THE SUXDAT OKEGOXIAX, ' PORTLAXD, TEBBUABT 12, ' lffeS 13 fin mm. Orian iri-I Maclral ln;rnmfnt. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO. AUTOP1ANO. on of th u- t tort's finest players, dm! tniiS $415 SCHILLER PLATER, dull me- hfnr caws; a bargain at.. 433 FAIRBANKS PLATfcH, lilt aew. bungalow typ and stx $$S BABT GKa.M, a real grand. In ntin f ini-h rsKD FU.NUd, $165, $21". $313 organ a $10. $.3. $33. PHOVOCRAPH SALE. $?V Kmmoa, new $07 23 3175 Emerson, new ........ T 75 path, n-w 42 5 $rr5 Path, new ......... 79 75 fJ'iMind!. BfW Others for $17.50. $22-50. $27. $i3 Oa terms you can afford. BEED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. Wasulatfloa at i-ta St. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. VICTii" LA IX mhMrany, with f 3 inancganr. vitb with 10 VTr-rnr.r.A. it t .ttxw new. records COLL'MBf A. oak ca wltfe auto matic stop; sum....... 100 BRUNSWICK. new. used for dem- onrra'iuo only, with records-. 3-3 SRr.NSWicK. go!d plated, large a.1, mahogany cue. with recorda. 14" A : ! f i ur so t eed Ea ? Tr ma. T?iBFRLINO LLOAd MUSIC CO., J5 4th St.. Re- Wash, and Atrtr. 6ECT RITT STORAGE CO., CLOSING OUT 47,1 Irving Piano Co., Uprut mail. $-13 4"0 mit upright ebony..... $15 H.,t A Davis upright ro- wood f 1ft3 tTso piano and a player piano oak 3 nar.or organ. $11, $25 and $3 cam. Patios mured. 75c per month; bought rsd sold for cask. only. Tth at cor. -''ark and Wtffi. sra $ 33 GRAFONOLA. 10 used records $ 2j $ 1k5 :radlvara and 10 tiaed records. 43 140 Psthe. cabinet. 30 used records, ft1 171 KniiAr nhlniil -Jft'iiWMl rcardj. 14 J 40 Brunswick, '.0 cued records 5 175 Columbia, cab.. 20 used reeords.lla so rDd on noma, in en a. . ana up montniy. bcnn i-ieno -- v Tenth st., at Waifilnrton re WTJT PAT STORAGE OX TTTAT F7ANO W HBN TOU CAN HAVH IT STORED P RA CTTC A LL T J-OR NOTHINOf P P3ST OF REFLRkiNCEa CALX. AFTER S KT -vn T A Bolt av7. MONDAY WTLL dtavawa f a lot rebuilt phn- arapha wrf om sroaranteed. every n a bar rain; will rapradooa aa rM aa new machin: cases la Mk and nabonny. Path. Vlcter. CUrvartena. Colombia and en her nationally kaawn makes. $1A0 and 1'JO. 172 Third. nar Yamhill. arpionAT. of fta-vor. Wh;ock Co, uorlrht Dtsno. ...... .$4S Martin Broa upright p'ans 3-5 Wallington upright plana .......... 15 Peimar renewed piano ............ .$25 Piano a piayer play 63 sot $ 5 Llr .M AN, WUUK w CO., 7t PHOOr. BRUNSWICK AND HBCORDS. Fine cabinet Brunswick and 50 dandy records, iika n-w, -or iioo lis down. $ monthly. Hyatt Taiat&c Machtn Ca, a -i-r. WR TKA1B A banio-cnandolLn. F. S. fte-wan. 29 hacket. parl trtmmed, cost $4: rood aa nw: frager sam aa Vfo-tn ; want a hand Instrument In aDi.-'i.S arrapuophoce In Al conditl used 1 var. Graph op hone and records cmt wr 3a: a til take llstQ. (loins at- Phon iiroadway 556. Cait 121 istn mt. PHONWIRAPH repirinjt; a.. I work ruar anteed; ejep-rienced orkrni, Fejber linir Larva aluaie Ca, 1JA 4th at. Broad war ft!. WRHER pianola, piano tar rent, music and bench lnciu.i-a. ;. pT month. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 17 WEST PARK NEW HOATTO?f HTKtXWAT GRANI PIANO. Tihona Proaiway 4774 bfore noon. or MnrshmH lLk7 afternoon, for appoint- PIANO (urtn and rippairtnr: expert worhmiinahlp: al work a-uaranteed. iDer'ina: Lucas Muauc Co, li 4th at. GOOD 1'IANOa at prfcea and terms you ran afford. Reed-French PJano Co., 31' th and Waib utinn. F k is A LK tn double B fat Puescher bats in firt-ciaaa condition. Call be toreen 5-S P. ii , at 4v4 Waiuoion . b3c for Mr. t'lurk LATi;sr rfio.lei t'onn "C" melody saxo phone, ujw" d about four month; futly Kururite-tl : tir-t $75 cash tatcea It. K ! At if ALL 11. A V LI. cow; th.s U a real brtrftln; it; term riven. S-lhrrffOf Lu-j Must Ck. 1-5 4th w hftwrrn Wijihlni-f n and Aider. M K i N S W 1CK P H O X CKJ K A I H. Fin oahtnft Brun-wiclc phonoirra mir $75. down. $r monthly. Hyatt T k'rr M:irh!ne 3-d Alflr. 35l f t LLi N I A ro. $275: pUun ot case; nme r?!p; terms fflven. SiteT-!mc l.'ifai Muete Co.. 125 4th at., between tVaffhfnr?on and A lir. VUU Perfect conJ.lian. $150, or win e-chana-e for 1 flat or O tow -pitch poehm f;ne In like condition. Jaa. 1L Whippy. I jf han-n. rnuff 4. IJKI'NSVVU'K SNAP. ICS Prwnwick wp and SO fine rec ords on:y $!. $-5 down, $! monthiy. Ilrft T!k!rr Wfh:nM. S. A ider. .rriENTS violin outfua, tn"!udinc vioiin. how. rave, rin an-1 extra strinirs. all tnant'fced. only G. F. Johnson I'U no Co.. 14 ' fth it. PIANO,; walnut caw; a fine pr-irtioe tnatrument ; ternia itlven . jJeiberUn Iima Muale t. Ok. 15 4th St., between a-h!nr- and A:der. A FINK iU'Y in a a' n Uvrd S-n-te player phno and ro! "a. $4'-": don't mta this if rod want a fine p!rr; rerma G. F. J ohmn llano Co.. t4t :h at. " $Twv Jer-jrea $5A HaUei Jk Tarta opricflt. y-furUy Storage Co. 1Hh, eor. ttarK. $575 R. r irWAJif piano. JuM :-K f ruj, 15 a month. S12 W I orcea tr 31 A liTIN ifPr sonone, :'ttr with irMd bTi. $13. terms. G. F. Johnson Inan 'o.. 14 t-h H) KARRAM p :;v.-r pSaoo, a roils and b-nch. p"ret. lati! atyi. Some np. J.17. fisr lrm. S t J W nrfit-r Plnlit. O 1 N N hv m-tk'.tat tUrtfUon. on : y t-rms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 -h s ' $I5 KCVS Hn S-hmer upright piano. :o down. $1H50 a month. aiJ Worcester Mdr l"v H t ALE -ft Co'umM G ra f o n ' wth a tl amber of cd record f tr $i5. rt Kl.AT ri.Ar -r.- t. iu-rn U tiicriht n. c- wi:t tada tvr phonvgraih and cat-n. TN.r 7""7 Ci'VI'I.KTK iru:iiilra" J ttx oa'f;ri; try thtnc you r..fd. on'y $75. G. F. Jrthnwn rt.-no "o . H: Hh at. I'H'N HiiiAl'HS At wholesale Coat, stand aM mku. our own tt rm. Favtory ..,-Tom. S-C"r,d at up-fafrs. lAM gin t Ca.ifomfa and mut sacri mr Sonora phngrth ; rifepriAn t v -'t ton; rr..ih r. v. W. 'n r.-sn. t it 1 I'KK KING. t-H. o 1 In k-- d d'?tn. Sei&rlln Lucj 5tusic Co., 4 ; t it? . 1 ! A t i E W A PIANO, mh'any. beaut.ful t c -.!:? cnnaujwu, a bariEiUn. (!.; terms. . l r f sr. F. Jehns-on Vi IN;; i C: urn (!i-a;n.' 4, t cs. Mas y Tichncr b.dx. M. A FEW u- 1 r ' ij T rolla two tr liAH.'H' S C.n.PERT. ltt WEST VAKJHv. k . at ft ". ::m. G. ' Jvhtsua 1 i i N I' r. i A . . 1 - 1 T .e. b J.e . : r r i'ii. fit'erling Luca Music ' 0 1 - ' -" f . CVNVK'IT GRANO I'lAVO F R RENT; U . 'M'WiFL L T N K H.VRuLD & GIL 1 1 K K f. WKS T T V UK C. N N n.' -!v sav-'iifior.f. silver wtrh jr 'd b-"i . $!-. tr rms G. F. Johnson I'rto t".. 141 ft' h St. JTa N J3 nn'Vd, tS. around f.avr; work none by emrx-rts and guaranteed. Ca. t s , i. pay 1-5 cash ir fo.v! upr. ht p;.-n. pain cat aw. No d aiera. Mr. uTTTT tTi.1" turn cr fur w ork (or e....l p , n Th V'.ir Shop. Broadway H4tt I 1 1 fi-r fn: 1 or ijs a k. Ac" JU KI'T-T' 'N K K imbaU pi.n. iik ,,1.-1 ? y :'.,'.. miFjtr-'QA. I E VS. -n:t-.! . pay cwa (or brTA;n. Tt li tr rrj.s. I or 2 li 4 4. c"f:-t. M A HilA5 Y .'ctroks, 1 VVXiV, Hi racorda, latraf wA J'lANu y:nK ueti Very .l :.c (d h. I -' H " y at . s u r. d a r . F'HSALfc I'LA) KH l IANv7l3.d. CALL 1'K' V 1 "W A T ? kTm HA I-1 r.-w"; on e-..- y term a r.trjr 1--: s M'.ijc.c Co.. i5 th st. FOR SUE PiaOCTa. Organs and da.k-af Intmnirnta. FEBRCART BRCXSwlCK RECORDS. HERE ARH THE STAR NTMBERS. Can b P ayed on Any Steei -Nead.e Phonograph. OPERATIC 1(MH9 Ta Donna e Mb!e (Woman T? Kicke) From Kiaoletto. act m CV'erdiL tenor, in Ita.ian, Mario Cham lee. CONCERT. 1003 My Laddi Troutwtkoy-Thay-erl. antrrano. Florence Kaston. 13031 I'll Forret Ton Burns-Ball) tenor. Theo Ksrle; Th W orid I Waltina; for tha Sunrisa Lock. hart-filta, tenor. Theo. lvar.e. 5071 Listen to tha Mockins; Bird (Winner), binJ voice ny Atar-rar-et McK. aoorano. Mar.e Tif fany; My Curly-Headed Baby (jiutaam. sopra-fto, Maria T.f faay. XN'STRTTMENTAI. 30023 Karnennoi-Ostrow (Stony Is land) op. 10 tRuhinstemJ. piano far to so.o. Leopold Gouowsay. 30024 La Caprldettaa fEIirar, Tiolin so.o. Broniviaw (HubermaxO. ISo35 Antnzna and Winter fQlaaoonowV vi'i:n. 'cello and piano, K:ebneo Trio; Swedish Folk fo& (Swend aen. violin, 'ceUo and piano, Kl achuco xno. fi057 Arteslenna Mlnnot fBJret) VemeKa'a Itailan band ; Arieslenne Farandoi (Bixet), eeiiaa ltai- laa band. 2071 Velma Reebrook) saxophone solo. Rudy Wiedoef t; Saxophone Fantaie (Rowbrook), aaxophone ala Kudy WiedoeiL, POPULAR. alry r or Alley (Caw- ernith), strand Mai Quartet BUa of Cfhandoa Mahoney-Ne vein), Straad Mai Quartet. T 0KK-rta Koa (Snllrran-FTynn RoaenthalTi. tanor. Jam CraTan 1 Waat My Mam m y (TV e h n0- Breau). baritone, itrnoat iiaxa. L Pra Jnat Too Mean ta Cry (Par- lh-Toanc-qnires), tenor. Al Ber nard with carl Jr enton a rcnestra Brother Down f Bernard Brters). tanor, with orehe-tra, Ai Bornard with Carl Featon's or chestra. a Mandy B Ma ICalmur -Conrad Motxan). tenor, Blily Jones an aiaa 1 no; iippcr ism " " Voa TUaer), tenor and barttona. FOR DANCfNO. euT !Ctr Fox Trot fAlden). Iihim Jono'a orchestra: What' 11 Ton Do Fox Trot I"ham Jones), I ah a in Joooa' orcheatra. 219 ffnowflake Fox Trot (Morgan) from "tSreenwich Village Follies. Gene Rodenmich' orrhestra; April Showers Fox Trot (.Siiverf). from "Bombo, tie no Rodenmtc&a or cheatra. 3174 Vm Coeko Orer Tou Fox Trot Mlrhen-Hrooks. tiennio irn- ger's orchestra; Bow-Wow Blues Fox Trot (Friend-Oabornej, Bennia Krueter's orchestra. aiTl Ron of Love Wain from Plifv-Kom Time." Carl Fenton's or ehstra: When Shall Wo Meet again Waltx Whitln). Carl Fenton'a orchestra. 2X73 Th Fhelk Fox Trot Ted Snr der Rudy Wledoeft'a Californ lan; Broken Toy Fox Trot (Fla-tow-Maeine), Rody Wledoefts Californiaoa 2170 Ka-Lo-A Fox trot Jerome- Kern) from Good Morning Dearie.1 Carl Fenton's orchestra; BJue Danube Blue Fox Trot jerome-Klern). introdncin Tod- d.e. from "Good Morning, iear ie,' Carl Fenton'a orchestra. 2177 Leave Me With a Smile Fox Tm. (Rartnmt. Carl f enron or chestra: Weep No Mora My Mam n;y Fox Trot ffoiiacxj, tari cn ton's orchestra. EDWARDS. FTJRNMTrRE. iih and Oak. THE HOME OF THE BRUNSWICK.- EAST TERMS NO INTEREST OX tVERTTHING. WONDERFUI- PIANO BARGAINS. 4.!i on If-k Kav Terms. $ B." Nice Knirson. walnut 17 JM TOO hi kering A Ponn. rosew'd 1 -'5 0 5.v Bradford, latent walnut 4M Jpwett. nice dull mah'y. . iul i'hi,'krtn ixiuat to new v5,Oi 315 (M) &-m w w. kimhail make. line. 17 5.h 7M McPhail. wonderful tone... 1 90.00 573 MeCamon, upright, good.. . wk Varranrf nlvi-r oiano. latent lttO.OO 375.00 hmtr piano, plain upright 1. 00 T'mi Starr, nice walnut W Vose ft Sons, fine '.'-. 575 R. S. Howard, latest U35.H Others. Art quick and get a fin Tiiann at a poaittv bargain. Terms. BKUKKRAUK CO., 1 Woreeater B'dK. Hardmnn. rosewood, rlrh tone, $250 SH.M) rhiiir. equal new, walnut. . .$-75 .in I'lnv-r. Ptecer & Son. oak 3 S750 Player. Kincbry. mnhon.. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Martin slide trombone, stiver. . . . . $250 irior i'-vii ...... Fin old guitar, hand made $30 4- tieacan orcnessra Miriar'a E-.chin:e. Sit Worcester Btdg I'll'K ORUAN tuntnx and repairing; cvprt workmanship. t'it-r:im . vuuax. Cc . 1J5 4th Ft. I!rt;ii?ttar .'.' 1M ALL VU-trotH. shmii- rvcorrt. whel chair, t'bono wain. swi cunuay m-jur- 4 t . M . K t NGiitl" RY plant. nuihogi;y case; a spindid bargain ; only $'45. term, t; F Johnson PUnn. 'o.. 14: fith at. Fnmhure lor iSaie. EXOHAVflrn rTNTVG FURNITURE. UBNCINB BAK'fAINS. TiO. Flre earlv English r:n.h oak st. 45-in. round top fi-foot exten in ta:ie and rtx aolid oak rhium C bjn -rt if new would i-jv.t vrvn 75: now th price for 7 neccs is on'.y $12.50 Handsome quarter- wed golden oh k pedeial rae table and 4 amli osik chlns with cane seats 30.30 i-lid oak round-top. fiv e-leg ex tension table and six fancy back cha:r; an exceptional bur (7 luees C 5f 3C4.Ni" OTHERS FR BELOW THE O "T OF NEW. Combination buffet &ai aMeboard 21.50 Trlpie mirror walr.t dressing; taf 2O!10 Op-ra-eat oak arm rocker S .75 V.rth Pot rrfrcrator 14.54 Fine bal! rack with mirror 950 Five-drawer chiffonier t no glas 10. 5 Whit etumi drjaer, beveled m rror 21.50 Ta ps: ry overstuffed loose-cuah Ion dtn'prt f 50 4-Md wfd ar'd coal range Jt.,"m lrn bed from $5.5 to 1 1 75 tod -f - m bed aprinui $ 1.50 to 3. 75 EDWARIV rtRNIUKK. 5th and Oak. A Good Pin- to Trarte. Easy Term. No Interest On Everythlnf, LA KG t. Vu.ran ga ranee. 3J5; electric itewtnsT machine; 1 reivet rug, i'3. Tab-r lilt; iKiK-lifcCACH h '. Ftove. wiKd. S j r -rkor No. 1 , good A new, J;.5d. lltUI i:t ith at. N FC KNITI HK of 3- in house, one player piano; ill new w. w sii sacru ice for cajsh. Kst TiYCan Monday. FOR sALh u.t iirr..-r. chirfoniere, bras be 1. :eel !rmcs, floss mattress. Auto. m7 -04 iout hii guou for iJii. 1 At schuylrr CHILI 5 btrd. niaitres. spring in good rnd't:n. Tabor t? - BUYS Main ".5t furniture of 3-room house. 11 KNlTl"i:K and rut. also fine wtwd aud coal rafute; no uuaiera Auto. 3l73o. FOR PALE. Furniture for ale. TOUR CREDTT IS GOOD AT LEVINS. 221-223-223 FRONT STREET. NT Interest. No Red Tapo. -Between you and blrh pricea stands Levins." SEVENTEEX REAL BARGAINS. REAX EVERT ONE. Universal Food Chopper $1.75. A genuin-o Universal family food chopper, com piete with 4 knives; a regu lar i z. 7 val ue, special only L7S Copper-Bottom Lisk Boiler, $2.0, An extra heavy copper bottom boiler with heavy rims, riveted handiea. This is a Lisk. which means the best made; regular $4.5 value, only 2.9S Glass or Brass Wash Boards. 6Sc. Th glass or brass King wash board, which are the bett mado and which sell regularly for &5c . Special this week only 69 OH? wo Id Waffl Iron, $1.95. A No. 8 genuine Oriswotd waf- ' Fie Iron, wire handle that will not bum; a regular 13 50 value. Special th! week for only 1.93 Combination Kitchen Stool and Ladder. 11.69. A combination kitchen stool and stepladder, 5 inches high, weil made and braced, can be folded up to set away. &peciai in is week only 1.69 S'x Cnps and Saucers. S$te. A set of six dandy cups and eaucera In white or gold band. These are regular $1.40 value and w will sell them while they last, six cuds and eaucera for only -83 Hot Point Electric Iron, $6.25. A genuine six-pound electric iron, never sold for less than $6.95: our price this week only. 6-5 Fireplace Ba-ket Grate, $3.95. Xandy basket grate for burning coal or briquettes in your fire place;, we carry them in all siaea and now is your chance to buy . on at a big saving. Th 18-inch size, regular x&.ao vaiue, special in is wee a omy ........... . 593 Spark Guard for Fireplace, J 2. 65. Spark guards and folding scroena for your fireplace at wholesale prloes. A fino spark guard, 3d Inches vide and 34 inches high; regular $3.50 value for only 2.65 Simplex Electrto Heater, $7.95. Closing out ail of our electrto heaters at lea than present-day wholesale oost. The Simplex is a wonderful heater and Just th thing for the bathroom or other small rooms; regular $11.60 value for only T.95 New Dining Table. 17.50. A 45-inch square dining table with five 4-inch legs, has three leave and extends full six feet, nicely grained and finished In golden oak. color. This price is eeveral dollars under the present wholesale cost and tiiia table ordinarily would sell for $15; apecial price while they last at. 7.50 Congoleum Carpets, $5.40. Genuine Gold Seal Congoleum ' carpets to fit any size room, all at gratly reduced prices. Cxy Congoleum carpets, only B.40 7x9 Congoleum carpets, only... e.75 Oxli Congoieum carpets only... 30.75 9x13 Congoleum, carpets, only... 13.45 Grasa Ruga, $4.95. A new shipment of grass rnes, hxIO feet, suitable for bedrooms; several designs to select from, at only 4.95 7-Piece Diningr Room Set, $40 50. Slightly used dinins; set of seven pieces, consisting of 48-ln. round extension table with heavy ped estal, fin quarter-sawed oak, five chairs and on armchair, made extra htavy with genuine full leather seats. This set looks like new and is really better looking than we can tel. vou. Flnishei nicely in standard o Id en oak and a real buy for 49.50 We win pay cash or make lib eral allowances for any goods you wish to sell or exenange. BUT IT AT LEVINS AND BUT IT FOR LESS. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS. 221-228-22fl Front Street, Corner of Salmon. Main 9072. SLIGHTLT USED DINING SUITES. Fumed oak dining suite, good as new. comprising 4R-inch plank-rim table, 0 genuine leather slip-seat chairs and a massive bjffet with French plate mirror. This in a very high-grade suite and priced at only $119. Walnut dining suite in William and Mary design, consisting of 60 Inch buffet, serving table, 4S-inoh round table and 6 chairs with gen uine leather .llp seats. This fine suite cost $235 just 'recently and can now be bought for $172.50. We also have 8 very high-grade mahogany William and Mary din ing chairs with cane barks and seats upholstered in beautiful va lour. The chairs cost $27. 30 each and priced only $9.85 each. Ea-y Terms. MISH FI RNITCRB CO., 188-190 First St. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. Chairs $ 1.00 Iron beds ................. 1.75 Rockers 2 50 Bed springs l.o Extension table 750 Mattre? 2.50 80 id oak dining chairs with leather seat 1W Dresser 9 AH) Cool or wood rang 17.50 9x12 graas rug 6.50 OWL FURNTTURB CO. Sel.s for Less. 10-16S First Street. 73 Feet South of Morrison. P tVEVPORTS. "QUALITY THROUGHOUT. Wholesale and retail. Manufac turers of a.l hair davenports; t'Migtie-tied frame construction and the best of workmanship; lat est coverings in mohairs, tapes tries, velours, etc; styles that are different. Few samples at good prfoe. Telephone Wi5-27. Eve ninr and SunOavs. Tabor 5797 or 6J0-2T. MICHAELSOX-MASON. Inc. East 54ih tot, and Foster Road. vv, 2-INCH post bed. Simmon's1 steel springs and pure otton roll-edge m a 1 1 r e em ; re g. $-t 0. 50. Our pr i ce. complete $21. 50 fcxlJ Axmlnster rug. Only. .ji.5u 351 OAK ST.. Bet. Broadway and Park. VEKSTUF l'KD davenport and rocker to ma ten. This set has been in use but two weeks and is like new; covered with tapestry of a beautiful design, price 1J eas!. AuioTTianc a: FoR SALE 1 ch.ltonr. t library tab.e. 1 settee. 1 rug ana t single oea springs and mattress, 1 extra springs. 1 Morris chAir. l"- r-. -jri'rn a. N E W white enameled bassinet, lined and padded; baov dukkv, use a put a lew t.:ne; 2 refrigerators, on used two months- Est 3314. UKNITLKE of 3-room Lai for H.-i Sen TT5 Wln st. saie; no PIECE parlor su;l. y E. -Mil N. Sunday only. Auto. 234-31. MUST sacrifice almost new high-class furniture. f.ast HAYWOOD ned carnage, old ivory. con n it on- r.aat - ITHMTl'KK of 4-room flat for sale. tltW. FOR SALE. Furniture for Hale. CO MS, PEE OUR WINTXW5. WE HAVE REAL BARGAINS. 2-!n. contfnuons poet Sim mons beds. Ivory or Vemis Martin, regular $13. for..$ 9. S3 Steel bed springs .......... 5.30 Large six overstaffed rocker 14.73 Ta pea-try overstuffed daven port, 3 spring cushions, aiightly used but looks aa. good aa new, for only.... 45.00 Massive round extension table 13.30 Slightly used Queen Anne dining table, walnut, 45- J In.. 6-foot extension ; a $45 value for only 27.50 COME. FEE OUR WINDOWS FOR. REAL BARGAINS. Hi gh back q uartered oak genuine leather seat rock er; a real value $18.50. for 11.50 Hardwood, ivory, full panel bed, SSZ value, for 14.76 54 or 48-ln flush top quar tered golden oak dining table 27.50 New 9x12 velvet rugs...... 27.50 Inlaid linoleum. beautiful pat terns to choose from, yard 1.S8 9x12 Go!d Seal congoleum . rug patterns 1... 10.40 9x13 tapestry rug. blue pat.. 15.50 Bine enamel cast Iron range. tor coal or wood 65.00 COME, SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR REAL BARGAINS, New St. Clair coal or wood range, nickel base. 18-inch oven, polished top 42.30 Genuine leather overstuffed rocker 22.50 Jewel gaa range, 4 burners, side ovena 14.00 New brass beds 1T.50 Singer tailor's sewing machine. Walnut Kimball organ 23.00 Combination eoal or wood or gaa range, enameled cast rron, g aa ove n for bakl n g and broiler on top. lower oven - for wood or coal only; one of the latest combination ranges, $187.50 valua 12. & Mahogany dining set. 48-inch top, 8-foot extension table, 0 blue leather aeat chairs. Including carver 67.50 Ivory dressing table. 3 plate mirrors 16.00 Ivory dresser, plate mirror.. 18.50 Quartered oak colonial bed. full aixe 17.30 COME, SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR. REAL BARGAINS. Genuine leather slip seat oak dining chairs 3.W Walnut davenport, table, a real $36-50 value, for only. 22JS0 Genuine Gold Seal conffoleum, -guaranteed satisfaction or new congoleum replaced, yd. .79 Kitchen Queens, with double bins, $12.50 value for 7.50 Colonial chlffonnier. solid oak frame, beveled plate mir ror, ' small drawers on top 22.50 Golden wax or fumed oak library tables' 9 50 COME, SEE US FOR REAL BARGAINS. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First Street. 75 Feet South of Morrison. FINE VALUES IN USED RUGS. Two verr slightly used Ox 32 high-grade Wilton rugs, one old rose, the other tan and brown, great bargains at each -.Si 3.00 1 6x0 Royal Turkish rug. worth 3S7.50 new. for 59.75 Two beautiful 9x12 Peer- J less rugs that can hardly be told from new: the pair cost $170; now each 52,50 One 9x12 body Brussels rug m fine condition for only... 28.50 Another 9x12 body Brus sels rug 17-50 EASY TERMS NO INTEREST. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1S8-190 First St. REGULAR $145, 54-lnch walnut. Queen Anne ex. table and 0 leather seat chairs to match, in good con dition; special ;..$73 8-3x10-6 wool Wilton rug, with linen fringe. Only -.$34 351 OAK ST. Bet. Broadway and Park, Across from Telephone Co. SAVE MONET. Try our sales department it you want to buy or sell household goods.. Reduced freight rates to moat all points in our throujrh pool cars: expert packing, re pairing and ref inishini. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. 1 ,0 w insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. 52 4th St., Opp- Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. DINING room set, soiid oak, table and chairs, buffet, 'china closet, also .oak dresser, ivory dresser, heating stove, hot water heater, two beds, three rockeae, center tables, lounge, writing desk, breakfast table and chairs, chiffonier, large and small rugs, Vulcan gas range, hiRh oven, lawn mower. Going away, muet se'.l all of part. Phone Wdln. 1AT7, WILL SELL my dining suite, 45-inch ta ble. 4 chairs and buffet, William and Mary design. 2 Wilton velvet rugs. 1 au tomatic Ruud heater, solid mahogany rocker. 1 oak rocker. Eureka electric cleaner, a few small fluff rugs. 2 ivory dressers. 1 iron walnut bed, complete, Cail between noon and 6 P. M. Sunday only. 12S Laddington court. Lanrelhurst. ;AJITARV cot. bed complete; 1 bed complete: dining table, kitchen table; 6-hole range; No. 8 cookstove; gas plate; small gas range; high oven gas range; heating stove; rag rug; rocking chairs, kitchen chairs; mahogany parlor set. M. & M. Trans, ft Storage Co., 558 Powell st.: never ciosed. EL EG AN x' high-grade furniture, complete for 5 rooms, just like new, used less than 5 months, especially suitable for newly married couple; must sell quickly for cash only. In reply giv phone num ber: no dealers. C Q9, Oregon tan. 1 PAIR large Toulouse geese, ready to lay, $10; K. L thoroughbred, year-old roosters. $2.50 a. ; R. L laying hens and pullets. $2. Evenings and Sundays. JHl'O Alberta St. . FCRNITL RE, In excellent condition, for saie; 0-in. buffet, serving table, library table, 4-piece walnut bedroom set, 8x10 Bussorah rug, misc. art idea 358 Mon roe st,. off Union are. MUST sell ail of our furniture right away, to will sacrifice cheap. 251 Dupont t, 111st across Broadway bridge. LARGE Pathe Actuelle phonograph, solid mahogany spine tt desk., beautiful floor lamp. Room 801 Congress hotel. ! 1 BRASS bed, 1 child's bed, 1 piano bench dark oak. 1 Axminster rug 8x10. 7504 W 00 d n ock ave. . ts. jrnone t:j FURNITURE for 3 rooms. $85. Must sell quick. Take Estacada car, get off at Berkley station. 11S0 Tenlno st. , FURNITURE, living room, bedroom, and kitchen: also rugs and one child's elec tric train with transformer. East 7021. 3-KOoMS of f urnitux very cheap. 144 Cwrnrr.ercial St. FURNITURE for sale, cheap. ,914 Cor bett St. . QUEEN ANNE mahogany buffet. Poily anna Cafeteria. lOUi and FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. SLIGHTLY UP ED FURNITURE, ETC. SPECIALLY PRICED AT v WILLIAM GADSBT & SONS, FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE. Oriental Grass Rocker, nigh back ... - $10.50 Reed Stand, round top, with plate glass .. 10.50 Quartered Oak Library Ta ble, value $19.50 11.73 Babies Bed, white enamel finish. 7.50 Oak Chiffonier, in good con dition 17.60 Dresser, with large mirror, in good order...., 15.00 Oak Bookcase," with, porta ble shelves 14.50 White Enamel Breakfast Set, decorated 19.75 Mahogany Library slightly used .... 29.50 A. B. Gas Range, side oven, white enamel splashers... 44.50 4-Burner Garland Gas Range, double oven -j 32.50 New Leader Wood and Coal Range, with coil and con nection 39.50 Wh i te Ma pi e Dresser, with bevel plate mirror ....... 19.T5 Garland Gas Water Heater,, double copper coil con nected 24.50 Your Credit Is Good. WM. GADSBT AND SONS. FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. BP KIND A LITTLE TO SAVE MUCH by coming In and looking over our line of used ranges. Prices are very special while they last. , WOOD AND COAL RANGES. 1 Peninsular special, 12-lnch oven $21.50 1 Universal, 6-hole, In very fine condition 50.00 1 Toledo, 16-lnch oven, fin baker 22.50 1 Stewart range 18-inch oven, as good as new 30l00 1 Ohio range, wibh, reservoir, fine for farm 35.00 GAS RANGES. 1 A-B gas range, high oven, 4 burners $27.50 1 National gaa range, high oven, 4 burners 27.50 1 Reliable gas range, high oven. 4 burners 45.00 1 Superior gas range, like new... 47.50 1 Vulcan, high oven, 4 burners... 25.00 1 Vulcan. large range. cerfect range 65.00 NOTTCB All of thjese ranges have been thoroughly gene over and repaired by an expert man and have our guar antee Deni-nd every used range. Visit our basement salesroom for ex changed furniture for living rooms, din Ing rooms, bedrooms and kitchens at t traction of its original cost. HENRY JEWNXNG & SONS, Washington at Fifth. SPECIAL SALE OF GRASS ROCKERS AND CHAIRS. W have just received a ship ment of large, comfortable grass rockers an d arm chairs in ve ry artistic designs. We offer the rocks at. . . . .$S.95 Aid th chairs at.... $7.95 Come early while they last. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S8-190 First St. MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE, very slightly used, consisting of full-size bed. massive dresser and chiffonier with large French plate mirrors. This suite would cost at least $195 new; we ask only $129.50 for it and a year to pay. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First LEAVING CITY, will sacrifice furnishings, as toiiows: 48-incn round dark oak din ing table, six chairs and buffet to match ; oak bed, springs and mattress complete ; large oak dresser ; Ivory enamel bed with springs; ivory dresser (new); sewing rocker; box couch with cover; ivory breakfast table; 3 9x13 rugs; double size folding steel camping bed; Eden washing machine; garden tonis; 00 teet new nose; mason jars. etc. HM13 ai. vitti .-s. rhone Wriin. 1147. REGULAR $450, genuine walnut bedroom suite, consisting of bow end bed, dresser, chiffonier and vanity case, all mahogany lined, as fine as there is. Special. . .$ii90 351 OAK ST. Bet. Broadway and Park. FOR SALE. Phonograph, Universal combination range, davenport, buffet, library, dining and iarea wicker tables, cnairsi beds. fruit jars and other articles. Phone Vancouver 533 J, or call at 2111 Broad FIRST-CLASS furniture of a 5-room bun- srnlow for sale, one piece or more. rhidin? Monarch range. Ruud heater, gas. nearly new, canned goods, jars and lots of odds and ends. If Interested call at 1109 E. Market, near 3Ttn St.; no aeai erf. Owner. EXTRA fine $600 period dining set fof $175; 8 pieces; wicker oaoy cao., $10; box couch. $4.50; oak rocker, $3.50; 2 bridge tables $3. 529 E. Ash. East 1371. VERY attractive ivory triple mirror dress ing table. just tne ming ior young married couple or young girls' room. $34 dresser for less than half price. Sac rifice. 055 Mallnry aye. Wdln. 3272- DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture it going ejr. or to California, we can save vou money on. your freight in our through cars; ureprcoi storage. j. iti. uimid Transfer ft Storage Co.. 24S Pine street. FURNISHINGS of 3-room house and house for rent; pavea . street, comomation range, ivory bedroom set, Whittall Wil ton rug, oak dining room furniture, etc. Wdln. 93V COLLECTION of 9 oriental rugs, 1 Dozar, 1 sllK, 1 AIOSUH, o jwiaucniaiaii. ian oe seen by appointment. BF 438, Orego nian. BEAUTIFUL overstuffed davenport, mo hair veiour; iinesi; new; oargam. juam 5072. MAGNIFICENT solid mahogany chifferobe and otner oeauuiui new lumuure; leav ing city. Phone -Main 5072. FURNITURE to complete 5 rooms. No dealers. cau netween xu a. m.. ana o M. .4714 W. Park. OAK BUFFET, dining table and chairs. couch, woo a range, wnu cons. auiu. 2"27-73. SOME exquisite oriental rugs; marvelous colorings; gems; unrsaiu, icaviug uiljt. Main oOTJ. nvKR.ST IT F FED leather rockers. $35 each; 1 leather mahogany bed daven port, I. new. $60. Call Tabor 2630. 1 IVORY dressing table, 1 fumed oak pho- nograpn, X sua lauiy et(ia.u ii7 jufli SMti st. JNortn. DINING table and chairs. Queen Anne, walnut, oval top. cane back, blue leather upholstered cnairs. Auto, oib-oi FOR SALE Solid oak- buffet, with 12x40 French plate glass; good as new. 5-G08 SOth ave. S. E. Phone 610-92. A B GAS RANGE! Wood and coal heater "with coil, cheap. 426 Glenn ave., near Lincoln. D WENPORT, 2 rockers, oak, good as new. Price $40. Call Sun. or Monday. 349 N. ittn s HUGHES electric range. White sewing machine and an oak telephone stand and chair to match. Woodlawn 141. FURNITURE of 0 rooms for sa.e cheap; leaving city. 875 Minnesota ave. East sine. BED. DAVENPORT and 2 rockers, oak with craft leather. 905 Skid mo re st. Phone 331-03. FUMED oak dining table, china closet, buffet, Brussels rug 9x12, hall runner 9 ft., etc. Tabor 9117. FOUR room-size rugs, almost new; will sell cheap for cash. Call at 567 E. Davis. $60 SOLID OAK library table, $25; $20 heater, $10; $30 gas stove. $10. Tabor 7200. g-PIECE mahogany bedroom set. just like now. verv cheao. Phone Main 454S; no dealers. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. SALE OF THE FORMER MEIER & FRANK STOCK and Other Stocks of FURNITURE, DRAPERIES. ETC.. Damaged at Warehouse and Removed to 849-351 Oak SL Bet. Broadway a'ad Park. (Across from Telephone Co.) At Prices Unheard of Before. Reg. $100 tapestry over stuffed davenport, loose cushions, special $ 50.00 Reg. $150 veiour davenport only 75.00 Reg. $2oO mohair davenport only 125.00 Reg. $50 genuine leather overstuffed rocker Reg. $90 leather bed daveu enports only Reg. 550 mahogany daven port tables only Mahogany piano lamps only Silk and narchment lamp 24.00 57.50 15.00 9.00 shades & price 9x12 wool Wilton rugs with fringe, only -r. . . 37.50 9x12 Axminster rugs up from 21.50 9x12 aeamless velvet rugs only 19.50 9x12 seamless Brussels, spe cial 15.90 Wool fiber, grass and linoleum rugs at 1-3 to 1-2 off. and. others too numerous to mention, 24-lnch stair carpet at, y&.$ .40 Reg. 85c pro-linoleum, spe cial, yard .42 Reg. $13 portieres, all col ors, at, pai r 4 . 00 Reg. $20 Martha Washing ton sewing cabinets 10.00 Oak extension tables up from 12.50 Mali, or walnut Period ex tension tables 20.00 Chairs to match price Re.g. $45 oak buffet only 22.50 Reg. $37.50 Ivory dresser, large plate mirror. 23.00 Reg. $25 ivory dresser, plate mirror ., 15.00 Reg. $60 ivory dressing ta bles, triple mirror , 15.00 Beg. $237.50 6-piece Ivory bedroom suite, all hard wood, special 122.00 Pure silk floss mattresses. heavy art ticking, special 14.25 Double deck coil springs, size 6.00 Imported Japanese bird cages at less than. price And a thousand other bargains. 349-351 Oak St. COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR. AUCTION SALES. By Geo. Baker & Co., Yamhill and West Park sts. We wish to call your especial attention to the grand auction on Tuesday next at 10 A. M. Read adv. in this section today's paper. All we can say is to be here. Thank you. W; C. BAKER & W. H, DEAN, Auctioneers. Office and Salesroom Yamhill and West Park Sts. 7-ROOM well-furnished apartment, 1st and Morrison sts.; have lease to give you. Come make me offer. Call 222 Mor rison st. WE ARE ready to go, must sell beautiful black walnut bedroom suite and springs; glass on dresser 34x40; A-l condition. $40 takes it. 441 N. 23d st. MUST sell at once, electric range, radiant fire, beds, oak phone table and lawn mower. Call Sunday P. M. 528 East 44th street North. r ONE 48-IN. oak library table, $25; 1 oak and leather chair, one oak hat rack. Tabor 8454. Office Furniture. FOR OFFICE. Flat-top or roll-top desks, of fice tables, filing cabinets. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First St., 75 Feet South of Morrison. . NEW AND USED roll and flat top desks, files, tables and chairs. Wonderful bar gains in used safes, dictaphones, adding machines and time clock. Office fur niture rented. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. , ABSOLUTELY new, 1 quartered oak roll top, 2 flat, 1 stenographer's desk, 1 Remington typewriter and misc. ; sell for cash only, quick, nian. ..... AH 424, Orego DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for salesman. IRWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 3144. ONE large office safe, $125 ; one 6-foot floor case, $60; one Oliver typewriter, $25. Call at-204 Ger linger bldg., Second and Aider. . 1 LARGE office safe, $125. 1 6-ft. floor case $60, 1 Oliver typewriter $25. - 204 Gerlinger bid., 2d and Alder. -. . HALL safe for -sale. 212 Railway Exch. building. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange ; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Main 3668. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to students. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 8O6 Spalding bldg. Bdwy. 61)75.- F. & E. CHECKWRITER for sale at 50 discount, in good wonting order. M. 418. Oregon ian. JSEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. Jf. u. to., z.-i siarn sc. jyiam xwt. REPAIRS, rent,' buy, sell; supplies. Type writer inspection co., atarK. m. o-oa. LATE model Remington typewriter. Auto. 631-15. BARGAIN today, visible typewriter, only $ 20 . 304 OaK. REMINGTON 10, excellent condition, very reasonable. 21140, coucn st. i v car. CORONA typewriter with case, $25. Em- pire Transfer, Zo4 .Broadway, iinwy. ma. Poultry. PLANS for poultry houses all styles, luO illustrations and copy 01 ine un Basket." Send 25 cents. Inland Poul- try Journal. Indianapolis, Ind 2 BROWN Leghorn hens and rooster, $5; a llr Ttnnlr hos S3. Tnniiiro fiOOO LAVING W. L Hens, $1 each;W. L. pul- layers. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon st. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red cockerels; price cau coiumoia 1181. , 250 MASTER incubator cheap. Al con dition. Call 34 cast iotn. rnone tsen. 396. . CHOICE S. C. R. I. Red cockerels and. pul lets, reasonable, a tutn JNortn. laoor 194. ' WHITE Leghorn chicks, $15 per lOO; 500- chick electric orooaers. laoor aaz. Park Rose hatchery, Portland. FOR SALE! Pedigreed Black Minorca cockerel. cau jnonaay, main u3-o, or write Box 8, Hillsdale, Or. 10 WHITE Leghorn hens, 90 cts. each; also 8 R. I. Red pullets, fi.iv eacn. 431 E. 52d st. S. C. REDS, stock, eggs for hatching, mat ing list, .trices reaeonaoie. x Taylor. Tabor 4bOO. FOR SALE Partridge Wyandotte rooster, blue riDDon ecock. inquire iri uivx sion st.. Phone Tabor 181. CHOICE cockerels, tor sale, R. L Red. W. Leghorn ana kj. a. v.. 1 xvurn. t . R. Maguire. 787 Oregon St. East 1805. MAMMOTH bronze turkey gobblers, rea sonably pneea. w in. iverron, rornanu, Route z. LIGHT Brahma hens and roosters; pen of darK COmisn eaDLeru biucb, iur BS-ie cheap. Tabor 4995 R. I. R. PLLLiitiH, young nens ior saie. Broadway a-(. ea--n ELECTRIC brooder for sale, used five weeks. xapor na. 20 R. I. hens and rooster, all laying, $1.50 each. Automatic am-ii. - . SALMON Fazorelle cockerels, trios and setting eggs. -ta&s xu. aiaaison si. FOR ALE Pair of geese, $8. lawn 2U7o; VICTOR strain : dark Cornish cockerels cheap, w ooaiawn gaaa. BARRED ROCK cockerei Thompson strain, tnorougaorea, o. ju. 10 YOUNG W. L.- hens, $1 apiece. 487 Roselawn ave. LAYING hens. $1 each. Aut 636-23. 3301 2d st. WANT 100 White Leghorn pullets; cash price. J 45, uregonian. FINE Flemish Giants cheap or trade for CXUC&OliA. Ml All Oil FOR SALE. Poultry. FOR SALE We have succesfully served the public for 16 years and are better fitted than ever to fill all your require ments in baby chicks, turkeys, duck lings and hatching eggs. Also feeds, remedies, incubators. Reliable and fire less "brooders. Write for price lists. Shipments on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays by parcel post or express. Pioneer Hatchery, 320 So. Spring St., Los Angeles. . MAGUIRE'S CHICKS. BRED TO LAY, HATCHED TO GROW. R. I. Reds, 6. A, C, Barred Rocks. 25 per 100; White Leghorns, $13 per 100; $175 per 1000. Vigorous -chicks from heavy laying strains; Hoganized and trap-nested stock. Order now. EGGS FOR HATCHING. J. R. MAGUIRE. 7S7 Oregon St. E. 1S05. 25 THOROUGHBRED breeding roosters or cockerels Black Minorca, Ancona. Barred Rocks, Reds, Brown, White and Buff Leghorns. Andalusians, Wrhite Wy andot tes, Bantums or Games. $2 up. 20O laying hens and pullets of the above breeds. $1 to $1.60. Will deliver. WTrite or come to 505 Williams, or Rev. Leroy . Whiddon. Money in Your Pocket. THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Progressive Farmers Weekly. 52 BIG ISSUES, $1. Wilson's Magazine Service. , Prompt Dependable. East 4430. 429 E. Morrison. Portland, Oregon. - BABY CHICKSl BABY CHICKS! REDUCED PRICES on White Leg horns, Reds, Minorcas, Barred Rocks. White Rocks and Anconas. Best Oregon stock. Postal secures new FREE cat alogue. Write today. C. N. NEEDHAM, SALEM, OREGON. HATCHING eggs from heavy-laying, good type, thoroughly Hoganized, 2-year-old ' hens, mated to extra " fine cockerels; Tancred White Leghorns, 15, $1.25; 100 $6; Barred Rocks. R. I. Reds, 15, $1.50; 1O0, $7. C. C. Anderson, Giesham, Or. First place south of depot on Estacada car line. FOR SALE 150 thoroughbred trapnested white Leghorn pullets 1 year old this month, laying 60 to 65 per cent the past . three months, high grade stock; also 20 breeding cockerels; will dispose of the lot or separate lots of 50 at $1 each for quick sale. Box 166. Oregop City. FOR SALE Pen of pure blood Rhode Is land Reds, single combs, four hens and cock, $15. One single comT Rhode Is land Red cockerel, $5. Twelve white Rock pullets, 10 months old, $25. Mrs. E. D. Berry, R, R. No. 2, Box 13, Bea verton, Or. Tel. 2 rings, line 5. WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS frorB Petaluma's heaviest producing stock; we guarantee safe arrival; literature on re quest. .PIONEER HATCHERY, 441 6th St.. Petaiuma, Cal. EGGS for hatching, from trap-nested White Leghorn stock, for sale; aleo a few cockerels of 250 to 278-egg record Phone or write for full Information, Georges Poultry Farm, route 5, Portland. Main 7669. . FURNITURE of 6 rooms; gray enameled bedroom set. dining table, 6 chairs, brass bed, mahogany chiffonier and desk, leather cushioned chairs, electrolier, Hoover sweeper, garden tools, fruit Jars. 673 E. Salmon. BABY CHICKS and hatching eggs. Eng lish S. C. White Leghorns, trap-nested continuously. 500 chicks at present. MoKenna Poultry Farm, 1625 McKenna ave., Portland, Or. FOR SALE 12 young laying W. Wyan dotte hens. 31.25 each, or $13. &0 the lot. Also a beautiful genuine Ringhouse Wry cock., 2 years old. price $8. Mrs. W. H. Hall, R. 2. Winlock. Wash. 150 S. C. WHITE LEGHORN hens for saie. 2 years old March 3, 1922; $150 takes tne lot; a line lot 01 nens; owner is going to move. R. H. Walls, Sherwood, Or., Route 2. FOR SALE Rabbits and pullets; 11 breeding does, 1 buck, registered, Flem ish Giant: also young stock and hutches; 10 R. I. Red pullets, laying, reasonable. can evenings, xa ta. utn st. is. YEAR-OLD White Wvandotte pullets cockerel, 1 year old and 2 year old; Buff Orpington and White Wyandotte eggs for hatching. setting nens ior saie. Auto. 631-10. 6200 41st S. E. BREEDING pen 50 2-yeaf-old hens, 3 cockerels, reasonable; all high pedi greed Tancred stock White Leghorns, laying select eggs ; pick of 1000 last Oc tober. Phone Greahara 497. WHITE ROCK eggs, pure Fishel strain, blue ribbon males, with hens, trapnested 6 270 eggs, 15, $2.50; 100, $14. X Gus tafson, route 1, Milwaukie, Or. Oregon City car, Concord station. FOR SALE Two Queen incubators, one 165-egg and one 6O0-egg capacity, brand new, at a big discount. Inquire Hogg Bros., Oregon City. FOR SALE 100 year-old hens, English S. C. White Leghorns; guaranteed Ho ganized. McKenna Poultry Farm, 1025 McKenna ave., Portland,. Or. PRIZE winners and winter layers, S. C. Rhode Island Red cockerels, Red Jacket strain, $5, $10 and $15 each. W. E. Hunter, Rupert, Ida. FINE R. L Reds, cockerels, from heavy egg strain, cur Dest nens nave in v r. rs. SET. Hazel Grove Reds, 350 Marguerite ave. Tabor 3969. WHITE leghorn cockerels from, the Qual ity Poultry Farm strain; also Rhode Island Red cockerels and setting hens; 3 incubators for sale. Call Tabor 3510. BABY CHICKS Orders taken, S. C. W. Leghorn. Tancred s itoyai and imperial strains, from 250 to 299-egg hens. Wood lawn 4919. 13 E. WMnchell st. S. C ENGLISH White Leghorn setting eggs for sale, $7 per hundred; our 18 year 100 or 1000 lots. Jos. Saunders Route 2, Portland. Or. FOR SALE Cheap, one Kresky brooder oil burner, 1000-cnicK capacity, useu once, in perfect shape. Inquire Hogg liros.. uregon city, ur. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. AT STUD Red Cocker Spaniel Teddy Bear; registered in A. K. C. and C K. C Vance kennels, route 4. Tabor 7655, Pedigreed puppies for Sale. REGISTERED fox terrier, male; a large active fellow, $15; mile southwest Troutdale. Phone .Gresham 151. Chas. Thomas. Troutdale, Or. SMALL Boston for service. Stuart's Mac Gregor, short body, broad nose, tight screw tail, all the good points. Fee $15. Woodlawn 2503. MUST sacrifice four foxterrier pups, 7 weeks old. Males $15, females $10. If you want one phone me, my expense, Astoria 525, . ONE BLUE ribbon pedigreed male bull, 5 months old, $100. Black female Spitz and tan mixed, -$50. Good watch dog. East 7170. ..... ST. ANDRE ASBERG roller and mountain pedigreed stock, $5 Woodlawn . 5614. . Harts each. PERSIAN cats for service ; large blue, - black, white and orange males for serv ice. 470 E. 53d St. N. Auto. 321-37. CANARIES, singers, $5; females, 25c and 50c; mated pairs, $4 and $5. 1117 East ' Carutuers st. Tabor 47D3. YELLOW St. Andreasburg roller, sweet singer; best strain females. 4529. . soft, East WANTED Parti-color Cocker spaniel pup, short-legged type. AE 423, Ore- gonian: i , THOROUGHBRED St. Andreasberg rollers1 trained singers and healthyfe males, rea sonable. 754 Albina ave. Wdln. 3883. FINE pedigreed Airedale pups, $25 each. BUSH FARM, Route 3, Portland. (Ram- apo on Gresham line). WTHITE Scotch Collie puSpies, 8 wks. old; pedigrees turnisneu. j. jh.. cnapman, box 1081, Boise, Idaho. SCOTCH COLLIE pups, 8 weeks; males $10, females o. a. i. wray, route Beaverton, Or. ST. ANDREASBERG females, ready for mating ; singers. 001 ta. ayth. st. in. Tabor 379. t.arur hrfifidine case and St. Andreas berg females. A bargain. 533 V Rodney ave. HIGHBRED English fox terrier, male, pup, , 2 .months old. 775 Montana ave., rear house. s, AIREDALE puppies, choice, registered stock; healthy, fine specimens. Tabor 2474. KING KAABBA black Persian at service; eastern stock, none like him on the coast. Marshall 1402. . THOROUGHBRED pointer pups, old, $3 each. Tabor 4793. FINE canary birds for sale cheap, singers. Broadway" 2664 Good FINE singers and females, all colors, cheap. 4535 40th ave. S. E. Aut. 625-97. PEDIGREED oy Boston terrier pup, , '1 weeks old. 604 Mississippi. AT STUD Registered Cocker Spaniel for small breed. A v lau. uregonian. FEMALE cattle dog, 9 months old, Hackett, 619 Union ave. N. $10. NICE chipmunk cage, two chipmunks, $5 384 College. Main 1756. . ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, choice sing ers and females. 2276 Wash. Bdwy 7221. BEAUTIFUL singers and females for sale ' cheap. 195 N. 22d. Main 1640. FOR SALE Two talking parrots. 291 Tillamook st. Inquire FOR SALE Thoroughbred French bull, male, 16 months old. Woodlawn 4967. FINE pedigreed Boston Terrier male pup, reasonable. East 660. FOR SALE -Black Airedale dog,, reasonable. Phone East 8551. FOR SALE-r-Fox terrier pups. 576 Powell s-t. Sellwood 1059. 2 SINGERS and 5 females and breeding cage cheap. Phone East 706. MALE fox terrier puppies. 240 E. 8th well marked. BEST roller canaries. East 6tf49. FOR SALE. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds and Pet S.tock. P LA Y FAIR KENNELS. Boston terriers offer for service. The high class show and stud dogs Walnut Duke and Wheatland Jackie both east ern winners and line bred from the best producers in the world. Male pup pies v months old for sale. NOTTINGHAM AVE. PARK ROSE. Tabor 7276. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. Thoroughbred, eligible to register, 4 months old, excellent, hunting dogs as as pets, ine granasire 01 inese puppies has won more blue ribbons than aitj j.iii?r tci-ticr spaniel 1110 k. o. 244 E. 51st st. Tabor 8631. ' months old, perfect marked. Sired by Sinclair Oinco. If you want a good dog. now is your chance. Call 1211 E. Flan- , ders- Tabor 1723. DON'T let your birds suffer with vermin. Us Jackson's Canary Bird, Lice and Mite Powder, harmless WrJirds, 2ctr, postpaid. Order now. Jackson's Bird. Poultry, Pet Stock Supply, 1348 Grove St., San Francisco, Cal. Wholesale. PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES W are headquarters in the N. W. for birds and cages, dogs, cats, rabbits, calves, etc., food remedies, etc. Call or write. Pet stock catalog on request. Routledge Seed ARE YOU interested in dogs? Send 25 cents today for 3 months subscription , to Sportsman's Digest. Contains inter esting illustrated stories on dtgs, hunt ing, fishing, etc. Sportsman's Digest, 217 Butler bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. FOR BREEDING 5 grand eastern Per- -sian males, known to breeders of fin cats all over L. S. Silver, smoke, red. black. See. $2 to $4, Portland Cattery. Phone Aut. ;i4-64. DR. M. HOWES, veterinarian, aog and cat Hospital; lady attendant, dogs washed and dry cleaned: blankets made to order. Phone Tabor 6566. AIREDALE puppy, pedigreed, beauty, ready to go now, $15 and $25. Tab. 7821,, Quality Poultry Farm, Gtresham, Or. Base Line, 4 miles east of Portland. LEW ELLEN pups (Blue Beiton strain), 3 months old; excellent parentage. Geo. D. Burns. Inquire at Gilbert station. Estacada line at Buckley ave. BEAUTIFUL registered Persian cat. bred. $15. Auto. 614-64. SETTER PUP. $8. WOODLAWN 4832. Boats, Launches and Marine n.quipment. A FINE tugboat for sale or exchange, 64 feet long, 10-foot beam, 4 -foot draft. 125 h. p. triple expansion engine, Sher- rv hoilfrj ftlllv Aniilnnnrf nt R vnrv cheap price. F. L. BLANCHARD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6S59. , FOR SALE Modern houseboat, furnished, 4 rooms and bath. Bull Run water, gas and electricity, owner leaving city, will sell cheap and give good terms to right party. This Is a bargain. Oresron Yacht Club No. 24. Call Sell. 2S58 for appoint ment. 4-i-FT. TROLLING boat, 35-horsepower " Atlas Imperial engine. Good bargain ; will take good real estate as part pay-' ment. Wdln. 542. GOING away, will sell houseboat, fur nished, bargain; to see Is to buy. Stock yard car to end of line. See N. J. Jessmu, after 4 P. M. Cash or terms. THOROUGHLY modern houseboat home, artistioa lly furnished ; also mo tor boat ; priced right. For appointment phono before 3 Sunday or evenings, Sell. 3715. MAKE me an offer. 3-room houseboat at foot of Pendleton st- Fulton car. AJ 9i i, uregonian. MODERN houseboat, sleeping porch, ga- . rage and fuel shed. Mar. 2234. Thinl houseboat west end Sell wood ferry. CANOE house, capacity 16 canoes, cheap One brass steering wheel for motor boat. Sellwood 2664. FOR SALE Houseboat, newly rebuilt, leg foundation, furniture; reasonable. M 420 NEW TROLLING boat, 37xl0, complete; will take city property for part pay ment; call Columbia 1270. CANOE house, capacity 16 canoes, cheap. One brass steering wheel for itiotor boat. Sellwood 26G4. SMALL houseboat, launch and launch house; reasonable; cash or terras. SelL 32t0. FOUR-ROOM furnished or unfurnished houseboat; immediate possession. Main 1105. FOR SALE Furnished or unfurnished modern 5-room houseboat. Call Sellwood 1UG7. Terms. HAVE 18-foot motorboat, will rent or op erate on contract. Broadway 5903. FIVE-HORSE Atlas engine, $200; shape. 226 Ash st. FOR SALE Modern houseboat and wood shed. Phone Sellwood 3195. A PLEASURE boat for sale, with or with- out engine. Tel. East 6023. Mr. Suomy. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 306 N. 14th st., near Petty grove. Phone A 619-19. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD- $4. 16-inch, partly dry bloek and slab mixed ; fine for furnace or heater, de livered In 2-Ioad lots for $8; single loads $4.50. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 2041. $4 PER LOAD $4. Z-lUAU LUIS. 16-Inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry. ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on weat and east side. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wood lawn 4102. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! $11 per ton, put in your basement, city weight, direct from mi he to consumer ; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns to fine ash; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 OR EAST 9126. FIRST-GROWTH fir, kock. Springs, Royal Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & Ti.e Co83 Fifth st;. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. NICE 10-inch slab. $3.75; best fir, sea soned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load, anywhere, bargain; dry 12 and 16-inch country dab. $7.25. Sell. 1769. FIRST-GROWTH wobd, dry, $7.50 cord; second growth, dry, $6.25 cord. Aut 620-77. BONE-DRY boxwood, ideal kindling, $T; block and slab. $4.75; heavy wreckage $5; large loads. Wdln. 3049. DRY CORDWOOD, $7 and $7. block and slab, double load, 362S. BOXWOOD $4 PER LOAD. ' ' Fulton Wood Co.. dealers in box and slabwood. 1261 Macadam. Main 4173 FIRST-GROWTH fir cord wood on the' paved hgfhway at ?4(o per cord. See Mr. Berman, 343 Washnigton st. DRY FIR, 12-in., loads. ' loads, smaller amounts. uoai in tons, tons or sack. Marshall 2526. FOR SALE Handsome roll-top office desk; owner leaving city, call Marshall 986. . BEST green and dry fir cordwood and dry slaowooa irom country ram. imme diate delivery. Tabor 722o. FOR SALE 1500 cords 4-foot heavy cord- wood, 200 yards soutn or uarden Home depot or phone Tabor 8042. " GOOD dry fir cordwood $7.25 cord, heavy country siao rtocti oprings and Utah coals. East 1759. MOST all kinds of wood, 4-ft., or by load, 12 or le-incn irom a loaa up Marshall 1917. DRY SLAB, $6.50 a load; partly dry block and slab, n a load; 4-it. siaDwood, $6.50 a cord. Woodlawn 4122. COAL, Lincoln, $10 egg, $11 lump; Invest $1 in sample sack. Save $3 ton. there after. Broadway 3423. - DRY BLOCK and slab wood, single load $5, double load $8; short order specialty. Broadway 2545 and Woodlawn 1915. FIRST-GROWTH fir delivered west side $6.50, east side $7. Bdwy. 5911. Mr. Williams. COAL Sample it first, 100 lbs. $1 pie delivery." Broadway 3423. UT4.H KING COAL now 15.50 per ton Call East 39 84. $5 A LOAD, 10-Inch dry plank and small timber. Sellwood 3159. NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.50 $8. Automatic 016-87. jjHY CORDWOOD, $6.50 arid $7.50 per cord, oeiivereu 111 -im u num. oai.. BEST old-growth dry fir, $7.50; large second-grow tn, 9 - eu wooa a 14. BEST dry cord wood, $7 and '$7.75 per cord; can't be beat. Broadway 4110. 16-IN. WRECKAGE wood, load delivered. $5. Keaiaence piujue jui 0.0 . CORDWOOD, $7.50 a Cord; uiab wood, $4.50. East 291. 4-FOOT country slab. $4 per cord. Tabor . 7228. HEAVY block and slab, hardwood, tlr.v muntrr slab. Woodlawn 2019. 4-FOOT block and railroad ties; in. stove wood. Mar. -ijr,. BELLI NGH AM Lump Coai, now $12.50 per ton delivered. Call East 8984. BELLI NGH AM Lump Coal, now $12.50 ner - ton delivered. Call East 8984. WOOD SAWING, any place in city. Phono Main n 1 FIR SLAB WOOD, $3.; 1H97. Call after 4 P. i0 per cord. Eat M. 4-FOOT country slab. Main 6133. WOOD $3 per load. Woodlawn 6'86. Machinery. FOR SALE Combination lath machine and bolter. Yvoouianw --mu. ui wi iams ave.. apt. 31. FOR SALE Nearly new 1 -batch concrete mixer, used only one jf'b; also 4 H. P. Cushman gas -engine. W 414, Oregonian