13 TTTT: SUNDAY OREGOXIA". PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 12, 1922 VITI ATIONS r.TKT rFMALR. WuIAN with s,rl 1-1 voj.'l lik posU:on to cfp for invalid or will takt any ktn-1 of nurfiTf tor small wajr-a i.nd girls board. 1'hufM Mar. -U4; alter 10 o'ckkK Sunday. Btancn GreeosLt. 545 HooU st. I W'AMFD TO REM. J--G.LE-A'-r..O nurw - C i. with cmi-inv!ld, I-urs- Ad-ire iL th to to a com. anion 1202 ft. B t. 4-Ki 'M hou, wRn pa:e toeep car if p-vs-joie. Take pnnMion about Marcn L-i. Kent ruoiuoie. Will pay 3 or 4 tt". f r' h j tn icr. .AO 443. C'r: gonian. Mort aiwi Bu-lfWMt Vlrr WANTtb TO LEaVe for J yew for i is at maii u .'ai t uring p. am. It., In gd d.drict; 1 f must be we. ;:ghted and c.n. 2 " rtiamt-rr cf ('ommfrce B'dg. ItJUXl'! e risk: iui.vj m;ffUry d-;rea pri ate office, aharirg rtcepuon room; effice with busi ness f.rm r-Uir;r.f ocraMionni iegai srv l preferred; n.ust locate immediate. y Pdwy totl. r.ec 1 r.t. by rfl is e .f Marci, 4 or i-rixm eras. etc.. with lare ( c . u p ; e : no r h 1 , j r a . se t J G 4. Orf tfon.an. raen. WAN Ttl To ie about Io.oim .). ft. of space for iieht manufacturing on one ur more floors; water, tai. electricity lonnecnons. Pub. k: We. fare Industry, ask for M reli. FOR RENT. riiniKhfcl K'Hm in Private Family. TA'E.TV iii.nuie wtK to downtown: beat ear service ' city. Fine large room m relned homr; locate J b -1 w e a 2uth and 1st on East Madison ; excellent environment; suit-abie for two yooiig men. East y.'S. $20 per month. FOR 1 OK 2 employed daaJy, weli-f arm laf g. warm room, dreading room, use of bath, hot water, phone, light, heat. A lovely home. Large grounds, ciose In; S blk. to 3 carlmes unj public garage ; very reasonable rent. 411 Cook. Ave-, Auto 3J3-IU I K I VA TK mat-rnity home. b;t car pr.m: tn ptare. E. Huuf.hiv r. Jv I TI'-jS as touii- kre p-a dC.cl by r -f:iH. miM.e-aflr worn-.: oniy those need ipp.y w no wou.d appreciate a c.n. -!- ,oun anil car- f :il miM(er more thin hig All partl.u.ar in first Vt:rr w,h I-aodrePed -tamped en- t e AJ 414 (Wrnun, KKr i N woiiiio w ants situation as hoofr'if'pr w hre thrc'i no woman orf.'iM-r , no oje'tion. to rniMren: pre- f-r aituatioB on ranch. rnn- Ab 441. Oreo- w hre w r4 p . hoakrrpinft? pia"e; prefer min or prtment houiw rkint interest or small Invest -id be considered. Koorn 1 A r.-- sr. Y'UNtj id-w wtta b-.y 4 wmhwa pisi lin as huunehaaper for k rue n. No cbj-'-tion to ll child. No iriflera. A 4V., rrfmn. GEN K A 1- noui-ew ork or h.-use kep.a: "n.'r bv our. woman witu 10-ear-o d B.rl. Tru.t w orth. Hererences, Co- FOR RENT. Furnished Koomi. PR TNCI PAL. EAST SHK HOTKL EAT ilwHRIhuX ST. AT EAST TH. V; fltCT. iJiviNlKlEL AND KEKINEU; $1 IV. I'F.R UAT. (1 PER WK. ANl VP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT OARAGE. hotel iHuyiois. Thorough. y renovated from top to bot tom; permanent room, now ready. $i Per and up. transient $1 pv r day and up. Corner l.'th and Star, broad a ay 371a BllALI li L'LL' furnished rom with fam ily, in private apartment. Steam heat, private drewing room, b-ith and phone. One bik. from public library; must be a-en to he appreciated. $Jtl month. Gea-ll-man only. Call Main 4'i.3. '1 BEAtTIKL'LLY turnisutd from rooms, one to use as office with typewriter; all borne privileges; walknir distance; also 2 rom beautiful apt., reasonable. Mam 7.V'.. r,l N. Slat. FOR RENT. BouniH Witn lioara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. USD AND HOYT STREETS, CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the. best-known residential ho tel on tfce Facif:c coat. Americau phn, with or without bath. $.SO a day up; rates by day o; month. Mr! served to tran5ients. Kwiiij With Board iu I'rivaie Family. TWO furnished rco;n, with or without board ; private, modern home; telephone, furnace heat; nice clean rooms, all home privileges; walking distance. 449 E Lincoin corner bh. Phone East TWO HOO.VS. nicc.y Turnifthtd. ntwly decorate J, " bath adjoining: nice for 'school teachers or business women; ladles on.y. Harrison at- Rear CALL AT Y. M. C.-A. t see free list of moderate-priced rooms for j. ounff men In parts of the-city, including roma at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each rm. ahower baths and t:iui fa..:illu:- ANSONIA HOTEL. f4 14th at., at Wayhinytoa Rates J pr trtk and up, $1 day ; fireproof. ia.rire. a:tracUve. spotless rooms, ctoa ta a;r.ufirit:fit and Hopp.ag center. INK!' A:.i-ruan la-. Proltstant. uid like position as hi-us"k'eper with :mU. --a!Miil fam.iy. kUtX 71. Oregon ' v. t tr EJ'fc."TAliLE Mi!ride-aaa widow Inly w u,d like biHk piiis posit hn tn r-r an a h-n:- p. 4311. Orgnian. L-X i 1 rINCED. r w i?.h- hou work V. w ! wn i';o... Jab e young laay b-oklng preferred. WIoV with thi;d 7 rs rfrires pv-si-tion as hmjvWefpr for widower. A R 4I. re tman. NEAT. r-t - a b. w on.an. w idoa . m.dd- I houeaeep;n in good home. HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. ICatea, $1 a day. a week $i and up; pri ate bath (, fn eproof and clean. J. 'it to bu.-infs crnti-r W HOTEL CLL1NGE. 321 4th si., cor. Clay; nict-Iy furnished transient room. :i v week and up; stam heat, hot and cold water In every room. li 4-'". Oi fyon ian. BbAL'TlKL'LLT furnished front rooma. or.e to ue m office with typewriter; all home piiviietfes; walking' dUtance; also -room beauuiui ape., reiaonable. Main 7".".V 1 X. -'1st. NlCb. c.fau. Lgiu , room, lacing east ; 3 bur windows. b.!r ciothes ciost. electric lights, bath. phanc; suitable tor 1 or 2 gentlemen; may have separate beds if dgirt d. Call Main 573, TWO COMFORTABLY furnLshd rooms adjoining bath. newly finished. all modern con venlmrs ; on car line, close in; brakfaata If desired; also, garage East MMi.V 1 OR 2 RESPECTABLE young gentlemen, room and board in refined home with mother and daughters. Boys who ap preciate real home life. Montavilia cat to ld at. 73 E. Ankeny. Phone East 1431. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartment. FOR RENT. Fu rn is hed Apart me nt s. ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS In the city, ideally lo cated, within easy walking distance to heart of business center; 5 unusually large, light, airy rooms; in immaculate condition; good furniture, music room with disappearing bed, large living room, dining room, white Dutch kitchen. private bedroom, bath, steam heat, tele- . phone and janitor service included; ar- , ranged so that two families can easily be accommodated. THE MEDA APTS., just across the Broadway bridge; half block north of Broadway. No. 377 Van couver are. Adults oniy. NICELY FL'RXLSHKU. IMMACULATELY CLEAN". LARGE FOUR-BOOM MODERN APARTMENTS. ONE FOR $60 AND ONE FOR o5 MONTH. They have pri vate bedroom, davenport and sanitary couch davenport, equipped for two to five persons; first-class janitor service guaranteed ; light, warm, airy, classy ; can't be beat. THE COLUMBIAN. 11TH AND COLUMBIA. Portland's most popular apartments. CONGENIAL home in Willamette Hta.. for gentlemen or couple employed; large front room with porch; wonderful view; fine, nearly new, modern house, $45 for on or $75 for 2 persons. Mar. 74d. GENTLEMA N w i a h es roo m ma l c ; lovely front room, furnace heat, electric lights, brand new twm beds. Price JP3ii per month. Auto. M!-3. LADY who deylres permanent home, one in family. WIDOW LADY. Mrs. Rosetta Dttardorff, route 3, box 34, Lents, Port land. Or. STEL1TYN APARTMENTS, HIGH-CLASS. The handsomest furnished apts. rn city. Outside rooms and sleeping porches. Also lovely suite on corner, top floor, 6 windows, very choice; will rent to re fined gentleman; also single rooms for' bacheJuis or ladies employed. Refer ences required. Broadway oS3Q. St. Clair Ft., corner Was-hington- AiOAKJL i.nd room in private home for v orking couple or 2 working giriw. 17 N. Jessup st. St. J-ohns or Mississippi ave. car. Wordl '.v n 04u3. TWO rooms, living and bedroom, two meals. In west side modern home, for two $,": employed business people only. Main lNii. . HJtfKE YOL AhU Nt.-. warm. ntKb-iSa quiet rooms, waikmg d. stance; break rat if desired at reasonable prices; free pnone. tia too u a monin. t -.v rftt. Phone Ma.n a,'.oU. k. V EH V llgt. ruceiy -furnished, steam heated front room. Lots of hot water. A partment hou- a e-t nue. c;u in. Pi. or. b!. '-jtttf before noon. KK- J.N EI for with home; no object in l rhi firn. P 444. orgonf.an, La i V r-nt l tt pMition as hoUiM-keeper for in. no .objection to children. N La T. refined lady. 3H wuo to keep house for widower with houaa. P. O, CAPABLE .uly ds.r-s msu k" r1- r- Cwli 4 Vitmh : I n as hous t. Rm. 15. thi.tl. wants housework. 412. Orrsnr.l an. ViliioW :tn cr.tid I'J monmi oid wlnhes houwkeef ins; -n arrall tmm.ly Sell 14t3. li E M ST 1 T 1 H i ,t Shop. 717 Hroailwiy M-lg- cotton or aiik. Ideal WASHINGTON HOTEL, r.TH AND WASH IXGTU.N ST 3. Attractive room and suites at reaaon wb.e rales, by w.-ek or mtrnth. ANGELA liuTKL Wa.hingtou St. Marshal! 1930. Larrff, attractive lobby with fireplace. . Special rates to permanent guests. HO I EL ILt K1NGH AM, under new man agement, ti'C Washington at. Modern, private 'bams, free phones; reasonable rati-a, 5u week up. Main SI. LMPKL.-nS UoTEL. tith and Stark; single or docbie com! ortaDie rooms at moder ate prtcn; specil rates to permanent l I oti e- tfao i jMf . HOUSE CLEANING Expert whit and ivory enarr.ef, brick and tile firp;r cUninr. forn waxed, furniture' pol i"h.l, tarp.s cleaned, windows washed. CITY IUtli CLEANINii SERVICE. 1 Chapman st 1'hone Mam 1157. LK111L.-T WIN lO VV C LEAN E Rs. COLUMBIA lii'7. Housecleantng. f.oor waging and vac uum c.eaning: estimates cherfu:iy giv en ; best ot refprencs. ItonieM U. iul'NG lady 147 wants da4' work. Broadway WANTED TO RENT. MEIER A FR XK ? Irforwiatlon and Rental Bureau. Reffab'e, up-to-date Hs's of desirable furnished and unCurn th-i houses aoart mtnti and data, with definite Informa tion pertaining to each, sleeping rooma Newcomer to Portland will find thlt bureau of gre.t aiue in helping them get properly and quUkly located. Eighth Floor ELCUD HOTEL. ' B73 Washington St. Cheerful, clean rooms, with or without private baiha; tramtn-u's and permannt. ,TEL BROADWAY. Broadway and Burnsfde Ft. Rates: day. $1 and up; week. $5 and p. pr:vate bath. $'. and up. Free phone. Tmo w,i :urn;shed rooms. on wuh twin beds, for gentlemen; use of shower ba;h, phone, steam heat ; walking dis tance: reasonable. 4 Trinity piace. apt. I't Bdwv tt.'.Jd. - MEN or business women wbo wish breakfast and large, htated room, ad joining hath, home privilege of piano, libraiy. phone, laundry. ner car. Port Ur.ii Height.?. Marshall J 733. SUITE of rooms (front and back parlor eapectaNy clean, weil furnished, suitable for 'X or 3 peraons; very close In on west pide; plenty of heat, hot water. Phone Main 7'J'. WEt iDE WalKing ditanc-. iarge. beautifully furnished room. iory tin-i-h. furnace hat. tiled bath, large liv ing room. In modern home with young coup :.-, N. st. NICELY furnisned rooma and splendid home-cooked meals; alt conveniences; retined and home-like place for business people in C. S. home. 414 Market st. BOARD and room in pleasant, refined home; steam heated, exceptionally large, bright room, suitable for business people. - 4 E. 1:h; E. 2.".4. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. LADY" will share beautifully furnished apartment, in one of city's best apart ment houses ; a real home ; business woman preferred ; references required. Call Main 4194. THREE large outside rooms, beautifully furnished, large private bath. a)l clean and well lighted, electricity, "heat, water, phone, tenant frunish own silver and FOR RENT. Furnistied Flats. 4-ROOM furnished upper flat, bath, gas, elec, 2 blks. to Union. 3 blks. to St. Johns carline; $27; suitable for couple employed: adults. 94Q Mallory ave. WANTED Couple to occupy f-room fur, fat with " lady employed; would like oreanrast and dinner with same: walk irur distance. East S52o. 2 -ROOM flat, private side entrance, pan try, closet, hot and cold water., elec, free phone, garbage taken; $30; adults. oi6 3i't st. WILL SELL AT SACRIFICE, Complete furnishings of cosy 6-room steam-heated flats; west side". 5tit i cucn. f .nt 4. Broadway 22S0. IhKnh large light rooms; ttove heat, fireplace, private bath; walking dis tance; near SS car; adults. East 6520. -71 Belmont st. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. $22 GROUND lloor, water, electrlo Jitfhta free: 3 nice large, fully furnished H. K. rooms, vestibule, 2 porches, range, gav fireilace; good neighborhood; walking distance. 134 Porto r. See Mis. Fay. ATTRACTIVELY furnished corner, front room, heat, plenty hot water, lovely home, kitchen privileges; also light, cheery, warm front attic room. 283 N. 24th st. 2 LOVELY large front housekeeping mis.; furnace heat, plenty hot water, gait range, laundry; spotlessly clean ; rent reasonable. Main 1311. 2S3 N. 24th 3 GOOD basement rooms, suitable for 3 ; kitchen, sink, wood range, electric, gaa and phone; walking distance. 271 Mont go mery st. linen. $45 oer mo. SuO Union ave.. near I GT to share fiat who wishes to study rseecn. . i , ious, we m piano, aesiraoie, Main 3018. C. S. preferred. I HAVE two apartments, --room and 3- day and night, well furnished, hardwood LRM&Htp upper 6-room flat; fireplace. 2-ROOM h. k. apartment, modern home, beautiful location; nicely furnished, heat, light, gas. phone included; no chil dren. Sellwood 1008. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four-room, newly painted and papered, all newly furnished throughout ; corner apartment; only 3 blocks from Wash ington st. Reht $55; references required. Braoadway 1245. , PARK APARTMENT Nice. Clean front 4-rm. apartment, nine outside windows; oak floors, fireplace. 3 clothes closets, mats, carpets and draperies. $7o. Phone Marshal! 23SL FOR RENT - Large front room, avith board, suitable for two ; furnace heat; garage : close to car: walking distance; reasonable. East 6503. NICE, warm room, 3 windows and a large closet; excellent board; very reasonable to man and wife or 2 employed men. litl nth st. kitchenette, in. aduits. 'cn Main ;-room ironi apartment with everything lurnifhed, ciose 273 1 ii t.. corner Jef ter IKVIXUTON Nicely furnished front room in mahogany, excellent table board, home of refinement, pleatsant surround ings. C. S., 2t minutes to city. 023 E. 25th N. East RB27. 3 SLEEPING rooms, each suitable for 2 occupants: hot-water heat and board if desired : 1 block from Woodlawn car. Woo.liawn 3w. TH KEE seeping rooms, each suitable for 2 occupants, hot-water heat and board if desired. 1 block from Woodlawn car. Woodlawn 3F.S. HoTEL CoNKADINE. 22 North 10th st, 2 o.tM.ks north of Wa.nlnxton st.: fire proof: pleaaent rooms and uaes at very r hie ra tes be I .y rr week. LaKl;E Iurn.ntd board i n bnunc; sr Mam 4s7."v 1 r. 1 1 . a . 1 Marshall Sl.EEi'I.NG room, ie.r Bii.king distance; reasona N.r;h lS:h. . locai terms. FIKST ELOOK front room, turnished, in vi uding piano; walking distance. E. 2135. Cat! Mondavi V'ER Y pleasant, nicely furnished front room, kitchen privileges, walking dis tance, reasonable. Phone Mar. 342. 541 ith st. LO ELY room, , ro-iiii for girl, predated ; In Hoy. Main 1 i.fco cozy Uttie light H. K. Mui he seen to be ap Nob Hill district. 7S1 WuoT SI 1E One single and one double iiKm; clean and warm; congenial bunch of young men: every home comfort. 654 l.ovetov. lR"I.GTO. Lovely room, mahogany fur niture, refined home, every convenience, excellent home cooking: garage. East iw;4".. MOTHERLY woman witn nice home and thorough understanding of children would like little girl to care for. Main K103. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. 3-room furnished modern apartment, large outside rooms; hot-water heat; walking distance. 575 E. Stark st., cor ner 14th. Phone East SC3C. CINCINNATI COURT. 401 TENTH ST. 2 -room furnished apartment, steam heat, hot and cold water, newly reno vated. Phone Main 2480. floors, large bay windows, good view of I entire city; reasonable rent. 625 Main I street, near King. furnace, finished flooi-s, sleeping porch, sightly, garage; Hawthorne district; aaujts oniy; 7l'l to. Main at. 2 OR 3-ROOM apt., private bath, $25 or $30; or 2 rooms, $15; sleeping room, $10. Phone Sell. 174S, or call at 047 Mil waukie st. HANTHORN APTS. Desirable front 4-room furnished apart ment, with 3 disappearing beds and bat cony, suitable for several people. 251 .lztn st. . RVING APARTMENT Large outside 3- room apartment; artistically rurnisned, new. complete, piano; see to appreciate; aaujts: references required; $65. Mar- shall 2SO. appointment MODERN 3-room lower flat, nicely fur nished; water, garbage service; walk' ing distance. ?30. 550 Mill st. 3-ROOM front furnished bath and garage; close Alder street. East 7S20. flat, private n. 689 East Unfqrnisiied Apartments. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW M A N AG E MENT. 3-room, newly painted and kalmined. steam heat and telephone, close in, walk ing distance, -only 3 blocks of Washing- ton st. Kent yoj. Call Bdwy. 1245. $55 NICELY furnished 3-room flat, va cant Feb. 20; adults; references re quired. 23d and Johnson. Marshall 1024. NEW furniture for sale cheap on account ot leaving city; aiso nice modern o-room flat far rent. Main 2532. 2 ADULTS, 4-room furnished flat; cleffn; water, garoage paid; good basement. 473 Failing. Wdin. 4739. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. Unfurnished 3-room comer apdrtment, 2 large bay windows, facing park, old ivory woodwork and tapestry paper. b ou. walking aistance; adults only. .Main iuo. -ROOM furnished flat for rent, $75, west side location. Call Main 1008. Marshall 2S20. 2-ROOM flat, with sleeping porch, fur nished, nice, clean; walking distance; adults only. 307 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT 3-room clean, well-furnished apt., 704 Michigan ave., near Beech st., 1 block from Mississippi carline ; large porch and fine yard, to man and wife only. 20. . 3 ROOMS and bath, French door onto la re a nnrr h flriKat ourhftJiri-!5 harri- wood floors, gas, electric lights, use of LOWER, clean telephone and laundry, not water heat, y block to Hawthorne car, $35, adults oniy. xaoor t44. LIGHT, attractive 4-foom furnished flat. aauits only, J7.50. 25 E. 32d, near Hawthorne. Tabor SofiO. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Eleeant 4 and 5 rooms, furnished or Jnfurnished : large, spacious; white enam- eied tnrougnout; tiie oatn-e; iree pnonea. First class service. Close in. Main 2080. BEAUTUFUL live-room apartment; best Irvington residential section; all mod ern ; rent 585 ; no children ; references. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 C. of C. bldg. .Etroaqway Bno. furnished 5-room flat? iruit, garden; adults. 414 Morris St., half block east of Union avenue. 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished fiat and- sleeping ijuivii, r.diKin uiscance.. vd'A tn. otn st. N. East 1SC5. 2 ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooms in strictly modern home for employed couple; walking distance. 600 B. Yamhill, cor, of 13th. East 4843. LOVELY' 2-room h. k. apt., newly pa pered, electricity, gas range, running water, steam heat, walking distance 658 Gllsan. Bdwy. 2125. LARUE bedrooms wi th no use pnvl leges including piann, in large modern Pied mont home, very reasonable to adults; referer.ee required. Wdln. 170. TWO LARGE front rooms with fireplace, furnace heat, electricity, gas for cook ing, use or phone, bath and laundry tubs, 141 North 23d st. Phone Main 5!tt0. LARGE housekeeping room, $18 per month: light, furnace heat and cooking gas included; walking distance; 461 E. Oisk : adults. East 30.;,'7. A BEAUTIFUL 2-room front apartment, also single housekeeping rooms suitable for bachelor. $15. 341 11th st. SHORT walk, downtown, room and kitch enette, $5 a week. , Marshall 1455. 309 0th st . ROOMS, piano lessons; use of piano and the kitchen to girl employed ; wa! king distance. C. S. preferred. Main .10 IS. WANT some man to room and board in home Where will be company of even- incs. BD 450. Oregonian. I WANT to take care of one, two or three small children by month; will be given mother s care. J 4o4, oregonian. ROOM with board included: lady pre f erred; within walking distance. Auto- n.atlc MS-32. LARGE sunny room for 2, heat, two large closets, west side, walking distance. Mar shall (Hun. . ROOMa to rent, walking distance, good d .strict, attractive resideiav.e. w ell fur nished, heat, hot water and garage; breakfast if desired. Call Ea.t 2 Kit FOR GENTLEMAN Room comiortably turnirhed in private family's apartment; sit an heated. Ford ham Apartments, Marh&JI tt5u. C n .a i t ' E It itOTbL. Grind ave steam heat,. ar.-r. r -oiks 4 and up. tu. Stark and hot :tnd cold h-USek""pinc AKTHl K lio'lEL. I.O Morrison Clean and day, week or month a Eievema St.. near modern rooms bv t reasonable rates. STAN DISH HOTEL. .HM, Washington at lth Nicely furnished rooms, - steam li-ateo1, F'-awna ble rate, $3 5U up, week. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st.. at ltth $1 day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths: IikM aiul airy. Steam heat. W ATtil to re n t by r.-poii ibif roup.e by the mtrtrlw of Aprtl or b'-f.re. 5-room houw or flat; furnished, pariiy furnished or nfurnu-hd: dea;re Mine to be In restricted d. strict and r-aonab in lrice; r n g.- very rwt of rlf renc It' 4 24 $ IU H R I N Ft It Si A T 1 -N rgardinc trit!y modern w-; s:e resi dence for rent wtihln month, H t- l Phiiu w alk i nar distance. uifurni.h'ii. i-r will consider buying part furniture. Mam 7724 WANTED By side. btee Vnc. Ui-hea. of 3. Huin over $." Ta!or Fth Hi. 4 lith an. itllverw are penp or 5 -room. eat 1 t h No twd -needed. Famn Reterences. No: STEA M - HEATED room, a il motit-r n con-venit-nce wa;ktng distance; references. Hroadway H2t. after 5 P M. CLEAN, coiy Iront room, sleeping or housekeeping i very reasonablt,; un East m h anl li-l:noni. Ka.-t 73":. r'Kt'NT i oin au ituble tor one or two ladies fr modern home on three vnr lines; broaKfust and dinner if desired. Wo-dl-i wn l7i $15 CHILD to buard in country; plenty of fresh milk and fresh vegetables. East 2001. CHI LDREN cared for. good home care. 12 years experience: sc oool ; references. good good utomatic 3211-09. LARGE i.ont itum v.itn board m one of best districts suitable for 2 ladies em ployed: $7 pr ee!;. T:ibor 500. NOB HILL, nicely furnished room with hoard for 2 gentlemen. $05 per month, home privileges. Mar. 3152. LAKGti front room, sunaoie ior i work ing girls or 2 business men: breakfast if desir-d. East H4. One block to car line. 321 Morris. BEAI TIKI L lurnished corner front room, furnace heat, plenty hot water, parlor, piano, home priviUgej.; business girls or gentlemen. M"in 1311. s3 N 24th. LAKOK'ront room, new liory furniture, steam lieat, hot and cold water, bath, te.ephone : best of board ; walking dis ta r,v. 5i;i iVisan yt.. comer 1 7 th. L. Hut, 'cl,-i uiiiis.ieo room. eant neat. cl(.e in. 307 11 th st. near Columbia. Marshall 4si. turn. uned hot and Fifth st. Sieepit.ic rooms, steam r cold Water; reasonao.e. j NEW PERKINS 1 1 oTEL. a.hi'igton and Fifth Streets Sued. I permanent rates. AiOi Ei ; N i otn ii a, upst airs , f ui naca r steam h-al garage also; $35. 73 H. 2-.1 S-U. 3147. tM FORT A li LE furnace- heated room. 4;tl i:t 37th st.. bet. Hawthorne and D. vision. Tabor SlJti. j CO-iii-oK i ALLh, modern room for gentle 1 man: Nib Hill district, walking dis- NEAT, clean room in nice home, steam heat, lots of hot w ater. Newly kalso mined. Easy walking distance. 215 14th. THE ST PAUL, iouitn an.i AM r. A RE SI'ECTAI.LE IHJWNToWX HOTEL $1 u p. Kai es by week or month. l-oi. ..t.r I .jpii.s rooiik. nalking dirtaiiee, priv ate entrance. 120 E. 14tn t. Fa.: I :. WE HAVE many tails for houses and fiat and ran repr ours; let us handle your prtertv anu coiie. t your rents C A. WAGNER CO . ?tl S'ark St WANT or ;-rv't.iii nu-tt' . n hju.'f. lrvn ton or Nob Hill d-strtet ; prof fwm: m-tn. permanently hn-ated. C 4J. ore- g"nhn. W A N'l r. I - Mareli 1 or April 1. nmdern hunmiow in r-"1 mutrlet. cr is, har.l sood I Knr ar.-l furnace pni ia I . rent not to puvfl lltl Call F...t .127. W A NT E I Fi riose in, ej more years or Apm! I iir. f v v or .x - i i'o:n hous it side; will !rai two or want possession March 1 H 753 or ca 3 Se . !.. SMALL h.'uwe or t.at. turniMiirq or partly furnished, at reasonable rent; must b roodern. clean aud In good locality. AC 4!. Oregonian WANTED Furnished &-room bungalow for months. S or 4 blocks from Sandy b!vd. H. st of care; ref-rences; $40 or $45 Two adults. Tabor 1 47. WA.NTKl 3 beoriHim. modern, unfurnish ed house or burga.ow In a gooii dts:., 3 adults: ri rhn.iren; wiil lease. Main Mil or ltf 4M. oregontnn WANTED TJ RENT, bv respohiib: pro p'. 4 or 7 -room f;irntsh.l houe. east yde; r-asor.ab e. t?!i-. 550. ft l it 4-liooM liwu.-. unf urmhed' .r part- ij lurnisneti; sin.i rtM-'ii .pace; c.ean a r fl rv..n h A L rg.in.an. t u r. s a U before 10 Wanted 5 or touii iH,..urn with jarifi". r:i- m. Call A. M., Mar Kali 3720 W" ANTED ftr May 1 by coup w:th slx. monthi baby. 3 or 4 -room furnished house; can furnih own Ik-d room suite. W'U l--a. C.i!l Tn bog 4' I 5oi- i'AV. 42.50 Wh,k up. ciean. balh Ifr itot-I Cadillac, 3d near Jeffron liinKK larrfe par ti 1 urn. shed roo.na. lit 21 !- ier yreet ! COS V ItASE M EN'I SLEEl'I G RtOM! ::! PER WEEK. EAST pl'.'O Si.r.n rtotn. lo .o il- .'J Junn .11 : I oef '. .-.ii I 1 ii and 1 h. lr. it.toi.C room JU".i 1 1 tii ; corner ,.f ',a Mar K72. SLEKP1 N . room, c o.-e t-g w--pta. 101 N"i ih 2;ti1 Phone Mam 45 "J 1 1 It 2 GENTLEAiEN . uiea.s 11 dt n d. , 3Q I teuton East N71Q r I i. . iSlt Ei se eping room uital for i t e :;i'o 4th st. I Ft i;i.-Hr;i) rooms tor rent. ,5 est 1'irk St. NICELY lurntsht.I room in gootl. close-in lot w If y -tn Wet Par k S t. I nf urni.lieJ Rin.ms. ! t oil l w c-.it a -ed rooii.. "hut and t old water. In lovely home, for one or twoi a:. single room. .Main AM 4. i WILL GIVE good care to child under 5 in my home, close-in, will room parent Eat 7i2. LARGE, airy room, very best home cook ing. Call 358 Larrabee or phone East 44;;.!. . ROOM and board for working girls in a nice home, for $0 per week; home priv ilege. 208 N: 2:td g;. Main 5450. NICELY furnished room. h. k. privileges if desired, nice home, close in. 204 30tb st. Mar. 3:i05. BRIGHT, sunny family for I ave. Phone Wdln. C223. front room in privaiaa th board, pn vt imams REFINED family wiil care for child or children of widower; room for father if desired. Rf asonabie. References. 033-92. Cn.i-OiicN cared for, good Home, good care. 12 years' experience; near good school- references. Automatic 320-91. rnHVKH miartmpnt. semi-basement, new furnishings, iarge living room w ith al cove, kitchen and Datn, iignt ana nei, reasonable rent; Irvington car. 592 Han COMFORTABLE 2-room furnished apt. ; gas range, stove heat; also I' room, fur nished, with sink and conveniences for cooking; large closet; adult. 563 Market st., apt. E. . ELEANOR APARTMENTS, just opened; new and tastily furnished ; exclusive place; nice surroundings; a few left; some unfurnished; one to . five-room suites. 544 East 7th st N. " TWO-ROOM apartment, front rooms, heat, light and gas; furnished rooms, neat and ciean. Come and look them over. 110 E. 20th st. South. Phone E. S0A1. $ per month. CCM WKRLAXD APARTMENTS. . Two ant3-room furnished apartments, a'.l outside rooms, walking distance; adults only. Main 1084. West Park and t'oiumoia. , s FURNISHED APT., 3 rooms and batn. corner apt., well furnished, clean, walk ing distance 10 minutes. 355 Hall, cor ner' of Park. BONNIE BRAE. . Three rooms and bath, nicely furnished and clean; adults. Irvington district. 514 Hancock. IONIAN COURT. 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern front apt., 1 block from Washington st. ; adults. Phone Bdwy. 2761. . UPPER, clean, neatiy furnished modern t-room nat ana Datn, rent reasonable. 800 E. fith st. N. Union ave. car. FURNISHED flat for rent. 507 Prescott it. Phone Woodlawn 15S8. 4-ROOM, modern, nicely lurnished flat oio oommerciai st. Phone 319-01. NEWLY done flats, very nice, fireplaces. i-uupic. pop vast Aiain, walking distance. A VERY" attractive bungalow apartment ot o rooms cau ue uau a i ucauiuui rw- , t , - 1 don Court by taking over a 6 months iHj 4-room flat; adults only. lease at S75. Walkinc distance. New and strictly modern. 530 Montgomery. 1 uitNdfahii.-X) na-t for rent, $30 a month. A. FOR RENT after March 1. 0-room un furnished apartment, high grade, cen trally located, excellent service. Broa-d- way zzvi. 55 E. 27th St., cor Oak. Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSMAN APTS. Larcre 3-room aDt.. separate- bedrooms. 4 closets, desirable. 730 Hoyt. Main 1552. inp NICEST housekeeping rooms In thw tiLy, everytning new and clean, excel lent heat, everything furnished, $15, $20, $25 and $30 per month. 408 12th st. Main 3S20. ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern apartment, garage and garden, corner tn ana Lambert ave. Residence, Sellwood J91, or Main 4S. CLEAN, steam heat, H. K. rooms, with free electric light, pas, use of bath and laundry; single, $3 to $3.50; double. $5.50 Jo $6; walking distance. Hendricks .Apts., tiu glanders St., corner 15th, 3 NICELY furnidhed housekeeping rooms, private lamuy, uaas aaaition. reason able rent, references. Eah-t 7435. H. K. room, with family of 3, 12 minutes walk from Meier & Frank; could cafe for child: rent very reasonable. Auto. 52-54 NICELY furnished large room with kitch enette, gas range, clean home for nice . couple: resaonable. 71 N, 22d St. A CLEAN, BRIGHT H. K. room. 2 rooms for $18 a month. 303 Grand ave. S. East 02O. AND 2-rm. apts., plain but clean"; s ttove heat. 325 Schuyler st., close In. East 0118. PLEASANT, large, clean h. k. front room; responsible people; use of piano; walking distance. Main 512. 603 5th. $35 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms; adults only, no smokers. 425 East 57th; also garage. VERY exclusive bedroom, furnished In Ivory, two closets; home privileges; close in. Broadway 5718. FOR RENT Two large housekeeping rooms suitable for working people. Call Sunday. 088 Commercial st. ErAAT;Tf;,nW teta FURN-ISHKU housekeeping rooms, single minute. 1 to 5-room suites; exclusive place. For particular people; aJso fur nished. 544 East Seventh North, IIVDRR V KW M A NAG EM ENT. Upshur apts.. 406 N. 20th. 2, 3, 4 and S-rnnm anartments. steam heated, fur nished and unfurnished; reasonable rates. NEWLY furnished room and kitchenette,' $30; also room and sleeping porch, with kitchen privileges. 6S9 Flanders st Mar. 2 63 5. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room modern bungalow apartment. S. S. district, 29th and Belmont. Excellent car service. Ta bor TOOS. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room apart ment with glassed-in sleeping porch, ma hogany furniture, oriental rugs. 200 1-. ltn i.ivil.l.K COURT. Nob Hill district for rent; furnished or unfurnished 3 or 4-room apartment. Broadway 20 1 BOARD and two rooms, in private family for young man with mother, who want a good home. AE Oregonian. ij'iLL board one or two small children: s room for mother if desired; price rea son a hpjriiir goo lOc.n lor phone. furnaei irtirf st hu n ; ou th, rtKsonaoit'. NICELY furnished room. Sunnys.de dis trict, brenktast if desired; also garage. Aut. 2U-00. DESI RA BLE. clean. rnlern room, walk in; distance Reasonable. Adults. East 348. NU r t..i . inic distant 1557. sheu sleep. ,ig rooms 5u King, st, N. Bdwy. Fl K. 1SH wit hout o7:. !i .! room and bath, with or loard: Kindle man. Woodlawn ll'i Cleveland ave. MCLi.l Iurnij.ii. u rooms; vva.king tance. he a t. . :eh :. bat h. phone. 120 I' I- F-- T-ll LARGE, c ean. light room with board; every con enience ; close In. Phone East 701 1: r WILL C.aRE for 1 or iittie giris in our modern home; reasonable terms. Call after 4 P. M. Tabor 0432 BOARD and room, the home must be seen to be appreciated; rates reasonable, m-odt-rn. 3:1 Harrison. . Mar. 3903. . NEAT man to snare room in private home; furnaCe. bath, pia-no. mending, washing, for $40. Tabor 7235. STKAM-I! BATED room . board if desire!. Young couple or working girl preferred. Waking distance Main 44M. .. . YOUNG married couple, no children, will rent nicelv furnished room, board if de sired. Mar. Dm. 7Q1 Hoyt st, SPECIAL 3-room newly painted and fur nished, downstairs private enimuw, iu ning water; suitable for 3 or 4 adults. 125 412 19th st. N., cor. Vaughn. PARK APARTMENTS Four-room front apartment, on third floor of first-class house ; electric elevator. $60. Phone Marshall 2381. - JULIAN A APTS., 45 TRINITY PLACE: 3 ROOMS .FURNISHED. SEMI-BASE-MENT APT. AVAILABLE FEB. 14; 2 h E DS. ' IDA MO A FT. T'nor now manae-ement. 2. 3 and 4- room ants, for rent, well furnished. 380 6th st. " or double; gas;' walking distance; free iig-hts, bath and phone; reasonable rent. 549 Vs Morrison. 2 LARGE front h. k. rooms, evervthinir included except heat, walking distance, near Grand ave. and Hawthorne, very reasonable. Auto. 217-14. FOR RENT Two furnished h. k. rooms With Water. H-hto a n H hunt fiipnih,l 1 sleeping room, large. 665 First st. N. S. car. H. 'K. ROOMS, walking distances chil dren, 275 Williams ave. East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. TWO LARGE, clean, airy rooms; kitchen has sink, pantry; .very reasonable; close in. 454 Taylor 1 H. K. FRONT room upstairs, nlceiy fur nshed, furnace heat. 441 E. 13th st. East 1441. - NICE, clean housekeeping room with closet and kitchenette. 475 Clay St. 1 1 X'FtTR NISHED AFT. Lovely 4-room ivory, enameled apt.; T , heat and telephone. $40. bus J. Gusan st. nwvt 4 v oartments. Irvington o out side rooms: hrw. floors; French doors; steam heat ; washing mach. clnr. : Jan. service ; adults ; $. ATTRACTIVE large front 2-room h. k. apt., ioo j-iui district; walking dis tance; reasonable. 624 Flanders near 10th. Bdwy. 2125. r NICELY furnished, spotlessly clean, iron. apt.. 2 rooms, 1st 'floor, private entrance. close in. 474 Clay. Mar. 4iir-.. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, gas. light and Lea.ui neat iurmsnea, across from dental college, near chiropractic college. 423 Pacific st. East 8404. H ANT HORN APTS. NICE large h. k. room with kitchenette. sleeping porch and hot and cold water; also nice clean bachelor's room, $10 per mm. m. xx,t i l. mam an a a Modern tront 3-room apartment with 2 W" EL L -F'UR N IS H'ED front H. K. rooms private balcony.' 251 12th st. vir.E -'.rm Dt. at the seryi apis., oiro Lo ve.i o y st. Phone Main 6254. witn kitcnenette. wa Wsrht n.hna heat, bath free, walking- distance $25 344 College. BEAUT1 FU L 4-room apartment, p'.etelv furnished, facing the Douglas Court. 425 West Park. 423. com park Mar. THc AMEKICaN Moaern. i-room apart- mer.u Broaajyay qooq. 5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat. 561 Ulisan si. 4 ROOMS, 1 block school and car. Searte, r.rs& iasi ousau. $13. 3 ROOMS and bath, garage 1055 Williams ave. if desired. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur- Ji5Lu -.. v. rooms, jio up, including ..yj'i. - mcj, cicuLii. ng ii pa, munary room. wJST SIDE, light housekeeping, 1 and --room, nice ana ciean, $3.50 to $5.75. iitr. iv x. ou pack ot Auditorium Wash- water, LARGE, pleasant housekeeping room, walking distance. 372 14th st. Houses. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LTGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10 ST. VERY CLOSE IN. 6-room modern house, completely fur nished; located at 46 -E. 26th, between Oak and Pine; rent $40. Inquire at premises. LAURELH URST bungalow, 6 rooms, ga rage, furnace-, all modern; will lease to responsible- party ; furnished or unfur . nished; possession 15th. Apply today. 1115 Wasco, near corner 37th. 3-ROOM apt., toilet and bath. 048 Thur- man, near 20th. Marshall 4701. THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17-th. near ington. 2-room front ant. h. k. steam heat. r.,,iMc oir-nnim- nnrch and bath: new ly decorated and stove heat: close in; $30. including light and phone. Auto matic 324-94. 3n2 San ttaraei. a VERY NICE front room, suitable for - -Hmpr - also a smal two-room .t best location, modern. 57 Trinity piace. Bdwv 1796 NICELY furnished outside 3 and 4-room ni-ir tinted and enameled; win give hotel services to -bachelors; Hill district. Mar. 2945. Nob PRIVATE HOME, for working girl, home privileges. Walking distance, ere nee? requ ; red. Cal 1 Main 335:. with Ref- FULNISHFD rooms, modern home, rtas 'ti)(!n rates. walking distance. 301 H rriyon. Phone Mar. 3:o:;. LA lit K, con. I suitable for Flanrferw St., UOUM at-d bnrd to man and business girls. 395 Harrison 5 17-04. LEONCE APTS.. ISO North 22d St.. tur niqhpd 8-room apt., private batn, newly tinted. S47.50. Mar. 225ft. rultie st am - hen terL room. diet h net Ono talking apt. 34. Main LOOM nd board. 2 young men employed. :;:. Harrison st. Aut. oli-Ui BEAcTlFLu fun.tj-neo room vate home. 1S0 Clinton r rnt, pri- Richmond I RoOM for young man, reaotiabie. 505 E. Taylor, cor. 15th. TWO or three ei-erful un I ui nished rooma in private home: ouna man and his ; mother; west side. cioe in; peruiau eirt AK. 442. Oregon i- n. j & i.oi.l room t'T ..mi . ei a de. furnace 7 4o:n.. .lackson st. LA It G E unl urnislu U rM;u. n hih heat. , 3i Grand ave. N., 2 biotks from Broad-j way I l KMSili.l steep. UK loims, $25 each. ; ld oti Hieep.ng piuh. fc20 p.-f month. 144 N. 23.1 si. I N Fl KM SHr;U ruuiiu. near Mi-rrrn. 4 13ih. I urui-tieti Koonu in l'riate 4ainil . NICELY furnished rooms, close In. phone, plenty of hett and hot water, ot $3.50 per week and up. QoS R. Market. '1.1,1 fuin.ned room with large lothes j oets : iiio.lt-rn n in ven leu r-. reason- j ole. Suitable for 1 or 2 geiiiiemen. Ta- ' ; rt t i i i .t-i lAO porcu and dressing room; kitrhen privileges; reasonable. 792 Mar sh;.;i st. bor CLL.i.N. comfortable rooms, private fain ity. easy w at aing d ista nee. p.ent y of heat and hot wter; irve pr,ne. Call .lwv. 27 2 or tt57 Fane-w Ali'l'KKN 4 or i r.i,in bun.il,., kom! ilir trtct. tw adull . T.tb.r 4 IS I Sunda H t- 12 WANT a i.. location. "Wood awn .'il lea 5V. 15 for good Ca 1 FIVE or ti-iooiit n o-lern uniurmhed bun galow, near cirime. a-lults. not over $4tV ler iT-nn-n. I noil- .1UI tt rn TWO ROOMS ;n st-at:i-hea near hospital: kitchen pr. vil er e! Bdwy 4 '41 tt-d Pt nd . houje. laundry ELEGANTLY furnished trout room In a aw ell priv a to home, suitable for one or two young men. 71 Trinity p'arc. MY NEW HOME, juwt completed; one nice bedroom to rent to gentlemen; garage cose Tr.hor 7709. cottage for 1 4 ri'o;n unfurnished 1 ear if reasonable. Phone MAN with (4iii! renrn i N re i. w.mts furniAiiel bouse; V'M'ERN 5-r- 1 m b jr. vr W J . ii 2 1 v I Apart meat WANT El' A three or (our-rooin unfur n tailed rrtnent. must te modern w th ti CK-cupy March 1. Phone Main 2iH4 Stinr!v , JaAN WILL JiH'i. modem hom-; 45. Orcof-;Hn. a It. I b.a giVv'H. .OUNG coup.e ;sh farn.j-ii n - ghbrhod ; 3 or nior d. BJ 444. Ore -i I apt . i a , rooms. LAI'V i- join bui:u and rent an a;t. ' :n 4"7 Ore, T u i ;i i hr.-e cheerful uiilurnmne.i rm- In privji home ; ing ma n and his ti:ner, w e.t :-le. cto in; permanent AK 4 1. Oriom.in. 200 H TH. NEAlt JEFFERSt room, modern conveniences. Furnished walking LADY, alone, deserving and appreciative comfort-b'.e h.iue. wania few roomers 34 E First N Eaut lxi ULM" SIDE apartment tiouw rootu, close tn; plenty heat and hot water. Main 3t;2. CONGENIAL yourfg man roommate, twin beds, a .1 con ven encvu. p:a no, etc.. rate $3.5U 0'. N lth st Bdwy 2721 DESI RAltLK r.oiii in fie modern apart ment, walkmir distance, w f nt id?. gen CO.IY .hr.il.ui ROOM for g.tlemcn. in fine a jtartment house :3m :nutes to Broad v ;jy Hnd Mor'isnn. Main KOIT. EKY desirable noui in u.uoern home; $2 per week. Garage, close In. 1 block Sun- r.yside ear. SOti Belmont. Fast 1 2o2. . I C E root, rcraaouable. good location, furnace heat 253 North 21st. Main NICE room, employed. Mar 4440. meals, to lady ROOM, home. board, one gentleman; 570 Ladd ave. East 2333. BACHELORS HOMfc. one vacant room. modem. 2 meals. 246 E. 6th St. N. NICELY furnisned room with board: nt other roomers 501 Glisan st. Bdwy. 2562 BoA It D for children, brother's care, $20 mont h. Wdln. 028. 501 Going st. NICELY furnished front room and board. heat. 415 Multnomah st- . hnflt hi 23. HOME for 2 working girls in private fam ily; reference, Eaat 2078. W1L- give widower w.t.i board and rm"i. East 2S'i BAt It iORS' li. mi serve two meals. e has mo-; er RC'OM witn privileg-s. board. Bdwy lady preferred; home Nlt'E. prieii 3 731. , liKhu corner room, ail home w ithin wu Iking? distance. Main LRGE .ight trtnit rnm for rem :n mod ern home; walking distance. 8 E. tfth st N. E rs- M73 ONE OR family ; 231 fl. two-room apart :nent In private good accommodations. 121 No. COMPLETELY furnished room in new modern home for girls employed; every thing rew East 0216. or call 275 E. 46th. WALKING distance, attractive room. heat, hot wat-r; garage. Breakfast if desired. E-ist 5715. ih'.I.V ;urnlsti irss Sleeping room. GoJ location ; prh'ate family. Call East 3Li r v T4 K Oik. Koomi With It.Hrd. Park st. iront roiu lor man accustomed to i thing, uulet. modern piace. 32 I Marsha!! 17S0. ! orn-r of M::; FlKSl-t .-ASS roo horn-; r "omtb i i m modern prtv .'.- Northrup. iuix i n front room ; furnace lejji n-tb!e. CH Min -jits. NICE LA furnit-n do in. Mar, . i roo ui . very r M .tor. a L ie. 340J. 701 '3 Hoyt. .-t a.i- Ki''M wanted in private hoii wtth garg-: g-.ve thone number and term AN" 43, rgn n KA LI NO n;a wants ;ie-. ; be niTith. cioe iu and comfori.ale 5 un"umh'-t rinni w . ) l."Ih and Pi 1w. 11-4 n a: k-ttvgrove. Kmm W i t h 11, -a rt. Vp ANT a home wh re babv Kir: c.ir. 1 Vared for while mother is at w rk; rrrujt be firt-claai piace ard furri!h r ter res: west side preferred. AO 4.. t r- t.rao. fui n.ti e in Ej-t 1T:. f roo ii, a a J oler plug etit.-. Biw . 4: I. till . at. J . T .u-f clean 4t3 K ass 11 t. ii-rping roonu i.L ci . .. M a r. v. st - - . ..lid M nn 7''M. pieuty 1 reah uith bath. v nil el. R ESI l1 ENT I A L HOTEL 223 E. 20th SL I c mveniences of a home, combined hotel service. For appointment E tst 73N4. GOOD IU. i children me for 1 or i City. OF-12. WANTED Woman employed to room and board ; reasonable. Auto. 630-23. LOV ELY large front room, hot and cold water, fireplace. West side. Bdwy. 4033. WOULD bvaid and room 2 men in private home, near good car line. Wdln. 1374. CLEAN 4 OS E. breakfast near Sth. gentleman. WOULD like the care of a child or two. 2 to 5 years. Aut. 032-38. " ROOM with or wi tmut board, ave. Ea.-t -7. WARM i-oin i-i" 1 or 2. not water, close in. s v.-eeK. 513 Montgomery. 1CELY turmsned warm room, with board, walking distance. 7"3 Hovt. REASONABLE room n- iv;. fi. fil 1 En and board; Couch st. KOM and board i desired for young man. Main l'.isl. GOOD fnriii out hour.: shed front room with or wlth resnnle. Phone Eas't 1 1 H. LARGE, light, warm room; two beds; good bo:;rd : waikir.c distance. E. 445. .orvrvi furnished apt., suam neatea. close in; reasonable rent 30 E. 8th st. North. - i . v- nmnletelv furnished 2-room aiwrtment. $23. tVS0' Lombard st. St. Johns car. Piione uniumuui oi JT7T : . ,. i u a rooms, private batn. U condition. 414 Second, corner of 0o v FORTABLE 3-room apartment, .very homeiike and clean; Nob Hill district. Marshall 200. FRONT apt. of 2 h. k. rooms, clean, sinK. ana coia i 4 2 1 SlXt n St. Jiarsnau hot heat. NICKLOS APTS. 3-room -P"- "er heated; private bath; phone. 806 E. Gth st. N. vim. ith. BEAUTIFUL first floor, wav 10(3, -room apartment, fireplace, 509 Johnson. Phone Broad- NlCi-iLY furnished outsiae -rooni jp-'i-ment; light, gas and heat furnished. Auto. 318-42. 30 Hassalo. LARGE 2-room corner -api.. nlshSl, furnace heat, $28.50.. Broad- W 1 BUNGALOW apartment, 14o Grand a e. N: 2-room apartment, modern and new management. FOR RENT 1 and 2-room apts.f $10; 2 rooms. $15 per month, Sherman sl. 1 room, at 225 LIGHT, sunny : ment. close in, 20S 17th st. -room furnished apart -west side, quiet place. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENT. 5 rooms, unfurnished. Mar. 3ii. SINGLE H. K. rooms. 57 to $12: 2 and 3- room suites, $12 to $22; free bath, dandy lobby. The Vaughn, N. 19th and Vaughn. $32.50 3-room well-heated apt. lamoQK, near wimm- -4-ROOM apt., east side, $30. b Id g. a roadway 001 McKay. CLEAN H. K. room with kitchenette. lights.' private phone, steam ht in. 201 Columbia. Furnished or Unfurnisneri Apartments. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Upshur apts., 406 H N. 20th. 2, 3.4, an un,rhneniu. steam heated, iu: niched and unfurnished: reasonable rates. ONE SINGLE housekeeping room, suitable or one or two worsting men; reasonable 410 2d st. 1 S-LOUA1 housekeeping suite, one sleeping ranm alan li-hf . : i . , ...-v .yuocnccpillg DaSCment room, all reasonable. 107 N. 17th. vtMi: HTf.T, APTS. Five-room beautifully furnished front apt., good view mountains and city; also 1 six-room unrurmsneu. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, Clacka- pLa., i i wimams ave. ast :oi t. a - -1 a lip-hrful moms. Jd IlOOr. eas range, electric lights, large bath- one block to cars; ROOMS, h. k.. ciosr in. eloMri. ii- and bath, $800, cash or terms. 480 $35. East 2978. Flats. TWO NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, 713 otiio.v uouievara, corner ist and Sandy. fnone Hiast 5 LARGE, airy rooms; east front, southern exposure; ivory enamel finish; hardwood floors throughout; fireplace, gas range and Ruud heater; choice close-in east side location; rent $50. Ca-U Broadway "049 or go to 297 E. 21st, near Haw thorne. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat light and telephone, walking distance. cniwiren welcome. 170 Stout st. 3-ROOM modern upper flat, also one 5- room tiat; rooms iarge, uuuy ,i..., newlv tinted: 15 minutes' ride on tulton car 2d and Morrison, $20 to $oO. 5roaa way 6207 Sundays. LARGE furnished h. k. rooms in bP- ment, running water, use of phone and o ivi o n t g o m e ry . 2-ROOM apartments; everything fur nished; furnace heat; close in; reason able rates. 372 Broadway st. NICE, clean, quiet housekeeping room. .o0 week up. 364 E. Morrison st. FOR RENT 0-room house on west side, . corner 14th and College, easy walk to business district; fine view; $50. Lued demann Co., 013 Chamber of Commerce IRVINGTON, $60; 510 Tillamook; vacant, marvelous duplex, lease, also 6 rooms and double garage, $75, lease. R. T. ' Street, a pent BUNGALOW, 0 rooms and den, modern except furnace, unfurnished or partly furnished; Beaumont ti&trict, near 37th and Knott sts. Call Tabor 5018. 5-ffOOM coLtage, clean, worth $15. SS7 Thurman. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth, w MODERN 6-room house, sleeping porch ; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. 38 Glenn ave. Hawthorne car. Owner there from 10 until 2 Sunday. ATLAo TRANSFER. Pianos movd, $3 and up; furniture moving in proportion ; get our price first: all work guaranteed. Bdwy. 1207. STRICTLY modern 0-room bungalow, garage, good district, near school. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR. 206 PANAMA BLTHL PARTLY furnished 4-room house and bath, gas, elec. 1'none war. iwii or on prem ises from 1 to 3. Sunday. 4515 07th St., Southeast. 8-ROOM modern Irvington house, newly decorated; quarter diock, aonoio garape, Ruud heater; rent $85. 792 Hancock. Call Mar. 007, room 710. 4-ROOM house for rent; attic, full cement basement 80x120; chicken house; rent $27; Woodstock district. Tabor 2225. ELK TRANSFER & "STORAGE. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. 0 Moving for less. Broadway 2443. FOR RENT 5-room upper flat in building BUSHMARK, Wash., st.. cor 17th CleaiT cii,h ;iiKn sta.. convenient to m ' .. T ' ' . . Iean- E. 60th and Ghsan sts., convenient lo ear line: rent only S2l. A. n. 5irreii- Gill Co., 210 N. W. Bank bldg. 4114. Mar. modern, one. and two-room outside- ant. also sleeping rooms. Broadway 5463. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Three-room iiat with bath, large private ion,o un obstructed view; gas heating system. Phone Marshall NEW 2-ROOM H. K. apt., just completed; nut miu waici, iurnace neat. Last 8954. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FRER. Moving for less. Phone Broadway 2445. VERY attractive 4-room upper flat, newly tinted, rine view, guuu suu' f.o. ih heat, water and gas range. 001 Front, corner Lowell ave. frflr. SINGE steam heated housekeeping rooms, $4 to $6 per week. 3 47 13th st CLEAN, comfortable h. k. room. 2. week and up. 3721 Hawthorne. MODERN 5-room unfurnished upper flat TWO furnished rooms, gas. lights and for- rent at 4bS E. 12tn; MWiy uniea and painted throughout; rent $j- ln- quire v aKgiie.u, t" 1V- water furnished, $18. 371 East 7th .st. S. 5-ROOM second-floor flat, furnace built- in buffet, etc., one diocb. eoum " -thorne, on E. 10th St., close in, rent $30. Phone Marshall 3016. LOVELY, large, clean housekeeping room. Qua r.ast jiauison. iiJast 89 11. 1-ROOM h.. k. apartment with sleeping porch. 7-45 Hoyt st. Marshall 2541. FOR RENT 5-room flat (lower floor). TWO ROOMS. $15 monthly; hot water al ways; bath. laundry. 655 Flanders. H. K. APTS.. not ana i iu - trie llgntF, oatu anu . --- 17th st. Phone Broadwa 429.. JULIANA APARTMENTS. . 45 TK1.M1 I prRXISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS will clve rent of apt. for wiring apt, ?H at 389 Sixth st. Main 9520. ROOM apt. witn stove neat ana a.s range, running water. East 2723. 305 Grand ave. South. 748 E Taylor St.; good location, only $20. 141 I -A. H. Birreil-Gill Co.. 216 N. W. Bank ph bldg 141 ELEVENTH, h. k. suite, $32.50 month; one, oatn, ngnts. iront n. k., $7. NEW MODERN 5-room unfurnished flat, first floor, good location, two blocks from car, n Sellwood. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. pcone cawy. qiq. IRVINGTON Attractive 14-room I at, slee-oing porch, furnace ; $40 ; adults; also 8-room flat, So7. UNFURNISHED 4-roora modern ilat; water, light, gas and phone free, $20. Sellwood 3201. "DR1CKSTON APARTMENTS. . 44 llin oa. Vice 'modern. 2-room. apartment. -SMALL two-room apartment, light. heat, batn ana pnone iui maiu , -.--no. .ORToMA HOTEL. Portland's JMato 3 h.gh-c'ass family hotel: rooms suite or ;ngi with or without b ard. for families and business men and women. We g ve vou all the comforts of a hum K-as :.a b!e r tes THE MaRIA N Nicely f urnishtd r m;s and s p. en did home cooked niea!; all conveniences. a refined and homelike piace for business people: moderate rat-". 5:5 Glisan Bdwv. 2438 .rn:u t.dro , g hup-. ,Cs i, wa.kir.g di A'Jt. 31-2U. lfeES I i'LN I I.a L. BO A Kui.Vii nuUSE. OiRi Hawthorne ave. at l.v.h. Nice, largo room and sleeping porch, suitable for two; could acrrounmodate few t b le bo.v rde r s, OOC1 room, nice home, near Multnomah club, 2 meals; gentleman. Main 2219. oiuiortable tl- UOARU and room, w?st side. J2S 13th St., or :t''2 Hall st. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 children ic first-etass home. Aut. 041-11. ILL Kive good bonrd and mother's care to rhi'd. Tnbor 4250. m LARGE front room in modern home. 62 Glisan st. 3 - ROOM furnished walking a;siaii East 2930. apartment, clean; 71 Grand ave. N. WESTON I A APT.. 606 Glisan St.. I -room furnished apt., private with all modern conveiences, $4o. COLLEGE 3 rooms, moaern. wanting ais tance Sleeping porch, light and warm. 3d- an'dVollege. Mar. 5555. - viCK LO S A P T S. 32. steam heated, pri " vate bath, phone. SoO E. Cth N. Wdln. 4971. ATTRACTIVE 6-room, oi 2 East salmon, betw. 13th and 14th; references; adults. $30. 4 ROOMS, nicely finished, strictly modern adults only. 12594 Belmont sL Tabor 74 5S. ' 5-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view, good order, iirepiace, iui -, to .-v. 3S9H 10th st.. south of Montgomery. SIX LARGE beautitu: rooms, oath. Dutch kitciien. on car mi-. q-. LARGE housekeeping rooms. 186,. 401 h. E. MORRISON ST., 1 or 2 rooms, k. apartment, under new management H. K. ROOMS, 171 N. Broadway 1847. 17th; h. k. rooms. 7-ROOM house, 170 E. 74th St. N., 1 block from car, suitable lor J. lamnies. laoor 4318. Main 5887. .Will lease IRVINGTON 6 large rooms, 2 fireplaces, garage; rent ail or part. Also furnished ' houses. During week, Main 9012. $20 PER MONTH, 4-room modern house and garage, garden. Auto. 618-27. 0409 73d st. S. E. MODERN 6-room house on car line; pos- ( session by the 15th. Owner, 328 Fes senden st., St.. Johns. 4 LARGE rooms and bath, Just refinished, yard, and garden, $25. 487 E. lSth, cor ner Division. Sellwood 3700. 3 LARGE ROOMS, modern conveniences, cement basement, fruit trees; $11 per month. 0424 03d st. Phone 631-80- F1NE Irvington home for rent, gas fur nace. 691 Hancock st,, oetween J.utn ana 21st. -ROOM house, with 6 acres land, all clear, bearing orchard, good barn. Call Tnbor 5223 FOR RENT. Large, eight-room house, west i walking distance. $40. East 7355. LARGE front apartment, $5 week. 271 Russell 2 to 4 today. $3.50 WEEK TJP Large downtown fur nished H. K. rooms. 253 Wash. LARGE front room, free phone and bath; range. .SIO OtrT st. SEVERAL 1 and 2-room apaftments, $2.50 to $6 weekly. 108 10th st. 2-ROOM apt., hot and cold water, single room for neat man. 3O0 12th st. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, clean and light. Furnace heat. 204 12th st. 1 FURNISHED housekeeping room, suit able for one or two people. 168 N. 18th. NEWLY tinted 5-room upper. 27 East 12th North, near East Couch.- Adults. 5-ROOM modern fla Phone Mam 0120. 73 Wilson st. $30 MODERN 5-rooin flat. 538 Second st. City oaraeti. j.o- NEWLY cleaned, desirable flat; fireplace, furnace. 30 Graham avenue. 2-ROOM apt., also 4-room casement apt., Berkeley Apts., 39 Trinity Place. Bdwy. 5 Kv'OMS lisiAir. partiy furnished, m rvin- distance. $20 mo. 325 E. 7th. Un .. . . 1 . p,r. --.!; aiKU. W A NT home for e' dari v iad eat Me requires Lttia attention. AK. 4!ti ore- ' .-7 Hoowkeypinc Room-. i .1 v hru 4U, Ut- N i;:R oii.iie. 2 t 1 man f urn. shed f. ,-lt t ten hest'ed TO')!!. I ic'nt housekeeping, near S 421 t r- - ,n Flat-.. $J i.'.H c;KIO"l l.L Y GIVEN for infern.at srur.nf suitably fummhej or unf ur riffled flat or hou, wn, within ten tnir utf w:kin d.s'anee w e.-t ;de : t" j t h rew av?e M 4 T T- a - WaNTEI - Bv March 1. lr..r 4 -r A -from i at. 3 ado t t 'rr'l H 4 ; t v-e .r. an and luTiine-a I'U WAXTb.) to rru twin :.j hop. Mut be low rnt or.--i J 4 15 Or-- '-: p Av N r .-. ; to ra: :).-.; l-ir ' v n nvina; must b caeap. Ortgoaiaa. r" i . i . h.it Bdwy. 3 4 ROOM AND BOARD, beautifully furnished I room with or without sleeping porch, at ! 32.5i each for two young iadie; a!so finale room; laundry priviiegesi. Broad - j way 243 j EXCEPTIONALLY large, nice room with j bo.rd for 2. living room, laundry, home ! privileges; you'U likt our meals. 244 N ! 24'h. M.r. 4Dt. Table board. , ti i.i lie 4 young 0 a& in ess peopir or medical students in my newly furnished 2.-w l.TH ST . l i nf 'tn' Kv - i lor Jefi- on. or.e. ST I a home v rCw ood Boi u if MOKE cn furnished E.-.i't Stark ,-Jt. Adclts ed h. k. ruoma. N K. I i.l f oniy. ir.itu-d ro..m in pr.vate home.: UWei"id- , MALl. 3d fi-Hr s.eeping r.-.m, suit-bie ! ! t r worKi-g pi.- ft.:-.' Klarders t. ! Tew! jL---r i'KMSiiU) room. I7i E. '3H;n st" Ivvv- .ursti r -tr.t. mleru. withj a .in 1 or I X E R i i ..in-. aTi e.-av . :t:, mn, Irdnf ! teL-l'LNG nwoi. itit lu. jita sl avv. i FURNISHED - room aim small bo-rding house: X 4sT- pnvate bath suitable for LARGE sleeping porch, tao beds, sitting . room. two c!o-ts, walking distance. 7ood Tiea's. 2t5 West P.irk. fc-cond nome- r auto rcp..ir and on goud 32S TENTH ST Well furn.nlie.j f ioor room, hot and co J water. ckpd i-i-a-si- A utn. All -37. F.OC M ard b.ard fo- bus.resa gir.i; ail tr.i'.ifrn conveniences. 5 pr wek Auto. LOVELY home, spiendtd heat. . walking distsnc. I 210-74 12 E. 7th sf. having rom and board, use garage; 1 block from MAKTH WASHINGTON Room, board for ;rls, mod. rates. 3$o loth. Mar. 125L Irving st. Marshall 441Q. 5151. ' CHiDRLN v. ill receive good ca Tn s-'HtOM fur. apartment. Very desirable. home of motherly woman. Aut. 630-25. second floor, heat, light and telephone MODERN .rooms witn board, reasouauie. furnished $30. 1 OP N. 18th. at 428i- iin. Phone Alarall 2515. NEW YORK APTb. 2-room furnished r.OAltD and room. East Svil. Close in. ' $30 including lights. E. ,th and 7. r Belmont sts. : nrniHhed Apartments. a-ROOM front, corner, strictly modern; 375: MAIN 3Slti 137. 5U. walking distance; range; $50 a mo. Call Artistically furnished 2 rooms and 706 Evetett. Phone Mar. 3716. small kitchen apt. ; walking distance. THE ALT WIONT APTS light, comfortable and clen; garage if ,.room furnished front apartment and de-i-M Main 310. bah sr0. Main 6375. XJv'ELY fuftiishd new 2-room apartment; KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. walking di tanc. ra;l from 3 to 5. Troom strictly nodern. elevator, tile 7'l Pav's st , me block off Washington. bath ilth and Montgomery. Main 850. M. completely furnisTied. to sublet . ,.7 9 rn.im, nriA Tooth r!ns I for two months. Inquire Imperial Arms MODERN -APTS 3 rooms and path, close Xn-, 14th a"d Ciav. in. 414- 4tn st. 3-ROOM furnifclied apt., well lighted. East 2 MODERN rooms, furnished, adults. 315 .v.04.- N. 22 d st- ; 3-ROOM upstairs apadmeat. hot and cold 2 AND 3 -ROOM modern apts.. tiie bath. ! water, bath, etc. AVdln. 3122. Mam 1032 Buena Vista apts. Vuv'O ..o LVi i.T --..in. 2ur.iishcd UNION AVE and Kiliingsworth. fur. apt.. r-t .-nt 425 AV'-st P - r . Mt 4"3 $24 50; al! complete, co-crete ouiiding. 5-Itoo..i unfurn.shed -p-rtmuit I, r r.nt. SAN M ARCO ATTRACTI VE. AIOD 3-RM. Th. M-iP,,r. 714 K--e-et. Main 3104. APTS. WALKING DIST. LAST lHvi). ... A , u ..i-TS., .".W31- Lu.of. ave. N.. ioom 1 CHOICE 3-room apt. well furnished. .-.-t F.-"t "'"4't clean, light. a:ry: adults only. East 85S NICE ligiit -PL room I.,r fjur; heat, light 3-ROOM front apartment, walking dis- phf.nt free. 3 I2rh tance. 328 Mill, near Broadway. IN nurn.. S53 Yamli!il. rooms MORTON APTS. 3-room fur. 'pt. 6&7 1 t.etme-itc- 5t pe- wek and up. Washington st. Broadway 1W8. La u . iSbta room mate to share modern apartment, reasonable Marshall 133a FLAT 5 rooms and bath, $25. v i si on st. ' FOUR-ROOM modern upper flat, outside rooms : $2 per month. S31 Garfield. $35 ELEGANT. modern 6-room close in: adults only. East 350. flat. I- urmstied Flats. 4-ROM fiat walking distance, -nice view, good order. $32.50. 389 16ttt St.. sputn of Montgomery. Vinney. 57 12TH ST. Basement h. k.. walking distance: private entrance; men only. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $3-$4 per week. 85 West Park N. MODERN 8-room Piedmont house, par tially furnisnerttt also nouse in aeuwooa and Lents. Phone Milwaukle 44-Y. BEAUTIFUL new b-room Laurelhurwt home, $85; lease. 1185 E. Dayis st. Auto. 231-28. I BEAUTIFUL, . modern garage, 12-room house and large grounds. $85 per mo. Tabor tieignts. main 1 -.. ALBERTA 5 rooms, gas, bath and elec tric lights, $25 month. 1134 E. 25th. N. Wdln. 150. ' . 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 615 Union ave. N, cor. Stanton; $25. Inquire 307 Railway Exchange frld'g YOUR rent small payment buys half acre 6-room house, west side, 9c fare, 4614 East 41st st. 5-ROOM cottage, linoleum and range in kitchen; nice garden spot; rent $22. oO. Broadway Bm. jionoay. NICELY fur. H. K. rooms. 473 near 13th. Main st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Famil y. CONGENIAL coupie may housekeep In lovely private home, with one adult; wa 'king distance. Tabor 7024. 3 LARGE h. k. rooms, upper floor, partly furnished, modern, walking distance, 409 East Oak. MODERN bunngalow, furnace, fireplace. larira varrt mt4 Vancouver ave., ..- quire OHU v iuihuih ave. Wdln. lOOi 3 LARGE h. k. rooms, lower floor, mod ern. walking distance. 46g E. Oak st. 3-ROOM apt.. Nob Hill, walking distance; light, water, phone. 666 Hoyt. FURNISHED flat, 3 rooms and bath. 400 Fourth st. tan aiternoons ana evenings LARGE rooms with bath; furnished. Woodlawn 3558. beautifully 4-ROOM furnished flat; heat, phone, light, v.ith or without garage. 124 E. 15th st. 6 ROOAJ3. furnished. East 16th and Alder st. $50 ; no children. East 3607. 141 LEv ENTH, 2-room neated flat; phone, bath, wardrobe. $36" month. A-TIRACTI lY. furnished flat; room Can be rented ; reoso'yi ble. 630 Marshall THREE-ROOM FLAT. modern; adults only. 504 E. 22d st. South. THREE-ROOM furnished flat with bath. 16-8 E. Yamhill. LOWER furnished flat, porch, bath. Tabor 3S7. FOUR-ROOM modern lower flat, nicely furnished. $35 per- month. S31 Garfieid. 4-ROOM furnished flat; adults. East 3305, 200 Fargo st. $13 ; LARGE housekeeping Call 320 Salmon. rooms. Mill meats. 429 3d st. NICE, light rooms with kitchen: I 2-room apt. 402 Park. . LARGE steam-heated h. k. room; electric lights: $5 per week. 445 Columbia. L. ROOMS, hot-water heat; partly fur. or- unfnr. 780 Kearney. ' Mar. 3456. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping 6 East 7th st. S. 1, 2 OR 3 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 442 E.. 10th st. N. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, dirlts only. 105 M o n roe st. Wdln. 622. whkm loving, citv or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co.. Main 1201. 202 Alder street. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W Truck Service Co., 40 2d sL Phone Bdwy. 512L 7-ROOM house with garage. 797 TUla mook st. Inquire Frank. 9 North 2d st. 10-ROOM house, 107 Vermont st., cor. Cor bett. Marshall 4004. FOR RENT 5 or 6-room houses, reduced to $16 per month. 1523 E. Glisan st. 50 4-ROOM house and bath, south Portland. Marshall 3013. -ROOM house, in good conamon. shall B4ni. DELIGHTFUL R. C Park bungalow, $55. 601 E. 53d st. N. Tabor 371. FOR RENT 0-room modern, nicely lo cated. 534 E. 37th. Tabor 1035. MOivERN 0-room house. 171 E. 20th St., near Belmont. East 2880. $3u- 4-ROOM house. E. 15th and Wood v.ard ave. Phone Sellwood 45. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. Wdln. 4123. private family. LARGE front well furnished h. k. room, with kitchenette. 294 Jefferson. SUNNY front h. k. rooms reasonable employed people. 182 17th st. CLEAN, light h. k, rooms; close in; week. 408 Main. $3.50 TWO VERY first floor. large modern h. 240 13th st. -2 LARGE housekeeping rooms. Call 329 Salmon. 57 12TH Large, running water room, walking distance; business men only. NIC ELY FUR. H. K. APT. 710 LOVEJOY. 4 FURNISHED h. k. rooms. Tabor 3594. 0-ROOM HOUSE. 213 Grand ave. N. W AVERLEIGH HTS. 5-room bungalow, $30. S02 E. 28th st. WS car. 5-ROOM house, Aut. modern in every way. FOR RENT 5-room h'ise, near 25th. 795 K. Salmon. INSPECT 1030 lots, garden. : Grand. N idults. $20. , 3 rooms. Tabor 7055 $ NEW BUNGALOW, 7015 20 th ave, yari plait: 5 rms. 1 7Q8 E. Morrison. 7-ROOM house, splendid view, $30. Inquire 317 Willamette bivq. CENTRAL, modern, 2-family home, rooms. 2 baths, furnaces. East 350. REN T 5- roo m Borthwick st. house.. Inquire at $33 NEW 5-room modern bungalow, Sell wood; adults. Phone Sellwood 2019.