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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1922)
THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTIVXD, FEBRUARY 12. 1922 IS ni automobile. COVET motor CAR 'om pa vr W kep stoeke! her only cars we have not u yet rebuilt. Io t ujr pri- e. Mmin our car. Io the .) wUh car flieher. Jt is oor aim to ht the lowest rrtt-r in thi department to be fo-und ear her. TAus is truly a Bargaia Basemen L Taa Cat Are Not Rebuilt. l&ti 11&ctn Super-Six. newly pOUOtod $15 IMS ovr..d ' roltr lirtBj . . -r 194 dvimj tnormr ....... 12 120 fiu lire, b- co 3W JH Muvcll, Jot painted... 1 1W7 we, l. repainted, new tp - 185 Ddgea from to.... 4 IMS Dodr, Iron i2i to.... 5-J !: Lode 25 l! Fraaaira. now paiat. b- tery. l:ca 5- lS CAdlillW ................ tw 3 1 7 Cmdi..o 54 rhu.rn touring. LcctUMb T-'-O I'M I'tuiirnmrs 7S li.y touriac ....... 10 f luodiN- 4.3 Il'- Dort taurine 1923 Dcease 473 1M Ptre touring 3'. 1 Pairl Mit 7i I. I Ford murine li-ne.". . . sr-A l'l Chvmli touring J,M lUl 'hijr ' ; lUi u toariar. hcens. piot. good ttr. ... 55 1300 Ford coup, tew plt. ii-ens 45 1320 Ford sedan 44 IKf.l VKRXEA nm-it -4" si$ . se Brother scree aj ee& 2 A LWATS 'TUB PKT CARS AT THI Open Sundays. COVKT MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21.M at Waahlnrrtcn Sta. iWwy. 2ii. 2s-3o N. Bdwy. :A ALL. LATE MOIUl. "PEV AND CLOi-ED CAR. UK tMVK BKKV ORDKRKO To KMPTY OVK i ,p THK UH(i KT FULL i F t AKS. AT ANY PRICK AM ON ANY RtASu.NABLt TKKMii. A FK-V DOLLAR OR TOfR J 1.1. K'""1 " HK KoR M.I CA K A NEW Olt LATf i!OItL CA K. TO LOCOMOBILE. r rT WAIT; NOW Id TOUR OPfORTfMTr. OPEN EVENINGS. repp motor car co.. PHONE, BROADWAY 2T4. 132 nrtOADWAY N. OPPOSITE NEW rWTOKKICE. CONTRACT, 4iter Prospect. for one of these Korda or your Kinc to money: are rhotni our uacd car and only taka th ht. PKiXK. lKrd truk. li-J $m 1 'rd murine-, new body. 1W1 .... 4" 1 Knrd twfrin. IM'Jl rs 7. 1 r orl ronijUiT 1H I rd r-!Tr. with atarter. : 1 "nrd ran-MttAtil ; 1 evroift d:tvery. lttil ; 1 Kord de.iry .... ; We have a very L.IRKRAL PoHry on anti joa can :eei conrident thai wiii lr-at uu riht. 0 M AY MOTOR 00 . Auinrtr!iH Knrd I'eatrr. W taero Alberta 4'rofua I' num. Sl'NUA Y ALE. Barrn'ns, snpa. real buy and rrl-flc-s iti b scarce later in the spring, .x i W Is the time to get full value for your money. BARGAIN? OR BAIT? orn i and s. 19J1 touring, if it's In good shape. In't worth mor than $37 12 -iin. eira good lsO r.- ::er. re.'.i j.hed. natural wod h : fin tire, good a througn 345 19H rod'er. rrpatn:ed. gool rub ber, exceiirnt sape. only. is cupe. n am reen through out nop 47 11 touring. 122 lirens 1UJ tour. re overhauled 2Ii Trty k'rm to rhooe from. KKY N E EXACTLY AS K FT p R E -i-ENTEO PY I'lR SALESMEN. Bring ;n yrtur old car todav M'XNTNii MOTOR CO.. inc.. F? Broadway at I'nron A Kat T(02. FORD TOCRINXJ. gXVrt. t . w!h sho. k ahorberp. bumper and curtaina onir.g with doors; will discount for rai. Wdln. 42. 1921 TVrOB SEDAN CmRD TfRKS. FIKSTt'HS IN RVEKT WA. WILL TAKE TERMS AT $11... CALL MAIN 4ta, APT. Jl. E rAUJ'.T it;:, ot ai(o acceavwr.e tube. Ford Pr:, iigut g.obes. eia ; a. a do lowing, "r-n day and night. LONG SILVA Fworo rt 412 Hawthorne 19 HL'PMOB: LK demonatraior, 11274; cxrd tire, fx'.r on rmr, bum p r. taoto meter, ahooa absorbers; ti terma if rte red. Mr. Ireland. Bdwy 17 T)r So N Standard. E g hi. 1 12. license in cluded just like tuir.g sugar fur 4 Cents per pound STANDARD K.IGKT MOTOR CO. Park and (Mpfh Mtre-Tn. lllur 7v Fst EX TOURING. MechcU-i:y right. s;7i -VI O ALDER ST. ..r, i..-.. r vw u ill .tIm car in i PortIjid. pedomeier and otnr extras. 1 f-nt e a.T-K. i erni to reliable pr: 'a I W ; ;n 2fr.'. iUW Ei-L BUvi Kin condn.oa. t2o; trrT t response party. M Niger's rag-. Main and Washington. Mtwauki, NEW CtiE VKuLKT. rs. Chem.t par: and ' -r;ie now aval ahle at U Y ;LI.1.M.KY .MOTOR CO.. Ha-ir-ne Ave, .it i h- Phone E 7 fl'EClAL lU V. Stttaerher 4 lounof. In good 'R. ti.; rerrrs ' 1 niot A V F-t M IP! fOBJ:''- It. 1 LHer; t i'ir ; i . a new ooe: w.ii -i- 1 r' e mv :e-' "k and run like .fu-e for a ou.rk aaie "7r Nas.I sriort nvd i. arid run like rew t h - rv .vny loArt late H 1 . n.-w W ! i sacrifice. K Tv!f , . rape : r aow a 1J , erm. u Ur!nf C won- , - . . . ,sr-' I d. rf j car, nearly ha f price Est 7QH.V 1 HAVE an Oer.and 4 which I wish, to k: i." .1 r:-vs,-.;t: tour. r i I 01 l,!iJ,Vjm'.E . IylH Jut over- i :'iHt gMln. 237. ovrr.tu.d. JIIV Fy , r n, ' i'i ' hu.ed and is lu fme conditioa. Will l'.2u Fil. Dr:,,!!! Th.s car . in bear' I.-..- I-',,, 4.Vj ir.n. 4li sell . h-,ip. Call Ta Kr .n.-s.Vt shape. Pbone Tabor SftiS. D. : ctKI -i-fTK , o. r " KoKl ,oarl"- -lt overhauled, new tH FORD touring, with extra, $22i ! V ''I rv .v !K" W EAI ANCK EAr Y ' !'0, ' 'y r" r- " ' ,lKft Good condition. Tabor "41 T v " .E M M V T.'tt I B'KU .run U.y. ltoi. wi.i tk other CLA.-jV Kord oug with many extrg at a H.G : M-i oKHAKK': 7-pei -r. Jl.iai) ''v t-i ir Ee-t 4,7.1 n.-r-f.t e. Cili v.M Qarfie.d. ','t ' -Mr, m.t f cf ior u. .e. KoKO bug v rv net. Iota of pp. $;. lV , K'liU irum for tale or trad- 66U '" - " 'j ! HUH Q.'M Mar 1442. . .Mith aiu" S E 1 riuMi; LvkIjiw tojr- lu i-AKl.AN t :ourir,c! u.d rriva";r: l'.'l" Cl; A.n'jUK, cannot toid from " "., :'. ' h ' -' - nm-r f-.i. Sn : E tit 4.7 P M. w . 5'- 7 .'V : asy t?r ns. Wdln. 14 1 . U t ." AltVbatf-t. Ta&or t REV ROLET ro d ater for aia. CaU Mar. DKl, lt '2. S:arre-r. ahock and nmv. , 1 ' '' t -' 7J- K.i".v pt tor; other extrrt. S37.. Auro 3 1 -3, :t"f ' '.ii t:i . " 1 ' HT -.. .f-H Chalmers, sacrifice, OAKLAND light i Must sell today. 09 , '- ' -t ' " r i:au- .IT. -rni. no trade Ka. 581. week days. Kn.t S2d North- rS '' . ' , r. - t e i a i i.j . t i a i m. ..t. i -it .. .i , r u.r. p,-.cri nr .JTTli -i'iiN VV KITE. K-'.d r.tiid.t ioi ; iraue for , IT."". " " . i .t-'" Klt :.aivWt-r-k da- ! lou'ii'H car AM-r. u-,h-. 1 " Mi. I Ffu new, s.T.,. an; D.. kk !..... taa wu debt; lrZZZ btw.. Mvuua. iKMHOvd w-A must 1L casa or terma Tabor 140, cU Bdwy. 591. FOR MI.E-A VTOMO BILKS. WILXT3 OVERLAND PACIFIC CO PANT. Yoa tr are 'welootno at the Over. and branch Let us ahw you wkwui wa bkv. Get oar price and v ar aur yoa mill buy. 1918 Kord touring, refinihed. rw tnp t 525 lftl'O KorrJ tourrng, siartrr. r-fiiuahed 3W 19o Kord serial At nditioa 3S!7 Chvroiet. refiniahed ll I hevroiet, dandy con dition 250 Chevrolet. looks Uko r-w 450 191 todc tourios. fine hap 191 u ldamobi le, S-cy L. tour iK 423 OVERLANDS. Wodl H3. tourinc sood eon- dittoa 2X 81. tourtna;, good -condition J54 Afodl IH. tourtnar. sood con d.tioo J5r Mndei :o, tourinc rebuilt, re finihd 4,o Mdei 4 todrtnc rebuilt, re f:nihH m Moit 4 coupe. rebuilt, re finiflhed 730 W-4 Will; a Knuiht, 7-paasen-r 23 I9'0. 7-paa. N'aah. rebuilt throuchuut, nowly finished 1 10 DELIVERY CARS. Overland 8X neariy new 4fW 101 I VkJ k . r-n brtr iM One-ton Trustoa truck., with rah. Itke new Tho abnva Is a partial Come In, ak our ealesaian to ihuv you our barfain l"t. Special Eay Terius. Open Sundays and Evenfnf. WILLYS OVBRLAND PACIFIC MPANY. Broadway and Davis. Broadway 353.'. CLOSINO OVT. Our entift vtork of 1'aed Cars at unheard of price. Juat a few sample. I de (ow-K!khn ...J .JIM .. a . . s ! , . 110 j . . 22 A ' 4'haimers lid Maxwell Roadaiec Knrd btlf Osk.and Tourjnf . Keo Tourinc Chevrolet '1 . . . . . Kord ltd. delivery Liberty tourinc .. lit.'. . I-Ml 4U3 Many Others. Liberal Terms. P II. IH'XX MOTOR CO.. 10 and 12 Grand Ave. N. C or Kan t Burn id. Phone Eaj t ft 1 0U. The House of Better tiervlce. 1022 LKTIVOTOV DEMONSTRATOR. This ts a 1022 Ixincton I-arK. . iwt driven far enough to be niceiy . t broken In. romplftely euippa, and In perfect mechanical -ondi Uon, If you want a good buy in this very popular car. tail Mr. D Non. Broadway 2162- C G. BLEASDALE Will sell you a good used car. with real value, at a very reasonable price. Call and look over our stock car and light . vf iwuncmi), rnnv Terms. U0 ALDEH A. BDWY. 1J432. 1921 KORD SEDAN, lt22 license; best of shape. 4.&,V 121 Kord coupe. 1022 license, many extras. 1523. Call Mr. Williams. Broadway 32ft I. Braley. Graham A Childa. 11th and Burn ed Ms. BU1CK ROADSTER. mix Bnlck roadster, $400. Tltts car fs a real brain. Must se:l. PJione Mr. Caie. E. aJ.'. CLOSE-TITE TOl'H Convert opeu Fords and I'hevroleta to closed earn. Would oa rtde In an open street car? Then why not be comfortable in your car? lnahed on Ford tourmg. ft7.'Mi; Chev rolet touring, f 77 iO. Phone Auio. 331-70 f.r -no-!tt r t !on. 2U CHEVROLET TOURING. I.Ike new and ha some motor; runs perfect and looks like brand new; here is some bargain; MAO down, bal ance easy. Open iSund) . lrtih and AUIt rn. Murphy fotor Car Co. 1IIS REo '4' 3-PASrf.. 173. Dandy r.,r for fishing trip. Terms 7 down. $20 pr month. V. HILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., 'tiythorp- Ave, at ?t;h Phone E. 7. 1UIM CHEVKOL:t touring with good tires and in fine condition; has been well cared for and shows it. You wiU con sider it a good buy at 273. Phon 2"'V utn OAK LA N D i-tin. new pint, good t're. perfect runninr order. Small down payment, long trma on balauce. N'OCTHWEST OAKLAND Co. Bdwr .144 Burmtide St. P'22 STEPHENS M'uHT MODEL Brand new, at b.g discount- Sea Sp.idaboel and Rawlins, he Stephen Pfci;:?T, hixth and Everett. ALTO TRAILERS. We have a complete line and If we have not got what you want we can bui:d it fr.r you. 22 Front at O K t A LE Overland N."-!; new paint, top battery . 122 license, Al niechanii-al condition. 33 East 47th st. S. Tabor M 44. 4ORu car de;;very, 1913. in good mechan ical condition, good tirea. trade for cows, must be fresh next month. BF 420, Ore gon inn. iw-2 d o I h; e t du R I N o , This car Is absolutely same a new; can be bought at .:o0 discount. An unuual buy. 4t' Enat S2d st. N". 14 St'EClAL lit.heil, not a worn out car, looks well, runs well, ha good rubber; must be koM cheap or wi.l trade for light car or Lent truck. Mar. 1442. LA KG E phonograph, regular $ld machine for 7.Y Must sell, ruy term feed two months. Call N. E. Burkltt, 2"7 Seeing bids;. ii iVEKLAND Country Club, wire whv:a. mechanii-ai condition A-l. Price 2l. M udf bak' ltnh and GMsan. Phone Bdwy. Is FoKD ROAl'fiTKH, Many extra. 2S 530 ALDER ST. FOR KALE or trade for car, 2 lots on East Uurnside. near 91 st st. Free and ctrar. N. K. Durkttt. M7 Selling bMg. Bl lCK 4 touring. starter IA. Wanson , I n ion r-or.t str t. kovU rubbt-r. ave. and .Bei- SE LI-TRAD E T 4 Ex. -id car. reason abl or consider Ford bug. Write or ca.l Paie-.oofT :im N Com'l. Sn em. Or. TODDAUD-DAY TON roaaster. shape. $7.1 cash. Long-oilvi 4' Hawthorne ave. 1 n g id garae. LCK i Mo t 1 I.E. good roadaici 7J' r good for tH.K mi. . . wtage or truck; ad. AlM'EK.v'N . c v-u-pajengt'r . run only 15'H Tn.ies: good as rt.; w;ll take smail jcar :n trade price $I!t.Mt East MX7. "is FOliD i- i.r.i , car, very good corui"- , lion. Has "2i iatn. f :ndeba kt-r, I 1'Vh and G: y.-. I'hone 1M Broadway, j DO.'G E touring running cnditt for sale. $175; co7l ' Apply 421 . Ev 4-lh I st S. Pbone Tabor 3 I- t Wll.t. a first pa .d lat incdii tar aud cash nent on 5 or 7 -room modern irowd- ay 4-:oo. ti-;i M Y fine -ik..ihJ tiKintig car. in fine ".aye. f.r $1'..'.. s. me ter-n to responcH- FR A Nh'.i N' S LI A N 1:21 MODEL. LET Mfi lK.ViSTKATt THIS CAR. CALL T 121: VAST DAVIS ST. ILL aacril.te my L'.& S:udebaker Iig.t four. J.i rash. Jnst overhauled- Lau rf ni . M rh,! 1 Need ,oUP" tM ,'"h .,n"t -huled. ' ' orain. i14 FOR SALE AITOMOBII-ES. THE BOSS says oell 'emi so, if yi are in the market for an auto niooii of tte foiiowinc makes: OLDP MOBILE HATXES, N ATI ON A T, OVERLAND, COLE. OA K LAND, MITCHELL. CHANDLER. FRANKLIN, It will pay you to be on hand Monday moroina; for the bc clean up. Kor the convenient of thoae ho cannot be here Monday we m-iil have our ator open until 12 o'eioi k Kunday. BRALT AUTO COMPANY. 201 Burnsid 8L At Fourteenth. Broadway V0. LED CARS . PRICED TO SELL. 1010 Briscoe, new paint. 1922 i- cense, cord tir $ 4SA Reo 6, &-pasH.. like new ltM0 ltfld Nsh, new paint, overhauled, 0 rurateed like new M0 J!l Cole f. new paint, cord tires.. 400 RfMniT. lre wheels, & new -ord tires, new paint 1.1W 1019 Paia-e, -orlKinal finish 1117 Saxon . ."V-pass .uo l'J'Jl Kurd ro1fter, also inclosed delivery body 45 1013 Krankiin. jut the enr to so ca mpin a in this summer 300 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., Tenth and llurn-ide. Bdwy. 521. 1021 REO 1021. A -pass.. In wonderful condition. You can buy this car for 10Ot. Think of it. 421 Burnalde sL UUH'K ROADSTER Iate model and baa been rebored and new pfHtonti, ri ii(d and wrist 'pins and bearinir. jut like new in eve ay way, new tires and refiniahed the latest col on: will take haJf down, bat. monthly; take Kord with tarter, part payment. Open Kundavn, Dtth and Alder sta, MCRPHY MOTOR CAR CO. 102O BI'ICK Iluht ix by private owner; jT'iantnteetl absolutely in first-c-ass con dition : ortyinal finHh ; f uily equipped ; license ; new cori rubber, spare ; nrver orr pavmenl A real car; no agents. Tabor t.'Ki.V lit' OVERLAND touring; flew. This ii your chance t gt a new car at a-used car pri . Carries a regular factory guarantee. Price only Long easy terms. CRANNING & TREECE. 542 A!dr Jt. Bdwy. 1728. 1017 HEO 4. 5-PASS. Thla car Is in excellent condition throughout : has S cord tires and 18; litem. Price for quick Rale. k2j0. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO. !4Th and Morrison. Bdwy. SflOrt. ' OAKLAND :U B touring tar. piiyately a liahilv used ; tires, ton. curtains, pai and motor in A-l condition; worth JtWHi what will vou navT Best offer goe: Owner Irving city. Phone Auto. 51-6. Ro"m 221. Sunday or Monday 1fl19 T0 OO 15 TOURIVO. At.T- READY TO GO AT $.",". TERM FINE TIRES. FINISHED LIKE NEW CALL MAIN 4!07. APT. 31. TaLK about barrins In new (.or Ne Standard Eight. 4 and 7-rsenger, in eluding 1922 Ilrenie, :.t 1R2. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO. Park and Conch Streets. Bdwy. 7 5-TTA SSKSUER touring. 4-cylinder, 191 Reo. In splendid condition; A excellen cord tires, top Is good ma new; painted within last yea r. price imn ne-!ect to ee this. Phone Wd!n. 175 LNOTH ER tremendous bargain In auto mobiles New standard KlKht cars lHti2. delivered at Portland. 1022 license Included. Standard r,ight Motors to. Park and Couch sts. Bdwy, i tin. l'.Utf DODGE TOl KING .VM. New cord tir-. very good condition. Conrider Kord and easy term. L. V. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. H iwrhorne Ave. at 8rh. Phone K. 7 FaCKARD wriM 2. twin six 7-paasenge touring : Ideal for st age car; $300 will handie the f ;rrt payment. NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX. R42 Alder St. Bdwy. 1723. PRIVATELY owned Overland four, wit good rubber and equipped with neces. an rv accessories, lunt like new : S4.t must be seen to be appreciated. 303 E 41st. Auto. 231 -rA . lll i'KkiVH'Jl.KT: ext'cilent mechanica t-onditicn and practically new tires price lt0 cash. W, W. Harris. Route S. Oree.n City, Or ItEALTitHL SEDAN SACRIFICE. Extra equipment, late model, driven 747 miles; cost SCrO. want good buildin lot. Mue!r, Main Ih. lui: DOOGE roadster. $47.. . New top, cord tire Bisell A LiKter. 7th and Peimor?;. Evenings and Sunday phone MODEL ."! Cad ii lac touring, very f:n condition : 22 license: practically new cord Cre. All car neetTs 1 a paint Job. Phone Seilwood 2.0-. Price g'W. t wn.LYS-RMUIIl' tour.. '22 license, car run SmK miles: like new. Will sell at a very attractive price. Pfcone E. 1021 FORO. cost liiX. witli extras; tnls ia hnrrRin: also a rebuilt car with sport roadeter bo1y. very c'.&y car for two. Jourr.a nnrf. t12 JeffPTson 1M20 CHEVROLET like new. many extras, S.17S Call Mr. Williams. Hroauway 32hi Bra lev. Graham A Childa, 11th and Burnsid'- sta STl'lJEilAKER bg rt, 7-pawa., run iiniy 8hi mil- Just into new; would con sider small car in trade. Price $14o0. East ' IK YOU are contemplating purchase of light. teonomTii mciory useq car, bet ter r.o.f. " ' ' ua,ys. WILL acr my Chevrolet coune in v celieat condition: will conildr trade for Ford or i nc roi. am. ..ii. no r-HEVROLt-r louring, liij mouoi perfect condition; wM give easy terms. FOKD s.iian; 1922; orand new; at a dla count, must aell; easy serins. Tabor PIE-KCE-aRROW landaulet body, or will trude for roadster body. Call Mr. Brown, Main IBMi. Ml ST se.l my llt2 Oakland H. in perfect condition. CaJ at HO E. 7th et. ; make me n .if'r. CHEVROLET 490 sedan. 1922 model, first class shape. Owner. Broadway 3992 evening. Munnays -Main i: OLDSMOB1LE touring. H cord tirea. 22 license. Very fine condition. Price .-!.". Phone Wo.-d'awn 42h. Br.ALTiKLL iTeirier touring car, sai as n only f 1 250. Terms I. desired. CaM Gfirta. Bdwy. S27". UllCK 6 turm. new paint, cord tirvs. and A-l condition. Terms. Eas? 5 34 Unln Ave. N. East B MUN RoE tourtr.g cheap for quirk run about 30U0 mile. W'dln. 3S3 Miss, ave ale. 1U W PUT steel t-etn in your .d f.ywb,,; crankshaft turning. H B, Black Ma- chine shop. 3 Alder. Hdwv. KORD delivery in A-l shape, $110. Call Sunday 2&T E. 7-Sd at N. ; week days la fv-n'?.t. Ml .-T sell my -nearly new Chandler; on y driven ,Va ra;s. This is a bargain if o'd this wf-k. 1'bIT o wrier. Bdwv. I'.'ln. WILL SACRIFICE my late model Chevro-Ir-t. In excellent shape, just Mke new, five good tires. Cftil Wdln. KX'R I) SEDAN, tin mechanical condition 1121 mcdel. extras. Caii Main 7115 or Broadway 24 4 Monday, KED HI LLIKKJ Stutx mi nHC"!ftc half prfi-e. Ej t.-r. hke new. FOR PALE ACTOMOBXLFS. a U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO- THE DISTRIBUTORS OF HUDSON AND ESSEX AUTOMOjJJLES. PUTTING ON A SALE OF USED CARS at yery greatly redud price, whica mor than correapond td the big reduction of new automobiltta. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Esaen auto mobiles. These are in the best of mechanical condition; they ar also warranted the same a fac tories warrant new cars; in addi tion, we five S0 days' free ine chanical service. Other makes of used automobile thoroughly overhauled. put in flrst-claa condition and. void with a 10 days free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal prioe that customer may select. This gives ample time for every pwechastrr to try out the car he bus. give him time to bave it in spected, and wo want only satis fied customer. 101T Maxwell .. i...2M 1921 Kord 373 iyt Maxwell 473 1019 Grant six &W lt'17 Dodge 4S0 Olds six 673. UM8 Olds eight 830 HUM Liberty sport model HMO l2i Chandler - .. 075 1118 Over;nd chummy 425 111 Chalmers 600 11MM Cole H, sport model 110 101 Cadillac l:l Essex roadster 7 1U21 Kasex touring 50 1916 Hudson super six 783 1017 Hudson super six 873 1018 Hudson super six 1050 1919-1920 f model O series) Hudson super six 1100 1018 Hudson speedster 4...... 950 1020 Hud-sop. speedster 1450 Litrgcflt User Cat Branch Store la the City at 44-44 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phono at Branch Store. Broadway 5739. Aim a display at Our Salesroom, 15-617 Washington St. C. K BOS AUTOMOBILE CO, fORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! . FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! 1(117 Ford roadster, ail rebuilt 120 1920 Ford roadster: starter $32. 1919 Ford touring; starter $295 1916 Ford touring $143 Dl'i Ford touring; gtarter $350 DG9 Ford touring; starter $Jio 1919 Ford coupe $2ii5 1919 Ford eedan $493 1918 Ford coupe; starter ....$265 1920 Ford sedan $473 192i) Ford sedan $485 1919 Ford 1-ton truck, brand pew express body $373 1919 Ford 1-ton truck, with brand new stake bodv $393 19ia) Ford 1-ton truck $325 1914 Ford chain-drive truck $95 Don't fal to see these cars before you buy. They are priced about $50 each be low market value. Terms if desired, UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. East 471. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. REAL BARGAINS, USED FORDS. AH kinds and prices; liberal terma If wished. open evenings till 8:30. and Sundays: 1918 touring $ 245 191 touring 2D3 191S truck, completely overhauled. S0 1917 touring 395 1919 touring 2iiH 1921 conpe (75 1920 bug. starter, loaded with ex tras 395 1921 roadster, starter 490 1917 touring; 235 192 touring 375 1920 touring 395 1921 touring, starux, nearly new.. 450 1917 touring H5 191 tf touring, 1922 license.... 125 . 1917 bug with $200 bodV 350 3920 truck with body and cab 450 1919 touring 2oO 1821 roadster, starter TALBOT A CASEY. INp., East Ankeny and Grand Ave, "The Used Car Corner." NEW CHE VROI.ETS. NEW OVER LANDS. YOUR OLD CAR TAKEN IN TRADE. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., 10 and 12 Grand Ave. N.f cor. East Burnside. Phone East 6109. The House of Better Service. evroe LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WB FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BUNU & MORTGAGE CO, 207 fcELLING BLDG-. SECOND FLOOR. COLE EIGHT. . 7 PASSENGER. A-l mechanically, good tires. WE NT WORTH & IRWIN, INC.. Main 2S92. 200 2d i&L, cor. Taylor. Open on Sundays from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. LATEST MODEL SEDAN. Popular make and is like now in all respects. Cord tires and one extra. Bumprs and spotlight, full set tools and Weed chains; runs fine; has only city use and we will give liberal terms: take right make car as part payment Open all day Sunday. 514 A frier st. OVERLAND SEDAN. Just th car you have been looking for, a sedan in tip top shape with 5 wire wheels, bumper, motometer, spotlight and many other extras tor oniv jiwo. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO. 14th and Morrison Bdwy. 3606. 1921 FORD touring, starter and in perfect mechanl 1 condition; $310; liberal terma. Phone Col. 656. FOR. KALE--Studebaker special six. 192 mnripi motor i uhl overnauieo. in a-i condition, good cord tires, with 1922 lioenae: reason for selling leaving town. Price $950. Room 533, New Perkins hotl. WHY TAKE PEN L'MONIA when you can get a Ford sedan for $525, on easy term L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave, at th. Phone E. 7. LONG terms with small cash payment to responsible parties on guoa row price a. ueed cars. NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO., Bdwy. S2. 344 Burnside St OVERLAND 4-PASSENGER, Condition right, wire wheels, 3O0. 530 ALDER ST. MONROE. Just like new. lots extras: snap at lerma, mng 8 Sedan, perfect condition. See this before you buy, tfT."; terms. Goobeys garage, 5th and Hyt. WILL not refuse a reasonable cash offer for my Oakland o, oewiy painted and in good condition. Call Sunday after 1 Ivy Garage, ioj Vancouver ave. Owner. ETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STY LIS. HI 1LI, 1 r. CI V K RKD. ERECTED. STAINED. lOxlfl. $.",5; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 299 lHl FORD TOUR I N G $ 4 50 . Kxcellent condition, driven less than HO) miles, shock absorbers, demountable rims, foot accelerator; will take older rar in trnrte. fe.ast -Til. STLDEiiAKER LIGHT "4," $275. Take good phonograph as part, easy terms on balance. Look R up. . Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave at 8th. Phone E. 7. BUICK light six touring. l'.)20 model, 3 new tires, just been overhauled, in first- class mechanical condition. This is a real buy at $50. This car Is privately owned and operated. Call Tabor 3548. IH20 FORD COUPE $454.. -Must be seen to h appreciated, at $4.'tV; mechanically right ; 5 very good tires, many extras. Bdwy. 4956. FOKD touring. 18 model, will trade for later model Ford or Chevrolet and pay dttference. Call at 428 Couch st. from A. M. to 5. 1U18 MARMON Al condition, practically new. lluft sell. No reasonable offer re fused. Mr. Wells. Tabor 545.8. BUICK m ti six, cabriolet body, reasona ble. Call Portland Plumbing Supply Co., 12 First t. I B V OWN E H. 7 -pa;-niter touring. Conti nental nwior: ba rgn in ; w ill trade for Li liter car. Maatru.! ITe FOR S ALE AUTOMOBIX.ES. USED CARS. Nearly any kind, all different prices, liberal terma Open Evening and Sundays- Be fair with yourself and see our stock before buying. 1919 Chevrolet touring, extra good tires all around and eomniete- ly overhauled $ 125 1914 Overland touring, extra gooa all the way through. See this cur it's pood 1918 Dodge delivery, all good...... 1918 Briscoe touring Model "N" 7-pasa. Hupp, extra con dition 1919 Dixie Flyer, new paint 191 Overland touring, tirea and all good 1817 Maxwell tourinc, overhauled and good 191T A -ton Kissel truck: - 1918 5 -pass. Oidsmobile. new paint 1913 5-pas. Chalmers; a real car.. 1917 i llao - lot of extras. 3 new 75 47 2ta 49! 175 150 3O0 5: 450 tires, new top 1000 191? Franklin, overhauled and new - paint 1917 5 -pass, light bix, Buick, 3 new tires, car good 191 S (l-pass. Paige, good throughout 1918 Oidsmobile 8. chummy, real class 1919 Bisr fl Buick touring 000 550 72i 475 700 250 1915 Big-4 Buick roadster all good 1918 Dodge touring, some car 1918 Willys-6 Chummy, don't, Judge this car by the price 42; 350 1919 Crow Elkhart roadster, car used verv litle and ail good.... 1917 5-paes. Velie f. We also have a complete stock 300 300 PSKI1 KOR OS. Trucks. Sedans. Coupes, Roadsters and Tourings. All priced at their real values. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., East Ankenv and Grand Ave, "The Used Car Corner." Open Evenings and Sundays. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS ! FORDS! 1920 Ford touring, starter Ifc20 Ford roadster, starter ..... 120 Ford roadster, starter 190 Ford touring, starter 1921 Ford touring, starter 1919 Ford touring i. . . . . 1919 Ford roadster .......t 1918 Ford touring 1918 Ford touring ., 1918 Ford touring 1915 Ford touring - - - 1918 Ford coupe m. 1920 Ford sedan 1920 Ford sedan 19.21 Ford sedan .$295 , 295 . 82 . So . 43 . 275 . 2K5 . 185 I 21 . 14 . 29 . 49 . 4 . 59 DELIVERY CARS! 1923 Ford delivery, express; this oar 1 nroKtica 1 1 v hrntlil n" COSt $725 ; 600 191H Ford delivery express 275 1918 Ford delivery express 28a 1920 Ford one-ton truck, stake body 42o 3Trtrd ono-ton truck. eXDTeSS bodv "450 TPorrl lie-ht delivery exnress. ........ 125 Open every eventng until 9 o'clock and ail day sunoay. xerms ii ueaircu. srive you the same service on a used Ford as vou get on a new one. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East 3770. Grand Ave. at Hawthorne. OVERLAND FOUR Looks like new; perfect condition; diS' count $3011, E. Z. terms. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., 10 and 12 Grand Ave. N. Corner East Burnside. Phone East 6109. The House of Better Service. FORD touring In good shape, $200. Ford roadster, runs like a charm, $175. Chevrolet 5 pass.. $300. WENT WORTH & IRWIN, I"C Main 2S92. 200 Second St., cor Taylor. Open . on Sundays from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. REAL BARGAINS'. REAL BARGAINS! 1919 Chevrolet touring $295 l!t!7 Chevrolet tourlnflr II 1920 Chevrolet touring 875 1918 Chevrolet panel delivery 275 1917 Chevrolet panel delivery ...... 17a 1917 Maxwell touring 2: 391 Overland touring 185 1915 Franklin touring, starter 275 Open evenings. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East 3770. Grand Ave, at Hawthorne. HUDSON LIMOUSINE. This is the five-passenger and Jias had four months of very careful use ; is complete in every detail and we will show you the finest car for sale in Port land for the money ; give some terms and take car of right make as part payment. Open Sunday at 014 Alder st. r"hone 513-67. AUTOMOBILE owners, garagemen, me chanics. reDairmen. send today 'for free opy of this month's Issue. It contains wieLpful, instructive information on .over hauling, ignition troubles, wiring, car buretors, storage batteries, etc. Over 120 pag-es. illustrated. Send for free copy today. Automobile Digest, 217 Butler bldg., Cincinnati. $550 NEARLY NEW ROADSTER $550. Will sacrifice mv almost new Scripos- Booth roadster. This car has only gone a little more than 5000 miles, can hardly be told irom new. Mr. Pendergrass, Broadway 3006. NEW STANDARD S $1882. llcens in cluded; astounding value. Built by the Standard Steel Car Corp., builders of steel passenger coaches. An automobile built with the comparative strength of a steel coach. Park and Couch sta. Bdwy. 7fc8. ' REO, 1917 5-PASS. New $100 leather top, paint and upholstery like new, good me chanical shape, four cord tires, like new, two extra tires, 1922 license. Car has never been off the pavement. Must sell. A snap at $300. Terms if desired. East 6259. BY OWNER, 1922 Buick six roadster. 1922; has been driven only 1G00 miles; can't tell from a new car; has $100 worth of extras and cord tirea I'm going to ask just what money I loaned on it; also 1922 license. E;st 4619. , BU1CKS1 BUICKS! BUICKS! Buick 6. just like new. Only $950. Owner must have money and obliged to sacrifice. Car can be seen at Portland Auto Sales, 350 Burnside St., between Broadway and Park. Open evenings and Sundays. I HAVE a late model Premier, equipped with magnetic gear shirt. sarest car made for a lady to drive. Looks just like a new car and fs guaranteed in per fect mechanical shape. Dirt cheap. Easy terms or will consider trade. Bdwy. 3275. Ask for Kelly. FORD bug with top, windshield, shock ab sorbers, exnaust wnistie, spouignt, spe cial lamps, etc., $150. Terms $50 down and $25 per month. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave. at Sth. Phone E. 7. DODGE COUPE In perfect mechanical condition, looks like new car; extras, including spare tire. This car has al ways received best of attention. Would consider terms with responsible party. Call Woodlawn 1543. ANNOUNCING unheard of bargains! New Standard r-ignt automooues, mat pow erful motor car, including 192 license and at Portland for S18S2. ' STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO.. Park and Conch Streets. Bdwy. 7S8. ELGIN C, late model, in fine order. Ready to go. original paint, - almost uko new. Only $350. Owner leaving city and must sell; can be seen at Portland Auto Sates. 850 Burnside st.. between Broadway and Park. Open evenings and Sundays. 1918 BUICK touring. This car Is in excel lent condition throughout. Price only $450. Long easy terma NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX. 542 Alder St. Bdwy. 1723. OVERLAND 85-4 R,, Thoroughly overhauled, new top, $400. 530 ALDER ST. AM LEAVING town, MUST SACRIFICE CHEVROLET; an in good condition, with new top, etc. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call at Gibson Electric, 144 12th Ft. $30O 5-PASSENGER DODGE $300. I have got to sell my Dodge touring. It will stand any kind of inspection or demonstration; price $300. Mr. Pender- gTa.s. Broadwav 3ftQ6. 1917 CHEVROLET "490" $200. All new tires, starter, dem. rims, speedometer, etc. Easy terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. Ptio-ne E. 7. FORDS FORDS FORDS. " Good running Fords from $90 up at Portland Auto Sales. 350 Burnside, be tween Bdwy. and Park. Open evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE 1917 Dodge touring. 5 good tires; new jop; new cattery; new license. Snap at $350 cash. 310 East 35th st. Tabor 5014 WILL sell my classy Hupmobrle touring for $4L u taken tnis weea; iooks and runs- like new. Call Bdwy. 3275. terms if desired. HAVE a high-grade. 7-pass. auto which I must sell quick. Come see it. Make me an offer. Phone Bdwy. 3275. Ask for Kelly. 921 REO C, 5-passenger, 5 cord tires. 1922 license. Here is your chance, jiuw, terms can be arranged. 421 Burnside. Bdwy. 521. 1 lif22 FORD coupe, Hassler shocks, speed ometer ano extras; run iees man iiai miles, at a sacrifice for quick action. Call Tabor 1727. . PAIGE LIGHT SIX. Latest style, run only 9000 miles. $1200. Will take piano or diamonds ip to $4uO value. Mr. Areey Broadway 7750. L'DGE touring at your own price. Cail Broadway U2Si, Asa lor Jit nicy. JTOS 8AIJC AUTOMOBILES. DO TOU KNOW . that liftins- on the crank of a motor t determine the amount of compression in the cylinders is all guess work? It is nothing but guess work, and, all good mechanics know it. Before you give another repair job on your engine or bere you buy a used car, do sure ana have the cylinders test ed with a Star compression gauge an-d KNOW, DON'T GUESS at Us condition, for guess work means mistakes which are costly. You may have your cylinders tested xor j. at any or the iouowing- piaces IKLU JJCISOtUJi, - 107 N. Broadway. H. C, S. SERVICE STATION", 134 Hovt fit. STUDEBAKER SHOP, Eighth and Davis, EARLE'S AUTO SERVICE. 392 Couch St. MITCHELL LEWIS A STAVES, Everett and Broadway. HAJNTSON'S AUTO SERVICE. 87 Tenth St. PORTLAND MOTOR. CAR. CO., Tenth and Couch. CHAS. C. FAGAN CO., Ninth and Burnside. STATES AUTO TRUCK SERVICJE. 430 Burnside. DAVIS & WINTER GARAGE, 411 Davis St. SIMONTON & CO., 415 Gltean St. GIID AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CO., 129 North Tenth St. CHRISTIE, THE REPAIR MAN, 107 Thirteenth at Stark. - HENRY WARD. BUICK EXPERT, 110 Thirteenth St " SPEEDWELL REPAIR SHOP, 35 North Thirteenth St. TWIN STATES MOTOR CO., Fifteenth and Burnside. WHITE GARAGE, 386 Couch St. MERRILL'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE, 3SO Flint St. -ALBIXA GARAGE A AUTO CO., Garfield and Shaver. KUNZ MOrOR REPAIR CO., 506 Burnside. IRVINGTON GARAGE & AUTO CO., 572 East Broadway. THE BROADWAY GARAGE, East Broadwav and 24th St. BOULEVARD GARAGE, 42d and Sandy Blvd. WILLIAMS AVE. GARAGE, 4S0 Williams Ave. BRICKLK Y-MILLKR AUTO CO., 710-712 Williams Ave. MATHEW BROS., 858 Union Ave. All first-class garages will soon have a Star compression gauge, as it means accuracy instead of guess work. Thia gauge not only tells which cylinders are lew and how much, bmt whether it Is th ring-s or valves that are leaking State distributors and county agents wanted. &ee Air. iye, tactory represen- tative. Hotel uonraaine, evenings. AUCTION" SALE. Two sales a -week. Thursday evening 7:80 P. M., Monday 7:30 P. M. This Is the place to buy your automobile. We sell about 44 automobile a week. Different make. There's a Come and eee, JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE, Corner 6th and Everett. - Phon Broadway 2320, $100 IN GASOLINE TICKETS WILL BE GIVEN FREE TO THREE PURCHASERS OF USED CARS THIS MONTH. See us for particulars. 60 cars to select from. Priced from $75 up. , CASH, TERMS, OR TRADE. Open evenings and Sundays. OLDSMOB1LE COMPANY, Broadway and Couch. Sta. Chevrolet demonstrator, can't be told from new car. Will sell at biK discount. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., 10 and 12 Grand Ave, N., Cor. Easjt Burnside. v Phone East 6109. The House of Better Service, NEW STEPHENS SACRIFICE. Owner leaving for New York. Sport model, 4 or 5-passenger, 5 cord tires. Car only run-1000 miles. Not a scratch on lr. With all the extras represents $2500 Investment. Will sacrifice for $1750, terms. Guarantee, D. P. Argo, Bdwy. 7750. USED-CAR MARKET. 6th and Main sts. Bargains Barra l ns Bargains. FORD. Coupes, sedans, tourings and road st era Cash or Terms. Owned by authorized Ford dealer. ROBINSON-SMITH CO. '20 BUICK ROADSTER. Just new, has everything it ever had and cords and one extra, bumper and spotlight: low price of $785, some down. balance easy; take car in trade. Open Sundays. 16th and Alder sts. . MURPHY MOTOR CO. 1J1M FORD SEDAN $525. Starter, dem. rims, spare tire, shock absorbers speedometer, dash light, foot throttle. Take Ford touring; and easy terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. Phone E. 7. CADILLAC SEDAN. Fine g-cylinder Cadillac, wonderful mechanical condition and appearance, only $1750. $350 down, balance monthly. Will exchange for first mortgage oi fine lot. Hyatt Talking- Machiire Co., 350 Aider. HUPMOBILE touring Model K; good con ditton : tires all good : two spare tires paint fair, top good. ' A rare bargain for $00. Jbong easy terms. NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX. 542 Alder st. Bdwy. 1723. WILL SACRIFICE my 1921 660 Lakewood Paige. This car has been used for dem onstrating purposes and Is In very good mechanical condition ; will demonstrate by appointment; win consider traae. terms on balance If desired. Call Troeh at Broadway 1895. NEW STANDARD 8, $1882, Including license; revolutionary price, ijet us oem on?trate. and we will show vou the per formance that you have wanted your car to make. arK at Coucn st. uawy. 7S8. IF YOU are In the market for a real, hieh-class. Dowerful car. I would sug gest you look at the New Standard Eight for $1882, Just thar biggest bargain ever. Your 1922 license included, .rant and Couch sts. Bdwy. 788. ' STEVENS-DUIJYE A touring, first-class mechanical condition, new top, curtains and paint, five good cord tires, full com piemen t of tools; too large for present owner, who would consider ngnt road ster. Jones & W hue, 449 Flanders. THINK of this! A price that astounds the whole automobile trade; a new Standar Eight car; power, speed and comfort; a new car with 1922 license, and only $1882. See at Park and Coutch sts. Bdwy. 7S8. NEW Standard 8, $1882, license Included. Built by the standard steer car corp. builders of steel passenger coachea An automobile built with the comparative strength or a steel coacn. Park and Couch Streets. Bdwy. 788, BUICK, Overhauled, -exceptionally good, $550. 530 ALDER ST. 1920 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour ing, lust painted and completely over hauled; 5 new tires; will give easiest of terms. Phone woodlawn 1088. MUST sell Ford roadster with delivery body, car just overnauieu; rubber and paint in good condition; $160. Call Automatic 633-68. I HAVE two 1919 Dodigea one roadster and one" tourin-g, in finest condition; must sell them and will take low price for either. Call Kelly. Bdwy. 3275. 19 CHALMERS it pass, touring, paint very nne, mecnanicai condition excel lent, '22 license. Price $585. Phone E. 8903. 1919 LIBERTY 6, In perfect condition and like new, at uu; easy terms. Wdln. 2461. . REO ROADSTER in Al condition through out; good cord tires, for the exceptional price of $325. Sell. 8071. EXCEPTIONAL bargain in Chalmers dem onstrator, terms, no trades. East 531, wee k days. MUST sacrifice my 191S, 8-pasa. Buick for $400 Cash, '22 license and in good shape from top to bottom. Call Marshall 3954 STUDEBAKER special, used little, cord tires; immediate sacrifice, $950. Pri vate. East 6228." 1919 CHALMERS touring car, cannot be told from new; only $600; easy terma Wdln. 2461. HODES AUTO PARTS CO. a u to wreck srs, parts all makes cars for lesa 522 Aider, corner 16th. Bdwy. 3638. NASH sport model, new tires, spotlight, mechanically good as new, fine condi tion. Phone 69 Oresham. SEVERAL bargains; a rebuilt late Max well, fully guaranteed; better investi gate. East 531, week days. FOR SALE r AUTOMOBILES. SAFE BUYS IN USED CARS. By a safe buy we mean a car that will give you satisfactory service at reasonable upkeep and operating cost. No matter how lit tle you say for it a car that will not render this sort of service ia a poor buy. Our cars are service able, good looking cars, and we give you a big dollar's worth of automobile for every dollar invest ed. Here are a few sampies ot our stock: Ford touring. starter and. 1 lights, repainted and In good shape $ 37$ Olds 8 touring, pood paint, good tire and buy at.... 225 Mitchell luxht 6 touring, sood paint and tires ........... 450 big Brisco touring, rood paint, tires and runs well. 876 1918 Liberty, light 6, touring, good paint, tires, motor overhauled r. ... 650 1919 Mitchell, touring. new paint, good tires, overhauled throughout 760 1918 Mitchell, T-pass., a food serviceable car at 500 1918 Jordan sport marine, wire wheels, two new tirea, others gtod, new paint job, overhauled throughout... 1350 We have a dozen others dually good buys, you cannot realise the value we are offering until you see the condition of our cars. Esy terms, no brokerage charges. Your light car taken in trtidii. Open Evenings, 7:30 to lr:00. Sundays, 10:00 to 8:O0. MITCHEtLL, LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY. S3 Tears in the Northwest, Broadway and Everett. Broadway 4t7a. A HAPPY THOUGHT, What could we suggest other than to buy staple merchandise of highest quality? This you will find in 100 per cent values in our used oar department. In selling new cars it Is neces sary to take trade-ins, which we rebuild and. sell with the same thought as to satisfaction as when you purchase a new car. A visit will convince you aa to the hterits qji which our used cars are -sold. REBUILT AND REFINISHED. 3916. Hup touring, model N,.$ 400 1917 Hup touring, model N. 500 1918 Hup touring, model R, . TOO 1919 Hup roadster, model H. . 800 1919 Hup touring, model R, . 800 1920 Hup touring, model R-. 0O0 OTHER MAKES. Ford se dan , a Imost n ew. c or d tires $600 Todge sedan, wire wheels., license , 700 Dodge tourings, $400 to..... 00 2 Ford tourings, '19 and 20, $200, 8250 STANLEY AUTO CO.. 11th and Burnside. Broadway 217. See Mr. Arbuckle. THE FORD CORNER, BETTER FORD3 FOR LESS. It la useless to offer a reward for the I return of a lost opportunity. Experience is always worth what It I costs if you put it to work. The business 1 policies of this house and service first I are your protection. Avail yourself of I this opportunity, as the cars and prices I are rignt. Roadster, 1914 ... ...vv. ..I 100 I Roadster, 1919 Touring, 1914 .... 2901 ... 105 Touring, 1916 ................... Touring, 1918 ........... Touring, 1919 Touring. 1920 Coupe, 1919 Sedan, 1919 ........ .......... . . . . Sedan, 1920 Truck, 1918 Truck, 1919 Truck," 1920 ...; Your Terms Are Our Terma ... 140 ... 215 1 270 ... 400 425 ... 500 . . . 650 . . . 225 . . . 295 350 Open Evenings and Sundays. WILLIAM L..HUGHSON CO.." Authorized Ford Dealer. fiO N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321. WHY BUT A USED CAR WHEN YOU CAN BUY A NEW CAB.AT A USED-CAR PRIOE? Columbia Six An all standard car, was $2065. While they last, ($1150 F. O, B. Portland. Several new 1921 models will b offered at above price, making; room for 1922 models. LADS ON AUTO CO., 354 East Broadway. Auto. 310-16. Open evenings and Sundays until 9 F, M. during sale. $950 FORCED SALE $950. STUDEBAKER SPEGIAL 6. A beautiful and powerful car: In ex cellent condition throughout: must sell I quickly, cash or terms ; consider light I used car in trace, lapor lauu. 1921 CHEVROLET touring, looks and runs liKe a new car; cord tires, plate-glass t windshield, deflectors, spotlight, shock I absorber, 1922 license and many other I extras, will sacriiice lor f&io. with w 1 as nrst payment, nono fjas t 1 7 a. PREMIER SPORTS MODEL. AM kinds of extras and - '22 license electrlo gear shift; just the thing; for I lady to drive; very reasonable for quick! iraa. include city property in parti trade, Paiance casn or terms. Tan or 1800. FORD TOURING. Hassler shocks, speedometer. Strom- berg carburetor and other accessories. $250 takes this car today. Call Marshall I apt. 5UJ. FORD ROADSTER. See this before buying; late model. In Al condition generally, $150 will handle the deal, call Ass man. Bdwy. 321, Sun day afternoon. RELIABLE NURSERY STOCK. Place your spring orders now; prices ngnt. Address i. jsi. sprague, wo u iorioa st., representing Toppenlsh Nur eery Co. maxwell Delivery, ! Late modeL mechanically riffht. $275. 530 ALDER ST. 1921 ELGIN SCOVT demonstrator, $119a roadster, $425. Ford touring, $200". Ford I touring with starter, $225. All in first- I werianu roausier, a. jjuick e class condition. 52a Alder. 1922 CHEVROLET touring with bumper ana xtfA license, run oniy 023 miles. Will sacrifice for $575 and give easy TP-. o- 1 TO FORD touring, 1919, in fine condition, has Hassler shocks, atromberg carburetor. speedometer, ivo win leko tnis iiome. call wood, wain 31 63. lyiS MAXWELL touring car with a 1921 1 body, new top; in very good condition. 1 Son down and $15 per month. Call East 8873. HUDSON 6-40, in excellent condition; new top and paint; a wonderful buy. Call or j see Mr. Marshall. Bdwy. 321. 60 North! iJrosdway. $1250. QADILLAC, 7-paesecger touring, in iir&c-ciass condition1; extras. frasp jviotor car co.. Aim and couch sts, Bdwy. 3495. FOKD sedan, fine mechanical condi tion; good, tires, fine looking oar; will sacrifice. f00. Tabor 84. I 1921 FORD sedan. '22 ncense- and many other extras. $595. Braley. Graham & Chllds. Inc.. 11th .and Burnside. lflO- CHANDLER sedan, cord tires' and one spare; car is rennisnea ana looks li ke new, can private pnone. wain. 591 6. MUST eel-l my beautiful 1920 Peerless touring car, hardly ueea; same as new I throughout, oaii rawy. 310. BABY GRAND Chevrolet, bargain, posi tively the best buy in town. Am going to sell anq win give jtenns. East 9Q68. j ru-knllf. Hi-, BPi-ina In irnnri nnr1itiAn K I cord tires; 1 am going to sen jt today! for $275. Mr. Ensey. hit Jorth Bdwy. I REO ROADSTER in wonderful condition I mechanically and otherwise; 5 cord tires, I give away at rnone aeu. sua, FORD BUG, long and low. new paint and top, good mechanically perfect. Barks like a bull pup. $250. East 2C21. CHEVROLET touring, 1919, in the best of condition, rubber very good; $150. Main 2904. FOR SALEAUTOMOBILES. CONFIDENCE IN THE HOUSE YOU BUY FROM. Thex 3 nothing- we guard more carefully than our reputation for fair dealing. We have worked for years upon this idea of making the customer realize we will do all we promise. Misstatements hav no place in thia establishment. With every facility of our en tire plant back of the repaJrlnff of . our Rebuilt Car, we put forth our very best efforts to see that each car is mechanically rig-ht when the final Inspection has been made. Our duty to th purchaser doesn't end there. If we have overlooked anything, or If some of our work has not been done cor rectly, we want you to come to us at once and give us the opportu nity of making' right what was wrong;. CADIILACa X renewed Cadillac car, a piece of machinery you inherently have the confidence in you would have In almost any new car. Its ap pearance is in keeping with what we guarantee the mechanical con dition to be. W.e firmly believe that ne other car, new or used, had any more service in it than one of these cars. For Tout Comparison. 1920 Cole, 7-passenser. re painted, disc wheels. .. .$1350 1920 Cole roadster, newly painted 1250 1021 Dodge Brothers demon strator 900 1920 Dodge Brothers eedan.. 1150 1920 Dodge Brothers touring .675 1920 Dodge Brothers roadster 6"5 1919 Dodge Brothers touring 585 1919 Dodge Brothers roadster 665 1918 Dodge Brothers touring 495 1918 Dodge Brothers rowjUter 475 1918 Dodge Brothers sedan.. 745 1920 Haynes 7-passenger, re painted 1165 1921 Harmon Speedster, like 9 new -. 2750 1920 Oidsmobile 7-paseenger. 895 1919 Roamer, newly painted. 1200 REBUILT CADILLACS. 1918 touring-, new tires, paint. top 2000 1913 roadster, now tirea and paint 1800 1917toualns, new top and paint 1600 1016 touring; new ton and paint 1400 ALWAYS TH39 BEST CARS AT THB LOWEST PRICES." COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington 8 tit Bdwy. 6244. 28-30 N. Bdwy. VRANSONS FOR CARS PRICED RIGHT- 1914 Flat bug, enap $ 75 1915 Velie touring, starter IOO 1915 Buick 4 touring, starter 150 1917 Crevroiet touring; Al shape... 15 1916 Dodge touring, snap , ... 175 1917 Grant 6 touring, snap 175 1918 Maxwell touring, rebuilt, Z... 225 1918 Chevrolet roadster ..,.. 225 1913 Packard 30; a dandy 175 1916 Hup big 4 touring 275 1917 Dodge touring, snap 350 1918 Dort touring, overhauled...... 350 1917 Buick 4 touring, rebuilt...,... 375 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet 375 1917 Hup Model N overhauled, ... . 425 1917 Buick 6 roadster 475 1918 Olds 8 touring, overhauled.... 400 1920 Oakland 6 touring, like new... 60 1917 Ford touring, 1922 lie 215 1918 Ford touring, 1922 lie 225 1919 Ford ton-ring', repainted...... 235 1913 Ford sedan, Jlke new 275 1920 Ford sedan, wire wheeels, new tires 475 . Ford bugs-; eix to pick from, VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCH., Union ave. and Belmont st.. Upstairs., SENSATIONAL SALE. NEW CHANDLERS. Rare Opportunity. Com Quick. Just a few left and they must move this week. Must make room for shipments In transit regardless of sacrifice. Liberal trade-in allowance. Easy Terma. TWIN STATE MOTOR CAR CO., 15th street at intersection Burn side and Washington, MUST SELL TODAY. Mv 1922 Chevrolet 490 touring car; fully equipped; used as a demonstrator. Run 1100 miles. PHONJfi TABOR 0W1. BUICK ROADSTER. ORIGINAL FINISH. CORD 'TIRES, FINE SHAPE MECHANICALLY;- A. BARGAIN FOR $775. TERMS OR WILL TRADE FOR TOURING CAR, CALL MAIN 4697, APT. 3L FORD ROADSTER. " This 1 the raceabout . model and im Mflntnhnd hattieshio . array with top ta match, some stylish little car; price $250. with $100 down, bal. asy. Open Sundays, 16th and Alder sts. MUKf n 1 MUlun i. STEPHENS SPORT. Would you pay $1200 for this high grade car that can hardly b told from new 7 You wUl have to hurry lor vum one. AUTOMOTIVE BAUW 14th and Morrison. Bdwy. 3606. EXCEPTIONAL TRADE. Will trade my 1918 Kissel-Kar six. ..mni.fn with Rtiotliaht. bumper, spar tire, tools, good mechanical condition, en- tat model lierht car and Will pay cash difference. Call Frankman, Broad- vay. auol, -or c-ast. o.f nuci 1919 BUICK LIGHT SIX. . tjm n a rendition mechanically: look ttk new: ood rubber, $785. Term. TUdY.FBILLINQSLEY MOTOR CO., Hawthorne Ave. at &th. Phone E. CHEVROLET TOURING, original iiiwaii, just overhauled, $290. koo T.rnT? stnv i918 OAKLAND touring six; good tires all around; in gooo running wubi. a bargain for $250. Terms. NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX. , 642 Alder St. Bdwy. 1723. 1920 DODGE sedan, in firet-claee condi tion; wire wheels, new rubber. 2 bump- Sri ?fSn I. cV for $9757 wi .1 HB-nt car in trade. Main 6720. sale Cheap, a Studtbaker Special --y?"wiI, ittlO model, in first-class wi- -nr 191Q. model, in first-class condition; owner has no uae for it, must be sold; at Broadway garage, Eaat 24th and Broadway. OH. BOY! Hupmobile lor oniy ini anteed. Nothing in Portland like it for the money. Very easy terms. phone Bdwy. 3275. Ask for Kelly. 1918 OAKLAND REX oEUAJN JiOU. Well equipped and runs well. Easy terms Might trade r ora. terms. LINQSLEY MOTOR CO., TTawthnrne Ave. at 8th. Phone E. 7. ioo irnnn COUPE. rphi.t.!.. won used 30 days: speedom eter and Hassler shock absorbers. Will give new car service and sell at a biff discount. Call Mr. oean. iasi wa. BEAUTIFUL 1913 OhamMer touring car. -a. w. I : must Birii w. . Call Broadway illn. :i BIG 6 STUDEBAKER. 7-pass. touring, "hi. car Is a bargain. Will sell for TOO. Studebaaer. -1- " L , Broadway igva. OAKLAND 6 fciedan -t bankrupt price, J T,j, gouth Jersey late model, offered t 3T5. Can. be seen Jersey st.. St Johns, or phone Col. 05. r.-rp -,&i nbland "6": good tires and in good condition. Take lighter car In dte;5nter345 Union Ave. N. teant 1919 OAKLAND, in good shape, $325 cash or take light car and some cash, Mar shall 1344. . iau CHEVROLET touring- car; '22 license, inleh and tires like SJ7o. iirale.V. Graham os uu side. YOUNG widow must sell 1921 Iarchmont Paige, like new, at your price. can Automatic 640- WE TEAR 'em VP and sell the piece. Portland Auto wrecKing o., oai Aider, 17th. Broadway 6254. LATE Ford sedan; new rubber; in food condition. casa. ifuk BZl Oar- field ave. ft