over $150; price for quick sale $2310; $1500 cash. See owner today 2 to 4. 271 V Russell, corner Williams ave. East 1257 evenlncs. WEST SIDE good, clean, 10-room house 1 H. K.; yard, furnace; right In business center. Business compels me tAell at once. See and make offer. P 4T7, Ore- gon ian. .1TTST FOUND ANOTHER ONE. 1 1 rooms, half furnished for h, k., price $500. rent of house $75, with 3 year lease. If you have any furnitur see -NTCK. 226 Henry Bldg. 10 ROOMS, BRICK. On corner, close in, east side; 2 years lease, dandy furniture; a money maker. If sold at once $1095. Pay $300 down, bal. as you make it. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. MUST sell at a price 9 IL K. room good furniture; nets $35 and fine ap. for self. Furnace heat, electricity. 321 N. 19th. Broadway 5965. WANT to buy from owner, srna.1 apart meo : house, ciose in. BF 4 17, Ore ;o n "$tnO- 13 H. K. ROOMS, close in. west tds, oiw block off Washington st. Heart $60. Net $85. Autv 514