-20 TITE SUNT) AT OTiEG ONI AX. PORTLAND , FEBTi UATiT 12, 1922 EURYDICE CHORUS OF 50 VOICES, DOUBLE QUARTET, DUETS, FRANCIS RICHTER ORGANIST MUNICIPAL CONCERT AUDITORIUM TODAY 3 P. M. ADMISSION 15c New Corsets, ' Brassieres New Mme. Irene, Mme. Lyra and Frolaset corsets foe spring now in. New brassieres. Meier Frank's: Third Floor. See Page 11 of this section for other Meier & Frank news featuring the annual February Sales for the Home See Page 10 of this section for other Meier & Frank news concerning the great sale of Pathe Phonographs- 2 Price and Less . .ESTABLISHED f 7 OF PORTLAND 53 Sale ! 1 wo. Himdre ew ISA' ftfv Suits "I $7.50 $5.95 Introducing for Spring Lovely New Blouses Tailored-All'by-Hand Combining: the vogue of the tailored with the daintiness of the hand-made model, these new "tailored all by hand" blouses will appeal instantly to discriminating women. Every stitch is made by hand and every detail of fit, workmanship, style and fabric is meticulously correct. Yet the prices are surprisingly moderate 85.50 to $8.95 Of fine soft handkerchief linens and dimities with tuxedo and Peter Pan collars, Irish edges, drawnwork and tucks beautifully hand wrought. Sizes 34 to 46. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) NEW ARRIVALS GO INTO THE Sale of 10,000 Pairs Women's Gloves We begin the second week in our great series of glove sales, during which we will offer 10,000 pairs of women's gloves at savings of 4 to 12, with' these two extra special values: $.95 $2 New 2 -clasp imported kid gloves in white, black, gray, beaver, mode, beige, tan and brown. P.K. sewn. Sizes 5 to 7. Kegular $2.50 values. . New imported "Cheverette" kid gloves in gauntlet style. P. K. sewn with self or contrasting em broidered backs. Black, brown, mode and beaver. $4 values. Many Other Values Tomorrow Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) NEW The Needlework Shop has a lovely col lection of new things for spring. All at new lower prices. t Sweaters - The new spring sweaters are most interest ing and are very simple to make. Free in structions in knitting. Our yarn stocks contain all the much -in -demand spring colors. New Silks for Spring "Always the New Things First at Meier & Frank's." Inter esting new silks on display tomorrow include : Paisley Silks Canton Crepes Crepes de Chine Satin Cantons Taffeta Silks Fancy White Sports Silks Plain and Drop Stitch Silk Tubing Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Bags Renewed interest is being shown in all sorts of bags whether crocheted, knitted or beaded on satin. Lovely new girdles and necklaces are be ing made to wear with spring costumes. Free lessons given if materials purchased here. Shades The new' shades are unusually attractive with their brilliant colorings and soft trans parency. Shown in shields' and screens as well as the regular shapes. These are to be painted. Orders taken for special designs. Kg New Wool Dress Goods Recent arrivals in new 1922 woolen dress goods at new lower prices include: New All-Wool Ratine New Checked Ratine New Striped Ratine New Homespun Tweeds New Tricotines, Poiret Twills and Serges Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Sale $ale of Ribbons 49c The regular prices of these ribbons range from 79c to $1.50 yard. Broken assortments of dresden, jacquard and taffeta ribb5ns suitable for bags, camisoles, sashes, hairbows, etc. Many desirable colors. For clearaway, yard 49c. Meier & Frank's? Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) "Kayser" and "Vanity Fair" Silk Undergarments 1823 Garments All Perfect Average One-third Less "T"7"A.YSER" and "Vanity Fair" names to conjure with in the realm of silk underthings. Beautifully fashioned garments, of the finer and more durable sorts of silks. The luxurious feel of them! Their caressing cold-weather warmth! Their absolute accord with fash ion! What woman but will want them at savings that average a third? Special purchases! Close-out of certain regular stock numbers! All first quality! All reduced! 10,000 Yards Embroideries" 12c This early spring sale comprises 10,000 yards of cambric and long cloth embroideries and insertions from 1 to 6 inches wide. Filet, eye let and blind work designs. For women's and children's house dresses, neckwear and lingerie. 1 to 6 inches wide. 15c to 25c values. New Laces $2.98 New Spanish allover laces in black, brown and navy. Kegular values range from $3.50 to $4.50. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Camisoles ZoO jersey si'.k camisoles in f'esh color. Plain hemstitched and lace trimmed effects. Regularly $2 to $2.50. v ii; u Chemise $' 73 'Vanity Fair' heavy silk vests with built-up shoulders, plain and hemstitched tops. Extra length. Flesh only. All sizes. Were $5.50. 100 -Kavaer" medium and heavy weight chemise and step-in drawers in flesh color. Plain and fancy shirred effects. Were $5 to $3. Vests $5;2? 500 "Kayier" and "Vanity - Fair" silk vests in bodice and built-up shoulder styles, plain and fancy. Pink and white. Broken sizes. Were $3 to $4. Bloomers$Q.95 400 "Vanity Fair" bloomers in plain and fancy weaves. Flesh, white and colors. Broken sizes. Were $4 to $6. . ' Chemise $Q.95 400 "Kayser" W and "Vanity Fair" bodice top chemise with ribbon shoulder straps, flesh and colors. Also plain jersey 'silk union suits in flesh and white. Were $5 to $3. Sale Coque Fans 1-2 All our coque feather fans are of fered at half price. Beautiful shades of bronze, others in tanger 'ine, orange, rose-and henna shad ing into brown and black. Some eagle feather fans in natural shade. Were $17.50, $18.95, $34.50, now $8.75, $9.48, $17.25. Ostrich Fans $11.95 Dainty for valentine parties. Os trich feather fans in Prince of Wales style. Turquoise, orchid, tangerine, American beauty, red, coral, maize, white and black. Corsages New corsage bouquets and bouton nieres for dress and street wear. Pink, blue, orchid and other pastel and A-ight colors. 75p to $2.75. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Sale Begins at 9:15 A. M. Tomorrow Plenty of Experienced Saleswomen COME EARLY! Meier & Frank's: Silk Underwear Shop. Main Floor. "You Are Charming, Madame' The very foundation of a fashion able appearance is one's head-dress. Master hands in our Hairdressing Department arrange one's coiffure to suit individual personalities. Marcel waving $1. Hair dressing and curling 75c. Water waving $1. Permanent waving, 18 curls $15. Phone for appointment. ' Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. 100 New Suits of Tweeds 25 r TAKE your choice of two great favorites in suits for spring and suits themselves are prime favorites at twenty-five dollars. Tweed suits a tremendous vogue ! Tricotine suits a perennial preference ! " One hundred of each at Meier & Frank's tomorrow $25 each. Need we say: Come early? Tricotine suits of a quality that will amaze and shown in a splendid assort ment of the new season's styles. Plain tailored, loose, belted ajid bloused models. Many have a "penchant for beads and embroideries, finger-tip length coats, the most wearable little box-like affairs. Slightly longer skirts and everything new. Navy and black, of course. Tweeds .Tweeds have taken the fashionable world by storm. Their popu larity for town wear is assured. We count it a remarkable achieve ment to have provided a hundred new tweed suits for women and misses to sell at the very special price of $25 each. Swanky box and belted models. A delightful diversity of grays, tans and browns. A find1 at twenty-five dollars. ! $19.50 $49.50 New $19.50 Taffeta Dresses $1 O.50 Far from abating one iota of its popularity, taffeta has extended its sway for spring '1922. The hundred frocks in this special selling are of taffeta, cleverly fashioned in a pleasing diversity of the new season's styles. Silk and wool embroidery and, in many cases, fancy crepe com bine with taffeta to enhance the charm of these new dresses. The colors are navy, brown and black. New Coats, Capes, Wraps $49 Compare this price with the price of former seasons. Com pare it with the regular price the price asked' by other good stores today. The comparison will go far to show how extra special these values are. But only actual in spection will enable women to judge the remarkable char acter of this opportunity to purchase a new coat, cape,or wrap for early spring wear. Of marvella, duvetyne, tricotine and twill in navy, brown, gray, tan and black. These are new models with plain or fancy embroid ery, lined with plain or fancy silks and crepes. . Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) 100 New Suits of Tricotine 3 e 2.5 2.5