THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 12, 1923 19 i. M FOR KF.VT. ft-ROOM bungaow. r room finished attic, c y pptMici, hugt yard. Kicbmond. -rrvom pt ice homt. ML Tabor rar, .wx.'in tot. boulevard drive. evrv thing a moden born lover cou.d wish. 4-room ordinary. lOOxIOO; bearing iron. ,.ctric ngnta, km. hot and e;d a;-r. rt-nt 92i. s Mr. H-sedieU JNTERSTATfc. INVESTMENT CO. WT. 47 M. 410 Hnry Bdg. -ROOM RUXdAIiOW at at. 3?d . paved r.r:. I. b ack from car. o per month. . HIUBR BROfl., Retort, 2il Kj. ii. fi de. KvKirt CITY JtlNUAUW. 5 roon.. par furn hed, t b ock ff Sand bou.vard win t; ,j per monta. HILLER BKi S. Keaitor. 2 LI Ry. Ki. B.d Branca offir .'-xl ana Sandy. Con Suivda b Fl jaM M K H.S It U Ni A LO W. Brt d. strict, at side, lurnare. fire place, bui't-tna. caK f oors throughout. r.iponKon party Aaoif -rn. am c a. room. r. t a At t'A K rw M ! IX, 2"J l.timltrrr!r. Kiic. 4-. WITH WATKK. 4 Marat L drive anq ii ae. ear, 4 rt.m 1 double; (Pir tat separate entrance; ba'b, gas. -r. tur. furntr. Iwr Portland n. fita, ur,iarmftta, w a. king distance tr-. fin le w ; restricted locality ; l.Jii' 'NT I'fil A.r.sworth ave.. aitrac f; home. 7 room, newiy tinted, far--j . rvf;ac, d a orhM, garage. ,-rt g-un, tr-e, drubtTjr. romi, tftuudanc of feint. Hduh open today r-rtm n t i. For lease for ae year at pr rron'h. OPEN M'MiAY II A. M. TO 1 P. M. 4! E. loTIf. NKAH DAVIS. la re room, walkmr (txtuct, Stewly ranoat--I. partly furr.ihed. 'KB THK TBM.OW STGV." SVITM wa;okk CO. jrpiH'K Exr-K. Wt(' -A4 Hou and rr of yruun-l, f r-w ; t. K ri-1. riii'-kTij; r ! to cax; on.y J mirtui' nU from h Tl t-t ctl ; I uli ICun water. rnt only U' t. jicud !- mtnt tr,nt- l. t W i.n. f3 4th r Hro.,TT MriH .M).V ' KKX'f-Mjr t-nt ad home. nr Portend ; hu. brn, chitkea hou aom ian-1 cre'1 aad fncI : ore good rowi : good io Atin. For furrhr par- r a.ii. vwic-r. l f;. i.Ktt at. . 'Q'' n t. r . or prior. wo n. k.;i.,. 1' ti;N -.-.rii. 4 larifd Ofdrooms with r t on aronnd f o.r, bath. 2 lol' ia". firwp.aca. Keeping porrh; rent p-r nt.min. fo'i'iwcn imm-i : ate -y. Kit rt. fwn-r Kt 477 3 i I in 'i -f. i ro..ti.. hatn and lo;Ul. tu.l bas-mnt. E. 3itb st.. nesr G adstne a . water furntsned: rec.1 JU tU. K f n? oo'vr tvj:h. Mwner. ah i-KO M ni'wirm hu- with elect rlci and hath. Full bailment. Also ca nt ' aa b two durifg hours of 1 to -i. i-tw k. j-mh st. N. Take Montavtlla I r" car to Hh t. V fc ItAV E many ai for bous frati to r"i in. all parts of riiy. jour p. a-- her? tor qui- k reeuUa. '"'JUTLAND REALTY Co. "" ian;h'r of t'ommrce. and List 4 1 - Pr in on i u. Ca U -r ! FurniohtNl llrn NI'Ei. fui '-fit hui; ptan lritt.Mi iiatrnt; wr rar; xhown by ri"ti t m"i now avuiantc; . G. G. ROM R Kit. It K N'T A L REALTOR. J -Jatai I NAM A MIIJ WILL la- luriiiiu-1 -rin limnr, W tl UrifTf hlv.l.. r months. View, gar tl'-n. fruit and flowers. 10 mtnufi frorn d-it. 4.VO. Rererencea AE 4l. Ore- it i 'f !' f..r im o l .miWf. w it ii e-r -c ana crttn apr. it,u pr month. r w it - . four ki north of K. Hro:tdw'M. In ton ave. For apoolnt- Al IKIi 5-roHu furnj.:l tutigaow. fur-rar--. ftrp.ace. bardwood fioor. raraxe. Vnur mile Irom h"art of city. W s-d; $.1 per month. Refrr-n.-s required. I hr- my. ;:.t fr o umh;a ..! I. NIt'KI.V furntshfd room houw, all n" vr f'lrmtur. carpels, linen, -tr . !.'. 712 VUndT s . ror. '2-. Applv John E. XV ait t. irt- i N. VT. Itank bldg. yi KMSUti) nu.d'-rn l-roo:n bungalow, inrludrnc plan, fireplace, furnace, hard woo I f or. Iutch kitchen and ail built-lr-. $. fh r An'". " 57 fl"T ONE 1F rooms. Ida ad.lHiona, fin home, A tr fumiahd. Piano, nrjro Hsv waiklnr rttun,; will ! nO KhI fir.-i -v-nina. Tahr tl.KVKN rtoii.. t o baths, part f ur nlili.!; wa.kmg dia'anc-. VH( iee; prwa: incotn' ; itj East Aider be- tw--n lith and 1:h hiut-. tf-ni wf f urm urf-; htnr machine and iwfrir; ei- - g,.,vd trie wa r-'-ul'-n district ; garage ; rent r H-l "J A 7-KHM furt) j.hf'd hoe. 2 lot. nar 4 rarltnes; fruit trees, brry buh. large garden spot. 4H Jeaaup St., near Union avr Ky ntt dwr. for two fmlrt; S range. i. One block rorptfe:.v : 4it'h t X. K 1'ric nor'h W S r-r 4-It"'M fcur.jsa.ow fujrn)hed. acre :re. berr.ea, bearing ti51 rtd st. End Wnodtn'k car line. Second house south v.: 11 NGA l. W. 5 rvoiti and den. pimlcrn eirept fumre. unfurnished or oart'v fumihed; hjiumunl distru-t. near ith rvRTItM H EIGHTS. 7-room house, completely furn:hed. ti place, furnace, garage. $85. Main s4 ; ' It N 1 1 i E l inoti-Tn t'otUt. $a, mu.ot 1 n to be appreciated a real horn-. 1 t! Seymour ae. Main 45. Marshall r..4rt M'M.K k g rC-. H on ter. b i;-r..m house, fireplace, furnace, rent rat mi! side. 40 ilr. iU Uoha Kerguaoo. Gerltnger 1'l HMTl UK for sale or moifd room cottage. 14h fron 1 t 5 P. will rent fur lnqiltra 1 IS N. M. Sunday. y liuvlsi n home ; walking dlstauce lawn, frutt. 4 Ban- Fl" K.S l.-U E D w .in n;ah gar.y, strict ly modern 5-room bungslow m Alameda, Ty a Tr.enfn. Wrt n. 3W WKl.l.-KI'KNhK! 3-t. orn dup s houe; Radiantfsre. Inutr P43 ti. lTtht block f-om HM car He t $?y Adults only. ll'i hH furms! sleemre porch. it room and 43 K. -tith at. N. Phoo IT UMsHtP h-o-e. ia:c Mill K. hou for rent, chicken garden. SlS.54 per month. i-HOv m n;ovi-ro r.oue 1 district. "K'".MS, riice.v furnished huu, mod ern, garden spot 103 E. elth N. Ethe4 Barhm M r -.74 klo 1K K f urn ih. .1 h-u. B rooms and s'eepirs porvb. 4j K. ith at. N. Phone w'tl .-'itge. fum.nhtid, iUno, lrfn vr a.lvrr. mar All car, aduita. E-t;-t- ri sr. frmn irt i,- r TltoKol Gi! E. Y mod-rn furn-ihtd H-ruom nou-. r; . ijit t. x. Garage run I'hn Wood 'awn V11. I K I No 1' -N. w .l-f urn ihed I -room houe and r-T.r.. -- : Jrage in N nirnt ; t.v can i: it nz7 adultr 1 ir. k.n iurn.hea -rvon hou . sieep. :ng porch and garag. Call awl E. i1ih Pi hmsh.-;;i b- t we co:tae Ca.i 15 tl. nd 3 p. M... or bhone larr..N!Md 5-root I'layer piano. hrr d-st. PC l banKalow-. Will furnace, garage. UKN t Ml ED 4-room niodrn bur.c4.0w frL Johns, 3 biocks from car. $40. 130 V"'!,i". rt at .mt W; LLAii KVTK Hi.F KTS home. 7 root bath. fuit baseu pnt part r furnished : 1 pt innn .nam FOR KENT iajtiy furnished mod house, garage, piano, reason a bla. For arT-o-m?T.eni csi: Auto. sX'il SALE or rent. NmiiheO, ST2 E f r k- flur a i-'"om house, partly 3-d st.. corner of evening1. East ltd rvHima, saving distance, Est C;3i. LMlviL' r .jisiv modern. frc phone. -- 1 ' o m t s . r.. a furnished ISO K 14th bungalow FoR 4- Li v M I err ,jh.d ruue for W liK V" Would '-e to share raWT -5-reom t ui uihed house, 54 d J Hiul bu:. o,," 4' bvfor J iu fun ihe. bcuse. E A li: - and bath, t iula wf fruit: part of h- FOR 1 M for rent, f urn tailed Tat First st. STOKE. $.". . tt OM i:ge. c.oae in. .14 Tt..a- p.auo. e.rgant. iu r ' t U re vlI.N l with M.eepir.g pore? Wfc-.i furnished. I'ail ie o.Lag, furoubcd, 345 pa:d FOR EKXT. iX'H KENT A. atrictiy modern home of 7 rwma, cmpietiy funutbed wit h the bst of funntur. adjoiaa La arlh urat. 77 Kaat Uavi. Will rj by the month or ! for year to riiabi jrtie at pr month. McCTure 4c. Schmaucb. Co I HAVE a three-room modern buiijao, rompiete.y furnished, aftaolutety clean ; larice Uvfrr room w;;h fireplace; beamed "cfM.inr. ery at:rac:ise. N;ce arrf, tre and buthe. 4i Adult only. Call 22 li. 44vii iu, two blocka nona of liaw thme av. OrtN St'M'A Y 11 A. M. TU 1 r. a, 49 E. lOTH.. NEAR DAVIS. T large rooms, walk.n d.atAnce. newy renov air-d. partiy fumbhed. "Bt: THE YfciilAVV SIONV TT H -VA.iN'EH CO.. .STiWK EXPIT. hOOils, alewpmic prcn. n.cely furnished, furnace and firvpiMr; atrK:tiy modern, exclusive district; pr month; aduiu oniy. 47 E. 4th aU Tabor 407i Take Hawthorne cxr. omfortabi. mtxiera. furnished house; ns bath ; plumblnf. electricity. ood atnvea. garden and fruit; pared treet; inlnutca out on "VS car. SeU- V A HT I- Y f uTB.Hfil, atr.ct.y modern J-r.iL bouaa. Du'aft kttvben. boi.l-i&; roaes. te ; near r'rankha htitb. Crvtt n tnm mar; rent reterences. 51 ! ith ave. tf. E.. near 51k n it. Auto. 3.3-T. ON 1 jiti. lun.ubed i-rm bouse pa-ed etret and car lm-. 2 Uuroom. lUii lot. l ower, jrarden and shruba. pr- on iy . per monta. Auto. 13-! tJ!lLul"ED wiMuun. aion wou.d hke to besr from lady in same situation who would stiaro lurn:inpii house and expenves; private . pmg room, coin. K:trh-rt. AK 43. Oregon. an. 'l HM.ntti s-rvMim hia tur r-L Call i.i3 Gantenbtn ave. Telephone J&ait t-3. M r nny. Hue tor Rrni umnure iui atc. l.EAVISa THi CITY. Will aacrif ire all our furniture and hoohold goods, compklo for room house; evrytcing f ;rt -class; can rent hous- for 130. Sr owner. o78 Vancouver ave Wd;n. ali. COJM I'l.KTIi Iui HiaUiiigM of (iiuuera boiue. lucluO-Qg pie no. vn:trol and library. bt central w-at aide location for room era and boarders; p.end.d incvine; Ajini per month can easily tv ciard besides a beautiful hom?; j:H, anrnt re-t.-iv-d titl l:h. AO 44rt. Orgon:an. FUKN1TLKE -f a 7-room for sate. houe to rent; everything cn; 4 rooms rented, close in, est side. No reason able offr wltl be turned down. Muat leavf town, ::n7 Or-grn ti. Kni ::nv 4- K( M uumv aatd gam gv to itriT t ha I buys the furniture, cr.inpletely furnished 2 r. n pays rmt: 0 aiuarts of fruit and Jli; 1 . shotgun and automatic 2i Harr:jion st. WEST SIDE FLAT. Completely furnished 6-room flat, furniture for sale and flat for rent; close in. Call JM&raaall lift 1. between i and 4. liA NGK. boater, cuch. hed. dreaer. tt chatr. rocking chaii 5 rugK. d lab I, dtahea, kitchrn u:eilnils, wod. i;o; houeo rent. -'O. MV car to Ud. 1414 K. Ev-r-tt. lluUSE for rent, furniture for sale; mod ern 4 -room bungalow, X47.0; new furni ture tor sare, at JoO, cost over ftivou. Auto. Call at K. 17th N. Ft RN IT 1' K E of modern w-roum for sale, including linolr-um. Ruud beater, r rang". .; Xat for rent. East ' ' M or Bdwy 4J32. Fl K.N lit HK and stovTa cMeap, I ItW. 7 nm house for r"nt, tot, 'J carimc, ailssinsippt and tt. Johns. lldO Aibina avenue. FLAT I room. with piano. I3; con plt-te furnishings for sair. I50: canh or torma. Apt. ii, 3 HI Bciilon. No phone ca ii. FOR HALE 4 plete, cheap; rooms or furniture, c m leaving city. H- Kus- hixiM house for rrnt. 44U; lurmture f.r ale. walking; distance. 113 Crosby -ROOM house- for rent. J furniture for sal. 4.m. Leaving tow n. U eat Hide. w :kii t distance. tin 7 4th. Mar. 4:;.: 4-KttM oay. modern fiat. $ Ji ; w diMtsnce; furniture at bargain. 4i"-,7 arh st. 4-RU4iM flat lor rent. $;t. month; furni ture for sale cheap. Washing too tfroin A. M. loJS I'. ,M. OR KENT i-rooni sale. Mar. 1457. room lor rent. boue, furniture for Aiso unfurn.shed UkSlhAilUli houae, -eat side, 4 bedrooms I p. p-h. ; rmt. Inc 1 ud i ug g.t ra e, $ ok. Ftirvitur fnr sate. P. it. bo ll'H.MTL'KK In modern 4-room flat for al, on arline( close t school; close in. East 347J. t K. UsMsj st. Mi'KI.Y rurni.-ht-d 5-rootn fl. phono all alter graph. 40 record?, weft side. 3 week days, 4;M th Pt. ELL- FURNISHED, - room. heated fiat for sale; flat for rent. shall IMSS. Mar' DANDY 6-room cottag to rent to rron buying furniture $t0 cash, borgain. 3 J 7 Wheeler. 3 blks. E. of Broadway trldge. $J.i 5 ROOMS of lurciture tur sale, hous lor rent. i orth 13th at., near Ever ett ft. Cail 1- until ft. FoR SALE E.i gant luruiiur ent. C7 Ev- ;-hnoM iimi for Cat Mr. in ion jrmture fr salv. h . 1 1 m HoUK 5 rooiiia lurnituro for a.t. 5 b.ks. E Hr.-adwsy bnrigv. 34t Victoria st. Fl KMTl Kki S.t ."Ml; rent. o( 5-rwum Hat twr quick, aaie, $15. M Brnadway 1 4 7 . FLitMTL Kb lu 3-n.'vio apt.; west side. Phone Main MU:. PARTLY furntshtd Eat B-irrntde. A-room houae. 415 FOR ALE, 5 rooms furniture. $195. E. S: h st. OFFlCfcJ spac- lor r-ni phone im lud d. $ HI. S of kooJ ot t ice, tall l.riwy. W I LI Sill acnto'e furitiLurw 5-room liat, rent :OJ Market Fl'KMTl'ltE of 3 room lor sate, flat lor rent. 447 4th St. To It RENT S'. Tabor Furuiture for sale. 4u 13th Murea and rtusiae Piare. LESSEE WANTED. We will build for financially responsi ble tenant on long-time leas a MODERN BU8IXE&3 BUILDING. fui tab's for Warehouae. Commission. Transfer ot other like business. Central location, terminal trackage, freight elevator, sprinkler system, etc 4 OTIS C. BECK. Income Property Specialist. "." Henry Bidg. F 1 H LEASE 3-STOHY BRICK. West aide, trackage, corner, lOOx'OO; c!oe in; long lcate; owner wlil remudi. ee Mr. Jones. K K. BOWMAN & Ctl . Sl I'him. of Com. Bidg. FINE corner tore and space in second story, new mcniern bunding. Park and lamhill. opposite auto stag depot. Don aid Maciiod, 534 Chamber of Commerce r. uk cling. $5. STOKE dow.:own; ."5. I5. wl;h living rooms. l.V imt.l frontage, but best in city; office, fine location, tl'l : many others. ED DIAMOND, 443 Cham, or oni;r.erce. SToKE on tiipr Uahinglon street, cor. of 17th and Washington. Just the place aor a urug store. see .vir. Kama WAKEF1 KLI t-FRlES CO. FINE store and op ning for dru:M snoe repairing sitop, oood lora;tou, ro competit.on; lOoO peop.e emp.oyed, 15 minutes trom id and Morrison. Broad way .'.. Mm da vs. FOR KENT ons of the best bus.ness corners tn city, suitable for any line of business, from February 1.1 until May 1. Cal Mar Mr. S.g-1. BRICK warehouse ou track, contains i.'0.lMH sv It. floor area, good levator; cen trally located : immediately available. J F. Staver. McOay bidg. bToR E in brick building. No: 310 Oak St.. near : h : excellent location, reasonable rentt lease f desired. A. H. H:rre.l-Gi:i Cw. -It N.Th western Hark Mdc. FOR KENT Warehouse spaca in ali par;s of city; floors looaloO and IOoxL'oO with and trackage. J. F. Staver, Mac'.esv bitig KENT Sit, ail stores in the hert of :h bu:ness d. strict for specialty shops F S'aver. ( ac : ay b!ic. UOoD location lor shoe repairing or other small business: living room in rear Call 2"3 East 4Sd St. SPACE for rent in t h Cvntrgi Market, be. t ween d and 4t h, on Yamhili st. Ask for Mr Bets. fW st iRoi"Nl fioor and basement space, cen tral eat Portland. Grand ave., about May l N 4?0. Oregonian. coi location fur confectionery, fruit and light groceries: 3-year lease. Apply in N. ' at.. Sunday from a to 8 p. M. Fot DEjKAUL&; space in fireproof ear- noue. rnon uroajwav 3 15. MaahiagLua st. Apply 253 .Stark stoke, u: 1st St.. $50. Pbon Tabor Uli far rent. u:Tabie for line. ml reduced 1 V Et Ollssa STOKE ROOM f- Good iocalloa. FOR N. Innuire at So N 'K. 9ToKak !l and M-ad t .. $3": 5 Uv ng rxm. $ 1 5. Pnjn- U d m. 94 J fcr'KKKaON ttX.i piace Uilai Xor bosuitaa. FOR RENT. More and Uuslnfxt PlAcew. FOR RENT PART OP WARE HOI SB AT FRONT AND GRANT. J PACE A Be L'T 4 1 1 U0. 1 N -Ql iHK SlauX'S STOKE. ZD A-l ALDLK. bl'ACK lor aUjto paint shop, top repairing or machine ao.p in went aide carase. tiki h.H isaUi' ItnauoQ. aizo 14i-. food iocation; rvDt only iO; com iea 1 rJ MorriFOQ st. RtiJUCE YUUR OVERHEAD. We.I-iiu died and heated ofticea. ainclo r in su.iea. central oil ice buid:n in (:nanc:ai section of city ; low rental. See Iooa.a G. Woodward, aseat. lu tiecosd siret l. corn er stark. DvCTuR :she to fchar h. retpUoo room with another proe(ional man; lo cated in a prominent downtown buiid ing. Ca!I Pdwy. 4l.Mt. Sunday evening. SfACE with window in excellent ground floor location, with desk, typewriter, etc Will mak alteration to aula. lid wy. iOK REM Atiracuve olflce space, about ll'.rti square feet. Inquire A. C Kuby, t-cond lioor. Gordon bidg-. Fourth and Stark. Broadway 3t".". ruK HKaT .MKirn high-class fireproof store at liM West Park, mu Phone Bdwy. Utt. cir'ALis; lor rui with or without Ufsk, Use of phone. 212 Railway Jb-a. bidg. Broadway Vt7. ti-, L.g A pp .y room 8 12. i.c orr.ces. bet eervi Exchange. 3d and Ya Ho up. til. HALF ot front room, including phone. 915. Kttom 4UI Fliedner bidg.. UK h and Wash. XEji ruwai will graphic service. le.epavne and steao Pbon Bdwy. 371a ioo avjL Artt T. space fur oitjce or light manufacturing. toroadway 4R0. .l iacel lanroAia. LfHiSS SLTTs, tiougnt. sold or rented at Barvil's mialit clothing store. 61 Third. BIHINFSS OPPORTUNITIES. Ixj.nT ue'ny it you want to get into a even, going uusineas, your chance if you have f Have you a Ford in running order'.' Are ou out of work? But have a little laid by? Jjon't use It up. gt into a good business for yourself. Your money secured and goad salary to start. Tn only easiness of its kind in the city. gct-rich-uuick scheme but a clc busiucss. Wt- have more than we can handle. No dea.vrs need answer. If you wai4 to aeal oirect ana gel something steady and you mean business answer now. Give phone number. A 311. Ore- gonian. G 1 1 1 1 C E K Y .SNAPS. $lvhm or invoice, $o per day cash. long ie-ane. modern aving room. 350U or invoice, tent -0. au to $100 twr dir. $lo5, rent $13, 3 living rooms, good DUnir.fSa. io.o. 3 livlnx. S30 to S50 per day. iy, rent $2u. lotg lease, no fixtures to buy, large living room. M-CIMi Oil A Af . COM. R LDO. L I'uiU'LAND company, well etablif-hed, with factory and downtown otflct. manufacturing warm air furnaces and heating appliances, which are well and favoranly anuwn, n-eedc tho services of a capable gtnt-ral manager. Must be whoUy qualified and prepared to invest $o4ani. To the right man we ran assure a liberal salary, with large returns from investment. No ageut. M 41 (, Ore gon tan. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Grocer. doing good business; fine, large. l;eht store, thoroughly equipped, wun mudf-ru apartment overhead; owner called aMt ; price L.'t(50; terms to suit. PORTLAND REALTY CO.. Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Broadway JVotk 5(KHi BUYS Ntt.a and fjtures of country store, postotficc, gas-lilling station. &0 head of cattle, 10 horses, hay; one year paid on teao of -ncclion pasture; gas engine, truck and farm machinery; main high w ay, central Oregon ; half interest for $5tM. BUSINESS SERVICE, 714 ivkam Bidg. GROCERY BARGAIN. Located In Alberta district, brand new building, large living room, clean, neat, cash and carry business. This Is cleanest, neatest, best looking store In city and location canno bo beat, so will aacrif ice for $145. Firt one w ho sees ' this will buy it. Peters, of Course, 15 .x. .th st. t OK SAL E Mfg. and foundry, a rare chance to get In the manufacturing ma chine, shop end roundry business in j lite city, R. R. center nd fine larmfni and lumber section, at Eueie, Or. 37'i of this goes away beiow invoice on account ot health. Write for partic ulars and price If interested-' Address Motor A. box 14. Eugene. Or. HAVE YOU GOT $5w you can use invest w ith our time in a business proposition that can yield several thou sand duliars and will only occupy your imie about half the year ? Y'ou must have a car or be iu a position to gel one. it won t laae niucn time to vestigate. See FRANK C. ROBINSON. St '3 S-?iurig oldg. Main !!55i. HAVE J.iuo.iRiu feet standing timber, with ;;oo,iMHitLM"t teet near ty avai;ane, yellow and sugar pine, balance fir, located Shasta county. California, elec tric power for mill, can flume to creek and mill. Paved highway to market. Want practical lumberman to log off and market entire tract. -tin, oregoman. POOL HALL BRICK BLDG. Clearing $J50 a month, rent free heat and water, back and front bar, 3 pool tables, 1 snooker table, first-class stock. On account of sickness must sell $1.Vhi will handle. 4 ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor 404-3-tl Panama Bidg.. 3d and Alder. FOR 4ALE. A good specialty business; the only on In the city well-established trade; good margin of profit : good location; price llJyo. A. A. Coby, boa b54, Eu- gene. or. A THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL PUT YOU IN AN EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS THAT WILL MAKE lOU $35 PER DAY. CALL AT ROOM 425 FLIEDNER BLDG. BETWEEN 10 AND 4 AND BE CONVINCED. , GROCERY STORE. COR. LOCATION. $M50. Including 6 living rooms, Itrst class stock, old established place. Cash and carry, about $:tu a day business. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor. 404 -.V ft Panama Bidg., 3d and Alder. RESTAURANT in very good do w n to w n location, rent $75; can give a year's lease. An excellent chance for anyone who can cook. Doing exceptionally good business. This place will sell Itself. Price Ss30l A H 445. Oregonian. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Clears ;:."-v-3oi ; Hnliman press, est. 7 years; oniy 11150, $650 cash, baiance easy payments. -54 Broadway, phone Broadway 155. W A NTED Industrious man to buy half Interest in old established fuel business. Have averything neceesary except in terested hdp; $;)UO cah required. Call 4! Hawthorne ave . or phone East 6Uk. FOR PA RTICULA ItS about water power or placer ground containing both gold and piatsTiuin. within 4t miles Portland, Or., address box Kj. Bend. Or. COili'i.r. I m.n.iit ure rat. road and le-Ve at Columbia beach; a money-maker; ex perience net necessary. Sacrifice, half price East 7Qd.. WANTED. PARTNER to take Interest and manage plant; fine opportunity : cash business. Address K MM. Orcg-mlrin. WANT partner with $5uoj to join me in E business, old established firm and can returns. R SjO Oregonian. FulU g;onhoues, 2 acres, house, stocked and equipped: cell foi debts. $J5i0. Main !T4 a-ti N. W. Rank b:ig. 1 II. K. ROOMS, good house, c.ears over $15; rent $iw: ;ea?e Northwest heat. Go o1 buy : tt-rmr 4 .5 Yamhl'.'. inOv'bKk wuiue-l. suburban disinct with in the 3 m ie limit; invoice $15u0-$2UO0. Cal! Main H2. lb H. K. ROOMS, rent $76 with water. A bargain a: $17. cash. Will consider trm. Ca!! at Yamhill. LhjilT gruvtritrs and confectionery for safe fixtures and furniture go with the plate, foi. 5't2. L',Mo CONFECTIONERY, lunch and pool room, busy east Blue district, 00a Cham ber of Commerce bidg. FOR BILLIARD and pool tables and re pair work, see wuigiey ft C.any, 36 Hawthorne ave. Phone Efl.Tt 6.6. WI Ll. you finance me in best building proposition, close in? worth your in vest ijf at ion. o 4". oregonian. $14i0 GROCERY stock and fixtures, do ing nay; nice living rooms, rent $la. SIS Chamber of Commerce bidg. I W ANT a grocery store; have city property to trad and some cash. Bdwy. FINE OPPORTUNITY for bakery, high way location. Loveu a: 10., inc., Bea- verton. Oregon. SALE Xiodern 2-cbair barier shop; line location, ovu aiain st., Vancouver, Wash WANT Chicago manager for auto acces sory manufacturing pisnt: must make guhtanlial investment. J 42S. Oregonian. LINOTYPE PLANT for sate: interest in we: :-pay ir. g shop : investigate If inter fetfd. Audreys AO 431. Oregon la n . SALE LuacA room, with iease. Broad war. w CJGAK fciTAND Office building; tl on on'r io buyers. 4"7 .McKay blrtg. Fi KMTL'KB shop f.r sale, $5ou; io caiioa. 1105 Hawthorne. Taoor So. Bl'AlxrM OPPORTrNITTES. H EKE IK YOUR CHANCE TO BUT TUB BEST EwiJIPPKD G A RAGS And six lota in east Portland: building 4 ax 11 3. all concrete; also small building s.xoo; storage tor 6 cars, xuiiy equip ped repair shop, oil room, blacksmith hop; large stock room, well filled with part and accessories; office and every thing1 to make a earaee business com plete. Can buy building- wi:h business or without. SEE US Now! Ask for tr. C alarshall. with a FRANK U HcGORB, 0.i Abfcrton Bldg. - Bdvry. 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Sil A IL. groctry. wtst side apt. dist. ; cash business, about 2100; very reasonable rent ; A-l location. Confectionery, east side: ico cream and fountain; best location, next to moving picture theater; this is a good buy. aee tt- We have a number of good buys In all parts of the city, also some out-of-town propositions. If we have not just what you want we can set it. See us before von invest. IE GRAFF & SCHOUBOE. 403 Iiumbermens Exchange Bid g. . ?d and Star Sis. Bdwy. 5CTft. . $11 GROCER Y" No fixtures to buy. 4 beautiful living rooms, bath, first-class djirict; lease, gocd bus4ness. SmK or invoice, grocery, cash and carry, doing $43 to JAO day; living rooms, weft side, apt house district. eltOO grocery, brick bids-, rent S18.SO. Including hot anWco!d water and steam heat; post off Ice in connection pays sal ary of $450 year; living rooms Our stores are skilfullv seiected and are really WORTH WHILE. Many oth ers not mentioned above. 7.. EAKIX3. 315 Couch Bidg., 109 4th St. SAWMILL MEN, TAKE NOTICE. This is your chance to get a 40.000 capacity mill, running and up to date in every sense of the word, including donkeys and legging outfit, planers and loading trackage. 40.0ak,OA0 feet of tim ber can be logged to the mill where It new stands. The price is a bargain. For further information, see the ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 102 Title and Trust Bidg. UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Owlnir tn other business demand In my attention, I wish, to dispose of my well-eauiDDed and established under taking business- This will .stand tho closest lnvestiization and wttl sell at very low price for quick disposal. AP M. Oregonian. PATENT'S Write for free guide book an evidence of conception blank ; se n model or sketch and description of vent ion for our free onioion of Its pat ' entable nature; highest references Dromot attention: reasonable terms. Vic tor J. Evans 6c Co.. Hobart bidg., San FYanctsco. Cal. Main offices, 64a Hth at. Washington. I), f. ATTENTION FOR MILLINERY. Ladies' ready to wear store at Eu gene. Or., wishes to rent space to milliner. Will give window and store space ror very low rent. wonaeriu opportunity to establish a good busl nesii for a live wire ladv millmer. Ad dress or call direct at store. Emporium, Eugene. Or. EELSO, the City of Opportunities. If you want a business location. Investment,1 location for a hotel, apartment house, hospital, garage, theater or looking for a home, a farm, chicken ranch, dairy farm or stock ranch near me city ot opportunities write to or sea Mrs. J. L Mnonpy, Kelso. Wash. LIST TO 1 7 It PROPERTY with a man who can sell it; 0 years ex pAnence buying and selling business chances. F. Robinson. FRANK O. ROBINSON, 505 SELLING BLDG. Main US 7. WEST KILE GARAGE. A fine fully equipped place with room for 100 machines. In a 2-story concrete building; rent only 5300 per month wun a 5-year lease, must be sold soon; In vestigate. F. L. BLANCHARD. REALTOR 40!-:! Scotland RIdg. Broadway 6859 FUEL IirsiNESS. WAVT PARTNKH WITH $1000. $1000 will purchase one-half interest In fine fuel business. Partner attend of ficA and will receive at least $250 clear each month. Se m t DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., "iftft-IO Panama Bidg. Bdwy. 6042. COUNTRY store for sale In Willapa vaJ !ev, Washington. One acre land oppo site N. P. depot, store building 32x0 feet: other buildings: general stock. for $ t.'(K; postoffice and ticket agency in store. Write or call Burnettt store, Ho'cnmb. Wash. CIGAR STAND. KXCELLENT LOCATION. He-art of city, come one, come Come quick. This won't last. GEORGE KNOWS. T. K. SPENCER &. CO.. M 7-21 Cham, of Com. Bidg. GARAGE, steady storage, larga shop. 50x 150: equipment of the bent, additional storage space AOxftO, fireproof building: business is paying well but owner's health reauires change. Will sell all. $2100 Particulars 2'1 Oregon bidg. ANYONE contemplating renting or erect ing concession, shows, etc.. at Seaside, Or., this season can rent or lease reas onably space on principal st. from J. 1L Klostermsn at biu uoara 01 1 raae Diag. PorMi-nd. Or. FOR SALE Old established plumbing business in fueDio, t.oio., ooing a rine business; owner must change climate and will sell cheap; will consider part trade. Inquire Campbell Hotel, oily, room 3 '2 2. JEWELRY and phonograph buslne&s, es tablished 5 years. S. P. watch inspec tor, within 25 miles of Portland, three railroads, good payroll, no dead stock, fine fixtures, good going business; wish to retire. AV tl"-. Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class meat market, no competition; no meat markets for ten blocks; high-class t-cade, cheap rent and lease; sella very cheap on account of sickness. Andrea 4 13-21 E. Heron St., Aberdeen. Wash. BEST pool hall on east side; 4 pool tables, 1 billiard. 1 snootier: rront and back bar; other fixture and stock ; clearing -;r0 per month. Price $4250 cash. C 424: Orearonian. BOTfLlNG PLANT. MINERAL SPRING RESORT. ji Health-seeker's opportunity; $7000, part trade Klickitat Mineral Springs. Klickitat. Wash. CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY Apart ment district, living room, clean stock, 4 -year lease, rent $37.50; averagd $35 day ; will invoice about $2000. Inter state Land Co., 24S Stark st. BAKERY and cafe, wholesale and retail. cr.a of the pest money makers in south ern Oregon: worth $00u, to b sold for 15000. Domestic trouble demands sal a A V 430 Oregonian. , M ECHAN ICALLY inclined middle-aged man, willing worker, wants position as partner with party in business; can in vest $23 cash, balance in monthly pay ments. J 41U. Oregonian. CAL'TioN, BUYERS Before c.sing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Beard. 421 Oregon bids. Phone Broadway 1!H2. ' WE HAVE something new. entirely new, worthy of your attention: come in and let us show you. See L. S. G. Quick. 505 ARTISANS BLDG.. Opposite B"nson Hotel. FOR SALE Army goods and men's work clothes store in Yakima, Wash. The most prosperous town in tna northwest. $75,000 business last year. AV 14, Oregonian. Cash talks. SELL OR EXCHANGE. Long system flour mill machinery with buildings, trackage and acre of ground, located at Seattle. Address owner, Cornwall. 3776 University Way. Seattle. LUNCH, fountain, confectionery; a good place for young man and wife or two gir.s. long lease; $250 to $300 net per month: $750 will handle. 251 Broadway afternoons. BARIiER shop, 1 chair, Voora for 2. with wel-estabiished trade, good location; 3 completely furnished rooms, garage in connection; rent 10; a great bargain. R. Hvard. 301 Stock Exchange bldir ATTRACTIVE millinery bubiness, livo R W. Wash city; will sacrifice by reason of moving out of town. B. Simonson, SOI Stock Fxch. bidg. CANDY KITCHEN Marble soda fountain, traffic location, good business, low rent, lease; owner called away; snap. Inter stale Lnnd Co.. 24$ Stark st. CONFECTIONERY for sale, soda fountain, cigars, candy, fruit, everything. See owner: no agents. 63 Broadway. Bdwy. sans. RESTAURANT $55 day business, good location, well equipped, low rent with lease ; good reason for selling ; $ 160 ; terms. Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark. BEAUTY PARLOR. Good location, good business, good equipment. $10 rent, lease, living rooms. l-'riee ii"Q cagry nawy.tmai. POOL hall and soft drinks piace tor sale; 3 pool and card tables; bar fixture and stock. Inquire 502 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. $300 CIGAR, candy stand, root beer, fruit, news, location busy street; low rent; spring is near; your gain owner's loss. 407 McKay bidg. Bdwy. 7203. RESTAURANT Good location. cheap rent, easy terms. Will consider car or other trade for part. Morris, 415 Rail way Exchange. GOOD clean business office, investment $350. make $150 per month; any woman or man with clerical experience can handl-. Cali Bdwy. 6jf6. FOR SALE Fine west aide auto storage and used ear garage for sale; storage pays overhead; must leave city. AM 431, Orconi'n. BARBERS I want to rent a shop with an option to buy later. Boa 2. Or chards, Wash. BUSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES, SURETY rNTESTMENT CO., 310-11 Panama Bidg. Sd and Alder St a. Portland, Oregon. SURETY PARTNER WANTED AUTO TRAILER MFG. One of th best auto trailer manufactur ing businesses in the city: ow n- 1 er is expert mechanic; also assembling other lines such as , gas engines, tree sprayers, etc. want capable man to atten to office and handle books no experience necessarv. Ca easily make $250 month. Full price yoo. SURETY GARAGE BARGAIN PART NER5HIP. Equal half Inter est ffered to man willing to - take charge or front end. sen Ing accessories, waiting on customers, etc.; perrer part' ner a 1 cannot depend upon hired help. Have 50 steady cars in storage. Battery chargiirg. etc splendid propo sit ion. Only $1MM). SURETY CIGAR STAND OPPICB BLDG. In lobby of west side, downtown oftice ouiiaing beautifully equipped; large staple stock in trade; no night or Sunday work. An exceptional buy. Just the place for ladv or gentleman Can easily clear $00 month above all expenses. nocperi ence not necessary. Sacrifice for quick sal J 17 50. t SURETY AUTO PAI&T SHOP HALF INTEREST. Splendid open ing for a willing worker to connect with an expert paint er; have all the work two men can handle; catering to the best business iirms in city; each can make $150 month and share equal prof its: will teach you the busi ness. Price $550. SURETY AUTO REPAIR SHOP- PARTNERSHIP. Congenial. willing worker can buy equal , hair interest tn best west siae, downtown repair shop in city, Experience not necessary. Am expert mechanic and willing to teach yoni tho business; drawing account of $160 month and equal share of profits. Price only $600. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 310-11 Panama Bidg. 3d and Alder Sta.. Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good clean grocery stock and new fixtures, will exchange for ' smaller stock or nice dwelling. Price only $4000. Owner must have some cash. Will rent build ing and home for $45 per month. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 407 Main Street,' Vancouver, Washington. WISH to meet lady or gentleman who Is now or has been succeastur manager or owner of successful business, or in cafe teria, confectionery, grocery, or similar line, with from $5000 to $10,000. take part interest my splendidly equipped poultry and dairy farm and manage downtown retail producer to consumer store. System now in successiui opera tion in another coast city and giving splendid, returns. Principals only. BD 434. Oregonian. SHOE STOCK FOR SALE. General stock high-grade shoes; about $3,040; men's, women's and children's; sell to highest bidder for cash; sealed bids received tIM noon, Feb. 20; stock open for inspection; certified cheek 10? must accompany bids; right reserved to reject any or all bids; reason for selling, have lost our location. Plymouth Shoe. Co.. 1401 Second ave., Seattle. Wash: FOR SALE Established battery business in best maii town in Multnomah county; good battory contract, completely equipped shops. Will sell at invoice: good reason for selling; will teach you the business. Call Auto. 045-43, or write m0 2d ave. S. B. GaXBRAL merchandise busl news, located in live community "Willamette vauey, doing fine business, low overhead, clean stock, invoicing close to $10,000. Will sell all cash, might give terms If good security. O. V. Jackson & Co.. 201 Ore gon bidg. ' A REAL opportunity is open for a busi ness man who can, invest iow wun services in an established money making woodworking business outside of Port land. An opportunity of a life time. W. M. I'mbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bide. Bdwy. 1 0 5S. $3000 WORTH OF SHOES. FURNISHING OF $200 FOR $2400. IN COUNTRY TOWN IN SOUTHERN OREGON. I WILL CONSIDER AUTO IF PRICED RIGHT AND GIVE 10 DISCOUNT ON BALANCE. AV 175. ORBGONIAN HAVE 4.000,000 feet standing timber, with 12,000.000 feet adjoining which can be secured : ali necessary mui machinery, trucks, etc.. ready to operate. Tract located within ten miles of city. Want practical lumberman with $8000, take naif interest. A. 4', oregonian. HARDWARE store in live town, Wllliam- ette valley, doing excellent business fine countrv surrounding: stock will in voice around $ 1 0.000 ; cash only takes possession: no trades. O. V. JACKSON & CO.. 201 Oreenn Blde . RESPONSIBLE corporation wants general ra piimanaeera to on"n orancn oince, manage salesmen; $5O0to $5000 neces sary; expenses to Baltimore allowed if you quality. AQurpss ii . am j. wo a. Eutaw St., Baltimore, aia, PUBLIC MARKET! GROCERY! Doing big cash and carry business. Ownr will sell direct. "Will take about $4000 to handle. It will pay you to in vestigate, this business as it must oe sold. L 415. Oregonian FOR SALE. New and second-hand furniture store die an. stock, low rent, in best small town in Idaho: answer quickly. Call, write or wire Exchange Store, 1113 Front st., Nampa. Idaho. SACRIFICE. Restaurant on busy street, well equip ped in a brick building; look It over and make an offer. I will accept any reasonable offer made by Monday even ing. See owner at 217 Burnside. A SUCCESSFUL old established mfg. com nanv. enlareine their business has open ing for a business man who has ability as an executive, and can invest $10,000, permanent, lucrative. Mr. uraoaenstock, 210 Oregon bldg OPPORTUNITY of lifetime for bakery in Redmond s most popular restaurant, ft bidg., 25x50, with use of soda fountain. fixtures and show cases: will use your bakery goods in restaurant: rent $25; no bakery here. A. nagiey. rteqmonq. jr. p-TO-DATE confectionery and news stand; best location in a city ciose to Portland doing a fair business now. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will Invoice and discount fixtures. AV 191, Ore goniafi. SMALL machine shop lor sale, water front location on Grays Hayrbor; just the place for good mechanic to repair gas engines and do general machine work. Address P. O. Box 550. Aberdeen. Wash. $170 GROCERY. Owner has other in terest, will dispose of going grocery on busy east sdie street. Would take in Ford touring at right price. N 412, Ore-gonian UNIVERSAL SALES CU. have business op portunities of value.. Let them show you: no inflated prices. -602 Railway Ex change blder. ' FOR SALE Furniture store in one of the best towns in Oregon S0O0 population. Doing nod business; $S0OO stock. AV 1S4. Oregonian. " $J(H Cat 3, neat restaurant, doing good business. Total price $475; living room, working-class- trade. See this. McFARLAND. Realtor. 20S Falling bidg. FOR SALE Bakery in good business lo cation and business in gooa condition and also a good place for a good baker. H 1, Oregonian. ONE OF THE BEST truck jobs in Oregon, can make $40 and better a day; must have $1000. 0 to 12 A. M. F. T. 'Pem broke. 301 4 1st st.. room 3S. AUTO accessory stock and gas pump, in good town of 12.000. close to Portland; must be sold on account of sickness; J700 cssh will handle. Tabor 1043. CORNER brick building, confectionery, soda fountain, cigars, tobacco and fruits. Large grocer v. long lease. See owner. No agents. 121 N. Cth, near depot. COMPLETE cement brick and block plant. building ana going ousiness; sacrmce Hon. Ea?t 7065 FOR SALE Nice clean confectionery store; living rooms with bath in rear. Rent reasonable. 186 Gibbs. GOOD opening for party looking for small, well-located real estate office, expenses small. AP 447. Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Cal' or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. WE HAVE various business) investments for saie. large and small. Call. talk them over. 433 Chamber of Com. BARBER SHOP A fine up-to-date white tfhop, good location, 2 living rooms, $300, terms. East 0243. GROCERY store for sale, living rooms, cheap rent. Call Marshall 25U0 Sunday before 2 o'clock. MEAT MARKET for sale, half or whole. Good opportunity fotj right party. Call .MUnuaj a. 31, quel i -or. caai i?ta. SHOE repair shop for sale; will handle with small capital. AG 432. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wishes partner to farm. R 424, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPOBTTrNTTrES. HERE ARE SOMifi OF THS BUYS We feel like advertising: Washington street billiard room: main floor; in amusement district; CIGAR STORE, SODA FOUNTAIN, LIGHT LUNCH. Doing good business, good class of trade: mahoeanr and plate- glass fixtures; no joint; a gentleman's Piace. .Look at this oeiore locaung. Yes, ther is a good lease. $2000. THIS HABERDASHERY and cigar tore combination in the heart of the weet side with a lease and everything ought to go real quick to one who reauy wants a good buy at $2000 and invoice, eeneciallv when th seller offers to take out any stock not wanted and WILL GIVE TERMS. WORTH tlftnOftr T AT7TC S12.000. Good reason for selling: located in best location in best town of 35,000 in northwest. AH industries are working how. 14 BILLIARD TABLES. 9 CARD TABLES, ELEGANT FOUNTAIN A u LUNCH COUNTER. SWELL CIGAR FIXTURES, large fresh stock. A biff sacrifice at $12,000. A BUSINESS FOR A LADY. - $1250 buys the stock, fixtures, name and trade of a gofhg concern that these laaies must aispose 01 aue to iwiae. teaiiy a good proposition. CARD ROOM. CIGARS, LUNCH, all equipped and doing nicely. $1475, $1000 cash; on west side where the men are. INTEREST IX THIS PATENT. This inventor has sold " to a- man who has monev. The "Liberty Horse' toy has a future worth money if adver tised. Big profit. A real hit in the east: $1000 buys the inventor's in terest. RARBTCR SHOP S1000 4 chairs lease; west side; good trade; electrical equipment, . ' " CIGAR STORE STREET FRONT -OFFICE BUILDING. Riyht downtown; doing good business, good reason fox selling; 5-year lease; rent $35; $2650. Fine location. $150 14 INTEREST TIRE CONCERN. In 'center of auto district. gaMi TATLOR SHOP. In business district; good lease: this price Includes rent for rest or February and $125 additional rental paid in on -lease, Better Bee this. . $3000 WILL HANDLE. This east aide store, ciirars. fountain. notions, cindy and candy factory ; big business; price oiw. CIGAR STORE $83. West side, stock, furnished rooms; 2 beds, living MANY OTHER BARGAINS; SUNDAYS. FRANK C. ROBIN'SON. 503-4 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 2557. OPEN LARGE corporation owning approximately irooo acres rich land m Aioerta now ue voted to wheat, dairying, poultry rais ing, hogs and general farming, wants services of two or three men in live stock department. Preference given to those who can invest $1500 to $2000 in order to insure greater co-operation and permanency. Assets over liabilities $44,-O0O-. Grain crop last year over 16,000 bushels. Great Increase in all branches tinder Intense, scientific cultivation be ginning this season. Splendid oppor tunity for men with ability to manage department to become financially inter ested in a big farm enterprise worked on modern business lines. Good salarft-, comfortable living quarters and a 30 day vacation on pay each year. Address AV 27, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR. An Al mechanic wishes steady and re liable partner who will take real in test in h is work : have well-located downtown shop with good trade, doing only guaranteed high-grade work ; ex peri6nce not absolutely necessary if con genial and willing to learn ; can easily clear $160 or hatter a month for your self from the start. If you want the best paying small shop In the city today don't fail to see this before locating. Price only $600 for equal half interest. Call fi20 Cham, of Com. bidg.. 4th and Stark. LUNCH counter, west side, ' $(iv0 cash ; fully equipped throughout; lease; rent $60; nets $250 month. We have dthera to select from. ' Cleaning estab., west side, Haufman press and fully equipped, $850, $500 cash, bal. arranged; rent $15. Nets $250 uC-. HOOVE! REALTY BROKERAGE. 2d and Stark, 409 Lumber Ex. Bidg. List with us for quick action. 100,000 CORPORATION wants general stock and city managers for high-class new device;, costs retails Sa; every hod v a TrosDect: big money making possibilities for right man: to fjww necessary to imance exclusive agency. Scott Corporation, 62 W. Washington St., Chicago. GENERAL STORE. $B0O for fixtures and Invoice the stock which will run about SaOOu. some terms. a fine out of town proposition, 30 miles from Portland, on Columbia highway; bargain. F. L. BLANCHARD, REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland Bide. Broadway 0S59. STORE FOR RENT AT EUGENE. . Wonderful opportunity to rent store at Eugene, on the main street, right in the heart of the business center. Best location, suitable for any line of busi ness. Reasonable rent. rront, it. 85 ft. deep; double front windows. Ad dress or call, R. M. Golden. Eugene, Or. RAISE big capital for any legitimate business; write for free copy "Quick Financing.' showing how companies raise large capital by my easily oper ated method. Cunningham, financial specialist, 3i4 Grant bidg., Los Angeles, California. SHOE SHINE OPPORTUNITY. One of the best locations in the city, five chairs, long lease, ror only s iou. easy terms. Don't miss this golden op portunity, hee George. 230 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Broadway 75 Ki. CONDUCT your own business : acquire in dependence, prosperity trading in stock market wicn sioca privileges; ju to S125 controls 100 shares of any stock: large profits possible; free booklet B01 explains. Paul Kaye, 149 Broadway, New York. . I HAVE proved in Portland that we have the nearest iwi per cent seller you. ever saw: it is his money for a live state dis tributor wl4o has few hundred cash. See Mr. Dye factory representative, Hotel Conradfne. after 3 F. M. S15.000 GROCERY stock in a busy down town location xor saie at a oig Dis count with or without a lease; no fix tures to buy; must be sold at once. G 434, Oregonian. MR. RESTAURANT MAN. Don't pay bonus; lease furnished din ing room and build your own trade; in dustrial district. Nothing to sell. 412 lilth st. TsT. ATTENTION Half interest in ESTAB LISHED plumbing snop oa location, doing wonderful business: ll pay you to investigate. Call East 3230. ELECTRIC bakery with all up-to-date equipment, 5 yearsi lease, doing 150 a day now, more in summer. Will give trial. K 443. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted with Eome capital to manufacture arch supporters and other foot comforts; state age and nationality. AG 441, Oregonian. A BUSINESS already estaonsned. auto matic cigar, gum and match vending machines, placed and working. Easy terms. See S. Brown. 324 N. Bdwv. BY OWNER, pool hall and confectionery store ; good location, doing good busi ness! Phone East 7.X74. WILL trade $15,000 grocery stock in busy down-town location tor a general store In a country town. G 440. Oregonian. FOR LEASE or exchange only hotel town Address AV 124, of 1000, with 4U rooms. Oregon :aru WOODY ARD with complete equipment Including 2 or 3 trucks, for sale. $2000 cash wiil handle. A 203. Oregonian. FOR SALE Restaurant in good condition. Owner must sell on account of illness. B 377. Oregonian. $1300 COMPLETE restaurant for sale, cheap rent, doing $40 and up. 375 -E. Burnside st. LUNCH counter with card tables, splendid location, or will take partner. Apply 210 Morrison SOFT DRINKS, lunch counter, cigars, can dies, card tables, chairs, bar complete. Cail 837 Union avenue rirth. GROCERY', by owner, must sell on count of sickness; well located, doing good business. Clinton st. GROCERY and confectionery, close to new school, nearest competitor i diks. ; win erect bidg. to suit. Owner. Wd!n. 5325. FOR SALE: One of the best paying mil linery stores in southwest Washington. O w ner leaving city. AV 112, Oregonian. MUST seil cor. store building with lour comfortable living rooms and bath; lot ftOxlOO. on Alberta st. Owner, 148 4th sL FOR SALS Store, confectionery, soft drinks, ice cream. Call at 309-3H Ev erett st.. near flth st. RELIABLE man with $5000 to invest in a mfg. plant; a good opportunity for the right mari. AG 405, Oregonian. GROCERY stock, fixtures, building, lot 9oxl25, 5 living rooms, bath, garage. Tabor 4064. FOR SALE $800 cash; confectionery and lunch, doing good business: small over head, fine location. Phone Tabor 4866. DENTAL parlors for sale, one of best locations In city;"quick sale; $1800 takes it; must leave city. AB 437, Oregonian. TRADE paper, published In Portland; $3000; advertising $4200 year; more pos sible. AH 427, ore goai aa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SIMMS SELLS STORES. 610 HENRY BLDG. NEW LISTINGS. GOOD STORES, A LB IN A DISTRICT. Doing $60 to $70 a day. Corner store. Rent $32.50. Lease, Invoice about $2500. UNION AVE. Grocery and confectionery, doing $25 to $30. Rent $35; 3 living rooms, $1150. SCHOOL STORE. Across from large school, doing $40 tip. Rent $30; 4, living rooms. Price $2100. PIJEDMONT DISTRICT. Cash and carry, doing $75 to $S0; rent $37.50. Invoice' about $2500. MEAT MARKET IN GROCERY, KILLINGS WORTH? DISTRICT. Doing $40, cash and carry. Rent $18.50. Price $1100. SELLWOOD. Corner grocery, doing $85, mostly ' cash; rent $35. Invoice about $3000. HAWTHORNE AVE. A nice, clean little place In a fine district; 3 living rooms. Rent $22, In voice about $2000. M O NT A VILLA DISTRICT. CLASSY CONFECTIONERY and gro cery, doing $55; no competition; 4 extra good living rooms with bath. Rent $35. Price $3600, terms on part. This is a exceptionally good store and a bargain. s $2100 grocery close tn, east side dis trict, doing $50 to $60; 2 nice, very large living rooms. No fixtures to buy. Stock at invoice, about $2000. WEST SIDE. Cash and carry, doing about $75 aver age. Rent $50. Price $2500. WEST SIDE. Doing $135 average; 5 good living rooms. Rent $50. Price $4200. EAST SIDE. $1000 will handle this gaqDr-Httle store at invoice; doing $35 to $40. Rent $25. 1 large living room, CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. Adjoining east side picture show. A nice place and a wonderful bargain at $2100; 2 good living rooms. DANDY STORE AND BUILDING. Thickly settled district; no competi tion. Owner here 7 years, sick and forced to give up. Doing $70 now, but can easily be doubled. A nice stock. Invoice about $3000. Good fixtures; only $300. Good 2-story corner bidg. with nice modern living rooms above; garage and 100x100 ground; on car. Price of property only $5000 and easy terms. GROCERY IN MEAT MARKET. A classy store In a live location. Gro cery dept. only for sale to a live one. Will make price absolutely right and terms to good live wire; $1500 will handle. v SIMMS SELLSSTORES. . 610 HENRY BLDG. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. BARBER SHOP. Four chairs, fully equipped with the very best; central location, fi-year Jease, low rent; bargain at $2500. MOVIE. Good lease, rent $75; newly decorated, seating capacity nearly 400; good inside lobby, 2 Powers machines; best west aide location ; no competition. GROCERY. Good corner, around $60 dally; first class stock and fix tures ; good lease ; low rent; small H. K. piace in connec tion which more than pays the running expenses of the whole thing, extra good proposition. Mr. Tice, 620-21 Henry building, GOING MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. MAKES F I K E EATING U1SH1S.K.H, SOAPS, WASHING POWDERS, AUTO SPECIALTIES, HOUSEHOLD ARTI CLES, FACE POWDERS. COSMETICS, RUNS JOBBING BUSINESS, FULL LINE GROCERIES. . SPECIALTIES, TEA. COFFEE. SPICES; HAS ESTAB LISHED AGENCIES; POSIBILITIES UNLIMITED; OWNERS HAVE TWO LINES BUSINESS; MUST SELL ONE; $3500 FOR QUICK SALE. PHONE WOODLAWN 6601 OR CALL AT PLANT. 017 UNION AVE. N. OARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR PART NERSHIP. Splendid opening for congenial man willing to work and learn, and make himself generally useful. Storage pays all overhead ; best of location right in auto row. Owner has too much work to handle alone. No trouole to make $1-60 month each. See tins befora you buv. Best buy in city for $550. Meit owner. 310 Panama bidg.. ".I and Aider. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. We have for sale the finest confec tionery, store in Corvallis, making clear profit $1270 month, rent $70. long lease, 3 living rooms in back. This plaqp is fully equipped with most modern fix tures; $0000 cash will handle. For further details - SEE MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Y'eon Bidg. POOL HAULS. POOL HALLS. POOL HALLS. We have several fine oool hails at at tractive prices both in or out of the city. All of our listings have been carefully Inspected by experienced pool hall man. Come in and see us. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. ftOO-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 0042. GARAGES. GARAGES. 1 GARAGES. GARAG ES. GAR AGES. GARAGES. Why look further when we can fow you the largest listing of good gararge buys in the city c ' These nave aa Deen carefully inspected by an experienced garage man. We save you time and monev and protect you in every way. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. SOU-TO PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. fi!42; DRUG STORE. OUTSIDE TOWN. Dandy drug store business In outside town; old-established place; owner sick and will sell less than invoice ; price $6500. - DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bidg. Bdwy. 6942. DRUG STORE. NO BONUS ON TJHTS. Come in and let us show you a REAL bargain Iti an old-established drug store. Stock alone invoiced oyer $6000. Price for all ONLY $7000. ' DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. fO-IO PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. If you are the right man and have the money to buy, finest up-to-date exclu sive women's shoe stock, lease and fix tures for sale. This business Is estab lished and has A-l reputation. Located in Portland. Write BF 448, Oregonian. M A NUF ACTURI NG. A GOOD PROPOSITION. Can put you Into a going manufac turing proposition on an investment of mot more than $10,000. Full details at DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. nOfi-TO PANAMA BT ry?. BDWY. 6942, ADVERTISING business; half interest In San Francisco, ftloO; manage same, hire advertising solicitors, get business your self; we represent SO trade, weekly, monthly papers; references exchanged. P. O. box 209. Portland. FOR SALE $t!50; good business for hus band and wne; grocery witn luncn ana retail bakery; good opportunity for res taurant man; k'itchen and living room in connection; rent $15. 1611 E. 13th St.. S-eliwood. - CAFETERIA. Seating capacity 25X; dally business over SOO patrons; lease until 1926; fully equipped, dish washer and everything; stock at invoice (about $1200). Price $5000. Mr. Tice, 620-21 Henry bidg. 4-CTfAtR barber shop, bargain to party with cash. Call afternoon 434 North 6th st. - GARAGE $5500 GARAGE. Fully stocked and equipped, all new stock, showing good Income: owner leav ing state; will give long lease. Bdwy. 6363. WANTED A live man with $5000 and services in 'one of the best manufactur ing propositions on the market. v S. BORLAND, Realtor, 223 Henry Bidg. 4th and Oak. $1100 BUYS downtown business; $1000 buys business, opportunities unlimited : $6500 buys retail and wholesale busi ness chance or a lifetime. Many others. Ed Diamond. 439 Cham, of Com. HAVE Al glass show ready for operation; 2 fires, plenty of glass, big display; can get bookings ; will sell, a bargain. In qiHre 311 Glisan st. EDISON steel frame moving picture ma chine, carbon and Mazda, screen, extra reels, rewind. Walter Adrian, Gresham, Or. LET ME show you how you can earn $7950 on ah investment of $1000 in six months. Mr. Knabb. New ferkins hotel. $"1500 TO $2000 TO INVEST with services. AM 432, Oregonian. BARBER SHOP for sale, 1 chair, good ' business. Denver ave. and Killingsworth. BLACKSMITH shop, ft interest, $250. P. A. Smith, Cornelius. Or. SOFT-DRINK place, 348 Glisan st. sale cash or terms. JUST the place for a couple, good paying restaurant. inquire at ia oin pt. BARBERS 5-chair shop, downtown. Call Monday. Main 9300- FOR RENT Bakery and will sell fixtures cheap. Appiv aitemoons. zrv ueecn st. WILL sell established business or take helper lor outeiae wora. Auto, on-vz. BVS1NKSS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTO TOP AND PAINT SHOP. $550 buys equal half interest in high class busy, well-located auto top and paint shop; experience not necessary if willing to work and learn from an expert in this line. You can easily clear $150 a month for yourself. See owner and be satisfied. Apply 620 Cham, of Com. bidg., 4th and Stark. TO EXCHANGE 40 acres of good level land in the Grande Ronde valley in Union county; buildings and fenced, on county road; some good post timber; clear title; price $160O. Will cons.der stock of builder's hardware up to $1mx. Will move s;ock. Address 170S Oregon st. Phone Tabor 6122. CONFECTION ERY, LIGHT LUNCH AND GROCERY. Soda fountain, 3 showcases, cash reg- Ister, first-cls3s equipment for lunches. Other .fine fixtures included; 2 living rooms, cheap rent; lease. Jn thickly settled district. Price for stock and fix atures $1500. This place is worth $2100. Phone Broadway 6042. FOR SALE Good garage businoes and building in a Washington city of 12,00 people; have agency for best selling car on the market; contract calls for 75 new cars. Building 71x104, brick, located on Pacific highway, oue block from P. O. and business center of city. Have good storage and accessory business. AV 183, Oregonian. $15000 STOCK of. dry goods and fixtures for sale, well selected stock, splendid location and business, rent $50. includ ing -6 living rooms. Can accept one half in good city home or real estate. Anyone desiring a live paying business should Investigate. Man and wife can handle. AB 440, Oregonian. A CASH BUSINESS. Located in a country town, deal In eggs, poultry, cream, potatoes, in fact, all lines of farm produce; can show buyer I am clearing $3000 year; selling on account sickness; will give bank references; $1300 will handle iU Cali room 401 Deknm bu ilding HOTEL ST. GEORGE FOR RENT. Owing to the death of the late George Daneau, I am offering the Hotei St. Georg-e, at Pendleton, Oregon, for rent. Furniture for sale; fully equipped; lib eral terms to responsible party. Vir ginia Daneau BeiL executrix, Pendle ton, Or. WANTED District sales manager; open office and manage sale nen; old estab lished manufacturing concern ; new line of -business; no competition; big de mand; $500 to $1000 cash required; should net $10,000 first year. Interna tlonai Machine Co.. Baltimore. Md. AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY FOR A FEW REAL MEN WITH LARGE OREGON CORPORATION. EXCEL LENT INCOME AND PERMANENT CONNECTION WITH GREAT FUTURE POSSIBILITIES FOR RIGHT MEN. CALL 1401-2-37 N. W. BANK BLDQ. FOR LEASE. Fireproof building, 60x100 oa H Clay st. Call East 6S40. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. Foun living rooms, all furniture, in eluding phonograph, Irons, sewing ma chine, pressing boards, a complete out fit. Rent $15; $600 takes it. " ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtor 404-5-6 Panama Bidg., 3d and Alder. A GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Large west side garage, chance for good man to take charge of front end, sell the gas, oils, tires, etc. Owner show you each partner can make $200 month, 511 Railway Exchange. AUTO REPAIR GARAGE. Fine west side location, fully equipped with machinery, employing force of me chanics and making money; circum stances force sale at a bargain. Particu lars 511 Railway Exchange. POOL HALL. 12 miles from Portland, modern flx- tures throughout, back and front bar, 4 pool tables: $2000 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bidg.. 3d and Alder. $2050 GROC. AND CONP. With soda fountain, doing good busi ness; three modern living rooms and bath; clear stock and A-l fixtures. , KEIPPER & CROSBY. M4 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. fifi'ft. ATTENTION! Advertised and going business, owner leaving town. Good for $25 to $50 clear per day to hustler. $350. Will take cheap Ford touring as part payment. RfU Burnside st.-. LUNCH, FOUNTAIN, CONFECTIONERY. Clears $250 to $300; just right for tws girls or man and wif; long lease: $850 cash, balance $25 per month. F. IL McCrea. 230 Cham, of Com, hldg. Bdwv. 7rT. ' AUTO BUSINESS. ' Ovsner busy In shop, needs help of steady man handy with tools, prefer a partner to hired help: will pay good wages, also profits; $300 will handle it. Call room 401 Dokum building. $1200 CIGAR STAND. West side. In one of the best hotels In Portland, doing good business, rent $35 month; fine place for lady. KEIPPER & CROSBY." M4 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. flfini. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. Located on busy street, has fountain and clean stock, doing $35 day; bear in vestigation; a good buy. Room 511. Raii way Exchange. SEE IT TODAY. Cafeteria doing good business, good lease until after fair. Sickness forces Bale; $800 cash wilt handle, balaace easy. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. FOR SALE: Corner ibrick bidg., confec tionery, soda fountain, cigars, tobacco, ' fruits, magazines and light groceries; long lease. Owner. No agents. 121 N. 6th. 1 $2500 EXTRA GROCERY. Bakery outfit in connection, portable oven, soda fountain, 2 living rooms, $40 rent, lease; $40 daily, Sundays $75 up. McFARLAND, Realtor. 208 Falling bidg. YOU CAN MAKE $K for every $1 Invested in $1 per acre land. See Farms for Sale. Bolivia Coloniza tion association, 4)0 Chamber of Com- merce. Portland LIGHT groceries and confectioneries, fix tures and furniture for fine living room goes with place. Good location. A good paying business. Owner, Columbia 632. 401 S. Jersev st. A 60x100 MODERN GARAGE. Fine location, good storage andi re pair business, also large sale gas, oils, auto accessories, etc.; $2-40O will handle It. Room 401 Dekum building. A WEST SIDE GARAGE. Fine location, have a good leaae - the fair, good-sale gas, oils, auto part and storage; a bargain at $3500. Boom 401 Dekum building. ON EAST BROADWAY STREET. Good 11-room housa 75x100, garage, easily converted to income. Price $9500, $35O0 cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. BIG PAYING SUBURBAN. Restaurant, closed Sundays, cheap went; $700 ca-sh will handle. P M I TH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. CONFECTIONERY and soft drink outfit in corner location, and shooting gallery outfit with complete set of moving tar gets and rifles. Come to owner, 354 1st. MOVING PICTURE THEATER for sale, through property owner; small invest ment, good money-maker. Inquire A, Rygg. 409 E. Morrison. FOR SALE 3-chair barber shop. In good town in Washington ; doing good busi ness; priced $450. Inquire 916 Belmont St., Portland.. SECONDHAND store for sale. I must sell at once. $300 takes everything and- the lease of the building. Call 6028 Slid st. S. E. Take MT car to Gray's crossing. CASH By my system 1 can sell your property, business or Invention anywhere In from 10 to 90 days. Breanan. 3008 Harrison st., Chicago. GROCERY store with living rooms, in the suburbs; a nice little business which can be increased ; only $050 cash required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. WANTED Private party, going business, purchase price secured by real estate,, big returns on investment; make appoint ment; no agents. AB 431, Oregonian. OAJsH-AND-CARRY grocery; good apart ment district, doing good business. Would consider late Dodge or Buick as part . payment. AM 427, Oregonian. BUSINESS OFFICE, PAYING $150. If you can do office work, can handle this. Lady of gentleman; $350 gets it. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCIL CIGAR STAND in prominent, west side hotel ; deal with owner and save com mission; fine place for lady. Bdwy. 2229. DESIRABLE location for auto top or paint shop. Large storage business to draw from. Long lease. See manager Mult nornah Hotel garage. RESTAURANT, good location, doing $1.r0 per day; lease to 1926. Price $6300. List 141. Western Brokerage Company, 817 Northwestern Bank bidg. 0Oxl20 BRICK garage on highway, close in; has large storage and repair tracis; owner will givesome terms. 511 Railway Kxcnange. CASH grocery, corner location and doing good business, rent $15. Price complete $i00 or invoice. Owner. 325 Russell st. DRUGSTORE, eastern Oregon; only store; cash deal; Invoice; good proposition; no trades. AV 83. Oregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery and luncheon ette; will take good car as part pay ment. AB 436, Oregonian. APARTMENT HOUSE, summer resort; fine business; win swing it. aui. 614-m " FOR RENT The Occident Hotel barber shop, Astoria, or. Auaress x. o. vvtta- ers. 510 Commercial street. FOR SALE Restaurant and extra tix turea cheap, 22ft N. 10tU L.